FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Bargain tov. Modem dwelling, east front, paved street, desirable nelehbnrhood. 1036 Bouih 3?4 Street, , $5,000. 44x1KB. Eight-room modern dwelling, south front, two block frntn car line. 2808 Mid ml Street, I1.S00. Vacant buslne lot on 9th street, next North Union Pacific R. R. Headquarters, 6,000. 83x131 Vacant Ituilnni lot on Douglas atreet, next eaat of Metropolitan hotel. $2,500. 60x130. Vacant residence lot convenient to new atreet car bam, 26th atreet, 2d lot north of A atreet. South Omaha. $600. Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone BANK SALE THE DEFUNCT OMAHA SAV INGS BANK OWN A NUMBER OF FINE TRACKAGE PROPERTIES AND BUILDING SITES ON FAR NAM STREET. THESE PROPER TIES MUST NOW BE SOLD AT A GREATLY REDUCED PRICE IN ORDER TO PAY THE DEBTS ON THE BANK. LOOK AT THESE PROPERTIES AND MAKE AN OF ER, THEY X RE A GOOD SPEC ULATION OR INVESTMENT. TRACKAGE $10,000.00. The southeast corner of 14th and Leaven worth Sts., flna trackage lot, on grade, short spur lino to U. P. main line. We can also aell the adjoining lot, making 132 feet square, if dealred. $5,000.00. 22 feet, with a 132 east front, on 9th St., to the northwest corner of 9th and Harney Sta., opposite Lee-Qlass-Andreesen Co. This la choice. $3,500.00. Full city lot on Nlcholaa atreet, with .Missouri Pacific trackage in alley between 21st and 22d streets. $7,000.00. Five trackage lota on the northeaat cor ner of 20th and Center Sta.. new Burling ton trackage, extenalve frontage on Center and 20th Bis., paving paid for, three housea go with this property. FARNAM STREET $7,500.00. 110 feet front on Farnam St.. by 186 feet on 33d St., the southeast corner of 33d and Farnam Sta., right on grade. This la the finest property oa Farnam St. and la $30 per foot cheaper than, anything we know " $3,500.00. $0 feet, north front, on Farnam St.. Just east of the above property, partly filled, a great bargain for aome one and an Ideal place for brick flats. $000.00. 115 feet aouth front on Farnam St., with to feet on 29th St., a splendid place for stores and flats. . $1,000.00. m feet, north front, on Farnam St.. near S9th St., and Just east of the Farnam St. chool. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 FARNAM TEL. 829. FOR QUICK SAL, El l-r. house full Iot-$200 cash $l,fi00, 4-r. houBe 3 lots, Orchard Hlll-$1,200. e-r. house, full lot, 29th and Davenport $2,800. Klpgant lot Orchard Hill only $800. Will trade fine modem home, 36th Ave. and Dodgo street, for vacant Omaha property. Hutchlnson-Bollard Co., 1623 Farnam St. RE 182 30 SHIMER & CHASE, ; Builders of Modern Houses. Modern house, t rooms, underfeed furnace, paved atreet, fine location, $3,600. New 8-room house, all modern, eaat front, near car, school and church, all new and ready to move Into, $2,700. Four-room cottage, newly painted and pay fiered, city water, south front, near oar lne, 1700. Six-room house, Hansoom park, modern ex cept heating, $2,600. New 8-room house. West Farnam, all mod ern in every particular, hard wood finish, good barn, south front, a very desirable home. $4,800. Blx-room all modern house, welt located, owner leaving city and will sell at a bar gain. $2,500. rouble brick house, rooms, each all mod ern, half block from street car, would ex change for good vacant property or farm. If you have anything to trade conve and see us. . ye have some good vacant lota In different - parts of the city for sale at a bargain. SHIMER & CHASE, Ground Floor, 1609 Farnam St Tel. $867. RE 165 DO NEW 6-ROOM EAST FRONT COTTAGE, carefullv built, latest plumbing, deep lot, fine s)W. mile from poetofflce, price right. ,TjO0. . Our catalogue of homes, lots, acres ana farms, worth $5, free. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. John M. We'shana, Manager. galea Dept. George Marshall. , RE 172 30 BOULEVARD TERRACE S. W. Cor. of ttth St. and Poppleton Ave. Location is Ilia most Important single fact about a home. We have the loca tion and owing to It and the reasonable prices, lots are going fast. We still have some choice lots left Sea us at once, as delay means disappointment R. C. PETERS & CO., 170$ Farnam Street. RE-292 $0 H Farm Lands H V e have farm lands for sale In Nebraska, linneaoia, Iowa, North and South Da kota and Canada. We can tell you the food places to buy, as we hive b.en over he ground our. eve i. Special low raUa. . It will pay you to see us before you buy. Have a number ot good bargains In eaat era Nebraska. Hastings & Heyden, lftttti Farnam. 'Phone 1 1 re- BOULEVARD TERRACE ' Call at our office for plat. The best on the market today for a home. R. C PETERS ft COMPANY. 170$ Farnam 8tret. RE M293 I FOR BALE 24 acres, eaat of Rurer's. fust vuibiu uny, vcaior I nomas, 413 Bee bldg. RE-2M SOx CORNER, four blocks from poetomc. In quire Hi b. Mth ave. RE M $ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Bulletin: 100x135. Fin 7-room house, electric light, aouth rront, barn, rhlcken house, fruit, Franklin atreet, 13,000. ,. . 70x60. Fine double. 3-story brlrk dwelling, each Portion containing 12 rooms, furnace, bath, etc. 2707-9 tof1pe atreet, $7,750. 60x132. Large modern dwelling. east front, paved atreet, facing High school grounda, 216 North 2?d atreet, $7,000. 100x150. Large 2-story modern dwelling-, barn, ahada trees, lawn. 1313 S. 29th Avenue, $7,000. 179x190. Comfortable house, gcod barn, large grounda. having east, south and nortn fron tage upon 25th street. Harney street and Dewey avenue; fine site for an apartment house. No. 2557 TTirney Street, $18,000. No. 722. -KB , GARVIN BROS., Com'l Nat. Bank bldg., 16j4 Farnam street BARGAINS IN HOUSES $1,500821 South 34lh atreet, on boulevard, an eignt-iuom house, bath ana city water ; need aome repairs; a bargain at " p.lce y.u"uteu; euty term. $l,iO &vo bpilng kree., near Vlntcn car bain, a be. en-room couae, all ai.ius bearing frun; lot 6uxl23 leei; owner leav ing cay and wants an klttx; can make terms. l,HKr-i17 Spencer atreet; want a cash offer tor tnla live-room co.toge and lot, t,A.i.i feet. Bpeuk quick it you want to oo busi ness. $3,vuu 2825 North 24th street. Here's a and nearly new ail modem cutiage of alx rooms; has best plumoing. Canon lur naca, Is oak trimmed and everyihl g in A-i repair. Win sell tnia week, or rtat to the rlbht party at 30 per month. $2,4w isa a. 7tn ave. This looks cueap to us; on a paved st.eet, in dis tance of depots and business center; iull two-story lioute ot seven rooms; pcriialn bath, etc, wl.h bo leet trontage; nice lawn and shade. $l,V5u 837 Bou.n 22d street; can give Imme diate posnssion; a seven-room hoiue, city water, oam and paved atreet, In walking distance. VACANT LOTS Tenth street, north of Douglas, 44x132 feet; owner wants an offer. Corner 19m and Harney (northwest), 8jxS7 leet; will submit any reasonable oiler. Fourteen ill street, south oi Jackson, 6ux66 teet; owner will consider offer. N. E. corner lo.h and Lincoln ave., 122x143 feet. Look at this big lot. Price, $2.4ifl. RJ H A Home H Of Your Own is what everyone should have. We have them for saie lit all parts of the itty. Let us know about what you want a..d we may have something to suit you on our list. NEW HOUSES 6 rooms, ' 16th and Plnkaey, modern but furnace, large aouth-trunt loi; ready to move Into, flic, $2,660.- 6 rooms, 27th and Pierce, modern but fur nace, good neighborhood, high ground, in walking distance; teany to move into. Price, $2,6oQ. rooms at 27th and Lake, modern but furnace, east front. Price, $2,3). VACANT LOTS Along the new South boulevard, south of Hanacom park and near the new elevator sites and street car barn. Pi ice, fJh io $600. Bluff View addition lots, Sherman ave. and Plnkney street; the best lota oft. red in the north part of Omuha lor the pr.ces $ouo, o and $U. Only a few left at these prices. Seven bul. in thia new addition this summer; many more that will be built In the spring. Hastings & Heyden, Houses built to order. 1609K Farnam. 'Phone 160$. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., HOMES $709 Cottage of S rooms, 2906 Lake St. $00 Nice 6-room cottage, 3364 S. 17th St $1.2o0 Good cottage, gas and city water. Burdetu, near 24th. $1.360 Cottage 6 rooms, newly repaired. large lot, 2762 8. 9th St. $1,600 6-room house, choice location, South Omaha. $1,7607 rooms, gas, city water, cistern. 1914 N. 27th St $1,U0 9 rooms, modern, 2411 N. 18th St. $2,0008 rooms, fine lot, street paved, 2227 Spruce. $2.260 Close In, rooms, half lot, Capitol Ave., near 24th. $20 Double house, 2613-15 Dodge St, rents $i,iA,o Double house on 6th, near Williams, rents $26. $3,760 Two houses, 10 rooms and t rooms. N. W. Cor. 19th and Clark. $4,8008 rooms. 2109 Pacific, oak Interior. i $4,(40 Walking distance, rooms, new, oak interior, barn. $5,600-8 rooms,- West Farnam location, oak Interior. $6,6oo close In, rooms, large corner lot, grates and mantels. $18,0u0 Fine residence, large grounds, on of the very best Wast Farnam lnnatlnna $35,000 One of the finest homes In the city will be sacrificed, beautiful grounds. West Farnam location. Full particulars to par ties desiring to purchase property of thia kind. Lots at all prices. Get our list. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street RE 437 80 SPECIAL The Ogden house, on 89th St.. near Far nam, Is being offered at a great sacrifice. If you want a fine home look at It Our sign is on It. Sole agents. The Byron Reed Co., 213 South 14th St 'Phone 297. RB-181 $0 Payne, Bostwick & Co., Seven loom house, wltn bath, gas. near hltrh school; owner anxious to sell. Price, iih and Pierce sts., ground 76x183, with 1 two bouses; a genuine plcaup. Price $2 ooo ' In the north part of the city we have a II,, I . ... rrt ' Au. Mum. 1 . newiy paper throughout newly painted, lit line repair, lmmeuiate possession If sold at onoe. Price. $l,4uo. Terms, $600 cash, balance to be arranged. On North 24tb si., seven rooms, brand new, well built, paved street, all paid for. gas and electric light $3,000. IF YOU WANT TO BL'ILD LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS. On 18th st. near Poppleton, an east front eo-toot lot for $1,600. Near the Lake at school, flna building lot for $1,000. 43d ave. and Dodge at, two east front 60-foot lots, for $700. South front oo Harney at, $700. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Flor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-tl to FOR BALE Five acres, fine home, cheap: must sell. Inquire $31 N. M b st . Bou.fc Omaha. ' R-M9 tlx THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1904. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $i300 We hed our list with THIS. THINK IT OVER. An EXCEPTIONAL op portunity to get a home and buy It right. This Is not "falling to pieces." but It la GOOD; 9 rooms, all mooVtn, east front, lot 60x135, one-half block from car line; In good neighborhood. Now, this Is not a N EW house, but It Is in excellent condition. $2,300; $300 rash and balance monthly at f fer cent per annum. This oppor unlty comes but seldom. Pe sure you rce us first, for this cannot stay long on the market. $2,4508 rooms, modern, new furnace, rery good neighborhood; $i00 cash, balance monthly. Not new, not old; In good condition, and we consider It a rare bargain at this price. $4,2007 rooms, entirely modern and almost new, fronting east on beautiful street 14 blocks from car line. $1,600 6-room, modern except furnace; In . North Omaha, 14 Mocks from cr line; In good neighborhood; $700 caeh, oa in nee mommy. $3,200 -room, all modern, gas and electric light; been built nearly a year; about half a block off Boulevard, at 30th and Dodge. An Ideal home. $3,7008 room modern, nlce.y arranged, full 6 ft. lot; beautiful thade trees. Terms reasonable; 3Hth and Jackson. Better see Inride of house. LOTS $5,250 Lot 100x13'.; east and south fronts; 40th and Jackson. A beautiful rite for a home and certainly reasonable. $5CK If you want a lot a good lot In a very desirable location let us show you 60x132. south front, 3d lot west of 4Jd, on Harney. $250 each for corner lota, 50xlIT, 2Sth ave. and Pratt and 28th ave. and Mander son. This Is very cheap almost giving these lots awny. An acre of ground In the heart of the city very desirable for a greenhouse, or for a home and ground on which to grow gar den stuffs; can be bought for a very small amount About $300 will buy thla. THE ABBOTT- COWAN CO., $04 1st Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 3905. RB- TRUSTEE'S SALE ' TRUSTEE'S SALE OR EXCHANGE $75,000 $75,000 $73,000 worth of clear, inside, . income producing Oinaha city property has just been placed iu our hands FOR EXCHANGE in whole or in part, for Nebraska land, wild or improved. What have you to offer? DENNEY, TRUSTEE. 524-3 PAXTON BLOCK. : BANK SALE Bargains in me uoulii Havings bank property that must te sold at once: 2Ski2 tloniio at, lo rooms $2,00j IkiOH Cuming St., 6-roo.u cottage 2,2u0 1616 N. lbtn st 6-room b. and 8 ( room frame, double fioat; paving; paid for on both streets 4,500 1S38-40-42 N. 22d st 2,W 12i 8. 27th si., 6-ioum, modern l,.0j $413 Jackson st... b ruvma l.uuO 8417 Jackson St.. 6 rooms l,10u 2212 Pierce St., 3 rooms l.uuo 2J14 Pierce St., 4 rooms 1,00 2631 S. 11th st LuOO STORKS. 1906 N. 24th St., store and flat 1,800 1K23 Vinton st store and flat 2,U)o 172$ 8. 13th St., store and flat 2,o0j n: p dodge & co. 1614 Farnam street. RE M14S 31 VACANT LOT 60x170 feet, south front, 'on Lincoln boule vard. In beautiful Bemls park; price $1,601). PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE-477 39 One of the best Homes in Kountze Place must be sold, quick to pay a debt S rooms, fully modern, hard-wood finish, a fine mantel, large barn, permanent walks, on one of the best paved street. W. H. GATES, (17 N. Y. Life. 'Phone K94, RE-123 30 GEO. T. MORTON. ' Many of my real estate friends do not know that I am a candidate for the legislature. ' I am one and am on the damooratlo ticket If you favor what you know I stand ' for good government, equality In ' taxation, . etc. vote for me. GEO. T. MORTON OF HARRISON ec MORTON. RE 158 12-R. HOUSE south of Kouutte Place; easy terms; price $3,000. Nobby cottage, 6 r., on Spencer at; $1,500; $00 cash, bal. like rent F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE M480 81 SWEDESI SWEDES! All SWEDES should write or call on the Payne Investment Company, New Voile Llie bldg., Omana. Neb., for fu.l par lc ulars concerning the SPECIAL lXcUit SION next Tuesday, Nov. 1, lo the SWEDISH COLONIC nair North Pit e, Neb. RE Mi4 &i BARGAIN. Must selL Do you want a $2,000 lot for a little more than half that amount Lot facing west on Low ave., near California street; paved street sewer, water, gasv permanent walk; finest neighborhood. Address S3 X3, Bee office. RE 122 SOx F. D. WEAD. l-r. house and full lot. 1723 8. 28th at.: If old at one am authorised to accept $1,200. 1624 Douglas. RE 47$ $0 ON BURT NEAR 26TH STREET t-room cottage, city water and sewer; price $1,260; easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Llf Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE 474 SO IF TOU want to buy. sen. rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call It R. t N. Y. Life. 'Phone IU. dlover $. RE-U2U EVERY MAN IN OMAHA 'SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE Al A BARGAIN. FOR SALE ReAl ESTATE NEW ADDITION At 24th ani Larimore, 2 flocks north of 24th and Ames, we have just platted Ernest Sweet's Add tion of 12 fine levej lots, only 2 blocks to two car lines, school, church, first class grocery, meat market, pharma cy, sub-st.ition P. O.. etc. To parties who will build soon we wi'l sell a limited portion of these lots at 250 each. Fine locality, well built up. Be quick and get first choice. See ad in next Sunday Bee for report of sales In this addition. SWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. Life. 'Phmes: Office, 1472; res idence, 4214; residence, Cedar-41801. ( SOMETHING SOUTH NEAR 20TH AND DORCAS we have a 5 ' room cottage, nice fence, lawn, trees, fruit and shrubbery: fine south-front lot, 60x150; all In first-class cond.tlon and a bargain, on easy ta.nvs only $1,300. SWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. Llf. Tel. 1472. RE 2004 WIRE street My residence at above number for sale, t-rioe anu terms rea sonable. C. 8. Shepard. RE 408 ; RE - 3818 NORTH 20TH STREET A cosy cottage, eaat front, on boulevard. See It quick. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. . 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE-4J5 30 SWEDISH COLONY A SPECIAL EXCURSION, personally con ducts j ty repiebtmiaiivei) ot tne raut Investment company, New ork tiifd blag., omaha, iseb., will leave Omuha next 'luesuay, Nov. i, tor the SWjuloil CU1-O.NV. near Noith Piaite, Neo. Write or call on tnem for lull particulars. RE M130 30 $2,200.00 All cash, will buy T-room frame residence and good lot, Ave blocks from the posioftice, on paved street with pave ment paid, if taken at once. THOMAS BKENNAN, Room i. New York Life Bldg. RE-foit HERE ARE YOUR-ACRES. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. A. P. 'lukey & Sun offet 6-acre ttacts v. est of the Patrick land, In Dundee, and north of Uuclgo in eel, tor tiju per ace. We can give you just the kind of lii.d you want, either hign or low, witn streets around the property; acme ve.y beautliul sites; only thoit dilve t,vm city anu on macadam romi moat of tne way. A. P. TUM.EY & tJUIN, Board of Trade blag. RE M961 29 SMALL house and lota in Grand View add.; easy terms; $800. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 431 $0 9-ROOM bouse, all modern except furnace, lot 60xl4t, a good barn, pavea street ana permanent sluewalks, tine shade trees, on Mason at. near list; fct,ooo. 132x124, 4-room house In the vicinity of 8th and Bancroft; a good place for chicken raising; $tj00. Beauiuui acre lots north of Kriig's park, $A0 per acre; $60 cash, balance one, two and three years, per cent 100x110, with street and alley, close to 40th and Burt, witnln a half block of the pro posed Roman Cathollo cathedral church; $600; this la a snap. A double house, with 6 rooms In each, on 9th and Hickory; will be offered for one week for the low price of .'.1U0; this is a suitable place for some railroad people. J. A. LOVGREN, M7 Paxton Block. RE tot SOX YESI IF YOU ARE A SWEDE you can go next Tuesday, Nov. 1, on tne SPECIAL. EXCUiv6iO. to t.,e S.vED i lbrl COLONY near North Pia.te, Neo., which will be personal.y cui.duc ed by the repieentatves of the Payne Invest ment Company, New lork i,ue uUg., Omaha, Neb. ALL SWEDES thuid write or call on them for lull p.rtlcj ' lars. RE MlaO .0 FOR SALE, one note ot $1,800, due In en year, secured 'jy first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing f per cent interest, payable semi-annually; aiso one i.ote for $l,tioO, due on or before three years, Intereat at par cent payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good pioperty. Both are absolutely aaf and given by reapeotabl parlies. Aadreas the wwner, I 26, Bue office. RE U4M THE property wh-r 1 now reside. $10 8. 26lh ave., beautifiJ shade trees aid lawn; It will pay you te Investigate if you are looking for a pleasant buui. A. 11. L Long, M0 8. 2fth ave. RE Milt SWEDISH EXCURSION NEXT TUESDAY Will leav Omaha next Tuesday, Nor. 1 for the SWEDISH COLO.Y near North Platte. Neb., on the SPECIAL EXCUR SION personally conducted by represen tatives of the Payne Investment Com pany, New York fife bldg., Omata, Neb. If you are a SWEDE write or call on them for full particulars. RE MiW SO FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 722 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. TELEPHONE 49. THESE ARE BETTER THAN POLITICAL PULLS . f 1,000. $420 Taylor St.. Box 130 ft.. 7 r., good well, cistern, new barn; terms easy. $1.2TiO. 6012 No. 4!d, 7 r., city water, permanent walks. Iron fence, house In good repair, close to school, not far from car. $1,330. 331 Ruggles St., $ixl27 ft., 7 r.. furnao. city water, gas, rooms for bath. Owner must sell. Make us an offer. $1,500. On South 2ith St., near Maoon. 4 r., 91x132 ft., city water and gas. First-class re pair. Also have one in warns neighborhood at $1,260. $1,600 and $1,900. $1,000. Near 24th and Leavenworth, $ r.. good re pair, city water, gas, sewer, porcelain bath, closet, etc. Can be sold In reason able terms. $1,600. 2612 Rristol. 33x136 ft., neat 7-r. cottage, paving and permanent sidewalks paid, good barn. A decided snap. $1,700. 1725 So. 11th. r., city water, good barn, 60x138 ft Owner must sell. See this. $2,000. 21st and Pierce, B-r. cottage, excellent re pair, city water, sewer, porcelain bath, etc. Corner lot, 4!xls3 ft Terms reason able. A close in bargain. $2,250. 81$ Miami, corner, 60x136 ft., 6 r., all mod ern, procelaln bath, oak finish, a little gem. $2,000. 1806 Locust St., new 6-r. house, strictly mod ern, flrst-clnss repair. Owner leaving city; must sell soon. $2,000. In Dundee, a fine lo-r. house. In good re pair. WxL2S ft. of ground. Parties anxious to sell. $4,000 INVESTMENT. Two new 6-r. houses near 2fith and Cald well Sts., strictly modern except furnace. Rent for $4i) per month and always rented. This property will pay big Interest on what It can be bought for. Ask us about It $3,000. In Kountze Place, a brand new. exception ally well built house, strictly modern, south front, 8 large rooms, polished floors throughout, stone and concrete ccllur. This is the best built house in Oinaha. On the market for a few days only. DON'T BUY UNTIL ATTENTION! Real Estate Buyers DON'T WAIT FOR ELKCTION RE TURNS OK THK SCAVENGER LAW, as thete two cic.i.'i a.e NOT GcOU It you aie for a real estate bargain, becaufce in the first piace the elx.ion of TEDDf R. or ALIGN B. cannot In any way affect the real estate market, and as for the SCAVENGER LA vtel, look it up and thus end the delus.on that you are not buying an 1,. verged law uit Tuxes must be paid and two years Is allowed for redemption of the property. The.efore If you waiit poase.fcljn cf prop erty, see us tor our Lin list of .urma, suburban acieage. city iota and homes. SEARS & LEWIS, 321 New York Life. RE 1 ; jjiBhs.i.; MISSOURI LANDS 45,000 ACRES Near Railroad in Carter Co. Finest Stock and Fruit prop 'Ion on market. water and gras. .'rice $2.00 per acre for entire tract. Write for maps. Burchard Hulbert Investment Co., Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. RE 250 SOx IF YOU want a bargain, would like to show you the following property: 10-room modern house, Hanscom Place $6,600. 6-room modern house, West Farnam dis trict $3, DOO. 8-room houae, 24th and Emmet $1,600. 6- room modern house, 25th and Parker $2,200. 7- room . modern house, 22d and Seward $1,400. 8- room modern house, 16th and Vinton $2,600. 4-room cottage, 16th and Vinton, $1,000. 6-room modern house, new, Wirt near 24th St.-$3.00O. . 6-room cottage, new, Wirt, near 25th St. $1,600. 60-foot lot, 21st and Paul, vacant $550. Corner, 100x150, Georgia Ave., near Hickory $1,800. Corner 26th and Parker St. $750. 2 lots in North Omaha, each $75. W. G. SHRIVER, 1023 N. I Life Bldg. RE 462 SO HOUSES FOR SALE Easy Walking Distance. $2,150 for 1111 N. 18th at, 8 rooms, all mod ern except furnace, newly painted and In first-class condition. Easy terms. $1,800 for 966 N. 26th St., 6-room cottage, large rooms, gas, city water, etc., large barn, fine yard and shade trees; lot 62.5x 125 feet. Terms, $400 cash balance $15 per month. $1,650 for 1561 N. 18th a., 7-room two-story house, city water, sewer, gas eto. Re cently painted and pa pe tied and In good condition. Easy terms. ACRES $4,000 for 40 acres Improved, well located, only seven miles northwest from Omaha pontofllce. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St RE SPECIAL Southeast corner of 22d and Miami, must be sold this month; this is a good 8-room, all modern house, with a steam heating plant, 2 tine lota with fruit and ahada ' trees; owner says sell on monthly pay men la Look at It Our sign Is on ft The Byron Reed Co., SU South 14th St 'Phone 297. r'6-?.vv RE-176 SO W. H. GATES, 617 N. T. Llf. . 'Phone 1294. 7- room house, modern except furnac, barn, and lot 60x140, south front, on Lake, near 24th-$3,000. 6-room cottage, large barn, ground 162x 128 Vi; rental, $12.00; on N. 28th, near Sahler $1,600. 6-room cottage, good order, near Hana com Park ; sewer, water, gas $1,20.00; $lu0 cash, balance monthly. 8- room house, modern except furnac, 26th, near Cass; eastern owner says make me an offer. 6-room modern cottage; hot water heat a E. Cor. 25th and Chicago. $3,000. RE 304 80 CAB- Williamson Co.,u- & f0?rd- a-u$ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $7,000. Choicest location In Hanncom Dace, very fine a-room house, strictly modern, oak finish, oak floors. Owner leaving city; wants to sell. $8,000. A brand new 12-room house In WEST floors, three beautiful mnntcls, very well built Must be sold soon, or will be reiuea on long lease anu wiuiumwii ,.v. the market. ?;,000 INVESTMENT. N. E. Cor. 24th and Ijike Sts.. 140 ft. on 24th bv 71 ft. on Like; brick store with two flats above, three frame store build ings. Property easily worth $12,000, but owner needs the money. VACANT $275. Cheapest good lots In Omaha, on 41st St. between Burt and California, east ntnl west lrcnis, on grade. Selling fast. Will sell on easy terms. Ltt us snow you these lots. $300. 33d and Central Boulebard, 60x134 ft., a big snap, on easy terms. $1,200. 74x124 ft. In Kountie Place, corner 18th and Spencer, paving and permanent walks paid for. Also N. E. corner 20th and Emmet, 74x124 ft., for $1.3o0 These are two of the cheapest lota In Kountie Place; excellent corners for rental prop erty. FRICGS SUB On 21st, between Maaon and Pierce, we will sen you any siieu iui, .y ft., for $24 to 2t per front foot, nccorillna; location. This Is the cheapest Inside property In Omaha. KOUNTZE SUB Between Sfith and 37th, running; from Far nam to Dewey, beautiful east and west font lots, 60x166 ft.; corners 7!txl66 ft. r or plat and prices, see us. One party now building a beautiful residence on this site; another one to be built soon. WTH AVE. AND DO LGE ST. 90xlF3 ft., S. W. corner, both streets paved. . -.11. 1 1 .... I.I fnV A ,r U I 1 1 1 1 1 OT I If' I .I IH llf ! 1 1 wnm, ail ycuu .. - bargain at $5,750. 80 ACRES $ miles west ot Omaha, fairly well Im- provea, exceiicm mini, vt.. ........ . asking $80 per acre, but wants an offer. YOU HAVE SEEN US RE BEMIS'LIST OF Exceptional Bargains STOP PAYING RENT. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. New well arranged tlve-room house, one block from car line on Saratoga, street, for $1,200; easy terms; big bargain. COZY HOME. Flve-oom modern cottage, walking dis tance, a nice cozy home. l,5oo; location, 28th ave., near Farnam st. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 6-room cottage near Park ave. and Mason St.; one of the best residence locations In the city, with lot 60x130. cottage has gas, city water, bath with sewer, electric light and Is In excellent condition. Wou.d rent readily for $20 per month and amnio room for another cottage. Bargain aa noma or Investment. Price only $,000. ORCHARD HILL BARGAIN. 8 rooms, full two stories, gas, bath, city water, south front; Just the kind of a place you would like to call "home." Price It taken at once. $2,300. INVESTMENT BARGAINS. 15-room strictly modern, building cost $6,600; lot fully worth $o,0o0;. house newly painted and papered; location Just a little eaat ot high school; owner very desirous to sell. Price, $s,000. INVEST YOUR MONEY IN CHOICE REAL ESTATE. NO INVESTMENT OF FERS AS GOOD RETURNS WITH AS LITTLE RISK AS A JUDICIOUS PUR CHASE OF GOOD RENTAL PROPERTY. We are offering two double flat buildings just nortn or Hanscom park; sii.uw; wu net 10 per cent; two full lots; It will pay you to investigate. VACANT SNAPS. Choice south front lot on Bristol st, 60 feet, $650. East front lot on 20th and Vinton, $750. Eaat front lot on 20th and Caatellar, $100. THOSE $5.00 LOTS. $5.00 down, $5.00 per month. $100 to $2(W buys a choice lot In our addition Just south of and adjoining the beautiful Miller park. On car line and some on paved street Buy now before prices are advanced. COUNTRY CLUB LOTS. We are offering several of the very choicest Iota Just west of the Country club house at $225 and $250. Come In and let our salesmen show you the lots. RE 449 30 H Mortgages for Sale H We always have on hand 1st mortgages drawing 6 per cent on lat-clasa Omaha property. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 160914 Farnam. Phone 1606. RE M312 30 WHERE dollars soon double. I have good cheap land In large and small tracts, $5.00 to iw.uu per acre, can on me, nve miles southeast of Mason, seven miles west Litchfield. Levi King, R. F. D. No. 1, Maaon City, Neb. RE 194 30x FOR SALE, $7.000 first-class double house. Rentals pay 6 per cent net on $10,000. MONEY TO LOAN on improved city prop erty In Omaha, South Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs, and on farm lands In the south part of Washington county, Douglus, Sarpy and Cass counties. Neb. W.ill. THOMAS, 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. RE 306 30 IN BEMIS PARK S-room strictly modern house, south front, large lot, nice shade. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE-r476 30 8-ROOM house; furnace, bath and gas and barn; full lot; short distunce; north and west of Joslyn'a fine home; $3,000; $5oJ cash, balance easy. F.D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 483 30 Four-room house, city water, house newly papered and painted, south front, bear car line; a bargain $700. Nearly new house on car line with five rooms, modern except furnace; if sold this week $1,700. SHIMER aV CHASE, 1G0S Farnam St RE 460 SELLING OUT 2825 No. 24th st $3,000 2823 No. 24th St 2.&J0 2KJ6 Mluml J.OW) These are modern cottages, nearly new, and up to date In every way. Will sell on easy terms, giving long time If desired. Look them over and see me. Alao the finest acre lot In Douglas county, on car line, facing east, on Miller park. Little Sayment down end balance $10 per month, . B. Shepard, 2u04 Wirt RE 437 30 FARM. Farm of 76 acre SH miles directly west of the Bo. Omaha stock yards; about 60 acres In cultivation; fair Improvements; this tract Is especially well udupted for feed ing. Price only $7,760. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street RE 620 IMPROVED 40-acre tract, 6 miles north of Council Bluffs; price, 13.000; will tuk cot tage horn In part payment. F. D. WEAD, 1624 DOUGLAS ST. RE 482 SO A FEW SNAPS The following properties offered for sale at great sacri are fice. All can be purchased on easy terms. 211 Grant St., 6 rooms, barn $ H!A $3L Hamilton St., new 6-room, modern. J.'-'iO 4oS N. $uth St., I rooms, modern l.ioO 8312-14 B. 2Uth St., $ houses I bnO 2-U3 S. 18th st l.' H. E. corner 15th and Valley sts iM 822-24 N. 36th St.. 6 and 8 rooms 2,UJ 26o4 Blondo St., 7 rooms, modern l,wx fl. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 FARNAM BT itE M146 $1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10 ACRES Beautiful tract of land. Just west of eltrl close to lHxlire atreet pAVement NoA resident owner offers for $1,500. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 439 Board of Trad Bldg. RE 490 SOx NOTICE 30.1 Pe BUIg Is the rlac to rt FIRST-CLASS RENTAL PROPERTY ShXtmilKK. HHE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. BORROW MONEY AND BUY YOL'R FiNE HOMES AT A BAR. UA1N. CALL ANU SKK C8. KENNY ItKAL EST. 1NV. CO. RE M787 2 " AC11EAOE. 24 acre near 4-'d and Grand ave., $T5a, 26 acres, two mile northwest of Fort Omaha. $4,800. V acre about of a mil from Han. com Park car., $-X. 30 acres on Center st. road, $100 per acr . BEMIS v Phone 6S3. Paxton Block. 1,080-ACRE ranch for sale In good hay val ley, well watered and fenced. Good Improvements. Would take stock mer chandise for part paymeut Address Y. U., Box IS, Wayne, Neb. RE 190 SOx FOR SALE Now. handsome, 6-room cot. tnge; modern plumbing, porcelain batlj tul: cemented cellar; ahade trees; good) ' neighborhood; 2Mb and Cap. ave.; term easy. Inquire at 607 N. 19U st RE M48T FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO 722 N Y. Llf. Tl. 4. $2) acres, unimproved, Ellis county. Can., to trade for Omaha residence. This 14 good land and cheap at $12.60 per acre. ItiO acres, well Improved, I miles from Herman, Neb. Trad tor stock of hard ware or merchandise. 160 acres, well improved, Stanton county, to trade for city residence. At) acres good land In Boon county. Neb., small improvements. 160 acres vailed land, balance pasture. This Is very cheap at $16 per acre. Will take good marchao dlse at cash value for quick deal. IRRIGATED LAND IN NEBRASKA, VERY CHEAP. We have control of a large tract of lr rl Rated land on the U. P. Ry., which w can ofler at the very low price of $12.60 per acre cawh. Uo out with us next Tuesday and look at it. You will buy. You oan raise as much on this land as on the best $lu0 per acre Iowa farm, and do it vary year without fail. 2,000 acres splendid farming land on th B. & M. Ry. and Loup river. Six sets ot Improvements, 200 acre alfalfa, 600 acre corn and grain, 600 head ot cattle and 1,2J0 bogs now on the place. A a summer feed I ii if farm tills la the best In the state. Price, $35 per acre; one-third cash, balano easy terms. CITY REAL ESTATE A nice little 6-room cottage In S. H, part of the city to trade for small farm near Omaha. Price, $3,300. Splendid modern houae of 7 rooms near S3d and Jackson: trade for 80-acre farm In, Duugias or Sarpy county. Three-story brick and stone block, vrr fine location, well rented, built on Iease4 f round with 80 years yet to run. It Is aa per cent Investment at $60,000. .Will trad for good Nebraska land. Brick flat, tine residence district, thre stories, double. Renting for $140 per month. Price, $20,000. Will trade for clear land. " SEE OTHER COLUMNS FOR BUSINESS CHANCES - SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO. FOR EXCHANGE WILL trade "sewing machine for type. writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. 2i 106 WILL exchange beautiful piano for driv Ing or draft horse. Bchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Z M487 WILL exchange high grade piano for typ. writer. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Far nam. Telephone No. 1626. Z-M4SS IF YOU do not find what you want In thia column put an ad. In and you will soom get It WANTED To buy or trade for a repub lifan paper In Case, Otoe, Johnson or Nemaha counties. Write E 24. care Bee, Z 86 30x I HAVE a large list of selected Improved farms and western lands for all kinds of merchandise; alao have some good stocks merchandise for lands. All kinds ex changes. Write fully what you hav ta offer. H. R. Woodall, Norfolk, Neb. Z266 30X WILL TRADE my beautiful upright plana for good horse. Address E 7, Bee. Z-933 THE work of s painter and paper hanger In exchange for a good piano at 1)W down price. Address E37, Bee. Z 492 Six 266 ACRES of good, rich deeded land near Houston. Tex., to exchange for good, Saying hotel property. Address E 29, lee. Z-M294 S TO trade a good 200-acre wheat farm la Oklahoma for a stock of good merohanj dlae. Will pay difference in cash, If any. Address E19, Daily Bee. Z M993 FOR RENT HOUSES WEST FARNAM HOUSES Three beautiful house of eight and nlnaj rooms each, strictly modern and right Up to oate, at 38th and Farnam; quick pos session. Sea us at oace. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life. D-U6 80 RENT SNAPS . SEH US RIGHT AWAY. 3103 Marcy St., 7 rooms, all modern, just newly repaired, $22.60. ' 2802 Pratt St., I rooms, city water and sewer, nice lot, rent reasonable, $16.00. 211 So. 28th St., rooms, all modern, walls Ing distance, rent cheap, $16.00. Will make right terms for th winter for the above. E. K. LOWER 4 CO., Tel. 443, SOS. Brown Blk, D-2K7 SO 12-ROOM modern dwelling. In good condi tion, hot water heat; N. W. cor. 24th and St. Mary's ave. J. B. Kelkunney, 310 Kar buch blk. D 460 dux 2622 Rees at, rear, In good condition, S rooms, v6.00. 44th and Dodge, 8 rooms, modern except furnace, $l.uo. 665 S. 28th at., 10 rooms, m'.l modern, $30.00, 663 H. 2tli St., 10 rooms, all modern, $30.00. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone U5. D-448 30 Payne, Bostwick & Co., 1408 N. 17th, 8-r., city water, close In, $8. 1622 Canton, 4-r., city water, close to S. O. car, $7. 162 N. 3lst, 6-r., only $6. 112 N. 37ih, 6-r., city water, fine barn, $1J. 2616 Decatur, 6-r., city water, sewer, large yard, $17.60. llo N. Hull, E-r., city water, large yard, small barn, $12 60. 603 S. 27th, 8-r., strictly modern, fine shape, close In, $:i6. 1901 S. 2th ave., 8-r., strictly all modern, being put In A 1 condition, good barn, large lawn, $10. 806 S. 38th, 8-r., strictly all modern, close to car, $46. 13t S. 8-r , strictly all modern house with good burn, on paved street, owner reduced Drlce from 'M to $22.60 in 'order ta get house rented before cold weather. cold wfathei list beforV yo & Co. 1 ii is is a snap We have others. Be our list be for you move. Payne, Bostwick Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Blda. D-314 80 DON'T pay Installment prices; get then! here, 2.) per cent cheaper and better qual ity; our uririn are $26 worth, $1 per week; tv worth. I! Ml tier week. OMAHA Fl'RNlll HE CARPET CO., in t. 12lh and 13th on Farnam St. D-ir IF YOU want a stuel range or a heaKng stove you can save rrom to to lift on It here. We sell on easy payments; terrris, $L5 worth, II per week; $60 wortejTJO per wink. 6MAIIA FURNITURE CARPET CO. Between 12th and 13th on Farnam. D