Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaiia Daily Bee
IHiljr Pee (without Sunday), One Year. .$4 00
lNilljr Hand Sunday, One Tear 6 00
jiiumraieu nee. une rear
Hund Ilee, One Year 2-60
Saturday life, On enr 1 i0
Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.. 1.00
Pally Pee (without Sunday), per copy
i 'an
v Hee (m-llhom flunriiiv). per week
illy Bee (Including Sunday), per weck..lic
Sunday Bee, per copy Sc
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week. 7o
Evening Hee (Including Sunday), per w'k 12o
complaint of Irregularities in neuvery
enouia ue addressed tn city Circulation ua
Omaha-The Be Building.
Sruth Omafea Clfy Hall Building, Twen
ty-flfth and M Streets.
Cuincll Bluffs w Pearl Btrcet,
Chicago--r,m T'ntty Building.
New York 23 Park Row Building.
Washington All Fourteenth Street.
Communication relating to news and edi
torial -matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, editorial Department.
Payable to The hee Puhllehfnr Company.
Only 2-ornt stamps received In payment of
man account, fc-rsonai cnecKB, excepr on
union a or eastern exrhangps. not aceepTea
State of Nehrneka Dnnirlni County. M.
George B. Tzsrhuck, secretary of The Bee
Publishing company, being duly sworn, aaya
that the actual ris-mber of full and complete
1 SOJWO 17 o,so
I i st,4ao
1 2tf.4ffO
4 vii, Ooo
1 2t),9BO
,v,61 -
10 29,620
11......... 20.W40
12 3tO,4MO
IS S,140
14 3MI.SOO
.... 80,880
It U9.3HO
80 89,800
21 26,400
22 2W.8O0
23 S8.9SO
24 2S.04O
t Z9.1SO
f 80,000
28 2T.10O
29 20,200
80 29,440
11 20,210
14 20JIBO
Total 9O4,0
Less unaold and returned coplea... T.30
Net total sales
Dally average
. copies of The Dally, Morning, livening and
Sunday Bee printed during the month of
August, 1904, was as follows:
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me tkls Slot day of August. 1!M.
(Seal. J N. JJ. H UNGATE.
. .. Notary Public
Now for the street fair, but don't
make It too loud, please.
If Judge Hornblovt'er were "true to
name" what a salury he could command
from Tom Taggart! ,
There is but ona plue where all demo
crats tan meet on common ground the
home of Adlai Stevenson, In Illinois.
At last report Father Schell was still
In possession at Homer and a .large part
of the enemies' supplies had been cut
off. , ' ' '
The Fontanelle club la probably keep
ing secret the names of its favorites for
the legislature so as not to handicap
them in the race..
If the "managers of the Auditorium
can make ' a" dicker with the weather
clerk the horse show will prove a suc
cess from all points ot view.
The direct primary is a4ie4nl medium
for the photographic artist who Is able
to touch up the photographs of prom
inently' .Mentioned candidates,
One reason which might be assigned
for democratic apathy in the present
campaign ifl that the presence of both
Jones of Arkansas and Gorman at na
tional headquarters has a neutralizing
If the water works primer can be
pushed to the front, the tax reform
primer will be pushed to the rear. There
is method in tlie madness of John N.
Baldwin in backing the water-marked
statesman. -
Senator Stone of Missouri Is not taking
an active part in the' compalgn in the
interest of Joseph Fojk, from which it
maybei Inferred that the "gumshoe
statesman" would really like to see the
reformer elected.
Republican candidates for the school
board have another week for filing their
names 'With the elty-committee, and the
prospect Is that th live vacancies on
the school board will not go begging,
although there Is no pay attached to the
Now that Indians cun only spend $10
a month from tho proceeds of sale of
heirship lands, the labor market In the
vicinity of the reservations may be glut
ted by white men returning to honest
labor and Indians seeking a living from
the soil.
Odessa Is one Ilussmn city where tho
war Is not popular, If one is to Jinle by
Its effect upon trade. Tho Black tea
port prospers only whvn merchant ships
can pass the Durdnnelles without be-in,'
stopped at one end or the other by In
quisitive naval officers.
, Steamship companies should co-operate
with Commissioner Sargent In se
curing examination of Immigrants to this
country before they are permitted to sail
from their native lands. The steerage
rate Is hardly sufficient to pay for re
turn passage and meals coming and re
turning. The proof of the pudding is always
In tho eating. The best proof that the
South Omaha strike Is over is that the
South: Oriiahn police commission has
raised the 10" o'clock night closing em
bargo on saloons and the free transporta
tion of strike breakers on the dummy
train has beeu discontinued.
'Although Douglas county is. a repub
lican county, its affairs have been man
aged for more thau five years by demo
cratic county Tnwrda. With the law
changed to require election by the wbolo
county, Instead of only ono district, there
ia no good reason why this should con
tinue, nor will It continue If tho repub
licans see to it this time that the com
misslonershlp nominations go to men
who can poll all the republican votes.
... w 'V .- ' " "
The American minister to Cuba has
pointed out that the export trade of this
country with the island is not growing
as rapidly as the trade with Cuba of
European countries and. he regards this
as a disappointing result of the reel
proclty agreement. It was urged in le
half of that agreement thai It would
certainly have the effect to very greatly
Increase our exports to the island. There
has indeed l-en a growth of trade, but
it is largely in our Increased imports
from Cuba. The sugar and tobacco
planters of the island have found here
a market for most of what they pro
duced, but the Cuban merchants have
not very much Increased their purchases
In the American market They evidently
prefer to buy in Europe.
Minister Sqnlers says that he never
falls to impress upon the Cuban mer
chants and planters with whom he
comes in contact "the dangers to reel
proclty In the present uneven trade be
tween the two countries and that Amerl
can merchants and manufacturers will
not long support an arrangement which
largely Increases the market for Cuban
productions and, by comparison at least,
decreases the sale of our own." It does
not appear that this has had any effect
and probably will not have any. It Is
suggested that the reason why we do
not export more to Cuba is because the
merchants there buy manufactured goods
where they can get them to the best
commercial advantage, and If they come
In Increasing amount from Great Britain,
Germany and France, rather than the
United States, It must be because they
can be obtained from those countries at
less cost. This is a plausible explana
tion, but It Is not altogether convincing,
since it may be fairly assumed that the
American minister would not have
learned of the difference In cost between
European and American goods, If It ex
ists, and would not have made the state
ment he has.
At all events, it Is certain that the
reciprocity arrangement with Cuba Is
not working as Its advocates expected,
so far as exports from the United States
are concerned, and it is pretty safe to
say that unless there shall be Improve
ment in this respect, so that the trade
shall not be so uneven as at present,
there will not be a renewal of the ar-'
The annual convention of Canadian
manufacturers was held the past week
and the conspicuous fact which the de
liberations disclosed was that they are
for their own market and in order to
make it more secure for the products of
Canadian mills and factories they favor
greater tariff protection than is now
given them. There Is $520,000,000 capi
tal Invested in manufacturing enter
prises in the Dominion and the value of
the manufactured products Is about
equal In amount to the capital. There
has been during. the last twenty years
a steady growth of industries and in
view of the American competition the in
crease has been rapid.
' The president of the convention In his
address said that as a nation of pro
ducers the first thought must naturally
be the profitable marketing of products.
"There is one market that we can safely
take, mold and-control for the upbuild
ing of Canadian interest; it lsthe home
market" lie urged ' that to establish
native industries that will create and
maintain a prosperous people and that
will thus provide a home market should
be the object and aim of statesmen,
farmers and manufacturers alike. He
pointed out that the trade returns are
ample proof of the need of radical
changes in tho present Canadian cus
toms tariff. The manufacturers of Can
adu are pot unfavorable to giving a
substantial tariff preference to British
manufacturers, but they want nnd have
for two years been endeavoring to get
better protection against American man
ufactures end 'It appears that they are
hopeful of obtaining this in the not re
mote future.
It is needless to say that these manu
facturers, who constitute a powerful in
fluence, are not friendly to trade reci
procity with this country. They do not
desire that closer commercial relations
between the two countries shall, he made
any closer and It Is perhaps chiefly due
to them that the Canadian government
has ceased to show any active Interest
in the question of reciprocity. They
want pursued In the Dominion the policy
by which the United States has built up
a -great home market, which consumes
00 per cent of the products of both our
factories and farms. American advo
cates of reciprocity with Canada will get
no encouragement from the manufac
turers of that country.
The democratic candidate for vice
president is largely interested in indus
tries that have tariff protection. He has
amassed his great fortune under the
operation of that policy which has made
this the foremost industrial nation of
the world. Consequently Mr. Davis docs
not acquiesce in the declaration of the
St -Louis platform that tariff protection
Is robbery. He is not disposed to admit
that while enjoying the advantages and
benefits of protection he has been a
party to the robbery of the people. He
declines to confess, as acquiescence iu
the democratic platform would mean,
that his great wealth was obtained by
plundering the public.
In his speech opening the democratic
campaign in West Virginia Mr. Davis
said: "I am for a tariff that will yield
sufficient revenues for the economical
and proper expenditures of the govern
ment and In that turlff I believe Inci
dental protection to our Industries is
right and proper." Now if protection, as
asserted by the democratic national con
vention, Is Indeed robbery, of course that
term applies to any degree of protection.
As President Hoosevelt has said In re
ferring to the St. Louis declaration, if a
protective tariff Is robbery, then it is
Just as much robbery to revise it down,
still leaving It protective, aa It would be
to enact It It Is obvious, then, that in
favoring "incidental protection" the dera
ocratlc nominee for vice president re
pudiates the tariff plank of the platform,
How he would define Incidental proteo
tlon it is impossible to say. It is a
very vague expression. But there Is no
doubt that he utterly rejects the propo
sltlon of his party that protection Is rob
kaxsas cirr asd omaha.
Among the deceptive statements sup
plied by II. B. Howell to the Junior
yellow for its red letter water primers
is a comparison of the water rates of
Kansas City and Omaha. According to
the veracious Mr. Howell, the cost of
the Kansas City plant was $2,500,000
and the net Income derived by the city
by its water works plant for last year
was $345,000, notwithstanding the fact
that the water rate to private consumers
is much lower than in Omaha.
As a matter of fact, Kansas City ac
quired its water works plant on Sep
tember 1, 1805, at a cost of $3,100,000.
The bonds Issued to pay for the works
bear a rate of interest of 4 per cent
per annum, or $139,500 a year. In 1003
another bond issue for water works ex
tensions and Improvements, bearing 4
per cent interest, was added, making in
all a bonded debt of $4,200,000, with
an interest charge of $183,500 per
annum. According, to Howell, Omaha
pays $92,0(10 a year for hydrant rental
and Kansas City pays nothing for hy
drant rental, but It does pay $183,500 a
year interest on bonds issued to pay for
the water works.
The Inference from Howell's deceptive
water primers would be that a material
reduction was made in the water rate
to private consumers In Kansas City
Just as soon as the city had acquired
the works. As a matter of fact, the old
water rates charged by the National
Water company, which owned the Kan
sas City water works up to September
1, 1895, were continued until April 1,
1899, SO' that the water consumers of
Kansas City had no relief whatever for
nearly four years after the works had
been acquired. The reduction made on
April 1, 1809, based upon the rates pre
viously charged by the National Water
company, was Just 15 per cent and no
reduction has been made since then.
The present rate at Kansas City for a
house of six rooms is $5.50; the rate in
Omaha for six rooms Is $0.75. The rate
for closet in Omaha, $2.50; in Kansas
City, $4. The rate for bath room In
Omaha, $3.50; Kansas City, $4.25. The
rate in Omaha for two horses and car
riage, with hose, $5; in Kansas City,
$7.G5. The rate In Omaha for one cow
is $1; In Kansas City, $1.70. Sprinkling
a lawn on lot or thirty reet rrontage in
Omaha, $5; Kansas City, $4.80. Total
charge for these various items in Omaha,
$24.75; Kansas City, $27.00. The meter
rate in Kansas City originally was 30
cents maximum and 10 cents minimum
per 1,000 gallons. Since the change of
rates was made in 1890 the meter rate in
Kansas City is 31 cents'maxlmum and 8
cents minimum per 1,000 gallons, while
in Omaha the maximum rate per 1.000
gallons Is 30 cents and the minimum
rate 8 cents. Under 1,000 gallons per
day the rate In Omaha is 35 cents per
Howell's water primer would make
us believe that Kansas City has a net
income of $345,000 per year from its
water works. Inasmuch as the total
revenue of the Kansas City water works
from all sources during the year 1903
was $542,081.27 and $183,500 was paid
in interest on the water bonds, there
would only remain asurplusof $350,181.27
to defray the expenses of operating the
plant and pay for its maintenance and
repairs. Manifestly that fact does not
seem to trouble Mr. Howell's mind in
the least Another fact the Howell red
letter primer ignores is tlsat Omaha
receives over $10,000 a year in taxes
from its water works; Kansas City
It should also be borne In mind that
Kansas City has more than 200,000
population at this time and its consump
tion of water is fully 75 per cent greater
than that of Omaha, consequently Its
Income must be In proportion, or nearly
so, to the difference In population and
commerce of the two cities. But these
stublmrn facts also do not seem to
trouble a nOin who Is trying to make
political capital for himself by deceptive
water primers and false pretensions. '
The Chicago city civil service commis
sion has struck terror in the police force
of that city by a new rule excluding
from the service all fat men. In support
of this new departure the civil service
commission argues that fat weakens a
man's muscles, obstructs his movements
nnd makes him slothful, indulgent and
unnbservlng. The work of a policeman
is calculated to keep him low In flesh If
he keeps on the run, but if he becomes
fut and beefy while he is on the force
it is almost certain that he is not an
efficient officer. If the innovation In
troduced in the Chicago police force be
comes effective we shall not be sur
prised to see the reform spread all over
the country, and Omaha policemen with
large girth and weak legs will have to
prepare to evneuste their positions.
The statistics compiled by the deputy
state labor commissioners are Interest
ing aud suggestive, but It really does not
require a skilled mechanic to compile
grain and flour statistics. The only
benefit that labor derives from this work
is the salary paid for working up the
The Union Pacific bulletin news serv
ice, which will begin next week", will
bo appreciated by the patrons of the
transcontinental if it will keep people
In uptown hotels fully advised concern
ing the belated trains, and the best news
the service can render' is to report the
trains on time.
Harper's Weekly wants to know why
nobody has yet notified Mr. Tibbies that
he has been nominated for vice presi
dent This Interrogation is an imperti
nence. Tibbie baa not only been notl-
fled, but he has served notice upon him
self and upon all others whom It may
If It is true that Omaha has the fore
most place as a base ball city In the
transmisslsslppl territory, all the other
tow ns In the Mississippi valley must be
off their base.
Hon Let the Show Begin.
Philadelphia North American.
Slowly, but surely, the awful strain Is
being removed. Thomas H. Tibbies has ac
cepted the populist nomination for the
vice presidency.
An Inforglrable Offense.
Baltimore American.
One of the most striking cases of viola
tion of all precedent and gross disregard
of professional etiquette took place In
New York the other day, where a lawyer
had his pocket looted by his client
Search Met"
Chicago Tribune.
The statement of the treasurer of the
United States that there Is one $10,000 bill
"still In circulation" must have been made
hastily. The chances are that this particu
lar bill la locked up In somebody's safety
Talking; Through His Hat.
Kansas City Star.
Ex-Senator Towns declared last night
that if Lincoln were living today he would
be a democrat. Mr. Towne, of course. Is
not old enough to remember that Lincoln
was denounced for overriding the consti
tution, and no could hardly be received into
fellowship with the "safe and sane" party
of today.
NeTer Touched Them.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
Pension Commissioner Ware haa caused
to be painted In big black letters upon the
walls of the bureau's reception room at
Washington the legend, "The Lord hates a
liar." And ha refuses to say whom this Is
directed against. Those who most frequent
the place are the pension attorneys, and
they may be pardoned for considering that
it applies to them.
Another Iasne Vanlauingr.
Philadelphia Press.
The democrats who are trying to mnke
campaign material out of the condition of
the nation's finances are not meeting with
success. The receipts for twenty days of
this month exceeded the expenditures by
12,112,648. At that rate there will be a hand
some surplus at the end of the fiscal year.
But there Is an available cash balance now
In the treasury of nearly $149,000,000 exclu
sive of the $150,000,000 redemption fund. The
treasury is in a splendid condition, such as
was unknown under democratic rule.
Constitutionalists, to Arms!
New York Bun.
The Rio Grande has changed Its course
and annexed a slice of Mexico to the United
States. Even the floods and fields of demo
cratic Texas are debauched by the corrupt
ing efforts of an imperialistic river. Thou
sands of sheep and goats And themselves
under the flag of Stars and Stripes without
the consent of the governed. Nature has
allied herself with the desperate ambitions
of the administration to encroach upon the
territory of a friendly power. Most sig
nificantly, that power lies to the south of
us. Plainly, the Rio Grande is a lawless,
usurping, unconstitutional body of water,
morally no better than the republican party,
The Parker Constitution club should report
upon this case at once.
New Wrinkle In City Government,
Denver News.
The charter of the city of Los Angeles
provides for the "recall" of officials believed
to have proven themselves unworthy of the
trust bestowed upon them.
Six of the city aldermen have been carry
ing matters with a high hand, granting
franchises that were unwarranted and
awarding the printing contract to a paper
whose bid was $13,000 higher than the next
lowest office.
The Good Government league selected a
member one of the six from one ward by
the machinery of the new recall. The petl
'tlon for a recall and a new election had to
contain 26 per cent of the voters of the
Half the number which voted at the pre
ceding election was soon obtained, but the
city eierk refused to accept the names of
such as had moved since the directory was
Issued. A second petition the unwilling
official was obliged to accept. The elec
tlon was ordered. An effort to secure an
Injunction failed, and the matter came to a
The alderman attacked was defeated by a
vote of two to one. In spite of the active
efforts of the elements In whose Interests
his malfeasance had been carried on.
Doubtless the remaining Ave aldermen
will now be proceeded against, and, if
equally successful, Los Angeles will begin
to believe that there Is, after all, such a
thing as popular rule.
Oh of tho Notable Deeds of the
Roosevelt Administration."
Chicago Tribune.
It became apparent a quarter of a cen
tury ago that the day was near at hand
when all the arable lands of ths public do
main would be taken up by settlers. Atten
tion was called to the possibility of making
a portion of the 650.000,000 seres of arid
land owned by the government available for
cultivation by means of Irrigation. Large
tracts of arid land were given to the states
within whose bounds they lay on condition
that the donees would Improve them. The
experiment was not a brilliant success, but
congress could not devise a better solution
of the problem.
In his first message to congress, tn De
cember, 1901, President Roosevelt had soma-
thing to say about a subject with which he
was familiar and which Interested him
greatly. He outlined definite. Intelligible
Irrigation policy. He said that there were
vast areas of publio land which could be
made available for homesUad settlement by
Irrigation works by the national govern
ment. The lands thus reclaimed should be
reserved for actual settlers, and the coat of
construction be repaid by the land re
claimed. The benefit which the whole coun
try would derive from the conversion of
millions of acres of barren land Into fertile
arms was forcibly set forth.
Congress was strongly Impressed by the
ideas of the president, and In June, 1902,
enacted a law to carry them out. All mon
eys received from the sale of publio lands In
the beneficiary states and territories are set
aside as a reclamation fund, out of which
reservoirs and canals may be constructed.
The money received for the Improved land
will go towards the construction of other
reservlors and canals. Thus, little by little,
all ths land susceptible of It will be Irri
gated. Work under the law has been begun
by the Interior department and Is being
pressed vigorously, '
It Is estimated roughly that- the Irrigation
policy, which the country wes to the Initi
ative of the president, will add 60,000,000
acres to Its cultivable area. That Is a kind
of expansion to which not even the most
ardent anti-expanslonlst can take excep
tion. On those acres millions of people can
establish homes, and their product will
swell the sum total of national wealth.
The reclamation of so many acres of arid
land will be the geatest and nioat profitable
Internal Improvement that tha American
government has ever taken In hand. It Is
one of the notable dseds of lit Roosevelt
Roosevelt Declines an I'nderstandlng
In Hetarn for Campaign Funds.
"No bargaining with trusts; no tinder,
standing' or 'arrangement' for campaign
subscriptions." This Is the edict that tins
gone forth at tha national republican head
quarters In New York City, and It comes
from no other thnn President Roosevelt
himself. The announcement forms the text
of a letter in the Chicago Record-Herald
from Walter Wellman, who Is observing
the progress of the campaign at both na
tlonal headquarters. Mr. Wellman relates
how the matter came to a decision In this
way: Certain wealthy men of New York,
republicans, and presumably Interested In
the success of the national ticket, were
Invited to subscribe as Individuals to the
campaign fund. They chose to discuss the
proposal, not as individuals, but as rcpre
sentatlves of Industrial trusts In which
they are heavily Interested. They wanted
to know what was to be the policy of the
Roosevelt administration toward their cor
porations. What were they to expect?
W hat could Chairman Cortelyou and Treas
urer Bliss say to them In the way of assur
ance T They were not disposed to be exact,
Ing or unreasonable, but It was only natural
for them to want to know, you know.
When the matter was referred to Prest
dent Roosevelt, as It was during the last
rew flays, the answer came promptly
enough. There could be no such assur
ances. There could not even be a discus
sion of the question. No "understanding"
could be arrived at; no "arrangement"
could be made. This decision was not only
rendered promptly, but It was handed down
In vigorous and emphatlo language lan
guage which I should like to quote, but
cannot under pledge not to.
This Is the second time Mr. Roosevelt has
refused to dicker with the trust people
Last winter, before the death of Senator
Hanna, and when It waa thought by some
people that there was doubt about the
president's nomination for a second term,
certain rich men of this city sent an emi
nent republican to Washington to Inquire
what assurances could be had of the policy
of the president toward the trusts after
March 4. Then, as now, the response was
quick and emphatic. Moreover, on that
occasion the facts were obtained In some
way by your correspondent, and publica
tion of the story of the futile attempt to
place President Roosevelt "In leading
strings" to "handle him" created quite a
It was supposed generally that would be
the last effort of the sort. But no. Tak
ing advantage of the well known fact that
the republican campaign managers are hard
up for cosh, these trust operators thought
It possible to drive a bargain. They have
failed again.
As a result of the president's scornful re
jection of this proposal to trade caah for
assurances the funds of the republican na
tional committee will not be swelled by
many thousands of dollars which were of
fered on these impossible terms. And Chair
man Cortelyou and Treasurer Bliss needed
the money, and needed it very badly, too.
It Is an open secret that they are pretty
nearly "broke." They have enough to pay
the running expenses of the very elaborate
and largely ornamental organization at the
palatial headquarters In Madison avenue.
dui tnere is no money In sight for cam
paign fighting. The republican managers
In West Virginia want funds with which to
"handle" certain coal miners and timber
cutters, but they can't get a dollar at head
quarters. Harry New wants funds for In
diana, but none are to be had. Chairman
Babcock and Secretary Overstreet of the
congressional campaign committee really
are worried about the next house of repre
sentatives, and would like more financial
help from the national committee. They
are waiting with more or less patience.
There can be no doubt of one thing. Chair
man Cortelyou is a good organiser. The
machine at headquarters In the beautiful
marble building runs like a French clock.
Everything is systematized down to a
nicety, jno employe can get a postage
stamp or a bunch of envelopes, or a bottle
of mucilage, without filling an elaborate
requisition blank, which must be O. K.'d by
several officials, until finally It receives the
initials of the chief himself. Then, after
the records have been written up properly
and the duplicates filed the postage stamp
or bunch of envelopes, or whatever it is, is
In due time "Issued." Much the same Is It
with callers who want to see some one at
headquarters. You have to write your
name, age, height, pedigree, etc., on a card,
and then. If, you have time to wait, which
generally you have not, sooner or later you
get to see your man. In every detail the
organization Is perfect, shipshape, careful,
exacting, formal. It is just as complete as
a government department at Washington
and dispatches business at about the same
speed. Every one admires . the perfection
of this organization. Some of the old
fashioned politicians think It would be bet
ter to expend part of all this enery of sys
tematizing in carrying on a campaign, but
they must live and learn.
Around town the prevailing comment
among newspaper men and politicians is
that the democratic campaign managers,
with all their troubles, and divided au
thority, and discouraging outlook, really
are playing the game better than their re
publican rivals. No one goes to the repub
lican headquarters unless he Is compelled
to as a matter of business, and once there
he gets away as soon as he can, which
usually Is not very suddenly. It is also a
matter of common remark that It is a lucky
thing for the republicans that they have
an easy fight to win. In point of fact, I
don't believe It would make any difference
In the result If the republican national
committee were to close all Its headquar
ters tomorrow and lay off Indefinitely all
the high salaried, stylish young men who
are working as parts of Mr. Cortelyou's
smooth, well oiled machine.
Senator Spooner well expressed the belief
of many observers when he said the other
day that the people are running this cam
paign, and that it doesn't make .he slight
est difference what the politicians do or do
not do. They haven't art or resources suf
ficient to make any Impression upon the
great settled msss of publio opinion. This
applies to both sides.
No matter what happens Colorado demo
crats cannot lose the Adams family.
Admiral George Dewey'a portrait, painted
by W. D. Murphy of New York, haa Just
been hung in the Vermont state house.
Former President Steyn and his "wife
have received permission to return to South
Africa In December. They will occupy a
farm near Bloemfonteln.
Hans E. Grunow, the consul recently ap
pointed by the German Imperial govern
ment to represent German interexts In Min
nesota and the Dakota, has arrived In St.
Commander-in-Chief W. W. Blackmar of
the Grand Army of the Republic has ap
pointed J. M. Schomacker of Pittsburg to
be senior aid-de-camp on his staff and J.
II. Holcomb of Philadelphia to be assistant
general and custodian of records.
Sir William McDonald, education philan
thropist of Montreal, and James W. Rob
ertson of Ottawa, Canada's commissioner
of agriculture, are making a tour of the
northern states with a view to adding Im
provements to ths great system of rural
education la Canadian province,
Instructive Statistics' on tho Wheat
Crop and tho Wheat Reserve.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
Tha prevailing price of considerably more
than $1 a bushel for wheat In the western
speculative markets Is a fact of moment
not only In ths family economy of the
country, but In relation to the foreign
trade. Following the rise In grain, flour
has gone up until now the barre'., which
cost the Springfield householder about $5
a year ago, commands $7 an advance of
40 per cent. If these prices hold or advance
It Is certain that the baker's loaf of bread
will t Increased in cost, equally with the
home-made loaf, either through reduction
In size or advance In price.
It Is a question how far this recent ex
cited advance In wheat Is Justified by ac
tual conditions. There is no doubt that
the crop being harvexted Is much below
the recent averpge of yearly production.
The higher estimates, which are baaed
upon the September report of the federal
Department of Agriculture, do not exceed
610.000,000 bushels, compared with 6.17,800.0)0
bushels last year, 670,000,000 in 1902 and 748,
000,000 In 1901. The private trade estimate
runs as low as 800,000,000 and lower. This
reduction of yield by nearly 150,000.000
bushels from the recent average, or by
nearly a fourth, might seem to warrant
such a value es Is now being put upon
the grain; and it would, provided the
world's wheat crop outside the United
States was as short as our own.
But this Is not the case. Moreover, short
as Is the crop In the United States, It is
still large enough to yield a consider
able amount for export that Is to say, a
surplus which will pound down the home
market unless taken by Europe at present
prices, and Europe shows no disposition to
come up to these present prices. Let us
suppose the worst possible case In relation
to this crop that It amounts to only 600,-
000,000 bushels, and that the per capita con
sumption tn the country holds up to the
recent estimated figure of about five and a
half bushels. Then we have the following
Estimated old wheat carried over
(farmers reeserve and visible.
July 1) 63 000.000
New crop 500,000,0u0
Total available suddIv 6o3.000.000
Domestic consumption (5V4 bush
els per head of 82.000.000 people). .. 451.000.000
eeea I or next crop Uft ousneis
per acre) 7a.uw.uuu
Total retirements 62d.OfO.O00
Available for reserve and export... Si.uju.ohO
Such a calculation would leave nothing
for export unless the wheat bins of the
country were to be swept entirely bare of
grain before July 1 next; and only In such
conditions' can we find abundant warrant
for present prices.
But such a calculation presents one or
two Items of particular absurdity. Granted
that the recent wheat consumption of the
country has been as high at five and one
half bushels per capita, which Is doubtful.
It must decline materially under the In
fluence of higher prices and the greater
availability than ever of such cheaper
substitutes as corn, to say. nothing of the
abundant apple and other' fruit harvests.
As matters now stand, and with a corn
crop maturing of over 2.226,000,000 bushels,
the per capita wheat consumption of the
country will easily fall to four and one
half bushels. We should then have, on an
estimated yield of 600,000,000 bushels:
Total available supply 6fi3,n00,000
Kequirea lor consumption ana seea.444,ow,uuo
Leaving for export and reserve.. 119,000,000
And if the present crop comes. up to the
government estimates of 639,000,000 there
would be 89,000,000 bushels to be added to
the above balance, which would permit of
an export of about 100,000,000 bushels and
still leave generous reserves to begin the
next year with.
This calculation may err on the one side
as badly as the previous one did on the
other, but It Is not probable. The situation
is admittedly such as to favor only very
small wheat exports. Even on a crop of
637,800,000 bushels last year exports of wheat
and flour as wheat for the year to July 1
last amounted only to 120.727.613 bushels,
compared with shipments of 202,900,800 bush-
els In the previous year, and 234,772,600 In
the year before that. Certainly, then, a
crop of 100,000,000 bushels below that of last
year -cannot spare more than 100,000,000
bushels of export and not that except In
case of material reduction in home con
sumption. But this reduction is bound to
come, with prices as they are. The bull
speculators In the wheat pita are plainly
Overdoing! their case; and the better they
succeed In keeping prices above $1 a bushel
for the present the -more certain becomes
a following sensational collapse In the mar
ket. A reasonable consideration of present
known conditions respecting this trade
makes It safe to predict that $7 a barrel
for flour In this part of the country is more
than it will ba commanding next spring.
Meaanrea Which May Convert the
Trusts Into Friendly Agencies.
John Bates Clark In the Century.
We know of at least four things to which
we must put an end if we are to convert
the trusts Into friendly agencies.
First, we must stop discriminations by
railroads. Favoring the big shipper has
to commend It the plausible argument that
he makes the railroad less trouble than
does the smaller shipper, for a given amount
of freight; but this argument becmos shal
low enough when It is mada to justify a
policy of helping the big shipper to crush
the small one. Equal rnti for carload
lots of goods of a common kind will have
to be established.
Another thing that sill have to be sloped
Is flooding a particular locality with goods
offered at cut-throat pricey for the tuke
of crushing a comi)iit jr . who Is there
operating. EconpmlHts point out rt'.ff-
cultles In the way of this pollc, an 1 law- (
, . . ,, , i
yers point out others. The policy is ir.doJ
a difficult one, but if It vera an Impost ibie
policy we should have to innki i way to
success In adopting and enforcing It, and
there is very little douot that with wi-dom
and determination ve cin do I'.
There Is also the pluti t selling ona kind
of goods at a cheap r.ito for the rake of
orushlng competitors, who make that
kind of goods, and forcing them to sell
their plants to the trust on t3 own tetrns.
Putting an end to this by law may be evjn
harder than stopping the cut-throat com
petition which acts locally, but it viil hive
to be done If we are ever to ba completely
free from the evils and the perils that
monopolies bring.
Finally there is the "factor's agree
ment" tha refusal by the trust to sell
gods to a dealer at a living price unless
he wil promise not to buy any similar arti
cles from a competitor. The trust may
say to a merchant, "Buy exclusively from
us and we will give you a discount by
which you may make a moderate return.
Buy anything from another source and wa
will give you a discount so small that you
will have to sell at a loss everything that
comes from our shops." If these shops
ar turning out things that we must have
he will come to terms and buy only from
tha trust, and tha independent mill will
find It hard to reach the publio with Its
tender of goods. Less difficult, on the
whole, than the preceding measures will
be the suppression of the factor's agree
ment, and yet even this will be difficult
enough. It Is a hard and uphill road that
democracy must travel In It efforts to
regulate trusts, but there Is no possible
doubt that It must travel by that route or
go farther and far worse. There Is so
cialism a aa vr prnt alternative.
Plain, Clear, Practical.
Chicago Post.
A plain, clear, practical statement of
Sagacious nnd Sensible.
Chicago Tribune.
Senator Fairbanks Is neither eloquent no
brilliant, but ha is eminently oogaclous
and possessed of an uncommon amount
of common sense.
Doctrine Without Passion.
Indianapolis News.
It states the republican doctrine with
out paxslon and In the manner of a man
firmly and conscientiously convinced of Its
Case Clearly Presented.
Philadelphia Prcs.
Added to the president's and the earlier
deliverances of both; the republican casa
has been clearly and fully presented.
Figures nnd Facts Massed.
v Baltimore American.
Senator Fairbanks arrays his figures and
masses his facts, and upon the whole ha
constructs a logical system of breastworks
that his democratla adversaries have found
it impossible to break through, either by
direct attack or strategem.
.o a lilt Excited.
New York Sun.
A temperately written document, present
ing no campaign novelties and raising no
new Issue, but commanding respect and
attention by the sobriety of Its expression.
"Are you taking an active part in tha
a in i taking an active part7 urea
Scott! I'm making the campaign collec
tions!" Chicago Tribune.
The dentist gazed iona and earnestly Into
the cavity in the nuin's tooth.
well. saiu the man. wnat ao you
"I think," said the dentist, "that I soa
n opening for a job." Cleveland Leader.
"They say." remarked the observant
man, "that the darkest hour Is Just bit
fore the dawn, and "
'Gee whizz!" exclaimed Lazlman. "that's
my brightest and happiest hour. I'm in
variably asleep then." Philadelphia 1'ress.
"So vour vounarest daughter is hnvliur
her voice cultivated."
Well. answered Mr. Cumrox. "that a
the way mother and the girls express It.
But between you and me, I hired the pro-
iesor in me nope or getting it cured.
Washington Star.
"Dear." said Mr. Knott-Lonsrwed. "what
would you do If I should die?
A tear stoon in his young wire s eye.
"I shudder to think of it. Henrv. ' sha
'I should be perfectly Inconsolable unlosa
some good, kind, affectionate man just like
you should come along." Chicago Tribune.
"Bill "
"What Is it. Sue?"
"I'm goln" to tell you one thing an' that
Is this: Ef you've got airy razor or gun on
you, an' go cuttln' an' slashin' folks at tho
social, I won't go to the hangln' with you
nexi rnaay: Atlanta constitution.
They sav that he has a Dast." said Mlaa
Primly, and there wus awo in her voice.
Well, said Miss Speedson, if he has
one, he s going so fast now that It will
never overtake him." Cleveland Leader.
"How is It that the enmnanv declared a
10 per cent dividend last year nnd had a
10 per cent deflrtt this year with the same
amount of business?"
"They had to have the deficit to balance
the dividend." Philadelphia Telegraph.
Girl with the Gibson Olrl Neck I always
feel sorry for Mr. Squllford when he's out
to company. He doesn't know what to do
with hln hands.
Girl with the Julia Marlowe Dlmnlo
Well, If ever you have occasion to dance
with him you'll be sorry for yourself. Ha
doesn't, know what to do with his feet,
lther. Chicago Tribune.
"Say. pa."
"Well, whet?"
"Why does that man In the band rufc
the trombone down his throat?"
"I suppose it is because he haa a taste
for music." Town Topics.
(Reprinted by Request )
Smiling and beautiful heaven's dome
Bends softly over our prairie home.
But the wide, wide lands that stretch
Before my eyes In the days of May;
The rolling prairie's billowy swell.
Breezy upland and timbered dell;
Stately mansion and hut forlorn
All are hidden by walls of ootBV
All the wide world Is narrowed doW
To walls of corn now sere and brown,
WhaAdo they hold these walls of corn.
Whose banners toss In the breeze of mornf
He who questions may soon be told
A. great state's wealth these walls enfold.
No sentinels guard th'ese walls of corn,
Never Is sounded the warder's horn;
Yet the pillars are hung with gloaming"
Left all unbarred, though thieve are bold.
Clothes and food for the toiling poor;
Wealth to heap St the rich mun's door;
Meat for the healthy and balm for him
Who moans and tosses in chamber dim;
Shoes' for the barefooted; pearls to twins
In the scented tresses of ladles fine;
Things of use for the lowly cot
Where (Bless the corn!) want cometh notf
Luxuries rare for the mansion grand.
Booty for thieves that rob the land
All these things, and so. many more
It would fill a book to name them o'er,
Are hid and held In these walls of corn.
Whose banners toss in the breeze of morn.
Where do tliey stand, these walls of corn.
Whose bunners toss in the breeze of morn?
Open the atlas, conned by rule
In the olden days of tha district school
" "v
Point to this rich and bounteous hind
That yields such fruits to the toiler's hand.
"Treeless desert" they railed It then.
Haunted by beauts and ftiraook by men.
Little they knew what wealth untold
Lay bid where the desolate prairies rolled.
Who would hav dared, with brush or pen.
As this land Is now, to paint it then?
And how would the wise ones have laughed
In Bcorn
Had prophet foretold these walla of corn.
Whosa bunners toss in the breeze of mornl
Inherited, perhaps. Nat
ural tendency to take cold.
Possibly a case or two of con
sumption in the family. Then
don't neglect your coughs
and colds. Heal your throat
artd strengthen your lungs
with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Ask your doctor if he can
give you better advice.
" We btvs had Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
in ourfamily for many years. Forthroat
and lung troubles It alwsys helps."
Frank Rogers, Greenwood, Wis.
Ifc., M., tl.M. .CAYUCa.Uvtll.Mts.