THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER'. 30, lmn. 12 if 8 IS II SPECIAL NOTICES AeTrrtlsraieata far these colamae will be takes satll IS m. far rtrilm edltloa aalll p. as. far the moralaar Seadar edltlea. Rates 1 l-2 a word flrnt laaertloa. le a n4 thereafter. Ksthlae; takes far leaa haa sn for the flrat laser, iloa. Thrae adertlaeaaeaB raa eoneeeetlvely. Advertisers, br reaaeatlaa; a a am. brred cheek, eaa ka aaawrra aJ. dressed to a aambered letter la rare ef The flee. Aaawera eo addreaaeil will be delivered ea areaeatatloa of rlifpk. MISCELLANEOUS CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. II. Phllhln. Ii05 Farnani and opp. Union sta tlon. Tela. 7S4 and 1673. R 980 TiY KELLYBTOWElTsUPPLY. Tel. 35.T0. iMf"lk'P PRIDE OF HASTINGS. Rest 3IMUNC 6-cent cigar on earth. R-9b9 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays I per cent. R 9sJ CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211'SOU'IH 11TH. 'PHONE 264. We trust everybody. Have our wagons call; bills collected monthly. R M44 Mi EAGLE Loon Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R 9&3 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. 0 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 986 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS 'lei. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. ks. R sn P. MELCHIOR, machine works. Howard. :L)R. A. S. PIERCE !Trcl & Chronic .diseases. Many yeaia' experience In eaat ern hospltuln and other practice. Olilco rooma. Frenzer blk., ltth & Dodge, Pri- .Val lnflrmar, 611 N. 2Uh. Tel. A2S63. ill i .N27 U New Dressmaking Shop Jiaf oplneuaI' .1202 S. 13th St., 13th street car line; flrst olass work and perfect tit guaranteed at lowest pities. Call and be convinced. K- THE OmitV. Warehouse Co., 009 Jones; 'phono 1336; mdse. storage and forwarding. R-981 J. E. WALLACE. TAXIDERMIST 606 8. 13th. n-m HNHRA V 1 N nJ ,T- Coopfr, 5 "J Pr.xton LrlvJIn V 111 WRI. Fine monograms. R 8Ju N -23 IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent property, borrow money, sell note oi account, cull . at R. 3, N. Y. Life. Tel. 133. Glover A Son. R-M146 OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 3840. John Morrlssey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 3914. K MluJ CHICAGO LAUNDRY -WE TAKE THE D1KT AND LEAVE YOLK CLOTHES PHONE 206. 214 N. 16TH ST. R M69 NS ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Bee Bldg. It COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesalo and re tall muslcai Instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. 113 S. 17th St., Omaha. K- OMAHA TENT ft AWNING CO., whole sale and retail. Bend for catalogue 46, , Omaha. Neb. It WANTP1 MALE HELP, MEN TO LEARN bnrDer trade; froe rall . road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and ony re liable, most practical barber college In the United Statea. Write for catalogue , today. . Western' Institute, Or-i-iu, Neb. B 108 WANTED Two city salesmen at once. C t F. Adajo.s Co., 1618 Howard St. B 110 WANTEDA collector and solicitor. CaU ea-JPajUonl block. B M888 DRUG clerka-knTesL R. P., N. y7i1 bldg. B 266 6 neat appearing men (solicitors.) 1 Jewelry salesman. 6 typewriter salesmen. 1 experienced hatman. 2 clothing talesmen. 1 furnishing goods salesman. ' 6 iren- to canvas. 2 ottlco men. X traveling Buleamen (teas, coffee and splcea. HART. 626 N. Y. LIFE. B 458 30 WANTEP FOR V. & ARMT Able-bodied unmarried men, between agea of 21 and 3a; cltlsena of United Statea. of good charac ter and temperate habits, who apeak, read 'and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 13th and Douglas He., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City. Ia. B M29I WANTED, an experience abstracter; high salary to competent man and a worker; state experience and references. Add. ess K 13, Uca office. B M937 1 .WANTED, fifteen Itien for ditching near Coffman, commencing next Monaay. See me any evening this week after 6 o'clock ut my home lu Florence. David V. Ship ley. IF YOU are in need of a position, call and , have a "Heart to Heart' talk with Hart, the expert. 626 N. Y. Ufa. B M8uS 3 WANTED, everywhere, peoplo to oopy let ters at home, spare time, and return to 'Us. Good pay; materials sent free; no mailing or canvassing. Enclose addresaod envelope for particular, and wages we pay. Guarantee Co., Dept. 448, Philadel , phla. Pa. 196 Sox TAILOR wanted; man to make pants and ' vests, good prices; fine opportunity for good man. Address Hanke, the Tailor, . Sutton, Neb. B 14184 2x WANTED, a good pantamaker; stead work. G. Abrahamsou, Holdrege. Neb. B Mli Ul WANTED First-class engraver; must be good all round man, steady work. Apply Meyer Jewelry Co., 1016 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. B M276 31 WE will make you a present of $100, give . you a splendid suit of clothes every ninety days, enlarge your picture free and pay you h salaty of $85 per month and all traveling expenses to take orders for the greatest and most reliable portrait house in the world. All this will be guaranteed. . Address R. D. Moxlel, Dept. 2u6, Chicago, , ' 111. B 261 3ux WANTED In this locality, a reliable man or woman to manage a branch supply of- , flee and headquwi ters for salesmen; no investment, deposit or , canvassing re quired In the position; expenses advanced; . ' liberal weekly salary and 6 per cent cm- , mission. Write at once. Manager Supply Department, 6ln floor, Thompson bldg., St. Louis, Mo. B M134 30x EXPERIENCED shoe salesman for road. Manager for grain elevator. Man to take charge of office. Grocery clerk acquainted with city. Good druggist. Crockery packer. Crockery sulealadtes. , Successful real estate salesman. If you wish a complete list of vacancies, call or write WESTERN REFERENCE BOND A88 N, 840 N. Y. Life Bldg. t Open Tuesday and Thursday evenings. B m SO MAN to take charge of real eatate bualneaa. One who is receiving not less than lino.00 per month at present. Address 1 4!, Bee. B-301 30 EXPERIENCED grocery clerks, and no others, can get work. Malna-Ca Co., 634-36 Pax ton Blk.. B M318 WANTED Nonunion nallrotid telegraphera; only tlrat-claa men need apply. Room ' luu, Midltuid Hotel. B M290 31x OUR gnods always give satisfaction; prices are 26 per cent cheaper than others. 'Terms: U& worth. SI per week; 1100 worth, $3 week. OMAHA FITRNITVRE 4V CARPET CO., Bet. Lltlt and 131 U on Funmm St. B 164 10 WANTED, a blight young man to ell real cutatt on salMry snd coiumlslin, or com mUsion aloue. Address V. O. Rox 7.1, city. B til to .WANTED MALE HELP Plain Business Talks On Building Brains for Business No. 11. Do you know that If you feel that you cannot leave your present employment that Boyles Colf?e Home Study Course offers you an opportunity to gain a thorough grasp of every detail of Boikkeoplng or Stenography, or both, by using your spare moments to advantage? There is no reason why you cannot acquire a thorough knowledge of Bookkeep ing and Stenography by pursuing our Mall Course. If we did not know we could teach you by mall, we would not be conducting a Home Study Department. If we were not making Bookkeepers and Stenographers by the aid of our Mail Course our Home Study Department would not be enjoying Its present large patronage. We do not know any belter log'.c than that! Home study Is the very essence of successful advancement. It Indicates a dispo sition for aelf-advancoment and emphasises an Innate Industry that marks the suc cessful men and women the world over. It proves the ability If he or she pursue It to hold on with tenacity of purpose without being held to his or her work by the Inspiration of those around. If you cannot take a residence course at Boyles' College you cannot for the life of you think of any good reason why you should not pursue a course In the Home Study Department. Such a course Is the very eofenoe of economy and Investment. It multiplies your abilities, Increases your capacity and husbands your time. Send for catalogue. ' H. B. BOYLES, BOYLES COLLEGE, OMAHA, NEB. SOLICITORS wanted, two high grd, for Iowa and Nebraenu. $150 to 1-10; no books or Insurance; pcrmam i t; references ro 'lulietl. i3o Como Lldg., Chicago. B-27T30X SALESMEN for Nebraska to sell domestla hosiery on cominisslou to retail trade. Write stating reference, experience, New York oltlce Home Hosiery Co., 47 Leonard SL B-271 30x WANTED, men to learn barber trads Few weeks completes by our method. Cin earn expenses before comp.eling: J16 weekly paid graduate. Special inai ments nt presen'. Call or write, nt oiie-. Moler Barber College, 130J Douglas street. B M3Kov4x WANTED, a number of energetic school boys between 14 and 20 years of age In Omaha und other cities who would like to earn considerable money after school hours Write at once for particulars, stating age. A. B. Lovan, Springlleld, Missouri. B 2o3 30x MANAGED wanted; every section, to ap point a;;ents for new scientific game, re placing forbidden slot machines in public places, evades law everywhere, played with nickel, finish beautiful, like cash register, rented or sold on easy pay ments, samplo sent on thirty days' free trial. ProvoBillon will please you If we still have an opening In your section. Independent Cash Register Co., Depart ment 67, Chicago, 111. B 268 30x AGENTS and managers wanted every where; exclusive territory. "One dollar a year protects you." We Issue more ac cident and sickness policies than any other similar company In the world, be cause we Issue the moat popular and cheapest Insurance written; new plan; SI a year pays for $500 policy; no assess ments or dues; other amounts In propor tion. Death benefit weekly Indemnity; specific Indemnity for loss of limbs or eyesight; free medical attendance; many other original and popular features. Is sued to either sex without regard to na tionality, color or occupation. All claims promptly and liberally settled; Insurance assets SfiOO.OOO. Reliable representatives wanted ever) where; good territory still open; liberal, permanent contract to cap able agen'.s; previous .experience not neceswiry. International Company, 231 Broadway New York. B 197 30x WANTED, traveling men to sell druggists' labels and boxes as a side line on com mission; state experience, territory and references. The Bates Label company. New York Life. Building,, Minnf B-2O0 80X DETECTIVES Shrewd men needed every where; write training department United States Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B 207 30x ENERGETIC workers everywhere to dis tribute circulars, samples and advertising matter. Good puy. No canvassing. Co operative Advertising Co., New York. B 188 30x EXPERIENCED SALESMAN OR PHYSI CIAN NOT PRACTICING TO SELL TO DOCTORS ESTABLISHED TRADE. PERMANENT. REMUNERATIVE. P. O. BOX 868, PHILADELPHIA. B-191 30x WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, ' tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., 1U0 Oakland Bank building, Chlcag i. 111. B M12 Sox MANAGERS WANTED A manager In each locality; must be bright, energetic and up-to-date hustler. Big money in It for the right person; no capital required. Address P. O. box 86, Peoria, ill. B M125 4x WANTED By a responsible Duslneaa house, men to travel In the country; pre fer those with team; no investment re quired; pay averages $60.00 to $100.00 a month and expenses; give previous ex perience and references. Address E 22, Bee office. B Mill 31 x CIVIL service examinations will be held In several places in each state. Informa tion ard questions used by the govern ment free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. 3 WANTED A large manufacturing con cern about to open distributing depot la this section desires services of respon sible man to take management; salury $1,600 per annum and commissions. Ap plicant must furnlBh flrst-clais refer ences and $HX to $1,600 cash; merchandise furnished. Address Manufacturer, car Nelson-Chesman Co., Chicago, 111. B WANTED Cathollo Installment agents for entirely new plan In country territory; never worked before; get out of old rut. F. J. Caaey, 834 Dearborn at, Chicago, 11L B WANTED Truing man to become a corre spondence clerk. Will qualify you In your own home. Big salary. Addreas E C, this office. B WANTED By tailor for the trade house, energetic, capable men for the road to open up new accounts, establish agencies and give sales. Address, giving refer ence, experience and salary expected, Carl Joseph & Co., 18 Fifth Ave., Chi cago, III. "Makers of the clothes thut satisfy." B-234 SOx WANTED 10 men In each state to travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods; salary, $o0 per month; S3 per day for expenses. Kuhl man Co., Dept. B 24, Atlas block, Chicago, B 231 Sox PERSON to travel for well established house In a few counties, calling on re tail merchants. Local territory. Salary S&.OO per week; expense money ad vu need. American Manufacturers, Star Bldg., Chi cago. B 241 SOx $20 00 and expenses paid weekly to a relia ble man to travel and collect In Nebraaku. Expei lence not neceasury. Self-addresaed envelope for reply. Addreas Dept L. 62 Dearborn St., Chicago. B 239 SOx ENERGETIC men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute aamplea, .etc.; per manent position; good pay. ' American L'nlou, Ponllao building, Chicago. B-347 SOx TRUSTWORTHY peraon. each dlatrlct, to superintend bualneaa for wholesale house; $30 paid weekly and expeiiaea; expenae money advanced; poaltion l eimanent, re vloua experience not eaaential. Mnnager, 830 Como Bldg., Chicago. B 21S 3ux WANTED Office man for manufacturing company; salary and commlsfun will net M.ouo a yexr; t3 cash and reterencea re quired Addreas Mgr. Hughes, SNl-Shj Wa bash, Chicago. B 225 SOx WANTED Oocd Intelligent sollrltor to sell dividend paying mining stock; good sal ary and commission to cuptLlu man; yearly contract; references. R 1. Rob. ulou Co., Los Angeles. Cal. U 216 Sox WANTED MALE HELP WANTED, flrst-clas Jewelers; good wages and steady employment. Apply Meyer Jewelry Co., lOld Main St., Kansas City, Mo. B M275 U WANTED FEMALE HELP SO GIRLS; Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. O Ul EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wajaA, fcaiautf, 1b2v r anwm. C-uu4 WANTED Experienced cloak and suit saleswoman; none other need apply. People's Store, 3d floor. C Mvul WANTED, a cook. Mrs. Joseph Barker, low Bouih 8th street. C fts Sux WANTED Young lady with taste tor art to learn book and magazine Illustrating. Address, E. C, Bee. C WANTED Young lady to take private les sons In stenography; line chunce. Ad dress E. C, tills orhce. & LADIES, $30 thousand copying letters at home. No mailing to friends; stamped envelope for particulars. Crescent Medi cine Co., Dept. 262, Mishawaka, ind. C 20D SOx A LADY agent for rapid selling article; sells at slgtit; big profits: for free sample and particulars address Marietta Stanley Co., 1 4th St., Grand Rapids, Mich. C 210 30x LADIES' $7 to $10 weekly earned doing plain sewing at home; material sent free everywhere prepaid; stamped addressed envelope brings particulars. Union Com pany, 1215 fnbert Street, PnlUdelpnla, Pa. C 1W 30x WOMEN to sew at home; $9 per week; ma terials aent everywhere free; steady work; pialn sewing only. Send addressed en velope for full particulars. S. E. M. Du Pont, Philadelphia. Pa. C 195 30x MARRIAGE paper, 20 pages, 10c, sealed: 4,000 members; many wealthy; established 1896; Incorporated 1903. R. L. Love, LMn ver, Colo. U 192 Sox WANTED Lady for census work and dis tributing sample magazines: steudy em ployment (home work); salary, $16.00 weegiy. Address a. tu. Bprague, Mgr., 270 Wabash Ave., Chicago. C 232 Sox LADIES having fancy work to sell, em broideries, Battenberg, drawnwork. Also to do order work. Stamped envelope. Ladles' Exchange, 34 Monroe, Chicago. C 23S SOx LADIES $30 thousand copying letters; no mailing to friends or furnishing addresses; stamped envelope particulars. Gem Art Co , Dept. 129. Chicago. C 249 30X LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stumped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe si., Chicago. C-216 30X WANTED Dining room girl, $16 per month, board and lodging. Address Commercial Hotel, McCook, Neb. C M274 Nvl LAD1E3 to do plain sewing at home on collars; nothing to buy; material sent free. Send addressed envelope. National Mfg. Co., 260 West 116th St., N. Y. C 264 30X LADIES, we teach halrdreselng, manicur ing or facial massage In few weeks by our method. Busy season now. Positions waiting; $10 to $16 weekly paid graduates. Diplomas granted. Call or write, Molcr College, 1302 Douglas street. C M254 N4x WANTED stenographers. You can earn (during your spare time) extra money without affecting your present position. The most liberal offer ever made. In an swering ask for our Holiday special offer. Pilot Ribbon & Carbon Co., Inc., Roches ter, N. Y. C-186 30x WANTED Quick, good looking, well formed lady to travel with dramatic Co. and play parts; one who can play piano, sing or dance given preference Call at purlor Merchants- hotel Omaha, between 1:30 and 2:30 p. m. Monday, Oct. 81, or ad dress, with photo, M. H. Curts, Omaha, general delivery. C 466 SOx WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Apply at once at 620 S. 27th st. C 600 30X SALESMEN WANTED EXPERIENCED cigar salesman to repre sent large New York factory locally; gjod opportunity for right party. Spear Bros., 79 Fourth aye.. New York. Ml36 3ux WANTED Salesman to (ell lubricating oils, greases, etc., one having some trade preferred; territory to suit salesman. Ad dress box 87, Station B, Cleveland, Ohio. M127 Sox WANTED Man or woman for special World's fair trip. Expenses advanced and $90.00 paid for services. Permanent employment at liberal salary If desired. Write at once, 6th floor, 204 Olive at.. St. Louis. Mo. M 998 SOx SALESMEN, to carry our line of ciders and soft drinks as side line; liberal com missions. Fremont Cider Co., Fremont, Neb. SALESMEN for automatlo copying books, bill registers and many other special.iia. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind. SALESMEN wanted; easy aide line; hotel and cigar money; no aamplea; consigned deal. American Chewing Gum Co., St. Louis, Mo. 202 SOx CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions with advance of $100 monthly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jeas H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 199 SOx HIGH-CLASS experienced salesman to sell established line to retail trade. Liberal pay to right man and running expense account. E. M. Arthur Co., Deiroit, Mich. 3uS SOx ACTIVE traveling salesmen. Good men are now earning three thousand dollars annu ally In commissions. Best side line of fered. D. T. Weir White Lead Co.. St. Louis, Mo. 127 SOx WANTED, experienced traveling sal-eman to visit the grocery trade. Addresa with rrferencea, giving age and experience, K.dw. Weetcu Tea Spice Co., St. Louts. Mo. 464 Sux WHY LET YOUR ROOM STAY VACANT? Every Day is a Loss of Money When a Little Want-Ad Will Rent It. SALESMEN WANTED New Classes Nov. 1 at the Omaha Commercial College In All Departments. POINTS. 1. Largest commercial school In Nebraska and best equipped. 2. Best courses of study and best posi tions for graduates. 1 Has lecture course, literary society, board of trade, college band and orchestra, gymnasium and foot and basket ball. All these are free to students.. 4. Has best business, telegraph and short hand courses. 5. Students given places to work for board. 6. Day and night sessions. 7. New catalogue free to any address, also query book of great Interest. Address: ROHRBOUGH BROS., 17th and Douglas. -B SKILFUL scheme salesman wanted; re tailer wins out and is pleased; road -position; notmng equal to It; $-U0 per week can be maue; can be used as a very profitable side line; samples light and furnished on references; correspondence conndeutlal. Address 211 Dickey Hidg., Chicago. 211 SOx EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen; new Cleveland Jobbing house with large capi tal wishes to increase Us corps of sales men November 1; high commission, with $36 weekly. W. S. Merle & Co , 90-96 Prospect St., Cleveland, Ohio. 193 Sux WANTED-Salesman to sell line of high grade overalls on commissison; only those with established trade need apply. Stan dard Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. 233 30 WANTED Salesmen; every bank and busi ness house knows us; our goods are sal able; we can employ a few more men on our well known map of the U. S. and World; large scale; clearly engraved; beautifully colored; frequently sells at sight; new plan of work of great help in getting orders; many of our salesmen averaging from $18 to $40 per week; no experience necessary; permanent employ ment. Write for full Information. Hand. McNally & Co., Chicago, 111. Z36 30 SALESMEU John Sexton & Co.. Importers of teas and coffees and wholesale grocer), 16 to 22 State St., Chicago, want ex perienced, honest, energetic high grade men to sell farmers and other large buy ers. Wo are the largest grocery house In America engaged in the business and tho originators of honest and modern meth ods of conducting It. We handle the finest goods and guarantee quality and quantity of every article; no capital re quired; exclusive territory given, In each an established trade insures fine Income. We are farmers' headquarters in Chicago. 236 30X WANTED-By old established house, ex perienced traveling salesman for Ne braska; good pay and permanent position to right man. Drawer !'S," Chicago. 270 80x WANTED, first-class specialty salesman to sell attractive proposition to general trade; commission of one man for one mouth over $750. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 243 30x WANTED, experienced patent medloine salestran; good paying line; salary or com mission. ' State age. experience and ref erences. Box 656, Chicago, 248 SOx EXPERIENCED calendar salesman for 1905 to carry best combined line calendars and novelties before public; making contracts now; only successful men need apply with full particulars about themselves. Spots wood Specialty Co., Lexington, Ky. 221 30x WANTED By manufacturer of perfumes, toilet articles and flavoring extracts, a traveling salesman to All vacancy In Ne braska; permanent position at good pay to right man. Address E 21, Bee. 223 SOx SALESMAN Hustler, experienced, to sell stock of Industrial enterprise; stock guar anteed by trust company bonds; good proposition to right party. J. F. Rhodes, 401 Ashland block. Chicago. 282 SOx WANTED Two flrst-class salesmen to sell Moneywelght Scales In Wisconsin terri tory Must be enthusiastic and hard workers. Address L. E. Roberts, Mgr. Money weight Scale Co. Cor. 1st v. nd 6th St.. Minneapolis, Minn. M298 30 WANTED Active salesman; must be a hustler. Hicks Real Estate company. 439 Board of Trade Bldg. 493 SOx AGENTS WANTED LADY agents making less than $26 weekly should write for catalogue and terms; we start you In business uhd make you In dependent; outfit prepaid. Women's Ap parel Supply Co., Chicago. J 278 SOx WOMEN agents wanted; grand opportun ity for women, girls and children to make Christmas pin money; our little novelty a necessity, both convenient and ornamental for ladies; large profits; sells on sight; complete outfit, $2; write today. The Multl Fastener Co., 631 Elllcott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. J 266 SOx WANTED, one lady in every town to sell silverware. Pleasant, permanent work; good pay: elegant samples free. Quaker Valley Mfg. Co., Station C, Chicago. J 188 SOx AGENT8, $75 per month and expenses to sell advertising signs to merchants and manufacturers. St. Louis Sign Co., St Louts, Mo. J OUR NEW HOME ENTERPRISE BARNS $15 to $25 weekly anywhere; no canvassing; eather sex; easy money. For full details address C. M. Coen, Normal, 111. J-285 SOx SEE the bones In your Angers with the new World's Fair X-ray toy; cheap too, only 26 cents. National Supply House. St. Louis. . J 466 SOx WANTED Soap crew managers on road, $200. Parker Chemical Co.. Chicago. J-224 SOx I FEEL like a millionaire, writes one agent; commission and expenaes paid. Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton, Ia. J-22S SOx AGENTS Gold plated watch and chain $1 . catalogue free. Continental Watch Co., 146 E. 23d St., New York. J 283 30x AGENTS make 'S3 to $10 a day fitting glasses. Big profits. Our 24-page FREE EYE BOOK tells how. Write today. . Jackaonlan OpUcal College, College Place, Jackson, Mich. J 262 SOx AGENTS $60 a week guaranteed. Auto matlo washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women; took ten orders." Time, 46 minutes. Profit, over $60. Guaranteed to do a washing In 80 minutes; furnishes its own power; re quires no labor; costs less than any other machine; free samples and exclusive ter rltoi y furnished. Automatlo Washer Co., station U. Chicago. J 269 SOx LADY AGENTS A chance to make money, and plenty of It, Is what Mme. Yale, the celebrated beauty specialist, Is offering women of good address; opportunity for traveling or home work, ss preferred; many are making $50 and upward weekly. For partlculara address MME. YALE. Flattron Building. Broadway and Twenty-third st. New York City J- AGENTS WANTED NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE A. C. Ong. A. M , LL. B.. Pre : A. J. Lowry, Prln. Cor. 17th and Harney St. GREGG SHORTHAND That Gregg shorthand has possibilities of peed and accuracy beyond any other sys tem ever devised is evluenced ty wnat some of our graduates are doing who were in school only a year ago. Miss Peterson Is now doing court reporting work In Wulu Walla, Washington; Mr. Currie Is sten ographer and private secretary to Con gressman Klnkaid, Washington. D. C, and three other graduates are now private sec retaries to the presidents of classical col leges, where they are paying tnelr way through a four and six years' classical course by doing the stenographic work of the college office. What Greng shorthand and our thorough training has done for them can be done for you. Don't forget there Is a vast DIFFERENCE In sys tems of shorthand and a vast DIFFER ENCE In sib join. FOR VeRY GUUi.) REASONS the N. B. C. Is the only school In Omaha that Is making a specially of this system. POSITIONS FOR OUR GRADUATES The all absorbing question with the Student who Is about to enter school is, " Vv nl i be assisted to a position after com pleting my course?" Tne aciiool mat has the reputation of doing thorough, ArM class work has little difficulty in placing its graduates. Business men soon find out the school they can call on lor skillfully trained help. Among those who recently took positions are the following: l Mr. Cajacob, with Karbach & Sons. Air. Reeves, with National Biscuit Co. Mr. Hilts, with Squire & Annis. Mr. Rudd, with Payne lnv. Co. Mr. Cauoie, with Orchard & Vilhelm. Mr. bimmons, with Chicago 6l l. W. R. R. Mr. Davis, witn ue.nocrauc Headquarters. Miss Jewell, with Ally. L. H. Bradley. Miss Noel, with Oliver Typewriter CO. Alias Dennis, with So. Omaiia, exchange. The above record Is conclusive evidence of what we are doing for our graduates. Don't forget, eveiy student who enters for a full term Is given a year's member ship In the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. without extra expense. No such ofter was ever made betore by any Institution. Write, call or 'phone for catalogue. B EXPERIENCED lady canvassers. Apply after 4 p. m. 603 Bee. J M13j ol AGENTS wanted who are looking for an article of merit that will sell. We manu facture a fountain pen retailing at 10c. You can easily make from $3 to 85 a day. We are not offering free sample, but re quire 10c for one. Money returned If not satisfactory. Send for It today. Econ omy Fountain Pen Co., 148-0-17 State st,, Chicago. J- WANTED Portrait agents; Immense money making side line. Hancock Nov elty Company, Pept. 7, Chicago. J AGENTS WANTED It this catches the eye of a live, ambitious party who desires to earn a handsome Income, Wilte us for our money-making proposition, selling stereoscopic photographs. Our agents are positively making from $1 to $15 abovo expenses. Our latest production St. Louis exposition and the Russian Japanese war views. GRIFFITH & GRIFFITH, 208 Abel Building, Culcago, 111. J- AGENTS WANTED, to sell our $1 bottle Sarsaparllla for 35c; best seller; 200 per cent profit; write today for terms and ter ritory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake Street, Chicago. J WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mrg. Co., Dept. 64, Parsons, Kan. J BIG MONEY In squabs; tney sell for $2 to $6 a dozen: cheaply raised In only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 289 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. J-- OUR PLAN for starting beginners in profit able Mall-Order Business Is very success-full.- We are- pioneers in this field.- Some we started three months ago receive 100 letters dally and are making big money. Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup ply Co., Kansas City, Mo. J WANTED, lady or gentleman to sell our 7 bars In box toilet soap proposition. One young lady made $4.60 In 4 hours. Write. Sample free with terms. Buchanan Chemical Co., Hastings, Neb. J-189 SOx $75 WEEKLY and expenses easily made writing life, health and accident insur- - ance; experience unnecessary. Write Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis, Mo. J-213 30 WANTED, agents and solicitors to repre sent largest sick and accident society In th9 country; big commission; easiest sell ing policy in the world. American Be nevolent Association, St. Louis, Mo. J-226 30x AGENTS can sell our Christmas goods in every home. No cash or experience neces sary. Write for free outnt. Ulft A Co., Chicago. J 208 SOx WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG MAN desires place to work for board while going to school: experienced. Boyles' College. 1984. A 963 WANTED Position In some good market by A-l meat cutter; steady place desl.ed. Write Ed H. Fletcher, Shenandoah, Ia. A M956 30x WANTED Experienced farmer and stock man, with family, wants position as man ager or foreman on farm. Address E 86, Bee. A 495 SOx WANTED, position by experienced sten ographer; references furnished. Add-est E 27. Bee. A-168 Six WANTED, position by registered pharma cist; experienced; capabie of managing store. Best references. Address E 20, Bee. A 206 SOx WANTED By young woman with child three years old, place to work for their board. E 40, care Bee. A 601 lx WANTED To do plain sewing by the day. Address 1106 South 27th St A-M279 Six WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 8031 N-126 CASH for your horses. Melchotr's Livery barn. N-127 1 WANTED, two or three pool tables. Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs. N-M936 30 WANTED A furnished cottage for the winter; two In family. . Address E 28. Bee. N-176 SOx A YOUNG fox terrier or cocker spaniel; must be cheap; no full blooded dog re quired. Addresa E 31, Bee. N M317 lx WANTED, about 80 acres within 25 miles of Omaha; not bottom land; shade. frut, phone. R. F, D. A. T. Beybolt, Broken Bow, Neb. N 265 Sux WILL PAY up to $4,000 for a 7 or 8-room modern house In Hunsccm Park district; must be snap. Address E 30, Bee. N-M295 S PRINTING LTNGRTAD A RUFFNER. PDIMTCC CCrounae Block, Corner of rtIil 1 CtOititb uu and Capitol Ave. -118 KRAMER CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS, 1106-08 Douglas st Te de liver work when proinieod Is our hobby, 180 PRINTING Not how cheap, but how good, la our motto. Great Weaiern Printing Co.. 1618 Chicago. 'Phone SS31. -183 J. M. 8IRPLE88. reliable printer; estab lished U years. 203 8. IStn-st., Omaha. . -Ul FOR RENTFURNISHED ROOMS P.OTAL HOTEL. European, 16th & Chicago. E-n DEWET, European hotel. 13th' and Farnam. E 111 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; Ane room. ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights K-11J NICE comfortable room tor one or two gentlemen; very reasonable; modern 144 N. 17th. K-M314 LARGE well furnished nlcove room for light housekeeping. 16J3 Douglas. E-MS37 NICELY fumlshpd rooms, with nil modern conveniences. 'Phone 40l;. Nurses or gentlemen preferred. JB1 Jones st. MIDLAND hotel, 10th and Chicago; steam heated; medium price; cafe In connection. E MjSo 1712 DAVENPORT, front room for two gen tlemen. E- Ml"7 2"x 1S16 DODGE, parlor suitable for four. E Ml"6 Six 407 NO. 14, well furnished: everything mod ern. E Mluo 3ox TWO rooms for light housi keeping; 1 par lor. 1711 Dodge. K M104 3ux :013 HARNEY', steam-heated rooms for 4. E-M14I 31 2576 HARNEY", double room, modern: for 4. E M142 31 25S4 HARNEY. desirable front room; strictly modern. E M141 31 FURNISHED or unfurnished: modern. 3308 Sherman ave. E MHO 30 WELL furnished room for winter. 23S0 Harney. E 117 3x ELEGANT furnished room; gas, bath. heat. 702 S. 17th street. E 156 3ux FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for rent at 816 S. 18th st. E 100 30 FOR RENT Furnished room, all modern furnace and electric light; private fam ily; gentleman preferred; reference. 1921 St. Mary's Ave. IS M2S7 31x THREE Phosant. onrtlv furnished rooms modern; can he arranged for housekeep ing; references required. 2701 Woolworth ave. E 291 30x NICELY furnished rooms, all front view, 2d lloor. 1810 St. Mary's ave. E-M310 1 YES, wo sell on payment nt rpeulnf cash prices; the largest stock In Omr.ha; $2'i worth, $1 per week; $.0 worth, $1.50 per wee a. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO. Bet. 12th and 13th on Farnam St. . E-163 30 2 OR 3 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms ror ugnt nouseKeeping or roomers, new and modern; furnace heat; private fam ily, t'lione A11I5. 1414 N. 23d st.. S'uith Omaha. E M438 31 x LARGE front room with alcove; also two single rooms; everything strictly modern walking distance. Tel. A-2282, 616 8. 22d. E 443 30 J10 HERE will go farther than $15 at the Installment stores, and We sell on ensy pnymentH, too; $25 worth, $1 per week; 150 worth. $1.C0 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam. E A VERY' nlco, comfortable room, suitable for one or two gentlemen: all conven iences; close in. 114 S. 19th. E 4S6 30x VERY' desirable furnished front room; pri vate family: gentleman preferred; refer ences. 1717 Webster st . E M400 31x LARGE room, with bath and heat 1913 St. Mary's ave. E 489 30 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M 1 E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. .; ,- . . , F-120 THURSTON HOTEL: steam heated rooms, 11.60 to SiOO per week; board, $3.50. . F-121 VICINITY of' high school, modern, south front rooms. Including board, $5 per week. 2406 Cass. 'Phone A-2S9S. . " F-123 MIDLAND hotel, 16th and Chicago; steam heated rooms, with or without board. ... . .. F-M581 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; large south front room, good board, rates reasonable. F-871 Six THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge St. TeL 85. Family hotel. F-M453 609 S. 25th ave., pleasant roon; good board; private family. F60J SUITE of elegsrt all modern, well fur nished large fr.nt rooms; convenient for two or throe refined gentlemen. 2034 N. 19th. F-M47 LARGE east front room, with grate; Ane location. 820 S. 21st st F 9i3 LARGE south, room; everything modern. 222S Dodge. F M109 30 1811 CAP. ave., $4 and up; modern F M108 30 NICE rooms, home cooking; modern. 220S Harney. F-M140 Six 2217 HOWARD, furnished rooms, modern. Tel. 4097. F-M139 81x BOARD In private family for one or two gentlemen; modern conveniences. 2629 Seward street F-119 SOx NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable for two, $4.60 per week. 606 S. 21st ave. F 120 SOX FOR RENT A pleasant room and excel lent board with private family for a re fined gentleman and wife: superior ac commodations. Address E 25. Bee. F 289 30X 626 8. 19TH, rooms and board; modern. F M441 IX FURNISHED rooms with board; modern; steam heat 2215 Farnam. F M499 31 X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms; new, modern house. Call 220 N. 26th street. G-891 FOR RENT, unfurnished rooms, single and ensulte, In St. Mary's bldg., 7th and St. Mary's ave. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1614 Far nam at. G-M146 81 22S7 HARNEY, three unfurnished front rooms, modern. G M143 SI 4 OR S unfurnished rooms. 624 South 26th ave. u 9 J aux 3 UNFURNISHED rooms for light house keeping; modern except furnace. 26iM N. 19th Ave. G 306 SOx (24 8. 20TH, S unfurnished; no children. G-M439 IX THREE unfurnished rooms, housekeeping; reasonable to desirable parties; walking dlstanee; modern except heat. Addresa E 33, Bee. G 318 SOx WE furnish your unfurnished rooms; the largest stock In Omaha, Terms: $25 worth, $1 per week: worth. $1.60 week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Bel. mn ana utii on f ariuun bt G 169 30 FOR 8ALE Typewriter, Smith Freml"r No. 2; good as new; for sale cheap. El Johnston, 'Phone 387, South Omaha. y 446 30x 619 8. 20TH. 2 or S furnished or unfurnished front parlors with large closets, on first floor. Everything modern. Tel. F-27!'7. G-442 30 WANTED TO RENT WR can rent your rooms and houses. Room S. N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Glover A Hon. K-Mit.9 MARRIED couple, without children, desire rooms and board In strictly flrst-class private famllv near business center Ad dress H 39, Bee. K 491 30x LOST. LOST Lady's gold watch and chain; Elgin make; In toilet room at Union depot; $." reward for return to Bee office. Lost 171 SOx FAWN colored Jereey row, t years old; reward. Telephone F2235. Geo. Q. Carey, 1316 So. Sid at. Lost 467 $ ix LOST Wednesday plght. lady'a gold watch; reward for return to 222 Psxton block. liOit-488 SO PERSONAL DR. ROY, C ni re pod y. R. S at a, lSOCFarnana V IS MAHMPriP'restment baths Mma. JVlAvJlN C I 11 Smitu, 118 N. 16. 1 fl. R. WEALTHY. attractive, unencumbered wivlow. sincere and generous, being l.mely, feels need of congenial companionship and htu-hitml. Particulars fre. Mrs. Cole. 1714 Chestnut, Room 309. Philadel phia. Pa. U 187 SOX THY KELLEY'8 lAUDNrtYT-pHONB S63 U-140 TRUSSES mads and fitted to men, womtl and children. I40n Fnrnnm st. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. u-m I.ETOVSKY S orchestra. Telephone LWV f - Aiit.'i ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLbA I IN(, RUCHING, bUlIONS. Send fur Price List nnd Samples. 1Mb GOLDMAN PLbA I ING CO., 200 Douglas block. TeL 1936 U-14S PKNNELL Millinery Co., new location. Ill So. lth st, uppositu old postotnVe. 1 VIU!11 V51 SECOND - HAND TYPEWRITERS These machines have all been thoroughly overhauled and put In first-class condition, and are bargains for the money; YOST $10.00 CAL1GRAPH 10.09 No. 6 BLICKENSDERFER 15.00 No. 2 REMINGTON 20.00 No. 1 SMITH PREMIER 26.00 No. 1 DENSMORE 60.00 , No. 6 REMINGTON 42.00 No. 7 REMINGTON 60.00 , No. 2 SMITH PREMIER 66.00 , No. 2 OLIVER.... 46.00 , No. S OLIVER.... 66.00 , No. 2 OLIVER 60 00 , No. 4 UNDERWOOD 70.00 , No. 6 REMINGTON 76.00 No. 2 SMITH PREMIER 66.00 , Nebraska Cycle Co., GEO. K. MICKEL, Manager. Corner 16th and Harney. Tel. 1663. U- "VIAVL" way to health, S60 Bee Bldg. U-1U TUB, vapor aud alcohol hatha. 720 8. 13th. U-148 DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; ire test eyes free foe glasses und guarantee satisfaction. Trill 11. J. PKNFOLD CO.. Leading Opticians, 1408 Far Dim. U-IM DRAWING and PAINTING from life. Mr. Case's Art Class; studio 4, Union block, la'.h and Farnam. U 14 WE DO expert piano moving; lowest rates. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tele phone ltUs. U 558 NS HhlLBRONN SANITARIUM, SOUTH OMAHA, NEb Magnesia Mineral Waters for rheumatism, blood diseases, constipation, kidney dis ease, etc. Saline and Turkish baths. Ad dress H. J. Aberly, Medical Director. U-157 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Raroga Blk. U HI LARSON St JOHNSON, cut rates to all points. 1106 Farnam. Tel B2113. Mem be" American Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. U-141 COOK wants special work for parties or families out of help; flrst-class city reter encea. 3413 Jackson; 'phone L-ll'Xa. U-M135 N28 USE Blanchard's Eczema Lotion on skin diseases. All druggists, or address Bruce & Co., wholesale drug house, Omaha. U M603 N19x ART STUDIO IK rs. Llvlngton, 318 N. 23d fe - U M797 NIB OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO., Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. Tel. A2662. 2210 Cuming. Established mi. . . U 'PHONE 701 and a man will cah and tuna your piano; $2. Perlield Pluno Co., 16U Farnam. U M10! Wanted The Deaf to Hear Free tests of instruments for the deaf. Hutchiuon Acoustic Co., 618 N. Y. Life Bldg. U-933 N26 NURSES' COLLEGE, Pueblo, Colo.; fourth year: unequalled; diplomas; massuge taught; opens Dec L U M103 N27x ACTORS, male, female, amateurs, profes sionals, good salaries and positions for beginners. Ohio Uramutic Co., Box 227, Cincinnati, O. C 217 SOx HANDSOME, jolly bachelor has $50,000 and busy making more; wants nice sensible wife. Curran, 112 Wabash Ave., Chicago. U-216 3ux PROFESSIONAL man, fine practice and Immensely wealthy, desires immediately aeserving, industrious wire. Address Mr. Brown, 86 Hudson Ave., Chicago, lit. u ; 220 30x MARRY wealth and beauty; morrlago di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. liorton, Dept. 29, Tekonshu, Mich. U-216 SOx WIDOW, intelligent, pretty and worth $3'i,000 wants to marry good, honest man. No agency. Address Mason, Ohio blook, Chloago. U 244 30x ATTRACTIVE maiden, wealthy, wants al once kind husband for companion and re lieve her of business worries. No objec tion to honorable poor man. Addresa Bessey, Ogden ave., cor. Robey, Chicago. U-240 SOx ROYALTY paid on song poems and musi cal compositions; we arrange ana popu larize; particulars free. loneer Pub. Co.. 770 Baltimore BIcJk.. Chicago. 111. U-22S SOx PIANO FOR SALE Upright, slightly used. $126; Weber. Perlield Piano company. 1611 Farnam. Piano tuning, $2.00, Telephone 701. U-178 80 PIANO Story & Clark, high grade, bar gain. Perneld Piano company, 1611 Far nam. Omaha. ., U 179 SO WHY pay S prices at Installment stores when you can get better goods for less money here? We sell on payments; $25.00 worth, $1.00 per week; $60.00 worth, $1.60 er week. AHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO Between 12th and 13th on Farnam. U- 8UPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanantly remover by electricity; con sultation free anil confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Ufa. U 464 S"x CLAIRVOYANTS YOUR affairs of the heart, home or busi ness cun be changed, particulars 10c and stamp. Prof. J. Bwotra, Box 1314 Jollet, IU. S-201 SOx YOUR fortune told by the most reliable clairvoyants. Send birth date, dime and stamp. Prof. Carl & Hollln, 490 N. Clark St., Chicago. 8211 SOx WONDERFUL TRIAL READING; THE only dead trance medium In the world; those In trouble from any cause, his help Is priceless: send 10 cents, 2-cent stamp", date of birth, own handwriting. DR. Jo. SEPH LESTER. 897 Main stroot, Du buque, la. Mention this paper. S-MSMrtx MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY tjl KKN Or CLA1KVOYANTB; everything told, past, present and future: satisfaction or no pay; also a wonderful magnetic healer. 807 N. 18th st. B 491 SOx FLORISTS HES8 & 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 18 CHA8. EDERER. Tel. 179-5. Reasonable. SO BrlatoL L. HENDERSON, 161t Farnam. Bend for price list of cut flowers and, plants. IU ALFRED DONAGHUE, JR., IW Farnam. Tel. U3.