Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1904, Image 18

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    Aitimn Drtuvn trtr Vkhdk t;rl.
KW YOltK. Scut. S3. n rx int of
lJ I dressy toilettes, R!J compared with'
I te Krcnoh nuiifl. the Atncrifrin
young Kil l hi-, nm n sophLstirati J
pcn. Tho chit.'mirig autumn
co.stu:ne.i hi Ing prepared for her hive the
mart nuriiiij stamp or the grown
mimdr, The latest kinks of f ishlnn
considered, iiml so autocratic is this il.
i it y
that no n stops In reflect that seme
th' w iniilili n an; a shade
el.ifxir .to. Thry rnther rrr n to milt
die. sy pi rl. hI. fur cvi-rj I h l ig, outside
i ml,
t il (
i.i lixy, f 11 r
uresquc In
VI ,
As yet I he excessively high iTuwni'J hats
wi!h velvet Fhirritigs and rich ftatfnTS
arc ri-Kriltil it llttl. nhyly, many rriiittn'.s
picf ti in fur their iJ:iiihlfrH hi-nl-pc
ir i.f ii niorc i iirn ' n I innii I ilHKfrip!i i:i.
lint, whip FkhtM liallimn out In the
prt!sci II i il way, nml hIi-. vi s Ft. p at the
elhow nml nit kfpt In .stiff pufis wl'.h roils
nil rrin. .liiif. If tho Hi pvc Id
the wrist, th- r(Tf-t of .'in f!inv lrif;th
In HiiHliiiiii'il hv lialp? i hi.1 lo'.vrr port inn
fittinfi ilosi-ly. unil the npi.-r pu;T ri-.lly
BtoppInK n llttli; hi'lciw th" i !t ow. A fn
Torllo Klii ve fi r smart rrtii:n'H Is a puff
In tills length, t'M-ki-;! or si.irriil to fit tho
arm .lu.'t a'lovo unn ir two frills. TheRi?
: ' ilinil.!. .1. f.r they a'ri! really mt in thn
Bie, which ix fi.l.l-il up anil KTlhorod
to form them. I.oiik ptii'ili? Kloven cover
the lower arm nr. I such I'ljrtaiieil slveves
ni'iy i:o with Moiimo builleeH cf a Jnekit
lil.e ile.-'irii-l Iirti.
Bii.tie slvli.h i;lr! frocks h Inir
out ili'iliy new imil imvi! wool
nml rich i ..lor eff. i tn. ("hooka, small plaida
uihI in. ttleil nml shot patti i'ti:-- show haml
com.i browns, tlrfjeln;; oit rpd, and many
decrees of shadinK, till a rolur which st arts
dri ply often fades almost Into white.
Ehail. d effeetn are much In vngijt, but they
aie made rather by putlini; several tones
In a material together rather than by dye
Jiir. Hut feathers. wIuks and quills aro
ha;!ed in the deintf. and n f:'d rf tho
D-.on.ent Is to have tho Ftein of out rich
feathers in a color contrasting with the
ciiilb tf frlnjje.
Velvet, (flit brnl.l, embroidery mid pimp
deek the drifsy powns of Klrl us young
as 15, and whenever the IlKurc is Biifll
cli ntly divi loped the highest Kinlles cro
In o;der. The formir lonsu and blousy
atlo of boillco Is now only seen with dell
eato materials, with uuch waists as ac
company dani-e and dinner party frocks.
The bodices of thf new street frocks nra
In a KTit measure Adjusted to the figure.
Which makes a corset an absolute neces
sity and pormitH ef elaborate Klrdle treat
rients. A Biiwn of "ntlpiicd" bhiiik und blue vel--t
displajs a bloiisw closely adjusted at
tiiu back and falling with an Eton drop at
Uii) fronts.- A band of while, cloth at tho
bottom of the full skirt Is braided with blue
and black, tho pUIn clotli funning revera
for tho blouse. Thu high crush girdle is
abo or the cloth, as well ad the two double
frills at the Isittnni of the puffslieves.
Ith thia Rown Is worn a lar turban of
blue felt, trimmed with a black velvet uulll
Ini; and gray spotted liiiill. The niodel is
suited to glrla of from -5 to IS, but, of
course, the elegance of such a toilet liecea
Rltatea It being kept for extra occasions.
Shown with thia costume Is a second tins
gown of novelty wool In shaded brown,
uitablu to the same aires. A plain apron
and pleated lde breadths distinguish tho
eklrt of this, nd the pleated bodice simu
lates, through a, bias bnd. a square yoke.
Ai other bund put upon tho skirt 'ffects a
Mp-yoku look, und tho wide girdlu fastens
with a square brunxtt buckle, lirown vel
Tct Is used for this girdle, tho bias bands
und doubled frills ut the edge of the puff
The aivoinpiinytt jT hat Is a flaring shape
of I rown felt, wlili ;i i roun niching und
aldu cockade of brown velvet ami a fancy
brown und white qui II.
A eatuio with both of these handsome
dress a Is that a plain linen collar is tho
Beck finb.h. Tho linen collars of latevt cut
are Immensely high, and stiff bow ties of
black or white satin muy accompany them
for tho smartest toilets. Hut If the gown
Is splendid, the deep turn-over collar, which
exactly reproduces the loolc of the linen
on". Is Home times of ivory satin with the
.'; utitched in several rows.
Another ftno outdoor gown for youni?
(iris may have a full skirt dtvelopt-d In n
boavy silk to which a looiie or half-fitting
Tel vet eoat and plume-decked liat will give
splendid nlr These rvelvet coals and
Others of cloth are, when In loose form,
wide-sleeved and elegant in finish, many of
thm showing about the cut-out ! fires Is a
bn.-vl treatment In the richest applique and
broidery. White Is n irly always the
i n j . seaj jsifir- tbs ar n vntic m umj v bm j n f, w it v m t k i ' v mm. --m -wt, i. r -m . mmm
tau&tx! w,. i iw v, E B'l v V i-vszsy ws JizM&i mini i e&
background for this rich ornamentation,
and the coat is almost Invariably lined villi
Whltn satin.
The longer, half fitting coats i.ftYct a
smartly t ilh.ti il cut ma! Ilnih, i;iiit.- o'.o.-,-.
coat slei ys going sometimes wh!i si. eh
Htyhs. The turn-over collars and c.!' may
bo of coiiti.isting niatorlul. :it:J i'. tho cos
tume Is of velvet these details may ! of
embroidery or silk or plain cloth. To con
clude, such toilets ns are herr de cri! .nl
are designed for the promenade, the nati
nee, visiting, etc., for til" chur-h fn.fl;- as
It should tie-Is almost the pwn
In nilssy"s wardrobe.
For the Informal dances nn.l dlrrtrs al
lowed the young girl many d unty .'.ml Ir.ix
Iierifiive materials are used, vlth laces In
Blmple r.i'lcrns nnd velvet rtnd siil ribbons.
Hut more of these festive frocks are Men in
pure white than In color, aiid the tendency
is to combine the soft silks used for n.any
with odd pleasant-looking laces, which ure
In reality admirable imitation.
What U culled Mexican laoe is used in
Insertion form upon n dinner gown of
white Chinese silk. This Is in a model
suited to girls from U years up. us noth
ing could be simpler than the blouse form
of tho bodice and full skirt. Into the bot
tom of this, which is pufTed oddly to the
trimming. Is inserted a single deep band of
the lace above a five-inch hem. 're hedlce
buttons at the lmck, the material b. ing
puffed In the same way as in the ukirt to
tho encircling bands of lace. The tlcves
are elbow length and finish with n double
puff of the silk, which In bias form girdles
tho waist and ties in a p-quant up-and-down
bow behind.
Though leas interesting by fur than these
handsome costumes, girls' suits and coats
for practical wear aro calculated to have
a more widely popular vogue. In character
they differ from recent styles cnly in point
of detail, for one encounters the same sub
stantial and modest textures, and very
nearly the same cuts ns a year ago. Ilifn
und chicked wool stuffs are much te the
fore, these creating coat and sfturt suits
which traMs and bins lands trim effctlv oly
at moderate expense. IJone bartons in
knob fcrm are a decorative toi.h upon of the loos", doublo-hrra:ted coats,
and a niimlier of thom are lit led with slot
M anis at the side fronts and hack.
Numerous new skirt mod -N show the
narrow robe front and liiinn,i d fid,,
breadths, but the circular skirt, fitted at
the hips with pleats. Is still much nun.
Among tho later coat cuts there also
many suggestions of the popular Noifo'k
belt at the bsck, and if the coats ure braid
or velvet trimmed the belts may be so
IStit qtiite the best practical suit of th-
season Is, with the exception of sewing
li'iichlue stitching, entirely untrlmined.
this consists of tbn long, lei; :e. double
breasted coat with Norfolk back, anil skirt
i".. ir ri It I UMS'e r'.rWA"il
with plain apron and sldo killing. Nan
turnover collars and cuffs of velvet are
mosi inc trimming of these, which
made In men's ekth and storm-proof
The hats worn with them ure of the
ready-to-wear description, und if the gmvn
Is of Individual sty'e it sometimes happr-ns
that the hat Is made of the same texture,
with a velvet edge and fancy quills or
wings to amarten It.
A gown of red and brown shot suiting
h:is a hat of the same, and a braid trim
ming of red, white and hrown.
The favorite street getup for young girls
Is In suit form, but numbers of separate
cowl are to be worn. These are in va
rious lengths and materials, but tan, mel
ton and covert c'olhs are still much seen,
as well as the old loose cuts. Perfectly
new coats have an ulster or raincoat look,
for numbers are in shower-proof materials
and have the look sod bundling tendencies
of storm wraps.
To go with them, street footgear is of
the stoutest description, such rough wraps
seeming to call for extension soles una
1ac-rt boot tops.
Other maidenly footwear. It must be ad
mitted, is a bit frivolous, for high heels
and inadequately thin soles mark the latest
dressy bents and shoes.
Numberless are the coquetries which go
fo mnk up the trnsre iu of the girl of col
live age, and it so without flying that
eh. . x 1. ita thrin i ll to the bent of her
bent. .Among the ..1.1 notions revived is ii
pnliy t.' toward the homely, one
development cf which is seen in bib aprons.
Charmingly ancient phases in this cm e so
Important field are aprons suited to every
moment of the school girl's day for there
are morning, afternoon and even evening
aprons, as in the old lime. Thone for morn
ing use In the school room are naturally
in stf.ut textures, but Russian cross stitch
embroideries and round braids embellish,
the linens and piques In which they are
Tho fancy muslin and rlbbon-trlnirucd
affairs for afternoon and evening are cut
very narrow at the top and curve round at
the bottom. They are made coquettish
with puffings around the edge, through)
which the wide ribbons are sometimes run;
or else there are lace-edged frills and a
Fins!.- shlrrcil pocket drawn up with rlb-b"13-
Retnorr Tan, rimplei.Prarali'g.
Moth Pitch?, lUth.knd Skla
neaniv. unci
IrnrsUMcctlnn. It
iaa tux! tbA trfc
at 66 ycarm, ami la
o narmieaa w a
Uata It to b aura
Accept no cmiu Ut
feu at ilniUf
name. Ur. L. A.
Hjvra aal.1 to a
laJjr of Uw lii:u
ion (a paUrnt)!
'At vou ladies
will 9 thani, I
'Gaerawri Cnam'
as Urn Irut harmful ot ail tha Hia prapfLraliona."
Fur aala by ail Iructa and raitcy Uuoda lMaleia
tha IT. S., OanaUaa. aad Eannm.
UW. T. UOHariSt r r, J Smt Jmt St, IL