. MS" I THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, PETTEMHEH 18, 1901. V.i II ? , i ' I I V I 1 r SP0HTH.B GOSSIP OF THE WEK They all look alike. Omaha has certainly created havoc among the western teams during the lsst two weeks, and It looks at If the Rourke famllr Intended to go through the rest of the sea aon In lt preent rampageous form. At anr rate, the eight successive victories off Denver and Colorado Springs were the re milt of the fastest aort of ball playing and the general condition of every man on the team suggests that It Is not too much to expect that eight of the ten gajnes that till remain to be played will be Omaha victories. One of theee games will be piayed with Colorado Spring on Tuesday, closing the season" schedule with the Millionaires. This Is a very Important game for Omaha, for with It the season's series will be a standoff, while If It goes the other way. It will put Omaha two to the, bad with the Springs, and make the only aeries lost by the Rourke. Thus It will be seen that Papa Bill and his bunch will go after It with all their might. Tommy Burns was In town during the week and expressed himself as extremely anxious that his team get this game for the same reason that Omaha wants It The rest Of the games will be played with Bt. Joseph, and If he Saints are no harder for Omaha than they were for Denver and the Bprlngs, they should afford the team merely a stroll. ut It must also be remembered tnat Bt. Joseph has played Omaha to a standstill so far during the season, and there s no telling what Webster and his bunch will do this time. It's a cinch, though", that they'll have to play ball to keep the gait with Omaha. It Is now up to Dca Moines to make good. Both Df-nver and the Bprlngs have to play the Hawkeyes on their own grounds, and If Billy HofTer can even go half way with the Coloradoans. the rag Is Omaha's. Hof fer's bunch is In good shape, and has been playing a very steady and consistent game for the last three weeks, and this gives much promise that the mountaineers will havs trouble at the Iowa capital. Sioux City Isn't out of It, either. The Sioux will welcome the strangers on their own hunt ing grounds, and It will be funny if they don't get a scalp apiece from them, and maybe more. Flemming has had his pres ent team in action longer ihan any that v.. iha Rinux niv uniform this sea son, and as the players are getting a little ' used to each other. It Isn't at all unreason- , able to expect them to win some games. Jarrott and Dindamann are both good pitchers, anp Kostal and Cadwallader rank as fair, while the fielding and batting of the team Is good. It has been In team work that Sioux City has been deficient, and this is developed, but not to a degree that makes the aggregation actually strong. the first gun In the bombardment that would follow. The very excellent punch Then landed on the fresh yonng roan's face probably didn't knock any sense Into his empty noddle, but it did relieve the feel ings of a mighty honest and conscientious ball player, who was eminently correct In resenting the insult offered him. Wonder If that cub has noticed any sign of throwing games since Thell has Joined OmahaT We haven't. Just to prove that those eight victories were not mistakes, the following statistics are offered: BATTING AVERAGES. Last AB. R. H. Av. W'k. Howard W7 Il 17 .110 .Sll Welrh fc 7 162 . .800 Kreese 157 17 ' 4 .93 .i Thlel 218 48 60 .?7S .19 Dolan 491 57 1U .2H .271 Carter 623 101 t. 136 .2." .24 Thomas 6M 82 139 . 251 .24 Q online 278 45 ill .241 .237 Schlpke 604 bt 110 .218 .217 Brown 147 14 28 .10 .188 Sunders t 7 .161 .149 Quirk 64 4 10 .15. .17 Ffelster KH 9 14 .136 .124 Companion ... 60 I 7 ,.117 .117 Totals 4.162 622 L119 .26" .253 FIELDING AVERAGES. O. A. E. TC. Thlel 83 15 2 HO Oondlng .... 674 119 15 T Thomas 1.400 75 49 1.624 Sanders 7 61 2 80 Carter 225 27 12 264 Brown t 97 8 174 Howard 249 372 34 656 Companion.. 2 62 4 68 PfHster 8 63 4 75 Quirk 2 49 3 54 Welch 267 15 18 t0 Freesa 241 32 20 2f3 Schlpke 144 301 45 490 Dolan 807 368 69 744 Totals.... 8,678 1,646 286 6,609 Av. .910 .979 .S1 . .956 .964 .943 .WS .947 .9(5 .94) .9'2 .9" .9U7 Last W'k. .978 .979 .968 .947 .9.2 .951 , .9)6 .937 .943 .941 .940 .93) .911 .9"8 All in all. It looks even better for Omaha, The team won eight out or nine games aved during the week, which Is consid erably above the 80 per cent figured on. and If the gait Is continued the pennant is aue for the flagpole at Vinton park. And this prospect Isn't nt all pleasing in Denver, where they had it all figured out that the Grizzlies were a cinch when they left home the last time. Omaha wasn't on the map then. Shepherd of the Times takes It most to heart, and resorts to his customary ex pedient of roasting the team and everyone connected with the league. He can't con ceive of Denver losing on Its merits; It must be bum ball, or the Grizzlies would be first every time. He Is now appealing to George Tebeau to send all his good players from Louisville and Kansas City to help Hallman through to a successful close. About the only thing that would make Shep really happy would be to have "Muggsy" Me Graw's Giants and Jimmy Collins' World Champions located In Denver, and let them play alternate days, with a ground rule that If the visiting team should happen to win a game. It would count double for Den ver In the standing table. He's a little bit tho hardest loser known to the game. And while we have up this matter of senseless knocking of the home team, it must make the Des Moines fans feel good to watch the splendid work that is now being done for Omaha by Otto Thell, and reflect that If It hadn't been for a half fledged orltio on one of the Des Moines pa- . pers Thell might still be in the Hoffer band. Omaha certainly owes a debt of gratitude, at least, to the brilliant youngster who. In his chagrin over losing a game to Omaha, accused Thell of throwing it, and then met him on the street and told hi in the shot he had already had In the paper was only Dates for the post-season trip through the country are being made by the Omaha team, and a number of Nebraska towns are assured of seeing the' fastest aggrega tion that has worn an Omaha uniform for many years. Other applications are coming in. and it is not Improbable that the boys will have at least two weeks of steady work In the country after the lost game is played here this season. Manager Rourke is tak ing care of the matter for them, and clubs wishing games should write to him. During his stay in Omaha Tom Burns an' mad verted to soma degree on the w lather that has been experienced by the Western league during the season. Out of the seventy-two days his team was sched uled to play at home only two were clear. Quite a record for "sunny" Colorado. The spurt of the Omaha team has started several tilings locally, and among them a youthful poetess, who breaks forth Into gladsome melody after this fashion: OMAHA TO THE TOP. Omaha Is climbing to the top I tell you that. Who can doubt It as they see the boys come up to bat. Howard still a-playlng second Just the way we've always reckoned. For Howard surely is a peach. On first we see Jack Thomas with the mlt. The fans all seem to think that Jack Is "It." He is fast upon his feet, And his smile is always sweet. When he gets the ball and puts the runner out At third we see young Schlpke strong and bold. And Dolan playing short as In the days of old. Playing ball that's good to see Fast and cltan aa it should be, For Joseph can play ball with the best. Jos I tell you is the pilot, the pilot of the crew, He It Is who always knows just the right thing to do When the boys get In a tangle And begin to chew and wrangle It's Joe who brings them through without a scratch. In left a small-sized chap by name of Otto Thlel, He gives you the Impression that he was born to steal. He Is swift upon his legs Though they only look like pegs, Tet Buck Is proud of them and to the team Is leel. , In center Arid looms up Harry's tall glgan- tlo frame Though he seems so far away he Is always In the game. And with Carter out In right We have them all cinched tight So opponents can go way back and be tame. The handsome face of Oondlng we see be neath the mask And Freese always ready to relieve him of the task For better lads than these One very seldom sees, Nor would the crowd two better catchers ask. The OlJsmobiia XightToormg Car made remirka'ula record ln-tKe tsuieus iim troni Kow York to St. Louis last August. Ths fast that it aaaomplathed this 1300 mUa lourney with only on ia -vttlanaustup Uhs bsesklng'oi s chats) proves its reliability on mug -trip sr all kinds of roads. It finished among the first at every control and bad less trouble In breakage than any other car on the road. Over rough roads It could be driven faster than cam costing. $tf ,000.00. The perform Alice of the GldsssMIa Light Tcnncaa Csr -sss'f&e-tlk of the run ens is evWeooe of what you yean elf "en so -With the machine. For $950.00 ' is grrenjnote than the so-iausd $1,250.00 value in other light touring cant. Mote than 10 h. uj roomy hilar loos tennseut) 190S Assign jf tod. Ths -he n lUrmmst nnmraotsTe Catalog us of -the year will &) sent nana sequent. CNmSIX 7 . aopdsiS HmMmam, pvomtmrun lniliit. PKtOttj fcif flwi iirOsr. 11 8U. ll sn mi. a. a. Uammg. OLDS MOTOR 'WORKS, DETROIT, MICH. AOBNY M mm fllfi Finn? St. CUAKA, I El Our pitchers are the best that Papa Bill MnU mm 4- And they're ail going te Stick and oilmh up some you rt. TIs a greet surprise to some, T lha fans knew It would ome To Omaha, and playing ball will win the pennant yet. It's a team that's hard to beat yon must admit. . ... Well stocked with nerve and good old- fashioned gnt. For they're boya who can play ball r,nm mH mrlnff to fall And never gtve a alow game and never The recent cold snap was sn unpleasant reminder that the time for summer sports Is at an end; flannels will now give way to hunting Jackets, and rackets and golf clubs to guns. The summer has gone, and looking back over the past It Is observed that It has been one of which Omaha sport' Ing men can well ee content. There have been Improvements In every line. Better tennis, better golf, better horse racing and. best of all, more interest has been taken In the various sports by the public. It Is about the time of the year when the plans for this season are being closed and new plans being made for next spring, and from present outlooks the following year will be more of a success than the one that is passing away. The first plan In the sporting line to be made for next spring was the Idea of hav ing a cricket club in the city. Borne years ago Omaha had one, and It was no slouch of a club, either. The idea of reforming the club was started by the challenge sent out by Sioux City cricketers last week. When the committee In charge got to pick ing an eleven It was surprised to find the number of new cricketers that have settled In Omaha since the old club broke up, and this led to the Idea of having another club here. When a Darty of Englishmen settle In a strange land, they first put up a cricket pitch, next a mission house, and then a field battery arrives, and tho land Is a part of the British empire. But first the cricket pitch, without it the field battery and the mission house could not survive. Being so, it was with great de light that Britishers here and in the state hall the formation of a club In the city, and as the Kroner men are behind tho scheme, there Is every chance of It being a success. cricket never will be popular with an American crowd, on account of the length of time necessary in finishing a game. For that reason foot ball draws a larger crowd In England than does a cricket match. Fifty Englishmen will go to a county cricket match where 60Q will go to a local foot ball match. The Amer icanized Britisher will watch a base ball match In preference to a cricket match, but ho would play cricket rather than any other game. Apart from the sport Itself there are old associations connected with the wickets to a cricketer In a land where cricket Is not. Old times, old memories of me days when, a chubbr-faced fa h strode to the "crease" in class matches and under the guldlns- of a prefect learned that to funk a "yorker" was a tning dishonorable and a deplorable lack of school etiquette, and then later, when he had risen tO the much-envlaft ft? a "sixth form boy" and bad another cnuoDy-racea youngster as his own par. iicuiar rag, he made that hit for six which won the match for the Old School, and then perhaps later still, when he won his place In the College eleven and was a greater hero than the best come flocking back to him, and these ",UUB" oi earner days are In a great measure the cause of the intense fascina tion cricket has for Englishmen. It Is but natural that It should be so. He would certainly be a Door American u not stand up for the glory of the diamond. morning tne cricketers will meet at tho Field club for a practice game, pre paratory to their game with BIoux City It Is expected that Omaha will play Sioux v..., umt, aoout September 26, but the exact date has not v k upon. Games will be played on matting. One more exhibition nt . i " . . u ,auilg uuu trotting and the Omaha Driving club will closo Its season at the Sprague street driv ing park. But this matinee Is certainly going to be a buzzer. Besides the ordinary pac ing and trotting events there will be a nsmber of running races and some humor ous events, including a slow mule race. It has been conclusively shown this year that though the grandstand is willing to watch trotting and Darlnr a .v O " " iCMiy enthusiastic over a running pace. T see me riders round the corner for the home stretch In a bunch is a sight that makes the man without a drop of sporting blood In his veins rise from his seat and holler. This scenic effect, this dash and vim, this high pitched excitement Is seldom to be found In a trotting race and as the crowd Is continually looking for something spec tacular rather than aclentlfln th. tacular will' have to be" provided before the crowd comes. This was shown In the pony races held a short time ago at the Sprague street driving tracks and in the horse breaking exhibitions at the same place. In the first event, the animals were com mon ponies, the riders were dressed any old way and riding any old way: yet the gal lery which during the previous trotting and pacing events had shown Its pleasure by a few desultory hand claps now turned into a yelling, shouting and highly ex cited maSS Of DeODle. In the hnraa hronb- Ing exhibitions, though an admission was cnargeo, me crowd was twice as large as any that attend the .regular Saturday afternoon matinees. If cow pony races get the people "holler ing," what will a properly conducted running race with good horses do? Of course this Is not to say that running races should altogether take the place of pacing and trotting events, but the mati nees would certainly be patronized by a large number of people who declare they oould not spare the time to watch nothing but pacing; and trotting events. Nearly every city of any size In the state has Its annual meets In which running races form the greater part of the program and why should not OmahaT It has the horses, It has the men end It will get the crowd If those In management will put up a show that pleases the people. X. B. Updike and Fred Goodrich left yesterday afternoon for a spell of duck hunting. The former went to Bhlckley, Neb., and the latter to Lexington, Neb. Will Towneend Is on a visit to his farm on the Rosebud reservation, where he In tends putting up a bouse and Incidentally take a look at the chicken. He will re turn the latter part of the month and will stop at Broken Bow for Its trap shoot on September 28, 29 and SO. "Aw" wl' gowf" for the days are get ting cold, the caddie is at his books In school and ths grass Is dead, so that the veriest dub can drive 200 or 225 yards. There was hardly a player out during last week at both the Country and Field clubs. The warmer weather on Frldav hrnnhi out ths fans In great shape, but the average piayer is puiung away nls golf clubs and preparing for the winter. Th Rin. Is the talk at the Field club and there Is a UJiauoood of another player being added to the four winners before the finals will b played out. If this Is done the finals will be played rather late la the year and will not get the spectators that wn.iM at tend If the weather was warm. Next Bat. urasy, at the Held club links, there will he a golf tourncr. In which are to he green. Kay tU be match play wua Minn-sa. agaxnax ttegen The details Doctors Say DrinK More The body requires ten glasses of fluid per day. Most people drink too little to flush the body of its waste. The result is bad blood, nervousness, disease. 1 Then the doctor says "Drink More;" and he knows this advice to be worth more than medicine. That's one reason why pure beer is good for you. It leads you to drink more. And the beer is also a food andi tonic. But the beer must be pure. 4 Schlitz beer is brewed in absolute cleanliness and cooled in filtered air. It is aged for months so it will not cause biliousness. That's why doctors say "Schlitz." Ask for the Brewery Bottling. Phone 913, Jos. Schlltx Brewlnf, Co.,"T f T 6 719 S. 9th St., Omaha, Neb. . The Beer That Made Milwaukee famous. or the match have not as yet been sir- i ranged. j The first game In the , Omaha Bowling lcaguo will take place tomorrow at Clark's alleys, in which the Waverlys will play tho Onlmods. It will be a sort of gala day for bowlers and the association man agement Intends to herald the opening game with muslo and refreshments Through the week ten of the teams In the league will play each other. The following are the matches to be played: Tuesday night. Omahas against Black Kats. Wednesday nlrht. Krua- Parks against Drexel iShoe company . Thursday night. Armours against Union Stock Yards, Friday nlKht. St. Charles against Wood men of the World. The Union Stock Yards team, captained by C. J. Francisco, the Black Kats, cap tained by Guy Landon, the Woodmen of the World team, captained by William Ahmanson, and the Armours, captained by Charles Tonneman, are three new teams to Join the league. Of these the Union Stock Tardst team Is reputed to be the best and some are Inclined to believe that It will make a mighty good showing for the trophy at the end of the season. The trophy Is a silver tenpln donated by the Brunswick. Balke-Collender company and will go to the team winning the largest number of games In the season. The Waverlys car ried off the prize last year by a score of ,5S7. Many changes have been made In the teams this year and no one team seems to be better than any other. A close and exciting season Is looked for. News comes from Paris of an offer of $10,000 by M. Charley to the first owner of an auto launch to cross the Atlantic. One entry has already been received and plans are being made for two more launches. The race will be known as the Interna tional Transatlantic cup and the offer will be good for two years. American manu facturers are of the opinion that the feat cannot be done, and S. B. Bowman, one of them, is said to have offered S16.0U0 to M. Charley If It is accomplished. Did You Have a Headache This Morning? SI;radcr!s Tig Powder Then why don't you get at tho root of tho trouble and prevent it Moat headaches are brought on because the bowels are not working properly. Constipation often cause appendicitis. Shrader's Evaporated Caret C.eatlp.tl Prevent Ap.e.dlcltli Laxative Fig Powder Is pleasant and easy to take and has the power of gently loosening the bowels and bringing about a natural healthy action. ' Trial site, 10c. Bamplaa Ftm. Lanr box, BSa. Sherman & McConnell Drug Company, Omaha, Distributers. for sai. by all trasslsUk ft Automobile Nevrs Items. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Glenwood drove over from (J 1 en wood a few days since in their Humbler touring car. Mr. J. M. Bruner, banker at Elkhorn. Neb., who owns a Rambler machine, was an Omaha visitor Friday, driving over in his machine. Mrs. S. A. McWhorter and sons Hugh, Gardner and Donald will leave shortly for "the Faderland," where Ihey will spend tha winter. PaHsuge has been taken on the Kaiser William, which will leave New York about October 15 Mr. McWhorter will accompany the family es far as New York City and will probably go over after and accompany them home next spring. The entire McWhorter family are automo bile enthuHiams. and "King John," by which niame their handsome Wlnton tour ing car Ih known, will not see quite so much active service for a while, but will be awaiting their return, retdy and anxious to again give them pleasure. Tramps Stay Away from Mountain. "You never saw a cat bathing In the sea. You never saw a" tramp In. a mountainous country. Fach spectacle Is of equal rarity." The spenker, a geologist, smiled. "I know what I am talking about," he said. "In quest of geological truths I have traveled the country over many times, and I have yet to find a tramp among the mountains. Tramps avoid mountains as they avoid soap. "Hence New Hampshire, Vermont and the other mountainous states are singu larly free from petty thieving and from all such troubles as hoboes cause. And hence, In those states. It is never necessary to lock the doors or the windows. "Tramps avoid mountainous districts be cause the walking Is all uphill there and because the farms are few and far be tween. A fertile and flat country with the roads good and the farms close together suits the tramp." Louisville Courier-Journal. Big Meals Big Rooms Small Cost Notwithstanding the malicious reports te the contray, the Inside Inn at the World's fair, Bt. Louis, has thoroughly sustained the high reputation of Mr. . M. Batlar, its manager, tor giving first-class Saxmmmo dauons at reasonable rates. Thanks te Its enormous slse and wonder ful equipment. It has been enabled to prop, erly care for the enormous crowds which nave eoujrht its bosnltallty without over, crowding or discomfort. standing, as tt does, opon an eminence, and surrounded by a beautiful natural for sst, tt has enjoyed the popular verdict ef being the coolest and mtist delightful spot In ail St. Louis. The extraoreinay cwrvenlence of being right tnsade ths grounds and thereby saving all ttreeome street car ocmieys kas hoau appreciated by every Suest. an that man- aceznant nave won. high praise tor Utair suc cessful efforts tn catering te the comfort. safety and enjoyment ef each and every rU. sort Toe sajsav euca sew very raaaoaabia, raos front SLje s&M mmr mmr Bm ad. fresft IM tat K, JUBatjEsA ads. "FOLLOW THE FLAG" 1 i 1mi Wisifiors1 Bound Trip Half Fare (PLUS $2.00) To all point In Indiana, points in Ohio and Ken tucky sold every Tuesday in September and October 11. Special Horneseekers' Excursions South September 13-27. S3. 50 St. Louis and Return daily except Friday and Saturday $(33-80 St. Louis and Return Daily. . $27.15 Buffalo, Magara Falls or Toronto and return Dally. S2..50 Detroit and Return Dally. $20.00 Chicago and Return (one way ria St. Louis) Daily. S3 3.00 Montreal and Return Daily. Long limit and Rtopovers allowed! The Wabash is the only line with its own station at main entrance World's Fair, sarins time, extra car fare and annoyance. All World's Fair maps show Wabaish station at m.8in eiitranee. Insist on your tickets reading ria Wabash. AH information at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam, or address UARKY.E. MOORES. G. A. I. D-, Omaha, Neb. -' )f FREE! DR. WARN E R'S Latest Scientific Discovery for the Applicatloa of the Marvelous Substance, RAD I U M In the certain care of many hereto fore Incurable dUeases, such as Rheumatism, Catarrh, Malerlav Bright'. Disease, Blood Poisoning, Hemorrhoid., Eririna, Dys- 1 pepsla, Diseases Peculiar to Women, Mervous and All Oerin Dl.ea.es. DR. WARNKK'b RADIUM RINGS will destroy KVKKV UKM IN 1'OUH BODY, and you may prove it to your own .atistac tlon absolutely without uost. Hlmply send your name and address and we will send you, all charges prepaid, one full week's treatment consisting of four Iludlum Kings, worth 12.VU, absolutely free. No matter how lung you have been af flicted, this wonderful new discovery, RA DIUM, which you have heard so muca. about and which has stirred the whole scientific world one hundred times more than electricity ever did, wki cure you so you will stay cured. By the application of DR. WARNER'S RADIUM KiNGd, to any part ot the body, dead tissues spring to lite, deadly di sease gc-rms are destroyed and the purified, blood, laden with marvelous Radium rays, sent bounding through bone and muscle, nerve and brain. RADIUM RINGS aot upon the entlrej system like the rays of the son upon a half blown rose. They make sick men weU and give pale women nerves of steel and, the bloom of youth. This Is the nrst and only Radium rem edy ever prepared which can be employed at home In the treatment of all germ dis eases, such as Rheumatism, Catarrh, Ma laria, Bright's Disease, Blood Poisoning, Hemorrhoids, Ecsema, Dyspepsia, Diseases Peculiar to Women, Nervous and all Oerm Diseases. Pflfifi We will send one full week's I'll I" I" treatment, consisting of FOUR lie". RADIUM RINGS, WORTH . to any sufferer, absolutely without oost. now or at any future time. Simply send your name and address, stating what the treatment Is wanted for, and you will re cleve a full aet of Radium Rings, all charges prepaid, and If they cure you, tell your suffering friends. Write now and state what the treatment Is wanted for, and you will receive it by return mall. Address. WARNER DRUB & CHEMICAL COMPANY, 3S6 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Ufje Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago 9 Very Low One- Way , Colonist Rates Montana, Oregon and Washington Points Dally September t5th to October 15th. Clrr Offios)! 1401-1403 FARNAM sf OMAHA til. ai4-eex ttssTge Lssm Ttua All Otbsrsw DR. McCRE1 SPECIALIST. Tresis ell tones DISEASES OP MEN ONLY A Medical Bspsrt SS Veers' Eipertaece U Years la Osiaha Retrlr M.SM Caaa (and Hr4raaala, BJaoa PaUoa. ifnan. toat. Narrau. Ill Hilar. Laaa mt T'uii.lll s THI1 aa ail law et aaraal. at Traut kr Hit Oall ar vrie Baaa BV asjas Msa-lsJAjHsatfeeMMe sbsv M , . . 1 Verfcaraia.