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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1904)
TltE OMAHA DAIMT BEE: FIUPAY, OCTODEIt 7. 1904. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Weak, with Sharpest Decline la the December Delivery. CROP SAFETY DISCOURAGES CORN 8UU.S Larva RcUrit, Dlaaaaltlaa mt Ef . Ker Held OS mm Ugal Lane; Line BtH Pnetor. ' OMAHA, October t, J04. Thla waa visiting day on the train Chang over fifty Iowa mllers and a Urg numbw of farmer from Nebraska being oa exchange. At tha am time there u considerable bulnes transacted both In cash (rain and tha future. Value were lower ail around In sympathy with tha chanced condition for lower prleea In the chief speculative markets. Tha wheat market ha acquired a laeettuda entirely fore) n to tha couraa of tha leat few weeka. Long are getting- tired over tha Indiffer ence of tha exportera te the wheat and the former are holding back Just aa atrongly for lower prleea. The receipt are ac cumulating In a. aurprlalng manner at primary point and the long disgusted with tha tendency toward dullness are fretting out. taking concessions. Tht la Just a true of corn aa It I of wheat. There may be a ahort crop of wheat and there are many who look for much higher price than anything that haa yet been quoted, but la an impossibility to convince tha trade that there la anything the mat ter with the corn crop. The weather bureau may turn blue In the face with tha chilliness of the front and the dropping pf the quicksilver In the Karenhelt tube, but tha corn will not object nor will It ahrlnk or shrivel before the chilly blast. It la af aad far away from the poaslblll tiea of damage and there la practically a revere lose on tha long corn held more, over tha fnrinera are dislodging an un usually large aupplv of old corn from some quarter and the offerings break values. Liverpool whs weak on corn and wheat, Short were Indifferent a to the feeling of the bull and pumped the cereals onto the market whenever hid were slightly raised. It I a good thing for the specu lative market to have an evening up once In a while and to liquidate long grain. This I being done now. In Omaha, May wheat was 2 cent lower: December wa rath.' firmer. Corn wna fractionally easier but there waa com paratively little doing. In Chicago. December opened at tl.liv, and sold down to $11. May from tl.H 14 to $1.10. From this point there wa sorrte recovery, but at no time waa there any great strenrth to the cereal. The minister of ..agriculture of Italy .estimate tha wheat crop of hi country at .112.0O0.C00 to 120.ono.OOO bushel, a com pared with lM.tO0.O0O bushels last year. Tha Missouri crop report make tlie wheat area sown for the next crop I per rent lee than Inst year, and the condition & Corn condition Is- 77 against 75 last month, pf the, corn crop 73 per cent la estimate safe from frost; rle'd 178.000.WO The Jones aad Inalls rer-ort " the corn drop of Mlsouri 7.000,000 bushels. The Ohio rron report make wheat cron 1000.000 bushels, year ago 2t OOO.Ooo- bushels: ccn condition 73. lest month 7. last year, 65. M"'elng stowlv. Omaha Cash sale:" Wheat 1 car No. , IN... fl.M: 1 car. W lha.. 11.04; 1 enr No. f. 0 lba.r .tl.Ofi; 1 car, No. 4. 48 lbs.. 9540; 1 rar No. .4 hard, 51 lb.. Kc; OnU 1 car etardn r. tsc; 1 car No. 2 white, ZW. 1 car No. ff white, 29 He- . !' Omaha ' Cash Prleea. WHKAT'-'No. 1 hard, tl .: No. S hard. "itJi.OS No. 4 hard, MtfKHo; No I apring. COKN-No. i. 47VVc; No. S. 47c: No. 4, 46c; no- grsde. 43c , tin. J yellow. 4RVtc: No. S yellow. 48c; Na. J white. 47Hc; No. 1 white. 47V.- OATS No. 2 ml. J&e: No. mixed Mr: No. 4 mixed, 27c; No. 2 white. I9Hc; No. t white, 28'Ac; No. 4 white... 2c; standard, 29He. '-,.., . - - Omaha Patnre. Wheat-; ' Open. High. Low. Close. December 1.05 1.03 1.03 May 1.07 1.07 v, 1.07 Corn- 1.03 i.o7 December ...... . 42 42 41 May 42H 42H 42H 4IH 42- - ';'.- . Irala Market Elitwkrrt. - Cloalng price of grain today and Wed nesday at tha market named were a fol low: . ' CHICAGO. Closa- Wheat December - May 'CLrn . . Today. We naditr. 1.09' lllj., .in 81' , 47V ' May ....... Cat December May ; I'.ea. -December May Corn December My Wheat-. December May Cvn . December May Wheat December May Wiiea.-. , 80H tlVi 32 ' 834 BT. LOUI8 1.13 lfl4tf 1.156 1.15 47 461 45 KANMAS CITY. loot 1.00 43 42 NSW YOKIC. M4 1.11 MlNNKAPul-lt. ' 101 1.01 44 44 ,114 1.12 Deoember, Miy 1.11 DULUTH. Wheat . December May 1.0' '1.11 1-10 . Mi GSNKHAL MARKET NEW YORK dnatatlaaa at 1 the - Day oa Vartsaa Comanodltleer NEW YOBK, Oct. .-FLOUR-Rece(pta, ts.tM bbl.; export. (.070 bbl.: aalea, 2,100 page.; maraei auu in sympathy with de cline In wheat; white patenta. . 16.45 tri.76; winter atralghts, $6.2066.46; Min nesota patenta, t6.lo.u4.ti0; Minnesota bak er, t4.vU4r4.t6i winter extra. 1A4&&4.16; winter low grades, t3.9frn4.26. Ry dour, quiet; aalea, XX bbl.; fair to good. l4.4o$ 4.(0; choice to fancy, t4.tkvtr4.80; buckwheat flour, quiet tJ.40V2.fli. CORN1 Dull; yellow western,; city, tl iaal H; kiln dried, 3.10. rt 1 1. r -Nominal. BAHLKI-Slow: feeding. 4tc, c. I t., New York. WHEAT-Salea, t.800.000 bushel. Market tor pot. weak. No. t red. $1.16. f. o. afloat; No, 1 northern. Duluth, ll.arti, f. o. b. ailoat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, I. o .b. afloat, rrorn atart to nnlah wheat waa uadvr bear uentruL yet the greateet heavinee ciui- In the last hour, when atop lose Bailing b U the demoralised corn mar ket promoieil a severe break. Poor cablea and continued liberal northweat receipts added to the late depreaslon. I-ant price were lHc net lower. Sale Included No. t red. May. $1 closed tl ll; De cember, ti ll t-lriol.16, cloaed tl.13. 'URN Receipt. 101,10 buahels; export, 1.133 buahels; sales, 10,000 bushel: future. K.000 bushel; spot market, weak; No. 2, Wo. elevator, and 67c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 yellow. lo; No. i white. 68c. The option market experienced a severe break today owing to bearlati crop estimate, and closed le net lower. May cloaed at 634c De cember, 6Va7c, cloaed at 6oo. OATS Receipt a, 1M.W9 bushels; exports. I.M0 buahels. The apot market waa barely steady. Mixed oata, H to 12 pounda, 2&Vo to: natural white, to to tj pounda, S.i37Wc; natural white, SO to .12 pound, Wi)37c; Clipped white, t7(940o. Option nominal. FEED Steady; apring bran, 13.00; mid dliras. f21tio; city. IMfma.oo. HOPS Steady ; atate, common to choice, Jo4, xWS7c; lSHal, 2MiMo; old, 14tH8o. Pa clfle eoaat, 1H, aao; ltug, 274jiic; old, 14tffleC. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 26 lha., 17c; California, 21 to 26 lb., 18c; Texaa dry, 21 to t lba.. 14e. l.KATHKR Firm; acid. 4i?2c. RICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra. jfto; Japanese, nominal. I'kOVlrflONS-Beef. steady; family. $1050 frll 60; me, f 600; beef hama. tl4.0bii tl4.00l.00. Cut Dteau. quiet; pickled bel "";. -'WHjWi P kled ahouldera, t7.60; pickled hama,' Lard, ateady; -.tern atandv .!; Ootaber closed M 20. nemlnal; renned. ateady; continent. t40; Houtn America. W 76; compound, f 26. Pol k Arm; family, tin 00; abort clear, tl4.0oe17.!; meea. tt ISV9. TA LlyOW Steady; country. 4SS6e BL'TTKR Weak; atreet pTicT extra creamery, 20Hxlc; offli-tal price, creamery common to extre, 13gtHc. CHEKSE-Blrona; atate full cream, small fancy, eolored aad white. !c; large col ed and while, good to fancy. tViOlOo; lars white, poor to fancy, Tvaa. KCMIS Weak; western fancy. Mlected. 21 Vc: average beat, twwio. POl'LTRY-Allv. ateady; w cetera chlck ene, 12o; fowl. 12c: lurkeya, Uoj dreased, teady; weatern chicken. l:Vliie; fowl. I4j turkey. 16-Jiac. ww rrlaa Piaaaclal. I . UtNDON, Oct t Sortpltea ef money were exraaalvaly plentiful in the market teday and rate were eacy. Dtoouota were rrutntalD4l Trading oa the Stock exchange wa Quiet and price were fairly atrong. Consols opened firm on Investment pros pect. but eased a fraction. Home rail uffered from reallaatlona. American opened Irregular and mostly slightly above parity, but afterward became very firm, notably Atchison, Topeka at Santa Fe. Erie and Southern Pacific. Operation were restricted In view of the feverlshnesa of the New York market and price esed later and closed quiet. Imperial Japanese government of 1904 were quoted at rV BERLIN, Oct. 1 Business on the Bonrse today waa Irregular, but price were gen erally steady. Canadian ri.-lUc and Bal timore Ohio were unCJviaHv active. PARIS. Oct. 1 The tone of the Bourso today wa calm. International had an up ward tendency. Russian Imperial 4? were quoted at 83.26. and Russian bond of 1904 at 104. CHICAGO GRAI ATJ PhOTISIOJH reatarea ef tha Tradlal aa Claalaaj Prleea oa Board of Trade. CHICAQO. Oct. t. Weakness of foreign grain market and Increasing primary re ceipt In the United State were cause of a break of mj2c In the price of wheat here today. The market closed almost at tk lowest point of the day. Corn la off 10I IHc. Oata are down c. Provision re &o lower to 7Hc higher. " When trading in the wheat pit began aentlment waa only a trifle easier, but the session advanced all support wa p- Sarently withdrawn and extreme weakness eveloped. The Influences mainly respon sible for the llght decline In price at tha tart were lower cable and a report by a Cincinnati trade paper, alleging a material Increase In the acreage aown with winter wheat. Initial quotation on December wer off Uo at tl.U491.UU. May waa doan W'rfV to V5c at tl.llSl.UU. For a brief period the market 'exhibited aome sign of rallying. The dvance In price, however, waa small, May selling up to 11.11 Meantime December Bold up to $1.11. A reaction Boon occurred on acat tered selling. The low point of the day wss reached on December at $1.09V. The decline In thla month wa greater than In the May delivery, owing to more liberal offering, of December. May dropped to $1.09. The de mand Improved .considerably during the laat few minute of trading, a report of good flour salea at Minneapolis furnishing the stimulus to buy. The market, how ever, closed weak, with December at $1.09. Final quotations on May were at ll.WVrf 1.10. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 30,300 buahels. Primary receipts were 1.192.600 bushels, compared with X8!),90 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago, reported receipts of 87 car, against tttii cars laat week and 71 a year ago. A fear that the government crop report, due Monday will Indicate a big yield earned general liquidation of corn. An esti mate made by a Clnclnntl trade Journal of 2,400.000.000 bushel as the total yield waa generally considered a faithful' forecaat of the official figure. The market wa unable to resist the selling pressure and price broke severely. December opened un changed, to o lower at 51c to Sl61Hc sold between 44a and 614o and closed at 49Hc. Local receipts were 140 cars, with 7 of con tract grade. In sympathy with the weakness of other gralna the oat market waa subjected to considerable selling pressure. There was soma demand from commission houses, but the buying was not sufficiently urgent to prevent a decline In prleea. December opened unchanged to a shade lower at llVtiptltte to 31Vc, sold off to toHc and closed at the low point. Local receipt were 203 car. The decline In com had a weakening In fluence on the provision market, but cover ing of January lard by ahort nearly offset thla bear factor. At the close January pork wns off SWiiOc at tl3.27ViO13.a0. lard was up 7c at $7.60. riba were unchanged at $A 90. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 42 cars; com, 78 cars; oats, 112 cars; hog. 14,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh.l Low. Cloae. Tei y. Wheat! . I. I Oct. Deo. . May Corn .Oct. Dec . May Oats-, Oct. Dec. May Pork- Oct. Dec. -It n 1 nau 1 09. 1 07 1 0 1 OT 1 7K 1 09 1 114.. 1 11W 111- 1 11 1 W 109-W 60) 2 49 61 51 51361 61', 4914 46 4Vv 47 I 47 to1 3W4 48 I I. io 31 V 30 30 31 33 11 62 11 60 13 25 7 0 3f 33 82 I. 11 60 11 to 13.36 7 60 7 62 t 1 80 .7 00 11 60 11 tiS 11 62 11 62 11 56 11 66 13 SO 7 70 766 7 60 765 13 40 13 20 7 60 tard Oct. Dec. Jan. Mav . 2 I? 7 06 7 60 7 66 7 62 7 571 7 46 7 63 7 57 R1e - ' Oct. Jan. May , 7 96. I 6 S2 7 00, 7 92 7 92 7 92 R 90 . 97 0 yu 7 7 NO. 1 . . .... Tjah quotation were aa follows: FLOUil Firm; . winter patenca, ' 16 309 6.60; straights H9O&6.20; spring patents, $6.4o.uu; straights,; baker. $1.40 C(3. JW. - WHEAT No. 3 apring, tl.l21.16; No. 1 red, ti.osyi. CORN-Nor 2. 6164c; No. 2 yellow. 64c. ... OATS-No. 2, 81432c; No. 2 whlta. tlu; No. t white, 30c KYE No. 2, Jt. B A RLE Y Oood feeding, tie; fair to choice malting 8&940c. 8KED8 No. i flax, tl.041.12; No. 1 northwester-!, $1.14; prime timothy, $2.4042.u0; clover, contract grade, $12.26. em VMl jM.i Men pork, per bbl , tll.659U.66. Lard, per 10-i pounds, t7.87. Short rlba aides ( loose 1. $7.903.10. Short clear aides (boxed). $8.2d98.60. Kecelpta and ahlpmenis of flour and grain wer aa follows: Rec-lit. Shipment Flour, bbl 38,400 88,200 Wheat, bu v 11 2, 000 ' SO.fcOO Corn, bu 1R3.400 '631,H00 Oata, bu 366.900 223.0OO Rye. bu 7,000 . 8,W0 Barley, bu 244,000 87,100 On in Produce exchange today tha hut ter market wa ateady; creameries. 14920c; dairies. iWillc Kpks. steady; at mark, caaea Included. I4(&17c; firsts, 18c; prime, firsts. 20c; extra, 22o. ' Cheese, firm, 10 t10o. Rt. I.oala Grala and Pvorislons. ST. LOnS. Oct . WHEAT Lower: Nn. t red, rash, elevator, tl !4V; track, $1.19; No. 2 hard, $1.119118; December, tl.14; May. tl.l4fH.14 CORN -Lower; No. 2 caah. 42c; track, 64c; December, 4o'jc; May, 46e. OATS Lojrer; No. ! cash. 31r; track, 32'333c; December. 81c; May. 83c; No. 2 white. 24c. FIX)UR Only a dull domestic trade; red winter patenta. t6.66jr6.00; extra fancy and atralght. t6.2CW5.65: clear. $3.ln3.4. TIMOTHY 8KED $2.2j(ff2 83. n s ' rORNMBA L Steady, $3.74. BRAN limited demand; narked, east HAY Stronger for beat; timothy, $8.00 13.00; prairie. $6.onjt9 00. IKU.N COTTO.NT1KH 86C. ... nAa3iNja-r77 HEMP TW1NB-7C c. 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, firmer: 'lobhlnr. $11.76. lird, higher; prim steam, $7.35. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra short, $t.$7; clear rlb, $9.62; ahort elenr. $9 75. METALS Lead stronger at tU2fM.ia. Spelter, better at $4.97$j6.0O, - ' POILTRY Steady; chickens. tc; springs, 9o10c; turkeys, H914c;' duvk. 9c: geae. Sc. BUTTER Firm j creamer-. UCZlc; ;dalry, 1216a ' . EOOS Firm at 18c, case count. t Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbl 11.000,. , . 1 J. 0V- wneai. du w.oiio 136, mm Corn, bu t.40 ' 54.000 Oat, bu 40,0oo, , to.ouo Kaasa City Grala aad Provlsloaa. KANSAS CITY, Oct. t -.WHEAT Steady to higher; December. 11.00; May, $100; cash. No. 2 hard. tl.0491.0B; No. t, tl 1.08; No. 4, 86(99t(c; rejected, 86990c; No. I red. tl. 1091.12; No. t, $1.0691.09; No. 4. 969 tl.06. ... CORN Higher; December. 4c; May, 42 943e; caah. No. t mixed. 60c; No. t, 49: So. t white, 62952c; No. t, 62c. PATS-Bteady; No. 2 white, 3ic; No. t mixed, oc. HAY Steady; choice timothy,' $8.759.O0; choice prairie, $8. , . RYEV-Steady at 70c. EGGS Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. t whltewood caaea Included, Uc: case oount, lc' caaea returned, c less. BUTTER Creamery, l691l(Hc; dairy. 14c. Wheat. bu !o,ou 140.000 Corn, bu.,.1 14.400 - iJuo Oata, bu 26,000 -10,01) Pklladelphla Pradae Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. C BUTTER Firm, with a good demand; extra weaurn creamery, 21c; extra nearby prints, 22c. EGCiS Steady : fair demand; nearby flral and western flrata, to92lo at mark. CHB-k-ttB Quiet but Arm: New York full Creams, fancy, 10ilftc; New York full cream, choice, 910c; New ' York full oreama, fair 10 good. 99o. , Dalatk Grata Market. Dl'UTII, Oct.. e. WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 hard. $1 11: No. 1 northern, $1 09; No. I aorthern, $104; on track. No. 1 northern, tl.01: No. 1 U.08U: Decaiuhar. til". uiin-ia arrive ana en trace, who. Peart a Market. PEORIA, 111., Oct. a-CORN-Staady, No. t, 16c; No. 4. tic; no grade. Ho. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS afariet Decidedly Quiet and Prioet Ire Inclined to React. ACTIVITY SHIFTS TO NEW GROUP teL St. Paal aad tk ParlSea All neglected aad Iaterrat Caatcra ta Caalers aad Anaalga sated Capper. NEW YORK, Oct. f.-Wlth price Inclined to react for St. Paul. I'nlon pacino and I'nlted States Steel preferred on the Stock exchange and a almilar tendency manifest In Northern Securities on th eurb, the stock market waa deprived of th principal Incentivea to the speculative excitement of me previous aays or tnis wee ana tapsea Into a condition, by comparlaon, of decided quietude. The result wa to lessen the activity of ine iraaing 10 a marea extent, ini re sult, following a fall In prleea, was taken . v .... k tnviimmi luuivaiiuii vi puciibiii. and sentiment toward the market continued to be governed accordingly until the break at the laat. Rumors then became current of a shift to the ahort side for a bear cam paign of Important operators, who have led the advance. The principal activity ahlfted to new quarter and In these prices ad vanced. These new point of strength de veloped after the reaction had become fairly general. Amalgamated Copper wa me nrst wnose strength wa rainy shown The buying of this stock wa upon the re port of the copper trade, which snowed lively demand both for foreign and do mestic consumption, which carried price to a higher level. The rise In Delaware A Hudson wa attributed to favorable com parison between that atock and other high priced conler. The movement In Reading wa, In some sort, a resumption of previous campaign and was based upon professed belief In an early division dis tribution on this stock. This Reading movement wa about the only symptom of the day's market of the pursuit or the policy of rotation of support which has been followed for a long time by the forces In control of th upward course or prices. There ia no present movement to curtail stock market loans, but the depletion of the surplus reserve Is uninterrupted and a press of loan contracts waa a question of only a short time. The Inattention to the cold wcuther reports show th growth of a confidence that grain crops are prac. tlcally made and Increased estlmatea of the total yields were In circulation. Ad vlcee from the Iron and ateel trade were of a pause on the demand for iron and a still moderate demand for form of teel. The failure to declare the dividend on the steel foundries preferred tock and the re- forted tl.000,000 bond issue of the Republic ran and Steel comnanv were deterrent In fluences on the Iron and steel group. Th weakness of the lead and smelting stocks waa due to te reported abandonment of the lead meier. The weak and active closing showed that the strong features of the day proved too mild a stimulant for me marKet in its present nnmi 01 inuun ence and there was little left of the few gains. Bonds were sfeady. TotsI sale, psr value, $3,695,000. I'nltel States old 4 declined per cent on call. Quotation on th New York Stock ex change ranged aa follow: 8n les. Hltrh.LOw.Close. Atchison 25.300 83 82 82 do pfd 2,600 )()' 100 99 Baltimore Ohio .90 do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake Ohio.., ChlcRgo 4k Alton, ofd do pfd , Chicago Gt. Western, Chlcaeo & N.' W 93 131 181 43 89 80 16 185 165 182 2.100 16 2,900 JSl C. M. St. P 42.300 167 16S do pfd Chiogo Term. T.. do pfd C, C, C. A St. L. ... Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d ofd 100 100 1,900 900 600 14$ 14 88 82 14 82 18 19 18 ' 61 26 01 61 loo 26 : 26 170 172 294 293 Delaware tk Hudson.. 26. 400 174 D.. L. w loo an Denver 8c Rio Grande .. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd ..... do 2d pfd .... Hocking Valley do nfd Illinois Central Iowa Central ........ do pfd K. C. Southern' do pfd Louis. A Nashville.. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn. & St. IauIS... . .-'100 . 4 . 4.200 128 127 127' . 700 154 154 153' .ZD.WNJ s-'yt suy Vls .21,900 120 H8 119 . S00 67 57 66 M., St. P. Sc. 8. S. M. do Dfd S.600 79 T7 78 100 181 Mlasourl Pacific ......22.600 lOO M.. K. A T 1,400 25 do pfd 1,700 51 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central ...11.200 ISO . Norfolk & Western..:. 2.400 71 do ofd Ontario & Western Pennsylvania. . t.100 35 ,.56.100 131 P., C. C. &. i Reading 400 ,71 ...141,2i 70 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. & 8 F. 2d pfd St. Loul 8. W . 100 .21.900 . 3.000 .. 700 600 78 20 72 71 71 69 58 58 21 21 21 49 48 47 do pfd B. Pacific 8. Railway do pfd Texi A Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd ; Wabash ...v do pfd W. A L. E....; Wisconsin Central . do pfd Mexican Central ... Adams Ex American Ex I'nlted States Ex..,, Wella-Farao Ex .. 700 ..66.200 .. 7.100 1.2O0 ,.: 1 700 59 &8i 68 82 ;w 94 32 32 94 94 82 33 80 40 58,200 103 102 10? 93 1.800 2.300 20 19" 19 41T4 40 40 700 600 1.500 20 19 44 43 14 11 100 118 - lit Amal. Copper 4 -.68,600 Am. Car t Foundry.. 800 W 23, 83 29 337, 60 22 81 do nfd 400 100 Am. Cotton Oil.. do pfd Am. Ice .. do nfd Am. I In seed OH do pfd Am. locomotive do nfd 1.000 1.900 800 26 Am. Smelt. A Refng 4.000 87 ' 6.17t OO pro -. s u"i Am. Suear Refng..,,.. S 300 13i 131 do pfd 1 900 106 106 snieonciii n. i.o.. Brooklvn R. T.... Colo. Puel Iron Consolidated Oa Corn Product.... 2.600 99 .44,600 r4, . 7" 26 . l.lro 211 . . 1.800 15 . 400 71 do nfd Distillers' Securities.. Geuerul JClectrtc 00 18 SOU 173 Intern" tlonal Paper... do pfd ......j. Jnternelldn! Pump... loo T 9.1 7l aa pia " - 11 Ntinnl Iad T,ox North American Pacific Mail 9"0 People' Oa ........... 1100 Prsed Bteel Car.,..4 1.400 do pfd 1O0 Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel ......... 2.M0 do pfd 1.300 Rubber Oooda 00 do Dfd 24 103 . J!4 79' 'iox " MS : 20 lot , 61 20 Tenn. Coal A Iroa ... 1.900 ... 2 500 ... 1 400 ... 1 100 ... 1.400 ... ) ,..X9 100 49 87 n 7 lu V. 8. leather do pTd fT. S. Realty XT. 8.. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel .. do nfd Weatlnghoiiee Klec.: 104.600 7Ha MO 164V4; 164 Weatern 1 nion 100 9T4 9144 Tetal sales for th day, 1,001,200 shsrea. - - Loadoa Slack Uarkat. LONDON. Oct f. CToidng; Coaaola. raonay.... H W-H N. T. Contral.. do account U U-l Norfolk A W... Asaoasd U do pfd AU-nlaoa M Onlaris W..: an afd 101 IPannarlaaala ... U4H . u Baltimore A OtU.... tajr.-.t Mlaos . to . Mtk Caoadla Pacta 117 4 Chee. A Okto 46 Chicago Ot W...... 17Sj R radio do .lit pfd do Id pfd So Railway . do sfd .... , 4 n M . T c., m. a at. IBrs Desvor A K. O do pfd Sri do 1st pfd .. do M pfd... Illlsota Caacral. Lauta. A Nut.. 14 (V8o. Pacific .. ftl ... H-4 I'nlon PaetSe ... IV do pfd ... tiVC. ! ... I do pfd ......... -,,ll41W.bah , ...114 1 do nfd 4? a. a t .. . . ... 14 aVvtslsh fd Ml eii.vEK-Hir, M9-1ki per ounoe MONKY ltjl per cent. Tha rat of dis count In the open market for ahort bills Is 21-16fft per cent; for thro month bill. 2(f3 per cent. Itaw Yerk Maaer Market tew ton w rv... m u..r.v ,, teadr: 1 4. fall wr cent: rlnln kM ik PKIMK MEKt'AMILE PAPER-4ut BTtHLINO EXCIIANOE-allgMly firmer. With a , . . I V. . . i , w 1 . ... " ' ' ..iiwo in nanaena Dill l t4su30(ii4k63 for demand and at $4MJij 9.600 91 HO 100 93 93 1,500 133 131 200 181 181 6.700 44 43 1O0 39 39 16 187 a -300 81 81 80 , 46,700 33 22 32 , 1.100 69 68 68 , 2,100 . 47 47 46 ...... 200 81 80 80 I 4. 400 148 142 . 142 . 300 26 . 35 - 24 . 100 45 46 45 23W 44 44V lill 131 99 99 25 25 50 50 ...w 19 128 128 71 ,71 . DO A4 84 132 132 71 70 68 70- , 88 78 77 28 28 41330 for alxfy-day bill; posted rate. $414 and t4 86; commercial bill. $4.81. SILVER Bar, 67c; Mexican dollar, 45Nc. BONDS Government, easy; railroad. Heady. The following are tht casing quotations on stocks and bonds: C. 8 ref. ts. re- ...lMMnhttn . . 4s.. .pan ,..t8n. Central 4s " ...KXt 4a 1st Iim Hi ...106Mlaa St. U 4.... Kit ...ItiHM . K. T. 4 mist. ...111H t ..: n ...lotsN. ft. . ef M. . 4s. r, ...KKSN Y. C. IW IM N. J. r. t. 4 So routes as. r , So coeeos So now . re. e coupoe ...... 4 old 4s, re. So eoupos Afklso soa. 4s. o s41. 4 Atltntle C. L. 4. al Okie 4s.... do IH Ootrml of Oa. .. Mo let ln Chen. Ohio 4H Chlroso A. te ... No Pscllc 4S lft ... ae u , ...10114 H. A W. e. 4 ... Mh,(l. a L. par... ...Iltsrenn. con, ltm ... itrla4tn . ...10SSt. U A 1. M. e. t .1004 . H .100 .11-4 11H4 it st. u a s r. rg. . w ... MV ... ... i4 ...11T4 ...IM I... T ...1M4 ...liH ... n ...iu ... ... ioh f ., B. a d. s 7H. L 8. W la. c. m. e. r. S 4a..1aiSeahfiar1 A. U 4a c. a m. w. a. Ts....iraitSo. Ptelle 4a C . K. 1. P. 4s TlVtilo Rallwar la... So rot. Is ore. it. Us ( klcfi Tor. 4a.... Cos. ToMcce 4a.... Colo. A So. 4a DftTr g. o. 4s rt prior Hon 4a.. So tan. 4a rH Texaa a r. ik. ... IM T . St. U A W. 4 71 Union Parlfle 4a.. Tl So oonr. 4o M U S moal M to. KWHWatiaah la o dt. S ss w. t k I. P w. D. C. 1(...114WI. Costral Horklni Val. a. .. AH Col, rual . L. N. ant. 4a 101 Offered. Bastoa Stock Market. BOSTON. Oct. t-Call loans, 21 per' cent. Time loans, 4Si per cen;. Oir..lal of stocks and bond: , , Atrhlaoa adj. 4s. do 4a Mas. Central 4., AteMaoit do pfd ... SWelln. .... 11 .... .... 1J .... 4 .... 11H .... 11 .... J11 ....l .... I7H .... 174 .... 1J14 .... 16 .... -.... 1 .... 99 .... Ii :::: P .... .... PH4 .... I1V4 .... M ..JOiAdrenture ,.. M Alloun ... UtkAaultamaWd .. ,..1oo Amerlroa Zino Boston A Albany.. .1 AtiantK Boston A Maine. ..-.lMVfeRtnsham noatnn Rlavatad ..lMHCal. A Horla.... ..IMitCantoanlal .. UH Copper Rang . ..If Pair Waat .. 71 Dominion Coal ..102H Franklin .. UVOranrr .. 77 lle Roralo .... .. HMim Mining .. ..1S1 Michigan ..Ut Mohawk ,.tH Mont. C. A C. .. MS Old Dominion . .. llalOsronla . . 14 Parrot ..fMHQulnry ..171 6hannon .. 11 Tamarack .. MlTrlnltT .. 42)4, P. 8. Mining... ..10J U. g. Oil .. 61 4 Utah .. S(H4 1 Victoria .. 17 Wirona .. 74HIWolrarln ritrhbars p(d Mex. Central N. T., N H. A H.. Pera Manpiatte ..... t'nlon PalAc ...... Amer. Arga. Cham.. do pfd Aemr. Pnau. Tdba.. Amir. Sugar do pfd A mar. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A g... Sdiaon Klec. Ill enarsl Electric ... Maaa. Electric do pfd Maas. Gas Vnlled Fruit United Shoe Maak.. do pfd V. S. Steal do pfd Bid. .111 . 1H . 10 . 41 . 4 . 1 New York Mining Stocks, NEW YORK. Octv C-The following are th cloning prices on mining stocks Adams Con. rt M Leadrtiia Con.. .. M ..MO ..140 .. II .. 14 .. M .. 41 .. t7 ..IN Alio Brsare Bmnawlck Cos.... Comatock Tunnel. Con. Cal. A V.... Horn Btlver Iron 811 ear Llttl Chief Onuiia - Ophlr , Phoenix ...... Potnal , ... It ... 0 .. w ,..22 ...160 ,..1S Savaga , sierra Nevada Smalt Hopes ... Standard Weekly Btateaneat Bask af Enstlaad. LONDON,. Oct. t. The weekly bank state ment of the Bnnk of England shows tha following changes: Total reserve, increase, 1.287,000; circulation. Increase, 269,000; bullion, decrease, 4,017,441. Wool Market. : BOSTON, Oct. 6, WOOLS A free move ment of wool continue In the Boston mar ket. Some stocks of wool have become sur prisingly low for this early In the eeaaon. This Is especially true of medium. Terri tories wer active snn prices nrm. puuea wools are steady. There Is little doing In foreign wools - on spot. Quotations: Ken tucky, Indiana, etc., and blood, 290 29c; territory, Idaho fine, 18al8o heavy fine, lMflSo; fine medium, 1818c; medium, 19510c; low medium, 21&22; Wyoming fine. 16ft17c: heavy fine. 154316c: fine medium. 17 $18c; medium. 2021o; low medium, 2223c; Nevada and Utah fine. 17017: heavy, 15Q 16c; fine medium. 17V44j'18c; medium, 2VS2lc; low medium. 22&?3c; Dakota fine. I7&18c: fine medium, 1718o; medium. 2021c; low medium, tiiiiS: Montana fine, choice, 20f721o; fine, average, 1920c; flne medium, cholco, lo; average 1820c; staple, 2223; me dium choice. J2vf23c; average. 2l(rT22. ST. LOUIS. Oct'. 6.WOOL-8teady: me dium grades combing and clothing. 2o26c; light fine 1620c: heavy fine. 1216c; tub wssnea. szoane. : NEW YORK. Oct.' 6-WOOL-Market steady; domestic fleece. 32 35c. Oil and Rosin. NEW YORK. Oct.' K OILS Cottonseed. steady; prime crude,' rFornlnal; prime yellow, Wvpooftc. fetroieum, sieauy; rennea, new York. $7.25; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.90. Turpentine, 'dl7, at s6Oj8o. . , ' ROSIN Quiet,' stralped, common to good, j -i. . - I .'. .. Ajiid un i, uct. a yia vreait eaiance. 11.66: certificates, no bid: ahlDments. 78.548 bbl.; average, 65,680 bbl.; run, 114.154 bbl.; average, 67.569 bbls. ; shipments, Lima, 58,024 bbl. ; average, 6g,263 bbls. ; runs. Lima, 70,007 bhis. ; average, 48,44V ddis. SAVANNAH. Qa.. Oct. fc OILSTurpen- tlne, Arm, 52c. Rosin, firm; A, B, C. $2.47: D, $2.52: E, $2.57; F, $2 62; O, 12.67; H, $2.76; I, $2.86; K $33; M, $4.16; N, $4.40; W.a. t4.60; WW. $.87. , - Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct METALS The Lon don tin market wns easier, closing at 119 for. apot and 12010 for futures. Locally steadier, however; spot quotations, $28.30i 28.50. Copper- wss unchanged In the Lon don market, so far aa spot wss concerned, with futures a little higher, the former being quoted at 68 17s 6d and the latter at 59. Locally cooner wa firm, with lake at $13.00ml2. electrolytic at $12.77(fc;13.00 and ofistlng at il2.2l75. Lead waa firmer at 12 In London, but remained unchanged locally at $4.2004.30. Spelter was unchanged In both, cloalng at U 15a In London and at 15.103)5.20 kcnlly. Iron closed at 50 6d in Glasgow and at 48s 6d in Mlddlesborough. Locally Iron wa Arm; No. 1 foundry north ern ia auoted at I14.264j'14.76: No. 2 foundry northern, $14.00iSl4.5; No. 1 foundry south ern and No. 1 foundry southern soft. $ll.76 14.26. ' ST. LOUIS. Oct. t. MKTALS Lead, stronger, at $4.1041o- Spelter, better, at $ 976O.00. ' agar and Moiase. NEW ' YORK. Oot. t.SUGAR-Raw. steady; fair refining, te; centrifugal 94 test, t-inc; moiaiFe ugar, sc. itennea. ulet; imo. c, 4.00c; no. 1, 4.oc; mo. , 00c; No. . 4.4c; No. W. 4.4oc; No. 11. 4.10c; No. U. 4.26c; No. It, 4.24c; Ko, 14, 4.20c; confectioner' A, 4.90e; mould A, f.40c; cut loaf, 170c; crushed, t.75c; pow dered, 6.15c; granulated, 6.05c; cubej, l.SOe. MOLAHKS Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, Sl&oTc. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 8. -SUGAR -Strong open kettle, 3(S3e; open kettle centrifugal. 4j4e: , centrifugal wllte. 4 15-16c; yellows. 44o; seconds. 24-tc. . MO LAS 8 ICS Non.inal; -open kettle, 20 26c 1 oeatrlfugal, laioc . Syrup, nominal. ..,.-..' !-r 11 ... ., , . . . Cettoa Marker. NEW YORK,' Oct..' t.COTTON Closed Hif - '. . - lniiig upland, 10.45c; middling gulf, 10.70c; sales, u ImiIob. .. i 1 - NLW . ORLEANS. Oct. 8.-COTTON Steady; aalea, 1,860 bale; ordinary, 7 7-P-cl geod ordinary, 8"Hc; low middling, 9c; iiitUdMns. 9 1R-loi good middling, 10o: mid dling fair, lvc. Receipt. 8,852 bale; dock, 2.5M bales . . - BT. LOUIS. Oct, ; t.-COTTON I'n chHnged; middling,- ioot sale, none: re ceipt. 2t balta; shipments, t bales; stock, t.Hfl bales.' . . . '. CarTa Marker. NEW YORK. Oct. .-COFFEEMrket for futures oppd qulat and steady at un changed prior Tr-er waa anough drmanj to absorb tha offerings at decline of 1043-16 point and- tl. ....... et e.pci steady on that baela. Sale, wer reported t 104.0 0 baga, Ino'.udlng October at $6.63: Neve-nber, $4o; December, $4.74.90; March, 17.o6..20; May, $'7.4(! July. t7 tW 60; 8-plt.m! er, $7.6o7. 60; spot Rio quiet; Ko. 7 Invoice, tc; mild quiet ' .- t Dy Qoufli Market. NIJW YORK. Oct. a DRY OOODB-Mar-ket conditions are ohanged but little, with buyers showing 110 general Interest In tha market, while ller are firmer than ever In their' Ideas regarding prleea. Thla sta tistical position of many lines Is unusually firm, and it I IniTraaalbla qn these line to aecure prompt delivery. The fluctuation In' raw material continue a handicap to free trading. Taleda Sea Market.' TOIJEDO. Oct. .-SEF:D-Clover. cash and Octobor. $7.60; December. $7.65; March $7 66. Alalk: tt tf bid. Timothy, $115 rkd. . ......,'.--.'. Mllwaakee fbrsln Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. t WHKAT-Msrket lo lower: No. I northern. $1.16; No. 1 northern. ll.lOHWl.U; May, $1.10. RYE VSo higher; No. 1. tic. 1 A RLE Y Steady; No. I. 660; aainple, tl CWc. CORN-nilgher; No. I, 613SJc; May. 47c bid. Mlaaeenalla drain Mrke. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. t WHEAT De cember, tll0l 10: May, ll.Ujfl. No. 1 hrd. tl.14; No. 1 northern? 11.11 No I northern. tfO. FIX)UR First patents. $1S084130; second patents. $06yila: first clsara. $4 .60414, 70; ootid clear. $3.1(8a.W. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattlt Eocelptt Light and Market Ruled AoUts and Strong. BEST HOGS FIVE LOWER, OTHERS TEN Heaviest Haa al tkeea Bo rar Tht Week, bat tiaed . Killer Sold Steady, Others. Weak aad as Trie at feeder. SOUTH OMAHA, 6ct. t. 1904. Receipts were: Datue. Moas. Sneep. Omciai jiotioay lia Oniciai 'luesoay b.MO Omclal Wedneeday i.iti Othuial Thursday ,uo .tU e.euO it 06I lu.i4 te.oov Four day thla week 22.819 kl.019 Same uays Isat week HM.aU Jw,uuo ou,4i ttame UHa week oetort -o.iVo U,m4 Vs.Om aame tnree wees ago.... so.Ut 14,. ta.i-1 Same tour weeka ago.'.io.ut 3o.u.t Sams aays laat year....2&,Uio lo.uU Si,ao3 RUCKIPTH FOR THE YEAR TO DATK. The lohowing table shows the receipt of cattle, nogs and sneep at bourn uiruma tur th year to ,uat witu coiupanaona: 1904. jv inc. Deo. Cattl t.o.Bu! 7..0 1W.9H Hogs l..yvi l,Vo,Vil 1.VM theep l.we.oti Lti,v4u ,oo , '! uiiowiiia t,Uun t..u avurasa pric ot nog a eoutn v,iiuna iur lu laat aaveiai day with comparison! Data. 1 1904. fl9Ut.190t.UWl. iitoa.iiats.lia Sep;. II.. J I 7341 ; 7 38 t 19 4 1 3 74 bept. ).. w 7 99 It TJ fe Mi 4 Ml I " Sept. t tl 11 I t t t S 1 i ii 22.. t 7j W 7 4j I k Xl 4 S 7 Sept, aept. Sept. Sept. Sept. its. 24. 26. 6 lotoi i I toi, t Sl, I II B 7 74) 7 M t 14 177 I SB SNi -7 hfki SS Mill fa ItM 1 1 X. 2s. 29.. 90., t7! I R 7 S. I 4 56 6 1 49 t 71 Sept. 6 MM J M W 1 t m i t Mj t 73 Y ttj I t 17 4 I7 I M 6 t 1 k il 1 ia, 9 tli j t i n t 74i .l 7 lb, 9 10! 5 U. I il 6 61 7 20 68 6 lt 4 39 6 71 t 65 7 30 69i 6 19 4 42; t 6 t 74 7 32 6 67 6 'l 4 7 3 J4 6 7lt 67 1 62 6 16 1 4 tl 3 54 t 64 7 42 1 6 111 4 a4 I 64 Dept. bept. Uct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Indicate Sunday. The official number of car ot stock brought In today by each road whs: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H's's. C, M. & St. P a Wabash 2 1 Missouri Pacino 2 2 t nlon Pacific system." 46 16 C. N. W t F., E. at M. V 1J 2v C, St. P., M. O.... 6 7 b. & M.. (4 17 C. B. 4 Q 1 K. C. & St. J I C, R I. A P., esst... 1 4 C, R. I. A P.. west... t Illinois Central 1 Chicago Q. W 2 65 "i 1 28 Total receipts 1S9 101 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co - 2S2 760 446 Bwirt ana company tin Cudahy Packing Co ' 700 Armour A Co., .' 829 Omnha, from K. C -38 Armour, from Sioux City .... Vanaant Co.: 1 242' Carey A Benton 136 Lobman A Co ' - 19S McCreary A Clark 20 W. L Stephen 194 Hill Son 16 Lewis At Underwood ..... , 4 Huston 6V Co 26 Hamilton A Rothschild.. 156' Squires A Co Mike Haggerty.:., ....... 25 Sol Degan 24 J. B. Root A Co 1 Bulla & Kline 13 S. A F 1.157 602 1.296 1,5)3 4.3S8 636 1,299 405 203 890 Parker A Webb.. Other buyers .... 336 12.001 Totals 4,069 6.426 18.771 CATTLE The supply of cattle In sight this morning was light and wuh a guud demand the market, ruled active and strong On nearly alt kinds. Trii. arrive.! in tairly goou season, so that a clearance wa madu at an earlier hour-than uauai at tht season of the yetr. The market on corn-fea steer showed n. particular onanga. aupp.le wer l.gnt au.1 the quality omy fair, in top pi Ice oui g $41.60. buyers were all anxiou tor the iwr that were offered, ao tnat, salesmen1 haa no trouoi in gelling fully sieaoy price. Th demand tor Western langar atao In goou ahap and, with limited offer ings, th market ruled acuv and sj-onj all around, tome sales, in fact, looaed a little higher. As high as $4.60 wa paid tor a bunch, but tney wr choice .heavy cattl. Uven the common to tair cattie old without difficulty today at steaay to strong price, a there scarcely itemed to be euougn cattie in sight to fill pickers', orders. The cow market was also active and strong, soma salea being Sfflloc higher, 'the big aiump In prices Of last, ranging Horn 2oo to 4Uc, has been regained ml week, so that price are now aoout whJ.e they were two weeka ago, or before the break. Owing to the tapid decline last week and the rapid advance this week, the market Is rather uneven, ao that some sales look considerably higher than others. There were some choice Montana cows here today good enough to bring M.16, the highest price paid for aome lime tor grass cows. Bulls, veal calves and stag aold In much the aame notches they did yesterday. The atocker and feeder market waa also strong and active, aome of the mors de sirable grade being o4$10c higher. Ihs market haa been steadily advancing all this week under th influence of light re ceipts and a fairly good demand, ao that the loss of last week haa been fully re Hlned and In many instances th market looks higher than It was two weeka ago.. Representative aaies: BKUF STEERS. Mo. t.... 1.... 40.... 1.... I.... 1 . .... A. ..1040 .. I4 ..1131 .. M0 .. 714 .. 10 No. at r. I M II 4 00 10T. ...... 4 44 14. . COWS. 1 M I t n HEIFERS. ! ,...100 4 44 ...19 I 40 ' ...Ufa I 40, .,.100 t ot NEBRASKA. 45 steers. 1 steer... t steers. 6 steer. 1 cow.... 73 Blears. 62 cows... 10 cows... Ill cows., 69 steers. 2ft cows... ..1206 .. 9h0 .. 906 ..1071 ,. 720 ..1809 .. 341 . .104 .. 949 ..1206 ..10H3 I 00 1 cow.., ...1000 too t 66 t 25 1 40 Ik0 2 00 1 16 2 10 2 10 2 00 260 3 15 1 85 2 70 3 76 3 50 70 : to 2 70 2 41 2 60 2 70 I 80 i u 1 00 t 30 2 o 2 00 240 J 40 1 40 2 40 2 70 t 50 2 75 2 00 1 95 ir 4 00 2 40 2 40 1 70 t 75 2 50 3 20 1 75 t 60 4 00 2 70 2 70 100 I V 3 23 1 IS 2 3o 2 90 V t 93 1 64- 2 00 k6 t ! t 26 3 SO 1 00 2 60 -2 04 t 00 40 ! 40 1 40 540 I 86 I 00 e 7t 1 26 t 10 t 00 2 66 6 cow.. 661 2 calve., 67 ateera.. . 290 .1010 12 cowa.... $6 heifers. 7 cows.... 14 steers... I cows.... , 870 722 690 , 9n5 925 9-.HJ 26 feeders. 19 steers., 13 cows.,. 8 cows... .1140 H feeders.. llo4 904 1 bull.., 1430 ..1074 30 cows..., 76 steers.., 4 steers.., 4 steer... 2 steer.,. .1027 .1313 . 927 .1000 76 steers... .1313 7 steers.. ,.1182 I bull M)h0 t cows.. .,.1000 870 9M t steers.... 1342 11 feeder.. 1130 It cows 1006 8 feeders.. 868 9 cows 110$ 4 rows 1010 4t steers. ,,.1074 t feeder.. 673 6 heifer.. 9(8 2 row 10Ti3 7 cows...., .t3 1 Sisg.,...14J0 6 bull 1398 . 7 heifers.. J 60 st e s r.... low 4 cows. ....1140 3 cows. 16 steers. ...11:4 lit steers.... 984 1 feeder... M0 f feeder.. 868 3 feeders.. 1070 feeders.. SOI 1 tteer 1074 t fm-ders., 9,3 1 cow m 11 cows kiit I feeders.. 1012 1 steer li) 7 ste eers.... -7 1 steer.. 1 sleer.. 930 low t rows 9W 1 cow 2 rows.,,, ' I cows..., 14 cows.... I cows.... 4 cows.... 1 bull.., 1 cows. 1 cow.., 4 cows. 4 cows. ,1670 .. 9H6 '. 175 975 1 cow 1340 4 heifers. 7 heifer.. 404 I cow 1030 6 heifers.. 878 I cows 1135 I calves.,. 216 1 steer 840 2 cows.. 1 cow..,, cows... 7 cows.., 4 calves, t steers, t cows... t cowa... 25 46 10 4 60 8 00 I 10 1 60 !76 2 40 t M too t 16 2 60 t 25 t til 1 75 2 16 cows 1H6 eowa 973 5 ,1 90 J f 75 ; i n eo .,... 981 -1 ateer.4.,.1040 t co a s KM 1 feeder.. .1000 1 cow 900 1 feeders.. 970 2 bulls.... lint 49 feeders., 878 t feeders.. 870 1 feeders. .-77n 1 bull 13;o 2 feeders,, X90 I steers... .1075 1 cow 10S4 i feeder... 810 cows 940 feeders.. 7o5 1 feeders., 610 Icow 990 t heifers.. 01 2 cows ioho I cows Ml 1 he!fr... 470 1 lielfer... VM 3 00 t 00 2 50 26 1 IJ5 125 10 2 66 I 06 1 86 t 00 2 10 I t I M 1 09 2 60 1 M 1 60 1 M t it t 50 2 10 t 60 ' Iff no 186 44 ateera... t heifer., 4 feeders, t bull..... II feeder. , 9t 660 , 941 830 ro J feeder.. 91) 8 bulla... 4.7011 H feeder.. 91 W teer....imi I steer.... ;t 1 bull 14&0 rt feeder.. 067 tbiill IiWO feeder.. 6M t cows I'v8 Icow 900 4 heifer.. 47 1 50 t 00 60 60 40 9 60 2 10 i 00 I 25 1 76 2 60 4 76 ! 10 t is 8 90 2 90 100 ! w 178 7 heifers 1 row ... 1 cow.., 12 cow.. 36 cowa... 20 row... 2 cow.,, t oew.., I cow.... 1 row. ,, It cow.., ..1110 ..111 .. 771 .. fA .. 9'U ..KW0 .. N .. tkv .. 160 ., 197 2 ralvea... 190 1 bull i49 1 bull... 11 steers. ?0 ,1"1 ,. 3 10 tr. 1 steer. ...1030 1 cow..., tt cows... .1160 . 960 It steers... .1190 t to ,1080 ,. 946 ,.1043 .. 986 !.'l2t . 4i7 ..1030 ..1110 2 ..1145 2 .. 930 2 .. 107 .. 800 ,.1004 . 994 . 10 .1242 .100 .1020 . MO I i 40 1 it 2 50 t 28 IB 1 IS is 2 60 1 re 1 40 I cow..,.. to too IS 1 70 t 4 2 26 1 75 t 20 1S i 00 t is I I i ,j6 I 36 !46 55 10 4 cow. ;o I cows. .... feeder., feeder., Ml est t cows 22 feeder., 7 steers..., t cows 46 steer.. . 1 feetie.. It feeo-V , 4 feeder.. t feeder.. 1 fevr. 991 1 91t jaw I tw-lii- 1191 10 heifers... S4 11 cow 97$ 1J recders.. 963 4 teer....h.M8 13 feeder.. 9X3 i feeder... 10ri feeder.. 725 tO feeders.. 11U1 SOUTH DAKOTA. 13 Mrrs X steers 14 steers I steer ..1236 ..1119 ..1140 t I 10 4 tf en....H2T 4 Steers.. ..1020 11 steers.. ..1097 6 .eerJ....l'0u t .eer....ll"t 2 cow 936 M s Peers.... tw2 4 bull 1297 I 36 I to t 40 J 45 eat 21 steer.. ,.112n I cows 970 t . ..It25 2 steers. "0 2 50 4 canners. I . J8 KANSAS. 12 cows ttt I oi 1 bull 1210 1 cow 910 1 30 4 feeders.. 1M t 00 190 t 30 4 80 t 15 1 t 10 2 (0 1 2 2 40 t 40 I COWS..... 75 1 90 1 bull 111 If cows..... Ho4 2 60 1 cow 954 2 26 1 cow 9k0 t 26 1 cow 1140 I 50 46 feeders.. lost t SO 4 feeoeis.,1039 2 (0 2 feeders.. S3 i 50 4 cows.... 942 2 40 4 Cowa....lU2 I 40 t feeders., tTO I feeders.. 718 1 feeder... 71t M feeders., 940 4 feeder.. 940 41 feeders.. oS 1 cow 9a) t cows txt COLORADO. . 446 feeder. 791 t r0 46 feeders. . ft 10 feeder.. 6.9 1U j steer.,.. 9- It cows Ui 7 I 10 1 steer IA 1 heifer.... 630 t 26 13 steer.... t7 1 9v WYOMING. M steer.... $92 1 56 4 bulls 1297 2 steer.... 7 1 o 4 canners. 96 MONTANA t 00 2 t iO t 10 2 it 1 15 2 15 t 16 0 t 50 1 60 2 eO 2 20 I 65 1 00 2 00 1 cow 1290 II 16 4 cowa. t cows 990 4 16 4 cows. ...1007 ...lo96 ... 14J ...loM 2 cows i9 t 16 ' 1 cows... 1 steer lblg 1 50 t steer.. 1 steer 13.m-160 1 steee. .. ..lloO Wrennen Br(r.i.reb. 63 steer. ...1043 3 46 13 steers.. ..Ptjj 2i cows 9i4 2 cows lu-0 2 sleer.....10o6 Qllfor, Nob. 2 Steers.... t.6 t 26 4 bulls 3M 2 00 1 steer 9u0 2 60 Dirmer A M feeders.. U6 1 40 I teeners.. luoo J. R. Fleming. Neb. COW 1060 2 50 1 cdw 1CKM I cow 1092 2 25 Bell Clark-S. D, t cowa 3 40 4 cows... In cow 10,4 1 70 2 cow... 19 cows 1U07 2 90 12 cow... U. A. Devault Neb. 1 heifers.. 635 2 10 6 calves, t cows oil 2 10 I calf.... ..1078 ..1090 ..1011 .. 233 t 40 t 70 2 90 2 00 I 00 220 Uror Cattle Co. Mont. 0 steer . ..1466 4 60 HOGS There wa not a heavy run of hoga her thla morning, but packers con tinued their beatlsh tactics at all points and as a result prices had to suffer here .s well ss at other markets. The same as waa the ease yesterday, aome of the buyera started out and picked up th more desira ble load first and then the market cam to a standstill. The early sales of ths choicer load todav showed a decline of about a nickel, or possibly of 6&7c Sales men held on for some time In an effort to prevent a further decline on ihe heavy and mixed hogs, but aa there was no prospect of an Improvement In the situation ihey gradually cut looee at th prleea tffercd, which were. a dime lower than yesterday. The bulk of the general run of hoga soid at $6.66(96.67. Some of the commoner kinds went below that and th choice light and butcher weights sold from $6.70 to $a.(W. Representative sales: Ho. f At. 1 stear... cows... 1 rows... t cows... 1 feeder. J feeders cows... tk. Ft. Mo. At. . rt. W IK II IW 40 I 76 40 t St 1 Ml 0 I 70 40 S 46 4 " 40 I 70 ... I 44 4t 1 ..1 6 70 SO I M 17 Ill tO I 70 -40 I 41 41 IM 44 I 7 110" I 4t II IW ... I 71 ... I W 77. ....... til 40 10 ... I l M 130 40 ( 70 ... I M to 104 140 I 70 M I 44 St 40 t 70 ... $ M 44 M 10 I T! ... In n iio joo$ 40 i 44 1! Ill 140 I 72 100 I U 44 IM ... I 71 tt III 44 W7 ... 4 71 -90 I M tt It 110 I Tt M 4 46 tO t4 10 I Tt ... I 45 71. .140 W I 75 ltO I W 44 bt ... t 71 ... u ii irr ... Tt 0 I M 47 HI IW I 71 ... I I7H 75 IM 140 I t 4 I 1711 tt 105 40 I 71 ... II7 71 (14 ... 171 W t7H U ..Ill IM I 71 ... I 4714, 71 Ml 40 I 74 IM I 47 V. It 140 40 6 75 10 I 7V 142 114 ... 40 I 10 44 251 13 6 lit ... 70 ' 1'.. 40.. It.. 4.. 11.. 1.. ...Ml ...7 ...171 ...IM ...m ...Hi ...IM ...J..4 ...til ...Ml ...411 ...IM ...Ml ...141 40., M.. 74.. 44.. It.. 17.. 78.. 7T.. .. 4'... 144 .......lit II It.. 44.. I.. It.. tf.. It.. . 12.. II.. .. 41.. 41.. ..IM ..117 ..lit! ..let ..! .-.n ..147 ..4 ..) 44 .ITS SHEEP. AND LAMBS Tha heaviest run of sheep so far thl week arrived thU morning and tor the time or tne weoa It was s liberal supply. For the four days this week the receipt are a trifle In iex cess of last .week, but about C.000 head short of the'sam daya lat year. -The table of receipts above will how the ex act figures. - 1 ne marxet on aeairaDie graaes 01 iai sheep and lamba could be quoted fairly J active ana steaay in spite 01 tne nig run, Packers all seemed to be anxious for good . stuff and such kinds sold wtthout difficulty. As high as .$4.75 was paid for lamba and $3.76 waa paid for wethers and yearling mixed. When It came to the -commoner kinds of killers tha msrket was not so brisk and. as there were a rood many of that description on sale, prices naturally easea on a trine. There were a good many feeder buyers on hand, ao that prices on good stuff held steady, the samo aa with killers. . The common kinds were slow and weak, par ticularly In the case of la cbs, aa buyers all seemed to want the bette." gradea. Quotations for grass etieep and 'lambs: Good to, choice yearling $3.(fc03 86; fhlr to good yearlings. 13.40ft3.60; good to choice wether. $3.25a'3.50; flr to good wethe.s. $3 003-3.26; good to choice ewes, t3.00ij3.:i0; fair to good ewes, $2.7&3.00; good to choico lambs, $4.M4.90; fair to good lamb, $4.26(9 4.60; feeder yearling. $3.60418.85; 'feeder wether. $3.2j3.60, leeder ewe. 2.00(&2.50: feeder lamba, $3.2543:4.40; breeding ewes, $3.00 3.25. Representative sales: No, i39 Idaho ewes 11 Idaho ewe 26 Montana, ewea 240 Wyoming ewea.. 14 Wyoming yearling 896 Idaho ewea 132 Montana ewe 102 Wyoming ewes 128 Wyoming ewes. 99 Idaho yearlings 800 Wyoming yearlings ,. 222 Wyoming yearlings 86 Montana ewes Av . 9H . 98 .. 96 .. 92 .. 90 .. 97 ..100 ..102 ..IW .. 96 ..108 ..108 .. 7 P. I 75 t 76 1 60 2 60 2 6 t 00 t IS t 16 I 26 I 66 t 75 3 76 460 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK , MARKBT Cattle Strong and Higher Hog Lower ghees) Steady. CHICAGO, Oot. .8. CATTLE. Receipts, 12,000 head, Including 8,000 wea;erns and 400 Texans; market atrong to 10c higher; good to prime steer, $5. ;631 6); poor 10 medium. $J.754iC.6o; stocker and teeiier, $V!MJ4.1(U cows, $1.5i 4M.60; holier", 12 Org 6.40; caniiera, tl,M&e.4; bulls, 4'XOUMmi; calvea, $3. bo 7. 50; Texatfed sleers, U.oofy t.60; western Wer, $3.004.75. - - HOGS Receipts, IA.00U titad; marker 5(9 10c lower; mixed and butoh?ri, $6.6o8 20; good to- choice heavy, tM.H0n4l.2; rough heavy, $5 o6.S0l light. $5,; bulk of tales, $6.86to.0o. : SHEEP AND LAMBS Here pis, 12,000 head: sheep steady, lambs wek; good to choice wethers, $3.60: fair to cho co mixed, $3.26ra3.7v; weatern aheep, 13.01.15; native lambs, $4.00tf-j.85; western lumbs, $.CMao.40. 'Ineenakln.aale at London, I3NDON, Oct. 6.-A sale of sheepskin was held In Mincing I.ane tolay. The ot ferlng numLeiel 3,7j bale. Therq was a great demand, but competition waa somewhat ' irregular. Lot uttabie for America were occasionally d higher. Merino and fne rmis-bredi wera un changed to 'd higher. Coart crosebred Were 4d snd New Zealand crjax-lirsls d higher. Following are Ihe talati N- w South Wales. 28 bales at 4!hfd; Victoria, 6j9 balrs st SUASAad; South Austral a, 811 bales at 6ig8'4d: Wsst Auttral a. 467 fale at iWd; Taomanla. 216 hales at 4?T(d; New Zealand. 1.619 bales st biIHa; PunU Arenaa. 620 bale at tUii; Buenos Ar, 96 bates at t?7d.. New Ywek Itaek Market. NEW YORK. Oot. .-BEEVE-Rece!pts, 110 head: steady; dresaed beet steidy; c. ports, 100 eat tie. CALVESKeoeipts. ft head-; market Steady; veals. $4.8.60; mixed calves, la.'O; J rashers and- westerns norrlnallv d II; rt-ssed calves ateady; city dre'ied veal. 7H13o $r pound. 1 - HOGS-Recclpts, t,63 hetd; market Stent-. SHEEP ' AND LAMBS Reef In t, 4.361 head; market ateady; aheep. $T604il t5: tew cholc fat wethera. 4.7; lamba, tS.KWiP I 20; yearling. $4 4004 .50. t. Joseph Live 9ei -farket. ST. JOSEPH. 0;t. .-CATTLE-Recrpts, I " head MsrUet low to 10c lower: n II vet. $J.aOt4.2t; cow and he'fers. Ht5 4.6: stocker nnd feeder.. tS MfK'J.IR, HOGS Receipt. 4.664 heid. fttrket lo-er; Maht, $6.K,'s.k6; medium and heavy, tl.750 SHEEP' AND LAMBS Receipts, $.016 head. Market stronger; range wethers, 18.60. Kaasa City ftaek Market.' KANSAS CITY, Oct. t-CATTI E-Re-relpl. 9,300 head. Including 200 southerns'. Murket ateady to atroiiy: choice eroort and drosxed bnef ter. SB l1 4. 10: fa r to good. $4.00iS5 00; western fed. , tt.Ooff ft; Blockers snd feeders. $2 IVftl 2i; aomhe'it steers. $J(u'(iSTC: sniithrrn cows tl 7: iatlve cowa, $1 toff 1. 76; native heifers, $1.50 Clio; bull 1 7M5V50; calves, tivvtrsn. HtlS Hrcclpts. 7,500 head. Market tj 10c lower; top. f.92: bulk of srt !-,$. 55ft ; top. tiKij: bulk or sale. arwB y. $64Mf-9Z; Pttker. tt.7it-Vto; liahta. iVG4it.7o ere; neavi plas nnd sin; LP AND LA AlHS- Receipt. 7.501 head. Market for j-heen steady. Inmb 5t lower: native lumps. $!V10: patlvt wether. $3 3tfi: nitlve ewes. $.1 rri)3 l; wei,ern lambs, $4 OOfl&.lo; western yearling", $3 aVO-ASfi; western sieen. $.' J.Vie.1 10; tock. er and fredera. 00. tt. Loola 3-v ttarketa f'f. LOl )?-. Oct. 6 -v'ATTI.K Receipt 1.509 head, ncludlns; itoO Texan. Atarkel steady to slro.i; -tlv shlpiilng and ex port steer, $t. .ffu.lO; rcs5ed reef and btitrhers' ste-l, $4.l435.!-0; steer under 1,000 lbs. $4.1"-10; stocker nd feeder,, $2 OwfiiO.r; cow and heifers, 12 H t-4.25; cn ncrs, Sfi.TSTi M5; bull. fc.Ili 1.5: clvs, $35i.26; Texas and Indian ttccrs, $X50J 160; cow and heifer. 12 0-92 70. HOGS Receipt. 7,0"0 head. Market wit lower: pig and light. $4 Mi6-'; packer $6 76435.10; butcher and be.-t h-avy. t.9itJ 6.15. SHEEP AND lJVMRrt-Rr-elpts.- S.fVt head. Market stesdv; nitlve n uttnti. $.171 tf4.(0; lambs, $4.2f-p5 7t: culls and bucks, $3 001(0.60; Blocker. f3.00h3.06; Texnns, $3.04 tloax tity Live Slock Market. 8IOUX CITY. Oct. 6 -(9pcclal Telegram." CATTLK Receipts, 600 liend; market Its) higher; Blocker, atrong; beeves, t.6of6.60; cows, bull and mixed. t2.2Ofl3.0O; atockerl and feeder, U WSiQ.W; calve and yearling, .' J58 00. ' HOGS Receipt, 1.S00 head; mArket 6c lower; selling, $6.60415.70; bulk. $6 tl 6. cent; offereu at I per cent; time loans, Stesdv; sixty dys, 3 per cent; ninety day.' 3 per cent; els months, i4j3 per cent. mock la Sight. Receipt of live stork at the all principal ceterti cities yesterday: Cuttle. Hosts. Sheer). South Omaha Hloux Cltv .. Kanm City , St, Louis .... St. Joseph ... Chicago , 7.116 l,f3n 21.6-1 M0 2,RtW 2 90 12.000 1. ('.! . 7.500 7.1100 4.554 16.000 7.50; S.uOJ tool 22.00c Totals 34.329 40.1S9 67.631 OMAN A WI101,K!ALK XfARKKT Condition of Trade and Qaotntlona aa tlaple and Fancy r rod nee. - EGOS Receipts moderate; candled atock, 19c. LIVE POULTRY Hen. 6⪼ rooster, 6c; turkey. 10ii12c; duck, 149c; geeae, bc spring chicken. 9f9c. Ml ITT KR Packing stock. 12o choice t fancy dairy, lhtiloc; separator, inc. . FRESH FISH Trout. 10c; pickerel, to; filke, 10c: proh. 7c; blueflsh. 12c; whlteflsh. lOc; sslmoo 14o; redsnnpper, llo; lobster,, green, 20u: lobster,' boiled. SOc; bullhead, 11c; cutflsh, 14c; black bs. 20c; halibut, 10c; croppies, 12ci roe shad. $1', buffalo, 7o; white bass. 11c; frog legs, per do,, 260. BRAN Per ton. $16. HAT Prleea quoted by Omaha Wholesal Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $7.00; No. 2. $6.60; medium, fG.OO; coarse, $5.60. Ry straw, $5.00, These prices art for hav of good color snd quality. I OYSTERS New York count, per can, 46c; extr elect, per cnn. i7c; standard, per can. 32c; bulk standards, per gal., $1.86) bulk tra selects, per gal.. $176; bulk New York counts, per gal.. $2.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican, else .160, 171 300, 218, 260. $4.00. . LEMONS California far.cV, 270, 300 and $60, $4.004.26; chute, IS.60S3.7t. , m DATES Per boa of 80-lb. pkgs., $2.0Cj Hsllowl In 70-lb. boa. per lb., 60. FIGS-Callfornla. per 10-lb. carton. 75fl t6c; ImrMrt tod Smyrn. . 2-crown. 12o; 6 crown. 14c: 7-orown. lo. B.4NANA8- Per medium slied bunch. 2.0oi'2 .50; Jumbo, t2.76fi3.60, - FLORIDA PINEAPPLES- and 30 elx. per crtte, M.7C APPLES Home-grown, par bu. basket. tvnan," nor hhl.. t2.ftM12.6CI. , PEACHES Home-grown seedlings, per bu , S0c4T$1.00; Colorado, per box, 70 xc; Utah, per box, 704375c. ' ' PLUMS Utah and Colorado plums and prunes. 75f?6n.' , PEARS Utah, Colorado and California fall varieties, per box, $l.t0tj2.09. . CANTELOUPE Oenulns Colorado hocky Fords, per crate. 12 k CELERY Per dox Efl0i. a ' GRAPES Home-grown. 'per to t-lb. banket, 16?16ei California Tokay, per case, 'VRANBTCRRIEflCape Cods, pr obi., $ 60: per box, $2.26. - 1 . QUINCES California per u-.g, tl.60. . VEGETABLKS, POTATOES New home-grown. In sacks. P NAVY BBANS Per 4Ml tl.7501.10. ONIONS Home-grown l sack, per bu., 60c; Spanish, per crate, $1.00. TOMATOES Home-grown per market basket. 2&835c. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 109 lbs.. S6e, WAX BEANS Per market basket, 60c, SWEET ..POTATOFS Home-grown, Pr market basket, 40c; Virginia, per bbl., tS.60, GREEN PEPPERS Per bushel basket,' (0c " ' "' ' " SOUASH Hone-grown.' per dos.. too. EGO PLAN'T flmttherni- pee dor tl.lft ' MlSCliLL.NEOUS. 1 HONEY Utah and Colorado, pr case of 24 frame. 13.00. 1 . .-.. . CHEFJrJE Wisconsin twins, ' full ereom, 11c: WJnoonsin Young America. i2o; block' Swiss, new, V6o; old, Wisconsin brick. 12c; Wisconsin llmberger, imo. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 sof shell, per lb , lie; hard shell per lb,, 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 12a; No. t bsrdshell. per lb.. 12c; pecan, large, per lb., 12c;-arnall, per lb., loo; peanut, per-!b. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnut,- per1 Ub., l24J13V:; ulmond. soft shell, per lb., lie; hard shell, . - - - J . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record Octolmr t, lis fur nished by the Midland AJuurantee and Trust oompany, bonded abstracter, 161' Fur nam street, for The Bee:.. C. M. O. Krog and wife to Ellon Pal mer, lot 8, block 2, Avondale park.,..! 750 W. H. Wlnaer und wife to Josephine MrDermott, lot 17, block 11, Orchard Hill 1.504 i 1 n . .. n .. in re 1 uhbIa viiHtiiav nrauj , , j ,w . iiu-ic, lot 9, htock 2, Poppleton, park..- 2,304 J, A. Preatnn ar.d wife to M. New- man, lot 99. aupplemnntary plot to ' Fulrmont Place 1,454 I E. H. McCreary and wife to June An derson, lot 4 and 6, block t. Me- v Creary Place 4M R. L. Howe and wife to Minnie Lehn hoff, lot 1L replat, block 7, Bnmls park ... ....,... 2,000 Sheriff to Paxton- . As Vlerllng Iron works, lot 1, Washington square...... t Llnwood Park Ind oompany to Charles and KTrlaten Lundeen, lot t. block 1, Comer ....i Jt T. I, Fltmiorrla and wife to ,T. F. Swift, lot 1, KnoK' ub 700 T. F. Swift and wife to Mary E. Fits- morris, lot 2, Knox' sub...-,.. j, TOO National Bank of Commerce , to Mna , . . r.. . 1 ... a v. 1 1. , a nuiuiiKiuii. .ivi o, vi'iai uiui.a jf. ' Beml park 900 Same to H W. and Fannie V.. Orlffls, lot 2. replat block 18, Hernia park....'. 800 Sheriff to Lena Meyer, lot, 10,. block I, Matthews' sub, 875 Q. M. Lee to W C. Bullurd. lot 14 and 15, block t, Poppleton purk ... 654 W. H. Haliiey rind wife to A. Ander son, lot 2. block 11. Hhull 2d ndd ... 1,600' W. T. Graham nnd wife to P. N. Nel aon, .lot 16, block 18,' Improvement aenoclnflon odd . . . . V(KV) MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA MAIN OFP1CC (th gird RJht Stt. T. PAUL, MINN. (incosruxArau) PCALKR iN Stocks, Grain, Provision llcaslit aad BaM t-r man ar eurrim. m aoaat v aargk)s,upi which Cierewiil baacaaugeefHea raiu. 14 Ml tack ... Writ aw ur market urttw. O :' coBfaui'.M tsEnciuiTS ia cab uti Ship Your Grain To Us WT PaClunna. VrourT RsTtTSJU. Ltsicsat AavMun. , , MM htm WINNIPEG Branch Ofllee, llu-111 Board f Ttaile 'Phase noia. OMAIIA. NKB GEO. ADAWS GRAIN 00. OMAHA. CHAIN BUYERS ao4 SHIPPER! Mambersi Chicago. Omaha, Kanaaa Cllj and St. Loul bxubanges. Transaction for future delivery glvei csreful attention. Sl Board Trade Hldg. ' Tel. tOOft, Edoards- fpdd;! So