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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 30, 1904. f, t i -, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET "Wheat Future Off a Point on Bear Pressure and Horthwett Receipt. CORN WEAK AND LOWER ON WEATHER lews Contlnae Favorable, bat f. latora Are Taking. Chances CaabT Wheat aad Cora In Tine De mand 4oaalp. OMAHA. Sept. 29. 1904. Tliere u les movement In the grain market, especially In a speculative way There wa no let-up in tne demand lor cash grain, and Lxjin corn and wneat are selling at plight advauces on tuiure. Speculative trading wan a little Inclined to ward herniation and the movement ol prices did not ahow fluctuations euttuieiit to tempt scalping operations. The chief Influence now la the mailer of reoelpis at primary point. The trend In the southwest la growing more bullish on the hgnter re ceipt, and in the northwest, whue the re ceipts are fairly good at thla time, there 1 a car that tney will grow smaller. While thera ia sull a world of bullish senttmsnt, there are ve'y many traders who expect t,iu northwestern movement to eventually demonstrate thai there ia an exceaa over domestic warns and that theie will be wheat tor export. Foreign marketa con tinue In much the aine trend a they have, displaying good airengih, and Liverpool waa again higher. rrunce wanta wheat, but, 01 courwe, the duly, which hr.a not been removed, la practically prohibitory gainat American grain. At present do mestic atocka are not heavy, but the beaia believe that there wil be a rapid accumula tion in the northwest. The wheat trade wid continue to oner excellent speculative opportunities, but sentiment l divided a to tha Immeuiate course, of v.-tlues. Corn is rapidly maturing, practically made, but theie Is apparent!) a shortage In the corn coming forward, all the great re ceiving centeis confirming thla. the next goven.mem report ley likely to reduce Ihe estimates heretofore inade. Thera wo a sllgnt loss In corn value this morning. Oat continue to hold their own, but they have not at any time kepi puce with the other ceicus in their advance. The crop 1 admittedly' large, the demand Just fair " and prices aieady lo the point ot remark able regularity. , , . September wheat In the chief speculative marKet waa o higher at the opening, lost i,c, recovered the entire loss and nnally reacted a slight fraction. December waa 'ki-tc lower, and at one time V? ott. Ma) lost Vttc. but each decline was partlaily recovereo, only to go back. It being a nerv ous market within unusually small range. September corn was a shade firmer. lc cemoer a little easier and May V4O lower. The tlrea leeling 111 me n.uiKfi gradually Increased and the speculative element was encouraged to take a flyer, with the result that September broke a full point to fl.l'iU. jM-cember dropped 5c and May a point. There waa but little Improvement In the final dealings, t orn also eased o!T. espe cially on the May future, where nearly a point decline wa suatained. Fine corn weather and the prospect of eluding frost entirely was the cause of the drop In the deferred delivery Primary Receipts Wheat. 1.206.000 bu.; last year, 330,0ty bu. Shipments, wheat, . 447,1100 bu.; last year, vb, bu.; corn, 6;'-2.U bu.; last year, 4K0,(mO bu. Oman Gr.Un Inspections In : 8 car No. I hard wheat, 1 car No. 4 hard wheat, 4 cars No. 3 corn, 1 car No. 4 com, 6 cars No. 3 yellow corn, 1 car No. 3 white corn, 6 cars No. 3 white oats, 1 car No. 4 white oats, 2 car No. 4 rye; total, 26 cars. Out: 1 car No. 3 hard wheat. 4 cars No. 3 white oats; total, 6 cars. Omaha ash Sales One car No, 3 while ..ynata at 28c, 1 car No. 4 wheat at 9.c, 1 - car No. 3 wheat at J1.M4. 1 cir No. 3 - corn at 4Sc, 1 car no graJo oats at 20;. Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 11.06; No. 3 hard, ll.U3Vi; No. 4 hard, 97c; No. 3 sprli.g. tl.ui. COuN No. loc; No. 3, ac: No. i. 47c; No. 2 yellow, 49s,c; No. 3 yellow, 4?c; No. 2 whlid. -c; No. 3 wnlie, ao. OATS No. 2 ni.xed. :9c; No. 3 mixed, 28ci No. 4 mlxej. Zic; No. 2 while. 3oc; No. 3 white. Use: No. 4 white. 2.'c; standard, 3vc. Car Lot Receipts. Wheat. Com. Oats. 123 Chicago 71 106 Kansas City ion is 24 St. Louis In 37 24 Iuluth 3:1 klinneapoll 475 (rain Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Wednes day -at hi nwrktti'iiamed were as toliowsr CillCAUU. Close- Wheat beptember Utiemoer Vay C 11 September Ut-cemDer . May Oats Septoniber Ijecember . Tocay. Wed'y. ..I"S 1.124. B2Va 60, 4: 30 3.-H 1.11 11-H 1..3 63 . 3o S3 May . KANtsAd CITY. Wheat-- December 102T4 1.04H May 1.03s, 1.04V Corn i-ecercber 44 B 444 May 44 44 ST. LOUIS. December 1.17V. 1.18'-, May 1.17V. 1.18V. Corn December 4fi"i 47 May 4i', 47, MINNEAPOLIS. Wliee - December 1.11 1.13 May 1.18j tlLLLTH. Wheat May 1.144 NEW YOKIC Wheat -December 1.13S MHl Financial Uoaalu, Iron Age writes more bullish on trad ouilouk. American stocks In London firm, Vk3k above parity. Japan will Issue an international loan of t4u,uuu,o)0 at 6 per cent. Omar o A Wes.ern August surplus, after cliarea. Increased (jJ,l'st New York banks have lo.t to tha sub tieasnry since Friday t4,519.O0O. C. M. Schwab reported to have bought iu.uuo shares preferred Hieel In Frisco. Chicago Terminal earnings for lha third . week in September decreased tl.liH. Msxlci-n lential ia expected lo ahow tw.uuu net Increase In earnings for August. Steel manufacturers claim, that falling off of export 111 August was due to Improved borne demand. alt. 1'aul accounts show It could bulla over I.400 mile of road without creating a floating debt. iteading ayatem. all companies, for Au gust ahows that surplus, after charge, de creaked M.M. Thlriy-lx roada for tha third week In September ahow an average gross lncr in aaruing equal to H per oent. KW YORK GEXER.4L MARKET (.aotatlona of Ihe Day on Varloaa ( oramodlllea. NEW YORK, tfept 29 FLOUR Receipts, S2.7:a bbls. ; exports, 6 476 bLla. ; sales, I.6U0 pkgs. ; the market was rather .low In the early session, but good trad developed tn the last hour; winter patents, 10. Its t.t; winter siruighta o.1uuo.j; Minnesota patents. V 1ii.i.0; winter extras, 33. loir 4 10; Minnesota bakers, $4 &0g4.80; winter low grades. J3.at6 J lw. Rye flour, firm: salea 4A bbls 1 fair lo good, $4 40a4.ti0; choice to fancy M tj4 to. CORNMk.Al Bteadv: yellow western. $1 liyi.13; city, H i:ul H; kiln-dried. til-Jt :o. UARLKY-81ow; feeding, 43o. c. I. f. Nw Tcrk. WHEAT Recelpta, 46.200 bu.i sale.. 4,800. 000 bu. futures. Spot, easy, No. 1 red, tl lftS, f. o. b . afloat; No. I northern Duluth. J1.12S. t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat Options had an Irregular movement during the fore noon, guided by purely speculative condi tions, but after mid-day became weak under a bear raid, good weatern weather and leaa active caah demand, doling tt 1V.0 net lower. Salea Included: No. 1 red May. l HV'il l5V. closed at tl US: Sep tember. ll.PM.KH. clewed at II. ism De cember. 11 14Mil 1 l-l. closed at 11.14V C'JRN Receipts. 7.925 bu.; exports, 1.450 bu. ; sales, lo.ono bu. futures. Spot, easy; iso. a, -o,c. eievatur. ana 0v.c. r. o. d I snout : No. I yellow. lVtc; No. t white, 64c. VOptioaa were Inactive In New York and er with wheat, closing at VaV net de- line May cloaed at f5c; September closed t Aic: December, B7qAr, closed at 6,Vyc. OATS Receipts. IfrlMV bu. Spot, dull: nixed. 36 to St lbs.. SniioVc; natural white. ,u (o II lbs. SiliiJStrc; clipped white, S to u u.. sovti ic. tpiiona nommai. FfcED Irregular; spring bran, 119 60; m!d d.lns" f.'l.7.i; cltr. IUoofu7"U. HAT Dill; shipping, (THc; good to chotce. C-rc. HOPS Firm: stste. common to choice, JS"t 24iUMc; old. H!olHc. Pacific coast, 1H, 7jSc; IM. ifi'illc; olda, ltiflkc. . f KATHFR-Ftrm; acid. I4r-4r. 1UD-Flrm; UaUeeton, tl to 3 lbs., ....... ... 17c: Calif ornla. tl to S Iba., 19c; Texas Idrr). M to ' lbs.. 14c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady, family, HI W 011. iO; iww. ..VKir9 beef hams. 124 vi jiii, packet, U'JO'P ll.t); city, extra India mesa. 14y'il'. Cut meat, firm: pick led bellies. WSoftll '; pickled shoulder, t;.of; pickled hams. 10 5fi 10.75. Iard. Arm: aestcm steamed. ; September closed at I, nominal; refined, firm; con tinent, I h; 8uth Amerlcs, IS.H6; com- found, A.Q.ih. Pork, steady: family. 15 60; short clear, llOo-iil 10; mess. IL3.fttf 13 f. TALIyOW Firm; city, 4r,c; country (pkg freei. 4d5fio. Rit'E Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 2S 60'jCJapan, nominal. Bl'TTKR Firm; street price. extra creamery. 204P21c. Official price: West ern fair, common to choice, llVial4c; creamery, common to extra, lSy-V. CHEESE Strong; state fud cream, mall colored, fsncy. !c; email white, poor to fsncy. 9a large colored, good to fancy, iS6i".c, large white, poor to prima, i a' o. EliclS Steady; western fancy selected, 21Vu5c. PtH'LTRT Alive, quiet; western chick ens, 12c; fowls, llve: turkeys, lie; dressed, firm; western chickens, U'a'liVc; fowl, K"-c; turkeys, 14$) 15c. CHICAGO GRAM AND PROVISIONS Featarea of the Trading and Closing! Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Bept. 1 Increased primary receipt were Influential In causing weak ness today In wheat. Favorable weatnei waa an additional drag. December whiat closed wlih a loss of V94c. .The May op. lion Is down lc. Corn ts off o. Oats show a decline of Sc. provisions are ateaoy. t'nder the Influence of higher cabli. toe wheat market ojened tlrm, Dtcember oelng unchanged to ',c higher at ll.iW'O.-H'V May was unchanged to c higher at 11 13", tol 13s. The market aoon weakened, how ever, on hoeral sales by local longs and commission houses. A report from Dulutn stating that storks there so far thL week had Increased 764.UOO bushels wa reftporelule for part of the selling. Favorable weatner connltiona aiso had a depressing influence. Hefore the market received any consider able njpport December had uecllned to 11 1 and May to 1.121 12V Inspired by reports of good flour sles northwest, short bought quite freely. Later tl.a de mand Ix-came general. Ti:e market readily re?ioiu1ed to the Improved buying. Decem ber advanciug to .1.13. May sold up to 11.13V Heavy lealizing sales soon caused lenewed weakness, primary receipts were ID per cent in excess ot tnose ot a year ago, and thla fact had considerable influ ence on the late selling. The low point on December waa reached at Il llS- May sold off to tl 11 V The market rallied slightly, but tha close wa weak, with December at tl.llSb 1.11V My dosed at 11.12V Clear unets of wheat and flour wet equal to 53,7uo bushels. Prlnwry receipts wera 1.26, 3i bushels, compared with 1.013.1(a) bushel a year ago. Minneapolis Duluth and Chi cago reported receipt of 867 cars, again: ln4 cars laet week and 6M cars a year ago. Favorable weather and a decline In wheat prices caused weakness in corn. There was a fair volume of buHinnas, with pit tradera favoring the selling side. Decemoer urened unchanged to Vc higher at olSiJjlVo, told between 5c and 51 c and cioi-eU ut i,T,c. Local recelpia wera 106 cars, with 4 ot con tract grade. Oats were affected by weakness) of other grain. Trading was quiet. December opened unchanged to lHc higher at 3o4 3u",c. sold between 30Hfe304fac and 3oc and closed at SOVc. Local receipt were XZi cars. Provision were weak early as a result of lower prices for hog. A good demand for lard caused a steadier feeling; later In the day. There waa considerable liquida tion of pork and at the close the January option was off "Vfac at I13.U7V. Lard and ribs were unchanged at 17.37V and 6.K!VS. respectively. Lstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 63 cars; corn, 119 cars; oats, 121 car; hog, iaKi her.d. The leading future ranged as follow: Articles.1 Open. High. I Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat a Kept, b Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. Dec May Pork Oct. Jan. Lard Oct. - Jan. - - Ribs Oct. Jan. 1.13S! 1 ill..! 1.14S, l-H" 1.13 j 1.13 1.10 1.11k 1.13HI 1-14 1 1iuL 1 Ml- I. 12Vrfl I 1.121,1. II. 13V8 .1A-T 1.11:1.12V4 .1 1.11 ........ 1.117, 1.12H. 1-13J 540544 54VA M 63HS1i iolVaV MV! 501 60Ti 61, H 4 ,ta: -'Vum fj'yt! 30 30W 30 t 3 i 31 I 3al 29', S3-, lv, SoVfdSi 33HSV4I 32'j,! 32V. 1 11.40 13.0S 7.SS I - 7.- I 7.70 I 7.35 11.42V 11.37V, 13.15 I 13.06 11.40 11.50 13.15 i3.o;v 7.02V' 7.MVi 7.77V,! 7.42',; 7Si5 7,8. 7.52V4I 7.rv T.7V 7.72H 6.62V, 7.S7VI 7.72VI 7.37 Val 7.70 7.36 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotation were as follows: FLOl'It Firm; winter patents, 15 303 6.5o; straights S4.90&.20; spring patents. !5.436.uu; straight, 4.70yS.6u; bakers, 13.40 4(3 79. V H EAT No. I spring. 111631.17; No. 3, Sa.lo; No. 2 red. I1.17VG1.14V CORN No. 1, 62.c; No. 2 yellow, 64o. OATS No. Z, 31V32c; No. 2 white, Suv4r SOV: No. 3 white. 3o432c RYE No. 2, 75c. BARLEY Good feeding. 80637?; fair to choice malting. 4(Kg4fto. SEEDS No 1 flax. Il.06tf1.l6; No. 1 north western. 11.15V,; prime timothy, 2.5&2.6o; clover, contract grade, 112.26. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., 111.40 11.50. Iard, per I'D lbs.. 7 6iV. Short rib sides (loose!, 7.7&&7.87Vi. Short clear aides (boxed), H.5SS.7S. Receipt and shipment of flour and grain were a follows; Reeelnts. Shipment. Flour, bbl 29.500 81. Mi Wheat, bu 142.100 96.70u Corn, bu 1S7.80i) 400.20) Oats, bu 221.600 133.066 Rye, bu g.0"0 7.2TO Barley, bu 273,700 25.400 On tha Produce exchange today the but. ter market was steady; cramerie. H'&SOc; dairies, 18317c. Cheese, strong, 9VQ10Vo. Eggs, steady, at mark, cases Included, litf Vc; flr.ta, 18c; prime flraia, 30c; extra. 22c. St. Lonla Grain and Prnrlalona. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 29. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 cah, elevntor, 11.17,; track. 11.20; December. I1.17WS1 174; May, I1.17v; No. 2 hard, 11.12(3114 CORN Lower; No. I cash, 51V,c; track, 63V)rc: December, 47,c; May, 4G7,c. OATS Weak; No. 2 cat.h, 3Jc-; track. 33 33.c: December, So7,c; May, S3c; No. 2 while, 36c. FLOUR In better demand and firm; red winter patents. !5.70?B.9o; fxtra fancy and tralght, I6.3585.66; clear, M.oOtffj.OO. , SEED Timothy, steady at 12.556 2 83. (XRNMEAL Steady at 12 75. BRAN Dull; sacked, east trsck. MUS5o. HAY Steady; timothy, I7.00jll.00; prairie, 15 0ie9.00. IHuN COTTON TIES 95c. R AOOINO 7HS7e. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISION'S Pork, lower; Jobbing, 111.). I-ard. higher; prime steam, 17 IS. Bacon, steady: boxed extra short. 19.12V,. Cleer rlh. 19 25: short clear, I9 60. POULTRY Heavy; cMckens. 8Wc; spring, IV-ailc; turkeys, 13ttl4c; geese, 5c. liL'TTER Steady; creamery, 15C21c; dairy. 12inlc. EGOS Firm, 18c. case count. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls m.nno Wheat, bu lio.nni) 67.'Vi0 Corn, bu 3S.OO0 51.000 Oats, bu 24.000 36,ii Kanaaa City Grain and Pros-talons. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 29 WHEAT Mar ket steady; September, SI .04V; Decemler, tl.02'4; May. Sl.03frl.GSV,: cash. No. 2 hard. SI 071 08; .No. 3, 1104(91.07; No. 4, 93c45ll 02; rejected, 3(&9:e; No. 2 red, S1.09; No. 1. 31-03 01.07: -No. 4. 96cjfl 05; receipts 147 car. CORN Higher; September, 47V,c; Decem ber. 44o; May. 44&44V,c; cash. No. 1 mixed, 4c; No. S, 48&49c; No. 2 white, 4950c; No. I. 4S'c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, S233c; No. S mixed. Sme32c. HAY 8te(1y; cholc timothy, 50; choice prslrle. S7.2fi37.7t. RYE 70c. EGGS Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 3 whllewood case Included. 18c; case count, lc: race returned, Vc lea. BUTTER Creamery, 16ilKe; d.Urv, 14c. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 124.8m 131. Ro0 Corn, bu lO.eO 28.SO0 Oata, bu 24.000 10. 00 Philadelphia Prodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. Bept 29 BUTTER Firm and In good demand; extra western creamery, tlo; extra nearby prima. 23c. EGGS Steady, with a fair demand; nearby firsts. 21Q2llc at mark; weatern flrata. nv$22r at mark. OHEESli-Flrm and V,c hlrfher; New York full creams, fancy. 0Vfiiiiv": New York full creams, choice. 9.Tlor: New York full creama. fair to good, 9V49Vtc. l.lTerpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOU Sept. IS WHRAT-Spot. nominal: futures, quiet; September, 7alT,d; lecember. 7s 8'd. CORN-Spot. American mixed, steady at 4a Vd Futurea. quiet; September, 4a d; December, 4a 6Sd. Taledo a Market. TOLEDO, gept 2 SEEDS Clover, caah and October, 17 A. V,. sellers: December, r 6. sellers: March, r 66. sellers AlsU, ISU0, bid. Timothy, September, S10.S6. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Heafj Eelitdng EaJes Canse a General , Dscline in Many Iisnea, HIGH-PRICED COALERS ARE SUSPICIOU harai Reaction In Aerlbern Secarltlea, I alon PaelMe and . Pa a I Prices Toorh Low Level In Final Hoar. NEW TORK. Sept. 29 The stock market wa subjected again today to very heavy reallxlng and prices are lower a a con sequence, but it must still be said thgt the realizing wa well taken and the tall in prices waa by no mean precipitate. The movement wa not accounted for by any new developments either to Induce sell ing or to cause advances In the few stocks that showed strength. The strong stock were believed to be supported to help the reallxlng In the general market. The opera tion were aliened to be almost wholly in the hands of professional or o( that class of wealthy speculators who make oc casional campaigns In securities with the use of professional methods. The coaler furnished the princlpei support for the mar-' ket. although the August earnings of the anthracite carrier proved very unfavor able, compared with the howlng of some other railroads. Reading was the main stay of the market and was bid up agln and again with rallying effect from the declines caused by the profit-taking. The high priced coalers were conspicuous, Lack awanna selling up to SuO on bidding tor 1(0 share lot. Stocks which have been the leadera of the recent advance were freely sold today. Thl wa especially true of United State Steel preferred. Thl ad vance in this tock haa aroused skepticism owing to the lack of new to account for It and when it perceived that recent buyers v ere realizing today, the pressure to sell bore heavily upon it. The sharp reaction In northern securities on the curb wa the signal for a decline In Union Pacific and aroused suspicion of a manipulative source for the numerous rumors In circulation of late of a compromise In the Northern Se curities case. The grangers and Pacific sympathised with the heaviness of Union Pontic and even St. Paul, which wa lilted a point, and lost It again. Weakness In some of the Vanderbllta In view of a ses sion of the New York Central director caused a bad Impression. Prices touched the low level In the final hour and made an Irregular tally. The weather map Indicated safety for the crops and money wa unchanged In spite ot the withdrawal of over Id.onO.OuO by the subtreasury thus far this week. Sterling exchange broke to the lowest of the season and foreign markets reported prospect of easier money conditions. Bonds were easy. Total sales, pur value, S4.830.000. United State bond were un changed on call. cjuoiailons on the New Y'ork Stock ex change ranged as follows: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison 24,ic) M. ffiV, 8.', do pfd 1.200 101 100V, 10OV. B. A 0 21,300 90H 89V "' do pfd 500 94 M 93V, Can. Pacific 7.2"0 180, 129H 129", Central of N. J 310 182 181 l&t Ches. A Ohio 34,900 44V, 43V 43 Chicago A Alton 39-, do pfd 80 Chicago Gt. Western 1,000 16 16V, 1 C. A N. W 1S5 C. M. & St. P 29,600 159V, 158H 1V do pfd , 184 Chicago T. A T 600 6 6S 64 do pfd 200 16V 15V 15 C. t, C. St. Li.... Colo. Souinern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. A Hudson Del.. L. & W D. & R. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd 3") 81 79V4 1,000 19', 19V. 19' 5u0 El 51 51 1.4"0 ;V 254 26 1,700 170 lt7V l'S'. 2,300 8"0 26 291 100 2s 284 28 500 81. S1V 814 15.7.0 314 31 3H 2.U0 671 67 67V, do Zd pfd Hocking Valley do rfd 1.0U0 46 4W, 4.-V ' .. 80 f4 111. Central 5.600 140V 139'-4 13V. Iowa Central 60 23 34 24 do pfd 800 494 454 454 K. C. Southern 24 do pfd 400 464 44 46 L. A N 16.1O0 1274 126, 12i' Manhattan L 300 IMS 154 v 1534 Met. Securities S.600 814 S0V 81 Met. St. Ry 6,600 121 120 124 Minn. St. L 100 674 674 56 M . St. P. & S. Ste M. 600 76', 76V 76 do pfd 1324 Mo. Pacific 11.1M 98 97, 97. M.. K. A T 600 2i4a 24 21 do 11 fd 1.800 49 V 48 Vi 48 V. Nat l R. R. of M. pfd 400 40 40 8:'4 N. Y. Central 8.6O0 127 126V 127V. Norfolk A W ' 3.000 6&V 68V 681 do pfd 200 91 91 9-3 Ontario A W 28.500 86. 3V 354 Pennsylvania 90,500 132 131H l"7, P.. C. C. & St. L 69 Reading 144,800 69V 684 6 do 1st pfd 6O0 86H 8S4 854 do 2d pfd 600 784 78 774 Rock Island Co 6,600 214 27, 274 do pfd 700 724 72 714 St. L. S F. 2d pfd 2"0 68V 584 ($4 St. L. 8. W 1.100 21V 204 214 do pfd 600 46 44V 4BS So. Pacific 21.3-10 67V 66v, 6V So. Railway 20,100 83V S2V 834 do pfd S.100 93V 934 93 Texas A Parlflc 900 814 Sl- 81V1 Tol., St. L. A W 3'4 do pfd 200 45V 494 44 Union Pacific 41,100 102 lftOT, 101' do pfd 92 Wabash 1,700 21 20i 20 do pfd 400 424 tt 4 W. A Lake Erie 174 Wis. Central 1.100 21 204 204 do pfd 1,000 46 4 5 45 Mex Central 1.900 144 134 14 Adams Ex 230 American. Ex 6 1'. 8 El 114 Wells-Fargo Ex 235 Atrial. Copper 12.600 R4 6 64 Amer. Car F 60 234 ?2V ?4 do pfd 600 81V 81 Amer. Cotton Oil 1,500 294 2SH do rfd 94 Amer. Ice 1.000 u 74 7. do pfd SOOO 334 83 334 Amer. Unseed Oil 4 do pfd 3fl Amer. Locomotive .. 700 26V 25V 2i do pfd 95'i Amer Smelting A R. I.lflO r, C6 64 do pfd l."0 110 109H 109, Amer Sugar Ref 6.300 1324 131V 131'4 Anaconda M. Co 92 Rrooklvn R. T ll.nn 5V RSH M Colo. Fuel A 1 2 .KQ 864 84Vi UK Con. Gas t. 2074 r4 2n'U Corn Product 1,300 15 V 15S 154 do pfd 2"0 71V 714 714 Distillers' Securities. 2.000 294 29 fS Oen. Electric I7 Inter Pnper 500 II 174 IT do pfd W'i Inter Pump 100 !W S8 do pfd..... V T 7 77U, Nat l Lead 1.950 24V No. American Pacific Mall 1.5"0 4H Mi 3K Peonle'e Car 100 K-24 10V im' Pressed Steel Car.... l.Ono 8.1 KK 1 do pfd 400 80 794 r4 Pullman P Car .. 216.. Republic Steel O0 8i R do pfd I"0 464 45 Rubber Good 1.600 21 21 do pfd Tenn Coal & 1 800 48V 474 t 47S U. 8. Leather 1.100 "4 9 do rfd 700 M-J 88 V. P RealtV A Imp. 8 500 60 69 50 V. B. Rubber l ?1H 204 21 do pfd 700 76 754 7H V. 8. Steel inn 18V4 ITS 17K do Pfd 104.900 78 T14 714 Westlngh. Electric... 8l0 17 166 1W Western Union 100 904 904 , Totnl sale for the day. 800,109 ahare. Parelga Flnanelal. LONDON. Bept. 29 The demand for money In the market wa much lncreaed, It being Stock exchange pay day and con siderable sum being owing to the Bank of England. Dlacount wer weak. Oper ator on the Stock exchange wera chiefly occupied with the conclusion of the settle ment. Business Improved on the prospect of eay money. Conol hardened. Amer icana opened Irregular, thouah they were well maintained In New York unport. re acted later and cloaed dull. Foreigner mostly were Inactive, owing to the Purl etllement. Japanese larere weaker. Im perial Japanese government 6 of 1904 were quoted at 964. Kaffir were strong. PARIS. Sect. 29 Ruslnesa on the Bourse today waa Inactive, but at the close the market was steadv. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 93.20 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 603. The private rate of dlacount was ISfllV per cent. BERLIN. Sepl. 29 The tone on th Bourse today wa rather firm. Weekly Mrtement Bank of England. LONDON. Sept. 29 Th weekly itate ment of the Bank of England ahow the following changee: Total reserve decreased l6.0Oa. circulation Increased 567.000. bul lion Increased 631. 0?1. Other securities ln cressed 1.164.000. other deposit Increased 1.350000. public deposits decreased 263,000. notes reserve decreased 40.000, government securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank reserve to liabilities thl week I 67.60 per rent; laat .week, 66.96 per cent. Treaaary Statement. WASHINGTON, Sept. 29-Today1 atate ment of Ihe treasury balance In the general fund, exclusive of the 16O.OO0,0u0 gold re serve In the division of redemption, show: Available ch balance. tHS.967.675; Sn .8, 714. 60S. Sere York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. Sept 29 -.MONET 4n csll. firm at 1?2 per cent; clolng Md. 1 fr cent: offered I rer cent. Time loans, firm; 60 days. 8 per.cent; !0 days, S4 per cent; S months. JV per cent. PRIMt MERCANTILE PAPER 44 fTG per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak and firmer, with actual bulns In bsnker' hill at 14 8,"7i5fJ4 rflo for demand and t 14 &.T?Oij4 8340 for 60-dav Mils: posted rates. 14 84'4 84. and 14 8494 57; commercial Mils. H 8?.4 8S4. SILVER liar. 67"V: M-xlcan dollar. BONDS Government, steidy: rallro-id. es sv. Tne following are the closing quotation on stocks and bonfls: I'. 8 ref. ia. reg ei coupon So Se. reg !o eoupon 1I0 new 4s, reg. So eoupon do old 4ft. re... do coupon Atrhlson n. 4s. . , do tdj 4a Atlintlr C. L. 4s Pal Ohio 4a... do aia Central of Ra. 5a do let UK- ("lira a Ohio 4S Chlrato a A. lVta C. B. Q. a. 4a 14. Vanhattan e. 4a..tl7vt .Jos-. -vie. 1 antral 4a ft . .lojH ..10SV ..Hi. ..HIS ,.i' . .107', ..:w do lat Inr 14- Minn St. L 4a .. t M . K A T. 4a loot, do ia N R II of M c. 4a T14 N T. r. Ha... ton N. J r. f 5a . 14 .104 - 14', .101 . t HWiNo Paclnc 4a. awi do Sa .101. N. W'. e. 4a . H: O. a. L. 4a at par .11IS, Pnn. ronr. Ia... . RR Readlrs Ken. 4a. . ISO, .in:, 1st. L. A 1 M e. 4a.. 117V. . WHilgt. L. 9 F. f. 4a. MV. ... rrv. st. 1.. s w ia. . 4..l!' Seaboard A L. 4a lV Ss Pacific 4a !' C M. a a P . M . NS 1UV .IJ0 . e4 .105 .105 '4 .:u , . v . os . 17 c. K. w r. 7a C , R I P 4 74,;So Railway 6s..., do cot. &a HS Tfiii ft r la Crc. it. L. 1 4a..liJ tT , 8t. U v. 4. CtiK-axo Ter. 4a. Con. Tobacro 4ft. T Union F.-lnr . . 7i( 60 eenr. 4a . . M V. 8 Steel id 4a. .. 1004 Vaoaah la . . I do dfh B .. 74 W ft L B 4a ..110 ,la. Central 4a ... . .inn 1 Colo. Fuel c. 5a... ..101 I Colo. A So. 4a P. A R O 4ft Tirle prior Man 4a. do sen. 4a r. w n. c. ia Horain Val. 4Vaa. LAN. unl. 4a.... Offered. Boston oek ret. BOSTON, Sept. 29 Call loon. 24834 per cent; time loans, 4'f6 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Afrhlaoa adj. 4a tfj'.ji ITentina common ... 81", do 4a l"lv Aovomur, 14 Mex. Central 4a 47'a'Allouer a Atrhlann 2 Amalgamated 11 do pfd ion iAmarlran Zinc 13 Rnton & Alban? 24' Atlantic 4 Pnaton A Maine 104 Bingham 610 Boaton FJIerated 1M Cal. A Hacla 610 FUrhburx pfd, Ontannlal s4, Mea Central U'-a rnpner Range 66H N T , N. H. A H IftlV, Talr Wet l:f. Para Marquette 74 n. minion Coal ail t'nlon Piriac lOiVt yranklln I Amer. Ara. Chero... 15 C.ranor 1714 60 pl1 7V V- Rorale .., Amer. Pneu. rTubc... 4W Maaa Mining 41, Atnar. Sugar HI, Vlrhlgan 4 do pfd UT. Mohawk 43 Amer. T. A T 140H itont C. A C 4 4 Airr. Woolen n filtl Pomlnlon 17 do pfd ) Oaceola -"4 P' I. : S lim Parrot "'4 Bdlaon Elec. Illu...r7 outn.-r l leraral Electric 17:'j Fhannon 4 1-14 Mm. Electric 114 Tmrack ill do pfd M i.Trlnlty 7H Uin. Gaa 42 II' S. Mining JO 'a fnlted Fruit 105li V. s Oil 11 t'nttcd Shoe Macb..... r,l ftah fH do pfd So' jv-trtorta 4 C S. Steel 17-i Winona ' o pfd 71 VWolverln m...,. M Bid. J London Stock Market. IX1NDON, Sept 29 Closing: Conaoln. moner ... 8 7-14 Norfolk & W 714 do account M 7-11 do pfd !-4 Anaconda I Ontario, ft W 86i Atrhlaon 854 Pt-r.nsvltranla 14 do pfd IO.14 Hand Mlnaa W Baltimore A Ohio ... 2 Rtadlna -KVt Canadian PaclMc IUH do lat pfd 44 Chca. A Ohio 451, do id pfd 4 rhlcago Ot. ' 17V Bo Railway !4!-t C. M. A St. P 1D' do pfd V1 PeBeera 11H 80 Pacific 55 Paner A R. O is, I nlon Pnclflc 1044 do pfd 84 do pfd M Erie 3:Vi V. S Steel 1 do lat pfd f-Sla do pfd "4 do id pfd 474 Wabah i? Illlnola Central 130., do pfd 4S-4 M . K. ft T 2ftpanlih 4 17 N. Y. Central 131 I Ex-dlv. SILVER Rar, steady. 28-Sad per ounce. MONEY 224 per cent. The rate ot aiscount in the open market for short bills 1 2,6'2 5-16 per cent; for three months' bills. 2 o-ltkU'J, per cent. Wool Market. BOSTON. Sept. 19 WOOL Large nnd mall mill have been buying wool during the past week. The market la strong, wl.n a buoyant movement - apparently finder way. A feature of the trading ha been tha satisfactory de.nand tor worstals. All grade of wool are selling. Territory con tinues to move freely at average i-rlces. Pulled wools are Arm. . Foreign grades are the least In demand. Quotation: 'terri tory, Idaho Fine, IWWie; heavy fine, 165 16c; tine medium, rStMfftjc; medium. 1SW 20c; low medium. lfea!c. Wyoming Fine, lfrjjl7c; heavy fine, lal6c; fine med.uni, 174518c; medium. 20f2ier low medium, a 23c. Utah and Nevada Fine, 174ji74c; heavy fine. IbQUc; nne medium. 174-iJltO! medium. 20fi21e: low medium, 22ig23c. Da kotaFine, 17&18c; medium. 17al8c: me dium fine. 2i21c; low mdlum, 2223c. Montana Fine choice, 2021c; fine average. 19g20c; fine medium choice, 2j'tf21c ; aver age, 1020c; staple, 22323c; medium choice, LONL-ON, Sept. 'if. WOOL 1 lie fntn series of the 1EK4 wool auction (ales closed today. When the sales opened bidding was active and most descriptions ruled un changed from the July closing. Later the firmness Increased and often advances of 6 per cent were noted. Greasy scoured sold well. Medium and heavy greasies, which were at first rather weaker. Improved. In ferior and faulty scoured were Irregular and hard to sell. The demand for cros breds was very strong throughout. Coarse sold firmly at unchanged rate and medium and scoured advanced 6 per cent. Good greasy combing from Cape of Good Hope commanded ,sr4d advance. The market Is practically clear of old stock. During the series &o.C0 hales were tnken by home burers, SO.OflO for the continent, 40,000 for America and 3.000 were held over. The ofTerinps today amounted to-8.671 bnles. Superlod sllpes sold Htld above the July average. Good greaay half-bred were In active request for America. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales, l.sno bales; scoured, lCdff1 84d; greasy, 44dfJls 4d. Queensland. 1.20 bales; ncoured. 104dfc2s; greasy. 64fi9d. Victoria. SOO bales; acoured, llrtfils 94d; greasy. SHdl Id. South Australia, SS bales; greasv. 1f9d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 1 600 bale,; scoured. 44d(Sls 64d: greasy. 6fi8id. Falk land Islands, too bales: greasv. 64"a94d. ST. LOl 'IS, Sept. 29. WOOL Firm : me dium gradea. combing and clothlnar 202c; light fine. Itfr20c; heavy fine, 1216c; tub washed, 226350. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Sent. 29 METALS Tha London tin market displayed a reactlonery tendency after tbe apparently speculative advance of the last day or so and spot wa quoted at 127 6 and future at 127 15s; the local nurket. quick to respond to the easier situation abroad owlnc to the con tinued light demand, was also lower, closed firm at 127.6027 .924. The London copper market was n Htfl lower, closing at 58 for both spot and futures; locally . quota tions were without change, lake standing at fl2.75ni3.Oil, casting at tl! 50312.624. Lead was unchanged at f4.2"j4.26 In the local market and at 11 15s 6d In London. Spel ter advanced slightly In London, with spot quoted at 22 7s fid; locally It was un changed at f5.lnigf3.2o. Iron cloBed at 5Ps 8d In Gln.'gow and at 43s In Mlddleahoroiigh ; lorallv Iron was oulet: No 1 northern foun dry Is quoted st tl. 75414.26, No. I northern foundrv at fl3.2501t.5O, No. 1 southern foun dry arid No. 1 soft southern foundry at 113 2S4J1S.50. ST. LOl'TS Sent. 29 METALS Lead, steady at 14.124- Spelter, steady at t4 f oit 5.01. . . Coffee Market. NET' TORK. Sept. If.-COFFEE The mnrket for future opened steady at a de cline of S point In repons to lower Euro pean cables and closed steady at un changed prices, with sale of 64.750 bag. Including October st 6.76c; November, 860: December, WVg6.96c: March. T.20c; May, T SfafrT 40c; . July. 7.twg7 65c; August. T.oOc. Spot: Rio, ateady; No. 7 Invoice, f4c; mild, quiet , Dry Good Market. NEW TORK. Sept. 2-a-DRT GOODS Buyer of dry good are riot any more in terested in th future than thev have been, although the ecareity on a good many line ha made them anzloua about (pot good nnd dellverle which they annot aecure. Th export trde Is again quiet, but con verter are howlng more Interest In the market. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Sept. WHISKY On bail of fl.2rt4 for finished goods CHICAGO. Sept W-AVH I8KY On baala of 11.28 for finished good. ST. ions. Sept. 29.-WHISKY On basis of II 324. CINCINNATI. Sept. 29 -WHISKY-Dls-tlller' good active on basl of II. 164. Sagar and Molaaaea. YORK. Sept. -8rOAR Raw fair refining, 3Sr; centrifugal, 96 lHc; molasses siiKar, 84c 41RLEANS, Pert. 29 SUGAR open kettle, l'4ffi'lc; open kettle, NEW ateady: test. 4 5 NBW Strong; ccntrlfu. gal. 4ii'44c: centrifugal whites, vellows iK'Hy; second. 2Sfi4'". PS E8 Nominal; open kettle, 2iyci gal, 104jl5c; syrup, nominal. 4 15-lsc: MO LA centrlf u Pearls Market. PEORIA, III.. Sept. .-CORN-Hlgher; No. f, W4; No- 4. UV'I no grade, 61 Vi. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Corafed Bteen Tnll; Etfadj, 8ix Cntt Being Paid, Other Cattle Lower. HOGS GENERALLY TEN CENTS LOWER Best Fat keep nnd I jam bs 5early Steady, Others a Little How and Weak Feeder la Fslrly Good Demand and Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept 29. 1S9I. Receipt weie: Caitie. itug. bnerp. Omclal Monday 10.346 I.'-' i 137 Uttlflal 'iuewUy 9,ti71 8 2a It. 199 Oftlclal Wednesday ,".bS 6 9 'i .4ii Oftlclal Tbureday 4.i ,iuo ." Four days this r-'k. " 2S. 90,261 Same day Ust week.. ..23.721 21.023 Same wte i.o.v . i..3- 65.121 Same three ween sg ....ij ! ;o.i93 i,624 Same four weeks ago....l4tli' to.ino SH.'.tW Same day last year 29.M2 17.43J 71,) HUdblKra KUri lUK YeiAR TO DATJC. ihe following table show In receipt of cattle, "bogs and sheep at aoutb ornana for the year 10 data, with compailson wild l.ti year: 1904 1903. Inc. Deo. Cattle ft044U 7i7. 614 lOf.lia Hog 1.7.2,621 1 75S180 14 341 fheep l.lt7,4A l.OVi.OjO 7j,. 1 ne following UiDle snow J aveiali price of hog at South Omaha for the lael several day with comparison: Data. I 1904. Uil01.lf02.19ul.lM0.lS!.UM. Sept. Ia. I Sept. 2... bept. t... 6 Sept. 4... Sept. 6... I Sept ... i Sept, 7... I Sept. I... I Bept ... 6 Sept. 11.. fept. 12.. 6 Sept. U.. 6 sept. 14.. a Sept. 1.. f Sept. 16. . 6 Sept. 1... 6 Sept 13.. Sep;. IK.. 6 Sept. 20.. 6 Sept. 21.. 6 Bept. 22.. f isept. a.. 5 Sept. 24.. S Sept 26.. Sept. 26.. I Sept. 27.. ( bept. 18.. 6 Sept 29.. 6 II I t Ul 7 Ul t(04 i 0t 4 10, I II 4 141 I tl Iff 4 Hi 4 U t CI illIU 4 B0. I 61 4 ! 0 4 I If 4 lai 4 u I r; 4 26 t 79 4 .1 J M 4 ft; 11 73 6 20 7 421 7 36, 121 i 0 11 16 361 34 6 10! .VI 6 401 3 6 471 t o.' . ( t.:d 6 42 6 47 6 47 6 44 7 33 7 40! 5 03 a (X. I 7 4 5 00 6 60 k 10! luj 44 6 S4I 7 61 7 4; 6 22 6 66, I 5 5i I 3 b i 1 65i 7 h! 1 7 67 7 6b, 7 4:1: 1 1 6 A) u 1I a 10 6 0 I 6 131 I 13! 6 lj 6 22 6 23 6 21 6 It! 6 Ki 6 ) f 15 n in 6 t I 3 & I 64 I 76, 4 32 "31 80 I MSI 754 7t4 V6S, 6 0 a 4 ! 4 311 4 111 4 36; 4 i, I t 74 t 71 1 71 3 73 i: '. .' 3 77 a f I 81 C IU e 0', 7 49 7 . 7 6S 7 66, 7 37, I 6 89 S4l 0 if. 6 741 ( 61: 6 (Ml .V 6 60 76 79, 4 41 4 S9! t Tl 7 34, 4 lb! t 72 5 72,' 32 I B 1-1 4 371 I 64 Indicates Sundny. The oltlclal number or cars of gtock brought In today by each road we: Caf.le.Hogs.6bec-y.Hr'. C, M A St. P Ry.. 2 4 Mo. Pacific Ry 1 V. P. system 2J 16 27 3 F.. E A M. V. R. R.. U 8 1 C. St. P., M. A O.... 6 4 ., .. B. A M. Ry 67 U 7 C, B. g. Ky 1 C, R. I. it P., eaut.. 2 7 C, R. I. & P. west.. 9 I Illinois Central 2 Total receipts ....1S3 84 37 4 The disposition of the day's receipts wa a follow, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Buyer. Cattle. Oinana packing Co oU Hog. Sheep. 000 Bwlft and Company 1,144 l .1 Culahy Packing Co 952 1.669 8W Armour & Co l.'.'&S 1.5u3 1,630 Vansant & Co 83 Carey A Benton Lobman A Co : McOreary W. I. Stephen Hill A Huntzlnger Lewis & Underwood.. Huston & Co Livingstone A Root.. Hamilton L. F. Husx Squire & Co C'udahy Wroe. & Co.... Wolf A Murnan Sam Werthelmer Mike Haggerty Bulla & Kline S. A 8 Other buyer 177 1 124 44 47 29 24 :os 112 79 82 136 313 3 'J7 106 202 10 ...1.740 11.649 Total 6.879 4.836 14.706 CATTLE There wa another liberal run of cattle here thl morning, and following the big receipts that have arrived every day this ween, the supply eemed to be moil too large, and prices continued their downward course on most classes of cattle Trading wa rather low. so that the morn ing was well advanced before the bulk of the ottering wo disposed of. There were several loads of cornfed steer on sale and some of them were very prime, a high as 16 being paid, which 1 the top price for some time past Packers all seemed to want good cornfed and anything at all desirable changed hand freely enough at good, steady price. Western rangers were In liberal supply and the quality wa only fair. Packer were rather indifferent and the market could safely be quoted slow and weak to a dime lower than yesterday. The medium to common kinds were the harest to dispose of ond suffered the worst. The better grades did not show so much loss from yes terday. It wa a slow, draggy market, though, from start to finish, anu at a lale hour there were still quite a good many cattle In first hands. The cow market broke again this morn ing, as a result of continued heavy supplies. Except on the choicer grades, the market was right around a dime lower. As com pared with a weak ago. the decline U about 25fi35c, the medium class of cowa showing the greatest Ins. Strictly choice grades, and canners have not broke so adly as the medium kinds, but still they are safely a quarter lower for the week. Bull, veal calves and stag were a little lower today and considerably lower for the week. It take a choice veal to bring 16.26. The atocker and feeder market wa very dull today, except in the case of something choice in the way of cattle of good flesh, weight and quality. They sold about steady, but others were very dull and a little lower. With the exception of the choice heavy cattle, the market I fully a quarter lower for the week. Representa- live saies: BEEF STEERS. No, At. Pr. No. Av. ft. 1 1110 I to 4J um 1 M 41 1374 40 14 1401 4 00 42 1X71 I 10 . NEBRASKA. 44 feeder. .1179 S 20 13 feeder.. 8St I 75 26 feeder.. 979 2 90 tl feeder.. 351 I 00 t feeder.. 351 2 60 17 feeder.. 673 2 90 22 feeder.. IioO 3 20 12 feeder.. 910 2 60 I feeder.. KH6 2 75 21 feeder.. 904 t 00 6 feeder.. 910 2 00 4 cow tt 2 13 , t heifer.. 616 2 60 2 cow 620 2 60 1 bull 640 2 00 6 cows 72$ 2 60 I cowa 4W3 2 60 1 cow 645 2 60 1 cow 4H0 2 00 23 cow 1002 J go 14 cows 1045 2 60 11 cow 994 2 36 a cows i2 3 h '4 cure... mt 4 .,. 1 cows 8-iS 2 35 1 bull 1290 ISO 4 cows W2 2 10 6 cow 9-4 1 78 2 cow 1175 2 34 16 heifer... 582 I 10 f cow 820 2 15 1 heifer.... 670 1 7S I cow t26 1 75 16 feeder.. 660 1 46 1 bull It50 190 4 calve ..2(2 i 11 calve... 824 f 26 11 feeder.. 939 8 05 26 cow 920 2 45 tl feeder.. 810 2 25 7 cowa 867 t It 13 feeder.. 1033 3 25 8 cow 800 2 24 10 steer.. ..1121 t 10 12 cow WH 2 16 12 cow f97 2 40 20 cow 791 2 40 60 cow V'-l 2 60 8 cow 6Vj5 t 00 78 cow 1007 2 30 20 cows M 100 23 cow..... 781 2 25 f feeder. .1005 1 26 SO cow 83 1 75 6 feeders.. 1134 t 25 1) cows...... 96 2 20- 12 feeder.. 1178 125 1 cow 990 1 30 21 feeder.. 97 t 11 cow 978 1 16 21 feeders.. 670 1 25 COLORADO, f row in 2 60 SOUTH DAKOTA. 22 teer....1260 I 60 cows 934 t 90 18 ieer....lCM I 36 A. Benson Neb. t feeders.. 1180 1 26 8 Steers.... 911 128 1 feeder. ..1140 I 16 19 feeder.. 1062 1 feeder... 9u0 t 05 t steers.... 1116 2 66 1 steer IOuO I 90 t 26 I t 15 I 00 1 00 1 178 t 2ft 10 t 60 t so i feeder. .104) V. t 08 t feeders.. 9u6 L. Putney Neb. 29 feeders., I feeders., 12 calves... 14 eows 683 633 til J. t M 54 calve... 96 2 80 65 rulvea. . . Ittf 2 00 11 oaive... 267 F. Keller-Neb. t 60 1 bull 1460 934 J. c. Mcjry .Neb. 40 feeders.. 1074 1 35 t feeders. .1074 Iron Mountain Ranch Co. Wyo. 7 steers ...l'4 8 35 If steers... .1201 W steers . ..1178 t 20 E. Robert Wyo. 26 steer.. ..1062 2 90 11 feeder.. 761 R. Ilenke Wyo. . 956 2 50 14 steers ...1096 H. J. Windsor Wyo. .1016 t 90 M steer.... 1062 I row. . (1 cows.. SHiterfi." lif'K. -.Neb. 16 cow !' " t A. Peterson S. D. 1046 2 00 2 steers. ...10,0 1140 1 86 31 steers.. ..17 1160 t 36 11 cows lull t 00 w a t 90 t 90 I 16 t K 1 ew., t cow. Wood Live Stock Co Idaho. 125 steers. ..119 I IA H feeders. 1101 I steers... 123S I 10 John Baatb S. D. 44 steers., t steer... ..1113 I i 1 steer 909 t M ..1180 f W Olenn Broa Colo M cow.. U COW. . .9 .101 27 feeder.. 1007 1 16 Iff 1 feeder... 170 J. Pliort Neb. II feeder . 1007 J ,( 10 row 940 160 S feeders.. 'AS I 10 J. F. Cook Nfb 48 cow .... 9.7 1 n 3 steers... .1113 t 00 23 feeders. .H: 3 20 J. Kocer-Neb. 17 cows W US 8 s:eers.... 177 2 85 46 cow 8W J 0 V.'. HotloweDe-t'olo. 29 cows H 2 6 feeder.. 1041 t lo 10 rows ....10f-o 2 15 l. Mcl"arInnd-Co;o. 11 row .... .t 2 26 S Fackrelle--Idaho. 60 feeders.. 9o0 2 90 L. E. Ballanger Neb. 14 feeder . 1129 1 20 41 cows 1066 110 ii feeders. ItiJ 2 90 Marvel Horsey t'Bttle Co. S P. 25 steers.. ..IV 3 40 . 21 steers.. .124 ITS 11 cows 970 2 60 KOUfc Ti:ei-e was rather a light run of hogs here thl morning, but advices iron: other points were ratner unfavorable to the selling interests, snd as a result prle continued their downward course. The market here was rather slow In opening and bids were right around a dune Icwet. For some llitle time not mm h busme-s was transacted, but Liter on the mnrket became a little more tlve, tne de cline amounted to Just about a dime Heavy hogs old largely around Soft), wit.i some of tne commoner kinds b'low thit. Mixed and medium weigh. soid Inrae.v iround 16.85 and choice lights and butcn-r welgm from 1670 to 15.774- There was no particular change tn the close of the mar ket and most everrthlng was di'pvsed of before noon. Representative snles: S. at. s. fr No. A. 8k. Ft. 44 4 14 H M w i 41 24 4J I 4.S 41 ... .. i.j ;w 1 is ... ;-4 IK I 44 .. .24 14" 4 5 ,...!7 0 4 S ....214 .. Ill ... J1 0 I . . t'- HO I IS .. !!' 40 I ... !1 .. I 44 .. 24: M I SI . . . ni 10 its . . Ut io 1 4 .1.14 . . ,.. 230 .. 6 40 ... iti .. i 1.4 ..214 .. I 4JV 175 190 I 47a ,... .. ( I7a ,...I5 .. I I"1 til 140 I 70 ...1H 40 I 74 40 I 70 ... M 40 6 70 ... 111 40 I 70 ...211 -. 4 70 . . 2S.t M 4 70 , ...:ti .. 4 70 ....124 .. I 7:, .. Ill .4 77 .. x.2 40 1 71, .115 .. 4 71 a i ao i 114 m ... 41 ia4 SO I 40 41 . . .. : tn .. t 4 i;t... , . . . , an il ! to'.'.'.'.'.'.'..rt ii 1 to I) 1.1 M I M 5 ... U ill H IH 4.) ... 44 Iml .. 4 41 (I ... M 144 .. ( 1 ... II ltf 0 4 49 (T ... (0 ill to a ao 7t ... 47 m ) .... tl : .. ') . ... 70 240 .. 4 : "I.... (4 J03 .. 4 70 ... 7 S4i M I . a 12.... 7 ri M US II . .. 71 574 M t 4S4 (.... 1 m .. 4 42, 44.... 411 Tl 10 I MV 77 ... 70 Ill N I 71.... ti :4 .. It:-, M I"? ..I : v... it ft. I 110 4 !'. HI ... u ;?o . . 4 41 aj . . 71 J4I 140 I at', 6e. . 14 141 40 I 44 II... IS M0 40 6 II 70 ... 1 til l. 6 4? IV--- 47 :io o 4 10 ... II 141 lit is IT ... ..171 .. 4 76 17 211 150 to 170 40 5 74 onk'i-i'Hwinii of theei) continued lib eral today, and with 30.WU head in Chicago on a Thursday, the tendency naturally wns to pound the market at all poinib. There was not a great deal o: fat tulT Included In today' receipts, however, and ts a result packers could not tako orr very much at this murkel. The ltuatlyt would probably best be described by catdi.g good tat sheep and lamb about stead, with others a little slow and weak. l'ad'" was not very brisk on any kind, so that ii was rather Inte before the bulk of thv ar rivals was disposed of. The feeder market did not show a great doal of change from yesterday. Jm de mand for desirable grades of both sheep and lambs spemed to be In good shape anu prices steady. The less desirable oflerlngs, though, were slow and weak. Uuotutloiis for gruss sheep and Iamb. Good to choice yearlings, 13. .ix&t.OO; fair to good yearlings, iJ.wk1j3.75; good to choice wetlurs, f3 .3.60; fair to good wethers, 13 00113.25; good to choice ewea. noott-ao; fair to good ernes, t2.76oS.00; good to cnolce lambs. 4.50ix5.00; fair to good lambs.'tf 4.60; feeder yearlings, ;3.Soa3.o; leedi wethers, I3.25&3.60; feeder ewts, 2.00&2oo; feeder lambs, f3.7bH4.40; breeding ewe, W-oO (j -J. 26. Representative sale. No. Av. Pr. txo Wyoming ewes 105 3 la 2i6 V yoming feeder yearlings... 81 8 16 t3 Wyoming feeuer yeitrnn. . . 80 3 10 24 Wvoming feeder ewes 1"1 2 50 264 Wyoming cull ewes 9 bo ltO Wyoming ewes W J -? 68s Wyoming feeder wethers.... l 3? 218 Wyoming feeder wethers.... 89 3 Jo 287 Wyoming leeder yearlings... 112 8 t S22 Wvoming yeir.inus 97 4 76 208 South Dakota feeder ewe.. 81 2 0 47 Nebraska ewe 20 127 Idaho cull W 2 677 Souih Dakota wetners Hi 3 10 94 Idaho ewea 102 i lo 419 Idaho ewe 1W 3 -5 J "sebrasika wethers 8b 3 00 122 Wyoming wether 92 3 80 153 Wyoming feeder lambs fai 4 JO 34 Wyoming feeder lambs 68 4 JO 74 Wyoming lambs 62 4 Jo 48 Wvomir.g lambs 63 4 40 272 Wyoming lamb 61 4 6o 6W Wyoming lamnc 12 Nebraska lamba ' CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKJJT Cattle nnd Sheep Ten Cents Lower Hoc Ten to Fifteen Cent I.ovrrr. CHICAGO, Sept. 29 CATTLE Receipt, 13.000 head. Including 4.000 weatern and 5t 'lexans; market luc lower; good to prtme fleers. f6.70a-4O; poor to medium, 43 5' "3 5 26; Btocner and feeders, 2.26i4.ij; cows, tl60tf4SO; heifer. tl.S07i4.60; canners, II. ou &2,40; bull, t2.004.00; calves, t3.0vijti.Di; Texas fed ter. ft.OO'so.iJU; western steers, HOOll-Recelrt. 19.000 head; market l(Vft 15c lower; mixed and butchers. f6.t'ij6.uj, good to choice heavy. 15 ,8oiji.0i; rough heavy, f6.40fi6 70; light, b.tX86.00; bulk of sales. t&.'Otib.Si. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 35.0)0 head; market 10c lower, lambs 16c lower; good to choice wethers, fJ.sOfcM 40; fair to choice mixed. fJ.253.75; western sheep, 13 MVrM.lO; native lamb, f4.0ixij0.00; western lamba, M-OOI 5-60. St. Louis Ut Stock Market. ST LOUIS. Sept. 29. CATTLE Receipts, 5.0(0 ' head. Including 600 Texans; m.iikei siow and steady to slow; native sl.lpp.nir and export steors, fo.Of43) 75; dresse t href and butcher steers. H.OuyS.OO; steers umK-r 1 000 'bs., f3.00Hi'j.25; stocker and ieeUrs. tioOWKSS; cow and heifers, t2.25tl4.0O; ners, tl.25-rjl.75; bulls, tl.o04j2.6V,; cahei. t2.50tP6.00; Texa and Indian steers, f2 totf 3.50; cows and heifers, 2 (i2.75. HOOS Receipts, 6,0; head; market lowr and dull; pig and llKhta. K5oj3.7i; pack ers, ts.70(8o.9o; butchar and best he ivy, f5.80S.06. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Recflpt. 2,5 0 head; market strong and actUe; native mutton. 63.25Q3.90; lambs. f36 .oi); culls, and bucks, f2.OKS4.00; stockera, fl.90S3.2ij Texan, f3.004J4.0O. Kansas City I. Ire Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 29. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7.8O0 head. Including 1.2O0 head south erns; choice export and dressed beef steers, f6.0ClK00: fair to good. t3.75Si6.00; weatern fed steers, 13.7505 50; storkers and feeders, f!26ti4.00; southern steers, f2.40fi3.60; south ern cows. I1.6ti'j2 '; nstlve cows, I1.5'"ii3.75; native heifers. 82.50d4.6O; bulls, J1.75UJ.25; calves. 2.50$i6.60. HOfiS Receipt. 4.WX) head; market 6gi0c lower; top, fi.9:S: bulk. f.7f9S.Vf: heavy. t5.805.92V; packers, t5.75t&5.&il; pig and lights. 6.656.86. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 8.000 head; market steady; native lambs, ft. 00 5 25: native wether, ft. 263 80: native ewe. t3.lX-t8.aO; western lambs. f4.00'&6.26; west ern yearlings. H 80; western sheep. 13.25 U3M; stockera and feeders. f2.604.00. IVevr York Lire Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK, Sept 29.-BEEVES-R-celpts. 196 head: market feeling steady; dressed beef low; native side. 6S'!HiO per pound; Texan beef. 5Al76c. CALVES Receipts. 663 head: market (teady; veal, U.0C04.26; dressed calve, steadv; city dressed veals, 7013c per wound: country dressed grsseera, 4'.j6c. SHEEP AND LAM 13 8 Receipt. 200 heod; market for sheep slow and weak: for good lamb steady; for other weak; sheep, f3 0O94.?6; culls. t2.l61s2 50; lamba. 15 2Mi 40. HOOS Receipt. 1,279 head; market 10( 16c lower; etate and Pennsylvania hogs, 6. 2585 85, western hog, fS.SO. Rt. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 29. CATTLE Re ceipt, 8.87a head; market steady; eows. strong to 10c higher; natives, f3.50ig'j.55; eows and heifers, fl.6V$4 26; siockers and feeders. t?Bofe75. HOGS Receipts, 4.120 head: market stady; light, fb. 76-30. 87V; medium and heavy, to 7o5 85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.461 head; market for sheep o4flOc lower; top Iambs. f5 C0. Ions Cltr Lire Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia.. Sept. 19. (Special Telr. fram.) CATTLE Receipt, 700 head; mar. et about ateady; beeves. f3. 6.4.00; cowa. bull and mixed. f2 202125; atocker and feeders. I2.5M&3.60; calves and yearlings, f2.25& 3 25. HOOS Receipts. 5.2u0 head: market 10c lower, sellir.fc at f5.6C 70: bulk. fJ.K'tft 60. Stork In Rlckt. t tha six principal we:e n ol't yeater day: Cattle. Hog. fcUir:. po.ith Omaha ......... 4.800 .i7o l.tfO Kansas City 7.M") l.f.O 3,000 Sioux City 7'" 2.2HO St. IxmiIs B.fJ S.Of'O 8.600 St. Joseph 1.1 6 4.120 I 44 Chicago ll.OtXj 11.0.0 3J.0C0 Totals 9AI7t 41.020 67,464 Hlnneanella Oral Market MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 29. WH EAT Sep tember, tl 12; December, fl 12, May, lll84tTll?t: No. 1 hard. 11174; No. 1 northern, 11184; No. 2 northern. II US FIjDI R First patents, 8fi'0 3t; second patents. n l-i; fr't r!. ar.. f4 95Ji.lO; second clears. 1 1 . 10'iS i. I RAN In bu k, 41jci5 2. OM AH 4. 4 HO! Fe.4l.l-: MARKET Coadttlen nf Trade nnd Qnntallons Vtaple and Fnnpy Prmloce-. EijGS Receipt moderate; cindled stock. 19c LIVE roULTRY-Hens. 8e- rocsters. fc; turkeys, -huc, ducks, 7Ii9c; geese, 6c; t-pring chickens. 9c. Hi i-TKK-Pciting stock. 12c: choice to fsncv dmry 16c; separator. ISc. FRESH FISU-Tr.ut. PV; pickerel. 8c; Pike. 10..; perch. 7c; I'lvicfah. Kc; whtteflsh, lOc: salmon, 14c; redsnpper. 11c; lobster, reen. 2C0: lol.sier. boiled. 30c; bullhead. ! 11c; caiflsh. lie; black bass, 2tV; hslihut. 10c; croppies, lie; roe shad. II; bufTalo. 0 white lis. lie; frog legs, per dox., 26c. BRAN Per ton. 1:0. HAY Prices uuoted hy Omaha Wholesale I Dealer.''' nssoclallon: Choice No. 1 upland, I l'(r'', No. 2. y,W; medium, f.',00; coarse, fi.50. Rye straw. 1.1.00 These prices are I 1 t noy i f rood eoler snd quality. OYPTnilS- New York counts, per csn, 4R ; rxtrf selects, i-er can. ::7c: sfsndard". per 3!r; bulk standnrds. per pnL, tl 16; b.r.k et:a srlarts. rer gal . tl 76; bulk New York counts, per gnl., fi.rfl. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valencia, sites 9. 112. 121, 14.25; small sli-s. 14 50. LEMONS California fancy, 270. SOO and SCO, 14 OKI 4.25: choice, f3.fil3.7S. DATES Per box of 3(-lb pkgs., fj 09; Haliowl in 7i)-lb. box. per lb . 6c. Ll.MES Florida, per J-basket rrate, ft.W. F10S-""rllfornls. per 10-lb. carton. 75J Sue; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown. 12c; -crown. 14c; 7-crown. lc. BANANAS l'er medium lxed bunch, K.O'ii-'b1'; Jumbo, J2 i'dS.W. CAYENNE PINEAPPLE 1 and 20 site, per irate, ft. to. FRUITS. APPLES Home-grown, per bu. basket. 40.iUOc: per btl.. t2.0i2.23. PEACHES Home-grown seedling, per bu., WkfiloO; Colorado, per 6 basnet crate, $1.25; Colorado, per box, 70575c; Utah, per box, 05$; 70c. pl.L Aid I'tah and Colorado plum and prunes. 7ayfic. PEARS l iah Bartlett. per box. $1 99 2: Colorado Flemish Beauty, tl ; Colo, rado, Utah nnd Oregon Hartiett, tl.&0fc3 0; California B. Harjy. f 1 65. CANTKIjOUPE Genuine Colorado Rooky Fords, rer crate, 12 00. WA rfellMElAlNS -Per lb., crated, lc. CELERY rer dor. JG0c. ORAPB."' Home-prown, per 8 to g-ln. basket. 15iTlCc; California Tokay, per cae, 'RAlAPPLE.o-Per bbl.. tt.T54jl.; par market basket. 4e. CRANHKKR'Ft Cape Cod, per bbL, $ 60; per box. f2.2S. OUINCES California, per bo, 11.80. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home-grown, tn sacks, PNAVY BEANS Per bu.. tl. 9P92.W. ONIONS-Home-grown, In sacks. pr bu., 5C-: fpanlsh, per crate. 11.75. TOMATOES Home-grown per market basket. 25JJ35C CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs.. 0. WAX BEANS Per mnrket basket, 80e. SWEET POTATOES Home-grown, per market basket, 40c; Virginia, per bbl., t3.7J "gKEEN PEPPERS Per bushel baskat, 80c. jM.iau llnn-.-i-rnivn nee doe ROe ! EGO rLANT Southern, per dot., fl.80. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Utah and Colorado, per case of 2' frame". t3.OCig3.25. MAPLE SI'GAK Ohio, per lb., 10c. HORSERADISH In cases of 2 dot. bot tler per do., 80c. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 32c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old. Iftffl7c; Wisconsin brick 12'c; Wisconsin Hmberger. IH90.. NI TS walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 11c: lard shell per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per 11)., 13c; No. 2 hardshell, per lb.. 1201 pecans. large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. Sc: C!:l!l walnut, per lb.. 12918Vr8f almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, 13e. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 29 WHEAT Mar ket lg2c lower: No. 2 northern, tl. 14&1.16; Mav. tl.l2a. asked. RYE lc higher: No. 1, S04c. BARLEY Steady; No. I, 66c; sample, 19 53c CORN-ic higher; No. 3, S2t63: : May. 49c. bid. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 29 COTTON Spot clored teady at 10 points decline; middling uplands. 10.70c; middling gulf, 10.96c; sales, 1,109 bnles. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 29 COTTON-Bpot. In llm'ted demand, prices 2 points lower; American middling fair. S0d; good mid dling. 614d; middling, 8.02d; low middling, 5 74d; gord ordinary, 6.fi2d. The sales of tha dny were 3.000 bales, of which 200 were for speculation and ex-.iort and Included 1.900 American. Receipt, 10,000, bale, Including 5,oon American. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 29 COTTON Steadv; sales. 3.900 bales; ordinary. 711-18c; rood 'ordinary. 9c: low middling. 94c: mld- ! dilng. 10 3-lKc; good middling. 104,c; mtd idllna fair. 10c; receipt, 10,201 bale; stock. 59.v bales. , ST. LOUIS. Sept. 29 COTTON Quiet, c lower; middling, 10Vno sales: recelp's. 1 bale; shipments. 41 boles; stock, 1,249 bales. Evaporated Applrs nnd Dried Fralte. NEW YORK. Sept 29 EVAPORATED APPLES The mark't was quiet, with the tone showing the effect of the weak si tui tion to futures Common are quoted at 4(3 5c, prime rt 5'iSo'4jC, choice at 6tf-So and fancy at 64S7e. Be sure to get The Bee next Sunday. New Color Magnxlne with Buster Brown and all the popular favorite. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record September 29, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fa mam street, for The Bee: Anna McBrlde to T. K. Payton, lot 18, block 114. Dundee f 400 F. L. Goodrich and wife to J. J. Ken nedy, lot 6, block 1, Orchard Hill 650 Katnerlne Blanr and husband to J. M. Hamilton, part lot 17, John I. Red Ick a add 1 Ella C. Ward to F. N. and Mary E. Viale, part lot 1. block 6, Lowe 2d add ' L06 Rebecca Netcolf and husband to L. Schnnder, part of tub lots I and I of tax lot 31. section 31-15-13 L80I Louise Bchnoder nnd husband to H. I. Moehl, part sub lot 2 and t of tag lot 31, section 34-15-13...... 1 H. D. Kounlxe and wife to R. Uhllg. lot 4 nnd part of lot 6, Kountse'a sub 6.400 H A. Wagner, trustee, and wife to H. J. Mever, lot (, block 110, city, snd other land 1,600 p. Picket to Corrlanna' P. Orlnnell, lot 16, 17 and IS, block 2, Saunders A Hlmebaugh add H T. P. Peterson and wife to Mar A. Kennelly et al, lot 4, block 7, Corrl gan Place 100 J F. Murphy and wife to Jenne Robb, part lot I, block 38, South Omaha tU 8. 8 Ooldstrom and wife to B. Jetter, part lot 4. block 81, South Omaha 1,800 F. E. Gambia to Eva M. Smith, part lot 2. block I, Bowery Hill I MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA MAIN OFFICC fifth and Robert SU., ST. PAUL, MINN. (rrrcowroaaTSsa) DCALtnn ,n Stocks, Grain, Provisioni Bought aad sold I r cast orarri4 ,i ntiooabal sua rglns, upon whkh there wiU tat a caarg oi yf am griu, H 00 auck Vrits lor our market iUv 1 1 1 COMWISIIOI tlERCNAKTI IH CAR LOTS ip Your Grain To Us Bbt FactLiTt. Porrr Bstrana Lisbial ADfwu, DULUTH """ Branch OfTlec, IH-1II Boar of Trad. Phone SAM. OH 4.H.4, XEB, GEO. A. I.DAUS GRAIN CO. OMAHA. CHAIN BUYERS anJ SHIPPERS Members: Chicago. Omaha, Kansas Clt and 1. Louis Exchange. Transactions lor lulur delivery glvea tkieful attention.' Sift Boar Trass Bid. Tol, 10O44. Erards-Uodi! 80. Sh