i IS J ! I 1 it ! i I I iff TTTE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, 8EFTEMBKR 18. 1004. wi amn HMD HIM TJte higfi grade of excellence that characterized all the Terrill stock is apparent in the magnificent showing. ITiix stock offers a matchless array of fa brics for horse show costumes--many beau tiful patterns for evening andstreet gowns. MUJJjWray Also all ihe High Class Goods from the Dressmaking Stock of Mme. Monette, 556 5th Ave., N. Y. The approach of the horse show and its demand for smart apparel makes this sale of elaborate dress fabrics very timely. Part of the stock is now on display in our show windows. For Monday's selling: we offer you the most elegant and elaborate goods from the Terrill and Monette stocks. The most exclusive goods, splendid dress and evening silks, real laces, lace skirtings, dress trimmings, medallions, etc. Fine Dress Goods from ihe Terrill and Monette Stocks In this assemblage of high class Roods are dross patterns of Illusion Voile, Crepe Ondula, Crepe Eolienne, Chiffon Voile, etc., in the most fashionable shades in elegant costumes also cloths of Broadcloth, Doe Skin, Scotch and English Worsted, Cheriots, etc. a most unusual array of ultra swell goods some worth up to $4 a yard- fat, yard In this lot is a wide variety of the popular sheer silk and wool dress poods French Voile, Chiffon Crepe, Crepe de Paris, Silk Voile, Sicilians, Mohairs, Panamas, the neat and much favored mannish mixtures exclusive I -patterns for dresses and skirts the very best styles for the fall seasonworth up to $2 a yard : -at, a yard 98c Splendid $2 Dress Goods at 69c Yard 69c Silks from the Dressmaking Stocks All the elegant lining taffetas from the Terrill and Monette stocks also fancy trimming silks, crepe de chines, shirt waist silks, fancy velvets at, a yard V 49c Ll $1.50 and $2 Silks at 69c 27-inch silks for suits, imported printed Messalines, Dresden Louisenes, warp print taffetas, coarse pongee, plain and fancy weave silks for cos tumes, exclusive patterns, all fash ionable colorings worth up to ?2 yard at, a yard , 369c Stunning Evening Brocades, Satins Taffetas, Ombre Silks, Chameleons, in dark and light shades, printed crepe de Paris and nilk voiles, new de signs for evening wear, handsome Pom padour silks, 45 inch mousseline d'Ar monville, imported by Jiiss Terrill to sell up to $4.00 a yard, at, yard 98c Laces from the Dressmaking Stock i-High grade novelty laces from the Terrill stock point Lierre, ' point d'Venice, point de Gene, point gauze, Irish crochet in i 'l:"r Ka,009' ' 19c-39c-69c-98c O B7 I 5 IA.U hand made laces, including real Brussels, Duchesse, etc., worth up to $5 yard, at, yard. . 5-inch black silk costume nets, also 45-inch Q- ftfir-l QQ black Chantilla Skirtings, worth to $6.50 yd. U 7L" 70v"i. 70 $1 to 2.50 3 fl Fine imiiliij.ii sa. .ilk. sr Millinery Opening Exhibit JflLLIKEHY elegance is revealed as nicer before in the great opening sale at lirandeis -Viz most elegant display of fail mode from Viz greatest foreign and American designers. Every sluipe and design that is favored by fashitn. A Stunning Dress Hat at $10 We oiler an array of fall dress hats at $10 that is a be witching millinery display in itself. These hats are both Imported hats and faithful copies-of the most exquisite models Avrougut b y experienced workmen The stunning King Charles shape, the round French sailors, French toques, etc. 'legance in every de tail of trimming Elaborate' Horse Show Hats Designed by the greatest millinery artists In Paris, London and New York. Per fect exponents of the most authentic fashion. Designs In the new Casrhon, Parsifal blue, blended brown, coque de roche, etc., trimmed with the graceful cavalier plumes the best artlstlo efforts In fall millinery $!5.$25-$30$40 The Brarvdeis Fall Hat at $5 nene liats $5 A varied showing embracing the latest and smartest of the correct designs for autumn a large number of thene hats were specially designed for horse show wear every hat bears the graceful style and individual ity that characterized Brandeis millinery, special. A Beautiful Trimmed Hat at $7.?0 Dr-eas and carriage) modes in profusion all the latest blended and contrasty shadings that distinguish fall millinery every one 7 f a stunning ht, at IJU Dress and Street Hats at $2 and $3. 98 These hats are some of the most meritorious designs from our own work rooms both pretty trimmed hats and jaunty. TOR smart street hats two special lots at a J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, - BOSTON STORE 13 i t-4 TOMORROW Tapestry Portieres, Couch Covers, Silk Tapestries, etc., from Philadelphia Manufacturer. SOME ARE DAMAGED BY WATER. i The entire stock of a well known Philadelphia tapestry curtain manufacturer was damaged by water by the breaking of the automatic sprinkler system. Some of these goods became very wet, others are all sound and perfeat. ' . We bought the entire stock on hand from the insurance company at about one-fourth itsTalue. It invoiced $7,683.32, and all of these goods on sale tomorrow. $10 Tapestry Curtains at $1.98 each All the absolutely sound and perfect Tapestry Portieres, heavy mercerized and plain colored rep and brocade with wide velour border, those beautiful drapery curtains that generally sell at $10.00 per pair, these we offer tomorrow at $1.98 each. We sell them by the pair or singly, ach $5 Odd and Single Curtains at 98c each All the single curtains from the above lot, in many instances one of them become' wet and the other is absolutely sound and per fect, the perfect ones from this lot we will sell at 98c ach; they are all beautiful goods and worth $10 per pair; just the thing for single doors or couch covers tl .98 All the damaged curtains, there are not many of these, as long as they last, they will go at, each 25. at French Striped Couch . Covers 98c All the beautiful French Btriped, Roman striped, and Bag dad striped couch covers, extra large ize, all sound and perfect, go at each $5 Couch Covers , each $1.50 All the extra heavy, large sized couch covers, PA this lot had be-lt-aJU come slightly wet, they go at each.... . $10 Tapestries at $1.50 Yard All the beautiful all silk brocaded tapes tries, and all silk .Brogatelles, f PA they are worth $10 per yard, go jU at per yd , ; $5 Tapestries at 75c Yd. All of the extra heavy silk faced tapestries that generally sell at $5.00 per yard, beau tiful rich coloring?, must be 7 f seen to be appreciated, go in n urn two lots, 75c and 98 per yd....' 98c $7.50 Couch Covers at each $2.98 All the absolutely perfect this lot, very .98 couch covers from largo and extra heavy, these should really be seen to be appreciated, they are sound and per fect and go at each X 1 25c $1.50 Tapestries at 25c Yd. All of the cotton, wool, silk faced and mercerized tapestries in stripes, floral and Turkish effects, worth up to $1.50 per yard, some of them slightly damaged, go at 50c Velour Border 5c Yd. All of the velour border and tapestry border that has been displayed in our front show window, it is worth 50o per yard, and goes tomorrow at yard Miss TerriU's Dress Trimmings All sorts of plain and fancy silk braid, Fersian bands, appliques, spangles hundreds of stunning styles many fancy trimmings adapted for evening gowns bargain counters, at, yard 5c, 10c9 15c, 25c up to 98c yard Thousands of all silk medallions in black, white and fancy colors, butterflies, flowers, wheat effects, etc., worth J?' fA up to 50c each, at, each JC"UC Swellest Models for rail Initial Showing1 Ladies' Tailored Suits. a reuteto of authentic modes in tailored suits, coats and skirts for ladies all the best and most pop ular style features. Highest Grade Suits $29 to $49 The most attractive ideas in the ultra swell short and long tourist coat, jaunty runabout suits, blouse and military styles, elegantly fashioned, perfectly tailored and bearing all the at tributes of absolute fall style the newest fabrics at $29 $49 5c Stunning Suit at $24.50 Ilere are about 35 styles in , thi? Reason's newest and best ideas, including many sample suits all the latest OA 50 shades and mixtures. .ryt A Fall Special at $14.85 ?2The styles that will attain the greatest popularity this fall Parsifals, tourists, direc- toires, etc. etc. a score of becoming ' 1A OC styles at ITiUJ A i I r I m Hm Suit at $8.98. 3af2'' A very special suit offer for Monday a dozen distinct and favored styles in the new ideas the new belted backs, box fronts, all round blouses, new shoulders, new Q Qfi . sleeves, etc. all smart, up-to-date suits, at 0vJ The New Dress Skirts for Fall A splendid assemblage of dress, walkinjrand costume skirts every new sU Is feature and the most attractive fabrics 4rt elegant dress skirts, at TT.U IU vpi 5mart Walking Skirts-Correct fall weight 12.50 15.00 to 39.00 The Swell Tourist Coats for Fall The most popular-coat of them all the reigning favorite for all sorts of out-door wear a pructlcal and verv stylish coat (( many goades, at $7.50, $9.98. $12.50 and up to JUU J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. - BOSTON STORE CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE irospeota for Future Business Considered Setter Than for Many Months. MARKETS IN GOOD HEALTHY CONDITION XT Gooda Urn Much Interested la Cotnn Cri, bat Moat of Tbna Plarvrlna; on Staple BeULag (or Ten t esta or Better. Pronpects for future bualnma are now Ouvldvr4 Letter tlmn they tiuva been at auy time In oiauy uiuiitha. A critical aU. In the nurturing- of the corn crop waa JxutarJ In tafuty laat waok ajid th warm Wnather of ttia laat fnw daya haa helped materially In puttlna; the crop out of (lun ger front (root. The general lniuT8ion ecma to be that tlte crop In .VLrtka In particular will te a record hreakitr and a , result merciianta are buyUif wltb more confldnu In illclpatUm o( an enorrnoui (all and wluter buMueM. Travelbig aalue tun Imvo noticed the Innproveiunnt in tlte lul ff w daya and buuae en.lamea for local Jublx.iJi aptHilc of the gTfeater confidence In future buxlMcea exhlullcd by lutrilianu who have been In the rlty. fco fur ae can be told now ererythlna- polnta to a better traJe durtnir th next eever&i months then u exijvrtctu-ed a yettr aao and If lbt la tlu case iu the face of a reaMentlai cam als"n the eft.-ct of good irti. upun buai ine will be mure t(rtut tnaa ever. The luarkxfa tu irar(lca.lly aJl arvple Hum are tuUo iu a cixai ne.lthy cendl tlun with so pros pec U at the present time of any very radical change fur some time to oume. There la, of courae, a aunerul tendency to be cautloua until after election, but at the earns time there la a food bnalthy undertone to the trude which la attracting much comment. - Collection are fairly satisfactory and aovr that live atock l moA-lnv more freely it la thought there will be no further com plain U ou that score. Ilotb lain and t offee Very Firm. Wholesale grocers report the demand for their line of aooda as twins very brisk for even this time of yexx ana say their Bales are fully us good us a year ago and up to their expouLutioiiS. , Blnue lust report there has Ixteu 110 change in the sugar market either on ruwn or refined. The demand, however, still oontlnuee exception ally heavy, and He a result retinera are gutting farther and farther behind with ihelr orders. Many Well pfsted opuratura are still looking for a scarcity to develop before the eud of the montfe. The coffee market has also been very active for the laat two or three days and prtoes have steadily advanced with a t gain tor the week on greens of 't t S cents. Indi cations are considered favorable for suil further advances. Cheese Is quoud a full cent higher than tt waa a week ago and the demand is still exceptionally Urge. Thie la occasioned, no doubt, by the fxxt that prices now Iu force are lower than they were for the corresponding- period of laat year. Higher prices, though, are being freely predicted for the future. Ho ir as CjUjtatluus are concerned, there has not been rgucb change In caaned goods during the wek umler review. According to reports received from central and north ern luwa the . curn crop waa somewhat damaged, but to wka4 extent that la tfce ctuB la not definitely known. It la thought, however, tbat the tnfury la cotuined to binited areas. lonialiwra. both spots and (uiurea, are holding their own, but reports of the un satisfactory condition of the crop are re ceived from the east, where It la claimed much damage has been done by blight, various estimates put the pack this year In Maryland at from 60 to per cent of lust year's pack. Higher prices are quoted on Bockeye salmon and also on Chi nooks, because of light packs. In the line of dried fruits the situation has changed somewhat on two items, peaches being marked up on all grades from Ho to So. It is also reported that tbe packers have gone into an agreement on seeded raisins and advanced prices on fancy one-pound packages. The price still re mains low on seeded raisins of the 1903 crop. The market on tobacco may be con sidered good and firm, but local Jobber say they are not figuring on any material changes In the Immediate future. There la undoubtedly a short crop, but it is not thought that there will be any material changes In ruling quotations. Cotton Goods Good Property. Dry goods men are all watching the cot ton crop with much interest. The majority of them however, admit that they scarcely know what to expect, as the crop situation Is still very uncertain. A crop of about IS.olti.OuO bales Is being estimated by many, while others think It will fall short of that. Much, of courae, depends upon the weather from this time on, as the yield will be tncreuaed or decreased as conditions are favorable or unfavorable. Those to a position to know ay, however, that In no event do they look for the price to go below 1V, while It may be considerably above that. FXen with a i,e0u,0u0 bale crop they figure that there will be no more than mourn to supplv the requirements of the trude. They point to the fact that practically no old cotton has been carried over, and also to the small amount of staple goods In the hands of both msntrfa'tiirera and wholesalers. Jobbers say that ther find U imjmaaHils le get preuiyt deliver! of many of the moat ordinary staples, which manufacturers generally have on hand in large quantities, and they explain this by saying that manufacturers have been mak ing goods only as fast as they had a mar ket for them, so aa to take no chances on either the crop or the election. As soon us both these questions are out of the wny the general opinion la that there will be the largest demand for cotton that hu been seen In some time past. 80 far as the local trade situation Is con cerned Jobbers have nu complaints what ever to offer. More buyers were In the city last week than expected and traveling salesmen also met with better success than usual. The favorable prospects for a good corn crop undoubtedly helped out the trade the latter part of the week. A good run of buyers la looked for this week, but It would occasion no surprise of there was considerable falling oh Just before Ak-Bar-Men week, and then during the festivities they expect a rush even greater than they had a year ago. No important changes In the prices on manufactured lines took place laat week and no very sensational fluctuations are being predicted for the Immediate future.. Hardware Very Hrl.t. The hardware market Is also very active and Jobbers say that the way things look now they will go ahead of the record they established last fall. The demand 1 gen eral for all classes of seasonable and staple foods and according to reports received rora the country, retailers are enjoying a very nioe trude, which of course makes them liberal buyers. As a general thing comparatively little stock waa carried over from last year, which also forces them to buy freely this fall. Tbe market la In Just about the same position It was a week ago, no Important ctuuigae having taken place on any of the leading lines. Jobber say the market is In a good strong position, and so far as tbey can see will remain taut way Indefi nitely. Xbe leatber goods trad to also la good shape, and Jobbers are well satisfied with the amount of business they have done so far this season, and with the prospect of future trade. The few cool days of last week started things to moving in the coun try to some extent and brought In a num ber of nice orders both direct and through traveling salesmen. Merchants who have been In the city recently all had a good word to aay of the conditions in their re spective sections and said they expected to do a better trade this fall than they had a year ago. There Is nothing new In the market, as prices are firm all along the line, with no indication of their being otherwise during the present season. Rubber footwear is still very quiet. Job bers, though, are busy shipping out their advance orders, .of which they have a large assortment. They expect very little busi ness until after cold weather sets in, but they sold so much stock last spring before the advances went Into effect that they are content to wait for some' time -without much business. HtMUIOt. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Flood, Roman Cathollo archbishop of Trinidad, Is In the United States for quite a prolonged stay. Miss Gertrude von Petzold. M. A., who has accepted charge of a I'nltarlan church In Leicester. Is said to be the first woman appointed to a pastorate in Kngland. The Rev. Reginald Bridge and the Rev. James Gracem, Australian priests from Sydney, are making a tour of the United Htales, studying the educational and re HkIous conditions here. Portland, Ore., has a Japanese Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. H. Suglhara is the pastor. His people, who are mostly do mestic servants or day laborers, have made groat sucriflces to raise (3.000 tnward a church building. John O'Uonuell of Salt lke City has put t-hirty-eu years of labor lute a piece of wood-carving, which represents the life of Christ from his birth to the ascension. Mr O'Donnell has donated this unique work to be sold for the benefit of the Bait Lake cathedral. C. V. Hlbbard, formerly secretary of the College Young Men's Christian as sociation of Chicago, has gone to Man churia, where he will take charge of the Young Men's Christian association work In the Japanese army. He will make bis headquarters at Antung. The chapel of Columbia university, which Is to be erected on Amsterdam avenue. New York, Is to be a fireproof edifice, shaped like a Greek cross In its ground plan. It will be 114 feet high, crowned with a large dome surmounted by a cupola. The coat of the building Is estimated at !260.000. A pastoral from the Roman Cathollo Archbishop Elder of Cincinnati was read from the pulpit of that diocese on August 2k Anlitrln. nsrent who resnected his authority to end their children only to parochial schools, where such existed, "un der pain of mortal sin." Confessors srs forbidden to give absolution to parents who disobey this mandate. OUT OK T1IH OHDI.1AHV. The river Rhine generally carries a larger volume of-traffic than any single railway In the world. In llf American Immigration Into Ca nada amounted to only forty-four psopls and In 11M it amounted to 47.780 people. An expedition sent by Amherst college to the fossll-beurlng districts of Wyoming has brought back specimens of monkeys, squir rels and pig said to be fully 4,0u0,u00 year old. A French authority had two thermome tersone of ordinary glass, the other painted black placed in the sun. In the white glass the mercury rose to 144. Under tbe black faint It went un fas uj n the same position. The Inference Is that peo- file who wear black coats are warmer In he sunshine than those who dress in white. Parker & Davis Is the name of a firm which has a general store down In Osark county, MlKsourl. Queer as It may seem, both of tke members of the Arm are repub licans. Of the large cltlee Now York covers 208,211 acres, Chicago 1:2,008 acres, Philadelphia K,il3 acres, Boston 27,251 acres, St. luls X).:i7 acres, Cleveland 22,422 acres and Cin cinnati 2G.S80. The oldest love letter In the world Is In the Hrltlsh museum. It Is the proposal of marriage for the hand or an rwtyptian prin cess, and it was made 3,500 year ago. it la in the form of un Inscribed brick. The railway traveler In Japan buys a first, second or third class ticket; or, If he wishes to go ch-aper still, he ran get a ticket entitling him simply to stand on the piatform! Many of the cars can be en tered either from the side or the end. A hen has scratched up Mrs. William Marion Bmathers' IAO00 diamond after It had lain in the earth for ten years. The stone was lost by Mrs. Hmalhera while visiting relatives In Grat Partington. Mrs. Bmathers was then Miss Rebecca Lorlng Penouff and she was the guest of her aunt, .' Mrs. Wright Crlppen. A diligent search for the diamond a as liept up fur months after ward. I.ouls Mollenen, known In Houghton, Mich., at the Qulnry Hill giant, who hag steadfastly refuted offrrs flora circus pro prietors and others to place himself on pub 110 exhibition, ha reconsidered his decbrlon to the extent that he has nccepted a propo sition to boccme "floor walker In a leading cafe and sample room there. As the pro- Erletor of the place states, the young man as been employed merely to stand around and look wine, but that he will prove a ' drawing card Is not doubted. Mollenen' height is 7 feet S Inches, and he la still growing. His weight (s tfiO pouud. wtiUa bis sUtugla la likened to that t a bull, 1