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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
9 TITE 0MAT7A DAILY BEE: RTTJfPAT. OCTOnET? in. IHOl. LiVJ EHf Hit HE M lE m We Mention a Number of Special Offers in Ladies' Fall Tourist Coats gsr The most serviceable as well as the most fashionable coats yfor all kinds of weather. We anticipated the extreme popu larity of these desirable new styles and are showing the widest variety of splendid models, very specially priced. Exceptionally Hih Class Tourist Coats These coats bear all the most attractive style features they are tbe finest for dress wear prices A Special Value for Monday at $14.85 Very lUHiiiiMicu ionK conrs, witn new oeitea Drtcks, extended snouiacrs, new sleeves and cuffs, at Well Made Coats at $8.98 The best medium outprjiannent to be found In Omaha this full's best style nobby mannish mnterlals thoroughly tailored at Stylish Fall Walking Skirts A ETOat rarletv of new Itlnrk n.mnmna wnrafnila nnvnltv prettiest pleated .Trpcts, correct weights for fashionable street wear mi mi? uuisi iavoreu colors ana materials for fall your choice Monday at Brand New Ideas Fresh from the Fashion Centers itf Ladies' Tailor Made Suits - ifniuim m-y re me nnesi ror oress 17.50-22.50 2Pt $49 prettily 14.85 priced 8.98 7.509.98 Monday Very Special Prices in Smart Millinery We oiler for Monday's special selling a most remarkable array of pur beet designs these hats are elaborately designed by experienced milliners and every one has a distinctive touch of style that marks the highest quality hats all the most attractive trimmings, ostrich, feather pompoms, breasts, ornaments, etc. all tbe leading shapes such a hat as you would ex pect to pay $15 for, at. ; Cravenette Waterproof Coats A Stvlish Vrrtrrrwtti. in nlnmst inil isnensdble it, xlied min. protects against Oia cold and, has a gtylixft, appearance for dress ana si reel wear, A very pretty Cravenette in the newest ideas thor oughly water proofed, most popular col ors at 8.98 A High Class CRAVENETTE Coat W i 1 1 withstand the hardest rains, newest ideas for fall wear, well made in every particular, at I 485 A Cravenette is perfect protection in all sorts of weather. Brandeif always shows the greatest variety of charming ideas in. Indies' readv to lint nn. tinnnrel. OjllV IrOl 1 season ' garments show a splendid range of becoming modes adapted to suit all Jigures and styles you are always certain of absolute style here. A Great Purchase of Sample Suits We bought an im mense line of exclusively high grade samples, these are the swellest ideas in suits that have been seen this year scarcely two of them alike every new yfl PA and fashionable design is represented the highest win . s35,$75 coat class materials suits that would veil at 135 to 40 Monday, at Exclusive Msdes Many copies of expensive $ foreign designs highly fashionable, at A Pretty Walking Suit at $14.85 The new "tourist effects pretty Dlrectolre styles military suits, etc J Of? newest shades and most charming trimmings, W THE CLEVER NEW FALL WAISTS Stunning Silk Waists Newest ideas in wool waists for fall wear, etc in our enlarged waist section on the second floor at a var iety of prices. , g.50 A $10 Hat at $5 These hats are unexcelled for style and artistic designthe new round French sailors the Cavalier style grace fully embellished with P the best fall garniture a genuiue $10 hat at... Street Hats at $2.50 Jaunty street hats, made of felt bodies prettily finished with ribbons, ornaments, etc., every hat shows smart up-to-date style for fashionable wear in later fall day, at n miq i I II M 5A0 St O.50 The Greatest Selling Event that has taken place in many years. BRANDEiS BUYS FOR GASH ONLY NO HATTER HOW LARGE THE AHOUHTTHUS THE HOST IMPORTANT BARGAINS IN THE UNITED STATES ARE OFFERED FIRST TO US. Tomorrow will witness the most extraordinary sale of Lace Curtains that ever took place anywhere in the country. We paid spot cash for a S3 2,000 stock of Lace Curtains, buying at much less than onehalf their regular value. This was the entire stock on hand of a well known New York curtain house that retired from business. We never before bought such a great bargain. A FEW OF THE PRICES: I cS Novelty Silks e,nd Velvets New shipment of the high class novelty silks and velvet! just received. We place on sale Monday the fintst collection of these goods ever shown in the city. We have the exclusive sale to Omaha for the genuine im ported chiffon velvet in 35 different shades. This article is the height of fashion in New York and Paris for costumes. Silk fur for street and party wraps. Colored and black velour de nord. Frenoh Chiffon Velvet a new soft clineing velvet fabric for full dresses, new browns, greens and blues. C. J. Bonnet & Co., Lyons, France, black dress and lining silk tbe best in the market. Colored Dress Waistin; Silks Meesallne Taffetas AND 1.00 a yard Chiffon Faill Satin de Lyon, MessaJlne Chifton Taffetas Armure P trlcenne Fleur de Poplin Poplin Plaida Fancy Poplins for suits Dresden Taffeta Silk Velvets Chiffon Velvets Persian Velvets Lyons Silk Velvets Lyons Paon Velvets Embrolderette Velvets Metallc Velvets Pannel Velvets From 50c TO 5.00 Thousands upon thousands of pairs of Lacs Curtains in Arab, Ctble Net, Irish Point, Bonne-Femme, Brussels and Battenberg, at : Sale of Feathers, Flowers and Trimmings A spoeUl assortment of our finest coqun de roche pompoms, burnt orange trim ming's, onion peel color garniture, new ' brown hat trimmings, beautiful birds, wings, ornaments, eto. , on bargaio squares tomorrow at very special prices SPECIAL LNTRlMMED HATS at 98c LADIES' NECKWEAR SALE Ladies' neckwear for smart fallT: wear latest autumn styles in t n Via atrtplra lnA turn ncoi nr. v,, etc. in white, cream, ecru and black many in this lot are worth 50c each, at !0c-I5c-25c !0c Ladies and Men's Linen Handkerchiefs at 10c each In the popular narrow hems would regularly sell at 20c each special Monday at Ladies' Kid Gloves Perrin's La Mure. Perries Firnt Quality, Monarch?, etc. latett street C1 fl CA and evening shades, all sizes, fj js Ladies9 and Children's Underwear All the single and sample curtains in this entire purchuse, and there arc thou sands of them worth $2.50 per pair, go at, each 25c All the drummer sample curtains, or half curtains, these are from the finest to the cheapest, all go at, each 15c All the plain and corded Arabian curtains, many worth $7.50 per pair, go at, each 98c All the imported half cur tains, or sample curtains, worth $10 per pair, go at, each 39c a Thousands of Lace Curtains at, per pair . . . 25' Thousands of Lace Curtains !at, per pair... 50c Thousands of Lace Curtains at, per pair .... AND THIS IS NOT ONE-HALF THEIR REGULAR VALUE There are other bargains too numerous to mention. Some of these goods are now on display in our front show window. ON SALE MONDAY "J.L fandeisl&S mi.j;yun 21 ons n Special Black Taffeta. Sale 30 pieces genuine Waterette Dress and Lining Taffettas, stamped and guaranteed by the manufacturer. 21 inch Black Waterette Taffeta , 69c 27 inch Black Waterette Taffeta..... 83c 36 inch Black 'Waterette Taffeta 95c Waterette Taffetas will shed water Phoenix Mills Black Taffeta and Peau de Sole at less than manufacturer's prices. 20 inch Black Taffetas and Peau de Soie.. ......35c 27 inch Black Taffeta and Peau de Soie 69c 36 inch Black Taffeta and Peau de Soie : 95c Worth 59c, $1.00 and $1.39 a yard 3 Squares at 49c, 59c and 69c Silks that are worth up to (1.60, includ ing new shirt waist silks, 27 in. and 36 iu. Silks and Velvets on Bargain Squares Oreatly Reduced 1 square silk and velvet of all descrip tion for klmonas. fancy waists, J trimmings, etc., worth up to If 75o, at a yard v black silk, fancy loulsenes, fanoy plaids, at a yard.. loulsenes, fanoy 4VC-3VC-nVC Notable Dress Goods Sale This is an entire surplus stock sold to us by one of the great jobbers of this country. It includes $1. 25 qual ity Mannish Suitings, Cloths, Zibelines, Mohairs, Cheviots, Sicilians, black and all colors, all high grade dress goods at one price, a yard 49c Hlg;h Class Dress Goods From the dress making stocks, and tbe best Kelley and Stlger line imported goods, black and all color on bargain square, at .Ladies' Fall and Winter Vests and Pants Fine and heavy ribbed cotton, also part wool, white, silver gray and ecru bargain tables for Monday, worth up to 1. Ladies Heavy and Medium Weight Union Suits tbe r it well and Muncing makes correct weights for late fall wear Misses', Children's and Boys' Vests and Pants, up to size 22-'-a big bargain for winter wear, at each ' and 'v juiv n uui, nunc, niivct tflay U.W1 25c-39c-69c 1'icuiHiii iTcigui uniun ouiis 49c-69c-98c !0c Misses' and Boys' Vests, Pants Drawers, tine ribbed and heavy fleece lined, worth up to oOo, gJC Misses and Children's Melba Style medium weight ribbad union, suit, J tf at 69c FRENCH FLANNELS, 39c a Yard Wool Suiting:, 51c and Pebble Cheviots. Gra nite Camel Hal Plaids, fancy Suitin etc., at a yard 60o (rrade, An t-xtra Special in Clothing for Monday. A New Overcoat or Suit, $10 Trie overcoats are the long single and dou ble-breast- ed effects or the medium len gths stylish all wool ma terials fit perfectly about the col lar. The suits are well tailored, finely fitting garments the new and popular brownish casts, nov elty mixtures, etc. nowhere else can you buy .such an up-to-date suit or overcoat at Boys' $5 $6 Sample Overcoats at $2.98 All the finest samples from a New York manufacturer. These coata are in the popular bright colors for the little chap aai the stylish, rich novlty mixtures all Bizes from 3 to 16 years the TK greatest varibty of. up-to-date, all wool overcoats you J ever saw worth up to $6 each, third floor, at AkmlmJ U Men's $3 Quality Working Pants-made of all f CA wool materlals-on tale in basement, at I.JU Imported waistings and French Flannels, fancy and nlnin JUtS 48 inch brown Sicilian OP $1.25 grade, at yard. . .0C Broadcloths, new shades of brown, $1.50 grade, at a C yard $1 Chiffon crepe, ilk or wool, new jarradesof brown, at.. New black dress goods, the highest clacs, crepe 35 on, at it Brandeis $3 Speciair Ladies' Shoe Hand turn and welt Boles, vici kid, Surpass kid, patent calf, patent coltskin, kid tips, pat trit tips, mili tary, Cuban nnd French hels A to EE. j ll 7 6vl The best Shoes ever sold for the price. 13 more new style received Saturday H a tarn is. J Ql'AIXT KE ATX RES OP LIFE. In Sumatra the length of time that a widow must wear her weeds Is determined by the wind. Just after her husband's leath she plants a flagstaff at her door, ipon which a flag- Is raised. While the nag remains untorn by the wind etlquet forbids that she should marry. But as soon aa a rest appears, no mailer how tiny, she can lay aside her weeds and don her most be coming gowu and buwltohlng smile. Patrolman Pllschks of the Los Angeles police force Is a man of resources, aa he pioved one evening not long ago, tie be longs to the bicycle squad and was walking Wuvk a ban dawns residence street when be observed a suspicious stranger who was unable to give a good account of himself. The officer found on the man a porch climb er's outfit, Including dark lantern and coll of rope. Pllschke did not think he could handle his prisoner and at the same time take care of his wheel, which he feared tc leave behind. Bo he made the man put hli hands on either side of a lamp post and handcuffed him there. Then ha went for help. Three dollars for a "good cook and a fine woman," who also happened to be his wife, was all that George Rosengrant wanted four years aao to Induce blm to give up all claims to ber In favor of ber cousin, Ray mond Palmer. New be Is minded to marry again, but he Is not satlHfled, and his bride, to-be Is still less convinced, that the $3 transaction severed the tlqs between him and the first Mrs. Rosengrant with sun) climt finality. With a tine regard for the proprieties he has brought a ult for di vorce against his legal wife before testing the cooking capacities of the other woman on a permanent basis. While the Lehigh Vallej express, was bowling along the tracks toward Yatesvl la, Pa., at a speed of fifty n.lies an hour, the engineer, looking from the window of the cabooae, saw a led flag being waved on the track aome distance ahead. A second look showed the engineer that tbe flag waa almost oa tbe ground and was waved as If by the hand of some one reclining upon the ground. The train was brought to a stop and the engineer ran forward. On the track, a short distance ahead of the locomotive, the engineer found a email, curly haired dog, vigorously waving the danger flag which he held In his terth. The engineer looked about, but seeing that the tracks were clear, he picked the dog up In hie arms and took him on the tra. n to Yatesvllle, Here It was found that the dog belonged to Berr.srS Dougherty, a track walker, .who for six years' had al ways been accompanied oa his beat by the dog. Dougherty died yeMerday, and at the usual time his dog went to the rail road shanty, took the rd flag In his teetb, and trotted aewa tna Uack wiia the danger signal as he had seen his mas ter do. Old Union cemetery, near Harrlsburg, Pa., was the scene of an Interment of an unusual character recently.' The ampu tated hands of Glen Bachelor, a telegraph operator, were given solemn and careful burial. This waa done at his own request, to relieve cramping pains that became in tolerable from day to day. Three weeks ago Mr. Bachelor, who .was acting as telegraph operator at a elation on the Big Kour, west of Indianapolis, (ell und r a freight train during a fainting spell. Ills bands clutched the rail and tbe wheels out them off at tbe wrists. A surgeon placed tae bands la a Ja of tei md Mr. Bachelor went to bis father's home In Carloe City, Randolph county. Bachelor claimed he suffered In his body because of the crowded condition of his hands In the jar. lie believed that If the hands were burled his pains would cease. The hands were expressed to Carina City, wher 3 they were straightened out and placed carefully In clean wrappers of linen and securely parked In a wooden box for In terment. As soon aa they were straight ened out Mr. Bachelor experienced great relief. Within tbe last few weeks several cases bave come before Justice Bauder In Cleve land Involving attempts by rejected sulton t gat tnalr arssents bark, become Urad of this kind of litigation, hie honor suggests that when Cleveland swains mako presents to maidens the following contract should be agreed to: "It Is hereby agreed that this (here the words bouquet, hat, dia mond ring or souvenir spoon may he In serted) Is for use only during the period of courtship. It Is hereby agreed that said (bouquet, hat, etc.) shull be returned at once upon day of snub. If uny. Engagement to another man to be contiiilered as snub." So of Eransiellst Moody. Paul Moody, the youngest son of Evange list Moody, la conducting a series of serv ices m the rooms ef the Roaton Young Men's Christian aimoclatlnn similar to those In which his faxher so efts aad a long- aartlcuBS l ed ie 1 mond Palmer. ill J n Y