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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1904)
10 TITE OMAHA DAILY I1EE: TUESDAY, PErTEMTlEU 27, IPO. J.. . 1 MiJU CANDIDATES EXCEED BERTHS Thirtj-Thres Republicans Begitr for i Twelve LegislatiTe Places. SIX FOR SENATE. TWENTY-SIX FOR HOUSE mm v r r -w mc r a x u t r. w -va HIM rllltt&ni IS Villi, are f loaed I.aat MM with Lib- eral Ximbir at Aspirant for Eara Office to De Filled I Thla Fall. I "Fashion's Headquarters for Horse Show Finery. KX)) ' Filings of the namei of candldatps for the rfpublirnn primaries closed laM night, the ruling of Secretary Tuttle ol the county commutes being to permit them after 12 o'clock noon. Thirty-three can didates submitted their names and re ijulrcl fee for the twelve places on the legislative ticket. Nine want to go to the senate, for which Douglas county has three irpresentutlvcp, while twenty-six are anx ious to go to Lrlncoln as raemb:rs of tl.o lower house, this county being allotted jilne members only. Fuf county attorney there are three as pirants, for the Omaha commlstslonorshlp district five and for the South Omaha dis trict three and for constable two. The filings were: For County Attorney J. C. Klnsler, Nel son C. Tratt. W. W. For Commissioner from South Omaha District John CVTroutan, P. J. Tralnor. C. C. Stanley, Arin 8. Merrill. For Commissioner from District Com posed of First. Second nnd Third Wards, Omaha Tom McVlttie, Fred Hehm, Hans Hock. Fred iiruning, Andrew Klewlt. For the State , SenrUe 1. C. Gibson. Henry C. .Murphy nnd H. Van Dusen of South Omaha; Samuel A. Corneer, James A. Hake. U F. Thiimii. Jolm T. fathers, t'harUs I. Saunders. Jlarry Fischer. For the Lower House of the legislature C. K. Fields, James A. Davis, F,d Unpen harve of South Omnlm, James N. Drake, Samuel KatA, W. li. Ten Eyck, Michael, F. W. Koetter, Jo'.in C. Lewis, Henry Khrenfurt, Harry W. t'owduroy, Oeorge F. Sliepard, James W. Carr, I'eter Mangold of Bennington, C. H. T. Hiepen, 8. C. Barnes, Dr. H. A. Foster, Mnthew K. Muxen, John N. Westberg, N. P. Dodge, jr.. Walter J. Slate of South Omaha, W. F. Wappich, C. J. Anderson, II. T. Clarke, Jr.; Hans P. Poterson and F. S. Tucker of Florence. For Countable Edgar V. Simpson, Wil liam N. Tucker. A special mooting of the Douglas County Roosevelt and Fairbanks league has been called for tonight at Washington hail to make arrangements for the Fair-banks-Dolllver meeting here October 10. President Baldrlge of the league has an nounced the meeting will be In the Audi torlum, which has been secured for the purpose. Senator Fairbanks, republican nominee for vice president, will arrive on a special train from the west after making ene of the greatest campaign tours ever attempted. He will be accompanied by Sen ator Dolllver of Iowa and both will talk at the meeting In the Auditorium. It Is not considered probable that anything in the way of a. torchlight procession will be ar ranged. Tho remarkable success of the Shaw meet ing without any such aids to .enthusiasm has convinced President Baldrlge that the l,6ii0 or so necessary for a big procession would not be spent to the best advantage. W. P. Harford of tho Seventh ward finally ha decided not to run for the nomi nation on the republican ticket for member of the Board of Education. Mr. Harford Is a trustue of the Young Men's Christian association, Methodist hospital, Nebraska Children's Orphanage association and the JIanscom Park Methodlut church and some of his lntlmato friends persuaded him not to accept further sofllclal obligations. The Seventh warders therefore have got out another candidate, William H. Koentg, who has decided to make the race. Mr. Koeulg Is treasurer of Thomas Kllpatrlck & Co. Congressman J. J. Connor of Denlson, la., has offered his services to the repub lican state committee for a aeries of speeches in Nebraska, and his proffer has been accepted. Dates and places have not yet been fixed. Wed UNMADE DRESS PATTERNS From the Famous Dressmaking Establishments of Miss Terrill of Omaha, and Mne. Monette, 556 Fifth Avenue, New York. A Fine Fine dress goda in black and all col- Dress Pattern ors, taken from these two great dress- at $2.98 making slocks the cloths are etamines, mohairs, tailor suitings, etc. in a wide variety, at, per pattern Splendid Dress Patterns at $3.98 Fabrics for thin dresses Street costume and tail oring for the great dressmaking stocks including everything in the best taste for present T Oi C and later wear black and color at, g u pattern VT Silks from the Terrill & Monette Stocks All the latest weaves of Oiga Poplins, chif fon taffetas, messalines, soft faille, crepe poplinette, etc., at, yard 98c Shirt waist silks, poplins, taffeta, iff- Jftr (r etc., worth up to 1.50 yd. at, yd.. 0uL-T"7L"U7L The genuine chiffon velvets for party wraps and dress trimmings the newest and f Cri?ir-4 O flft .most delicate shades, at, yd. .. JU allCl .UU Elegant Evening Coats lZ Horse Show Just received a stunning new lot of evening cloaks and coats for horse show wear white, champagne, the popular onion peel, broadcloths, broad tail velour, etc. $29-$35-$3?-$45-$49$55 Qlovea for street wear, horse sho Lace Cape Collars very handsome etc. all latest fall shades Of for dress wear, worth 12, f Q at, per pair I at, each Isle Special SaJe of Yrns HARRIMAN MEN CONGREGATE UiUclala of Pnclfle Railroads Go to Chicago to Talk Over BneW ui Matte, Officials of the llarrlman llnea are on their way to Chlcugo to attend a meeting to be held there thla week. It la asserted the meeting haa no significance other than the consideration of routine matters, every one of which Is brought with great signifi cance. Among those who passed through the ertty are: W. II. Bancroft, vice president and general manager, and E. Buckingham, general superintendent of the Oregon Short IJne; E. E. Calvin, general manager of the Oregon Kullway A Navlga Uon company. Mr. Calvin was ac companied by his family and the officials occupied their private care. Frank Trura ball, president of the Colorado Southern, and party also passed through the city on the way east. A. L. Mohler, general man ager of the Union I'aclHo, left for Chicago Sunday, skein Utopia German Knitting Yarn Regularly sells at 20o bkein will tro at, skein I5c Superior Ice Wool 10c balls at, per ball White Rose Germantown Zephyrs Columbia Shetland Floss, Utopia, Saxony, all colors . 15c yarns at, wf Eiderdown Wool- larly worth 25c ball, at, ball ...... The Best Grades of Spanish Yarns these are genuine 25c quality at , large 2!c -regu- 10c 10c J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE NO MAN... Or woman, in fact, needs a better watch than we sell we carry a srreat varltey all trfzeo and all prices and all good firm-keepers. Every watch we sell comes with it our guarantee anu you Know its gooa. spend a lew nlnutes in our store. Look for the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. i OMAHA WEATHER RWWjiesdayJair. , i. 1 1 In : g r i1 ' radllgi Lamps jjyaRYTIME J flair Ltw U 13 Li V3 Hsisd Li XL fcsiy Wednesday is Red Letter Day It' more. It's the Green Trading- Stamp Anniversary day; it's even more than that. It's the opening- up of Ak-Sar-Ben and Horse Show will be at its best Wed nesday. These are really great happenings, happen ling as they do. together. REMEMBER that In the Sunday World-Herald (page 18). Hee (pane 13) and News (page 28), there"s n coupon In our hlg ml If you'll bring that coupon to any of our H'ore Bhow Souvenir Tallies Oroerry. Jewelry, 8in tlonery, dent's Furnishings, Art, Crockery and Japanese Department make your souvenir purchase you'll get $7.W worth of Ontn Trading Stamps and a new book with :i.0o of stamps. In nil, a big start on a new book. This to commemmorute the tlrst birthday of the Green Trading Stamp system In Omaha. , Wednesday, the anniversary, you can get a new book with $3.00 In stamps at the Premium Parlor, 5econtl Floor, In addition to the $10 worth at the Souvenir Tables. It will pay you to fill two. three anil four books together; It's wonderful how quickly tha books fill up. The speclnt sales announced Sunday for Dry Ootids, ("tubing. Millinery. Furniture, Carpets, Art, Jewelry, Hardware and IVrfumery In all depart ments except Crockery and Grocery are good for Tuesday's business. Head the ad again. Fruits to be received Tuesday morning at (5 o'clock, direct from the orchard. i r15 boxes large i . . i i I a n c y i;oiorauo Freestone PeaclieH ;per box 75c and 20 (2) Little Green Stickers.. 73 boxes Pears, large and fancy, per box 1.65 And 20 ($2) Little (ireen Stickers. G20 baskets Plums, red, green and blue, at, per basket 20c And 10 ($1) Little Green Stickers. This fruit Is In fine condition for preserving, and will be on sale Tuesday and Wednesday. GROCERY Our Grooery ts always "Id the banJ wagon-' and everybody knows It. Ten 111 i "fl H" Oreen TniilltiK Stamps with lit. pkK. llenuvll a Capitol 28c Twenty IK) "S A H" Orecn Trading Stumps with lb. Ten. unyAUp kind, at UOW Ten (in "S H" Qre. n hh.. .. Stamps with tiunrter lb. can l2c finest gruund black 1'eppcr " Ten "S A H" Oreen Trndlng Stamps with dosen boxes jOlfi l'nrlor Matches I2W Ten (ID "8 & H" Oreen Trading Stamps with lb. can llcnnett's O Capitol liaklng Powder tew Ten (ID "S & li" Oreen Trading Stumps with lb. New York OOc Cream Cheese AvFW ra CANDY DEPT. A big line of fancy Candy boxes C- each Large pkg. English nutter Scotch 4r delicious, at TL'ESDAV ONLV. Wctook first prize for Horse Show Window. Everybody seems pleased. MkSasatHiiustt irtstiitti' niiiirfi ii Much of the work is being done by the city nnd as notice is now given by publication Instead of personal service kicks and com plaints are very numerous. Many property owners have sought to delay the work, but hereafter no permits giving them more than thirty days to have the work done by private contract will be allowed. This morning fifteen men with grievances were In this office. Sunday a man wanted a sidewalk contractor arrested for working on the Sabbath, but his real reason was to stop the work. The city Is going ahead re gardless, however, and the contractors are working overtime all over town." BIGGEST YEAR0F SIDEWALKS Tblrtr to Tfctrtr.FU Mile will Ue Iaid, Says Assistant Euf lactr Cralc. "This will be the blgget sidewalks year In tna history of Onwlia," said AsiilsUnt City Engineer Craig. "I estimate that a totul of from thirty to thtrty-rtve miles ot brick and ctnuut sidewalks will be laid. tins. WiHSLOW'S SGOTKIga SYRUP tM be sM tr Mlaluiu of Mother fur tblr PUiUUou wuila TwUi!u fr uvw Hfiy Years. II uuths u enlld, sun. as ttis (unit. sil; all imUu. outm wiiul tulig, awl Is sue tM4 rjtitrUy rurtbrrh.M. Mr. and Mrs. Ciaera Will reopen their School or Dan:ng K24 Farnam street. ' September 23, roinpll nientary reception, by card only. Inspec tion of the academy I to 6 t. m. Dancing ;S0 p. m. For juveniles, Saturday, Sep tember 24th; dancing 4 to S p. m. AppUo. nuns nwy be made djw. Fifth M'mrd Roosevelt t'sill. The Fifth Vard Koouevelt and Fairbanks Marching club meets Tuesday. September 27, at 8 p. m.. In Young's hall. Sixteenth and Corby. Prominent party speakers, candidates and everybody Invited. Young men especially invited. Iast rully before the primaries. Refreshments. PKTEH K1EW1Z, President. BEN J. STONE, Secretary. low Colonist Hmies Via Chicago Oreat TVestern nsllway To poln.s In Montana, Idaho, Washing ton and western Canda. Tickets on salo dally from September IS to October 15. For further Information apply to 8. D. parkhurst. General Agent, iili Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Silver flasks. Edholm, Jeweler. Boss Visitor's Ksearaloaa Fair. Tuesdays In September and Oct. U. Good thirty days. Half fare plus li Many points In Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. Inquire at the NorthweBtera Una Office, and ltu3 Farnam St.. Omaha. For Heat. An excellent office location, fronting on Pearl street, only half a block from Broad way, with a nice large show window which can be used for display. Ilee office, 10 Peart street. Council Bluffs. ss Ladies' Kid Gloves Our line eicola la Style, Fit, Durability ami S'tfUfrtetum ln't-ause umtle by luattufuotutvrs who uf the tmmt t .t nslve real kltl skins; skln-t that lmv tho utmost pliability ami a surface us smooth hikI dcllcHte as sutiu. tihades, chaiiijiuirtit'. ipimIo, brtiwu, retu, lut, white. Ho. There are French Kid for drt's wear; I'luiia for street wear both of thest UnUhiHl with pearl or fancy cluss; Mocha li loves, silk lined or unllnetl; Kvettliig tiloves, H Imhea to shoulder lengths; antl a full Una of uiI.m s' ami ehlltlren's Klovea. IVrnu a, tho Quest dress jloves, l.tH. ft. Ml, J tK); heavy street jjlovea--tuiKlm 9 I.imi. f!.N. ft.Ott; Ierby iflovea l.M and Monareh IJ.ut. When buy gloves fou want more than four finders and buy our nislkt-s uud yet all around satisfaction. you thumb MRS. J. DENS0N, 212 South 16th St. ICSmXSEs OLD CRIMINAL RECOGNIZED Man Who Bobbed Cathedral Eighteen Tears Ago Turns Up. ARRESTED THIS TIME FOR STEALING Detectives and Police Raid Midway Ilesort and Find ban? of Ei Strike Breakers, All ot Whom Are Taken Io. When John Murphy was arrested Sunday by Detective Savuge, Captain of Police Haze recognized In Murphy the man he arrested eighteen years ago for robbing St. Phllomena'8 cathedral during choir prac tice. Murphy gave the name Z Juhn Kelly at the time of the robbery and received a sentence of four years, returning to Omahi at the expiration of the sentence. He la then said by police officials to have robbed a saloon in Omaha, for which offense he received another sentence, not having txien seen here from that time until arrested Sunday. Murphy was arrested this last time of the charge of stealing a coat and umbrella from Fred Langewisch of 1117 Farnam street The articles were found In a pawn shop. Murphy was sentenced to ninety days by Acting Police Judge Bachman. Raid on Strike Breakers. Sunday morning about 4:30 o'clock Deteo tive Ferris and OlHcers Baldwin, Knox and Shields made an early morning call at the Midway, the notorious colored resort at 11-4 Capitol annua, and arrested a crowd of colored men found sleeping at the place. They were charged with vagrancy, being unable to give the police ortUlul a satis factory account of themselves. They were ex-strike breakers and had quit their Jobs at South Oauthtt, Most of thera gave their addresses In the southland. There were fourteen In the bunch and when searched a J the police etatlua 14 cents was found on the men. When ariaignod In police court Acting Judge Bachman gave each fourteen days la the county Jail. This makee over fifty colored prisoners In the county Jail, which la now mora con gested than it has been for a long time, the ottUUU report. The names of the men sentenced thla morning are: Bob pa via, Iloury Mitchell, Charles WUlUma. Ous Cumo, Joe Bobinsou, Jim Wilson, Al Ram sey, Harry Pullman. K4 Kane, Charles Smith. II. A. Johnson, Oeorge laulel, Audy McVansy and lave Peters. Albert Mosby of St. Ixtuls and Louis Jenkins of Kentucky, colored, who were arrntted by Detectives Ferris and Dunn on the t harge of rubbing K. C Clark at Twenty-fourth and Miami streets lust sUturduy night, have been arraigned In polKe court uu coinplutute filed by Assistant County Attorney Maaney. The frUonera waived preliminary e summation and were bouud over to the district court u bonds ol ,'uo each. When arrested Saturday night the Wen told Captain Mxtyu hy bought the is vulvar with which thy Intimidated Clark for the p irpose i f robbing a grocery store, but. II sir earlier plans hiving (ailed, they stopiMtd the nrt man they saw, ho hap pened to be Clark. The robbery aaa ik rtguUtluu affair, one of the men holding Clark by the throat and the other keeping the Vlt llm coot with a Urge revolvar. A aUU all (h tue4 awtUJsd. J FOLLOW THE FLAG" BBSBBH i juoms Visitors' iscorsioit Round Trip Half Fare (PLUS S2.00) To all point in Indiana, points In Ohio and Ken tncky sold every Tuesday in September and October 11. Special Homeseekera' Excursions South September 13-27. 38.50 St. Louis and Return daily except Friday and Saturday 313.80 St. Louis and Hetura Daily. 327.85 Buffalo, Niagara Falls or Toronto and return -Dally. 328.50 Detroit aud Keturn Dally. 320.00 Chicago and Return (one way via St. Louts) Dally. S33.00 f Aniriiil I tin. I Ifatusn TA 1 1 w iUWUklW WUS . .V V U 4 U SUtljr. Long limit and stopover allowed. The Wabash la the only Hue with its owu station at main entrance World' Fair, Having time, extra car fare and aunoyttuce. All World' Fair mapn a how Wabaah atatlou at main entrance, Inalat ou your tickets reading Tta Wabah. All Informatiou at Wabuah City OQlce, 1C01 Farnam, or addre IIAltltV li MOOKEH, ih A. I D., Omaha. Keb. t New Fill Cloaks and Surfs t enticing prices. RAWfn)iiMl' liuMY tJllgiJs Ta m ku a sit-si tram at. Grind Disptif ot New Fill Dress Goods. GRAND SILK SALE CONTINt T.A Tt'KJlAT. ftKI'Tt M I T R 1TTH WOSPKHITL TAl.tTCS IN in'HI ulUI'K Ml.Krt. z. rnvn r-iN ci wanAiiLB taws. rt r a tr b.avy irrnir- rSOi ..r mi .1. tr v-W I t I 1A.NT WUITK R CHfAM PON-;.:- Worth It fiOr n . mi. WW Till. m;w V.vSHAl.l tlUKS-In Mues - t rt r. mn and tftfr 0, c .e at. .-, UVW I 1 M M.I. H.i.k Clt iAt AND WHITK sTIN A.Musllv wor s TRr I t. .r-1 .. . sTOw IPl: BI. JTK TAFFKTA t- . yM . OVC '.VII'K KL X'K TAfc'TOTA- 1.00 r' soiR-a .. .39c bij som-Ait 790 KINK OIlAI't: l-CHK Ult.K WAM 8II.KM In tine 2c on s:ile st, r. w l riKCKst KINK "II.K rr M-l wslnt suns - Kl. Ulret ird . " w lrtl I'lKCKM M'.W llHflAN Hll.K-lr or suit!. JlJ tnh St .t. )rd flKt'18 tTlttl TA KI'lTTA II-K-In nil colors r sntnr IUr price 7V-l. )r,l "acw lt I'IM'KH HKVCTin t. Vlt AI.ITV CHKI'K 1 'K CHINK ! lts, ular l ' silk t. r! ""V. 6 I'lKCKS Y.Mtti WII'K WIIITK Wmt 81 l.K -tt nnf g,u:it) .111 St. yard HVS Si IMKCK8 UKACTIKl l. KlVti.NA Ml K! -31 hit-lire aidf IVrslsn 1tl. ri. Ian ..I r.l lIVC ar. rtKCFN iianjimi: ritit kki vim.. VKTK In all the ho.- ltl. l:ra al. yard It jHir -vi ty INt It -.VlfK KU XM It it f a-tshty "b tl -t ,M ;, i i -it in At "K ri 5;' t rn lr t )'! r-lX. II lH.At K I E c i k t v Je- nS II J I t(M . ri-i fi a rl m - w : ttt ku k i'K r nta HtiiB All ! .1 -i W t " - S 'If .ih U s-at. rl , . Tuesday will be Sheeting anff Mnclin Hav in fittr Hnmocfi Department. rxm.BAniEn RMi:irriNt-r, .rj. , . in wiiitk vicTOft tjvvn resit. wide, e.usl to I'lica mills, sWis r .. r ' ui r f.- slj ttlrm t on Mis lflr ' " "'I at. si ,IUC t. rd I M, hk.,1: I K1NIII Tt Ti:i Jl-'vii'dn and ATLANTIC tlllKKTINtl- I an I r , r.. l-rWs. ;rv., I.- vl. e rl 1 l'lt.n-hl thin in urir .f (he tel hi J u- i u tin. n. st. r n 1I'S ingn iii,i" ani m-.m rilsr fi s at I. nn.l i .fl .,. . mn,t ,.4. , j I tit . .v k-v .... . ... . n . v.i-urt sue, I.r IV ta U.. 41 ,t laalw It Villi 111 L't.'llL-l. IV L .... ..-. ,.r..- .... ( t "t w ! iFi-..u.w-rti f 1 W wine, rfuinr n wo jivion. Tuda will tlill lAKtli: Tl'Kiv ill HATH TOW. art! K. ysrds to a fi llJS-hn .tii rrri , . a customer-fur l.'s.ia al . on sal. at, eaoh..... l0 PEACHES! PERCHES! PEACHES! An entire car of fancy Colorado .Yacht mrived fur Tuesday's Helling an long as they lat M A ' Tuestlay jer case ...................... 0UC HAVDEE BROS. tar, t, V saa' a WB BI J . v mm l Bk ' 1 . a va BT aw .. - , r 38.50 ONLV $8.50 COACH EXCU.lSICfIS - TO ST. LOUIS , MO. CtfSft1S 1 1 TIltSsfe a laal,.. Iu JMWI(W IH lltUIAUflf liieiiisiffa J of each waak. V i- Sixty Dav Tickets - Sin.riA C r Fifteen Doy Tickets - $13.80 Coach excursion tickets UI boon salo overyS tuday, Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday nnd Thursday of each -r eek limit of 6even days from date of sale. Everyone should visit this the greatest Expo! ion the world has ever known. This is a delightful reason fo viewing tho wonderful sights. Ample Hotel and Lodging Ilouso accomodi tions for oil. KEASONAHLE HATES. See local agent for full particulars. TOM HUGHES. Trav. Pass. Art. T. F. GOODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Aft S. E. Corner Nth and Dsi'fhs Sts., Omaha. ebr. H. C T0WNSEND. Gen. Pass, and Ticket Art. St. Louis, Mo O aiiYornia' Every Diy until Oct. 1? Daily To iristcars through Colorado or through New Mexico. Other bargains In Tirkets to Pacific Northwest and many poiiits in Arizoua,Utah, Montana and Id iho. Write today for full information nud free b oklets. ; F.P. Ilulhorford, D. I . A., 1323 Firnim St., Omaha, Neb. lost llhlar ef h avalp Inalantly. GOlNG-l C5-OINCMJ GOUCIIL r s hew: NhWBHO'S HEKP1UILE Ike fi sal Imh4 IS4 "list laa Uaaeiert ear a." Quill Mosili-Qiilti ittrictlil. The wt.iuun ltlt faiuiva lll lit la. S si irailU mum II li. r In Ad U iitiaii.d Uh an aluudjii. tl twanll. JrWEIT KUPiaBEWUlVllT TOO LATE .'CRIOPICIDE Mm ltiut t'unltiut tit I IIIU.'ll U' IIS BltllU'll U x'anly t r l"K '1 tlrtirT iiilir'jl'n iii ItlhtlfflkiHS lisir nntl Jm "ta If (lis liHlr u"il. T ln tlsii lull. hMItU .. r tliin.lruft. In-d 1 t soMiii iiml fill hair. Nfwlro lit I l.'iln tl.alli'VS litis e lit. II I r ft ...iuit n m.I i.i'iiiilts ha hulr In grow ....... 1 .. A 4111... mm tin.,..v J. ,i i , UivMiiis Ultra wto erful r.aulu. r nil ui tle ful liitlr. tui. uiun. uiiir nauu, iit (li ... u 1'atav H as, V4 SX. mm ht lltrKIH ia. a. Hkl . w s ! III:HMA!N cW MlCONMI.I. IIMUU CO.. rpao A AH'l.l AriiNa AT I'ltOM I NKNT I'AltlUCH Mil tl'U. afnta. J