1 TITE OMAnA DAILY REE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1804. NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES "American Boyi' Life of Theodora Roose Telt," , Simply Told Story. SOME OLD BOYS WILL READ IT WITH RELISH AnatfceV nook by tht Asithoi- of '! Ill stepJiiitr fiindr Volames, rrlth a. Somber of Work of Klrtloa and Boie. American Boys' Ufs of Theodore Roose velt," from Ine prtw of 1as A Shepard. Boston, Is by Edward Btrathmeyer. ths author of the "American Boys' Life of VllHam McKlniey." The life of Mr. Roosevelt la one that appeals to a y. th averago hrsJthy, virile American boy, who In usually a horo worshiper at heart. Thla book traces the life of the president from echoftl boy, as colleite student, traveler, author, state assemblyman, civil service and police commissioner, governor of New York, leader of the "Hough Riders," up to vice president and finally aa president. The story Is simply told, and politics la ex cluded aa far aa possible partisan politics altogether. A number of good stories, hunt ing stories, stories of the Spanish war and of his public life are told. Altogether the" book Is one which boys, and some old boys, too, will read with a keen relish, and there la certainly a demand for such a biography. It is an Inspiration to read how an Amerlran boy, by sheer pluck, hon esty and hard work, has won his way steadily, step by step, to the highest gift in American publlo life. t 'The Narrow Gate," by Charles M. Shel don, author of "In His Steps." ate. In this. Ma new book, the author shows the true Inwardness of the liquor business, as he aces it, and the results that must follow an Indulgence in the habit. The editor of a country paper leads the fight against the liquor power, and' right nobly the author causes him to push his battle for temper ance. There is a love romance sufficient to add to the Interest of the story. Pub lished by the Advance Publishing company, Chicago. "Connectives of English Speech," by James C. Fernald. Thla work takea up prepositions,, conjunctions, relative pro nouns and adverbs, giving the definition and correct usage of these parts of speech so far aa pertalna to their office aa con nective In the construction, of English phrases and sentences. There are numer ous quotation sustaining the decisions as to correct or Incorrect usage. It Is a prac tical work and one that will be of great helpfulness to a very large class of peo ple. Published by Funk A Wagnalls com pany. "Physician versus Bacteriologist," by Prof. Dr. O. Rosonbach of Berlin. This work Is an authorized translation from the German by Dr. Achillea Rose. It la a spir ited discussion or treatise of a scientific subject over which "great mlnda differ." The work will undoubtedly prove a very Interesting one to the medical profession. Published by Funk & Wagnalls company. "Nature Study with Common Things," by M. H. Carter. Thla Is a very useful little book,, the object of which is to teach chil dren 'bow to observe nature. The subjects chosen are fruits and vegetables. The les sons are thoughtfully arranged and beauti fully Illustrated, and would undoubtedly prove a delight to childish minds. Pub lished by American, Book company. "Our Birds and Their Nestlings," by Margaret Coulson Walker. The author de scribes the habits, care of their nestlings, food and song of twenty of our best knewn birds. All technical details are avoided and the chapters written In a simple and pleas ing style. An attractive feature of the book Is Its Illustrations. Besides fourteen colored full-page plates there are flfty-elx black and white half tonea from photo graphs by such well-known bird students as Frank M. Chapman and A. R. Dugmore. Published by American Book company. "Vita," a drama by Grace Denlo Litchfield (Badger) la an allegory In which appear Time, Truth, Life and a few other per sonified graces and evil Influences. The lesson of a good life Is the theme. Lewis and Clark Journals, with a hlatory of the Louisiana purchase by John Bach McMasters (A, S. Barnes Sc. Co., New York) Is a complete report of the Biddle edition of the Journals of 1814. The present vol ume 03 ma, 382 pags) la accompanied by a map drawn lr William Clark In 1804. It Is a timely volume and replete with Inter est. "The Modern Bank." by Amoa Kidder Fluke (D, Appleton & .Co.) la a notable ad dition to the business man' library, and especially valuable to the young man who contemplates engaging. Jn banking, either as principal or employe. The aubjeet Is treated from a practical standpoint and one gets a good general Idea of the functions not only of the bank, but of the different branches of the work and how they are managed. "Tannhauser. Minnesinger and Knight Templar," a metrical romance, translated from the German of Julius Wolff by Charlea O. Kendall (Richard G. Badger), will give one, rn verse of very ordinary quality, an Idea of the story upon which Richard Wagner baaed his opera. The opening verse of the translator's Introduc tion la a fair aample of his atyle: Fair daughters of Columbia and Brltaln'a royal isle, A foreign poet now greeta ye, transplanted to your soli, But riot unknown his hero, where culture noldeth awav, TannhauHw, Wolfram, Walter the t laure ates of their day. "The Yoke," a romance of the daya Whesj the Lord redeemed the children of Israel from the bondage of Egypt, by Elisabeth Miller. The author haa gone back to the daya of the Pharaohs for the weaving of her story. The days of the plague; , the famine; the three daya of darkneas; the parting of the waters of the Red saa; the death of Egypt's firstborn, furnish ample material for the Ingenious f MRS. J. BENSON, MM SB5SSE35HI 355559 Jfo) ?aleof Children' 1 5hocg Saturday LOU All Remnants & Odd Lengths of Fine Dress Goods and Silks From the Work rooms of Miss Terriil, Omaha's Foremast Dressmaker BIGGEST REMNANT BARGAINS OMAHA EVEK KNEW. All the high quality remnants stork, regardless of actual cost wide cloths heavy street cloths, thin and dainty wool materials, in remnants from 3 to 8 yards, at Mttie. Monette's High - skirt and Buit lengths Panamas, cheviots, tailor cloths, thin goods, etamines, etc., blaek and alt colors, at, yard Imported French Flannels In remnants enough lor ttlmonas, wrappers plain, all colors and rich 1f Persian and Oriental designs, at w Manufacturer's ends 50 In. heavy i and medium weight cloths' C for skirts etc., at, yd. Silks From the Terriil Stock Remnants of Terrill's fire silks, gauzes, chiffon, cloth, fancy waistings, lining taffetas, etc., at 49c, 69c, 98c All the 75c and 98c silks, shirtwaist silks, black and col ored lining taffeta, in remnants at, yard, 35c Remnant Sale in Basement t New fall shipment, fine mercerized sateen in remnants, ex emnanis, ex- 15c tra heavy quality In black and all colors, worth 40c oft the bolt, at, yd Immense assortment of fin est grade plain and fancy outing' flannel, yard wide, in lengths up to 15 ynrds, at yard Baby blue, pink, red, white, .white, 6c and cream f lannel, in lengths up to 3 yards, at yard 86-in. ilauelettes in new i in now 7c fall styles, suitable for wrappers, kiroonaa, etc. worth loo a yd i ya Our Optical Dept. W have secured m Walter B. Lodge, a graduate optician, to take chargre Of our optical department. We will examine your eyes free of charge, correct your vision if Impaired or tell you to If no defect exists. , L5MAWHINNEr& RYAN CO 15 IU AND DOUGLAS JTS. OMAHA.JSTEB. author. "The Yoke" is a book which muat command the most Intense interest, and the most reverent respect from every reader. Published by Bobbs-MerrlU com pany. ( An Introduction to Dante's "Inferno", by Adolphua I. EonU, Is a 141-page volume from the Gorhara Press (Badger). The au thor saya the book Is not a commentary of the text of the divine comedy, but is in tended to fill the office of mentor and duty of guide, but after all It is a commentary on the thoughts If not on the expressions. "The Ark of 180V a atory of Louisiana Purchase times, by C. A. Stephens. This Is a story of American adventure and pluck In the days when the frontier was on the east side of the 'Mississippi. What thla frontier life waa la pictured in Mr. Steph ens' story. He shows the flatboat afloat, and describes the perils from bandits and floods, and beasta and men which the frontiersmen were subject to. Published by A. a Barnes A Co. "When ' It Waa Dork," the story of a great conspiracy, by Ouy Thorn. Thia is a highly dramatic atory describing the at tempts of Constantino Schnabe to destroy faith in Christianity. Published by O. P. Putnam's Bona. "Confessions of Marguerite," the story of a girl's heart. Anonymous. Marguerite leaves her country home In Wisconsin to go to Chicago to earn her living and study art. She meets discouragements and though she makes great effort, finally failure. Her confessions are records of her experi ences. Published by Rand, McNally & Co. "Ballade of Valor and Victory." by Clin ton Scollard and Wallace Rice: (Fleming H. Revell company) la a volume containing reprlnta of many of the ballade of the two writers which have appeared from time to time In other publications the weeklies and magazines practically. The book abounds In good things and shows that the1 soul of the baltadlst haa not de parted from the language nor has the spirit which prompts ballad poetry de parted from the race. "First Lessons In the New Thought," by J. W. WInkley, M. D., published by J. H. West company, Boston, is a treatise on mental healing. It deals with theraupetlcs, physical mental and moral. Thai: there Is a good deal of Interest manifested In the subject now is plain and thla little book caters to that Interest. Above booka at loweat retail prices. Matthewa, 122 South Fifteenth street. Handsome Outing Flannel Gowns These warm, coey, night dresses are Junt the R thing these cool nights. Home are white eider down handsomely embroidered in colors, at $1.00 up. Others made from soft pretty shades of plain blue or pink, r striped putterns with solid colored yokes; trimmed with luedulllous and braids and embroldemlr skirts all rut full, and good lengths. Indies' gowns, 50c, 75c. l0c. $1.00, $1.25. '0, $1.75, $2.00. $2.25. Children's 60c to $1.25 prices remarkably low for such new, tasty and beautiful garments. Come In now and make your selection while the assortment is complete. 212 South 16th St. Sals of Children' Clothing Saturday from the Terriil dressmaking Ul 1 1 O A-l V IJ 69c stuffs, silk and Class Dress Goods in 45c Traveling Men's Samples thous ands of pieces sets of C z nna 3 alike, at, eacn ikb 2 and 3 alike, at, each. Extra heavy flannel, long lengths, at vd 1 swansdown 7'2c 36-in. soft finish long cloth remnants, sells for gf 1 19ii in the Diece. BL 1 6k special, at yard Good heavy cream Shaker flannel, special per yard, at 5c Fine dress percales, double, fold, light and dark styles. Ten ynrds to a customer at, a yard. the services of Dr. HATS Men's stiff fur hats, 95c; worth $1.60. The kind that sells all over for $2.60 la only $1.90 here. OVERCOATS Overcoats ure our strong hold, a good respectable looking one as low aa $3.90. Better ones $5.00, $7.60, $10.00, $12.60 and $15.00. We can save you quite a lot of money on an ovetcoat. PANTS Black worsted pants slightly mixed with cotton, $1.39. Better onea $1.90, $2.60 and. $3.50. No houBe In the city shows a larger ine or better values in pants than we do. SUITS Men's suits on special sale aa low aa $3.90. We make a specialty of $5.00 suits. We don't believe you can equal them any where, also special values in suits at $7.60, $10.00. $12.50. $15.00, $18.00 and $19.60. We are the Omaha agents for Alfred Benjamin & Co., the world's finest clothes makers. UNDERWEAR Men's heavy weight cotton ribbed under wear, the kind that sells the world over for 60c a garment la now on sale at 85c Tan, blue and natural balbriggan color. We have an enormoua assortment of fine underwear at prices that mean a aavlng to you. SHIRTS Shirts now on sale at 69o in light and hoaVy weight, cost at least $1.25 elsewhere GLOVES Undressed Cape gloves, beautiful ahade of tan, 45c, look like dollar glovea. Also big line of work gloves from 6c up to $1 60 HANDKERCHIEFS Fancy hemstltehed handkerchiefs, fur nishers get 26o tor them, we now have them on special sale for 10c MEN'S SHOES We are making a apeclal effort to Increase our shoe business. Are now offering sheea that cost you every place else $2.60 and $3.00 for the popular price of $1.98. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 0CUQUS ST. P. 8. On the second floor you And on sale a line of men's sample hats worth up to $2.00 for 26o each. Come quick, they won't last long. i Dl AMONDS There is as much difference In the quality and prices of Diamonds u In 1 jewelry. A printed or spoken price la T no criterion of value unless quality la compared. Comparison invited by us. T Should you purchase of us and should mm vmi wunt vour money back anytime T I within one year we wiu give u to yuu less ten per cent. I l5T-& DODGE 'OD0E. t ---- I 35c . N For Crane's Writing Paper and Fountain Pens, go to Barkodovv Bros. BOOK SHOP. U. B22. 16l2F.rm.aSL OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Friday Local Showers tn-t ai Horse Show Needs Perfumery Is one of the smallest, yet one of the greatest. Want you to see our elaborate display of the world's best perfumery. Some Horse Show specials: Hudnut's Monallsa Vilt Blum), Cf)r each, pfr os cJVw Colgate p a France Rose, nflr Pansy B'.ossom. each, per os... Wvw Rlrksecker's triple extract fx fin Ping Pans, per os uvjw Pinaud's (Paris) triple extract, flfr Sandalwood, per os u"w .French Pansy, 7Sc per oun?e M w Violet dn Parme, 75 C per ounce . sjw 1L BIG REMNANT SALE of Black Press Goods 500 lengths of fine imported black dress goods lengths run from 2 to 10 yards 3G inches to 54 inches wide, in all the newest fabrics such as crepe de Taris, illusion voiles, crepe de Valois, poplins, nuns veiling, chiffon crepes,' silk voiles, granites, panaraas, etc. We are go ing to make two great lots of them. LOT 1 All lengthB worth from $1 to $ 2 yd while they last, yard LOT 2 The $2 to $3 qualities you take your choice, yard Sale Friday Morning at 8 O'clock. Special Sale of Shams . Scarf s With a Big Stamp Sensation. , 100 dos. 80x30, fine Swiss pillow shams, prettily ruf fled, and 20x64 scarfs to match all worth BOc Friday only, each .". And 10 ($1.00) "S & H" Green Trading SPACHTEL DOYLIES-50 dozen Swiss Spachtel doylies, 12x12, round and square, worth 39c Fri day only, each - And five (BOc) "S & H" Green SILK PETTICOATS Heavy oil boiled taffeta silk .black and all colors, sale Friday and Saturdny $7.50 quality, ot. . . ,.x HOUSE SACKS AND KIMONAS New fleeced cloth, Kay or quiet patterns WOMEN'S WALKING SKIRTS three hundred In plntn and mixed colors worth from $5.00 to $7.50 sale Friday and Saturday , GROCERY TtijllBEST EVER Clean new and attractive groceries at lowest prices. Ten ($1) "S&H" Green Trading Stamps with dozen boxes Parlor Matches, at 12;C Ten (II) "S&H" Green Trading: Stamp with two pounds of Japan Bice at, Ton (11) 'S & H" Green Trading Stamps with pound pkg. Ben nett's Capitol Coffee 28 C Twenty ($2) "S & H" Green Trad ing Stamps with lb. pkg. Qn best Tea Siftings IOC Ten (II). "S&H" Green Trading Stamps with lb. mixed IP Pickling Spice J C Ten ($1) "S&H" Green Trading Stamps with pound New York full cream Cheese.. ..""C Full line of finest pickles in bulk Medium Sour, pint 6o Chow Chow, pint 10e Dill, new, dozen Uo Candy Department Special offer In Kisses Mint Kisses very delicious, lb. ...lOo SB 14c Great Sale of Oil Stoves. Too soon perhaps to fire up the huge base burner use an oil stove temporarily, but use a good one. Positively the best oil etove on the market can be had at Bennetts for $4.68 Parlor and laundry stove 3.50 Sheet iron stove, small size, 2.95 Come in and see our huge line of Peninsula base burners, heating stoves and ranges-the most reliable make in America. 1 AGAIN FRIDAY Tin fruit cans just what you need for canning tomatoes, per doz 38c FRIDAY SHOE SASE Ladies' Corona Colt, dull top, wide extension sole, Co lonial heels, blncher cut shoes, very swell, Ol AA 5.00 value for ...pTaUU Ladies Vici Kid, patent tip. welted sole, outside ex tension edge, high cadet heel, stylish new flT CA drop toe 15.00 value for .PJJU Men's Corona Colt, large buttons, welted sole, stylish new drop toe $5.00 value for seventy f (.vv) "o. b ii. Men's' Velour calf, dulll top, Bluch-rggp er cut, "stylish new diamond drop (f AA Jwi! tip f 5. 00 values for.' vPreUU j Stamps with either ol above items. Sea ttia Gorgeous Norse owers B L I E The weather Is now a very interesting problem warm spells and intermittent chills. Want to know the forecast at a glance? throw your eyes to the top of Ben nett's ads every day and you will know to a close certainty what's what on the weather question. 50c 75c Stamps with each piece. 25c fell iiuia 15c is?i Trading - Sta mps with each, $4.95 50c $3.95 A Turmoil iiv Crockery Tin Top Jelly dozen, 81 at And twenty ($2) Little Green Stickers. WELSBACH GAS Burners, all complete, mantle, shade and chimney, gc And Ffty 5) Little Green Stickers. 2-Gal. Stone Jars, each 16c And twenty (J2) Little Green Stickers. Mason Fruit Jar Caps, per doz Large size Howls and Fitckers, each 12c 48c , $4.00 ureen iraaing Mf'ft Show Windows at Bennett's arcii sjsliMSsgg . i wms&.aA lluM ii yiyilS mv Sit IT. THB RELIABLE I TOUR. IT. SURPRISING BARGAINS FRIDAY. ITS REMNANT DAY. Ml the Remnants of the Past Week Together with several cases of mill ends, etc., will be on sale This is your bargain opportunity. Remnnnts nnd full pleres of 6Hc full standard prints Remnants and full pieces ot indigo blue prints ; Remnants and full pieces of flannelettes, worth 10c Short lensths of 15c prrcalrs Short lengths of 124c ginghams , lfto flannelettes fine range of colors .... 2ic 3ic ...5c .5c 5c 71c Extra Gray cambric linings 4 n 6c quality1 V 25c black mercerlied linings Hr yard wide at Ov FuM standard prints 21C Fine apron checks ...5c 21c at Iast of all our dimities, lawns and batistes WOOI, DRKSS GOODS 600 Remnants of all wool and half B wool dress goods at IOC Linens, Muslins and Towelings. REMNANTS OF MUSLIN, bleached and """"--"-. iic;e are long mill ends ana fM to 12tyc values- - Frldny, at. ynrd OC READY MADE PHKETS. bleached. 2'i yards wide and 2V yards long, with wide hem and best mnke, our regular If,-. 56c value at. tarh .... 1VC RKADY MADE PILLOW rASES-42 and 45-Inch, with wide hem, best make, regular lfic value, each IUw TURKEY RED TABLE CLOTH-Frlnged. guaranteed, absolute fact rolor, 2U yds. long, sells regularly at tl. 50 special Frl- day, only two to a customer KC at, each OVC MORE BLACK SILK REMNANTS CHASE. FRIDAY Nearly 500 remnants of fine blaek silks. neau de sole, Loulalne, Moussellne, pop 36-inch wide silks, and some are worth Friday, at 9 o'clock PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES This will positively be the last week of the peach season. We have Just received another large assignment of fancy large Colorado yellow freestone peaches, which will go on sale Friday at, per case,. 70c NO LIMIT ALL. YOU WANT. THE DRIED FRUIT New Virginia Raspberries, per lb 21c Choice California Prunes, per lb 8c Fancy Italian Prunes, per lb 6',4c Select California Peaches, per lb 7tyc Fancy Muir Peaches, per lb 8 l-3c Fancy Crawford Peaches, per lb 9c English Cleaned Currents, per lb 7He Choice Grecian Currents, per lb 8 l-3o mm $8.50 OWLY $8.50 Coach excursion tickets will be on sale every Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week limit of seven days from date of sale. Everyone should visit this the greatest Exposition the world has ever known. This is a delightful season for viewing the wonderful sights. v Ample Hotel and Lodging House accomodations for all. REASONABLE RATES. See local agent for full particulars. 1 TOM HUGHES, Travl Pass. Aft. T. S. E. Corner 14th and Dtuglas Sts., Omaha, Mebr. H. C. T0WNSEND, Gen. Pass, and ticket Atf. " St. Louis, Mo Popular Prices for the Horse Show. Wishing to comply with the demand of the masses for a popular price admission to the Horse Show, the management has placed the tickets of the Bit and Bridle Club to occupy the entire balcony, in every section, from the fifth row back. A membership to this club entitles one to two reserved seats for eVery performance making 16 tickets for $10.00 or in other words a single ticket to cost but 07 cents. These tickets are transferable and in clude privileges of the promenade. Season tickets on arena floor f 12.50 each for the week. Season tickets, first four rows in the balcony $10.00 each for the week. Balcony seats, first four rows, $1.50 each, single per formance. . Reserved seats on Arena Floor, single performance, $2.00 each. General Admission, including reserved seat, back of first four rows in balcony, $1.00 each, Including privileges of the promenade. THE' HORSE SHOW will undoubtedly be very fine but not quite so fine as our beautiful '.ine of cut glass, sterling silver, watches, UamoudH ami Jewelry. You could spend a few minutes in our store very pronlably. Look for the nam. S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler. 1316 Douglas St. 15o dark percales perfectly fast colors 36-Inch Sea Island percales at New fall styles of the Wl nold's mills flannelettes, their cloth, designs and co!ors, worth 15c and 19c all go at French percales, both dark ors. het cloth made worth meat ndsnr and Ar celebrated for perfectly fast ..10c and light rn 10c Specials. l.O remnants and drws patterns of all wool dresa goodo, worth from r5c to 1.50 a yard at ,. -OC 601) patterns of 54-Inch, 56-Inch and M-lnoh all wool tailor suitings, all wool and silk all wool voiles, all wool Brotch suiting. all wool batistes, 54-lnrh Sicilians- evening shade for waistings C(lr C AYrv vurri ai.M At frnm 11 ti tl J OVw n ' ' N 600 and 75c all wool challles, 10 yards to a customer 1 at, yard .. ..... M ... KSW LARGE H1TK TOWELSred border re, ular loc value only 2 to C. a customer each 64-lnch WHITE TARLE DAMASK tn sT eral beautiful patterns, regular Olr' 40c value at, yard HEMSTITCHED TARLE CLOTH8-24 yards long, handsome patterns, regular t2.00 value f each DOTTED SWIPfl. INDIA LINON AND CHECK NAINSOOK-regular Ra 10c value at, yard FROM THE GREAT MILL PUR- AT NINE O'CLOCK. In lengths from H4 to 10 yards, in taffeta, lln, satin and brocades, many 27-ln. and tl.00, tl.60 and $2.00 go on sale 6QC GROCERIES GROCERIES Force, Vigor, Vim, Neutrita, Egg-O-Pee, X-Cello, per package ...7a Qt. cans fancy golden table syrup 810 Fancy Imported macaroni, pkg 8'VJ 1-lb. cans assorted soups 8o The best laundry soaps, bur 2vio Choice tea siflfngs, lb loo SEASON IIA8 COMMENCED. Fancy Vostlzza Cleaned Currants, lb. .10a Choice Muscatel Raisins, per lb 5o Fancy Muscatel Layer Raisins, lb 7Ho Fancy Moor Park Apricots, per lb 12V New York Crab Apples, per lb .....do Fancy Oregon Nectarines, per lb 10o Fariev Pitted Plums, per lb 12Ao 1-lb. Package Seeded Raisins, lb 7V COACH EXCURSIONS TO ST. LOUIS, MO, Ciiitrfv In Thtirerlav InMnelvs) WHIIWaj IV MM! WWUJ IIIWIIKIII of each week. mm. Sixty Day Tickets - $15.35 Fifteen Day Tickets - $13.80 - F. GOODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Xgt 5 71c x w ( .