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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1904)
PATT7RDAT, REPTEMnETf 17, 1304. TTTT 0f A TT A HATTT HPfi DAILY ureac m f"""S Curtain irs n ttv ft A Sale Monday A Biff Special Sale of Sterling Silvor Manicure Pieces and Toilet Table Necessities. The greatest sale of sterling silver noreltiea ever held. This entire stock of 1.200 pieces was made for an Eastern house which failed, we bought at a bargain. French gray and mat silver, stamp ed and guaranteed Bonnet Brushes. Nail Buffers, Shoe Horns, Q J jV Hat Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Files, Monogram r.ll It. lis nnrnrri te . etc. I", SI I Ali extra heavy and worth from 75c - t Great Ribbon Sale In the Basement. An immense purchase of all silk ribbons from an Eastern ribbon mill . The ribbons are in 10 yard pieces and com prise the most beautiful shades of the fall season all widths of ribbon for horse etc., etc. actually worth up to 35c a yard will go at, a vard The New Fall Kid Gloves All the newest autumn shades in real kid gloves we carry the Pefrin. Monarch, Eeynier and other popu lar brands gloves for horse show wear all the cor rect new colors for street and evening $ $ wear a splendid new array, at 1 " A Kid Glove Special at 59c These are high grade . gloves ali sizes and all shades, button and F K clasp many of real kid leather worth up t:- $1.25 a pair, at XT Ladies' 50c Neckwear at 15c and 25c Lac stocks, embroidered turnovers, etc. all new fall : twltb?A"t"".l 15c srid 25c Fall and Winter Underwear From Kelley-Stier Stock. All the medium and heavy weight underwea? from the Kelley-Stlger stock, consisting of union suits, all wool, silk and wool and fanoy cotton underwear for ladies', mlseev', children and boys' on sale at extraordin ary bargair.s. Mens' hosiery, black and fanoy, all sizes, worth up to 35c a C pair, at, pair.. 111 I. L. BRANDEIS & SONS I BOSTON STORE UMBRELLAS AT Was 75c now 39c .Was I2.G0 now 1126 1 Twenty-five per cent discount on orders for covers this mont'o. Boston Umbrella Co. .6P0h6osn. -tf. st JUSTICES OF PEACE FIGHT k Altstadt and Bachman Gome to Blowi , ' After Some Words. OUTGROWTH OF OLD ILL - FEELING Altstadt Goes to Justice Baldwin's Court to Swear Oat Con. f plaint, but the Judge Is Not In. , A recent unpleasantness between Acting Police Judye C. M. Bachman and Justice 4f the Peace William Altstadt, who have adjoining- offices in ' the Paxton block, eame to a head about 10:30 Friday morning at the foot of the Paxton block stairway, where the men met and exchanged a few fiassages at? arms. Justice Altstadt and Constables J. J. Casey and F;. W. McOinnls had Just emerged from the elevator and Jus tice of the Peace Bachman was re turning from police court ' with Attorney S3. P. Moreajrty. Angry words were passed between Altstadt and Bachman, followed by several bl.ow Attorney J. J. Boucher separated the combatants and the Incident .was ejoaea for the time being.. Con tables Casey and McGlnnis accompanied Justice Altstadt to a nearby store where the blood was washed from Mr. Altstadt's face, his left cheek having been slightly rut with Judge Rachman's ring, so It is alleged. Then the three went to Justice ' of the Peace Baldwin's office in the Barker block to file a complalnn of assault with Intent to do great bodily injury against Mr. Bachmaiy Justice Baldwin was not In at the time. Judge Altstadt then an nounced thst he would file a complaint In Ihe county court. Bach Man Makes statement. ; Justice Altstadt gives the following ver sion of the affair: ' "Bachman met me In the Paxton block entrance and said: 'Now, you little Dutch W . you will talk about me;' then he fctruck at me two times before I could do 'anything. J -never ' said anything disre spectful of Mr. Bachman. I do not know " "what he "could have thought I saJd about .Jilm."- . Constable Casey, whq was a witness ef the affair, - confirms Mr. Altstadt's state ment. , . v Ac'lng Police Judge Bachman had this to say when asked for a statement: ri "The fact of the matter Is Mr. Altstadt vand I have not spoken since our appolnt i merits as justices of the peace until this ( . .morning. Last evening Constable Ma 's. Olnnla came to me and said Altstadt told t Wm e WM t0,ny to tal,e punch at me . -X and lay me up for three days. Mr. Alt stadt has been dulng all he could to an tagonise mi, particularly since I was p ' pointed acting police judge during the . , ' absence of Judge Berks. When we met . this morning M suld to him, 'If you have . ''''anything to'suy at or about me I wish you) would say it to my face and not -'hlnd my back.' Then be struck me and 1 merely pushed him away." " The Bee Want Ada Are the Best Business Boosters. - Twt Divorcee Uranted. Judge Day has granted a decree of dl vorve to Lena Cooper from Charles Cooper. The cause of notion was nonsuppurt. Mrs. Cooper takes her maiden name of Jna BaiW-y. 8alle Mdows Was another plaintiff to reoelve a divorce. . Juiita Troup found that she was entitled to separation from her lukKbend, Ounrge W. Meadows, herauae of enmity. Mrs. MeVdowe asked for the custody ot iholt -j.sj14 sua, WUilaia Monday Sal J fcrTsrOW Tape.try 925-lOOU Tine. up to 11.75 each, show trimming, ior sasues, how trimming, ior sasues, 3c-5c-!0c Ladies' hoc lery, fast black and fan cy colored some open work effect, at, pair ONE - HALF PRICE. Was $4.00 now Was JS.00 now . - ... .12.00 .(4-00 JOHNSON & 600DLETT GO. Phones 1ST5 and 4743. WE ARB the acknowledged leaders of low prices and strictly high-grade, de pendable goods. We show you a. large assortment in the grocery line. In our meat department we handle nothing but the best grade of everything. Our bakery Is famous for QUALITY. Nowhere else can you get such fine bread, cakes, cookies, buns, rolls and plea as we make. A three layer white cake In nut, orange, chocolate, oaramel or cocoanut for 30c Don't try to bake one yourself when you can buy; It for that price. Our butter cannot be equalled anywhere. A fine separator cream, ery, guaranteed to suit you, for 20c The best potatoes you ever cooked for 60c per bushel. Fancy Colorado freestone peaches for 25o a basket. The best Wisconsin full cream cheese for 16c. New dill pickles, lo each. Fine sweet potatoes at 20c per peck. Ripe sweet grapes for 15o a basket. 6-pound sack best table salt for 60, The finest prime rib roast, 10c and 12ttc Good corn starch, 4o package. Strictly fresh country eggs, dosen, 19c Early shopperB get best selections. If you cannot come, call us up. Johnson & Goodlett Co., Oth and Lake 8ts. GROCERIES. MEATS and BAKERT. , Reopening of Hr. and Mrs. .brands' Dane Ins and Physical Culture Classes Fo children on Saturday, September H. Beginners, 10 a. in. Terms Season, Septem ber to Msy, $15. Advance, no. Adults classes begins Tuesday, September 6. 8 d. m. Private lessons daily. Opening as sembly next Wednesday. For particular call or telephone 1041. i.iuars Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streets THE FIRST STEP away from self-respect is the lack of care in personal cleanliness: the first move in building up a pro per pride in man, woman, or child, is a visit to the Bathtub. You can't be-healthy, or pretty, or even good, unless you are clean. Use HAND SAPO LIO. It pleases everyone. THB CARD OP THE HAIR f V f latral to rrrr Clkcd. it CM ha T.A b r stored M lta aatvnl tyk. The Imperial Hair RsenBrafor COUiHlbo oi tie n U eiMlly as- kiwi lei a. ksnrUfkss tlk,Cn.UiWJiSlU-Ktrk ,n Mcvonnll Zru- Co Omaha. Wlnfteld Meadows, but the court held the father to be belter able to care for the nil 10. fo alimony was granted. Three VYeddlass la One Day. Three weddings are reported by Rev. (Imrlea Havtdgit to have been erfornit by at hU home on Leavenwoittt frect ihuretlay The principals to the first of these were Harry Nelson snd Miss t rances Hamorntk. the latter the daughter ot Jumea llameriiik. Another couple were Louie P. Sipe and the dauglitar of M. S-1 " M'" lrtrude Scharfun, Harry A. Mcklas was the third groom and Mies I.Ida h,. I-arkln hie bride. Ths young wumau ouiugs irv IVl, ilurtwi, Colo. nil . id Get Your School Shoes Now Don't wait for a sudden spell of cold, wet weather. Have the chil dren well shod with Fry School hoes now and be ready to keep their feet dry and warm in any weather. Come and Inspect our new fa!l line of school shoes. ... Notice the leather In them, how tough and strong, and how solid the soles and heels are. Bring the chi dren along, and let them try on some of our comfortable fitting lasts. Thtn see how easy It Is to get good wearing, nice fitting, neat looking school shoes at reasonable prices when j ou come to the right place. f ijw to fa. ERY HOE CQ iiu ,iunH!ftl 4JHL1 E LihieJiMiriicliia Particulars To Observe When Purchasing GROCERIES & MEATS. If you recognise the above essential requisites when pur chasing supplies for the table and treat thcos features with the thoughtful consideration they truly merit we are con fident you wl'.l arrive at a satisfactory conclselin that by trading with- us will reduce your bills considerably. Spring Chickens , f Ee Per pound. ...v. -W Young Hens .. ' fOn Per pound aw Spring Lamb Legs 12c Per pound.., w i Prime Rib Roast-ifrm10lr Per pound ,uv easa Boiling Beef Per pound. 3c Corned Beef " Ac Per pound St BALTIMORE OYSTERS Cfc Per quart OWW FOR SATURDAY ONLY. Choicest Country ButterOOlr, Per pound JW Strictly Fresh Eggs Per Dozen Shredded Biscuits Per package Ralston Crlep Per package..... -.18c ... 10t ...7ic Quaker Oats Oi:r Three packages for... Saratoga FlaJes .25c 29c 7ic Two packages for., Lipton's No. 1 Tra Half pound tin..... Malta Ceres Per package HUYLER'S CHOCOLATE HAn Per pound Sommer Bros. Exponents of Good Living. 28th and Fafnam Sts. ej Telephones 736, 1329, 1331. Saturday is Boys' Day We always prepare for1 the , boys on Saturday by having extra salesmen who are able to take care of all the boys who -come for our - J1.60 shoes. We're mighty proud of this shoe, for it gives such good satisfaction. Saturday we give away "Bubbles" (bubbles without soap) with our boys' shoes. Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAU STREET. Omaha's Ui-to-Dati Shot Houts For Saturday - WE OFFER BARGAINS IN OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT THAT WILL SUSTAIN THE REPUTATION WE HAVE ESTAB LISHED FOR MAKING SATURDAYS LUCKY DAYS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS. 26o All Bristle H.ilr Brush Pear's Scented Soap 1 Pears' Scented Soap 10c lOo 13o , 10c 10c . 0C 8-ounce Bottle Bay Rum t-ounce Bottle Florida Water Pompellan Massage Cream S-ounce Bottle Witch Hssel....M 16-ounce Bottle Witch Hasel t2-ounae Bottle Witch Hasel ECE CREAM SODA White Roue. Violet, Heliotrope, IJly of Valley, t'rab Apple and tion Perfume (regular-toe), per ounce. . , Liquosone , Joe ISO c IJlac. cams 25c Jc For Menstrual Suppression an 7 eM ttirZSZ PEN-TAN-GOT tolt la Oauht br SbMrm MoCilt Drug Ot. uu Hton aiM Jnto ! m I " H JtUs ( yJYY OeVvOe. OWV Os 0v 4.A or w CTH Sit 6 THE ACKNOWLEDGED LEADING RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN OMAHA ; Extends a Cordial Invitation to Our Grand Opening Display of Im ported and Domestic Pattern Hats SATURDAY MUSIC ALL DAY AND EVENING. 1608 DOUGLAS ST. He Sells Stationery and Does ENGRAVINd r i cil ir. . One I sell. 1607 Farnatn Street. wfm to From Omaha. That's a sample of the very low one-way colonist rates in effect, via Rock Island System, September 20,' October 4 and -18, to Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas and . New Mexico. Round -trip tickets also on sale to about the same territory September 20 and 27, October 4 and 18, sponding reductions Write today for full information and free booklets. Tho Rock Island Agent will toll you about It. F. P. 1323 OF THE CREDIT ioXC,O.Vs 7 J ..98, V.I I aaan ef Fountain Pens I Guarantee Every ilahoma at very low rates corre- from other points. , Rutherford, D. P. A., Firnan St., Omaha, Neb. PJ1 llti SEE GREAT BARGAIN OFFERINGS. ON FACE 9. THR flKLlaBlUB ITORB. ITss Copyright 1904 by Hart Schaffncr fc? Marx Children's Fall materials at 1 re , , . Special sale for Saturday. Come early. to avoid the rush and get your pick of MEN'S HIGH GRADE SUITS, OVERCOATS, PANTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS AND FURNISHING GOODS. Goods will be sold AT ONE-THIRD THE REGULAR PRICE. Some of the goods are so slightly damaged By smoke and water that it cannot be noticed, The following are some of our price; Men's $10.00 Ovecoata at .4 95 Men's S16.00 Overcoats COO at U 90 Men's $26.00 Overcoats at - Men's $0.60 Suit .9 98 I 25 at Men's $10.00 Suits at Men'a $15.00 Suits at - Men's $26.00 Suits at Men'a $2.00 Pants at Men's $3.50 Pants at Men's $6.00 Pants Aw eaeeee .3 00 .4 98 9 98 ...25c 98c .198 DON'T FORGET THE PUCE. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE 1321 Douglas St. NOTICE Come Saturday, Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. WE GUT DRUG PRICES ALL THE TIME Patrons of our "Drug Emporium" may always be sure they will get a price as low OR A LITTLE LOWER than can be obtained elsewhere In this territory. 60o Poszoni's Face'Powder for .'..'....'.... 28c 25c Graves' Tooth Powder for 11c 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder for ,.a,.Uc WE SELL THIS TRUSS for tLta. Write for our catalogue showing 40 or 60 other styles. $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root 79c Eagle uonnensea miik jo ' AH ltuai.. Snn White Ribbon Floating Soap, So cake, I H K n IIU VI,. i . ...... , ( for .... ; WRITE FOR OUR NETW 100 PAUE CATALOGUE. . , SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO., " CORNER IOTH AND PODGE, OMAHA. . GARDEN SPOTS The fertile toils of - IDAHO, OREGON AND WASHINGTON Yield In overflowing abundance, and in the highest perfection enery grain, grass, ' ' ' 'vegetable and fruit of the temperate aone. The ' splendid train service of the Union Pacifio enables persons , to. reach these localities quicker snd in a more comfortable manner than via any other route SPECIAL RATES ., " First and third Tuesday of every month. DAYLIGHT RIDE OF 200 MILES ALONG THE BEAUTIFUL COLUMBIA RIVER Inquire ef -City Ticket OUice 11W4 Faraaas Street, vlephoae S16. . SEE GREAT BARGAIN OFFERINGS. ON PACE 9. moms RIGHT CLOTHES You know bow it is. Then is a lot of comfort iu knowing your clothes are right; and in being aura of it. You can't be always studying fashion plates; you might not know if you did. But you ran be sure of clothes-correctness, just the same. If you come to 11s we'll fit you in a Hart, Schaffner fc Mart hand tailored suit; and every time you see that little label small thing to look for, big thing to 'find you'll be sure you're right. It's the asiest and surest way of being sure. ; An Elegant Line of Suits at $12.50, $15, $18, $20, up to $25 LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT We have purchased the entire sam ple line of a large manufacturer of CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. This is one of the best bargains our buyer has ever secured. They come in ages from 3 to 14 years and are worth ?4.00, $5.00 and f6.00. On pale Saturday A. M. at QQ choice i i.m - J Dresses 1? 3' . $1.93, $20 and $2.98. au e Men's $2.00 Shoea at Men's $3.00 Shoe 95c 115 1 98 at Men'a It.So Shoea at Men's E. A W. Shirts QQ at M.M....,wdk Men's Fine Dress Shirts at I9c Men's Black Sateen Shirts tn Piaa3 SO at Men's 26o and 50c Ties at . . . . . . . . a a . ......M...MI Men's Underwear at , Men'a Heavy Fleeced Lined Underwear at Men'a Socks worth up to So at ..2c 10c 29c ...5 c Near 14th St. a we are closed Monday. Will open Good Talcum Powder, 40e dozen boxes $1.00 Newbro's Herplclde for 79o $1 Baker's Barley Malt Whiskey for..76o $1.00 Llquoxone for !o 60c Ml-o-na for 42o Good Syringe (guaranteed) 5c $1.00 Palno's Celery Compound for 78g Vimalt, the best Malt Extract 20o bot tle, 6 bottles for $1,- $1.90 dosen. jn M I HP I HsMI ,, t aS I $1.00 Pierce's Medicines for 7 $1.00 Pe-ru-na .......... .....79a $1.00 Horlick's Malted Milk for 67a 60o Soclete Hyglenlque Soap for 29a 2&o