J 5 EDITORItf SHEET. The Omaha rXsSSi 33gffitgV"TrTrJRs3!nXffii UNDAY 9 PAGES 11 TO 20. ESTABLISHED jrXE 19, 1871. OMAHA, . SUNDAY MOKXIXO, SEPTEMBER 18, 1904. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Bee. 1 ITB 1 r. i II. 4 Girls' Dresses New Slock Hih-Steppin Bargains for Horse Show Week S Banner Fruit Sale of the Season Fancy chocks and plaids like thip cut really worth ?1.25 " JjJ Others prices, $1.50 and $1.19. Girl's Dresses, plain colors in cashmere, and sere; colors, navy blue, red, mid- L blue, brown and black X T C $4.93 and... SYRIAN CREPE K1MONAS, new stock; colors, pink, light blue, red and black short Kimonas,"" QAo 1.19 and , ifOL Long Kimonas $2.25 f Qfl and '. lOJ' JAPANESE CREPE KIMONAS, ele gant floral designs, the finest quality Long at $3.50 C Short J Ladies' we call your attention to the following stocks, that are now complete and ready for your most careful inspection: FUR OF ALL KINDS, COATS, CAPES, SCARFS, BOAS AND MUFFS. SUITS AND COSTUMES the finest tailor-mads suits, street and evening costumes. . CLOAKS AND JACKETS Every new style 'vorth showing will be found on our racks. LADIES' WAISTS The most complete stock ever put on sale in Omaha, including Wash Vestings, Mohair3, Flannels and Plain and Fancy Weaves of wool and silk. LADIES' WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS A most com plete stock in wool and silk. Our Immense Silk Purchase on Special Sale Monday Thousands of pieced hnndoome new nil kn bought at the big silk auction last week In New York. They consist of all the very latest In plain and fancy Messellnes, 1 ,014 1 sines, Plelsses. Crepe (In Chines, Teau de Chamois and soft plain and fancy Taffetas, at PRICES UNHEARD OF. Thla great sale starts Monday morning; sharp at 8 --o'clock. 75 ploces Brilliant Silks bandxome for evening: dresses BO pieces fancy Mossallnes for street wear all worth up to one dollar Monday yara We've been busy aranalng sir nut storks, arttln nar (entire outfit into tbat spick-and-span shape that shoald characterise the rrat west's areatest store, especially when a great Horse Short Is en. . Want yon to Tlslt Bennett's ofiener this week than you ever did before make It yoor down-town headquarters see onr arret) t Horse how window display. The entire plate itlasa front of onr bolldlaar on Sixteenth street given to Horse Show Illustrations. It's a picture. Come and see It. Bargains in Everything in Every Section. Important Announcement! Combination of Art and Sheet Music Department. We have moved cur Shoot Miilfl Department to nvike It pi' rt convenient for purchnscTH, anl same will now bo found In connection with our Art Department. HBi Monday we place on sale 1.2i copies of good Waltzes. Marches, Two-Slops. SehoUischOs; also pogd comic opera selectionsy-some listed ut GO cents all go nt S7c And ten ($1) Little (Jreen Stickers. R Don't miss this sale, ones in every art ad. Watch for future 200 pieces handsome silks In plain snd fancy designs for shirt waist suits In brown, greens, grays, blues, etc. bargains for $1.00 Monday- yard BOO pieces of elegnnt silks for Btreet and evening dress, of al the soft effects In the latest shades worth up to 1.50 our price Monday-yard 45c 59c 85c New Fall black Dress Geods Black dress goods for dressy wear, such as Crepa de Paris. Silk Voile and new Chif- 85c 2.00 ZX3S. Art Bargains - by Wholesale 89c 1.69 1.98 Handsome new far-slmlle Land scapes, in two-Inch gold frames a distinct novelty Heautiful now subjects of artistic fig ures, sketched. by Arthur, elaborate gold Monyay only . frames, Reproductions by Carl Weber this Is a new idea in framing and must lie seen to be appreciated sale price Have you seen "Peggy," the greatest New York picture rage? Now hanging In our Art Gallery. Visit our. Art Galleries, Den and Burnt Wood dis play and Sheet Music Depts. sjy.wi. PAiyn s.tAwarrjMB ,, , TV g,Mlgg iaflsEst B i --. " -r- ' t-i T-r -.u'ji tw"vi'ri'.' m''.J B stick m ry . p ;F H 1 ' he to ' U bm I'M P 0nly the ! ul l pp JjL-3 Lit,,e Li,"e S : pEcf3:lpi1adj4amps:: s,icker Green I I H;Wi YTIfSE ' Sticker j jj-gS SB jLd Jl M tJ J1' We securetl a bargain on a car of fancy Colorado fmit the finest the earth produces and nre going to give you the benefit of our purchase. Wm rge Freestone Peaches, 83c Large fancy Pears, $1.60 And 20 12 Little Green Stickers with either Fancy Plums and Prunes, red, yellow, blue, green per basket, 25c. And 10 fl Little Graen Stlckors. Don't miss this sale. All heavy shipments of peaches will cease after this week and prices will advance. Grocery Department Money savins; sales going on dally In our famous grocery. Ten (ll "ft. A H." Green Trading; Stamps with pound fresh 2flC roasted Golden Huntns Coffee Thirty t$3) "S. & H " Green Trading Stamps with three pounds QQ finest Java and Mocha Coffoe Ten (ID "H. H." Green Trading Stsmps with pound Bennett's 24C Capitol Bakini? Powder fen cl) "S. & H." Ureen Trading- Stamps with pound New 2(JC York Cream Cheese . Twenty U "S. 11. " Green Trading Stamps with pound IOC pack'iRe Tea Birtlngs Five ()) "S. II. boxes Matches Green Trading Stamps with three 600 12c CANDY DEPARTMENT Fresh made, vanilla flavored Chocolate Creams Monday only per pound 12c CIGARS General Thomas Bo club house shape cigar, fifty for QS and forty (14) H." Green Trading Stamps, m.jyj Royal Kunner, fifty for 1.2S And thirty t!3 ' S. & H." Green Trading Stamps. a fon Falle these fabrics are thin, sheer and have a beautiful soft, silky fin- lsn ino correct materials ior aressy gowns we enow a large assortment, ranging in price from 13.00 yard to , New fine black cloths for swell tailor suits, such as Strabo, Peruvian, French, Venetian and KnsllFh broadcloth for a starter we sell our 13.00 Peruvians Monday-B2-lnch for yard EXTRA SPECIALS 20 pieces of M-inch Black Sicilians and Mohair Tamlse the real dust-proof fabric light In weight and does not wrinkle or - f muss, our regular one dollar quality Monday jlC Pretty New Wool Goods Extra Special 25 pieces 54-inch Sicilians brilliant finish, dust-proof,' newest B hades never sold for less than one dollar a yard Monday at yard ' , 60 piece 60 to 68-lnch Tailor Suitings the new brown and green combinations, Panne, Zlbellne effects, English Meltons In a variety of colorings, the new Baltic a f fl Suitings, the "Karnak" mixtures and English Cheviots the strongest line I III var shown In the clty Monday at yard... awvfj An elegant Una of fancy Mobair for shirt waists and shirt waist suits, .ranging tn price Xrum Mo to 11.60 yard. Com and sea them. 50c New Laces and Trimmings Our Lace and Trimming stock Is no domestic and foreign designs. Braids, pla w resplendent with the newest creations of in colors, two-tone effects, basket weaves d SDanarled Nets all-over I.hpm In at colors all-over Chiffon in white, black and colors Trimming Laces, white, black, ecru cream, outer and Arabian colors Jet, Span gled and Lace Medallions, all sizes and colorsJet Bands in all widths the most c omplete stock west of Chicago. Entire line will be ready for your Inspection Monday morning. and tailor .braids all-over, nlaln. fancv an Sporting- Goods. Don't fall to look over our lino of Foot Ball Goods. We hav the most eom- ?leto stock In the city at the most reasonable prieea Be sure to get our prices be ore you buy. Foot Ball Pants, up from 65a Foot Ball Headgears, up from 65o Foot Balls, up from 60a Nose Guards,' up from 75a Shin Guards, up from 330 Ducks are flying now. Be sure to get our prices on Shells. We can save you money. BflE Dorothy Dodd The faultless fitting shoe for women. Here's a shoe that'll fit every woman's foot fit it with a glovelike perfection and yet give the fullest FLEXIBILITY, COMFOKT AND FHEEDOM, even in the first step a shoe that'll maintain all its original beauty of style longer than any other shoe you ever heard of or saw. Dorothy Dodd Shoes and Oxfords can only, be purchased (in the west) at Ben nett's. Our fall styles are all on display and aggregate $10,000 in value. There are more Dorothy Dodd Shoes and Oxfords encasing dainty feet at Horse Show doings this week than any other six brands bunched together. FACT! Dorothy Dodd Oxfords $3 & $2.50 Dorothy Dodd Shoes $3.50 $3 Shattering the Crockery 5c .5c 19c Twisted white china Salt and Pep per Shakers each Limit 1 doz. to a customer. Xo delivery. Cut Glass Individual Salts each , Limit, 1 doz. Xo delivery. Bell Shape Cut Star Tumblers-each 33 1-3 per cent discount on all our high grade Toilet Ware. Haviland & Co. white French 100-piece Dinner Sets Ranson Q5i shape O 4-inch Red Wing Flower Pots and y Saucers each ;mC See our display of new French, Austrian, German and Japanese China now on dis play. You will find all the new things. IS Gas Mantles each And twenty $2.00 Green Stickers. No 10c Little deliv ery. L Display of Millinery for Horse Show Our elaboration of the very rarest down-to-the-hour styles In 1904 millinery nr displayed in all their Individual exqulsitenrss. A close comparison of our showings with the displays of others will convince you that Bennett's millinery has mad a great leap forward and is in all conscience the finest display In the city. New :ind attractive Ideas for the Horse Show aro reserved for Horse Show week. Descriptions nre confusing. Come and seo them. Imported Pattern Hats Full of snap and life in design $40, $35, $30, $25, $20 and Chic Street Hats $10 down, to $1.75, $1.49 ahd A Specialty In Trimmed Hats -An ele gant style with a touch of individuality in it that makes jt keenly desirable ...$18 L-25 4.98 SfflBQ SSfl Rousitig Bargains in Hardware 1.08 No. 1 Universal Food Chopper the best family size And 20 ($2) Little Green Stickers. rotnto JQn : Itlcera Ot And 20 ($2) Little Green Stickers. A good Hammer for all around purposes And 10 ($1) Little Green Stickers. J Tin nickeled silver Trays for general family use And 10 ($1) Little Green Stickers. A neat little Fiber Lunch 1 0 C And 10 (fl) Little Green Stickers. Lnrge size Fiber Luflch f Box , I-C And 10 ($1) Little Green Stickers. 20c R a 10cB Furniture Dept. Third Floor. Specials for Monday Mattress rattan filled, with heavy layers of white cotton, top, lttom and sides, best fancy strip, tleklnir, oft and resilient regu- f lar prioe 6-6pecJal at J.TJ Pillows 3 pounds each, good quality feathera, alee 19x26, beat fanoy stripe Atr ticking, at each SH pounds each. ' best quality lira duck feathers, sis JOiM, 7Ag special at each " SH pounda aaoh, one-half live goose feathers, else 21x34, best fanoy Qa ticking, speolal at eaoh SVi pounda eaoh, extra ohoina all live goose feathers, si so 2x$, 7a best art ticking, speolal at t pounds eaoh, extra choice live goose feathers, slse SSxSS, 'J 4 in best quality art ticking...... ScaOEsS 59QB3 CROCKER'S BRIGADE MEETS Twelfth Biennial Beunlon of Famous Or ganization Closes Session at Waterloo. BBBSSBBSaBBBBS ATTENDANCE IS DECREASING EACH TIME tow Soldiers and Sailors Meet to Dia stase Experlencea and Listen to Address by Commander and Others. - 'WATERLOO. Ia., Sept. 17.-(Special.) The twelfth biennial reunion of the sur vivors of the old Crocker Iowa brigade closed In this city last evening after an Interesting two days' session. The enroll ment of old soldiers has been about 50, thus falling short of that of 1W3, when, ut the reunion at Muscatine, the attendance was 828. Seventy of the wives of the vet erans were present, so the visitors num bered over top. Headquarters were at the Logan hotel and it was here that tho eomrades met and talked over old times. The campflrea were held in the opera house Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. On the first evening a large audience, composed mostly of old soldiers, was oa hand to heir the fine program that wae prepared; Col onel W, H. Michael of the Navy depart ment at Wushlngton had been chosen two yaars ago to deliver the biennial addrens to the old soldiers. His theme was "Iowa BoldlefS and Bailers." Having been a member 'of this brigade, he was able to know exactly what the soldiers had endured. He told chiefly of ' tha campaign along the Mlnslwlppl and the ptrt plaved by the' sailor boys of Iowa in the grent clvll war. Quoting the speaker: "From the begin ning of hostilities In the west until tho clbe of the war there was not a battle fought near a navigable river that the gun borte did not take part in aud render valu able service: and when we consldrr the fu''t that the Iowans were on nearly every vts- j eel In the squadron during the war and ' that Iowa had commissioned officers on twenty-suven ot them, n miy justly claim as Iowans a full share in the honors and glory won by the gunrooM on the Mlmla slppl and its tributaries during the wir. Furthermore, It establishes a subttantl il and enduring claim of Iova sillers to have their memory Inscribed on the monument erected by the generous patrlotlxni of the state." j aeatrthlnsT Abont Crocker. General Jack Btlbba of- Chle.ijo. always a popular speaker at the gatherings of old soldiers, told several war stories and re clte-J a number of poems, which were re ceived with applause. Congressman Larey and Governor Cummlus also spoke. The former dwelt with sadness on the fact that the ranks axe getting thinner each time of reunion and the step of, the old soldier less elastic with each succeeding year. Governor Cummins told of his visit to the ' old battlelields in the south recently. He told how he regretted the fact that when the war of the rebellion broke out he was too young to go, and how he vowed if his country ever needed him again he would not hesitate to offer himself to the cause. Thirty years later the1 call came anJ, making his promise good, he presented himself to the governor of the atate, who replied that he was too old to learn the soldier's way and life. He spoke felicit ously and his speech made a deep impres sion on his hearers. Crocker's Iowa brigade has existed for over forty years and is a firmly estab lished organization. Marcellus M. Crocker, in whose honor the brigade was named, was born at FTanklln, lnd., February 6, 1830. In 1840 he removed to Illinois, where he remained five years, and then came to Jefferson county, Iowa. Though in poor circumstances, he munnged to secure enough education to alluw him to enter West Point in 1847. Here he remained two yearn, resigning at the end of two years In order to support his mother. Crocker studied law and settled in Dee Moines in 18' 6. During the fall of 1800 the young men of the town orgaalred a mili tary company and unanimously made Law yer Crocker their captain. Three days after Fort Sumter was fired- upon Captam Crocker tendered his company to Presi dent Lincoln. It was accepted and Is known in the hhttory of the war as Com pany It. Second Iowa infantry. Crocker was (ommisaloned colonel of the Thir teenth Iowa infantry by Governor Kirk wood early in ltt!2 for valiant service at Corinth. He w.w placed In cqmmand of the Icwa brigade and accompanied General Sherman on his memorable march to ths sea. General Creckor was compelled to loaxo th field at Decatur, Ala., on account of sickness and was sent by the War de partment to tike a command In New Mexico, hoping that he might there regain his health. The hope was vain, however, for on his return from New Mexico, in l'tt. he died at Willard's hotel In Wash ington. New OQleers lOlected. The trluade wus composed of the Elev enth, Tliirttcntli. FUUenth acd Sixteenth regiments. Ihe Fifteenth was mustered in ut Keukuk and Ihe others at Davenport. At the business meeting which was held yeterduy mjrning-the following officers were elected: President Colonel II. H. Itudo. Mount Vernon; recording secretary, Charles W. Kepler, Mount Vernon; corre sponding secretary, Mr. liuthnell, , Council i:U.n, treasurer, Peter Klene, Dubuque. The Invitation vf Clinton that the old sol diers hold their next reunion in that city was accepted. Heoausa of the Interest shown by Governor Cummins In the Crocker Iowa brigade he was chosen to be speaker for IM. Toe meeting then ad journed. LIFE OF BRITISH SOLDIER Career that Is Full of Hardship, Says One Who Tried It. CONTEMPT OF OFFICERS FOR PRIVATES Han Who Fonght Doers Saye They Were Superior, and Telle ot Char acter of Various Kngllsh Commanders. David Gibson, an English soldier of twelve years' experience, arrived in the city Thursday from Montreal, Canada, in quest of his brother, William Gibson, who at one time worked at tho Willow Springs distil lery. The latter left the employ of that es tablishment several years ago, and Ills pres ent whereabouts is unknown. D-wid Gibson has quite an Interesting his tory, having served with General Kitchener in the Soudan and with Generals Buller, Metheun, Roberts and Kitchener in the South African wars. "The treatment of the British soldier is not all that It is cracked up to be," said he. "In the South African war It was pretty tough. The command to which I was attached In that war marched afoot from Capo Town to Modder river and Klm berley. It was an awful march; much harder than anything we underwent Jn the Boudan. Our supplies did not keep up with us half the time, and we were on half ra tions almost continuously. We always were under heavy marching orders, and the weight we carried continuously, with ' our guns, ammunition and kits, would reach forty to forty-five pounda. v Little Food In Coantrr. "There wus little to live on off the coun try. Then, when we did finally reach Kim berley, we were not much better off. The siege there had reduced provisions to a very scant condition, and the rations were small. The climate was new to us, and many of the boys died of camp fever and African fever. Our duty tours were un ceasing and heavy. The Boers never grew tired, but kept us on the watch constantly. Things changed a little for the better when General Roberts came, and supplies began to get through more regularly. "Don't let anyone make you believe the Boers were not great fighters. England never went up against braver or better men, I think General Buller was one ot our best fighters, but, thenv he had certain weaknesses. Metheun was a good one, but he went wrong at the end. While Roberts was a splendid officer, the Boers were too much for him. I think he respected the cause for which they were fighting too much to go against them as hard as ha might with his forces. Kitchener was a cold-blooded fellow and the beat generul In Vthe English army. Ue bad no regard for his men. Results was' what he was after; and he never let up until he reached them. Kitchener Compliments None. "I never knew of General Kitchener com plimenting an officer or a man for a heroic act, and the Boer war was fuy of heroic incidents. "One of the great drawbacks to the Eng lish army in South Africa was in the char acter of tho subaltern officers. They were generally Inexperienced, soft-headed sons of the nobility who were sent out with very little preparation for the positions they were to hold. The rank and file had no confidence in them and then If a war rant officer or private should, in an ex treme emergency, undertake to act on his own responsibility to get his detachment out of a scrape that his company officers had blundered into, he stood a better chance for a court-martial than he did for commendation or promotion. The English soldier Is regarded as but an Inanimate tool or piece of machinery. A horse or mule is regarded with more consideration, as it possesses a money value, while the soldier has no value at all except In num bers to accomplish a certain end. There is an immeasurable distance between the private soldier and his officer that can never be overcome. The private fights be cause of his pride as an Englishman and because he believes tha English soldier Is unconquerable. If he is beaten he lays it to the incompetency of his officers. He is conscious of their blunders, but he is not permitted to prevent .them even when it is possible for him to do so. Pride ot English soldier. "An English soldier is proud of his uni form, his colors and his country and his king. lit believes he la a part of the strong arm of the 'greatest nation of earth.' Frlde and contempt keep him from acts of in subordination. As Kitchener Is as a general, so is the private soldier of England as a soldier impassive, stoical, fearless and de termined. His ambition is to conquer, and if he falls once, twice or a dozen times he is ever willing to continue the attempt. When success does come he thinks it but the inevitable consequence of his qualities as an English soldier." WOMAN IN CLUB AND CHARITY JENNINGS TO BOOK CONCERN Presidios; Elder of Omaha Bet hod 1st District Will Go to Kansas City. WAYNE, Neb., 'Sept. 17. Speclal Tele gram.) The agents 'of the Western Meth odist Book Concern have asked Rev. J. W, Jennings to become manager of the Kansas City depository and the bishop has con sented to the appointment. It la with re gret that the pastors of the district part wltn Dr. Jennings, as presiding elder. Who his successor will be is yet a cabinet secret. It is rumored that Rev. M. A. Head, pas tor of the First Methodist Episcopal church of South Omaha, will go to Deadwood, S. V., for the eemlng1 year. A n preliminary meeting ol the social science department of the Woman's club, held during the week, a general outline of the year's work was decided upon that promises to make that department one of the most efficient and Interesting in the club. Four general branches were decided upon and a chairman appointed for each. The property rights of women, Mrs. George Tilden, chairman, is the first; the Nebraska law to be given particular attention. In dustrial conditions, Mrs. Smith, chairman; civic Improvement, Miss E. E. McCartney, chairman, and juvenile courts, Mrs. M. J. Monnette, chairman, will be the other branches, and the fourteen meetings of the winter will be divided up among these sub jects. The first meeting of the year will be held soon after the state meeting in October and Will be fl. SOrlnl mnatlnv AAmKln..! 1 . v. - - - L"""B .vuiuaicii Will, vacation notes that will be responded to by 1111 memoeri or the department. As the close unity of members is especially desir able, a courtesies committee has been ap pointed, with Mrs. Henry McDonald chair man, for tha purpose of bringing members into closer acquaintance, and during the winter the little informal teas formerly given by the department will be resumed It was further decided that the regular meetings should be opened with current events on social topics, and Mrs. Clara Bui bank was appointed cqalrman to act with Mrs. Beach Taylor as "leader of this. The department is under the general leader ship of Mrs. E. B. Towle this year, with Mrs. ClaraTlurbank first assistant and Mrs. E. E. Adams second assistant. The regu lar meetings will begin about the middle of October. It has been practically settled that the annual convention of the National Wom an's Christian Temperance union will be held at Los Angeles ln 1905. Although no official announcement has been made of this, Los Angeles has long wanted the meeting, and the executive committee has agreed informally that its invitation of long standing shall be accepted next year when special rates to the coast will insure a large attendance. The Omaha, women had hoped to secure the convention next year, but it is believed now that, with the meeting held in Philadelphia this year and Los Angeles next year, they will stand a be ter chance in 190, as the convention will then rightfully belong to the middle west, and their Invitation was presented in formally son.e time ago. November S to December 4 are the dates for this year's meeting, which will be held at Philadelphia. According to the Washington Star, the manager, of tho republican national cam paign have figured It out that Roosevelt's election or defeat may te determined by the vote of the women of the four suf frage states and accordingly, they have ecursd the services of Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, president of the Women's Repub lican club of the United States, to stump Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Utah, for Roosevelt. In these four states, women vote on alT matters just as men do, and it is anticipated that If the democrats make a winning fight in the east, Colorado may become a pivotal state and many of the Parker managers believe that it will be easier to carry the four suffrage states than to carry Indiana. In some of these states, the women cast from 40 to 60 per cont of the entire vote. The Denver News observes that a special brand of literature Is being prepared for the women voters. "The lessons of protection are being brought home to her. The housewife is shown how she enjoys protection on her raspberry preserves, and how the home market for perfumes can be Invaded by the pauper-made extracts from Europe. Thla Is supposed to convert her to the principles of republicanism and protection. But It will take something stronger than rasp berry jam and perfume as the foundation of a tariff argument to catch the western voting woman." " The Nebraska Women Suffrage associa tion has Issued an outline for the Septem ber program to be followed by the clubs Of the state. Its chief features are the roll call to be responded to by each mem ber, telling what she has done for suffrage during the summer vacation, and the elec tion of delegates to the annual state con vention to be held at Geneva in November. The September Headquarters' Message will be read, which includes a detailed ac count of Miss Gall LaughlWs tour of the state this summer and what was accom plished by it. Mrs. Nellie Beach Miller, corresponding secretary of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs, has Issued the following announcement to the club women of the state through the club presidents: OMAHA, Sept. 12, 1904. My Dear Madame President: The tenth annual meeting of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs will be held in Seward October 11, 12 and 1J, 1U04. lu the Methodist Episcopal church. A rate of one and one-third fare has been granted over all railroads, providod luO certificates costing above 60 cents, are sold, Please rsmember that to secure this rate it Is absolutely necessary for delegatus and others attending the meeting from your town, to procure certiilcatea from the agents ot each of the lines over which they travel in going to the meeting, and to present the same, immediately upon ar rival, to the transportation committee that they may be properly endorsed and re turned. The credentials and transportation com mittees will be In waiting at the church Tuesday morning, October 11, at It o'clock. The local entertainment committoe re quests that names of delegatus be sent immediately to Mrs. S, C. Langworthy, Seward, that they may know the -umlier for which to prepare, and, that each dele gate wear, upon arrival, a badge giving Uie name of her town. Rooms and breakfast. In private families, will be furnUhed all speakers, oftlcein, member's of committees and delegates. A reduced rates -Of 26 cents tier meal has been granted by the two leading hotels aud restaurants. According to the constitution, article vlll, sections 1 and t, all dues must be paid to I 1 September 15, 1005, before olubs are entitled to representation. It yours are not paid, kindly send them at nnoe to Miss vlliaabeth Sheldon, Columbus, that the officers may present a complete financial report to the convention. If that la not possible be ore-, pared to pay your dues at Howard to the recording secretary who will be nt tha church with the credentials committee on Tuesday morning. Miss Sheldon will also . receive any contribution your oluu may desire to make to the colored kindergarten work, which the last oonventlon voted unanimously to continue, gifts to which are entirely voluntary. As president of your club you are a mem ber of the board of directors, and of tho nominating committee. The program committee presents a pro gram of unusual excellence. Special atten tion is given to club reports. It Is hoped that every club will send one or more dele gates; if yours cannot be represented kindly send a concise report of your year's prog ress to your corresponding secretary, who will present it fur you. Mrs. Hlnman, chairman of the educational committee, re quests that each delegate bring to the edu cational conference a written report of what has been done in the Interest of edu cation in her own locality. This confer ence U Included In the educational program of Tuesday afternoon. Subjects of special Interest will .be presented at each ot the other conferences. The list of speakers, outside of the fed eration, includes Miss Macrae, principal of Brownell hall, Omaha; Judge Linduey, Den ver; Dun V. Stephens. Fremont; Prof. Mil ler, University of Nebraska; Dr. Lowry, Lincoln; Mrs. Hlller, principal of the Chi cago Ddmea'.lii Science Training school, and Mrs. Nellie Kedzle Jones, member ot the household economics committee of the gen eral federation. The last named speaker was Invited to address Nebraska olub women by special request of the Nebraska delegation to the biennial. . - . In addition to the excellent musical talent of Seward, the names of Mrs. Castor and Mrs. Will Owen Jones insure a musical treat, ' . The members 6f the executive board send to you and your club, through this an nouncement, their kindliest greetings and express their belief that you will co operate In making the coming meeting, what the tenth convention should be, the banner meeting of the federation. Very truly your,NELLIB reach MILLER.' Corresponding Secretary. PARKER ACTS AS PALL BEARER Representative Harrison Will Hold Conference with Democratic Candidate on flnaday. ESOPUS, N. T., Sept. 17.-Judge Parker was one of the pallbearers at the funeral of Dr. Jacob Chambers, which took place at Kingston today. Representative Francis Burton Harrison of New York, chairman of the bureau of organisation for the upstate campaign, a guest at the home of William F. Sheehan at West Park and tomorrow will confer with Judge Parker. reansylranla Veterans at Aatletam, BIIARPBBURO, Md., Sept. 17.-8urvIvore of thirteen Pennsylvania regiments that fought In the battle of Antletam, on the forty-second anniversary of the battle today, dedicated monuments tn the same number of regiments as memorials to the valor of their comrades. Prominent among those who participated were Governor Sam uel W. Punnypacker and General Rubsrt Shaw Oliver, acting secretary 6f war. Thousands of veleians attended the exercises. ft