i The Omaha Bee. IGEslTOOr UNDAY 3 EDITORIAL SHEET. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS, ESTABLISHED JUNE 1G, 1S71. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1904. AT FEAST OF AK-SAR- THE GR BEN A FEAST OF BEdETT BARGAINS IB Engraved Cards 50 engraved cards and copper ilate, any style script type, best wedding Bristol Btock, regu lar price CQp $1.25, special i' 50 cards printed from yonr plate sOC Ten ($1) in Little Green Stickers with either Mon day. Be sure sad get our prices on engraved sta tionery, weddinjj invita tions, announcements, etc We insure you the best work, styles and delivery at moderate price. This sale Monday only. Stationery section main floor. yrj I FOR MONDAY I AK-SAR-BEN visitors from out-of-town and every citizen of the three cities are espe cially and heartily invited to make the great west's greatest store their headquarters. The Sousa concert, the street fair and carnival, tlie daylight and electrical parades, the crand coronation ball and the masquerade ball of Ak-Sar-Ben all hit town this week, For entire week the huge Bennett's store will bo given up entirely to Ak-Sar-Ben visitors; the stire will be rigged up in its gayest trimming. We have always been FIRST in store and window de orating and we are tn remain FIRST. We are FIRST in other attributes besides decorative art, we are FIRST in money-savins opportunities for the buyer. FIRST in our showings'of down-to-the-minute merchandise, FIRST in shopping conveniences, wagon delivers s. etc. THE BLUE RIBBON IS BENNETT'S..' SURE THING!! Jap Goods and Toys See our 10c, 25c, 50c and $1.00 bargain .tables, loaded down with a variety of ar ticles that will please the children, for little money. -You will find 25c articles on this 10c table, and like bargains on the Zlc, 50c and tl.00 tables. For Ak-Sar-BeiLweek only. Toy Department, Second Floor. A Grand Crockery Debut and Other Doings 2C 25c Introductory Sale of Bavarian China. To thoroughly inlrodjre to the puMlc the market's bet thing in a tautiful Bavarian Chins, the Vins on puitern. co; si;l.T? of n ri,r.?:ally line Brides maid Rum decoration and full gi Id treat Rent, we will place on .-,.,le :) doz. of the bread and butter plaltF, pet of 6 And twenty ($2i Little Green Stickers. This if the greatest sensation ever offer-i ed in Omaha on a high class article. Limit ! of six no delivery. Nice engraved tab tumble-, a tern, per dozen rted pat- 63c And fifty $") Little Green Stickers. 45c 10c Alfred Meakins nicely embossed English sauce olHhes. each N"lce Fize plain glass lamp, all complete with No. burner and chimney, each Imported Felgjim glass salt nnd peppers, with silver T':;lteii tnn e-rh. Large blue s .lad clrho... n FpTial purchase fr'i"i 11 large New Yixk lmpvrter ennbios n to pn t on 'sale M r.dny a large tactual mesBurement 10 inchest blue dr-ep salad 1I)C d.sh. sold a;il.ere from ic to Tie. for, each w COUPON. This coupon presented at time of purchise only. In Ciiina dfjiartment . on Monday. O t. 3rd. will cniite the hoid f to a discount of ::".1-pr cent on white dec rated art China. No CDiipttn. net discount. NGTICL eiood for one Day MONDAY ONLY. Jardineres. all kinds, fancy .lardineres our .regular rrice Just cut In two for Y nday only. llavilanti Co. oi; orated Limogts China, IK piece 7 dinne-r sets on Ka;isnn shaie ' A goed stoi k of fruit Jars, jellv tumblers, etc . now on hand. All visitors in the city especially Invited to visit one of Omaha's greatest Httr u ti'-ns the most complete, the most up-to-date China department. FOOT BALL GOODS The foot ball season la on. The Inrgeft and most complete line in the city is Bennett's. . 75c 30c . 65c 65c Regular II. 0 Nose Guards .... Be.ular 50c Shin G uards F"Ot Ball Pants. good quality Regular 95c Foot Balls nt We haw a complete line, of heavy sweaters and Jerseys at greatly reduced prices. Sporting Goods Section, Main Floor. ART. MONEY SAVERS Handsome original pas tels for the parlor, framed in beautiful fold frames, regularly .O0. Mondat a monev (TO QO .aver for- - iJJsJsVO And a hundred (110) Lit tle Green Stickers, Popular Cu p i d Awake and Asleep aristo carbons, framed In Fleraieh ovals, 4 in. wid, ro jrularlv 12.00. A Money sa And fifty (to) $1.65 Little Green Stickers. Photo frames ... 4 f And ten Little VU Green Stickers. Visit Our ART GLLERfES. Deo and Burnt Wood Dis play. Send for lalest Burnt Wood catalogue. Mr m ALL ABOUT FURS We want every visitor to Omaha during the Ak-Sar-Bea week to visit our fur department. Our dis play of fur scarfs, coats and capes Is the finest ever made In this city. Neck Scarfs and Boas, over two thousand pieces to select from. BELGIAN 1IAKE BOAS, at 1.69 CANADIAN MINK SCAIiFS . ... 2.95 BLENDED HARE BOAS - 4.95 SOUTHERN BEAVEK SCARFS 3.95 NATURAL OPOSSUM SCARFS 4.95 KRIMMER SCARFS 5.95 SABLE AND ISABELLA FOX BOA 5.95 SABLE FOX, SQUIRREL LINED. SCARFS 7.95 NATURAL GRAY FOX BOAS. ... 6s95 LADIES' FUR. COATS NEAR SEAL COATS, up from , 25.00 REAL SEAL COATS, up from 98-00 Alaska BeaYer Coats, Southern Beaver Coats, Krhnmer' Coats, North Sea Otter Coats, Astrakhan Coats. Ladies' Fur Capes in Near Seal, Astrakhan, Beaver and Mink at the very lowest prices. Get Ready for the Ak-Sar-Beiv BaJL. Next Friday Evening We will supply your entire outfit. TVe have evening gowns in crepe de chene, China silk, fine satins and Swiss nets. Evening wraps in white, gray and black, plain and fancy trimmed. All the very latest styles, every garment made a perfect fit. A VERITABLE EMPORIUM OF SWELL CREATIONS AT Our Mammoth Dress Goods Department Our fall Importations from the fashion centers of Europe number more than 3oi piee. We are show Ins mors new materials than all other .tores combined. We have classified the following lines for a grand special sale, beginning ' MONDAY. OCT. 3RD, AT 8 A. M. jt . aa V a 54 and 54-lnch Venetians and Baltic suitings for street suits, all the saw f A A At l.UU lU. f"6"' retu:r t160 this sale- I.UU . ip VI 46 and 66-Inch Cheviot. Melange and Scotch mixtures, positively worth H-Tof f" At I.Zj id u at on prl to UiU ,al l.JLj A A 1 PA V J 64 and 66-Inch Tamarao velours and NeopoUtlan tailor suitings this line cf f A l T B Til fl high art cloth, not shows elsewhere and are actually worth t2.bu a yard I Til X V u In this great sale, only, yard L'kJJ a i 1 P T J 6-lcch rain proof suiting th. most serviceable and sensible material yet i-ll I. I I fl Imported, impervious to rain and storm.- i'.60 is the value of this material! In this sale, our price, per yard " Ai 50c a 75c Yd Clothing Pep 1 1 KK) pieces plain and fancy materials, worth 7Eo and JL0U all go In this sale, at, yard 76 cents and. IMPORTED BLACK DRESS GOODS 50c atnrkskln. Tamlse Mohairs, Venetians, 4 A A i hers and Meltons, 44 to 64 loches. 1.5i' I II II M 4 g mr . PrnM VntlM Xtrrtmf firm r It.l i I. II II Tn Broadcloths. Cheviot., Aoxana. Bet! 4l I )P g t C A V J Chiffon Voile, Paris Crepe, Eollan, Prunella, French Cloths, f Tk f AT I.J tfcl I Jill fl Peruvian SulUngs, English Meltons, tl.76 and 13.00 values, I Z.W Ax CO V J 62-lnch Mohair Elclllaa dust proof, a beautiful fabric, tl.00 value, A JlfC Id In Uils aala. only. 59c A big silk purchase from The Samnel EIbbu im. vim . value, in si We are pleaaed to note that wa cam uva our vi-rttlnir frtenda durinir Ak-Sar.Rcn prices. five value. his big .ilk nurcliase at BeniiAtt'a from the lad!nr commission house in tiia world. enfLhlp iik tn In silks that never before were offered at such low fl ruree. Bilks. Therefore, inviie you all to come ana see for yourFeives mat our statement Is true. M piece, of new fancy Mesaallne silks In prettv dealgns and choice shading of this mg falls latut style.. Silk, that .ell and are worth tl.00 and L2S-Monday, for SVr only, yard . .. V 59c BLACK SILK SPECIALS la this slik purchase we bought a full line of handsome crepe de Chenes, the correct - awwoa, jrepes teat sell ror l.uu Monday, yard. ........ n Men's a.id Youn Men's Suits aid Overcoats 500 Suits and Overcoats, just received, strictly high class tailoring patterns. They're ,the smartest clothes in town. Haven't you seen them? They're' not hih-priced. $22.50, $20, $18, $15 and.. BR.0KAW BROS, hand tailored cloth ing, full dress tuxedosr suits and over coats. Nothing to compare with them in the city, $40 to FURNISHING GOODS AND HAT DEPARTMENTS are complete with the latest styles and novelties. Boys' ard Children's Suits from $3.95 ,up AND A "BOS"-PRINTING PRESS FREE. 8 2 Firnitire Department No Thought of Profit in These Bed Outfits Iron Bed Outfit No. 1 at $4.95 consists of: One t namcled iron bod, any size; one woven wire spring, small mesh fabric; one mattress with white cotton top Iron Bed Outfit No. 2 at.. ....$9.95 consists of: One enameled iron bed with brass rail, head and foot end, full mounts and spindles, extended foot end; one teel frame, woven wire spring small mesh fabric with three rows spiral springs supporting center; one mat tress, white cotton top and bottom in ticking of good quality. Iron Bed Outfit No. 3 at $14.95 consists of: One continuous post bed, beautiful design and finished with hard baked enamel; one high grade spring, contains 120 continuous wind spirals attached to frame of steel bands and fitted with interlocking top; one combination mattress with heavy layers of white cotton top, bottom and sides, in fancy stripe ticking. Carpets and-Rus A manufacturer's entire line of sample Brussells Iiugs. These rugs are of an extra quality and equal to ordinary Body Brussells rug for wear, at 'about one-half the price. 50 patterns to se lect from, in scrolls, floral and Turkish designs. One rug of each pattern. Come early and get your f ASL choice 9x12 feet at. . iOaO We are offering some rare bargains in medium sized rugs, wool faced Brussells rugs, warranted fast colors and a large variety of patterns and colors to select from. 6x9 feet Brussells Rug. worth $10.50, fjg 9x9 feet Brussells Rug, worth 115, JQ 9x10-6 feet Brussells Riijr worth 1 A An $16.00. at IU.!0 We carry" a complete line of all wool lnpraln art squares In sizes from 6x9 feet up to 12x15 SST.t: 16.00 to 4.75 8c Drapery Dept. 3d Floor A new and fresh stock of fish nets just the thing for sash or over curtain in white, red and ecru f C up from, yard 2 and "4 pieces each of good Xotting- iiam Lace Curtains, while thev last. at. each J A good all brass extension rod, 15c value, special, at Sofa Pillows Below Cost 50 odd pillows in India and Persian prirrts, filled with silk down, in all sizes, while they last, at, J? each fJC 25 Real Oriental Pillows, in all sizes, at, each.'. 'Don't forget that we are selling those bargain window shades complete with stick and fixtures, Or at, each larC 1.00 Hardware Bargains FOR MONDAY Every article we offer you sheuld take advantage of, for the price in these poods are good for Monday only. No. 8 extra heavy copper pickle plated tea kettle, regular 96o value; "7l f mKt m H 10 pfieces peau de Moise, 27 inches wide, regular ?1.25 quality, for, yard: 75c 15 pieces peau de soie, 3G inches wide, regular $2.00 quality, for, yard $1.25 12 pieces peau de soie, 3G inches'wide, regular $2.50 quality, for, yard $1.48 15 pieces taffeta, 19 inches wide, regular 95c quality, for, yard 50c 10 pieces taffeta, 21 inches wide, regular $1.10 quality, for, yard 69c 10 pieces taffeta, 27 inches wide, regular $1.39 quality, for, yard 95c 10 pieces taffeta, "SO inches wide, regular $1.25 quality, for, yard 75c 10 pieces taffeta, 36 inches wide, regular $1.75 quality, for, yard $1.25 a plwt-s of f ne fany A. W. B. velvets. In Khots. dashes. junr and dot designs. In blue, brown, rrernm red and Mark I ha oorre-t .ty'e. for fall mai.t.. The quality that always sells at Sao ' Monday, .wclal counter, at front door, only, yard OlC ON THE NEW BARGAIN SQUARE Main and Harney Street Aisles. PRETTV DRESS PATTERNS, $2.98 86 .'eeot wool dr.s pattern., enough In each for a full dress-very weave lo this tiif: lot. patterns worth from IC.00 to t7.Su. on the bargain square, only, each, PRETTVTJRESS GOODS. 49c YARD. Nearly 0S pieces of elegant all wool, new, plain and fancy dress goods, li to 43 inches wills, wwh up la (ICO yard turgaln Squar. LADIES' UNION SUITS A half priue sale Monday Natural gray fleeced crochet finl.h, Onelta, or straight cut, worth double th. price, ..tie Monday LADIES CORSET COVERS Fir,. mu.Ha or crochet knit, special 40 cent values, on Monday, fallQ 2.9" 49c 75c CHILDRrN'S HOSE Fins fi.se Uaed, fast black, ail aUes, spliced sols and heel, lOo value, at , RIBBON SALE Neck and sash widths, flns wash tafftt silk, all oolora, Monday, at Ua and - ............. ..... 25c .. 121c ... !2c PERFUMERY ' Deli'htt and Charms for Ak-Sar-Bea. Highest quality ever taken from pet als and offered for money. Colgate's La, Franc Rose, per oe....SOc liudnut's VUt Blume. per oz......50c Ed IMnaud's Triple Extract Sandal wood, per oz &0c Rkksecker's Triple Extract Ping Pang, per oz 60c Plnaud's French Pansy, per oc....75c Pinaud's Vlolette de Parnie. per oz. ,75c Pinaud's Florida Powder, per box..3Dc Swansdown Towder, per box 14c Eastman's Rose and Violet Cvld Cream, at 14c Monday 3 4 nickle tie, regular price 6Zc; Monday , Xo 4 nickle rHated range ta ket- A 1 9 0 39c 2c medium size, regular regular 12o QC 7c 2c One burner lamp a love, regular price 48c; Monday Hand brushes, regular prioe 3c; Monday's - , nrien Granite wash basics, .4c quality Heavy 12-inch tin cullenders, quality Good tin trays, 13 inch, regular 10c quality Abbestoi mats, full size, regular 3o quality Fire fhovels, regular 5c quality 4c Come and See the PEMSULR STOVES GROCERY.. tVe prld. ourselves on our bright, clean, attractive and tnTrestlre- ( imr.rv Ten () "8 H Oreen Trading Stamps 150. with lb package Bennett's Capitol Coffee OC Ten (tl) ' S a- H with lb cao Bennett's Powder Oreen Trading Stamps Capitol Bukung Sivaporated Cream, can Baking Soda, packaa-e... Japan rice. lb.... 5c 4c 7c Mincemeat, Rlr package V Candy Dept. 24c .... 9c ... 9c JOc Olives. bottle..... Preserves, assort ed, Jur Early June Peas, I lb can........( ..f. !0c S Sticks, . for Sticks, for....! Fresh tn.de, Btick Can ...'.T...7."Z7.7Jc deliciously flavored A SPECIAL. To out-of-town visitor, the finest values in fresh routed coffees. Golden Santos Coffee, per lb 10 pound lot Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per lb , 10 pound lot ..26c 2.25 ..28c .250 SOLE :slern Western lJA J0 $3.50-$3.00 ' The Faultless Fitting Shoe For Women One thing that distinguishes Dorothy Dodd Bhoes from every other tyoman's shoe; it's this: The Dorothy Dodd shoe fits around the foot, while the other shoes compel the foot to fit it Dorothy Dodd shoes are remarkable for the common-sense that is put into their manufacture. They carry you just as sJoBe to Mother Nature as shoes can. Nature made the sole of the foot soft, pliant, relvety that every step should be cushioned. Dorothy Dodd shoes ire specially constructed with soles of extreme flexibility. We invite you to see them. Oxfords $3.00- $2.50 m 1 amsMMBisHsjsVs &f,zM lEfit iMk &WtW4 Pgglj pgOpj Ml;