Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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'ftiE Omaiia Sunday Per
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With f2-wheat In prospect, American
"hog and hominy" are preparing to play
popular-priced engagements this winter.
Macedonians ore said to be marking
time until conditions are ripe for tho
next revolution. It Is Intimated . that
they rill then mark Turks.
Omaha continues to hold lta place in
the comparative weekly exhibit of bunk
clearings which ludlcates that business
here Is again better than normal.
Italy reports the burning of a witch
new Falernio, which would indicate
that . Italy is about 200 years behind
Jtew England in point of development.
Mr. Harroun must have hit St. Joseph
bard since the managers of the base
ball team find it necessary to transfer
games to Omaha in order to secure at
tendance. The American foot ball season has
been formally opened at Chicago. Here
after one will have to read to learn If
the casualty list tells of a railroad
wreck or college game.
The heir of the Italian throne may
never govern aa many subjects as the
on of the czar of Russia, but the latter
was not able to bring out a poem from
the pen of Carmen 811 va. '
It is too much to ask a man to con
tribute more than $50,000 to pay tho ex
penses of his own political funeral, but
evidently Tom Taggart would be a
''bull" on the cemetery market
Candidate Berge's remarks about the
Nebraska revenue law would be much
more effective if he could show where
either of bis twin reform parties had
ever made a serious attempt to Improve
the condition.
Russian sailors hare one great ad van
tage over soldiers in the service of 'he
car. There are nlwoys neutral ports
wlllipg to entertain them for an indefi
nite period whenever they make a visit
While war Is In progress.
It is now explained that Senator Gor
man will act on the democratic national
commltteo only in an advisory capacity.
lu other words, the foxy Marylander
does not Intend to be held responsible.
In tiny way for the inevitable defeat.
Those Ruuslan vessels supposed to be
cruising near the Pacific coast of Auier
lea may be out to capture contraband
of war; and then again they may, be
Waiting to learn the reception accorded
the Lena before applying for winter
Russian newspapers allege that there
la an understanding between Japan and
China. They should not complalu, for
It will probably be easy for Russia to
have a similar agreement us soon as it
la able to bring the proper amount of
Coercion to bear.
France, la threatening Spanish terrl
tory In northwestern Africa. If tho loss
of that territory should prove as bene-
tlplal to Spain as the loss of Cuba and
the Philippines baa done it is posslbl
the grandees of Castile may yet regain
their ancient glory.
General Kurokt would probably like
to know which end of the Russian army
1)0 la touching near Mukden. Some
arndea. Ilka mules, are inure daugeroua
at the beels than at the head, aud it is
difficult to tell at this time which way
General Konropatkln Is fucing.
Henri luunut, the mau responsible
lor the creutlon of the International Rod
Cross Jengue, Is said to be djiug poor
ahd friendless in Switzerland., having
spent bla money in the interests of the
society. Here la nn opportunity for
those who have had the benefits of the
Med Cross to ahow tbelr appreciation.
Will there be a new grouping of na
tions as the result of the war in the lar
east? It appears to be the opinion of
some Kuropean statesmen that this Is
Inevitable and very plausible If not con
clusive reasons are given for this view.
While Great Britain, Japan and the
United States are standing together in
support of a policy In eastern Asia ad
verse to that steadily pursued by Rus
sia, it Is a noteworthy circumstance in
the situation that on the part of Ger
many there appears to be a growing
friendliness toward Russia, which Is
heartily reciprocated by the czar. Up
to the outbreak of war Germany was
believed to be in sympathy with the im
plied understanding or community of in
ternational Interest In the far eaRt, but
recent developments seem to make It
certain that she Is not so at present, or
at any rate cannot be counted upon to
be ' a party to the promotlou or that
Interest in opposition to Russia.
A writer on the subject observes that
It can hardly be snid to be an unforeseen
restilt of the present struggle In the far
east that Russia should have nioro to
expect from German than from French
sympathy and co-operation. But he
points out that this result is highly
suggestive and tends to bring out rather
strongly the difficulty of the task to
which German statesmanship has set
itself. This hns been fairly enough de
fined to be an effort to found one em
pire in China and another in Asia
Minor without colliding with Russia; to
creote n sphere of influence in South
America without rousing the suspicions
of the United States; to absorb all of
Africa that can be had by purchase and
negotiation: to establish coaling stations
In the Pacific and the West Indies, and
generally to be the first and highest
bidder whenever any territory any
where comes Into the market. Inci
dental to the pursuit of these ends, It
Is further remarked, is the policy of
setting England nt odds with Trance.
France with Russia and Russia with
England. It is urged that the German
program, as thus Indicated, Is Irrecon
cilable with ji policy in Asia identical
with that favored by Japan, Great
Britain and the United States. It is
pointed out that the cordial understand
ing which has been established between
Great Britain and France is virtually
equivalent to a partial detachment of
Franc from the dual nlllunce and cer
tainly does Involve French abstention
from giving any aid to Russin in tho
war with Japan, unless under circum
stances of hardly conceivable gravity.
The prompt wny In which the Ger
man protests brought about respect for
tho German flag from Russian naval
ommnnders, compared with the evasive
nd dilatory treatment of the British
protests. Is noted as supporting the be
lief that a very close understanding al-
eady exists between the Berlin and St
Petersburg governments. Of course
the German Foreign office denies that
an understanding exists, yet there are
some facts that strongly point to It
notably tho confidence In the good will
of Germany shown by Russia In prac
tically disarming her frontier, sending
guns and troops to the far east Rus
sia has also obtained war materials
from German government workshops.
These are circumstances which certainly
indicate an understanding between the
two governments and, one of an exeeed
Isrly friendly nature. A new alignment
of the European powers would seem.
from the present aspect of the situation,
to be inevitable and this would mean,
in all probability, an alliance between
Russia and Germany. Whether or not
this would be conducive to the welfare
of the other powers and to the world's
peace Is a question as to which present
prophecy would have no value.
Several Armenian bishops are coming
to the United States to make an appeal
to President Roosevelt in behalf of the
Armenians 'who are the victims of Turk
ish oppression. Recently another insur
rection against Moslem persecution was
started in Asia Minor, due to the mas
sacre of Armenian Christians by the
Turks and the situation has been re
ported to be very bad.' The bishops
who are coming to this country hnve
been visiting some of the courts of Eu
rope, urging them to bring pressure to
bear upon the sultan to put a stop to
the Armenian massacres.
The grievance Is flagrant and of long
standing. Under Turkish rule mnssacrea
of Christians have become chronic. Be
sides the recent outrages in Macedonia
and a multitude of lesser slaughters.
there have been since 1820 six mnssa
cres on a vasr scaie. in 18' a Turk -
lsh army murdered 2.1,000 Greek Chris
tians and sold 47,000 into slavery. In
1850 10,000 Armenians were massacred
and In 1807. in Crete, the blood of Chris
tian women nnd children flowed like
water. The great Armenian massacres
of 181)4-5-0 shocked the world. It wns
estimated that not less than 300,000
men, women nnd children lost their
lives, with unimaginable cruelties. , The
new Armenian massacres are following
the same course as those of ten years
ago, beginning in Sassouu, where fl.000
were recently reported to hnve been
killed nnd threatening to spread from
city to city, as was the case in the lost
great outbreak of tho Turks against the
It is a situation that certainly appeals
most strongly to the Christian world
and the European powers, which aro lu
a position to. act, should Klve it their
most enrnest consideration, though un
fortunately it Is not probable they will
do anything to stay the murderous
hand of the Turk. So far as our gov
ernment Is concerned it can do little to
remedy the deplorable conditions from
which the Armenian Christians suffer.
It cannot hid Turkey stop its oppression
and its cruelties, as tho European pow
ers could do if they wiihed. and au
American protest would have no effect
la checking Turkish brutality. The
J fact ia that there will be massacres ot
Christiana In the Turkish empire at
long as there are Christians under
Moslem rule and there is no promise of
their release from that rule in the near
The program mapped out by the so
cialist leaders in their appeal for sup
port through the ballot box is certainly
very attractive to men who have every
thing to gain and nothing to Iohc. As
summarized in the latest issue of The
Socialist, published at Seattle, the alms
and objects of socialism are these:
Plenty of the good thlnsrs of llfs for
everybody. A fine houae to live In, fine
furniture In It nnd fine lawns and trees
about It A table loaded with good things
to eat An abundante of clothing comfort
able and elegant. Opportunity and means
to travel all over the world. Leisure to
read a.nd play nnd work. No poverty, no
sickness and no vice.
What socialism proposes to do to get
these things is put in a nutshell in these
Take to ourselves the vast new Inven
tions of "the age and use them for producing
wealth for all Instead of producing It for
a few. When we own the factories, the
railroads, the mine and mills nnd work
them to produce wealth for our own use
and happiness all the troubles of poverty
will disappear at onc9. The only thing
that lies between us and the rromI?ed land
In the private ownership of the means of
producing wealth. Therefore, what so
clallem proposes to do In order to get
wealth for all Is to tako possession cf tho
Instruments of wealth production and run
them for the use of all.
This program would involve America
and the world at large in a most des
perate and bloody struggle for the pos
session of wealth. A much more ra
tional nnd peaceful plan for making
everybody wealthy and happy was pro
jected years ago by the greenbackers,
who wanted tho government to lnsue an
unlimited amount of lefjal tender cur
rency based on the wealth of the nation.
By this plan the government printing
presses would have turned out billions
and trillions of currency at the mere
cost of the paper and printing. Every
body would have all the money he
wanted, and when everybody was sup
plied with all the money he wanted
poverty would be abolished and the
good things of the world would be
within the reach of nil.
Among the subjects that are receiv
ing the attention of boards of education
and educators generally none hnve
aroused mors controversy than the
cause and" suppression of truancy. In
a recent debate on the battleground of
modern thought attention has been di
rected to the fact that the present sys
tem of education fosters discontent and
idleness among Juveriles. This ten
dency is ascribed to the fact that chil
dren who would cheerfully work in
shop and factory and learn n useful
trade or occupation ore often nnggfd
by teachers until they could no longer
endure It Truancy on the part of chil
dren who rebel against irritating treat
ment by teachers is finally punished by
expulsion and the truants are then left
to any and every influence. It is not un
common for truant officers who arrest
boys to find that petulant nnd cross
teachers have been the provoking cause
of their desertion from the school.
Still another point of view ns to the
causes of truancy is that the children
of the wretchedly poor and shiftless
have nn aversion to association with
the children of the well-to-do as a mat
ter of pride. They feel keenly the con
trast between their own wretched gar
ments and the clothes of the more for
tunate children of the middle and
wealthier classes, who are dressed more
comfortably nnd neatly. Such children
prefer to play truant and nre willing
to undergo punishment rather than at
tend school.
Other writers who have given pro
found study to the subject call atten
tion to the fact that in many Instances
truancy Is the direct sequence of di
vorce. Children whose parents have
separated after fierce contention in tho
home hove nn inherent disposition to
roam about nnd shun the public schools.
W. Lester Bodine, superintendent of
compulsory education, declares that di
vorce b the root of truancy among the
Juvenile delinquents of Chicago. Ac
cording to Mr. Bodine, arrests made by
truant officers and court records show
that a great majority of the boys and
girls who go wrong aro the children of
divorced porents. By testimony taken
In his office and In court, these children
hove shown that they first lose respect
for their quarrelsome parents and when
they separate the child hns at most only
the guiding ahd restraining influence of
one. Statistics and court records show
'tim i,m n tonnn
Chicago and nearly as many divorced
men. On the estlmote of Mr. Bodine.
there nre ot least two children for each
divorced couple, and the number of
children of divorced people in Chicago
alone agnfrejrote from 35.000 o 40.000.
To what extent these observations
are an Index of the defects of our pub
lie school system ond the Inherent taint
of vicious idleness is purely a matter
of speculation.
Tho rapid growtli of trust companies
in recent years, and the depurture from
the true functions of this class of In
stltuttons has given rise to the question
of their regulation. This matter was
discussed at the meeting of the Apier
ican Bankers' association the past week
and it was shown that there is a very
general Interest in the question among
financiers. In one of the addresses be
fore the meeting it was said that the
trust company, was intended to take the
place of the trusted personal representa
tlve, who acts for others in the charge
of estates and pecuniary 1 interests of
various kinds, dealing with property not
his own and conducting transactions as
the agent of others with all prudence
and fidelity. It was urged that the
trust company (should have no more
right than the Individual trustee to use
the fuud lutrubted to its car In promo-
r i i t ii ii ' 11 i i
tlona, speculation .or underwriting
risks, and its own capital and surplus
can properly be nsed only as a support
for its credit and a basis of confidence
In its ability to meet every obligation.
Referring to the lack of adequate su
pervision of trust companies by the
states, the comptroller of the currency
expressed the opinion that it would be
far better for all concerned for such
companies to be regulated by state or
federal laws as banks are. The presi
dent of a trust company at St. Louis
said he hoped for a strict federal super
vision. It Is doubtful If federal super
vision can be had, so that state legisla
tion will have to be depended upon t'j
establish the needed regulation and su
pervision, and It Is contemplated Ho
frame a measure for presentation to the
legislatures of the different states.
Doubtless this is more practicable than
would be an effort to secure legislation
from congress, since it is questionable
whether the federnl government would
find constitutional ground for exercising
Jurisdiction over these corporations. The
trust playing a large and
important part in tho flnnnclnl opera
tions of the country and it Is manifestly
desirable that they be subjected to
proper nnd adequate supervision.
A Lincoln physician who had himself
Interviewed in one of the local papers
recently relutes nn experience he once
had with "a good friend," who asked
him to pass an application for an insur
ance policy In spite of the fact that his
hetilth did not warrant such an endorse
ment. "See here, Doc," this patient is alleged
to have declared, "I know I can't live
long, but I want this Insurance money
for my wife and three children, who will
be thrown on the mercy of the world
when I am gone. They will have to
work hard because I haven't got much
together. It lies in your power to give
them this money. The insurance com
pany is a big wealthy corporation. It
will never miss the $5,000. My family
will be in dire want. I came to you be
cause I knew you were a friend and you
can't turn me down."
Although this particular physician
credits himself with having turned
down the demand, be goes on to soy
that this experience effectually cured
him of all desire for Insurance examina
tion work, and to intimate that a phy
sician is better off without this practice,
which offers so many temptations nnd
turns so mony friends into enemies.
We presume we hnve a right to en
tertain grave doubts whether this is a
typical case of the average physician.
We certainly fail to see anything com
mendable in a physician refusing a
legitimate part of hla medical practice
because he distrusts his own moral
stamina to withstand the pressure of
dishonest friends.
Physicians as a class are not accus
tomed to flinching a duty. It is obvi
ously necessary, if life insurance is to
continue, that each risk be subjected to
a thorough test of physical health. If
these examinations are essential to
the scheme of life insurance, and
the scheme of life insurance Is recog
nized as a beneficent institution, then
the work of examination becomes Just
as necessary as medical attendance in
sickness to restore health, to prolong
life, or to make the end easier.
When it comes to the temptations put
into the path of a physician, there is
room also to doubt whether these come
often without invitation or whether they
come oftener to physicians than they
do to other professional or business
men. A dishonest applicant for life in
surance Is the exception rather than the
rule and a physician who connives with
a dishonest applicant is' surely more ex
ceptional. Physicians may eschew life Insurance
examination work for good and suffi
cient rensons, but the reasons advanced
in the interview quoted do not come in
thnt category.
The re-election of President F. II
Cunningham of South Omaha as head
of the National Rural Letter Carriers'
association is a tribute to the efficiency
and .enterprise of thnt rising young hus
tler. Mr. Cunningham had more to do
with the organization of the rural letter
carriers than any other one man and his
incumbency as Its first president has
seen substantial headway made In the
movement to give the rural letter car
riers commensurate recognition as com
pared with the city letter carriers. This
association is bound to be a powerful
organization and tho retention of its
presidency for a Nebraskan cannot fail
to add to the state's prestige and influ
The University of Nebraska is look
lng forward to a material Increase in
the numbers of its student body at the
semester Just about to open. But why
should not the university expand? Ne
bra ska is growing rapidly In point of
both population and wealth. We have
more young folks now to be educated
ond more who can afford to put In the
time required at the university instead
of being forced to buckle down to work
as soon as the rudiments are acquired,
Nebraska has been experiencing for a
series of. years unexampled prosperity
for the farmer, and the farmer rather
than the tradesman feeds the university
In this great agricultural state.
Pennsylvania veterans of the civil
war yesterday dedicated thirteen monu
ments to that number of Pennsylvania
regiments which took part in the bottle
of Antletain. Thoughts of such battles
as that, where one state was represented
by approximately 18,000 men, make the
present contest In Manchuria look like
a war between pigmies.
How interesting to learn of the popu
list barbecue at the state capital, at
which General Kelsey, of Coxey Army
fame. Is presiding as chief cook and
Colonel 3. II. Edmlsten' is officiating as
master of ceremonies. If Uiara wera
any political fnt to fry the colonel would
exchange places with the general aa
chief cook, but Inasmuch a the ox alone
Is to endure the masting It is eminently
proper thnt the late head populist oil
Inspector and the late head populist
Janitor of the state house should enjoy
immunity from roasting for a little
France thinks the St! Louis exposi
tion of sufficient importance to send a
number of skilled mechanics at govern
ment expense to see the latest develop
ments in science. This should be a tip
to American manufacturers, but few of
whom have so far taken this view of
the exposition.
German newspapers Intimate that tho
new lows announced by Russia for Its
Jewish population are simply designed
to give prejudiced judges another op
portunity for oppression. Possibly the
Judges have found tho callous places
where the burden has previously rested
and aro looking for a more tender spot
A British manufacturer of small arms
claims that the swords carried by offi
cers are useless in battle. The explana
tion for the complaint is doubtless this,
thnt the dress swords are made in Ger
many, something unpnrdonnble in the
eyes of British manufacturers.
The fusion cariipalgn In Nebraska hns
Just been opened at Lincoln and the
opening reveals a determination to
"stick to state issues" if sufficient issues
can be found in the state upon which
the record of the fuslonlsts is not worse
than that of the opponents.
The American Bankers' association
doesn't' draw the color line that Is, so
far as the line refers to racial affairs
but all of the members will admit thnt
personally they have a preference for
yellow and green when applied to the
money question.
"An Intelligent Chinaman" at Che
Foo does not agree with General Stoes
sel as to the ability of Tort Arthur to
resist Japanese attacks; but of course
the man in charge is not supposed to
know as much about conditions as the
casual observer.
Teachings a Lawyer Law.
New York Tribune.
President Roosevelt has even dared to
show that Judge Parker Is wrong on a
point ot law. This la the unklndtat cut of
Cubic nnd Effect.
Chicago Tribune.
An Omaha doctor successfully treats
lockjaw by placing his patients In a refrig
erator. It Is the resultant ' chattering,
doubtless, that loosens up the jaw.
Luck CIlnK to Nippon.
8t. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Valuable gold mines have been discov
ered In Japan, Just In time to meet some
of tho expenses of the war. And yet it is
said that there is no such thing as luck.
Stasrirerlnfl; Hamnnlty.
Indianapolis News.
Fifty thousand lost in the battle of Liao
Tang alone! The more experience we have
with modern war the more' It seems that
when the late Mr. Kruger spoke of stag
gering humanity he spoke with a very in
complete knowledge of the possibilities.
The Great Work Tonic.
Philadelphia Record.
The man who. has no relaxation has no
time to brood over his health, and brooding
is fatal to a man whose nerves are highly
Strung. If a man is constantly busy In
mind from morning until night he isn't In
any danger of nervous 'trouble. It's only
when he relaxes and gives himself a cer
tain amount of leisure thnt he Is in danger.
A man la a good bit like a piece of ma
chinery. It is the relaxation that tells.
Penalising Kvll Deeds.
Ban Francisco Chronicle.
During the Boer war General Cronje and
thousands of his men taken at Pnardeborg
were transferred as prisoners to the Island
of Bt Helena. The governor of the Island
states In his last annual report that the
Boer prisoners Introduced the Insidious and
dangerous African disease, berl-beri, there,
nnd that the rate of the mortality among
the natives during the three year of their
Imprisonment Increased from 17.8 to 28.4 per
1,000. He expresses the fear, also, that the
disease is now permanently established on
the Island.
Theory of Overwork Knocked.
New York Tribune.
Tho "rest cure" has been worked to
death, a good many sensible people think.
There are high medical authorities who
maintain that a "work cure" Is what mod
era conditions call for much more than
a reat cure, more especially among well-to.
do people. The Boston Medical and Surglonl
Journal thinks It about time for a ays
tematlsed method of treatment "which shall
have work, either physical or mental, oh
its fundamental principle," for It says that
overwork, as the term Is popularly em
ployed, means almost nothing. It Is the
rarest possible experience to come In con
tact with a person who ts really suffering
overwork aa such." The men and women
who have ocoupatlonsft good Job that they
take satisfaction in doing ' well often do
not realise that their work Is physical.
mental and moral salvation.
Chicago Inter Ocean: The mora Bishop
Potter's saloon is talked about the leas
disposition does there seem to he to re
gard It as in any way a reformatory in
New York Tribune! A young negro was
testifying at a reyival at Troy, Kan., last
week, and said that, although he had
stolen watermelons, chickens and an oc
caalonal ham, ss well as having carved
two men, he was thankful that he was
trying to be a Christian still.
Chicago Chronicle: A Russian arch
bliihop has just suppressed the Gregorian
almanac bocause It contained an article
on the Darwinian theory of evolution.
Fortunately he could not suppress the
theory itself', and the doctrine of tho sur
vlval of the fittest holds good, especially
In Corea and Manchuria.
Chicago. Post: Here Is a Methodist
church, down in Wllkesbarre, where the
members have been requested to go for a
whole week without meat, butter, pastries,
candles and all delicacies and give the
money saved thereby to the pastor to ap
ply on a mortgage. And yet In the face
of such exactions as this some people are
wondering why more men do not Join the
church and why religion is losing Its hold
on the country. I'P in Kvanston the Meth
odists are giving meat suppers to lure
men to the blessings of Christianity, which
shows what ' divergent opinions are held
In various sections of the country. It is
quite a pity that we cannot have a uni
form system of Christianity, but doubtless
very pastor knows what la best for his
flock and neighborhood.
For the least money
is the place to buy pianos
People who
Have You Compared their Pianos and Prlcis with others?
Easiest of monthly payments
if you do not desire to pay
all cash.
Mud will only stick to mud.
Success must be measured by the soul.
A shadowless world would be a sunless
Kindness Is more convincing than keen
There Is no sanctlflcation In self-satisfac
Watching the clock is but wasting tho
Forget Justice and you will find Judg
A godly man Is the man who doe good
to men.
A half-hearted servant always has a hard
hearted boss.
Correct opinions cannot straighten
crooked practice.
Some people think they have fcllen from
grace if they forget to grumble.
A man's moral measure may be known
by the things that move him to mirth.
The wise nre those who learn from the
follies of others as well as their own.
The mind that bears ripe fruit always
bends so that a child can pick It.
Tomorrow often shows that we have been
begging off from the best things of today.
When hatred has a long time lease on
the heart no one is much deceived by your
hanging out the "dear brother!" sign on
the lips.
Be hnppy while you're free. Tomorrow
you may stumble on a nomination for
If the Russians want one of their cruisers
to escape they might rename it "Fainting
The popping of champagne corks no
longer rends the air at Manasas and peace
broods once more over Bull Run.
'Czar Passes Sleepless Nights," reads a
pathetic headline. The Joys of fatherhood
spares neither throne nor cabin. .
St Louis turned out 400,000 strong and
overflowed the Pike. The Showme club Is
quite numerous when It gets busy.
Russia's Lena must shed her war clothes,
Uncle Sam Is usually a gallant old guy, but
this is a matter of peace or pieces.
People really sincere In fighting the trusts
can prove the faith that Is In them by quit
ting the use of tobacco. If that is too much
of a test, chew the tag.
The Japs are playing ball cleverly and
stand a nrst-class chance of crowding
Kouropatkin off the third base and walk
ing oft with the pennant.
They do things in Massachusetts occa
sionally. An offending Insurance company
has been fined $15,000 and told to pay up or
quit business In the state.
One Dr. Mason of the Smithsonian insti
tute staff says blondes as a feminine type
will disappear within 600 years. Even now
there are people who think blondes are out
of sight.
King Corn's mighty host Is trumpeting
golden notes from the shallows of Minne-
cadust to the purpling plains of Egypt,
U. S. A. Enrs they have, but they heed
not the murmurs of Medicine Hat and
The spectacle of automobiles thundering
down the pike at Bull Run, while artillery
belched blank cartridges and militiamen
swathed their tired limbs with witching
hard, Is one that should spur inspired poets
to action. Get busy, bards, and pluck im
mortelles before it is eternally too lato!
Rev. Father Reany, chaplain ot I'.ie re.
celvlng ship Hancock at the Brooklyn navy
yard, found the bully of tho crew thump
ing a raw recruit without ordera and pro
ceeding to give the thumper a beautiful
lesson In the arts of pence with muscular
trimmings. Several pious texts were handed
out impressively and the solemn tones of
a requiem were embossed about the peepers
of the soothed bully. He hailed from Den
ver. Chaplain Reamy was a visitor to
Omaha three years ago and has many
friends in this city.
Both Eyes Open
and still do not see well! Is this tbe
condition of your eyes today? If so,
don't make matters worse by neglect
come to us at once, find out WHY you
a do not see well, and get the
you need.
Glasses fitted, $1 up
Of course you know by this time
TEKS grind our own lenses. TU
means to you a snug saving in price.
Iluteson Optical Co.
213 South 16th Street.
paxton Block. Omaha, Neb.
Wholesale, and Ret ill.
Factory on Premises. Established 1896.
know, say
Old pianas or organs taken
in exchange as first pay-
Laziness always !ays tho blame on luck.
God's designs promise us more uinn our
Painting the pump doesn't purify the
Good cheer puts love's gifts Into caskets
ot gold.
Where faith goes out soul famine
comes in.
A good nature is not always a good
Gingerbread on the steeple cannot feed
the people.
Toe the devil's line and you must march
to his time.
God's presence makes a desert a garden
of paradise.
A tailor-made man will satisfy a trinket
hearted wonm rt
A swindle cannot be sanctified by calling
It a church fair.
Nothing is more unpractical than tha
neglect of the spiritual.
When you find one sharp as a needle ha
Is all cyo and no head.
When angels sing they do not have to
wait for cultivated ears.
The least prayer that reaches God's
throne shakes his footstool.
"I thought-
began Mrs. Chatterton.
Oh. no. you didn't." said her husband.
"because you were talking all the tlme.'T-.
Cleveland Leader.
Maud You don't waste any of your tlma
listening to Jack's protestations of lova,
do you ?
Mabel Not a minute! I consider it tlms
pretty well spent, Miss Envy, If anybody
bhould ask you: Chicago Tribune.
"Mrs. Sourly, you've been married for
several years, and I am about to take
unto myself a husband. What advice
would you glye me?"
"Learn to play solitaire." Detroit Free
Wife When you camo home last night,
Arthur, the stairs creaked so I thought It
was burglars, and was frightened half M
Husband So was' I. Chicago Record
"Henry," said Mrs. Quizrem. "here's aa
account of some foreigners having a run
ning nght with the police. Now what is a
running fight?"
"A running fight," explained Mr. QuIb
sem, "is Russian war strategy." Philadel
phia Press.
"Nature," snld the poet, "writes a men
paR of loveliness on the face of every fair
"Ves." nnsworod Mrs. Ciimrox, "and be
fore Gwendolyn got through with the
freckles this summer she looked as if na
ture. Imd been using a fountain pen."
Washington Btar.
"Stlmpklns Is a moan man. I don't be
lieve ho ever did anything that did any
body any good."
"Yes, he did."
"What was It7"
"He fell down one time, and it did mt
good to see him." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Chicago Chronicle. j
Under tho western rkles I
The winds blow wild and free.
Where swift the curlew files
Above the grassy sea,
And never a shadow lies
Of shrub or bush or tree.
Under the western skies
The plains are like a floor,
And reach out lovel-wlso
' Where tempests rage and roar,
And freedom never dies.
But blossoms more and more.
Under the western skies
The prairie levels yawn
And the spangled darkness dies
To greet n treeless dawn,
And the restless winds that rlae
Blow on and on and on.
Under the western skies
Tho men are men of might,
And look with fearless eyes
On all that may affright,
On all the span that lies
Dotween the duwn and night.
Under the western skies
The soul surmounts all fear.
All craven thlnns uprise
And stund forth In the clear,
Whero wlrio the westland lies,
A land of boundless cheer.
lii. W w --JT f jr iiwr. v- -Md