in TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE; THURSDAY, ftCTOfiER 57, 1904. W fie- -r J h i I Men's Sample i . LoJcrwear Sal 5tHrday. JO IsiIwZm Rlf'l Sisielf Ls f(lf Sams ay Ladies' Fall Goat Bargains THE STYLISH NEW SHORT COATS Heavy Kersey Coat with new Butcher backs, belt, cuffs and Btitched collar, velvet piped, heavy twilled lining, colors are blacks, browns, cas- J no M 8 tor and navy, at. Good heavy kersey coat with rtew stitched Norfolk straps belted backs, etc. cbarining novelty coats at. B y ic 1 kyx 6.98 A stunning new short coat with new Norfolk pleats, back belt and epaulet tabs all stitched and piped with velvet splendid bargain Cg LONQ TOURIST COATS AT $12.50 The long stylish coats for fall and winter, in novelty cloths," new coat ueri, new collars, very popular and stylitk, (U STYLISH WALKINQ SKIRT Pleated and kilted effects llht and dark mixtures aud the smart 12.50 plain cloths right weight lor winter at.. 2.98 Two Fur Specials Fox Scarf With two InrR-e brush tails in Isabella 7 Qfi Sable Fox, at J,VO Double Canadian 'Mar ' ten Sarf cards and or naments eiht large t AO talls-at O.JO Fall & Winter Tailored Suits A suit that Is made In the latest styie, tourist coat effect, Dlrec- mire, etc. newest mannlph mix- lures neatly trimmed a swell suit at Very high class suit for dress and stylish street wear new strap trimmed many suits f Q E f sizirz Io.jU tuiur-il mi 12.50 Extra Millinery Sale $2 and $3 Street Hats at 98c A special lot of handsome street hats made stylishly of materials that are right up to date jauntily trimmed a score of Btyles iu new col orsthese hats would sell i& little earlier in the sea son at $2 & 1 3 today Special Millinery Offer at $2.50. Our pretty trimmed and street hats, in the round Frftnnh a&llor alulae, tha rta jr "anvAtrtiut'' efTeota, the turbans, eta very prettily fashioned the popular feather trim mings, aotuall worth up to 17.60, at .... or BARGAIN SQUARE Ladies9 Fancy Slippers On Main Floor Bargain Square just as you enter the door Fully six hundred pairs fancy slippers, for house wear, in Ilk, satin, felt, beaver and kid skin plain and fancy Jur trimmed hand sewed flexible soles worth up to 12.50 go at UUJ J JUDb 98c Ladies' Underwear Specials You need warmer underwear for the chilly days and nights to come. Thousands of suits, in wool, part wool and fine fleecy cotton very well )C 'ZClU QA J -JJ M" U a to made, nicely fitting Ladle' Union Sultt in part wool and fleece lined cotton, at 49c69c98c BIQ SALE OF TWO GISAMTIC CLOTHINQ STOCKS Man's overcoat and suits from the great wholesale and retail stock pur chase of Chicago and New York-the greatest sale of men'a clothea ever known In. Omaha big bargains for ny rrutn who needs a suit. J. L.' BRANDEIS & SONS,, BOSTON STORE. pr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM DBNTIST Tetb Extracted With out Palo. lU latfateve VOC Bp CnwM.. ......IU0 op rlage Wet..- i50 up lata. ...... 42X0 up , ,i ; FourtMfi Yttrs Ka ma LAAatlna 'PHONE 1756 Tba moat sensttlr) oarrce removed with out pain. Loos teeth mad olid. Wrtttca OuaranU. Wo do Glazing. 'Phono our Paint Dep't ' 3425. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. 1416 Haney. Our Drug. Prices Warner's Safe Cure.. plnkham's compound a a b Sulphur Bitters. force's Prescription Maine's Celery Compound . Newton's Sarsaparllla Llqposooe Crystal Toalc. bilk's Knulalon..,-. Psai's Uasoented Soap.... Rubtfoara Herptelde.' ...,.,....,. Caetorta , Byrup of Figs Oemaa KJmmet Bitters.,,. Orahatu's Tonic...;...,...,-. .T9c ..7o ..79c ..7c ,.79o ..790 ..too ..43a ,.79o ..tOo ..12e ..20c ..79o ..r;o ..43o ..75o ..T&o Boys' Foot Ball t Sweaters and Stockings They are our Ions; suite. We make you any atyle or color you wish. Bend us your order early. We carry everything- In the furnishing- Una. Tarns and beads aa usual. JOS. F. BIL2, 322 S. 16fh St., Omaha. Bole agents for Pictorial Review Patterna. s 0 TAILOR W. O- JERREMS, Pres. 209-211 5. 15th Street. It's a Toss Up with ome men whether to have their garments made to measure or to buy ready-made garments. It wouldn't be if they knew the kind of fabrics the kind of tailoring and the moderate prices to be found at Nicoll's. We'll meet the price of ready-made with better garments to measure. Trousers $5 to $12 Suits $20 to $50 We would as soon try to hold water in a sieve and save It as to offer our trade a mean style poor workmanship or an unfair price. Over a hundred fabrics to select a $20 suit from and the assurance that garments at this price will receive the same careful attention as do the higher priced fabrics. FRED PAFFENRATH, Mgr. I Always J Accurate Oven Thermometers There is a certainty and satisfac tion about the baking done in Moore's Thermometer Ranges that is unequalled. Thousands of these ranges are in use and they are especially in favor with particular housekeepers who have a reputation for good cooking. r You are invited to call and whether you wish to purchase or not, we shall be pleased to show you the working of the thermometer, the Hing ed Top, the Controller Damper and the many other points in wnicn . YfMk Moore's Ranges excell all others. NEBRASKA rURNITUKBt AND CARPET CO. 413-415 No. 24th St, South Omaha. in 1H l I aW to -t!Q J mm Its THE I. X.L PROTECTOR A sanitary appliance for Ladles wear during- periods. No oil ing the clothes or chill In cold weather. It can e adjusted to fit any stsed person. Pouch Is made of best gum rubber. Is neat, clean, cool, cbouo and durable; saves its cost many times la washlni. Fjioh one Is mailed In plain rapper with Instructions, frlte Vl.uO, postpaid. Address, ELITE TRADING CO box oar. roi'sni, BLirrs, ia. Lotus Cream Saturday That's October 29th. when wa will sell all day In AXX. THKEE OF OUR STOKES tne jikj size 01 our tgypuun l.oiu cream for 60; limit, ONE bottle to a customer. Users pf this article need no second Invi tation, and those who have not uuetl It would do so If they knew how nice It Is. Remember the dale, Saturday, October ilSth. We called the turn on that Peruna deal all right, and If you want Peruna at 79o you had better order it before many days 'cause it is GOING UP, sure. 11. U) Herplclde 79c 11.00 L.iiUozone 79a 60a "Catarrh Rem" the guaranteed one 4oo 26c Monnen's Talcum Powder Ido 2c Cutlcuia Soap 20o 2uc Scheuater's Malt Extract l&o 26c Schllts Malt Extract 16a 25a Pa but Malt Extract Ike X60 K rug's Ufe Malt 16o t'.W ladies' Household Svrlna-e Sl.uO $.'00 Chenter's I'ennyroyal Pills $100 J2.00 La Hon Ami Capsules (French). .. .J1.00 Write us for RUBBER UOODS prices. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DKUQ SI ORB E T. YATES, Prop. ISth and Chicago Sts., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 797: 24th aud N 81s., South Omaha, 'Phone No. 1: 6th Ave. and Main St. Coun cil Blurts. 'Phone m. All goods delivered to either city absolutely free. s OMAHA WEATHER RLPmThiirs I:k!tHurext'radhigtarips 1 II rtir t nrtlAr ft imininr r-1 1 uiniir A 1 I at ' 1 j& I'M r mm a. - ae m m m as t$-&rbtvsi Mnn km Mnnipsi: --rr T i--- The first oar a whole car at that of fancy New York apples of the season goes on sale Thursday. We bought this car direct from the orchard at an ex tremely low price, doing so saved us two profits. These apples are put up in TIIHEE-IIUSIIKL BAKU ELS in compliance with Empire State law, THREE BUSHELS, NO MOKE, NO LESS. . Large Fancy Greenings, per barrel 2.69 Large Fancy Pippins, per barrel 2.98 Large Fancy Kings, per barrel 3.35 See oiir apple window. Make Bennett's your head quarters for Hallowe'en Fruits. PENINSULAR STOVES THE GREATER DURABILITY. THE LARGER FUEL ECONOMY AND THE HIGHER QUALITY OF FINISH THAT CHARACTERIZE THE PENINSULAR STOVE WHEN COMPARED WITH ANY OTHER ON THE MARKET, MAKES IT BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT. The Stove You Want! Only the highest grade of pure gray Iron and the best grade of cold rolled steel are used In the manufacture of PENINSULAR STOVES. All Joints are fitted tight, thus dampers have the fire under control all the time. NEW PENINSULAR HOT BLAST SMOKE CON SUMING HEATER, size 328. This is a big power ful heater, with superb tlnlnh and perfect hot-blast smoke-consuming attach inent. It Is unequaled In size, trimmings and practical advantages. Price for 5(1 Oft Thursday RETORT PENINSULAR (any fuel.) A wonder ful cleaji slack burner, the only one that heats the floor. Has unequaled ash grate and hot-blant-tube damper, regulated without touching swing cover. Has heavy cast lining and strong steel lining. 16, 14 and 12-lnch fire pots. Price for Thursday, 0 Kft 116.60, 114.50 and tmntW PENINSULAR PLANISHED STEEL RANGES (julck bakers and great fuel savers. Thoroughly constructed and unsurpassed for Intelligent work manship, material and finish. Will burn coal, wood or any old thing. Willi or without reservoir. ir,cei 26.50 up from Dry Goods MORE SAMPLE SUITS Thursday morning we will put on the sample suit racks sixty'-flve New Sample Suits, the very latest of this season's styles, prices ranging from $14.50 to $32.50. This will be a rare opportunity to secure a handome Tailored Suit at about half price. SALE OF LADIES' PETTICOATS ' ON Bid BARQAIN CIRCLE, MAIN FLOOR Thursday morning we will put on sale 50 dozen new Petti coats, in plain and fancy sateen and mercerized 1 1 lk cloth flounced, frilled and tucked, worth from H 1.50 to $2.00, all at ZlXXe FANCY SILKS 1,000 yards' of fancy silks go on sale Thursday at one-half their regular value. These silks are all this f finest styles and sold for $1.00 andgVfW.f f season's $1.19 THURSDAY SPECIAL for. 85c riOHAIRS AT 50c YARD For Thursday (only) we will sell all of our 52- inch Mohairs in browns, blues, rays, reds and black's, -w orth 85c a yard, at, yard SWELL NECKWEAR 300 dozen of the season's catchiest ideas in Ladies Neck wear. Special counter for Thursday selling. Every item new and fetching. See them. Each..... BIQ SALE OF FLANNELETTES 500 new pieces of fine Flannelettes 28 and 34 inches wide, in Persian, pretty stripes, borders, dots and fig ures, light and medium, . dark colors, at yard, 15c, 12 J c and UNDERWEAR FLANNELETTES 1,000 more" mill ends go on sale Thursday, extra heavy pretty patterns, worth 15c yard, at, yard. 50c 25c es wide, in 10c She Men's Sample Hals, worth up to $2.50, at 65c m u uu ntv n itsn mi u f HI RELIABLE) ITOHB. Men's Sample Hats, worth up to $2.50, at 65c Axminsier Carpet Sale. THOUSANDS OF YARDS OF AXMINSTER CARPETS, select ed with the greatest care and from the newest patterns, made by the Alex Smith & Sons Carpet Co., and W. J. Sloan, the most celebrated carpet makers in this or any other country iuukc your Heieviion ax once, tue goous can't last long at this price, worth from $1.25 to $2.00 per yard, at '. SUITS, COATS AND SKIRTS 80c vd 9.90 j H8Sr WALKING SUITS Madn of Lv. mens wool cheviots. In both flam col, r ana iancy mixtures, one or, e grentest bargains er offered n.9o n.90 6.98 tnne range 4.96" STYLT8H TAILOR SUITS. $9 9V-comea In 12 different styies. lined throughout with , BKinnera satin, eimer long or short coat, made to sell at J2S.0O choice VKRY HANDSOME COATS-Eithor tourist or Rlucher styles, satin lined throughout, would be considered a bargain at ILUOO-Our Sale Price Thursday $10.00 COAT In tan, black or brown slbellnee and kerseye, 'with'" belted back and handsomely trimmed In tan velvet C'ur Sal Price-Thursday T, J'J8H .SKIRTS In fine voiles, broad-I WALKING SKI RTS An Immense "iiRi, Bergen, f f or rabrlrs. rancy mixed and oravenettee, etc.. well J (J f I rlnln cotors. with pleated worth 15.00 mVmm7J bottoms, exceptional at, mmr W 1 values at THE LARGEST STOCK IN OMAHA. WOOL DRESS GOODS SALE Real Cravenette Thursday we .will sell Priestley's real Cravenette (no showej proof), the stamp on the board and. on every 5 yards of cloth, as follows: The $1.98 Cravenette, all colors, at $1.29 The $2.98 Cravenette, all colors, at $1.98 The $3.98 Cravenette, all colors, at $2.75 Only one pattern to a customer. FROM 2 TO h P. M. We will sell 1,000 dress patterns, worth from 75c to $1.50 yard, only one pattern to a customer, at, a yard 25c interesting Groceries Quotations: l quart syrup 7"o bj iub. t-ure uane uranulatea Sugar $1.00 Yeast Foam, pkg lo Kiln Dried Oatmeal, per lb 2o 10 Bars Laundry Soap (all brands). 25c Pearllne, pkg 2c 4- ib. pkg. Gold Dust Vo 5- lb. can New Pumpkin 6c 1- lb. can New Hominy 8c 8-lb. can New Packed Tomatoes.,.. 6c 2- lb. can New Packed Corn 6c 2-lb. can New String Beans 6c New Klin Dried Cornmeal. lb..... 2o All Sweet Cookies, worth 16c and 20c lb., In this sale, 8 lbs. for.... 26a I packages condensed mince meat, -(will make 12 large pies) Bo Watch our ads. There's mnnev In If for you. Many dollars in savings by buying at Haydens'. Vegetables are line in quality and the crop so abun dant that prices are lower than ever. 1 can Concentrated Soup, equal to 8 cans of common soup Bo 8-lb. cans Clam Chowder 16o 1 dos. lull Pickles 7'4o 1 can Deviled Ham 84o 1 can Potted Tongue 8!4o New Evaporated Black Berries per lb 7Ho New California Raisins (very fine), per lb ha New Evnporntcd Apples, per lb... 7Hc New California Prunes, per lb.... 3'ie New Currants, per lb 8Ho NAVDEN BROS. alduffs ons Omaha Headquarters for Pure Candies All of our Bon-Bons ar&the product of our own man ufacture and are absolutely and unqualifiedly pure and composed of the finest materials. ONE POUND BOXES 60c. t BALDUFF, IS18-20 Farnam St. I ROCKERS Thursday you can buy a $3.50 Arm Rocker for $2.37 It's mads of golden oak and built on solid comfo'rt lines, with high back and arms and shaped seat. In detail of construction and finish It's equal to many that sell for double the money. FOR THURSDAY SELLING ONLY. NO C. O. p. ORDERS ON THIS ITEM. GROCERY Money saved on every purchase In our GREAT. POPULAR GROCERY. Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound package BEN- OQr. NETT'S CAPITOL COFFEE. .."C5C Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading 8tamps kind ,0.".n.?..T..An?,. 48c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with two pounds JAPAN iAn RICE I4C Five (60c) Green Trading Stamps with three pound can GRATED m PINEAPPLE ItlC Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with five cans CORN, PEAS Cft-, or TOMATOES put Candy Department Ten f$1.00) Green Trading Stamps with Km k jar Assorted if !- , svrw Candles listen i Don't Burn Poor Coal Use the best it costs no more. Buy Crescent Washed Egg For sale only by South Omaha lee & Coal Co. Hit South iSlh Street. Phone 455. 912 South nth Street. Phone 373. LISTEN I On Saturday next a great sale will take place In Grocery. DON'T FAIL TO GET IN ON THIS. THURSDAY SALE OF SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Men!s Vici Kid and Velour calf samples,. ' welt soles value $3.50 1 11 at....... ItZJJ And fifty ($5) Green Trading-Stamps. Ladies Patent Kid Bluchers, wide exten sion flat iron edge, drop toe. (the very latest) if AA AA and all sizes value $5.00 at eUtl Men's, ladies' and children's beautiful vel 49c Stope Itching- of the acalp tnetantly. CJOINGvl 3r l GONEII1 HEWtoE WILL JAVE7T HERPICIDE WILL SfVE IT TOO LATE FORHERPICBB HtWbKO'S HtKPllliE Tas arlf asl Itsu.r ttit "Ui tk Dsstfrsff tktra." Quito HoniBlf Quits Attractiu. Tbe woman with homsly Naturss will not lack attractiveness If her head Is crown. d with an ebundanoe of beauti ful hair. Rut. ontha other hand, 'the eVaf ttsrw. II . Mas MC iUasi, u mnum vv., v.pi. m. uciran, sues., rsr s stasis. SHERMAN & M-COININELL, DRUG CO.. Special Ajrant. APPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT BARBER SHOPS. fluent, contour o leiii.ii lan... .OSes much of Its attractiveness If the hair Is scanty or looks diseased. The dan druff microbe cu.M dull, brittle or lustrelens hair and later dandruff, Itoh. ing walp and falling hair. Newbro s Herplclde destroys this enemy of beauty and permits the ha'- to grow ss nature intended. A dllli taiful hslr dressing. Gives wonderful results. No on or aye. vet slippers, with felt lining, at Ten ($1.00) Oreea Trading Stamps. 51 Rings and Rings and Rings If you have not seen our line of Signet Rings, It will bo a pleaxure for us to show you the luin Jhononl collei-tloii of new drsigns we have ever dlxpluyed. JtenMes HlKuet Kings we have rings set with prls. dlumomls. rubles. 4iiiphirr, tuniuulse, opals, etc fciuend a few minutes in ur iljre. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, IB 16 Douglas U m DKVQ DEPARTMENT.