J ' THE OMAHA' DAILY DEE; SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1901. ill 5EBRASRASS AT ST. LOUIS World's Fair Cattle Show is Now Getting Much Attention. ANTELOPE STATE WELL REPRESENTED Tn Carloads nf Pine Stork Hire Bern f'.ntrrnl and l."f of the I.raillnK Morkmro Arc In Attenrtnnrr. ST. IjOVVB. Bopt. 17.-(Bpecil Corre spondence.) Th World's fair 'rattle ex hibit boBin iant Mnnilay, and will continue for two weeks. In evry possible way, this 111 be the largest cattle show ever held In the amount of money offered, In the number of cattle exhibited and the rmallty of the breeds. The amount of money of fered for prizes Is 1106.106.25. The most famous breeders of America and Canada have sent their finest stock. At 2 o'clock Tuesday there was a rrand parade In the Stock Forum of all the cattle on exhibi tion, numbering over I.nno, and aggregate Inir In value several millions nf dollars. Judging began Immediately after this parade, and during the last few days auc tion sales of cattle have been held under the auspices of the breed associations directly concerned. Nebraska Is largely represented In this exhibit. Some 150 of the leading stock men of the state are In attendance, and ten car loads of fine stock have been enterod for premiums. Beveral car loads of this stock are transported free by the Nebraska, state commission, the animals being prize winners at the state fair held In IJncoln week before last. On Tuesday afternoon a general reception for Nehraska stock men and their friends was held In the Nebraska pavilion, at which time a special moving picture exhibition was given. Illustrating the cattle Industry in the state from the feeding yards to the packing houses, and life on the range. Visiting stock men of the state were made welcome not only by the regular force of the Nebraska pavilion, but by Mr. J. W. Dlnsmore, who is general superintendent of the cattle show, With the participation of 320 of the best musicians of the world, composing four great bands and one orchestra, in the musi cal program of the world's fair, the musi cal events at the exposition during the week beginning September 12, will bi re membered as one of the noteworthy fea tures of the exposition.' In addition to the band concerts, A. Gutlmant, the well-known French organist, will begin his series of thlrty-slx concerts In Festival hall Monday evening at 8 p. m. The English Grenadier band of sixty pieces, which has just con cluded Its second week's engagement at the exposition, will give two concerts a day In the Plaza St. Iouls. The Garde Repullcalne, composed of eighty members, will give concerts In Machinery Gardens and at Festival hall. Besides these organl- ' Rations, the Mexican band of sixty pieces will give concerts In Cascade Garden and "Weil's band, the official musical organiza tion of the exposition, will officiate at the numerous functions of the fair. The expo sition orchestra of eighty pieces will con tinue to give Its concerts In the Tyrolean Alps. Attractive programs are gelng ar ranged for all these organizations for their concerts throughout tho week. -The Wash ington Marine band, which, as thegovern ment's dtTklul organization plays at all of the state functions at the capital, will be the chief feature In the celebration of Dis trict of Columbia day, October 15. The Marine band Is the most famous military band in this country, and will give several concerts In the government building, which, 1b to be elaborately decorated for the occa sion. The day's celebration will be In charge of tho offlclals of the government's display. Full plans are to be announced next week. It Is understood at St. Louis that Gov ernor Mickey and his staff, after partici pating 4n. the christening of the great bat tleship Nebraska at Seattle, October 7, will come direct to St. Louis to attend the Nebraska day exercises. Miss Marie Mickey, who Is to liave the honor of chris tening the battleship, will accompany her father to St. Louis as well. Miss Mickey Is 22 years old. She received her early edu cation In the Osceola H'.h school, later attending the Wesleynn Conservatory of music, graduating from that Institution in 1903. , An exceedingly Interesting pamphlet Is sued as a souvenir of tho thirty-sixth annual Nebraska Stato fair by Secretary Robert W. Furnas has been received at the Nebraska headquarters. This pamph let contains the pictures of Mr. Furnas taken from a daguerreotype printed In 1855, when he was president of the first terri torial fair of Nebraska: of Hon. J. Sterling Morton, at the age of 22, the orator of the first territorial fair, and of Dr. George L. Miller at the age of 22. This little booklet contains thd act of the fifth territorial assembly, approved October 14, 1858. estab lishing a territorial Hoard of Agriculture, and 1 naming as members of the board Thomas Gibson, Christian Bobst, Mills 8. Reeves, Harrison Johnson, Robert W. Fur nas, Braud Cole. Alfred D. Jones, Jesse Cole, Justice C. Lincoln, Edward H. Chap lin, Samuel A. Chambers, Harlan Baird, John M. Thayer, Dr. Jerome Hoover, Joel T. Griffin. Experience Estabrook. It also contains In full the oration delivered by J. Sterling Morten, then but 26 years of ag3. This oration was the most notable feature of the fair. It was delivered from an im .provlsed rostrum in a farm wagon placed in the shade of a native oak tree, and is 'important as a history of the first eventful formative five years of the territory. Mr. B. J. Arnold, president of the Ameri can Institute of electrical engineers, who has been attending the annual meetings of that body this week, was born In Nebraska, whore he made his home and received his preliminary education. He was born at Ashland and attended the state university at Lincoln as a young man. Later he took extended courses of Instruction In electrical 1 engineering In the east and abroad. For some years he was with the Westlnghouse people In this city, but ten years or so ago opened an office for himself in Chicago, which Is now his home. Mr. Arnold first came Into prominence as the builder of the electrical Intramural railway at the Colum bian exposition at Chicago. His latest achievement Is the solving of the problem before the New Tork Central railway com pany of bringing their trains Into the Grand Central station In New Tork city. After the horrible accident In the tunnel leading to that station two years ago Mr. Arnold wrs appointed consulting engineer of the New Tork Central for the express rurpose of presenting a feasible method of operat Ing the Central trains in and out of the station by electricity. Last spring he made his report and the' directors ordered the road to be fully equipped electrically for ten miles out of New Tork. Mr. Arnold now ranks as the leading electrical railway engineer In the world, both In the work that he has accomplished and the honors that have ben bestowed upon him. On Mondsv evenlnr of the present week he gave a banquet at the Jefferson hotel In honor of the British Institute of electrical engineers who were attending the electrical congres. In addition to the members of the Brltlsfl Institution there were present all the foreign representative to the con gress. Coach Walter Booth of the State uni versity foot ball team Is expected to pass through St. Louis the coming week en route to Lincoln to take up his duties of pounding Into shape a winning team for tho coming year. Coach Booth has been delayed In coming to Nebraska by reason of his law partner being detained In Eu rope longer than was expected, and conse quently Nebraska's team will get Into prac tice much later than many of Its rivals. Ex-Captain Westover was in St. Louis the other day, taking In the fair, and he said that, notwithstanding this handicap, Ne braska would again put a strong team Into the field. Practice was to start early this week under his guidance until Booth's ar rival. He reports that there will be many new candidates for the team from some of the strongest high schools In the west, while many of the winning team of last year will return to the university and play again this year. Westover says that Ben der, the sensational half and quarterback, may possibly be back In the Nebraska team this year, although he has received an offer to assist In coaching the team at Law rence college, Wisconsin. Two gentlemen who were largely Instru mental In procuring the hide of the lai Nebraska steer, Challenger, which won the grand championship prize of the world at the International Stock show in Chicago last December,, for the Nebraska agrlcul tural exhibit at St. Louis, have been at tending the expcBltlon the past week and watching with gratification the great crowds of people who dolly view the finely mounted animal. One of these gentlemen Is Prof. H. R. Smith of the State university, who chose the steer from a bunch of cattle In southeastern Nebraska a year ngo last spring and under whose directions the steer was fed and brought Into shape for ex hibit purposes. The other gentleman la Hon. Peter Jansen, vice president of the Nebraska commission, who has been at the exposition this week with his family. It was Mr. Jansen whvt the International Stock show,, thought of procuring the hide, having it mounted and placed on exhlbl tlon In the Nebraska exhibit as a type of the fat steer found in Nebraska. At his suggestion action was taken by the com' mission to bring this about. An expert taxidermist in Rochester, N. Y., was em. ployed to mount the animal, with the re' suit that Nebraska's steer Is one of the most beautiful and attractive exhibits on the grounds. Prof. H. R. Smith has Just furnished the commission with the following statement of the fine points of Challenger: 1. Large proportion of high-priced meat, (a). Broad, well covered back. (b). Wide. thickly oovered loin. (cj. Broad, full hind quarters, carrying flesh well down. 2. Even covering of flesh, with fat and lean well marbled. S. High percentage of dressed meat. 4. Deep, wide chest, indicating vigor of constitution ana strong assimilative powers. 6. Pliable skin covered with soft glossy hair, indicating active digestive secretions. 8. Symmetrical and well balanced in con. formation. 7. Good size for age (2 years). P. 8. Eustis, general passenger traffic manager of the Burlington system, brought to St. Louis last week the general passen ger agents of the various lines comprising the system and over forty district passen ger agents from various parts of the United States and gave them an outing at the fair. Mr. Eustis stated that he did this because he hadbeen Impressed with the Idea that every person ought to visit the exposition. A number of Nebraska rep resentatives of the Burlington were in the party. Mr. Edward Rose water of The Omahi Bee has been at the exposition during the past week in company with his wife and daughter. Mr. Rosewater saw the fair thoroughly and was muoh Impressed with it. He expressed himself as well pleased with the work of the Nebraska commission at the exposition. Prof. E. H. Barbour arrived In St. Louis Thursday after- a month spent in Cali fornia. He will give his attention for a few days to the educational exhibit of Ne braska before returning to his work at the State university. James Walsh, superintendent of Ne braska's agricultural exhibit, will visit Ne. braska next week and make arrangements for a fine display of vine products to be shipped from Nebraska. It is not generally Known that Nebraska raises more vine products for seed purposes than any other state in the union, and Mr. Walsh Intends to demonstrate this fact to the publio by a mammoth display of pumpkins, squash, melons ana other vine products. Mr. Frank Rain of Falrbury, the young man who lectured .In the Nebraska theater during the summer, and who for, tho past iour weens nas been ill In a Bt. Louis ho.. pital with typhoid fever, has sufficiently recovered to return to his home In Ne braska. xnucn praise of the "Nebraska Monu ment." In, the statuary to be seen on the Terrace of States, is heard. The modeled figure is graceful in pose and detail, while ii is made truly symbolic of the state by the grain and oom which she holds In her lap. The work was designed by an ezpo- j . i . , Dium artist OMAHA'SCOMKC HORSE SHOW Promoter Feel Encouraged by the Fine Prospects forTSuccess. HISTORY OF THE GENERAL MOVEMENT Invention of the Idea and Its Growth d the Effect nf Exhibitions a the Owners of Horses. ill 1 Game Ererr motharfeaU great dread of "the pain and danger attendant upon the moit critical period of her life. Rernmi n o a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother' Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which ia dreaded as woman's severest trial h not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the scfious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's H fl v HH. Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold," V jllB4H 6 says many who have used it. fi.oo per If fl Villa 4J toiue ai a rug stores. iook containing valuable information of interest to all women, win oc sent to any address free upon application. ClAOnao KLQUlATOn CO., Atlanta, o s. dhow One more week and Omaha's Inaugural horse show will be In progress at the Audi torium, and judging from the flurry among fashionable and horsey people over the prospect of six days of the fad, probably a bit of history anent this expensive amuse ment will not come amiss. To begin with there are several versions of the origin of horse shows, but the gen erally accepted story Is that at Long Branch, N. J., twenty-one years ago, the flrot horse show In America was held, in the open air. At that time Long Branch was the social mecca of the country. Vncle Sam was not a world power then. Multi millionaires were struggling toward their first millions, now Insignificant. The late Ward McAllister held high court in the Four Hundred. Freddy Gebhart, Perry Wall, the king of dudes, Fred Nellson, Mrs. John Jacob Astor, the mother of the present John Jacob, and Mrs. William II. Vanderbllt furnished the hub around which society swung. These New Yorkers and others; Including the now president, Theo dore Roosevelt, seeing the possibilities of the horse show as a society event, organ ized a directory, and went to work to pro vide a horse show for New Tork. Theo dore Roosevelt was quite active In tho movement. With fear and trembling the first New Tork horse show was offered to the public, The success of the venture. In the quality of the horses shown, the exhibition made by society and the money made, was far beyond the fondest hopes of the directory, The sum of $15,000 was cleared. The exhl bltion was held In the Madison Square gar den, which was converted from a rail road freight shed. Something- of an Advance. From that show to the present New York horse show is a far cry. Tho famou Madison Square garden, perhaps the finest exhibition enclosure in the United States, I owned by the directors of the New York horse show. Ninety-one thousand dollars Is the sum taken In ai the door, to say nothing of sale of reserved seats and boxes at the New York horse Bhow last year. From the beginning the horse show has there been a paying institution. It Is the crowning society event of the year. At horse show time New Yorkers, Chlcagoans, Kansas City people, everybody, everywhere the show Is held readrthlnk and talk horse and horse show. Why? Because the horse Is a noble animal. And, also, because so clety has set Its seal of approval upon the horse show and the horse. The horse Bhow movement has Invaded the west. The west now outdoes the east In the horse show, as In most things else when the great virile west takes a hand The Kansas City horse show surpasses In size New York' Itself. For lavish display of equipment and horseflesh there is not a great distance between the two. The contemplation of a noble animal lfke the horse, a study of his gifts, his dlsposi tlon and his companionship is elevating, Improving. An interest In the horse takes one out of doors. The nation which lives out of doors is not a weak nation. The horse show educates the people In the de tails of the horse, his peculiarities and his trappings. To become educated in these things is to acquire the desire to own horse. Horse owners know this, and many a dollar ia spent to bring horses and pros pectlve buyers together at a horse show. Effects of the Show. A Quickened interest in horses, and. nec essarlly In driving, leads logically to the formation of clubs, bit and bridle. These demand more horses, better horses. Better horses bring about style In driving and riding, and yet more style. Also' these things bring about better streets, roadways and movements toward beautifying; the city and country. Therefore, the horse show Is a thing to be commended and helped along, Not that It needs helping along, for the movement will , gain momentum with each recurring season. But, because it is a good thing. It is helpful to the whole people, and something out of which a great deal of healthful enjoyment may be had. Thousands of people all ovei the country look forward t6 the horse show In the large city of their choice. This event is made use of for the week's holiday. The Omaha horse show starts off with most auspicious prospects. Men who have had experience in such things say never In their knowledge has any city begun with so much promise of great success as Omaha, Cost of Tickets. Seats for the horse show will go on sals at Meyer & Dillon's drug- store Monday morning, September 19, and will be sold as follows: The Bit and Bridle club seats cost 110, These Include two transferable reserved seats, and also enUtle holders to associ ate membership. The boxes have practic ally all been, disposed of. The reserved seats downstairs on the arena floor are $3 each. Season reserved seats on the arena floor are 125 each, seats for two persona, A large number of these have already been taken. The first four rows In the balcony are I1.S0 each, and the remaining six rows at $1 each. The directors in addition are granting a concession to the holders ef balcony tickets that has never been granted at any horse show In the country, -and that is access to the promenade. The general admission is $1, which also includes a re served seat and promenade privileges. A .large number of our merchants, real ising the great benefits accruing from a horse show, have come forward in a very generous manner and have guaranteed a number of the handsomest purses. This is aa it should be, for it may not be known to the laymen in general that the organism tlon of, a horse show requires one, two or three years In any city. It not only necea sttates a 'world of work, but Involves great responsibilities, as expenses are always In excess of the Income until the enterprise la thoroughly established. I Spae Oea to Horaea. This will be the case In Omaha, (or, ow ing to tho sue of the building, a sacrifice bad to be made either of U ring or seats. ana in tureciors nave, m a vex gen erous war, acrlflcied this spec te the boraea la order that a perfect ac4 thorough performance may be siren, aad by so data hava certainly lessened, any possible chanca of a profit thai year. The fclatarr of home ahon la other cttfas In toabr atrocsfaa, fax all casta, haa Caki raying proposition. Evan tha World's great est tours snow, which, ia bald at Majlaen Square Garden, New York, eacn Iforambex, loot money tot three rears. Kanaaa City, which ranla avcand In America, m hnrao shews. loot enntlnnany for aavan rearm. and rhUaaVslphla and Beaton, with, all their una exhl hi t ana their pomp and aaramony, hay naver naUaad any profits, xt has proven, the most expensive elaaa ef smnaa wa uu a iuj aau mruiga m until, ai Isaac, st sue Ha a haala i-tntd finally br Now- TarJv Kama dry, QUosn, at. Ixuil and. &U gaul anil mnnsaanlla. onmM A, oomnleta Use at Ui pctyata. boa, buldV- raaSSSSaSS aSSsSSttX SSSMSna SsfS SSSjsSsssSb AOENTS FOR i ULUot.-rrt-nnimc t l "Easfc" Bookcases Orchard 5 Wilhelm CHRPET COMPANY. A0ENT5 FOB ( MATTRESSES I atOstsrateer Prices. September Furniture Trade Sale Selling furniture of the best makes and only from the time-tried factories' of this country. The new fall goods are here in big variety, see them, price them. They are much lower than regular during our September Trade Sale. jjljr y tAy it COUCH-(Like cnt)-DIamond tufted top in pantasote leather, broad quarter-sawed oak pol ished frame with claw feet, special. 17.50 TABORETTE (Like cut), made of solid oak golden or weathered finish, top Is 12-lnches In diameter and stands 18 Inches high, reg ular price 11.26 Septem- only8!!?...?: 75c $7.50 Rocker, oak or mahog any finish, polished, uphol stered leather back September Trade sale , BTOOI (Like run 15 inches In I niameTer. piannw 1.1 im-nrn limn, mi I ways sell for MH, special September sale 2.35 IRON BEDS A futl bow foot Iron bed, with brass top rails, knobs ana spindles. your choice of colors, any lie September A riBS 'i Sale Price 4:50 f".00 Roman Beat, oak or ma hogany, hand polished. In Sep tember Trade Sale- each ' 3.95 WOO STEEL FOLD1NO CO!CH- guaranteed construction, interwoven fabric I Sale, at September Trade 3,65 KITCHEN CABINETS The largest showing of good kitchen furniture In the west. Just re ceived a carload of ex tra fine kitchen cabi nets, made of maple, natural finish, with white wood top. We are offering them at specially low figures during this sale " prices I4.M. ft 5.7S, $6.40 and. . I'." I 1 P--'' CHIFFONIER (Kxaetlr Ilka cut hand polished of lnct figured golden oak, top Is 18 In. deep by 83 In. SSTf.. 5.25 Ingrain Carpets The new patterns of ingrain car pet fresh from the very best mills, now on our floor, a tine line of patterns, at ... These poods we guarantee both as to quality and colors. Oil Cloth Stove Rugs Best qual ity 1!4 yards square 80c Zinc binding for 1 oil ' cloth, square FLOOR SHINE Tha best wood finisher, no trouble, can be applied Dy anyone, all woods, In cans, at fl.00 and COCOA MATS at , Wire Mats (large size), at HOTEL CARFETS We have a great number of pieces without borders to close out at extremely low prices, that are genuine bar gains where service is the main object. Among them Wilton, Wil ton Velvet, Ax minster and Body Brussels. In the Rugs Extra quality Jute Smyrna, dou ble faced. 0x12 feet 9.85 7-6x10 3 feet 7.75 63c I2c 60c 49c 89c 6x9 feet 4.75 3x6 feet 1.25 BROMLEY'S WOOL SMYRNA 30x00 Inches, lower than any house ever offered these Qf goods -in Omaha each. .. . l.fU THE NEW BOUDOIR RUGS-Es-peclally in blue and white, pink and white, green and white and brown and white Body Brussels quality: 6x9 feet 15.00 8-3x10-6 feet 21.50 9x12 feet 25.00 KASHMIR RUGS Of excellent quality and durability In Terslan and Indian designs and colors, made of linen and cotton, the col ors guaranteed by the manufac turers. , 6x9 feet ....7.25 9x9 feet 10.75 9x10-6 feet 12.25 9x12 feet K 14.00 12x12 feet .....19.50 John Bromley and Sons Wool Smyrna Rugs, the best Smyrna made, elegant new designs for the living rooms, no better rug for wear. 9x12 feet 34.00 ,23.50 2nd grade all wool Smyrna, newest pattern SELVAGE RUG8 Best quality of all wool, made from selvage jf weaving so rough In finish, re semble hand woven Turkish rugs, best value of all: 30x60 inches 1,95 36x72 inches .. 3.00 4x7 feet 5.00 6x9 feet 10.00 9x12 feet 21.00 Lace Curtains Always on the alert for desirable merchandise that we can pass along to our customers at a sav ing. Our purchase from a Lace Curtain importer was larger than we would ordinarily place for regular stock, but the concession was so big we could not pass by the opportunity. Our sales have been heavy the past week but the assortment Is yet Intact over 200 styles of Arabian curtains from $7.50 to $27.50, and every one a bargain. We ask you to look them over. $10 curtains for 7.50 f20f curtains for ....15.00 $40 curtains for 22.50-27.50 15 curtains for ....10.00 25 curtains for ......17.50 PORTIERES AND COUCH COVERS The utmost care was given In se lecting our new line which com prises all the newest and best ideas in color combinations. "Harmony is to color what melody is, to music" therefore color com binations to harmonize with your general furnishings should be considered, besides securing same with lasting colors. For Monday only we will sell our French Velours finished 'with cord and band edge, the goods al ways sold for $45.00 Special 'Only, one pair to customer, 'Z C fl A per pair Jj.UU $8.75 Mercerised Curtains, very choice colors, good styles, 4 A r per pair ttJM 50-lnch Couch Cover, Terslan de sign, 3 yards long, each . ..' JDt 60-Inch Couch Cever, Ferslan de sign, 3 yards long, Jt y C each 72-inch Couch Cover, Persian de sign 3 yards long, 5 QO A good window shade, 3x6 "JP feet, complete JmDC A good extension rod, extends from 30 to 64 Inches, no sag, f each IZC. 10 U iflT VIA union pacific FROM OMAHA EVERY DAY TO OCTOBER I5TH. 1904. $26.00 to Ban Francisco, LHs Angeles, San Diego, and many that CaUforaU points. to Eferett, FalrtaVen, Whatcom, VancrraverADd .Victoria. to Portland, 'AstbrU,T coma and Seattle to Ashlaal, Boaebnt, Eugsne, Albany and 6a less, Including bra neb lines In Oregon. to Spokane and Interna dlats O. B. N. polnta to Wenatcbea and Inter mediate points. to Butte, Anaconda, Helena, and all Interna dlats main Una polnta, to Ogden and Salt Lake City, and x Intermediate mala Una polnta. For fuller Information call or address fatsi TrWkt oasaa, ISM rswauua ft, j $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $22.60 $20.00 $20.00 rs, wltm. (Heir aamJbcn, Is appatuwd: Cbtooal Pratt SS Bsttatur Dfatrfcfc... t w. T. IVr buwartt-Karafcl Etnid Uctansns. Erf Xdward CadaJkv IS At. R. Uto&rk KU W. SV rvLmXati as X U Paxton 111 A. C BmltU IS IJauC H. K. Kallar So F. A. Naab . W W.T. rnv W 3tm. Ban oa naih SB IJ- cl cwtn m Wltadnr -JBoa as J. B. Mcrtvna.. 14 jtoaaph Haydn - U'M. L. I srn4 at admin's; tha amUiaiiX. panpla ttaat afieasul WhO) WUt ttMLUVf ! WtUt BUtTlftCTW that Bit anal BrtaOs) stub ara tBa fcUmsbxa:: Orson Btmtltnn, Batasia, N- X IX Maardlav BQnnaacalla ... Lauia .. lumnaxtn Minn polls nr.. Ma w. au sc., aBranatuu...uaay run" mat mm mm asaauufXTi V V ? p sp tm aU.a 4 JT I Vr msrm. srBia. mi js-7Tw,f KUtuiawamia, r v-tcsajS-S i CiBV ii mil .. BUt 4 ,M wua U- ml4 VTi Ti'ui??ii'!fc5.?ll tlS! tM awn "W". O. Cr1nK... SB. U IT Boots, BL Paul S7 CDA. a. AanbroaaV ZsJir-A7aan7 less a,. ...... Far JKeastmtf Sopprastor---. PEN-TAN-GOT H. L RAMACCIOm D. V. S. cm imunjiim Qfflna, and. Eoflrmarg nt& anal tuiri, axa. ,ipdSQttuaBsV Evpry 7cmnn , it latswm a ftouu inow MARVEL nMrtiAfl Sprat jVvsLNvaw.Bi Emm 7 . er titfi, ha Mud Mim to Ssw :, k r j At Viliwhte o buiM MSJII.VSV Jl M Skarv. SW ttk Far U br CHAKFER'I tRUa aTOBTCS. Ut ana rtucua su.: Bo. wiu mm sua. aa t aia.1 OiuniiU Bluffs. (th sad. MUas S4t TttH,r v Ca. IbUt. aaat luiaam &.. . ,