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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
IB TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1004. HOWELL TRIES SMALL TRICK Waterlogged Itateiman Seeks to Inflaeice City Clerk Ilboura. PLEADS TO HAVE NAME ON CITY TICKET Ortlfltat f JTosslaatloa Hot Eitilk to Coarlne Him that Wel les Woa Oat at th Primaries. R. B. Howell, the Fontanel candidate for member of tha Water board who wee ao decisively defeated at the primaries by C. F. Weller, end T. W. Blackburn, de posed chairman of the congressional com mittee and one of the chief medicine men in the Fontanelle wigwam, tried method anything but nice to have City Clerk El- bourn put Howell's name on tha city bal lot In place' of Welter's. ' The effort waa made Tuesday, after it was apparent that the canvassing- com mittee would not declare the election, or part of it, void and give Howell a chance to appear as a republican candidate. How ell and Blackburn went to the city clerk and pleaded with Mm to disregard the certificate filed by the officers of the re publican city central committee to the effect that Mr. - Weller Is the duly quali fied nominee. They based their pleadings on the assertion that the primaries were fraudulent, because the order of the candi date's names had been reversed from the alphabetical In several wards. City Clerk Elbourn, who has always been classed with the "antl-machlne" faction, laughed loud and long. "What kind of an official do you think I am?" he askVd the pair. "Do you suppose that I am going to disregard the certificate of the regular committee merely-- because you want me to do so? I shall not do It, by any means. All that I have before me to act upon Is this certificate and until an other is filed or I am served with a court order forbidding me to do so It Is the only name that will go on the offlolal city ballot as republican nominee for member of the water board." A Remarkable Achievement. The World's) fair at St. Louis has brought to notice some very remarkable results of commercial progresslveneBs that are almost as astonishing . to the native born American as to the many foreigners who help to make the fair a cosmopolitan wonder. One of these noteworthy suc cesses is the Peters Shoe Co. of St. Louis, who operate the shoe factory in the Manu facturers Building, which shows In every detail, the most modern methods of shoe making by the Goodyear Welt System. This concern built its first factory in 1S95 and now owns and operates four of ths largest plants In the world, selling shoes from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Canada to Mexico. The shoe factory at the World's Fair Is the largest and only successful shoe factory ever Installed at an Exposition, and has proven one of the most attractive features of the Fair. The Jury of Awards has given a gold medal to this factory, and has conferred a Grand Vrlzo (the highest award made at the World's Fair) on the Peters Shoe Co., for the best and most complete line of shoes exhibited. To the Europeans, who are not accus tomed to rapid success of this kind. It Is hardly conceivable that In a decado a mer cantile concern can advance to the very front rank and capture a Grand Prize In the face of the strongest competition the whole world can offer. Insured in Four Companies, THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE COMPANY OF OMAHA, NEB.. IE THE FIRST TO PAY. . Cedar Rapids, Nebr., Oct 10, 1904. Bankers Reserve Life Company, Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: Your agent, Mr. Schaffnit, has just called upon me, giving me your cheek, No. 6006, drawn on tbq Union National Bank of Omaha, Nebraska, pay able to my order for $2500.00, being in full settlement of policy No. 1858 on the life of my late husband, Frank W, Coll, said policy having been surrendered on delivery of the check. - You will please accept my most sincere thanks for paying the amountjn full so promptly. As I understand it, the check was made out immediatoiy on receipt and verification of the proofs and handed to Mr. Schaffnit for delivery to me, it having reached me within two weeks of Mr. Coil's death. - Iloping that I may be of service to the Company, and wishing it every success, I am, Yours sincerely, OLA H. COLL. All policies secured by deposits of approved securities with the State of Nebraska. B. n. ROBISON, President. Finest quality diamonds, udholm, jeweler. Change of Location. The Missouri Pacific offices,! both freight and passenger, have moved Into their new offices, S. E. corner 15th and Farnam sts., and now open for business thcr. Have Root print it. Three rooms furnlrtied complete, $99: easy payments. People Store, lCth and Furnam. Gas and electric fixtures, wholesale arid retail. Nt-Uiurka KWiric and Fixture Co., Thirteenth and Harney streets. Don't Get Wet. No necessity when you can buy an ele gant, pearl handle, silk umbrella for $3.00. Mawhlnney & Ryan Co. bought 100 a few days ago at a big sacrifice end place them on sale Monday at 3.00 each. These are regular $5.00 umbrellas. Look at them at our north show window. Ak-Sar-nen Kxcnrsion, On October 24 the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, accompanied by their ladles, will visit Min neapolis and St. Paul Special Ak-Sar-Ben train via. Chicago Great Western leaves Union Station at 8:5 p. m. Tickets can be secured from any member of the com mittee or at the Great Western office, No. 1513 Farnam St. Men's, boys', children's clothing, hats; Indies' Btilts, skirts, millinery, etc.; cash or credit. People's Store, 18th ard Farnam. Popular Prices nt the Auditorium. We would like to register our vote in favor of them. We understand that some of the directors claim that popular prices will not pay a reasonable per cent to the stockholders but how will they know if they don't give the people a chance. If the directors will keep their promise to the people there is little ofoubt but what the people will do their part. Seven years ago the people of Omaha paid )2.60 to have a suit of clothes cleaned and pressed, M00 to have It dyed, HOO to have a silk dress cleaned and by anti quated method Enter The Pantorlum ' with popular prices and up-to-date meth odssuits cleaned and pressed 11.50, dyed $2.50, silk dresses that were originally $4.00 now $2.00, and other prices proportionately low. ( The skeptical, and soma conservatives, said they could not last, but they did last and if you will ask the lady or gentleman sitting next to you who Is their cleaner four out of every five will answer. The Pantorlum at 407 So. 11th street. Tel. 9GX Try them. Holiday goods arriving. Edhoim. Jeweler. Coal Hill nut, $4.50. 3u0 South 10th. st Out of Town Customers Are cautioned not to give their garments or other articles for cleaning or dyeing to solicitors, unless those men can show their credentials. It has come to our knowledge that some unpricipled per sons, who had no connection whatever with the firm, have solicited work in our name. The safest way is to send goods directly to us, and let us know by mail what you wish to have done. We do cleaning, dyeing and repairing of garments and other articles. y TWIN CITY DYE WORKS 319 South 15th Street, Omaha. Telephone 1521. 21 North 26th Street, Council Bluffs, Tel. 310. Modern Business (Mods Have a Great Deal to Do With Our Success in Selling Pianos H We Operate Four Stores In tlie four leading cities of this section Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City and Council Bluffs. These are, every one of them, large, up-to-date stores. Buying for Cash In a large way, wo save the or dinary dealer's profit Thus we are able tec make prices no other piano house in the west can touch. Our Magnificent Line of the world's greatest pianos Is another highly important point In our favor. Beginning with the Royal Stelnway, we can show you the very choicest pianos of the leading factories Emerson, A. B. Chase, McPhail, Reed & Sons, Eteger & Sons, Iiardman, Geo. Steck and many others, not for getting our own elegant Schmoller & Mueller, made in our own fac tory, at Omaha. We are proud of this piano; proud of the fact that It is a Nebraska product, and we are prepared to give the most ample guarantee with every Schmoller & Mueller we sell. Sample Bargains: $375.00 Pianos $235.00 $350.00 Pianos $225.00 $275.00 Pianos $135.00 Square Pianos, $13.00, $30.00 and $43.00. Visitors Cordially Welcomed to our store at all times. New pianos to exchange for old ones on liberal term3. Expeif i tuning and repairing. ' We sell pianos on $5.00 monthlr payments. See our new tall stock of Ladies' Gloves. BOTDBS THB RKUAFIJ. STORM. .See our new fall stock of Ladies' Gloves. & User Ichmoller 1313 Farnam, Omaha x LARGEST PIANO HOUSE IN THE WEST. Are You Satisfied With Your Clothes? Are they just in stjle? rossibly they are a bit worn in spots? Isn't it time to buy new ones? When you think it is, ivmombei this fact. There may be clothing just as good as ours but it cost mora. $10 or $12.50 will buy you a handsome overcoat In nV most any fabric or color you rouM de sire, splendidly lined, plegnntly finished 18 any ng-th a garment you would oo dlnnrlly pay W to (18 for. $1250 to $25 will buy you a Hand-Tailored Suit thai possesses delusiveness of design and j;iU tern. Is equal in fit, style and workman ship to a custom made garment that would cost you twice the price we a-k. An im mense stock to select from. All kinds of fabrics and all manner of colors includ ing a complete line of the new browu shades. 8TYLJSH YOUTH'S ST'ITS-The kind that are built to fit, nobby in pattern, nicely finished and possessing wearing qualities that will ploase the parents. Our stock Is complete in the most minute de tail. Your choice of an immense lino at $5.00 and $7.50 YOUTHS' OVERCOATS-Very latest styles. In medium and long, with or svlth out belted backs: they have the snappy swing to them that pleases the youth or boy splendid values at $5, $6.50, $7.50 and $5 CHILDREN'S NOVELTY OVERCOATS In ages from 2 to 8 years, In plain and fancy colors, up-to-date in style and fin ish at $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 and $10 If you want them you'll see thein. If you see them you'll buy them. Our clothe aye right In style, in fabric, in At, In price. ! - pfpf V- Copyright i 904 by Hart Schaffner fc? Marx NEBRASKA DAY At World's Fair. October 25 has been selected as Nebraska Day. The Wabash is the ' line all Ne braskans will use as It lands all passengers at World's Fair station, main entrance World's Fair grounds, thus saving extra car fare, time and much annoyance. A very low rate has been made from all stations. For Nebraska Day badgu. World's Fair guide and all Information, call at Wa bash. City office, 1601 Farnam street, or ad dress Harry E. Moores, O. A. p. D. Wan. R. R., Omaha, Neb. P. S. All agents can sell you through and route you via Wabash. Q0000000000000 1 Cover Yoir FIc3lcL Dancing, M'.-rnd's. 1519 Harney St. Lessons private or class, junior or adult. Tel. 1041. f For Your Ankles. THIS CUT SHOWS Nalhan's Ventilat ing corset Ankle Supports. Mad of leather , A positive support, relief and cure for Ttr4, Weak, (praised Wrenched Ankle. and will prevent and cure Bow Lgs in children learning to walk, the best support for ttioKc indulging In Golf, Tennis, Base but! find all Athlrtio Sports, luxctmsive 8 1 mid In or Walking. Thy are invisible, and cun be worn In tiny kind of rhue. No larger shoe required. I'HK K, SJ1.00 TO "t-i'S. Ben by m ill upon receipt of price. Sherman McCcnnsIl DrugCo. Corner 16th si.d Dodge fits., Oman. Neb. Figure this out At tha present rate how long will It take Kouropatkln, to reach Port ArthurT Then this How far will you have to go to get a duplicate of ur Women's 13.00 Welt Bole Rhoe? The reason our $3.00 shoes are so much better than others is that we are at a normal expense in selling them and this saving Is put In the quality of the shoe for tha benefit of our customers. No other shoe will give such general satisfaction for winter wear as a gen uine welt and these 3.00 shoes are genuine welts. We please you or give you your money back. Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAM STREET, Omihi'i Up-t8-Da!i Sho) Hoi) ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. with one of our Dunlap or Stetson Hats and you'll be right up-to-date D UNLAP ALWAYS $S.OO. STETSON S3. $4 AND $5. Handsomest line of 50c neckwear ver shown in una city. You'll appreciate our shirts either sort or sun good shirts for 11.00. We're showing a line of white and fancy vesta at $2.00, $2.60 and $3.00, uiai can i oa anywnere. C. II. Frederick Co W. P. Marshall D. C. Hurley. 1504 FARNAM. 6 O0O'O0CMWWWWWWw JOHN HUSSIE HARDWARE CO. Ill ACORN STEEL RANGES The demand for the new modern Acorn Steel Range Is the greatest we have ever known. The new patent hot blast Are box is the greatest im provement of the age and not only saves one-half the fuel, but lasts twice as long. The Acorn oven ther momenter tells you just how hot the oven is no guesswork. I "felt THE ROYAL ACORN If Acorn base burners were no bet ter than others, people would not. come from as far as South Omah nnd Council Bluffs to buy from us. Ths unequaled reputation of the Acorn for economy, great heating power and durability, together with the fact that our price is far below Diners, is me magnet. $30.00 Up. Acorns, $25 Up. JOHN HUSSIE HARDWARE CO. 2407-09 Cuming St. "If you buy it of Hussie, it's right, 1 -' a i ... i. Jiiv rv::.-JT3MmmiMmmi uim tjwwus Great Oil Cloth and Linoleum Sale MONDAY, OCTOBER iTTH. Two car '.oads of Floor Oil Cloth and Linoleum at bed-rock prices, purchased at a bargain for cash. You reap the benefit If wise. FLOOR OIL CLOTH. 1, 1 and 2 yards wide, all colors, at, yard 160 1, 1$ and 2 yards wide, all colors, at, yard 25o 1, 1 and 2 yards wide, all colors, at, yard 29o LINOLEUM. 2 and 4 yards wide, 60 styles, at, yard, 53c and 45o 2 and 4 yards wide, 4 styles, at, yard, 63c and 55o 1,000 yds. special pattern best all wool Ingrain Carpet, yard. .50c IN OUR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. We will show Monday over 8,000 pairs Lace Curtains, at, pair, from $3.00 down to 39o ABOUT HALF THEIR REAL VALUE. All new goods no samples or seconds. Every pair guaranteed perfect. See them. -3AYDEft3 BROS. Candy Talk It you have a sweet tooth we have the goods and within the . reach of every pocketbook. Here's some special prices for Monday: 50c Chocolate Drops 13o Pit Pat 23o Fry's famous Caramels box so Btuiea reanuii 11U 2 sticks candy ; , Cocoanut lion Hons. Yankee Peanut Fudge Cocoanut square TarTy Chewing Gum, 10 sticks.. Ic Cream Boda Rumford's Baking Powder. o o .26o .16a .86 3 .'3m ..6o .16o liUtM DRUG DEPARTMENT. HE KNEW WHY! A gentleman came into our Council Bluff store last Friday and said: "1 live away over on the north side of town, but when I want any drug store things I come down here to you fellows to set it; our druggist over there CUTS PRICES SOME, BUi' I KNOW WHY, and I know that none of them did until you came here." We also hav there same kind of remarks made in our Omaha store and South Omaha store every day. Are you paying too much for your drug storer things? There Is no need of it. for we deliver free of charge any rlace In Omaha, South Omaha or Council lliifTs, or to the depot If for out of town. SEK TELEPHONE NUMBERS BELOW. The tickets from our cash res litter r. good for 6 per cent that Is, each dollar worth are good for Eo In trade. Have yeu any of theroT If to, bring them In and see If they are not made Kood at THE OKIOINAL CUT PRICE DRUG STOREa SCHAEFEIVS 6WSSSs - S3. T. YATES. Prop. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha, Phones 747 and 7. 4th and N Sts., South Omaha. Phone No. 1. 5tn Ave. and Main St., Coun cil Bluffs, Phone SJJ. All goods delivered lu either city absolutely frs. oooooooooooo 6 Indian Bead Bags In all their glory. All colon and sizes. Our prices are the cbeap-est-r24c, 48c, 69c and 89c. Send for one. If not satisfactory we will gladly return your money. Remember we save you one half on these bags. Yarns, hos iery and underwear, as usual. Jos. F. Bliz 322 So. 16th St., Omaha. i ffiX I '61 I Agents Patterns. for Tictorial Review CMICNriTf 'I 'NUIIII. i-J&k In t'rllClIKBra:Ul KHi:llJll ft1' MS '. MUUla km. M.M4 t.MlaU.a. mm laUa- TLX May. fcr Parti, a I an, Ta.llat.uU Ian S.1L l, M,taiiH.W. a... )000 WANTED Some one to build a first class family hotel in Omaha. Will take five year lease and guarantee to run a first-class place. Address O 15, Bee Fashionable Footwear We are proud of our line of men's footwear this fall. We think there has never been another such line seen' in the west. We show the smartest and nobbiest styles of the season; tbo newest correct lasts; all the swell leathers in both the shiny and dull finish; the most perfect fitting and finest finished shoes made to sell at our prices: $3.60, S4 and $5. FRY SHOE co itoves .Always Please m4 ' sWi'1! swttAfr klADV m St! ! TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER teaches th Ufi Steek Meat. Moore's Base Burner NO ASHES-NO DUST MOORE'S BASE BURNER, 1904 model, Is strikingly handsome and resplendent with the finest high art nickel. It will add a hundred dollars to the appearance of any home and it s . worth another hundred because of its conven ience and cleanliness. It is triple action It heats up-stairs It heats the main floor and if you wish, it will send the ashes into the bin down cellar. Did you ever see ashes shoot the chute? Come and see how it is done in the 1904 Moore's Base Burner. Jio ashes or dust in the parlor. It's the only kind that suits particular people. It's the easiest stove in the world to run and, because of the air circulatincr system, it keeps your house warm and com fortable in the coldest weather and (saves from to Vj the coal you have been using. BUY IT AND BE COMFORTABLE Nebraska Furniture & . Carpet Co. 41 3.41 5 No. 24th St., South Omaha. SEWING MACHINES Wa are aa-ents for the New Home. Domestic, Standard, White and Household and some cheaper grades of machines. tuvuUta and parts tor all machines. Uepalrlii dons promptly and st reasonable prices. p. E- FLODMAN & CO. TELEPHONE 1574. 1314 CAPITOL AVENUE. Dr. Bradbury -1506 FARNAM- KrKTSSSK- DENTIST 'PHONE 1756 rth Extracted With wi m " ''V Tb most cnslttv out Flo. Piiii 9f u Creas. Bride Wwk...- '- sag,a,...ta,..ai42-M tt f 1 oerves removed with out pain. Loom teeth mad olid. Written Uuaraat.