THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1M4. SPECIAL SALE Grand Opening Bisplay NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS lili MONDAY THE REM A RLE STORE. TUB RF.LIABLB TORE. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH BEAUTIFUL EVENING GOWNS FOR THE HORSE SHOW AND AK-SAR-BEN BALL, HANDSOME OPERA CLOAKS, ELEGANT FURS. The Handsomest Collection of Women's High-Grade Ready-to-Wcar Garmtnts Ever Shown In the City. Evening Oowna, at $80.00, TOOO.oef) 110 I DON'T PAIL TO THI$J i Handeoms Opera Cloak, at ISOOO AK fif, $100.00, $160.00 up to oSOU.VIU DISPLAY MONDAY. I $34.00 up to. ..,..r...,OO.UU On Genuine Hand-Made Renaissance Center Pieces, Dresser Scarfs and JUST RECEIVED AND WILL GO ON SALE MONDAY. The largest, moat elaborate and Wat solintetl line of Irr Trtmnilnjrt, Tailor Braids, Fancy Braid. Applique and Trimming NorelUpg ever seen In the city. We hrw ten style where others show one. Our reputation for showing the largest, tlneat and moat complete line of dreaa trimming In the city will be frilly lived up to thla sen son. Exclusive designs, immense variety of patterna, moderate prices. Doylies at Less Than One-Halt Regular Price too fane ry Doylies. Oin $2 IS Renaissance Dreaaer Scarfs, tf 17 at. each MmMM at, each.......... ; $4.00 Renaissance Dreaaer Bcarfa, f QQ at. each THESE PRICES FOR MONDAY ONLT. 60c new Lac Stock Collar, 0kn at, each sSOfc $1.00 Renaissance Center Pieces, at, each $1,25 Renaissance Center Places, at, each .35c 48c WOOL DRESS GOODS SALE On Monday we will hold one of the greatest Dress Goods pales ever given In Omaha. Any lady who has priced our Wool Dress Goods and has any idea of buying a dress should do bo Monday. ' Colored High Grade Department Blacks Any $1 00 Black Dress Goods, ffin Monday, at, yard i....M ,J" Any $1 28 Dreaa Oooda, Monday, QQn at, yard OVW $1.60 yard Any $1.60 Dreaa Oooda, Monday, at. 98c Any $1 .9 Dreaa Oooda, Monday, 4 Of at. yard IsnSV Any $2.60 Dreaa Oooda, Monday, 1 ACk at, yard Anjr $3 00Dres Oooda, Monday, QQ Any $3.60 Dreaa Oooda, Monday, O Of) at, yard Oy Any $400, $5.00 or $6 00 Black O OA Dreas Oooda, Monday, at, yard 20 POPULAR PRICED DRESS GOODS IN THE DOMESTIC ROOM. Read thla. Cut from the piece only and no remnants. ' 64-Inch atrlctly all wool Ladles' Cloth, at, yard , 49c $1.00 Sicilians, black, brown and nary, 64 Inches wide, extra weight, 40f at. yard 76c atrlct'y all wool Zlbellne, fine range of colors, looks Just like $5.00 grade, A7rs Monday, only yard w 75c Scotch Suitings, strictly all wool, looks Just like a $20.00 ready-made xl fir suit, at, yard English Mohairs, metallo figures, made to sell at $1.00 yard, AHr at, yard OW. Strictly all wool Tricots, all the new school dress shades, worth 60c yard, 20f Monday only,, at, yard n5gw Strictly all wool new fall Walatlnga, hsnd " some mixture weavea, )Cr at, yard Strictly all wool Challlea Henriettas, the 60o grade. at, yard and Dress Ooods, at, yard, 10c, 16o and up from Printed ,17ic ..25c 8AMPLES OF NEW FALL OOODS ARE NOW READY. DRESS Sample Hats. We hare purchased the entire sample line of a large eastern manufacturer at Just a fraction of their real value. These re unquestionably the best val ues ever offered for the price ac tually worth up to $3, our price Monday 95c Splendid Values in New Silks for Monday's Sale We place on sale Monday morning over 200 pieces of choice new silks, including many white silks for waists and dresses, light silks for evening wear and also many black silks. All these elegant new silks go on sale at a saving of one-third. v TINE AND WHITE CREAM TAFFETA I WHITE OR CREAM PONGEE-Regulnr 1 WHITE OR CREAM LINING BATTV Pure silk, II Inches wide, 60 A tin ,u quality, $4 Inche grade, at, yard -vw at, yarn. wide, eguinr i5k M Inchea wide, regular $1.60 quality, at, yard FANCY SILKS In small designs, all colors, full pieces worth 69c, 75c and TfV fl.00 yard at oHr sale price, the Jjy best value ever offered, at, yard. . . . PERSIAN, JACQUAKD AND SILK For waists or dresses that sold for 85c and $1.23 yard Monday's great sale, at,' yard 98C HATCHET 49c THE NEW PLAID SILK BO DE8IRABLE I 811k for Bhlrt Walt Suits The newest styles ana colors, 11 incncs wiae. fJr FOR WAISTS. In browns and blues. In beautiful color effects. In heavy satin rrofs 7 Ri bs rn, worth $1.00 yard, at, yard See the new Electra Silk In Mescaline finish, the prettiest silk made,. QQr all colors, on sale at, yard on special sale at, yard, 89c and. 50 pieces colored pure silk Crepe de Chine. 84 Inches wide. In leading A.Qn ahadea, at, yard.. The newest Persian and Rroadtall Velvets, for waists, coats and entire f t( dresses, on sale at, yard vV 100 pieces ltlnck Domestic Taffeta, 27 Inches wide, regular price In every fClc store 11. UO yard, on sale at, yard J J 50 pieces 30 Inches wlile Swiss Klack Taf feta, one of the best blnck silks mads and worth $1.75 yard. Monday, f H at, yard lv WE ARE EXCLUSIVE OMAHA AGKNTB FOR THK CELEBRATED W1NSLOW TA FFETAS. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Now Is the Time to Buy Table Linens, Muslins -and Sheetings. Monday Will be a Day of Great Bargains in Our Linen and Domestic Department. ATLANTIC SHEETING Unbleached, 2 yards wide, our regular 23c value, f Hr Monday, at, yard.- muw 16 YARDS BLEACHED MUBLIN-l yard .wide, our regular 7"ic value Monday 15 yards to a customer 1,00 1J YARDS ENGLISH LONG CLOTH-Soft Anlsh. regular 12Hc .value, f (a Monday 12 yards for lvo PURE WHITE TABLE DAMASK In sev eral handsome patterna, regular 35q value, apeclal Monday, t 19C PURE GERMAN LINEN TABLE DAMASK Soft bleached, regular A On 66c value, at, yard - J OLASS TOWELING Linen finish, 11 Inches wide. In red and blue checks, regu lar 10c value, at. yard i.. "w TURKEY RED TABLE CLOTHS Oil boiled, 2H yards long, guaranteed fast colors, regular $1.50 value, fiQc at each INDIA LINON, DOTTED SWISS. CHECK NAINSOOKS, etc., regular 10c ; Rc values, at, yard Flannel Department ,15c 10c 40c all wool fancy atrlpes and checks Okc .Skirting Flannel, at, yard t cases lOo Shaker Flannel, extra Kc heavy, at, yard.... ...............-' 26c White Wool Flannel, .at, yard , t I6c 36 Inches wide fancy Outing Flannel, at, yard 10c Drapery Cretonne, at, yard 10c 80 Inchea wide Cotton Flannel, at, yard BED SPREADS. $1.00 Full else extra heavy Bed Spreads, Marseilles patterns DVIC :.bc ..4c at, each. Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings A CAR OF THOSE FINE ROAL UNIVERSAL DOUBLE HEATERS. REGAL WITHOUT EXCEPTION THE HANDSOMEST. THE BEST, THE MOST ECONOMICAL. THE GREATEST HEAT ER. THE BEST NICKELED DOUBLE HEATING BASE BURNERS MADE. That la, saying a great deal, but you will agree with ua when you see It. COME AND SEE THEM. A A Btf, Good alse for .OV OAK HEATERS We have over 60 different kinds of Oak Stoves. IN AIR TIGHT OR HOT BLAST, and can give you any price or else you may want always a little less than elsewhere.. Will 1 QC . have them up from " 8TEEL RANGES We have over 26 dif ferent kinds In stock all first claaa make such at THE JEWEL, THE UNIVER SAL, THE M. ft D. and THE NEVER FAIL. We have THE CROWN that ought to sell for $36.00 we sell OO Rf them for AO.OU ODDS AND ENDS Stove Boarda, at.!..,.! tio Stove Pipe, at.... to Kindling Hatchet, at 100 Gasoline Stoves, at...., $3.l4 Blue and White 12-qt. Pall, at........... 6o Coal Hods. at... I6o Klbows, at 96 i'-hole Laundry Stove, at $3.1$ Gasoline Oven, large, at -.........$1.6$ O-Qt. Blue and White Kettle, at $10 The Latest Styles in Women's Suits Are constantly arriving. , You are always sure of finding the very newest things here, and our customers tell us our prices are 25" per cent below those asked by other houses As a Special Inducement for Monday We Have Added Monday's One Hour Bargains 160 new Suits to our already .magnificent line at $18.60. ' These suits have all the charm and grace . of outline of $30.00 garments unquestionably the most hand some suits we have ever f Q en offered, at, suit IO.OU 176 new Suits with all the richness and beauty of style of $40.00 garments are now added to our immense line 7 Bf of special values, at. suit... tM.Jf WOMEN'S SUITS In great variety of mannish materials, cheviots, serges, etc., made td sell at $18.76, our A ttfl apeclal price l'w.Qli NOBBY WOMEN'S SUITS In 10 different styles, regular $15.00 values. Q tC apeclal, at O. PRETTY SILK CQATS-A complete sam ple line In loose back and blouse styles, worth up to $12.00, special, 5 00 COVERT 'jACKETS-in early "fail 'weights. In both black and tans, S at, $12.00, $10.00, $7.60 and O.UU $12.60 TOURIST COATS-Trimmed In hand some color combinations, J Ofi special, Monday, at OiVU A nandsome line of Tourist Coats In fanoy mixtures and plain colors, . SE fWk at, $20.00, $18.60 and IO.UU ELEGANT SILK AND VOIL SKIRTS At. U5.00, $18.00, $20.00, . 35 QQ Two Special Skirt 'Bargains SPECIAL NO. 1. New Walking Sklrta. In 12 different styles, worth up to A fltt $8.00, choice Monday... .VO SPECIAL NO. 2 Dress and Walking Skirts, all colors and newest styles, worth up to $7.60, special 3 98 Furs Furs . Furs $5.00 BEAVER AND MARTIN SCARFS wtlth " ta"8' 2.98 WOMEN'S itiNCH FUR SCARFS f QQ at $4.98 and O.VO WOMEN'S NEAR SEAL COATS Collar, cuffa and reveree trimmed In beaver, martin or mink, worth $70.00, Af flfi special at V.UU 39c FROM $:80 TILL :S0 A. M Women'a Eiderdown and Flannel ette Sacquea. at FROM TILL 10 A.M. $1.00 Flannelette Wrappers, 59c FROM 9:30 TILL 10:30 A. M Women's Black Sateen Pettlcoata, at NEW FALL WA I8TS A hand- $ n& some line. at. $2.88. 82.60 and l.VO Children's new Fall Dresses, $5.00 down to ASK TO SEE THEM, 49c 98c Great Rug Special Monday, September 19th THE ENTIRE CARPET DEPARTMENT WILL BD DEVOTED TO THE DISPLAY OF THESE RUGS, ALL MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. ALL SIZES AND KINDS FROM MAT TO ROOM SIZES. A FEW OF THE MANY . ARE: . txs Smyrna Rugs, at, eacn. BARGAINS 4.25 7-6x10 Smyrna Rugs, f f)0 at, each.. 7. u,uu .7.00 .4.75 7-6x9 Cashmere Reversible Rugs, ' IS. 7R at, each 9x12 Smyrna Rugs, at, each 6x9 Cashmere Reversible Rugs, At, each 9x9 Cashmere Reversible Ruga, at, each ...7.00 9x10-4 Cashmere Reversible Rugs, fi OC at, each O.JO Dosens of other rousing bargains. Call early and make your selections. Monday in Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room 10o Flannelettes, dark end light C. colors, at, yard ISc extra fine and extra wtlght 71 o Flannelettes, at, yard 19c Arnolds, double fold, this year's lOU new fall etylea, at. yard..., aApJW Vicunas, best goods made, Iflo at, yard i. vW Floconnas, the finest and heaviest flOlr made, sells alwaya at 26c, yard '"I H-lnch Percalea, fine cloth, t vmr ... Full Standard Prints, at, vard Indigo Blue Prints, at. vard Grey Cambrlo Linings, 1r at, yard "w 21c 3ic 25c Mercerised Linings, SG inchea wide, at. yard 6Hc Apron Checks, good quality, at, yard , Everett Classic Ginghams, fast colors, at, yard. 5c 5c 5c Amoskeng A. F. C, best made, . fTt rd wgw 100 at. v Fine ffradd Blnck Satin f roods, at, yarn ne prnde Black Satin, 15c grade, at, yard Fine grade Black Satin, 19o grade, at, yard ,7ic , 10c I2ic Several special sales will be announced during the da;'. China Dept. Bargains Large size art pottery Jardlnlorea, 25C 100-plece dinner set, underglazed blue, Im ported semi-porcelain, In old English shape, such sets usually sold at $16.00 to $20.00 Q QQ special Monday O. sfCT 10c 15c Crystal berry fruit dishes at Fruit Jar covera, porcelain lined with rubbers at, dozen Decorated cuspldora tfin each IV Decorated plates Ei each 5c Decorated bowls-each Don't Buy Glasses UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN WHAT WSJ CAN DO FOR YOU. Spectacles and Eye Glasses CAREFULLY FITTED AND SATISFAO TION GUARANTEED. PRICES CUT IN HALF. Low Prices and High Quality ARB THEJ TWO LEADING SALESMEN IN OUR MAMMOTH GROCERY DEPART MENT. 6-lbs. fancy hand-picked navy beans.... 19c 6-lbs. good Japan lice for 18c 6- lbs. Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina for '. 193 7- lba. breakfaat rolled oats for 18o Large sacks oornmeal for I2ftc IX L, Elastic, Klectrlo or Celluloid starch, per package 7Hc The best bulk laundry starch, lb 8c 1-lb. pkg. Imported macaroni 8Vfeo X-Ceflo, Vigor, Vim, Force or Egg-O-See, per package 7Vsc Fancy crisp soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers 6c Fancy crisp ginger snaps, lb 6c 1- lb. package best corn starch 4c 10 bara best laundry soap 25c 2- lb. cans fancy avax, string or Lima beans 7Ho 2-lb. cans Early June sifted peas 7H- BIO DRIED FRUIT SALE. Choice California prunes, lb tc Fancy Santa Clara prunes, lb Co Virginia raspberries, lb 21o Choice Colorado peaches, lb ....7Vio Fancy Mulr peaches, lb . 9c English cleaned currants, lb 6Vo Fanoy Vestlzzo cleaned eurranta, lb ....8So Large Moor Park apricots, lb 12V&C FRESH FRUIT! FRESH FRUIT!! PEACHES, PEACHES, PEACHES ANOTHER CAR OF FANCY COLORADO PEACHES ARRIVED TO GO ON SALE MONDAY This is excellent fruit, and very fine flavor the finest that can be brought 7Qr for crowning this sale, per case...."V BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER We handle nothing but absolutely pure butter. Read these prices: Good country butter, per lb 12tyo Choice dairy butter, per lb loo Fine Separator creamery butter, lb....l7Vo Fancy selected creamery butter, lb. ...18a PROMISE ME . DRAWING CARD Tires-Ye-01d Pacer feature of the Driv ing Park Matinee Races, LOSES FIRST, BUT WINS NEXT TWO HEATS Roy F Wins Claaa A Kveat, Tlioagh Beaten In First Heat f Nancy Lee, Who Lacked Stay ins; Qualities. Promise Me, Charley Moore's 8-year-old, wss the drawing feature at the matinee yesterday afternoon at the Sprogue street driving tracks. The youngster Vas pacing against such horses ss Michael Ange'.o, Lady Bell and Eddie D, all of them more or leas experienced animals, but with the exception of tlio first, be won the heats in brilliant form. In the first heat In this race, the bunch got away together, but all except Michael Angeln and Promise Me broke soon sfter crossing the starter. The colt was forging ahead of the spike-tailed animal from Council Bluffs, when he stepped In a hole and broke. Before he could regain his gait, Michael Angelo was dosfcn lengths ahead. At the quarter post he had hla nose agalnat Michael An gelo's sulky and it looked aa If he could pass him. But hs broke again near the wire and lost the heat by a half length. The other two heata he won easily. He waa given permission to go tha mile after finishing the third heat, which he did In 8:tU. This time would have been consid erably shortened, but he had got used to eaalng up after passing the wire at the end of the half mile, and did so again. After numerous false starts, the Class A bunch, comprising Nannie Lee, Roy F. and General Nuulngham, were allowed to go, with Roy F. a little in the rear. Nannie Lee, who had third place In the start, easily forged past General Nuttlngham. and took the pole. Roy F. quickly closed the gap he got at the start and followed on the heuls of Nannie Lee. At the home stretch Nannie Lee aeemed to tire, but gallantly obeying the whip, managed to keep her place to the finish. Following her performance In the first heat. Nannie Lee took the lead at the commencement of the second, but could only hold It to the quarter post and Roy F. won the heat. The latter horse won the 'third heat and race. Nannie - Lee was given third place on account of repeated breaking. In the exhibition of saddle horses, the prise was carried off by the 9-year-old Russell Iman. Time fast, track good. Attendance, 600. The following were thetesults: Class B, pacing, .first heat: Michael An gelo (br. g.) won. Promise Me- (br. g.) eranu, LMay eeii ior. m.i intra, .auie 1J. (br. g.) fourth. Time: 1:17. Second heat: Promise Me won. Lady Bell second. Mich ael Angelo third,. Eddla. D, fourth. Time: 1:11. Ihlril heat: Promise Me won. Lady Bell second, Eddie V. third, Michael An gelo fourth. Promise Me finished the mile at tne end or this heat, doing it In 1:23, Time: 1:11. Class B. trotting, first heat: NanniaLee (g. m.) won, Roy F. br. g.) second, Gen eral Nuttlngham (b. g third. Time: 1:10V4 Second heat: Roy F. won, Nannie Lee second, Uuneral Nuttlngham third.. Time: 194. Third heat: Roy F. won, General Nuiungnam second, . Nannie iee . third. 'lime: l;l. Saddle hcrse exhibition, four entries: rirst place given to Miss My (b. m.), rid den by Russel Iman. In the second heat of tha Class B naclns. Eddie D. was lowered to fourth Dlace for unintentionally Interfering with Michael Angelo. Jle finished third in the race. away with Africander second and McChes ney last. Coming to the stand the first time these positions were maintained. In the run down the back stretch the Major increased his lead to two lengths and continued to show the way to within a half ' mile of the finish, when Africander went to the lead. McCneeney also moved up at the asms time. Rounding Into the stretch Africander and McChesney began to race In earnest. Aa the two came abreast of the final eighth pole. Redfern used the whip, but was never able to get up, Africander winning by a length with McChesney twenty lengths In front of Ma- E VENTS ON THK Rt'NNINO TRACK Africander Wins tlie Brighton Cap In Slaw Time. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. Afrlcand r with O'Nell In the saddle won the $10,000 Brigh ton sup today. He waa second choice at 2 to 1. McChesney. the favorite, and ad mlrsbly ridden by Redfern, was second snd M'tor Dalngerfleld last. The time. $.66, waa wry slow. The pace for tha first two miles was alow and the horses' did. not begin to run until the last quarter 'of a mile was reurhed. The start was good and prompt. Major Dalngtrfield was first EN Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.l mm mmm . nui nasinan nsuiwiaa '3 CANDY CATHARTIC ' i an ':..,-. 1 ' J . I i t - 1 ' , "" PlSSfiatS . aas PREVENT ALL SUnSIER DOWEL TROUBLES lor Dalnserfleld. The results First race, five and a half furlongs: Dandelion (1 to 2) won, Pasadena second, Bedouin third. Time: 1:07. Second race, the Chantllly steepleehaae, about two and a half miles: Flying But tress (8 to 6) won, Amur second, Judge Phillips third. Time: 6:22. Third race, the Undergraduate stake, sell ing, five and a half furlongs: Broadcloth (17 to 10) won. Gamara second. Dance Mu sic third. Time: 1:07. Fourth race, the Brighton cup, $10,000, two miles and a quarter: Africander, 124. O'Nell (2 to 1) won; McChesney. 126, Red fern (7 to S) second; Major Ualngerfieid, 126. I.yne (5 to t) third. Time: I (3. Fifth race, mile and a quarter: Car buncle (II to 6) won. Lord Badge second Brigand third. Time: $ . Sixth race, six furlongs: Falmouth (10 to 1) won, Lem Reed second, Princess Athe line third. Time: 1:1$. CHICAGO, Sept. 17. Results at Haw thorne: First rare, six furlongs; Mansard (6 to 6) won, Mary MeCafferty second, Beautiful and Best third. Time: l;lt. . Second race, six and a half furlongs: De. vout (t to 6) won. McCletlan second, Annie Aione inira. lime: i.a. Third race, one mile and seventy yards: Brancas (6 to 1) won, Ethylena second, Felipe Lugo third. Time; Fourth race, the September stakes, one mile: Bear Catcher (12 to 6) won. Prince Sllverwlnga second. Time: l:$8Vi- Only two starters. Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Iella (1$ to 5) won. Port Royal second, Singing Master third. Time: 1:46H. Blxth race, five and a half furlongs: Handy Bill (5 to 1) won, Dundall second, Useful Lady third. Time: 1:0H- Seventh race, six furlongs! Nannie Hodge (4 to 1) won, Masistrate aeoond, Frontenao third. Time: 1:13H- ST. LOUIS, Sept. 17 Reaults at Delmnr: First race, seven furlongs, purse: Miss Doyle (10 to 1) won, Mnlfda second. The Regent third. Time: 1:23. Second race, seven furlongs, selling: Pa rsln (6 to fi won. Algonquin second, Phlora third. Time: 1:28. Third race, one mUe and a sixteenth, selling: Varro ($ to 1) won, Mlsa Betty second. Check Morgan third. Time: 1:4 W Fourth race, sla furlongs, the Osark stakes) Braden ($ to 6) won, Tom Shelly second. Anardaco third. Time: 1:1BU. Fifth racs, six and a half furlonga, sell ing: King Rose (4 te 1) won.' Vestry sec ond. Orient third. Time: l:t. Blxth race, elx furlonss. aelllns: Eueenla B. (9 to $ won. Sid Sliver second, hotter third. Time: 1:15H. Seventh rues, one mile and thraa stv. teenths, selling: Lacy Crawford (even) won. Lubln second. Goo Goo third. Time: 1.0. , Chicago Wins nt Foot Ball. Chicago defeated the - eleven of Lombard college this afternoon by a score 4 a) te f. The score of Lombard was 'made on a fumble by Hays of Chicago, when Burn side of Lombard seized the ball and ran the full length of the field for a touchdown. HARNESS RACING! AT READVILLB Wlldbrlao, sin laksoss, Wins the 8i20 Pnce. READVILLB, Mass., Sept 17.-Not a favorite won in the three events which closed the autumn racea today. The Providence-owned gelding, Don Carr, was the favorite for the $:09 pacing event. After winning two heats quite handily he became tired In the finish of the next mile and was beaten to the wire by Red Bird, who then had the race all hla own way. In the 2:1$ pace Edgar Roy was picked to win. He took the opening heat easily enough, but in the following one Kaplan headed him snd after that he was not a factor. Irv the remaining heats there waa a close struggle between Gambett and Sir dar. The third reversal waS In the 2:20 pace, In which Lookout Hal was unexpectedly defeated by the Canadian entry. Wild- brino Jr. Nothing- was known of the win tier and his victory astonished close turf followers: 1:0 class, pacing, purse $1,000, ' three In nve: Red Bird. b. h.. bv Chestnut - Wilkes (Walker) I $ 1 11 Don Carr. blk. g. (Clark) . I 114 4 jonnny Wiseman, D. g. (.inuck ols) I t t I Princess Moauetta. b. m. (Tim othy) 4 HI) Terrlll 8., ch. g (Laaetl) 4 7 ro Belle Star, br. m. (Shank) 7 $ 6 ro Claymos, b. g. (Knapp) 6 T I ro Time: $:08, t:W, 1:06. $:0S. $:0$K. 2:20 class, pacing, purse $1,000, three In Wlldbrlno Jr.. b. h.. by Wlldbrino (Bedford) 1 1 1 Lookout Hal. b. h. (Shank) t $ Peacherlna, blk. m. (Nuckola) ..,...$ $ $ juartinoaie, o. g. (Brodbine) 4 4 4 General Starr, blk. g. (Tallman) ....4 I I lime: i:u, J:iv. z:u. 1:12 olaas, pacing, purse, $1,000, three In nve: Gambett, b. g..' by Cambrel (Bodowln) i I 11111 Sirdar g. g. (Ronald) $ 6 7 11$ Kaplan, br. h. (James) 4 1 $ $ $ $ Edgar Boy, b. h. (Ful'er) ....1 1 $ 4 4da Arsuia, o. m. (Hyae) 4 ro Katherlne, ch. m. (Carpenter). $ $ 4 ro John McEwen, b. h. (Nuckols) 4 4 $ ro Irish Jack. br. g (Stanley)....? 7 $ ro Time: $:0, iM. 1:10, $:10H. :ir, 1:114, QOOD MATERIAL FOR TUB TEAM Elghly Cnndldates for Positions Ap. ear Rightly en the Orldlren. AMES. la.. Sent. 17.-(8neclal.) Coach Rlstlne expresses himself well pleased with the material that is showing up on the gridiron enca evening tor a try out. About eighty enthusiastic huskies are to be seen on the gridiron eaeh night In sulta, and It appears that there will be no lack of ma terial from which to pick a winning team. During the paat week the men have been divided Into four squads and "Shady" Rls tlne has- started out to teach them some plays. Ristlns has charge of the new men and Captain Daniel the old. The v-t few days' work haa been In signal practice and In setting a lineup. Aa soon as the first squad Is picked work will progreaa more rapidly. Some new material has arrived this week which haa brightened the prospects to some degree. Anderson, a new man who is trying for half back. Is a promising candi date. His punting qualities are exception ally good. A strong candidate for guard Is In the person of Alyea of the Peoria High school. Nelson Is snother man that will try for the guard position, he being a brother of Nelson who was a member of a former eleven In this school. A. B. Scott, an old player, arrived Monday and haa donned the moleskins, and haa been out tu practice. For a time It was feared that he would not be in the game this year, and It la with gladneae that he is welcomed back to the gridiron. Tener, who haa been away during tha first part of this term, will be back next week and enter the con teat. Blller and Mable of the second team laat year have been placed in the first. Ford of the East Des Moines High school Is trying for tackle, and Jansen of the west Dee Moines High school for quarter back. Jansen is doing some good work and will stand a fair show of making the varsity. GOLF AT BOTH CLUBS YESTERDAY Play for the Barton Cnp nt Country Is Between Eight. Nine players now remain In the golf eon teat at the Country club for th'e Barton cup. Out of theae Stockton Heth and W. A. Redick, who tied at M. will play out the tie and the winner of the match will be ranked with the eight that qualify; the eight will play against each other till one l left. The following are the scores made yeaterday afternoon Oross, Handicap, Nst. .si p trt 87 Hontas Crook a half mile in 1:004, break ing the world's record for team. The first quarter was made In 0:29H and the second in 0:80. Mr. billings also rode Charlie Mac under saddle a mile In i-U. clipping a full sec ond off the world's record, made by the same horse and rider recently. Lou Dillon's record today was a better ment of her own time, 0:69, made at Mem phis last year. WESTERN GOLF TEAM WINS J. D. Magee .. A. A. MoClure C. W. Hull ... A. L. Reed .... C. C. George . W. D. Bancker T. R. Kimball S. Heth W. A. Redick .. ..89 ..86 ..8 ..88 ..87 .44 Olymple World's Championship Mntch Played nt St. Lonls. ST. LOUIS, Sept 17 Western Golf asso ciation team, captained by Howard Chand ler Egan of Chicago, national champion, won the Olymplo team golf championship of the world on the Glen Echo links today, with a score of 1744. The Tranamlsslssippl Golf asaoclatlon, led by Stewart Stickney of St. Louis, was second, with a acore of 1,770. and a picked team from the United States Golf asso ciation waa third, with 1.83V strokes. Howard Chandler Egan led the individual play, with a score of ltWS for both the afternoon and morning play, while D. E. Sawyer and Douglaa Cadawalder of the Springfield, 111., Oolf club, tied for aeeond place with 168 strokes, and R. E. Hunter of Chicago waa fourth, with ICS strokes. They will play Bellevue at Bellevue next Saturday and a good game 1b expected. Onawa Wins at Foot Ball. ONA WA, la., Sept. 17.-(Speclal Tele-' gram.) The Onawa High school defeated the Whiting town team at foot ball here today by a acore of 6 to 6, and 2o-minute halves were played. Referee: Raymond Caasady. Umpire: Bruce Holbrook. Lines man: Ralph Fessenden. The temperature was 80 dtgreea in the shade. - .7890$. J. A. Mel n tyre won the silver cud In yes terday'a golf contest St the Field club with a suore of 6 up. The game was match play against bogey. The best medal acore waa made by Jack Sharp, who finished In 17. The following are the scores: J. A. Mcintyre, up. F. L. Hstwood, 4 up. f. M. Martin . M. Martin, 1 up. J. Sharp, even. W. E. Palmatler. even. N. F. Rlrkards, t down. L. D. Carrier, 1 down. Ouy Thomas, $ down. Dr. Sohradden, $ down. W. B. Wllklns. down, C. R. Bone, 4 down. B. P. fcoyer, 4 down. NEW MARK FOB VOV DILLON Champion Trots Mile In OiM S-4 at Cleveland. CLEVELAND. O . Sent. 17. At a matinee of the Gentlemen's Driving club at Glen vllle track thla afternoon Lou Dillon was driven a half mile by k'lllard Bandera In 0 6V breaking the world's leeord for that distance. Tne nrst qusrter waa made in 4:2. the second In 0.2VV. The mare was paced by a runner. A wind shield was not used. C. X. O. Billings drove Prince Direct and Pnxton A Gallaghers Win. The Paxton Gallasrhera shut out their long-time rivals, the McCord-Bradys, yes terday afternoon on the old. exposition grounds. One MoCord man only wiggled as far aa third. Crowe sot seven neat as sists and Gibson did well behind the pan. Craven, McCord'a snow-capped right fielder, set the grandstand wild with a daredevil catch. Score by innings: R. H. E. P. A G $0012010 9 $ McC.-B 000000000-0 7 $ Two-base hits: Kennedy, Hunter. Stolen bases: Hunter (2). Leeney 2), Ienx, Kennedy, Gibson, Powell, Eggleston. Sacrifice hits: Vorwald (2), Crowe, Leney. W, Kill. Struck out: By Crowe. 7; by Winalow. 4. Bases on balls: Off Win slow. 6. Hit by pitcher: By Winslow, $. Double plays: Eggleston to Powell to Grown. Eargleston to Powell. Passed ball: Brown. Batteries'. P. tt G., Crowe and Gibson: McCord-Brady. Brown, Umpire: Rector. Winslow and Little Slons Defeats Modsle. LOGAN. Is.. Sept. 17-(8peclal Tele gram.) Little Bloux a base ball tram de feated Modale at Little Sioux this after noon. Attendance, 1,600. Score: Little Bloux $ 0 0 11114 It Modale 0 0 0 0 $ 0 1 0 0 $ Batterlee: Little Sioux, Rooney and Hea serman: Modale. Whlled, Hharpnark, Shead and Rlghtell. Baae bits: Little Sioux. 11; Modale. 7. Struck out: By Little Sioux. 4; by Modale, 4. Errors: Little Bloux, 1; Mo dale, 7. Umpire: Thomas Brown of Blen-cue. Opens Foot ' Ball Season. ADAMS, Neb., Sept. 17. (Special.) The Columbia foot ball team opened the sea son by defeating the atrong Mammoth Park team, by a acore of 10 to 0. The fea tures of tha same were the line amaahea by Meyer ana the end rune by Cunning ham. Both teams blayed a eood same. considering the short time of practice. Th Col um hiss would like, to hear from an, teant In tha state averaging from 146 to HO. Interparllanientarlana at Denver. DENVER, Sept. 17. The members of the Interparliamentary union who arrived here late last night divided Into several groups today, various funns of entertainment be ing offered them by the local reception committee. One party chose the "loop" trip over the Colorado A Southern rail road, another made an excursion to th crest of the Rockies over the new Moffat, railroad, a third visited the irrigated agri cultural district of northern Colorado and some of the. visitors inspected tho smelters In this city. The day waa perfect for sight seeing. Sheep Butchers Select Committee, CHICAGO, Sept. 17. A meeting of sheep butchers on strike at the stock yards d elded to appoint a grievance committee, the purpose being to have the committee apply st the office of the packing flrme for work for the strikers as unionists and rot as Individuals. The idea is to en deavor to arranee a return of the sheep butchers In a body as uiil mlst. PAST CURES Are the best proof of the value of any medicine, and such evidence is Indlnputa ble. We point with pride to the thousands of cures thla famous remedy has made during the past 60 years without a failure. SM stomach Js "f j ,1 1 Hostetfcr's Stomach Bitters Is such a wonderful medicine for all fam ily Ills that no home should ever be with out a. bottle. It posi tively cures . Sick Haidapbs, Sletplsssocss, Indigestion, Constipation, General Debility, Dyspepsia or Malaria, Fever and Ague, Try ,one bottle and teat Its value far awurself