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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1904)
THE OMAHA. DAILY HE 12: FIUDAY. OCTOHEIl 7, 1904. u P0ST0FFICE NOTICE eslbo (mull for Colombia,' via Cxtrarao, must be dlrocted "per a. n. Mtraoalln' ); at a. rn. for POHTO RICO, per a. a. Force, via flan Juan: at SO a. m (anp- r.1rmentary 10-30 a. m. for FTiHTl E ISLAND. JAMAICA mid COlAMBIA. er.,t Magdaiena i)fp i, par a. a. Blblrla rmli for Coma FUra, via Llmon, must be directed "per a. v BIMrla ); at li a. rn. for CUBA, per a. s. Mexico, via Ha iani at 10 a. rn. for GRENADA, TRINI IAD, CU PAD BOLIVAR and GlIANA. pr a. a. Maraval: at 10 a. m. for AR GENTINE, I'Rl'OrAT nd PARAOI AY, pr a. a. Welsh Prlncei at 12:30 p. m. for ANTIGUA. MARTlMyLE and Gt'ADE LOI'PE, rr a. a. Proclda (mall for Bar bados, Trinidad and Guiana must be di rected "per a. a. Proclda"). , Malta Ftrwiilti Overland, Kte.. Ef eept Tranaparlfle. CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, cloaa at thia office dally, except Thursday, at I5:M a- m. the connecting mall cloa her on Mondays, Wednesdays ana Sat urdays). MEXICO CITT-OVerlsnd. unl apecially addressed tor despatch by steamer, close at this office dully, except Hunrtay, at I SO p. m. and W 30 p. m.. Sunday at 1:00 p. m. and 10.39 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND except Parcels-post Malls) By rail to North Bvdnev, and thenca by steamer, close at this offlcS dally at :30 p. m. (correcting mail closa here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday). JAMAICA Py rail to Bofton, and thence by steamer close at this office at t:3 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. MIQLELON Bv rsll to Boston. snJ thenea by steamer, close' at this efflce dally St :WI p. m BRITISH HONDURAS HONDURAS (Eait Coast) snd OUATEMAU-B" rsll to New Orleans, and tnenca bv steamer, close' at this office dalTv. .except Sun day, at J1 pv Irvi- and tnoSO p. rn., Sun days at 1:09 p. m. and I10:3n p. rn. (con necting; mall closes here Mondays at 10:M COSTA RICA By ' rsll to New Orleans. and thence by (rtesmer, close nt tnla office dally, excent Sunday, at 1 :30 p. m. and 10:SO.p. m., Sundava at J1:00 p. m. and tio.30 d. m (connecting mall closes here Tuelas at 110:3s p. m ). NICARAOCA (East Coast) By rail to New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, close at this ofhee dally, except Bun day, at 1:80 p. m. and FD:30 p. m., Sun days at Jl :00 p. m. ana ;r-30 p n. (con necting raall. closes iters Tnursday at 110:30 p. m ) IREOISTERED MAIL closes at 8:00 p. so. previous day. Transpacific Malls, Forwarded Over ' land Dally. The schedule of closing-of Tranapaciflo malla Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing The final ..on net ting, malls (ex cept registered Transpacific in a lis. which close S p. m., previous day) close at the fen.Tal Dostofflce, New York, as follows: IAWAJI, JAPAN, CORKA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE! INLANDS, via rJan Fran cIhco,, cloaa at 6:30 p m. October 2d for despatch per s. s. Siberia. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at 1:30 p, m Octubsf id for despatch per s. s. Alameda. JAPAN. (JOREA, CHINA and specially ad dressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Tacoma, close at 6:30 p. m. October , i . . . j . . , v. 1 r .. 111 lur ununiMi V . n. ijciv, FIJI ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA (except West), and NEW' CALEDONIA, vU Van couver and Victoria, B. C. close at 1:30 p. m. October 8th for despatch per a. a. HAWAfV JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6:30 p. m. October 8th for despatch per s. s. Mongolia. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, doss at 6:30 p. m. Oo tober 15th for despatch per s. s. Mariposa. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. S4MOA, HA WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via n Fran cisco, closs at 6:30 p. m. October 16th for despatch per a. a. Ventura. (If the CunarJ steamer carrying; me wrmsn man ior New-Zealand does not arrive in time to conrrect with this despatch, extra mails closing- at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:80 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard stenmer) JAPAN, (except Parcels-Post Malla), CO REA.. CHINA and PHILIPPINE IS LANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6:J0 p. m. October 25th for despatch per' s. s.. Empress of Japan. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS snd GUAM, via Ban Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m. October 27th for despatch per I'. 8. Transport. MANCHURIA (excent Newchwans;) and EASTERN SIBERIA la at present for warded via Russia. NOTE-Unless, otherwise ' addressed. West Australia ta forwarded via Europe: New Zealand via Ban Francisco, and certain placea in the Chinese provinces of Yun nan, . Kuelchow, Ssechwan and Kwangsl, via-. British quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Europe," must be-fslly prepaid, at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San- Francisco exclusively, . i - CORNELIUS VAN COTT, -,. - . Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. T., September 80. 1901. ...... O. ME Teh 611 .... ... . MESSENGER AND BAGOAOB. 1811 Farnam Street WILL GET TOUR BAGGAGES THEKB ON TIMB. ' M23S ' RAILWAY . TIME CARD. IKION STATlOWrKXTH AND M ARC Y. Cbledsro, Rock Island Jk Parlflo BAgT. Un Arrln. ...a I U am -...b 7 00 am a H pm ...bll 01 pm a 6 its pm ...a 4 to pm bll SO am ...a 1:40 pm a till pm ChlMgl Daylight LM. ...... Csloaga Darllcht Local , C'hlcaso Kxprnns . .... Iaa Moloaa Kxpraae ...... Chlcags rast Cxpraea WEST. Rocky .MounUlft - UI-.. a l:Mu a S:M am Uneoln. Colorado gpriags, Das- Tar, Puebla and woot al tOpm a 1:06 pm Chlcaao A NortaiweaterB. Faat Cklcago .... Local Chicago ... Mall iMyllght 8t. Paul lrlla'"t Chlcar t-tmltoil " OiUaaa Local Carroll . .. Faac Bt. ' Paul ... ...-a I H pm all . an ,. -a pm .. a 1M am ....a 7:10 am .. a I n piU T:M am l:M am 10:00 pm 11:0 pat i am M am a t vt pm a 16 piu 7:06 am Loral aiava 0. 4k St. P b 4 .00 pm a t JO am Paat Mali Chlcags Express Norfolk Je tunastetl . .. LIdcoId 4k Lone Plna .. TJoadwott a Llnools . .. Caapar A Wyamlag ... Haallaga-Albloa 1 atoti Pari a r. Tha Oaarlant Ltd..,..: Colo, and i'ala. Eip. ... Chicaao-PoMlaad Bpaciai Eaatcra Eiprvaa- Columbua Local Colorado Special a I H pm a I 46 pm 1:U am 10:11 am 16 pm a IM6 pm 6:14 pm -a t o am ,.s 1 tn rn, ..a 1 to pm . 4 I D pm I.M pa ,.a ( 40 am a l ot pm ..a 4 10 pm :40 ,m ..a :sv pm a I PO pm b 1 .16 am a M am b IH pm I 10 pm ...,:...b oo pm ...4....S am ivl.'!b I It pm ......a .60 am Chinas Speotal ftnatrlc Local P Mall Missouri . Paclfflc. St. Loyla ttiprau '. Kaa ItT- Bt. L. Da World-i Pall Special .. aio 4S ant a I to pn all 46 pm a T Oo pm a l: pm all M pm (klrago Great M'eatera Paul Mlaa., U4. Paul a Mlaa Exp... a I 10 pm llUm a T il am a a tw pm a 10 5d am a 4 OA pm i hit ago Limiii ........ a I H pm' a 4 0 am Cbiiagu Expraaa St. L. CanuOB .pxll li 4. 10 pm a 1 11 a. Wakatb. htw World rU .....k.......a 111 Local from C. Ulnffp I 11 i, HI, Louli Canno 'ti .... :a I pra Illlaala'ceutral." '" S, Chicago Etprti a t 13 am fauasu Liuutr a T M pm a I oo pm a I Of pm a I 20 am 10 pm a l.ia am blO XX ,m Nina. ,at -i. nui aip ST'Zeam Mloa.., , ei. . raiy ui. ,.a t 40 pm aim pm Chleacav, Mllnaakta A It. Paal, Chicago Daylight Eap.. Caltfomla-Orvaun Bxp'.... Ovarlaad Lluiltad Ilea M. Ukobajl Kip .....a 7 U cm ali o pm 6 44 pm a I 10 pm 1 ; a i m am a u am a l ie pm Bl RLIWGTO tTATIOK lOTH Jt MASOK rialraao, Harllnstoai ' alaey, Chicago. Special ......a T SO am Cblcagu Vaatltalad KP. .. a 4 00 pm "! Local ...,.....,.,.a 16 am Chuago Liiuilcl ..a 1.06 am Fat Mall m Barllaajtoa A Mlaasarl stiver. Wrmsrs. Baatrloa VlaoaJa. a I 60 am Nebraska Kxprvaa ...alioaia lojivce Limited ........... ......a 4 10 m B. HilU a Pugct S. Kxp......ali 10 Im Cola. Veotlbulad florar ,.v.. I.iacola Taat Mall ......... .b t 67 pm Port Crook Piuoulh ...a I u pm Blia-ua at Paa. Junctiua ....a 7 60 pm ti 1 1 a Pac JuOollaa U 1 a I H pxa a I B an all w ant a T 40 lot I 46 Via bll 04 pa a t 40 ia a 4 44 aia j a 4 at pm i s I 34 Pm j all oi pa , 10 M ia a ti a KllHl aritr. St, Joe Tt i'owaell Kaoaaa Clt Lay Ei,........a I 14 am ki. Louia Ptraa ... a 6 16 pm Kaoaaa City piigbf kUp pm Bluff, a 4 os pa all 04 a ilttxia WEBSTER DEPOTlTH WKBtTCR, Mlaaoart ParlCe. Kthraaka Loral via ' Waaplag ait , a a I M sorail :ll a Omaha. jwia cuf hiwim :..h aaa 4 t ia pa loua Cuj P,u.r I VI pn all 44 aa Oaklao4 101 s I 44 pa k I w aa a Pa"-' b raly saawpt Sanaa.. bally simpl antra, a ball Utl M4ar. CURRENT COUNCIL CERMASS HAVE BIG PARADE Great lien of Nation's History Eire a Place in the Line. GERMANIA AND MISS COLUMBIA THERE sport lag; Eveatt at Lake Maaawa Ore a ay the Arternooa Omaha Parade Takra In Darlac the Erralag, The parade yesterday "morning, which formed the principal feature of the second day of the German celebration, was In a large measure historical,' and prpved an interesting- spectacle to the thousands who lined the streets. This was the formation of the parade: Platoon of Police In command of Captain ONell. " HuM.-rs HHnd. Float, "Uirmanla and Children. Hermann the Great, Kaiser Wllhelm and Prince Bismnrck. GerrrianlH No. 2i. Treynor, la. Float, l olumbia and Children. Neuman's Avoca Band. Children of Ht. Peter's Bchonl. Carriages with City Omrlals ..Officers of Utrmun Sociftles and Women. Neola Band. Minden (;erinan ttncletlea, Mannlrift (la.) Band. Mnnnlnx; Uerman Societies. Frani-k'B South Omaha Band. Teutonla LuriRe. Council Blulfs. Klre Utpartment. Trade Insplays. t Kaiser Wllhelm was personified by Frits Bernhardi. who bears a striking; resernb lance to the late kaiser. Herr Bernhardi rode a magnificent gray horse, the same that Governor Leslie M. Shaw, now secre. tary of the treasury, rode the day he re viewed the Iowa brigade of the National Guard during the encampment here in 1901. Prince Bismarck, the iron chancellor, was personified by Herr .' Fred ' Stodmelster. Count von Moltke had his second In the person of F. M. Forstner, while C. H. Leuch filled the character of Frederick the Great. Each of the celebrities had an escort of mounted warriors with glistening breastplates and helmets. . - Mrs. Clirist Schulti tilled the part of "Columbia," while the part of "Germanla was portrayed by Miss Geroch. Borne of Oi floats were very elaborate. From Treynor was a large float with a display of vegetables and fruits, and Garner township was represented with a big dis play of farm products. One of the pret tiest floats was that of Petersen & Schoen lng, representing; the "Qermantown Set tlers." Sporting; Events. Despite the coolness of the atmosphere most of the visitors went to Lake Manawa In the afternoon,, where sports of various kinds were enjoyed. 8. Adrian and Ernest Evers acted as Judges and these were the results of the various events: Married women's race: Mrs. George HartJV Neola, first; Mrs. John Bchroeder, Council HlufTs, second; Mrs. J. J,' Klein, Council Bluffs, third. j over 12: . Tlllie Boysen first, Tlllie Ric.f second, Lizzie Groff third. . Misses under 11: Bertha Kundel first, Elmeda Boyseti second. Boys under 16:'- Henry Schneider first. Frank Herechey second, Willie Evers third. Men under 40: C. A. Wilding;, Crescent, Ia. (No other prises.) Old men: ft Kllndt first, John Timme of Armnur second. - ' - Fat men's racer Herman Hagedorn 'first, Hns Bier. of- Manilla second. Vat women's race: Mrs. J. J. Klein first, Mrs. Evers second. Mrs. H Sperling; third. In - the 'shooting; contest Tetlef Dose of, Treynor. won first prise, arid A. Thoman- of Council Bluffs captured the second place. The tither prizes In order went to L. Wolf of Underwood. Henry Moyer of Council Bluffs and Dietrich. 8chroeder of Treynor. ' The first place In the bowling contest was won by Herman Hagedorn of Manilla, tho second place by Hans Sleek of the same place. -Henry Meyer jf this city took the third prise and the two other places wero captured by J. P. Knepke of Minden and Jacob Wirt of Bancroft, Neb.- - In the evening the visitors Joined the local members and took In the parade In Omaha. The celebration will close today. This morning a business meeting will be held In Teutonla hall and the afternoon will be devoted to sight-seeing. All the roads brought In big excursions yesterday, the Rock Island having a spe cial of fourteen coaches. PAVISG ESTIMATES APPROVED Afternoon Seasloa to Clean l'n Press ing: Business. The city council held a special session yesterday afternoon to dispose ol several matters that demanded . attention. ' In the absence of Mayor Macrae, Alderman Tlnley presided. ' " 1 " The 'aldermen before . convening in the council chamber took a ride over the re cently completed paving on Benton street from Washington avenue to the Indian creek bridge, the alley south of Broadway between Fourth and Main streets and the alley between Fourth and Main streets from Broadway to Eleventh avenue. Of the cost of the Benton atreet paving the city will have to assume about !3j0, but the abutting property will stand all of the cost pf the paving of the two alleys. The as sessment schedules for these pieces of work as prepared by the city engineer were adopted . ' '" The contract for the sewers ordered laid on Madison avenue. Stutsman strtet, Tur ley 6verkB.' Clark avenue and Benton street was awarded to Nells Jensen. . That for the sewer on Eleventh avenue went to Wlrkham Bro ,- v.--.. .- The contractor all tho curUrig. ordered laid wss swarded to P. Nelson-an his bid of !7 cents for cash and '28 -cents' . for cer tificates, . E. J. Gilbert was awarded the contract for Centfrvllle screened lump coal on his bid of $3.65 per ton In.corlota'and $?4 per ton by the ton.' This coal will be used for the engine houses, where the buildings are CHATTEL LOANS A. A. CLARK V CO. Eatabllahea Msi. -Broadway and Mala at or Pten-'s Shaa-gtora. Yoa eaa borrow tor amount oa rattla, sorasa. houaabuld furniture or anjr rhaltal aacurilr. Pavinrnta can ba mad oa principal at aar time to ault borrowar, and InlerMt rdu 4 aorordlnsly. All baalnaaa confldentlal. Low ralaa. offlra opaa vary evanlng till l a); gaturdar avwlng till a. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Western Iowa College Enter Now. Cataloarne free. - JE. P. MILLER, Prldnt. Maaoala Tenant. 'Phono 1814, LEOaL KOTICBS. NOTICE TO BiDDxCRS. - Sealed blda will be received at the office cf secretary of state up until 12 o'clock tioon of October 1&, lo4, for the construc tion of a tunnel, sewerage ooruieclion, sit ting of steam heating apparatus and con nection ef same with sewerage and water supply at the Holdtrra' and Jailors' Home at Milford, Neb., according to plans and epeclftuntlone. The bOMrii raarrvaa the right to reject any and all blda. GEO. w MARSH. Secretary of Hoard. tUMlvtin,- NEWS OF IOWA BLUFFS heated by stoves and for the Indian creek dredge. The c n tract for Stahl, Mo., mine run coal to be used In the new beating plant for the city hall, city Jnll and patrol house was awarded to the Council Bluffs Coal and Ice company on Its bid of 13.46 per ton In carlota. Rodecker Co. were granted a permit to conduct a saloon at 13 South Main street. Jabbers Object to Sew Rale. A special called meeting of tha Iowa and Nebraska Wholesale Grocers' association was held yesterday afternoon at the Grand hotel. As usual, the meeting whs held be hind closed doors, but It was stated that the meeting had been called with the ob ject of correcting certain trade evils which affected the Jobbers. It appears that certain manufacturers of cereal products have recently announced to the wholesalers and Jobbers that no dis count henceforth will be allowed for cash and that the same prices will prevail for cash as for time payments. To this the Jobbers take exception, and this was one of the principal matters discussed at yester day's session. What action the association Intends to take In the matter was not made public. The meeting was not as largely attended as usual. Parade Detracts from Re-rlval. The Ak-Sar-Bn parade In Omaha tended last night to decrease the attendance at the revival meetings to about half that of the previous nights. The heating arrange ments are proving adequate and despite the chilly atmosphere on the outside the large tabernacle was comfortably warm. The discourse of Evangelist Williams last night was upon the words, "Have Faith in God." A large part of his address was taken up with a description of the great revival in Kenosha twelve years ago. As an example of some of the results of the revival meet ings which he has conducted in different parts of the country, Mr. Williams related the story of the conversion of a mayor of a large town In Missouri. Fry Charged with Theft. William Fry was arrested yesterday, chsrged with being responsible for the sev. eral burglaries which have recently been committed at the Younkerman Seed com pany's building on Broadway. Fry, who was formerly employed by the Tounkeiman company, admitted some of the minor thefts, but denied attempting to. break open the safe last Sunday night. . Fry, at the beginning of the democratic administration, was employed on the street sweeping gang and he attracted some notice by donning a white duck uniform with helmet and brass buttons, and wearing an officer's star .with "Sanitary Police" Inscribed on Since his removal from the street sweeping gang the police have several times endeavored to secure possession of this star, but have failed. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee October 4 by the Title, Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: L. I. Hooker- to H. H. Bryant, part WH, nw. 14-74-40, w. d $2,900 Iowa Townslte Co. to Bertha Kemp- keo. lot 1L block 11. MrC'H'Und. I w. d. k. 66 Bart ha Kempkeo and husband to John .- M. Burns, part lot 10, blk 2, McClell and, w. 4 60 Elvira Miller to Julia E. Officer, lot 1 . Porterfield's aubdiv., w. d 1,600 Patrick - Ronan and wife to H. L. . Ramacclotti. lots 1 to t. block 4. part ' - ; out lot 1, Crawford's add., w. d 1,000 P. W. Cramer to John M. Burns, part lot 0L; block t McClelland, w. d...... 65 Si transfers, total , - , 1 ..tlSTi) N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 290. Night, FS7. Fainting; Bertha. Eseanea. "Fainting Bertha" . Lelbecke . evidently heard of the big parade In' Omaha laBt night' and the .desire to see It was sp strong that she made her escape from St. Bernard's hospital, where she is confined on an Insanity charge. The officers are not making any strenuous efforts to cap ture her and will be content If she will only remain away from the city. .. Plumbing and hsatlng. . Blxby Bon. ' Poatofflce Closes This Afternoon.' Postmaster Haselton announces that on account of the funeral of the lata Post master General Payne occurring today the poatofflce In this city will be closed by order of Acting Postmaster General Wynne be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. No deliveries on business routes .will be made during those hours. Marrlaa-e Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age Magnus Thomsen, Council Bluffs 22 Thora Hansen, Council Bluffs Pixie Klrkpntrlck, Weeping Water 21 Fay Fitxpatrick, Weeping Water IS Maurice Belles. Council Bluffs "o. Olive N. Spencer. Council Bluffs , lll.tOR MEXTIOlf. Davis sells drugs. I Leffert's glaases fit. Btockert sells carpets. Duncan sells the best school shoes. . Night school. .Western Iowa College. For rent. 6-room house. 723 Sixth av. Duncan does the beat repairing a Main st Office boy wanted. Dr. Woodbury, 30 Pearl. Council Bluffs lodge of Elks will hold lis regular meeting tonight. bchool paints, brushes and papers. Alex anders Art Store, JUKI Broadway. Tlgredia temple, Rathbone Sisters, will meet this evening in regular session. . Missouri oak dry cord wood to coed diiv. ered. Win. Welch. Is N. Main st. -TeE W. The gymnasium of thar Loyal Temperajie Iliglon will meet this evening In the club rooms with Miss Florence Denny as dlrec' tor. t Star chapter. Royal Arch Masons, 'w!U hold a special convocation tonight foe work I in the past , and most excellent masters' 'iWgree. , ' l T Hhmnb. wlnitAW ,l,u... John Reno company, was awarded the first prise yesterday for tha best deoorated- Uoal In the parade. The regular ' meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union will be held this afternoon In the club rooms, corner of Fifth avenue and Pearl street. The Council Bluffs High school foot ball team will line up baturday atternuon against the Shelby illga school. The game will be played on the Lake Manawa grid Iron. -. . IOIX CITY PAPEH FOR Bit VAN Joaraal. Which -Bolted His Konalna. tlon, Dealroa Him for Senator. SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. .-Speclal Tele gram.) The Sioux City Tribune, which In lt4 and 1900 bolted Bryan and has since been independent In politics, today comes out for Mr. Bryan for senator from Ne braska. Its editorial vigorously declares that Mi1. Bryan la the moat distinguished citlaen of Nebraska, that ha represents the high Ideals of civic duty that Folk and t-Allit w.A T .. iH , V. .. 1 respective atatea. and that he would be a power for good In the senate. It recounts the series of scandals over senatorial elec tions in Nebraska and urges a reform by tha election of a legislature that will send Bryan to the senate. v Iowa Woman laaaao. ONAWA. la., Oct. 1 (Special. -M re. Ida Hawthorn, wife of C. A. Hawthorn of Center township, was adjudged Insane yes terday by the Board of Insanity ai.d com mitted to the hospital la Cbaroke. TWO DAYS FOR CANDIDATES Nominations Mnst Be Tiled by Saturday Night to Secure Place fn Ticket. REPUBLICANS ONE SHf ON CONGRESSMEN Changes on Bock lslnnd Thonght to Foreshadow a More Liberal Policy on the Part of the Company. (From a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES. Oct. .-(bpedal.) Cam paign commute have only two more days In which to perfect their filings btfore the State Election Board and to get in line for the election in NovemNf,, The election comes this year on November 8. and filing must be made thirty days previous to the election. This would close the fl lngs Sat urday night. It is certain none 'will be re ceived later. Commit fes not having riled the nomination papers Of the rondldatea by that time will find htmselve short on election day. Thus Tar there hate been several cases of negligence.- The republicans have filed the nomina tions for state officers and electoral ticket and for all the members of congress save In the Eleventh district.' Just why the papers for Senator Hubbard have been neglected has not been discovered here. The republicans have also filed for the can didate for member of the hbiise In Wapello county and for the Judge In the Third dis trict. ' ' The bar nominee for Judge 1n the Seventh district has been duly reported and his name is on the lists. He will have no op position. The democrats have filed sill their papers on state and electoral ticket, but are still shy on nominations for congress In the Seventh and Third districts, The socialists have placed on the ballots by petition a full state and electoral ticket and candidates for congreas In all but three districts. Their nominees for congress rej ported are: First district, C. H. Schick, Bur'.lngton; Second, Carl 'Rleck, Lyons; Third, E. D, Hammond, Waterloo: Fourth, F. E. Macha, Buelah; Sixth, Perry Engle, Newton; Ninth, J. O. McElroy, Beebee town; Tenth, Stanley Brown, Belolt. The populist state ticket has been filed and the electoral ticket but no candidates for, congress have been named by them. The prohibitionists have turned over their state ticket to the secretary of state, with the electoral ticket and some of their can didates for congress, but no nominations have been reported In tha Third, Eighth, Tenth and Eleventh districts. It is a matter ' of congratulation that there are to be no 'contents, of any kind before the State Electlun .Board and that all. the nominations' have been made this year without any convention row like the two of last year. - The electoral 'ticket 'which George H. Taylor of Ottumwa was' going to place In the field for his new liberty party has not yet made Its appearance, and 4t la surmised he will- not- be able to name It. - - ' Rwclt Island Changes. The change In the Rock.. Island manage ment, announced from' the. jneetlnga In Chi cago, by which WinchelJ..nnd Mather be come more. .nearly. -In (uU control of, the property. Interests the people of Iowa living along the lino of the-' Rock Island, In that both men are well known, here and have been identified .with the' business In Iowa. It la also taken ta meanlthat there-will be an Immediate chanae In the oollcy of the company 'and ths!trjhbfl. Valley Junction shops will again be.toperaHed on full time, and that the employes of the road will be given "full time. In all ".departments. The policy of retrehchmenf has been followed closely, for .some jtime.. largely, on apcount of the uncertainty pf tbBjCorn. crop, but now It Is learned, here that, a gipre liberal policy will be pursued,, aid as,- the Rock Island has a very large mileage In Iowa thta la very Important. - ; .. . Earllag Visit lown. President Barling and a. -party of officials of the Milwaukee railroad visited Des Moines last night and today and met a large number, of. the business men. The party, will also visit other points along the line, following out a policy of meeting the representative business tnen along the way and discussing business matters with them. A large number ef Des Moines business men met ' the party here. President Earllng La also making a personal investigation of the corn crop in the west. At 'the annual stockholders' meeting to day In this city R. R. Cable,-H. H. Holllster and G. T. Boggs were re-elected directors of the Keokuk & Des Moines railroad. Potatoes and Loiclc. Convicts at the state penitentiary at Ana mosa have this year raised a crop of 4.5O0 bushels of potatoes on a emJ tract of land which the state owns there, chiefly for use as a stone quarry. ' They also raised $00 bushels of onions. - - The prison chaplain reports that In the prison' school, which reopened the first of the month, logic and rhetoric are favorites and hat the books In the prison library on these subjects and on physiology are HoUt Springs, Miss., March 34, 1903 , MV'hil building railroads in Tennessc. tome twelve years ago a number of band; contracted fever and various forms of blooc and skin diseases. , I carried S.S.S. in rn coinmiasaiy and gave it to my bands with taost gratifying results. I can recommend 5. 8. 8. as the finest preparation for Mala ria, chills and fever,, as well ag all blood and akin diseases. : 1 W. I. McGowait. . I suffered, greatly, from Boils, which would break out on different parts of' my body. I sw S. S. S. advertised god after using about three bottles I wns cured, and for the last threei years have iad no troubh whatever. A. W. Zsber. 217 Read SL, Evanrville, lad. I began using your 3, S. S. probably ten years ago for Malaria and blood troubles and it proved so good that I have con. tinued ever since usitfg it as a family remedy. It is a pleasure for me to recom mend S. S. S. lor the benefit of others who arc needing a first rate blood purifier, tonic and cure for Malaria. Arkansas City, Ark. C C IIbmingwav. Boils, abscesses, sores, dark or yellow splotches and debility are some xof the symptoms of this miserable disease. S. 6. a. counteracts and removes from the blocd all impurities and poisons anil builds up the entire system. It is guar anteed a purely rg e table remedy. Write us for med ical advice or any special Information about Tour ease. Tba Swift SpeoJno Conpaoy, Atlanta, Ca. Men's It's to be a brown this season brown units, brown overcoats, bats, shirts, neckwear and hos iery. Our new fall line of stylish brown mixtures haa found favor among swell dress ers. Our unusual line line of men's STYLISH BLACK SUITS has created a decided sensation among good dressers. They tfre H , S. & M. make, with "that swell hang and just fit in the heck." We wish to feature the 20.00 Suits. They're such extraordi-, nary values that every man in Council Bluffs should be given an opportunity to inspect them before paying $40.00 to his tailor for a suit. This is no ex Beno Sells It Cheaper TELEPHONE 265 much In demand.' There are 117 In the prison school and three life-timers are teachers, namely, L. R. Van Tassel, B. Salyards and Jerome Hoot. Doctors Snpplr an Ambulance. A long controversy between Des Moines physicians and the hospitals on the one side and the city authorities on the other In re gard to the purchase of an ambulance for the use of the city, has been terminated by the purchase by the doctor of the city of a new $1,000 ambulance, which they will present as a gift to the city. The Humane society and other bodies have been asking for it a Ions; time. Boiler Explodes. At the county farm, near Des Moines, a large steam pipe burst In a boiler while two. men and a boy were at work making repairs.- The boiler was filled with steam and the three were Inside. They escaped through a manhole and then Jumped through a window out of the room. John W'llderberg, a brick mason, had the flesh of his arm badly burned and Chris Du'Bola, a boy, was terribly scalded about the face. Fair at Valley Draws Well. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Oct. -(Special.) Today closed the three-day session of the forty-sixth annual exhibition . of the Harrison County Agricultural society. The fair this year was a big success. The attendance was large ou all three days in spite of the extremely cold weather on the last two days. - The highest figure In at tendance was reached on Wednesday' at 7,000. The races were perhaps the main drawing feature of the fair, $1,700 being of fered and awarded as prizes for speed. N'o accidents occurred on the race course: A Jockey whose rear name is unknown at tempted to commit suicide last night by drinking carbolic acid, claiming that he was crossed in love. He received medical aid in time. A wheel of fortune was put out of business yesterday by the fair officials upon the Investigation of Angus M. Berry. Another was expelled today. This afternoon a cripple who was engaged In the unique occupation of warming drinking water for race horses hsd an altercation with a ne gro Jockey In which the, cripple was se verely bruised and beaten, while the negro escaped from the grounds and has not as yet been arrested. The exhibits of grain, fruit, live stock and poultry this year were unusually large. The floral hall was especially well decor ated, the principal display of flowers being made by Zlmmer &' Son of Woodbine. At It o'clock at the grand stand the fol lowing eleven directors were elected to serve during the coming two years: Joseph M. O'Connor, Taylor, township; John S. Coulthard, Cincinnati; Sam Balrd, Harri son; Jerome Toombs, Jackson; Frank Znn ner, Clay; H. J. Knauss, Cass; N. S. Law rence, Magnolia; E. F. James, St. John's; Solomon Cox, Allen; A. C. Pryon, Douglas; James Sarvey, St. John's. Pollrrnaa Beats Prisoner. MARSHA LLTOWN, Is., Oct. 6. (Special.) J. M. Bartley, an old soldier. Is lying in the county Jail at this city, with a very badly cut head, as the result of the hand ling he received at the hands of Merchant Police McClure last night. Bartley fre quently gets intoxlca-ted and was picked up In that condition last night, and taken to the Jail, where McClure attempted to search him. and as the man was pretty drunk he had quite a tussle. Officer Edgar of the city force was with them and opened the door to the Jail corridor snd McClure, according to the stories of the ether Inmates of" the Jail, gave Bartley a hard shove, and his head struck- the par tlally opened door, cutting great gash Just above the right eye about three Inches In length. The man fell to the floor and the prisoners state that McClure choked his man and dragged him Into the corri dor, where he was left. About an hour or more afterward some of the other men saw a large pool of blood where Bartley was lying snd called a doe tor, who Is reported as stating that the mm would have died before morning If aid had not been secured.' It took three stitches to close the wound. Bartley has consulted an attorney and states that he will begin suit for damages against the officer. Women's Press (lab Meets. WATERLOO. la., Oct. . (Special.) The annual out-of-town meeting of the Des Moines Women's Press club was held Mon day and Tuesday of this week with Mrs. D. N. Hun! of Cedar Falls. The members SiTived on the noon train, were served with sn elaborate luncheon st ths home of Mrs. Hurd. enjoyed a reception, with Mr. and Mrs. Hurd as hosts, st tha home of Mr. ana Mrs. II. H. Clay, were escorted Tuesday morning to the high school and to the Stotc Normal school and were guests st another lunrheon. given Tueaday noon by Mrs. Charlotte Whitney Eastman, editor of the Young Cltlsen. A lids In automobiles around the city snd to Waterloo by trolley completed two days of delightful enjoy ment. Twenty women wars present from Des Moines and different parts of the stats. The next out-of-town meeting will be held with Miss Mary Elesnor O'Donnell of the staff of the Chicago American, who will en Swell FeJl Suits 7-V 0 lAOAOWAK CAX OP COUNCIL BLUFFS, tertain at her home In Council Buiffs the members of the Des Moines Women's Press club and the Illinois Women's Press club as well. I Woman Dies of Grief. SIOUX CITT, Oct, . (Special.) Orlef be cause she shot her husband was the cause of the death of Mrs. Peter Lewis of Leon. Ia. Her husband one evening recently on com ing home entered the chicken yard to pro tect his roost from chicken thieves. Mrs. Lewis on hearing the cackling grabbed a shotgun and made her way to the yard, t'on seeing the form of a man she fired, thinking It was a chicken thief. It proved to be Mr. Lewis, and he died the next day. Mrs. Lewis was so overcome by grief that she refused to take nourishment of any kind. The end came today. Keep Marrlaae a Secret. SIOUX CITT, Oct. 6. (Special Telegram.) News of a marriage which occurred In Omaha September 16 between Frank L. Ollea and Miss Elsie Long, both of Sioux City, leaked out here today and made quite a flurry.' Both are well known and highly respected. Giles. Is order buyer for Swift and Company. He accompanied Miss Long to Omaha On hr way to Wenatchee..Wash., and she stopped over In Omaha long enough to be married by Rev. Hubert C. Herring. Her parents knewt nothing of the marriage. Bhe is spending her honeymoon alone with relatives at Wenatahee. . Lodsre Elects officers. ' . MISSOURI VALLEY, la.,. Oct. I (Spe-clal.)-At a recent meeting of the Knights and Ladle of .Security the following offi cers were .Installed to .nerve, during the coming term:' President, L. S. Hasklns; vice , president, Mary Dunn; . second vice president, Clara Crane; prelate, Elisabeth Casey; corresponding secretary, George Schlagenhauff ; financial aecretary, J. V. Lewis; treasurer, J. B. Leet; conductor, Mrs. E. Fltxglbbon; guard, Ellen Sullivan; sentinel, M. Haley; captain, Mrs. J. F. Lewis; trustees, F. W. Myers and George Mcintosh. , Accidents at Iowa City. IOWA CITY. Ia., Oct. . (Special.) A re markable chapter of accidents occurred here yesterday, each one small In Itself, yet amounting to unusual figures In the ag gregate. Mrs. Gaunt and Mrs. George U. de Sellem sustained fractured arms In a runaway e,nd their companion, Mrs. T. B. Crane, was severely bruised about , the head. Joseph Slevute, a prominent busi ness man, was kicked by a horse and suffered a broken ltg. Ben Hoffman, a young, boy of 15, while running down hill near the water works fell and broke his left arm. ' ' - Accidents at Cedar Rapids. ' CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. Oct. 6. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Gertrude Grsnt, residing four miles, west of here, met with a fatal accident today. She was endeavoring to start the fire with kerosene when the can exploded and ignited her clothing. William Rice, a young man of Vinton, was fatally Injured while returning from the caranlva! yesterday. He went to sleep and was carried past the station and on being aroused after the train was In mo tion attempted to leave the train and was thrown under the wheels. --' Conrt at Onawa, ONAWA, la., Oct. . (Special.) The Monona county district court convened yes terday. Judge Wakefield prealdlng. The case of Gilbert 8. Gllbertson, state treas urer of Iowa, against, George A. Oliver, ancillary executor of the estate of Julia P. Whiting, deceased, fof collection of the In heritance tax on. the' estate, came up 'or hearing, snd was argued by counsel. The matter was taken under advisement by the court. The court Is occupied this sfternoon with the case- of Richards against Thore son. Democratic Candldnte Withdraws. LOGAN, Ia.. Oct. . (Special.) Fred Cromle of Woodbine, the democratic nom inee for county auditor, has withdrawn his name from the ticket and John Merrltt of Dunlap has been substituted. Cromle Is a young man and Is going to schoul this fall. Merrltt hss been until recently the owner of the Merrltt roller mills at Dun lap, which 'were traded last wek for 2,400 acres of Nebraska land. If ew Appraisers Appointed. ONAWA, la., Oct. .-(Speclal -e. C. Ehelman of Harrison county and M. II. Chaffee of Monona county have been reap pointed appralaera of damages on the big Monona-Harrison ditch, and they have chosen A. A. Clodfliter of Monons county as the third member of the commission. They entered upon their duties this morn ing snd will try snd complete the Job by October 14. Bowline Match at Mlaaoart Valley. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. 0-t. (. (Spe cial.) A bowling tournament was held lust night at Jennings at Reedy's alleys here be taeen five players from Dunlap snd the same number frpm Missouri valley. The score resulted In a' victory for Dunlap by I.40 to lis. A return game Is being ar ranged for. treme statement the fabrics, workmanship, style and fitting, quality of this clothing bears out the assertion. Come and see these new fall suits and try them on. ( One doesn't need to say much about the II., S. & M. Clothing. A wide clientele among Council Bluffs' best dressers wears this clothing exclusively. It's the only ready-to-wear clothing that possesses all the characteristics of the best custom tailor twork. The new Fall Suitings and Overcoatings exhibited in the ' shops of "the leading merchant tailors will be found in these' garments. . A large range ot prices Don't Forget to Ask tor One of Oar Key 4BTAi. Ti Kings, i uejrre rreo IOWA Tnnri nifirnc in nirim lUNA Jl ILL LIU I A UJliLU Meet Offioials of National Federation to Perfect Closer Union. WIDER MARKETS AND MORE CONSUMPTION Pnrpoae la to Bend No Wheat Abroad, bat . Grind, It , Jiere and . Let Floor Oa for Export. . A special meeting of the Iowa Ihlllers club was held In Omaha Thursday, the purpose of which Is to form a central or ganization with a view to en-operating with the National Federation. f Millers. The meeting Is 'called at the Instance ot the Milling and Grain Mews; -published in this city. Th InttlaT meeting was held this morning at-the CotneroleJ chib, where the members registered. - No formal pro ceellngs were bald, the principal business being the reception of tha visitors, about fifty of whom are present. 1 ' The visitors were entertained at lunch by the Bemls Bag . company. , Prior to luncheon the visitors were Invited to Visit the Omaha Oram exchange rooms In the Commercial club building, which was availed of. iV TUe baslnesa aesnlon of the as sociation IS' belngi held at the Bemls Bag company's establishment 'this afternoon and Is executive in character. Among the mere conspicuous members at fhe meeting, are ' President Charles Es penschied of the Millers' National federa tion of St.' Louis and L. 'T. Jamme, secre tary of the'NaMoirat federation of Chicago. Pnrpoae Is , Union. ' Speaking of the .purposes of the meeting President Espenscheld said: . "The object of the ' meeting is to pro mote the welfare of the , flour, makers of the west through their affiliation with the national federation, to widen our mar kets and to encourage the consumption ot wheat flour; to harmonise the differences which may arise between millers .and Bout buyers. We are In no sense a trust OS combination to regulate the prices or OUt put of flour. Our proceedings .are open to the fullest publicity, The National Federa tion of Millers, as a' body,' represents 2,000 millers ot .the. United States whose output Is 400,000 barrels ot' flour, daily, represent ing a consumption of 1,000,000 bushels of wheat -each working .day oj the year. We are not here to undertake to promote any freight rates or reduce them. I may say we have hitherto succeeded. In securing the same export rate for .flour as has beea exacted for wheat. 6;ur slogan Is 'Not a bushel of wheat for export, only flour for export.' What we wish to attain la that every bushel of wheat grown In the United 8tates shall be ground .Into t flour in the United States, In order that our farmers may utilise the offal for dairy and feed purposes, , The millers of ..Nebraska Al ready sre members of the national federa tion and we now are seeking to enllft ths millers of lows." . . Last evening the , visiting millers were entertained at a. hanquot - at the fcona, merclal club by the Grain exchange men and dealers of Omaha. Inns CUr Day at Fair. SIOUX CITY, Oct. .-(Special Telegram.) Frank E. Berle of the "Press bureau of the Louisiana Purchase exposition arranged with Mayor- Sears todxy to have October 12 as Sioux City day at the fair. StoraacirParalysis Dyspepsia or IndifeatlOB, property named, la Paralysis of tho Stomach. , When you have water-brash, feel sick at the stomach, have gas or wind on It, or feel as though you bad a ball or heavy weight in the pit of the stomach after eating, and the nerves and muscles of that organ cease to act. and digest . your food, that stop page In the process of. digestion, to call It properly, U Paralysis of the Stomach, and should be treated aa such. It Is perfect folly to assist the stomach with dyspepsia remedies and ' stimulants to dissolve the undigested ' food. You may get relief, but at the next meal you suffer again. The proper treatment Is to build np the worn out muscles and nerves of the stomach so that It can do its own work without asRtsta.nce, and not only digest the food you eat to-day but to morrow and forever after; as Is done, by the use of Dr. Chase's Blood and Nerve Food and Liver Food, which have an immediate action on the nerves and muscles, that rrmtrol di rection. The price of 4he Blood and Nerve Food. SO cents; the Liver Food IS cents. Book free, old aaa anaraateed bv Myesa-Olb laa Drag; Co, O aaa ha. Neb.'