TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1004. 2 T 'A MAIN AND PRODUCE MARIET WJiei. Lesi Active, but lather Emtio Within One f oiit Range. FRACTIONAL ADVANCES AT THE CLOSE Droath and Fly Report. STeadr Mar. k(t-Jno lainr t orn Ilullrtla Oat. aid Cora Kasler Go. In. OMAHA. Nor. 3. Thara win comparatively little doing In th. wheat market. Speculators were dis posed lo await some radical movement in either direction nnl millers were reported aa holding off. In Omaha the cash market more quiet and buyer were bidding reduced prices. One lot of good samples were disponed of at aut'i for the lot and In t h la was Included wneat that' ahouM have sold Ht $1.08 nnM was probably figured in on the grouping nt' nboiit this basis Then there was some of the same grade No. 1, that should have averagea tl (HI and some that would bring close to 11 hut the grouping put it at $l.otv,. other N wJ, wh9a' ""Id at $1,044, J,dlat,ng about ?.,L. .:reR,t ,n ,h VTlv "om y.Mcrday. While this wai the tenor In this market. It must be remembered that Omaha is pay. ing relatively higher prices than many other markets. Speculators, while show ing a disposition to hold oft, were rather inclined to favor the bull side of the trade. The manner lo which damage reports through drouth and Hessian fly are com te'P ne bullish sentiment. The changrs in prices were Inconsequen ILai: 'though at . the opening, or soon thereafter, there was a slight break amounting to one-half point, but on this there whs a better demand and a recov ery to about yes:erdays close. This with regard to Dccemlier and May. The lly talk caused July to be much firmer and it advanced nearly c. tSNaHow- the crP -KPprt. had a ,. 20(1 r"Prt on the situation. In which he predicts a 2,i"i00.i)Ov,O'j0-bushel crop. In this summary of conditions he 7tyK: v urrnt r',uriis covering more trtan hair the producing counties based upon husking returns and examination of A' average yield of corn above 27 bushels, or more than 2'4j bushels '"Im ".fi" r'ntr than the estimate. This Will bring the corn crop up to 2,u00.00u,U(i0 bunhels. With the exception of aome dam age In Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin, fall conditions were Ideal and the general qual ity of the crop la high. In Nebraska and the uplands of Iowa the crop la especially good In quality and heavy In yield. Oc TiT. wa" neutrally good for drying and cribbing ha generally commenced. Dry weather prevented good growth in Ten J!f?!s Kent,u-ly, southern Ohio and in limited sections of Illinois. All other points of the corn belt the growth has be"Jt!od' Hessian fly is scatterlngly re ported In the Ohio valley and occasionally in Missouri and Kansas, but its presence is leas marked thtin last year or In 19i2 and only occurs in the- early seeded whett, which represents but a small fraction of the total. Thua Influenced, prices were nbout WPItc lower, May holding more strength thun December. OATS Market comparatively steady and only a shade easier. ei9ma,h,a. 9j"'h Prleea-No. 2 hard wheat, .08"ol.l0: No. 8 hnrd wheat, 1.01(&l.i; No. iwSJl ,whea.t "c&H-Wi No. 2 spring wheat. i.(9l.ll; No. 3 spring wheat, $i.O:frilo. ; No. 4 spring wheat, 93ci&$1.0l: no grade wheat, 85t(6u; No. 2 corn. 4KVi(ff4(Jc; No. 3 corn, 48Via49c; No. 4 corn, 4r.4i4KVte: No. 2 coTP- l4Hc; No. 3 yellow coin. 4Hi49V4c; No. 2 white corn, 49Si49V4c; No. 3 white corn, 49fo9.c; No. 2 mixed out-, 17Vi WJse; No. 3 mixed oats, 27V4ii7',4c; No. 4 mixed oats, 26V4Hji7c; No. 2 white ouib, IM'h' No. 3 white oate, iStj.8c ; No. 4 whlto oats, i7V4C!7?c; standard oats, 28'u2SUc, new No. 4 corn, 41 'a iic. Omaha Cash Saiea Wheat: 1 car No. 3, 11.04V4; 1 car No. 3 hard. 66 lbs.; 2 cars, 65 lbs.; 1 car, 67 lbs.; 1 car No. 2, 69 lbs.; 1 car No. J, 64 lbs.; 1 car No. 3, 6u lbs., lunmped at $1,044; 1 car No. 4. 60 lbs.. 1.U). Oats: 1 csr No. 8 white, 28'4c; 1 car. Sc; 1 car, :8Vc; 1 car No. 3 white, 28l Rye: 1 car No. 3. 77c; 1 car No. 3 oata, 274c; I ear No. 4 oats. 274c; 1 car No. 3 corn, 49c. Oiuaha Futures. , Wheat- tOpen.l High.' Low. I Closed Yes'y. Dec... l.lSti; l.(BB l.C8B 1.G8DI i.OSB iMay... l.tteU, Lost, i.ysBi l.Oeii 1.0,14 Coin I I I Loe.M J94B, 894Bk 34 ISVsBj 3949 B bid. ; . . T Grain ' Markets Klsenhere. Closing prices of grain today and V I'ui.uauay ui th. markets named were aa follows; CU1CAUO. Clove- Wheat Decern uer May Juiy Corn uecember May July Oats December May July Wheat December May Corn December May wneat i December . May Corn December .. May Wheat December ,, May Wheat December May Wheat December May Today. W'n'sday. ST. LOU 13. l.U: . 48V4. 4M 314 ill 1.13'i 1.151 44H 43, KANSAS, CITY. 1.044 1034 42 414 NEW YORK. 117 1.134 MINNEAPOLIS. DULUTH. 1.15H .. 1.144 .. 1.144 1.124 1.114 M4 4S', 464 44 28 314 314 1.12H l.HS 444 43 1.04 1.034 414 414 1.174 1.134 1.164 1.164 1.144 1.144 NEW YORK. OKNEHAL MARKKT (tuotattoas of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW TORK. Nov. .-FIXUR-RecelDta. M.21V bbla. ; exports, l,88u bbls.; nulei, j,ma ykga,; market sieady, w.tu luir in imy; Minueaota, patents, W.iujfl-'; Min nesota, bukers, 4ta,u.uO; wwiier pat- Jnia, 4 Hj.wi; winter sira gntj, K.3vw .; winter exiraa, 4.6Q'u.. winter iuw grades. J.toi.oo. ilye Hour su-auy; sales. It lb btils.; fair to good, J4.wxus.ii, choice to fancy, I4.7txu6.0o. iiucawiieui flour slow at 9i.uua2.lu per lu lbs. CoKNMKAL uteady: yellow western, tl 114113; city. Jl.liiul.14; kilu dried, o.uu it YE Nominal. BARLEY Finn ; feeding, 434?, c. 1. f. New York. WHEAT Receipts, none; sales, 4,000.(0.) bu. futures. Spot market firm; No, t red, 11.204, ' ., atloai; No. 1 northern Du luth, tlt4. (. o. b., anoat; No. 1 lard Manitoba. 11.074. - afloat. KulUsh Argentine news produced early stiength in wheat, after which th price declined under bear pressure.- In turn bul ish southwest crop naws alarmed short and the market finally advanced to bt'st point of the day, closing 4u net higher. Bales loc.udtd No, X. red May at tl.U 9-1UQ1. 13 11-10. cl uing at 11.134: July, l.03stl 34. clt sed at i.0J'4; LMHi-mber. 16l.l,. closed at 91.17. CORN Reoelpts, none; sales, 2U,0(0 bu. futures. Bpot market firm; No. 2, 6.4'J elevator and 81c f. o. b., alioat; No. 3 el low, 114 4c; No. 1 white, ti34c. Option mur ket opened steady with wheat, but weik ned under big crop esilmales, closing dull and practically net unchanged; May, 6 lit 61 Wc, closed at 6lV4c; December cloted al 6vlc. OATS Receipts, 64,500 bu. Bpot market dull; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., Sl4i364c; natural white, 30 to 32 lbs.. 364u37c; clipped white, W to 40 lbs.. 3T4i34c. FEED Irregular; spring bran, $19.(0; mid dlings, f I9 60; t iiv. ii. . i HAY Firm: shipping. trxtf'iOcj good to Choice, 774jti24c. HOFB r'lrni: state, comnion to choice, 1904, SlfeHlc; 1903. 31 d) 39c; olds, 14ft18c. I'a clflo coast, 1H. i5c; 1A1. Ui'tfMc; I'lda, 14iul8c. JUDE-8Leady; Qalveaton, 'OrS'ia lbs., 17c; California. JlSTC5 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, 24t30 lbs, 14c. LEATHER Firm; 'acid, !426o. rROVISION8-Heef steadv; fanillv. 1 6" 01160; mess, lit OcWtS 60: beef hams. HSO' J 24.60; pscket. lu fra M 50; city, t-xtra India mess. SUsotuHeMV Cut meats, fteadv: ilcklcd bellle. H. 76W1O.60 ; pit k I .1 shoulders, 17.60; pickled hums, n.ia 1ft Ou. I, rd steady; western aitwnied, 7 7o; Oc'ober closed at 17.65 nmivnul: refined, a e dv; continent. 37.70: Bmth America, 13.26; com- ound, s;4n.i24 I'ork, qiil-t; family. 16 60; short clear. I13.764J 16 71: mec. HJ.oO B I8.U0. TALLOW Quiet ; city (12 per pkg ), 4,c; couniry tiikgs. free), 4&14c. RIPE titeady; dcnieMu, iur In extra, tVac: Japan, nominal. C'HEFSK Full cream, small. 74ftl0V,e.. larse. 7(a94e. POL'LTHY-Allv. qtilef western elilck eoa. IQci fowls.. 1040; turkeys,' ul4c. M iRr Vr1 rflllsr: western srrlng chickens. 't1?Z1& Ur- urkeys. lii;c. Lt'TTEH-Htrong; street price, extra creamery, 234',,-c; offlclsl price, cream- I--UUS Hrm; western laiicy selected, 26c. iverage best. 24 Chicago cinliii aTd" PROVISIONS Fentores of the Trading "4 tloslog? Prices oa tke Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Nov l.-Excesslve rains In Argentina and lack of moisture in the ' ruled States were main features in a firm market here today. Both December and May wheat closed with a gain of 4c. Corn was off 44c. Oats are unchanged and provisions are 24'574c higher. Reports of protracted v.et weather In Ar gentina brought out a good demand for wheat when trading began. As a result, trm undertone prevailed, initial quota tions on December being unchanged to 40 higher tit )1.1.'4(1.124. May was a shade lower to little higher, at li.114'51124. For a time the buying was of a lively character, shorts belngqulte active on that side of the market. The market waa un able to withstand the weight of offerings and In conseauence December sold down to tl 114. May declined to 11.11V,. Primary receipts were again o! smaller volume than lat year's snd an active distribution of wheat was seemingly In progress from west ern market centers to parts of the coun try where there Is a scarcity. The falling off In receipts had its effect and on this decline there was enough wheat wanted to re-establish the feeling of firmness with which business commenced. Drouth dam age reports continued to come in, the ef fect of which was to stimulate a better demand. A nrm tone prevailed at the close. Flnil quotations on December were at tl.124 and on May at $1,124- C'leaninces of wheat ami flour were equal to 4',,r00 bushels. Primary receipts were 1,029,000 bushels, compared with 1.424.0O0 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Dulnth and Chicago reported receipts of 882 cars, ngHlnst 676 cars Inst year and 1,178 a year ago. Bearish reports of crop exports and con tinued excellent weather conditions were factors that caused an easier undertone In the corn market. According to a local crop statistician husking returns to date Indicate a total crop of 2.500.000,000 bushels. Reports of rash sales at 7c above the price of May proved of some assistance In check ing the decline. December onened a shade to 4c hisher at 4S4t'4c. sold off to 474" and closed at 484c. lxeal receipts were 61 cars with four of contract grade. Trading in oats was extremely quiet and prices held steady, fluctuations for the day belnir confined to 4c. December opened 4c higher at 2S4c sold down to 28c and closed at 28c. Local receipts were 104 car. Provisions were firm on buying by a prominent packer. Commission houses were moderate purchasers of pork and ribs. Higher prices at the yards was an incentive to buy. At the close January pork was up 74c nt 12.65. Inrd nnd ribs were each up 24c nt 37.15 and tfi.55 respectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 41 cars; corn, 78 cars; outs. 136 cars; hogs, 16.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High. Low. ( Wheat I 'I I Dec. 1 124 I 1 Ui 1 124l 1 114, Muy 1 llTatol 1 Uv.l 1 124 1 "141 Julv 94l 99 98 1 'Corn I I Dec. 4Hf),484fiH 474l May 4i4ftHi nb 4641 July 44 464 4641 Oats I I Nov I I Dec. 24 284 2.141 May M 4; 314 3141 July 31441 314 31 Pork I I Jan. 12 60 12 674 12 60 1 May 12 66 12 674 13 624 Laid I I Jan. 7 124 7 174 7 1241 May 7 25 7 274 7 2d I Ribs I Jan. 6 55 6 674 6 63 1 May 6 674 1 6 70 6 674 1 124 1 124, 9841 484 8 29'4j 241 314 to I "I 12 65 12 7 15 7 274 e 56 1 6 70 1 124 1 114 984 1 484 464 284 2S 314 314 12 674 12 674 7 1?4 7 224 524 6 66 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: - FLOUR Market steady; winter patents, S5.3ofe5.40; winter straights, S4.90iUu.20; spring patents, Jo.aiKyD.80; cpnng straights, J4.6u(0 6.30; bakers. 3.2U4H.tiu. WHEAT No. 2 spring, S1.1091.U; No. 3. Sl.03rul.12; No. 2 red, l.icxn'Ul.lt. CORN No. 2, 544c; No. 2 yellow. 674o. OATS No. 2. 2c; No. 2 white. 3l4w4c; No. 3 white, 30H(&314c RYE No. 2, 79ic. BARLEY Uoou feeding. 37g38c; fair to choice malting, 41Q62C. SEEDS No. 1 tlux. J1.10; No. 1 northwest ern. 11.16. Clover, contract grade. $12.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., J11.00 lV.Oi'4. .Lard, per KXi lb, JfjiVS'ft 1 to. boon rib! sides (loose); $0 9037.0O.' Short clear sides (boxed), I7.uwr7.124- Following were the recelpla and hlp ments of flour and grain: - Receipt!. Shipments. Flour, bbls 89,500 17.700 Whect bu 120,000 94.100 Corn, 'bu 64.600 146.2'K) Oats, bu 175.600 266,00) Rve, bu 3,tW Barley, bu '. 67,100 65,600 On the Produce exchange today -the but ter market was firm; creameries, lijjiUc; dairies, 134(814C. Eggs, steady at mark, cases Included, 1649184c; firsts, 19c; prime firsts, 22c; extras, 24c, Cheese, steady; ltku 1040. St. Loots Grain and Provisions. 8T. LOUIS, Nov. 3. WHEAT No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1,134; track, $1.16; Decem ber, $1,134; May, $1,154; No. 2 hard, $1.11' 1.114. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 61e; track, 63c; December, 444c; May, 434Q434C. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash. 81c; track, 32c; May, 314c; No. 2 white, 324c 1 L.Ot it Dun: reu v.ntei patents, $5.SS?e 6.50; special brands, J5.555.75; extra fancy and straight, 44.3.06; clear, $4154.40. BEEDti 1 imothy. steady; i.Uou.j. 1 'ORNMEAL Steady; 32.70. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 82(9S4c. tiAV 8lendy; timothy, eS.oUitti2.ao; prai rie, $5.00(9.50. IRON COTTON T1EP 96c. PROVISIONS Pork, easier; Jobbing, $11.25. Lard, higher; prime steam, $;.9U. Bacon, higher; boxed extra shorts. $8.60; clear ribs, $8.76; short clear, $9.00. POULTRY Dull; chickens, 64c; springs, 8c; turkeys, lie; ducks, 9c; geese, 7!&8c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 18(&'244c; dairy, 14'a'JOc. EGGS Steady at 194c case count. Recel' toiiipment Flour, bbls 7.000 ll.ono Wheat, bu 49,000 72.000 Corn, bu 14.000 68,000 Oats, bu 27,000 ' 66,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. S.-WHEAT-De-ceniber. $1044: May. $1,034; July. 894ft90cj cash. No. 2 hard. $1.07(81.08; No. 3. XHA 1.06; No. 4, 90c&$1.034; No. 2 red, 31.wrql.10; No. 8 red. Jl.Oi'tti.uc no. Tea, bhqibh.u-; receipts, 112 cars. CORN December. 42c; May. 414o; cash. No. 2 mixed. 4sg49c; No. , 484c; No. 3 OAT8-No. i mixed, 300304c; No. 1 white. 81c. HAY Steidy; choice time thy, $9.00; choice prairie, t7.6oas.00. RYE-Steady. 78c. EGOS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2. whltewood cssea Included, LWc, case count 18c, cases returned 4c less. BUTTER Firm; creumei;, l42uc; dairy, fancy, 16c. , Receipt. Shipments. Wheat, bu 9 &K 87.20 Corn, bu 14.4W 6.600 Oats, bu..- 8,000 8.0u0 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 3. WHEAT De cember. $1,154: May. $1,154: July, $1,144: September, 96c; No. 1 hard, $1.20; No. 1 northern. $1.17; No. i northern, $1.1149 1.134. FLOUR-Flrst patents. $(i.25fi.3S: second patents. $K.10'j6.2o: first clears, $4.40(1.60; second clears. J3.uvf)8-I0. BRAN Ii. bulk, $15. , Milwaukee Grain Market. M1LWAUK EE, Nov. 3 WHEAT-Steady; No. 1 northern. $1 17fU.174; No. t northern, $1.1011.15: May. $1,124. RYE Firm: No. 1, 84j844c. HA RLEY Steady ; No. 2, 64fir65c; sample. 36fi 63c. CORN-Firm: No. S, 6768c; May, 4540 454c. Dnlath Grain Market. DULt'TH, Nov. I-WHEAT-In store: No. 1 northern. $1,174; No. t northern, tl (i94. To arrive: No. 1 northern, $1,174; No. i northern. $1,094; December, $1,144; Mav.t1.14V OATS-To arrive and on track, 24o. - rVoria Market. PEORIA, Nov 8 CORN-Steady; No. 3, 65e; No. 4. 64c: new. No. 4. 44c; no grade. 62c; new, no grade. 434oc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO Nov. 3 SEEDS Clover. No vemer $7,774; December. $7 40; March. J7 no; prime timothy, $1 274: prime alslke, $7.76. CosTee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 8 COFFEE Msrkst for futures opened ateady at unchanged prices to an advance of 11 points In ... loons, to favorable European cable. Th. close was steady at unchanged pil's to an SdV?nce of 6 points Bale, w.-e "ported of 37 2 bag-,, including Doc-nibr a .0 J kl,. March 7.10$7.16c: Mav. 7.8 .:&; Julv: 7 5o September. 7 1 5o. Spot Plo. steady; No 7 tnvolc. 4c; mild, qui.t; Cordova, lvtl'lJc NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market ii Dull and Tread of Prioei Blag gith and Indifferent. USUAL ANTE-ELECTION HALT IN TRADING Iron and Steel Indn.trlal and Penn sylvania Advanee Few Points Close la Irregnlar and tadeclded. KBV TORK. Nov. $. There was a nota ble subsidence of speculative interest in the stock market today. There was evidence In the large operations of a few Arms, which are credited with doing the business for some of the powerful interests, that thoae interests were still taking a specula tive part In the transaction.. But their operations were confined to fewer stocks and were on a smaller scale than for some time past. Part of them were large buying orders In the metal stocks and ll waa th. current belief that large selling orders for purposes of realizing came from the same source.. Even with the activity of a few special stocks on dealings of this character the day's aggregate sales fell to the lowest figure of any day since before the middle of October, and If the general market alone la considered the trading was actually dull and the drift of prices very sluggish and Indifferent. The halt In the activity of the market la generally attributed to a purpose to await the passing of the election owing to the pioverblal dread of speculators of the un settling effect of that contest and their inability to estimate what will be Its effects on business nnd industry. Such strength as there waa In today's market waa largely connnra to tne iron and steel industrials and bore a close relation to the advices from that trade. The Pennsylvania group of railroad stocks showed sympathy with this strength, as Is usually the case, owing to the large proportion of their traffic which is made up of Iron and stel products. The running of the first cars over the new East river bridge gave a lift to Brooklyn Transit. Sugar had the advantage of a further ad vance in the price of refined sugar. An other rise In copper did not avail to hold Amalgamated Copper, which reacted on profit-taking and on denials of the alleg-ed control of the Hetnze properties In its in terest. Aside from the strong point men tioned tho market was reactionary, but the decllno was not extreme and ran to a point In only a handful of leading stocks. These declines were Inrgely made up and con verted Into gains for a few in the late dealings. The grangers rallied well from their early depression on account of some expert estimates of a heavy corn crop. The recovery in St. Paul waa helped by the In crease in both gross and net earnings for Bejitember. '1 he money market was undisturbed, al though sterling exchanice rallied from Its early weakness here and ran off In Paris and Berlin, thus narrowing the margin for a resumption of gold exports. The returns of both the Bonk of England and the Batik of France were weak, but the fact that the Bank of England's discount rate was not raised wns regarded as an indication of con fidence In a relaxation or tne pressure upon London for gold. The stock market closed irregular and undecided. Bonds were Irregulnr. Total sales, par value, $2,293,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following were the sales and the range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sales.IliKli.Low.ClOPe. .22700 RtiU 86 851 . 800 102 1014 1014 ! .34.400 W4 H4 V4vk 300 Vi Vo 9b Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio. Chicago at Alton do pid lf.J7S.WI0f: bills discounted. Increased. 1V. 075.00of; silver In hand, decreased, 8,uon,(Kf. Kw Tork Money Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. MONET On call, steady, 24i24 P' cent, closing Lid 2. offerei at 24 rr cent. Time l.iai.s. steiuv; t) days. 8334 per cent; So days and m nths, 34 per cent. PRIM I B MERCANTILE PAPER -46 14 STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, cloalng steady, with actual business In bankers' bills st $4.W:V(i4.Mi-'.i on demand and at $4 8XWo4.836 for 60 day bills: pasted rates $444(04.874; romnvrdal biil.i, (1 814'tf 4.834- SILVER Bar. 4o; Mexican dollara, 44c. BONDS Government, aieady; railroad. Irregular. The following are Ui closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Manhattan c. a a..lo Mf. Ontral 4a 71 in lt Inc 114 Minn. A St. L. 4a... 7 M , K A T. 4a 101 do 2k 4 N. R. a. of M. e. 4a m N Y. r. g. iaa 10"4 n. J c. a. la No. Paclfle 4a do la ..1(3 S. A W. c 4s..., .. Mi o . L. 4a par ..lllVa Prnn. rony. 3H".-. . . tl Reading sen. 4a U. 8. ref. Ja, rf . . . .1044 do coupon 104 S do la. rf 1044 do coupon 104 a do near 4a. rf 14 do coupon loos do old 4a. res m du coupon lo1 Atrhlaon (en. 4a 102V do adi. 4a Atlantic r. u 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a.... do 3Ha Central of Oa. la do lat Inc .10 . 14. .1(4 .104 .1014 .101 CTiea. a Ohio 44a. . . .1064'St. U A f M. r fta..1l Cblraso A A. 34a... II St L. A B. F. f. 4a. 74 C, B. a Q. n. 4a.... t!4 . L. S. W. la... C. M. A 8 P. 4a..llOH,Bcaboard A. L. 4a... C. N. W c. 7a. ...117 so. Parltli- 4a. C . R. I. P. 4a. do col. la roc. ft. L. (. 4 Chlcaao Tar. 4a... Con. Tobacco 4a... Colo. A So. 4a I) A R. O. 4a... Erie prior Men 4a. do gen. fa. X2 4 7C4?o Railway Sa 114 . MVTriaa A P. la .102 4 T Bt. L. A W. 4a. . MS Vnlon Paclflc 4a . 74 do coot. 4a . KS X. S 8teel td 6a.... .1"! Wahaah la .10o do deb. B "'VW A L.. K. 4a F W A D. C. 1l. . .Iinv: Win Cenlrat 4a. Horklnr Vat. 44a....l( Icolo. Fuel c. 6a.. LAN nnl. 4a 103 1 Uttered. l(H liova, 4 117 1 ! 114 Boston Stock Market. BOSTON. Nov. 3. Call loans, 23 cent; time lonns, t'&a per cent. tJfTlclal Ing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon ad). 4s do 4a 102W Met. Central 4a as Atrhlaon ttft do pfd 1"14 Boaton A Albany IC1 Dneton A Maine 1(4 Hoaton Eleraled lot Kltchburg pfd 134 Mei. Central 174 N. V.. N. H. A H...m4 Daly Wrat Per Marquetta 71 :lnmlnlon Coal Cnlon ParlAo 11 Franklin Amer. Arg. Chem... 18(4 (Iranry Weatlng. common Adrenlura Allouea Amalgamated Amtrlran Zinc .... Atlantic Tltngham ('1. & Her la Ceiitauntal Copper Kange do Amer. Amer, do Amer. Amer. do cfd pneu. Tube Sugar pfd Woolen pfd Dominion I. A 8. Edlaon Elec. Illu. General Electric .. Maaa. Electric do pfd .... Masa. Oaa ... United Fruit United Shoe Marh. do pfd V H. Steal do pfd Asked. SO 4 lile Koyale .... est Mara Mining .. . ..lr, Miitiigan ...137 Mohawk ...1424 Mont. C. A C. ... 17(4 Old Dominion . . U4Oarrnla . M I Parrot .MO iQalrtcy ....1744 Shannon .... IS .Tamarack .... UiM Trinity .... 414 V. S. Mining... .11 iC B. Oil . 64 Si I'tah . 814Vlctor!a . 214 Winona . 81 4 1 Wolverine per clos- .. 14 .. 6 .. 14'4 .. 7.'4 .. 134 .. 14 .. 33 4 ..620 .. 2U4 .. 64 .. 124 .. 6H .. 114 .. J? . . 15 .. 7 .. 94 .. & .. 27 . . tl .. t4 ..KB .. a' ..124 .. 144 .. 244 .. 11 .. 43 .. 4H .. 114 .. IM1HA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat Cattle Bold Jntt About Bttady, with Feeder a Little Stronger. HOGS GENERALLY A SHADE HIGHER Fat sheep aad Lamb. Shewed ft d.otable (haage, the D.msvaal Beiat rally Kqaal to th. Sap ply, Feeder. Al.o Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. t Can... H t- Sheep. .. .. 14 4 U,i-1 ... 4A4 ,4 liuaC ... ?,. .i0 lb,l4 ... 2.MAJ 6.4U0 l.uvO Ottiilal jtlonuay .... C'liu lai 'l uesduy Omeial eunet-day .. Official Thursday.... Four days this week.... 23,701 8nme dajs last year 31.012 baine days week before,. .k3.'J bame three weeks ago.. 4. 3-0 Harne tour weeks ago... -d. 461 Kama days last year. ..24.KJ4 Hh-Cl-ni'lS lull THE Yt.AK iU DA'l'ai. me lo. lowing labia show. In. receipts Ql cattle, Hugs and suttp at ooulii omaDa lor ine year to uale, Willi coiupaiiawo vtl.o last year: iji. . ilku. lac. Lieu, t-ailie oy.oiO sn.atfT l.ini og l,tu.uwi onecp x.mu.ouu iiio loiiuHii.a taule puce of hogs at Boutti umana lor tu. tt aeverai oays wiib comparisons: 22.516 63,tio7 ti.aJH 4,.li 14.41$ WOoi H4.C.S6 XS.i'i t li.g.l M.3M l.bii.uui u,a l,4i,te 4o,liS btiuw. tu. average, Data. l!W.iiij3.l!(y2.;i90l.lJ0.li.iS. Oct. 17, 'Jet. 1. Oct. la, Oct. iu. Oct. U. Oct. a. Of l. 'ii. Oct. 24 OCt. 26. Oct. ib. Oct. 21. Oct. at, OCt. I. Oct. 0. out. ai. Nov. 1. Nov. 'i. Nov. 3. I 5 v-'4i I fi I -- l , a iii-,3 iJ'ai I leu, I f 22 j I 5 M j I 6 0U!4j! 4 : , i w I 4 SU'.a! 4 84 , I l I 4 (HtVai 9 Ail .V ,1 Ul, 0 l. 14 1 14 S 25 & 1S 4 97 4 4 9 4 Ki i lt SO, 7 Uf tl ill I i SW, I e 6 6 2b ii o uai o (i it), t) I4 b Ul J O 71 W! ll W W( O Ul I ti hi 5 -! 6 bi B oil t t, o iJl 1) til; 0 (i G bu i 6 io I 6 j 511 I 4 4 4 6i 1 1 4 M 4 62,' 4 0M 4 bit 4 4o, 4 06: 4 M 4 62 4 UU 4 4. 4 bli 4 bUi 4 bu i6 a io iui a of i in, i 4 ol 4 (1 I lo 4 U) 3 tx 4 16 4 14i S 56 4 13 1 X 8s 4 if 3 bt 4 1U 3 4i' 4 1U S b.' I 8 o4 4 Oil 4 U3) I 5tl 4 0I 8 fw 4 tH 3 40 4 04 3 40 Indicates Sunday. The official number of can of at.-k brought in loony o. eab ioal w... c'aitle. iiogs. aiieep. iiorses. Wabash 4 .. .. .. C. M. A St. K Ky.... 4 3D .. , .. L. f. tiystein 3s '41 f. hi. & At. V. U. K.. 4 M i C. V N. W Ii! 3 J '. bt. f. Al. A O ti J I if. ol M. ity 61 lo 1 n. K ny u o .. .. K. C ex St. J 3 . . .. C. K. I. &. K, W 1 6 C. It. 1. & K, 2 1 Illinois Central 3 Ciucugo U. W 4 New York Mtnlna- Storks. NEW TORK. Nov. 3. -The following are 1,100 IB", VIS 128 800 ISC'4 M 184 2,500 4i4 44 444, Sb 100 84 84 80 Chicago Ot. Western. 9,700 24 1314 234 Chicago A N. W 100 194 194 1M C, M. A Bt. P. 21,000 171H-170V 171V4 1UU 1.3U0 1,700 182 182 10T4 104 ti ' 23 do Dfd Chicago Term. A T. do pfd C C. C. A Bt. Li.... Colo. Southern 1,400 23 do 1st pfd 700 65 do 2d pfd 7,600 83 Delaware A Hudson.. 2,100 18 !.. Li. & W 300 8lb Denver A Wo Grande... do pfd Erio do 1st pfd .... do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central ... do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd "00 ...74,600 ,. 2.800 ... 400 82H 40 734 61 ...i 1.200 14R ... 100 H7"4 22H 54V, 32V. 184 Vi 815 387, 71 61V4 142V4, 181 10 23 84 22 64Vs 83 Vi 1847, 315 31 8J SSt, 71 9 51 80 87V4 142V, . 27V, 48 V,' 29 61 13."A 11 82 the closing prices on mlnliiK stocks: Artama Con to Little Chtof 4 Alice 4fi Oi.tarlo B recce 12 (),hlr 25 Brunnwlrk Con 4 'Phoenla 14 Ccmetork Tunnel .... Potoal 10 Con. Csl. A Va 1M Frvaw 2 Hern Silver Ui Hlerrm Nevada 15 Iron Silver 195 Small llopea I Leadvllla Con 1 Stardard 189 Offered. 300 29 29 500 62 61 Louisville A Nashville 4,100 134 132V4 Manhattan L, 1.900 161V, 181 Met. Securities 1.000 83 Vi 83 Met. St. Ry 7,400 126 123 123 Minn. A St. Louis 68 M., St. P. & 8. 8. M.. 1,000 93 92 92V4 do pfd 100 149 149 147 Missouri Pacific 16.400 103 102 103 M K. & T 10,000 31 31 - 81Vi do pfd 6,200 69 68 6SV4 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd SSV, N. Y. Central 9.400 136 134 134 Norfolk & Western.. 12,000 73 72V4 72 do pfd ' vi . a.inu a-( .81,700 138 1367,4 137T4 . 1O0 76 76 73 .13,400 74 72 Ontario & Western. Pennsylvania P., C, C. & St. L... Reading , do 1st pfd, ofd.... do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd . 100 .75.100 l.ooo 12.700 200 400 66.600 110 800 US 600 $.200 800 200 St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd.. 500 St. Louis S. W 1,400 do pfd 800 S. Paclflc 13,100 do pfd 8. Railway do pfd Texas A Pacific .. T.. Bt. L. & W.... do pfd ., Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & L.. K Wisconsin Central do pfd Mexican Central . AdamB Ex American Ex United States Ex Wells-Frgo Ex Amal. Copper 10 WV) Am. Cr & Foundry.. 7.w do pfd Sno Am. Cotton Oil 300 do pfd .' Am. Ice 2) do pfd 300 Am. Linseed Oil 00 do pfd Am. Locomotive 600 do ofd 200 Am. Smelt. A Refng. 19.300 74 'so" 3474 74 62 23 60 61 80 3'1 73 6'.'V4 22 49 87 78 33 73 62 50 61 2.300 116 115 116 8,100 34 33 34 35 30 49 21 43 18 22 34 30 49 1W 95 n 4574 18 22 8.100 18 17 1,400 216 6.400 18 600 75i 7.700 87 2O0 175 8(10 18M 800 75 87 10 18 77 42 216 8 36 176 18 77 do nfd Am. Sua-ar Refng. Anaconda M. Co 2.700 100 106 Hrookiyn rt. 1 ,ziio 67 l 010. r uet or iron uo.oai a4 Consolidated Oaa .. Corn Product. do pfd Distillers' Securities General Electric International Paper. do pfd International Pump. do pfd National Lead North American .... Pacific Mali People's Oas Pressed Steel Car... do pfd Pullman Palnce Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Good. do pfd Tenn. Cnal A Iron.. IT. 8. Leather do pfd V. S. Realty A Imp.. U. S. Rubber do pfd . . . 84 8474 30 48 110 PS 21 43 18 22 45 17 240 208 113 237 7" 26 83 Wl 95 8 85 12 85 27 97 ' 73TA 111 .38.700 146 144 145 105 87 43 216 17 74 86 174 18 87 Vt 79 26 f;4 8 73 77 ? ?6 84 84 82 82 "8 "8 87 35 14 14 '27 '27 97 97 75 73 1,1(10 112- 112 , 8,400 l.OX) l.sno 2.-. 3 24 9R 2.100 108 IO"-! 108 8.100 J.ioo 400 4 sno 12 70O 2 OftO M0 100 700 U. 8. Pteel 114.7110 do nfd. ex-dlv 106.8O0 "'eTlnghoii Else... 600 1694 169 1U Western Union 90 Total isles for th. day. 1,137,500 shares' 79 22J 12 11 12 64 53 . 54 2 22V4 rl 88 81 58 SOV 1S 13 1 92 92 92 8? 62 82 28 27 84 83 84 r ?? 22 8' 81 81 London Stock Market. LONDON. Nov. -?loelng: ' Conaola. monay T4, N. T Central lMya do account Norfolk A W 7 Anaconda Hl do pfd M Alchlaon Ontario A W 44(4 do fd '...KX 4 Pri arlviala 70 Balilmoro A Ohio.... 47 Rand Mlnea 10 Canadian ParlRo ....133 iReadlnf II Ch.e. A Ohio 41 do lat nfd 41 Chlcaao Ot. W t4ti do Id pfd 41 C . M. A It. P 176V Southern Railway ... HVj DeRaera II! do pfd 17 Denver A R O It 14 Southern Parlfle It da pfd M I'nloo Paclto lliuj trie 40SI 4o pfd !7Uj do lat pfd T44 U. S. Steel 22', do 1,1 pfd 44 I do pfd khH Illinois Central 144U Waboah Louie A Naah lWi do pfd 4 ti . K. T 12 Spanish 4a tl LVKR Rar, quiet, 2 16-16d per ounce. MONEY 2'u per cent. Th. rat. of discount In th. open market for .hort hill. Is tSifii, per rent; for three months' bills, 2(i.". er cent. Statement Rank ol Fraare, PARIS. Nov. I -The weekly statement of the Rank of Frsnc. show, the following change,: Notes in circulation. Increased. 156.UDO.uOuf ; treasury accounts current, de creased, 67.3U,uwf; gold lo band, decreased. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Nov.. 8. Supplies of money were plentiful and In good demand In the market today for repayment to the Bank of England. Discounts were firm owing to fear that a further efflux of gold may ne cessitate an early rise of the bank rate. The reduction of the reserve was the result of the heavy outflow of the last week. Operators on the Stock exchange were more cheerful, a moderate amount of business was transacted and the tone was more con fident in the absence of fresh political com plications. The fact that there .was no change In the Rank of England's rate of discount had a reassuring effect. Consuls hardened and reacted somewhat later. RIo tlntos were In demand. Americans recov ered in sympathy with New York. New York. Ontario A Western waa the feature. L'nlted States Steel was In good recovery. Later trading was Irregular, the market revived and closed firm. Grand Trunk ad vanced on the -derreane In the traffic re turns being less Uian expected. War stocks Imnroved Imre.rlal 'Jauancse government 6. of 1901 were cuoted at 94. BERLIN, Nov. 3. On tne Bourse today Americans, following the tone In New York, were higher. Prices wero firmer generally. PARIS, Nov. 3. Trading on the Bourse today was animated, all Internationals ad vancing. Industrials were buoyant, RIo tlntos iraJnlnir 24f. At the close nrtefs were very firm. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 94.60 and imperial uoiios or lvn were quoted at 515. The private rate of discount was 2Q,2 per cent. Statement Busk of England. LONDON. Nov. 3. The weekly statement of the Hunk of England shows the follow ing changes: ""-tal reserve, decreased, 2. 410.000; circulation. Increased. 263,0oO; bul lion, decreased. 2.157,51ii; other securities, decreased, 738.000; other deposits, do creased, 2 389.000; public deposits de creased. D52.000; notes reserve, decreased, 2.317.000; government securities. Increased. 211.000. The proportion of the bank's re serve to liability this week is 52.12 per cent, a. compared with 53.88 last week. omaha wholesale: market Condition of Trad, and Quotation, on Staple and Fancy Prodnee. EGGS Candled stock, lsc LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7c; roosters, 6c; turkeys. 13c; ducks. bu'J, jc; spring chickens, 8c. BUTTER Packing stock, 124c; choice to fancy dairy. 165117c; creamery, 18321c; fancy prints. 23c. FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout. 10c; pick erel, 8c; pike, loc; perch, 7c; blueflsh, Lie; whlteflsh, 10c; salmon. 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, green, 20c; lobster, boiled, SOc; bull, heads, 11c; catfish. 14c; black bans, 20c; hal ibut, 10c; crapples, 12c; roe shud, 81; buf falo, 7c; white bass, 11c; frog legs, per dux., 25c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 86.50; No. 2, ttl.00; medium. $5.60; coarse, 15.00. Rye straw. 85.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 46c; extra selects, per can. 37c; standard, per can, 82c; bulk, standards, per gal., $1 33: bulk, extra selects, per gm., 1.73; bulk New York counts, per gal.. 85.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida, sizes 126. 166, 176, 200, 216, 260, 13.60. LEMONS California fancy, 270, 300 and 860, If. 00; choice, 84.60. DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkg... 12.00; Hollo. vl in 70-lb. box. per lb., 6c. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 75(9 85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12V4o; 6-crown, 14c; 7-crown. 16c j fancy Imported, washed, in 1-1K pkgs., lGgiOo: California, per case of thirty-six pkgs., 12.25. BANANAS Per medium sired bunch. $2.0O(&2.60; Jumbo, 82.753.60. FRUITS. APPLES Horn, grown Jonathan, per bbl.. 84.00; Ben Davis. 1226: New York ?ralman and Pound Sweets, 13.00; New York tinge, 83 00: New York Pippins. 12.76; New York Greenings, $2.26: New York Baldwins, 82.60; Colorado Jonathans and Win. Sups, per bu. box, 11.60. PEARS Utah, Colorado and California, fall vanetlts, per box, J1.75t(-.25; New York Ke.f.r pears, per bbl.. $3 50; New York Dutch, per bbl., $4.004.25. CfcLEKY Pr dox.. 250600. GRAPES New Vork and Ohio, per 8-lb. basket, 21fe22c; Imported Malagas, tier keg. 16 uotja.0. CRANBERRIES Caps Cods, per bbl.. 17.00; per box. $2.60. ' v ' VEGETABLES. POTATOE8 New home-grown, Irf sacks, per bu., 4oc. TURNIPS-Per bu.. 60c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lo. BEETS Per bu., 60c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., fl.96(?r2.C0. ONIONS lioroe-grown, in sacks, per bu., 0c: Spanish, per crate, $i.yo. TOMATOES Home-grown, per market basket. 26'jU36c. , CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lb... 70o. SWEET POTATOKS-Home-grown, per bu. basket, 76c; Virginia, per bbl.. 82.60. GREEN PKPPERfl-Pe. bu. basket. 60o. SqUABH-Home-grown, per dox., ooc. EGO PLANT Home-grown, per dox., 75o. M I SC E LL A NEGUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twin., full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, ltiiaUc; Wlsconsla brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmberger, llc. NUTS W.lnut.. No. l .oft .hell, new crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, ptr lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb.. 12c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., l:c, pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb, loc; peanuis, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., sr; Chill Walnuts, per lb., l.''i:;Vje; almonds, soft hell, per lb., lie; fund ohell. per lb., Ijo, ch.stnuts, per lb , l-Vulic, uew black wal nuts, per bu., 754; HOc. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. JWll EAT Spot, nominal; future, quiet; December. 7s 4'd. CORN Hoot. American inlX'd, steadv at 4. Id. Future qul.t; December, 4s Ifcd. 99 48 Total 155 Tin, uidponiuoii of tne day's receipts was as loiiuwa, each buyer purciiusuig mo numoer ot beau indicated; Cattle, liotts. aneep. Omaha Packing Co... bwut and u...pany .... Cuuahy facmiig Co Armour v lo Armour at tu., b. C Yunsant A Co Carey A iJeiuon Lootuan & Co Mccreary & Clark Vv. i. biepuen lull A Mumseinger liauiiitou at noLiiscluld. L. t'. ilusx bquires A Co Wolf A Murnan MiKe riaggcrty J. Li. Root A Co Buna A Kline a. a s Other buyers 247 t.ll 9u3 ul) io llD lno Mi til 140 3 96 173 2o'i 63 u '450 624 1,(M1 l,au4 44 l.ouo 401 4,60 bid 2, (.01 uOO 616 6,16-1 6,477 14,191 Total 4,444 CAT 1 LK Receipts of cattle thla mori.lnj weie qjne niuuiroe at uu points and tuu maraet here chewed but l.nle chai.g. irum yeate.uay. ii.e ua4lty was not ve.y gj-d, out Btili ouyeiu touk nold quite f.e.ly una mon everything was ulpuoeu ot in guod leiaon. ihere were only a few ears of corn-fei steers in the yar.is and th.y were ino.iy ot lmertor quality, so that traulug m ti.at claas was not eiy active. Aa i.ompaioj nn yesterday, tnough, there was 110 par ticular change, the prlcea bi i. g just auout steady at the decl.ne leporieu early in tne week. i-ucKurs all seemed to be anjfious for well finished cattle and audi r.lndi would undoubtedly have Sold to good id vantage. The market on western range beef steers was aUo lust auout steady. Trading waa not particularly active, but that was prob ably owing largeiy to tne fact that tne quality was not very good. In epLe ot that tact, however, the cattle kept moving toward the scales at.d practically all k nd commanded Just about steady prices. Tne moderate receipts brought the maiUst to a close at a reatonably eaily hour. There was 1 onsK demand lor cow stuff this morning and receipts were light, so that the market ruled active and steady to strong. The strength was particularly noticeable on the more desirable bunches, but still even the common and medium grades sold readily enough at fully as good prices as were paid yesterday. The market on bulls, veal calves and stags held just about steady. Speculators sold a good many stockers anrl feeders yesterday and consequently were anxious for fresh supplies this morn ing. The general market could safely ba quoted steady to strong and active, the better grades showing the most strength. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No At. Pr. No. 31 1JJ7 4 II 1 COWS. I 00 10 I on is HEIFERS. t 26 4 I M 4 CALVES. 4 7S NEBRASKA. AT. .I1M , M0 tit 12S ,11M . 144 in 710 Pr. 1 M t 10 $ 70 2 1 74 8 bulls 17 cows 16 heifers.. 46 heifers.., 1 feeder.. 863 969 753 877 750 1 feeder. . .10SO 1 feeder. 6 feeders 24 cowsjr.. 9 cows. .. 2 steers.. 9 steers.. 6 steers 760 .long . 966 . 9S7 , 70 , 798 .1163 11 steers.. ..IKS feeders.. 73 12 cows 800 4 cows 8" 8 cows 88 1 cow 1190 1 row 0 S cows w 7 cows. ... 9S 1 feerler... 910 8 feeders.. 81 19 cows 91 13 cows 843 14 feeders.. 1148 0, feeders.. 1148 8 00 6 feeders.. 748 3 no 7 rows 881 E cows 748 1 75 8 70 2 45 2 8S 2 96 2 95 2 88 2 9S 2 60 1 95 1 75 2 SS 2 90 3 28 2 Si 8 65 2 10 2 28 2 n 3 24V) 2 10 9 75 3 80 1 81 1 6-. 8 25 11 cows., 7 cons.. 1 cow.., 6 cows., 1 cow.., 2 cows.., .. 773 .. 925 ..1120 .. 9S2 ..1140 . 970 1 bull 1180 21 steers.. ..1161 6 cows 825 8 cows 66 8 cows 1168 8 cows 1075 1 calf 2") 11 bulls. ...t 82 2 cows 850 1 hul' 14n 18 feeders.. 1017 16 enws. . 8 eowv. .. 13 cows... 3 cow.... 1 cow.... 12 cowa... 3 cows... 1 cow.... 8 piwfl. .. 11 cows... 10 cows... ?. ...- !. 4 filters., S 19 feeders.. 833 14. feers..."'"! Ill rr .,.1(V . f triors. .1IVTO 17 steers.. ..1"' 1 H ? 65 COLORADO. 0 6 cows.. 8 11 WVOMIVO. 944 . 974 . 947 . 770 .1060 . 9 9 . 980 .1121 .inn . 84 . 8:9 OOfl 834 4 frW. 1A -. ...JO at feire. X .er. . I steers. ,. Ma, . . . 10 c" . 8 rrw.. a, cowe.... 21 cows.... 8 S 4 cows 0O 9 00 6' cow. 81 as s fertrs..1ft1 a on n 97a HnT'Tif DAKOTA. e? tit on 'a. 00 S on. 1 at K1 4 Ve'r. 71 fedrs 4 rnwa. . . 4 cows. ,. 6 steer... . 88 . 811 .in4 . "I aeM 30 A.rs.. s. 1" f-r1 o re1-ra..1i,n 9 c-wi 73 1. reer.., VI steers. . 2 steers.. 1 CAWS... 1 cow. .IV . 6 . W4 v wvvinson wyo. inrt 0 . 11 rows !" 1io a en cnwi 897 on 90 W Allen wo, , c o an 1 rnn, joA o ( i -a . f'. T4 WiH-Wo. t feeder... 801 ti en .... feeders . 89' ? " Ihu'l..., 81. afoore S Ti. 1 cow f 27 feeders 1 cow 1?" T M!lIerVnnt. 01 steers.. ..I"' 9 44 rnwi.,, a steers. ...11I!1 o On 1 ei-s... 0 steers .. t 1 bull 1 sf.rr.. 1"0 8 .,,i,n.e 1 am t'n-4-oo. pin. 910 o-f) 910 1 70 2 20 2 25 2 80 2 80 2 80 i 10 3 35 1 95 2 35 2 70 2 65 6 50 3 10 t 25 t e 9 81 2 65 t '0 2 00 2 50 2 50 2 5i 2 f0 2 60 2 40 1 90 2 G6 3 30 r on t 78 9 On 2 S 0 "W) so 0 rV 8 85 9 10 16 1 75 ? n t 00 o an 2 95 ? Ta, 2 25 740 ( 50 0-4 ...1220 8 cow..,. 1 eew 1 ww 1 tvi'l 1 row a , . 0 bulls... 1 steer... 4.1 feeders, f..r f feeders .1i 11A 74" 70 t O TO, t W 1 4 rowa. . . . 1 ser.... 1 r..,. 1 atee.... 7 e w Iftto o'n I Jofl 8-V5 1 85 t ro , 9 11 1 86 O Tl vvrfii"in-l'v(i. . w j7 cowi H77 2 60 .1K) fft v m stu. . n. .jun oas K1 s4'o....11?9 " Youna? Vh. . fot 40 4 cwo 965 1 p Ne'v n tk a M. ... xi . 730 I 75 23 heifers.. 719 3 20 2 60 so I 60 10 feeders.. 986 I 38 I heifers.. SoO 128 t ireoers.. Ho J 76 1 ci.w IMO i stt 1 feeders.. iuS t 40 t feeders.. koO I 40 24 I.euers.. 7JW I 40 Mosi.r Bros. 8. D. 1 bull 1 I VO t ows 83) t 60 14 cows. '....hoi 2 60 1 cows 9m) 1 So 1 cow lull) 1 M O. H. King-Neb. 1 feeder... 60 2 60 1 feeder... 770 1 80 6 feeders.. 884 8 00 ( feeders.. 81S I 09 H. Barthllng-Neb. 26 feeders.. 878 8 10 3 feeders.. $71 I 80 P. H. Toung Neb. 5 feeders.. HS3 2 76 4 mixed.... 98 2(5 83 feeders.. 1034 136 I coal 84.4 186 feeders.. 1(110 3 od 1 cow 9W 8 26 A. H Banks Neb. 88 steers.. ..129) 4 60 Jajnes MllnW0. 1 cow Ufa) $24 12 mixed. ..Ill 1 86 1 cow 1070 2 65 W. Booker-Wyo. . 11 steers. ..una o 15 cows 0 IK steers. ...1035 1 76 D. J. Smythe Wyo. tl feeders. .1110 $85 II cows 1078 1 60 C. M. Lusk A Co. -Wyo. 24 steers. ...11 1 46 Dona A P. Neb. 1 bull 1240 1 00 8 steer... ..1023 160 1 bull 10 1 00 7 rows 818 1 10 1 calf 360 1 36 1 cow 780 I 10 1 cow 910 1 76 10 cows 4 1 70 1 cows 916 1 25 C. M. Lamson Neb. 100 steers... 1192 1 25 22 steers.... 1274 188 13 steers.. ..13R8 8 88 lt steer... .1211 124 10 steer... .1178 I 6 William Bourke Neb. 13 cows Kwi 3 35 t calves... 84 IK 2 cows 10M) 1 75 t calves... $71 1 60 1 bull 1270 1 00 8. Anspoker Neb. 23 feeders.. 831 1 20 $ cows 988 1 00 2 feeders.. 740 2 75 C. K. Howard-", P. 24 steers . .1159 120 131 steers. ..1039 100 7 steers.. ,.11 1 96 George Rackman Mont. 11 steers.. ..12S1 1 60 11 steer... ..1198 8 40 11 steers. ...1412 1 76 1 heifer.... 910 2 78 1 bull 1470 2 00 1 cow. 1120 2 40 1 cow 1000 2 00 3 steers . ..1106 100 Lawrence Co. Mont. 1 steer 8 8 25 2 cows 1180 2 75 27 cows NOT 2 75 41 feeders.. 1031 175 6 feeders . 1063 2 60 National 8. L. Co. Wyo. Trows 850 2 50 28 steers. ... 9"i0 100 1 cow i 910 f vi 8 steers.... 890 8 00 5 cows 928 1 60 4 feeders. .103 2 90 4 cows 1015 2 00 1 feeder... 940 1 90 R. Qiilsenberg Neb. 1 heifers... 375 1 SO 6 cows 900 1 00 14 heifer. .. (V 2 45 1 cow 6"0 1 60 6 heifers... 633 1 80 18 cows 825 2 00 19 heifers... 761 2 50 2 rows 925 2 25 20 steers.. ..11 H 8 48 13 feeders.. 810 160 4 cows 896 2 40 6 rslves. . . 230 1 00 HOGS There was a slight reaction In the hog market this morning, aa receipt, were rather light as compared with th. demand. The market here wa. generally 2V4 higher, and while trading wa. not particularly nriKK, .iui me nog. Kept moving toward the scale, and It was not long before all the early arrivals were disponed of. Some of the trslna were a little late In arriving and while the feeling on the close wsa rather weak, still the prices paid were much the same as at tne opening. The bulk of the hogs .old at $4 and $4 874. with the choicer loads largely around $4 90 snd a fop at $4 95. or the same ss yester day. Some of the commoner loads had to sell under $4 85. A clesrsnce was mad. by 11 o'clock. Representative sales: No Av. Sb. i'r. No. At. Sk. Pr. 47 Stt 110 4 SSV. W S3! It H 59 261 110 4U 11 lee too 4 U 234 40 4 M IT 3 104 4 (t 41 284 U 111 14. lt 40 4 M Tl !li 110 4 W 71 14 too 4 M it 247 40 4 U IS tCK 240 4 IS 70 220 ... 4 IS 71 ID 40 4 174 241 80 4 15 TO 225 110 4 17 If Jv4 ' 140 III In 117 ... 4 17 Ve M " ... 4 14 42 Mi ... 4 171, W 2J 240 4 kf, 46 2VS ... 4 174 64 2!4 40 4 1', t 175 ... 4 17k, 65 2.13 110 4 IS ' It 124 ... 4 I7U 67 2t 110 4 15 41 121 ... 4 171 41 Ml 200 4 IS 71 2l ... 4 17 41 235 10 4 It tl 119 ... 4 STVt (2 2D4 10 4 It 0 222 120 4 17 S 6 272 240 4 It 41 1M 40 4 174 II 23 SO 4 15 II 241 ... 4 174 42 2X4 ... IS TS S34 S 4 174 46 271 10 4 It 54 tS 10 4 47Vj 40 265 SO 4 to 46 144 ... 4 174 41 234 40 4 W to 117 124 4 174 40 '..210 SO 4 15 65 214 10 4 174 44 231 80 4 45 77 2k4 0 4 174 Tl Ml 40 4 St 40 244 ... 4 174 64 101 120 4 It 73 144 ItO 4 S74 42... .....311 ... 4 16 it 164 44 IDS ( 277 40 4 It 45 Ml 10 4 174 11. .V 221 120 4 It It 174 10 4 174 51. 25 120 4 M u 254 140 4 174 45 262 40 4 16 47 214 140 4 40 41.. .ri.. 245 ' 40 4 15 71 117 40 4 40 64.. ..,. 274 40 4 U 74 251 40 4 40 S 801 120 4 45 II 107 K IK 1 23f ... 4 SS SHEE1' Receipts wero again moderate this morning at all points, and as there was no decrease in the demand the market continued active and generally steady. Re port, from other points were quite en couraging to the selling interest, but buyer, for local packers hav been complaining of late that this 1. the highest market In the country, and. In fact, say that they have been paying practically Chicago prices. In spite of that fact they took hold quite freely this morning and paid fully steady prices for anything at all de sirable. This was true of both sheep and lambs and about everything changed hands as fast as offered. ' - There was no particular change In the feeder market, aa the demand was fully equal to the supply and anything at all de sirable changed hands freely at ateady prices. Quotations for grass sheep and lambs: Good to choice yearlings. $4.15$r4.40; fair to good yearlings. $3.90ir4.l6: good to choice wethers. . $4.00(4.26; fair to good wether. 13.76Si-4.00; good to choice ewes, $3.764i4 00; fair to good ewes, 13.50(33 75; good to cholc. lambs, to.iio&ti.so; fair tu good 1 lnib.i, $j.uuft $5.25; feeder yearlings, $3.60171.10; feeder wethers, $3.5O?J4.00; feeder owes, $2.75(8-3 .23; feeder lambs. $3.75(fT4.90: breeding ewes, $3.00 03 60. Representative .ale.: No. -, av. Pr. 11 Nebraska culls 64 2 60 20 Nebraska ewes 88 1 00 1 Nebraska buck 90 1 00 95 Nebraska ewes 87 " 1 75 11 Nebraska wether. 74 4 25 272 Wymlng feeder ewes h3 2 K0 1 Wyoming feeder ewe 80 1 80 139 Wyoming feeder ewes , 96 $36 17 Wyoming cull lambs 41 1 00 89 South Dakota mixed 61 1 76 218 fed wethers snd yearlings... 108 4 38 1 Wyoming feeder lamb 50 4) 66 860 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 4 65 894 Wyoming feeder lambs 65 4 65 67 Wyoming feeder ewe. 99 $00 88 Wyoming feeder ewe. 88 1 00 50 Wyoming ewes 91 $ 26 21 Wyoming ewes 106 1 26 604 Wyoming ewes 96 4 00 87 Wyoming ewes 115 4 10 23 Wyoming wether. 123 4 25 63 Wyoming lambs SO J 26 600 Wyoming lambs 78 t 40 60 Wyoming lambs , 76 6 40 111 Wyoming lamba 76 I 40 10 Wyoming lamba 16 6 40 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Hoars anal Lamb. Hlgh.r Sheep Strong. 47HICAOO, Nov. !.-OATTLE-Recelpts. 18. (mo head. Including f.OuO head western er.; market 10c higher; good to prime steers. $6.10'7.00: poor to medium. $3.8 6.00; stockers and feeders, $2.O0(&"4.15; cows, $1.60fr4.40; heifers, $l.0So.l0: canners. $1.21 m.; bulls, $2.0004.20; calves. t3.0OS7.2fi; Texas fed steers, $3.25)5.00; western steers. $2.906.50. HOGS Receipts, 20.000 head: mirket 6c higher; mixed and butchers, M.9X0 2iV4: good to choice heivy, $5.G,V36.20; rough heavy, 84 70Q490; light, $4.855,3.15; bulk ot ales. $4.9uM.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,000 head; market strong; lambs a .hade higher; good to cholc. wethers, $4.3504.75; fair to choice mixed, $3.60ra4.26; western sheep. $3.00tr4.60; native lambs, $4.0O43.76; western lambs, $3.16136.66. K.n.s. City Llv. Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 1. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10,000 head, Including 1 000 south erns. Market steady to 10c higher; choice export and dressed steers, 35.CMi6.26; fair to rood, $3.76&6.00; western fed steers, $3.76 60; stockers snd feeders, $2.26'u4.) south ern steers, $26(4i8.75: southern cows, $2.75: native cows, $1.5Oi'i3 60; natlv. heifer.. $2.60 64.76; bulls, $1.75ff3 2fi; calves. t2 2536 60. HOGS Receipts. 10,500 head Market Steady to 6c higher; top price. $6 20; bulk of Mies. $4 StK96.10; heavy. $;, 20; packers, 4.ft.0: pigs and light S4.3K"'?6.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.209 head. Market for sheep, strong; lambs. Ife lower: native lambs. $6.26116.76; native weth ers. $3.50fi4 26; native ewes, $3.t5'34.rO: west ern lambs, $4,264)6 66; western yearllnss, $3.76774 40; western sheen. $3 601T4.25: Block ers snd feeders. $?.7f'ff3 75; Colorado ewes, 160 lbs., $3.75; Colorado lambs, 74 lbs., $6.60. Ot. .lAsenh llv. Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo., Nov. 1 CATTLK Receipts 3 213 head. Mnrket ion lower: n tlve. $3.60416 40: cows and ht'rs, $1.60(16 00; stockers and feeders. 82 60tfS 86. HOGS Receipts. 5.753 hend. Market 5c hlrher: light, $4 7u38.00; medium snd heavy, $4 9'ii6 16. SHEEP AND LAMRB-ReV.lpts. 1,168 head. Market 16c higher. ioax f'ltf Live aiaex M.rkel. BIOL'X CITY. Nov. I (Special Tele gram ) CATTLE Receipt ,oi h, ad; ma--ket steady; beeves. 13 6 tn 80; e.ws. b - Is snd mixed, $2 2ott 26 ; siocker. and fe d r, $2 so:i.50; calves ard yearlings. 4'i tVu " HUGS Receipts, 2 40) head; mark.t fVtllOe higher, selling At $4 7it4 96; bulk, 4.l0'flp 4.bv. ' t. I.o.l. llv. Stoesr Market. BT LOriS. Nov. 1 CATTL K Receipt., t.fxn bead, including 600 Texan. Market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4.2t'a6.80; dressed beef and butchers' steers. $4 00JS6; steer under 1.900 lbs., $3 905 28 j Stockers snd feelers. $2 1608 75; rows and heit.rs. L,.U.M.H,, c.inniTa, l eli1.tn bull.. t2.0tV3.35; calves. $4 6u7.(: Trans and In- dlan steers, $.25u t.vo; rows and heifers. $1.75ii266. , HOGS Receipts. 4.w head. Market Strong to 60 higher- pits snd Unfit. 14 Oct 1 4 95: packers. t S"h8.1(i; butchers and best , heavy. S4.9fVti6.ii). SHEEP AND I.AMHS-Recelpls. 1 001 3 head. Market strong; native muttons, it I '04.26; lambs. $4.35im 6t; culls and -bucss. ' $-'(S.3; stockers. $2.75' 3.00; Texans, $100 66.00. tork la Mailt, Receipt, of llv. stock af the six principal ' western markets yesterday: f Cattle. ... 3) ... JfTO ...10.001 . .. :!. ... 3,:i,t ...13.10 tloors Sheen. 6.4") 12.U4 2.4-0 10.500 4,(' 6.7.-4 20.0W 1.: 1H 18,( .33.813 49,052 36.: Routh OmahA Sioux City .. Kansas City St. Louis St. Joseph ... Chicago Totals.... Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 1 METALS T London tin market wss again high' rlosln. at 132 10s for snot and 132 ( futures. lyooallv the market wss ftrtrBr held with spot quotations rsngtng fri $29.00 to $i9.26. Copper was firm In I.o- 0n, nosing ai a-w tor spot ana .m is n for futures. Locallv coiter was firm 1 tone with moat dealers holding at the e-uU side prices. I-alte 1. quoted st $13.7a4fl4 00. electrolytic at $13.75(gl3.97H. and caatlng at $13.50ijfl3.75 fesd was firm but un changed at 12sQ12a kl In Ixindon and was a lltll. higher at outside prices In the local market, which mny be considered extreme. Spot I. quoted at 84 34 M. Spelter wa. unchanged al 23 U in ten don and at $0,354)5.4') In New York. Iron cloed at 5(). lOd In tlla.agoW and at 45s 6d In Mlddleshorough. Locally iron was firmer. No. I foundry northern Is . quoted at $15.5016 00; No. 1 foundry northern, 116.00 (H6 50; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft. 1V5ofr16 on. ST. LOT 'IS. Nov. 1 M ETA LB Lead, steady at 34.20. Spelter, Arm at $6.17Vt- Pblladelphla Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 3 BUTTER Firm and He higher: extra western cream ery. 24c; extra nearby prints. 20c. BfKia Firm snd lc higher; nearbv firsts. HVn2rtc at mark: western firsts, 2f-'Hc at mark. CH EES E Firmer: New York fnll creams, fancy. lOVffiiic; choice, 1041 10c; fair to good, 9fll()c. Wont Market. ST. IjOriS. Nov. 3.-WOOI. Stead v: medium grades, ccmhlng and clothing. 2"4i 17c; light flne. 1fr1r; heavy fine, 18(7170; tub washed. 23(&37ViC. REAL ESTATrl Til AXSFEH9. Deeds filed for record November 8 aa fur nished by the M.dland Uuaiantee and Truet company, bonded nbs.racter, 1614 Farnam atree., for Tne Bee: John Cuiek and wife lo Joseph Culek, lot 7 and part of lot 8, Holmes' add.. $1,010 Joaeph Cuiek lo Jut.n t'lileK, part of lota 7 and 8. Holmes' add 1 John Cuiek to Alolsie Cuiek, part of lots 7 and 8. Holmes' add 1 Sheriff to A. H. Uarr, lot 1, block 14. Omaha View 70) T. Scallergood to W. Swltser, lot 8, Johnson s add b,dui 1 son) J. 8. Megeath to A. Ross, lot 69, Wind sor Place A. L. Reed et al lo II. Croft, sub. 1, tax lot 60 In 7-15-13 M. Krocher to F. J. and Jo ephine A Semln, part of lot I. b.ock , v Kountie s 3d add 2.825 J C. W. Martin to E. Sweet, lot 4, tl block 5, Patrick's 2d add 1.C0 E. J. Doe and wife to Crelghton uni versity, lot 9. block 8. 8. E. Rog.-ra' addition M Creluhtiin univeraltv to K. Marrowlt same property 4,501 V V Rrieailv rn Wethelmlna Rhee'v lot K. hlnik 1. and other nrmirr.v In 1 Qrammercy park 1,000 R. K. Brown et al to the Rrown Realty and Investment Co., part of vU of raU of sec. 3-15-13. and other trouertv 1 1 3 C. Helen et al to VI ir en ret Gross. lot 1, block 7. Ambler Plic 80. Omaha Safe Deposit and Tr. Co. to F. Armburat. lot. 6 to 8. block 28, I Wilcox's 2d add 1 Margaret Collins to F Armburat, nart of lots 1 to 8, block 37, Wilcox's 2d... 1501 GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. i OMAHA. l CRA1N BUYERS nd SHIPPERS A Members: Chicago. Omaha. Kansas Cits l;, nd St. Loul. Exebangosv - f. Transactions for future- delivery gtv.a i careful attention. h aia BaarJ Trad Bldat. Tel. lOOO, i THE TRAVELERS TIME-SAVER j Only Railway Guide to NEBRASKA, IOWA, SOUTH DAKOTA AND ADJOINING STATES. . 25c a Copy. $1.50 1 Yesr. ' All Newsdolers. Publlshtd by TRAVELERS' i ; GUIDE CO., 501 See Bid's. Omaha. j RAILWAY TIME CARD UMO BTATIOS .TKMTM ASU MARCV Chicago, Rook I.lnnd I'ScHo. Arrive. riaT feav. m,ina.A 1 , .... 1 1 11 i 1 1 T I rl n M:3A am Chicago Daylight Ixjcal.b 7:0J am cnicago express n.i Dea Moines Express a 4:80 pm Chicago FOst Express... a 6:40 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 7:20 am a $ 60 pm t , ., r. A. ,..at d 1 -fin nm o f, lo nm Oklahoma and Tex. Ex.. a 6:25 pm Fast Chicago . a 6:50 pm Chicago tireat 'Western. St. P. 4 Minn. Ltd a 8:30 pm Bt. P. A Minn. Ex a 7:35 am 1 t i.itaii a-RO nm Chlcugo Express 4:30 am a 4:06 pm Chicago 0 Northwestern. Local Chicago all:S0am u.n a 8:10 nm Daylight Bt. Paul '..a 7.5i am iiayngni v nmagu i'i. " Limited cnioatfo a a.i , . .a a :w 1111 ..a 8:16 pm a. 9:86 pm j a 6: is pro , bll :50 am , a 1:20 pm j all :65 am 7:30 am a 7:16 am a 8:26 pm alo:3( am ..a 7:40 am ..b 7:40 am ..a 2:60 pm ,.d 2:6f pm ,.b 2:60 pm 8:30 am 10:00 pm 11:60 pm 1:15 am 9:) am 7:06 am a 9 80 am a 9:80 am a 1:46 pm 10:86 am 10:86 am 6:16 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm f sc.ilI Carroll T.' . O, Dalit Local Sioux C."(fe"St'. P.b 4:00 pm rait Mail fhlnftari ihxnreaa Norfolk 4V Bonesteel.. IAncoln lng nne. Dead wood eV Lincoln. Casper A Wyoming.. Hastings-Albion waliia. New World's Fair a 7:45 am - a 9:00 pm Local from C. Bluffs, .a 9:15 am a 8:00 pm St. L. Cannon Bill Ex.. a 8:80 pm a 8:20 am Ml.aonrt Paclne. f Bt. Louis Express sl0:46 am ' a 80 ptn k. c. ex 01. L. r a ai.i f"' ' World's Fair Special.. .a 6:30 pm all:60 pm, Union l-seise, . . Th. Overland Limited... 9:40 am a 8:08 ptn Colo. A Call. Ex a 4:10 pm a 1:40 aa Chicago-Portland Bp 1..A 4:20 pm Eastern Kxpres. 4'olumbllB local Colorado Special Chicago Special . Heal rice icai ... Fast Mail Illinois Central Clilcs go Expreea , t nicago ijiniiieu . .b 1:00 pm ..a 7:45 am .'.b 8:50 pm ..a 8:50 am a 6:30 pro,' b 8 15 am 1 a 8:50 are! b 1.16 pm, 1:20 pm n am m 1 A ' H nml i.a 7:6) pin a 8:06 im nil.,. A ui Puul V'x. . h 7:17 am blb:36 nml Minn' i Hi l'jul. Ltd. .a 7:50 bin ' a 8:U6 Dm .!... Mllwaohea A S I . I'm ml Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:56 am all:00 pm California-Oregon Ex. ..a 6:46 pm a 1:10 pm riwarlnrit l.lmii.'il a 8:LS nm a 7:3.i am Des. M. A Okobojl Ex.. a v:56 an) a 1:10 pm. BIRU8UTOH STATION lOTH MASON llurllngton aV Missouri Hlver. Wvmnri. Beatrice snd Lincoln a 1:60 ami bl2:0 pm Nebraska Exorec. a t:oo tin a 7:40 pmf Denver jimnea a i:iu pin a .: an B. Hills A PugAt 0 Ex.ull:10 pm a 8:01 pm Colo. Vetlbuled Flyer.. at:30pn Lincoln f ast Man o s:a; pm ai.':ua pn L1. .,.iW A. Pluuum'lh h . tll-M-i Bellevu. A Pac. Juno. .a 7:50 pm a 8:26 avnj Hellevue .& Pac. June. ,a 3:30 um I Km.. ity, St. Jo. et Council Bluffs Kfcnsus City Day Ex. ...a 15 Am a 0:05 pn St. Loul. Flyer a h.'ii pm all :03 uu Kansas City Night Ex,.al0:4o pm a tl;46 an Chtosgo, BaillnHt.n A lalur.. . Chicago Limited a 8:01 nm a 7:40 nnff Chicago Special a 7:(a) am a t;'J Y"f i nicago estinuiea r.x 4 :'' pm a i:zo itn t hlcaro licnl a B:ll am' aumni do Fast Mail 2:45 pn WKDSTKll DEPOT -11TH A W LOSTEHf Mls.onrl Paclflc , Nt-braska Loral via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm u12:35 pull hleaao, St. Paal, Minneapolis ari Omaha. 4 Twin City Pasenger....b 30 uni b 8:10 Din Sioux City Pi cuger....a g:00 pm Ml:3aiii Oukland Local n B:4o pm o v:l() u a ully. b Daily except Hunday. 41 Dolly except Saturday. . Daily sxoait liuuduy.