A THE OMAnA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1801. Telephone' 61 W cloe Baturd 3 nrrdAer,ihm trt h a creat I "Wei.e continually I dropping will war IG hard racks l hollow." V L A Our new Duehese and Opera broadcloths have the handsome noft paon finish with almost the luster of satin. Our own exclu sive styles. PUCHE88E BROADCLOTH all colors and black, beautiful allk finish. Oooda of this quality usually sell at 81.26-Our special prlca on 58-Inch wide Dtteheeee M Inches wide 11.50 per yard. OPERA BROADCLOTH-Thl a:socoroe In all color and black-eatra fins quality and haa a soft, velvet finlsh-54 inches wlde..l.S0 per yard. KID G OVC SPECIAL W hara a broken Una of else lo women' nne kid glove, which will b placed on tale Monday morning; at quick telling price. In thl. lot are mode, gray. b!ack and red, slsea 6H to TVt but not all slses In each color-Some have clasp fasten er, and ome the, genuine Foater lace hook The refrular prlcea of these glovea are $1.60 and 12.00-Monday, your choice at 7oo per pair. INVESTIGATE OUR DEPOSITOR S ACCOUNT DEPT. TaHiKlP! ra .f tff. It C. A. Building. Corner. noon of September 18. The Japanese fired from Bhushlyen and Palur.gahan at Pigeon bay, where heavy guns from' Japan dv been placed. In position lately. The shells fell with great freuency In the Chinese rw town. Yanklatung. which Is a village at Pigeon r and has been occupied by the Russians, has been evacuated by- them secretly. The Japanese have not occupied the village. Five hundred cavalrymen who attempted to drive the. Japanese from Palungshan have not returned' and It la believed the fortress there has been captured. China,' "Attitude Slitnlncaat. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 17. Important development Regarding China's attitude towards the , belligerents are anticipated here In welj; Informed quarters. There are rumors of closer relations between China and Japan, of the possibility of the Japa nese turning over Port Arthur, when cap tured, to China, or their restoring Man churia to the Chinese, etc. Although these 'reports are not confirmed they lead to quite a general 'belief that some sort of negotiations are going on behind the scenes of which the outside world 'has little cog nisance. Ths Ruas says It belNves the Japanese successes are emboldening the Chinese government more and more and that they are prompting such diplomatic steps as China never dreamed ' of before. Bine the Japir.ese occupation of New Chwang and direct contact between the Chines) and Japanese they have seemed quickly to reach an understanding, the occupation of neutral 'territory evoking no protest. The Russ expects the war to take on a phase, aa Chinese neutrality vanishes, . which the .powers in .their agreement to preserve China's neutrality cannot Ignore. Moreover, the' Russ believes the situa tion will call for deeds and not words. It concludes: "We need not be unduly alarmed, how ever. The Interference of China will scarcely be to our disadvantage." Ambassador McCormlck, as custodian of Japaneae Interests; haamade Inquiries regarding- the two suspected Japanese spies, Constantino Baratorl and Mamachel To kakl, recently arrested. Tiers, He asr tajqs, that the authorities only contemplate deporting them abroad. The -Novoe .Vremya bitterly denounces the' suggestion, of peace advanced by M. Meshshereky, In the Gasedanln, as a means of defeating the selfish ends of Great Britain and Germany,' both of whom, M. Meshahersky ' asserts, are Interested In weakening Russia and Japan. The Novoe Vremya announces that the Russian . people would . not tolerate the self -.humiliation of the empire before Japan. Thi emperor's congratulatory message to Oerieral Kouropatkln Is regarded as ef fectually putting. ' an end to the stories of . Imperial displeasure with Kouropat kln's, generalship at the battle of Llao Tang. Telegraphic reports from the Red Cross show -the following proportion of patients suffering from wounds or disease out of the total sent to the hospitals In the area of military operatlonr-casea of severe Ill ness. 10 per cent; slight Illness, M per cent; wounded, St per cent. The only epi demic disease noted is dysentery, with t per. cent of cases. V'pon his promotion to the rank of gen eral of division, announced laat night, General Bamsonoff gets the Siberian Cos-. ( sack division. Oerieral Bkugarevskl Is promoted to the command, of the Sixth army corps. He formerly ' commanded the Twenty-seventh Infantry division; FRANCE FEARS YELLOW PERIL Mot for' Coalition Asralae.' Increas ' Inar Power of Japan. PARIS, Sept. 17.-fA wave of popular agi tation against the "yellow peril" has re sulted here from Japan's recent remark able display of force. This apprehension la ha red to a considerable extent In of ficial circles, where It . was suggested that the. .danger might compel the European' power to consider the necessity of effect ing a coalition for self-defence against 4he peril.. Toe newspapers and poUtlca) lead- The Oobllrut'that knaw hole In boy' clothing..,. , itjs ; something mysterious .the vwgy boys' clothing goes to pteoes. Maybe lm "Goblins" -git" It - ruajbo If Just poor cloth and slovenly making. 7 Our boys' -clothing la "Goblin" L proof for. U'a marie honestly of -flrst-claas staff. Bailor Suits, $3.09 to $0.50. i Russian Suits, $3.05 to $7.60. Norfolk 8u!U, $J.rK to I&.60. Jacket and fant Suits $4.00 to $7.50. Long Trouser Suits, $10 to $15. nrwoM jE.THoni.'m v ISIS Doaalna Street. Be, Sept. 18, 1901. New Broadcloths favorite for fall and winter Sixteenth and Doujfca C ers also emphasise the growth of the peril. Henri Rochefort eays It behooves Europe to take warning In time. He asserts that France will be one of the first to suffer, through Japan's designs on Indo-Chlna. Rasslaa Deelsioa r.s ta Contraband. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 17.-:07 j. in. AD WAR Foreign Minister Lamsdorff'a reply to the British ambassador. Sir Charles Hardtnge, yesterday on the subject of Great Britain'! representations In regard to contraband of war admitted the conditional character of all articles mentioned In section 10 of arti cle vl of the Russian regulations, except horses and other beasts of burden, which Russia Insists remain, in the category of absolute contraband. In reply to the representations of Ambas sador McCormlck In behalf of the United States cotton will be classed as conditional contraband, but, as stated yesterday, rail road material, certain classes of machinery and boilers to be used on warships continue to be absolute contraband. Ho News from the Front. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 17-:05 p. m. No fresh news has been received from the front, although the outposts are in con tact and some little skirmishing has oc curred. The War office does not believe the Japaneae can be ready for another ad vance until they have received heavy rein forcements. READY FOR THE ODD FELLOWS t Francisco Prepare to Entertain Visitors to Sovereign . Grand Lodge. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17. Prepara tions are practically completed for the re ception and entertainment of the sovereign grand lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, which, opens Its sessions here next Monday. A committee of 10U cltisens having the affair In charge Is doing every thing In Its power to. make the visit of the Odd Fellows as pleasant as possible. . A feature of the convention will be s, full military encampment of 600 Patriarchs Mili tant at the Mechanics' pavilion, where all requisite arrangements of tents, cot and other equipment have been made for the reception of the delegates. A number of entertainment have been planned for the entertainment of the vis itors, and among them will be a grand concert and a full dress ball on the closing night of the convention. A committee left here today to meet the officer of the sovereign grand lodge and esoort them to this city, where they are expected to ar rive tonight. The city I gaily deoorated and street illumination will take place nightly during the convention week. FOOT BALL SEASON OPENS Inlversity of Lombard aad University of Chlcasro Meet oa Marshall ' . " Field. CHICAGO, Sept. 17. The western col legiate foot ball season opened today, the University of Lombard meeting the Uni versity of Chicago here 6n Marshall Fiell gridiron. The prospects of Chicago mak ing a large score were not very bright, a Coach Stagg gave most of hi green candi date a chance to get Into the game. Attempt to Barn Balldiaa-. PAPILLION, Neb., Bept. 17. (Special.) A few day ago an attempt was made to burn Philip Zeeb'a new residence on his farm south of Papllllon. On the night of the fire Mr. Zeeb went to the well to get a drink and noticed a bright light In the new ' house. When he Investigated he found the house afire, but extinguished the flames before much damage was done. The house had just been completed and a lot of shavings were scattered about the plaoe. Some one had taken these shavings and, piling thenv In the cellar, saturated them with kerosene and set them afire. A Mr. Zeeb had a large sum of money In the old house, which they occupy, he thinks the motive was robbery. The per son probably started the fir with the ex pectation of getting the family out of the old house and while they were trying te save the new building It would be an easy mattar to enter the old house and get the money. Cherry Coaaty Republican Ticket. VALENTINE. Neb.. Bept. 17.-Bpeolal Telecram.i Ranuhllr held an enthuslaatlo and harmonious con tention loaay, giving renewed assurance there Is no apathy in the ranks of the party In this county. Resolutions -were adopted endorsing the national and state tickets, also the candidacy of M. P. Kln kald foy congressman from the Sixth dis trict and E. J. Burkett for United States senator. E. L. Heath was chairman and Max E. Vlertel secretary. Candidate for office were nominated by acclamation aa follow: County attorney, JohaM. Tucker; commissioner for Third dlstrlot. Arthur Bowerlng: surveyor to fill vacancy, A. Tps tlvene. Two wayward republican in ap. proprlate speeches acknowledged repent ance and were welcomed into republican rank with open arm and. much rejoic ing. JeaTereoa Coaaty Kosalaatleaa. FAIRBURY, Neb.. Sept 17,-(Bpeclal Tel-esram.)-The prohibition convention, ' held here today, nominated M ki.i - ... county clerk. J. u Kennedy tor repre- Campbell for county at torney and W. M. Armstrong for county commissioner. The democratlo convention, held this aft ernoon, nominated T. J. DeKalb for rep resentative and C. r. Stark for commis sioner for the First district. N. . i. tlons were made fer eountjr attorney or - "t t p. m. 175. WATSON SPEARS AT PADUCAH Popnliit Candidate lays Bepnblican and Democratic Platforms Are Alike, SETS HARD TASK FOR MR. BRYAN Asks Him to point Oat DlnTereaee Be tween New York State Platform and Parker's Aeeeptaace Speech, , PADUCAH, Ky., Bept. 17. The populist campaign In Kentucky was opened today. Hon. Thomas E. Watson, candidate for president, delivering the principal address. The occasion was the district convention, at which J. P. Lackey was nominated for congress by the populist In the First dis trict. Mr. Waston said: The national campaign Is now In Its third l mnnin ana no ueinui:raiiv; cai' . i I lltlral nhemimrv him vet been able to din- cover wherein the fluid called Rooneveltium differs from the llifuld called Parkerlttni. Bo far as I can see, the nominees of the two old parties are dtrondlng the same line of battle, but Parker is the harder to hit because he dodges better than Roose velt. You can locate Theodore, and you cm bombard him with a stationary siege gun, but you want a flying battery when you go after Alton B. Trained for twenty years In the school of Dave Hill. It would be a marvel Indeed If the favorite pupil did not somewhat resemble the master who taught him Task for Bryaa. In April, 1904. Hon. W. J. Bryan hired a hall In Chicago for the express purpose of telling the American people what a fraud the New York democratic platform waa, and what "an artful dodger" was Alton B. Parker. If Mr. Bryan will now compare that fraudulent New York platform with his "artful dodger's" speech of acceptance, and point out wherein the two essentially differ, he will once more compel us all to bow down In admiration to the Ingenuity and resourcefulness of his remarkable in tellect. . On the question of Imperialism I defy any man to point out, in plain English, the exact difference, in principle or policy, between Roosevelt and Parker. Take the question of the tariff, the trusts, government by injunction, trere Is no difference which any mortal man can boll down to a clenr-cut contract. Theo dore speaks In one set of words and Alton B. In another, hut each of them reaches the same camping ground, and each tries to spread his blanket on the same spot. How about the labor question? is there any difference between the two on that? If so, state It, and state it plainly. In Its nallnnal platform for 1S2 the demo cratic party expressly pledged Itself against child labor In factories. Fifteen years was the age limit fixed. Yet all over tne soutn, where the democratic Darty hi supreme. child labor Is as fixed as African slavery ever was. Children under 15, under 14, un der 11, and sometimes under 10, slave their little lives out amid pestilential vapors and brutalizing conditions which are a shame and a scandal to Georgia, South Carolina and other democratic states. In aplte of all the efforts of the labor leaders In those states, they have been utterly unable to get the democratic party to respect their Elatform pledge In behalf of the helpless oys and girls of the south. Is Alton B. Pnrker In favor of that plank In the democratic platform of 1P92? If so, let him speak out. Until he declares him self, and states wherein he differs from Roosevelt on the labor question, the con clusion is fair. Is Inevitable, that there Is no difference. As to the monev Question, which the democrats declared to be paramount, no one will now contend that any praetlenl difference exists betweei Roosevelt and Parker. ... Parker and Money Ine. But here Is a curious thins: Parker telHrranha his unconditional surrendor to the gold standard without saying whether that standard Is right or wrong. He voted twice for Bryan and free sliver, via ne De lleve in Brvan and in free silver? He does not say so. He voted that wny to be re tilar did thlt favorite pupil of Dave. He now leaves silver and comes over to gold. Throughout this country we hear the cry that reforms are needed, but they must be sought for "within the democratic party. To me, in tne nni or experience, that kind of talk is utter folly. Is a man never to learn anythinp from the past? Can I hope to do Inside the democratic party what Bryan so signally failed to do? For eight years he exerted all of his mar valnm mwAri to AcenmDltsh something in side the democratic party. Back of him were hundreds or strons; newspapers, ne went Into the flpht followed by a powerful nrnnkitlon: he secured more votes than Grover Cleveland ever had. and yet be cause he could not succeed within eljrht yesrs the democratic pnrty repudiated him and trampled his paltform under foot. Thev got tired of being right: they got tired of being- In the minority. Their hun ger for office swallowed uo their love for principle, and Bryan today la farther off from the aeeompnsnment or any rem re form than he was ten years ago. Why did Brvan fall? Because he tried to ac complish reform In a party organization where there was no narmony or convic tion. In such a party there could be no unltv of action. He was handicapped from the beginning bv such eastern democrnts as Belmont. Hill and Cleveland and Car lisle and Gorman, who are In principle thoroughly rermhllcan. The democratic house was divided against Itself. There fore It fell. PARKER RETURNS TO NEW YORK Will Mako Aaother Visit Boom and Confer with Chalrntaa Taggaxt. NEW YORK. Sept.' 17. It was said at democratlo national headquarters today that Judge Parker will make another visit to New York within a week, or before the publication of his letter of acceptance, and that the personal conferences between the nominee and his manager will be repeated a often a necessary. Just why Chairman Taggart of the na tional committee found It necessary to leave the city on the eve of Judge Parker's visit was explained today by Mr. Fanning, Mr, Taggart' ohlef assistant at democratlo headquarter. Mr. Fanning is vice chair man of the Indiana state democratlo com mittee. Some week ago, he said, he vis ited that state and found that a consulta tion between state leaders and the national chairman was desirable. He promised them to Induce Mr. Taggart to go to Indiana, and on hi return to New York placed the mat ter before the chairman In such a manner that the visit was arranged. Appointments were made at Indianapolis and French Lick Spring and the date fixed. It waa not until noon of the day on whloh Mr. Taggart waa to leave for the west that he was in formed by Judge Parker by telephone that the Judge Intended to come to New York. Mr. Taggart explained the situation to Mr. Parker and suggested that It would be Im practicable for him to cancel the arrange ment In Indiana and Illinois. Judge Parker assented to this, but saw no reason to can cel hi own visit to New York. On his next visit, It Is stated, Mr. Tag gart wilt be in New York. CAMPAIGN IS OPENED AT CHICAGO Graad Rally fader Aasplce of II am nio Clah. CHICAGO, Sept. 17. The republican party of Chloago formally opened the political campaign tonight by a grand rally at the auditorium under the auspice of the Hamilton club. ' Senator Foraker of Ohio was the prin cipal speaker of the evening, and hi speech provoked great enthusiasm. Marqula Eaton, chairman of the political committee of the Hamilton club, presided and delivered a short speech preceding that Of Senator Foraker and George A. Knight of Ban Francisco, who seconded the nom ination of President Roosevelt In the re publican convention, followed him. Mr. Knight caused much laughter and applause by hla address, which waa filled with clever hits at the political situation. CANSOX AT OLD VINCBNKHfl Speaker ( the Hoaaa Addreseea Two Largo Aadleaee. PRINCETON, Ind.. Bept. 17. Speaker Joseph G. Cannon spoke In Vlncenne this afternoon and In this city tonight, both audience etng large. Ills speeches were d. the greatest sale of the yea r we have held two phenomenal silk sales this season, and it would seem that almost every woman who wears silks had attended one or the other sale. realizing that our customers were well supplied, any silk offering had of neces sity to be astoundingly cheap in order to tempt us. on monday," we place on sale, at 10 o'clock, the biggest purchase, the best purchase, the most reasonable purchase of all. after the reasons already given, you Will expect great things. you will not be disappointed. goods have been seen by hundreds of women and every one, we be lieve, has been astonished at the value many thousands of yards, mainly this year's fall styles, worth 83c, $1.00, $1.28 new and perfect all 00 at one price monday, sept. 19th, at IO a. m., per yard your neighbor should know of this. Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. p. t when yso tile ad the silk sale, do not forget to peep In our west window a remirkable pattern aale- minufacturers deidced to chanje character of business we bought the stock It means a area! gain for you. general in scope, but at Vlncenne he gave especial attention to the pension question. He gave the republican party credit for practically all the pension legislation. , He aald that the declaration of northern democrats in favor of liberal pensions are "for home consumption only." Should the democratic party secure control of the house of representatives, Its policy would, he declared, be dictated by the southern democrats, who have two-third ' of the democratic membership. PARKER CAl'TIOSS COMMITTEE Asks That Textbook Contain No Re- floctlon on President. NEW YORK, Bept. 17.-The following let ter concerning the democratic campaign book waa made public by George F. Par ker, chief of the democratic literary de partment, tonight: ROBEMOUNT. Esopus, N. T.. Sept. 17. My Dear Mr. Parker: The Times of this morning says that the party text book Is about prepared and that it will go to the printer In a few days. Therefore. I hasten to beg you to see. to It that there Is no word in It that reflects upon the personal honor and Integrity of President Roose velt. An Evening Post editorial Indicates that but little care was taken In that direction towards myself by the compiler of the re publican text book, but let there bo no rejoinder In kind or otherwise. I feel con fident that you need no reminder, still my anxiety Impels me to Tid this caution. Very truly yours, ALTON B. PARKER. CHAIRMAN TAGGART IS PLEASED Ho Say the Democrat Will Carry Indiana. INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 17. After a con ference lasting two 0ys with the demo cratic) leaders In Indiana, Thomas Taggart, chairman of the national democratic com mittee, said this afternoon: "The condition of the organisation in Indiana at this time Is most encouraging. I have heard a great deal about apathy, but after a conference with the leaders I am convinced that there Is very little of It, so far as they are concerned. The democrata of Indiana are In a fighting mood." Secretary Shaw at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 17. Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw addressed a mass meeting In Festival hall on the World fair grounds tonight, his speech being the opening gun of the repub'.lcan campaign In eastern Missouri. Speeches were also made by Cyrus P. Wallbrldge, guberna torial nominee, and H. S. Hadley, repub lican candidate "for attorney general of Missouri. ' CAMPAIGN SPEAKERS AT WORK Halsteael and Yonag Talk to Roose velt and Fairbanks Commercial Tmveler Leaspse. ntjtot YORK. BeDt. 17. Murat Halatead, the veteran newspaper editor, and Colonel Lafayette Young, editor of the Dee Moines, la., Dally Capital, were the chief speakers . h nMiini of the Roosevelt and Fair banks Commercial Travelers' league here today. TAHTfir.RgviLLE. Va.. Bept. 17. Senator Fairbanks, the republican nominee for vice president, opened the campaign in west Virginia In the presence or aeverai inou and people from all over the western part of the state. RBBUILDINQ FOOD Soi ie Wonderful Thlnas Food Can Da. What ''continued ue of Improper food will do by upeettlng the nervou system seem almoat beyond belief and it's Jut aa urprtalna to see how a simple change front poorly selected food to good nour ishing food will end all of theee ails. A Chicago man say: "My nervou system became o shat tered that whenever I looked at a moving object my right eye turned out to the aide, my speech waa atutterlng, the memory poor and I was very absent-minded. My. faoe waa covered with pimples and I was constantly ashamed of my apearanoe. "The doctor said my blood wa In a bad state and I took medicine for this for a year, but only got worse. I wa so completely disgusted with everything I was tired of living, although I had no cause to be, a far aa friend and home were concerned. "When medicine failed I tried eating o.Iy the plainest foods, but this got tiresome and I did not seem to get enough nourish ment until in my experimenting I gave the food called Grape-Nuts a trial. Thl seemed so different from the rest, it seemed erisp and full of nourishment and I ate It with cream for breakfast a well a dessert after the other meals. Almost Im mediately my nerves began to get stronger and steadier and sounder and I felt aa though a great change was going on within me.' "The first effect I noticed waa my right eye did not seem so loose In my head, I could look without seeing double, and then I noticed that I took more Interest In life and waa not such a chronic kicker, my memory Improved, physical endurance waa greater and my sleep sounder and refresh, ing. "In a year" time I had recovered en tirely from the old absent-mindedness, my complexion had cleared and left me without any more pimple upon my face, all the old trouble with the eye 1 gone for good and, to cut the list short, why, I have a sound nervou system, am stronger and healthier physically upon Grape-Nuta diet I could write twice as much more about what thla food has done for me. It 1 cer talnly a most wonderful food for the brain and nerves." Name given by the Poatum Cq.. Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason." Look In each' pkg. for the famous little book, "The Hoard to WellvUlv" n. f. meaning do not forget WRECK ON LAKE SHORE ROAD Passenger Train Derailed in Chicago and Four Oars Are Demolished. TWELVE PERSONS HURT, TWO FATALLY Dcbrle Takea Fire, bat Blase is Ex. tlngni.hed Train Running at High Speed to Make Is Lost Time. CHICAGO, Sept. 17. A paasenger tralnbn the Leke Shore & Michigan Southern was wrecked this afternoon at the crossing of the tracks at Root street. Accounts of the cause of the accident differ, some of the railroad people claiming that the train ran Into an open switch, and others saying that the locomotive jumped the track be cause of a broken flange. Twelve Person Injured. Twelve person were Injured, and several of whom may die. Following Is a list of the casualties: John Schuler, Elkhart, Ind., engineer, fracture of left leg. and compound fracture of the left arm; not expected to live. J. P. Lane. Kslamasoo, Mich., fireman, head cut and Internally Injured; condition serious. George Leffert, Clayton. Mich., two ribs broken, left leg and right collar bone bro ken. . Mrs. Susan Berdel, Chicago, spine In jured and both arms paralysed; condition serious. . . . E. Pluncus, Chloago, both hands mangled. C. Folkus, Chicago, leg broken. A. Trurog. Chicago, leg broken. A. H. Blaesslng, Chicago, head cut Miss Jean Martin. Pasadena, Cal., badly bruised; not serious. .... Dr. L. H. Goodrich, Bpnngneia, mass., badly bruised. W. O. Weiss, New York, severely cut about the body. -Train Rnnnlng Rapidly. The train was going at a high rate of speed to make up lost time. The tracks are elevated and the accident happened just before the train reached the viaduct cross ing over Root etreet. The engine left the track, but the fore part of the tender struck the end of the viaduct railing and was torn to piece. The engine plunged to the far side of the viaduct, where a rail torn from It fastening rose on end and transfixed the rear of the engine cab and the fore part of the baggage car. It held the wreckage so closely that several hours' work with cold chisels was necessary be fore the wreckage of the baggage car could be removed. Car Plied I'p. The four car next behind the baggnge car were piled In a heap at the north end of the viaduct, and all of them badly mashed. An overturned stove In the rear coach set fire to the wreckage, but It wa extinguished by the fire department before It had gained much headway. The engineer and fireman remained at their posts until the last and both men were pulled out from the debris uneonsolou. NO PROTEST HAS BEEN FILED Democrat Said to Object to Alleged Action of Jndc Spenee. (From- a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. (Special Tele gram.) The civil service commissioner has not yet received any communication from the democratic congressional committee calling attention to an alleged assessment of federal officeholders of Iowa for cam paign funds. The statement haa been made that the chairman of the Iowa state repub lican oommlttee. Judge Bpence, haa - sent letter to federal officeholders hailing from the Hawkeye state calling for contributions of S per cent of their annual salaries for campaign funds. It la only a short time ago that the civil service commissioner Issued a circular addressed to all clerks employed by the government In the classi fied service and out of It announcing that they were not compelled to make contri butions to campaign funda and that any contribution made by them wa a voluntary act. The democratlo congressional com mittee has obtained a copy of Judge Bpence' letter and a strong protest will be made to the civil service commissioner. Captain Jerome B. Ftlsble of the Iowa National Guards Is authorised by the presi dent to attend and pursue a regular course of instructions at the garrison school at Fort De Moines. First Lieutenant William Moffitt, Thir teenth cavalry, will upon the expiration of hla slok leave proceed to Fort De Moines for such light. duty a he may be able to perform at that post. The comptroller of the currency today au thorised the City National bank of Bloux City to begin business with 1100,000 capital. A. T. Bennett Is president, William John son vice president and A. J. Wilson cashier of the new bank. Rural free delivery route ordered e.tab. Ushed October 12 : Iowa-v Dallas, Marlon county, one route; area, twenty-two square miles; ' population, M6. South Dakota. Bryant, Hamlin county, one additional route; area, thirty-eight square miles; popu lation, 476. Rural carriers appointed for Iowa route: Beacon, regular, Riscol Morrlsh; substitute. Verne Bllverthorn. Brandon, regular, C. I. Jewell; substitute. Mark, E. Pike. Merrill, regular. Jams W. Howes; substitute, Alios Howe. Moorehead, regular. Earnest R. Outhouse; substitute. Acnes Outhouse. Stllllasre Surrenders. BOSTON, Bept. 17 Oeors. B. Stilling, president of the Preferred Mercantile com pany of this city, for whose arrant a war rant had been issued by the federal author Itlee, surrendered to the United Bintee au. thoiitlr today and. on the chares of Ukln J.Uis nuUXs la ibs fUranoe of vi aJivV.3 lottery scheme, wss held for a hearing September 2d. Stllllngs had been In the west on a tour of the branch offloes of the company. The manager of the company in this alty, J. Franklin Kinsley, and Treas urer Guy C. 8tllllngs were arrested on the same charge a few days ago. LAWRENCE COVNTY DEMOCRATS Fall Ticket le Named and Little En thaslaam Manifested at Dead wood. DEADWOOD, S. D.. Bept. 17. (Special Telegram.) This afternoon the democrats of Lawrence county met and nominated county candidates as follows: For state senatora, J. B. Falrbank and James C. Moody; for representatives, James Lorne gan, Thomaa Thompson, J. C. Davis, L, N. Henderson; for sheriff, John Gilroy; for treasurer, Charles Elkhart; for auditor, James Hull; for state attorney, John R. Russell; for county Judge, R. B. Stewart; for superintendent of schools, Mr. H. Eckert. The minor nomlnatlonr were filled and the convention adjourned. All nomina tion were made by acclamation, there be ing no contests, the only thing approach ing excitement being when the name of James C. Moody, who two years ago served In the state senate aa a republican, was mentioned. He also had no opposition. The usual resolutions, laudatory and con demnatory, were passed. Republicans In maa ' convention have nominated William C. Rice for circuit judge. He la the present Incumbent. Boy Hunter Shoot Himself. STURGI8, 8. D., Sept. 17.-(Bpeclal. Word has been received here that Donald Sandusky, aon of Thomas Sandusky, shot and killed himself with a rifle near Reva while hunting. The ball entered near the right eye and passing around the inside of the skull lodged in the base of the brain. The boy, who waa about 14 years old, lived twenty-four hours, but before medloal aid could reach htm was dead. Recelvee Bad Scalp Wound. 8TURGI8, 8. D.. Bept. 17, (Special.) George E. Earley of this city met with an accident at Belle Fourche while working at the new elevator he la building there. The wind blew a two by six scantling over the end of it, striking Barley on the head and cutting a gash four or five Inches long. Four stltche were required to sew up the wound. The cut extend clear through the scalp to the skull bone. Woman Killed In Hay Field. HURON, 8. D., Sept. 17. (Special.) Mr. Duealer, wife of William Duesler, residing on a farm about four miles northeast of Cavourr- waa almost instantly killed Wednesday afternoon. Being short of help In the hay field, Mrs. Duesler went out In the afternoon to drive a team attached to a stacker, when one of the tugs of the harness broke, allowing one of the single trees to fly back, striking her In the breast, the blow resulting In death In a few mo- We've a Hot Proposition for Mr. J. Frost. Ton know It's high time to look np year heatln paratna. Winter weather requires not only m stove, bnt one that will srlve results. By that we mean HEAT and hero 1 omethlnsr to salt the moat fastidious. Radiant Home Base Burners .' $29.50 Vulcan Oak Stoves Strong Heatsrs Many Sizes Reliable Steel Ranges With Hlcb Closet Warrsot4 Bakers Milton Rogers 14th and rnrnam It is really economy to throw away that batch of old fashioned stationery unless you wish to be considered behind the times. Your office station ery is an index of your house. TELEPHONE 1604 menta. Mrs. Duesler was about 51 years of age, the mother of a family of grown chil dren, and one of the early residents of Bea dle county. Troops on a Practice March. FORT MEADE, S. D., Sept. 17.-8peolal.) Troop A, B, C and D, comprising the First squadron of the Sixth cavalry at thla post, left here the fore part of the week for a practice march to Pine Ridge agency. They are under the command of Major Hunter. The troops are accompanied by a pack train of forty mules, under charge ' of Packmaster J. E. Hammon. The troop 1 will be absent about fifteen days and on their return the Second squadron will b ordered out for a like trip. Horee Falls on Soldier. STUROI8. 8. D.. Sept. 17.-(SpeciaI.)-A boldler of Troop D of Fort Meade, who went out with the First squadon on prac tlce march to Pine Ridge, was seriously . hurt Wednesday by his horse falling on. him. He wa Immediately brought back to the post, where upon examination it was . found that several ribs had been broken and Interna Injuries sustained. , FORECAST OF THE WEATHER i Fair Soaday la Nebraska, Cooler la '. South Portion Monday, Fair. WASHINGTON, Sept 17. Forecast of the wather for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska Fair Sunday, cooler In south portion; Monday fair. For Iowa Partly cloudy and cooler Sun day, showers In east portion; Monday fain, : For Colorado Showers and cooler Sun day; Monday partly cloudy, showers la east portion. For Wyoming Showers and cooler Sun- . day; Monday fair. For Montan Partly cloudy ' Sunday, showers In nortH and west portions, cooler In west portion; Monday fair. For Kansas Cooler Sunday; Monday fair. . For South Dakota Fair Sunday and Mon day. , Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Sept. 17. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three yare: 1904. 1808. 1902. 1801. Maximum temperature .. 86 64 68 6S Minimum temperature ... 64 87 60 3 Mean temperature 76 46 69 47 Precipitation 00 .01 .82 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this 'day since March 1, 1804: Normal temperatdre 66 Excess for the day 10 Total deficiency since March 1 308 Normal precipitation 10 Inch Deficiency for the day 10 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 21. 27 Inches Deficiency since March 1 8.19 Inches Excess for cor. period, 1903 6.82 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1902.. 2.24 inches "T" Indicates precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. $5.95- $27.50 - Sorvs Co. Sts. Steves end Rant BoM a Payment. 'J J I - 4 r 4 Jf V