TITE OifAnA' DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SErTEMBEtt 18, 1904." FOR SALE" REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HASTINGS & HEYDEN 16091 FAR NAM ST. 'PHONE 1606. NEW HOUSES 1116 Bo. J7th St., new, room, all modern but furnace. Price 2,6". Easy terms. 1618 Evans St., Bluff View, new -room house, all modern but furnace, hath room down stairs. Thla Is a beauty. Price $2.to0. 1617 Plnkney 61.. Bluff View, new square house, roomi. all modern, built by day's labor. We Invite. Inspection. Price UfO. 2407 N. 27th Ave., new 8-room, attractive house, modern but furnace, V hloek from Dodge Bt car on Lake, now rented $20 a month. Price 12 410. ith Ave., near Cumin fit . new modern cottage, on very large lot with room for another house, juat finished. Price $2,360. 29TH AND SAHLER We will build you a neat, attractive 6 room cottage with city water and aewer together with a corner lot for $1,4;. Easy terms, good neighborhood. ACRES ARE SELLING FAST If you want to buy, don't wait, 4H acres. 1 blocks from end of Benson car line, for 11,000. acres, ISi miles from Benson, $750, very easy terms. t half-acre lots In Benson, each, 13110. H acres in Florence, 0 blocks to car line, JVi acres went of Field Club, lays fine, 1578. 1 acres, 1 mils southwest of Ruser's Park. 11.060. 10 acres south of South Omaha, Just the thins fur a man working at the packing houMS. Pries t&0. HASTINGS 16091 FARNAM ST. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Slxln Floor New York Life Uldg. We have houses and lots in all parts of the city from lMi up. brio is a snail list ot some of our special bargains. Come and see ua betore you purchase and let us show ou some of our properties. A seven-room house in Bemls Park, all modern, wltn gas and eiectrio lignt, brand new, reaay to move right In, piles U.ooU; easy terms. fsear ifotii and Vinton we have a large piece of ground with a nine-room house, wltn lots of irult, line shaae, barn, owner desires to go west and has made a price of llf.iwO. This Is a bargain. 426 Harney tt, two-story, eight-room house, oil finished, bath, gas, toliet, man tel, and ill pea lor furnace; ou-ft. lot, 12,260. On 11th Bt. Boulevard, south ot Lnlon depot, we have a special bargain in a six room cottage, ail on one floor, with gas, city water and sewer connection, three oed rooms, nne shade, east tront, on the boulevard leading to Rlvervlew park. Prop erty la renting tor (In per .month. Selling price, $l,t60. i'his is a beautiful home for someone, in a splendid neighborhood. In ths south part of the city and near the new street car barn, we have a six-room house with oil finish, gAs and fixtures, city water. House has been vacated for the purpose of selling. This Is Just the place for some street car man or South Omaha, man. Price, $1,000; $160 down and the bal ance monthly, same as rent. See us Mon day sure. 1729 South 10th St., seven-room house with hot water heating plant, mantel, gas, bath, etc., fine repair, beautiful lot, cov ered with shade and fruit, 1.600. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sixth Floor New York Life Bldg. RBI '. NORTH SIDB HOME. - A full corner lot and a brand new 8-rocm house located pear 24th and Fort street, ILfruO; one-third cash and balance to suit. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE- 18 AN OPPORTUNITY That is seldom offered presents itself In two modern houses that i will sell on ac count of owner leaving city. Live In one and the other will pay for the property. I also have another -room house, large lot, gas. chicken house, fruit, etc., that I will sell cheap. E. L. PLATZ, th Floor Bee Bldg. R&-W 18x THAT LOVELY ACRE Facing Miller Park, on car line, set with Shade and fruit. Will sell on long time or will build house and sell on monthly pay ments. C. . 6HEPAJU3, 2004 Wirt. Rii 86 18x BRAND new house, 10 rooms; hardwood finish; beamed ceiling In large hall; also open fireplace; quarter sawed oak floor: fine as can be built; back plastered and double floors. This house Is going to be sold cheap. 1: is open today. Look through. See me Monday. Ed. p. Hamilton, 811 8. 17th St. RE-as9-l HENRY A. TOWNSEND 14 years acquaint ance with Will give full in formation about OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO Monday, Sept. 19th, at The Real Estate Co. Office, 1201 ' FARNAM STREET. Join cheap rate party gelng soon. RE 235-18 A. P. TUKEY & SON bth & Center. 8 east-iivm iuts, iUU oepOi, tor only $350 eacn. 8-iooiu house and full lot for $6iO. These iocs are practically on grade, with wiy water, on Center street, and are very ueatrable for working men who want Cheap homes on easy payments, lause prices are Below the pi Ices of sur fniiiflliig property and li.ts win soon oe old. unly a short ulwtance Horn V. p. sua o. 4k M. yards and freight bouses. , a. r. IUK.M Board of Trade bldg. tON. RE 330 II HOME. Choice reslderir property, house of 7 rooms besides store room; built tor a home of best selected white pine and finished with same material, best plumbing, porcelain lined Lath tub, marble washsiand; beau tiful lawn, excellent location and easy walking distance; owner leaving city and Will sell at bargain. Price $4,200. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., U2S Farnam Street. RE-181 $500 cash and balance monthly payments, buys new 6-room cottage at Vol H. Svth Ave. Lot tixlw. $900 Your choice of 8 lots on Capitol Ave., near tutu street, 60x140. The Byron Reed Co., 48 U. 14th St. RE 15 IT 1. E. COR. 20TH and Douglas, one of the best corners in city to erect uata. Owner In esst says get um offer. WW pay to in vestigate. F. D. WEAD, laM Douglss. RE 147 IT BARGAIN to home purchaser. If you meaa buMuess. Call i 4uard o Trade. RS-7 Bit FOR HALJC One not or 11.800. dus In ooe year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha propsrty, bearing per cent Interest, payable seml-annuaJiy; also one note for $l,tou, due on or betore three years. Interest at per cent, pnyabi rml-annualy. secured by first mortgage n good property. Both are absolutely f and given by respectable parlies. Address th owner, 86. lie ofno. Rlir-VttSI C5A Williamson Co.,w-& . RE 118 UIim. raw 8roerty. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. LOTS IN BLUFF VIEW $500, $550, (000 and SAGO. Tou can t get a better lut In Omaha for the money than these. Buy In a neighborhood where all the nouses will be new; large lots. LOTS IN BOYD'S ADD. $250 each on easy terms, .convenient to both Ames Ave. and 24th St. car lines. These lots are selling well. You can pay 160 cash and $5 a month. No cheaper lots In the market than these. $00, 24th Bt.. between Kprague and Laird, paving paid In full, permanent walks, sev eral new houses adjoining fo0, loth Street, Just north of Locust, a fine building lot, paving all paid, side walks. , uo, on 19th St. Boulevard, Just south of Spruce. . . . PiM, Seward Street, Just west of 40th Street, south front, fine shade trees, or we will build you a house on this lot it you like. CANADA LAND EXCURSION TOMORROW. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. I no tend of Tuesday, the regulnr excursion day. The change was made this week to accommodate a number of Douglaa county farmers who prefer to go Monday in order to get home Saturday night. No rust, no chinch bugs, no drouth, but big crops evpry year in South-eastern As slnibota. Write for Illustrated pamphlet and map. & HEYDEN 'PHONE 1606. RE 16,600 Strictly modern, 9-rooin and large re ception hall, finished In oak down stairs, gas and eiectrio fixtures, ce mented basement, permanent walks, full lot, nicely sodded, absolutely a modern home. Located at t4th and Harney. $5,900 8-1 th and Hsrney, S-room, mate to above, a little smaller. $5,600 84th and Harney, mule to above, a little smaller. $3,800 axtli and Jackson, lnrge rooms, beautiful 66 ft. lot, terraced about 2 ft. Houat about 1 yearn old, abso lutely modern and In good condition. Owner leaving town. $4,100 35th ave. and Jackson, T-room, new and modern In every way. $3,600 Slut and Leuvenworth, s-room and modern, on full slsed lot, terraced about ft. $3,660 nth and Bancroft T-room, new nr.d modern, 50xlW ft lot, permanent walks, on north side of Boulevard, facing Rivervlew Park. Neighbor hood all new. Boulevard now being paved means no taxes for paved street. BEAUTIFUL home nnd nicely located, 12 minutes' ride from 16th and Farnam. , $2,650 27th and Pierce, all modern, sightly place. $2,900 27th and Pierce, all modern, mate to above, a little larger. $2,9X Bluff View, 6-room, all modern. $2,660 Bluff View, 6-room, all modern. $2,460 28th and vVoolworth Ave., 8-room, nil modern, a nice home for some one, within two blocks of Hanscom Pnrk, at very loW price. $2,800 25th and Wirt stas., 8-room, large lawn and bnrn, beautiful W;inc. $4,600 42nd and Farnam, 10 large room, nice driveway, barn, large and well kept lawn. Good home for some one and well worth the money nuked. $1,700 6-room cottage, modern, with hot water plant, barn and nice full-sized lot. 28th and Ohio streets. Bettor look at thla. $1,600 6-room cottage, nearly new, 16 min utes' walk from town. $2,600 Will buy n nice home In the suburbs. 2 block from car, i block of ground, 8-room house, large lawn, wltn rosej and flowers, plenty of shade and fruit, such as cherries, currants, grapes, plums, etc. $1,600 $3,000 ISth and Clark Bts., I cottages, in good condition, modern except fur nace. Both houses now renting for $18.00. This Is a good investment for party wanting to live In one and rent the 'other. Both must be sold at . same tlmo. Lota From $400 up to $10,000. LOTS OP LOTS. We can surely fix you up with sny kind you want. Term on Bbove list are liberal throughout. We have other houses. Costs you nothing to 'phone 89 for description or to rail on us and have us show you what we have. , The Abbott-Cowan Co. Room 304, First Nat Bank Bid. RK W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Beautiful home on Burt St., near 36th; i rooms, best plumbing; house In excellent re pair; large barn; ground 110x165 ft.; fine shade trees. This property will be leased for a year, if not sold this week. Price only $5,000. within easy walking distance, excellent house of T rooms, besides storeroom ; built for a home, of very best selected white pine; fine lot; near Curtis Turner park; owner leaving city, nnd will close out this desirable home at a bargain; possession at once. Price, $3,200. Cottage of 6 rooms and large lot on 8. loth St.; choice location; east tront. Price, $3,200. On West Harney st 8 rooms; two lots; convenient to car. Only $2,600. Near Farnam st.. easy walking distance, two cottages and lot. Price, $2,750. Fine 6-room house In Bemls park, n:ar Car; excellent value at the price $3,000. Two cottages of 6 rooms each on Seward St.; large lots. Price for entire property, $2J60. Will sell one or both. Two cottages on 9th near Francis; 6 rooms each; two large lots; entire property for $2,700. Either one for $1,350. In Florence, cottage of S rooms; 8 lots; near car. Price, IVGuo. Another of 4 rooms, with one lot, at $900. LOTS The tract between Frances and Dorcas and 10th and 9th sts. has been cut Into lots and I being offered nt bargain prices; your choice of what Is left at from $600 to $S50, according to location. A corner near Hanscom park; can be di vided into three lots, 60x100 ft. each; paving paid. Price, $1,760. FARMS Tract of 40 acres SVs miles from Florence; T-room house, barn and fruit. Price, $iu0. Fine farm of 160 acres, well Improved; large orchard; T-room house; large barn, cribs, wellR; all fenced; 10 mills from Omaha P. O. Price, $J0 per acre. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1S20 FARNAM ST. RE 377 18 NEAR CREIGHTON COLLEGE A choice all modem house of nine rooms, corner lot. In good neighborhood; owner leaving city and must sell; price $4,100. Call at once for particulars. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. RE-321 IS HOUSE ON SOUTH 20TH ST. FOR SALE NEAR NEW BOULEVARD 2,500. No. 8604 8. 20th Ht., 8 rooms, modern, has just Deen put in nrst-ciass condition. j liouso alone cost over $3,000.00. Easy terms. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St H-&1 1 BEMIS PARK HOME 6-room modern house, 19 Lafayette ave., cheap KL00. F. D. WEAD 1624 Douglas. RE 402 18 MIIXER PARK LOTS. We still have a few choice building lots In an addition overlooking and adjoining the beautiful Miller Park; right on car line and paved street; $K4) up; $o.UO down and balance monthly. BEMIS, Paxtnn Block. RE-,7 18 $,6t0-ACRB stock farm In eastern Kansas, In oil, gas, alfalfa and corn bells; bouse, bara, granary, rave, acalea, orchard, liv ing water, fenced, 8 wells and windmills; lw acres alfwlta, tuu acre Kentucky blue frees; u nilie from tatin. 10 miles from own of 4.UU0. Price, $90 000, oa easy term, or will take smallur farm or clear city property in part vaymvoC Box 112s, Kan- City, Vlub It FOR SALE REAL ESTATE K. F. ROBERSON. JOSEPH r. KELLT. Omaha Real Estate & Business Chance Agency 406 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone 37 M. CITY PROPERTY 2916 Shirley Bt., seven rooms and bath; modern except furnace; south front, 6ux 1(J, live rooms d"n stairs, two rooms upstairs. Price $i,2D0. For Bale Southwest comer Park and Pop pleton, l'joxli": one ten-room house leasej for one year from Jjne L 19"4, at $4o per month and water rent, and one 8-room new house rented for one yfor from May 1, 1904, for 836 per month and water r-n Price $f. (.. Will take half cash and mortgage to suit purchaser at 6 per cent Must be sold. Two-story brick building, 1713 Douglas St. Price $J5,(. Will take 85.000 cash and balance at 6 per cent, or wl'l trade for good Denver property. This building can ne rented for $?w per month. Three brick flats, 'UA and Douglss, now rented at $120 per month snd water rent. This Is a bargain. Price $15,000. There is a mortgage on the property of $8,000 which can be paid off If so desired. Two seven-room cottages, Stanford Circle, on Vinton between 13th and 14th. Price 82.O0O each. These are bargains. 2D26 Wirt St.. six-room cottage, modern ex cert furnace. Price $1.60. Will take $400 cash. Balance on time. 26th and Patrick Ave., Wx1, two five room cottages. Present tenants hsve lived there eight years. Make us sn offer. 2636 Patrick Ave., two eight-room housrs, lots 611x136. Price $T,0OC-half cash, bal ance on time. We have a large list of fine city property. If you are thinking of buying It will pay you to Investigate. ' Vacant We have fine lots In al! parts of the city; prices ranging from $T5.00 to $12,600 per lot. Will sell you a lot and build a home ' on monthly payments. Near Omaha Five and ten-acre tracts. We "hsve them. Prices ranging from $700 to $6,000. Farm of 16 acres near Omaha; all Improved, with 7-room house; fine barn, cattle sheds, chicken house, outbuildings; fine fruit trees. Price $5,000, This must be seen to be appreciated. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT A fine 9-room house. Lot 60x160. Price $2,400. Nine rooms, modern except furnace: lot 50x160. Price $2.0. BUSINESS CHANCES We have four hotels for rent and fixtures for sale. 6 grocery stocks. 8 saloons In Nebraska and Iowa. $ bakeries and ice cream stands. 7 restaurants. 3 butcher shops. . 2 livery and boarding stables. RE home For sale My residence, 2004 Wirt, ten rooms, mod ern and in good repair. Low price, easy terms. The choicest location In Kountz Place. C. 8. SHEPARD. 2104 Wirt. RE SS7 18x NORTH OMAHA BARGAINS. T-room brick cottage, store building and cottage attached, lot 77x161, on car line; rents $25: $2,600, half cash. Apply to owner, 801 N. Y. Life. RE M44T HANSCOM PARK INVESTMENT. Two double dwellings, always rented; 1 full lots on car liner $11,000; will pay 10 per cent net on Investment. BEMIS. Paxton Block. RE 364 18 TRUSTEE'S TRUSTEE'S OF An Elegant 9-room 50 off cost of improvements. 50 PER CENT OFF 50 PER CENT OFF This is a 9-room dwelling, thoroughly modern, with very at tractive interior arrangements, finished off in hard wood, located within walking distance, and a few feet off the Harney car line, near the High School and Creighton University, on an east front lot of ample dimensions. The house was built some eight years ago at a cost of $9,000, and is in excellent condition of repair. Under our new system of selling property, the owners have sent us a trust deed to the property, suggesting that a fair price would be about the cost of the improvements, or $9,000, but instructing us to use our own judgement and SELL. Acting within the scope of the trust, and in order to effect a quick sale, we have decided to cut the owner's ideas right in two, and let her slide for $4,500, $2,000 cash, balance 5 years at 5 per cent. , Bring in your money early. 50 PER CENT OFF 50 PER CENT OFF tiENNEY, Trustee, ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BAR GAINS? IF SO, LOOK AT THESE. VACANT The southwest corner of 46th and Cuming, lllxl.ui, owned by eastern parties and must be sold. $uuo tor two fine, sightly lota In a good neighborhood. They must be sold this Week. 'loo it west of Military ave., on north side of Franklin, full lot, south front, Just east of the three beautiful cottages just com pleted. bo it. west of 46th, facing north, on Parker ave., 6iixl&u. Northeast corner of 6th and Dorcas, $0x110. IMPROVED 120 North 40th st., 8-room, modern house. 2(ii8 liurt St., $1,260. JMi Burt St., On iiotn, norm ol Cuming, 6-room cottage, In good repair, $1,(100. 6-roum cottage, 2vih and Arbor sts., good condition, easy terms. Payne Investment Co., First Floor New York Life Uldg. Tel. 17M. RE ONE of the finest 8-room, modern houses in west pari, ol city tor the money, has every modern convenience, with good tur nace and barn with bos sta. Is; props ty Just west of Josiyn'a fine residence 83.UU0. F. D. WEAD 1524 Douglas. RE 401 li SMALL FARM FOH SALE VKRY CHEAP. J3' acres of good farm land In western fart of Douglas county, 11 acres under cul Ivatlun, balance good bay land; small house, barn and chicken house; fine well: price $1,1W. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE 368 8 FOR SALE or Trade Oood prairie lands In r.urlrlKh nnd Kidder counties. N. T). Ad dress A 63, Bee. RE M318 lx EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE Al A BARGAIN. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SHIMER & CHASE Builders of Modern Houses Tou want a nice home of your own; ev erybody does. Your rent money almost pays for a homo in ten years, and yet you hsve nothing to show for It but old rent receipts. Why not put a little more money with your rent money and own a hou!-e? It's Just a q ivstlon of making a start. We build to suit; any price. anywhre. Bring in your rough plans and get one of our Illustrated booklets on modern houses. FIVE NEW HOUSES RfiADT TO MOVE INTO. Elegant home. Just being completed, facing south on West Farnam; four bed chambers and bathroom on second Door; stairway to large attic; solid oait open stair leading out of reception hall; parlor, dining room, den nnd kitchen, all ohk. ex cepting kitchen, with solid oak columns, oak mantels, etc.; vegetable cellar, coal bins, laundry and furnace In basement; gas and electric light from basement to attic; latest open plumbing; new barn, fur two horses and two carriages, built by day labor; full south front lut; paved street; an Ideal home. Price, $4 TiO. A new 7-room house facing south on West Farnam; modern In every respect. Including bath, gas and eiectrio lights, furnace and open plumbing, natural hard pine nnlsh; a very attractive home. Only $3,760. A nobby new house lacing east near otn and Seward, Just being completed; 3 bod chambers and bathroom on second floor; hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor: cemented cellar, furnace, open plumbing, natural finish; a little gem ot a home in a neigh borno mi ot homes, and will ge aulck at only 2.oo. if you want this. don't wait, as the nne next to it was sold before It was completed. New 6-room cottage near 24th and Lara more ave.; all modern, except furnace; on a street of new homes, all occupied by own ers, i-nce, j,suu. New 6-room cottage, facing south, on Ames ave.. near the Florence Boulevard: modern, except furnace; will be sold on easy payments. Price, $1,760. HOUSES NOT NEW, BUT GOOD. Some people seem to think that because we bulla and sell so many new houses that we don t dual in any other Kind. W e can suit you in almost any kind of property In the city. Largs 8-room house and two full south front lots on West Harney. House In good repair and all modern, except furnace; ground set to fruit, uil In full bearing; owner must sell quick. Price, $2,600. 8-room house, entirely modern; new barn; full south-front lot, on Templeton ave., near -.'th St.; must be sold Immediately; want offer. Large 6-room cottage, small corner lot; city water and gas In kitchen; near 28th and Parker; pays 10 per cent gross on $l,6u. Price. 31.2O0. Nearly new 6-room house, with one acre of ground, near 24th and Grand ave., .ooi). Eight-room house. In tine shape; newly papered and painted; new furnace and new modern plumbing; location good; near cars, schools, churches, etc. A bargain $2,76". Six-room cottage; hot-water heat, .city water, good barn; near car; all In good con dition, $1,700. Eight-room house on West Manderson st.: fine condition; under-feed furnace; a good home for a moderate price $3,600. VACANT LOTS Corner lot, south front, on W. Farnam. $1,350 fcatst front lot at otn nna eewara flw Small south front lot. 27th and Orant. 3-'0 East front Int. 21st and Ames ave 27S West front lot on 28ih St.. near Woolworth ave., 8 block from eianscom park. Want offer. We will build a house to suit you on any of the abovo lota, and many other locations. SHIMER & CHASE, 1600 FARNAM BT. (Ground Floor.) Tel. 3SC7. RE SALE SALE Residence Property at 524 - 5 Paxton Block. re- BARGAINS $1,000 will buy a neat cottage and good lot on Binney st. $1,200 will buy house and barn and full lot on North i1& St. $1,600 will buy a house and lot on 8outh lith St.; pavement paid for. $1.5C0 will uy a lot and store on South 13th St.; pavement paid for. $1,600 will buy a house and lot In Creston addition. $1,600 will buy a brick house and full lot In West Farnnm street district. $3,000 will buy modern cottage and full lot fronting Hanscom park. $2,100 will buy modern home and full lot on Boulevard near Hanscom Place. $3,OC0 will buy two homes and full corner lot In Hnnscom Place. $3,600 will buy elegant modern house In Kountxe Place, south front; street paved and pnid for; good barn; nice lawn and shade trees. $6,000 will buy a thre-story brick store building on ItHh St.; will rent for $70 a month. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE COTTAGE FOR SALE EASY PAYMENTS 51,800. No. 836 N. 86th St., i rooms, gas, city wster, In good condition, r.no yard, lot 62x123 feet. Abundance of fruit and shade trees. Also burn. Terms $5fJ.0O cash, balance $15.00 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St UE-&2 IS CALIFORNIA. Thousands of acres to be thrown open. Rlci, fertile estate In best dlktrlcts, near big towns, to be subdivided under ABSO LUTELY NEW PLAN. Easier than rent ing, without risking your savings. Values art sure to double because of astmrcd pop. ulstlon. Serfd 4c for book of plan. CALI FORNIA HOME EXTENSION ASSOCIA TION. 701 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. RE- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Selling Out. The Omaha Saving Bank instructg n to make a forced nle of nil Its hold ings In Omaha. ' The prices were fixed Ity disinterested appraisers from the Ileal Estate Exchange and were made to sell at once. Their prices have been cut 10 to 23 per cent for this great sale. HOUSES. $2.2.V).0a No. 2y8 Ginning st! 8-room cottsge: south front room tor store on same lot; 50 feet on Cuming; In business district; paving all puid. Look at this. $1,(KK).00. No. 2SS1 Douglas st.; t-room double house on southwest corner of Lougls and 2?ih avenue; 'ii feet on Douglaa; room for an other house; good renting property, f 1.100.00. No. 2531 South 11th St.; 4-room cottage on boulevard; new foundation and new roof; a very neat little house In a part ot the city where houses are scarce. $2,200.00. No. 1628 Vinton St.; Iwrge J-story frame store bulldrng; store below and living rooms above; good location for grocery nnd feed store; 64 feet front on Vinton st; room for three more stores; piv nj all paid. This Is the greatest business bHrgHln in south end. Look at it today. $2,000.00. No. 2inl Binney st.; 5-room cottage In new repair and having tit leet frontage on Binney aiJ iW feet on i6th St. You can sell off enough vacant lots to pny for the whole place. $1,800.00. No. 1222 South 27th at. j near Poppletnn ave.j -room modern houwe except furnace; nice large rooms, new plumbing, large new basement where more room can iw made; house now vacant and purchaser can move right In. $2,000.00. No. 1330 Park eve.; 2-story and basement; 8-room house, east front on Park ave.; paving all paid: small house In rear; both houses rent well. Good Investment. $4,750.00. 7 No. 1515 N. 17th and No. 1516 N. 16th sts.; large double front Int. running through from 16th to 17th; good 6-room brick house fronting east and 8-room frame houwe fronting west, all In splendid condition; present rent $3S per month and only half Improved. Splendid place for building flats. $1,000.00. No. 8413 Jackson st.; neat cottnge. newly painted and papered, city water and steam. Farnam st. district. $1,200.00. No. 8417 JackRon st.; good 6-room cottage, one story and basement; good as ntw. Make offer on both of these houses, $1,000.00. No. 2714 Pierce St.; 3-room cottage next to above. Make an offer on both of these cottages on one lot. They make a neat house or investment. $2,200.00. No. 2615 Hamilton St.; 10-room modern house, except furnace; this is; the great est snap north of Cuming st.. If you need a large house; beautiful lot, next to new Baptist church. Look at this place today. $2,800.00. Noa. 1S38. 1840, 1842 N. t'd 'st Here Is an Investment; three houses of 5 to 7 rooms in good repair, renting for $414 per an num; taxes and insurance about $40. Owner has right to 10 per cent on present Income and rents can be raised. $2,250.00. No. 843 N. 43d St.; splendid 8-room mod ern house except furnace; good barn; high, sightly location; three blocks from 40th and Cuming; vacated today and pur chaser can move right in. $1,800.00. No. 2931 Blondo st; largo 10-room house; can be matie Into 2 flats; three lota on corner; sightlleat place In 'Omaha. Thla can be made a fine home with small amount spent on lu $2,500.00. No. 1123 S. 13th St.; 2-story frame store building; store below and flat above; corner 13th and pierce; 66 feet front on 13th; paving all paid. BUILDING LOTS. $600 East front on SSth St., near Jones; little above grade; handsome shade trees; look at this todav: 40x160. $300 Northwest corner 3th and Casa; on sraue. jiiib is a oargain. $250 West front on 43d at,; third lot south of Cuming. $500 South front on Elm St.; first east of join sr.; mgn and sightly; handsome shade trees; 60x130. $400 West front on 26th at., near Maple St.; 42x108. $SP0 West front on 14th St., first north of uorcaa St.: splendid building lot In well built UD section of the rllv $1,000 Northwest corner of 40th and Burt sts.; east rront; paving paid; nearly op posite site of new cathedral. oixiy teei east rront on istn at., near senior; grants, paving all paid. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM STREET. RE 418 IS CORNER LOT WEST FARNAM DISTRICT A good corner lot, 66x124 feet, near 3Cth and Dewev ave., for sale for $1,260.00. For particulars apply to GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. BB-S19 18 22 FEET ON DOUGLAS ST. 82.5CC.00 for 22x132 feet on south side Douglas nenr lth bt. A koJ bumncss lot in a very low price. GEORGE & CO.,' 1601 Farnam St RE M360 21 NEW HOME ON WIRT ST. has 6 large rooms, all modern; cellar under entire house; on monthly payment $2,U. F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas. KB M100 19 SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. Business Chances THE BEST ROOMINO HOVSfi In Omahs. central location, flm-class furniture, rea sonable rent, 18 rooms, aN occupied. Price, 1,200. 6-ItOOM V LAT, well furnished, on 16th St. I'vloe. 3350. FIRST-CLASS RE8TAVR ANT, feeding 800 frr uay. rrice, z,iiu. in is is tno time to buy a restaurant before the fall carnival. Real Estate Two 2-story BRICK STORE Bl'ILDINOS, with flats above, on street car line. Lit Kxl32. Price. $0,000. Will trade for good land in Dawson Co., Neb. If you wirit a Flat or Rooming House or other business before the Fall Carnival, call and see us. This Is the time to buy. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO. RE-372 18 FOR SALE, cheap, a new six-room house with two lous, coa: shed, trees und all Improvements; near the corner Thirty fifth St. and Uccond Ave., Council Uluns, Iowa. Inquire 402t N. 26th Ave., Oinnha. KE C81 lax 100 ACRE FARM. Located a little northwest of Omaha; well Improved; all rich fertile land; price only $su per acre. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE 3o9 18 160-ACRE farm 40 miles east of Wichita. Kan., fair house, good barn, two wells, orchard, 60 cultivated. tC blue-stein meadow, 15 pasture; rice land. 4 miles from town. Price. $6,0; easy terms or part trade. Boa 7(9, Kar.aas City. Ma. RE Ml SI IS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V..SHOLES COMPANY 722 New York Life Bldg. Tel. 49. GREAT CLEARING SALE These Properties Must Be Sold. $1,160 Nest 8-room house and lot near 24th and Leavenworth sts. $1,250 Near Z-d and Muson, 4-room house and lot 26x133 ft. $1,800 Near Wth and Mason, 4-room house and lot xnxlU ft. $1, GOO .Near Ath and Mason, (-room house and lot . X13J ft. $2,000 IXW Pierce, 8 rooms, pore, bnth, water and gas; cor. lot 4tixl83 ft.; One re pair. $1,800 . ear Jth and Mason, t rooms and lot 36xlS3 ft. $3.000 nnij Miiima; 8 rooms, slate roof, water, as and bath. $2,600 4t h and Davenport (Pundee) large J-ronm house, flue repair, lOo-ft. lot, CHEAP. $2.800 Near 18th and Locust, new 6-room house, strictly mod. with furnsre. $3,400 New 6-room house, Kountso Pluce, strictly mod., furnace, line lot 63x IIS ft. $3,Su0 Near 22d and Maple, fine, new, hand some 7-room mod. house. A PEACH. $3,660 Mi Rancroft, on IloulevarU, high, sightly, new 7-room mod. house. VtRi CHOICE. $3,900 auli und liarcy, fine, nearly new 8-room all mod. house, nice home, and cheap. WEST FARNAM HOME S. W. corner SSth ave and Farnam, lot 137x142 ft., the most beautiful corner In city, excellent 10-room mod. home, flue oak finish floors. Owners leaving city. In vestigate quick. VACANT A Clean Up. Price Cut to Close. All Are Genuine Bargains. Several Sold This Week. $75 $125 $.'oo B0xl32 ft., 3 blocks north club and Benson car Hue. Country 6xl32 ft., east front. 4lst rt., 150 ft. Fouth of Marcy, sightly view, 2 blocks from car. (kU0 ft., California and 34th at., low, but a snap. DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE US KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAIN 9-room all modern house, hot water heat ing plant, burn; lot 60xlb0; paved street; $3,650. WALKING DISTANCE 7-room new house on Capitol ave., near 26i h; house has four bedrooms and buih; $A6uO. vNEW 6-room modern cottage on 25th ave., near Cuming: parlor, dining room, t nice bod rooms, Kitchen and bathroom; large attic and cellar; lot 52x142; $600 cash, balance on monthly payments. LOTS Tour choice of those fine lots on Capitol ave. near the new boulevard; lots are 6oxl40 each; $900. The Byron Reed Co. 212 9. 14th St RE SOMETHING NEW AND THOR OUGHLY UP-TO-DATE, That Is what you want to buy. At 85th and Dodge sts. we have a new house, well built, with reception hall, old English oak finished, tiled mantel and fireplace and built-in bookcase; living room finished In white enamel, dining room in Flemish oak; nice nlate rack, ornamental leaded glass doors between living room and dining room, sood-sizea Kltcnen, witn enamei einK ana drain board, refrigerator receptacle. There Is a front and rear stairway, 4 good-sized ...... .1 1. ....... w . porcelain tub, best modern plumbing, nickel nnisn, elegant electric ugni ana gas na tures throughout; cemented basement un der whole house, furnace, laundry, vege table and fruit rooms; a large porch, east front lot. nice lnwn. paved street, perma nent walk; location commands a good view; must be sold at once, price reduced to $4,760. R. C. Peters & Co. GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. RE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT $1,260 cash and $1,500 on easy payments will buy a good 9-room, all modern house; porcelain bath, gas, city water, sewer, fur nace and large corner lot. Investigate this without delay. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNA'A. RE 320 18 WANT OFFER Lot In Bluff View addition, on 16th St., north of Spencer; west front; paving fully paid. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglaa. RE-M399 19 GOOD BUILDING LOT FOR SALE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT $1,000.00 for E0xl39 ft. west front on 34th St., beginning 200 ft. north of Dodge. CEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St KE 319 is AN EASTERN OWNER will sell two mod ern brick flats for $2,600. You can live In one and the rent of the other will pay for the whole property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE Mill MONTHLY PAYMENT BARGAIN. A brand new 5-room house, nice south front lot; fine shade trees; Inside wood work finished natural; price $l,30u; $IO0 down and balance monthly. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE 371 18 R-ROOM COTTAGE Nice cottage, good shape, corner lot 21th und Ruggles, cheap $1,250 Vacant lot. aith. nenr ('(ste!lar 600 MILLER & MA LONE, 824 Oin. Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1802. RE 354 18 $200 CASH And $.7W.0O on easy payments will buy four room cottage at 2221 North 26th street, one block from North 24lh street car line. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RE-318 18 MONEY RAISING SALE dfOAA Beautiful building Beautiful site north of tie avo.. fOUv Bemls Park on Ifayette where the good Improvements are being made oOxHb. COnn Vbxluo. on Hamilton St., Just esst ipOAJ of tuo Walnut Hill reservoir; would make two good lots. Z CfW-60x127. sontn front, on Charles at, $JAJ east of ith. J2?0TwentJr"tW 'eet n x'avenwortn CtCfl''30 on 41st at. south of Leaven fflJ worth. Want a cath offer on any of there lots. MONEY WILL TALK. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM BT, 11LU BIO. RE 404 18 HOME BARGAIN. Owner leaving city OU. 1, 1004, will sell his home nt a sacrifice; 2815 Capitol n ave; 7- roum modern house, except fjinjee; house was w.'ll-built lor a hoiuu; t;uod plumuiug, good cellar, tine lawn. Thlb Is a snap at .1.j0. N. P. DODCK CO., 1014 Furnum L RE M218 18 TWO brnrfd new cottnges, modern except furnace; ono loo und the otliur J14J0. SI11MEU & CHAISE, Builders of Modern Houses. RE-MC18 U ACRES, 7-ROOM HOUSE-$:.&J0. IS ACHES, IMPROVED. CLOSE 1N-84.000. 56 ACH 10 S, 7-ROOM li"'l"oi-$.. S0J. 73- ACHES NEAR GIiETNA-$r.,. EXTRA FINE 40 ACHE3. NORTH r-LOR- ENCE; HOL'SE, CHERRIES. APPLES. GRAPES KNAP J0 SO ACRES ON MILITARY POAD-$54 0. 107 ACr.FS NEAR I RV1NOTON-87.UUU. 88 ACRES C1XSE IN $1V40U. 130 ACRES 12 MIl.KS OUTf 10.10ft. loO ACRES 16 MIl.KS OUT $l2.t"0. BARGAINS IN CITY HtOPEHTIEg. JOHN N. FRENZEfl, QW. OLD P. O. US -311 U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $364 62x120 ft. S. W. cor. Bth and Lake sta. BIG 6NAP. $.60 4"xl ft., joining above. Inside. 8XAP, $376 'x1ju ft., N. W. cer. 26th and Era klne sis. FNAP. $150 fruxllO, eust front, 41st st, 104 ft. aoottj of California st $:00 Kxlio, S. W. cor. 41st and California at. $.T5 fcuxllO, 41st st, between California and Burt sts., lying fine. Choice of 10 lots. Choice neighborhood. These are decided bargains. $300 vtest front on 33d, 40 ft. south ot Central Boulevard. MO SNAP. $250 60x131 ft., on Lupvnt, block west of Georgia ave. car. $-8 cash and $10 pr month, or build you a hoasa on time. $700 6'xli4 ft., aoiith front. Locust between llh and 17th. SNAP, fl,3M 8. W. corner lSih and Spencer, 74 124 ft, paved and ptvid. bNAP, $1,360 N. K. corner 2oth and Emmet, 74x12$ ft, very choice. $1,600 6uxl ft, east front on 86th, 127 ft, south of Jackson. $2,250 wi'xltH) ft, north front, on Dewai ave., between 39th and 40th. NORTH BOULEVARD East front south of Clark, lots 35 to 60 ft. by 140 ft deep, at $876 to $1,260. CHEAP. BR1GGS SUB On 21st, between Mason and Pierce, new addition just being put In shape. Flna level ground, lots to 60 ft., from $840 to $1.0. fc.au walking distance. Sure ti advance. Terms easy; small cash pay met t if you build now. INVESTMENT $7,000 For three mod., 8-room frame dwell ings, close In, renting for $1,080 per year. BNAP. $8,000 'or Ave mod. (-room houses, close In, renting for $1,12S per year. $4,000 Kor 3-story, double brick flats (four tenants;, well located, near car. -TIB W. H. GATES 617 N. Y. Life. Phone 1281 $9M.0O 4-room cottnge and lot $3x70, & XL corner ISth and Grace. $975.00--room house and lot 83x70, 1841 North 18th street $1,6(0.00 6-room cottage and ground 80x160, ilia North 17th street. $1.750.00 6-room cottage and ground 66x132, 2617 Spencer; shade trees, and a very aheap property. $2,600.00 7-room house at 2218 Miami; mod ern except furnace. Something Cheap in South Part of City. $1,000.00 8-room house, 2008 Arbor, 8160 cash, balance monthly. $1,300.00 6-room cottage and full lot; fruit and shade; a very nice home at 3129 South ISth, near Boulevard. $1.000.00 8-room house and large barn, 1931 South 21st; lot 60x20. RE 353 18 ANOTHER REDUCTION OF 350 We have reduced the price on the 8-room all-modern house, hot-water hent, brick hr.sement, permanent walk, paved street, barn, nice shrubbery and trees, full lot, at 18th and Sjinneer sts. to $S.60, so as to In sure the property being sold out during the coming week, as owner wishes to leave city. R. C. Peters & Co. GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. KB 3612 Bristol st, 7 rooms and barn 81,700 10-acre frvilt farm near city 8,000 Homes in sny part of the city. Good acre property. SEARS & LEWIS, $21 N. T. Life. RX-368 18 SPECIAL We have the sole agency of the Ogden house, 89th, near Farnam, and are offering same at special Inducements, This Is worth Investigation. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14lh St South Omaha Snaps TWO four-room cottages; full lota; $500 each; North Fifteenth street. One five-room cottage and two lota 60x150 each; large cellar, well, etc:; beautiful; South Eighteenth street; $1,000 cash. Eight-room house and twelve acres. Fifty-second and Q streets, $3,700. One three-rnonr cottnge; full lot; North Fortieth street; city water, well barn and fruit; f.VX). This is a good thing. Seven, room cottage, beautiful home; Twen tieth and F streets; $3,000 on time. We have 200 other homes to select from, with 16 acres left In South Park. Buy now, before the price advances. N. P. Dodge & Co., 2512 Q street for good re sults. Telephone 271. RE 430 18 1 t 1 ... AMBER PLACE New, 7-room, modern cottage; oak finish, double floor, mantel, gaa and electric light fixtures; nlckled plumbing; cement cellar; furnace; screens for all windows. A very attractive home. Price, 83,100; terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 PAXTON BLOCK. BEMIS PARK HOME A 7-room strictly modern home: only $3,W0. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE 270 It 300 BEE Bldg. Is the place to get your QLiCrC LoANS. BARGAINS la good HOMES. Either for sale or rent and the plice to obtain SAFE FIRE INSURANCE KENNY REAL iaT. at 1NV. CO. RE M406 24 IN THE CORN BELT. An Improved farm, well located and rloaa to school and church; 210 acres; all flna sqil; no Kind or alkali: nearly level; well watered by creek, spring and well; fair buildings; 150 acre in cultivation, remain der the bent of pasutre land and timber; fine grain and utock farm. Owner anxloua to sull or will accept good merchandise. Price, $40 per acre. Address 6ul. Norfolk, Neb. RE 406 18 FOR SALE, lots U to 17, block , Ham. riyiid's addition, Omaha. For further Surticulara address 8. Hanson, Shona oah, la. RE CALIFORNIA Rich. Irrigable Sacramento valUiy lan Ik; famous Moulton ranch; cheap, profitable, healthful, wtnterlesa homes; fruit nnd cattle ranches' write for free booklet. Lyon A Hoag, No. 118 II., Montgomery st, San Francisco. Cat RE- SMALL farm In city. 18 lots, with nice 4 room cottage and barn. In Council Bluffs, near school and car line: very cheap at $1,500. H. G. McGee, 14 Pearl st. Coun cil Bluffs. RE Um 18 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? if you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmery and stock raisers about It The beat way to Teach them la through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FAUMER This agricultural weekly goea to 60,00 homes of farmrru end slock raisers, ao If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price oit will And a buyer among them. Th coat of an advertisement U small i cents per word In small type or 82.6J per Inch If act in large type. WANTED TO BORROW WAN TEL TO BORROW, from prlvat party, $000; gllt-sug-e tveurtljr. Address) W, Foe. eu ia