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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1904)
HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1901. INITIAL FALL DISPLAY Ladies' Tailored Suits and Coats V announce our first display of the most fashion favored apparel for fall and winter. The display is unusually brilliant in its variety of styles and its artistic elegance of individual gowns. sT i FOR FALL 1904 n r n rs r-i nirn v lllk -.J s h I mini hiparted Mf rtU Hi l c"". 'Vl H MiT E ' r -W I 4 J 4 t T f ft 4- . ail fin vf ruM-cTU l ''ill BW-"- Elaborate Horse Show Hats Saturday Brandels Millinery will achieve a new standard of artlatto elegance Our oarefully planned display includes the best efforts of more master milliners than ever before In the millinery annals of the west. Conceptions of a score of the greatest designers of Paris, London and New York. The prevailing modes exqui sitely wrought In the new coque de roohe, Parsifal blue, cosohon, blended browns. , Elaborate Millinery Modes, for the florae Show The new King Charles hat, the high jiucu tur ,iym, rouna rimcn miion, craiume nti, low - . conceits11?"'' Frenoh t0ue8' et0- w mention specially attractve$l8$25"$30"$35-$40 Arti8tio models from the renowned , millinery solonz of New York and Pari9 8U3ANXE BLUM, BERTHE, ROGER TIRQT, MME. OEORQETTE, XILJSS L1C1I TENHEN, JOSEPH, FRANCOIS FLORETTE, ETO. are among theydesigners represented. Bratideis Elaborate Fall Hots Special, at $5.00 The extreme popularity of the Brandeis Fall Hat at $5.00 is thoroughly assured. Au assemblage' of Artistic Millinery bearing every at tribute of correct style has been pothered. Fall fashion permits a wldet verlety of styles, and we offer Charming conceits that adapt them selves becomingly to individual needs. We present a great number of etegant bats specially designed for the horse show wear as well as for every fashionable occasion. Every new shape, style and. trimming that Is approved by fashion and altogether the finest array of hats ever presented at the price Saturday v r .'.., Charming New Models at $7.50-$10-$l5 A wide variety of the most bewltohlnjr modes of the fall season made and freshly imported and bear the marks of artlttio foreign designers others are exact copies of the most elegant and ex clusive models of Paris salons -hats with the stunning new cava lier plumes elaborate dress shapes pretty turbans, round Frenoh sailors, toques, etc. an elaborate asewnblaga at $7.50 $10-$I5 Dress and Street Hats $3.98 A very special lot of dregs hats and ready-to-wear chiefly from our own unexcelled work rooms the styles embody the latest Ideas deftly trimmed with wings, breasts, ribbons, coque de roohe pompoms the CaQ street hat are particularly D 0 fetching "TT Shaded Plumes A beautiful fall ttoveltj in trimming dioouoj , also black and white ostrich plumes at 50o98c4.50 Jlllii J IS Jw ostmt Mkv t Street Trimmed and Tailored Hats, at $2.50 A. special array of hats from our own corps of designers the best and most stylish hats that ever sold for the price trimmed hats are finished with pret ty wings, breasts and feathers the ready. to-wear nats are the stylish scratched felts and draped felts special. ..' 2.50 A Very Stunning Street Hat Hats for smart street wear that were made to bear a jaunty air much finer style and in finitely better materials than you' usually find in medium priced hats the latest fhapee, the correct shades the fash-l Qfi tenable trimming altogether the best hat ever offerbd, at. . . Ostrich Pompoms All colors of, these pretty pomuoms that are so dod. ular for trimming they are gen uine $1 value, at, each ,. sees Tlio most approved designs for fall in high claes ' tailored garments. Designed by the most renowned style makers and absolutely correct in all the favored fashion features. The new Parisfal suits with bright colored vests, the graceful Directoire suits the long and Bhort lourist coat suits, etc., at Smart fall tailored suit at $9.98. A special offer for Saturday., We place in this assemblage a great lot of high cost fall suits to soli at a popular price. These suit- embody the latest fall style, mads in most . favored Autumn shades new Directoire, tourist ooat and military styles,' this season's reigning favorites, at r. $14.85. to $29 Children's Tailored Suits and Coats Girl's Russlaa Blouss Dresses a new style very smart girlish effects in all wool serges, cheviots, broadcloths and fancy novelties pretty autumn 'at??: 98c, 1.25. 1.50,1.98 Girls' Buster Brown Sultsr-The stylish novelty in girl's suits in all wool materials and heavy wash fabrics made with leather belts and heavy buckles charming Girls' and nisses Full Length Box Costs Made with the new military capss f eter Thompson and tourist coat eaeots col- 11 U lar and cuffs in the new combination trimming wtJQ apeoUls, at down to 2-98 V v " New Fall Waists The stunning- new tailor made waists very stylish for (all wear mads of Albatross, flannels, eto. newest col ors and fashion- t no down no. Lec"!"!?. 4."o to VoC Crepe de Chine Waists very pretty " i?fs.Ti?f.r: 4-98, 5.98, 7.50 - Bilk waists In peau de soles and taffe tas, wide side pleats, T HO French knot trimmings a ll very dulnty All over lace waists in ecru and white some heavy lace Insertion Bilk lining- at T3.50,4.98,7.50 sweaters the new ones for nade of flnest wool yarns all z 1.98, 3.98,4.98 A BIG Fur h'carfs arid Collar ettes at 49c to 1.98 SPECIAL IN BASEMENT Ladies' Tourist Coats at 4.98, 7.50 The fashion leader for fall made with the full box front and belted back novelty clotbi, latest style trimming ZX;!T!Z?? 4.98, 7.50 , Stunning New Tourist Coats The newest effects In the swell tourist coats made of the most popular fabrlos elegantly fashioned the new Garricks, the hew Havelocks in novelty mixtures a splendid varloty for your C Clfi iA CC seleotlon, at.' J, JO lO $JD Ladles' Walking Skirt at $2.98 A brand new lot of up-to-date fall walking skirts mad e with side pleats oorrsct fall weights late 1 AO style fabrics every one new, at ,JO Highest Grade Golf Skirts The new mannish materials, perfectly tailored through-, but all the newest effects, an immense new assort- .V.T.f.r.1:??. ...7.50 to 17.50 New Cravenerte Coats A big lot of fur scarfs, fur collarettes and fur storm collars they are all slightly Imperfect some are a little damaged electric seal, near seal, Canada marten, brook mink. fox. etc.. etc. not one worth less than Il.oO ana a great number up to ! una 7 eacn your cr basement at. "-ce 48c, 98c, 1.50,1.98 A new lot of these coats the greatest favorite of all ladles' coats stylish for dress, perfect protection In all kinds of weather made with the late and smart style features your choice mn tne lata 9.98 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Building Boom on Twenty-Sixth Street 8tarted,by the Viaduct. SEVERAL, PROPOSITIONS ARE TAKING FORM Partlaa Iereted Are Ansloas taat Utlapldated structures Be Re moved to I-esn the Fire . Riik. Blnee the completion of the -viaduct acroaa the tracks at O street, a number of building project hav. been put on foot. A contract was let by 8. 8. Ooldstrom yes terday to Dan Hannon for the grading of ths property at the southeast oorner of Twenty-sixth and O streets. On this ground three brick store buildings will be constructed. This new building will have a frentage ot seventy-ftv feet on O street and a depth of fifty feet on Twenty-slxtl street. The understanding Is that gradlr Is te commence at once and be completed as soon as possible. In order that the foundations may be laid before the frost gets Into the ground very deep. Plans At vs bee a completed for a brick store hu'ild- Ing to be erected on Twenjy-slxth street a short distance north of O street on the east side This building Is to y, two stories in height and Is to be ere ted by Otta Slenssen of Omaha. As pern ita have not been secured for either of 1 ie build ings mentioned, the cost cannot be given at this time. City Engineer Ba; ft has bjen requested to set stakes for ' rading and this is as far as the city offlcl ala have any information en the subject Those who have purchased property In the vicinity of Twenty-sixth, and O streets are already complaining a'rut the frame building, on the west side y; Twenty-sixth street, between N and O, streets. These buildings were put up ln, early days, and some of them look as If f.hey were almost ready to fall down. A movement is to be made to have ths city rjuncll order an in spection of thee, old b' jlfdlngs with a view , to condemnation. wr ,ie there Is no com plaint about the tens At in these buildings. thoaa who are bulld'sng say that Insurance ' rates are higher oi account of the prox imity of these oH frame structure. A number of other , property owners on O street are makliig preparations to build In the spring. RUraJ, Arena. Pnvlna. Street car ralfi extending from railroad tracks In Albr fcht to the new car tracks laid on Rallr iad avenue hav been com pleted. Over these temporary tracks vitri fied brick f tr the paving ot ths avenue and South Twenty-fourth street will be hauled dlrjrt to the pavers. It Is under stood that as soon as paving commences S0.UU0 brlfji a day can easily be supplied, as the t rick for this work ' is now in Council y Bluff.. By loading from steam care to, motor oars the contractors say that a, great .deal ot time and money can be aa'jrd In the handling of the brick. The stree' railway company expects to complete tba "laying of its double track- from tw nty-fourth and Q streets to the Sarpy coijsty line by Saturday night. While the f it track will not be ready for service t this time, the track will be ready for 'jallast and concrete. Bank Seeerea Property The Packurs National bauk has secured by purchase ths property on N street Im mediately adjoining the bank on the east The purchase was really made early In the . spring, but owing to minor hairs to a small portion of this realty living In the et H was necessary to appeal so the . courts for a property title. This title has beca grant.d and the transfer was made yesterday. As It is getting so late In the season ths bank will not attempt at this time to construct an addition to the bank building. While plans are drawn for a new building Vhe present frame building now on the progxrty Just acquired will be permitted to remain until spring. Then the bank will construct a brick structure similar to tlje preset bank building. By throwing boxh buildings together the bank will be given much more room for the transartlo.i of Its rapidly increasing busi ness."' Pctteemen Getting Anxious. Ruraorra of changes to be made in the regula.'- police department are to be heard on thrt streets these days. The police com mlaef oners are not giving out any Informa tion for publication beyond the faot that som a changes ar contemplated. In view of tjte rumors some of the officers now on th force have decided to look for other petitions. The men who propose quitting a tout the first of the month, unless they Are discharged first are some of. the old men on the foroe, and have always been considered officers of discretion and nerve. Police Arrest Deserter, Thursday afternoon Detective Elsfelder arrested Ellsworth Dodd, who admits hav ing deserted from the regular army while stationed at Fort Russell, Wyo. At the time of the arrest Dodd was working at the1 Swift plant and was going under the nsme of George Smith. When put In the sweat box at police headquarters last night, the prisoner gave his right name and said that his home was at Qreencastle, Ind. lie asserts that he was under age when he enlisted and Is not yet of age. Officers at Fort Crook have been notified and are expected to take charge of Dodd today. Doctors Mistakes In On Tuesday William Wood, employed at the yards, was brought as a patient to Dr. Thomas Kelly and Dr. William Berry. Woods dlxplayed pimples and black spots on his face and he was declared by the two physicians to have the smallpox. At the request of the doctors Woods was sent to the emergency hospital. Yesterday Dr. John KoutHky, the city physician, called at the hospital, and , he declared that Woods did not have the smallpox. Dr. Koutsky took Woods in his buggy to his office and Summoned Dr. 8. R. Towne, of the state health board, and Dr. W. L. Cur tis of this city. ' The three physicians looked the patient over and asserted that he ta not afflicted with smallpox.. The city physician gave Woods a few pills and told him to go home, as there was no occasion for his having been sent to the emergency hospital. Maale City Goaalp. The marriage of foseph L. O'terman and Edith A. Chandler la announced. L. H. Qreer has resigned his position as live stock agent for the Hock Island road. C. A. Melcher returns today from a trip to Atlantic, la., where he visited relative- City Clerk John Qlllln Is preparing to build a residence at Thirty-ninth and Q streets Knoxall council of the Royal Arcanum will hold an Important meeting at Musculo ball tonight. Mrs. A. 1. King, Twetity-flfth and M streets, has returned from a vlalt with her parents at Dunlap. la. Frank Thompson has sold his residence at Twenty-fourth and H streets to O. W. Huffier of Pacific Junction, la. A permit was issued yesterday for the construction of a dwelling at Twenty-Second and E streets by A. Wade. Grant Caughey, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Caughey, Twenty-third and H streets, en tertained a number of college friends at dinner on Wednesday evening. Joseph Potach died Thursday at the horn of his daughter Nineteenth and U streets. The funeral will be held at I o'clock this afternoon, Interment being at the iiohemian cemetery. , Charles Bonner pleaded guilty In police court yesterday to creating a disturbance and flourishing . couple of revolvers. He was nie4 lib and coats. Bonner will serve out his lime in the county Jail. Mirths reported Thursday: John Besnn ok. 11 South Twnty-nrst street girl; Martlu Cullerton, Twenty-eighth and V, girl: Martin L. Dolan, 411 North Twenty sixth, boy; Herman Swanback, Twenty tlfth and Jefferson, boy. . . . HIGH WATER AT BROWNSVILLE Greater Part of the Texas Town Under Water Damago la, LAREDO, Tex., Sept, 16 A prominent railway official in this city stntes that it private telegram brought by courier and then transmitted by telephone from a town on the line of the St. Louts, Brownsville 4t Mexico railroad is to the effect that the high waters of the Rio Grande have played havoc in the vicinity of Brownsville. Ac cording to his Information many houses anU buildings along the liver bank and in the low-lying territory have been swept away. The yards of the St. Louis, Browns, vllle & Mexico road are covered with water and a train "Which was standing in the yards over night is submerged to half its height. The station and yards of the road are located within three blocks of the business part of town, and in view of the Informa tion above stated, property has undoubt edly suffered severely and perhaps loss of life has ensued as a result of the flood. All means of communication with Browns ville is Interrupted. MURDER AT 0SKAL00SA, IOWA Seventeen-Year-Gld Boy Shoots a Farmhand Twice In the Back. OSKALOOSA, lal, Sep't 18. -Jimmy Sei bert, a 17-year-old farm boy, this evening murdered s man named Nelson near Oska loosa In a spirit of frerusled determination to avenge an alleged assault upon his sister some months ago by an. organ salesman named Charles Carpenter. Carpenter, who was convicted of tha sssault, la out on bonds Rending action of the supreme court on his appeal, drove Into Selbert's farm yard this evening, accompanied by Nelson, n Innocent farm hand. Women of the Belbert family became hysterical when they saw Carpenter. The father seised a shot gun and began firing at Carpenter and Jimmy Selbert started after Nelson, who ran down the highway, where Carpenter eluded the father; but the son Jumped into a buggy and Chased Nelson until he over took him and shot b.lm In the back twice, killing him. The boy la now under arrest. The Bee Want Ads Are the Best Business Boosters. STATE AERIES0F EAGLES Convention Changes Constitution te ,' Aetherlae the Formation ef f'f Stat Organlaatlens. BALTIMORE, Sept. lljit today's ses sion of the governing body of the Eagles the report of ths committee on Judiciary was considered. A motion was passed de claring it the sense of the grand aerie that state conventions should be permitted and a constitution was sdopted providing for such sonventlons, permitting them to or ganise ss stat series snd pass laws net la confllot with grand aerie powers. It was resolved that peVsons more than B0 years . of age may become social but not beneflctary members of the order, and that an applicant must have been a resident of a community at least six months before be coming eligible te membership. It was stated tonight that the election of grand officers will be held tomorrow. The result of the ballots probably vlll not ba announced until Jate tomorrow night. If you have anything to tracv advertise it In the This for That columa In Ths Bee Want Ad Page ' WOMAN IN CLUB AND CHARITY After an Investigation tf tile lnduHtrinl work and Its needs at the Tenth Street City mission by Its committee, the local Woman's Christian Temperance union de cided on Wednesday afternoon to continue the sewing and boys' classes end mothers meetings there and an appropriation of $15 a month waa made for their support. Mls Nellie Magee Is to continue in charge of the classes. Two delegates, Mrs. E. L. Wood and Mrs. Rood, were elected to the state Woman's Christian Temperance union convention, to be held at Lincoln, October 10 to IB, and these delegates were instructed to vote against the raising of the state dues to the national organisation from 10 to 15 centa per capita. They were also in structed to pledge not more than 160 to the state work from the local union as Its year's contribution. No instruction wns given regarding the vote for the substitu tion ef the county institute for the district meeting, the delegates to be guided by their own Judgment after the discussion. Ax the union has not yet made a dona tlon to the World's fair ice water fountain fund. It was voted to pay J10 and also that the union should order year books for all of its members that each may be Informed of the work and courses of study of the state organization. Beginning with the next meeting ten minutes of each session will be devoted to discussion of current temperance events, this plan having been adopted that the members might keep In touch with what is being accomplished generally along tem perance lines. September 8 will be observed by the union as chlldrens' harvest home. Exer cises will be held at the First Presbyterian church at 4 o'clock and the children of sev eral of the downtown Sunday schools and the iSupila or Central, Farnam. Cass and Leavenworth schools and of Tenth Street mission will be Invited to attend. The donations f the children will be sent to the Old People's home. An Interesting program la being prepared for the children. The locaj Toung Women's Christian as sociation will open its gospel meetings for the winter October t, when it Is ex pected a large meeting will bo held. The first of tha month will ses the opening of all of the work, and there are to be more clasees than ever this year. The schedule of ths educational committee includes dates for classes In literature, current topics. English, shorthand. German, dress making, millinery and music. Mrs. Byers" Bible classes will stuHy the history of the Jewish people Tuesday afternoons and Fri day evenings, beginning October 11. There will be genersl committee meetings the second snd third weeks of this month. Friday svenlng there is to be a rally of the members of South branch. A special meeting for planning the winter's work and for special prayer will be held Satur day evening at o'clock. Monday evening, September It, there will be a rally of tha gymnaaluiV classes. The annual Bible rally will be held Sunday, October , at 4:30 o'clock. October 10 ths association will bold its annual opening reception In ths association rooms. All of ths class work will open Tuesday evening, October 11, and the asms date has been set for the formal opening of South branch for ths winter. ' The probation department of the Juvenile court of the city of Denver has issued a booklet entitled, .'The Problems of the Children, and How the Btate of Colorado Caree for Them." In ths flrvt four chap ters Judge Ben Linda of the Denver Juvenile court writes of the law governing that court, snd of Its work., Aside from this, ths book includes a, general history of the work In Colorado, all ot which would be especially helpful to the women of Nebraska in their effort to secure a similar Institution for their own state. Judge Llndsey's address at Jhe state fed eration next month will be among the chief features of the program. The annual demonstration for peace, ap pointed annually for May 18, was post poned this year until October 8. A letter has been Issued by Mrs. May Wright Sewell. chairman of the peace and arbi tration committee of the International Council of Women, in regard to prepara tion for demonstrations, which it is hoped will be held in every community. Forty-four patients, 384 visits and nearly $100 spent was the report of the Visiting Nurses for the month ending September 15, made at yesterday afternoon's meeting. In addition to these patients, four have been sent to hospitals and there have been three deaths. Services of extra nurses were required forty-three days of the month. AT THE PLAYHOUSES PROTEST ON SWITCHING FEE Hack Complaint Comes from Grain Men Over Action of the Burlington. The Burlington railroad's new charge of 12 a car for switching grain to connecting lines went into effect Thursday. It has been claimed the connecting lines would absorb this additional charge but this morning the Missouri Pacific, In reply to an Inquiry, flatly refused to accept the added impost. An old railroad employe discussing the new imposition on Omaha's growing grain business, said: "This action cn the part of the Bur'.ington is a scheme to rals revenues, and to force the consignment of grain through on its route. It is ille gitimate, illegal and cannot be enforced. A car of grain consigned to Omaha par ties carries with it a Stated freight rate to terminal points snd the car must be delivered to the connecting line as desig nated by the consignee. The Inter-State Commerce commission has so ruled and will unquestionably enforce Its decision." The Union Paclno is not finding entirely smooth sailing in its new 1-cent a hun dred bridge tariff in place of the old car toll. A Union Pad lie man was Informed that the Omaha Bridge company was trans ferring all the cars loaded with 60,000 to 80,000 pounds, at its regular rates, while the Union Pacific was given the cars con taining 60,000 pounds and under at ths minimum of the 1-cent rate or $5 a car. "This," said a grain shipper, "is the short end of the stick snd that Is not what the Union Pacific Is looking for. They ad vanced the rate In order to catch the ex tra heavily loaded cars and now It finds that only the light weights are going across their bridge and the Omaha Bridge company is getting tha S6 a car toll. "Fimiiaau's llall" at the Krug. A big company, headed by Edward F. Barrett and J. J. Gallagher, is presenting "Finnlgan's Ball" at the Krug for the last half of the week. This well known name is flourished over a lot of new stuff this time, and the stuff Is presented by a sprightly lot of comedians, singers and danoers. Miss Mayme Taylor is the prima donna of the troupe, and she sings several songs very well. Fre-t Wilson and Fannie Trumbell alsj contribute much to the vocal work. vand Wilson gives a monologue that Is well received. Several concerted numbers are well put on, among them a song and dance supposed to be Juvenile, in which a lot of very mature nether limbs are recklessly exposed by the owners, who appear garbed In white gowns supposed to go with Inno cent childhood The large audience that ass.-mbled last night was kept In a con tinuous uproar ot laughter by the antics and Jokes on the stag. The company will be at the Krug the rest of the week. showed a complete victory for the radical or socialistic element. President Moyer of the Western Federation of Miners is given the credit for the victory of the socialists, as it was assured that tha conservatives were in the majority before the arrival of President Moyer and his adherents at ths convention today. SOCIALISTS ARE IN CONTROL Radical Element Captnrea Convention of Colorado Federation ot Labor. PUEBLO, Colo.. Sept. 18. -Officers were elected st today's session of ths State Federation of Labor, and this eleotlon PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Judge W. C. Hook of Topekaj Kart., United States Judge for tha northern Kan sas district, la In the city. Captain of Police Hate has gone to Raw lins, Wyo., for a short vacation. Sergeant Hayes is acting in the captaln'a place. L. M. Foes, city ticket agent for the Chi cago Great Western, s on his way to Colo rado, where he expects to put In a Week. M. J. Corcoran, traveling passenger agent of the Grand Trunk system, with head- Suarters in Chicago, was In Omaha Ttours ay. Judge Walter H. Sanborn, presiding Judge Of the United States circuit court of ap- feals for the Eighth Judicial circuit, is fit he city. United State District Attorney C. C. Haupt of St. Paul, Minn.. Is in the city attending the session of the United States circuit court of appeals. R. B. Schneider of Fremont, member of the national executive committee, passed through the city yesterday on his way from Chicago to Fremont. A. L. Washburn of Duluth, Minn., a leading attorney of that section, is In the city, attending the session of the Untlej States circuit court of appeal. Assistant United States District Attorney J. M. Dickey of St. Paul, Minn., Is an Omaha visitor, attending the semelon of the Unled States circuit court of appeals. C. D. Severance, one of the leading at. torneys of St. Paul. Minn., and formerly a law partner of the late United States Senator Cushman K. Davis of Minnesota. Is In the city attending the seeslon of th United States circuit court of appeals CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS. SUES FOR PART0F HIS EAR Syrian Peddler Want On Hundred and Fifty Dollars tor tb Miss. Ina Piece. David I'non, a Syrian peddler, values ths top of his left ear at tluO, according to a suit he hna started against the Western Barbers' Institute In Justice Foster's court. The case will be heard next Monday after noon. The plaintiff alleges he employed the de fendant to cut his hair, and that while in the performance of such duties the defend ant did carelessly and with gross negli gence cut plaintiff's left ear, causing plain tiff to lose much blood and suffer mush au ricular anguish, "lads of the Hour" Dame FsihloB imjk "Browns In Vope Never in all our history hare we been better equipped to supply the great demands for prevailing shades as now. Brown Hats, In toft and stiff shapes. Grey Hits, in best styles obtainable $1,50, $2.00, $2.50, $3,00, $3.50 to $5,00 Stetson Fall .lata $3.50 to $5.00 Villi