Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1904, PART 1, Page 4, Image 4

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Prominent Members of Party Oppose Horn.
1 . bating Ms for Judge.
Coaaolly Declares Me Has Rot Abaa
:aoaee riht Agalaat Jaeksoalaaa
la the Hee for Water Com
relsslonee SesnsaaUoB.
Although the democratic judicial commit
tee haa met and decided .to call a conven
tion for October I. immediately after toe
congressional convention at the Jacksonian
club and probably with the aame delegates,
many of the party leaders are counseling
the endorsement of Howard Kennedy, Jr.,
the republican nominee.
' 'A canvass of the situation haa revealed
the fact that there Is very little, If any,
suitable democratic timber for the con
testa," said a fusion man. "Men who would
fill the vacancy on the district bench ac
ceptably among the democrats decline, to
enter the fight ; In vleW of Kennedy'!
strength and popularity and the fact that
It is the presidential election year
Chairman Ed P. Bmlth of the Judicial
committee says he has heare a number of
possibilities mentioned to make the race
against Kennedy, but declines to gle their
names. Mr. Bmlih did not care to go Into
the situation In detail. Other democrats of
prominence, however, declared emphatically
the only thing for the party to do is to -endorse
Kennedy and thus encourage the
abolition of partisan contests with j-egard,
ty the Judiciary. ,
The certificate testifying that Dr. A. H.
Hippie was regularly nominated for mem
ber of the Water board by a democratic
city convention has been filed with the city
clerk. It is signed by C. J. Bmyth, chair
man of the convention, and A. O. Ellick,
secretary, and its authority has not yet
! been officially questioned. '
County Commissioner James P. Connolly,
who aspires to a place on the Water board,
denies emphatically that he haa dropped
Ma court tight to compel the city committee
to submit the nomination at a primary
ejection. It was current talk that the
mandamus suit had been Indefinitely post
poned by commoa' consent.
"This is not true," said Mr". Connolly.
"I am In the ns:ht to stay. Whether or hot
; an attempt will be made to, an Inde
pendent candidate In the neia Dy a mass
convention. If the decision la against us, I
can't say at this time." '
A. H. Hennlngs, treasurer of the repub
lican state" committee, has returned from
' a two weeks' tour throughout the state in
quest of campaign funds, reporting satis
factory accumulations, prospects of enor
mous crops and every indication for re
publican success from the top of the ticket
to the uttermost punctuation point.
"I was given the glad hand everywhere
I went and was in nearly every section of
Nebraska," said Treasurer Henninga. "My
efforts to raise funds, which ore absolutely
necessary to maintain the organization and
carry on the campaign, had results satis
factory to myself, and I hope to the state
1 committee. In other words, I brought back
what I consider a fair amount of con
tributions. "The political situation Is remarkably fa.
' vorabley for' the republican party. The
success of the whole ticket is assured. I
found Just- one man who .had a knock
Coming on Governor Mickey, and he said
that since the democrats had endorsed a
populist he-would vote for the republican'
governor. - :
"The outlook for the lgls!atlve tickets la
splendid much better than the conserva
tive reports tlgu have been made thus far
by the managers and leaders.
'Regarding the material welfare of the
state, I must say conditions never looked
. brighter. ''The recent frosts have not In
jured the corn at alt and have really bene
fited It. I took many drives through the
country and apeak from personal observa
tion. .The yield is going to be excellent.
Fears regarding the wheat crop should be
allayed. While there will not be so much
of It per acre as last year, the state will
receive more money for its products than
It did last year for a greater -quantity. The
frosts In Oage, Seward, Hall and other ad
Joining countlea were not heavy enough to
hurt the tomato vines." v
Select J. E. Brnner of Cincinnati Gen
eral President, Giving; Him
Stated Salary,
The special order of business at the na
tional convention of the International Union
of Steam 'Engineers was the election of
officers. These were elected:
General president, J. E. Bruner, Cincin
nati; first vice president, Matt Comerford
second vice president, John Hammlll, New
York; third vice president, Arthur Mc-
Cracken, New York; fourth vice president,
James Brennan, Toronto; fifth vice presl-
dent.nOscar Crosscup, San Francisco; gen
rralXsecretary-treasurer, R. A. McKeo,
Peoria, 111.; chairman board of trustees.
James Welsh, Syracuse, N. Y.; trustees.
A motonnaa in Chicago ran bis ear
onto the approach of an open bridge but
stopped it with the fender actually over
banging the giilf below. He wouldn't
went to repeat the experiment because1
' tbe cbances are that he'd never again
have the aame good fort use.
once in a
while some one
who has travel
ed to tbe very
edge of ibe
danger . line of
stomach dis-
. ease stops just
in time to save
bis health. But
tbe majority of
' people goacross
the line, and
. slight symptoms of indigestion stow to
. disease of tbe stomach, involving the,
- other organs of digestion and nutrition.,
Indigestion and other forms of stom-,
sch "trouble" are perfectly and per
manently cored by tbe use of Dr. Pierce'
Golden Medical Discovery. It strength
. ens the whole body by enabling the per
fect digestion end assimilation of food.
$3,000 FORFEIT wfU be paid by the
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Proprietors, Buffalo, N. -V., if they cannot
show the original eignattre of tbe indi
vidual volunteering tbe ttirimocial below, ,
and also of tbe writers of every testi-1
muuial among the tbonsaada which they
are constantly publishing, thus piovmg
their genuineness. .
I have been suffering Tnr shout eht years,
writes Mrs. H. Werce. ofM lUiprtng. V . Hue:
, had several doctor to treat me eunie Kir female j
vnkica and other for stomach troufc'e, but,
received bo relief. Whig 1 wrote you (or lTle
I was hardly Bnt t work, sad you adviacd 1
what to do. I tookVin bcxtlra. a of ' OoMaa
Medical Waeovery,' four ef Favorite Prracrip-,
tun ' alao two vials of the ' Pallet.' Dr. Irtcrce's
Biedidues will do all that you alalia for (bam. !
kclttvt 1 would have sees ia aiy grave if 1 kad
ut Ulta them.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent A
en receipt of stamps to pay A
mailing only. Send ft ooe-cent stamps for
tue book in paper covers, or Jl stamps for
1 the cloth-bound volume, AdOiess Ot, B. V.
fieiec bullalu, N. V.
JjJ MEttoroli i
W. C. Burrell, Detroit James Howie,
Cleveland, O.; trustee of official journal.
J. p. McDonough, St. Louis.
Delegates to the American Federation of
Labor convention at Ban Franqiseo: Henry
Ketter, Cincinnati: Joan F. Hammlll, New
York; John J. Glass, Buffalo; F. B. Mona
han, Boston. '
The afternoon session was devoted to'the
consideration of the neit place of meeting,
the contest lying between Toronto, Canada,
and Syracuse. N. T., with the chances
strongly In favor of Toronto.
Among the more Important messures
adopted at Friday afternoon's meeting was
to fix the salary of the general president
at $2,500, with 11,000 for office expenses. The
salary of the general secretary-treasurer
was Increased to tl.800 per annum, from
tl.ano. The president never had a salary
Womaa Has Hatband Arrested After
Eadarlng Him for Forty
Five Years.
John Myers and wife, aged 63 and 85
years respectively, appeared before Acting
Police Judge Bachmnn, the husband on the
charge of being drunk and abusing his
family and the wife as complaining witness.
Myers was sentenced to twenty days in the
county Jail. , There was a pathetlo sugges
tion in the appearance of the old couple
In the court room. Myers received the sen
tence with stoic fortitude, while the wife
seemed satisfied to go it alone for twenty
days. ,'
The" couple has been married forty-five
years, twenty years having been spent In
Omaha. Mrs. Myers said:
"John has been fighting for forty-five
years, but this is the first time I ever
have gone to police court with him. Be
fore I have always left the house when he
got drunk and returned when the storm
blew over. He Is such a bad man when he
gets Intoxicated."
Veteran Female Prisoner Once More
Lands In City Jail After
Escaping; Asylum,
While riding around town In a rig hired
from the Harney street stables yesterday
"Fainting" Bertha Llcbecke was ar
rested by Patrolman Cunningham and the
woman Is again booked at the city Jail as a
auspicious character.
Miss .Llebecke escaped from the St. Ber
nard hospital, Council Bluffs, a few days
ago, was arrested by the Council Bluffs po
lice and brought across the river to her old
stamping ground In the Gate City. The
woman had been adjudged Insane and was
to have been sent to the Clarlnda asylum,
had she not escaped. She is said to have
locked a nurse In a room at the hospital
and thus made her escape. It Is understood
the Council Bluffs authorities were anxious
to get rid of the woman. Just what her
legal status Is now is a matter for consld
eratlon, the authorties say.
Holding; People at Bay with
Knife Proves Rather Ex
pensive Frolic.
David Edwards has been fined (50 and
costs by Acting Police Judge Bachman, be
fore whom Edwards was arraigned on tbe
charge of carrying concealed weapons.
When arrested by Detective Mitchell In i
saloon at Fifteenth and Capitol avenue Ed
wards was carrying a. murderous-looking
dirk knife with a blade six inches long and
made out of a file. A large brass hilt sepa
rated the blade from a heavy handle. De
tective Mitchell says Edwards was making
everyone play pussy wants a corner, hold
ing the dirk at arm's length as a persuader
A waiter In a restaurant at Fifteenth and
Capitol avenue Is said to have been the par
tfcular object of Edward's wrath.
Attorneys Say Municipality Is Hot
Liable for Death of a Contract
As the result of the death of John Et
ringer, a laborer, by the caving In of i
sewer which he was helping to build near
Forty-third and Lake streets, the city Is
confronted with a claim for 15,000 damages
from his brothers and sisters. They num
ber five, as follows: Angella. Kate, Anna
F., August W. and Mary Etrlnger. Al
though the sewer was under contract by
Z. Cuddlngton of South Omaha, the claim
sets forth that the city Is responsiblo for
failing to provide a safe place for 'St
ringer to work. Attorneys for the city say
the contractor is liable for any damages
of this kind and that the city Is adequately
protected by bond.
Neptlals of Man and Womaa Who Are
Arrested bat the Night
John Fogelberg of Scandla, Kan., evi
dently considers marriage less disagreeable
than a sixty-day sentence In the county
Jail. He may have had some other reason
for his marriage this morning in that prison
to Martha Emkert of Omaha. Perhaps
he liked her. But his next action after the
marriage was to appeal to Acting Mayor
Zlmman. for a pardon from his sixty-day
sentence for vagrancy. The principals were
arrested Friday night In a single room.
Bacbsnaa Apprehended for Alleged As
sault on Jnstlee of the Peace
' Altstadt.
Justice of the Peace and Acting Police
Judge Charles Bachman was arrested yes
terday by Deputy Sheriff Adam Bloup
on a warrant sworn to by Justice of the
Peace William Altstadt. He was arraigned
before Judge Vtnsonhaler for assault and
battery and pleaded not guilty. Bond'was
placed at $100 and the hearing will be
Wednesday morning.
This Is the outcome of the fistlo en
counter between the two Justices Friday.
Regarding Tbelf Fall Htti,
Belle Douglas of W4 South Thirteenth
street and Mamie Corrlaan nt J9i nntt
Thirteenth street had a difference with
Bessie Taylor of Ninth and Capitol avenue
regarding the beauties ot their respective
hats. The debate lasted for abuot five
warm, happy minutes and finally the first
two women drew away with Miss Taylor's
threats of police prosecution ringing In
their ears. The threats so frightened them
that they went to the police station and
gave themselves up. No complaint had
been made to the lpolca by the Taylor
woman, but this aid not save the two
women, who were charged with disturb
ing the peace.
Intpreaaetl with Nebraska.
Charles C. Croaby. one of the members
or a big seed nrm or Rochester, M.' Is
at the Her Grand with his family. Mr.
Crosby has lust returned from a trip
throughout Nebraska and admits his "eyes
ara-upened to the wonderful Importance of
thla atatn and especially to the greatneaa
or the feiktiorn valley as a seeding proposi
Opealasj of Browaell Hall.
krownttll linll will onen nest week. All
boarding pupils are expected to report Mon
de y. morning, September It, and all day pu
plla lnuat rt uort Monday morning for clnsal
ni'attin. The resular work of the school
will VieKln Tuesday morning st :, when
ala pikylle are expected to be present.
Date Definitely Fixed u Ootober Twenty
Fifth Instead of Eighteenth.
Governor Mickey, E. Benjamin An-
drewa, John L. 'Webster, O. W.
Wattles and Others from
This State Will Speak.
October 25 has definitely been fixed as
Nebraska day st the Louisiana rwenase
exposition.' Thrs snnounoement was made
yesterday by O. W. Wattles or tne Ne
braska commission, which body nas in
charge arrangements for this day. The day
originally was set for October 18. but wing
to Festival hall having been taken for mat
date the commissioners deemed It best to
postpone the event a week so as to have
the celebration In the large Festival hall.
The exercises In observance of Nebraska
day will partake of speaking music and
other features and, to a large 'degree, will
be commemorative of the fiftieth anniver
sary of the political organisation of Ne
braska as a territory. Chancellor E. Ben
jamin Andrews of the University of Ne
braska will open the exercises at 1 p. m.
with prayer. Governor D. K. Francis will
deliver the address of welcome, which will
be followed by a response from Governor
J. H. Mickey. John I . Webster, G. W.
Wattles and others will follow with short
addresses. Interspersed by selections from
leading Nebraska musical talent.
From 4 to p. m. a reception will be held
at the Nebraska headquarters in the Ag
ricultural building. . " "
Special rates will be made by the various
railroads, a round trip rate of (3.50 being
announced from Omaha. The members of
the Nebraska commission are urging all
Nebraskan to take it upon themselves, as
a matter of state pride, to be In attendance
at the exposition on Nebraska day, and
the assurance is given hat no efforts will
be spared to make the occasion a pleasant
one for those who attend.
Make Ho Effort to Land Grand Lodge
Meeting; Next Year for
It Is expected the Omaha Eagles who at
tended the convention of the' grand lodge
at Baltimore will be winging their, way
home in a few days. The convention ad
journed Friday, to meet next year at Den
ver. It was expected an effort would be
made to entertain the grand lodge in this
city upon the occasion of its next conven
tion. A. G. Stephan, one of the trustees or
the loca aerie, said the organization here
was not ready to extend an Invitation to
the convention for several reasons.
"We felt the time was not ripe to hold
the event here," he said. "It takes consid
erable money to entertain a body of that
kind. No efforts were made to see what
the citizens of Omaha would be willing to
do and we had nothing to offer the grand
lodge. For this reason nothing was done.
I have received a telegram saying John F.
Pelletler of Kansas City was elected presi
dent of the grand lodge. There were sev
eral candidates In the field and a sharp
fight has been on to have the office go west
of the Missouri river. Bernard F. Mc
Glnty of Chicago was the strongest rival
Felletler had. The Kansas City order of
Eagles went east In a body on a special
train and took a band. An excursion train
also was made up, and these facts, I pre
sume, carried considerable weight."
The Omaha aerie was represented by the
regular delegates, A. 8. Ritchie and John
H. Tuthlll. Mr Ritchie, being chairman
of the committee to draft resolutions, drew
up the resolution regarding the death of
Past President Beth A. Cole. In connection
with this office Mr. Ritchie told the story
of Mr. Cole's visit to Baltimore as a
wounded soldier during the war. He had
been left fer dead upon the battlefield at
Gettysburg, but a friend discovered him
and helped him on a freight car for Balti
more. At this place he- was nursed back
to health and strength by a Baltimore fam
ily, and always afterward there was a
warm spot In Cole's heart for Baltimore
and Baltimore people.
The most unfavorable feature of the eon
ventlon of the grand lodge was the rain
The big parade, for which lavish prepara
tlone had been made, took place In a drlv
ing rain and the participants were soaked
when the lines finally disbanded and the
bedraggled Eagles went to the hotels. .
Traffie Officials of Eastern Road Come
West to HoM Their les
slons. It Is not Impossible that the sprinr meet
ing or Krie traffic officials wlil be held
nexr. time in Omaha. The fall meetlna-
was held at Denver this year and was at
tended by prominent officials Of the com
Pny( wno lert yesterday for the east
over the Burlington, after a visit of seveml
aays in the city. Friday the officials
were entertained at the home of J. A
McNaughton, traffio manager of the Cudahy
pacKing piant.
In the party were: C. P. Lamnrev. a-en.
erai manager of the Erie Despatch: H. n
Chamberlain, third vice president and gen
eral traffic manager of the Erie railroad:
V. D. Allerton, superintendent of terminals
at Jersey City, nd 8. P. Shane, frela-ht
traffio manager of the Erie. The latter
was accompanied by his secretary, Thomas
Mr. Lamprey said no radical action of
any kind was taken at the meetlna- in
"We have been looking over the emuni
and getting an Idea of the business pros,
peets for the coming season. These aoDaar
to be very flattering snd we are lnnkin
forward to a better business than ever.
There are several reasons for this. One, of
course. Is the nattering condition at ,
crops. That Is bound to affect avtrv n
of business, more or less. No serious labor are in sight and conditions which
we regard at favorable are found in h
ore producing countries of the west, as well
mi. aancuuurai communities end Indus
trial centers of tbe east, No changes have
been made in policy or rates so rr a. .,--
affect. the traffio departments of the 'Old
-"7 " ojfnct, tne Erie Des
patch. From here the- offlai, w11 go to flt
Louis and a visit may be made to Kansas
Omah Bnekeyes Are Oaeats of Their
Neighbors In Conarll Blnffs at
Falrmount Park.
About 200 members of the Ohio club of
Omaha went to Council Bluffs yesterday
to participate in the Ohio plcnlo to be given
-... . .uapices or the Ohio club of
'uns. tms utter club having just
been organised.
The Omaha contingent proceeded by cars
as far as Bayllss park In Council Bluffs,
wnera tnv , . .. . ....
JulnTO oy oiatea mem
bers, and marched from there to Fair
mont park where they were formally re
eeived by the Council Bluffs club. The pro
cession was preceded by Covait'g band.
i I
which wss in waiting st Baylies park. The
Omaaane were laden down with plcnlo
baskets to meet any possible shortsge th
supplies. The program st Fairmont par"
consisted ot music, vocal and Instrumental.
short addresses by Ohloans from botn
Iowa and Nebraska, and a social good
time generally.
Vnlon Paeine Falls la Three Motions
to Have' Cases Retaraed to
Lower Trihnaal.
Veeterdar was railroad day In Judge
Munger's court. The Union Pacific came out
second best InV three motions to have cases
that were transferred from the district to
the federal court remanded baca to the
lower tribunal. 1
Judge Munger overruled the motions to
remand back to the Douglas county district
court for trial three separate cases against
the Union Pacific for damages, aggregating
$35,000. The ases a ret Alfred Keller, dam
ages $25,000, for personal Injuries sustained
while a-n employe of the company at Omaha
on October T, 1903. Eva M. Grler, admlnls
tratrix of the estate of Charles Grler. dam
ages $6,000, occasioned by the death of
Charles Grler. who was killed by a falling
crane in the Union Pacific shops In June,
190S; Richard Dervln. administrator of the
estate of Hugh J. Dervln. $5,000 damages
occasioned by the death of Hugh J. Der
vln, while In the employ of the company as
a switchman In Omaha, on December 2,
1901 t ; .
TM oases originally were brought In the
district court of Douglas county and were
transferred to the United States circuit
court on the ground of nonjurisdlction of
the lowr courts. The Union Pacific com
pany now seeks to have the cases returned
to the lower court, which Is denied them
by the, decision of Judge Munger.
The following transcripts of removal nave
been filed In the United States circuit court
from the Cass. county district court: Mor
gan Edward Brantner against the Chlcsgo,
Burlington A. Qulncy Railroad company,
suit for $35,000 damages. The plaintiff was
injured in a collision at Pacific Junction,
la.. February 14, 1904, while In the employ
of the defendant company.
From Lancaster county, Nebraska, dis
trict court, the case of Rufus E. Gelger
against the Chlcaga. Burlington A Qulncy
Railroad company, damages $50,000, for In
juries sustained by falling under a engine
while In the employ of the defendant road
as a fireman on August 28, 1900. near Ger
mantown, Neb. The plaintiff's skull was
fractured by the accident and he was other
wise injured, to such an extent that It Is
claimed he has become a helpless and In
curable epileptic.
More Than Restoration of Old Tariffs
by Barling-ton Is Looked
Omaha coal dealers are satisfied it la but
question of a few days at the longeai
before the Burlington Issues a new tariff
that, will fully restore the old rates on
steam coal, following in the wake of North-
western's unexpected and Independent ac
tion on this matter. . Said one. of the
'The Burlington hates to give In, but
It will have to. Local agents have been
flooding head offices with protests and re
quests for concessions. Considerable busi
ness will go to the Northwestern before the
Burlington can make a new tariff effective,
but It Is certain .there will be almost an
Immediate restoration of old rates, If. in
deed, there may not be even additional
concessions. We look for the announce-
ment by the middle' of next week, and then
there will t a ruso or an. roa,as. to meet
the cut" .
Stops When Burglars Enter Batcher
Shop and Carry Off Cash
When Fred Ehrhardt .opened the front
door of his meat market, at 1625 Howard
street, yesterday, he noticed . the clock
had stopped at 10:05 Friday night, 250 pen
nies gone from the cash register and evi
dence of a forcble entry through a rear win
dow. With this clew to work on Detective
Mitchell has started to run down the case.
As it is believed the clock stopped at the
time of the entrance, the authorities think
there will be no trouble in apprehending
the guilty parties.
Borrow Over Sadden Death of Yoangr
Man Kills an Aged
Nathan Waybrlght of Sixth and Jackson
streets died Friday night from the ailments
of old age and sorrow for his late son
John, who reoently dropped dead In the
World-Herald pressroom. Mr. Waybrlght
had lived In Omaha 36 years and was a la
borer. The funeral will be Saturday after
noon from the home. Interment at Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Marriage Lleenaes.
The following marriage licenses
granted up to noon September 17:
Name and Residence.
James Sargent, South Omaha
Rose Miller, South. Omaha
Herbert W. Howell, Omaha
Laura C. Hunter, Omaha
Richard Bteenbock, Omaha
Emma Roggenkamp, Omaha
Lewis Mollne, Omaha
Agda Carlson, Omaha
Albert Altendorff Omaha
Emma Houerht, Omaha
iohn Fogelberg, Scandla, Kan
lartha Kmkert, Omaha
Shirley Woodworth. Omaha
Myrtle Robinson, Mapleton, la
Clarence E. Rood, Omaha
Bertha L. Masters. Omaha
... 4
... 18
.... 32
... 24
.... 27
... 24
... 35
... 28
.... 43
... 36
... 31
... It
... n
... 19
... 33
... 21
Bottllnsc the Water.
The artesian well water which has -been
running to waste at the toot of Harney
street, was bottled up yesterday morning by
screwing a cap on the pipe. A member of
the Harding Creamery company said the
flow haa shown no signs of decrease, al
though th pressure of ths water is not as
large as it was hoped to obtain. This is,
however, regarded as a minor difficulty.
Tests made this morning with a steam
gauge showed a pressure In the pipes ot
eight pounas. inis win noi oe enougn 10
raise the water to the second story without
Extension of Time.
Judge Munger gave an extension of time
to October 1 for the payment of purchase
money, approximating $15,100 In the case of
H. B. Reed against Haskell Brothers, ranch
owners of McPherson county. Th ranch
was sold under the order of the court at
public sale about a month ago and the time
for final payment was set for September 17.
The purchasers were unable to gather in
sufficient funds tor final payment and upon
proper showing wer given uniu ucioDer 1
to settl In full.
Transfer of Troops.
Orders hsv Just been Issued from De.
partment of the Missouri headquarters
transferring fifty artillery recruits from
Jefferson barracks to Fort Leavenworth,
and sixty-four to Presidio barracka, Ssn
Francisco. Many of the latter will be sent
later to the Philippine to fill vacanclea in
the field artillery branch of the service,
caused by the expiration of enlistment of
men now there.
' Civil Service Chaaees.
The United States Civil Service commis
sion announces the following examinations
to be made shortly: ,., .
September IW. 1K04. for the poaltlon of as
sistant superintendent of construction in
the quartermaster's department; salary, $1,
iA per annum: age limit, years or over.
October s, 104, for the position of fore
man pucker in the nuartermaater f depart
ment at large at Jeffersonvllle, Ind; salary.
fcM per annum; age limit, W years or over.
1315-17-19 Farnam Street
Important Furniture News
T-i ca
JUbl bU
appeal to any furniture buyer in Omaha.
Were we to advertise silver dollars at a discount ot J J
per cent we would have no trouble convincing you of the value
advertised But when we advertise a $95. piece of furniture at
$60 we have accomplished nothing, without your presence to
Golden Oak Dressing Table
with drawer $
Golden Oak Chiffonier, French
Plate Glass
Golden Oak Chiffonier, Double
Swell Front, French Tlate
giolid Mahogany Bed
Solid Mahogany, Rocker. . . ...
Solid Mahognay Divan .V
Gold Divan, upholstered in
; , satin damask
Mahogany Chair, upholstered
in satin damask
Birds-eye Maple Dress'g Case
Tempting values for this
There Is no shoe for men with more
character and style than the Nettleton.
They are custom shoes ready to
This being air entire new stock Inr
Sures you the very latest styles.
The Nettleton Shoe Is
The Walk-Over
Is tfhe me llum priced running mate
of the Netteton.
These two lines of men's shoes are
sold by us ercluslvely.
The Walk-Overs are
and $4.00
Decatur Shoe Co.,
1521 Farnam St.
Frapk Wilcox, Mgr.
I BeUers of
Netlletont St Wild-Over Shoes for Meg
Omaha. Neb.
Quicker and for
than other -SPECIALIST
Cures all special dis
eases of men kidney.
bladder and diseases
of women.
nisei Dnltns cured for life. Boon every
DIDUI rVIIvl aign, symptom, sores on
body. In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and
eyebrows (falling out) disappear completely
forever. . , .
Yarlcosa Veto! ra.'.'cu'r. without
euttlng, pain, or loss of time. Never falls.
Quickest cure la the world.
Wuk, Ninons Mtn wasting weakness.
nervous debility, early decline, lacs, of
vigor and strength. .
Treatment by mall, U TEARS OF BUG-
cmusrvL pHAcricn in oiluu. Cor-
aae 04 tela ana lous;ias.
gpleadld Half-Tvoe Pictures.
finuarS I
arc opening the fall campaign with
a sajc 0f 0fjd pieces of furniture that will
Birds-eye Maple Dressing Case 58.00 40 00
All Brass Bed 20.00 12 00
All Brass Bed ........... . . 25.00 15 00
All Brass Bed, extra heavy
posts .. 44.00 30 00
All BraAs Bed, fancy 45.00 33 00
Decorated Iron Bed .......... 3.50 2 25
Decorated Iron Bed 6.00 3 50
Decorated Iron Bed ......... 8.00 4 75
Go-Carts 3.50 2 50
Go-Carts 8.00 4 50
Go-Carts ................... H-00 650
Go-Carts 14.00 8 50
Go-Carts 20.00 1 2 50
7 50
8 00
12 00
50 00
25 00
25 00
15 00
12 00
95.00 60 00
week in furniture. open Saturday evenings.
reproduce the human voice perfectly .
IF YOU WAXT TO BUY" an Edis6n Machiiie "on"
timewcome to us. We make terms to suit the purchaser.
We carry the largest stock of Edifon Machines west
of Chicago.
NOTICE TO DEALERS: We hare enlarged the
storing capacity of our stock room which will enable us
to keep twice the stock on hand as heretofore and arj
better equipped than ever to handle your ordera satis
factorily. J
September Records Now on Sale
In our Automobile department we have machines ranging In
price from $300 to $4,000 on our floors. All (fades of horse
vehicles In our basement repository. -: :- : -I-
H E. Fredrkkson ,5?Sflve'
wi t fiour lu nch wi 11
refresh ou fothe
afternoons work.
.0 r? .
AGENTS Hugo T . Blls, 1834 Douglas et.. Omaha,
Tel. lot, iee ju.inaeu, council
Whei You Write Letters
half the Impression yoi make comes from the idea of substantiality the letter
head oonveys. A letter head that shows that, you office In The Dee Building
puts you at once among the substantial ones of your profession or business.
Do you want to travel through business life in first class or In second
slassT Be Building offices are first class In every respect and when you
Invite customers or patients or clients to call on you at Tbe Bee Building
the invitation loses none of Its force as It would were you located In an in
ferior building. Think of these things when you are thinking of office
locations. It costs little if any mors to be In The Bee Building.
R. C. Peters Co.,
as? da
Old Tippecanoe."
"Scissors to Grind."
"5torles Adam told to Eve."
"Old riother Qooso " ,
'You're as Welcome as ' the
Flowers In May."
"Yale College Life March."
All Edison Records, eaobJ. .35c
uiuns. iu ma.