Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1904, PART 1, Page 6, Image 6

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(Copyright, 1W4. by Alice Bruce.)
' Flip! The crimson s'-allnpnil (lups of the
performers' entrance parted 8u1'1enly and
Oeronlroo stepped out Into th- night.
"Black, black as pitch," he muttered,
and at the swift change from ring frlnre to
Inky darkness his tired eyes blinked as he
swept the darker silhouettes,' the sun-blistered
menagerie cars standing gaunt and
silent on a sidetrack.
Tap-tlp-tspplty-tlp! A heavy rain had
Just ceased falling; and In the blaze of light
under the high, covered archway big,
sparkling drops glistened on the fly's edge,
tattoed the taut-stretched roof of the mam
moth tent and splashed Into the trench
below. No other sounds' save tho shuffling
to the crescent on his quivering chin. He
looked the fool he nightly acted.
"Ah, but no, but no, Senor Quereno." he
was arguing. "Ma'amselle did not send
you. You say so, but ma'amselle doea not
trust ycu. I know! And Marco? Nov no,
you lie! Bah! that spell In your eyes,
senor. Keep that for fools!"
"Come, come," urged the Spaniard. "We
must hurry, Geronlmo."
. ' ,
"Ah, Senor Quereno, Geronlmo," mut
tered Callagan hoarsely. "Tou bring me
bad news, pad news. Marco, Marco, and bo
young, so young! A violinist, Quereno: a
trick performer, Geronlmo; a horseman, a
gentle lad. I shall never engage hla like
Ma'amselle promised she fulfilled.
Yah, yah, and there was money, Marco's
money. "Lots of mon-ey, vun t'ousand
dollars on his person."
"On his person? On his person?"- Calla
gan'a speaking eyes had framed the ques
tion. "Ah, oul, you see you see; he did not
trust, an' we Haf traveled much. M'sleur,"
she answered with a smile. "Bah! an'
Senor Quereno. he Is beeslness, he confera
with Marco. He not believe In In banks.
They fall sometimes?. No, no, very often,'
he say. And so, our mon'ey he haf it
here, M'sieur." t
Suddenly out from the troupe car to the
little railed platform stepped 8enor Quer
eno, a burnished megapohne at his lips.
"Brothers, sisters, members of the troope.
Manager Callagan woufh speak with yom
'To the ring, to the ting,' he says. Come
one, come all."
"My friends, my friends," said the sad-I
jtm? ilfi & v !
-II' M pllj
of feet, the buzz of many voices and the
muffled strains of the violins within. Mar
lino was juggling with the ten golden balls.
Standing a moment beneath the dazzling
archway, Geronlmo satisfied the longing of
Ms lungs. "Me-ah!" again and again he
breathed, for the' fragrance of sprouting
sage filled the raln-cooled air and the ieat
of the ring had been Intense.
"But, the fight In the troupe car, sick
Marco's light? I cannot Bee it," he mut
tered, stepping Into the shadows and shad
Ing his eyes wfth his hands. "And and
Callagan said there was a light!"
From the bunching scarlet and yellow on
his bosom he pulled out his watch and
glanced at it; then over at the big. green
posters flapping Idly on the canvas walls.
"Ah, only five minutes till I hold the drum,
and I must not keep Ma'amselle waiting.
I have never kept her waiting! But Marco,
her brother Marco! Ma'amselle Is so anx
ious; she will ask and then I cannot tell.
Bah, Geronlmo! you have time time and
to spare. Go; ask Marco how he fares.
He has drawn down the shade, that Is all."
Glumly he glanced down at hla shoes,
spangled, Immaculate, white.
But Geronimo's mind was made up.
Where Ma'amselle Marie Sellnl was con
cerned It did not take him long to decide.
So thrusting his hands deep Into the wide,
frilled pockets of his long, yellow panta
loons, he drew them up almost to his knees
and tip-toed quickly off in the direction of
the troupe car.
Almost at the platform ho halted sud
denly, muttering anathemas on a miniature
mud lake shimmering between him and the
car. Bah! to think there had not been a
spot on his shoes, and now?
A dark figure sprang down from the plat
form Into the surface water. Geronlmo felt
the spray on his powdered face.
. Up went his hands. The leopard-spotted
frills of his pantaloons touched mud. His
heart ' gave one great bound and like a
drumstick thumped against hla chest.
"Geronlmo, Geronlmo!" whispered a
familiar voice.
"Ah, sl Benor Quereno, y-you? It la you,"
stammered the clown. "And and Marco;
what of Marco?"
"Dead, d-dead!" gulped the tight wire
walker, suppressing the excitement In his
voice. "M-Ma'amselle, she she sent me. I
found him dead. Come come with me,
Geronlmo. We must report to Callagan at
For a moment Geronlmo stood as one
dased. From the crlmsijn star on hjs
flake-white cheek, leaving Its colored wake
behind, a big, glittering drop rolled down
TIrjt Clm Accommodations
. to Fastidious People.
Turn laatde Ina Caters tm Swelldom mt
Wall mm the Great Democracy.
The favored few to whom money la no
object, but who want the beat of every
thing and wish to eajoy the World- Fair
under the most advantageous conditions,
find their wants admirably catered to by
the management of this famous hostelry,
Byacloue rooms with bath, well furnished,
an ' axoellent cuisine, prompt service and
very possible attention can be enjoyed,
while the convenience of being right at
home after a tiring afternoon In the
grounds, dressing for dinner and then re
turning to the festivities of the evening
without any tiresome Journey, has been ap
preciated by every guest.
In spite of the enormous number of vis
itors who have availed themselves of the
comforts and conveniences of the Inside
Inn, the big hotel has successfully enter
tained all who have applied for Its hospi
tality, without overcrowding or discomfort.
The rates vary from $140 to $6.60 per day
a the European plan, and from 13 to I?
1 oo the American plan. Reservations can
be made up to December 1st, aad a postal
eard addressed to the Inside Inn, World's
Fair Grounds, at, Louis llil bring later
ottof detail -
again. Faults, Quereno, faults? Have we
not all our faults?"
The apple at the manager's throat slipped
a cog as he spoke. A few quavering notes
trilled In his' even patched tones; but no
one had even seen a tear in Callagan 'a
"And and, gentlemen," he continued sud
denly, "not a hint to Ma'amselle; not a
word, remember! She . is in the ring now
and she must not know. It's the high Jump
through the drum tonight. There must be
no heartache, no strain upon her. And the
Interlude comical? Why, Geronlmo, you
are billed with her. You are due now.
Heavens, man, a brave face, a brave face!"
Ting, ting, ting. A bell rang In the ring.
The orchestra struck up a horse-prancing
air and Geronlmo brushed through the cur
tains. "Ladles and shentlemen! Shentelmen and
ladies! Ta-rum, ta-rum, ta-rah-rah!" He
wan stalking round the ring In his Inim
itable way, hla long pantaloons drawn up
to his ankles, marching time to the music,
matphing the long, pawing steps of the
Ma'amselle'a steed.
"Ha, ha, ha!" '
- Loud roars of laughter, round after round
of applause, greeted the droll exhibition
and rippled through the Interlude.
"Listen to him, listen to him, Quereno,"
whispered Callagan, peering earnestly
through the curtains; "and Ma'amselle,
she Is laughing, too. She cannot help It.
God bless you, Geronlmo!"
In a few minutes came the equestrienne's
final ,dashlng act, the high Jump from
horseback through the drum, the act of the
evening. "Ta-rum, ta-rum, ta-rah-rah!
Whoop-lah, whoop-lah!" Crack! Whoop
whoop!" Swish!
"Ladles and shentlemen, there Is no de
ception!" "She's through tho drum, Quereno,
through, through, I tell you! Ah, and I
must tell her now," groaned Callagan, Btep-
plng swiftly back from the eyehole.
'Quereno, Quereno," he whispered. But
Senor Quereno was nowhere to be seen.
"Hip, hip, hurrah I Hurrah 1 . Hip, hip,
Tho crash of applause was loud, long and
deafening, and In tho waiting Interval Cal
lagan's big heart grew bigger.
Bhirr-r-r-r!- The heavy ringed curtains
shot along the pole. On either side, of the
exit a row of red-coated grooms lined up
and a panting, piebald steed darted
'Marie, Marie!" whispered Callagan,
stretching out his strong, fatherly arms.
And lit a moment the fluttering pink form
of the circus' darling was In them.
Next morning a gloom had fallen on Tim
Callagan's roystering troupe. Alike to acro
bat, to clown, to the rough horse groom, a
still, stiib.11 volca had spoken. Women,
their petty Jealousies all forgotten, bunched
together like sorrowing sisters. "Ma'am
selle, ma'amselle, ah, poor ma'amselle!"
Men, dissolute fellows mostly, conversing
lq whispers, sauntered aimlessly round the
tent. "Marco, poor Marco, yah, yah,
Marco was a man!"
All eyes were riveted on the troupe car.
Sympathy, sorrow, bereavement transfixed
them, and Manager Callagan. It was
known, had a message to convey. Senor
QuWeno and the manager had been
closeted together all morning. Ah, and
ma'amselle, neither to hold nor to bind,
she was going to leave them.
In the little churchyard across the seas,
a little churchyard, where the channel
waves to all eternity wduld sing the
requiem, there would Marco Sellnl sleep.
Had It been ma'amselle, the great sun
scorched desert would have served. But
Marco? No, no, brother Marco must go
"Ma'amselle, ma'amselle," Callagan had
protested, "you must not leave us."
But Ma'amselle was obdurate. "Marie,
Marie, take me home; you will take me
home?" with his tired arms fondly enclre
ling her, Marco had pleaded. And though
not In words, had Madamselle promised, her
kiss, htr tender pressure, the love-light In
, her eye had been a promise, and when
faced Callagan, mounting slowly to the
band stand, and facing the eager group
below him, "you you have heard that
that brother Marco Sellnl has left us; that
Ma'amselle also Is Is about to leave us
on a long, long,' sad Journey, friends. A
Journey that needs money to accomplish.
Money? Yes. Ah. and today I do not care
to speak of It. But I must. That Is why
I have called you here. Our Marco had
money, his savings, Ma'amselle's also, In
all $1,000, concealed on his person some
where. In a locket, Ma'amselle says, and
we believe her. But we have searched
everywhere, and It Is nowhere to be found.
Ah, Ma'amselle Is heartbroken. 'Marco,
Marco. Marco nrust go home,' she Insists
when I explain. She does not seem to un
derstand. 'Home, home, home,' she cries,
'Marco must go home!" There Is no other
answer friends. What shall we do? We all
Ipve Ma'amselle. We all loved Marco.
Shall we help?"
"Aye, aye, we must help! We will a!l I
help!" Not a single dissenting voice, not
a look- Jarred the unanimity In the ring.
.."Fifty dollars!" ' volunteered Marlino. j
"Hurrah, hurrah!"
."One hundred!" shouted Geronlmo.
"Hurrah, hurrah!"
For an Instant a tear diamond sparkled
In Callagan's eye. Bah! with a smile he
brushed It away. "Gentlemen, gentlemen."
he cried, "I am progd very' proud. You
you are generous! But but Senor Quereno
has suggested, perhaps, a a better way.
Ma'amselle is so Independent. Ah, friends,
you will understand. Not one penny of
your hard-earned savings would she have
you sacrifice. No, no! So the senor sug
gests, and ma'amselle she concurs, that
that we auction, such as they are, our
Marco's little effects. There are Jewels, a
diamond ting, ma'amselle's horse, some
little trinkets, his and hers for remem
brances. Some of you will value them,
his violin, for Instance."
'Remembrances, ah, yah, ynh, Senor Cal
lagan," muttered the Spaniard, advancing
closer to the speaker and nodding his curly
Geronimo's eyes followed his every move
ment. The money, that money, where was
It? But yesternoon to Geronlmo Marco
had confided where he kept it. "Only to
you, Jerry, only to you," he had said. "I
have told no other." Aye, and Geronlmo
hod seen it, next the mother's hair; one
bill, one great big bill in the little gold
locket slung round the sick man's neck,
hidden away beside his heart. Did Quereno
know? Ah, Quereno's eyes were every
where. In the dressing room, perhaps?
Yah, yah. In the dressing room, before
Marco turned sick, that was where he had
seen It!
"My friends," continued Callngnn slowly,
"with your permission I will start the auc.
tlon. For Morkln Bros., the circus owners,
at $150, I offer to purchase the horse. Does
anyone bid higher?" ' ,
"No, no; agreed, agreed!" assented Que
reno loftily.
"Agreed, agreed!" echoed the, troupe.
Then, solemnly, item by item, the auction
proceeded until $300 had been raised. And,
be It known that Benor Quereno purchased
At last came the violin, Sellni's sweet
toned violin, a' violin that hud made the
breasts of wild men heave.
"How much?" cried Callagan. "You have
heard its Intermezzo, Gentlemen! Ladles!
How much?"
"Fifty dollars," In a low voice offered
"Sixty," muttered Geronlmo.
"One hundred," whispered the Spaniard.
"One hundred and fifty," capped the
clown. . ,
"Two two hundred!" stammered Que
reno, surprised.
"Three," quavered Geronlmo.
"Jerry, Jerry!" warned Marlino.
' But the clown heard nothing. A wild. In
sistent suspicion Jlaetied Into his brain. His
blood was tingling through his veins and a
shell-like murmur drummed In his ears, the
murmur of Intense excitement. "Three
hundred, sir, three hundred!" he repeated
loudly. "If he tops that, then J know, I
risk. I challenge.
1 .jfr-yEW I I iJt 111 I I El if
1 1 a 1 Jrt TVMewl .
We are going to distribute among our customers $100,000.00 in Gifts
Open an account, become a Customer and share in this Grand Free Distribution !
CTwcnty years ago we inaugurated the easy payment system of selling Clothing. We were the Pioneers
-we were the first to extend to all the convenience of liberal credit. Imitators came into the field and
followed our methods, but during all these years we have been the leaders in the Credit Clothing business
we have never relinquished oui leadership we are still the leaders.
CQur business has been a most successful one we have accumulated , a surplus of $100,000.00. And
now what do you suppose we intend to do ? We are going to take this surplus and give it away to our
customers 1 Give it away during the coming year in presents to every customer, no matter how small !
d,In order to give this surplus of $100,000.00 away judiciously and without favor to any one, we have adopted a
coupon system which is very simple. For every dollar paid on purchases at our Store we give one coupon. These
coupons are redeemable in Silverware, Jewelry and other merchandise which is on exhibition at our Store.
CRight here we desire to state that every Premium shown is guaranteed to be just as represented. Every article of
Silverware is quadruple plate and is guaranteed for ten years.
'The liberal policy of selling at a smaller margin of profit, which begins this season, will serve still further to
'; , keep us far in the lead of competition.
Now, do you realize what this free distribution means to you? It means that you can buy Stylish, Reliable
Clothing, Hats and Shoes on easy Credit terms ; pay no more for them than at a cash Store, and In addition
- receive useful gifts that will be a credit to any home.
Fall and Winter Clothing, Hats, Shoes
FOP MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN Prices-Easiest Terms
1 MmuUslUJg()a
"Three hundred dollhrs, gentlemen."
Bans;, bang, bang! "Three hundred! Going
at three hundred," announced the auc
tioneer. "Going, going "
Senor Quereno's face went white; his lips
trembled; nervously he stroked his long,
black mustache. Bah! a fool's purse must
soon give out. VFour hundred dollars, four
hundred, sir!" -
"Enough, enough, Mister Callagan," cried
the clown. "I cannot offer more. But If
he. wants the violin, pny the "violin, at $400,
let him have it!". . ' iv '. - .
"Ha l)a!" laughed Quereno. .But the
laugh- had . i mirthless-. -ring. ' "The the
violin and end1 the bow, na ha! That is all
I want." ' ' :
"Geronimo!" with arching brows, inter
rupted Callagan. "What else could the
senor want? Explain." ......
For a moment Geronimo seemed to weigh
his answer. One moment only, but during
that brief space Senor Quereno passed
through fire. His whole passionate nature
rose In rebellion, fierce and ill-concealed.
Curse of all curses on that clown!
"Geronimo!" insisted Callagan.
"Ah, sir, M-Mister Callagan, sir," mut
tered Geronlmo trembling. "Ma'amselle'a
money, you say It Is lost. Tou have looked
everywhere, everywhere. Did you look In
the violin? Shake It, sir, shake It. Look
in the sound holes. One bill, one great,
big bill, that's what brother Marco had,
and ah, y-yes, Marco Marco might have
put It there. Why not, why not, sir!"
'Ha ha! Ah ahahah!" from fifty throats
the loud murmur of surprise swelled to one
long continued roar.
"Gentlemen, gentlemen? Ma'amselle Se
llnl, hush-sh!" with uplifted hands warned
Callagan. "Hush-sh-sh!" '
A tattered old program fluttered and
whirled from the gallery to the ring.
Everyone heard It.
Suddenly, to his ear the manager raised
the Instrument high and shook It. "My
friends," he cried, "there is something In
It! A bill, a bill, Marco Sellni's bill. Aha,
thank God, thank God! Geronlmo, it Is
found!" And In his glance, directed squarely
at .the Spaniard, a new-born suspicion
lurked. .''Ah, Senor Quereno, Senor Que
reno." in tones full of meaning he whisp
ered, "once again I ask you. Is your offer
good? Four hundred dollars for the vlo'.ln
only the violin and the bow?"
All eyes turned rudely on the tlghtwire
walker. The Infection of suspicion had
spread to every member of the troupe.
"Yah, yah, I I will buy will offer t-that
sum," stammered Quereno crimsoning.
"But but, Senor Callagan, ah, and do you
not think so, too, that this discovery might
influence Ma'umselle? Er the the violin,
now, she' may desire to to keep? A re
membrance, senor, a a remembrance?" .
"Hem! Possibly, senor, possibly," said
Callagan, descending slowly from the stand.
"But I will see. I will explain to Ma'am
selle. One moment, please!"
In a few minutes he returned. "No,
senor, no. Ma'amselle desires to sell. 'How
kind you are,' she says, 'to offer so much
money.' My friends, three cheers, three
cheers for Senor Quereno. Come! Hip,
And "Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!" to a man
jerred Tim Callagan's angry troupe.
Striking Illustration of the Value
of Water In the Arid
The farmers -whose lands are watered
by the Larimer county (Colorado), ditch
find themselves in a peculiar dilemma. They
have 250,000.000 cubic feet of water- stored
In six reservoirs, but all of these reser
voirs are situated lower than the ditch,
and the water Is, therefore, unavallab'e
for use directly on their farms. In years
past this awkward situation has been
easily met by the well known exchange
system, whereby the lower ditches used
water from the Water Supply and Storage
company's reservoirs, while that company
took in exchange the high, water In the
river to which the lower ditches were en
titled by prior appropriation.!
But the water is now so low In the
river that these lower ditches ' are not en
titled to any water, and therefore. It Is
Impossible for the Water Supply and Stor
age company to effect an exchange. Such
was the situation last week. Of course,
there waa no immediate peril, because
the company has a'.ways Chambers) lake
to fall back on; but Chambers lake Is the
last resource and must be husbanded as
long as possible to be used for the last
Irrigation.' -
B. F. Hottel has an early priority ; on
forty cubio feet of water per second,
which he uses as power to operate Ms
mill. After he haa used It, it goes to thte
lower ditches for irrigation. The schema
now in operation by the Water Supply and
Storage company is:
Instead of allowing forty cublo feet of
water per second to run past the head
gate of the Larimer county ditch, to be
used by the flour mill, this water Is taken
Into the ditch above Bellvuo to be used
for Irrigation . Then to compensate Mr.
Hottel for als loss of power the Water
Supply and Storage people supply him at
their own expense with enough coal to
run his mill by steam Instead of water.
But the lower ditches which are entitled
to the water which passes through Hot.
tol's mill are thus deprived of their water.
And to compensate the lower ditches for
this the Water Supply and Storage com
pany is obliged to turn into the river from
Its low reservoirs an amount of water
equal to that taken out. Thus they are
obliged to pay for the water In coal and
besides that to return Its exact equivalent.
For the privilege of exchanging low water
for high water the company pays for
enough coal to run a flour mill. It Is &
striking comment on the value of water.
The coal required to operate the mill wil!
cost the Water Supply and Storage com
pany about tS a day. Fort Collins Express.
Denver Hearing: Continues.
DENViL'K. 8i-Dt. 16. Interstate Commerce
r-CommlH8loner Prouty today continued hla
Investigation or the complaints or cattle
shippers regarding high rates and poor
service on the railroads. Little new de
veloped, the witnesses going over the same
ground traversed the past two days. The
railroad officials try to Justify the advanced
rafos by showing that the transportation
of cattle involved a peculiar risk nnd made
heavy' demands on railroad service and
The Story , of the Presidency
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Alfred Henry Lewis
A New Story by
Rudyard Kipling
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