Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1904, Page 11, Image 19

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liilleri Competing for Vteat-Toreipi
Kei uuerettitg.
task kr la Omaha 1.S 1-S (iood
Crop faOMlp-Cora sld o Be A b
selstely tate
f Searaska.
OMAHA. Sept. 24. 1M
Condition are grc.nir.K. ver interesting
In tne h(t maiKets it the worm!" 'ir.e
shortage at home anil anroad Is admitted.
France by its aciion in removing- the duty
on wheat haa emph.i..xed tills c r.dul m
mere ajid nuw tije str.iir.irg ot the badly
urained relation Imwini n.jfe.a and trig
land, a. 'most to the breaking puiiiu, i an
other incentive fur mgner pines lor wheat.
Millers have reallxcu ill" f.ill importance of
the situation and are competing with each
other tor the cerai. In St. loule this
morning No. 2 red wheat sold at tl 22 a
bushel. In Chicago ai ti.19-.. u 1.21 ana In
Omaha So. i haid M at n.. i hese
I Tiers sj.eaK for tnemsvlves and indicate
oeiter tlin a bushel of goaip and dlversl
bed. one-sidtd gossip, the real condition of
nflairs. The speculative Interest has not
U-n accustomed to seeing wheat above
the dollar mark, for any considerable length
ot time a. id there are trader? that cannot
help taking a chance on the short aide, but
tlnty are among the first to run for the tall j ist aa aoon as the latent strength of
the market develops. According to statis
tics from abroad the United States, despite
trip short crop, will have to do Its full
allure in feeding the short-crop European
states. Austria. Germany. t ranee and
other continental countries are short on all
crops. One favorable thing for America
ana the prosperity of the country is the
certainty of great corn crops. Th change
of the, weather again practically aseur.-s
the safety of the much-valued eara, and
this will especially assure the safety of Ne
braska a interests, agricultural and com
mercial. .
H V. Jones, the celebrated Minneapolis
authority, mnde the staterm-nt yesterday In
Chicago, after completing 31.0u'J mile of
observation that ' a 2.ici'' , (Mi-bushel corn
crop l only possible with perfect corn
wnhr. The record of the weather bu
reau r-hows a deficiency of heat this sum
mer of 7Jo degrees. Rig corn yields are In
upland Section? "
Speculative markets were comparatively
steadv, gained slowly In strength and
closed quite firm. In Chicago S ptemlcr
sold from tl Hi1 to 1.12S. December at
U-'4 tr 11.14V and May at 1.1.S to tl-lnS
The weakness obi-ervable during the early
haur of the short pesFion was entirely dis
sipated before the close.
Corn was firmer, despite the excellent
crop prospects, tut the gain was In sym
pathy with the movement In wheat So
far oata alone have failed to get a move on
In keeping with the strength in other cer
eals Certain) v if there is a shortage In
wheat there will be an Increased consump
tipn of roods, and this, with the usual
source ct consumption, should keep prices
decidedly strong.
Omaha Gnain Inspections In : Two car
No. 1 hard wheat. 6 cars No. 3 hard wheat.
1 -car No. 4 hard wheat. 4 cars No. 2 yel
low corn. 1 car No. 3 wnite corn. 1 car .No.
2 white oats. 2 cars No, 3 white oats. 1 car
NO. 2 rye; total, 17 cars. Out: One car No.
2 h&rd wheat. 2 cars No. 3 hard wheat, 6
cars No. 3 corn, 1 car No. 2 white oata. 1
cars No. white oats; total. 13 cars.
. Omaha cash sales; i cur ;"o. a wheat,
tl.(C4; 1 car No. 4 hard wheat. &1H lbs.,
Mc; 1 car No. 3 wheat. 11.07; 2 cars No. 2,
60 lbs., II oKVk; 1 car No. 2. lb?.. 11.04
2 cars No. 2, 67 and lbs.. J1.00; 1 car
No. 4 wheat, 94c; 1 car. No. 4 wheat, 95c;
1 car No. I corn. 46c; 1 car No. oata, 29c
Car Lot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. OaM.
Puluth S- ...
Chicago 110 213 142
Minneapolis 8H9 ... ...
Kansas City 210 25 12
Omaha 8 8 2
Commercial Gossip.
Joseph A. Connor, an old-timer In the
farming line in Nebraska, was In the city
this morning. He is very enthusiastic re
garding the corn crop of the state, and as
serts that he himself has 4,000 acres that
will yield 4S bushels to the acre, and that
It is sale from damage by frost.
Wired to Exchange Grain company from
Ottawa: Minister of the Interior Clifford
Slfton aays: The reporta of Injury by frost
and rust are grossly exaggerated. The
wheat of Manitoba and nortnwest territo
ries will aggregate from &5,iXK,J0 to So.OuO,
Oul) bu.; quality good and price ranging
arouna si per ousiiea.
Winnipeg message says: We have re
ports of actual threshing returns from sev
enty stations In Manitoba and territories
and figure average of thirteen bushels,
equal to crop of over 61.0ij.OuO on acreage,
so that our estimate of uuu.Ouu appears to
have been conservative. We find milling
quality most satisfactory.
George A. Adams company says: C. H.
Thornton aays in Uuluth Commercial Record-
"The three northwestern states have
raised 150,000,000 bushels wheat, a shortage
of Ju.OUO.OOO to 35,io,iOO bushels compar d
with the crop of 19U3 In milling value. Ex
haustive mill tests have demonstrated that
five to five and one-half bushels of average
mixture are required to make a barrel of
flour, making the milling value short of any
like quantity ever raised In this country."
Edwards-Wood Co.: London is fraction
ally higher this morning and it is probable
that the improved demands in the latter
fiart of the session yesterday would be fol
owed up today, but owing to the uncer
tainty in the situation the market is likely
to be irregular on the evening up ot con
tracts, with rrices generally lower tor the
week Sc-ntlnient is perhaps a little bullish,
but there does not appear to be any buying
In sight to support prices at this level and
run a risk of establishing a high market
later to realize on. Jones quotes president
Lowrey' of the Soo line as saying crops
along his line are better than he expected.
Talk of strained relations between Great
Britain and Russia tends to make London
market sentiment conservative. Brad
street's says cold weather has been a help
to fall trade. No probability of an advance
In A. C. F. dividend. Demand for Copper
lor October and liecember continues heavy.
Transfers of coal to the interior make new
records. Illinois Central accounts show sur
plus after chaTges equal to 9.32 per cent
earned on stocks. It is rumored that New
York 11. It. are ucqulring an interest in
O. 4s W.
Financial Goaalp.
No probability of advance in Amalga
mated Cepprr dividend.
Demand for copper October and December
delivery continues heavy.
President Lowry of Boo says crops on his
roaa are uetter irum ne expected.
Kuinors of New York. New Haven &.
Hartford acquiring an interest In Ontario
k vt eslern.
Dun's Review aays trade expands stead
ily aa confidence increases with the har
vesting of crops.
liraastreet a says cool weather haa stimu
lated fall trade, which shows an apparent
Increase in volume over a year ago.
Grala Markets Elsewhere.
Closing prices of grain today and Fri
day at the markets named were aa follows:
Wheat Today. Friday.
September 1LV 111
December 1.14 1.13
May l.lbht 1.1
September 6? 82
' December !1 o'
May 4 4H
September 3 30H
December .. 31
May 33 S3'B
, December l.S4 1.17
May l.iw, l.Wi,
December 4:4 47H
May 47' 47
December 1.04 LOTH
- May l.(rjk
lecember 44H 44V
May 44V
December 1 If .115V
May l.lMt M6V
December 1 13V. 1.13'i
May l.iov. i n
Wheat t v . ...
.... 1 15 1 15
.... 1.16 Li.
Philadelphia Prod are Market.
1'iu-haiiaed; extr western creamery. i"c:
extra nearby print 2c.
l'.Ui-leady. lair dercad: nearby
rlrsta. ij2i,o at iwiik: weairrn firsts, 11
ilo at mar k.
CUKEfli Prm; gooU flernanil: New York
full creuina. fancy, rtrc: New York full
cr4'r. fair to choice. mjc; Nrw Yoik
full Ct earn , fair to gciftd. s4!Sc,
Usaaorated Apples aad Dried Frails.
A PPLK8 4juiet and unchanged; common
are qituieU at Ufijc: prime. 6v(5c; choice,
b.'i 'it: fane-. bV -i'r
( JURIED fRCITa Prunea,
steadier at fmm 2c to P'4 according to
gracV. April on sre in light demand, but
prices are mplntalned; choice sre quoted
at i-S&l"c: extra choice. 1V 'SI''":: fancy,
lJSiic. Pt-aches are quiet and firm; choice
are held st Vyfctc; extra choice. iflc;
fancy, Is6l0c.
Peatares of the Traalag aad Cloalag
Prices oa Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, 3pt. :4 I'ncon.lrmed reports
of stmlnd relations between Orat Britain
and Russia aul active covering of short
sais of wheat here today. At the close
Mi y wheat showed a rain of Tc. Com
also Is up V'. f:'ts show an advance of
Vo. I'rovlslons are TH&UWc higher.
Failure" of foreign grain markets to re
spond to the sharp advance here yesterday
c aused con-hlf rable liquidation in the
pit here. When trading bgan sentiment
was quite wruk. In tlal quotations on I
rember were off S'6c to iVfclVc at tl-12V
fcl 131 to I, U'ijl.iSV Mav was a shnde
higher to Sfi,c lower at tl.12Vgl.14.
Hhorts tok advantage of the break and
covercl freely, forcing prices up to about
last night s closing figures, December sell
ing to tl ir and M .y to fL14. The ad
.nce was not hfld. however, renewed
rroflt taking causing n moderate reaction,
in adlltir)n. there some selling on a
denial of the rumor that the French gov
ernment contemplated reducing the Import
duty on wheat. An unconfirmed mmor of
possibl complications In the war situation
Involving Great Britain and Russia, started
active covering by the shorts. Offerings at
the tine were HeM and consequently
prices advanced rnpidlv, lecember selling
up to f:.Hiil 14V Mar rallied to tl.loV
An Bdvance of over 3c in the price of
cember delivery at 8t. Louis, reporting
sales of wheat at tl 20 a bushel, had con
siderable effect on speculative trading here.
The close, however, was firm, with Decem
tier nt tl. 141. 14V. Final quotations on
May were nt 11 15V 531 15S- Clearances of
wheat and flour were equal to 33,0(0 bu.
Prlmnrv receipts were J.16KVO bu.. com
pared with bu a yer aeo. Minne
apolis. iMiluth and Chicago reported re
ceipts of cars, against cars last week
and S.i a year ago.
In sympathy with the early break In
wheat prices the com market win week
during the first half of the session. The
market became decidedly strong late in the
day on a bullish report of a well known
crop expert, making a still further reduc.
Hon In the total yield. The close m al
most at the highest poolnt. Dcembr
opened V&r to Vc lower at 4STf 3 'vv to
fcic sold up to 51Vc and closed at 51Vf
5iv Iocal realms were 216 cars, with
21 of contract grade.
The action of the com market was the
rontrolilne factor In oats trading. An easy
tone prevailed later and the market ' le
cajn firmer and closed near the hipbeft
of the day. December opened unchanged
to Vf higher at 3o-V31c. ranged between
3oJ5TlVo. and closfd at 31c. Docal re
cent were 142 cars.
The feature of trading In provisions was
the change to January products. Small re
ceipts of hogs and higher prices at the
yards had a strengthening Influence At
the close Janusrv oork was up lor31?Hc
at tl3 25. Dard and ribs were each up 7c
at 17.37 aid M 7V. respectively.
Estimated receipts for Morvlay: Wheat.
6S cars: com, 24 cars; oats, 129 cars: hogs.
2ofio ben.v
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles ! Open. HIgh.l Low. Close.i Yes"y.
a Sept.
b Sept.
La rd
1 13!
1 11
1 13
1 14!
1 15
1 i:,
1 14:
1 151
1 15.
1 141
1 151
1 13
1 14
1 11
1 13
1 14
1 JZ
1 12
51V 4974 (&ii0 51V3V S-Xii
49; 4Mai 49 49i349
1"9 so;
801 30
31 30
83 339
11 40 '
33!B: 33
11 40
13 20
11 45
13 25
7 22
11 45
13 25
11 35
13 15
13 17
7 17
7 17'
7 !:;
'7 60 I
7 2?!
7 37
7 15
7 SO
7 371
7 62
6 871
7 U
7 57'
7 621
6 871
7 57
6 SO
I C tj
? 1. a Old. b New.
Cash quotations were as follow:
FLOUR Firm; winter patents, t5.30a
5 50; straights, t4.90((i6.20: spring patents.
t5.4oW6.O0; straights, t4.704fS.5w; bakers, 83 40
WHEAT No. 2 spring. n.lMtl.20; No. 3
spring. tl.05itl6; No. 2 red, tl.l3til.l6;.
CORN-No. 2, 5262c; No. 1 yellow.
54;64c. ,
OATS No. I. 30c: No. I white, 82
32c: No. 3 white. 30if32c.
RTE No. 2. 75e.
BARLEY Good feeding. S637c; fair to
choice malting, tz'coic
.SEEDS No. 1 flax, 81.09; No. 1 north
western. 81.15; clover, contract grade.
812 25.
PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., r.1.65
11.60. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.22. Short
ribs sides 1 loose 1. 87 fi:!$7.75; short clear
sides (boxed), 88.60ig.75.
Receipts and shipments of flour and grain
were as followa:
Recelnta. Shipments.
Ttr,nr lihls 59.600 17.8(10
Wheat, bu 146.000 2.00
Corn, bu 96,800 227.500
Oats, bu 266.600 65.800
Rve. bu 4.000 S.Son
Barley, bu 195,200 15,100
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa steady; creamery. 14fflc;
dalrl, 137c. Eggs, steady; at mark,
caaes included. 14'8l7c: nrat,-lhc; prime
firsts, 2oc; extras, 22c Cheese, steady; &
Quotations of the Day oa Various
NEW YORK. Seou 24 FLOUR Receipts.
19.367 bbls. ; exports, 8,610 bbls. ; sales, 1.2o0
pkgs. ; market dun ana unsettiea; winter
patents, 85.2i5.6u; winter siraJghta, 85 109
5iki; Mi.nneiHila patents. 86.wiq.50; winter
extras, 83.46cj4.10; Minnesota bakers, t4.5tS
4 SO; winter low grades. 83.2iiit3.90. Rye
flour, firm; sales, 3T5 bbls.; fair to good,
t4.4''$4.6u; choice to fancy, M.6ii48i.
CO KN MEAL Quiet; yellow western,
til 1J; city. tl.UUl-K; kiln-dried, 83.1W&3 20.
BARLEY Steady; feeding, 47c, c. 1. f..
New York.
WHEAT Receipts. 175.500 bu.; sales. 8,800
bu. futures. Spot market steady; No. 2
red, 8117. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern
Duluth. 81.26. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard
Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Options
oiened oft under foreign selling, poor ca
bles and favorable weather. A decided up
turn In December on manipulation was fol
lowed by subsequent declines under last
night, due to bear pressure. Tiie market
finally rallied with corn, however, and
closed Vwc net higher Sales included
No. 2 red, May. at tl l5l 16. cloning at
81. 15, : September, tl .15 'i 1 16. closed at
tl.16; December, tl.151.16. closed at
CORN Receipts. 16.125 bu.; experts, 8.000
bu. Sim market steady: No. 2. 56e e'e
vator and 57c f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 yellow,
6vc; No. 2 white. 67c. Options were dull
and nominal locally, closing strong with
the west at (&lo net advance; September.
oc, closed at 670 ; December closed at
OATS Receipts, 75.000 bu.; exports, t.545
bu. Spot market dull; mixed oats. 26 to
8 lbs. S4'i.Mc; natural white, 30 to 32
lbs.. :ts".V'Jo: clipped white, 86 to 40 lbs.,
S6'yfj39c.. ipitone. nominal.
FEED Steady; spring bran, (19.90; mid
dling. 822. flu; citv, t22.Ckiijr.0'.
HAY Dull; shipping, 67c; good to
choice. fcc.
HOI'S Firm: state, common to choice,
19"4. 24''g'36c; olds. 145i'lSc. Pacific coast, 194,
276r32-; 19 '3. 2631c- olds, liiiil'c.
HIDES Steady : Galveston. 30 to 25 lbs..
17c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas
(drv), U to 30 lbs., 14c.
LEATHER Firm; acid. 242Sc.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, til tn
11 5o; mess. 8N.5tKii9.60; beef ha ma. t24.00
25.(0; packet. tld.Oota 11.00; city, extra India
meas. tl4 5"'f7 16 110. Cut meats, firm: pickled
bellies, 89.2fi'all.; pickled shoulders, 87.25;
pickled hams. tl"Oaftl(i25. Lard, firm: west
ern steamed. 87.70 ; 6eptemlier clos"d at
87 70, nominal. Refined, firm; continent.
t7 .hi; South America, is 50; compound, 15. S7
4JS.0. Pork, firm; famllv. JlS&J; short
clear. tM.OHaifi 50; mes. tlS.00oil6.5O.
TALLOW Steady; city, 4c; country, 4
RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 2
C5Vc: Japan, nominal.
BUTTER Strong; street prloe, extra
rreamery. auft2oc. Official prices: Cream
ery, common to extra. 13a2Cc; state dairy,
common to extra, 13(217c.
CHEESE Strong; state full creams,
small .colored, fancy. Bc; small white, poor
to fancy. 79c: large colored, good' to
fancy, Q9c; large white, poor to prime.
EfiiGS Firm; western fancy, selected. !I5
221!-: verse b st. JIMIVm-.
L POULTRY-eilve. staady; western chick
ens. 12c; fowls, ll'o; turkevs, lie; dressed,
dull; western chukens, HfaUc: fowls, 12t
Uc; turkeys, 1302c.
. Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVERPOOL, Bept. 24. WHEAT Spot,
nominal: futures, quiet; September, "s
5d: December, 7s 7d.
X")RN St ot. as : American mixed. 4s
6d Futures, dulj; September. 4sCd; De
cemcr, 4s 6J.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. O. Sept. 24 SEEDS Clover,
cash and October. 87.30; December. 87 2.;
March. rs.V Alaise, September. 87.26.
Timothy. 8137.
I'eorla Market.
PEORIA, Sept. 24 CORN-feU-ong; Ho. t
63c; Na. i t-c 1
Burner thtt Union Pacific Interettt Inrsct
Etrilj in Atchitoa Charet.
laloa Parlfle fngs oa Aeeoaat of
ales of Upeeatatora Who Hare
Followed Moi emest Meel
Storks lllaber.
NEW YORK. Sept. 24 The surmise
which has been seeking for weeks an ex-
f lunation of the persistent strength of
nion Pacific lighted today on an alleged
purchase In Union Pacific Interest of sev
eral hundred thousand shares of Atchison,
thus insuring it an influential voice in
Atchison aflairs and strengthening Its con
trol of the whole transcontinental railroad
situation. It must be said for this rumor
that there was better authority for the
credence attached to It than for some of
the many others and the saecing tendency
of the stock on the report did not shake
the faith of Its believers. The heaviness
of Union Pacific was attributed to profit
taking by the speculator- who had fol
lowed the movement and the decline
showed no signs of precipitation. The most
decided effect was caused to the Atchison,
which made a rather aggressive advance,
especially the preferred, which was un
usually active.
The United States Steel stocks also de
veloped great strength without special
news. The details of the August exports
showed some very heavy declines In values
for Iron and steel, compared with July,
but the buyers of the steel claimed to have
encouraging advices of progress In the re
vival In the trade.
The general list was decidedly neglected
and moved narrowly, and not more than
was accounted for by slight sympathy
with the special strong stocks. The bank
statement offered no great surprises. A loan
contraction was not unexpected, but It was
not as large as was hoped for and was not
sufficient to prevent a further substantial
depletion of the surplus reserve. Transfer
of loans from banks to trust companies
is known to have been made to a large
extent, which is a process that does not
affect the actual volume of credits nor the
ultimate reserve obligations upon the New
York banks. The maxktt closed scightly
irregular with a few fresh advances Just
at the last. Total sales of bonds, par value,
Following were the wiles and range of
prices on the Stock exchange today:
8ales. High. Low. Close.
Atchison 1 33.5CO S3 82 82
do preferred 4'3 101 99 loo
Baltimore & Ohio .... 2" fcs 88 k
do preferred 93
Canadian Pacific 100 127 127 127
Central of N. J 177
Ches. & Ohio 3u0 42 42 41
Chicago & Alton X.
do preferred gl
Chicago G. W 2() 16 lti 1
Chicago & N. W 1X5
C. M. A St. P 60O 157 157 157
do preferred 1S2
Chicago T. A T 6
do preferred 15
C. C, C. A St L 7S
Colorado Southern 81O 20 19 19
do 1st preferred 1.S00 51 51 61
do 2d rt f erred. 400 27 17 26
Del. & Hudson 300 167 166 166
Del., Lack. A West 2i
Denver A R G 2
do preferred 200 2 K2 81
Erie 6.i to 3o
do 1st prelerieci 66 66 66
do 2d preferred 400 45 45 45
Hocking Valley 79
do preferred S9
Illinois Central 13
Iowa Central 1K 22 22 ;
do preferred l'O 43 43 42
K. C. Southern 24
do preferred 3"0 46 46 46
Louisville A: Nash.... 8,000 124 124 124
Manhattan L 154
Met. Securities S.GoO 80 77 7S
Met. Street Ry 8.0U0 120 118 US
Minn. & St, L 55
M.. St. P. A 8. S. M. Iu0 "4 74 74
do preferred 129
Missouri Pacific 1,7) 97 91 9fi
Mo.. Kan. & Tex 300 23 23 23
do preferred loo 48 4s 4S4,
N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 1W 39 39
New York Central.... SOO 126 L6 125
Norfolk Western.. 700 68 67 7
do preferred So
Ontario & Western.... 11. 8X1 35 34 34
Pennsylvania 18,400 131 13o I'll
P.. C. C. A. St. L. 70
Reading 15.0(0 67 66 66
do 1st preferred 100 84 S4 is
do 2d preferred 2"0 75 75 75
Rock Island Co 4.R0U 27 27 26
do preferred 100 71 71 70
St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd 58
St. Louis 8. W 100 80 20 Ui
do preferred 43
Southi-rn Pacific 7,80m 56 56 56
Southern Railway 8.500 33 32 32
do preferred 100 93 3 9-
Texas A Pacific .... 900 31 31 31
T.. St. L. A W J(m 32 31 SI
do preferred 6 61 51 61
Union Pacific 26,100 101 100 100
do preferred 4"rt 94 9;. 9
Wabarfi 300 20 2n 2
do preferred 20o 41 41 41
Wheeling & L. E 17
Wisconsin Central 2'0 18 18 H
do preferred .. 2 43 43 43
Mexican Central 5o0 13 13 13
Adams Express 230
American Express 203
U. S. Express 115
Wells-Fargo Exp 235
Amal. Copper 4.40 58 67 57
Am. Car A Foundry.. 2ml 23 23 23
do preferred loo 90 fa4 so
Am. Cotton Oil 4u0 32 82 32
do preferred 90
American Ice 200 7 7 7
do preferred 1.4O0 2S 28 28
Am. Linseed Oil 11
do preferred So
Am. Locomotive 800 26 36 26
do preferred r 95
Am. Smelt. He Refin.. 3.2n0 GT 66 (i
do preferred Sao It 1i7 107
Am. Sugar Refining.. 400 1J0 130 13o
Anaconda Min. Co.... 100 94 94 93
Brooklyn Rapid T.... 2,8uO 55 54 64
Colo. Fuel & Iron 34
Consolidated Gas .... S.S00 203 203 204
Com Pr:iducta 131
do preferred 100 69 69 S
Distillers' Securities.. 3n0 29 29 29
General Electric 5o0 17o Ktv 1:0
Internatlonsl Paper.. 1,200 17 16 16
do preferred 741
International Pump.. ltiO SI 31 31
do preferred 76
National I,ead 1,000 24 23 23
North American .... 500 Si X 95
Pacific Mall 1.31 35 54 84
People's Gaa 400 102 102V. l'C
Pressed Steel Car ' s?
do preferred 78
Pulln-an Pal. Car Zli
Republic Steel 8
do preferred 42
Rubber Goods 191
do preferred 81
Tenn. Coal A Iron.... MOO 4714 47 47
U. 8. Leather 2.800 10 9 9
do preferred l.oao 87 87 P7
t. 8. Realty. Imp.... 600 63 63 M
U. 8. Rubber is
do preferred 74
V. 8. Steel S5.7r 17 16 17
do preferred 41.000 7 6
Westinghouse Ele.... 100 lfil 161 161
Western Union 100 9"i 9,0 V3x
Total sales for the day. 283,900 shares.
New York Money Market.
NEW TORK. Sept. 24 MONEY On call,
nominal; no loans: time loans, steady; aixtv
days. 8 per cent; ninety days, 3 per cent;
six months, 3fe4 per cent.
per cent.
with actual businesa In bankers' Mils at
84.8."75 for demand and at t4.R.Y.oji 4.86" for
to-day bills; posted rates, 84 84 and 84.87;
commercla! bills. 84 8:!j?4A3.
SILVER Bar. 57c ; Mexican dollars.
45 c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
The following are the closing quotations
on stocks and bonds:
V 8. nt. is. rt....l04S L. K. uol. ..
do roupoa 10& Manhattan e g.
60 la. rc luf'N M.t. Outral 4a..
do eoupos lof. 1 do la lot
... MV
... M14
... 7v
4a re
... 74
. .. Ml
. . . 1 (Ml W
It. 1. 4a. rag 1M M" A t. L. 4a..
do eoupoo
...liiVM.. K. T. 4a...
...I"! do 2
...ldtVIN. R. H of M c.
...10J K. T. C. g. a.
... M. J C. I ta....
... M No. Pacitc 4a
...10J do la
... M IN A W. t. 4a...
...ill Ptna. eoDv. S1!..
do eld 4a. rr
do eoupos ....
Atrklar.B (aa. 4a
do adj. aa
Atlaatlc C L 4a
B. A O. 4a ,
do la
Cmrml of Oa. la
da 1 Inc
. i.eaainc gsn.
rhaa. Ohio 4Va....l(V 8t. L. A I M r. aa litu
t hlrags A A. ... ac'S St. L. A 8 F ft 4a. M
C . B Q s. a ... K St L. 8. W. la MS,
C . at. A . r. I 4a Id aatoard a. L. 4a ... CIV
C. A K W. r. ta'V an. Parlor 4a
C.. .. I. A F. 4a ... T! go. kailwar it.
do ml. aa lev, Tsua a r. 1 I UK
ere st t,. g 4a..ioiT , at. u A w. tr..
Cblrata Tar. 4 7 laloa Pacini 4i kh
Con Tobaoee 4a Tl do roav. 4t Psal
ruio a so la u r a. sti id u 11
P A H G 4a Idl Walh la in,
tm rlr llaa 4a da dak. B IS
do aaa 4a IT W ALE. M
P W A It. C. la . lti W'la t'rntral 4a ti
Htxkllil Val 4a. ..04'('lo. Pual c. aa U
C learlag Haase Aeeranes.
NEW YORK. Bept. 24. The statement of
averages of the clearing hou.e banks of
this city for the week hows: Loans,
tl.l .54.M4: decrease. l-'4rrto.i rveix.nts
tl.2l4.et3 ; dei rease. 8 lu, 1 .'3 51 Circula
tion, t0,7ii,3OO; lucrsaso, tiALiiw. Legai ten-
m. rT.80.0f; decrease, 857 800. "r-cle.
til 97 ,500; decrease. t?..0o4,7"V Reserve,'; decrease. 8V6S3 000. Reserve re
quired. ti3 5Ka.775; decrease, f! 580.876. S ir
plus. t..J51.r-5. decrease. $3 lftl?5 Kx
I'nl'ed States deposits, 112.110.300; decrease,
Roetoa atoek Market.
BOSTON. Sopt. 24 Call loans, 23 prr
cent: time loans, 4S per cent. Official
closing of stocks ana Donas:
Atrk:sfia adj
Weattnt ratamos
Amaigaauted ....
American line ...
Cal A Herla
rrpar Hanta
r.r wat
la!e Royala
Masa Mialng ....
Mnnt C. A C.
Olj poainlon ....
.... II
.... 17
.... 11
.... II
.... M
.... :
.... :S
.... 4S
.... 4S
.... i
.... IS
.... 7
.... 14
.... 4
.... 11
Go tr
Mra ceatral 4a
do pfd
Bal"n A Aihanf....
Boaton A Maine
Ponoa Elerated ....
ntchoars pit
Met Cntral
N T., N H. A H..
Per atirutu
Vntoa Rarlftc
Attier. Arga. Chain.
Amar. Pnau. Tuba...
A mar. Sufar
do pfd
Amer. T A T
Amar. Woolen
do pfd
Dominion I. A 8...
Edisna Kietfrtr Ilia.
Oeneral Klatrie
ataaa. E lac trie
do p:j
Mm Gaa
Vnitrd Pmlt .
Vnuad Shoe Math
do pfd
V. 8. S'eal
do pfd
ilia. "Asked.
11 I
I a Minltit
f 8 cm
1 tan
Wtnoi a
W olrorlna
.... 40
.... 4
.... M
Londoa toek Market.
LONDON. Sept. 84. Closing:
Conaola, mnnt 7 ... II 1 11 ft T. Central
do ar-count I Norfolk A W
Anaronda 4S do pfd
AtrhlaoD 4 Ontario A W
do pfd 10 PvanivlrnaUl
Baltimore a nolo.... P-S Rad Mlnra
Canadian Paclfio if1 Readtns
Chea A Ohio 42S do 1st pf,1
Chicago Ot W lc do id pfd
C. M A St. P Ill 80. Rallwar
PRera It do pfd
V. A R O t o Parlfle
do pfd M I'nlon Parlfle
. t
. in
. 14
. 41
. SI
. J
. l
. 4S
. S
. 17
. P
. !1
. 4J
Irle II do r'd
do lat pfd f S. steel
do 2d pfd 4( do pfd
llltnola Central 142 Wabaah
Loull. A Naab 117 do pfd
M , K. A T tt
PII.VKR Par. firm. 2TSd per ounce,
MONET lffm per cent-
The rate of discount in the open ma
for short bills is 2 5-1&4J; per cent;
three months bills. 2S Per cent.
ew Tork Mining Storks.
NEW TORK. Sept. 24 -The following are
the closing prices on mining stocks:
Adami Con
.... ff
untie idler
.. I
. . . SVi
... u
.. tt
.. i
A Ilea
Brunswick Con ..
Comal oek Tunnal
Con. Cal. A Va
Horn Silver
Iron 8! Ivor
.... U
.... I
81erra Nevada ....
amal) Hopes
LeadTllia Con
'Assessment paid.
Forelmn Financial.
LONDON, Sept. 24. MONEY It was dif
ficult to maintain discount rates In the
market today In clew of the large supply
of money. Business on the stock exchange
was dull In consequence of the sluggish
ness of funds, the political uncertainty and
the nearness of the settlement. Consols
were steady and home rails hardened. The
changes were mostly nominal on either
side of parity. Prices eased slightly later
on realisations snd closed quiet. Grand
Trunk was harder on satisfactory 1 10 fTi c
returns. Imperiul Japanese government
sizes of 19(i were quoted at K 14s., Kaf
firs Improved.
PARIS. Sept. 24 Prices on the oourse
today were Irregular and at the close were
heavy. Russian imperial fours were quoted
at t9S 20 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 501.
The private rate was lSfn7 per cent.
Three per cent rentes, 9T francs 87c for
the account. Exchange on London 25
francs ISVc for checks.
BERLIN. Sept. 24. Exchange on London.
20 marks 40 pfennings for checks. Dis
count rates: Short bills. 2Vj per cent; three
months' bills, t per cent.
err Tork Exports and Imports.
NEW YORK. Sept. 24. Total Imports of
dry goods and general merchandise at the
port of New York for the week ending
today were valued at 811.972.418. Exports of
specie were t4.5O0 gold and t4i.,ifi talver.
The Imports of specie were t,019 sliver
and 8-T6, L07 gold.
Wool Market.
LONDON, Sept. 24. WOOL The offer
ings at the wool auction sales today
amounted to 11.527 bales. There was a
good attendance. Competition was brisk
and prices were maintained. Scoured and
greasles sold well, though faulty greasy
ruled In buyers' favor. 8evral lots of
medium merinos were withdrawn, as btds
were under sellers' views. Americans pur
chased moderate supplies of superior me
rinos and fine crosuhreds at full rates.
Following are tfie sales In detail: New
South Wales, 3.100 bales: scoured. Sd&la
11V4; greasy. 4d'als Id. Victoria, 6c. ba'.es;
scoured. Is "dljj'ls 9d; greasy, 7Vd(31s 4d.
New Zealand, 600 bales; scoured, tWiiia
lOd; greasy, "cifils. Cape of Good Hope
and Natal. 1.5UI bales; scoured. Is fed&ls
2d; greasy, Sdgls. South Australia. 4ctt
bales; scoured, HWdls M; greasy, .Jlnd.
Tasmania, 100 bales; greasy, fcdls lHd.
Italian, 3tK bales; greasy, 7S2- Punta
Arenas, 8.i bales; scoured. Is ViJtrils 8Vd;
greasy, 7VSrl01d. The arrivals of wool
for the sixth series of sales amounts to
6.353 bales. The Imports this week were:
New South Wales, 6S bales; New Zealand,
I 82-J bales; Cape of Oood Hope and Natal,
251 bales; elsewhere, 994 bales.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 24. WOOL Steady ;
medium grades combine and clothing. 2oi'
24c; light fine, lTgltc; heavy fine, llic;
tub washed, 34fg86c.
St. Loals Grala and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 24 WHEAT-Higher;
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, tl lkS,; track,
fl.21; December, tl.Ula; May, 81-184; No. 2
hard. tl.lN61.13.
CORN Higher; No. 2 cawh. 6ic; track.
SIVic; lecenioer, 47!fj47Sjo; May, 47Vc.
OATS Stronger; No. 2 cah. 81c; track.
32c; December. 31Ho; May, feHc; No. 8
white, 33!j,i3V:.
FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents. 85.75
(i5.9b; extra fuicy and straight,
clear. t4.5(ii5.00.
r?EED Timothy, steady; tl55'ff;.S5.
CORNMEAL Steady; 82.78.
BRAN Active; sacked east track, ST.ffSTe.
HAT Steady to slow; timothy, to-OOfc
12.00; prairie. t5.of.Hi9 wi.
HAOdlNG 747.
TWINE Hemp, 7c.
PROVISIONS Pork. higher; jobbing.
fll.Co. Lard, higher; prim steam. 8;.e0.
liacon, steady; txixed extra shorts tS.l-H;
clear ribs, tS-' 2s: short clear, 890.
POULTRY Easy ; chickens. 94c; springs,
11 'a 11 w ; turkevs. 14Cl&c: geese, 5c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1 204c;
dairy, 12-3 16c.
EGGS Firm. 18c. case count.
Receipts. Shipments. 1
Flour, bbls 12.000 10,(100
Wheat, bu HS.OuO 110.000
Corn, bu 63.0(10 23.OU0
Oats, bu 40,000 45.VO0
Kansas Clip- Grala aad Provisions.
ket higher; September. 81044; D'-cember.
8104; May, tl'4; c.'mh, No. 1 hard. fl.OWj;
1.08; No. 3,,'tr'1.06; No. 4. Mcfetl.Ol; re
jected, tt6Jj95c; No. 2 red. 81.' No. 8,
il Ml Os; No. 4. 96, &tl.o4; receipts, 235 cars.
CORN Steady: September. 4t4c; liecem
ber, 444(&444c; May, 444&M4c; cash. No. 2
mixed, 4:4c; No. t, 4746474c; No. 2 white,
4oc No 3 4"4c
OATS-Stea-iy: No. t white. 32Q324c: No.
t mixed. 31Mj32c.
HAY Steady; cnolce timothy, 89 60; choice
prairie, 87 ofi7.50.
RYE 72'fj78c.
EOciS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 2 whltewoftd cases Included, lie; case
count, 16c; cases returned, 4c less.
BUTTER Creamery. 14-(al74c: dairy.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu lt.iX 130.404
Corn, bu an.OOO 15.2ti0
Oats, bu L2.0J0 6.0U)
gngar aad Molasses.
NEW YORK. Bept. 24 -SUGAR-Raw ,
firm; fair refining. 84c; centrifugal. 96 test,
4 5-loc; molasses sugar, 34c. Refined, quiet;
No. 6. 4.86; No. 7. 4.7oc; No. 8. 4.7oc; No. 9.
4tk',c; No. 10. 4 60c: No. 11. 4. Stic; No. 12,
4 4ic; No. 13, 4.4oc; No. 14. 4 40c; confection
ers' A. 8.10c; mould A. 5.60c; cutloaf. 5.95c;
crushed, t.95c; powdered, 8.85c; granulated,
5 25c cubes 5 50c
MOLA86FS Steady; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 8V(iS7c.
Strong: open kettle. t'fiJVe; open kettle
centrifugal. 4a44c: centrifugul whites. 47c;
yellows. 4.tr4c; seconds, 2464c-.
MOLASSES Nominal; ope'i ketfle. 20-5
20c; centrifugal, lot; 15c. Syrup, nominal.
Dry Goods Market.
The market closed for the week with buy
ers still maintaining their conservative pol
icy and refusing to 01-erate except for
actual needs in the way of spot goods. The
fact that jobbers are not meeting the ad
vance maintained In certain lines of cotton
goods hus lidded somewhat to this con
servative stlitude.
Minneapolis Grala Market.
September, tl 174; Dec-ember, tl 154; May,
tl b.4, No. 1 hard, fl.204: No. 1 northern,
tl 1S: No. 2 northern, tl lsy
FIXil'R First patents, 86 iV'fifi 30; secend
patents. 86ai7;io. first clears, ti.65i84.75;
second clears. 83 05G1 W.
fcRAK-.n bdlk, tl6.0oKU.2t,
Bett Cornfedt god Westerns Strong for the
Week, Otfcen Etedj
Hags Flfteea to Trreatp lllaher Than
Week Ago, 1st aad feeder beea
teadp, 8 at Lambs 1K to iiSc
Off, feeder Lambs Lower,
SOUTH OMAHA, Bept. 24. 1M.
Recelnta a.,.
Ca.ilc. licii &neep
. k.s.4 i.tnu -a.Ki
Otficiaj Monday ...
umclai 1 uesday ..
Oilicikl ednesdajr
Ulilcial ThursLLiv
. k.JM a., 47
Cifricial Friday .
uinciaj taturday
Total this week 31 23.. t.4J5
Tout! last week to. la
Total week before l.4.v ;.iJ aj.J-4
nie three weeks ago. .la.- ii.ii tr:l
Mine lour wrelta ai 1J. 4:.o76 44. "56
oaroe week lust .,.; U.;ao t-'.ii
RKCLli'iS tUK THE 1 iAil iu UATK.
The following tabie shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs t,tid sneep at touui Oiuai.a for
the ear to oa.a, wilu compariou wi.h b.81
ls4 Inc. Dec.
Cattle 61,5.,1 ,61.714 .... iM.s&i
Hogs 1.74V.9J 1,744.1,? 4.74S
Sheep l.uc;,-a 1.U34.L3 83,716
Average pi Ices paid for at South
Omaiia tor the last several oaja. with cotn
parisoa: Date. I 18CH. lW.lj2.1l.;(X.iiS !1888
Sept. 1..
SepL 8..
Pt. 8..
Sept. 4..
Sept. 8..
Sept. ..
Sept. 7..
Sept. 8..
Sept. 8..
Sepu 11..
Spt. 12.
fept. U..
Sept. 14.
Sept. 1.
Sept. IS.
Sept. li.,
Sept. 18.
Sept. 19.,
Sept. 2u.,
St pt. a .
Sept. 22.,
bepi. U.
Sept. 24..
I 8 18 I 5 t;
I 8 274, 8
I so., 6 801
I I 8 44
I 8 47
7 83
7 4Zj
7 o,
7 83,
7 i
7 46
7 ill
1 6t
7 iu
7 6
7 4J
7 43.
8 044
I 12i j
l I 88)
4 80, 8 i.
4 14, 3 68
i 19,
4 i-, t 61
4 C t 61
4 SO, 8 ii
4 ' 1 8 w
4 9 3 tl
4 Mi 3 77
4 26, 8 78
t U 1 tkl
A)i 5 U5
6 4, t 06
6 8V i U
8 21, 5 44!
8 HO-v i but
44, & 44
I 6 4
i 14, t 56,
614.1 I
6 6 s, 5 56
5 66, 5 63j
6 00 1 0 65
f Il -8
40 8 22
o9 8 -f ,
8 4? I 0 U
I W a 1?
6 09,
as. 1
U, 8 1.1
8 76 5 131
I 1
6 77 5 2J
6 85, 5 Ui,
1 6 21,
6 89 1
6 84 S 14
4 83,
I 72
i to
3 6)
3 74
3 71
8 71
8 73
3 .1
3 77
434 1
4 32i
4 34,
4 31;
4 31
4 36,
4 41
a -4: 5 4
6 4,
6 ?U
5 n
b su,
a 'iS
b 74:
I f 7J4l
i 6 14i
1 1 6 754
I 6 7,t,
1 5 :t,H
7 38,
7 49
7 bl
7 bS
'Indicates luiday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each roau was:
iaiue.xiogs.Diieep.xi r a.
C, M. St. P.
Union Paclflc System.
C . ic S W
F., xC & M. V
C, BU P., M. & O....
B. & M
C, K. I. & P., east..
Oiicago Gt. v eaiern.
Total receipts 2 68 3 3
The Jlspotiition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
uuoibtr of head .Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 47
Swilt and Company 31 Sns
Cudahy Packing Co 2 1,252 870
Armour A Co 1.L.4 luu
Armour A Co., from S. C. .. o53 ...
Cudahy Bros & Co 221
J. B. Root A Co 34
Other buyers A ... 4.tJl
Totals 131 4,626 4.537
CAllLE A few cars ol cattle were re
porteu this morning, out not enough were
on baie to make a maxaei. For trie week
receipts snow au lncreaye over Ihm wee
oi auout ,''0 hcao, Put aa compared Kn
the same week 01 lata year there is bii.i
a decreasu, me loss amounting to about
3,0J head. Tne receipts were well distrib
uted Uirougn the weeK, wlin excepiion ot
Fiiuay, wnen there was a b.g laiung oft.
ihe t&bie aoove will Bhow toe exact lig
ures tor each day lu cattle, hogs and
Corn-fed steers have been in light sup
ply all the week and with a gooo demand
the market has ruied active 011 deairabie
grades and prices sieady to strong. Hal,
lat kinds, or thote mat come in comjieU'
tion with weaterns, have not been sought
after particularly, but still even uiuue
have sold to as good advantage as they
old a week ego. Good to choice grades aie
quotable trorn to t6.cs. tan to goo4
e.iw to t5.5v and the shorter fed catiie
irom 84.75 down.
Western rangers have made up the big
bulk of the otierings all the week iind a
large proportion 01 them have been fat
enough for killers. The demand on most
days was fully equal to the supply and, in
fact, the more desirable grades are a little
stronger for the week, some sales showing
an advance of as much as KKijloc. The top
price ot the week was 84.W,. The com
moner kinds of westerns are no more than
steady for the week, as there were a good
many of that class on sale. Good to choice
cattle are quotable from 83.75 to 84 25. with
strictly prime from. H 25 to t4.75. .Fair to
good cattle sell from S3.n to t3.5o and com
mon stuff from 83.00 down.
Receipts of cows have also been liberal
most 01 the week, but the market held up
in very satisfactory' manner the greater
part 01 the time. Receipts were made up
almost entirely of western rangers, so few
corn feds being received that it is hard
to quote a market on them. Corn fed
cows, though, would probably sell from
88.00 to 8S.5o and prime heifers would rench
84.00. The market on western grassers is
a little uneven for the week, with the ten.
dency downward rather than otherwise.
The general market could probably be
quoted weak to luc lower than at the
close of lan week. Some of the choicest
grades have sold about steady, while other
have been lower, and the same is true of
canners. The weakness Is rnort noticeable
on the medium kinds. Good to choice grass
cows may be quoted from t2.75 to 83. tO.
with prime ones a little above thnt. Fair
to good cows sell from 82 50 to 82.75 and
canners and cutters largely from tl-75 to
Dulls have not shown much chanere dur
ing the week, most of the offerings being
western rnngers. They sell largely from
tl 75 to t2 6". while corn-feds wouil bring
P. 25 or better. Top on veal calves 1s gr. Di.
or the same an a week ago. Packers
steadfastly refuse to pay more th&n that
for the be-st calf made.
The best feee'rr fade of the season, so
fr.r. was exricrlenced this week. Buyers
were on hand in large numbers and the
trade assumed some ol the activity of for
mer years. Good heavy cattle were In the
beat d'-maYid snd such kinds sold out of
first hands KTMOc higher than at the close
of Inst week, out speculators claimed that
on Friday and himirday thev had to mnke
big reductions In order to dispose of their
holdings to country buyers. Medium weight
cattle and light cattle, particularly If of
common quality, have be-en hard to move
all the week, and such kinds are no more
than steady and In some cases lower.
Good to choice heavy cattle may be quoted
from S3. SO to t4.'0; fair to good, 52 25 to
83 50. snd common stuff, from 83.00 down.
Representative snles:
1 cow SM) 1 fn 4 cows lono 2 10
1 bull 14 I ! 13 cows I'M, i 45
84 feeders. . 612 2 W
HOGS Th"re was a small run of hogs
here this morning, even for a Saturday,
tnd as the demand for light and butcher
weights was ss brisk as ever, the market
opened active on that class and strong to
a nickel higher. After the more desirable
loads were picked pp. however, the market
slowed down, and packers would not give
over Heady prices for the heavies, and
some of the buyers were trying to buy
them lower. As a result, trading was rather
Slow, but prices were just about steadv
with yetterdsy. Even the lighter weights
on the close lost the early advance. Heavy
hogs sold largely from 85.65 to S6.75. me.
elium and mixed hogs from t5.75 to 85 c5
n,l llnhl B,t HotnHf... K . . - r-r
to 85.924-
For the week receipts show a slight loss,
as compared with last week, the decrease
amounting to about 4,000 head. As com
pared with the same week of last year,
however, there Is a giin of about lo.Ooo
head. Prices have fluctuated tip snd down
a little, but the tendency has been upward,
and a net gain for the week of about
20c Is noted. This, in fact, has been the
tilth week of the season. Representative
sales: ,
61 ..
V .
3 ..
44 ..
M ..
I, 1 . .
r. .
II. ..
C.I . . .
77. ..
M ..
74 ..
74 ..
. .!
. sr5
. .2-7
. .;.
. t.'.l
. If
. M
. "7
. t;
. tuo
Sk. Fr.
W 4 TTVs
... IT7t,
12 t 77i,
t 00
Ml 140 I ?(
ltu 4 70
40 i 7:,
to ( 7:4
a Tin
I 72i,
( HO
4 ao
X 76
tuo 4 40
ao 4 (u
40 t an
Mi I M
ltd 4 aa
120 4 ao
ao 4 ao
so I 42
ao 4 '-a
to 4
tl IK
Id ltd
0 i 74
)XI t 74
4 75
Ml I 71
U 171
4(i I U
an 4 n
124 I 7t.
. . I'.f
4 74
40 4 74
I 73
an 71
U I 71
t to
.2-1 ! 4 74
4 o
4 SII4
.2SI aa 4 Til
2'5 40 4 77U
SO 4 " a
m t :
2.4 tM) 4 77 s,
of feeder
lambs arrived lUl. morning, betfidet those
carried over from yesterday, but no change
in the market took, pl.x-e. For tre week
receipts have been very there be
ing an liic-resse over lost week of snout
Xl.tOO her.d. and s compared nltn the same
w.ek of last nar th-re Is an Increase of
atx ut head. The receipts, though.
wre preiiy weil distributed throush the
week, and considering the i;,ixe run, the
market held up In a vrrv satisfactory rruin
ner. The demand for sheep from packers was
In good shape ail the we.k. and the market
on that class of can be quoted
sieauy. with tlie close ot Inet week. Trnd
Ing on most dts was quite brisk, good
clearances being made of deslrsiiie grades.
A large proportion of the offerings has
consisted of lambs, snd a god many of
them wre fat enough for klilrrs.
The tendency cf vulues whs
downward, and prices for the srek show s
net loss rf I64i.c. The good kinds have
suiTcud as we.l as the common, sxi that it
would not take a strictly prime bunch of
westerns to bring to. Natives, however,
have sold up to 85.35
The demand for feeders has been brisk
sll the week, and feeder aheep may te
quoted steady. Feeder lambs. however,
have suffered In sympathy with the decline
on killers, and may be quoK-d P'iilic lower.
Wuotations for grass sheep and iambs:
Good to choice yearlings. 8S.io4j4.ou, fair to
gooa jearlings. 83.5113 7.; good to choice
wethers, p i"3.5ti; fair to good wetners,
8r. i"u, 25; good to choice ewn $3 tiU.-aj.
fiUr to good eses. ti75ti3 do; good to choice
mmos. avomao.oci; fmr to goo,i ismns, x
4.; feeder vesrllngs. tS.6iA3.Si.: leede.
wethers. tl 25V3 5f; feeder ewes, t- ti
feeder lambs. gS.784a4.4n; breeding ewes, H-(J
e4.&. Hfpresentatlve sales:
No. ,v. i'r.
4 Idaho culls 72 tl '"
8 Idaho bucks 71 1 25
7 Wyoming buck lambs 56 S 24
2 Idaho ewes ..1 7 3 40
2 Idaho wethers 60 I 66
17t Idaho feeder lambs 59 4 10
11 Idaho feeder lambs 69 4 1"
1H5 Idaho feeder lambs 56 4 li
156 lilsho feeder lambs 54 4 Id
2 Idaho feeder ln:os 6j 4 10
1 Idaho feeder l.imb 57 4 10
442 Wyoming feeder lambs 69 4 26
31 J Wyoming feeder lambs 6a 4 26
Cattle Steady, Hogs gheep aad Lambs
CHICAGO, Sept. 24 CATTLE Receipts,
l.ti heads market, steady; gccd to prime
steers, 85 4.V& v 40 ; poor to medium. 83 .li
6.4u; stockers and feeders. 1-(Mtf 4 00 ; cow.,
tl.5'ii4 60; heifers, t2.ii'a 4 .5; canners, tl tri
1 Mi; bulls, tl 76I&4.00; calves. 13 'J,.'ii'i.&"; Texas
fc-d steers. t3.55u ,'5; western steers, U .25
tu4 76.
HoGS Receipts today. 6.(Xl head; esti
muted Monday, 25,tX, head; market, strong;
mixed and butchers. t.r'.50'a6.L"o; good to
choice heavy, to 95ii6.2l; rough heavy, li.5ij
5 75. light, 85.804)6 16, bulk of sales, 85. S"'
6 w.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000
head; sheep, strong; lambs, strong; good to
choice wethers. S3.6uri4.26; fair to choice
mixed. 83. (1041 3 80: western sheep, 82 6ovi4 15;
n.itivo lambs, t3 606UO; western lambs, 83.5u
Ksnsaa City live Stock Market.
ceipts, 2oo head, including 100 southerns:
murket unchanged, choice export and
ciret-sed beef steers, t5.0oi6.ii); fair to good,
83 755(i; western steers. 13. .5&5.60; stock-
: ers and feeders. 82.2icg4 (X); southern steers.
1 tJ.5Mi3.iE; southern cows, tT.60ij2.66; native
cows, tl 5c? 3.75; native heifers. 12 MKij 4 o;
bulls. 81.75(03 50; calves, t2.5txS4.60. Receipts
for week, 78,3(0 head.
HOGS Receipts, 1.600 head; market
steady; top price. 85.95; bulk of sales. 8."- Stit
5 95. heavy. So socjo W; packers. 85 95;
pigs and lights. S5.7ucjj6.95. Receipts for the
week, 2K.9w head.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.000
head; market steady; native lambs. 84 .Oudj
6.10; native wethers. 83.253i.75; native ewes.
S3.no7S 50; western lambs. t4 00u5.10; western
yearlings, 83.50Hj30; western sheep, i3.25g
J.i5; stockers and feeders, 82.5o.a3.&0. Re
ceipts for the week, 34.&00.
Xew York Lire Stoek Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 24-BEEVES-Re-ceipts.
none; dressed beef steady at 0459c
fir natlvo rides; exports today. S;2 head
cattle. CO head sheep and 7,3w quarters of
CALVES Receipts, 180 head; veals, slow
and about steady; westerns and grassers.
weak; veals sold at t4.0oii7.75; tops, 1; a
few grassers at 12.50; 1 car western at 48.60.
head; sheep, firm to a fraction higher;
lambs, fclow and barely stady; common to
prime lambs sold at li.OfK&fi.OO; two decks of
choice common to prime lambs sold at
8t.34(a6.50; common to choice sheep, So-oSj
HOG8 Receipts. 1.759 head; none on
sale; market steady.
8. Loals Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 24. CATTLE Receipts,
600 head; market steady; native shipping
and export steers, t4.75fu5.60; dressed beef
and butchers steers. t4-15fr5.15; steers un
der 1.000 pounds, 83.754.35; stockers and
feeders. t.(Si; cows and hellers, t2.0tfl
4ic'; canners, tl.00ii2.1O; bulls. t2.10S2.75;
calves. t2.aiiJ6.60 per 100 lbs.; Texas and
Imlinn steers, tJ.50ttj3.40. cows and heifers,
$2.t'ifi 3.00.
HOG6 Receipts, l.&fK) head; market,
higher: pigs and lights, t4.6(ftt?6.10; packers,
85.6.15; butchers and best heavy, 86.W)
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000
head; market, steady; natives, 83 6034.75;
lamh, 84.00jj6.60; Texans. 82.00(34.00.
loai City Lire Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Sept. 24. (Special
relc-pram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head;
market steady; beeves, 83.6ku5.50; cows,
bulls and mixed, S2.25rg3.25; stockers and
feeders. 82.75(&3.6o; calves and yearlings,
HOGS Receipts, !.6ort head; market
steady, selling at S5.6Mi5.S0; bulk, 85.86(8'5.70.
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ceipts, SM head; market steady to 10c
higher; top, 85 50.
HOGS Receipts. 2. 4l'6 head: market
steady; light. 83.924ti6.00; medium and
heavy, t5.8744f6.874.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 227 head;
market, firm.
Stork la fight.
Following were the receipts of live stock
at the six principal western cities yester
day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 83 4.4Sti 992
Sioux City 1(J 2.6(0
Kansas City 2"0 l.&no 8.000
ft. Ixiuis "0 l.tVVt LC""
St. Joseph 84 2.426 227
Chicrcgo l.OoO 8,K) 4.0.10
Totals 2,tV7 20.DO2 9.219
Coffee Market.
tured opened steady at unchanged prices,
with very little for sale, and continued
quiet, though later there was a slight In
crease In demand and at one time prices
were a partial 8 points higher. Just before
the close this partial gain whs lost and J
the market was finally steady. Sales were
23,270 hags, Including September, 8G.064irS.10;
October, 8690; November, 8685; Dec-ember,
t7.u7: January, $7.15; March. t7.8.K&7.36; May,
1 7 50477.66; July, 87.70(&7.75 Spot Rio, steady;
No. 7 Invoice, SVxc; mild, firm; Cordova,
KKil lie.
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Sept. 24. METALS The
usual Saturday dullness ruled in ell the
metnl markets today, with price, holding
about steady at yesterday's basis. Tin, spot,
was unchanged at Friday's advance. C'7.65
600. Copper, lake, tl2.75tai8.00j electro
lytic. tl2.75fil2.87H; casting. tlijjl2.65i.
Spelter, 86 bcj6.i. Lead, 84 2'$4.S.
steady, t-i li'n. Speller, steady, tt.95 bid.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 24. -COTTON Fu
tures closed steady; September, 10.73c; Oc
tober. 10.67c; November, lfl.7uc; December,
V'77c; January, 1076c; February, lu.fcue;
Marchi 10 S&c; April, 10 87c; May, lO.Mic. .
6iKt. quiet; middling uolands, 11 2oc; mid- 1
dlinr gulf. 11 4ic Sales, 75 bales.
ST. LOflS. Sept. 4. COTTON Quiet,
unchanged; middling, 11c. Sales, none; re- !
ceipts, none; shipments, none; stock, 3,276 ,
bales I
limited demand, prices Irregular; American '
middling fair. 6d. good middling G74d; '
mlcidllng, 6;d; low middling. S4d; good
ordinary, 612d; ordinary, &.!d. The sales
of the day were i.flOu bales, of which 2o0 1
were for speculation ard export and In- '
rluled 1.1(i(i American. Receipts, 4, (wo bales, I
including 3.7iid American.
J.W UKLfcA.NB. 2ept. 24 CIJTTON
Quiet. Bales, l.Vub bales Ordinary, 8 8-16c;
good ordinary, 9"c; low middling, Kic;
middling, l(ill-l'.c; good middling. ld7L-;
middling fair. 11 Sc. Receipts, t.&2 bales;
stock, U.SU bales.
Mllwsakre Grain Market.
ket lc hia'her; No. 1 northern. 81-2'i'11.21; No.
2 northern. tl.17Ql.19; May, tl.16 t'ul .15-,
HVB-Mrket lc higher: No. 1, 78Sc
HAkLEY Weak; No. 2. i7c; sample, 4
. ,,itv-riui; No. 1 C2a68c; May, 4!ril
49c ssked
Uulath Grala Market.
Dl'LCTH. Minn.. Sept. 24-WHEAT-To
sr-lve on Bef.terr.lier 2rt. No. 1 northern.
11.19; No. t northern, tl 19; to srrlve. No. 1
northern. II 17Sc: No. it northern, tl l3N.c;
on Uses, No. 1 northern. 11.19. No. 2 awlh-
ern. tl 13S. Repfember. 11.18; IVcembsf,
tl 1V tl 14
OKTS on track and to arrive. 04e.
14 HOI.F8 4I 8
Caadltloa ot Trade aad Qaiofatlaas aa)
Staple aad Fancy Prodaee.
EOGS Receit ts moderate; candled stock.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 9-i?4c; rooster.
V: turkes. i'flj-; d'H-ks, 7r9c; geeae, 5c;
spring chickens, llij1140.
HI TTK K Packing stock. 1144?12ci chotos
I to fancy dalrv, 15e; separator. l.lolSc-
FRESil FISH-Trout. 1'; pickerel, scj
rias. i s?; percn. ic; muensn. isc; annroin,
Its?; salmon, 14c; redsnapier. He; lobster,
fteen. e: lobster, boiled. 80c; bullheads,
lc; catfish. 14c; black bass. Joe: halibut,
is.- iv. . mt.A ai fr, 7f
1 white ba.s. lie; iron legs, per dos.. 36c
I UK AN-Per ton. 316
I HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholeaal
; Duelers assoclntlon: Choice No. 1 upland.
;ri; No. . 86 50; medium. 86 PO: coarse.
SV60 Rye straw. S5.i. These prices ara
for hay of good color and quality.
OYSTERS New Tork coonts, per ""la
45c; extra selects, per can. 87c; standards,
per ran S2c; bulk standards, per gal . tl 85;
bulk extra selects, per gal SI 78; bulk New
York counts, per gal , 17 0"
GRANGES ValenciMS. large sixes, $17541
4 25. small sizes. 14 2ti4 SO.
I LKMt'NS California fancy. 270. and
itt. 84 c"V'i i'; choice. 83Mri75.
DATKi Per Iwi of 80 J - It, pkgs., 8U.W1
Hallow! In 7t-lb box, per lb., 6c.
LIMES Florida, per 6-hssket cmtes 84 fX
FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton. 76CUS5C;
Imported Smyrna, 3-crown. 12c; 5-crown.
14', 7-crown. 16c.
BANANAS Per medium slxed bunch, 88.01
C1J : Jumbo. 82 7;.'ff3 2S.
per crate, 84 00.
APPLES Home-grown, per bu. bask eta
40fc'ie; per bbl . tl."ittl.
PEACH E8 Home-grown seedlings, per
bu., jJuc'; Colorado, per t'-basket crate,
11. Jo; Colorado, per box. 7t37&c; Utah, per
box. 6&4j7Pc.
PLUMS Utah and Colorado plums and
prunes, 75j3S5c.
PEARS California Rartlett. per box. tl-N
Xj2.W; Colorado Flemish Beauty. S166; Col
orado. Utah and Oregon Bartlett, tl 4sJ
I2 w; California B. Hardy, tl 65.
CANTELOUPE Genuine Colorado Rocky
Fcrds. per crnte, 12 0V
WATERMELONS Per ib. (crated), lo,
CELERY- Per dox . 255'5'
GRAPES Home-crown, tr t to 8-lb.
bafket, 15J;16c; California Tokny, per case,
CRAB APPLES-Per bbl.. $2-7563.00; psf
market basket. 4 a;.
CRANBERRIES Caps Cods, per bbLj
$6.6"; per box, 82 W.
QUINCES California, per box, $1.80.
POTATOES New home-grown, in sack
per bu., 45c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. tl 8OC1.0O.
ONIONS Home-grown, in sacks, per bu
6ov7ti5c; Spanish, per crate, tL76.
TOMATOES Home-grown, per market
basket. 2;l35c.
CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs., 860.
WAX BEANS-Per market basket. 60c.
EWEET POTATOES Home-grown, per
market basket. 40c; Virginia, per bbl., Si 71
GREEN PETTERS Per titlshel basket,
SQUASH Home-grown, per dos., Joe.
EGO PLANT Southera. per dos., $1.50. 1
MAPLE SUGAR Ohlu. per ., 10C
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream.
11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block'
Swiss, new. 15c; olcC 164jfl7c; Wisconsin
brick, 124c; Wisconsin Umberger, 18c.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1, soft shell, per lb.,
IX; bard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 3 soft shell,
per lb.. 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb..
10c! peanuts, per lb., 8c; roasted peanuts,"
tier lb., 12c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12(t13'c;
large hickory nuts, per !b , lie; almonds,
soft shell, per lb.. 15c; bare shell, 13c; sheil
oarks, per bu., $2.00; blasts walnuts, par
bu.. $1,25.
Canadian Soldiers In Chicago.
CHICAGO. Sept. 24 Canadian volunteers
the Twenty-first Sussex fuslleers, front
Windsor, Ont.. wearing the red tunics and
white heimets of the British army, ar
rived In Chicago today from the 8t Louis
exposition and went into quarters at tha
Regiment armory. Illinois National Guard.
The fusileers are 400 strong, with twenty
one officers, and are commanded by Lieu
tenant Colonel Bartlett. The visitors wera
met and welcomed by a company of the
First regiment.
Deeds filed for record September 24 as fur
nished by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614
Fa mem street, for The Bee:
Mary I. Creigh and husband to Elisa
beth M. Raker, part of lots 27 to 28.
block 6. Jerome park $ 2.600
H. L. Johnson to W. W. Mcllvalne,
lot IS, block 2. Shriver Place 68
A. W. Rankin and wife to same, lot
10. block 2. Shriver Place 60
Farmers' Loan and Trust company to
Katherlne Welch, lot 6, block 8, Hal
cyon Heights 1
fifth and Robert Stik.
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Bought and sold tin- casta or carried . riajaaambJe
margins, upoo which there will fee a coargn of ft
grain, K on stocks
Writs lor our market letta.
ip Your Grain To Us
But Fcii.itik Psourr Ksrcsna,
' LisssAi. Advances.
Branch Office, llO-lll Board of Trada.
Phone 3814. OMAHA, KKB.
V. Farnam Smith
& Go.
1320 Farnam St. Tel. IG6
We buy and sell South
Omaha Union Stock
Yards Stock.
The Merchants
National Bank
of Omaha, Nt.
b V tssaltsry
Capital and Surplus, $600,000
riAtl MttrHY. Prts.
Urrill 48L Catkisr.
rkAMK T. lAMHTOI. AmL Casklsr.
ttaoaiTe araounu el banka. kabkara. corpse
atluLa. Brms an4 iadlrl4uala aa tacraku
faratga Eirfcasga keiicbt sn4 aold,
Laira at erlit Uaua4. anuaakte la sll
aarca ! tha wort,
lutarast pal 4 oa Tim CsrtlOcataa tt rMpaoM.
Cxillectloua acaSa sronpci anS araocraaloa lis,
'a raajaesi twraapantasoa.
Members: Chicago, Omaha, Kansas City,
and St. Louis Exchanges.
Transactions for luiurs delivery glvsa
(srelul attention.
tli Board Trade Bldg. let. lOtkS.
INVESTMENTS w have recorameaded
the past year have paid over 26 per cent
profit. No disappointment to Investors.
We are now recommending another Invest
ment. Sample copy containing particulars
free Addresr Tle Oil News. ' 4ift-w
Investment UtpL