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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
5 10 TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 190. MM"!1! "L ' B tmb'd H Tsrsoter N Collars, at JO 2!c LlUJ mm m II Ladles' All Silk. Strlnf Colored Tici-al lOc Great Sale ' Blankets Tuesday Wo Offer Even Greater Bargains la our purchase of aa entire stock of B:n c cts from a big; Chlcato Wholesale house. The most extraordinary sale of fancy blankets- that Omaha ever knew. The stock w as so great that the lines are scarcely broken after a day's selling and today, the ra rities will be as big as ever. $2 Blankets at 69c Each Fancy colored cotton blankets, suitable for bath robes', wrapper?, etc. ; these are imported German blankets that wholesaled at $2 each, at each $5.00 White Bed Blankets at $2.50 a Pair Fine fhlie bob blankets, 69c $7.50 Blankets at $2.98 Each Finest all wool wrapper blankets, beautiful brocho patterns and ex tea Urjfe sizes, pink, blue and other dainty shade wholesale ", at 2.98 muny strictly all wool all large size f? will go at Z.sjU 1 air i e w w $7.50 Bed Blankets at $3.98 a pair eray, tan and while 1nn bed blankets manv would be cnean at $7.0 por pair, go at, pair. .111 in ii Hi, 3.98 $3.50 Plush Lap Rob.'s at $1.98 cacti heavy plush lap robs some crest value in this lot, worth f3.50 today at, each J.98 15c 1 S0c Crib Blankets at 15c Each-Jacquard wove fancy crib blankets, wholesale price 50e each, today attach- - $5.00 Feather Pillows at $1.25 Each-Balance of the stock on hand of Swlf & C., South om.iha. fine pillows. They are the G 1 and G 4 ' qualities, there nre n bettor pillow? than those made at any 4 f t price. Fancy colored art and imported rod ticking, filled B " with best gooae.feathers worth $5.00 pair, at EXTRAORDINARY CAR.PET SALE New patterns of Brussels and Velvet Carpets, and the prices we offer are reasonable. Beautiful Brussels Carpet that ,i regularly worth 75c yard, for, AQn rj Alexander Snrth & Son's ex tra heavy Velvet Carpets Beautiful patter nt., with and without border d mf worth 1.25-at, yd yard. Brussels RujfS Beautiful patterns, Oriental and floral 9x12 size-worth $22.50 at CA each KJL03 Crushed Velvet Belts 25c-39c LADIES' ' 50c & 55c These are the newest styles and most stunning belts ever offered at special sale. Everyone has been admiring them ' Id the window they are pleated velvets, crushed peau de soies, pleated satin, with ' rinx all the most beautifu cilorlnps Kold buckles in hirxe Colonial size worth uuc and vac at, eacn 25c-39c I A Sale of 25c Hnsierv at 12'c Pair .Boys' and girls' fine heavy ribbed school hone that always : sold at 25c pair; ladies' and men's fast blark, 1 . full seamless medium and hcuvy weight and flooco lined 1 Jr fT hosiery also men's cashmere wool half hose worth 25c a pair at...... J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE m m hUs 31 fWpwmillll ilH I Miiaw V SUNDERLAND SYSTEM Automatic Coal Screening Is THE SYSTEM for Cleaning Goal There are no other automatic coal screens in Omaha. That is why it will pay you to buy from us. We take out dust and dirt, giving coal, pure coal, in its place. Economy Wash 3d Nut Coal Is Now S5.75er Ton It was ix and a half last winter. Buy now and avoid 'advances and tl is applies to other coal as well. HARD COAL, From Earth's Best Deposit, $19.50 SUNDERLAND BROTHERS CO,, Established 1883. S. E. Cor, 16th and Doug-la. 'Phone 252 HMasM 261 BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS SOLAR The Dancing Season is Here We are showing the 'flnast line of Children's and MImucs' Dancing- Slip pers ever seen In Omaha. Mioses' Patent leather Gibson Ties tho luteot out for young women, with low heels. Slies V4 0 12.50 Allows' glieo, lilt to 2 $2.00 Child' lss. fo to 11 11. a Full line of Putcnt Strati Bllprwra- low heee'n tor young women. SUm JH to . 12 00 and 12.25 t lilldren's slios. to 11, 11.25 tud B Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARHAkl STREET, Cmibi'i U-1o-Oj:i Shot Hosn ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. Strougest double beater made, will heat your up stulrs and down stairs. If you don't wlslr to heut your up stairs you will tfi-t twice us much heat down stairs. All we axle for It Is $5.(10 down uud $5.00 per mouth, or the wholesalo prices for rash. We sell the Solar on the representa tion that It Is the strongest heater made and people who are using It say the same thing. Mr. Putnam, 28th & Pop pletou, "1 beat my upstairs uud downstairs with the Solar hut I could ouly heat my tlownntalrs with the other base burner. The Stostzcl Stovo Co., 714 16th St TASLOR VV. O- JERREMS, Pres. 209211 S. I5tb Street. What's In a name? THE tailor's name on the back of a garment Is not always ths bjst evi dence that yyu've got your money's worth! Perhaps you've paid a fancy price for the name? Imagination plays ths leading part when it comes to paying $63 to $70 for a suit and $16 to $18 for trous ers. You Imagine they're better simply because you're paying more and because the name of some 'way up tailor is on the inside of your coat. There Is no perceptible difference fn the style cloth fit or trimmings of Nicoll's $35.00 Suit and the $60 production of the high priced tailor. Trousers $5 to $12 Suits... $20 to $50 If you live out of town your order by mail will receive the same careful attention that it would were you present in person. FRED PAFFENRATH. hgr. OMAHA WEATHER TUESDAY-FAIR. IIL1JE1 E Ii THE SUNDAY AD WE MEAN BENNETT'S SUNDAV AD! It is the weightiest that ap peared in the Sunday papers. Weghtiest because of its heavy bargain giving; weight iest because of the wider va rieties of merchandise It spoke of; weightiest because it was the proJuct of the greatest store in the west. Read it again! The dry goods, clothing, mil linery, furniture, carpets and draperies are good for Tues day's selling. Mail orders re ceived up to Thursday A. M GROCERY Special offers lots of tht-m every day In our GROCERY. Somi Sp-clal Tea Offers. Twenty (2.0O Oreen T adlng Stamps with pound puckiiKu heal I Mr tea sifting IOW Thirty Green TrudliiK Stamps with round tea fHn any kind UOW Ten (11.00) Gretn TrnilinK Stump with round pack-ice It. nnctt OU ., Capitol Coffee Ten (Jl.on) Green TrndlnR Stii-nps ;oiml whole bhuk pepper Twenty ($2.01) Green Tnidtntf St:init with five cans pea.-, corn R()n or tomatoes JV7W Ten (Jl.tKi) Green Trniling Stamps with two Douiuls Japan l'lCT CANDY Fifteen ($1.5ii) Orcvn Trading Stamps with each Jar 1Cir candy 1VW Glass hunk filled with candy Fancy boxes, each 10c 5j PENINSULAR. STOVES The Empire Peninsular Double llentinjr Base Humor burns hard t-otil or coko, has duplex jn-nte and on,ular slinking rltJK. In Us d. sign, Its durability and Its practleul points It excels any other base burner of Its class on the .market. It does! It Is a superbly finished stove. We've lots ,f$JL them, up from '. 9 0 The Peninsular Smoke Comsumin Direct Draug-ht Heater has hot blast attachment, elaborate mica illumination, nickel relluct r and nickel side wlna, tall, heavy and properly proportioned, an artist's dream in stove build ing. It will buru any kind of fuel, it has duplex and annular shaking ring for coal, double register draw, ceoter grata for wood. Ask to see this master-piece, price up Tho Retort Peninsular, a smoke consuming hot blast base burner for all fuels, has lare ash pan and mica illumination door. It's a "cheerful" stove. A powerful floor heater, you can open it without touching m g the nickel reflector top, has tea .50 ft l ..P " T " B oblNO-i . O-OINOII GONE III. C2J PrT" A SIGNET RING . (TV i W XT 9 M y J I Xb'. Is the ring; these days. We are showing a beautiful lino 'il V 1 .X I 1 Ifc.--! k of then rlnKS. I2.00. $2.60. to 14.00. to $5.00. to $10.00 with W. I r I f . fl l ft I I X;TW ' yourimonogram ensraved on It. Would you make a nice ivV 1 JL yfJ J J'S t T - ' V ' '' I i fil f ' H-..l a IS almost here. Spend a few minutes .In our store I f H i I I i . 7,. fm.Mi I 1 V El. if I for the name, '14 I J I lltKrlLlDt WILL JA.VL 11 nLWltli) C WUJ. MX L U iUU UUU rURnuiriUlhi I N1 , i StIOUMAN & MtCOM.NELL DRUG CO.. Sp.clstl Aent. ( I5I6D0Uj;lS St. "NfcSM APPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT BARBER BHOP81 M mammmrnmmm iwb'w Jiym i . i iiw.i nw u. . p i . "d,1 1 SIL mi "ii iiiiiii Jft"!- irilliimiMniiltiliillaiinfl lTwr.ii.iii1fii s...:. ...vh,- A M U c : ! u r hm -MM;:-'.. THE WABASH V Wonderful Values in Ladies' Sample Suits, Coats. Furs. Etc. THB RELIABLB ITOHF. Sample ltdies' Suits, Coats, Skirts, Furs, Etc., af Bargain Prices. A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS FOR TUESDAY. Great Sale of Sample Silk Bolts Continues with still more wonderful bar grains for Tuesday. It LACK TAKFKTAS 19 Inches 4 4 , wide worth c for BLACK TAFFKTA 27 Inches -.r)r I wide worth $1.25 for UVW I ULACK TAFFKTA-36 inches f)D 1 wide worth 1.6o for VOW 'SEVERAL HUNDRED NEW P1KCE3 j FANCY SILK latest fall styles and col ors at about half price, 44c, ,is(. an,j up,, ; Finest collection of NEW PLAID SILKS In tlin ttv itt AW 7& 11 . u.,.l ti Dress Goods Sale IN THE DOMESTIC ROOM. FROM I TO 4 P. M. BOO dress and waist patterns, in length from 2H to 8 yards. In voiles, etumlnc. mohairs, suitings, cheviots, serges, broad- cloths, ladles cloths, slbelines, plalls, actual value $1.00 to $3.50 1fli per yard at. yard OVw $1.50 to $1 .98 DRESS OOODS-by the yari at 49c and . 59c. 25C QUALITY CHILDREN'S VESTS AND JUNTa Jersey ribbed and fleece lined lOr choice . .. Sw 7..C QUALITY CHILDREN'S COMBINATION SUITS. For both both bovs and girls Jersey rlhlieil .....I t...l.... ""w 1 r iii.cvi uiunr ... 10c QUALITY MEN'S COTTON HOSE. am dozen of them on sale, Tuesday at. er pair , MEN' S UNDERSHIRTS heavy fleeced broken lines but good value at oOc choice , i 50c Laces, 5c Yd. This wonderful sale of laces continues Tuesday. D:m t miss this opportunity. ! 50c Laces, 5c Yd. , Fine plat val.. wide oriental ani splendid Venice laces 39c 5c .... 25c 25c Laces, 2c Yd. The finest Zlon City wash laces nn.l heaviest torchon laces, suitable for sacqucs, unuerwear, eic. 25c Laces, 2c Yd. un sale ut. yard, 35e, 2&c, 15c and.. GROCERIES. 20C ! PURE FRESH GOODS AT LOWEST PRI i OUR PRlCr-S YOU' ; 1 can concentrated roup equal to 3 cans of cjmm in foup, at 5c 3-11. can ( lam i howuer. ut .: lie 1 dozen PI 1 p.ckles, at ",Hj 1 can deviled ham, at 3v5c 1 can potted totisue, at 3H New evapoiaied blackberries, at Tic New California rais.r.s, Vfty Hne, lb 6c New evaporated tipples, 11) 71e ftfw (.antornia prunes, 10 New currants, lb l-ui:art can yrup, at 20-lbs. pure chio granul it d sugar a. ..$100 , Yeast, packitge 2c Kiln dried cornnieul, lb 2o Id bars laundry Foap for 2c . Pearline, package 2c ,(U4c CES. ORDER NOW. IF YOU COMPARU LL ORDER HERE. Morgan's sapolto at 5o 4-pound package Geld Dust at l:o Washing Gjb,. package 2o 3-pound can pumpkin at da 3-pound can hominy at 6o 3 poui.d can. Lew packed tomatoes at ... 6 ; 2- jounu new packed corn at tjo All sweet cookies, w.Tth 15c to 20c per pound, in this sale S-lbs. for .- 2o Kiln dried oatmeal, lb 2c. 3- pkgs. condensed mincemeat, will make 12 large pins, at 2.Vo Fine mocha and Java e ffee. lb . .l 2:a Fine uncolored Japan tea, lb .... 4".o Fine Japan rice, lb 3'Aa New sago, lb f.o New Tapioca, lb oa HAYDEN BROS. f WM iff Itfl Stoves 'Please NoAshes No Dust Dandruff Is a cantarloui disease c lused by a microbe.) NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE THE ORIGINAL rsmedy that LIKE THE PARDON Newbro's Herptcld can coma too late. If th tandrutt microbe has destroyed th. hair tol lelea and left th iralp bald and shlnlnf. all remedlea are worthleu. But. like the pardon. "klllstie Dandruff Qirm." If Herplrld eomrs while lite still remalna In the tolllclra, the hair la treed from dlieaae and beflna Ite natural growth again. Don't seglect dandruff or tallini hair. Wonderful retulta follow the uee et Herplclde. It la an eiqulalte hair dreeilni. Stopa itching et the scalp Instantly. IwTT.laJTw 1904 model, Is strikl ngly handsome and resplen dent with the finest high art nickel. It Is triple action ltheatsupstalrs.ltheatsthe main floor, and If you wish, It will send the ashes Into the bin down cellar. No ashos or lust in the parlor. It's the only kind that suits particular people. It's the easiest wtove In the world to run and, because of the air circulating system, it keeps your house warm and com fortable fn the coldest weather and saves from lA to the coal you have been using. BUY IT AND BE COMFORTABLE NEBRASKA FtJRNITURE, ANU UJe.K.i'xVl LO. 413-415 No. 24th St. South Omaha. Keep Your Bowels la a natur-l healthy condition. Woeii the get clogj-ej up they have tendsacjr te overflow Into the ap sw pendlx anel cause ap- P-'noicmo. r" 4 -'vef d.-r keeps your bowels fttjje healthy sod natural. Fig I'owuer Trial also. lc gatapte rree. Large slse. IM. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Omaha. Ditrlbuters, . ror aaU kjf all druggists. i 8 LANDS YOU AT WORLD'S FAIR NO OTHER LINE CAN. Round Trip Rates: $8,50 umimi m isiuieitsauie)iiyiisM.H! OAILY EXCEPT FRIOAY AND SATURDAY, & to on sou - pail; n UtiPUTr STATE VEIEHINAKiAN. CITY YKTEHI.tARIAX. H. L RAWACCIOTTI D, V. S. CMAHa. NEt Teicchono US. Oillto avud lulirpiury, Utb sua Uissuo Bts. READ DOWN FAST TRAINS DAILY READ UP 7:45 A. M. 6:30 P. M. Lv. 8:00 A. M. 6:45 P. M. Lv. 7:35 P. M. 7:00 A. M. Arr. 7:50 P. M. 7:15 A. M. Arr. Omaha Council Bluffs Arr. Arr. Lv. Lv. 8:20 A. M. 7:05 A. Mo 7:45 P. M. 7:30 P. Ms St. Louis Compare Thl9 Time With Other Linos. 9:00 p. M. 8:45 P. M. 9:15 A. M. 9:00 A. M. We have others. Call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam, or address HARRY E. M00RES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Nek i est wa"1" """ a 1