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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1904)
I TIIE OMAIIA DAILY DEE; TITURSPAY, OCTOBER 13. 1901. WESTBERC'S CHARGES DEAD Admits Through Attorney He is Pons with HU Contest FINDS CHARGES OF FRAUD WITHOUT BASIS r laiUfiirtlca of Protestaat, Coaatr ' CcmIHM Prorei Hs is Wrtii- ' Hswell's Or t B Heard. The republican county executive commit tse, "meting as a convention to canvass ths returns of the county primaries Friday, effectually disposed of the prptest raised by John N." Westberg as to ths correctness of ths figures returned by the Judges and clerks and directed the chairman and sec retary to certify the nominations as al ready announced yesterday afternoon aftei an all-day hearing on the Weathers; cora filaint.' ' . i was found that no attempts at fraud avd been made or were alleged so far as Jhown, and for several reasons, not th Vssl of which was the fact that it would & physically Impossible to recount ths ballots before the time for filing expiree Monday, the committee declared ths re turns of the canvassing board final. Attorney W, F. Ourley, who wtth B. O. Burbank represented. Westberg, said after ths meeting had adjourned he contemplated no further effort to have Milts Lee's place on ths legislative ticket Alle4 by his client. The commltte overruled the objection seal tmt the East Omaha election In the morning and completed Its work In ths afternoon. The second objection raised was to the returns from tht Third ward, where a recount of ths vota was asked. Ourley declared the returns were not legal be cause not properly certified to, holding that this was trua, also, of the list of voters mada by the Judges anl clerks. He said the returns should either be thrown out or the ballots recounted. Mr. Lee )ointed out that all objections to the Third ward re turns were purely technical and that they were correct In substance. Chairman Cowell remarked that If the ballot box for one ward was opened It would likely precipi tate fresh contests In other wards Involv ing Candidates Bhepard and Kata besides Westberg and Lee, and he did not see how the whole vote could be checked in time to get the ticket In the field. If One, Then All. Committeeman Dodge said in his opinion lit Orui ballot box was opened all would have to be. H. remarked further that he would not consider the direct primary plan a success unless tbs law was changed so as to demand a reoount of ths votes .by way of auditing by ths county commlttes in all cases where the 1 dlreot scheme of nominating Is used. A motion to quash ths Third ward objection . was adopted unanimously. ' The next matter and the last taken up was the protest against the returns from the Fifth ward, whsre Wsstberg alleged that at least twenty votes had been lost to ' him bea&use voters made their cross below his name, which appeared last in a group of legislative candidatss. His law yers conUaJed that these crosses should have btsu counted for hint and that the ballets should be checked over to determine the exact status. , The coumlttee agreed that it would be folly to attempt the delicate task of Interpreting the Intent of the voter, and for this reason and the lack of evidence of fraud, the ob jection was overruled. . . The city committee will meet at 10 o'clock this morning In Treasurer Morgan's office in ths New Tork Life building to take up R. B. Howell's declaration that hs was not treated fairly in the election. INTERIOR GRAIN RATES CUT caedalea to Omaha Radaeed by the H. V ' O. Rallroafl Which ' ' lasaes New Shoots. - ' ' ; The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha railroad has issued a new rate sheet on grain from Nebraska points to Omaha. ' The new tariff makes reductions of 1 to 2 cents per 100 pounds on wheat and flour and about the saius amount on corn, oats, rye, barley and. meal. The points affected by the new reduc tion, the old rate and the new tariff are as follows: Rates 1 Wheat A Flour. Corn. Oats. Rv. oil -stls ......I4tf to Omaha' From Jackson Vista Fonca Newcastle Kacorah Emerson ..... Wakefield .... Wayne .' Wlnslde Hosklna Hope Concord ..... Laurel ....... Colerldg Hartlngton .. I arroli .... Wholes ..... Undoluh , Magnet ... iioomneid ... I'huretoa . .... Pender Bancroft .... Lyons ........ Oakland Craig TcHaman Now Rate. .14 Rate. ' 16 If 18 13 ' 1J 18 IS 13 13 14 14 14 14 It 18 15 IS 1 1 16 17 12 12 11 10Vi 10 T 2 I I 4 ' Each Theater for Itself. All agreement was reached Tuesday by he Omaha Theatrical Managers'- assorfa lon that hereafter each play house shall id vert In as it sees fit snd cancelling re itrlctlons as to lithographing, banners snd tther forms of display apart from the bill loarda. Local managers say there Is no rulh in ststements of a theater war here, rhe resumption of window lithographing Will mean the laauance of a goodly number pf complimentary tickets, but the loss will is borne by the companies that do it, and Vot by the theaters, v 3 .14 .14 is 16 18 liS .....1SH 16 14 16 1 16 17 17' 11 .....U .11 .10 .10 . 8 tanch Spring., 8 ierman 8 l yson 7 I'lalr ,. 7 ota 6 L?aihoun .oilman fi lorencs 4 Old Rate. 16 16 16 16 II 13 - 18 . 16 16 17 18 18 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 . 19 13 13 13 12 it 10 ..P r 4 New Rata. 14 . 14 ' 14 1 13 11 11 12 if4 14 13 12 W 13 'l4 WL 16 Jo0 s 7 4 f K I J No man, woman or chll4 should bo I I ...i,h-.nt tKIa famous 1 a . . 11 No man, woman op ohl!4 should bo without this famous undarwear. No man or woman is wnohasex. perUnoad tha keen eense of comfort and vigor which lis use promotes. ReooaaaaeBSiee y rhystelaos everywhere. For Sale by Albert Calm Mrs. J. Benson A SPECIAL ADVANCE NOTICE s ' ' gLhi 2& StJkU' $32,000 worth of Laca Curtains bought by Bran deis at less than one-half value. Qn Salo f.londay, October 17 Entire stsck on hand of wall known Hew York curtain house retiring from business. Vo Hover Before Bought Such a Dargain All the single and gample Curtains All the drum m era' sample Cur- in this entire purchase, and there tains, or half curtains those sre are thousands of V P9 from the finest to M ISS them worth 92.60 "mm1?) A the cheapest H H?fk A per pair, go at- pf H B all if o at fiPlsi each.. La jf v eaoh II J ta - All the plain and corded Arabian All the imported HalfCurtalne, . Curtains, many HA , or sample curtains, T worth 7.60 per I r wol th ten dollars nil x&z.t...:..... tiiyC iay.'.....sjS)i 1.00 Thousands of Lace Curtaius QC at pair &UU Thousands of Lace Curtains Cfl a -at pair... wUU Thousands of Lace Curtains . . at pair Thousands upon thousands of pairs Lace Curtains, In Arab. Cabl Net, Irish Point, Bonne Femme, Brus- dl.98-2,98-3.98-4.98-5.98 And This Is About Half Regular Value. We buy for cash only no matter how large the amounts and for this reason the most important bar gains in the United States are ofiered first to us. Now we place before the people of Omaha the most extraordinary sale of Lace Curtains that ever took place anywhere. Some of the Goods Are Now on Display in Our Front Show Window. , SALE BEGINS HOIIDAY, OCTOBER 17. J. L. BRAHDEIS & SONS, Boston Store. B alduff's Bon B ons i Omaha Headquarters fpr Pure Candies ; All of our Bon-Bons are the product of our own man ufacture and are absolutely and unqualifiedly pure and composed of the finest materials. v ONE POUND BOXES . 60c. t BALDUFF, 1SI8-20 Farnam St. j ((g)) GOOD CLOCKS W. sell clocks that will keep Um acourate time. Our clocks srs sis j superior In appes'ranca. therefore orna mental. Every clock Is thoroughly tested before leaving our store. Ha'l and mantel clock of every dem-ii . Ion. Spend (w minutes In our store, look at our clocks ook Xor the name. , '.. S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St . Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM DENTIST Teatb Extracted With out Palo. pmiags..w. aos ea Crswas. av rtdss Wik..MM tJ-St up plsfs. m a Pourteesi Ysare Sams Laaailan PHONB 1756 The moat aeaalthra nerrea reatared Uk out pain. Loose teeta .saaoo olio. ' - Written Guarantee. CAPTAIN SW0BE IN -OMAHA Bstaras to Take Ua Offise ! Asslstaat Chief tVaartersaaster la Old Boms. Captain Thomas Bwobe, quartermaster, U. B.' A.. 'formerly stationed at Bhsrldan Wyo., arrived la ,the city Tuesday svenlng to assume his duties as assistant to ths chief quartemastsr, Department of ths Mis. sourL i Captain Bwobe is w.M known la Omaha, where he resided many years. Ha was one of the builders of the Millard hotel, which he operated for some years. Hs left hero In 18$l when hs Joined ths army and went Into ths Bpanlsh-Amerlcan war. . "I like army life," said ths captain, who looks like he was pleased with every thins;. "The exhilaration of Its outdoor sxerclss is one of its best features. I enjoy getting back among ray old friends and neighbors." RUMOR COAL. RATES GO BACK Reeert Has It Northwestern Rssteres Tariffs treat estee, la .te Omaha, . . It wss announced this morning that the Northwestern had reatorsd ths coal tariff on Its lius from Iiuxton, Is., t II. M. Ths story excited considerable Interest in tr.ftJo circles. When the Burlington Issued Its last rats sheet soma weeks ago it showed a table of dlstanoe tariffs based upon 1.M from Its Iowa mines. Tbess figures mads a reduction from ths rate which went lute effect Beutembsr 10 and were ths result of pressure brought to bear uponth. officials at Chicago by representatives of some of ths large coal consuming plants In this city. . ' Tbe Information, It la understood, comes from ths Chicago ' offices ' William K. Jones, local division freight agent for the Northwestern, said . he had received no advices on tti matter from Chicago. Hs was Inclined to discredit the story 'until a definite announcement was received from ths sastern headquarters, In other quarters ths story was given considerable credence. Ths official who gave out ths Information said: 'I am not surprised to learn tha rate has been put back where It was. It may be the road, finding It was elons In ths mat ter, put in a rats to conform with ths Iowa dlstanoe tariff, but I think It Is more probable tbe rate of $1.01 was made to protect tbe Cudahy Packing company." TARTAR IS A TARTAR Soft, spongy, sensitive rums result from tartar accumulation. II should be removed at once by your dentist and thereafter pre vented by the use cl sozobordT , TOOTH POWDER and its complement,' SOZODONT Liquid. The Powder is sllfhtly sbraslvs, la abso lutely free from grit and acid, and Is Just the thtnr for those who, have an titctinattoa for tha niceties of svery-day his. I rOKMSi UQlAo. FOWDEit. rAATC &38SU OMAHA WEATHER REPORT -Thursday Fair. MM it r -H X it l ll - I xitVad Artist MateriaJs Beet Academy Canvas, 40 in. sale price, yard.. 44c Best English '.Canvas, 36 in sale price, yard.. 80c Double Tubes, Flake Crem inty and Silver VVhita 8c Pyroraphy $1 Tabourets, price 78c $1 Nut Bowls, price 80c Wire Photo Stands, close out price, each ...... 10c Watch for Big Plctfire Sale Sat urday. Setond Floor. Book Sale will last the rest of this week. "Red Rock," "The Right of Way," "Via Crusts," "Ralph Marlowe," "Sher lock Holmes," "Resurrec tion," "Dorothy Vernon" and 160 others, all in their original $1.50 bind- f,Cf ings, for each. ..... TJC Double "S, & IL" Green Trad ing Stamps o n all book pur chases. Sale Fleoineletie Gowns aid Petticoats LADIES' GOWNS $1.25, f 1.19, flllO, 95c, 75c, 60c,. . 50c MISSES' GOWNS 60c, 50c, 48c'and. 40c LADIES' MISSES', and CHILDREN'S PETTICOATS up from .25c LADIES', AND MISSES' KNIT PETTICOATS plain and fancy all colors up from 50c SPECIAL .WRAPPER SALE One Hour Thursday-lO to It A. M. Fleece lined house wrappers, sizes 34 to 44, all colors dollar . wrapper at i . . 59c CHILDREN'S SCHOOL DRESSES Ages 6 to4 years neat plaids and figures, braid trimming values.fl.25 to 98c SILK CREPE DE CHINES Thursday -All silk crepe de chines, all street and even ing shades, go in this sale. This crepe is worth 90c yard Thursday, yard ; 59c 27 inch Wide shirt waist suit silks in a very fine assort ment of ths newest patterns worth 1.50 yard ' Thursday, yard 85c v Manufacturers' Sale of Odd Table Napkins ' Thursday we place on sale 200 dozen manufacturers' full bleachedltable napkins. They come six in a package there are tweny-five different patterns. These napkins are worth $2.00 ajid f 2.25 per dozen Thursday we will sell them in two lotsof fcr f LOT, l-d napkins for. .63c LOT 2 6 napkins for. .75c SJDEB0APD AND TRAY CLOTH SALE ff 200 dozp p,, Jinen drawn work sideboard scarfs, hi 'eia IQVR.i Tnn r.1V. 1C.OT n A 10.10 P S this is a great bargain at 59c. Thusday we place thesi on sale, at each. .25c And we wll give ten "S. St H." Qreen Trading Stamps with . each piece, i SILKOLINES AND BRUSSELS SILKS worth 15c and 18c yard at, yard......... ...10c 500 pieceB, all pretty patterns the best goods for com fort coverings 36 inches wide Thursday, yard. ... 10c BED COMFORT SALE 100 very fine bed comforts, full size, all knotted and tied, covered with fine silkoline, filled with finest white cotton worth 1.50 Thus- , day, each .1. 25 Listen! Ladies; Sole Western Agents NEEDLESS DRAG. Just think what an amount of strength 'yoa-; waste every day when you wear heavier shoes than you need! You lift a few ounces of useless weight at every step, and this amounts to more than a ton of useless lifting between sunrise and sunset. ; ' . I say "useless" lifting because this additional weight of leather need not be in the shoes to make them either strong or enduring. i , ,j ' There are at least three ounces of unnecessary weight hi an ordinary pair of women's shoes, and this means just so much! needless drag on the feet. The only shoe that saves this weight for you Is the "Dorothy Dodi." The scales tell the story 'when you buy; your feet tell the story when you wear the shoes. Oxford, $3.00 and $2.50- Shoes, $3.50 and $S.Q0. For Girls A Sterling Silver Thimble " Each girl bringing to Advertising Department or ders for five one-pound packages of Bennett' Capitol Coffee, 28 cents a package, gets a sterling silver . Thim-. Lie free;,: Seethe Adv. Manager for particular. . 75c fo 11.50 Cotton Sweaters, in winter weight, both men's and boys', Thurs. 25c mm mm THB HUIA.XLI ITORB. iOc Men's Socks in heavy cotton. yarn choke Thursday 5c Pr. The Newest in Cloaks and, Suits 300 new suits,. 500 new cloaks just received by express, all handsome garments and we've priced them for quick sale. See them Thursday. ' . NEW TAILOR SUITS In fifteen different etyles snd Immease variety of fabrics O Qf to sell at $16 special for Thursday at, choice ............ J.r NEW TAILOR 8IJITS Made In fancv mixtures snd I.yman'n wool cheviots, JackPis ..lined with taffeta or guaranteed satin made to retail at IW.OO A Q(l our wrwlnl prU-e Thursday ........ ' - EXQl'ISITE SUITS of Lyman's wool cheviots. In black, blues and browns, with black, green or burnt orange trimming), one of the moat taalV suits we, nave nhown this seaHnn perfect beauties that would cost you I30.S0 elsrwhere Q Qf .special Thursday at i-r.-v Elegant Sample Suits at $25, $30, $35 and up to $50.00. Women's Tourist Coats &BSSr??'"l!SS ' KERSEY COAT In black, brown or tan, 46 Inches Ion, lined throughout with guar anteed satin, very large sleeves and belted back an 118.50 value . v v. ff) OO special Thursday at ...j-,-.... Vf.vrvr TOUR18T COAT A perfect beauty In either nlnln colors or fancy mixtures, S RQ trimmed In green or burnt orange very special value at , .,sJ.-vr WOMEN'S 27-IN COAT In fine kersey with full back and sleeves, comes in black. tlue, brown ana tan, witn guaranteed satin linings a vame fS llll Thursday at .; 8 Walking Skirts In newest styles QQ $16.00 French Voile Skirts, Q Qfk and great variety of fabrics, at.-V0 at , Silk Waist and Skirt Sale Continues $6.00 Silk Waists in taffeta and peau do Silk Underskirts made of Olvernaud's taf- soie, ail colors ana DlacK. 1 A U tetas come in an colors, cnoice ' J iiu at .fi.'wCJ Thursday, at $5 00 CHILDREN'S COATS, $3.8-Zlbelines, Frieses, Kerseys-nlcely trlmrasd. QQ handsome, well made garments, at .. .......' Three Extra Specials 8:30 TILL :S0 A. M. Eiderdown and (lQ,, ( TILL 10 A. M.-$1.0 women's tQd .Flannelette sacques vrW Flannelette Wrappers, at w 9:30 TILL 10:30 $1.00 women's black sateen underskirts AQn at f. w GROCERIES! GROCERIESI GROCERIES On acount of lower freight rates we can sell pure cane gran ulated sugar, 20 pounds for f 1.00. Never before in the history oi California has fruit been so abundant and such fine quality and so cheap.- Read these prices: ; Choice California Prunes, per pound ,...3d Fancy Santa Clara Prunes. Dor Dound.. 5c Evaporated Peaches, .per pound .......... 60 t'hoice Mulr Heucheivper pound tiV-c Fancy Crawford Peaches, per pound ....lflc jew evaporated Apples. ml New California Seedless per pound Kalsins Fancv New RaAnberrles New Evaporated Blackberries, lb ... New Three Crown Raisins, lb. ...... Cookies, the very best, worth 16o I pounds tor ... 60 20o :::::rfi pound. 26o Egg-O-Ses ..7Ha X-cello .' "",0 Force , w THfl Neutrlta 7wo Klin Dried Oats, per pound. lo Quail OntH. 2-pound packuge 60 Morgan's Sapoll!.;. ..A. 6a Arm and Hammsr Soda .................... 6a 4-pound package Oold Dust 16a Pviirlina, mckage 2o Laundry Soaps, all brands, 10 bars 'for 26a Very best Ginger Snaps, per pound ,...tVs4 BROS. r 21: 0 Pep Cent o: One Fare For Round Irp ON Oct. Ilth and Nov. 15th m?r to Nearly all points in MISSISSIPPI, LOUISANA, ALABAMA, FLORIDA, KENTUCKY, GEORGIA, TENNESSEE, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CARO LINA AND VIRGINIA. v - Limit 21 days Liberal stopovers allowed. J A Splendid Opportunity to Investigate Farm Land in the South: If you will call on or write me, I will cheerfully give you full information regarding cost of -tickets, routes, connections, etc. Do it NOW, " . ' W. H. BRILL. Dlst. Pass. Agt., 111. Cent. R. R. 1402 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. zzr"iL I1" . ' -r.L -j r I Stoves V I 4aQ- V -Always I hi if im ,fcrf- iiw-ry ' 1M t Misses' School Shoes A plsln kid or box 'calf shoe with either an extra heavy or medium heavy sole. In button or lace, full round toe and common senss last. Our confidence Is so great In these shoes that ws guarantee them to out wear any two pair of ths ordinary kind.' 8H to 11- $j25 Slse. ;iH to 1.50 sues ivi'io 2.00 Ws Invite inspection and comparison. Droxol Shoe Go. ; 1419 FARNAM STREET. OiRihl'i Up-to-DiU Shoi Houn ASK FOR OUB WRES CATALOQUM. tin CARE OP TUB HAIR SM.d. It m. b. ,.M..4 t. H. MM KIM, Tha Imperial Ka!rPj!?OTtcr to Mi sr boirlMl rt ST A N I Alt I H A I B CIUOhlH ot Ui,. It I. Mall? 1- .llt .m, u h..r ind I . w 1. 'l.tiMlutljr liaritil. V.uibU of lilrrtl. -r4 IroA. 'iu'in(MMtiuic. ewuCl(lulll. 1 If, Ir I t I MTV TUttl hr. nrt nsrmsa MuConnsll Drug Co., Omaha. THE SAITITADX WAY NO SM0IC, K0 SHfLL A slight pull on the chain lifts the top, forming a hood which draws all smoke, or odors, f rem broiling, back Into the range, thus preventing their escape Into the room. 4 This Is Moore's patent and Is to be found on Moore's ltunffe only. -1 . Call and see tha Hlnjred Top, tha Oven Thermometjr. which makes baking sure the Controller Damper, and other handpf devices to be found only on Moore Kanges, (j and Cairpct Co. VD 413.41S No. 24th St, Soucfc Ornah- i