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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1904)
THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1904. 7 UAL AND PRODUCE MARKET Break of Tally Three Oata a 3uahel an FINE WEADiG AN 3 GENERAL UQUIDATCN Hlahrr Frstaeh UrrrfMt trw wJ aaa Tint w- n .. ,- . ' etl I irV Wwenal en Excellent Croy Prwpeet CaumrreUl worses. OMAHA. Sept. 36. l!-4. Prices for al! fit lifting grains wre on the slide thiH .Tii.r-iir.g and materai 1"-'!ne were sustained. The ine wniln-r and rn fact tuat i..- French -lutv lias not b-een taKen oif. despite Ihe rumors to met wak. wire t.tu bear fac tor coupied with the high pric-a ami ;.-.e disposition ro.fl .ici'ii t cn'-ni 4x1 over the onun'ry T"ie r-nch lutv is a 'mi-tinn nvr H pmmbit;v The f t uiken "iT hii':il r. t "'T as there wi! nr. t bu.wfie! a:id t.iut it nan mt it .my -'.irire. how ip b'lt '.lti: xtinr nothing nnp ::jkh "neat, and certainly England will not anx:rnia to tae in 'n 'iar-i. Liverpiiol uni'- wTilir.i?. out 'he lcuai f-p tniie 'r'iri and t;ii" ira. unent to civ ail mnrttcm rlr-n meninif. li'it tner-aier t:.e r"id if vnitjea , t"warri .1 iow-r -Titr "hii-nin wa- ,1 !it-s-v .iiittiitor and t:ie -et nt t:ie m ir. llets fmlrr'd r:fj mor -tr rirtartt".' j Trie triK:na; -tf prniita ,ir Tw-rlst'Tit icn. j "who nav rnmainwl on uiat '! f ' it 1 detnlte tji inffi tir -- . urrnt for . ain whent i:nl th- imr'" 'ifrnaii'l :ri!n miller, tne fmui-es wttstt '"m the 1rt ' hour tnrnuanuiit th a.i Snorts erril j rnther proMd f the-r "p.l'ion f'ir the Mrt time Jn wwlii", but th v wind prbnaiv r'm Ike i rr.hnit on t:ic s:!i;!;t"t "V!i;i'?n nf rurnnic ";rnu:i. ShU arn iieiiiHi;"e markets. ;;nHi .itlve of ;e trule of he cmitr; br'iMe is- bu?'1! n rteTit'.er whim f-ittir" has but . ta-'t mur if t ilfe. .te on "P!nni,r ind I1' 011 Ma' T'iee eilnei hr nicnt prtc- to tl. ! n 11 ind FI 'I 'or fl'ftc.Ttb'T Leornh'T iml . Mv re-pTTl'eiv Omajia -ash prtces j wr hifh. ,rin!1(Uir'mj th iiiailtv of wneat , that bna: orT.-rd m mnrke?. '?ra!n inpert'.'d : J ran No. J hard wh-at. 1 )I cT No. " :iard rheat. -. .:ir No. 4 ' hr1 wheat. 7 -an No. 3 ran, can No 4 1 ron. 1 ar No. 1 !":!' -om. 1 ?ar No I 3 white '-nrn. 1 '--"ir No. 1 wrute ont. '. j etr No. 3 white oats 1 "ara tanilard I oMt. I far No h-ir'i-'v ind i car No. 4 j apnng wheat; total. i3 -ars. Car Loc Receipt. wiieaf. Com Oat J3 Chicaic Minneapolis Duiuth St. Louis.... Omaha 4? Ii (rafln on Panaaaje. Vrreati T ulay. 3.V lif.ooa in., decrease 730 'joi bu. : woe -tgn. 3 15;. ' bu.. m crltiat U..' tu.; .ear agu. J;f""J bu., j iiicr..-- no. on. l Miav. jo. - V4.,fi bu.. decpenee 44c ,im on.; week ago. in.l7'i.""4 hit., mrresse !."! ...i hu. . year ago. 21.cS4,a-0 hu.. decrense tV.-r 'oil. Wurlil'i Shlpmrata. Wheat: Laist week. vMo. " iia. : previmia wok, il.7S7. 011. uist ear .a V. oil. t orrt: lji--t waeK. 4.77'. 4-i lio. . ir-vlous wee a. litiffl hu. ; it vear. a. if-''. ." bu. Oaaoa tarnia i in tnre. Wheat. 7.S71 bu.. catn. 7,vj6 uu.. oais. ITSal bu.. coilUacl wheat. -l,.4Wi hu., cum. a.uut bu. omaiia Casli 1 car No. 2 lba.. Mac: 1 car -o. i wheal, wfieat. 5 .Iia.. riaii. i t'ara No. 4 wheat, .-.i lbs., '..'c. i car No. 4 whnat. al lbs., .ato; 1 car No. waeat, aa lba., S6c; I car No. i oais. Ju .lis.. .-7o. ' lb aJ pi roanrntlai Koaslp. 9. A. McWhorter: Fueling friendly to proriMona. especially Uiru ana noa. Slocks ars running down, receipts ot nogs are disappointing and are ikei;- to "onui.ue aa, ' according to current reporta Tn pieeiu i prute iouKa enruti. an couipareu witu -jom. I wriu h is a factor tu lie tonsider-1. I Edwards. Wood Co. a advice. say: The '. buila navs ban aevera pieces ot newa La:eiy j Uiat have helped, anu will continue to ai- I vance price", -.he strong flinir trade naa ' bwn the prliiciftal piece if bull new and I the failing off lu siuthveter7i rwi-ipii; waa ; another strong item for their traoe, ano ; tne report that a :ng elevator company in I Chicago that at first waa understood to be ) snort wheat waa a rug supporter. Fla.ancial i;nsati. United States SlceJ casing us demand forns4n. - -. Konnightly settlements begins in London tomorrow. American stocaut in London uuiet, rather beiow paruy. Hennaylvamu reporta all equipment work ing up 10 lull capacity. 1 1 foundation for ruinu.'j connecting Atchison Willi i-'ennsi H aiua. Chicago Rm-ord Herai.i eattmaie corn crop at upwaia 01 i.4',,....A" buslieis. tl tt ot Vice Ifres.jer.t Erb of Pere Mar aud '.e killed uu .New Yoik Central Preliminary ttguies oi Loiuavi.le ui Ttaan vtlie uiougiic m indicate a prooahu iu creaaa Ji uuvidenl. rain Hai-ltrla Elaewnere. Chu-ing prices of gram toiiay aiid datur tlaiy at tae utaiaoUt ..uiurd ttttu e aa fui.owa; ClUCAi-iO. Wheat Saturday. Sepiember i .w l.-Hi bH-eiiiDer .- l..iS May Lil'n, Corn aVpiemlier 3."i DiHiember jo1. May - Cats September '"9S Liecrmoer Ju-a 1 14 1. w 3fhi t Maty al KA.Va.lJ CITY. WIi4at December May Corn Lea ember May J.01H 1.0 l.a. dT. lulls. Wheat L. ember - LIS. May Lla- Corn L'ecember 4V- May 4t n MINN IAPOLad. Wfieat Um-ember May , CCLLTli. Wheat- L4-tstnrer l..i' aaay i.t- Wheat Decemlier 1.17T May l.'a 1.28"i 47H l.iSH 1.4 -a 1.1T-, l..b-w l-w-s JEW TUBH. liEMilllL MAHK.KT liBataliaBs at tllu dmr Varloaa Canaan aMl'tlaa. XEW TORJC dept.. a FLOI H Baonpia, ID, tew boia.: exports. l.l".i bnia, aaiea 4.14) pags. . winter natenia. u. i-Mi winter straights. . lliu.Ja. Minneeo ta. pateuia. tt-liaua-i: winter -xtrsa. A3 .ii 4.11' ; Mlnneania oaaer. 4.j4..hj; winter low grades. t&.Jn)3t. Hye flour, firm. -4a tea Hi blue., fair to good 44.4uo4.tai; choice tu fancy K.iwja.'a 4'OaiNJait.i.l rtteHdy: yellow wiwirn Olltta.ti. taty, a.JuL.a; klln-lri4d, Uutf UARLEY dteady; fuetling, New Ytirk. WHKa r Receipts. a.n hu. sales, 91. ii. closed tl.ii't, DM.-ei!iler n.i34jU.7. C 16 t o u. aUoax; No. 1 Northern Lunula U JSH arloat: N... 1 hani Maniloua nominal . o. b. arloat; options nurd genera. iy w4Mtker today Luaxmiing more or ittaa tie moralised alter wild, lay under hevv atop Uea soiling. Inrluem-eti ov big reoeipta. weaker cautinental markets, foreign .fil ing and beatrtsll northwest weather news. The closw waa wa at IVjSS net dcilne. May O liS4fl.lteV closed tl is. Sept. a.i 1 li. c-liawd Lll,s; Dee. t0.1al.l oioasnl oisv Ct.HNr-n4lpts. l(iw.5i: exnorta. ta.uw T white. 4T7v. Option market waa initiative Spot barlev steady; Hu. t yellow nir; No. t white. option market waa uilaxive 4VJ tiavv mil eaaler on the wheat break, cloaltia; 43 Uiwer May cloaatl 7e,c; dept. FTtat-sa a7H oioaed 77c; Pnnmiuir, TjiVtt t.)4X eiuaea mSc. OATS Rwelpia. tA7cD bu , marked. dpit quiet, rruxttd uaia 1 to S pouuua S4t-.;jr: Baturml white. . to II Mi4ioia, Iv-ttatt,,.-; cllppatl white. 3 lo 4ft pttunda, kyvSc Opiinn nominal. FEli.r-lrr-'irilar7' spi-Tig hran. 100-15. mirtullng. tX 75. city. - 44i;3 j HaI Dull; shipping. gTV. aTol to ehttlce. HfSc. HoP KTrmt stare common to choir Itt4. Maaant olde. !c4!a r-acirtr c-sauM, im. I.'n.'fic: ,wi -nuiac. oi.ui, LtaaLsc. . ii it FS nrn. tiaJv44tun. Ju to 73 lha.. KiE h.d m4taalyt ciuveu n. i in i !l, lTe: Ca.irornia. 1 la a Uie.. 19e; Taxata 44try. 14 tn ii lba.. lac. L EA-eMFTR-Pirfii: attld. 244,-ae. PH jV.)1ijNS iwr. mmiIv: famll til n Jll.aai mtwa, tk aoo ai; beef ha ma. ' C4 aita): prH nuji.aU.iK: city, extrt lntlla taeea. t14ji1 a -Uf meata. steady: pick lst belllew. a j4rlt ... o'ckletl hi mliier. P JB. pi cat led ham. ni.t;iu Ji. Laint. firm. wtMtotaa-rt tml. XI m. CM-pietnoar eiiaH-ri at r 7 m-wninaC a4MHj4.1 nrm, rs.ntinent. a.J 494441X4 AxB4r4t-a, aj oumpuuiui, ttWiT-s j short ci-pir. RS ?ilb cm ir . C2 '" .. lty. 41-; country. 4H TALUj'A' dieaJy R.M'E Firm, domestic. fair to rr. 2 3-'T-: aapsn. nominal. Fh-EL .it -ad". iTng bran. r.3 3T; m:d O! TTEH ''trong: si i-fat price. xfri Tsmery Jfi'jn1. 'frieiai nticit: Crm- ry -or-nimui o -xrri, ...iJ.2ve . state dairy. !.mrron 'o fi'ra. ,i 'alTi'. ' H:.-.Sii d'mng. state full cr"me. imu.l mred. fancy .ac. smail white, poor I To fancy tj''-ac: .argc coior!. good to j funcv -i-v-i-:; argo while, poor to pnma ! "j--. I r:.LiHT-A.l-'. stesdy: western -nira- I :'r 'ow . !'"lw lurunv I" .-ii-aaat-t ns b. 121 lull. wastera chicie-ms. -ioiic. 1019. ii.4 1 : ''lrttev. ...Ajjae. I EOOS Lull, western fanrv. selected 3t S-Hc. I chi-;o i.nin no povnm 1 FMrnre nt th Tradlntc and Cloainaj CHICAii. 3rt. j A btaic of 4 'ents a 1 , binel :n nc prtce of wneat .rcurrd IT i ; t":ay T?ie 'leiline war due to genru : .louulatton and :o f.he exertition of numr- 1 ou ,)iop.,cia order. rf'irprtsinjy .leavy j pnmary r--'pta .-onirtbutt-u :o ne weaji- i ; aen. he Tia;Ket 'loj-e-l at airrvM 'he .ow- ' .t oon.i it day tne Deoemuer option ! j inow;iin a net Ktae of -om .a uif ( j .'; are down frovanuiia arts i A: .ne start the market snowed a fair; I ue.i.H 10 H-' hof.'ler al C-4'l ( .1111.1 luoiji.oiia on M-y ei I .iitie :uw--i' '.o siiaue hiner 4t I.Ai'a- 10 a lura'e extent urtti -jpfiHioi wan jue to i.: trer.Kta ul fo. ein ju.u ' niu:xe!3. w.":eai piarra at uvti puui eirtf t up lenriy a penny .mineuiatei .uter uie ; uurii.iu i-wo or i.iree :n operiiors o-ituj I u sen out at ior. ari. l.'iia aa 1 ; Miuwti ay a.iuiiar afuon on the pnrt 01 ; : amuiier .toiders. a a r-rauii pm e iu , on uie .H'Wti .-nie. tne i:liiii. ;e;iuencj cuntiininiB tin ous:. out the iune e.nin. I iow yoiiii 01 ine lny wan r-aoneu jimi i 0eioi the ioe. n-n De rrawr aui 1 at : 11 .r-x a. m-oiine if ..-en is :r i.u he opening ! .-nun pnrea. At ne aame ume j4a.. aruu ! ai aeniiinent at tne ui ex- ! tr"int-ij weaa. hiiai iuoiai:uiia on tfcem- ; :jer oeinif t Jlay .-lum at ia... v uu-te-J at ii. . C.eantiuea of wnear a;iu jour luai to .iv on. The a;nouiil un passage ae creaaed jl. no. and ttie, v-taitne suppiy .n, i-uad ..;.. uu. rTunaro- rei-eipia t-re ,,..;. ou.. ixanparea with i..S7.AJ uo. a ear ao. alinneapuiie. Diuutn and Cm- uij reporten !--etpib jx 1.0 -a.. a. ana.111.1 i..o. -ai;i .aat wvti and M cars a ati'J oi.iinue.i warm w-a'her thmutfhout the ( west lad a wnmeuum aiuuence 01. uie irura j maiKet eariy .11 the :uv and iaier t hik nrfaa .11 wneat pruea aaued 1 se. tae urpremun. The rr.a.-Kel cmaetl at aimoat tile .u-t point of toe day. December opened a snade to Si4: lower at o c. ioid oit to Jb'wiC and oloaed at 1 i.oiai r-.:t-iiia wera u caia, wita I - i uumnii't ffraae 1 itia were t x in svmpatny wnn mnrr ramilv. T5 V: grains Uear.rn senumeni waa augmented I "fi. indicating jess apprenension of a Jv an increase ior lue weex of aoj.Jol au. ; demand for gold in tnat center. nnncis aild HK-ai aiocKa carrying ioial warenootea. wre firm Toiai sa.e. par vaiue. S4.J-S.-oecemner opened Vl-c iWiiner at 31 .'J 1. niteal atatea 4a. iat and aa advanced ii-sjc. ouldowu 10 a-c ilia cioseti at otf-ac. h on calL Lov-il rei eipts were Zj cars. JsHioiaiinns on t.11 New Tork Stock ex- la Lilti .,1 tilt Wea.wlfcSS m OOm Uie pru- vision mariii'l was nun. Small receipt of. u ,r,.,. ..I ton r-ia werj ' lUe buU factors. There waa evidenco of bu' Uig on a ta.r stale ny packers aeilmg 1 Waa mainly in iue a 01 ,,u,..-a.. At tua oioee January pork waa up nf at 413 Laud was up .;ic at IT Rlba i ciiiaetl al a gam of - t 'q.H-'v iiiimate4i receipts ior tomorrow W neat. ! lu- ars. corn, u cars. oats, cars, uogs, ! . ... nead I ihe .railing futtires erinned aa follows! , I Articles., uprti. . High., Low. ; Close., Sat'y. Wheat -ejepu TJjept. L'44t. May Liec. May dais Sept. L'ec. May Toi a- 1 cu aati. Lain Oct. Jan. Pj us (4't. ' Jan. I I 1 14 1 lli 1, ehl-i- 44"t I 30 d-sj.. -3Vrd-. 1 14 ' 1 1- , 1 I'H, 1 Hi IU4 1 1 lov 1 -1-T. I 1 U" 1 1 HS' 1 1W, 1 15S 1 1-1, 1 1 1 lir- a . 7CH, ai- i''sJ a. 4S-, - a-i ji"i.lHi0- W4 I JOSl 2H. il-Sv, i t. a-t, oa al 11 jr! u rs u sn n 46 la la -Tt U ai . la 12. 11 10 U aa 7 rs, 4 49 i I 7 oi I ' J5 ! '44 7 7 37 7 t-H 7J ' 4 , r 37-4, I 7 . 1 Sto 7 SO ; 4 9Z No. t. rtOld. J7few lau4t .inntnllntlt W4r44 UM fOlIoWBt h. 4."L44-4 -Hraailjl .. im. nnt. tS 30 S.jii; uLraighta, .A4Ha.: spring paienta. tt.4X-3tt.iM; straighiav atvaaftj-, oakers. 0.4U afJci ' WHEAT No. t spring. n.!8: No. J. ILOalJ Li('i No. 2 red.'T. "( 'RN No. - -ii4': -o - yellow, ftc. ,.TBSi. t .Tic: No. 1 white. X3 :rc: No. 3 white. JnZirz. H V E No. t 74c. BAKLi' 'ood feeding, 3M37c!; fair to Cllolce mailing. 4la4rc. SKEIMi No. 1 rlax. tl.'B: No. 1 north western. n.lfit, pnme timothy. It-wo .a, clover, contract graue. I tmlM. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl.. Hl.TS fill.sii. Lard, per Uti lba.. tl.jb. Short ribs I sides iloosei. ,;.j'ii7.J(71 Short clear "lues i i boxed). Pl.iwtjS-.o. I Htceipts an.i shipments of tlour and grain wero as follows: Receipts Shipment" 73.11 B.y9 1S7.112 104. JTjs (4i 747 -aai 3XI..MI 17i.-42 S." &,14U ra.7t 22a.riu ! F'our. hhls j Wheat, bu Oori. hu ! i al3. bu He. bu iJarley. bu i.m tne rrnlui'f exchange loony t!ie but ter market waa firm, creameries. ltQlSHc; UIitl7c Cheese. firm. SjJtJc. Ea;gs. steady, at mark, cases included. 174c; tlrstH. lie; prime. JDc; extraa, Sjc St. Loala firaUa mad Prwviatona. 3T. LOI"ld. .ept. 24. WHSAT Higher; No. 2 red. cash, elevator. tl.oJt, track. O J; De ember. CllsS; May. O-i1; No. i nard. CORN Higher: No. I cash. TV-: track. SI '-: December, 4714rdS7lV' : May, 47a.. WAT3 Stronger: No. i itani Sic; track. .2c: Decemner. ilSc. May, 3-4;; Nj. 1 wni'i-. .nta-.l-B1!. Fl.OI'a dteady. red winter patents. K i SgS.ati; extra fancy and straight, tft.la44jt.tai; clear, t. ji'tin.itt. HKKVH riinothv steadv, tt-JSIjiSS. CCRNMEAL Steady. C7S. B 11 AN 4 met; sacked east track, ".jf7e. H A T Steady: Umoiny. $7aK1jlLiu: praine. $5...4lf.iK. IRON I'lifhlf TTEH c PAM,IN'Cr- 7t,ic HUM? TWTNH-7,7. PRDV'ISIONd Pork. higher: Johhlng. IH.4.'1 Lard, higher, prime si earn, tr, ST',. Bacon, sieauy: huxed extra shorts, fiil-taj, clear ribs. S&. short clear, t fa). Receipta. Shipments. F'our. bbla !7,'4 tfi to Wheat, bu ;4t. sn .1.4) Com, hu 1U4. .t4t oats, bu a4.Joi) 77, juu K-ansaa City Urala and Prww-taiana. KANSAS i'ITT. Sept. 24. WHFAT Lower deptet-nner. n.(2S. Decemner. May. tl.ui. ''.isn. No. 2 hard. H.ii4-H47. No X. a.f'ul .t.ij. No 4. !"-'l5! "I; rejecteil. S-iiSSc; No. 2 red, CiMi'Lltt; No. J, fLi& m'ORN Lower: September. -t47l-c; Detaem ber. 4a11.'; Muv 4Sc Caan: Mo. 2 mixed. 471-rc: No t 4. jr47ii,c; No. 2 white. 4TVr OATS W'ak. No. I white. 32c: No. J mixed :nT.4o' HAY etemlv- choice timothy. Bail: choice prairie. t7 jun 7. 75. RYE Steady at "2c. ElVOd Finn: Mlss'iiirl and Xansaa. new No. i whitewood fitstsi lnclud4td. lac; case count. '4- i-ases returned. .- a. BUTTER Creamery. ltw.TTiajc; dairy. 14c Receipts. Shipment , 123. iW nt.yn Wheat, bu. Corn. on... Oaui. bu... il.-T 13. art 12.i4 ..t0 Pkiladrlpkia PNSsra Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sent. 2a. BIT I'HJH 9te4tdv good demand; extra western cream, eiv 2i'4V,.. extra neartiy prtnta. 2Ie. E'iH irtttattiy fair .iemand: nearhr 1rt-s. 3cjic. at mark: watem nts, aa'22c, at mark. CH.?ESP! Prm. good Iemand: Ntr Tork rail creams, tnnev i4tO. choice, Jrai4c. (air to good. t1d'aC. Xlaaea-HiUs tr-la larkot. MIXNH7APOLI3. Sept. 2 WHF7AT Seotrmtwr. tl liS. De emlier, tl im.liS, May 1 UJS; Nt. 1 hard, tl lei: Nu. 1 north am. 1 .titj. No. t northern. 11.114.. Fu")t'R eXronger- rlrt patents. 13re 44t' itecond patenia. tfiiotta 2o- hrst clears, 4 a 10; second clear tS Kttja 20. BRAN In bulk, r.b .4ola. Jt aiiwaakea Urala Market. MIUVAI'KEE. depi. JB WHEAT Mar kit Jc lower; No. i northern, tl .-tui 20; No 2 northern, 11 144.1 17: May. tl lH4j. RYK Market -is- lower; No. 1. TSc. BAHLai. V 4 Hatjtcr. No. 2, jkc; sample. .' ( axN-Dtill; N.i. t. 5a4if5v4:. May. 4 t t;t ofked. Talada ssttett larkt. T)LEr0. U.. dept. ja-aJEEDd 4-lower, ra.n. t tel., oar and Decern her. IT . Harm, 17 a4. A.sike. sVpteiAtiar, la-da Ulai. XLauiay, depieiLlMr, & as, NEW YORK STOCKS A5D BONDS Wall 3tret Market 3CAsufet Botk In creased Strenrtii and Ire-adtiL. THANSC0XT1NENTAL SHARES ADVANCE rr Rumor nt lilt ratlna ( Pnelflo nulwif Interesta anaoe Ftraiarn In Taee Imn, NET TORS. 3pt. -..Both atrntrt and breadth wr muioleat In tne jeanna in loraa ouay and the market aa a wnuie rpr--nitd -.enny a revival rrom uie droipinj teniiener 01 the iaiter part ol aat wet-a. . -iir-ngth and ii'Uni were not anurn tu.gesiti ;n spei-iii sto K3 aa r( ntly and to- maraet Had a oet-a.u appearanre d a,uiei lor a rjtier part "i tile oay Thia waa ai-mumed for oy tna rat-1 'hat tne opeinnn pnt-ea) repftented 1 aia-e part d T-.,,iid r.d pr:ie of tls pninn.eiit si m wer prai-tu aily motion- ' s tor a long time alter the op-tiin. ie?s prominent stotuts were .KJuarhi mean- : wtulr to ortng them up to a level pnp. r- j tionate wiui the .eaner. There was ..a'ming news concerning the t-pi and ; prti-e ,n tne eominodlty murtet movd lnwnwardB. Thia was a r-i.;guring in--Itieni on the whole :iet. E fr" in v thai paaeea without damage ali:a materia. iy 'a , -oe reeling of wurny ovr toe crops. . owng to :ne near approach of tne pertod ' of maiufng of tne corn crop. The ieader of the market .n iwint of ir. : tlvity was L'iiiied States tit eel preterr i and ita strength watt-of j mpatr.etlc ad- . j vantage to -lie general ilst. ! 1 .'Mi iaia of tz-ink .lues of railroads ad- ! muted rme .liHaprHdntment at the ap parent hait in the expansion of treiKM .r.irnc wuch wj attrthuied to the eft eel ' ; of tne crtp jnertainiles on traiie and to i The elow rale of reviva. :n tii ste-i trade. I Vi -su-m railroad itfli'ia.a -xprested 11s t am-eement wtn the aw eatimate?: of tne ' corn crop current In Wail street hint we. ; , but they a.o admitted the retarding: : J tl business until the crio outlook .s mor I 1 leflniteiy aeur-l. There wa still an ;m- I portant inrluenca m sentiment hy the as- ; serrions if iitrg" accumulation of Atc.hi- ' son in the interest of l.'ruon Pacific. The indications of jr ogress !n the working out I of the problem of ultimate control and narmonizaiiiui of the transcontinental mil- I situation was acnenieo as important 1 a.ia :nuue mat wnoie group j"ii.picuous ' :n the Tui Ket. The profit taking made some impresaion on pr-i in the mst ha.f : hour when a number of low pneed rail- I road stocks were, pushed upwarda lu cover the seeing. Ther was no change In the rates of in- ' terest. but sterling exchange was firmer i..oe .0 .iu .11 umunn .ip low- aini: .au,eu tut 1UIIIIV4I A .chlson dales. High. Low C!o. 4...TM U.eo fti.i'X' C"r ! do pld.... , U. '-. il'l't li'-S ct liS ssi 1-77-4 17S 4i' IU o can. Pactinc cnimi of N. J ! CTi-s. Ohio , Chicago A A . do pfd , Chicago 'it. Westr7i S.s" 5.1.4 44 IH can,a4 'JSk T, Mt "1 lH'i Its 1S5H 42N y.i 79 1471 1ST lf.s it. ir.14 C. A N W 1-7H 1L.7H C. M. St. P I do pf.l Chicago T. A T do pul C . C. C. 3t. L.... Colo Southern , do let pid 'lo 2d pfd Del. Hudson Dei.. Lack. A W D. R. tl Jo pfd , Erie 4 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hoi king Vallev do pfd i '"entml : Iowa Central 1 do pfd : K- C. 3outhern do pfd 'Ia. N ManiiHiTan L Met. datruritles . Met. St. Ry Minn. st. L ! M. . St. P. 3. Ste M. ' do pfd Mo. Pncltlc M.. K. A T do pfd Nat l R. R. of M. pfd I V. Y Central ! Norfolk A W tlo pfd , Ontario W 1 Pnnsylvanla V'i l.OT'l 44 1. t 41 ?"7J TO l(') 7!3.?ofi l!l( LH " !(I4 t 2.4T4H L4(rt (.4 Tfo 9.44l 1.20" 7.rrt '2.7 T.. vi I.fni4 2..4l h 4:i 1 i 'rt 9 4"t 7G.io0 1SH 74 O 511 llfll, TJta - tSH 46 ; . . ".9H li 2' 44 247-t, 445H '24 :5i- 77H 7414 US ''T 22H Ml 1 20 V. SU 27 14.71 21 72-i d; v:t 44, 46H 991, 137, 41 34- 47 Tt3 79 I'!4; 24 1(, 4 91 .T-41 7t, so Itii, "i- -iir ij; jsr 7c 7714 1471. - si. tf7i "4 i:ii 24 4g 124S :r4W 97-, Dttlt I "Ml. I X7K S 11 y 1211, ASH 75H 27- "1 '9 a-1 ! P . '.. C. 4 St. i Rewdlng 77 tWSi 4-, . 35.1(0 do 1st pfd do 2d pld 1 Rock Tsland Co Jo pfd St. L. 3 F ZA pf l St. L. S. W i do pf.l ' Sti. Pacific , Sti. Riulwav do piM , Texas ji Pacific Tol.. St. L. i W do pfd r.ivi 2.m Jfrt ill 2 it 2JH T. 2l4 .. IU.!"1 .. 13. y 7 ! .. 50. ""Vi .. !. i . . tVvt . 2 I'o . . La" 3?S I a 3C, 1J2 5iit 101 -Ti'-. 2 IK Vila. 13H vi. 31 S 511 H't nil 51i4 lt ! t'nion Pacitlc ,io pfd Wabash do pfd ; W Like Ene. 1 Wis. Central i do pfd I Mex. Central -T 417. 4 I 4SS IS- Adams Et Amencsn -Hx f. 9. Fx 27!' ai Wells-Pa rgo Ex i Amai. Copper ." S'-H S7S 077; ! Aitiff. Car F L.Vt 3H 8H 2Sw I do pfd M" ''"4! -H "H I Amer Cotton Oil.... 7-721 C' .12', 1 do pfd ? ?EW K? '? ; Amer. Ice "S 77 71. ! do pfd -..' 'H t-. i Amer Unseed OH .. 72 1 do pfd -71 i Amer Locomoilre.. . Ii 2"1 t. I do pfd 7T-A 4R o.H ri Amer Smelt. IT. 4.3 -C 'TT trr ! do pfd V- l""t 1" V Amer. Sugar Ref 3.y ISTS !"". Ir', . Anaromia M. Cn Trt T, n ; Rrooklvn R. T. -" TU T.tu, o4H Colo. Fuel A I " 15 SC. Con. Cam -.: 2-5'. ?4. 7?4 Corn Products 4(0 141 14 ' I do ofd 1 rtstl'ler aecon-ntes. 5.1". fH 2 f (Cen. rn.ctr-c Ltv IT. If?' I"". Inter Paper ,R,i do pfd ! "S "71 7ii Inter P-imp 21' do pfd ,n" I-1 7-7 7-14, Nat l tead M r ?, No Am- e-c n ' Pacitlc Mail 1W Pfi-tlf M- m l"Ci Via; Psned Steel Car ... H IS I do pffl. lrt - Pullman P C.or ' 21i 23 Renulille Steel I. S n. er; do pfd l.- -kS ,T "i Rubber rVioris I"1 "H W " do pfd 'v Term. Coal 4 1 i tr 47.4. 4"". C 9. leather T 1,1 'i " do pM lr r T r 9 Renlt" . Imp. S-v. Mt, six r 3. Rubber do pfd I." "4S "i t- q 1 Tv iia 1 't do'nfd 1' w-atina-h F-ertrlc... 14 -Bii ' ! -r..tern Cnion H ww 1 Totul sales for the dav. 7o.rrift share. Tloafan toek ttarset. posTOTff. Sept. 24 Call loans. ZVt. oer 1 eentf time loans, tern per renr. ' 'mnni aiM.i.tif of stoi-ks sod tvfiniii: Mi-lllatiB ad 4a ... 00 4 Mea Citral 4a Ac-Siaon o pta . Dttai Altwns . Bwia Sum B-a cttt ',e-t-t ed ... etiratstra oa Mexiraa p"Otl 4 T . J. H. H Ptw Harwuetta rioa r ft Iwr. ars Cfhra. a pta .. ... Aatrr Pt. Tola., anta. 44.aar te ota Ataa T T law. WooMa .... te M TVtOM44W f . - tttttmawi Rite Ilia, oetiaral ttlartinc ... lta et.aria .... 4s rtid tlaaa Ot. Cnlle4 P-nit ratteg Sttoa kUan 1. pf C. B. Staal so ata LIU. Asked. . t Wttainc. eemnioa ,1M tdrttrtluf . 4 AIIOMM at Aiaaia-amatfa .llti toten.n iae .... :4 Atlantic .141 BmaDam IFVa Cai. a Herla . irfU Cnlnlal . U-w roperr Rarxa .... IH Dair '"-t . 74 itnrainioa Coal .. . les!n . !4H.'lrDrr . 71'-. Ile Hitalo . 444 M4aa tl Idols Ti t4Kiiiaaa .litt, tut.nawa .14 44ottt. C a... -ri ma Desuaioa .... . Si1 '"Mtiteoia . lis Pti 44 Mia "t.iner . 1T1 'a saia.n. . '.r; Tamarack . !at T-lrttt . tr1, r 4 tuicng .4 Tt a oil.. . ii. r-a . jri vi.sona ,. IT't-A'ul4 . aitt'tiiwiu . US . 67". Jl4 . 14 - -H .tit . 7TI4 I !.H . H . H . 44 . 4 '4"4 . as fit, . M . 4 .III . ft " . U . to-, Foretarn FtaaartaL LONrxilt. S-e-rn. 2d The 1 demand for monev was rather lncra4d In tne mihiet Uttla. owing to the etflenenf and month end requiremitgit Consols were east but partis i-444-ove-ad. Awterfrso opened idle and leresfuiar at a"iit pwrlttr Th4r tin pravad iavter. Uiuud Stales Steal waa Uie festtir- Pnc -luiied Foreigner watt nnv on Fir? nituor7. Jn;i.i wt tron. Imrertal Jpn( nvm- melt "I "?4 w-r -Tiion! i j P.n.S. !pt i-PilMnw c'T 'lie Vmre J z?A:rszz;s? sr- tun. R:if;an nriil f-r nioiea ""l in1 R iinn iwniis of i' PblP.LiN. .-nt. Euiiips ,Tt the; bouro ana duii t-ilay anil prr un- cnunare'l. le w Turk Unaer "nrwet. I NOT TnRK. -h-pt. S -M' "TT-in ci!!. 1 firm. I'vil per cent; cic-urg hii. 1: ofIr"1 at T'me loans stea.iv- sixty day. 1 per j cnt. nine-.- ,iay.. P-er cent. iix monuis, j 4 r-e .-f1. i PRIMS MERCANTII-E PAPER id5 per I cen' 3TERI-IX'; EXniAN'-,f:-'rmer. wth j actual huFlness ,n bsnK't-f Mils st M -S 7J and 4 't di mind and it t 6-i4 1 for sixtv ,hv mils. Ptis'ed rat. . 4 j and t 7 l..v. i"ommer-:ai bills, :: a 7 --Mj. 1 i;t-"Sii-Bar. 37"Sc .Mexican dollar. 1 iHc. 1 io NT -loverT-.mer.t strong: rai'rad , tt rfs irn. i T?ie fo h.wnij are the e!"strg Ti"tat:nna ' on stock. bcn: I t A. 1. J. rec. . I'ntntl i T 'ct -ri.prn ........ in at bt 1- a. -4 I'i Slalillllr - g. ' "1 lo upi.ti ift-, M:on. M. U. m .. j lo -w . re ii:'vM.. S. Tn 1 10 -oTipTt ;!"-( lo to i.u :.,. a. h. tt . . M. - . s a f?4 ft: li6 . .:(,2S 4 par. . irr :u., ... S err. 1'Ot .. .1. -. f.lirs 40 -M!411 ftiiM'n ien. to 1J Atntlr f L. M O&i. . Ohio -to Central f a s t y io : . o a. Hradl in . u tV o '.Br. . roe . Ohio IH -ai' . . d. . i. X M ft L 1 T !e s.ab"r' t. L. :i So. pwrin- ... ttnlwny rv T-x . p :ti -t. l. P 1- . , M ' i'.. R I. 4o -nl. r'-c I'fil'aco T :itH u . 4t t'niea P'rtfir 117H "4", -l S TS-w .. t; i ;o ---.v .. f', f 4. itel M 'a ..:r.j Wnttafiri :t . lo 11. 1 . . 7 W L, 3. . W'a Cer.tral '.'. :olo- Fuel c. bs Cnlo. . S'.. D & ft. d . Srte pr'nr len irt cen. 4 F w D : MtfKtrtj vl. U A S uu. ,fTer.d. We w Turk Mlafnir Stork . NE'.V TORX. Sept . The fnllowtng are using prints mimiiB stocKs: Anima v'ra :7t il.atte fhlet I irm ' fjr.tana ST.' Hrfrr 14 1 1( tur ii J"iipwlt ''itn t'-'cnix t met It T innel . .. "0 Por ti :4 ' in. '"ji Va ' ,aeiKw , . -ti-m Sllrr :;.o atfrra Xe-rada Tin 3ll-r 1 '. 'mal !lup 3 L4icrti c. j isranaara i '.Vi-5 ssraent paid. Tremisry Statemenf. Washington, sept, as Todar' state- i moTtt -if the 'rejisure hninnca in the gen- ; erol fund, exclusive of the SnrVt. -ci i.nrt grid rfr-.-' in 'he llvsliin of rei"mpt:on. i snows: Available cash balance, tlal.116.all4; j gold. C.SJ.y. 01-411 A. MARKET i roatlltlow of Trade and 4sotarlsBi on I Staple and Fanry Proilaee. I EGGS Receipts modem U'; candled stock. 1 7ic. LT'E POCLTRT fTe" vjitje; rooster, "tc: turkevs. lo.rUc: rui ks, 7'adc; getse. 7x; sprtng hicketis. ilti:V. 3I""HH Packing -tork. l"i"V:T12r': ctio c: o anc-.- dnir''- lie: separator. i7 il?c FRJISli F'ftTT Tront. Ific; pickerel. V; p ke. Idc: perch. 7c: hlneflsh. 12c: whiter! 11. l(c: sn.inon. 74c: rodsnuruier He: loin-er. pren. 2": lobster, boiled. DC: hullheaua. 11c; .-nt fish. 14c: black bass 2fc: haiihut, : crofitties. 12c: roe shad. SI; buffalo. 7c; TtO.ito Ku.b "I..- f.v tuvt nae An-w Tt I BHA.N pr ton. nr.. I HAT-Prices uunrtd hv Ornaha Whol4n;s i t' ticr1 uenrtncnn: I'hnlre No 1 upland. I T ': No. 2. JB y: medium. . ": coarse. ' Jft.JO. Rye, straw X- iC Theoe prices a.e j for hire of jpnif color ami ouulltv i OYSTERS New Y ri i-oonts. oar eon. ! 45c: "xtn a!etsv prr can. 37c: standrs 1 her can -5r: htiik fantl.ord per gal., n. S; j htillt xTm selects, per iral. a. 76: bulk New I Tort counts per el.. C."" TRoPlCAL FHUIT3. CHAXGnS Vjient las. large sizes. Sa.774 ' 4 .25.. sma.i sizes. $4. -44 i i-a7.aat .13 a.uoi tiia lann . -.u. anu SG.. M "14.25. hon e. 13 ;.",i.i 75 DAT Ed Pr bux o.' J l-il). pkgs tC 0; il.iilow: in .iMn uox. per .n.. .-c. LIMES Florida, per U-basKet cr-ites. M .50. FlOd California, per a-lb. .-arton. 77u5i-, Imported Smv-na. '-crown. 12c: a-crown. 14m , -crown. ;w. BANANAS Per medium si oed bunch. JT-0 dS.Hf 'umbo. C .-t1j5i CATENNt: PINEAPrtE 16 and 30 sire, per crate. t4.iW. FRUITS. APPLES Home-gx i n, per bu. basket. 4X,a-oe. iter bbi.. 'C...'7--a. t'liAt lii-a Home-gt own seedlings, per bu.. 'ciil. 1'- Colorado, per "-basket craie. ' C2E; Colorado, per oojc, li-tflac. Utah, per j box. Il''j7Pc. I PLCMd r"tah and Colorado plums and ! prunes. TUxjsBc Pm7aRS tJanfor-iin Bartlet. per box. 11-39 43 .ti; Colorado Flemish Beauty. SLiio. i.'oi- ; orado, L'tan ami Greg.-.n darrlett. tl.i'lj i C.w: irma B. Haw, SL& ' CANTELOCPE Crenuaie Colorado Rocky Fords, per crate, ft WATER-MELONS P-r To. (crated). 1c CELERY Per dor.. 2.V-J7:e. IRAi'ES Home-trrown. per S to 8-lb Ca-ifortiia T ikay. . ,...--.- . per case. Hl.I't-Tl.tC. CRA3 APPLES Per bbl.. C7733.00: per rrtn--lf,.r It:, cl-'el 44te CRANBERRiES C.-tna Cods, per bol. fi.; p r oox. C.V. QL'LNCES Califonls. per box. OSO. VEGETABLES. FOTATOES New horai grow.-;, m smcka, per bu.. 45c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. a.9ltl 00. i.'N IcNS Home-grown, in aai-ka, ier nu.. JVa7t7o; Spamsli. per crate. & 75. T'IMATmE.5 Horn. '-grown, per market bastier CA33AOE Home-grown, per 7(0 lbs., tec w 4 X HEAN1 P"r m!irv,ttt basket. 0c. SWEET POTATOES Home-gr-wn. per market baskei. Mk; Virginia, per hb... C.i 6"" ilILEE2" PETTERS Per Dushel banket. "- Si'CASH FTome-irrow-i. per dos.. 5. EGG PLANT Souther-! ;ter dux.. C-jP. MIS' '11-1 VE L'ii. MAPLE Sl OAil 4'hlt.. per :u., IPC. CHEESE'onain '.wins, lull cream. Uc; Wisconsin Yjung Ainer'ca. 12c: bioca Swiss, new, l;.c; old. .ioj'..c: -consul 1 bnck. li'tc; Wisconsin liir.uerspr. 13c. i NUTS A'alouts. No. 1. soft shell, per lb., ' "i hard sr.e.l. per lb.. .c; No. 2 soft shell, : per lb.. 12c: Mo. 2 hard shell, per ill, 12c; j pecans, liirle, per lb.. 12c; sm.i.i, oer lb., i i 10c: peanuts, oer .b.. ; ro:teti p-anuts. oer lb.. 12c; i.hill wa.nuts. per .n.. .-!!.;. . j large hu korf.- nuts, per !.. 17c; s nmniia, ; soft shell, per lb.. 15c: hnrc shell. I2e; shell. aarks. per bu., C-Jtt; Dia. wa.nuts, per bit., a.25. letal Market. NEW YORK. Seot. 2m MKT A L3-The 1 T-.or.ilnn tin marhet cl,,-eii it J7126 Us -ui for j apot and '.17 'a d for f-iturs. Loroily' the market wis 1 ittie lower in sympathy. closing at "i 27 ..o. Copntr was un- ; charged at t."7 !7 kI for both snot and f 1- ttires in the London market and remained tine flu riged litc:,'v also; lake 's ouoti'tl or tl?.77.tiS... eita-irt- Ivtle st 12.77i'd72 id and cisting at n IV! 1 7. 'C1. Lesd was 'in. changed st t4 .ti4.2A in the local market ami ar 'A !"s ! In London. Spelter wa unchangral in both markets, closing at tS.10 ess lb iiicailv and at .'JZ 7s -id In London. Iron closed it id In Mllapgnw and at 42s Htri :n Middleebttroiigh. Lticallv iron was .inchnrtged : No. 1 foumlrv norihen Is quoted at r " ."5fW 25: to. 2 fminnrv north em. W JSrilS.75. No. t foundrf southern snd No 1 foundry southern soft, ns jii 13 - ST LOCI9. Sent. 2K M ET 4 I 9 Lead, H.121.. Spelter, sresdv. I4J6. Visible Snpply nt Grain. NEW YORK. Sept. 26. The Wei hie sup piv if gmin Saitirdav flemeeriber 24. is compiled hy the New York Produce ex-ch-toge. was. as follows: wheut. :5 Jul. to hu. 1 increase Llfl Kio bu. Corn, it 171 'al hu.. incresae. tw w hu. Oats. 7 : ( bu. ; ini rease af .ri bu. Rv. 4 hu.: lncrense. :it w hu. Bar:ey. 3.1 27. '."to bu. . lut'reRse. 374.'i( bu. I Dalaih Grata Market. t PPUTH de"t. H-IVH HAT-Ti ar-lve j In September- No. 1 northern. t1.:2H. No 2 northern tl.CKU. To arrive: No. 1 north. em. l.:-a. -40. a norrnem. ai. o 1 n track: No. 1 northern. n'S': No z nor h ern. tl. '": ""mtifr. tl.:2l. December, tl Mar. nu OATS To arrtre and on track. 10c. I.ltrer'aoot tieatw Mnrket. LIVERPOCjL. Sept. 26-WHi;AT-Spof. nominal, futtira steady: deptemner, 7a id; DeceTilier 7s Vtjd. CI R. Sian. .tes.ty: Amercao mixed, ta iSJ. future, iniet, September, ts iPad. Decewiter. 4a o-d. , Klktia Matter aarket. ELiiIN. HI.. Sept. 7 BITTrTR The market riled ilrm un 'he Board of Tra.te L.tiay selling at .1-c a pstund. an silvan. of ti ffim !at wtk a pneea. Sal a for lba week were JA Jlta noun da. Peoria Mttrket. PEORIA. UL. J. t'ORN-ajiaaJy. Na. J, 2S0. 4, ati; La fraaa. SIOMALITE STOCK MARKET i b of ct:.. b Phc Held ibout teady on reiir&bis Gradea MCG3 GENERALLY A DIME HIGHER Heariet Rna a( Sheep la the History at the Tartan, sat limg arr Sola Akaat Stcailf. Wklta Laaabs W era a ml La war. 5rTM OMAHA, dept. 26. 14. H -ceipts wre. Catt.e. nog?. 5ne.:p. utrlcuai JAonuay xta 'J w 3ama .aa' .uat weeK '.a4 .v jo.e aaine Oa- ea oeior.. - JU..4 aame u.r"e t3 ago.. . i! s.-a same lour weetta ago taJL Wa .da aame day l&at year . t ..'. Loi au.ta..r i a run. illii lu 1-Ai. i.u louowiug lauus allows Uie receipia of :a.I.e. auk! uil .tKp at BOUU1 v-12ua..Ja lur ...e year ai uawe. wiva cumiML uou l.i m tail : liH. 1ML Inc. Luc. ! Cattle ... j nogs .... Ji.eep .... . Md.Mll A lao. .l.iw..t sui4t4.a i..r ua u. KBal 'asl. wiUa colu I iXH. ,ijil.,Uaja..iJMi.,ijlt.,t..lM 3ept I... I la I a 7 SI jw 4 at, ; i , i i i ! i 4 i.t . .1 ao-aa 3 at; i aa a i S I"' " , j k. i ni 9 iiii i ai i J j S -4n. a In i i 1 a. I ! a... I til t t ti "It -i 1 I I... I B la- a 4i I JU, 'i, 4 JU, 4 j4 I a. ..I JK , j jte T 4, ; a UM JU i ...( j m i u, 4 li( ianai a..., - ;a47i4tiia&4i 4. . i ui ,ai a ja i aai o ai 4 -w. 4 -ai a i ia.. 4 at'-st i i l J ' ' -1 . j B i - ir J - 1 a.., i ja,, 6 uai T C , a ji 4 3. i .i 40... a a , a . . j a 6 a - a tt. 7 h 5 la.. I a -Hi 7 4a, o la, li. IZ1 . -.., a 7.4, a .u, ai . . 4 aa. .4 ai. ., a su , , , jt. S 7T: a 4 t. i -1. ., a Vi , i ili ia. i i 4 all i 71 ( ... a a . 7 ti , 4 J. a .a.. i a .. - .. .. t i t ti. . . j .4.., i 7oo, i .4, 7 t S4, 5 14, , 3 it .6.., 14 151);) lb, 4 41 - ., a sT'a. aw . a. .ii. a J 4 3 71 i Sept. aepl. aeyU 3eiJt. ' Sful. 1 3,,,l ! H I -epU : -el. I SepU j ati, ont. aVpt, oepu I . 3e.l. Sept. aept . Sep.. Sept. aepl. "indicates -ur-Jay I Tie offlcuii number of cars of aujck j brought iu today uy eaca road waa. I aii.e. laogs.Sm-vp.ii'r's. C. M. A St. P. Hy.. - -4 .. .. 1 Waoaau a .. .. .. ! Talo. fan. xty 1 .. .. .. ' iniun r-a'ciuc St stem. i 73 7 ' if' tk. a. al. V. rt. rt. iao U ia a ' j ii. tk. ai ny ivta U al 1 jv. C. a at. J 1 1 .. , C. H. Uf. Hy. wejt 1 j laiiiioia central 11.. , i-Iiicago iit Western. 1 .. .. Toiai receipts iia 47 127 12 The oispoMi.i.n oi day's receipia waa aa tuuuwa, edcl ouyer ;ur4aui,.4j Uie ..umuer ol head inoicaled: iait.e. llogs.dheep. omaha i'acking Co w aw it coinp.iy 4...4 ai cuuo.iv r-at'j..ilg MO L.4V ..a Arniour Jfc 4o Laev me .u ut mo. iroin a. c ot- LiliS Lai. I v anaant it mo .j i Carey da enton -aa I l-aoiiiail at Co j .ucMreary at m lark 24 ! L aiepnen 4 : riill tat nuiu-tiiigc- as I Lewis . c duel wood loj I i-iuston & t.o ! uamiuun jt not.uM-niiu. . ..... 1 1 K tlusz Ho I von at Mai nan aau ' Sam vv'ert neimer Dw. ! aliHe eiaggerty La I aoi Lfgan 14 1 J. H. notil . Co 'M I u.i.ja at ivline a a. jc a -s ulner ouyers.. Tatai L-oa. 3,173 CATTLE There was a heavier run of cattle here this han arrived either a week or a yea ago. as will be seen .ruii the luole 01 reteip.s autive. The aemuiid. however. trim 00. n pttcaers anti sinppeis as wen as from ;e4-iier uuyers, was 111 good 1 shape ana aa a result t:ie mantel on ail I uesii'aoie grades held up in very sal. Mac lury maiuier. j Just a tew com-fed steer were on aale 1 and they oould be .pioied ai'tlve and steady where ihe uiia.iiy waa at all je-ir.ole. I Common kinds may nave twen neglected I to some e.v.eni. out even those kinus soia i at aoout leaaiy pricea .As high an "it.. j was paid for a mad. which was :hp nigfiesc prtce on thia market tor aome little ine. j Western range beef steers made up a I large proportion of the offerings, :nit even j tnough that waa the case the market w.ta I fairly active and slesdv on the mort ue- slrable graiiea. aVime of the common kinds ; were, nt course, rather alow sale and per 1 hapa in some cases a shade essiir. hut ' that would naturally be expecied with such heavy receipts, wnicn gave hiiyers an ou- pnrttmity to dtscrhninat? in favor of the I kinds that stnte'i them the best. The hunt , I of the offering-! waa disposed of at a rea ' aonably early hour, but of course 11 waa 1 I rather late before a clearance was made. I The demand for butch4r stuck seemet ta be just aoout equal to the supply and a ; fairly active and just ahou' a steady mar- ! ket waa experienced. The! was a good demand for cannerw anti cutters as well am , for the choicer grades, so that ail klnus moved without much trouble. Verv few ' corn feds were offer-ad. neiny everything being from the wesiern ranges. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold in much the same notches they lid the Iatte. part of last weea. There waa an active demand for hettr fe4ter of good ui'allty at fully steady prices. t nen it came to the commoner 1 kinds and especially in common light and 1 medium-weight cartle the market was verv , iow and wen a. the same aa It waa all laa Repre.entiitive sales: BEEF STEEiia. Ai- Hr. isr. f! 3 itu I itre 4 w a UTt i 4 1 No. I... At. r. ..:: t a .1174 i it ..iifTO M cuwa. ,.:( ,:oj . lftSt) . Ski) Ilt.J . Wl .ai 1 75 . . 1... 1.. 4.. 1.. ii.. ... 9TJ ..iltt ... rr ...lite ..:us . .la.M ..lite t 34 : J t IS t 4 2 :j : - 1 m t 1 j 2 -4 : 3 7.. 1 HEIFERS. 2 O 4 HUT-LA 1 Ti t t a CALVES. 3 10 7 Mis 111 ...iaU 1 a Sf-t a 3 to dTtJt.KEHd AND FEEDERS. -Ai 741 . :ft 1 71 i 1 NSBRAdKA. 1 10 9 cows. . 14 cows.. 9 cows.. Ik cows. . al steers. 1 steer.. 7 steers. 4 cows. . 1 cows. . cows. 1 ItOW .. i cows. . .. -31 .. .5 .. ra .. K2I .. 17 ..iioj ...Uli ..IMlO S-KliU ..iolkl 1274 .. till 1 Ai 2 bmis lira 1 teener. . . :au 1 call -oa 1 cow ;.;a 20 feeders.. 1U.4S 7 e-uers.. st, 44 f eeuers. . lmi 22 feeders, iiitti 2 hellers.. 5u2 2 bulla U216 24 cows uou : o a w 2 lu 3 it) 2 75 i 25 3 15 1 75 1 74W 2 aa 2 25 2 25 2 M 1 -a 2 ai a J i u it ai a Ul 2 iai 2 16 1 :i 2 JO 2 15 2 4J 3 6 1 15 2 25 3 hi 2 la 1 u 1 5a 1 caif.. Jt 27 1 1072 laSV lioi illil) -lii 4 "tllVes. caives... ttteders. 1 It-auer . tt steers... t steers . 12 t4-eders. 27 feeaera. 115 feedcrs.11.72 4 cows -uu 7 1 cow Taw 1 Bte-er K'lw Ui cows itta 2a cows litw 11 steers ...L-lj 2 40 t tu 3 au COLORADO. 5 cows 1124 2 10 II cows. 1 heifer... flu 2 75 14 1 SO J. 'Juyger Neb. 1 feeder 1 steer . 1 steer.. 1 bull... 1 cow... S 25 2 i 2 2 Mt 1 cow... 2 coar. . Ill cows . 1 Kit... .. .. H2 t ..1110 .. :f5 .. :47 .. 2 44 2 40 2 til 2 40 7tl ! 40 J L. U calves... IE caivia... 45 cows 4S cows.... and W T. Harrison Colo. Sal J 75 ( steers 415 S 40 i7- 4 ' J buila ... 5 2 t 27 feed era. CT 2 25 1 c.w .... as 1 ii 1 tu 2 4X4 1 71 t J Pfeister Wya 5 steers. ...1012 t Jo D rawt 8722 Thomas Eell Co 47 steers.. ..I'.tT 3 ' 1 sieer ....1900 1 heifer ..1U 3 3ft J. Hart a. D. 24 twa.. Ida 2 75 1 steer icr-fl 8 -owe .. .111 J 40 It steeta....llttD 2 feeders. 115a t 20 .4 steers. ...11LS McCormlck Bros. k Co. Neai 2 2 1 1 25 2 15 i it 1 M I 2t J COWS Wl ia) 7 feeders. 1 enw ii4ft 2 -i 14 feeders 3 cows "73 4 41 2 feeoi.ra. 2 cow 5 2 a fet-tiers 3 feeders. I X) 71J 14BH 7b4 W'lson L. S. Co. NVb. 7 oews H I! 2 "5 4 steers.. ..1:97 lata ll tt S4 feetien.. IKH 5 feeut rs. .042 2 75 14 feeders. .loC T. il. Smith d. D. 73 feeders. It 1 S Chwrlea MltAalnnla Wya. 1(1 steers. .. Aw 1 25 1 Dull jJXa) iu steers.. ..lull 1 25 J. W ttaney Neb. 22 feeders.. 11.7 J Au 2 cows J 1 fawtier 1-41 3 25 1 steer luatl Thom a Eell W yo. 2 -5 1 55 t 3U 1 3t 2 - 3 2 ti" stanBra-...lJ 4 w as s leers. ...iia t 10 t a TT.-iii r"i?t 'f hoc ma .inl wi:h 1 e- ' irof a :.,f n irt t 1 .- irf ber- am-ointeii to u.l r.m-' ;:ig if "he market. -ickpt rather ic to 'akc ho d . s like the aiea oi 4.J .w'i.s ;t v t : Co "usher He.yy :. -'It .r u ; -"un . mixed -t i Tt-ditm !."." .C Tlil .heir- itf.'s mil iv ft r from ti )' to o. ihe "oi pe,... en .:.! for small huncfl o o . ! it we-nhto It was liirle .r.te h:"r" i cinnp as rnsde owu.g to hp -ar-ii"e.s of iu--.r o bid the t ul rangri if tne m-rke. T .lav i sdvanc 'si-i'-s tu mn ket Ti tfir H ;! Thrr- i In .Kht tl-i! .-nor highest pom. reached mre jone f Mtv A Sa. rr No. a Sc. Pr ' :f i i .47 - :. "i l Mt iC i W .Tl t".' j 11 -4 XI j 4( C .r i 'a -i !) i , .7 .11 5 4 S d - -T. ..' 14 " O -7 . ;, a ."4 S 4 .:j i s -1 4) t. . . .M ; ti "f . . . i : -." it '4 . . ..J 13 i "f i .-: 4 j : .- e 92 .-4 si - : 1 4 . - .3 16 -1 t & . .'.7 . t '" j'.7 .. i & t .11 i ."7 J- 2 .4 '" ' 7' T ."I 5 S "t. - 1 .1 ' 1 -7 jer t 4 t . ' ! ;44 5 T ... .' .. .. ! W 5 7'4, ;i ! -Ml X'.el aileep ,;ere 1 previous 'an n. ill , .. rning. and. in !. aroKeil. T malt ui ti.e rv-ctrt3 w aoout 4. tt ot aa .n -..c : I big rui if w::k'i ! Nive;nier lit. J. an of sorting 4 as necei.rtr rather un h: The murHct .r Tinea unt m all sne'-p n in f" ol ; it ne Buyei. oi oi that suite! t henrsti on tin g'ong to pra .n irst lianas. The ma.rK.ei ;n st Mil .er -r! He! fat -,hs w i.; -I and pai'K.-rs w-r Uttie .ower. Ttonie ai'-atiy. hut otner Tie jeetier :narkr n. lined a, :- aem d aest ,-ri'i'-' , ,''-r" ...IH' llfd '.ve.iK. v;u; m a-.uc.'i ::ie sarn ii., m -i aif. .'tunution as tne tr t the cut. nest h'inc...-s ni .:u":' 11 ..n-t weg s prices, but 11 -:ew of flic :u a . y rin ouyer nutura.l flgur-l t;.at the. ought to g-i tiieir sunpil. s ;.ir a .utit le.t au.nt-v 'tiotatlons for grass i':ep ind lambs: 'tooii 10 choice yearHiigs. ii-....i 4 n. tatr to goon yearlings. L.j'iii .... weMiers. JB. a.l.jn: fair to IS.'.vn .!.-. gooil to rrii'ii e i.ur to gn u ewes. lii.7a!il..Ci .am' s. 4.jooa. "t: fair to go 4..: .eedcr yaar:lr,r3. "7. . . wether, ts JStoa. .'tti: te-der ewn. fe-uer amlia. .7.-n4.4V: lireeun.g a-.i. Hepr -sentaiive saies: 2 Wyoming ail alien lamt s.. 147 I'lano ewes ajiti wetaer. ... Ita W-. ommg "uil feeder htraus.. KX W yoming :-eler .amos Wvommg feeder ..uilui 2fcl ida.'io ews 72 uluno wa, tiers .. a.i Soatii Dakota feeder inmus.. CHICAGO LIVE JTUt K HARKKT ( attle Steady to H tuber. Hoara aad flneep Steady. CHICAtiO. dept. 2b. CAT 1 LE Heceipis. .'4..4 neau. incluuing l.ctu texana ana ti.iti wesiei ::s. inai itel aleauy .o .t.c uiguei'. goou iu prune ateers. aa. Ib-yti-vv, ptK4 .o atetiiuill. aa. .4a4-4.att. ai'-icaelit alia teeners. ! a4. tanneis. ti; aui.a. 4-.t.,.,, ca.vea. 4a.atiai,.a, itiXaa tea s.eel.t. as-utia .JW: W-sit'. 4 .tteei-ti. aa.Ja-4a.aa. riMCO rtri-eiplo. a...-m .tt-rn, murkct ll'd J ic u.ii.iei ai.a uuiciiei s. aa-.1a4j41.a4., 1 good iu .-Holes neavy, a.vviii4.aa, i,u.i I aeavy. tw.'tti ..;.. .la-u. 4e.4iu.v. uuia oi ; a.e.'). U. .'0444. ,t4. 3iir.ii4- a.L LA2tlBd tleieipts. Ja.iAU J beau. aia;kei sieauy . a,iu to 0:100.0 Aci.u . er... iw. .ot t..-a. ia.r lu cuoice ana;-.- a.. i .-': Vltente.'a aliee.l. '4 1. -a. Uai.ttl oUiU4, aaao ijo. .to ; .Veatcm .HIIIUA, a4.JU14a.ut4. Mew lurk Live Stock Market. NEW YtjHiv. dept. jo. iSiiiV2.a He ceipia. 4.t0 ueaU, stncny ao.ia alcelS ateauy. otaei-s low to uc ,ut4'4i, uuiia aa.u ,,.wm s.ow to .oNter, na;iv-s. 4a.444t4.a4i aa.i are ua.' 0A4711, tw-u-a-ao ou.ta. a.-tia. ,5, co-all. 4tl..a t4a..t; .ett extra ial cuwa. 4a-i4'Ua. j. iauica uootu a, e cal..c ..r, at -.. .C p. .44.. .up., c. ilrf-mru WejgiiU aiierp Steady al nn.r . aicava au.4.a4elll3. .lUittJ- 1 tlii.141 fat . 4l cult.e. i.'.l,- -toeep and l.-'ttJ tlllaiieia "I oeel. I Ai-VtS tie rlplS. -.ottl aeaU, 44.O0U to cliou - Ve4t.s sleauy lo -ac .ugael. .jl.,el ..aiVe. stow; i4,s, 44..."40 44 . uu.l ca.ea. aa.V4t; gl a.eI7t. a-.t-i . a. iA.-ter!l. .a.'.'.'. 11 esed .at.Ves .to.v, c:t a eRtcu v.-a-. ,.41-c per iu., couin: aies-st-ia. tragic. Luoaeu - : aa 1 a, tti 311.12.47 -t-ttu .,1,1 US Ht'teipia. 16.Aai heau. good aemanu aaa pru-t-a a.caay. 0.1 , aliiU. lltp, a .144'. clil.a. aa-.4t av. .a.uoa. aa. At.jtt.-M. one cai". 44.a, CUils .i4 l.. MailaUa minus, al. . Mit. .V. iiCKjd tttHieipits, iou oeaa, hogs steady to .oei; iia- f-i.-i , .tta.e ana rt-luitj' IVoaila uugs B.-iaHu.av; wesu-m pigs. tii..'. City Lite Stock. Market. l-A-dAS CITY. Sept. -U. CATTLE Re ceipia. a.t.i neaiL ...cluuing 4. am souui era. mai xel steady; cnoice exptiri and ulest4ed ot-el steers. 4w.1V144t.-Ai; lair to goou. j ..4)e- western 10a sitters, ie. .a.a.i, , anu le-sieis. j-anit ' s"U..'iu siucaeia aieers .toUl.e!'n COWS. aA.-aul-.aa, native cows, 4a.attija..a. uatl'-'e ilel.eis. 4w ati 4.ta: uuiia. 4a..atia.i. Ciive. -.. u a. au. riCe lis tteceipia. 4.at4J ,.etAl, Illaiaet 1L-C ingiier; op jjiice. .o. ou.a. a..".ijo. j. Ilea.'..', ia.-e 14 'J.v'.M pataerS, ..otJ-i. Jl , P'ga alia .tgl..i, 4t4..aiut4.ut. ailiir- .-t-vij i-AMBS RtKipts. Jt'.'ioj head, uiarkei aieauy; uijiue, tW.'t-.i a.jl. UaUVe Wei. iel.t. tv.f'iJ. IlaliVt ewt-a. 4a.i. J-i Hi, wesiern .amn.. 4.jii t.-a, Wi slt-rn yea.'llligs. 4a .Jl4..4e, Western .tol-ep, t -.4Qa.aii, alocitt-ni anu ii-euers, a..--t1..a. St. Loala Live Slock Market. dT. LOUIS, dept. 26. CATTLE Receipts, I head, including A too lexaas. uio.iiei , tiitidirateiy sirong, uigaer; name siuppi.ig I and exuoi t aiL-eis.'ue.lla. artseu Lei I ana buicner aleera. 4..a44..o. sieeis unurr 1 1 i. jutl pouuua. 4a.. am a a, siocKers ana leea- , i era, 4a-jU4a..ji; cuwa and ueilers, 4-.-a.4-a.ttt, cauner-a. at.-aaL.a, outta. 4W.i4tia.ii4. coives, ; 4a..tgi.ov: letaa ana iiluian sit-eis, af(i a.att: cows aim neiiers, t-wiiiw. ,' liMoo HtTceipia. 4.jut neau, market ac- ! tive, uigaer; tu, and ugiua.; j pacaeia. 4a.Jttun.-iti uutcners and ueal ueavy. Kt.1Ar4-a.-a. OUavEx a-t.iJ LAasBS Receipts. 2.AX) ' lienu, market steady m anting, native min ions. a.jt-ia..&, 4.; cuns ana bucaa. 4 vt4a..a, alutitteia, alia; 4t-vti.ti4a.v4a, 'luX- St. Joaepll Live Stork Market. ST. JOSiil'ln, dept. -. L A i'TLii Re ce.uLa, t.atti he..d, uam'es sieaay. utiieis il-li-- iowr; natives 4. jtojo.av. cows and DeileiS. 41.att414.Jb, alucaci allu le-tlrl a, S4ia.ut. riiyiiO Ra-teipts, 2..20 head; tnarkel moai.y lue a.aer; ugiii, i. .viiiti.111, uic uiutu anu iieart y, ait.JttAt'. ai. aiaiii A-mj t-Ato H.ceipia. ll,4.i heau. sueep steady '.o stioi.g, t-tuiua 41114 jitc lower. aioox City Live Stork Market. Sloc.X. Cli . aepu j. dpeclai Tele gram , i.Aiil.. nec-elUi. ti.-W head, uiaraet airongei ; beeca. tS.atoioov: cowa. iiuiia cud tniaa-o. 4 Juv.Jtt; stocaers ana It-trlt-rs. 422.40.14; calt rB anu yuaillllga. 4a.4iia.-a. txMiao Receipts. l.iJ head, market I'ftf 15c uiguer; atoiug. 4w.t0ua.Ai; uum, aa--va AMI. Stock la Mglit. Foilowmg w-r (he receipta of live stock at the six pnncipta. weau-ia cuiea yesier- .'.- 4 l 1 aay: Cail.e. intma. ai.eep. auuih Omaha a.i.5 ..4014 aii.tAAi aioux city -i.-tw Latti laatlatoa Mil Ji.. KM 4.atu Jt,i") at. i-ouia a,,.ti 4,A4i j. Ati al. joaepn 4.atV U...V Chicago ............... .iAtlAlt Lt.tttt1 aa.'.ttt Totals 7l'.a4 aa.ui0 107.4144 Olla and KrV YOIlt, Sept. i Htsain. l-S 4 . nttonst-e'i. steauy . prune luw. jei-i-ac. :ruti. .nomnia feiroieuin. .ticaa , renin ti New Voik. t'si Phiiudeipuiia anJ il-itt. more, a, .Mi. i. arpetii.iii.. s.caay, awjaic ROSIN ateavuy; airaaiieu. cumiuon to (Ouu. la "J na V'.-tN NAH Ga.. dept. 28. 'ilL T lrp enune. firm, 23c, rtly04.N-r-.rru. A, B and Ct t2. 7'i3i 521 . D. aa-owi -ail. . tt.. i til o., if. ii S 2. j." - , li. 7i-g2-72--s. ii, t2.7-4j2...ij, I. .tA'U. ja, iv. t-."2. al. -J. N. 4.4li, W. u., 4...", W. W.. S.VW. Oil. Lilt, Pa.. Sept. 24. CIL tTredlt baumcea. tl.54, certificates, no bid. si.ip. men.s. ir iwti btuk. . ivn aate. 7J ; iiius.. runs. 1272.1 uola. ; average. ,i..Jj auic. a::e men la, Lauut, ita.'.Qa UuiS., average, ,1,,'J i hitia . runs. Liniu, 12o.ri4 boia. . avera.e, iu,a42 bbts. ' Cowtnn Market. j VETW TOHK. dept. .b -JOTTON Spot ! cliwed quiet, J. 7"ima lower, uuu iiuig .p- ; uenil. lL'tc, midailtig gulf, U ii saies. 1 (. bales. I NEW ORLEANS. (Jept. 2 Of TT'.N ' Steady; aa.i-s. Ji.'.,-! batia; good .jri.ui.ry. i SlMi'. miudling. .t-V; go al uuudtliig, iiit,,., j moi'i ,r- --i.e. receipts, 4..A- b4tie; 1 11K.4. C27ii uaiaa. ia 4 h...f,iy. 2a. AfJTTO.V dpul in ' imited demand, urues ie 'join 1 a lower: American tmr. 1 74d. good mi.l lllllg. -ejl. aiul.l.lilg. 4 eul, low a.. ou lug. 4 ii. good orumat-v S.jtd: urd: na rv 5. i-u Tho sttioa ol Uie aay were 4. aw ba.ea, uf . -v. f.-r- - - ,i T .irtil 'til M'r'.et. T..""'T' V . '. T--:re it -v .oi 'i';i"' m M ir" ino'ir- I i .'. T 'i .- 1?; .: : sf le .i ... I l-iil : r:' 14 .' :,: .-':i:- -r i 1 v:-o ; - -n t-.-i. i v :i : "n i.:d .or -ae ..l.l il"i - . l .' i'r-..s '.r..K -X"- mi k( I aieil !. ' li 'ir 'T -ti-!::.'. ' a i 'e h:u t...i r .-.-s .t ' :: -r' . A -ne-" ,.t i"'o-i -. 'i:-wi ----'. ol ! of in ---ti ai is ai t o " 1 ltd Na ! -"..: -net wtl t i : '. h- 0- oiutl. Kii A ri4 tf- .l .e.- .11 .left'! N ew ,o,j i ' i... , a . . - 111. . .1 ' i. wrf- "'.l ;-i i i;i.. .. 'i 1 . i ir i. .:,;"-... ' " '. f Vet, "a. '.i.e-. J ' if I. : :ri I 1- !-...- ..,-- ' -1 'n.i... - ... o ireo r - ,:r '' '. I r ..- nam... -. 'i.;.4 grr ii- -o 1 -'''! N-T u.-tt-.t. - 'ia. ' '.:' .Jt - i Vi:-'V "-.t r's "Vi '"..-- ,f ': 1 I- -. .-. I N it.-. I.. au-yc-tur si. 4l I Lf- ' , ; : 1 ' lri. ST l.'i "S Sen ' - W ..-L- r'rh X"- ; -ruin ! "' aoi" 1- d i.ot'-c f."" . li..-."t 'li-.c ' . c. lienv;- line. .-.'i.i-. ; tiai) wai-i.t'ti. .V. I I ui-ar an. I loloaae. .4:1 'i' NET V !t.. r' -, .'-'; P. -1,i 1.0. i.l r-r, ;,,,- -(,M-:n. , ifr-'i a.. '-. ie e-ti- , 1 i. Mo:;. -. ., acg .r :h, il uni, tir". : s ..."' ;- ui. 'O . N - - c N.. -. . v.. n , . .- N ' ' 1 oi '.1- ,'i 1. ..- i Ii.'.-. N. ' 4. - - N-1 i !2. ;".'; w.:s re. i'.-i on ,, 4 No ... i t. cti4i".c-o,ier.s .4. .inu.ev.Fe . mount ,,,,f. " r rii-i. " -a'. o,.tvi- so :;;at it waa er4l. "4 .; i.: m o ' -l. " . , "in. 1 i i.c 4 n. s. a. is ,1011 ' Mi ..a.4-4',. ri .1 Nt rieana tipeh 0,1. ti ) tuoi.-d : ,.. m,.t , .,.. :; i..7c. icsii a.ue grade- v-rty . .!.:-A N S. --ft 28 -'V .a 1.11 toe A.ii'lt Str if a-tvi K"-'. fl'i-rt.., onn ket;: niti weie ntiher c.nt"-f iitoI. :4'....- -:- is.., write. a; ;: "line 01 4 r. v n-, 147,,-. i- h .s 2M iUii a gi'oti .nai.y ' -.A.---.. 00c. jp-n Kctt.e. .V J : ir u. . -7;.4-. w 1 SYR:P N-iinit!'!:. 1 j d v- .-.4 4 .,. --,1 n-i,i rnih i yw V' rx, s.-pt ? -v x-'-'RATtr) i .rr!.i;S-T : -nu- t 1-ow-i .:c ntiuence ot a. j,. ,i'i-!"i:;p -or ft ;r teilv.-.r" i -d : :s 'Ti-'i r ii.--' .a f, e- or.. noil iro iiiot -I , at :'.r,i : ;o :mc. . "' re. -h- ice. .-oit4j. ! la tcv .-jr. "c. j i-.lLlF'll.VA DRiitn FnflTl- Prune ! s.-eiii to l.f aitraciua; .1 little cettcc ie ' man.l. not pric' as . et ana v 'ta uuumve- Vnrtfiiio . 't i.. f a. lot., v .411 I Kouil we.icr wuu i n.aii.i s ;v t -iro.tsit:g prices ir- ov.-s S "ui.. !i; 'irmiv heio. ir iu' ' i at mxili; g.. d to ni.ii-e ' ftnc. V 'ci 12c. P' aches are arce and ilrm, a .tir.tis. 4.-i.4 wah ch'C' " in , at -' otc , extra cboice. V. feeue. "a '-' -aia- . -! J'.ic. ..,4.01-.': , w -s. J...JU 1 TtiaTee Mirkrt. I NF7W Y'-n.-t. --.Tt. -T. ' '" FTTOTS F l- ' 2 '41 I t'lr'-s ift'iel .T-,,.- i i 15 ; at a I ' -1 i -a of 7i no'nts 2 3 .0 ' ll'iunia t .on .n t!' an n. la.-.i-r' d r.iier -no'lero if lem r.'i and 1 ir r t . a - : w-'i hmiiig oruer . tSin:!.., .-Tn,lri .-.ihii-a wo I ziMnn rtcepis w.-re a:mut : c!os -.vns sfatlv it a - lotri-r i:t-l !ei the .f.-rage. T ' iOSK ll , I i rioints Ss e wro r--; iitci-idliig S :u ."Ti in r ot - i-v: Not .- rri her fte 1 Mc-'-h. "..".i7. ft; .,1av -l of j,7rt Tt-tr. 7j-. t.T'nnprt i".. Lfi'tliHT T'f-c: 7, rr " .Vr Joiv 7o. Be. Snot Rio. ste-ui. No 2 invoice. i'-Firf. r-. Mild. 1rn: t'crdov-i. Drr tinnila llartie-f. VEW YORK. Snt Tffi DRY lOOTS "he miirket star'.d our !ns wfait wtThonf r-.v notictaiue change in the attfuite if '"it er of ,r.- ttootls A strict .t li-. -re-oca o ti -or c npeev.- t'.t-n -oolii'V rear.rrllrg c-itons coa:nues. while 'ii"nts -ir aopar-atttl- tie te nined to matTttriln the a1vanv -rail las' W4t.-k. The lob! ing trade htia n fair e active and a ..usv wifK a antiti no, 1 REAL f-7T ITK TH.WiFEBS. Deads as .' and lul4 lied for rerorl S; 21".. Ifil. .r i.-iieti bv tne aliiiiand uar:ui:et r"7i.-i ''..invMtiy. ootitieu.1 alustrtic: cr. r" .rn.i.T. tr.-t, tor The Ut-e. Kate . ...rii:itr . et ai to .Mr. (riir'ln--r. psr aits and ii. V Smiths .uliiltiuii. . . 1 ti. A. L.tiiitpiett ami wife t bloiot Lin ti ! oarg, ots h and 11. bio; h lt.. Ho.-e Hiil C0 I j. N. H- nse to P. S. Ftiiitna-i. part I lot lit block 4. Hill:ude ju old ; O. E. iaisr and wire to Wiliieimina TveHFiier lot 11'. i. Der P'lrn 1.225 ! Minnie '". CailKhmi et al to Interstate laveftTneni company, lot 12. boHK i .c K.iur.tae Rath s add 2.20) j R. Bumeil et ai to Caroline Bin-fii'll. ; fin:"! :ot 5. block 45 ilrandview 1 i Elizabeth S. Eurneil to '"artillne Bur- ! ne'l, part lot 5. biock ft. Omn-lvlew. 1 I Jenne Hnnn and husband to Fannie R. F'Fher lot i. block ij. Sonr.g Lake Park SO J. Hencal and wife to P 3 Mculre. lota 12 and 14. block 1. Folsom Placa.. I MINNcAPOUS OMAHA Main oTice -ilUt atul Robert Sttc. ST. PAUL. .MINN. DEA4.F.-13 lit Stock5, Grain, Previsions 3ought and sold fnr catth or .-ameti , m rt-tnaijle aiargms. upon which there-nU be acTja.'geot ."atat gram, 'i an stacks Write lor our aarxrtirtctr. csmm;ss:on behchahtj ia sab lots Ship Ycur Grain To Us Best FaciUT-ra. Psovrr RK-rrtKNa. Lisaaax Aortscid, OULUTH 0 V.'INrV'w BmncU Offire, tltt-Hl BaiartT of Trade. 'Phono .1.114. OMAHA. MEn. OM.lH.t- CRA1N BUYERS anil SHIPPERS Meinuers. Chicago. Oaiaiia. riaiism Uiiy anu ai. Lauia a-t-tiaiiigea. i.ria.:taci4uiia 101- ij.ara dtiiivary glvea taieiui allaa llttat-tl itaila illtlai. TeL 1(14141. LLi.AL NUI1C Ii. lilj.ND SALE. " Offlca of the Miiy Clei k. South Om4tliiA, Nell.. Sejilember 2b. aea.Ld ooi auur-eu to -lie jntiri-signed aim niarkt-u i-piiau,,, , i r Uonun. win be r4teit4t.l lu;i j ata -H p. m. Ol .JCtoiwi' i. A. U. js. at the oi:ne ot ihe city cerk. tjinana, Aeliia-taa. j ror toe purctutaw ot .lie foilowng iseuta , ot H'y uoii.iit: ! r r i c.ii of renewal bunds. :n dcr.oini-nai.i.i.-j oi iau -at::. iittd M.i.itaei'. it .i.. t pa.. . line twenty : eara an.-r aatc. in. mi.-at al a per cent per annum payi.ilti .-eini-ammany. ue yt-ar. 'i'ae.-.e I an ijoiios ..a rtti .-in certain uti. siaiiuii.g diktrici ai.d iir.prov.-uneiii Dondi neretuioi j , .aaueti. j at cond T7l.'.4 n Dlatrlct Street improv. meat uunua of tne city of aoui.i ciitanu, lasued lor ihe purpose oi paviiu,, cat uiiig anu irapr ivuni-iin ,11 liniri4eineui Lis. tin. ': i-itcing Difctrici ... . pnunui af.ei .ivo years, inientsi a sr t-a-i.t, pa;.aoie an..., an'. , vtaiett dt piemuer 1. 71s4. and iiurr.iit p-i : iruiu i 'o K iKiia inclusive. 1 fiese iioiioa are gtneiai obngaiio.'.. ol the city ; Sa.u bonus anail ue ,K,,tvl .11 such ie- i'.oiis so as iliat one-tenia ol T:. i.iui. ti named principal sum aoau maiuru Edwards-food OOe (l-ttcowpokATao) annie've.' I ' m pa .inle 11 one y-ar iron la'e. .c.e--.'a... '. 1 tetitii ther'-of slia.l tnaiura and tie aa. i.i,rt two years from late, and likewise . to uie rteuiae of uie piuu.pal stun, one-u.ui.i inu 1 furti.g .11 each of 'tie ''..liAVing y-ar.s. I T!m I aZtto in 'Duitnct d!r t Lnprovi; ! mem t4-.nua ' ol the ciiy ot dtiu'.!i 'mj.ia. I .astied 'or the ot nayti.g 'jr ..a I c irtnni; and .inpriv-menta 111 tii.jjioiejneut I DiatiHi D. ' i-avirg District aa, oa.e i o,i tube.- 4. ' ".4; inu-rtt i per tent ni r amcm. Soli' .oia aiinua..y. n imocred tr on 1 ,0 lu. :iclii4.i . it. optional ai" tlvn years. I '1 fieatc uoiau are general uiniaaiiolie' of '.he I city 1 fcaid honda ahall be Issued In such le- nominatlona to aa 'la.: oiiu-ieutJi f l.a prinnpHi a im st.1.1 re- due and -p.ya.ue n one .ear from aale. une-tt iitii ihe - f eriau be lue and paan. e ..'1 ovo . .4ia from ..late, and .ikewiae aa tu tlia re-icie if Slid ia.u clpal aiiin. tiue-ienla m.t...r a; un -acii of t::e foouw.r.ij years. K-c:t aid -tia.t ai.'i'e seii-ra't-iy tha amount rf r-d as fr m ip.-ii ' ai:d "P' . m.uin." and t.uat "Ao r. 1 Interest' vlll ue ; aid to date of dt.iv ry and pajmer.t 01 bonus. Lech hid mtmt be ne .irnpanif l by i ct;!t,d checa on a iMiinnui or Mate -ana. in tiie sum ot fi..ti ar..l m.iie p: ,tcH ia t.-.e city is n evulence oi good un the par . f the i..iu-r ihe 1 ity 1 coincu r wevej tiie runt to ristm't an r al! ohI-m uy tarut-r of 'ne Cli; aii.2i J. t- e defecta. or w.tiv i' 1 . i,.'nt.l. iI.LiiN. City OerlL IhWiUa