Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1904, Page 7, Image 13

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Quartet of Spellbinders SUrt Out Mondaj
Throueh SUU.
Fontanelle tlob Will Meet Tonlkt
t Try Once .More to Fix
, ' a Legislative
republican campalarii.g in the rtate Is to
I- given a good Impetus next wwk. No
lss than four orators with well-defined
refutations are to stump the state, making
at least one speech a cay. They are Con
gressman Walter I. Smith of Council Bluffs,
John T. Kills of Indiana, Ople Head of
Chicago ar.d Krank K. Nelson of Kansaj,
who talks In both SwedlEh and EngLsh.
Mr. Fills arrived in Omaha today and Mr.
I;end and Mr. Nelson coma Sunday. The
itineraries are:
Congressman Smith Auburn, S;th; N
hawka, 2;:h; Waverly. ITTth; Friend, IMh;
Balem, i3th; Adams, 3ith; Tkamah, Octo
ber 1.
John T. Ellis Indlnnola, Iih; Arapahoe
27th: Wilcox. 2Mh; Sjtton. Sth; O.'ceo'ia,
3"th; Ethuylrr. October 1.
Opln Head Cambrldpc, ;",th; Alma, 'h:
Bloomington, itn; Guide Hot k. iSth; Ches
ter, 3'th; Tawnee. October 1; Table, Itocln,
October 1.
Mr. Nelson will speak at varioua places
rot only next week, but during the one
Th metlng of the Second "Ward Re
publican club to hav been, teld Friday
was postponed one week or4 uccount of
r.iln. Candidates Nelson C. t'ratt, W. W.
lai.augh and J. C. Klnsr, for county
attorney; Mike Lee, for the legislature;
Fred liruning and FreU Jiehm, for county
commissioner, and lid SI i a peon, for consta
ble, were present ready t make speeches,
but a sufficient crowd Wia lucking and they
saved their oratory.
Harry Lindsay. cU- of the supreme
court. Is at republic headquarters again,
directing certain df'jills of the campaign.
Visitors Saturday 1 acluded W. H. Harrison
of Grand Island aJ(j c. E. Abbottt, county
chnirman at Fremont. Chnirman Ripg of
the speakers' butr-au returns from Beatrice
Panel Selected for October Terra
"Which Bealna at Lincoln Oc.
lober Teath.
An or-ier was Issued by Judge Munger
this mi r Ding postponing the October term
of tha fr deral courts at Lincoln from Oc
tober ft to October 10.
The decision also has been reached to
empitficl a petit Jury. The empaneling of
the petit Jury means that aside from a
iiu'x.ber of equity cases one or more Jury
tr als will be held on Indictments found by
1,ie federal grand Jury last November.
Among them will be, In all probability, the
trial of the General L. W. Colby case for
an accounting during his administration as
adjutant general of the state. This agree
ment has been reached by the United
States district attorney and the parties at
interest, as It will be more convenient
to have the hearing at Lincoln because cf
the accessibility of witnesses and records.
Fnlled States District Clerk R. C. Hoyt
and United States Jury Commissioner Tll
den drew the petit Jury. The Jury Is or
dered to report at Lincoln at 9 a. m. Octo
ber H. No grand Jury will be drawn for
, the Lincoln term of courts. Following la
tha list of the petit Jury, which Includes A.
C. Kennedy, Lewis Reed and Stephen D.
Bangs of Omaha:
B. C. All;n. Fremont. R. F. t. No. 1;
John L Babcock. Nellgh: 'Stephen D.
Hangs. 1405 St. Marv's venue, Omaha;
John Iierger, Julian; Sam W. Riven. Thed
ford: Henry Brenner. Humboldt: William
Crablll, Red Cloud; W. W. Cooper. Ponca;
June Conger. Wayne: Harry E. Coleman.
Greenwood; Ira Dean. Ashland; A. M. En.
rles. Auhurn: Leonard B. Fenner. Burwell;
Frank M. Flory. Geneva: Felix Givens,
Bancroft; Harvey D. Henry, Ashlnnd: W.
H Hay. Auburn: J. W. Hoyle. Waverly;
Mart Holcombe, North PlRtte; George Hol
ton. Kimball: Eugene Hunter. Rivertnn;
F. W. Jenal, Biootnfleld; Alf. C. Kennedv,
Omaha; C. C. Lanpber. Concord; B. Me
lott. Auburn; W. D. McCord. Alnsworth;
J. 8. Patton. Bloomfield; Clark T. Per
kins. St. Paul: E. V. S. Pomeroy, Hlggirs;
Lewis Reed. Omaha: E. M. Spear. Genoa;
John C. Scarlet. Humboldt; O. M. Stone
breaker. Lincoln; Frank K. Tu-klev. Paw
nee; William H. Thomas. Red Cloud: Cars
ten Truelsen. Ixiup C'iiv: Henrv VIckers.
Fdgar; Al Walters. Mullen: Hilnnd H.
"Wheeler, Lincoln; John C. Whltelock. Ash
Fata In Mshla In Any Oi
the Way Place She
'. Can.
Jennie Fox, an old and decrepit woman
Well known In police circles, has been given
twenty days by the acting police Judge. The
1 ox woman spent a year at the county
poor farm, but returned to her old haunts
and on several recent occasions has been
found sleeping In weed patches and ether
out-of-the-way places. It Is now thought
arrangements will be made to send her
back to the poor farm for good.
I am compelled by a sense of gratitude
to tell you the great good your remedy has
done me ia a case of Contagious Blood Poi
son. Among other symptoms I was severe
ly afflicted with Rheumatism, and got
almost past going. The disease got a firm
bold upon my system; my blood was thor
oughly poisoned with the virus. I lost in
weight, was run down, had sore throat,
eruptions, splotches and other evidences of
the disease. I was truly in a bad shape
when I began the use of S. & S., bnt the
persistent use of it brought me out of my
trouble safe and sound, and I have the
courage to publicly testify to the virtues of
your great blood remedy, S. S. S., and to
recommend it to all blood-poison sufferers,
sincerely believing if it is taken according
to directions, and given a fair trial, it will
thoroughly eliminate every part and parti
cle of the virus. Jamrs CUKIAM.
Stark Hotel, Creeosbnrg, Pa,
Painful swellings in the groins, red erup
tions upon the skin, sores in the mouth
and loss of hair and eyebrows, are some of
the common symptoms of this vile disease,
S. S. S. is an antidote for the awful virus
that attacks and destroys even the bones.
S. S. S. contains no Mercury, Potash or
ather mineral ingredient. We offer i, coo
for proof that it is not absolutely veget
able. Home treat
ment book giving
the symptoms and
other interesting
and valuable infor
nation about this
disease, mailed free.
Our physicians will
advise free those
who will write as.
I"t Swift SseoIBo Coapajy, AU&bU, 6a.
Tfreset" at ne.nora1.
Mr. Chauncey OVu and company In
"Terence, a rorn drama in four acts,
founded on tha m,vn (.f the sime name
hy Mrs. B. M. Crocker: dramatised by
Mrs. tdmund Nish Murcm. The cast:
Terence, tha m u coach driver
. Chaunrev Olcott
Sir Oreville Fanshawe. an English
sportsman Hairv Hanscombe
Captain LovAl, an English officer
. Thomas N. Heffron
Simon Foi.fcher. a lawyer
Richard Makhlen
Pat Ryr, a pensioner Mat B. Snyder
1 im O iirlen Gtorge Brenran
Hogau C. N. Schaeffer
Iantiy, little sweetheart John (lough
Ctttvny, httle sweetheart. Blanche Alexander
Maureen, L Arcy Marguerite Haydcn
ldy Fuushawe, Maureen's half-sister..
Amnnua Wellington
Mrs. y.alpaa. Maureen's aunt. .Roue tfnder
Lady Flat he Edith Miller Cook
Mrs O'Hara, landlady of the inn at
SAuie Elisabeth Washburn
Mad fiheela Kathertne Clarendon
Judy, a housemaid Dorrlt Ashton
Musical director for Mr. Olcott
Frank N. Mandeville
In "Terence" Mr. Olcott has a play that
Is several removes from dramatic perfec
tion, but one that is so far superior to the
one he chose for his opening bill that It
makes "A Romance of Athlone" seem the
more trivial. The story told In "Terence"
is cleverly conceived. Just a little bit out
of the beaten track, and it is well worked
out, the observable conventionalities be
ing those apparently lugged in in what the
bill suggest as tha "editing." If this sur
mise is correct, then the piece had better
been left unedited, for several of the very
fine situations are marred to allow the pre
sentation of some trite remark. The sec.
ond act Is especially strong, dramatic In
Its Intensity and powerful enough to enlist
the Interest of the most blase. The figure
of Terence, bowed In hopelessness as the
curtain goes down is a splendid climax to
a cleverly wrought situation. One by one
the ethers have left him, the villain In
triumph, the husband consumed by what
l.e conceives to be righteous indignation,
the wife overwhelmed with shame and
chagrin and secretly rejoicing that she has
an opportunity to escape her own short
comings through the sacrifice of her sister,
and finally the sister, heart-sore and
broken at the unexpected outcome of her
undertaking In behalf of the woman who
doesn't seem to appreciate her predica
ment, and still buoyed up by a hope she
dare not own, and the last of the Des
monds Is left alone with bis helpless love
and his dead hopes. All of this Is finely
depicted by Mr. Olcott and his company,
and the enthusiastic recall at the close of
the second act was elicited by some of the
most technically perfect work ever setn at
the Boyd.
Two anti-climactic acts follow this one
powerful act, and the visitor to the theater
is sent home happy because the Inevitable
marriage and happy life impends. We
haven't yet reached that stage where we
can write "And they never met again"
against the names of two young persons
thus severed In the course of a romantic
play. In real life they may be allowed to
drift apart, but at the theater or in the
storybook, never.
Mr. Olcott plays Terence as though he
loved the man himself. It Is a fine char,
acter he is called on to portray, one that
quite naturally dominates the situations,
and one that ts well handled In the present
Instance. Miss Hayden is charming as the
heroine, not only because of her person
ality, but for the delightfully Intelligent
way In which she presents the character.
In all regards the supporting company is
good, and the large audience present last
night enjoyed the play and the songs
thoroughly. . At least, the warmth of ap
plause leads to that conclusion, Mr. Olcott
Is growing steadily In favor In Omaha, and
may now feel ' reasonably sure of a gen
erous welcome whenever he comes.
Bids for Paving- tndrr Specifications
Which He Condemned and
Gets the Job.
Bids opened by the Board of Public
Works at a special meeting Saturday
for the repaying of the intersection at
Twenty-fourth and Lake streets with brick
block showed Charles E. Fanning to be the
only bidder. His price is $1.65 a yard and
the board ordered the contract awarded to
him subject to the approval of the mayor
and council. Mr. Fanning had declared he
would not bid under the specifications,
which tie declares illegal, but apparently
he reconsidered bis determination. The
last time the work was bid upon Hugh
Murphy submitted the only proposal. It
was $1.79 a yard anu was rejected by tho
Loses Money Jamplis River.
W. T. McNulty, a guest at the Faxton,
has reported at police headquarters the loss
of his pocketbook containing several hun
dred dullais in currency and drafts all of
the sum of $470. Kla story Is that while
Jumping across a stream of-water at Fif
teenth and Harney streets during the storm
of Friday night bis purse fell in the water
and was carried along before he could re
cover It.
Marriage Licenses.
Tha following marriage licenses were Is
sued up to noon September C4:
Name and Residence. Age.
Lee Tuckler, FUttmouth
Clara Miller. Pluttsmouth ig
Jess Hlatt, Fremont county. Iowa i
Ida Johnson, Fremont county, Iowa lit
Hugh A. Kennedy, South Omaha a
Adtiio Riper, South Omaha u
Movements of Ocean Vessels Sept. 23.
At New York Arrived: Mongolia, from
Glasgow; Phoenicia, from Hamburg; Cal
abria, from Leghorn. Arrived: Arabic
from Liverpool. '
At Plymouth Arrirnd: Koenig Albert,
from New York; Hamburg, from New
At Liverpool Arrived: Roman, from
At tjueenstown Sailed: Republic, from
Liverpool. Arrived: Cymric from Hoston.
At Moville Sailed: Bavarian, for Mon
treal; Anchorla. for New York.
At Copenhagen Sailed: Oscar II, for
New Y'ork.
At Hamburg Arrived: Prim Oskar, from
New York; Hohenzoilern, from New York.
At Cherbourg Arrived: Konig Albert,
from New York.
George Patterson of the Nebraska Coal
company has returned from a week's out
lug. Miss Mable VIckers and Miss Munneeke
of the city legal department have gone
to St. Louis for a few days at the World's
Dr. F. A. Sedileck. John Bouga of Tyn
dull, 8. D. ; I). W. Cunnoio of Butte, Mont.,
and A. H. Metzgar of King, Neb., are at
the Her Grand.
Mr. and Mrs. Alraon Baker and aon of
Goldendule, Wash.: Gvorge Berry of Battle
Creek. Neb.; W. J. Ryan of York and 8.
Harris of Fullerton are at the Millard.
Thomas Farber of Nellgh. W. G. Angus
of Buffalo, Wyo. ; J. E Boggs, George F.
Burr, 8. J. Dennis cf Lincoln. C. J. Bly
stuns of Fremont, aud F. E. IS lark of Falls
City are at th Merchants.
Captain of Police. Huts has returned from
a vacation spent with relatives In Wyo.
mlng, Nebraska and Kansaa The captain
reports living had an enjoyable time. Mrs.
Hase accompanied the captain.
Captain Guy V. Henry. Fourth Vnited
Stairs cavalry, from Fort Riley, Is an
Omaha visitor. Cu plain Henry U a sun of
the late General Guy V. Henry, formerly
In command ot the Department of tl.e Mis
souri. li. L. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs H. Ley and
sin of Wayne. Nib.; A. O. Thomas. J. E.
Pioufer of Kearney. J. W. Rushton of
Fairmont. C. S. Varlan of 8k ft Lake City
and W. D. Swain of Aberdeen, . D , ar
at the Paxton.
D. A. Hancock, A. M. Morrisfeey. J P.
Ryland of Valentine, John Bratt of Nona
I'lalt. J. R. Wllaou cf Papllllun. E Mc
Intyre cf B.'ward. J. R. McCoy of Water
loo and W. W. McCain vt Maud Cil. B. D-,
axe ai thMurrajr,
Comcil About Ready to Locats the Fortj
Few Street Lights.
Demand Esreeda the amber to Snch
Extent that (oanrllmrn Are Ex
peeling to Disappoint Many
f Their Friends.
8ome seven or eight weeks ago the city
entered Into a new contract with the elec
tric light company for street limits. The
new ordinance as passed lowered the rate
to be paid by the city for street lights and
the company agreed to locate forty addi
tional lights this year for the same money
ss received under the old contract.
While the city was securing more lights
and a reduction In the rental formerly
paid for street lights, the work of placing
the forty additional lights has not started
yet. Officials of the lighting company de
clare they are ready and willing at any
time to go ahead and put In the forty
lights In order to have them In service
before winter. The fault has been with
the council. When It became known that
a large number of new lights were to be
Installed Improvement clubs, property
owners and residents all over the city
commenced clamoring fur additional
lights. All of these requests are on file
and have been gone over by the lighting
committee and the council as a whole
and on Monday night the list will be
handed In to the city clerk In the shape
of a motion and not until then will the
people know where the new lights ar to
be located.
An official of the lighting company said
last evening that Just as soon as the loca
tions are named by the council the work
of installing lights will be commenced and
finished within thirty or forty days. Some
of the Improvement clubs are still calling
upon the city council for water hydrants
when it has been generally known for
weeks that the council located all of the
new hydrants to be put in this year some
time ago. Within a week aU of the addi
tional hydrants ordered will be placed In
service and the water company will cease
Improvements here for the year.
Vice President Cressey.
Telegrams from St. Louis announce the
election of W. H. Cressey of South Omaha
as the vice president of the Chief Car
Inspectors' and Car Foremen's association
of the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Mr. Cressey has not returned from the
convention at St. Louis which elected him
to this Important office, but he is assured
of a hearty welcome from his many
friends here when he does get back. Seven
years ago Mr. Cressey came to South
Omaha from Springfield, Mo., to take
charge of the Joint Car Inspection asso
ciation at this point. He has made h?sts
of friends who were more than pleased
to learn yesterday that his abilities had
been recognised by an association which
includes In its Jurisdiction all of North
Another Special Meeting;.
Last evening the city council held another
special meeting for the purpose of hearing
the ordinance refunding $22.3iK) in bonds
read. Today there will be another called
meeting, when the ordinance will be
passed and signed by Acting Mayor Ad
klns. This haste Is due from the fact
that Interest on the bonds at 6 per cent
Is due at the fiscal agency on October 1.
The desire of the council Is to sell these
bonds at 5 per cent before October L so as
to stop the payment of a higher rate of
- I'avlna; Completed Friday.
Yesterday ' afternoon Contractor Parks
completed the laying of the vitrified brick
pavement on O street from the viaduct to
Twenty-second street. This work was
started about six weeks ago and has been
pushed as rapidly as weather conditions
and the arrival of material would permit.
A concrete base five inches deep was first
laid, then two Inches of sand, then the
brick block. This work will cost the Im
provement district. Including grading,
curbing and paving, $1S.DX. Every foot
ot the pavement and concrete laid has been
Inspected by competent inspectors In the
employ of the city and the statement was
made last night that the work just com
pleted Is the best piece of paving ever
laid In South Omaha.
Dummy Train Stops Tonight.
Last evening Chief of Police Brlggs re
ceived a letter from the Cudahy Packing
company announcing that the dummy train
between Omaha and South Omaha will not
be in service after tonight. Copies of this
letter have been sent to Sheriff Power and
Chief of Police Donohue of Omaha and
the original was sent to Generai Manager
Holdrege of the Burlington. This train
has rVin in operation for sixty days, and
was used to carry packing house employes
to and from Omaha. As conditions at tha
packing houses are about normal now, the
managers of the packing plants have de
cided that there is no need to continue
this train.
Mrs. Flemina; Dies.
Mrs. Frank Fleming of Kearney died at
the home of her sister, Mrs. E. A. Cahow,
1S13 M street, Friday. Funeral services
will be held at the Cahow residence at
7:00 o'clock this morning and the body will
be taken to Kearney for interment. Mrs.
Fleming came to the home of her sister
about a week ago for medical treatment.
The best of physicians were employed,
but th case appeared almost hopeless from
the start and death came yesterday, Mrs.
Cahow Is almost prostrated with the death
ot her sister and may not be able to ac
company the remains to Kearney today.
Rev. R. L. Wheeler will have charge of
the services.
Maulo City Goaalp.
Jerry and Margaret Rice. S121 T street,
are down with scarlet fever,
Charles Cline left last night for his
ranch in Greeley county, where he expects
to winter.
Julius Swanson, a member of th city
fire department, is spending a ten days'
vacation In St. Louis.
Miss Nettie Harrington, general delivery
clerk at the postoffice, has returned from a
two weeks' vacation.
Mrs. William Watson of Sioux City Is
here, visiting her brother, W. D. Watson,
Fifteenth and N streets.
Joseph Vochal, Thirty-ninth and L
streets, has secured a permit for the con
struction of a dwelling to cist $l,E0u.
Members of the Christian church are
preparing to hold a rummage sale at
Twenty-fourth and O streets on October
7 and 8.
David G. Lane died at his home In Belle
rue yesterday. The funeral will be held
this afternoon. Interment in the Belle
vu cemetery.
Mary! Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
B. J. MoC'ab. Forty-second and 8 streets,
died yesterday. The funeral will be heij
this afternoon.
Th South Omaha Library board has pur
chased about $Jou worth of furniture lor
th new llbary building from tl.t) Home
Furniture company.
Inspector Jones has reported to the city
official that some of the physicians in the
city are extremely negligent about report
ing contagious or infectious discuses.
Colonel James G. Martin staled last
evening that he expects to secure posses
sion of the d Johnston residence at
Twenty-third and F atrects on October L
Mortality BtatUllra.
The following birthB and deaths have been
reported to the Bourd of H-alth during
the twenty-four hours ending at i.oou
Blrth-P. J. Fnrigl.t. 151S William, girl;
Albert Gray, VJ1 North Twentieth, girl;
John N. Kelly. 175:2 Leaven orth. boy.
Deaths Infant Harris. 81o Nurth Six
teenth. 1; Mr. Alary Rouse. Immanuel hos
pital, home. Plattsinouth, Neb., 64; Mra. M.
Sibley, St. Joseph s honpital, home. Cum.
Neb., . E A. Wig gen horn. St. Josephs
hospital, home, Ashland, Neb., 74,
We have made up for Honday's
selling Special Trimmed Hat made
of silk velvet and trimmed with silk
braid, fancy feather and ornament that
would sell regularly at $5.
A beautiful assortment to J Civ
choose from mmt0 W
Garments that Distinguish the Wearer
A splendid announcement for Monday and all week's selling
worthy of the attention of every women in Omaha.
Cheviot Shirtwaist Suits. Plain, browns or blues.
Pleated blouse waists
and walking skirts, $15.00
low figure of
Special Runabout Suits of black, blue and brown cheviots neatly O (C
trimmed, at UiwW
Ni Pall Kersev Coats Our leader ia the new 42-inch length, full box
plaited and strap trimmed, satin
velvet collar, in Diue, Diacif anu orown, new snupeu II e 3
sleeves tucked to cntT, sizes 32 U H H
to 44 $1S,C0
years $L. 00
Dress Waists
Star Estate Steel Ranges-
In order to pot into immediate use loO
of these famous ranpes we will place
on sale Monday, Star Estate Steel
Mangos, (without . ti Cf
hiph elosett, at UfctUU
lielivered on n down payment f i
and your promise to pay $1.."0 por
To men who are weak mentally,
morally and physically; whose pys
tims have at tome time been polluted
with poisonous private diseases, those
'whose depleted manhood forbids any
advances toward matrimony and those
who have made the mistake of marry
lnK wlille thi-reurki'd in their system
some friehtful weakness or poisonous
taint of private diseases, and who now
find themselves on the verse of soc;l
ruin. To all such men a consi ii-nUnns
and experienced doctor would advise
MCA mBtm i
We make no mialeadlns stntementa or deceptive proposition to
the nfClieted, nor do ne promlir to enre thrin in a few day. In order
to aeenre their pstronane, lint aroarantee a complete, anfr and lamt
Ina; care In the tinlckeat pox.llile tinir, without lenvlnir injnrlona
fter-efTrcta In the ayatem, and at the lowest rnit po.nlble for hon
eat, skillful and aneceaafol treatment. We rare
Stricture, Varicocele, Losses, Nervo-Sexuel Debility, Impo
potency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Sores, Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self
abuse, excesses or tha result of specific or private diseases.
r ACI I TATIftV fOFF If 'ou cann.t call, write for svmptom blank.
Vf tOLlllIU I I nLL Office Hcurs 8. a. in. to t p. m. Sundays, lo to 1 only.
I JOS Fat mat in St.. Bt. 13th and 14th Sts... Omaha.
A A a
MfmmSanAi ts Thursday IscksWj
KJiSkiy nf each tvaeV.
V t'-iZf-- SiYtv !lnv TlrlfPfa . R.
Coach excursion ticketa will be on sale every Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week limit of
seven days from date of sale.
Everyone should visit this the greatest Exposition the world
has ever known. This is a delightful season for viewing the
wonderful sights.
Ample Hotel and Lodging House accomodations for all.
See local ngent for full particulars.
TOM HUGHES. Trav. Pass. Aft. T. F. COODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Ajf t
S. E. Corner Hlh and Dti'f las Sts., Omaha, Nebr.
H. C TOWNSEND, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Aft. . St. Louis, Mo
BlII.I)Klt OK lltl'PY HOIK.
values at the
lined to waist, inlaid
values at fi
flea sjep
Girls' Peter Thompson Coats in finest quality of
raeltoD, j.iped in red and emblem trimmed sleeves,
standing collar, tab shoulders, mil- K3 TJk iT
itary button trimmed, also many grx (Ja Vj
other choice styles in fancy zibu- p H 5j
line, all sizes, ill) values VnV v? w
Girl's Military Coats la three-quarter lengths, in
bluo, red and brown, elab iri'.e ly piped with velvet
to tnaiea coior, inn iob uch
with belt, also Fancy Flaked i
! Hi
Zibeline Coats, sizes 6 to 14 Bt a fiZi
at $2.98 an elaborate showing of
many handsome new moaei, in uu
colors of brilliantine, cashmere,
albatroes and flannel, J4.U0 values
Melton Wilklnj 5kirts In oxford and
Mnek melton, three styles, cord, Ftrnp
and button trimmed, full flarinp. nent
ly tailored throughout,
Kkirts in this lot worth
to $4.00, your choice
Monday at
Cash or Credit.
Cook Stave.
No. 8 larpe oven, smooth cast
ingsnicely nickeled trim
med a guaranteed baker
worth S17.UO- 19 Kfl
September sale IfaiUU
you to consult without delay the best
specialist, one who has made a life
long study of just such easrs. one who
can quickly and fully understand your
troubles, one w ho will not deceive you
with false promises or unbusinesslike
propositions; one who can and will
cure you in the shortest possible time
and at the least expense to you. Any
man In need of such medical advice or
treatment should come at once to the
State Medical Institute.
fifteen Day tickets -$13.U
continues there is no end to the good things we offer you this
week in our Furniture, Carpet and Stove Departments Call
and be convinced. CASH OR CREDIT.
MORRIS CHAIRS P 'lid onk. tnnry or r'ritwd
velour revcriW- rnsl.lon?, worth $11 T Cft
Prpf mtM-r price liflU
SI I 'Kill lARD-S. lid r.f.k. hn heavy French Iwvel.
plrtte mirr"r one llnfd drawer, worth IO prt
17. oil. Scptciiitu r f.ile price ltJU
Csroets, Draperies, Bedding
INGRAIN OARPK'i'S-A laipe line ot
pouj inftrain corptts nt
Hope rortlere. In all tlie new r.d acceptable
ri'lors nnd combinations of colors; I IE
du.-init S pternliiT r.Av , Ill'
Our beddlne sale for t 'tn"rrow includes a com
plete line of blanket, comforts, pillows,
t rices that need no talk to atrirm them a:
2"o pairs mixd feather pillluws, 7 lbs.,
worth SI. "5; on sale
2o0 pairs blankets, full .lie. In colors
! comforts, well qnllt'd and well fill
lze assorted patterns; on sale tomorrow
We sell goods out of town on cur Easy
Guaranteed to heat time rooms
tons cf coal. Factory (ruarantee
with every stove. On Bale
tomorrow up from
ESTATK OAKS, guaranteed to
keep fire S hours with one
charge of soft coal on sale
upward II QC
liom I4iw3
Oak Heaters
For soft coal
upward from .
A&good in
all Iheear round
IP h o n &
D elivered toyouin
CbirffM LeM Than &l Others.
Treats all Sara, al
A Medical Eipert
M Yaar.' Bxpertenca
IS Vearf la Omaha
Hrir M.K. Catet Carta
la. STydroaala. Blaea Saiun Rtn,.r.
Olxt, Nrroi D.b.lnr. Imu i Simula ao. Vlt.M(
Sa4 all lornu .f cbroalo duia
Traatment by mxm.iL Call ar writ, Baa M
SW 14 . 14U ftanha. MM.
Far G.nerrfcaa. Cltat Leucorrhcea. (piit.r
rha)., Pitt an All Uahcaltty Seiu.l OlKh.ra...
No stricture. Free Syringe.
SkS-A Bar rwiMtln Miian.t.
At bruKciit. vr trui to acr adtlreu tor St.
MalVDOIt al F6 CO.. L.ncaat.r, 0.. Il II
neves Kidney !
Sl Bladder!
tiuublc si once.
Cures In
48 Hours an
F.c h Carw
lUar.lh IMira1
Mini I W (liuwf I
of i1m f .i-n.eri, X
mm . mj
3-Room Outfits
Three Rooms Comp'etely
Furnished for
$8.00 Per Month.
fan B8d Spring and Mat
tress Combination Iron Bed
handsome scroll design, full
benti'osts, four coats of white
emamel, good cotton top mat
tress and an extra strong
spring this combination
sells for 112.50
regularly- Sep
tember Mile price. . .
etc., at
Payment Plan. Write us for particulars
We are sole apents for the world famous Oar
land lino of Stoves and Kanzos; Garland Base
Burners at six-cial prices. Also a line of Tenln
sular Base Burners to select from.
Latest Scientific Discovery for the Application
of the Manelous Substance,
In the certain cure ot many hereto
fore Incurable diaea.ea, auch a.
Rhrnmalliui, Catarrh, Materia
Bright'a Ulaea.e, Uloud Potaonlns;,
lirraorrhuiila, Kilriua, la
yeiiala, Dlaexae. Pecnllar
to Women, .Nervou. anil
, All Uernt Ulftea.ea,
deiiroy tfc.Ki uiiiOl lf lOCH lOOV,
ana uu may prove u to your uu u suL.-uac-tion
abuoiuie.y utiout cost, buiipiy si.J
your name ai.d address and we ul
you, ail ihaifcia prepaid, one lull week
treatment cunsi.tii,g ot Jour K-iuium Kliika,
wuitli J.u0, utmuiuuly frfe.
No matter how lung you have bet-4 st
flitted, this woiiiiuriui new oioouvtry, iU
LiiL'M, wiiich juu nave heard feo muiU
about and !i:in has etirred the w hol
scientific world one hunured time. njor
than electricity ever uid, will cure you sj
)ou will slay cured.
By the application of VR. WARNER'S
RADIUM nlMiS, to nny part of tha
body, dead tissues spring to Hie, deadly di
Kease germs are destroyed- ano the puril.el
1.1. hj J, laden with marvelous itadium ra.,
aent bounding through bone ar.d muse. a,
iifrve anu brain.
KADI I'M KINGS act upnn the entl-a
pystem like the rays of the tun upon a halC-
blOWl: rvibe. lilt;., lli.tK.' We. lit :...n,ir
and give pale women nerves of steel and
the bloom of youth.
This ia tho tirst and only Radium rem
edy ever prepared which can be -mp'.oeJ
at home In the treatment of all germ dis
eanes, such as Rheumatism, Catarrh, Hi
larlH, Bright's Li?ease, Blood l'oloning,
Hemorihoidg, Eczema," l)pepsla, Uis.'jfcas
Peculiar to Women, all Nci vous and lierm
nnpp We will senl one full week'!
i"rit".P. tratment, cmslsting of Fut'H
to any suffi rer, abFOluiely wi'hout coat,
now or at any future time. Simply Fend
your name and address, fWIiir what tha
treatment is wanted for, mid you will re
ceive a full set of Radium Rlngt, all
charges prepaid, and If they cure you, ttll
your suffering friends.
Write now and plate what the treatment
I. wanted for, and you will lecelve it by
return mail. Address.
35 Drarbura St., t hlraao. III.
Every Voman
For .ale br
6CHAEFERS Dl'.UO STORES. 16lh anil
Chicago Ms.; Bo. Omaha. L'Uli and N .ia
Council Bluffs. Sih and Main .U.
KU11.N & CO., 15th and Douiiia. fctreet.
Omaha. Neb.
Quicker and for
than other
Cure. aU apecial dla
eaae. of mn kidn.y,
bladder aad
of women.
B!0D at Polsfii c.ur tor 111 Boon v,r'r
"'" ' . gn, aymptom, s ires on
body. In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and
eyebrows (falling out d.jappear coiiipl.ial
VirlCflSI Vplnt ruptored, .n largo d ant
llllbUiB I tin J k0,ty vein, cured willful
cutting, pain or lo. of tlina. N.ver faUa
Ciulckeut cur. In th. world.
Viik. Htrvcus Mbi VjtS.
tk.nou. aeblllty, early decline, lack of
Vigor and .trength.
Treatment by mall. 14 TEARS OF BUO
CESkKLL J-KACT1CB Hi i.u.llA, Caaa
on two Q
26.50 S
if'v . aIi'. 'I I n lalereaus) mil ihoula know
fjXS 'm'U MRVTL Whirlino iprf
V'S5 ' 73SvT' ' ?f'. Jtun-
t TC". fiS.Js!-V tioaand atirivm. Kn'-Skf.
VL- Vrp. trjffs, f.i-Mim Coiienli,.
y"" ". lar a- i-
If h raflnot supply tho X; EfW,"
HAUSal., a'ipt no ''''ci
iAlirr. I'Md fttamp fo ''
lllurtralrd bunk-!. ItclT. ,. j ( ' 4T
fuil pKrtu:iUsr iiDd 1:irrtin ln K'i m
nlablr lo Indira M h KVI L tO., ; W
a t .i a
. ' i