T TITE OM AIIA DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOHER 1004. 30, MOT & U Utl Lr- Mm o MIL 12) Arrivals Evening Gowns and Coals iWe are showing a handsome, variety of evening and party dresses, lately arrived from New York fashionable designers these dresses are made of beautiful crepe de chine, spangled net, peau de soie, etc. Prices are: 4 Jffc?i V 1 J $29 up to Elegant Fur Coats and Scarfs Our showing of furs is far superior to any that Omaha shop pers have ever seen in point of correct style and thoroughly good workmanship we can commend them most highly. While wo have scores of the most elegant, high class garments we make a spe cialty of medium priced furs that give h marvelously service. good 1 WMl'lV ill novelties in elegant evening coats are more charming this year than ever pretty ef fects in white broadcloth, $OC. mQ white tibelines, doeskin, etc., at .... Vl) Stunning New Long Coats The most fashionable perfeetty tailored a Bcore of Q98 fl O50P?AC smart new styles, at J Zf Handsome Dress Skirts made in the latest fash Pretty Golf Skirts Made of the new novelty cloths' self strap trimmed, pleated, etc. t many models, at ....... 498 398 298 l98 Cravenette and rain coats, very stylish and serve as perfect protection against rain, at 998 1250 1485 Short Fall Coats made in medium and heavy weight, newest color, smartly tailored, brleht- ly trimmed, at 98 I98 T98 698 4? Sale of Elegant Tailored Suits 250 Elaborate Dress and Walking Suits from New York House PA worth up to $50, on sale at J V We purchased this beautiful line of elegant and exclusive tailored suits at a great price, concession what the manu facturer lost in the transac tion would not interest you but it was considerable. These suits are the very latest and most eiunning laeas- an - P fresh and new.searce- Q Tj A Jj ly twoaiiKe an sizes worth regularly up to $30 each Monday f JL uign uruue aem omii vimis 'VV5WJ Blended Otter Coats at i25, 449 and i69 Near Seal Jackets with the fashionable new reefer fronts ctt.T..49, 39 and '35 Splendid Scarfs high class fur sett?, etc. made of selected furs by fur designers of highest attainments a 50 up $1 Oft matchless showing at. .. . to VUv A Special Fox Scarf very pret- tA QQ ty and right up to dats, at X'" Fur Cluster Scarfs most popular furs and ti.M and 2.98 BRANDEIS' SPLENDID MILLINERY bit. A Handsome Trimmed Hat Designed after the latest Parisian ideas artfully trimmed with Ostrich Plumes, feather pom poms, ornaments, etc.. ail tne latest shapes every hat a gem a great array or them for your selection at , f he Prettiest Street Hats that ever eold for $2. 50 the new round French Bailor shape, turbans, high crown ed effects, etc. jauntily and effectively trimmed at WINTER MILLINERY- We announce a showing of the most approved millinery modes for winter aa usual Brandeis is the first to show the newest ideas in advance of the regular season the new mink and beaver bats are marvels of skill and beauty we mention specials at , an tun .50 2.50 $5,7 .50 and $10 Brandeis Model. SALE OF NEW FALL GLOVES 'AH fresh, new autumn gloves in the newest and prettiest pbades. for street and evening wear1 in button and ffi Clasp pftects all sizes thousands of pairs on bar- if gain square worth up to $ 1 a pair at, pair 'AH wool golf gloves in plain and Scotch effects very C warm for all outdoor weai at, pair DC Monarch and Ferrin's dress and evening gloves, Key nier's black suede and Dent's renowned street gloves latest shades for autumn very highest quality X..; $1-1.50-2.00 Ladies' New Fall Neckwear Lace and embroidered stocks and tabs also the new silk embroidered turn overs with button holes worth 50c ech"!!' 10c-15c-25c Two Winter Underwear Specials Misses' and children's high quality underwear. for fall and win ter wear, at.... Extraordinary Blanket Sale MONDAY WE WILL PLACE ON SALE AN ENTIRE STOCK OF BLANKETS From One of the Biggest Chicago Wholesale Houses We bought all of their fancy blankets at a most remarkable bargain. For the past week these goods have been displayed in our front show window, and have caused more comment than anything we have shown for several years. You hear it all day long "How can they sell so cheaply?" IT IS BECAUSE WE BUY FOR. CASH no matter how large the lots, that some of the best bargain in the Uuited States are offer ed first to us. This Blanket sale is one of the most remarkable that we have held for a long time. $2 Blankets at 69c Ea. Wo willsell all the'fanoy f colored cotton blankets ft-. MJ suitable for bath robes, wrappers, etc. these are imported .German blank- lD mw JJ ets that wholesaled at $2.00 each they go at, each $750 Blankets at $2.98 Ea. 0ne bi ?7hene iVfO 98 wraDDer blankets, beautiful broche w V J - 7 patterns and extra large size, in all the pink, blue and other dainty shades these wholesaled in Chicago at $5.00 each our price tomorrow, each $5 White Bed Blankets at $2.50 Pair .50 One big lot of fine fvhite bed blanl-eta, many of them are strictly all i wool, all of them large size go at, ' pair $7.50 Bed Blankets at $3.98 Pair One big lot of gmy, tan and white fine bed blankets many of this lot would be clieap at $7.60 per pair go at, per pair '. Q.98 Ladies' warm winter underwear 7,:e..25c-39c-49c-69c uaaerwearp t g i g r?adtw.,.D...25c-39c-49c BIG SPECIAL CARPET SALE We place on sale tomorrow a recent purchase of carpets very much under the regular prices. They are absolutely new pat terns of Brussels and Velvet Carpets, and at the prices we offer them Monday they are most extraordinarily cheap. 60 Rolls Beautiful Brussels Carpet that is regularly wortn 75c yard for, yard , Big Sale of Black Silks 250 pieces of new black sill go on our counters Monday at prices never before attempted in Omaha there are yard wide, 27 and 22-inch black taffetas and peau de soies-r-on special sale at a time black silks are in special demand. 33c $10 FANCY PLAID BED BLANKETS at $5 PAIR Fancy plaid blankets and strictly all wool St. Mary's silver gray and white blankets, these are of a very vp superior quality and must be seen to be appreciated all worth $10 go at, pair $12.50 BLANKETS at $6.98 Pair Iu this lot are such well known makes as Tendleton and St. Mary's. These are in white and silver gray, extra large size, and none better can be had at any price. As long as they , last tomorrow we offer them at, per pair 61 SO Pieces 20-Inch Black Peau de Sole and Taffeta Strong: and brilliant, at, yard 50 Pieces 27-Inch Black Taffetas XRf Guaranteed to wear, at, yard 75 Pieces 36-Inch Taffetua and Peau de Soles, rustling- 27-inch Taffetas, Q 73 Pieces 36-Inch Dress Taffetas Every yard jjuarantoed to wear, C17 j, yd..' worth tl. 25 yard, nt, yard. I Pieces 36-Inch Dress 1 woven in uolvc?e, made to retail at (1.50 and $1.75 Monday's price, Plain and Fancy Silks 125 Pieces Plain and Fancy Silks for suits fashion able new browns, greens, blues, etc. made to QQ retail at $1.35 to $1.69, at, yard OZJ C 73 Pieces All SHU Taffetas-All the fall shades for lining and walste, bargain square, at, yard New Arrivals Silk and Velvet Novelties Chiffon Velvets, dress mesealines for party gown", silk fur, new shades of crushed velvets, new French plaids, iecas aii iQo 39c 100 Pieces Black & Colored Silk Vel vet- in it different shiiues also blacks and now browns, many funcy vel vet patternn for wnlt nnd costumes, worth $1.26 yard, at, yard iu :-hk velvet 59c alines lor party gown", sue 69c to $2 50c Crib Blankets at 15c Ea. 15c One lot of Jacquard wove fancy cno Dianiteia, wnoie eale price of most of . these was 50c each, they go tomorrow at, each.., $2 Silk Blankets at 75c Each lounge 75c One lot of Italian silk covers, these whole saled at 12 each, we ell them tomorrow at, each Imported Blankets One blir lot of Jacqimrd wove Ital ian blankets, suitable for Crt bath robes, couch covers, WuV etc. These must be seen to be appreciated at, each.. $a50 Plush Lap Robes, $1.98 Ea. One big lot of heavy plush lap robes QC 1 r v Alexander Smith & Son's extra heavy Velvet Carpet Beautiful patterns, with and without border worth $1.25 at, Q Brussels Rugs One big stack of thera beautiful pat terns, Oriental and floral 9x12 size worth $22.50 at, each Y. -some great values in this lot thev are worth 13.50 each they go tomorrow at each....' , 1 Fine Comforters Extraordinary bar gain in one big lot of the very finest French satlne comforter, filled with finest ' white cotton. These comforters wholobaled at $5 each and eo tomorrow at. anh $5 leather Pillows at $1.25 Each We offer tomorrow all the balance of the stock on hand of Swift & Co., South Omaha, fine pillows. We closed out all they had in Omaha, They are their Gl and G4 qualities, there are no better pillows than rl Ch ! these made at any price. They come in fancy colored art and imported Tnr- 1 m key red ticking, filled with best goose feather, we offer them tomorrow ($5.00 H v per pair would be a fair value for them, at each , , . Navajo Striped Cotton Blankets Suitable for cozy corners, lounge covers, etc., wholesale price of these $1.00 -go at, each JZrC ME ' '" ' Winter Dress Goods 65c 49c TC. I ALL WOOL PLAIDS Dress f mf goods for children's dresses, M JJVjX etc., worth up to 65c, at I yard In the Main Dress Goods Department "S$2FZ:... .....$5-$3-$2-$1.50 New and stylish winter dress goods, entire stock of a New York jobber black, navy brown and all colors front bargain square, at, yard .... All the dress gooda from the jobber that wer valued up to $1 yard Sicilians, worsteds, tailor cloths, etc. black and all colors, at, yard, Greater barg-ains than ever In hlffh grade Imported French flannels, plain and fancy walstlng counter yard $1 A Monday special Broadcloth, at, yard.... NEW FRENCH CASHMERES, lat- 70 est style, tern, cotta, olive, prune, M J J maroon, etc., at, yard French voiles, all colors For Mon- J 1J duy, Lupin s French wire cloth, i If at, yard 9 Chiffon Crepe -Silk and wool mixture, every color, at, yard 85c 85c 75c $10 to $30 WHITE SICILIAN Rich and lus trous mohair, 48 Inch, the $1.25 quality, at, yard New white woolens for shirt walnt d resHes, at, yard... Exclusive styles for single dress pattern from the plainest tailor worsteds to the newest fancy ideas, at, pattern White Mohair Curl for party wraps and children's coat 52 inches wide, exclusive stylei for Brandeis. SAMPLES OF SWELL WOMEN'S SHOES -AT A- 15.98 GREAT SALE OF LINENS 1,000 all linen table covers and stand covers go on bargain square Monday for one of the greatest linen sales ever held in the store. These table cloths are colored and white also white with colored border actually worth as high as at, 'A great lot of all linen open work Bcarfs, squares and tray cloths worth up to 50c each at, each rder actually worth as high I f f" TK 11.50 each-go WC-5SPC !5c mm. m A Double Clothing Purchase Entire Wholesale Stock Complete Retail Stock from J. F. GOLDBERG CO., New York and Chicago This is the Greatest Clothing Sale Ever Held The prices at which we are selling these fine suits and overcoats is the talk of Omaha. So immense was this double stock that we could not begin to show all the garments during the first week new suits and over coats that are fresh, and even more desirable than those of last week have been brought forward. Uetter select yours now. This Week the Bargains Will Be Greater Than Ever All the $12 pri I All the fine fc and $15 Suits S $17. 50and $20P and Overcoats at U Overcoats and Suits at 3 All the hand some 922.59 and (25 Suits and Overooats go at 12 The Famous Rogers-Peet Overcoats The bandsomeat overcoats that money can buy esHeutiully . A t the overcoat for careful and stylish dressers the very I 11 I A TkXII height of correct syle at JW J yJ BIG CUT IN PRICES ON SALE TOMORROW On the Secpnd Floor The finest lot of shoes ever on sale in Omaha. LADIES $8.00 BENCH MADE SAMPLE SHOES, AT.. 5.00 LADIES' $6.00 SAMPLE SHOES, AT ..4.00 LA DIES' $3. OO SAMPLE SHOES, AT 3.00 LADIES' $3.00 SAMPLE SHOES, AT 1.98 LADIES' SAMPLE SLIPPERS, worth up to$6.00 a pair, at. 1.98 On Sale on Second Floor Shoe Department. FN IrTl