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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 50. CORRENT NEWS OF IOWA haj rear-bed a cnc-;asi-s :n tb rnt-r ' NURSING MOTHERS win f c3 rjc'.tltf equal for vr'.'.t profli lmponed cigars. Whiie on 6e::-: ir. f ormation i abtair.abpe e to a hat !e decr.ston is. there i r n to tliTf it wiil be air'.y sausiactory in both s.d- Neither side obtained a1, that !1 !; jetd COUNCIL BLUFFS TBE STREET PEOPLE PROTEST i VUV " fa t turned prr to tbe rurtody of her fttber. Alitert Hickman of Blarchard. la. a ho cam Ye-r yerterdaj and took hi daurrter home, tbe jimmr t to be-have hem if In the future. Geneva Black will I piac-ed aitr. a r"'"d family which ha o!Tered to five a home.. Piac cf lilt Eertior APPLAL TO TKE COIRTS IF KECESSARY 7 rwetrla Baa prl Strata; tbat Peaalbly laatter Mr eer Be rrtwaifi to be CaaaeU. "If tbe dry council entertainf thi jirnpc aition 'f tbe truck pxrdc ner to convert Tin rtreet a rr.trket place n ai.l be perpetretlsr a rffct irjutcir-e on 11 r-l-aeat ana the caner cf property oti that Xwl Vibe itrM 1 purely a reFideDC-e rtreet ana iri the event of the market gtaruetier being rranied ternv.micn to uee tt for an early market la which t Airport of their product the resident rtrwttertv ri wr, fr m-t-U rw rrms i: 7i ft uk the ciuAKtirm Into the court " Thi wa the etatemeiit made j erwrday by funnel Ml tot Ji F. Rc.hrer, ah;- own a fcandftcrroe residence on "V'iti- etreet, other la and hit family hare made their home few pear In making thi atatentect Kr Rohrer hjJ he wa atuhcd that he tx aremteA tb enlimentc of tb other Vol ul property caner on the rtreet. 11 1 claimed that the la j-iveV tbe city ronaciil the njrt.t tc e'. ajiart a rtreet part of A nreet for the pun" demanded ty trie true k rardeher a ho uum that Tine nrert, liirt. exieiir oiy to hlcKkf lirtween Brjtnt ati3 Flrtt Ftro aid 3 )jlna and ) iaraDe to BroavaT, xuaLke It pvticulaj'ijr a3tiit.l- a a market rtrert It kaa b-er. uf;a1ea thct if a aland for the market fh.z6tijr.rt i trf-oed in 11. if J Isleraection of Tourtb mreet ncuid jTove a marl auiULbie looa-iiou, Uui teing on the tnaln tbnroua-nfare of the rlty a.nd prie--licaJiy in the oenttj of the t'ufuiinfc ic tkon. It la contended lh-t to utilise this porcinn of Bmadvay for furti a lurjiot vfuld be far more practioitiie than to con vert it Into a I'LTk. a roc.e jMraoti are urf.ris the pit- to do. In Tiew -of the Btorm of Indignant protect vhicb tbe f roixj Uorj hu arouiwl from w tbe reokdenta aitd pri;erty cwzit rt on Vine re.-t, it la like.y thkt Aldt-rmtn Tounker. I anaa docide not to ir-nt the mailer, a he had intended, at tbe rr.eetinr tf the I eitt council next Monday mrl -- Martera la Dletrlet Crt. Trie fli.'-trirt court Jury Irs the u.'t 3 (3. Winnie w arain1 TE Fr-nlon broupht in a vrriirt rT.rday for the defendant WiriRjow nuirht tc recover f- l.ih he paid fnr a borce which died on hi hand. a few day a:er he bourht it. A rocrttots for a te trul f it oiice Kied ry Wins low attorTiy. Thf trial cf the ruit of D. J, rtcrty j ajcur.fl trie Jdi!-Liike rai-oad for CJK' j Itmktrf lor tl-d delay hi ftotrery of i rnjmvei.t of nurneir mock tw-un. I rtnrty ciairri thut oa-ii.a- to the deity in delivery hi patron refuted to accept the food litra Tena Iveraoa lia lrun mitt for Uivorc fr'irn Mtfmu Ivemnn. to a horn nhe va mimea in tt.i c::y Aarurt T, lWT Fhe vharr crud and Ir.human treatment and failure to fupif rt aid auk in addition to the dTorf the curtoiv of their three minor c rj'lfiren ana n.ic' alimcr.y. JuAg?- Pmiih MtPherncir, adjourned federal court and left j--inerd.y for hi home at Red Cak. Nrt TuencJey be will oin the term of court !n lis ver port He erj-ect to hand fion Li decinion IB tbe Q-reen btr-kruj'tcT caite before frolnf to rBTenport Marrlig e LirrKe. Liiceniw to ed mere inruri jeterdjr to the follcwli.r: Name and Reidenoe Bert Ron. Council E'.l jT Adiie fei.r Council Eiuff Edward Coleman. Tooeka. Kan. Ha.:ue EuniK, golden, lil 'f E TI ME1 T rOM I'EH EB ELECTIOS f I4lctlB lairainral 111 Carry la Tala Cvaatr. There ia little doubt but the rejul'lican i (.:ouncii Hirr ana t'ottawutlamie county wIH rote at the comii.f election in favcr cf the oouFtitutlonal tmendmPH deaia-ned to cetaWltb tini.nik.; iLatend of ar.naaJ JftcOcma. Thi amendment waa adojucd iiy tlie jople four yoara a:i, liut did not loonif a part of the ccmptirvtioc owtr.g to tiio ruprejse court holdii.f that the jropo aiaon bad been irrefuliirly uhmirted to the TOtera. At that ume it earned It about Ki.OdO majority. The point on which tho supreme court rulea that the iuenon bad beien trrerulurly Fubtmned to the peo ld was pureli" a technical onu. rt berr. toeia that tha legislative recora of one of tb houne reetiecrlr.s tbe paFBa of the roaolutloa for tbe rubmiamon of the amen (2 tomit vu Jmjerfec-t In that the yea ana nay on lia paaai-re were not recorded. Former Senator Georfre M Titu of J4nr halltown wa the father of the amend ment, but it waa fnaior Harjier of Oi tumwa aho reframed it arid introduced it Is lta new form In tbe Jefrilh trie aenioii f IMC aiid and the record of the pas of the reaolulion authorizing it nut- ic-c at the peiieraJ elertion whi Xu- u c.lcie:y and there o 1 no ouetjr. btt the emend- ta new prcjierly before the voter of tat for their eno orMeroert or rt MM OR "ETIM. S I SCdaaioIi f vember "-na t joca! effect of the adoption of tbe pent would tf to extend the term tv Treasurer Coiicif-Ly. County Bu- ndent of School McManu. Sheriff and Supervisor Bullj. Erantle Spencer, one year. A the present in- j-uTriim ljit-i miiiri w IU1 rejtuw- M. tbe amendment i!l probably meet ylllh opposition frcim the deraocrata. but : Abe reneral opinion Keem to be that In this , ( county tbe amendment wiD carry a-lth j j ; ofe majority. I ' Bpeakln on thi cjuertion yeFterflay a " J leafllh repulilican aaid: "IrrefipectJve of J pclinca and purely a a matter of economy j J the Watinial election amendment should M.fl Irrtlllil ekeYirinc . -l r.t It- l m auroo of big tr;nse to every county in be ttate aia coTisetjuentiy to every tax payer. I'Ut they are nkturallr disturbing rtementa When lt,t pc!!Tica! j.ot i kejt bollirg ponrfXLCr e: h year, it must more cr lern jircve a dssturbii.g element la bnsi nasa tlennrbl eiec-Ocm wcmld aave the (opi of thi slate somewhere rn the jeigLborbnod of Clf. aNi. and th fact crr- taint ottgrt to cut quite an important Davi sell oruga. I-ffert'i glassea flt Stockert selia cairpela. J Imnoax seila tlie beat arhool sboaa. J Open Sundty Tucker B'Vtr studio. ! Iunctn does tbe beat repairing 3 alais 1 WeaierB lewa college fan term caw oper.. .j For rent, modem six-room bouse. i S 'xtt m nil ! Scbooi paints, brutbe ana paera. Ai.x- tiioer Art feiore. iu irobaway. Wanted, a rood, rtrot.g boy. 3t to ' yetr vid Encjuire 2it Mi.ln street Boraiok. ni S Main, tia Just received a xiea line of pictures Call ana see him Bom. to Mr. and Mrs. Brandt Crocker. UT:l Avenue ii. ycieroay mominc. a son. Missouri oax dry ccrdwood K cord deliv ered Wm Welch. If- st Tel. 1. Hon. Tbomu Boa-man i home frjm Maine, a here be anient tbe Fummer on the sea coast A building permit was issued yenerday to i. Welch for a fc..u( cotiafe at U. fcevet;th a'nue. The Womi.n Relief Corj will meet this afternoon at I u clock in Grand Army bail lor quiillng. Xia-ht sc bcKi) ojien at the Western loaa coliepe nTit Monday nifht Student should enroie Friday and Saturday evening The women of Oak leaf camp, P.oyal ugr.!or t Americ:a. are requested to meet at their ball tbic atteruuuii at l:'Mi o clock. The women of tbe Firm Presbyterian churrh will hold a kensington In tne churcn par.or ibla afternoon from 1 to 'it o cliK-k. The regular meiir.g of the Womaoi Crrrtstinn Temci m tmion win be r4d this afternoon in the dub. room on FH'.B avenue hJa fearl street, v Janirt Fiiiperaid, aged ' year, -ftied yepteraay mori:irg at St Bernard s rus pitaj from partly sis. Tbe remain will be taken today to Leniscin. Ia., lor burial. Tbe rerular meeung of Council camp No. It. Woodmen of the V orld. a-ill be be.d thlf ; evcnir.K, hen Stale Manager J. W. Geiger ' will te jireMsnt. aoid full attendance ia deairi-d. Peter Bremholm. axed C died yesterday morning at his borne, Hll Avenue H, from ti.tercu:ciBis. after an illness of eleven 1 months. Hi wife and one daughter, Mrs. H Hansen, survive him. Mrs A E. Griffith, wife of the presiding elder of the Methodist church of tbe Council Bluff district, left yesterday f:r Ien er La attend the meetiria of the Na tional Woman s Home Missionary agilely. I A atrar.fer givli.g the name of Fnftile ats arreted yenerday by C'ffir Crum as a vibrant. Wlien searched at the city Jaii Fristue wt found to t-e a-earir.f: three cciala. five vests, tnrt-e pair of trouaer and six uuotrshiris He jresTiied a f.lUiy apjiearance and i tbe worst speoimen of tlie reiiu bobo a horn the jolic ba e bad In the city jail for a long lime. The fc-yetr-oid son of A E. Lounsierry cf Ross street was severely burned yester oay tn failing into a burtilr.g pile t1 rub bish ir tbe Itark yard of la borne Tbe boy a playii.g in ihe yard and accident Dnr stunioiec and fell In the burning me. His clothing lecjne ignited and aeswtance rea-c bed him the child was ae vereiy tiurned on one side of tbe body. Kt-ml'toD Wilcox of Grirwold. democraur candiaate for ooiigreeKmun from tbe Ninih cieirict. and 6 B. Mornswy of res Mcd'.ei. rbairman of tlie oemorrhtic state central committee, were In the city yesterday, but lioln oenied that theu visit had axy polit ical lmjiort While here however, they oon'erred with several lending member of their ptny. Cottage prayer ipeecihF will be be"d this evetar.g ai the foiio:r.g ;:iac-.t: B Sny der. bo7 Exsi Iicrce street- A 1 Fot-ttr. coT-ner of Graiiam avenue and First street; Mrs Matin 1 Bahghn street G-eorge T. I'lielps. First aver ue; Mr H D. Harle fi Fiith avenue. Mr. 3 E fwan. ffi Eiirh'.b avenue; lioyal Temjert nr-e IegloB club rooms. Fifth avenue and F'earl street. J F. wrier!, the florist of this cirr. ha shtpjed a carload of palm. frn and other ilC RALLIES ARE PLANNED Idw Prrpoani to Gire Cum 01 aid Fii baiki Great E07tioua. LEAVES KOKEY TOR DPL'NKAftDS VIXS Mltllaaalre rallaaaa Prevlle F tar Rae far Tket t afartaaates . Break la Ike lewa Ele-s-atar Caashlae. tFrcwn a Staff Ccrrewpondext ) I'ES MOINES. Sept. S;ciil Th repuMK-an state committee ha Just coro pieted arrai.gementa for the eerie of meet ing in Iowa It Sjaker Cannon and Sen ator Fairht r ts. 11 1 expected that the iwaJter wJl r able t& reach Creston in time for a morning meeting tomorrow. He ha several hour bejaeec tra-u at Ce ceola and a-ill Ki-ak there to Ies Moines. For The tv- Molne meet ing memler of the Folk County Re publican club will meet him at tbe train in tb everrir,! and wort htm to the Aui lorlum and US ycur.g women with sl'.k hag aiil fe in the audience to cheer. The spetk'-r La t'ut one large meeting in the state next day. that at Bctt county. For the Journey of Senator Fair-bat-k. two weeks later, it 1 1ir.g ar ranged that there shall tw-& lug rally at Waterloo and similar riilil" at Fort lKdge. Webster City and Mar haTitca-a. a here the special train will Mnp. Those a ho will as sist in the several rallies are Senr.tor Alli son and iH.lliver. Governor Cutr.nun and Consressmen liirdsall. Smith and Cousins Solicitor of tbe Treasury M I. O 'Council will aio assist He i now cm hi aay home from Washington and 1 to speak at Atlantic October t in the afternoon a lib Seriitor V W. Turner; at Glen wood Cto tr fi. Boone CctolK-r ' and m tl oaFtera jn of tbe Ftata. e Xew Faxes af Charity. It wax dischv-d tuday for the first time by persons interested in the movement that the late Jame Ctllan&r. was greatly inter ested In a plan for a new form of charity, tbe establishment of a home for the a'ives of drunkards. He slated to a committee which -a Interested in such a movement that be won id leave a handsome sum in hi will labe devoted to the establishment of such a home, and they anticipate that such a home will be established in thi Ftate at an early day. The funeral of Mr. Cailanaa t held today and the body was sett to Auburn. N T for burial rrenedr Irregala Dorter. Secretary J. F. Kennedy of the State Board of Medical Examiner went to Osage toclty, where the Mitchell county grand Jury hi inflicted Frederick L Fond for practicing medicine in Iowa without having been duly authorrxed. He ha never ti X'liea fur a certificate, but ha been con ducting a sanitarium there for some time. Last week Secretary Kennedy t caliea before tbe grand Jury to show that Ir. Pond wa not authorized to advertise a a jiractitiotier in lewa. Reaar1 aa Craft. Commander R. T St. John of the de partment of Iowa. Gratid Army of the Re public, issued todiy a genera; order re counting the experience of the department in tbe trip to Boston to attend tbe last en campment, and especially referring to the tact that General Iwcire and Commissioner Surene Ware were able to be with the Jowa- deieaatlon fn Boeian Tbe woccees of Soietrr' flar at the State fair i also com mented apon. Comaaander St. iohn has appointed additJontl aide, among them M D. Reed of Council Bluffa. Andrew W. Tay lor of Oakiand H R. Laird of Tabor. D. J. Palmer of Washinglcr.. E S Ormsby of EmmetsrfciT. V. A Jone of Forest City. Pav far CaaipalaTBlBBt. A Jury in tbe district court today decided that a candidate need not pay his helpers in campaign work soliciting votes. W. T. Shaver, a aell knewn politician, had sued A. W. Layman, former treasurer, for IrH. claimed as due him at X3 a day for having worked for Layman during a political cam paign a few year ago. Layman vet elected, but remediated the contrar'.. Tbe Jury decided he need not pay Shaver May Break la CeKklii stlaa. The fight which ha been going on for can time between the elevator conrp&nW and tbe shovel denier in grain in Iowa, an effort on tbe part of the elevator men tc crowd tbe other out of business, may re sult In the breaking up of the Ceretl clfb of Xer Moinea. because of the fact that some members are dissatisfied with tbe at titude of that club. One member who ha Just withdrawn make public charge that a 'card committee' of the club ha been holding weekly meeting every week for several years, at which price are fixed for all In the association. Investigation la being ieciio tx cibs mr ce laeorlf n ta Have aatage Over IHrl le larterles. WASHINGTON. STt 3r The Tetary of tbe treasury Ll isa a stat -rier.t :n the in-ported cigar sttrp mat-er :r. which be permit the orfir mad' ly AJ'fiisiar.t Secre'arj Armstrong tc Ftsnc. so ftr t it relate to r-dac'.t.g tbe s:re of the stamp and tc it ir a corspiet. ru place X'h the Ixx H rvtrse tb ordr wbe'eir it required tbe stanp te te of the same co)r a tt.e reverue start.;' and it a-;!: j.fc!d en the tx-ttoro of tie bcx instead of tie ft.. but at "! end where ft rrw pjeer ot pnsite tie irternal reifr.ue F'.art.p. Secrrttrj Shtw In his taterr,i acc-om-par.yinr tbe derision sud: Tiie testimony -r; l b if th' fa ft -hat the p-esfTt siam;- is us-d a a tr-ftde mark by the c-.rtr in-j-orters . that this i-hO mark is to tt.em. cor.f erring tn advs r 'tec- lju-:) tlt-m a tgnnt n.t.nj facturers of cict.r in the Unjiea ru.te. and that rc-e are in eCert tv c-t ly n modlty lrpi.rt'-i it to the i'n.ted Fttte ir.fc! re'"-i the iwnefvi of u.-h a tTidc riark Ir vi cf tt' in-l ;m g v err.mi.t stamp in tt present form un dou''iec.'v r:e a je"; j c:vi, to tho usrt g it, it seer,f 14 i,T 1'- - Cl fc i- recy is?i.'- i-y ti' o ;ar: rri i ; is ;ts essice.. prcxf'r 7'tie r't r men: s t '.;pi Ttess t 1c ooiie'-t the i-t e br6 T c j tc vije so fn- as p'f-sii'f. tffclji tLt (t i not to' - vri;rr-T T s i-Lier'-to :ui nih a ji. tin f'-rtu c-1 a irjf niark fc-r :te t r ? 1 1 t i t.te g ic;"f T:..s should h ft in the tobac :( p-j-.:. srt as it is in Lil otv 1ii;::t)--'-: "r" ff-c-t of Tiie 6"fiS'fTj "i!' poit tr.e ue-mesltc- mftiic fhc-tiiiers ci'in a c-uM -n s sthn.r iTu hln as an fcc"v r: is-m i,: in; it r.tecu the tmimrter aisc by g h.a a starr-p of a aisti?!?-t!v c be seen ly th pure-iiaser make exanu::auon.. its. rs iufr'rPm m t. it t. ct l litJff tf CABINET ia a' riri been reoornDBendei by t b n.-iian for iva tni.k p-odocto( qaaiilse. Jl u iBTarikb.T ud at iba IKFANT INCUBATORS ) thTTirhcn-.t :l,e ouBtrj bee ansa of ttt tipequa.ed av!k ,'rodocix. c;uaiitie. Fred Krug Brewing Co. Oaaka Bt4el artaerr TaaepboM 429 OJlaK liM i -. ': I V! I REPORT IMI1 M ' Visa Reel Tearbias of Frzllab Is Hirtag a Crand I C eel. WASHINGTON. Sept ffi--In h : i.vr.uMj rf-port to the cotnrmsioTjrr tf Itiaiar i Mis Esteile Keel. supr;t.:ch3f zA of Ihditn schoois. says the lust yit bus !.rwed marked lniprovements in t.n m-thod cC instruction and that grit-fying iropasf has l-een miid? !n tek.K:p Dticlish The report say ihfat cn evc-ry rew-rvutioh v 1 ere day schools are loc-tted the latter' good effect upon the oldei lrj2.n can plamlv be seen The da sc boo! ryuera. it if slated, he reached i'.f les-t development on the Fine R.idft and Rosebud reser-a-tions. Sje:'iaJ attention has l-en g;ven tr iigrioulture and In Austria: trhitnt.g :n In dian school work. Tle recommendation for az employment clerk to ts.sist returning Ftudr.i in securing tnploj m r:t is re newed Miss Reel urge ar.i and sui'r intendchl to have the hiidr n enter the day school imnieiiihtel) on reac hing sc boo ag-e Cc niinumg. the re oort s.vs: They should go to the r.enresi rewrvatior: boardirig scihooi and iron- this sch .. wh'C suCk-h nily acvareed aiid t i.e ootis-t.; oi the paref.tF h; t-'-ea obit net1., trans ferred to Itie nearest iiotj-res-;-vat!' r train ing schooi. For mtt.y year tt bus : leer. poss.tfie tc crarry (ul this Fys'.err; cI 1rtiTi Icrs Lhd Jerome'-. o:is is s jocer-si uiiy a one could desire. Agtit and uk rm'endebi in liihny cases, lor 1e fikt ot't anting a ltirge attendance st the Tevrvatioii b.taro mg transfer jiujui 1-orti the day scbooi irrespective oi -ibeir tJttic-Sh iuso. in order to oitt.iri lyepe err''! inert, i:.e receive child rex into their schools who have a very slight poreetu ftfe of Indian b. 'od. Such a courst derres severe cond' irua uon. . ' riaaa for r Type ef Battleship. WASKINGTC'N. St!. 3 On the if ro mesjdatjor. c f the ifsa.1 b.iarcl of the nary tlie Board of Cofcrtrt;pn has reuc-sfd xh bureau of. conirl.:porr and rei'.:r to draw plans for a irlesnip whlcl. 'hall carry twelve heavy turrit gJh of not lent than ten inches ctLb-T and at least four of which shiiil bt twive inches., and th eecondary 4atten- of riit mor Uta.n tl.ree six-inch guns It is expected that this type. If found practicable, will be adopted for the next liattiesijjia authorixeB ty con gres.. The genera; board if now holding daily sessions deddtag upon type of new shlj. " - Manyvromen are denied the happiness of child ren through derangement of the genera tive organs. Mrs. Beyer advises women to use Lydh E. Pinklum's Vegetable Compoiini "Izab -Ir.K. riN-KHaic: I mfTerfd wirh stcmaci complaiLt fr j-eaxs. I rr.t tial that I oouli not farry ray cLildreri but re raoiitLs, tiien would Lare a rciscarmpe. Th? last time I becAroe prr-gnaut, s.j busbaiid got rn to lii. Lrdia H IMnkham's Yc-fretable CmpountL Afttr taking tte first tottle I wa? relieved of tbe sickness of stomaoL, aai bf-gaa to ltd tter in every way. I crotinof-d iis use and was eLfabied to carry my baby to mat uriry. I now have a Lioe baly girl, and can work te:t.eT than I ever could before. I am Like a new wo maLL" Mls. Fkaxk Leier, S. Seoond Sl, Menden, Conn. Another case which proves that no other medicine in the world accomplishes the same results as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Diae Mi-s. Ptkxeaii : I was married for five years and gave birth to two pre mature children. After that I took Lvdia E. Pinkham's VejretaW Com- pound, and it changed me from a weak, nervous woman to a strong, happy and healthy wife within seven months. With in two years a lovely little girl was Ix-m, who is the pride and joy of my household. If every woman who is cured feels as gTaUfol and happy as I do, you must Lave a host of friends, for every day I bless yon for the light, health and happi ness Lrdia JL Pinkham's Vegetable to my home. Sincerely yours, Max P. Weaxbt, Fiat SI, The Norman, Zililwaukee, Wia." Actual sterility in woman i very rare. If any 'woman thinks be i sterile let her write to Mrs. Pink bam bt I.ynn, Mul, wboM advice is given free to all would-l and expectant mothers. RAILWAY TIME CARD. tio HAiiowitira aid blasvct. Ckleafs, dork l.laad ParlSe. Arrtra. tAFT. Leave.' I'fcJ .:rM . i Ik am tMc-tfcO Ia)iht Lota. t ' :ln aiti l-pres ..hiirl'i pn I'e l.ap:es . .a .31 pra Chicago Fast hapresfc. a pn WEST. Koc ky Kouniain Itd ...t!3an Luct'.t.. Cfio, lHtcr. f'uetna aDd v est a 1 K pa a :0t pia Chlraaa A J.rUsifra I 12 pra a t in pa hi 1 :i a ia a i.A pa littag .a i p .aJM' an .a t it pro .a t ." am a : .i .a pm .a 4 tv ra .a .1 pro . t : pro ra J S an Compotrnd has brought ..a 7 40 am . b ' arn ..a I. Mi I'm . 6 I'tn . . b I .fcii pm ...b (:or pa f .DO ara !(( pa li Mi pa t ) arn .' aa t:ta aa a aa lit pra it pa M'.Hi aa ib.& aa l .ii pa I 1 pa .U pa 1:S pa a a.av aa t H pa l aaa rift vt.lnafc tLKK:aJ . Iiuaa k Jklk.J i'tjiirt st. Fau; t c tiirito Ltimiu-d .'. i.ciai carruu laft fl J-aul lxcal e.iou C. A St. I' ul VSe.i C'hic-ffo ExjTeee MortctiM A Boneaieal.. a Lti. fine.. Iatfuocfl fc Ihccln.. (. a;er h Wyeinir.e HaMihf-AJticin t alaa Par IS e. The Overtaca Lit 3 .a .r aa Cdio. and v.aia xp a i.lii pa Chiref o-ron.ahd Spec. a Jt pm .aFlem Lxproaa.. Ci'iurcl'Uf ictcai.. Contra oo Specn.1.. Chi car o Siteciai... iiatTioe LoctaJ... ram MaU i.arl Ptriaa. St Louie Eijret ain 4f ara Kin citj A ft L, Ex. .all 4L pa Wnrld'a Fair SjcUal a k.3i pa Charaaa .reat lra ft. .T,tui A Vinn, t. SO pa St J't-i A Mir. a. Exp.. a '..3u aa Chitaro Lirrated a t M pa Chicago Eaprena.. .'. a M aa L. Caiiuuh Bali Ex. ..a t.3b pa ve- World a rcir .-a T: aa Local Irion C. EiuCsJ, 1 ji am Illiaoi. CeatraX. Crjcto Eires a T:50 am Chicago Ltin.:ted a ' m pro M:r:n. fc bt I'aui Ex.. .b aa Minn. A St. I'aui ljia...a 7:W' pm Cklraaa, A SC FaaU Chicaeo Dai ii:l.t Ex...a T;h am ail -0C pa C al.;cirriia-retrii Ex .. .a l:4E pa a I Im cueilana Laniiie. e.i pin ll.tttn lies. Jul. A uaciboji Ex. .a Z.m aa a I Mi pa rtUICTOS STATIOR 1TH A H4IOI a t JO aa ..b :W pa kl il pa . .a 1 am I JL pa a C 3 pa a :W pa aliae pa a 7 jS aa a a :'M' pm aiti.W aa a ( pa a 13 aa a 1:00 pa a 1:01 pa ai(.3 pa i f:tt aa hM'itt pa a k:Ut pa rktraga, Barllact Chic-aFti Pt'ecial Qalarr- :if am tt It pa 55000s ORFEITif'" eaimot f nrt.riitk nrcwinne tbe oririnal iottera and atEnatneat at iklHtvt aw.ntcnuaiai aiuob a-sii prorr their ab.oiuie reriuirtetinaa. Vrcua a. naltna Kao. Oa Lj-aa. 1 "Be rure to pet Tt Bee next Sundry. ;ea Color Marnxihe a-ith Buster l;rc an ana ul". the popular lavoritea. I fret t on a rrrike fiday The rr:er. 6e lma: ci'-a the ?-e:rif later r.t of tire mem J ler of a romimriee a ho rn if en c!l- rharred. ajjd on Uie rfvaal to rrirt the oentana a prrjte i cucrea. A itrfe humlitr of inen are idie the MetrojioDttii Grand Cpera company a ere aieo paasenfera on board the Pretoria. Wiimi H.a a Cald. BIKAIINGHAM Ala.. Sept. 5-H"ti Thomaa E. Wntprti por'-lirt candidftc presider.t. said t'tclay that lie a-iit. f.t.r?er:t;r frcmi a e-vere cold. Put tm.t he xtct-d 1 tS, all hw enrarerrx-rtfi H;t- Wter of ao reptanc-e trill j robtt'y t srivrn to the pree tOTtiorrow. Batleraaakera Strike. MEArTILLX. Ba-. Sept 3' -The l.ciler (DaAera employed in lUti Er ahxpa htrv New Color Mafrex'.ne a-!tt oxt Sunday Bee Bee Wart Ad Are the Best BuPineet Ertcinters. Berlie riiliaarntoaie Ortiieetra Cae. ! NE'V'r TC'F.K S'pt. 5S.-Tf,- B"r'ir Fhil harrruTJc orrheero. in charpe ci f c I due-tor nhd con.poM-T. Fn ht von IT)te ir j rived mdav cTi 'he Ptei.mer Fiet-na from Htmhu-g. T.e orc-hertra a-ill t- the ! Pt 1,' ui? erpne:titm and later prve -'rirert I in rererai citie. About iony mcn.ter of O. M. E Tel. 61! KESSEXGER AND BAGGAGE. 1C1 rirntn Street. WHO. GET TOUR BAGGAGE THEBJt ON TOOL. iffTQ C hloaaro VeaUPmai AJu a a V aa L'hicaso 1-ttcai it-tiiu ail it pa rwriro Limited -a !: pm a . M pa Fift Mail P Barliactaa A Ml art River. Wyniore a Beat a Line .a :S0 aa tlJKIf pa Nebraska Exprea a l:be ara a " ' pra 1 11. ver Uniited a 4Ui- pa a t: aa j E Hilif A Fusel S. Ex' pa a i pra jC.oio VeetiPuied Flyer.. a IM pa ! Ltinroln Fun Mai! fc t:ST pro allic pa I Ft Crock A Fiaita t 2:12 Jin iciii aa i f.ellevye A Fac. Jc-t . .a '. I'm itSla i Believ-be A Pac Jrt . . -a l.X am ' Kaaaaa Ctry. St- Jat A Ceaarll BlaCa. Kansa Citv Iiay Ex ..a : am :t pa St Louie Flyer ..A etiK' m all: ara K -. City N ell Ex- .ai pin a ara tJTB !TE K DEPOT 1STH A 1TXB9TKK, I Mlaaoari PaeiSe. Nebrat-ka Ltoral via Weeplnf Water b 4:W pa lt:15 pra Chirac a. St. Paal. Mlaaeapalla JL Oeaaka. Tain Citv F'aeeenrer fc t am fc t ie pa Sio'..x Citv Faatteter. . a I i aiJ:'era baAland Local b ( 41 pra fc 10 aa a I'ailv. b Dully exoej Sunaay d IjaUy exwpt Saturday, e I'aily exoept Monday. ' f.rnre. Inqulrtee that I hBe- made con- ! oe'wirative plana to Netraika t'lty far ttie vluoe roe that the farmer renerally are te favor of liiennlaJ electicmt. ar.d I ttelieve the paopie of the ti-ana and cluea f-l lb PUiBildnf and baatinc Fury a Son. Steal F.atale rraaafera. Tlieae traiiefer a-ere retorted to Tlie Bee September by tlie Title Guaranty and Trw company of Council Bluffc. Heir of Geerpe H Coca to Anna K Cock, part n-, ja-Ta-Jh d t 1 I C fctilcimcm anc? (unbiinj to Ct'rl Nelauu Uit and t. block Id. Ha-fcrd'a add,, a-, d fM, E H Sheafe and 1fe to trmtne B. Arlea apre and a WocA 1, Pierre a chdlr.. w 4 1 PredarttA Herman arid a-'fe t Mary V. uma. lot 1, dixM. t Haifa aid-. 4.. 1 Poor traxiafera. total. .411 Jf- T. Ptambln Ca Tel. SKL Kir. PSR. AaMker Cktarc far Ctrla. Ella Hlrkmaa and Genera Blark, the tw rirta a bo raa aa-ay from the Aaaaeia'eA CTiarrOea rrerhe nhout a veek ara and fc arre captured at Aemt and breurt.t ravrA. arlll t avea anotVier opportunity t rafora before belnc committed te tr , &fUI 0,y l0 tloutlcj buBj .nJ C1-B nt. Cudal.y-M on on a-edding. ahlh aill Uuke place Saturday at Arbor Locire.. A larire rujmier.t of r"it a-11 tie maoe lodaj hv Mr Vw eox. a he Utted that about I roeea a ill tie ueed m lie oeoorationa It la aaid that the tmaj eottt of the fl:iral d'-'-oratjoh. a-ill lie in the neohborho id of fiain' Tlie ji Irtif. and other deeoratlve plant a ft e n..pjed troa here la a larje Tt l-igm leu car Rev. Harvey Hitieter. chfcirmnn of ttie buliciine ociTT'.m.'ttee cf the Faetor aaaoci atton toita out a I'Liici-.ta permit yeeterday tor the tahrmarle a hu h tt tteinf erertd ly the aaa-tr.ation for the Evri.ft-liM Wli Latiia nieetlri(ra Ttie eon tract with the Contiohdsteo Ccinrtrurtioii company of t!4 city, ahich ia eiectiiif the uruc-ture. jir;i vioea for t neturn at the lumiier alien the bui dlrtf; lorn doan and eeviniaunc the diaoouht on Hie ec-ore t lie newt of the tat.emarje a-fll be in tbe neirhltorhcxid of X.JUU, mrt the rLurth' reirra:titei in i trie aneiK-iatlon tiave uttdertaaen to ty- ' Tire Chief Ntrboinon a-il, make an officiKl lnajtecuon ef ttie etrutuure todav. Chief of Pctlioe Richmond haa been aaked la appoint a rjenai itfBeer for ttie ceetinira and tbe ancuituoB aiU en-pln a jar.uur. a lto a ill rexoain la the buud-ri- at tarht. Baaer rr af (era. ONATtA. la.. Sept- ftViBpeciai.t Tb favorable attatber M tfoinc vronGer for tbe ; com crop on the Mlaauuri bott-iao. Titer Da baea Tib fruat on tbe bottom landa from Karl la Baaaway. P.ED OAK., la.. Sept . iBimcial r On Wtdneeday morning- Will S Barter, pro prietor of one of the leading meat market, met aith a eeriout accident He out delivering- meat and a a retuminc to the abop mben hi horse rot frightened and ran a-ay. He wit throa-n from hi two aheeied cart and fell on hi head. He tt nnconacioti when picked up aoon after tnd he did not come to f:r eoroe time. Thi mirnlrf he ie dning a. well a roc Id be hoped for. ermai Serine how oerioumr be Is trjured New Color i4aa-ak:ne with next Sunday Bee Orrte Indumn.l arhool at fclltrheDv-nia. Thi wa oerided tipoa at a cctnference raataroay between Chief cf FoUr Rlch. aaxtA. Rev. A. W. Lertrurhaa arert of taa Iowa Children' Home aodety nnd day school, j atjT school Western Iowa College abater m-m. Calalaaa Pree. C P. MILLER. .' YraBMa. TVaat BtCla. LEWIS CUTLER afOBTTlt-TaW. at Paarl l Csacll BluSa. npeot4 nry taut and ia a:-w near:)' a3 j praruraily out of tbe way of frewt- la aom of the valley and on tbe hill there bare been Ii-lit froeta. but not enough t da any dAmag-a, Tb loaeat temperature recorded by tb obaerver at Onaaa waa C decree and no trace of friwt bav been vialbia Tb wctiouk for the ourn crop ) now tb bat Is aom year. And vali-c ta ebort crop for two yaara cauaad by tb laiuaual rainfall tbe fannera, moat of then, are la a puaauos la appracial guod crop and prtoe. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Staral Baatea Eetabll.beA Car-rie-ra Apvatae4 ia teirral Statea. fProm a Staff Correajtondert l WAEH1NGTOV. Bej-t . CSjrial Tele fTara An additional rural free d-H ery route 1 ordered eatabllahed Novemtier 1 at Bndrea-ater, Ada'e county, Ia The route embrace an area of thirty-six .guar mile.. cotitAininc a population of i&0. Rural free delivery carrier appoli.ted: Nehraaka Carroll, rerular. Clysee G. Toui.g: aubatjtut. W. I. Porter. "Oilier. re-ier. Bam C. H'-lchinaoo; e-ubrtitut. C. L. Tint .man ' I-aa Ticiuds. rerular T. Caraon; enhatft o'e H. O.eeon. Voncrx reg-ular. Vra. alary E. Weaterman; etrr-en-tute. O. Weatermaa. 6x-mh Dakota Brad ley, reg-ular, A. C. Ixmf. avhrtitut., "U It Deppel Pnetmaner appcdn.ted: Nertruk Mar. tha Holt eonnry, JL. G. lAmbert. rice R J. Porter, reairned. lwa lr".ng-t on. Koa auth county. H A. "Lrwia. i1ce C. J. Dil lon, reairned ; Tir-rley. Elrtgrr,l4 cout.Ty. H. W. Eda-arda. vice John Harer. reelrned The Story of the Presidency SUM rbaa M Sbarc Ttae. BLO -atlNGTC)N. IU.. Sept a -Tbe 04 CAgit A Alton aitop bavr been piaied, a i-'.re-hi.ur achedta. aSenii.g aiM'Ut a uraznea. The redjctiua a a doe ta to tact the roiiu-g atocA 1 aJ in ilea and cannot be e,iarrd ib acccuint of ttra Win-id fair trxCc . Tb aitooa bav ba.a aoiAUtg tcs atour tut mumm t-tna. Cralar De Malaea ireepiHL WASHINGTON. Sept Br Tbe Nry de. partment ba aooepted tb protected oruiaer De Molna now attached t tbe lSurepeAB aciuadron Thi veaati vu built at Qaiucy. Jaaaa. and tall a iiuie bon of making tha rcmpleta contract require ment in tbe matter of jtead. igrarar.l la Waa Isabel CaM. - WAaHXNGTON. Sept. D After a a um ber of conanltatloaa with th preatdent. Aciiug ftcatarf af tba Iwary Zajrktf .. . $ tip. ' - V ,;f . -a . ' - ' Alfred Henry Lewis A and ; - A - . -si A New Story by at w w -w. a. a w w-k. T f v v in the October Metropolitan "A 35-ccnt Magazine for 15 cents' f fjrat. Jaa iww Nott) on Sale at All Newsdealers R. H. RUSSELL, PUBLISHER : : NEW YORK (96) ii -