Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1904, Page 6, Image 6
I.'... TTJE OMAHA DAILY DEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES AlrrrtUrmpnli for . Ihfar rnlnmm will be taken atll 12 m. for the evening edition and until H p. m. (or the mornlnc and Sunday edltlna. Htlri 1 l-ilc a word Brut Insertion, le word thereafter. NotNlna; taken for lee than JtOe for the flrat Inaer tlon. Theae adTertlaementa must be ran ronaeratlvely. ' Advertisers, by reqneatlno; a nnm- bered rhrrk, ran bare imwfn ad dressed to a numbered letter In rare of The Bee. Anmrn bo addreaaed will be delivered on presentation of rhrrk. MISCELLANEOUS Day School Night School BOYLES SCHOOL Enter Now Catalog Free H. B. BOYLES, President New York Life Omaha. R 41" CUT-HATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Fhllbln, 1506 Farnam and opp. Union sta tlon. Tela. 7M and 1618. R 97$ TRY KELLY S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. X30. CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. R 8M) EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommoda ting; all bvieinea confidential. 1301 Douglas. R-itol ANTI-MONOPOLY Oarbage Co., 21 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R 9S2 PUBLICITY LESIONS WHEATON, In the Bee Bid. K M SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. H. W. M Vea, Plumber, 1124 N. 26th. Tel. 3747. R-96 STANDARD FILTERS Huber. Tel. 3t13. 1301 Farnam. R 988 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. 980. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wks. it 0t P. MELCHOIR, machine works. 13th and Howard. R 991 THE Omaha Warehouse Co., 609 Jones; 'phone 1306; mdse. storage and forwarding. . R 193 HELIN & CO.. TAILORS, 317 S. 15th. - , , R-MZ23 830 OMHA PLUMBING CO.. Tel. 3846. John Morrissey. Mgr. Rea. Tel. 8914. R M630 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 S. 11 TH. 'PHONE 264. Why carry your soiled linen? Our wagons call and deliver same. Bills collected monthly. R M224 016 LOCKSMITH fcTTiw' 309 , R M603 BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG atorea bought and sold, every state: special plan. F, ..V. Knlest, R. P., 701 N. Y. L. bldg. Y 992 ' ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg.. can get you In or out of business. Y 894 BHOLES-ARMSTRONO Co., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y 994 TO get In or out of business, or If you want to buy or sell real estate, see Omaha Real Estate and Business Chance Agency, 406 N. Y. Life bldg. Y-996 WANTED I am working a regular line In northwest Iowa, South Dakota and north east Nebraska, and want a good side Hue In connection. Audress Salesman, Box 243, Sioux-City, la. . ' Y M616 26 AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity Is offered to a desirable party with (5,000 cash, also a permnjient position, salary $1,00 a year. This Is a bona ride business and "well established, doing a large, safe and Conservative business, which invites a meat -i-rtold- investigation. The present owner is a successful man, well and favor ably known, and will gladly give the very best of reference. To a man having some conception of business, former ex perience not nuccssury. Investment guar ' an teed.. ' Address pox 102, St. Joseph, Mo. ,' , ; y M742 27x WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson, S43 N. . Y. Life. 'Phone L2270. . Y 995 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SECOND-HAND safe cneap. Deright, 1119 Farnam. Q 161 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman St McCoiuicJl Drug Cu Omaha. Q 165 FOR SALE Several scholarships in a first class standard school in Omaita, compris ing complete course jn business, snort hand ajid typewriting. Inquire at Bee of fice. Q 852 TELEPHONE poles, long fir timbers; cheap chicken tenet. 901 Douglas, Q 166 WE RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for, every machine m.inutuctured. Second-hand, machines from So.UU to 810.00. (. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1663. Corner loth and Harney". Q 167 FOR SALE Dolld oak and mahngnny-top bank; or cashier's -fixture, in good condi tion, at bargain.' , Address C. C. Rose, water, room luo. Be Bldg. Q 824 ELECTRIC nickel in slot, Peerless piano players and Reglna music boxes, hlg money, makers, cheap for cash or time. Schiiioller c Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel 1628. . . Q 16S TWO, HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL Tt'BULAH BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, wnlch have bcenuse.l but six years; made of firebox steel, triple riveted, butt and strap Joints, insurance -company permits of pressure of 1- pounds. They are now in use and lan be seen at boiler house rear of Bee bulldingi ..Can Be delivered about August 26. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engl. neer,. Bee building, Omaha. Q M905 PEACHES, fresh from my tress. $1 or less per bushel. Tbeo. Williams. Benson, near end ot atone pavement. Military ave. - " , Qi- M488 26x COMPLETE lino new ana l'd-hnnd furnl , ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodae ' Tel. -803- Q 160 GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargains In goods In pawn. 1401 Douglas FOR SLALE T.ot of aeniiid-hand flro brick. Inquire Engineer Bw building. Q-M314 TOOL TABLES and show cases. 14i7 Har ney, St. ... Q-M187 AUTOMOBILE$1,300 new Shelby, I or 4 psssangers, with top, s60. H. E Fred rlcksun, 1G02 Capitol ave. Q M713 09 BEST furnished flat In Omaha lease and furniture cheap. Inquire at 306 N. 16th "''', : Q-vtl FINE .harness and saddles, trunks, bagv all "leather suit case to. Alf'ml ("'rnHIt 1210. Farnam. Q Mill OlS KHERSON oats, from experiment station; extra. early; drouth prooi: 6oc a bu. Wil liam Hupp, Clearwater, Neb. .! T .- Q-M5S7 29x FOR'JJALB Two wel) broke riding ponies. 3128 Chicago St. ' Q-M&4 :9x FOR SALE Polished osk bedroom act and springs In good condition; 112. On Apply 1240 Lake. - - y M803 27 x FOR SALE Flve-legped dog; a curiosity. ror. particulars auurcas iock nox 2,4, Macedonia, la. cedonla, la. y M6U2 ?9x AI.MOUT new folding bed: latest tyle, 8127 Farnam. Q-S67 27 BANJO, Knstmpn kodak. Mryrle all high grade, excellent rendition, 114 S. 1!th. ' j Q-MSfcl 26x FURNITURE, household goods, kitchen range, dresser, lounge, chairs, etc., very cheap; sum article nearly new H 46, Be. Q-M2Cx WANTEDMALE HELP . FALL TERM NOW OPEN Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas Sts., New clashes in ail atpat inents. Best t'me to begin night school September 6. Send for tree tuialogue. Address, RoHRBOL'UH BROS., Omaha, Neb. B 976 WANTED, a few active professional men. merchants or salesmen of ability who de sire to bettet their financial condition, to handle certain special, strictly new, mod ern, attractive investment policies. Guar anteed by an established Old Line Life Insurance Co. Extra liberal remuneration Is offered to the right parties replying promptly. Orest chance for edvancement. Please state qualifications and Income re quired on commission or salary has!. Address P. O. Box 1044, Omaha, Neb. B-76 28 WANTED A dry good salesman at G. Wlebe A Sons, Beatrice, Neb. B M607 29 WANTED Two press feeders and a printer at 422 S. loth at., Omaha. B 646 26x MOLER Barber college, 1302 Douglas street, teaches barber trade In short time; spe cial inducements to distant applicants; positions waiting graduates; top wages paid. Call or write for particulars. B M708 30x DRUG employes, mnnngers, salesmen, etc., for any state. F. V. Knlest, R. P., 701 N. Y. L. Bldg. B-976 MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barber' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B M267 WANTED Four boy with bicycles; steady work; good salary. 212 South 13th St. B-973 Oil Shorthand A Dime Book will make you a stenog rapher. The L'nigraph Co., Box 88, Omaha, Neb. B M559 28x WANTED FOR U. S. ARM Y Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 and "6; citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13lh and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Lincoln. Neb., or Sioux City, la B-M297 WANTED Two city salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. B-557 WANTED Tinner; steady work; young man preferred (of good habits i, to help In store. Address B 26, Bee. B M56I 23 SALESMAN, with established drug trade, to handle side line In Omaha; light sam ples; good commission. 20 E. Ninth St., Cincinnati. O. B M562 2Sx WANTED, a field manager for Nebraska; good position, good salary; must have 300 cash. Address B 49, Bee office. B-M886 27 WANTED, a collector and solicitor. Call 621-2 Paxton block. B Mm WANTED at once, 25 laborers; apply to Omaha Water Co., Bee Bldg. B-M897 27x WANTED Ambitious young man to take a private course in pharmacy. Rare op portunity. Address E. C, this office. B WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 30O9 Marcy. C-328 80 GIRLS; Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. C 104 O. K. American-German employment office. Oldest, most reliable In Omaha. 1624 Dodge. C M380 Ot GIRL for housework. $3 week. 2409 Lake t C M530 26 WANTED Girl fir general housework; no cooking; must understand German; extra high wage. Apply 628 S. 37th st. C-MC33 2 WANTED Woman as first cook' for meat and paBtry; $40.00 per month, room and board. Address Commercial Hotel. Mo- " Cook, Neb. C M899 28 WANTED, experienced chocolate dinner one that can also wait on trade part of tne lime prererreo.; gnoa -wages.- t , .1. Dreibus, 814 Central ave., Nebraska City, C M636 26x WANTED Two girls, a first-class cook and a second girl; extra large wages; small family. Enquire mornings at 628 South 37th, or phone 776. C M804 27 WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial massage; positions waiting (graduates; beat paying work a lady ?an do; 812 to $16 weekly made; few weeks completes. Call or write Moler college, 1302 Douglas street. C M707 30x GIRL for kitchen work; small family; wages $4. 'Phone 3175. C M9.1 27x , WANTED Skirt cutter Bnd sleeve maker, also experienced skirt helper. 1823 Doug las. C 870 WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man, excellent habits, wishes care of furnace, horse or any work while at tending college. Address B 26, Bee. A M63 YOUNG MAN desires place to work for board while going to school; experienced!. Boyles College, 1984. A 963 WANTED Position, by young man, as bookkeeper, 2 years experience Address Lock box 656, Omaha. A M623 3o FOR EXCHANGE WILL trade sewlni machine for type writer. rseD. cycie l.o., join ana tiarney. Z-172 WHAT have you to exchange tor a piano T PeiMeld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. Tel. 701. Z-17S IF THERE Is nothing In this column you want, put an aa. in ana you win soon get It. Z 163 WILL exchange beautiful piano for driv ing or draft norse. ucnmoiier & Mueller 1313 Farnam. ' Z M487 OS ' WILL exchange hlgh-grnde piano for type writer. Bcnmoner at Mueuer. 3is rar nim. Telr.hone N Z OS PRINTING LYNGSTAD A RUFFNER. PDINTCPQ Crounse Block, Corner of rrvlli I ClAO i8,n sti ana capliol Ave. 160 KRAMER & CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS. 1106-8 Douglas at. To de liver work when promised Is our hobby, -161 PRINTING Not how cheap, but how good. Is our motto. Great Western Printing Co., 1618 Chicago. 'Phone 8831. M714 J. M. SIRPLESS. reliable prtntrr; estab lished 12 years. 303 ' South Thirteenth St.. Omnhn 18? OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 115 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1661. 176 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy Phy. slclun; office, Douglas block. Tel. 2H23. -177 DR. FARWELL, specialty nervous disease. 64 I'axtor. . 17 FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 116 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Send for price Hat of cut flower and plant. . Hi ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR., 1607 Farnam, Tel. X-XT llS l vTa n dc1q LTect ions . E. F. &.OHEARTY. Attorney, 437 Paxton, Tel. A-2639. lo8 JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Ufa bldg., rooma 304 and Sit. Tel. liii. -114 LOST THE BOY who took the grip up at 711 S. 27th, between 8 and 8:30 Saturday even ing, will please return to 8. llth street nd receive a liberal reward; no quea llona asked. Lost M814 U The Bee printed Sunday 5,500 lines of PAID WANT ADS, which was over a column ahead of its nearest competitor. The Bee is Omaha's recognized want ad medium. : THE BEE PRINTS TH, MOST PAID WANT ADS BEE WANT ADS BRING THE BEST RETURNS ALWAYS. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS THREE modern houekeeplng rooms. 2415 Capitol ave. tHH ax ROYAL HOTEL, European. I6th Chicago. E 10 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Js 10b VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladle' cafe, private dining r. ; open nights. E 10S Midland hotel, 16th II Chicago; reasonable E 110 TWO front room, elegantly furnished; large modern stone house. 'Phone B-2634, 24 Cass. E M536 U3 NICE comfortable room for one or two gintlemen; very reasonable; modern. 14i N. 17th. E M914 DESIRABLE TRANSIENT ROOMS, every thing modern, 2234 Farnam, Tel. i'J-'i. E MM3 30 SOUTHERN exposure; team heat. 3134 N. 15th. flat L. E M894 7x FRONT rooms en suite and other rooms; references. 116 So. 20th. D-M829 lx NOTICE to Fair Visitors Rooms and breakfast $1. H. W. Crume, 3751 Finney ve., St. Louis. E 614 27x THREE pleasant rooms, modern, partly furnished, can be arranged for house keeping; reference required. 271 Wool worth ave. E M531 27x FURNISHJCD room. 2630 Capitol ave. E M619 27X CLEAN sleeping room. Hotel Monarlnock, 119V4 N. 15th. ' E-M632 29 TRANSIENT rooms; clean; everything modern. 224 N. 15th. E-M631 29 DOUPT.E ROOM; two gentl.; furnace, 616 N. 19th. . E M630 26x CONVENIENT transient rooms; gentl. pref. 321 H N. lEth. E M629 29x FRONT ROOM; gentl. pref. 1518 Dodge, Flat A. E M628 26x LARGE front room; steam heat. 2023 Hurt St. E-M127 2fix TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing. 2317 Chnrles St. E M842 27x NEWLY furnished rooms; everything mod ern. 524 So. 20th. E 864 30 CONVENIENT transient rooms; modijrn. 316 So. 26th. E 866 30 WELL furnished rooms; everything mod ern. 2236 Farnam. E 860 27x NEATLY furnished rooms. 2574 Harney. Tel. L-2175. E-M854 27x NICE front room; modern; gentlemen only. 2101 Farnam. E 855 27x LARGE well furnished alcove room, steam heat, gas, bath, telephone; central loca tion. 1023 Douglas. E 871 NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, modern. 2238 Farnam. E M861 27x FURNISHED ROOMS, 616 S. 22AV Tel A22S2. E MR56 27x FURNISHED ROOMS, modern. 1607 How ard, left side. E-M857 27x LARGE FRONT ROOMS, light housekeep ing; 2619 Farnam. E M868 27x NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, every thing modern, 313 S. 26th. E M859 27x FOUR flrst-c'ass furnished rooms; mod ern; for gentlemen. 112 N. 24th st. E-MS37 2Sx BRIGHT and sunny, large front room, modern; lst-clnss accommodations; brek fsst if desired. 614 N. 23. E MS76 27 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD A SMALL family near Hanscom park, hav ing a well appointed home. Will rent a pleasant room to a refined gentleman and wlte; a 4ine table anu every modern con venience; references exchanged. Address A 42, Bee. H'aii ux HOME cooked meals. 2152 St. Mary's. F 86a Oct. 2 O. M. E. TEL 611. MESSENGERS AN1 BAGGAGE. F-1U THURSTON HOTEL; cool outside rooms, $1.50 to $4.00. per week; board, $3.50. F-112 Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago;, reasonable. F 113 VICINITY of high school; modern south front rooms. Including board, $5 per week. 2106 Can. 'Phone A-Z593. F 607 WANTED Roommate, by a young man of 21 years of age; must be young, well-ap- fiearlng and respectable; house Is strictly Irst-class in every respect; board good and room large and well furnished; rates $25 per month. Address Y 29, Bee. F 9M DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot and cold water In room; alio large closets; board: rates reasonable. 618 S. 19th. F-M53I GOOD TABLE BOARD. 2111 Douglas. F-M51 26X ACCOMMODATIONS for 6 people, rooms and board. 'Phone 1208. F M687 27 HOME COOKING Center Dining Room, 208 N. 17th. - F-M598 2Sx ONE SINGLE FRONT ROOM, 1st class In every respect, 2323 Harney. F-M862 Oct. 1 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Rooms furnished and unfurnished. Rooms with or without board. Rooms for light housekeeping. Call at R. 3, N. Y. L. 'Phone 133. G-677 25 UNFURNINSHED rooms, single and In 2 and 3-room suites, at 27th and St. Mary's N. P. DODGE ft CO.. 1614 Farnam St. G M779 28 S OR 4 light, clean, modern; one block from car. Z214 is. itn. u kzi a LIGHT housekeeping rooms, with gas range, $3 60 per week; must be neat and respectable. 1521 Leavenworth St. G 6?4 25 ONE large unfurnished room for rent. 2408 Cass. G MS28 lx rS MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city rbans: low rate. W. II. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618. W 112 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas W-143 WANTED City loan and warrant. W. Farnam Smith 6t Co., 1320 Farnam st. T W-114 SUPERFLUOUS hair, wrt and vmole permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work rim ran teed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. W-M898 lx MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W-145 I PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros 1604 Farnam. w 146 LOWEST rate. Bemls, Paxton block. W-147 MONEY to loan on real estate at 6 and 64 per cent. W. B. Melkle, 2u5 Ramre bldg. W-148 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN BANTS chool, 717 N. Y. Ufe. loo FAC SIMILE letter, envelope addressed. Boyle College. . 101 When You Write to Advertisers remamber It only takes an extra atmk or two of the pen to mvntlon the tact that fon aw lh ad la Th !. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE OR TRADE. 680-aore ranch in Knox county, Nebraska; only about three miles soutn of Spring field, S. O. ; good dwelling, barn, well and windmill, about lorty acres under culti vation, balance In pasture and meauow; living water In various places; Indian land adjoining can be leased at low ng ures; a spiendid stock ranch; will se.l for part casn, balance 7 per cent, or will trade for stock or drugs, tillable land in Iowa or eastern Nebraska, or good sal able city property. Price $17 per acre. Address, Geo. W. Snow, bprlngfield, S. L. KE Muls 27 FOR SALE One not of fi.800, due In one year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing ( per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $1,600, due on or before three years. Interest at t per cent, payasji semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 25, Bee office. RE-U458 8-ROOM cottage In first-class repair, rent ing for $12.50 per month, well located, to exchange for good vacant lot. Address B 38, Bee. RE 801 25 FOR SALE Beautiful home located at No. 10 South 25th avenue. To assist In clos ing estate this property will be offered at a very reasonable price for quick ale. William K. Potter, executor, 3oi Brown block. riE 471 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $1,800 and the other $2,450. SHIMER & CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. RE MH8 NORTH OMAHA BARGAINS. 7-room brick cottage, store building and cottage auacnea, lot ilxun, on car line; rents $25; $2,500, half owner. 3ol N. Y". Life. casn. Apply to RE-M447 CHS- Williamson Co.,u- &,?rw- RE-119 AN EASTERN OWNER will sell two mod ern brick flats for $2,500. You can live In one and the rent of the other will pay for the whole property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE-M1U Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 120 31-FOOT west front lot, good location, walking distance of postoffice, $375. Ad dress B 44, Bee office. RB-M841 27x Nebraska, Farms Nebraska farms are safe and profitable in vestments. Below are a few of the large number of well Improved, rich soil, well located, near R. R. station, which we have for sale: 160 acres, all fenced, all cultivated, splendid improvements $50.00 160 acres, well Improved, good soil, one mile to R. R 30.00 240 acres, mostly cultivated, fair Im provements, five miles to R. R 43.00 240 acres, mostly cultivated, 2 set of buildings, one set very fine 60.00 640 acres, solid section, half cultivated, fair Improvements, 7 miles to R. R.. 17.60 3,400 acres, elevator .. on R. R. track, cost $10,000; part cultivated; good, cheap '. 20.00 1,680 acres, 1,000 cultivated, well Im proved. 2 miles to R. R u 36.00 Correspondence solicited. Write for par ticulars. Correspondents in eveiy county in the state United States Land & LoanCo., Grand Island, Neb. . , RE-M637 27 FOR .RENT HOUSES HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwall, Barker biK. 1 JJ LJS ul . . TWO, modern. 7-room houses, on California St. $32 and ner mo. Apply 6U7 N. mn. D MIDI SE 1 CHRIS BOYER. 22 d and Cuming. D M161 O20 MODERN 7-room dwelling, one block from Hanscom park $24. 'Phone 623 D 233 HfM IPQ ln ailjpart of the city. The - - - I J. j ui avis Co., $08 Bee bldg. L ux THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, 1120-24 N. 19tb. Office, 15114 Farnam! i. CI. Iwl9, D 128 WE MOVE pianos." Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1469. Office 1713 Webster st. D 124 uni 1QPQ In all parH of the city. K. C. nUUOCO Peter & Co., Be Building. D 12 PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO., choice house. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 121 FOR RENT 8-room modern residence near Hanscom park, $3S. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. D M490 24 MODERN brick house, 412 North 22d St.. within two block of High school. In quire at No. 410. O 607 FOR a desirable tenant choice we have a very NEW HOUSE FOR RENT. Eight rooms; everything up to date; two car within i block. - PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Main Floor N. Y. L. bldg. D-M621 30 2224 CHICAGO ST., good 8-room, all modern house; corner lot. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. Nice 8-ronm house,' porcelain bath, gaa, barn. 29.-JS N. 25th St. $25. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. 1914 Locust, good 9-room, all modern house, large lot and good neighborhood; rent $27 50 GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. 844 Park ave., 8-room cottage $25. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. D M558 DESIRABLE modern 10-room house, easy walking distance. Address B 28, Bee. D-670 '.x 2417 N. 22d ST.. NICE eight-room, all mod ern house; barn: good location and sur roundings; rent $25. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. D 671 FURNISHTJP residence of J. U. Rose, 1917 Webster st. Inquire Rose' Art Store. D 567 FINE ten-room hrlck, $30. Keys 2601 Cap, avenue, adjoining. D 668 28x FOR RENT ' TWO DESIRABLE HOUSES, BEST LOCATIONS CITY. 138 N. SSth ave.. 10-room house, all modern, with barn, $60.00. 610 Park ave., 9-room house, strictly mod ern, In best condition, large yard, $55 00. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. D-M662 1 FOR RENT HOUSES. Modern house, 12 rooms, 6 blocks from 16th and Farnam St. Apply Clinton H. Brigg. 1320 Farnam St. D M653 FOR RENT Furnished house for the win ter. 22:8 Willis ave. D M846 26x FOR RENT Modern house, nine room, with furnace, porcelain bath; 210 S. 3oth t. Inquire at 212 fl. Join st. D M882 2. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE In the Be butlalng curries with It all ot the conveniences and advan tages in th way of Ileal, light. Janitor service, all night and all uay and buuday elevator service. A $10 office is now va cant. Call at once. H. C. Peter a Co, ground floor. Be building. 1 $ STORY and basement brick building, 100$ Farnam, 22x1m, hydraulic elevator, ami able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 Flrat Nat l Bunk building. i 13u IF A GOOD lUht Is needed w can ahow you a north-lront office on the fifth floor, a splendid room, at tha moderate price of $20. R. C. l ater Co.. ground floor, Bee building. J 8Z2 PERSONAL WANTED, entertainers for two days' street fair. Oct. 14 and ln; free conoes slons to concerts and sideshows. Answer Immediately. Address J. N. Sturdevant, Spencer, Neb. U M834 27x DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 St, S, 15o6 Farnam. L-153 M Af"lMFTIPtr",tment & baths. Mm? l1lftUIC 1 IV8mlh( us N- lif 2 n. H 2. U 4W TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. "PHONE 353J U 156 TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women na children. 1408 Farnam st. THE H. J. PEN FOLD CO. U-157 "VIAVI," way to health. 860 Bee Bldg. U-158 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. inth U-U9 DON'T fool with your eyes; be caroful who examines them; we test eyes free for glasses nrtd Kunrantee satisfaction. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO.. Leading Opticians, 1408 Farnam. U-190 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHiNG. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES GOLDMAN PLbATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLK. TEL. 1936. O 964 DRAWING and PAINTING from life. Mr. Case's Art L.ass, studio 4 Union block. loin ana f arnam. UM.jU WANTED The deaf to test Instruments lor the deut at the branch othce of the Hutchison Acoustic Co. of New York v,uy, tun rsew york Lite Bide., Omaha. L M6ts Oi4 IMPORTANT Why Dav more? Guaran teed spectacles lilted, $1, Kendls optical '!I!M M 1iK IT Vf.w um w., www ,v,u. u dlMW D.V OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Blk U M4 WE DO expert piano moving; lowest rates, Schmoller tit Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tele phone 1625. L M4S6 Oi E. D. KECK, vole teacher. 1802 Farnam otreet U M582 O-x LARSON & JOHNSON, cut rate to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem- uera American xicae. xiroKera ash n. U-M617 LADIES "Never Wiggle," that our new patent eye glass. Can't shake 'em off." We grind our own lenses, make our own rrames optical headquarters. Huteson. 218 S. 16th st. U-Mh,5 O10 I GUARANTEE to teach you French and German, using my own text book, and In a short time. F. Peltier, 1720 Dodge st. U-M753 uctlOx LETOVSKY'S orchestra. Telephone L268I. U- M995 I GUARANTEE to teach you French and German ln a short time, using my own text books. F. Peltier, 1720 Dodge- st. U M753 OctlOX THE Gage Pattern Hats at Pennell's, 111 S. 15th St., opp. old postoffice. V M335 O20 YOUNG man of good habits would like to correspond with some respectable voung lady; object, matrimony. Ad. Box 467 Jer sey vllle, 111. U 398 26x YOUNG man, finest family connections, would marry refined, accomplished, af fectionate, young- lady who will Invest In a business enterprise; no agencies. Ad. P. O. box 487, Sioux Falls, S. D. U-397 26x MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman & McConnell, Omaha, 162 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries. 1611V4 Dodge St.. Omaha. 163 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. T74. 526 FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS 2 EXPRESS WAGONS and 1 top wagon, al most new; will sell cheap. Johnson & Danforth, s. w. cor. 10th and Jones sis. P-668 FOR SALE Horses for city driving or de. livery. Your livery trade solicited In either buggy or carriage work. Mcl cholr'a Livery Barn. P M260 HIGH grade, rubber tired, Watertown, easy riding buck board; an eastern novelty good as new, at a big sucriHoe. Johnson & Danforth, 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones sts. P 919 FINE $375 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new $126; open pneumatic runabout, $60. Drum niond, 18th and Harney. P M416 NOT a horse shower, but a wagon fixer Harry Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-175 FOR SALE Cheap, One stylish rhaeton, one surrey and one brass mounted har ness, all In good trim. 1414 Davenport St., Windsor stables. P M649 27x TEAM of work horses for sale. H. E. Hu- bermann, Room 9, Continental blk. . P 640 26x WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Lite, pay Mghest price for books. Tel. 3036. N 114 HIGHEST prices paid for furnished fiats. S 34, Bee. N-11J CASH for your horses. Mclchlor's Livery Barn. N M254 A 7 OR 8-ROOM house, modern, for cash; high elevation and close to car line; price not to exceed $1,700. Address B 29, Ilea office. N 574 WANTED To buy a second-hand bowling alley. F. B. Coder, 819 N. 24th st.. So. Omaha. N M817 26x MOVING PICTURE MACHINE, new or second-hand. Call on or address H. Plls bury. 1502 Capitol ave. N MM 022 CLAIRVOYANT AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS Should all avail themselves of consulting Omaha's favorite "life reader," MME. GYLMER Scientific Palmist This wonderful woman ha been In Omaha for more Ihun 7 years, during which time she has practiced palmistry continuously and her work has been eminently satis factory. This woman a advice is always a factor fur good. If in trouble alie can help you. Don't hesitate to see her. Fur Ion, 71a N. d at. B H- GYLMER. palmist, 716 Twenty-third. Telephonoii3245. Slit) PATENTS H. J. COWOILL, 430 Paxton Blk., Omaha. 99:1 PATENTS H. A. Sturgls, rerlstered attor ney. Patents, trade marks, copyrights. No fee unless successful. 617 New lork Lite building, Omaha, Neb. Mlooo SUES tk CO.. Patent Lawyers; advice free. Three offlcei: Bee building, Omaha, Neb.: In4 Dearborn St., Chicago, III., and lu03 F St., Washington. D. C. Tel. 1623. f2Hr WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Suite of rooms, mod ern house; year's lease only; references exchanged. Address 11-47, Bee. K 868 2tix WANTED Three unfurnished rooms; mod ern no children. Tel. A-341. SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES. MASOXIC ASSOOTrEMEXTS. Maaoale Tesnple, Corner sixteenth and Capi tol Artist. CAPITOL LODQE, NO. 8. A. F. A. M. Special meeting Monday evening, Sept. 26, at 7:3o. Lodge of Instruction. R. V. Cole. Master. A. A. SCOTTISH RITE. MT. MORIAH LODGE OF PERFECTION NO. 1. Clnuile L. Tslhot. Ven. Master. SKMPKH Fl DELIS OH A P. ROSE CROIX, NO. 1. M. F. Funkhonser. Wise Master. ST. ANDREW'S I'RECEPTORY. NO. 1. wm. S. Summers. en. Precentor. NEBRASKA CONSISTORY, NO. V W. H. M linger. Master or Kartosn. Regular meeting Monday, Sept. 26. 7:30 p. m. Business of grave Importance. W. T. Bourke, 8ec'y. KIGHT OF rYTHI.. NEBRASKA LODGE. NO. 1, K. OF P. Meeting Monday evening, Sept. 26. In Myrtle hall, loth and Douglas, followed by meeting of D. O. K. K. ' B. H. Anderson. C. C. Roy A. Dodge, K. R. 8. MONEY TC LOAN CHATTELS $1.00. Have there not been times when It would have been worth more than loo cents to you'.' It is our business to supply you with money when you need It and al low you to return It In small weekly payments, as may beat suit your convenience. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock and other chattels, and we make salary loans. Our terms are as good as any and belter than many. We are the oldest concern in our line ln the city, with all-around consistent deal ings to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (.Established Ml.) 3o6 8. 16th St. x-m 3 P. C. YEAR $lou to to.ivo .oaiis 011 your personal note ut 3 I hlt i.L.'ii i".n 1 hAit, All good louns wunted. Call ur wine and get my system. V. L. Eastman Ac Co., 1108 Farnam, Omaha. X 134 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curity, elso on sAbAKlha. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us ii in need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block. X-141 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others witiioui security; easy pay ments; largest business ln 49 principal cities. Tolinun, Room 714, N. Y. X-136 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 614 PAX ION BLOCK.. X-132 SEE FULLER 426 Paxton block, for loans 011 watches, diamonds ana jeweiry. X-140 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., luci f arnam st. a. 13 SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, o,r l,n 1,1,1.. iHutA 1 11 lid XJfZI 4iei. 41:1. - A Ml Let Us Say a Word There may be times wnen you need ready casn to save your crean or prevent trouble. It Is our business to supply you and at the lowest rates of interest. You can repay us ln small amounts of $1.00 weekly or $4.uu monthly, or more, only your personal note needed If you are re ceiving wages. We also loan on furni ture, pianos, etc;, on the same easy plan. No publicity or anno.4ng Investigations. More than a thousand satisfied patrons to recommend us. Call and have a private talk with our manager. Open every Tues day and Saturday evening until 8 o'clock. THE J. A. HUTTON CO. (Inc.), 614-615 Paxton Block. . X M560 WANTED Application Immediately for $l,MJ0 loan. t . u. vveaa, J024 Douglas t. X M84S 27 READY CASH to loan on furniture, pianos, horses, etc. BOWEN, 703 NEW YORK LIFE. x m AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED We want an agent In Omaha nnd every town ln Nebraska to sell our new broom holder; used in every family; the price Is low and good money can be made selling this up-to-date little wonder; Information liee. The Champion Mfg. Co., Denver, Colo. J M664 Ol GOVERNMENT NOTICE. FORT MEADE, S. D.( September 15, 1904. Seuled proposals 111 triplicate will be re ceived until 2 p. m., September 30, 104, for conr.tructlng at Fort Meade, 8. D., a five hundred thousand gallon reinforced con crete reservoir. Bidders must stale time in which they will complete work. Infor mation furnished upon application. Plans and specifications can be seen with quar termaster. New York, Saint Paul. Denver, Cheyenne, Omaha. A guarantee in amount of 10 per cent must accompany proposals. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked '"Proposals for Reservoir, Fort Meade, 8. D.," addressed GEORGE L. BY RAM, Constructing Quartermaster. B 10-10-1 l-l-J-MM LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE AND CAUTION. tv,a itiu, H,.i,i. i,t tin.' A Andrews con- meted before August 20, 1904, will, being uly certified and presented witnin reason hlra time he nnld hv me. All person. are, however, warned against trusting or oanlng said uuy Aiuirews on my accouiii .r mahini checks beariiix his name. be. cause, save a above, I will not liquidate any indebtedness by him Incurred. K. BENJ. ANDREWS, uincoln. Neb., Sept. 7. 1504. er.t8d21ti GOOD PULPITFOR OMAHA BOY B'nal Israel Temple, Eva nsvllle, Calls Max G. Merrltt aa nabbl. Max J. Merrltt, whose home 1 at 2S24 Douglus street, has been elected rubbl of the B'nal Israel temple at Evansvllle, Ind., for a term of three years. Mr. Merrltt Is only 25 years old, and by ex ceptional scholarship nnd ability has won an Important congregation for his first charge. He was born in Omaha, his par ents being Mr. and Mrs. J. Merrltt, und he was graduated from the Omaha High school. For eight years he studied for th Jewish ministry at Hebrew Union college, In Ohio, being graduated with honors about a year ago. Since then he has been In Eu rope studying under distinguished teachers. During the summer he returned home and paid his Omaha relatives and friends a visit. He preached in the Evansvllle tem ple during the Jewish' holidays, and made such a favorable Impression that he was elected rabbi almost Immediately. Mr. Mer rltt Is still at Evansvllle, where he will take up hi work at once. NEW CLUB IN SEVENTH WARD Roosevelt and Falrbanka Organisa tion Starta Oat with eventf Flva Member. Republican of the Seventh ward met at Twenty-sixth and Walnut Saturday night and organized the Seventh Ward Roosevelt and Fairbanks club, electing these as offi cers: President, John Kowalcawskl; vice president, Otto Baldwin; secretary, Nicho las Herek; treasurer, August Krakowskl. The club started with membership of seventy-five. This give It four delegate to th republican leegu' convention here Friday night and the four officers named were elected such delegate. A consti tution wa adopted and Saturday fktad tt night for th club' regular meeting. OMAHA SUBURBS Florence. W. T. Laughlln of Coffman visited friend here Sunday. Mrs. W. R. Wall and daughter were visit Ing relative In Omaha Wednesday after noon. Th rlty counitll did not have any meet ing Monday night, on account of tha mayor's absence. Mrs. P. L. Zilch left Monday for Grand Island to visit friends for a couple of week. She formerly lived here. Dexter L. Thomns of Omnha was a bust ness visitor here Wednesony afternoon, lor king nftcr some property here. Mrs. tins W. Anderson of Oakland, Neb., visited with Mrs. Gus Swanson this week, returning home Mommy morning. Miss Mnhan of Ullmore, la., returned to her home Monday Bfter a couple of week here visiting Mrs. James C. Kindred. Henry Stoltonberg has remodeled hlg store building on Main street and will put In a line of confectionery, cigars and to bacco. Ferdinand Abendroth of Bancroft spent the past week here, the guest of William Buller. He returned home Tuesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hupp and Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kindred were entertained at dinner Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. William Kindred. The Christian Endeavor society of tha Presbyterian church had a social at th home of L. A. Taylor Friday night for tha benefit of the society. Mrs. Hugh Buttle spent a couple of days this week tlie guest or relatives 111 Omaha. Mrs. lgan of 8henandoah, la., has beea the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Taylor, for the past two weeks. Lewis Plant, an old settler of this place, was taken suddenly 111 Tuesday evening while working, supposedly with heart trouble. He has Improved and will probably be up and around again soon. Mrs. Harding of Omaha has commenced the erection ot a fine resilience on the ten acres purchased some time ago south ot Mate street. The barns, pigeon and. chicken house have been built some time. St. Phillips Nerl, the new Catholic church here, will he dedicated next Sunday. Father Streltch of Omaha will assist with tha ceremonies. The women of the Altar guild will give a dinner to the visiting priests. O. K. Turner, conductor on the railway running through here, has been transferred to the Norfolk & Sioux City line. He and Mr. Turner left Monday morning for Em ersoi?, where they will make their futura home. Mr. and Mrs. William Kindred. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kindred and M. R. Kindred were entertained Sunday at Omaha by tha family of Sylvester Beasley at a birthday party ln honor of -Mr. Beasley' sister, Mrs. Hoffman of LaPorLe, lnd. The matter of vacating some street In the north part of town was taken up by the cltv council at an adjourned meeting Tuesday night. Messrs1. Wymiin and Flack 01 uniuna wisn to i t pint anout sixty acies of the north part of Florence, and for thl purpose they are asking the vacating of certain stre-ets so. thut they can do so and mak a couple of boulevards running around the hills. Nothing definite was done In the matter. Probably at the next regular meeting, October 3, something will be done. There Is no clow to the burglars that cracked th safe In the ofllce of the Flor ence Lumber and Coal company. L. M. Imm, the manager, said there was no money ln the safe and that the safe was never kept locked. Generally a tag hung on the door notifying prospective burglars of this fact, but It seemed to have been overlooked Thursday night. From the np pearances probably three times as mueti nitroglycerine as was nfcesswry was used. The safe door was blown off and up, strik ing some paint cans and letting the paint run out. The ssfe, a large fireproof one, was utterly destroyed. The burglars used putty to slop up the crevices In the lower part of the door, except A place to put tha nitroglycerine in. A four-ounce bottle wa found In the lumber shed with nhout half of the contents gone, and It Is thought th burglars used the other half on the safe. The records' and books in the safe were damaged but very little. A small steel box Inside the safe, containing pnpers, was taken, bui this was found later ln the day In a boxcar, where they had opened It after blowing the safe, Presumably three men did the Job, as Indications show one man kept watch while the other two did the worn. Mrs. John Slmpsrn, living near the lumber yard and the manager's house, noticed a man pacing up and down tha sidewalk, who it is thought was keeping watch on the manager's house to see that he did not come out. The explosion wn heard by several people living near, but they thought it was a gunshot and paid no more attention to It. O. M. E. Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. ! 1613 Fhrnam Street. WILL GET YOUR B AGO A UK TERB ON TIME. -M761 RAILWAY TIME CARD. I'NION STATION TENTH AND 51 ARC Y. Chicane, Hark Island A Pnclflr. EAST. Leave. Chlcngo Daylight Ltd.. a 3:5b am Chicago Daylight Local. b 7:00 am Chicago Express bl2:0l pm Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:40 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 7:20 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Puebla and west a 1:30 pm L'nlou Pnrlflc. The Overland Ltd a 9:40 am Colo, and Cala. Exp a 4:10 pm Chicago-Portland Spec. .a 4:20 pm Eastern Express Columbus Local '. ,.b 6:00 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am Chicago Spechil Beatrice Local b 3:50 pm Fast Mall a 8:50 am Missouri Pari He. St. Louis Express al0:45 am Kan. City & t. L. Ex..ull:45 pin World's Fair Special. ...a 6:30 pin Wabash. S. L. Cannon Bull Ex. ..a 6:30 pm' New World s Fair a 7:45 am Local from C. Bluffs. ..a 9:15 am Chicago Great Western. St. Paul & Minn., Ltd. .a 8:30 pm St. Puul A Minn. Exp. .a 7:35 am Chicago Limited a 4:50 pm Chicago Express a 4:30 um Illinois Cenlrsl. Chicago Express a 7:50 am Arrive. a 9:35 pm a 6:15 p. it bll:50 uin a 1:20 pm a 3:50 am a 5:05 pm a 8:06 pm a 6:40 um a 6:30 pm b 9:35 urn u 6:60 am b 1 :15 pm 3. "SO pm a 6:30 pm a 7:00 pm 11:50 pm a 8:20 am a 9:o0 pin a 3:00 put a 7:15 an) a 8:20 pi alu;JU am a 4:0o put alO:S6 pm a K:o5 a ni bl0:35 pm a 8:06 pm Chicago Limited a 7;o- pm Minn, fit Ki. i-iiui kx. .b 7:50 am .a 7:50 pm Minn. & St, Paul Ltd. Chicago, Milwaukee Jt st. Paul. Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:56 um all :00 pm' California-Oregon Ex. ..a 6:45 pm a 3:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:20 pm a 7:15 am Dee, M. & OkoboJI Ex. .a 7:oo um a 8:10 pm Chicago A Northwestern. Fast Chicago u 6:60 pm 7:30 am Local Chicago all:3o um Mall a 8:10 pin 8:30 am Daylight St. Paul a 7:80 um 10:00 pm Daylight Chicago a 7:10 11:60 pm limited Chicago a 8:25 pm 9:15 am I-ocul Carroll a 4:00 pm 9:80 am Fast St. Paul a 8:15 pm 7:06 am Local Sioux C. & St. P.b 4:00 pin a 9:30 am Fast Mail a 2:60 pm Chicago Express a 3:45 pm XNorioiK ot uonesieei....a i:oam ii'.m hih Lincoln & Long Pine. ...b 7:40 am 10:35 am Dcadwood At Lincoln. ...a 2:50 pm 5:15 pm Casper A Wyoming d 2:50 pm 5:15 pm Hastings-Albion o a:oo pm 0:1a pin BI'MLINGTON STATION 80TH A MASON Chlcairo, flnrllngton Qolner. Chicago Hpeclal Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. Chicago Local Chicago Limited Fast. Mall .a 7:o0 am a 8:58 pm .a 4:00 pm a 7:26 am .a 916 am all :o0 pm .a 8:06 pm a 7:40 pm 2:46 pm Burlington A Mlaaou irl River. Wymore St Beat & Line Nebraska Express Denver Limited B. Hills & Puget 8. Ex Colo. Vestlbuled Flyer. Uncoln Fust Mall 1.1 Cr.wW A I'lulta a 8:50 am a 8:60 am a 4:lo pm ,ull:10 pm 'h -f.1 r,m bl2:A6 pin a 7:40 pm a (:46 am a 6." I ni a 8 30 pm a)2:6 pm 10:35 am , a 8:25 sill 1 '.b 2:52 pm Be'llevue A Pac. Jet.... a I -r pin Bellevue St Pac. Jet... Kansas Cltr. St. Jo H, .t Will A Cirnar II Uloffe.' Kansas City Day Ex... a 9:15 am a 8:05 pm all:05 am a 1:46 aim Bt. iouis river Kansas City Night Ex. a o:-x pin 10:46 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 10TII WEBSTER. Mlaaonrl PaelSe. Nebraska Ixial via ,A Weeping Wuler b 4:10 pm al2:3B pm Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Paasenger....b 6.80 am b S:10 pm Kloux City Paaaenger...a 2:"0 pm all:2oum Oakland Local b t:ii pm b 1. 10 im a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dalljf, icept Saturday. Daily except M&udsjr. . I .t"V 4 .J