12 ABOUT PLAYS, PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES The visit of Frank Dsnlrls and Henry Miller to the Boyd theater . durtnf I the week sfturded the people of Omaha two rxcellent opportunity to enjoy tne best the theater can afford. Mr. Danlela new musical comely la one that give him more to do than any he has yet ar,jered In and Is therefore the more enjoyable. He never tried no hard to please and ha never succeeded so well. Mr. Miller's p'.ay la of the typical Jones clans and la thor oughly nnjoya'ule, the more en because Mr. Miller la sasoclated with a number of un commonly clever people, and the play Is delljrhtfuily given. "The Girl from JJUIe'1 hardly realized the promlso of the bill boards and yet It was In the main enjoy able. At the Krua: the two plays pre sented were well patronised, the Improve ment In the attendance there being a boo! evidence that the winter la coming on. This evening the CrelKhton-Orpheum will open fur the season and Omaha can be aald to have fairly launched on the the atrical year of 1904-u. John Corbln. whose sanity haa never been questioned, and -whose soundness of Judgment Is admitted, even by those who like him least, takes a very hopeful view of the situation as regards the outlook for the American dramutist. In the failure of the European crop of plays Mr. Corbln sees the opportunity for the Amerieaa authors, and he ulmosV gleefully polnta out that tho authors on this side arc only waiting for the chance. That the Held Is ripe for the reuping Is patent, and that the reapers are ready Is alBO plain. It only remains to bo seen what the harvest home will bring forth. The American authors have In times past given us sonic excellent examples of ' the play ai we like It on the stago. It U admitted that they have been somewhat crude In their "efforts, buth In this they have been true to life, for life Itself Is crude, and In this land of hustle It Is par ticularly bo, almost to the point of being raw. But the dramatist who succeeds In putting life on the stage Is the one who wins. We may now and then turn from the real to the unreal, from the actual to the purely speculative, but It la only for a moment and wa gladly return to those drama lints who can give us real people, moving and talking on the stage as they might In real life. Polished phrases and elegance of manners are, of course, always acceptablo, but if some of our American authors have failed to touch a situation with the delicacy that marks the work of tho European stagecraft, bear In mind that most of the functions of life are carried on on thla side with more of directness and less of diplomatic subterfuge here than over there. We have been Introduced by European writers to whut they are pleased to call "problems" of life that are not problems for us, because the conditions that produce, them are Impossible here, and ever will be as long as tho American people rutulna Its sturdy vitality. And yet thesa are offered to us In the most alluring of dress und served with an appetizing ap pearance, so that we enjoy them while di gesting them, and then thank God they are of foreign production and not from our field. It la bootless here to recall the works of lironson Howard, of David Bclasco, of Clyde Fitch, and others who belong to the not small company bf American authors, and to suggest that wltb all their crudity, they still have a wholesomenesa that will never cease to be palatable. Let us hope, then, that Mr. Corbln has read the signs of tha times right and that we are to be favored with more of the home-made drama and less of the Imported stuff. "The Spectator" of tha Philadelphia Ledger breaks a splinter with those en thusiasts who are bewailing the "good old days," and who are clamoring for the re- esiaousnment or tne stock company as a remedy for the evils that have come upon us at the theater. He polnta out the dif ference In conditions that prevail now from those of tha "palmy days" and shows to some extent the great advance that haa been made In stage methods at least. His conclusion lo that a return to the stock system would be of little benefit to the stage, and that little would be more Imag inary than real. The truth of the matter Is that man is prone to live In the past, learning but slowly and then by dear bought experience, and has never been willing to admit that the present la quite qual to what- he has already enjoyed. Whenever hs gets sp he can take advan tage of what he has, enjoying today, even While remembering yesterday, and looking forward hopefully to tomorrow, expecting not a return of something that Is gone, but a realisation of something better, man will ceaae to trouble himself about the "palmy days" of the stage or anything elae. Ha will then reallr.e that the golden age' is now, and not some time fifty or sixty or . even a hundred or a thousand years ago. The stage and the drama of today are not what they ought to be, nor what they will be, but they are striving nobly to keep up with a procession that Is moving so fast that the swiftest trav elers of the "palmy days" would faint with dlaalneas If they were asked to get Into line. It la not too much to hope that some glad, sweet time we will no longer have the grumbler with us, but until that day we will always hear more or lesa about "tha good old times." In the meantime, the rest of us have the privilege of enjoy ing to the utmost such pleasures of life os those who lived In that uncertain time never even dreamed of. Borne of the thousands of people who attended the exhibitions of the Barnum A Bailey circus at Omaha last Monday can recall the first trip of the P. T. Barnum circus west of the Mississippi river, some thing like thirty-five years ago, and to these tbe contrast In methods was so great as to be almost startling. Probably the greatest, innovation on old-time circus methods ia in the way the people are hand died. When folks make up their minds to attend one of the huge exhibitions given under canvas in these modern times, they expect to be crowded and Jostled about, to be ordered here and there by coarse cir cus employes, to be generally inconven ienced In return for their money. Prob ably the most discomforting thing about the modern circus is its setitlng erarnge merit. The thought of spending an hour and a half on one of the narrow little perches called seats Is enough to keep thousands away from the performance, nd the certainty that the seats will be Jammed adds to the disquieting anticipa tions with which even the enthusiast ap- proaches the tent Now. right here is whpr th Rnrniim Ttnllpv uhow mule. - - - - - - - - - good on Us claim to being "The greatest show on earth." Such conditions as crowd ing or discomfort are not known to it. To begin with, tha seating capacity Is known exactly, and when tne 11.800 set seats the big tent accommodates are sold, - the sale stops. Every person who buys a ticket Is entitled to a Mat wltb lots of elbow room and a. footreet. Nearly oil of the seats re of the "reserved" vsrlety, and all are comfortable. The boxes are found In this ' tent only, and while they are not numerous, they are decidedly comfortable and afford ft decidedly advantageous place for those who are willing to pay the price. But this Is only one feature. Another Is that the attendants tro as pollie and attentive as one finds t the theater, and the crowd is han dled with as little confusion as at any of tbe first-rlass houses. Steps are taken to have everybody seated before the perfor mance bealna. and then the spectators are required to remain seated until after the program has been completea. mis noes away with any likelihood of accident to a visitor. Speaking of accidents, a depart ment of the circus with which the public da not often cftme Into contact Is the emergency hospital. Close to the entrance of the big tent la the headquarters of the medical and surgical corps, and here all emergency cases are taken for Immediate attention. No accident Is too trlvlnl to be looked after. If a child should Catch a finger In the back of a chair, for example, it Is examined and attended to. If a woman should faint, as so often happens, she Is given the best of skilled attention. The. ushers and others are constantly on the watch for these occurrences and attend to them Immediately. Nothing Is sold In the big tent save tickets to the concert, and these are vended so unobtrusively as to occasion no annoyance whatever. Outside the tent the same watchful vigilance per tains. A competent corps of detectives Is on the lookout for suspicious characters all the time, as one of the Omaha clfy council members can testify. The public Is not al lowed to rush Into any danger whatever. When the tents are being taken down a dead line Is established, and back of it the people must stay. "I don't know why," answered a big policeman to an Inquirer on this point; "I only know I was told to keep" you back." And that Is all. Every thing possible for the safety or comfort of the people seems lo have been provided for. In all respects the show Is worthy of Its high claims. , Comlaar Errnti. "The Runaway Tramp," a farce comedy of the Weary Willie type, will be pre sented at the Boyd this afternoon- and evening. It la said to be in the hands of s company entirely competent and prom ises entertainment to those who like that style of play. Specialties of various sort are offered by the company during the progress of the entertainment, and the whole is said to be funny from first to last. The enagement is for the two perform ances only. ' Chauncey Olcott comes to the Boyd the ater for two nights this week, beginning Thursday, including a special matinee on Friday, at which he will present "Ter rence," as well as on Friday evening. On Thursday evening he will present a new production of Augustus Pitou's comedy drama, "A Romance of Athlone." The piece has an Irl?h nobleman with two eons, one good and one bnd; an heiress and a rich man. who also has a beautiful ward. The love Interest comes from the contem plated and delayed marriage of the good son and the heiress. There Is a kldnaplns, an attempt to get ransom money and a duel. The last Is a feature of which much is mnde and Is said to be one of the most realistic and scientific fencing bouts ever given on the stage. The ueenery is eald to be beautiful, the first act showing the ex terior of an Elizabethan mansion, with a rose garden and park; the second act is a carved oak interior, the third the Interior or a ruined abbey by moonlight and .the i rth a nnrlr nf ,i.,nti. ,,,,,, i rin a pnrK or gigantic trees, In which fourth the duel takes place. In the course of the play Mr. Olcott will sing new songs, writ ten and composed by himself, and will also Interpolate one song, "My Dreams," by Tostl. On Friday, both at the special nv.it tnee'and night performance, Mr. Olcott will present his odmirublc play, "Terronce," which wa received most favorably lufct season. ' The engagement of "Arizona" at the ! Krug theater for four nights and two mat inees, starting Sunday matinee, September 18, will afford the patrons of this theiter considerable satisfaction. The piece is as full of bright-color contrasts as the chang ing combinations of a kaleidoscope. It fairly pulses with frosh, vigorous, active life of the west It has a love story as tender and almost as tragic as that of "Romeo and Juliet," and It has a relief work of humor as il and unctuous as that In which Mr. Thomas has previously shown us In "Alabama" and "In Missouri." That "Arlsona" will be richly staged and excellently well acted is guaranteed by the names of the artists who painted the scenes from actual sketches In the terri tory of Arisona. the names of the clever' actors whom Mr. Thomas has chocen for the principal roles of his piece. The scenes of acts one and four, "Canby's ranch," near Fort Grant, in the Aravalpa valley, were painted by Walter Burrldge from sketches specially made by him In Arizona. The drawing room was painted by John Faust from actual rooms at the ranch and I military post. The decorations, costumes nd accoutrements were all chosen and arranged by that eminent authority on western life and customs, Frederick Rem ington, the artist of "The Man and the Horse." One of the scenic sensations of the stage Is . the, great locomotive rescue scene, with its accompanying electrical snow storm, which furnishes the climax to the third act of "The Wayward Bon," the comedy drama which will be presented at the Krug theater for an engagement of three nights and Saturday matinee, commencing Thursday night, September 22. It la In this illusion or a rapidly moving train that the art of the acene painter, the stage me chanio and the expert electrician Is seen at its best. With a strong love story in terwoven with the more strenuous ele ments of the plot and with a large cast of carefully selected players engaged In It3 presentation, "The Wayward Son" has al ready proved itself one among the greatest successes of the present season. The aeventh season 'of modern vaudeville will be ushered In at the Orpheum today when matinee and evening performances will be given. Since the opening of the sale, last Monday tha demand for seats haa been steady and big and Indicates full houses both afternoon and evening, and on Monday night, when the fashionables have engaged seats. The bookings for this sea son embrace more new acts, and especially European features, than have ever ap pealed here. A glance at the rosier for the opening program will show there is not a player that has ever appeared at the Orpheum., Barney Fagan and Henrietta Byron top the list. Singing and dancing are among their accomplishments. Their vcnicie win oe g burletta entitled mi. j Fancy." Another prominent combination I nn ih Hut i- v-,i w . . . ...v tm uvwia nun nnmnanu presenting "Her lt Rehearsal," a uuie comedy which has for a theme the expe rience of two hard-up actors trying to teucli a stage struck girl the art of act ing, it ists tne audience have ft peep at doing behind tbe scenes. Blnon and Parta do a turn hy call "Tbe Droll Oreeks of Olden Times," In which they furnish com sdy equlllbrlsm and posing, Josle DeWitt. the violin virtuoso and vocalist, will be the musical feature. Miss DeWitt has the advantage of a pleasing personality, being an attractive blonde. Carlisle's dogs and ponies will perform a variety of stunts that entertain and exemplify intelligence. McCabe, Sabine and Vera will appear In "The Arrival of Kitty McCarthy." Varln and'Turenne will show their novel Roman axe manipulations, while the subjects of the roottu-:. pictures will be eight historical TITE OMAHA scenea from the life of Christopher Colum bus. Gossip from tasteland. somewhat worked "The Isle of Uric over, Is winning Its suite of the critics. way on Broadway, in George Ade's latest comedy. "The College Widow," Is hnlled ns the best thing he has ns yet produced. New York critics are al most one In pronouncing It h go. Henrietta C'ro?niun will finish the week at the Belnsco nnd David Warfleld will suc ceed her wlih the new piece. "The Music Master," of which Mr. Belasco expects so much. Robert M. Eberle has resigned the man agement of the Criterion theater. New York, to return to William Olllotte's com pany, which he has managed for Charles Krohman fur the last nine years. Edward McGregor, last sessrn stage man ager lor Miss Hertha Gnlland In "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall," has been en gaged by Daniel Ftohman as gnncral stugc director of his new Lyceum stock company. Eleanor Robson Is an accepted success In London, according to cables from there. Her opening In "Merely Mary Ann" mado an lmincn.se hit with the publlo and the press, a singular combination of fortunate circumstance. Carl Eckstrom hns scored a personal hit In "A Modern Viking." The play is not much thought of by the critics, but tho work of Mr. Eckstrom Is pronounced first class. The Louisville Courier-Journal says ho succeeds In spite of its handicap. "Letty," the latest Arthur Wing Plnero piece, now being played In New York by William FavcrFham and Carlotta Nlelson, is said to be an excellent piece of work up to the denouement, and there It falls rather Hat. The piece has been well received. Cissy Loftus has caught on at the New Lyceum, In New York, In "The Scrlo-Comic Governess," a Zangwill play, that gives a chance at a dual role. Kho Is demure as the governess and a "divvle" as u muslo hall singer, and the public seems to like her in the play. Leslie's Monthly has taken up the popular hunt after the octopl, and in going in lor a series of- articles on the theatrical trust. Its October number will contain the Inst Installment, and, Judged from the advance sheets, it will afford entertaining If not In structive reading. Adelaide Thurston's series of benefit per formances through the south under the auspices of the Daughters of the Con federacy will begin September 22 at Norfolk, Va. The proceeds are to be devoted to a monument to the memory of Dan Emmett, author of "Dixie." Milton and Dolly Nobles are back In the harness again at the hend of a company presenting a new play, "The Days nf '49. from the pen of Mr. Nobles. This will be welcome Information to a host of admirers of this pair, who have often wished to see them again In something more pretentious than a vaudeville sketch. Mrs. James Brown Potter Is shortly to appear in the role of a London theater man ager, (the has algned an agreement by which she obtains the lease of the Savoy theater for an indefinite period. The llrst piece that Mrs. Hrown Potter will stage Is a comedy, entitled "The Golden Light, by a well-known French writer, Mme. Maoul Duval. Somebody has taken the pains to count up the deaths In Shakespeare, either on the stage or behind the scenes, ana finds the number ninety. The variety of causes is great. Cold steel accounts i for about two-thirds, twelve are old age and decay, reven persons are beheaded, five rile by poison, two of suffocation, two of strang ling, one from a fall, one by drowning, three by snake bite and one Is thumped to death with a sandbag. Oddly, the com piler of this curious table overlooked one of tho most affecting In all tho plays, that of Mamlllius of "The Winter's Tale, which Miss Viola Allen produces thla wason. Mamlllius, son of Queen Hernilone, died of a broken heart caused by grief over the supposed perfidy of his mi t her. Leander Richardson writes of Thompson & Dundy's newest undertaking: "The heavy stone foundations for the Thompson A Dundy hippodrome, at Sixth avenue. Forty third and Forty-fourth streets, are nearly completed, and the work of construction win now proceca rapiaiy io ns runciusiun. 1 Tt Is stated that there will bo no delny in It Is stated mat more win no no neiny the ODcnlng.' which has been set for N ' Year a eve. The proprietors of. this enor mous undertaking have established an equestrian school a large rmlldlng up- town for the purpose of developing skilled female riders, of wln.m there Is n scarcity, Jn one of tho nrtB ,ios:it!ied for the hippo- drome entertainment 1'jO women riders of tho best class nrc required, but less than half that number were to be found upon the most diligent search. The method em ployed to fill the want Is entirely charac teristic of tho energy and 'hnng-the-ex-pensc' spirit of this management." MUSIC AND MUSICIANS There is no power of description capable of portraying the feelings of the lover of sacred music c' h music of the highest type as he enters St. Paul's cathedral in London a few minutes before the service begins. For a long time before he reaches those flights of steps at the top of which are those moniter doors that are seldom opened, he her . the deep religious voices of those noble bells calling to the worship of the Most High, and one cannot help, as he enters by tho door to the left of the large doors on the west, lifting his soul to he fullest meaning of those words: "Lord, I have loved the habitation of Thine house, and the place where Thine honor dwelleth." One tries, in vain, to Imagine some of the many scenes which have been enacted here, and which have made history. My guide book told me that on this very spot King Ethelbert built a cathedral to Bt. Paul the Apostle in the year 607! Think of it! And that waa the third that had been on that spot. A stone slab in the ground in front of the west door reads: "Here Queen vic toria returned thanks to Almighty God for the sixtieth anniversary of her . acces sion, June 22, 1S07." ' It represents the, spot on which she alighted from her carriage on that occasion. When the magnificent peal of twelve bells has ceased and the tones of the organ begin to search for resting places In the various corners and secret places of the vast temple, when one looks down the nave and 'feels around him the rich warm In fluence of tho multi-colored light stream ing through those beautiful windows, which portrsy respectively "St. Paul," "Bt. Peter," "The Ascension," "The Martyrdom of St. 6tephen," the "Crucifixion" and the 'Agony in the Garden," when he ap proaches the choir with Its magnificently carved choir stalls, clergy seats, Dem's stall. Bishop's throne and Archbishop of Canterbury's own place, he is, if he loves those things at all which are churchly and beautiful, thrilled to the inmost recesses of his very being. When the magnificent choir, consisting entirely of boys und men (as a matter of course), is ushered Into the choir seats by one of the vergers In Ms gown of black, nd with his rod of office, and then the clergy enter, preceded by their verger, Similarly arrayed, the service begins, and the first thing which Impresses one who la a choir singer or organist, is the wonder ful manner In which that choir sings its responses. Such attacks and such solid .... OMtfU'S POLITE mm m Five Afternoons and Evenings CANADA'S ROYAL MILITARY BAND King Edward's Crack Musical Organization SPECIAL TODAY Jg Waldorf Hall Shot from a Cannon CHILDREN FRKK TO ALL AFTERNOON CONCERTS DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER IP, lOOi. work is amnsing. and when he choir eingf a whole anthem unaccompanied, with all the nuances, shades and variations of color and volume it simply overwhelms one with the possibilities of'Thorsl work, and they are hardened and vainglorious Indeed, who) leave the service without being deeply Impressed" with the fact thnt musically they have "left undone those things which we ought to have done, and we have dJin those things which we ought not to have dor.e." But lest I may be accused of over-enthusiasm In regard to the work of Bf. Paul's msgnlflcent choir, being a lover of thopo, things, lot me quote you a very responsible layman, whom you know. Mr. William K. Curtis, who, writing some time ago In the Chicago Record-Herald, sayi: Nowhere on this earth can you hear such heavenly music as at the vesper services at St. Paul's It Is sare to contend that nowhere are sweeter and. nobler sounds produced by human voices. Tho monks at the monastery of St. Alexander Navsky. Ju6t outside of St. Petersburg, have what Is considered the finest choir In the world, and the Hoods of harmony that pour from their throats can scarcely be surpassed, but the music at St. Paul's Is very differ ent. The childish tones of the boys are lighter, sweeter and more angelic. If wo can use that term, than the maturer tons of tho monks. The great choir at St. Pet er's In Home does not compare with the boy choir of St. Paul's, and the florid Ital ian music was never Intended for purposes of worship. (I Interrupt here to thank Mr. Curtis for that sentiment; he is eminently rlAhvolume of sound that might remind an Imaginative man of a purple sunset, and the prayers and praise of such Incompar able harmony must be acceptable to Him who created music. The only criticism that can be mado or the music at St. Tsui s is that it ends too soon, and no encores are allowed. This is from a man who has been In trusted with many missions of Importance, a leading figure among newspaper men, a Washington correspondent for a great Chi cago dally, traveler, special writer, etc., and not a musician. The rich decoration which Is now in course of finishing at St. Paul's is tre mendously effective and impressive. The celling of the Choir, part of which Is now hidden behind canvas. Is decorated In Il lustration of the Creation, and Is said to be the making of a new epoch in ecclesias tical art. It is done In mosaic work, with tesserae, or cube of richly colored opaque glass, and is the work of Sir William Richmond. R. A. As I stood beside the organ of this great cathedral with my hand on the bench I could not but feel a veneration for the "apostolic succession" of thoyo who had ministered In Saint Paul's giving forth the bounds of organ music In generations past. Away back In 1517. on September IS, Just 357 years ago this very day. In St. Paul's cathedral, Archbishop Cranmcr's adapta tion of the litany to a chant, was sung In English, "the priests and clerks all kneel ing," and from this date the history of English church music began, for It was then that for the first time any portion of tho liturgy was "publicly performed in vul gar tongue." Think of this lino of organists: Jeremiah Clarke lrflS-1707 Richard Brind 1707-171 Maurice Greenes 1718-176S John Jones 17o6-17li Thomas Attwood 179fi-l3? Sir John Gose 1838-1K72 Sir John StHlner 1S72-18SS Sir George Martin 1888 And It was Sir George Martin who sat at the Fame organ bench and prayed when we heard the services four weeks ago to day. An Interesting eplrode of the life of Han del, in connection with the cathedral of St. Paul's (the Eastmlnster as contrasted with the Abbey of Westminster), is given by the famous Dr. Burney In his "His tory of Music." "On Handel's first arrival in England from Greene's (see above list of organists), great admiration of this master's manner of playing, he had some times literally condescended to become his bellows blower when he went to St. Paul's to play upon that organ, for tho exercise it afforded him In the use of the pedals. Handel, after 3 o'clock prayers, used fre quently to get himself and young Greene locked up In the church together, and in summer, often stripped into his shirt, played until 8- or 6 o'clock at night." From this it may be r.ssumed that the pedal key board was introduced Into England early in tho eighteenth century. ' The boys who sing at St. Paul's sre en tirely educated and supported by the ca thedral, and their life, while it is full of all that goes to make a boy's life glorious anJ Joyous, ia also a splendid training in rou tine, and the musical education In connec tion with their work Is something worth llvlna for. Time would be well spent in compiling a list of the choir boys of St. Paul's who have become famous In later years, nnd perhaps some day there wl'l be found op portunity, but not now, as far as the pres ent writer Is concerned. Dr. , Baetens has organized a new cUsb, consisting of his advanced violin ruplls, who will be taught ensemble playing, a most instructive and entertaining practice for students. The class meets every Sat urday at S p. m. Programs will consist of ducts, ttios, quartets, etc., for violins, and will be announced from time to time. Miss Luella Allen hns returned from Now York, where she spent the summer studying the violin with Henry Schradleck. Mrs. Culllngham has again returned from an extended stay In Europe and has re sumed teaching. Mr. from and Mrs,. Ben Stanley have returned their vacation. ' THOMAS J. KELLY. Census nf Yale Graduates. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept. 17. The tri ennial catalogue of Yale university, Issued today, shows that there are 12.744 living graduates and B.L'Ul dead graduates of Yale, a total of 22.035. The gain In living gradu ates for the whole university during the three years Is 1,308 and 649 Yule graduates have died during that time. Music Hall on Iroquois Site. CHICAGO. Sept. 17. Acting Building Commissioner Stanhope today approved the application for a license to conduct a theater In the building formerly occupied by the Iroquois theater. Three rooms furnished complete, $96; easy payments. People's Store, 16th and Farnam. C. Petersen, voice culture, S13 W.O.W. bldg. 3525sEBsl RESORT'S BID EVENT . t mi AMtHEMMTI, yJ (Uj vu PRICES ALWAYS THE SAA1E NlfiHT four nlQhts and two matinees. Canl IO starting Sunday Matinee uBJIli IU MELVILLE B. RAYMOND PRESENTS AMERICA'S GREATEST PLAY a -BY-AUGUSTUS THOMAS ONE New York, Chicago, Grand Production TOsf-vx sTk'fcZ. DU Jl r J BLJROESS. Mffrs Tha up-to-date furce caraedy "A Runaway Tramp." Manafement of THURSDAY NIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT and Special Matinee FRIDAY. HEAR OLCOTT'S Prlce-25-SO-75-l.00-l.5O, Mr. Kelly has returned from Europe and his STUDIO N opens for the re ception of students TOMORROW David:c Block. 1802 Farnam COMINC-THIS SEASON Josef Hofmann PIANIST Fritz Kreisler ' VIOLINIST Management, HENRY WOLFSOHN kir bjbs- f W J. . Knights of t- AK-SAR-BEN tCARNI I PARADES 1 f IS A Good Time HlhS P? AMISKMEMI. mm WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY SUNDAY MATINEE 3 Nights Startlng... The laywar MASSIVE IfCHANICAL, ASTER PIECES 5am e Great Company. YEAR EACH: London, Eng. Complete UttUlXai3CiatWsJMViJsjrsJ a Afternoon To-Nlght n Prices 25o-50c; Mat. 2oo Eg AUGUSTUS PIT0U. A Magnificent Revival Production of "A ROMANCE OF ATHLONE" By AUQUSTUS PITO'J, Manager. HIS LATEST 8CCES8 "TERENCE" POPULAR SONGS. Crinrll MaHnse.IK.Kn.7!! - f ' " - Bf Miss Blanche Sorenson VOICE CULTURE Studio, 550 Ramge Block. Telephone 2687. BASE BALL ST. JOSEPH VS OMAHA SEPTEMBER 1T.18 AXD 10. VINTON STREET PARK When You Write to Advertisers remsrrber It only takss an extra stroke or two ot the pen to mention tbe fact that you saw the nd In The Bee. (If i)f W" BEttia r OMAHA to Oct. Every Day See Your Ticket Agent for Special Railroad AMVfKMr.lSTS. . I5c, 25c, 50c. 75 H MATINEE 25 ....10c, 25c and 50 Thursday. Sept. 22 The Stirring Cdmcdy Drama il Son BY 1MCIL TWOMEY rlrct from Or nd Ojwrn Hnus. Nsw York. Tnder, Touching, Humorous. A strong Lovs story of Todsy. kTRIKINQLY KTARTLINO KNaATIONS. The Urjest and most realistic LOCOMOTIVE RESCUE SCENE ever produced on any stage. Th New York Evcnln World, says: "Tha Way ward Sm waa recolved with enthusiastic applause by both orchestra and trallery." SOUVENIR MA;iYi?RDAY HANDSOME METAL P FC F F VHMTURE ENGINE m - - REIOHTON NEW 'FHOKE, 404. Season Opens Today Matinee 2: 1 5. Tonight 8: 1 5, . Modern Vaudeville Barney Henrietta Fagan & Byron In the Burletta. "Idle Fancy." Lewis McCord & Co Presenting "Her Last Rehearsal." Sinon & Paris The Droll Greek In the Olden Times, . Josie DeWitt Fiddle and I. Carlisle's Dogs & Ponies McCabe. Sabine & Vera In "The Arrival of Kitty McCarthy." Varin & Turenne Roman Axe Manipulators. The Kinodrome New Motion Scenes. Prices J Oc, 25c, 50c. is" "V r- fir . v C c VAL AH Day, Rates.