Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1904, PART 1, Page 3, Image 3

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It hn bon our epecinl etu"dy in
preparing for tble autumn piano
trade, to place within the reach of
purchaser with moderate Income,
the greatest possible values In
reputable pianos. To furnish better
pianos at lower price, it was
necewwry to buy greater stocks.
The crowding of our warerooms
contingent upon these new arrival),
brings about a forced sale of
worthy Instruments at figures so
radically reduced that many of the
offerings aree ntlrely without prec
edent. , r
Commencing tomorrow morning
nnd continuing only until our stocks
aro reduced to normal size, we
place on sale an immense variety
of selected, choice, new pianos from
tlw world's best makers, on terms
heretofore considered Impossible.
In addition the ad floor bargain
room, full of used pianos, will
strive to keep up with the pace by
offerings like these:
HAM, & SOX " 158
CAM V &0 8110
KIM PA T.I, . $115
J. P. IIA1.E 8118
at;; :.- $125
(UW.ES 8132
t;AV.Pi.En 8138
KIXGEIt 8148
EBBE 8162
HAVIS.. 175
VOSE & RONS ....-8188
On terms of cash or $10 cash uprt
$5 per month. Xo change in ad
vertised price will be accepted.
Apolloett Piano Flnyer and Lyon ft
Healy Upright Piano worth 1M0
guaranteed perfect Sly 5
order , ;i"
J2o cash and 110 per month.
NO. 2.
"Playone" Piano Player and ''Camp
ft Co.'' Upright Piano- $250
worth H00
Terms, 25 cash and 110 per month.
XO. 3.
"Simplex" Piano Player and OQ
Chlckerlng' Upright Piano. f -u
Used "Pianola" and used Steger A
Bona" Piano l50
worth tsoo JJV
Terms, cash and 115 per month.
NO. 6.
New "Pianola" and new "Stelnway A
seX"""?.1".1 $7
Terms cash.
NO. S.
New "Simplex" Player and new
"Emerson'' Piano, fine ma- VSf)
hogany cases worth $700 JJV
Terms, 130 cash and IIS per month.
Liberal supply of music Included.
At" first glance It would seem that
we are cutting too deep, but "lively
selling" Is the orde.1 given out, hence
the Important price temptation over
the entire house. Buyers at a distance
should write for catalogue and bar
gain list. We ship pianos everywhere.
Money hack if not satisfactory.
Th'j largest piano house In the west.
1313 Fa mam, Omaha. Neb.
Operating 4 Stores and a Factory.
For street or dress wear or any
occasion; stiff and soft hats in all
slses, shapes and colors. If you want
to. be at the head of the procession
wa advise you to get aboard the
Brown's the Thing
We can fit you in all the popular
shades of brown. We are sole agents
LAP lines distinguished from , the
cheaper makes by more style, a more
noticeable elegance of outline, more
careful attention to details, better ma
terials and most skilled workmanship.
Step In and examine them. Booklet
bowing fall styles is yours for the
C. II. Frederick Co,
W. P. Marshall. D. C. Harley.
1504 Farnom St. ,
' Had of the finest selected Barley
fend Imported Bohemian bops.
U unexcelled a tonic, It la UJ
equalled for Invalids and convalescent.
Young mother will find it superior t
any other beer Ut Its milk producing
Aualltias. tola aw Dining; and ButX Onxu,
Frd Kr2 Brewing Co.
OaseWs Medel ewry '
talaj ha. 4M. OMAHA
Talki for Two Henri and a Half, but Fa
to Arenas Enthniitim.
Roast Oa Proves a Ureotev Attraction
Tin the "peeking Democrats
Are CesiplriDii by
Their Absence.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Neb., Sept. 17.-8peclal.)-At
Epworth park this afternoon George W.
Berge, fusion candidate for governor, for
mally opened the campaign Mr. Berge
talked for two and a half hours and at tha
conclusion of his act the meeting wsa dis
missed with a number by the band. Chair
man Allen having made the announce
ment. This sudden ending of the session
left Candidate Townsrnd, Berge'a running
mate; Candidate Canadsy, who wants to
be auditor, and Candidate Watike, who
wants to be secretary of state, still sitting
In the rear of the platform apparently
waiting for a great flood of enthusiasm to
roll up snd drag them to the front. But
It didn't roll up. The audience did, how
ever, rise up and leave. The day could
not have been more Ideal for a picnic or
a public meeting. It was just wsrm enough
on the outside and the breezes blew just
gentle enough to put the people In a re
cipient mood. But all this was on the out
side of the big pavilion. On the Inside It
was different. A flighting frost seemed
to have settled down on everything. Mr.
Berge 'talked himself hoarse. He talked
well and couTa not have been In better
form. He delivered a good speech from a
fuslonlst. standpoint, but he couldn't do the
business. In the first place, he didn't
have the crowd, for at no time during the
-speech, and the audience shifted several
times, were there 1,000 people In the pavil
ion. Some say there were not 600.
Another thing was the abeenco of the
great bulwarks of democracy. There was
no Governor Boyd there; neither was there
a Lee Herdman; neither wan there any
other representative of the Parker demo
crats of the Jacksonlan club or of the
Douglas county democracy, either. Even
Judge Wilbur F. Bryant was absent and
so were many others who In the past have
done things in the fusion party. As these
were absent, so were tha big democrats of
Lancaster county. More than half of the
audience were women and children.
Enough for One Day.
The enthusiasm la better shown by the
remark of Chairman Allen of the demo
cratic state committee, who presided. It
had been announced before the meeting
that the state candidates would have a
word to say after Mr. Berge finished.
When Berge did get through Mr. Allen an
nounced that after the band played one
more number the audience could consider
Itself dismissed. He was asked why the
other candidates were shut off. He replied:
Two hour:i and a half of speaking ought
to be enough, don't you think?" His man
ner In answering was marked with disap
pointment and gloom, as the audience was
marked with a lack of enthusiasm.
Preceding the speaking a roasted oxen
was disposed of by a gcod-sised crowd,
many of whom left when the Inner man
was satisfied. The oxen was not cooked
whole, after the regulation barbecue, but
was cut up !n sections and cooked all the
same as one gets It at hone. With the
meat was served coffee and bread. Chair
man Allen of the democratic state com
mittee presided and Introduced Mr. Berge.
Music was furnished by the Hagenow
band. Mr. Berge said In part:
Mr. Beraje's Speech.
In acceoHnar th
Chief executive office of the state. I am
lu.ijr cuimciuui oi me responsibilities It
places upon me. It has been frequently
asserted that there are no Issues in this
campaign, except to get the offices. It has
been said that the populists and democrats
?i loner represent any principle, and that
V ' mpiy a scramble for
spoils. If I believed this. I would re
sign my candidacy at once. If this was
true there would be no good reason for the
election of any candidate on the fusion
i But who Is It that says there are no
': iseaay ior tnoee holding official
positions under the dominant party to say
that there are no Issues. Have the tax
payers said that there are no IssusaT Do
the farmers, the business men and the la
boring men say that there are no Issues
In this campaign? It can be shown that
a great deal of money has been recklessly
squandered during the last two years, and
do the men, who are taxed to raise the
money, do thejr say there are no issues I
The speaker then proceeded to denounce
the free pass system and demand Its aboli
tion and also took a shot at the legislative
The last session of the fusion legislature
was In 1897. You know that each legisla
ture appropriates money for the state gov
ernment for two years. The fuslos legisla
ture appropriated 12,836.843.10 to be ex
pended by the state officials in maintaining
the state government for two years, ending
March 81, 1899.
Our state officers carried on the state
government with efficiency those two years
at a total cost of 12. 161, 687. 17, and paid off
H64.68S.46 of the floating debt, and in addi
tion paid off the last dollar of the bonded
indebtedness of the state, amounting to
mora than 1300,000.
Refers to State Debt.
Tha last republican legislature (1903) ap
propriated $3. 104,20. 70, to oe expended by re
publican officers In maintaining the state
government for two years, ending March
al. 1906. They will spend every cent of it.
Now then, when you go in debt you must
make provision to pay that debt. The re
publicans were extravagant and were
forced to raise the money in some way to
pay for that extravagance. Two years ago
In their state platform they pledged them
selves to enact a comprehensive and fair
revenue law. Whatever their pretentions
were, the real object was to raise more
money. It was a conspiracy hatched out
In the plotting minds of those in control
of the legislature. Extravagance demanded
more money than the old law would pru
duce. in making the new law tbey must
snleld themselves. The farmer, the busi
ness man and the small taxpayer must
bear a heavier proportion of the burden. us examine this new law for a mo
ment, it is a cunning piece of legislation.
It not only was passed to raise more money,
but to build up a mighty political engine.
Under the old law every township or pre
cinct or ward elected Its own assessor.
Some of the townships elected republican
assessors, some populist and some demo
cratic. Under this new law, however, one county
assessor Is elected. He is elected for four
years. This county assessor appoints his
deputies In each precinct. He may ap
point local men. He may send in carpet
baggers, but o'ery one appointed by him
is his political lieutenant. The moment a
county assessor Is elected and his deputies
apolnted he has a political machine. With
this additional machine the people are
mors helpless. The machine runs for four
years. There Is no relief until four years
have expired and then the people will
be again tied hand and fot by me same
He followed this up with a general de
nunciation of the new revenue law.
Bsalth sent to Jail.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Sept. 17.-(8pe-clal.)
H. C. Smith, who a couple of weeks
ago left this county with his goods and
chattels for Minnesota unbeknown to his
creditors, was yesterday brought back to
this plaee by Sheriff H. C. Hansen from
Marshall, Minn., on the charge of remov
ing mortgaged property from the state
on complaint of Joseph Clements. In de
fault of 1600 bonds for his appearance for
his preliminary examination on tha 19th
Inst, Smith was placed In jail.
Wedding? la Prospect at Dakota City.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Sept. 17. (Spa
clal.) Announcement Is made of two wed
dings to take p'ace within the near future
In which prominent Dakota countyltss will
be the participants. The marriage of
Porter Bealcs to Miss Alice Karst will be
solemnised at tha home of the bride's par.
ents on Walker's Island en the J21 Inst.
On October S, In the Catholic church st
Honwr, William H. Ryan and Miss Julia
Ashford will be united In mstrtmony. Mr,
Ryan at present Is cashier of the Security
State bank at Homer. For six years he
wss sheriff and four years county Judge
of this county. He Is a pioneer resident
of r the county and a man with many
friends. The bride Is the youngest daugh
tor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ashford. pio
neer and well-to-do cltisens of Omadl pre
etnet, and was born and raised In this
Aanalty Fend for Vetera Preaehera
Proposed br Omaha Pastor.
WAYNE, Neb.. Sept. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) The North . Nebraska conference,
In session In this city, has been honored by
the presence of some of the notable men
of Methodism. Rev. W. F. Anderson, D. D.,
ef New York, secretary of the national SO'
clety, gave a stirring address to the confer
eoce on Thursday. Dr. T. C. Ulff of Phil
adelphia, Pa., assistant secretary of the
board of church extension, reminded tha
Methodists of their duty toward the un
housed masses.
The semi-centennial of Nebraska Meth
odism was celebrated In a very fitting man
ner on Thursday evening. Rev. T. C. Web'
ster presided, and addresses were made by
Rev. E. Comble Smith, pastor of the First
Methodist Episcopal church In Omaha. It
was a splendid address and stirred the
hearers as he spoke of hardships and pri
vations of the early Itinerant ministers.
Rev. William Gorst, pastor of Seward
Street church, Owiaha, spoke of a plan to
raise an annuity fund for the veteran
preachers. The plan proposed Is that every
pastor give his note for an amount equal
to 1 per cent of his salary for seven years,
and that the laymen of the church Join with
the pastors In raising tha sum of $100,000.
The Income of this sum Is to be used to help
care for the ministers as they come to the
time when they are unfit for service. The
bishop, I. W. Joyce, spoke of the saddle
bag brigade, and gave some pictures from
real life. The sum of 14,500 was subscribed
to this fund by the preachers.
The Woman's Home Missionary society
was represented by Mrs. Libby Allen of
Des Moines, la. She Is a forcible and elo
quent speaker, and as she portrayed the
neds in our great cities, among our for
eign population, and the southern states she
moved her audience to teare
The anniversary of the missionary so
ciety was held on Friday evening. Dr. J.
B. Trimble of Kansas City, Mo., assistant
secretary of the missionary society. Bishop
Joyce and Dr. C. C. Spencer, editor of the
Central Christian Advocate, were the speak
ers. They brought such peaceful reports
that some of the people shouted, while
others wept. The report of the conference
treasurer shows that the conference has
raised 18,642 for missions, a gain of 1664
for this year, $240 of which comes from the
Omaha district.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary society
was presided over by Mrs. F. M. Slssen of
Norfolk. Bishop Joyce and Miss Watson
of Lincoln were the speakers at this meet
ing. Money was secured to supply a na
tive worker In India, and a number of new
members were added to the society. .The
financial report of this conference shows a
notable Increase. The pastors received 188,-
350, an Increase of 12,477. The membership
of the conference is 13,361
ares "Featherlears."
DAKOTA CITY, Neb.. Sept. 17.-(Speclal.)
By working a ruse Deputy United States
Marshal Sides succeeded In capturing
Alonso Show, known as "Feather Legs," a
confirmed "bootlegger" and would-be des
perado, who has been In and around the
reservation for some time.
Show escape! from arrest August 26 while
In charge of Mr. Sides and since then h.ra
been In Iowa and Minnesota. He returned
to Homer this week and threatened to kill
any officer who should try to take him.
Marshal Sides got word that he was In
Homer, and knowing It would be futile for
him to attempt his arrest, as the saloons
and bootleggers have sentinels placed
around the outskirts of the town, he depu
tised George Cain to make the arrest.
Cain, In company with Town Marshal
Dan Purdy of Homer, found "Feather
Legs" In Luckhart's saloon and arrested
him, placing him In the Homer calaboose.
Marshal Sides was notified of the arrest
and went to Homer from this place at
once. In the meantime "Feather Legs"
made an attempt to break out of the cala
boose by battering down the door of the
jail with an old Iron door which was In the
Jail. Had Mr. Cain not gone to the cala
boosa when he djd, about an hour after
"Feather Legs" was put In, his prisoner
would have been gone. "Feather Legs"
wrs heavily Ironed and brought to this
place and placed In jail until the departure
of the train for Pender, where he will have
his examination pn the charge of bootleg
ging before United States Commissioner
Three Big Days for Northern Nebraska
Promised for Next Week.
NORFOLK. Neb., Sept. 17.-(Speclal.)
September 27, 28 and 29 will be big days
forNorfolk and the surrounding territory
In northern Nebraska. A base ball tourna
ment of three days, in which will com
pete the fastest teams in the northwest,
together with speeches by "Uncle" Joseph
Cannon, speaker of the house of repre
sentatives, and by W. J. Bryan, are fea
tures which are planned to draw the big
gest crowls that have assembled for four
years. TUden and Plalnvlew will play
against each other on the 27th. Humphrey
and Stanton will meet on the 28th. On the
29th the two winners will play. The prizes
amount to 1300. Cannon . and Bryan will
be here during the three days.
Daughters of Rebekah Eleet.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Sept. 17.-(Spe-clal.)
The regular annual district conven
tion of the Daughters of Rebekah was held
In the Independent Order of Odd Fellows'
hall last evening and was largely attended.
The elaborate banquet was much enjoyed.
The retiring president, Anna Saylea of
Weeping Water, presided. The following
named officers were elected and Installed:
President. Misa Lsona Pollard of Ne
hawka; vice president, Mrs. William Delias
Dernier of Elm wood; warden, Mrs. Maud
E. Hollenberger of Avoca; secretary, Miss
Sophia Ruhge of Avoca; treasurer. Miss
Isadora Hall of Nehawka. Among others
In attendance from out of town were: Mrs.
Mary D. Livingston of Fremont, tha stats
president of the assembly; Mrs. H. M. Pol
lard, Miss Nanoy Warden, F. C. Shomaker,
wife and mother of Mrs. T. Fulton, all of
Nehawka: E. F. Sayles and wife and Mies
Mamie Hlllman, -all of Weeping Water;
sstmaster X). Ceoll Capes and wife, Mrs.
Lulu D. Russ, Mrs. Philippine Nutiman
and C. D. Qulnton, all of Avoca, and Mr.
E. Stuht and wife and Mrs. B. F. Strawn
of Omaha.
Ladles' DermMery mt State Valverslty.
The Grand Hotel at Lincoln has been
completely refurnished and changed Into
a girl's dormitory for tha State University.
The building Is stesm heated, hot and
cold water, elevator, parlors and reception
halls. Rooms are as rheap as at private
houses. Table bosrd In same building, If
desired, at 13 00 per week. . Prof. Candy
and Mrs. Franklsh are la charge.
will acid
Eegents of University Will Oonsider It at
' the Next Meeting.
Attorney General Files i Appeal 'in the
Nemaha County Tns. Case
County Clerk Not W 1111ns
to AppeaL
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 17. (Special. )-Tho mat
ter of furnishing text books to the students
of the State university at cost will be
taken up by the Board of Regents at their
next meeting. The matter will be brought
up by C. 8. Allen, one of the Lincoln mem
bers of the board, ejid If the plan is prac
ticable and there is any disposition shown
by the students for such a method being
adopted Mr. Allen will advocate it. He said
this morning:
"I have not looked very closely Into the
legal phase of the question that Is,
whether the regents have -the authority by
law to buy the books for the students, but
If there is any way to save the students
any money lnthla matter of course I will
heartily endorse it. None of the students
have spoken to me about the matter and
except what I have read about it I do not
know that there is any great demand on
the part of the students for us to do this.
If there Is, then I for one will be glad to
do all I can In the matter. The students
should be saved every cent that Is possible.
Many of them are compelled to work their
way through school snd every dollar counts
with them. I hope the students will let
us know their thoughts on the matter and
If there is a demand for the regents to pur
chase the books, and if we can do It and
thereby save money for the students, I am
In favor of It. I will call the attention or
the board to the matter at its next meet
ing." The Board of Regents have a meeting
called for about the first of October, at
which time the members will discuss what
they want from the next legislature. This
will be at a date too late to help the stu
dents during the first semester; -therefore,
If students desire ro secure their text books
cheaper than they have been getting them
they should bring pressure to beer on the
regents and get a meeting for the Imme
diate future.
Kahn Sues for Damasjes.
8iegbert Kahn, one of the two jewelry
salesmen who were arrested by the police
last week, on the nominal charge of selling
Jewelry r-lthout a license, hut who were
held ss suspicious characters bees use of
the large amount of diamonds on his per
son, sued members of the police force this
afternoon for damages.
Appeal hientaka Coonty Case.
Norrla Brown, deputy attorney general,
filed the petition in error in the Nebraska
county tax case, in the supreme court to
day. The case retains Its original form, be
ing entitled, "Charles B. Hacker, county
clerk of Nemaha county, Nebraska, against
Church Howe, for himself and on behalf
of all other taxpayers of Nemaha county,
Nebraska." The petition In error Is signed
by E. B. Quockenbush, county attorney of
Nemaha county, Attorney General F. N.
Prout and Deputy Attorney Oeneral Norrla
Brown. These two signatures last named
ant the only evidences In tha petition that
the state Is a party to the action.
Changed Their Hinds.
There wss some foundation for the report
from Auburn that the county officials at
one time decided not to appeal this case,
but to accept as final the ruling of Judge
Kelligsr, which was highly satlsfsctory to
the taxpayers of the county. An Auburn
newspaper contains a copy of the letter
that wss prepsred and sent to the attorney
general. In spits of the agreement and un
derstanding, at the tlms the decision was
rendered., that It would be reviewed by the
supreme court.
Dr. Gllllajaa for Senate.
O'NEILL, Neb., Sept. 17. (Special Tele-(ram.)-Dr.
3. P. Gllllgao ef O'Neill was
a tttle of
aL all nrjt
1 . V ' A
stimulate ke a.p
peiite and aidl
-flic "diejlxti:v
Older a-caCi-for
yourme -pWeJ2fiO
B R.
nominated for the state senate by the re
publicans of the Thirteenth senatorial dis
trict. Dr. Gllligan is the leading surgeon
of this part of the state. The nomination
Is considered exceptionally strong.
Fusion Ticket in Adams Gives Two
Plaeea to Younsjer Party.
HASTINGS, Neb., Sept. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) The Adams county democrats and
populists met In convention and fused. Dr.
John Lyman, populist, was nominated for
state senator; W. E. Joynt, democrat, for
representative, and John Snyder, populist,
for county attorney. Each convention
chose a nominee for the latter office and
several hours were consumed ii negotiating
before the conference committees effected
the nomination of Mr. Snyder. There was
little enthusiasm In the convention and sev
eral populist country, delegates expressed
KEARNEY, Neb.. Sept. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) The populist county convention met
In this city this afternoon and nominated
Fred A. Nye for county attorney. A. A.
Woraley addressed the delegates, after
which a set of resolutions were adopted.
George J. Burgess Shoots Himself.
M'COOK. Neb., Sept. 17.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) This community was deeply moved
this morning by the news that George J.
Burgess, an aged and respected citizen,
had shot himself fatally.
He died about noon. Deceased for many
years lived In Arapahoe before moving
News of Nebraska.
PLATSMOUTH, Sept. 17.-County Super
lntendent C 8. Woetmnn examined about
thirty teachers for certificates today.
PLATTSMOUTH. Sept. 17 Ex-Mayor
Frank J. Morgan, ho was operated on In
Omaha recently air appendicitis. Is re
ported to be better today.
BEATRICE. Sept. 17.-The Independent
Telephone company, having been granted
a franchise in Wymore, will Install Its lines
within the next few weeks.
PLATTSMOUTH. Sept. 17.-The repub
lican primaries were he'.d throughout Cass
county this evening to elect delegate to
the county convention in Elmwood, Sep
tember 24.
WEST POINT, Sept. 17.-Chnrles H. Sass.
the present incumbent of the ofilce of super
visor on the county board from Sherman
t.rvnshlp, has bren renominated for that
office by acclamation.
CHADRON. 8eDt. ll Conaiderlnr that
Dawes is one of the very youngest of Ne-.
nrasKa s countien, it reels proud to stand
No. 20 In agricultural products In the state
fair Just held at Lincoln.
""WEST POINT. Sept. 17.-Mlss Katherlne
Ingor, a former Cuming county teacher,
has been elected principal of the public
Srhools at Edholm, Neb., and left yesterday
to Hssume charge of her work.
BEATRICE, Sept. 17. The students of the
Northwestern Business college of this city
met yesterday afternoon and organized a
foot ball team. The eleven will soon be In
shape to play any team in the state.
CHADRON, Sept. 17.-Rev. Lee H. Young,
rector of Grace Episcopal church, has ac
cepted a call and will soon remove to Has
tings. He and his wife will be given a
farewell reception next Tuesday evening.
GENEVA, Sept. 17. A successful county
fair Is ended. The ball games between
the Geneva chicken pickers and the Wy
more team resulted In a victory for the
former. There was a good racing card.
PLATTSMOUTH, Sept. 17. Mrs. IL N.
Dovey pleasantly entertained fifty of her
lady friends at a kensington yesterday
afternoon Elegant refreshments were
served by Misses Ipne, Helen, Florence and
Hazel Dovey.
BEATRICE, Sept. 17. The members of
the Beatrice Driving association are mak
ing plans to hold a running meet in this
city during the week of September -. Be
tween thirty and thirty-five head of horses
will be entered for the races.
BEATRICE. Sept. 17 The eighty-acre
farm ol William P. Norcross, located two
miles northeast of Beatrice, was sold yes
terday to Frank Marsh for 186 per acre.
As far as Known this Is the highest price
ever paid for farm land In Gage county.
NEBRASKA. CITY. Sept. 17.-Thoman
Johnson plead guilty In tjie district court
yesterday to forgery and was sentenced to
one year In the penitentiary by Judge Paul
Jensen. Johnson was charged with forging
the name of L. Wrenn to a bank check (or
WEST POINT, Sept. 17 -Whlle threshing
wheat on the farm of E. McGill, northwest
of this city, this week, the separator of
Claude Eniley was consumed by lire, to
gether with a number of stacks of grain
belonging to Mr. McOlll. The cause of the
fire is unknown. ,
PLATTSMOUTH, Sept. 17 Judge Weber
fined Hattl Harklns 130 and costs for
using obscene language on tli street and
t templing to brisk into the resort of
Grace MUler. wblcu Is near by. Gtace Mil
ruurifij.inr. i -w icsczi
RRW W 6 C O -
E,W E, RsS
ler was fined 130 and costs for conducting
a disorderly resort.
ADAMS. Sept. 17. Adams Is to have a
'phone line in operation soon. F. B. Das
per Is president and W. C. Grav secretary
treasurer. They expect to have the town
and country supplied by the first of Decem
ber. PLATTSMOUTH, Sept. 17.-Plattsmouth
Is to have a first-class lecture course this
year, and the following executive committee
has been elected: President, G. U Farley;
vice president, A. JL. Tldd: secretary, E. L.
Rouse; treasurer, J. L. Barton, and pro
moter, C. C. Wescott.
PAPILLION. Sept. 17.-A. W. Clark and
I. D. Clarke have had plans drawn for the
erection of an elevator In Papllllon this
fall. The former elevator was burned
nearly sixteen years ago and the new one
will probably be erected near the place
where the old one stood.
MiNDEN, Sept. 17. A movement has
been started for the organisation of a
commercial club and everv business snd
professional man in the city has signed a
call for a meeting which will be held next
Tuesday night to discuss the matter and
perfect . the organization of the club.
GENEVA. Sept. 17. The Grand Army of
the Republic reunion and picnic will be
held in Geneva next Wednesday. The
Geneva Choral soclpty, under the loader
shin of John Barsby, will sing. Addresses
will be given by E. H. Hinshaw and De
partment Commander Bross. The old sol
diers will parade before dinner.
BEATRICE, Sept. 17. A suit for 1600
damages, brought by Louis Wehn, because
of injuries) received In a right with Wallace
Moore some time ago, was tried in the
oounty court yesterday before a Jury,
which brought In a verdict of 26 damages
for the plaintiff. The principals in the suit
are both business men of this city.
CHADRON. Sept. 17. Hon. E. J. Burkltt
snoke in the opera house here last night.
1 his was supposed to open the campaign,
but as neither the democrats nor the pop
ulists have made their legislative nomina
tions, local affairs are not yet warm. O n
ventlons are called for their senatorial nom
ination September 20 at Ruehvllle.
MINDEN. Sept. 17. Active preparations
re going forward for the twenty-seventh
annual fair of Kearney county, which will
begin next Wednesday. The yield of all
kinds of farm and garden stuff has never
been better. Friday has been set apart as
children's day and many of the schools
have made application for tickets. The in
dications sre tor a most successful fair.
NEBRASKA CITY, Sept. 17-Stock-holdcrs
of the Faultless Castor com
pany laBt night elected new offlcej's
and decided to double the capacity of the
factory. The Improvements decided on will
necessitate the employing of about thirty
five additional men. Several new pieces
of machinery have been ordered and will
bo installed as soon as additions now
being made to the building are completed.
NEBRASKA CITY, Sept. 17.-Mr. nnd
Mrs. W. T. Nicholson ce'ebrated their
golden wedding anniversary on Fri
day. Thfy were married on Septem
ber 16, 1864, and came to this county in
1857, where they have since resided. Many
friends gathered at their home during the
afternoon and evening and Mr. and Mrs.
Nicholson received several beautiful pres
ents. BEATRICE, Sept. 17. Word was received
here yesterday from Joplln, Mo., that J. T.
Sullivan, the traveling man formerly In the
employ of Allen Bros, of Omaha, who re
cently became mentally unbalanced and
was taken to Joplln for treatment, has
been removsd to Hot Springs, Ark., where
he will be cared for by his mother and
the family physician who has charge of
the young man's case.
BEATRICE. Sept. 17.-The base hall sea
son closed In Beatrice yesterday. The
members of the Beatrice team will leave
for their homes In various parts of the
stats for short visits, after which most
of them intend to enter the state university
for the winter. Glenn Odell, who has been
manager of the team, will remain in Be
atrice and manage Company C foot ball
team, which was organised last week.
AUBURN. Sept. 17 Hon. Church Howe,
consul general at Antwerp. Belgium, who
has bren home about a month on a visit,
will leave here Monday for Washington,
where he will spend some days and receive
suoh Instructions as the department raay
de-ilre to liiipart. From Washington he
will go to Oyster Bsy and cull on the
HIE UrOtiMjnuj-jmHCttl
e-au ?-J.?Lt?Hr
w t-
S resident for confidential instructions On
ctober 1 he will sail for his post of duty.
NEBRASKA CITY, Sept. 17,-Nicholsf
Fellen, a prominent farmer, was found
yesterday lying unconscious alongside the
rosd. He had received a stroke of paralysis
while driving fiom his home to Julian
and had fallen out of the buggy. He was
taken to Julian, where his condition was
found to be serious. There Is small hope
for his recovery. ...
WEST rOTNT, Sept. 17.-A Joint conven
tion of nil SI school teachers and school of
fier has bvnn called by Superintendent
Stnhl to rr.wt In this city rctober 1. The
meeting of teachers and vhfflcers of the
country s hcols and the consequent ex
change of ideas and suggestions relative to
good Koverrment and efficiency has proved
viy populae and beneficial In this county,
wheie the movement was Initiated by Su
perintendent StAhl a year ago.
WHST POINT, Sept. 17.-The district
court of Cuming county will convene for the
fall term on September 26, with Judge Guy
T. Graves of Pender on the bench. The
health of Judge Graves has Improved. The
court calendar Is extremely light, there being-only
thirty-six civil cases and eight
crlmlnnl, 60 per cent of the whole being
dead cases, held on the docket for payment
of costs or awaiting final order.
WEST POINT, Sept. 17. X. E. Gehrls, su
pervisor rf rond district No. 2. adjoining the
city, has filed complaint against V. F.
Wortman, a farmer, living on the line of
ro-u' In his district, for plowing up a por
tion of tha road. This action Is Intended
to put a stop to the almost universal cus
tom of farmers of encroaching upon tha
pu')i3 hhrhwav to extend the area of their
ciiltlvutabie lsnd. The case will be tried
nefiiu County Judge Dewald. . .
MINDEN. Sept. 17.-Corn In Kearney
county Is out of the way of frost and the
crop is one of the old-fashioned bumper
kind. A number of big ears and big
stalks are being exhibited In different bus
iness places around town and some of
them sre Indeed wonders. Some ef the
ears weigh nearly two pounds. Many of
the farmers are busy seeding and the acre
age of winter wheat promises to be larger
than It was this year.
AUBURN, Sept. 17. Friday was the
closing day at the Nemaha county fair.
A large crowd was present and all voted
the day a good one. The fair as a whole
has been a sucoess. The gstes were n4
opened the flrt clay on account of rals
and the second day the attendance wal
sma'l on account of the muddy roads, but
Thursday and Friday were record break
ers. The live stock and fruit exhibits were
the largest ever, shown here. The races
were all sharply contested and the time
made In most of them wss fast.
WF.HT POINT. Sept. 17.-D. O. Olffert. 'a
former state senator from this district, wht
wi s i.'im!nt(it by the republicans for rep
resentative from this county, has sent In hl
resignation to the county central committee,
who accented the same with much regret
In his letter of declination he states thlg
his private business will preclude his pres
ence in the state at the time of the meeting
of the legislature. P. R. Peatrowskey has
been ap:olnted to fill the vacancv. Mr.
Peatrowskey Is a young farmer and" a stal
wart republican, and enjoys a strong polit
ical following. m f vi-
BEATHICE, Sept. 17.-The Gage County
Old Settlers' association held Its annual
picnic on the Chautauqua grounds yester
day afternoon, the attendsnce being rather
light compared with former years. A bas
ket dinner was served, after which brief
addresses were delivered by some of the
pioneers present. Daniel Freeman, who has
the distinction of being the first home
steader In tha United States, was among
those in attendance. Officers were elected
for the coming year, ss follows: E. M.
Buswell, president; F. H. Dobbs, vice presi
dent; H. A. LaSelle, secretary; A. D. Sage,
OSCEOLA. Sept. 17.-The officers of the
Polk County Agricultural society, with
President Thomas Klassy and Secretary
O. T. Ray, have done all In their power to
make the fair that begins next Tuesday a
grand success, and If the weather man
einlles on us the twenty-seventh annual
fair for the county will be the best thst
It has ever had. Tns shows, the racing and
all that Is iisuslly connected with fairs
will be In full blast for three days, begin
ning September 22, Up to the present time
more space hss been spoken for snd mora
entries mads than at any fair the county
has held.
Jewelry, Watches aod Diamonds
at moderate pricw. We guarantee every
article to be just as represented. Easy
to buy. Eay to pay.
nMUtmA. -ssrot s ..