TIIE OMAIIA DAILY ft EE; SATURDAY, OCTOHEK 15. IPO CHAFFEE WANTS QUICK WORK New Gloves for Fall 75o--$1.00 New Shirts for V.'ntei Senator Miilard EeruJiaj I m. prtTin ut olTcrtCirit. INSPECTION IS BUNG MADE NOW Utittiiil Ovarral nom t Sec Work Udtrnif Vrrr aid Plaaa Are Made la that Dlrrrtioa. Fall 75c-$100 V 'H.w m Mrwu vvyi tony vmyw "f """.J Owing to the Inclement weather Thuisdnjr uo step were taken by the mil itary authorities here relative to the In fection and survey vt old Fort Omaha. Lieutenant Colonel Sawyer, chief quar- ( '.t-rmaster of the Department of the M i 'url. visited the old fort yuierday ind, with two ufrintendints cf construc Jon In the employ of the government, nade a careful Inspection of trie post. It a not yet determined Just what impfuva nents will be necessary. I am satisfied it will involve a consider ible expenditure, aa the old fort is In a tomewhat dilapidated condition," said Colonel Sawyer, "and It will require aome little time to make the necessary tsti matea for repairs and the rearrangement of the several buildings, especially the ad ministration building. The matter f tha completion of the work will be left to Major Zalintikle, my icmrorary successor, as I shall leave during the next few days on leave of absence, to be gone two or three months. The work will be finished, however, early the coming year should tl.a weather prove favorable," Oka Are Writes Millard. Senator Millard has Jus: received a let ter from General Chaffee, beuring upon the Improvements of old Kort Omaha, whlc'n was the subject of a. conference between them during General Chaffee's visit a few weeks ago. The letter reads: WAR DEPARTMENT, Office of the Chief of Staff. WaehliiBlun, Oct. 11, lKot. Hon J 11. Mll'.ird. United Slates Senator. Omaha Aly Dear Senator Vour letter of Octo lit-r 3, relative to construction work at ol 1'ort Omaha has been received, apd i Drder t make proper answer 1 asked tier trul Humphrey to furnish me Informatiui ( enclose a memorandum Just received lroi lilm, which explains the matter. I hoi to soe the work under way very soo lours truly. AD.NA R. CHAFKEK, Lieutenant General, Chluf uf Staff Attached to the letter Is a memorandi Tiade by Quartermaster General Humphr, Who says the chief quartermaster of Department of the Missouri was last s ' gust authorised to prepare plans d specifications of the work. The c' j quartermaster at Omaha had advised' j department that plans showing present oitlon and alterations needed in the Br ings at old Fort Omaha are about n pleted and will be forwarded to Wai8 tort this week. On the 11th the chien structor was sent from Washlngt to Omaha to take up the matter of obtng accurate data upon which a systs-tlc working plan for all improvements' be made can be based. The work 1 be tunned as rapidly as possible. Senator Millard, said he had elved many inquiries as to the progress? this work and early this tr -nth he lewed his Inquiry. The rerly is in co'nance with the promise General Chaffeede at AVashlnpton last spring to Benf Mil lard ,to begin work on the old'rt Im mediately after the new aprr,atlon should become available in July Saturday You Caav Select Your New Fall Suit or Overcoat from Two Great Groups. SPECIALLY PURCHASED SPECIALLY PRICED MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS $10.00 MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS $13.50 We ask your judgment frank' and honest judgment of these values. You cannot judge them correctly, however, without coming to see them, fou'll find the air of elegance sewn in every seam You'll find the under-price current surging through every price. We studied styles hard jefore we bought a single, garment for this energetic department. We studied prices harder. The result is that we have gathered together two of the best values in Men's Suits and Overcoats that we ever owned. . Hawkes cut glass. Edholm. 'eler- Fnarral ( Morris Sti""- A large gathering of norrotf "'d9 attended the Morris Strauss tuf1 d n afternoon. The services wernducted by Kev. Frederick Conn. rah Temple which the deceased was " .p frie nds and nssoctatcs, was afei? "e bearers were Thomas Spike Kennedy, V- and Sam Frank flea Bant Hill cemetery Bsmasszassm ft Saturday yos ci biy your boy a $4 suit for $2.50 Our tremendous sale of boys' suits during carnival week left this department with a great many odd lots. Tomorrow, they will all go below actual cost. Made of high grade fancy cassimeres Scotch cheviots, all new colorings styles are sailor blouses, the new Nor folks double breasted jackets, three piece suits, Sizes 3 to 16 years. TKere has been a rush for Fall Hotts.... 5SB When a man starts to sift it ripht down, he pets a better bat here for the price he pays than he will pet at any other tore in town. We consider the competition on hats to be a question of value. Any dealer can pet any block and any dealer can sell you a hat at $2.00. 2.50 or $3.00, as the case may be. Its our part to give you a better quality hat at ?2, 2.S0 or ?3 than you'll pet anywhere else. SALE OF MISSES' AND GIRLS' CAPS We bought the samples from a traveling man this week. Divided them up in four groups: 45c values for 25c 75c values for 45c G5c values for 39c fl.00 values for 59c EK3Z of a simple and impressive character. Mor ris Strauss was in the employ "f tho Cud ahy Packing company for fourteen ytars and was married but a year ag. ORIGINAL MORTGAGE CLEAR Document for Build In talon Pacific Released for Nominal Sum of One Dollar. Friday the the original mortgage for the building of the Union Pacific railway has been cancelled. For the sum of 1 In hand, the Union Trust company or .-sew York releases the Union Pacific company land actually in use for terminals and trackage, but all the rest of the vast tract. The mortgage was of dute of April 16, IStiT, and was made in favor of Cyrus H. Mc Cormack of New York and of John Duff of Boston. It was signed by Oliver Ames, president pro tern of the road, and by John J. Cisco, treusurer. The kinds were left in the comrol of the railway and the revenues were used In the payinjr oi the Interest on the bonds and their final can-, cellatlon. The bonds were for tl.OOO each, to run twenty years at 7 per cent interest, and the amount of bonded Indebtedness ARRESTED ON WAY FROM MASS Devout Man Has too Many Coats to Salt the Suspicions Tastes of Police. ' John O'Donnell, arrested Thursday after noon by Officer Brady as a suspicious character, has been discharged In police court. At the time of the arrest O'Donnell was wearing three coats and carrying sev eral under his arm and did not give the arresting officer a satisfactory account of his singular habit In carrying a plurality oral trimnj.. nas CrelBh.'l l;uj Interment 'aue nt neiery. Trf rvlce wa and the release Is being entered In the been recorded In Larimore, Sedwlck and Douglas county records. This mortgage -xwid counties, Colorado, and in Keith, was to secure the bondholders who fur- Merrill nnd Douglas counties, Nebraska. nisheJ the money which helped in th building of the first transcontinental road. The consideration was all the land granted to the road by acts of cor.gres"of July 1, 1SGI, and July 4. 1864, this being every other section from 'Omaha through to the Pacific coast. The original papers were irlven for the consideration of (1. The road was not mortgaged or any of tha could not exceed jin.roo a mile of main line. ) 0f coats. When arraigned before the police The release from the trust company has judg O'Donnell said; Dnlldina: I'rrmlla. Ituildlng permits have been Issued bv the city to W. C. Sunderland for a $4.wo frame dwelling at Fortieth and California streets; J.ike Krt'idelhnugh, $1.W frnmf dwd.lng at Thirty-Severn h streefnnd Hawthorne nvenue; J. C. Bufflngton, Sl.&OO frame dwell-, in at tho sAme location: Storz Hr.wlnir I company, tl.OU" alterations and repairs to N Ridglf Trusts Everybody Clothing on Credit 50c, 75c, $100 Per Week. Greatest Bargain in Men's and Ladies Wearing- Apparel. Ladies'lSSuilsand Coats All the very latest styles, handsomely made, in long or short jackets, In blue, black or brown, all strictly hand tailored. Prices range from $5.00 to RO.CO. Immense assortment of Furs, Waists and Skirts. Men's Suits & Overcoats Men's nobby suits. In double-breasted and three buttoned sacks. In the new browns and all shades; hand tailored. Prices from $5.00 to $28.00. Men's new style top coats and overcoats. In long or short lengths, with or without belt. Prices, from $8.00 to $25.00. lon't Pay Cash K. ...jrearlng shabby clothes when for 60c, 75c, $1.00 per week we are m-iiiini t!T'ou all your wants at prices lower than your cash would be r; t5 i.V t any other store, as we operate fifteen large clothing stores fhroughoM United WE GUARANTEE EVERY GARMENT TO FIT ASlAR- ' Ridey's Credit Clothing Co. Hltneddeo, Mgr. 316 South 15th Street A Smfin Free in FvJirchaser sday Do you realize TJToi keeping, always on hand, a bottlo of GOUD whiskey or wine? A prevention of sicknesi and saving of doctor bills. Dt whlhkey toddy taken at night will cure the severest cold Hiller's Old Private Stock 'Urlty, az, uaurpased quality and soft mellow taake it a perfect household whiskey. Full quart. 1.00 ! Miller's Old Standard tiled In Bind. The U. S. Oiv't afflee I tamp on ever rebv euaraoteelnjj the purity, a ana 1 IC Full quark ,v ltf Miller's Pure Rye reliable whiskey, better than most whisklus cos tins' more. ull qutyt , t tie. theret feogta. 80c If It Comes From HILLER'S 1303 FARNAM STREET. It Must Be Good. building streets. at Seventeenth and lcholas Be Sure It Is Photographer, Then You Are Alright. 318-320-322 S. I5lti St. WEST Side of the Street. AFTER A REFRESHING BATH with HAND SA POLIO, every one of the 2. 381,248 healthily opened pores of your skin will shout as through a trumpet, "For this relief, much thanks." Five minutes with HAND S APOLIO equals hours of so-called Health Exercises. Its use is a line habit. I Lowest Priced shoes In America. When you con sider that they are THE BE6T, root STYLISH and most durable. Known everywhere as the 0N1M0D Bold direct from MAKER to WEAR er, at $3.50 $2.50 for what others ask 16.00, and for what others ask 13 50. We have no branch stores In Omaha. Tou will find us at the same old stand. Regent Shoe Cr: LAST DAY F0R THE FILING By October Xlnetentb I4t of Elec tion Clerks and Jodires Mast Be In. Attention of republican county commit teemen has been called to the faot that they must hand In the names of men will ing to serve as judges and clerks of elec tion In each precinct In order that the county chairman, Robert Cowell, may give the complete list to the clerk of the district court before October 19. After that date the law provides the clerk shall go ahead and select the officers. Each election board Is made up of seven men. In some pre cincts the republicans have four officers and In others, where the democrats are strongest, they have only three. Notices are being sent out by the city clerk to supervisors of registration direct ing them to report for duty Thursday, October 20; Friday, October U, and Satur day, November 5. and sit In each precinct between the hours of 8 In the morning to at night, In order that all men having the right to vote may qualify for the No vember elections. Supplies ere being pre pared In the city clerk's office and will be Issued October IS. The registration places have been rented and are In nearly every case similar to those regularly used for elections and registrations. I Buster Brown In next Sunday's Bee. "And faith, yer honor, Oye wus afther coming from mass whin the officer of the law arristed me. Father Geary he"s a foin mon can tell you about It. Ye re member Father Geary, who was hur-r-t nearly a year ago?" And the police Judge dismissed O'Donntll. .1 n linu linn ii ii n.reittiSiMiaa. EE IVDIUtASKA DAI At World's Fair. October 25 has been selected as Nebraska Day. The Wabash is the line all Ne braskans will use as it lands all passengers at World's Fair station, main entrance World's Fair grounds, thus saving extra car fare, time and much annoyance. A very low rate has been made from all stations. For Nebraska Day badg3. World's , Fair guide and all Information, call at Wa bash City office, 1001 Farnam street, or ad dress Harry E. Moores. G. A. P. D. Wab. R. R., Omaha, Neb. P. S. All agents can sell you through and route you via Wabash. Announcements of the Theaters. Heading the new and varied bill that opens for a week at the Orpheum, with a matinee Sunday, is Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew, presenting their latest success, a sketch entitled "When Two Hearts Are Won." Foy and Clark, with a brand new sketch, "The Old Curiosity Shop." The three Ramloneses are an Orpheum Euro pean importation, their specialty being acrobatics DeWltt, Burns and Torrence will show fun and acrobatics, having a skit they call "The Awakening of Toys." Paul Barnes will deliver a refined monologue. Klein and Clifton are eccentric dancers and vocalists. The Powers brothers call their turn "Alphonse and Gaston Awheel." The kinodrome pictures will be entirely new. , rbane of Location. The Missouri Pacific offices, both freight end passenger, have moved into their new offices. S. E. corner 15th and Farnam eta., and now open for business there. Sheet Mnslc Hammers. "Dixie Girl," "Gondolier," "Ogarlta." Shannon Waltzes, 'Tnter den Linden Saturday only, 15c, and five (50c) little green stickers. W. R. BENNETT CO. The t'trcle Swing. 19th and Farnam. Children, Sc. Adults, 10c. Continues to Saturday night, Oct. 16. Attention. German Hepnbllrnnal The Hems n Republican club will hold a meeting for the election of officers on Sun day, October IS. at I p. m.. at Washington hall. All Germans are urgently requested to be present. By order of the club. HERMAN TIMME, Vice President. MAX FEIERMAN, Secretary. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends for their kindness and many floral offerings in the loss of our beloved liuband and father. , MRS. F. BOETTGER. MR. AND MRS. J. B. LOWRY. MR. AND MRS E. E. W1NANS. FRANK H. BOETTGER. Dance every Saturday night at Crelghton hall, 15th and Hurney streets, given by ITS's Pleasure club, at the same old prlc gents, 25c; ladles. 10c. Come up and have good time. Olson's union music rhanare of Location. The Missouri Pacific offices, both freight and passenger, havs moved Into their new offices, S. E. corner 15th and Farnam sts., and now open for business thcrt. O'CONNELL Brldset, aged 0 years, Fri day morning. October 14, at the family h"me, WIS feo. 25lh street. Funeral Sunday afternoon at t o'clock from family residence to Holy Sepulcher. Friends Invited. LfHov (N. Y ) papers ple&te copy. HAKTMAN Oeorge A.. Oct. 13, !!, aged 'J" years. Funeral Paturday, Oct. IS. at 1:10 p. m. from the renidence of his father, George W. Hartman, Zrih and Ames aven.e. Friends Invited. Interment at Kearney, Neh. Keed & Biuutu sllvec EdUolut, Jvweler. AT MIDNIGHT OF TODAY the GREAT CONTEST CLOSES HAVE YOD MADE YOUR ESTIMATES? October 15th Last Day Of the Great World's Fair Contest To Those Who Come Nearest to Estimating? THE TOTAL PAID ATTENDANCEtVhGREAT WORLD'S FAIR Paid attendanceon openlDg day. April 30th. wag 125,754. Paid attendance durlDg May. 542.028; June, 1.3823IJ3; July, 1,514.758; August. 1,092,248; September, 2.148,085. TOTAL PAID ATTENDANCE TO OCTOBER I, 1904, 7,705,686 CASH Total nnid nttpnrtnnoe nt fhi vrnrlrf'a vir mm Total paid attendance at buffalo Pan-American Exposition was.'. lotai paia attenaance at omana Exposition wti , 21.4SO.141 i 5,306,85!) 1,778.250 WHAT WILL IT BE AT ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR? A beautiful album of Tlewt of the Fair (price 25 cent) la given to each contestant free. lip MISSOURI- TRUST COMPANY i " Je""MeaJ f 3i vsm 7 !Urtm.W .f 7 m OwtltM Mat, tM InU'l tmi, kiHM ttmrnt, MtMt mm m totu fmL4 UIMuh at tk Ualuw mm W1U, 1M, mmt ika Ml .alt u kale la uaa k tki Oiiai u aa rail kr it va mmm m.f aalaaiaaia, aa um haalu, aa arara mmf irt. Oaaaart Tmm Ciaa mt It. First Prize. - - - $25,000.00 Second Prize, - - 10,000.00 Third Prize, - - . 5,000,00 iTitee are dlrlded aa follows: To the nearest estlraato To the second nearest estimate To the third nearest estimate xo uie Tourth nearest estimate To the fifth nearest estimate To the sixth nearest estimate To the next 10 nearest estimates, $200 each To the next 20 nearest estimates, $100 each To the next 50 nearest estimates, $50 each.; To the next 100 nearest estimates, $25 each.. To the next 200 nearest estimates, $10 each. . To the next 500 nearest estimates, $5 each... To the next 1000 nearest estimates, $1 each. . buppiementary prize Total. , $25,000.00 10.000.00 5,000.00 2.500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 2.000.00 2,000.00 2.500.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 20,000.00 .$.35,500.00 ESTIMATES (lDC,0t,.-..A,b-) 25c EACH 5 FOR $1.00. 40 FOR $5.00 CCIWflCATES AT ALL DRUGGISTS RICHARDSON DRUG CO., DISTRIBUTING AGENTS, OMAHA, NEB. If unable to tret your certificate from your druggist, send your estimates direct to us, accompanied by Post office Order or Money and we will make out your certificate and mall them to you. Address THE WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST CO., All ESTIMATES MUST be recorded by midnight of OCTOBER 15. 1904. SEE YOUR DRUGGIST TODAY 6900 DELMAR AVENUE, l. LOUIS, MO. 'AT ! t i Vt