Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1904, Page 10, Image 10
THE OMAHA DAILY -BEE: FRIDAY, REFTEMHER 30, 1JK)4. 19 A' .1 NEW BOORS AND MAGAZINES "Banning a Presideatial Campaign," Polit ical Feature in Booklorera' If agaiine. REVIEW OF LITERARY WORKS Of ALL KINDS Pleasing; Illustrated Edition, Knter tainina" RominfM, Poems and Lyric, SctentiBe and 31 tnre Hook. The Booklover' Mglns for October feature a political note by Joseph M. Rog ers. "Running a Presidential Campaign," being a nonpartisan sketch of the trials and triumphs of national chairmen, coupled with historic incidents of presidential cam paigns. Portraits of Cortelyon and Ta Bftrt IP imlne tlw article. Supplemental pa jats are: "When Shakespeare Went to Italy," by Robert fihacklelon; "Invasion of the Gold Ships." by Harold Bolce; "Confes elons of a Jokesmlth," by a nameless Joker; "A Oreat Mexican Industry." by O. Cunningham Terry; "The Ouhliette Cryp. togram," a story by Julian Hawthorne, and a critical review of present day drama by Ellis P. Oberholtzer. Pevwral color re productions of noted painting grace the number. Equally attractive and artistic are a serlea of photographs of forest trails In th White mountains and a eea of clouds taken on the top of Mount Tamalpals, Cal ifornia. "Ethics of the Greek Philosophers," one ef a series of lectures delivered on "The Bvolutlon of Ethics" before the Brooklyn Ethical association by Prof. James H. JTy lop, being- the sixth of the series (Brooklyn Ethical association). The present volume deals with the ethics of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The volume, In addition to giving the lecture, is copiously Illustrated with quotations from the philosophers In question, and forms a volume of consider able Interest to persons studying the ques tion. "Still on the Search," by George Otis Draper (Peter Eckler), carries In part the thoughts raised In the work "Searching for Truth,' by the same author. He records impressions and opinions formed while traveling In the countries bordering the Mediterranean sea. "The Hour Grail, and Other Plays," a vol u Tie of three plays for an Irish theater, by W. B. Yeats (The McMillan company). The plays have been produced In Dublin and th present edition is intended for the American reader. They Illustrate the power and scope of the Irish author in a pleasing manner. "Mark Hanna: His Book" (The Chappel Publishing company), contains all that the distinguished statesman and party leader aver wrote for publication. All of the pa pers have appeared in the National Maga ine, but have here been collected. It is 'remarkable that a man who had such in. fluence upon the country has written no more, as the entire volume contains but eighty-four 12mo pages. Probably the most Interesting paper la "William McKinlty as Z Knew Him." "The Brownings and America," by Eliz abeth Porter Gould (The Poet Lore com pany), is a volume showing the relation between this country and the two poets of that name. The author is of the opln. Ion that the new republlo had considerable weight upon the thoughts of the writers and that Amerloa has always held them In high esteem, an American being the first to eraaoiM a Browning- sooUty. "Ethics of Democracy," by Louis F. Post (Mody Publishing company), Is one of a series of essays on th natural laws of human society. The author dlscusaod all of the features of government and their peculiar treatment necessary under democracy and is of the opinion that out of all of the apparent turmoil will come the true and perfect success so far aa hu manity can attain perfection. Harper & Broa 'have Issued a very pleas ing Illustrated edition of Will Carletona poem, "Over the Hill to the Poor House." A preface written especially for this edi tion give. some in tei eating polnta con cerning the vogue and criticism of this poem and the authenticity of the story Altogether It Li a very attractive little volume. We have received a copy of the "Rocky Mountain Country Club," a handsome vol ume bound In the club colors. We venture to say that no more tasteful bit of book making has been seen for some time. The Illustrations are of dainty pieces of moun tain scenery or "doings" at the club. The took contains the bylaws of the club, flatting and game laws, etc. The object of the club Is said to be "congenial compan ionship,, rest, sport and pleasure." We notice Hon. Irving F. Baxter of Omaha Is one of the trustees. "Golden Treasury r American Songs and Lyrics' is the title of a book from the press of I C. Page & Co., which Is Just what its name signifies a collection of poem and lyric from the pens of different American poels. , tany of these poems are old familiar friends and the illustrations are portraits of many of the more noted poet, whose ' facta are likewise familiar. The book I attractively bound in a cover of green and gold. The Little Vanltle of Mrs. Whlttaker," by John Strange Winter. Is a novel In which the author portrays the career of Mrs, Reglna Whlttaker. known to the pub .llo a a "reformer and phllantroplst" and ''extraordinary woman," but to her hus band, who is a sensible, commonplace Eng lish merchant, as "Queenle." and to her daughters, who In accordance with her . pedagoglo theories she hnfc allowed to grow vp In the fullest liberty, as "poor mother." Airenls fof Dr. Reed's r...u: IUMIIUI1 Shoes. r Bis; Sale Men's J 5J f C5 f ancy vests 0sTAf60il3 Saturday. PES FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY ALL THE ODD LENGTHS and REMNANTS FROM THE DRESSMAKING STOCKS of MISS TERRIL and MME. MONETTE yard for 3, 5 and 8 yard lengths of high elass dress fabrics from the work rooms of Mme. Monette and Miss Terrill. Black and all colors fashionable weaves for fall and winter wear. For the very best goods in the Terrill . and Monette stocks "ilkythin dress stuffs, etamines, panamas, tailor suitings, broad cloths, in black and all colors, 3 to 8 yard lengths. yd for imported French flannels 3 to 10 yard lengths, best floral and oriental patterns, plain and fancy. 19C grade fr " W' dre'" gA' 15C each fof travelers' samp'e pieces. All the balance of the fine silks from the A Miss Terrill stock, worth $1 yard, go at 4bC 6fSSSg 25 f OMAHA WEATHER REPORT-Friday Fair. 1 k ;l 1 . ,3.JfH,tarjceAlLt'aditWSlamp3 Double Width Chiffon Just the thing for fancy collars and trimmings, worth 50c yd, at, yd ... . 15 c Importers Samples Silks Black and colored silks and velvets according to size 5c-10c-15c-19c 50c silks at 12c Accumulation all kinds of 10r plain and fancy silks, worth up to 50c yard, go at 12 Dress Trimmings All the finest dress trim mings from the Terrill and Monette stocks, i P 4 f silk braids. Per- 7'M" slan braids eW U IUL spangles, etc, at, yd.. Odd Lots of Laces All kinds of laces in a great variety of desirable widths galloons, bands cr in., and bdgings, yd.J"I"L BASEMENT SPECIAL BARGAINS 8k 5c 7k 15c 5c vi In ir flannels, stripes and checks. Baby flannel In all colors, In length up to IS yards. for good heavy baby flannels n lengths. yd. for 86-ln. flannelettes, all good desirable patterns, light and dark grounds, splendid for waists, klmonas, wrappers and sacques, worth 15c a yard, yd. for novelty suitings in mixtures and dark styles, long length. yd. for Stft-ln. muslin long cloth and cambrlo. worth 15o yard. Remnants of fine bleaohed toweltna, worth lOc, at, yard d....32c 15c 5c 5c 7k 5c yd. for mercerized satlnes In black and colors, actually worth 40o a yard. yd. for Amoskeag apron ging ham In all size checks, In full pieces. yd. for white and cream Shaker flannel, heavy cotton flannel; an exceptional bargain. d. for 36-ln. drapery Swiss, and figures, 15c val- yd. dots yd. for Rlmpson's best grade prints, gray, black and white, blues, etc., new shipment, on bargain square Friday. liemnants of table damask all kinds, in 1 to 3-yard lengths, at about one-half regular price. J. L BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE Make Our Store - , Tour headquarters during the carnival, and while here look through our Cut Glass Room and spend a few min utes looking over our silver ana Novelties, xou ll De very welcome. Don't feel that you are obliged to buy when you come to our store. Look for the name. I S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. () Why and by what means she reversed her whole course of life and made herself over afford the author a series of delightful sit uations, which she has improved to the ful lest extent. Funk & Wagnalls companj, publishers. "Bongs of the Flag and Nation" Is the title of a collection of national and patriotic songa, many of which are entirely new. It Is Intended chiefly for use In schools, college and patriotic occasion and will prove of great assistance In part singing, particularly In the schools. The book Is published by Illnds, Noble & Eldredg of New York City. "Glimpses of the Louisiana Purchase Ex position and City of St. Louis," 200 scenes, In colors, depicting the marvelous archi tectural sights and wonders of this gigantic enterprise. In addition to those of the ex position there are pictures of the churches, parks, gardens, home and monuments of this enterprising southern city. Copyrighted by "William H. Lee and published by Laird ft Lee of Chicago. Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 123 South Fifteenth street. ' For Crane's Writing Paper and Fountain Pens, go to BarkaJow Bros. BOOK IHOP. UI.B221. 1612 Farman St. MASONIC NOTICE Member of Covert IxxJge are re quested to attend special meeting at 7:30 P. M., Friday evening, September 80th. IN'ork In the Master M aeon degree. Good music. Refreshments. ALLEN 8. EOilANO, Master. Up-to-date Corsets We carry the most complete line In the city. In all the best makes and can fit any figure perfectly. We have the dainty short garment for slender and , medium figures, and the self -reducing corset for stout figures. Willi or without hose supporters at $1.00 to 7.BO. Ktyle llhibt rated Is the Smart Bet for which we are exclusive agents. They are the latest novelty iu the corset creation. They emphasize every Rood line of the fliue. A system of gores on top and bottom prwluee a decidedly smaller wulft than uny other corset Made of im ported 1'retnli fouiille, boned with genuine whalebone, white only price $3.00 nnd $7.f0. If you would enhance the beauty of your fig ure, weer thu bnmrt Set it ouUhines them all. ' MRS. J. BENSON, 212 South 16th St. Wtlkw A4t. 0 A mm Moore's Stoves, Please NoAshcs No Dust MOORE'S BASE BURNER 1904 model. Is strikingly ' handsome and resplen- dent with the finest high art nickel. It Is triple action It heats upstairs, It heats the main floor, and if you wish, it will send the ashes Into the bin down cellar. No ashes or dust In tht parlor. ' It's the only kind that suits particular people. It's the easiest stove In the world to run and, because of the air circulating system, it keeps vour house warm and com fortable In the coldest weather and saves from 'A toft the coal you have been using. X BUY IT AXD BE COMFORTABLE & NEBRASKA rURNITUHE AND CARV&T CO. 413415 No. 24th St, South Omaha. DIAMONDS" 5 J SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY. I' A two-stone Ring, a combination of Diamond and Emerald, or Kuh.r X 'or Sapphire, SIO.SO T mm l l km 15'-& DODGE. T T si TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMEH Oa DoUa r Veaaw Green a Another Coupon S g new collecting book with thirty ($3) Little Stickers In it in all $10 with every purchase you make from any of the sou venir tables throughout the store. Prices vary according to the souvenir you purchase. This Green Sticker Giving Extraor dinary is for this, week only. It's the biggest opportunity you ever had of rushing your stamp collecting. Bring this coupon with you when you make the purchase. New Cloaks, dolmon effects, the very latest easy-to-put-on wraps. We are showing some distinct styles. They are proper form for street, church, horse show or Ak-Sar-Ben ball. Style at $10. 50 Olive mixtures, green vel- t A CA vet on collar and cuffa .. JU Style at $18.50 Oxford mixtures, black vel- fO CA vet on collar and cuffs, metal buttons.... lOeJU Style at $20.00 Gray, with deep red shad- A A A ing and piping Btorm collar Style at $23.50 Gray mixtures, reverse side CA nlaid. stitched broadcloth trimmiiicr. 51 lr5r 4s-Ta r Style at $25.00 Brown mixtures, stitched A A broadcloth bands, metal buttons. J"!? CtD33 Style at J30.00 Brown mixtures, reverse Bide 7A A A plaid, stitched broadcloth trimming, S.V" Girl'a School Dresses Special offering of girl's new school dress for , Friday and Saturday ages from 6 to 14 Plaid Mixtures, at QQ. $1.48 nnd OC Plain Cashmere Serges at $2.25 148 The Busy Silk Department for Friday Only 50 fiieces, fine 19-in. Chiffon Taffeta, all silk, every shade, including blacks, whites and cream- for Friday the kind you are paying yfan 60o for Friday, only, yard jLmJC At' Our New Bargain Square, Main and Harney Sts. Aisles Black Dress Goods We made a special purchase of manufacturer's lengths of Imported black dress goods in the newest European creations the lengths run from 2 to 10 yards this season's swellest novelties In Crepe de Paris, French Crepes, Voiles, Eolla lies, Panamas, Tamiscs, Serges. Cheviots, and Satin Cloths We divide them In two lots for Friday. LOT 1 All goods worth up to $2.00 yard for Friday, fl yard - 9UC Ladles' Cotton' Hose Fast black, ex tra heavy, perfect finish, no ( limit to quantity Friday IUC and Saturday, at Masses' and children; full weight iitrtrcv niieu venn ana pttms, extra heavy all sizes Grocery Department Twenty (J J) "S & H" Oreen Trading stamps with each pound fresh; roasted Golden Ofc Santos Coffee ...." Ten ($1) "8 & H" Green Trading- Stamps with lb. pkg-. Bennett's Oflf r-ai.ltnl pnffw "OW Twentv ($2) "8 A H"i Oreen Tradlne Stamps with pound Tea, any kind ggg itSI mm Baking- Soda, pkg- String Beans, 2 lb. can Corn, 2 lb. can Baked Beans, 3 lb. can Potted Ham, V4 lb. can Potted Tongue lb. can Royal Luncheon Cheese, Jar ..4c ..8c .10c .10c ,.8o ..8c .10c HP Candy Dept. Ten (tl) "8 H" Green Trading Stamps with pkg. Razzia Cr Chewing Gum t-'w each Fire Shovels, such Good Rice Root BruaheH Apple t'orer and Farer, special Victor Talking Machine Demonstrated in Jap room, 2d floor. The Victor will play and sing everything.. Sweet ami low, loud, clear or strong. It's an inspiration and is made by the Original Disk Talking Machine makers in the best equipped Talking Machine fac tory in the world. WILL LAST A LIFETIME. The im proved Victor with New Rigid tapering arm is the very latest scientific method for reproducing sound. Don't miss seeing and hearing the Victor. Records exchanged. GET OUR PRICES. Jap Room-Second Floor. Some Great Crockery Doings China Souvenir Views of Omaha The Rennett Ruilding, Postofflce, City Hall and Auditorium, prices 55c, 45c, 05c and 25c And fifty ?5) Little Oreen Stickers. Souvenir Tables, fairly loaded with rare values in steins, imported glass ware, vases etc. Seventy (7) Little Green Stickers with each purchase. Oas Shades, nicely etched . . .48c, 35c, 33c, 30c, 25c And 50 ($5) Little Oreen Stickers with each 'shade. No delivery on this item. ft GLASS I.EMON Jt'IffE EX- Rc THACTOltB, each w And 10 (tl) Little Green Sticker. No delivery. LANTKRN GLOVES No de livery, eadh 2c The Sanitary Coffee Strainer Doe away with sack or settler. Made of aluminum It' n Idea. Ask U see It. Booth, main floor. LOT 2 All poods worth from $2.00 to $3.00 for Friday, "7 C . yard DC B7g Remnant Sale of Domestics Nice quality- cream shaker flannel, yard. . . 5c Fine quality baby flannel, in plain colors, yard 10c 36-inch outings, fancy patterns, yard 10c 36 inch Brussels silk for comforts, yard 10c A big lot of staple calicoes, yard ..... 4c CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS Heavy cotton ribbed, sizes 5 to 10 years special for Friday and Saturday. !0c 25c A Sensation in Toothbrushes Several Thousand Four-Row, All Bristle, Fancy Handled Toothbrushes, ordinarily sell at 20o each. We f f bought a big-bunch at a price and they go on III sale Friday at, each And ten (11.00) "S. A H." Green Trading; Stamp with each. Perfyraery Section, Main Floor. Some Hot Shots in the Hardware Section Tou feel the need of somiltttle knick knacks about the kitchen ur the house. Whatever that little need is, If its In the line of hardware supplies, th section has it. Pad Locks, fr each .. vlw Hand Brushes, each Whet Stones for the kitchen, some thing that will sharpen the f knife quickly, each '"w Alcohol Stoves, the best on the mar ket for quick heating THE OQr DAIST mmOG LITTLE DOKKITT LITTLE Cr TRAVELER Lid Lifters, f, H,h 5c . 10c 18c GREAT SALE WASH DRESS GOODS MONDAY. Watch Sunday Paptra TUB RELIABLE ITONK. GREAT SALE WASH DRESS GOODS MONDAY. Sec 16ft 5. Window Great Corset Sale Friday, Sept. 50 W. n. ERECT FORM CORSETS In newest fall styles, with hose supporters at tached front end sides, remilnr tl.ft) to IJ.oO values li dosen of them damaged by water in shlppInK on sale lOc.4UC Friday-Choice aw -wwm SEE DISPLAY IN 1ST1I STREET WINDOW. Friday is Remnant Day in the Great Do mestic Room. THOUSANDS OF TARDS OF REMNANTS AND FULL PIECE OOpD9W JUST CLOSED OUT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, THE REMAINDER OF THEIR FALL STOCK, AND HERE ARE THE PRICES: 15c FLANNELETTES, be Manchester ilbellnes. fine, bright colors, best cloth made, 30 Inches wide . . sells everywhere at lac now on sale at yard, . 12c VICUNA CLOTH, 6c. Every lady knows what .the vicuna flannelette nre the brand and animal picture on each piece, the colors the fiistest made, nice, bright styles Rfl sold always at 12o our price will be yard " 19c FLANNELETTES, 7c Arnold's superfine flannelettes full 86 Inches wide, 1!M fall patterns This I admit ted by all other manufacturers the best 36-tncli flannelettes ever made L o and we will sell them Friday at, yard 19c and 25c EXTRA WEIGHT WRAPPER CLOTH. Flocamas and velours splendid patterns, most beautiful colorings always Ift C ells at IDC and 2ic FRIDAY 1V w EXTRA SPECIALS DO NOT MISS THEM. Henriettas, meltons, cashmeres, voiles and other goods worth up to ioc ISC All Bummer prints 64c grade 24C All summer wash goods Xf de aw 124c and 15c grade Indigo blue calico grade Everett classics, best grade 12c goods Sea Inland percales 36 inches wide best made .34c ....5c ..... Fine quality of apron checks 4JC 36-Inch mercerized black linings Cp worth 20c at WOOL DRESS GOODS SDc,60c and Tftc wool dress goods 15C yard 75c, J1.00 and $1.50 WOOL DRESS GOODS, 25C. All wool henriettas. all wool mixtures, all wool slbi-llnes, all wool voiles and other goods worth up to $1.50 25C yard $2.00 and $3.00 YD. WOOL GOODS. Mo E4-lnrh tnllor suitings $1.9R voiles 64-ineh BannocHhurns. and other gods wortl up to $3.0J ynrd RQc all go at, yard evs Linens and Domestics. Remnants of BLEACHED MUSLIN, one yard wide these are long mill ends and regular 74c to 10c values Friday at. yard 20 yards UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, one yard wide, regular 7Ho values HUp Friday 20 yards for 'u READY MADE SHEETS bleached, 2 yards wide and 2V4 yards long 3Qc irxuiiti uutj vniui o hi. caun READY MADE PILLOW CASES 42 and 45-lnch, regular 15c value at, each REMNANTS OF TABLE LINENS and .10c 64-lnch BLEACHED TABLE DAMA Sit in several beautiful patterns 2ftc regular Oc value at, ynrd " LARGE HI CK AND DAMASK TOWEL plain and colored borders lC regular 26c value at, each -W PUKE LINEN CREAM TOWELING 18 lnch wide regular ltc values 71r at, yard aw WHITE GOODS, INDIA L1NONS, FANCY STRIPE, CHECK NAINSOOK, etc, reg ular 10c value Rn at. yard TOWELING AT LESS THAN COST. At All Times and Under All Conditions YOU CAN BUY SILKS AT HAYDEN'S FOR LESS MONEY FRIDAY'S GREAT SALE MORE PROOF. Several hundred pieces plain colored silks all neat figured all silk black taffeta only ... 15c 32-inch fine Oriental klmona silks fiQc on sale at New assortment colored crepe 40c de chine only . More black taffeta, 24-Inch heavy fCln rustling quality worth $1 at AT Pure silk, white wash silk Or on sale only .... Groceries! Groceries! Alt this Week, Free Demonstration of Break fast Cocoa and Crackers. 10 bars best laundry soap for Zsc 3 bars wool soap for lvo 8 cakes fancy highly perfumed toilet soap, In box 7o The best bulk laundry starch, lb 3Vc 4-1 b. fancy hand picked navy beans ....l!o 4-lbs. good Japan rice 15c 6-1 bs. breakfast rolled oat 15o 1-lb. pkg. Imported macaroni 84o 3-pkgs. Yeaet Foam or On Time Yeast. 10c Large bottle pure tomato catsup 8Ho 1-lb. can tomato soup "MtQ Large bottle pure fruit preserves So 15 Ki DRIED FRUIT SPECIALS Choice Cal. prunes, lb 3Ho Fancy Santa Clara prunes, lb 6c Extra choice Italian prunes, lb 7Ho Fancy French black prunes, lb 8 No Large Cal. peaches, lb 7Ho Fancy Crawford peaches, lb 8V) English cleaned currants, lb 7Vic Large Muscatel raisins, lb.... .........80 London layer raisins, lb i....740 lilU SPECIAL IN CRACKERS Fancy crisp butter crackers, lb ....5o Fancy crisp milk crackers, lb ...60 Fancy crisp ovster crackers, lb to All our full line of fancy sweet crackers, at lliVic lb., sale Friday at 8H0 FRESH FRUIT DEPT.. THE LARGEST IN THE CITY Fancy large ripe bananas, do........10O Large sweet oranges, doz .12o Fancy mixed nuts, lb .10o New Cal. Itgs, lb .8Ho Large baskets blue, red or yellow Washington plums for .....Sag COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE EXTRA SPECIAL 10,600 lbs. of Our f 'mous Diamond H Blend Mocha and Java coffee, go on sale Friday, lb. ........ JOO Regular cries at tfcla Mb HAYDEE BROS. la already a thing of the pant. The energy and persistence of the American Farmer, his study of improved method of cultivation, and his progressive spirit have made his triumph over nature complete. IRRIGATED LANDS and choice garden spots now abound In the territory traversed by the UNION PACIFIC And there is no part of the West where so great a variety of crops can be grown a here, all yielding profitable returns. Inquire of Citr Ticket Office 1834 Faraam Street. Telephone 816. IwTJp ir - "Oi.r rmmfna, old timu." IL"T jl 1 HOME VISITORS' EXCURSIONS 'ROM ALL POINTS ON MISSOURI! PACIFIC RAILWAY. saan GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST,a INDIANA, WESTERN OiilO, LOUISVILLE, KY., AND INTtWMteUTI POINTS." ALSO IAWESYILLE, fOWEHJ, LEWISPDBT AND 0WEISB0R0, IT. September 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th and Ootober 1 1th. Retura limit 30 day. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE To visit the eld home and your friend of other dare. B.O.TOM lt.U, Dwnl ruH Hi i lokM AmI. kk LmU, Ms Bee Want Ads Produce Resujts It f J mmmi!!!'''1 mm turn i.iiwawaiiinnt- - III1IU'"W" siJs uwru m - '"- x