Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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Aiirertiaenaeala for llieae celomne
rill be takes !! It m. far th
Telng a'ltion aad aatll ft p. m. for
tba raerelaar liiiar edltlea.
Rates, 1 1-fa a word rt Insertion,
lo a word thereafter. Kntblasj taken
for less tba 20a lor tba flrat laser,
tloa. These advert laeaaente anaat ba
ran eonseeatlvely.
Advertisers, by reanestlns; a aai
here check, Can baa anarrara ad.
dreeeed to a aambared letter In care
of Tba Bra. Aaserere ao aggressed
Trill ba drllrarad oa presentation of
. iMiT-hATU Ticii fc.Trt everywhere. P. H.
-' PhilUn, 106 ir ernam and opp. L'ulon stae
' lion. ieie. M anu una. v
In ity SAVINGS BASIL cava 4 Def cent.
n ssu
EAGLE Loan Office: reliable, iccommodn
' (tag; all business confidential. Wul Douglas.
K 931
- 16th. Tel. 1779.
Co., 21 N.
See bid. m
SIGN PAINTING-8. H. Cole, 12 Douglne.
R aw
H. W. M'VEA. Plumber, 1124 N. 2th. Tel.
874T. R-9S6
1301 Fsrnara.
Tel. S9U
'-'".vLavO. Lji Doug. Cloiaha feUov Rep. Wka.
P. MELCHOIR, machine works.
18th and
The Omaha Waieliouse Co., 609 Jones;
'phone Lib6, rodse. storage and forwarding.
HELIN CO., TAILORS, 117 8. 15th.
K-M.23 630
OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 8846. John
Morrlssey, Mgr. He. Tel, 3914.
211 8. 11TH. 'PHONE 254.
Why carry your soiled linen? Our wagons
call and deliver same. Bills collected
monthly. K M221 U16
FINE harness and saddle-), trunks, bags;
all leather suit case, $5. Alfred Cornish,
1210 Farnum. R M113 013
COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale and re
tall musical instruments. Talking ma
chines, records exchanged, 113 8. 17th St.,
Omaha. R
. sale And retail. Bend (or catalogue 46,
Omaha, Neb. R
Have there not been limes when
it. would have been Worth moro
than luu cents to you? It Is our
bumncMS to supply you with,
money when you need It and al
low ou to return It In smu.ll
weekly payments, us muy best
suit your convenience.
We loitn on Furniture, Pianos.
Live Block' and oilier chattels, and
we make salary loans, our terms
are as good as uny and better
than miiny. We are the oldest
concern in our line In tiie city,
with all-around consistent deal
ings to recommend us.
119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22!;5.
U-Jsiabilehed 1MM.) v b. ltb Bt.
3 P .C. YEAR
FROM $100 to $.i,mrU loans on your pergonal
note ut 3 ItK CK.N'l i'KR YEAR. Ail
good loans wanted. Call or write and get
' my system. W. L. Eastman oc Co., nu
Karnam, Omaha. X lit
LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se
curity, also on SALARIES.
Low Rates. Easy Termi.
Quick and Confidential Service.
Call on us ir In need of MONEY.
633 Puxtoh Block.
and others without security; easy pay
ments; largest Dustiness in vj principal
cities. Tolman, Room 714, N. Y.
'"'MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8.
- 13th. - X 13S
X 133
307-308 PAXTON BLK. TEL. 1411.
j, i MONEY to loan at 3 per cent on personal
; s notes. Address F. E. Burroughs, Delta,
y la. X-
SEE FULLER. 425 Paxton block, for loans
on watches, diamonds and Jewelry
-CHATTEU salary and Jewelry loans. Foley
Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 131
1" SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton,
212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2904. X-137
that we treat patrons fain and liberally;
and if you want money you can get It
from us without delay or publicltv and
repay the loan In payments of Jl.oo weekly
- or 1400 monthly, or more If d'Hlrort. Pi
anos, household goods, etc., taken as sc.
curlty, or loans on salary by giving- us
your personal note. It will pav you to
, call and see us before von borrow. Opon
every Tuesday and Saturday evening until
& o'clock.
614-515 Paxton Block.
FARM and city loans: low rates. W. It
Thomas, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel.
W-l 12
V PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas
... W-143
; , WANTED City loans and warrants V.
., Farnam Smith at Co., 1320 Furuum st.
. MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co.
, W 145
, t PER CENT loatoa. Oarviri Bros , MM
' Var,Mm- W H
XOWE8T rates. Bemis, Taxton block.
AV 147
11,000 TO LOAN on good Improved property.
Kenney Real Estate & Investment Co.,
j ' Room 300, Bee Bldg. W 451 20
MONEY to loan on real estate at B and 54
per cent. W. B. Melkle, 205 Ramg bldg"
LOST Sept. U, Park Ave. and Pacific St.
gold locket; nionagram A. T. C. R
turn to A. T. i:iark
Tl. B-21S7. Reward
larke, 2jGo Popplcton Ave.
Lot-M;2 -
LOST Oold bow spectacUa. Leave at
Western- Papsr Co., g' t one dollar re
1, ward. Lout M 444 lSx
IX8T Thursday afternoon, on 24th street
car goiiig north, coin purse containing
:J locker Key. knife and money. Return to
3 ' O.O. Lobeck, city hull; reward.
'., Lost-229 17x
- JBRA8U and aluminum casting, nickel plat
" ing and finishing. Pperlalty Mfg. Co., 41
N. Main St.. Council Bluffs.
See eld Mr. John Btoeksandbonds down there t You go ask him what he think
of the fancy penman, the man of flourishes, beautifully rounded and entirely Illegible
wilting. '
John would tell yon that he would pay a man like that a salary to KEEP AWAT
FROM HIS BOOKS sooner than have him around the office.
What the business world wants Is plain, swift penmen. And It wouldn't pay a
salary to anything "or anybody that it doesn't want Wa of
know this. W't'T "been there.' Right In tha business world. Bo our
keeps a ten-foot pole between it and flourishes, Jong-taJIed birdies and elaborated
Our penmanship Course is as practical as our Bookkeeping and Stenography
Course. We know what business men want We know that if our pupils are not sent
out of our college filled with the knowledge and the training that business men de
mand that we are doing an Injustice to our pupils; we're clogging the machinery of
business, we're going to turn business men against us, we're going to see our pupils
fall to succeed In life and lastly and Inevitably wa are going to fall as a business
But aa they are sent out filled with that knowledge and' that training and those
penmanship Ideas, we believe we are going to keep right on enjoylrig the largest at
tendance of any business college In Orrl'aha.
Incidentally, the young man or young woman who thinks of attending a business
college that Juggles with fancy penmanship might think the above oer a little be We
doing so.
It's time to enter now! Day and night,
H. B. BOYLES, President. Omaha, Neb.
ACTIVE man to work at home; $36 paid
lor 12 days trial; promotion If oatisrac
lory; state religion. Henry Engwall,
Lakeside bldg., Chicago. B 275 lhx
WANTED Men who are ambitious to qual
ity for civil service opportunities; there
are thousands of positions in the United
Slates civil service which must bo tilled
within a year from those who pass the
examinations; good salaries are paid by
the United States government, and oppor
tunities for promotion are frequent; If you
are an American, over IK, we can quality
you to pass examinations with a high per
centage; write now for our free civil serv
ice booklet; give age. International Cor
res. Schools, Box ln'2, Scranton, Pa.
B-287 18x
MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail
road rare upon our taiiure to convince
you of this being the BEST and only re
liable, most practical barber college In
the United States. Write tor cataiogu
today. ' Western Barber's Institute,
Omaha, Neb. B M267
WANTED FOR U. 8. ARM Y Able-bodied
unmarried men between ages of 21 and sa;
citizens of United Slates, of good cnaiaa
ter and temperate ho,bita, who speak,
read and write English. For Infcrmuiion
apply to Recruiting Oflicer, ltfUi and
Douglas sts., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or
Sioux City. la. B M297
WANTED Two city salesmen at once. (.
v. Auains .q., 10m nowaiu si, x ui
DRUG employes, managers, salesmen, etc.,
ior any state t . v. j-uuesi, n. c, au
N. Y. 1, Bldg. B D7
DETECTIVES, every locality, good sa'pry;
tlve Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B
WANTED Four boys with bicycles; steady.
worn; good salary, zii Bourn utn st.
B-973-O U
WANTED Messengers
jvork after
B-110 la
school. 1U13 Farnam.
WANTED Young man to study law. Ex-
vviit-i. . uimiiuts 10 save lime anu money.
Addresj E. C, this office. B
WANTB ! Active young man as delivery
clerk; one thoroughly ramliiar wltn tho
streets; Summer Bros., 28lli and Farnam.
1 B Mlt.3 18
GOOD, live hustler with 1500 cash wants
hustling position. What have you." will
taki liaeres:. salary or percentage posi
tion. Address A 56, Bee. liUMl lnx
WANTED A good vhorseshoer. W. Q.
' Mercer, Fremont, Neb. B M215
WANTED Good performer for medicine
show, male or female, or a good team,
organ player. Mgr. H. Brooku, Hopevilla,
la. B M216
pay; to distribute circulars adv. matter,
tack signs, etc.; no uanvassing. National
Adv. Bureau. Chicago. B M19S 18
BRICKLAYERS wanted, at government
corral, 22a ana Hickory, m. f. iteere,
contractor. B M1S9 19x
SODA man wantea.
Apply at Beaton Drug
B-184 18
WANTED Young man to learn book and
mng-azlrie Illustrating. Address K. C. this
office. B
Do you know where it Is? We do. We
have openings for high-grade men of all
kinds executive, technical and clerical
paying from $1.M0 to $10,000 a. year; write
for plan nr booklet; offices In twelve
cities. V k rr;0'r8 (Incorporated) 919
Chemical building. St. Louis. ' B
'FOR age and want save while you may:
n it mnpnln. Bun ) ti a I ihrAiiah In. Aav '
Start a savings account with J. L. Bran
dels & Sons. banUeri and receivers. 4 per
cent Interest on your savings. B
DO YOU want to Improve your position. In
crease your pay? Head our ito-paRe book;
Sent freo. Our mall courses In Electrical
and Steam Engineering helped thousands.
Students helped to positions. Electrical
Engineer Institute. New York. B
DETECTIVES, every locality, good salary:
experience unnecessary. Interstate DetiC
tlve Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B
WANTED, responsible man to manage
ollice and distributing depot for a large
manufacturing Co. Salary. $126 per month
and commissions. Applicant must furnish
good refi rences and $750 to $l,i00 cash.
Address Factory, 12th & Johnson, Sis.,
Chicago. B
We prepare you quickly as Illustrator, car
toonist, lawyer, pharmacist, stenographer,
bookkeeper, Journalist, ad writer corre
spondence man, banker. Write for free
book, "Profits of Knowing How" tells
everything. National Correspondence
Schools, 82 When., Indianapolis, U. 8. A.
DETECTIVES and correspondents wanted;
bright, active, reliable persons wanted;
exterience unnecessary: send self-ad-dreased
envelope for particulars. North
Amerienn Detective Bureau, Oneonta
bldg., Chicago, 111. B 288 18x
DRAFTSMAN, structural and bridge da
tallers and checkers; permanent positions.
P. O. box 628. Chicago. B-291 18x
STENOGRAPHERS Young men seeking
fiositlons or. if employed, an Increase of
ncome. address Frank Landregan. Burd
bldg., Philadelphia. B 293 18x
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; spe
cial Inducements to distant applicants:
splendid demand for graduates: top wag"
imld; few weeks completes; can nearly
earn expenses before finishing. Call or
"rite Moler Barber College, 1302 DouftIiis
St. B-M342 23x
WANTED Everywhere, men willing to dis
tribute samples, tack signs, etc., at $3
daily: permanent; no canvasslnir. Conti
nental Distributing Sxrvloe, C'hleairo.
B 298 18x
WANTED Clerk for office work: must be
oulck and accurate at figures. Address A
69, Bee. B 307 lSx
WANTED Office boy.
Address A AO. Bee.
B MM 18x
YEAR-OLD Shorthorn and Jereey: f'eeh.
34th and Manderson. R M315 22x
WANTED A bov with some experience in
dru store, with No. 1 references: alsrv
mull to atnrt with. Addrera A. f.. Huff,
!92S-Lake t. B-M323 1
A potJTOFFICR elimination wMl be held
In Omaha November 1. to secure e'erks
and carriers We nrcare a large shorn
rt thoe annripted In all the lending
cities. Information abo-it all civil service
examinations and question' recently ied
bv th" eoyrr""ent fr"". Columbine Cor
respondence College. AVashlngt'-n. r r.
B-263 18x
WAVED Compet-nt etotMnjr'sman.
nnly Manager Clothing Dept . Hayn
Bros. b 4ue U
WANTED Everywhere, people to copy let
ters at home, spare time, and return to
us; good pay, materials rent free; no
mailing or canvassing; enclose addressed
envelope for particulars and wages we
Guarantee Co., Dept. 389, Phlladel-
phia. Pa.
ztrt lsx
WE will make you a present of $100.00, give
you a splendid suit of clothes every 90
days, enlarge your picture free and pay
you a salary of $x6.00 per month and all
traveling expenses to take orders (or the
frreatest and most reliable portrait house
n the world. All this will be guaranteed.
Address R. D. Martel, Dept. 95. Chi
cago, 111. B 69 18x
WE are In need of a
Stenographer who rends and writes Ger.
man. $100.00 per month.
Hardware salesman lo take charge of de
partment. $100.00.
Good stenographer and bookkeeper. $76.00.
Stenographer for aw office.
Two traveling salesmen. Good salary.
Man with a rig. .
Three young men. Good penmen and quick
at figures.
Call or write for complete list of vaonncles.
640-811 N. Y. Life Bldg.
B-412 1
YOUNG men wanted to learn barber trade;
constant practice; expert Instructions;
short time completes; positions awaiting;
terms the very best; write today. Amer
ican Barber College, 12th and Douglas
Sts., Omaha, Neb. B 411 lsx
WANTED Person to call on retail trade
for manufacturing houses local territory;
salary, $28, paid weekly; expense money
advanced; previous experience unneces
sary. American House, Star Building,
Chicago. B 250 18X
THREE general office men.
One drapery salesman.
On furniture salesman.
One male stenographer.
Three office boys (J years In High school).
One hat salesman.
Two elevator boys, $18,
Five general agents.
One clothiner salesman.
Open Sundav 9 to 12.
HART, 626 New
board and room.
York Life.
WANTED Office boy for doctor. One to
live with the family. Address, B 4, Bee.
B M393 20x
GROCERY clerk wanted: young man with
references. O W. Shrader, 2th and
Blondb. . B M382
AGENTS and managers wanted every
where: exclusive territory. "One dollar
a year protects you." We Issue more
accident and sickness policies than any
other similar company In the world,
because we Issue the most popular and
cheapest Insurance written; new plan;
$1 a year pays for $500 policy; no as
sessments or dues: other amounts In pro
portion. Death benefit; weekly Indem
nity; specific Indemnity for loss of limbs
or eyesight: free medical attendance;
many other original and popular features.
Issued to either sex without regard to
nationality, color or occupation. All
claims promptly and liberally settled;
insurance assets, $500,000. Reliable repre
sentatives wanted everywhere; good ter
ritory still open; liberal, permanent con
tract to capable agents: previous expe
rience not necessary. International Cora
pany, 231 Broadway, New York.
B-279 lx
WANTED Local sales agent In very good
town of 10,000 people and over; also trav
eling men for sloe line famous Windsor
Parlor Brooms. Windsor Manufacturing
Co., Windsor. Mo. B 302 18
DETECTlVE Can you spare part of your
time for profitable detective work? No
experience needed. Write American De
tective Association, Indianapolis, Ind.
B 257 18x
$100 PER MONTH and Interest in the busi
ness to reliable man with small capital
to manage branch office in Omaha or St.
Louis; state age. Southern Guaranty In
vestment Co., Sioux City, la. B 256 18x
Maragers, Salesmen, Bookkeepers end Tech
nical men. Salaries $l,0o0-6.000. Write for
free list and plan. Business Opportunity
Co., 1 Union Square, N. Y. B-254 lSx
EXPERIENCED salesman, or physician
not practicing, to sell to doctors; estab
lished trade: permanent, remunerative.
P. O. Box 80S. Philadelphia. B-247 18x
WANTED 10 men In each state to travel,
tack signs and distribute samples and
circulars of our goods; salary $fiO per
month: $3 per day for expenses. Kunl
nian Co.. Dept. A 10, Atlas Block Chicago.
B 235 lSx
SHARP young men everywhere; $4 a day
and expenses. Experience unnecessary.
Milwaukee Co-Operatlve Detective Serv
ice, Sta. C. Milwaukee. B 271 18x
FOUR men Immediately .for Nebraska: $1$
werkly and expeases; expenses advanced;
salarv paid weekly; must be hustlers. Old
established firm. Che nee for advance
ment. Adv. Dept., 702 Star bldg.. Chicago.
B 252 18x
WANTED By a wholesale house, brlaht.
energetic bov to learn business. Per
msnent porl'lon and advancement for one
worthy. Address B 8, Bee. B 425 18x
WANTED Energetic young man for real
estate business, one who la familiar with
city preferred. Kennev Real Estate and
Investment Co., 300 Bee Bldg.
B-452 20
WANTED Good slsed boy one with some
mechanical knowledge. Hardv'a, The 99
cent Store, 1513 Dodge St. B M440 18
WANTED Marble cutter; general work
man. wo enn "Iso letter and trace gran
ite. Address Hasting Marble Granite
Works, Hastings. Neb. B M447 19x
WANTED T,neal representatives In every
town In Nebraska and Iowa to manage
ms"rlne clubs; good pav: permanent
Position; no canvassing. Address B IT,
Bee. B 16 lRx
A C. VAN 6 ANT'S school, TIT J. Y. Life.
' , , 100
FAC SIMILE letters, envelop addressed.
Boyles Cullers. -40$
An ad in The Bee'B "FURNISIIED ROOM" COLUMN will rent your rooms.
An ad in The Bee's "FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS" COLUMN will bring you a buyer
for what you have for sale.
RATES lo PER WORD; 10 word 3 tljnea 30c. No ad taken for less than 20c.
New Classes Tomorrow
Omaha Commercial College
17th and
Day and Evening Sessions
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small lamuy; good wages, suus warcy.
C $28
M U1RLS; Canadian office, ltth and Dodge.
O. K. American-German employment office,
uiaest, most reiiaoie in, umana. ion
Dodge. C-M380 OS
WANTED A cook; no washing Or Iron
ing. Mrs. H. W. Yates, $120 Davenport
su . 1; 14V if
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Must be good plain cook. Small family.
Good wages. Uki 8. 32nd et. Telephone
8190. C-M-179
WANTEDToung ladv to take private les
sons in stenography; nne chance. Ad-
Address, E. C, Bee. UN
EXPERIENCED child's nurse; references
required. Inquire 4123 Farnam st.
C-M202 18X
LADIES Earn $20 per hundred writing
short letters. Send stamped envelope for
particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls,
Mich. C-M199 18x
WANTED Experienced girl for
Davenport St.
housework; wsges $20 per month. 4808
C 232 18
WOMEN to do plain sewing at home; SO
cents per nour easily mane; experience
unnecessary; material sent free every
where. Addressed envelope for particulars.
Stephens Specialty Co., Stamford, Conn.
LADIES to do piecework" at their homes:
we turnisn an materials ana pay rrom 17
to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe st., Chicago.
C 2S9 lSx
LADIES having fancy work to sell, dollies.
centerpieces, Dntiennerg, erocncung ana
drawn work, also to do order work. Send
stamped envelope to Ladles' Exchange,
34 Monroe St.. Chicago, C 290 18x
WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng.
manicuring or facial maisage: splendid
demand for graduates; $12 to $15 weekly
made; Blx weeks completes: can nearly
earn exnenses before finishing. Call or
write Moler College, 1302 Douglas St.
C M343 23x
LADIES! I have a very desirable, honest
position to ofTer one lady In each locality
which should eastlv pav any woman from
$15 to $25 per week. This la a bona fide
f imposition and If you can spare only two
tours per day do not fall to write to
Mabel E. Rush, llox H, Joliet, 111.
C 335 18x
GIRL wanted for general housework; easy
place; small family. 25 S. 26th at.
. C-810 18X
LADIES $20 per- thousand copying letters
at home. Material sent free everywhere.
Send stamp for particulars. Howsrd Co.,
1269 Broadway, New York. C 276 18x
LADIES $7-$10 earned weekly, plain sewing
at home. Material sent free everywhere.
Send stamp for particulars. Union Co.,.
1215 Filbert St., Phlla., Pa. C 277 18
LADY to travel: references required; sal
ary, 121 per week; expenses advanced.
The Educational Company, 323 Dearborn
St., Chicago. C 278 18x
LADIES $30 thousand copying letters, no
mailing to friends or furnishing ad
dresses, stamped envelope particulars.
Gem Art Co., Dept. 261, Chicago.
C-270 18x
Wf ANTED Experienced sewing women.
Cloak department, Hayden Bro.
C 410-18
WANTED Experienced skirt makers snd
helpers. A. C. Mark, 1623 Dnuela mt.
. C-432 18
WANTED, three nrenossesslng young
ladles to travel with show; good sslnry,
experience not necessary. P. E. White,
S tate hotel. Sunday, 12 to 2. C 459 18x
WANTED Situation as forsman, by an
experienced laundryman; beat references;
married and sober, Address W, Omaha
Bee, Council Bluffs, la. A Ml 15 18
YOUNG MAN desires place to work for
board while going to school; experienced.
Boyle's College, 1VS4. jV-63
WANtIeD Young lady with taste for art
to learn 000 k ana magazine illustrating.
Address E. C, this office.
BY -COMPETENT lady bookkeeper, four
years' experience; can operate;
best references. Address B 5, Bee.
A 34 18x
PR'NTER All-around, skillful, reliable,
wants permanent country job; ten to
, twelve dollars a week, according to loca
tion. Address, A 88, Bee, Omaha.
' A 37818x
SITUATION wanted October 1 s Omaha
salesman or specialty salesman for .Iowa,
Nebraska or near territory; best refer
ences. Address B 3. Bee A 359 18x
H. J. COWGILL, 430 Paxton blk., Omaha.
PATENTS H. A. Sturgls. registered attor
ney. - Patents, trade-marks, copyrights.
No fee unless successful. 617 New York
Life building, Omaha, Neb. MIOOO
YOU can't afford to start to take out a pat
ent for a valuable Invention without first
writing me; you can save money and got
a better patent. A. W. Crossley, 803 F St.,
Washington, D. C.
SUES 4k CO., Patent Lawyers: advice free.
Three offices: Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.i
184 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., and 1003 F
St., Washington, D. C. Tel 1123.
tei 828x
Johnson Institute, US N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1W
MRS. JOHN R. MTJSICK. Osteopathy Phy
sician; offlcs, Douglas block. Tel. ?823
tH. FARWELL, specialty nervous dlseaax.
04 Paxton. -471
Douglas Sts.
BIG MONEY In squabs; tney sell for $2 to
$6 a dozen; cheaply raised In only four
weeks; write tor our free book about this
rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.,
289 Atlantic Aire., Boston, Maas. J
OUR PLAN for starting beginners In profit
able Mall-Order Business is very success
full. We are pioneers In this field fclomo
we started three months ago receive luO
letters dally and are making big money.
Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup
ply Co., Kansas City, Mo. J
LADY AGENTS A chance to make money,
and plenty of It, Is what Mme. Yale, the
celebrated beauty specialist. Is offering
women of good address; opportunity for
traveling or home work, aa preferred;
many are making $50 and upward weekly.
For particulars address
Flatlron Building, Broadway and Twenty-third
st., New York City J
AGENTS, get out of the rut. Why not own
your own business? Quick sales; large
profits; samples free. T. M. Sayman, 2141
to 2161 Franklin Ave.. St. Louis, Mo. J
a winner; agents wanted everywhere: 5a
for samples, both candidates. The Eas-
ton Co., 814 E. 6th St., Dayton, O. J
AGENTS wanted, household necessity;
every homo opportunity for sale; every
sale a day's work profit. Write Kokomo
Iron Co., Kokomo, Ind. J
AGENTS WANTED, to sell our $1 bottle
Sarsaparllla for 85c: best seller; 200 per
cent profit; write today for terms and ter
ritory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake Street,
Chicago. J
ARB YOU CRAZY!! Don't Invest In quan
tity of anybody's goods until tried; we
ship on credit; commission and expenses.
Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton. Ia.
. J 292 18x
AGENTS WANTED Energetic men every
where: cheapest gold sign letters for win
dows; big profits: experience nnecesary j
pocket outfit. 10c; particulars free. Bop-art
A Co., 86 Cranberry St., Brooklyn. N. Y.
J-847 18x
N. Y.
J 443 18-
AGENTB-$60 a week guaranteed. Auto
matic washers sell themselves. Agent
writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women:
took ten orders." Time 46 minutes. Profit
over $50. Guaranteed to do a washing in
80 minutes; furnishes Its own power; re
quires no labor: costs less than any other
machine; free samples and exclusive ter
ritory furnished. Automatlo Washer Co.,
Station U, Chicago. J 338 lSx
AGENTS coin money selling Roosevelt. or
t'araer waicn iods; eieaant, lasiing use
ful: retail 26c; sample lOo. Tempest Co.,
Ashland Block, Chicago. J 339 l8x
AGENTS Street fakirs, sell "Rooters' "
greatest campaign and carnival novelty;
beats the band; sells like hot cakes; par
ticulars free: sample. 10c. The Wels Co.,
1015 Ontario St., Toledo, O. J 29a 18x
OUR MEN make $1 to $10 nr day fltt'ng
glasses; our Z4-p. fhjis eyis book tons
all about It. Write Jacksonlan Optical
College, College Place, Jackson, Mich.
J-249 18x
WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall
getting one ntieral onrer: s flaily sure.
Oirhon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. J 334 lRx
AGENTS make 500 per cent profit selling
Novelty sign csras: merchants huv
10 to ion on sight: 800 varieties. Catalogue
Tree. Humvan co., nxs Mapiewooa Ave.,
cnicago, 411. 4 jxx
AGENTS The Buyer's Guide, showing the
most complete line or csmnalvn goods snd
agents' supplies, sent free; deal with the
manoractiirer. 1. wniteson. 140 E mu
son St., Chicago. J 236 J8x
176 WEEKLY and expenses easily made.
writing negitn ana accident insurance:
experience unnecessary. Write Royal
rratemai union, Bt. tenuis, mo.
J 2fi8 18x
LADIES. entlemen and young peonl
sell our Christmas goods In every home;
pwa wage" ror spare time, nutnt rree
Illff Co., Chicago. J-269 18x
FIFT-Y general agents wanted o travel
. snd appoint aarenta from Atlantic to Pa
clfii coast: salarv $80 per month: exnene
ni commission- two can travel together
V"th sexes. Address A. J Brrber Road
Vnirr, 30&K East Twelfth S . Kansas
City. MO. J 262 18x
t EXPRESS WAGONS and 1 top wagon, al
most now; win sen cneup. jonuson ag
uanionn, s.w. cor. una ana joues sts.
P 5t3
FOR BALE Horses tor olty driving or de
livery. Your livery . trade solicited in
euner ouggy or carriage work. Mel
choir's Livery Barn. P Miw
FOR SALE Good family
' Burns, 1318 Farnam,
horse. Sam'l
P-M223 18
HIGK grade, rubber tired, Watertown,
easy riding buckboard; an eastern novelty
good ss new, at a big aacrlrtce. Johnson
& Danforth, s. w. cor. 10th and Jonee sts.
IF you need a cow, horse, buggy, wagon or
harness, find what Suits you and I will
buy It and sell It to you on monthly pay.
ments, or I will procure it for you. I
have a large stock always on hand. Just
got In $ heavy work horses and 4 driving
horses. Bowen, 703 New York Life Bldg!
P 345 18
BUY your wagon or buggy from H. Frost,
14th and Leavenworth. P 176
FINE $375 pneumatic Stanhope, nnarlv new,
$126; open pneumatlo runabout, $. Dntm
mond, 18th and Harney. P M418
FOR SAI JC. trap, good condition, cheap for
cash. 8013 ErnmsJ st. P M419 19x
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago.
Is lub
DEWEY, European hotel, l$th and Farnam.
K 106
VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms,
ladles' cafe, private dining r. ; open nights.
K 108
Midland hotel, 16th tt Chicago; reasonable.
E 110
8 ROOMS; housekeeping, lilt 8. 11th.
TWO front rooms, elegantly furnished;
large modern atone house. 'Phone H-S-H,
84J4 Cass. E M636 U8
80UTH front parlor; trtodern.
Mary are.
224 8t.
E 7Ut
NICE comfortable room for one or two
gntlemen; very reasonable; modern. 1426
N. 17th. E-M9U
TWO nicely furnished rooms; modern. 115
S. 20th. B-M213 19X
FRONT ROOM and board, large enough for
tnree gentlemen, lsu Chicago.
F M211 18x
THREE rooms for housekeeping every
thing turnisnea. Aaaress a . rce.
v E M209 18 x
ONE furnished and three unfurnished
rooms; light, airy, modern. 1915 Webster.
' HsBiYWl 10X
NICELY furnished, alcove, front room;
modern. Tel. A-2282. 616 S. Z2d.
E-M303 18
THREE well furnished rooms; steam heat
Tel. 2208. 2234 Farnam. a Mioo isx
Rooms furnished and unfurnished.
Rooms with or without board.
Rooms for light housekeeping.
Call at R. 8 N. Y. L. 'Phone 133.
E M188 28
everything modern; reasonable; 4i3 N
I6th. F M228 18x
WELL FURNISHED front room: hot wa
ter heat; 315 N. 17th. E M227 ISX
NEATLY furnished pottage, with or with'
out board. 2002 S. .30th st. E 144 18
ROOMS for World's fair visitors: private
resiaence; bath; 10 minutes walk to
grounds; on 3 car lines; restaurants con.
venlent: $1 per dav, 2 or more to room
O. J. Berwick, 6&9 Fairmounte Ave.. 8t,
Louis. E 344 lSx
NICE front room; reasonable to right per
son; gentlemen preierrea. ionge.
'Phone 3165.
9( 18
rooms; finest
location. 2960
Harney st.
E-M327 24 x
2 HOME-LIKE rooms: steam heat, aas
snd bath, at 1518 Dodge, flat c orrfy (8
ana $12. E 385 1RX
. , k , r
THREE pleasant rooms; modern:
furnished; can be arranged for
keeping: references required. ?701 Wool-
worth ave. E 362 18x
NICE furnished room and good board.
Houtn zvtn utreet.
NEATLY furnished rooms: reasonable:
nice locality and walking distance. 616
S. 22d st. - E I3S 18x
SEVEN-ROOM, furnished house; all mod
ern: good location. Address B 13. Bee.
E 433 19x
8TKAM heated parlor;
623 N. 20th.
neatly furnished.
E-434 20
NEATLY furnished rooms with bos-. 1722
Dodge st. F-433 21x
Nice rooms, with bath, for fair visitors,
50c. and 75c. each dally; direct to station;
three car lines; breakfast furnished. 4132
Shenandoah ave., St '.ouls. F -445 18s
O. M. E. TEL 6ir
THURSTON HOTEL: cool outside rooms,
$1.50 to $4.00 per week; board, $3.60.
Midland hotel, 16th
4k Chicago; reasonable.
VICINITY of high school; modern south
front rooms. Including board, $6 per week.
2406 Cass. 'Phone A-2593. F 607
WANTED Roommate, by a young man of
21 years of age; must be young, well-sp-
S earing and respectable: house Is strictly
rst-class In every respect; board good
and room large and well furnished; rates
$5 per month. Address Y 29, Bee. F 960
DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot and
cold water In rooms: also large closets;
board; rates reasonable. 818 S. 19th.
' F-M534
FURNISHED room with
family. 2539 California.
148 18
TWO elegant front rooms, with or without
board. 2232 Farnam. F M210 18
DESIRABLE rooms for light housekeeping;
- ,v.i. aru M 17.1.
E-M208 18
NEATLY furnished rooms and board; ev
erything modern. 2162 St. Marv's ave.
F-M204 18
TWO desirable front rooms, with excellent
board for two or three gentlemen. 2571
St. Mary's ave. Telephone L2724.
F 180 20
FURNISHED, front room and board; suit
. . . . ..f nr n r i u .
aoio lur iwu. no 11. uui oi.
F M325 24x
ROOMS furnished and unfurnished; rooms
with or witnout noara; rooms tor ngni
housekrenlng. call at K. S, l. v. l,
phone 133. F 361 18
LARGE front room: well furnished; good
board; home cooking; walking distance;
$46 a montn ror two. ojs eouin z-a mi.
F 363 18x
LARGE, pleasant rooms, modern detached
house. I'n, first-class board, oon venlent
to city. 1818 Capitol ave. F-M413 20
THB POSE. 2020 Harney Handsomely fur-
nlshert rooms, wuianie ior two; gooa
board; rates reasonable. F MHSS lSx
LARGE room, with grate, re'' .exposure.
board If desired. 820 Souln ills'
F 438 18
twn anltea at the Georala: one now va
csnt. other vacant Oct. 1. Thone jsni.
1042 Georgia ave. F-439 20
tH0 CASS ST. Two south rooms, partly
furnished, suitable for llgnt nousekeeping.
FOUR large, modern, sunny rooms, parlor
floor, 2212 N. 19th. O M157 18x
ROOMS, single and en suite, In St. Msry's
bldg., corner Ziin ana . mary a ave.
N. P. DODGE & CO..
1614 Farnam St.
O M21S 19
MODERN rooms for light housekeeping.
606 B. 21st ave. G M115 18x
THREE or four unfurnished rooms; mod
ern; rumace neat ana gas; rtieri-ni'" re
quired. 650 S. 26th ave. G-M374
Y. Life, pays highest prke for books.
Tel. StXW. N-114
HIGHEST prices paid for furnished flats.
S M, Bos. , N 116
CASH for your horses. Melchlor a Livery
uarn. aiMt
MOVING PICTURE machine, new or sec-
. . .. . , . .. , ij i i .........
ona lianu. lmii uii ur auuiso. i. x i .uuijr,
16j Capitol ave. N 134 20
WANTED To buy, cylinder press. World,
Ielgli, nea. in muy lux
80 ACRES or more, within 8 miles from
South Omaha, westward. Address A oi.
Bee. N-306 18
WANTED Good family driving horse,
about 6 years old, weight about twelve
hundred. Reply, elating price, age, etc.,
and where to be seen. Address. It 1, I tee.
I WANT to buy a good, modern, 6 or T-
room house in gooa resiaence part or city;
two or three bedrooms. Rooms must be
large. B 3, Bee. N-io-18
WANTED, to purchase, a residence of from
7 to 9 rooms in the west Farnam district:
must have all modern Improvements and
be cbP for cash; no agents need apply:
will deal only with owners. Address H T,
Bee office. N 414 18x
I WANT lo rent a modern house of 6 or
rooms reasonable, stale price and loca
tion In reply. Address A to. Bee
K Ji'9 19
WANTED Three rooms furnished for light
housekeeping. Best releietues. A M,
Bee. K-M222 18x
WANTED Board and rooms for two. In
private family; Jewl?u prefci re-1; refer
ences. Address A 64, Uee office.
K-M197 1S
WANTED, to rent, furnished house far the
winter by family of 3 adults; mist oe
reasonable; slate price snd lull pnrtl. u.
lars. Address A 67. Uee. K-As ivx
WANTED Immediately, modern cot;aj.e.
ready furnlsned; Talking illxt.inie in
ferred. If neat, pleasant surround mi,;,
good locality, will pay six months In ad
vance. Guarantee absolute good care,
premises and effects. Address H 8, Heo
office. K-MI07 2on
WANTED Three or four beautiful unfur
nished rooms, centrally located, in nle,
modern home, by gentleman and wile.
Tel. 3140. - K 108 lx
GENTLEMAN snd wife want bo.-jrd and
room. Will pay good price for flrst-cl-iss
accommodations and refined surround ngs.
Address, A be, Bee. K 3.3 18x
W.NTEr-Three rooms, unfurnished, for
light housekeeping, on or near car line,
B or 8 blocks from Bennett Department
Store. Address U 10, Bee office.
K-M129 IPX
AN 8-room modern house, 1 block from
Walnut Hill car line. B 15, Bee.
K 444 1RX
SALESMAN, with established drug tradn,
to nanoie siae line in umana; ugni sam
plea; good commission.
Cincinnati, O.
1. Nints su
MISS 18x
SALESMEN wanting a good, easy-selling
side line of furniture, on commission,
made by a thoroughly reliable manufac
turer, please address Barnard-Cope Man
ufacturing Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
M-931 18
SALESMEN make $100 n week. Best staple
side line carried. No experience required;
pocket sample; good testimonials; filteen
nays for test after arrival of goods. E.
W. Merck White Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo.
SALESMAN wanted; most profitable sta
ple; side line; no samples; best position
ever offered for live men; write quick fnr
territory. Holland White Lead Co., Chi
cago. $35 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs
to Introduce our poultry goods. Javelle
Mfg. Co., Dept. D., Parsons Kaa. 262 lx
SAIjESMEN John Sexton & Co., Importers
of teas and coffees and wholesale grocer,
18 to 22 State St., Chicago, want experi
enced, honest, energetic, high grade men
to sell farmers and other largo buyera.
We are the largest grocery house in
America engaged In the business, and tho
originators of honest snd modern methods
of conducting It. We handle tke finest
goods and guarantee quality and quantity
of every article; no capital required; ex
clusive territory given; In each an estab
llahed trade insures fine Income. We are
farmers' headquarters In Chicago.
283 18x
WANTED Salesmen of successful experi
ence soiling rotallers assortments inr
chanllse: long terms of credit: straight
commission; liberal rates; large sales guar
anteed. The American Jobbing associa
tion. Iowa City, la. 286 8x
SALESMEN wanted; most profitable sta
ple; side line; no samples; best proposi
tion ever offered for live men; write quirk
for territory. ' Holland White Lead com
pany, Chicago. 2S4 18x
sale house to sell general stores in re
brasks; position permanent. P. A. Wat
son, Sales Manager, 66 Fifth ave.. Chi
cago. 2S8 18x
SALESMAN WANTED A first-class trav
eling salesman can oDlain exceptionally
remunerative work for balance of tho
year and a permanent position If mikii
good with the line: prefer man with spe
cial line or advertising experience. Ad
dress A 43, Bee. 251 lSx
WANTED First-class speclnlty salesman
to sell nttractlve proposition to Kenerni
trade. Commission or one man for one
month over $750. Barton Parker Mf. Co.,
Cedar Rapids, In. 281 18x
EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen ; Clove.
land Jobbing nouso, wun large capital,
wishes to employ a corps of flrst-clas
salesmen; high commission, wtth $35
weekly. W. 8. Merle & Co., Cleveland,
Ohio. 243 lSx
CAPABLE salesman to cover Neb. with
staple line; high commissions wun nn
vance of $100,00 monthly: permnnent posi
tion to rlnht man. Jess H. Smith Co.,
Detroit, Mich. , ' 244 18x
WANTED Experienced salesmen for Ne
braska by manufacturer of perfumes,
toilet artleels and flavoring extracts. Per
manent position with pay to right mnn.
Address A 65. Bee. 273 18x
WANTED Salesman to carry a side line,
a popular line of ladles' belts; slates
North Df"kotn, South Dakota, Nebraska,
Kansas, Oklahoma nnd Missouri. Address
Roval Belt & Novelty Co., Cedar iii.1s,
Iowa. 242 18x
SALESMEN WANTED Reaular spef laity
or side line furnished; give references;
state experience. W. J. Lorack. Sales
Manager, Iowa City, Ia. 241 lSx
for each state; experience unnecessary,
just hustlers; permanent: good nnv: lib
eral r'lnnlnsr expense account. E. M. Ar
thur Co., Detroit. Mich. v 2R6 18x
SALESMEN laical or traveling, to -ell fire
proof safes to business men and fnrmers.
R.nerpne "nnecessory; nulek sales: big
profits. '. Vne Safe Co., Cincinnati Ohio.
' 265 18x
ACTIVF. triv na- salesmen good men are
now earnlnV' 'g.ono botiuhI'v In cnrn"M
eiens: best s'dw Pne offered D. T Weir
White Lead Co.. St. Louis. Mo. 20 1Rx
WILL trade sewing machine for type
writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney,
WHAT have you to exchange tor aplnno?
Perfield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. Tel. 701.
Z 173
IF THERE Is nothing In this column you
want, put an ad. In and you will soon
get it. Z 1
WILL exchange beautiful piano for driv
ing or draft horse. Schmolier & Mueller,
1313 Farnam. Z M187 1)3
WILL exchange high-grade piano for type
writer. Schmolier & Mueller. 1313 Fnr
nam. Telephone No. 16:'5. Z M48S OS
WILL exchange 400 acres fine land in Mon
tana for Omaha residence properlv. Ad.
dress A 45, Bee. Z-101
FINE Jersey cow. giving small quantity of
milk, for a good fresh cow and pay dif
ference. A 65. Bee. Z 324 18x
I HAVE some good Improved farms; and
western lands for All kinds merchandise.
Also have some good stocks merchan
dise for lands, all kinds; exchanges;
write fullv what you have to offer. H. R.
Woodall. Norfolk, Neb. Z 245 18x
IF YOL' want to buy or exchange for a
farm, senn i"c ior me rarm Buyers
Guide, containing a description of 165
farms, with the owner's name and ad
dress, for sale or exchange; want farms
from owners listed. Horace Grant, Heist
Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Z 238 18
620 ACRES first-class land In Cedar county,
Nebraska, to cxenange tor nieronn nrlNe
or clear Inconio citv property. Will divide
land. Do not answer unless vou mean
business. Box 932, Cherokee, Iowa
Z-2C1 Hx
FOR EXCHANGE No. 2 Smith Premier
typewriter, room aa new. ror runner-urea
top buggy or phaeton. B 14, care iw.
Z-431 19
5 shares (acres) in our H.ouo-acre ruLlnr
(limitation in Mexico, Dividends earned
lefore monthly payments aro completed.
Best facilities. Write for prospectus.
Conservative Rubber Production Co.. 320
Parrott Bldg, Ban Francisco, Cal.
tCn MORTOAGH drawing 7 per Cent In
Mensoii: property worth $2,5u0. Aiidreua
B 11, Bee.
436 18
FOR SALE-$no mortgage, bearing H per
.7.111. imrini l"JKUlt SSOU-aABUaJI Y Aim
dress B 12, Bee. 43T "j