Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1904, PART 2, Page 15, Image 15

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flt. Loufn ExrreM ....
Van ttt m Mm Ul I f
.alo.ts am a : pm
.11146 pm a 7:(0 pm
.a i.X pm aUJO am
.a 6 pm asm am
.a 7:46 am a :00 pm
.a :U am a I .to pm
World's Fair Special....
8. K. Canon Bull Ex..
Nsw Worid'i Fair
Local from C. Bluffs.
Illlaali Central.
Chicago Express '
Chicago Limited ,
Minn. St. Paul Es
:M am alt.S pm
:) t.m a 1:0a am
.b 7:1
'hi Am t10-BS mn
Minn. A 81. Paul Ltd..
Chleaaa, Mllwaahea
Chicago Daylight Ex.
California-Oregon Exp
. Overland Limited
Lea Id. ft Oaubojl Exp
a 7.60 pm a 1:06 pm
(. Paal.
.a 7.66 am all.UO pm
a pm a J 10 pm
.a 8 20 pm a 7 J6 am
a 7.15 am a 1:10 pm
tkl(, Barltartoa alaey.
Chicago Special a 7 00 am a J 6i pm
Chicago Vestfbuled Ex 4:00 pm a T.2S am
CMcaso Ixwml a I. IS am all.uO pin
Chicago Limited a 1:06 pm a 7:40 pm
Fast Mali 1.46 pm
Barllastsai Jt Mlssoarl Blver.
Wjmore ft Beat ft am bU 08 pm
Nebraska Express a I.&0 am a 7.40 pm
' Denver Limited .a 4.10 pm a f :46 am
H Hills ft Puget 8. pm a :( pm
Colo. Vestibuled Flyer.. a l &i pm
Lincoln Kul Mail b 2 57 pm aU:u6pm
Ft. Crook ft Platte b 2 & pm 10 16 am
Hetlevua ft Pac. Jet. ...a 7:50 prn a I J am
Fellevue ft Pac Jet a 1:30 am
feelJevue ft Pao. Jet a 1:10 am
Kuui City, J Caaaell Blafls.
KikMi City Day Exp. .a :15 am a 4:06 pm
6L Louie Flyer a 6: pm all: am
Kanaaa City Night Exp.alO:45 pm a 6:46 am
Mlsaaarl Pael.
Nebraska Looal Vli
Iveeplng Water n 4:19 pm al?: pm
Chicago, St. Paal, Minneapolis ft
Twin City FiHii!er...b4:im b 1 11 pm
Blocx Cltr Passenger. ..a 1:00 pm allJO am
Oakland Local b i At pm b :10 urn
a Dally, b Dally eaeept Sunday, d Daily
except Saturday. Dally except Monday.
Scandinavian-American Lins.
fitt Twts-Serew PanMcer Steamers TMreet te
Nirway. Swidn and Danmark.
Dlrcet Oossectloa .'
WIt'-r Russia and Carmany.
ft. B. Johnson ft Ca, 1 Braaawar, lie Isrb.
The just debts ofuv A. Anurews con
tractu before August 20, 1AM, will, bains
duly certified and preatntd within reason
able tlr", be paid by ma. All persona,
are, however, warned against trusting or
loaning suid Qui Andrews on my account
or canning checks bearing his name, he
eause, save as above, I will not liquidate
any indebtedness by him incurred.
Uncolr. Neb.. Sept. 7. 1004. septMIItm
! .
FORT MEADE. B. D., September 15, 1904.
Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re
ceived until 2 p. m., September SO, 1S04, for
conftructlng at Fort Meade, B. D., a five
hundred thousand gallon reinforced con
crete reservoir. Bidders must state time
In which they will con ipleie work Infor
mation furnished upon application, Plans
and specification ran be seen with quar
termaster. New York, Saint Paul, Denver.
Cheyenne, Omaha. A guarantee -in amount
of 10 per cent must accompany proposals.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
marked "Proposals for Reservoir, Port
Meade, 8. D.." addressed GEORGE Lv
BY RAM, Constructing Quartermaster.
S 15-16-17-18-M-36M
IPby sulfa r with pimples when a few ag
plications mt the wonderful
' erriM nepiemi
' will remove t&smT
ifss ssi f" Will eura not only pimples.
!! P. H. but la a POSrTIVB curl
, . a a for cMma, and all disaaaag
et the skin and soalp.
.' .Try It or saairaata ts ratwra
irwwr aiSBty If ys are aot aatlaBcft.
' fTOCC Send nuni and address for l&rg-a
rnCC irlal bottle and 26o to cover cost
or mailing to Harper Remedy Co., Chicago,
I1L Full else bottles tL At all druggists.
.Aocept ao substitute. . . . .
Sold and Recommended by
WkUU Retail Distributers
Omaha. Not.
Quicker and for
than other
Cures all special- dis
eases of men kidney,
bladder and diseases
oi women,
cured for life. Boon ever
Blood Polsoi
body. In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and
yebrowa (falling oul disappear oonuplatel
oreer. .
Yirico;. Veins
ruptured, enlarged and
knotty valns cured without
cutting, pain or loss of time. Never falls.
Vaeev sure in me worio.
Vflll, lirilDI MSI UsVar" "J
Berrous debility, early decline, lack o?
Vigor and strength.
Treatment hr mail, u TV. A Pa n mn.
er ox uu acta
St Paul
and return. Tickets on sale
from Omaha daily until Sept
ember 30, .1904.
Rate to Duluth, Superior,
Ashland and Bayfield and re
turn $16.50.
Two fast through trains each
way daily.
Che Best of Everything
Low round -trip rates to all sum
mer tourist points.
Suamer vacation booklets and
naps on application.
l4).4J Faraaas Street,
NWSi Tsicpbeaw SleOdt
O B 0T I S3
rcrls sells drugs.
LfTe rt s glasses (It.
Storkert sells carpets,
Duncsn sells the best School shoes.
Open Sunday. Tuckers B'way studio.
Office boy wanted. Dr. Woodbury. SO Pearl
Dtmcan doea thw best repairing. II Main st
Western Iowa college fall term now open.
School paints and brushes. C E. Ales
ander. Gt Broadway.
Several students were enrolled at the
Western Iowa College Monday.
William H. Kline left test evening for
Caledonia, Minn., called ther by the death
of his father.
A marrlsgn license was Issued yesterday
to Fred Carlson, aged 21, and Uoldl Fuller,
agei in, both of lort Dodge, la.
The grand Jur yesterday visited the
local hospitals and county and city Jails
and deferred making Its rlnal report until
Carroll Rojan, a member cf the local
newspaper fraternity, will leave for Chi
cago in the near future to resume his
musical workr.
Mrs. A. Buyer will leave today for Den
ver, Colo:, being called there by the criti
cal Illness of her daughter, Mrs. P. Fallon,
formerly Miss Mauoe McAllister of this
'ihe Jetter Brewing company of South
Omaha brought suit yesleraay In the dis
trict court against the Courtland Beach
Amusement comply to recover tit; for
goo is sold.
Rev. Father Hilary, from the Jesuit col
legs at Atchison, Kan., baa succeeded Kev.
Father George as cnaplaiu at at. Bernard a
and Mercy hospitals and as assistant pas
tor of St. Peter's church.
New tutsans will be formed In the West
ern, luwa College Monday.
An adjourned meeting of the bar asso
ciation will be beid tnls morning In the
county court house to receive tne report
of the committee appointed to suggest
ways and mean lor eaiaoushing a la li
brary In the new Garnegie building.
Charles Burns of this city, engineer of
a threshing engine, who was shut in the
abdomen Wednesday night by the acfcl
denlttl discharge ot a smell rifle in tne
hands ot a roommate, waa reported yester
aay to be doing well and that there were
strong hopes tor his recovery, ihe acci
dent occurred on the farm ol Adolph Klop
ping near L'nderwood.
1 P, Hess, president of the Board of
Education, received a telegram yesterday
morning announcing- the death of ins
mother, Mrs. Anna Hssa of Akron, O.,
at tne age of '.i years. Mr. Hess lelt for
there last evening. The Hoard of Kduca
llon at lis special meeting yesterday after
noon passed resolutions of sympauiy with
Mr. hess In his bereavement.
H D V alker of Mount Pleasant, the
veteran grand keeper ot records and seal
of the Knights of rytnias ol lowa, spent
Thursday night and yesterday in the city.
Ha was enrouie to Carroll to euperintend
the publication of the official report of the
grand lodge meeting last yeax. Mr. Walker
L known to t ery Pytnlan In Iowa aa
Dad, " having been grand record keeper
for over thirty years,
' Now la your Ume to study character
Impersonation In the Western lowa College.
C. lrvln of Cripple Creek arrived In the
olty yesterday for the purpose of securing
possesion, it la said, of tne two children
of a lner named Hartsog. who waa killed
last June in the dynamite explosion at the
Independence mine. Mr. lrvln was , ap
pointed guardian of the children by tne
Colorado courts, but they have been for
soma time' in tne care of their sunt, Mrs.
YjL7 a ism.. and an uncle. John McCoy,
"of" this city.' Mr. lrvln-sought the "''-
ance or cniei oi ruw ivii""-"-night
and an attorney with the object, 11
was said, of bringln habeaa corpus pro
ceedings unless he could secure possession
ef the chlldreu peaceably. - -
Plumbing and beating. BUby at Bon.
Ohio People to Pirate.
With the promise of fine weather a large
attendance Is looked for today at the Joint
picnic of the Objo societies of Pottawat
tamie county and Omaha at Falrmount
park. The members of the Omaha society
will go direct to the park from Omaha,
but the members of tha local society will
parade before taking the cars.
- Tha parade will form at Baylies park atl
p.' m, and will be headed by Covalfs band,
which has been engaged to furnish mualc
at the picnic. The members will march as
far as First street on Broadway, where
cars will be waiting to convey them to the
park. On reaching the park a basket
lunch will be enjoyed, after which thera
will be a short program of addresses en
other features. Among the local speakers
wUl be Judga J. B. Reed, Attorney C. M.
Harl and H. W. Rothert, superintendent
of tha Iowa' School for the Deaf.
Real Eatate Traaafere.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
September 16 by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of CauncH Bluffs:
Katie M. Cavanaugh and husband to W.
Q. Fullag-er, lot 11. Golden & Farrell's
sub., w. d COO
C Q. Schnepel to C. R. Oelth, lot t,
block i. Treynor. w. d to
.Two transfers, total t390
Psr Seat.
An excellent" office location, fronting an
Pearl street, only half a block from Broad
way, with a nlca Urge ehowwindow which
can. ha used for display. Boa offlca, it
Pearl street. Council Bluffs.
N. T. Plumbing- Cn. TeL
Do at Brown s
C. O.D. Market
128 W. Broadway.
Telephone 65.
3 lbs. Porterhouse
3 lbs. Sirloin Steak
8 Ibe. Round Steak
4 lbs. Shoulder
Boiling Beef,
Roast Beef,
Spring Chickens,
pound mc
A full line of lunch meata,
home made pork sausage,
bams,- bacon, lard and
alt pork, at away dwu
HPaarlSt- Council Bluffs. 'Phono ST.
Court Holds Greetuhieldi Est Ho Title to
Property In OontroTerty.
PlalattST riles Dismissal la Case
t ader Advl.eaaeat by the Caart
Miner Matters la Dis
trict Caart.
The city yesterday came out victor In
the second suit brought to wrest' from It
part of the land comprising Lake View
park around Big lake In the northern part
of the city.. In the suit brought by J. P.
Oreenshields against R. C. Howell and the
city of Council Bluffs. Judge Macy yester
day granted the plaintiff a foreclosure on
tha lots owned by Howell, but denied the
claim of the plaintiff to the strip of land
forming part of Lake View park.- which
It was claimed by Oretnshlelds belonged
to the Howell lots by accretion or re
liction. In finding for the city Judge Macy held
that the evidence failed to show that the
land claimed was formed by slow and Im
perceptible action of natural forces, as
distinguished from artificial means, and
that the character of the land In question
was not sch as to make it a part of the
main land.
It Is stated that an appeal will be taken
from Judge Macy'a ruling on this point.
The plaintiff filed a dismissal In ha suit
of J. L. Price' against Jamea Coyle which
waa tried by the court Thursday and taken
by Judge Macy under advisement. It la
understood that the case haa since been
settled out of court.
Evidence wss taken In the divorce suit
of Loren B. McCargar against Jennie B.
McCargaf and decision taken 'under ad
visement. at. Marks brought suit against B. F.
Huston snd John Conroy, Omaha horse
dealers who had atables in this city, to
recover tS02 sjleged to be due on a con
signment of two carloads of horses and
mules. An attachment was Issued agalns.t
a number ot horses and mules belonging
to tha defendants.
Judge Macy announced that on Monday
morning he would make the final equity
and first law assignments of cases for
this term of court.
Allowed Her Freedom on Promise to
. Leave the City.
"Tee, I will Indeed be rood If you will
let me go to my mother In Omaha," pleaded
Bertha Libbecke yesterday afternoon.
"Please don't send me back to the hospi
tal. Anyone can aee I am not craiy." Once
again tha young woman with the fainting-"
proclivities succeeded In winning over
tha authorities and she was allowed to go
her way on condition that she left Coun
cil Bluffs.
When Bertha snade her escape Thursday
afternoon from St. Bernard's hospital,
where she . had been placed pending the
hearing of her appeal from the action of
tha local commissioners in adjudging her
Insane and ordering her committed to the
state asylum for the insane at Clarinda,
little or no effort was made to recapture
her. All that the authorities desired was
that she keep away from the city, as they
did not wish to be burdened with her.
Fate, however, prompted Bertha to re
turn to Council Bluffs yesterday morning
and Officer Smith spied the young woman
as sho waa' In the act of regaling herself
with a melon In a Broadway grocery, pre
paratory to doing one of her fainting
stunts and relieving the proprleter of the
store of hla valuables. The officer took
her Into custody and escorted her to the
city Jail, where she was- permitted to
roam at. large until It was decided what
should be done with her.
The county authorities apparently were
not over-anslous to receive her; the sisters
in charge of St. Bernard's were glad to
be rid of her, so Chief Richmond, after a
conference with Bertha's attorney. H. J.
Chambers, and the young woman herself,
decided to release her on her promise to
at once cross the river to Omaha.
When Bertha escaped from the hospital
Thursday afternoon by locking the sister
In charge In her room, It ta said, she was
practically penniless. When taken Into
custody yesterday she not only had several
silver dollars In her pocketbook, but dis
played a roll of blUs. She had on a new
picture hat, white ailk shirt-waist and
bla:k silk skirt and presented k very dif
ferent appearance from her condition when
brought over by the Omaha police a few
weeks age, after she bad spent some time
in the Douglas county Jail.
Bertha appeared to be much struck with
the appearance of James Nichols, the
handsome sergeant at police headquarters,
and felt somewhat offended when the offi
cer declined her Invitation to psrtake as
her guest of a champagne luncheon at a
well known Broadway restaurant.. Ser
geant Nichols pleaded the excuse of a
prior engagement. .
- Abaadaa One School.
At a special meeting of the Board of Ed
ucation yesterday arternoon it was decided
to close tha Ounn school and transport the
pnpils at tha expense of the district to the
Pierce street school.
Thera were fourteen pupils at the Ounn
school, which Is located on East Broad
way and they were under one teacher,
Miss Hoffman. These fourteen pupils were
divided Into seven grades, which made It
very Inconvenient for the teacher and gave
tha Individual pupil but a few hours'
schooling each day. By transferring the
pupils to the Pierce street school and as
signing them to the grades to which they
belong: each pupil will secure a full day's
schooling each day.
Not only will the change provide better
facilities for the pupils, but the district will
be benefited financially, aa It la estimated
that a aavlng of at least 1300 a year will
be made by the new 'arrangement. The
children will be transported to and from
Pierce street school dally Jn a carryall at
the expense q the district.
This makes the third small outlying
school in tha district to be closed and the
pupils transferred' to lafger buildings'. The
other schools so closed were the Woodbury
avenue and the Clark i 'hool, located near
Oram's packing hause.
Milk Dealers Say Kat Gallty.
A. C Ellsworth snd George Sherer, two
of tha three local dairy owners charged
with selling adulterated milk, entered pleas
of not guilty in tha superior court yester
day morning and the 'further hearing: of
their cases was continued until Monday.
Mrs. Sophia Leonard, tha third dealer
charged with a similar offense, haa not
yet been railed Into court.
The attorneys for Ellsworth and Sherer
declared their , ability to prove that the
milk sold by the defendants waa not adul
terated and that thera was no formalde
hyde In It-snd If thara waa tha qnantlty
used was an undoubted benefit to tha con
sumer. Prof. Crowley, who made tha
analysis of the samples of milk, has been
subpoenaed to testify In court Monday.
Addreeses Meeting af Fifteenth Dis
trict Tempera are t nlna., Sept. IS - Special. )-Car-rle
Nation, 'your home, defender," a she
calls herself, has Just honored Wstcrloo aith
a visit. She was In the city all day yester
day addressing la rye audiences both after
boon and-evening at the Toung Men's
Christian association auditorium.
The Women's Christian Temperance union
convention of the Thirteenth dletrlct. which
has been holding a two days' session in
Waterloo and at which Mrs. Carrie Nation
was a leading attraction, was the most
successful that has been held In years.
Mrs. Marlon Dunham, president of the
Iowa Women's Christian Temperance
Union, was present and delivered an ad
dress, and other women prominent in the
work were also on hand. The election of
officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs.
A. N. Ferris, Waterloo; vice president,
Mrs. Clarinda Jones, Vinton; secretary.
Miss Merrill, Cedar Falls; treasurer, Mls
Roberta. Hudson; corresponding secretary,
Mrs. Cotton, Cedar Falls. Fully 100 dele
gatea were present from Cedar Falls, Vin
ton, Waverly, Burlington anj Shellshurg.
The delegates from the latter place were
awarded, the beautiful banner for having
made the largest gain In membership dur
ing the year. A purse was presented to
Mrs. Ferris, who this year entered upon
her fourth year aa district president. Mrs.
LFerris immediately turned it over o the
society to be used to assist In wiping out
the debt which still hangs over tha Wom
en's Temple, the national home of the
Women's Christian Temperance union, lo
cated in Chicago.
Xante Changed to International Solid.
Inar Trades Conncll.
8IOlX CITV, la., Sept. 18. After chang
ing the name to the International Building
Trades' council the National Building
Trades' council adjourned Its annual con
vention today. '
The change was made to allow member
ship to workingmen of Cnnada. Mexico and
Central America.
James Murray of Denver was elected
delegate to the American Federation of
Labor, a coveted position. Other officers
were elected as follows: President. Philip
McGlnnis, Milwaukee; first vife president,
P. J. Coughlin. Electrlcsl Workers, St.
Louis; second vice president, O W. Keene,
Marble Wor'-ers, New Tork; third vice
president, M. W. Wick, Sheet Metal Work
ers, St. Louis.
Chancre at Iowa Colleare.
AMES. Ia., Sept. 18. (Special.) At a re
cent meeting of the Board cf Trustees of
the Iowa State college considerable busi
ness was transacted. In the veterinary de
partment the resignation of Prof. Jacobs
was accepted. W. A. Stuhr waa eected
associata professor of pathology', histology
and therapeutics, at a salary of Sl.lflu per
year. Dr. F. 8. Ahlers was elected assist-'
ant professor of anatomy and obstetrics,
at a salary of tl.200 per year. L. M. Hurt
was elected assistant professor of physiol
ogy and sanitary science. President Storms
was appointed delegate to the meeting of
the American agricultural colleges and ex
periment stations, which meets In Des
Moines In November. Prof. C. F. Curtlss
will represent the experiment station at
the meeting.
Conrt Work at Onawa.
ONAWA. la.. Sept 16.r-(Speclal.)-The
Monona county district court is still In ses
sion. In the case of the State against
Frank Johnson and Carl Mann, for larceny,
of goods at Ute, la., the defendants were
found g-ullty and sentenced to thirty days
in the Monona county Jail. Appeal bond
was fixed at toCrn.
Frank Gregg, who robbed the store at
Victmle last summer, pleaded guilty snd
waa sentenced to serve one year at Ana
mosa. In the case of the State against Walter
Hill the Jury found the defendant guilty of
a nameless crime and he will receive his
sentence at t o'clock Saturday morning.
This is the first case of this character ever
tried in Monona county.
Lively CarapalKa la Planned.
DEN1SON. Ia.. Sept. 16.-(Specia!.)-The
republicans of this county are getting
things under way for a heated campaign
this fall. Almost the entire county has
been billed for Important speakers during
the next week or two. Such notable as
Congressman Conner, George W. Egan,
George D. Perkins and H. W. Byers have
been secured to fire the opening guns of
the campaign. The Roosevelt First Voters'
club has been thoroughly organised with a
membership of thirty-four, whleh, Is con
stantly being added to and which will be
extended throughout the county as va
county organisation. The club Is to be
uniformed and will be used as a feature
In the processions to take place during the
Tries Salrlde While Drssk.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., Sept. 16-Speclal
Telegram.) Frank Lutz. confined in the
city Jail and craaed by drink, made an
attempt to commit suicide today. Ha took
the plate used to feed the prisoners off and
breaking it in two, made a knife from It
and seriously cut himself In the arm In
several places. He was suffering from de
lirium tremens and after -cutting- himself
he climbed to he top of the cage and threw
himself to the cement floor, seven feet be
low. The large arteries In his arm were
severed and ha eras taken to Mercy hos
pital In a critical condition.
Larae Attendance at Ce.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia.. Sept. 16. (Special
Telegram.) Coe college opened here today
with the largest attendance In many years,
the freshman class alone numbering over
160. Dr. McCormlck.' the retiring presi
dent, who goes to Western university In
Pennsylvania, opened the chapel exercises.
The athletes have returned from their
camp and are now engaged In ' practice
work at the. grounds. The new gym
nasium building la almost completed and
everything points to a most successful
Dlsaaree on Iaiira.rr Case.
FORT DODGE, la.. Sept.' lfi.-(Speclal
Telegram.) In the case of Haggin against
the American and Security Insurance com
pany, tried before Judge Whitaker In the
district court, the Jury, after being out
thirty hours, failed to agTee, standing t
to S In faroy of the Insurance companies.
Tha rase la one which Haggin sues the
company for K.700 for Insurance on a drug
store burned a year ago at Box holm. The
defense has been a year collecting evi
dence to show the loss Is -due to arson.
The case consumed over a week and was
bitterly contested.
Coaaer Bark from Malae.
DEN1BON. Ia.. Sept. It. Special.) Con
gressman J. If. Conner returned this week
from Mslne, where he had gone at the
request of Congressman Llttlefleld, to t
on the stump for tha September elections.
He reports much Interest In the campaign
and big crowds wherever he spoke. Last
night he sj.oke to a crowded house at Buck
Grove. During tha next week he will speak
at various places throughout the county,
after which ho will go to Nebrarka to
assist In tha campaign In that state.
Planning to Msgs at Much of a Stir tt
Possibls Before" Election.
Frank Sherelllte, the Dlsmoad Robber,
to Be Released from the Peniten
tiary Today by Reason of
Expiration of Sentence.
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOIXE9. Sept. 16 (Special )-A
conference of the democratic state commit
tee with candidates on the state and con
gressional tickets was held here this after
Toon and plans laid for an aggressive
campaign throughout the state. Chair
man Morissey presided, and nearly all the
candidates were ' present. Judge M. J.
Wade of Iowa City was the central figure.
He had Just come from Sioux county,
where he and Charles A. Dickson, demo
cratic candidate for secretary of state,
had opened the campaign at Orange City,
In company with P. D. Van Osterhout the
democratic nominee for congress In that
district. They reported a great meeting
of democrats. Committeemen and others
from the Second and Sixth districts of
Iowa reported on the situation In those dis
tricts. Judge Wade states that he is as
sured of a majority, but does not estimate
Its extent. 8 A. Brewster of Ottumwa,
the nominee In the Sixth district, Is con
fident and he announced that he will Issue
a challenge at once to Major Lacey to a
Joint discussion In every county of the
Fairbanks for Des Moines.
The republican state committee today
ptrtlally arranged the Itinerary of Senator
Charles W. Fairbanks, of Indiana, while
In Iowa He will speak In Marshalltown
the afternoon of October 11 and in Des
Moines the evening of the same day. His
youte from Omaha to Marshalltown may
be over the Northwestern direct, ".with
stops at Carroll, Jefferson and Boone,'-or
he may be taken over the Illinois Central
to Denison. Fort Dodge and Waterloo. The
latter route Is preferred If It can be ar
ranged that way. The meeting for the
senator In Des Moines will be a big one
at the Auditorium. He will leave the next
morning over the Rock Island for Daven
port and mill make stops on the way.
The date for Major Lacey st Audubon,
September 27, has been given to Exira, in
the same county.
Governor Cummins went to Bedford this
morning, where he and Colonel Hepburn
snd Senator Foraker, of Ohio, addressed
a picnic of republicans.
Frank Sherrllffe to Be Released.
The term of Imprisonment cf Frank
Shercllffe. the diamond robber, expires to
morrow and he will be released from Fort
Madison penitentiary. It is expected that
his brother will be waiting for him and
take him to Marshall county to a farm
Sherrllffe Is a cripple- since his last esca
pade and would not be able to do any
running. He was originally committed
September 22, 1833. then paroled by Gov
ernor Shaw November 28. 1900, and sent
back by Governor Cummins in Febru
ary. Governor Cummins also provided
that the "good time" earned by convicts
prior to parole should be revoked along
with the unexpired term, and If this had
prevailed Shercllffe would yet serve two or
three years, but the supreme court decided
the "good time" could not be revoked.
Has Sot Violated Law.
Chairman Spence of the republican state
committee denies that he has violated the
law In the matter of soliciting funds for
the campaign from Iowa people holding
official positions In Washington. A sensa
tional dispatch from Washington Btates
that he has done so. "There is no viola
tion of law," he declared, "fh writing let
ters to men asking them to help the cause
along. Attorney .General Olney decided,
and I have his decision here, that the law
only prevents persons entering a building
and personally soliciting from officeholders.
We have asked the Iowa people living In
Washington and holding official positions to
contribute to the campaign, but it is not
In violation of the civil service law."
Enjoins Conrt and Sheriff.
Judge Ladd of the siupreme court Issued
an injunction restraining the sheriff of
Boon.; county and the district court from
proceeding against the. city officials of
Boone for contempt In refusing to draw
warrants and pay a Judgment In favor of
J. L. Suddlth. The district court had de
cided the warrants must be drSVn and had
ordered the tame by mandamus. The city
officials claim an appeal was taken to th
supreme eourtpendlng a decision of which
the officials are prevented now from fining
the dlty authorities for contempt.
Insurance Rates Raised.
Des Moines and Iowa merchants are kick,
tng strenuously against an Increased insur
ance rate on business risks that has re
cently been put fn effect by fire insurance
companies. The looal trouble, has not
reached any serious stage, but la Dubuque
difficulties between companies is imminent,
several agents being reported to have Ig
nored the rise and to be selling Insurance
at the old rates.
The exact extent of the rise. will not be
divulged by the local agents, but they claim
that the Increase Is light and was made
by the companies with a view of securing
a JUHt profit, which they aay they were
unable to do under the old tariff.
Two Men Believed to be Rock Island
Train Robbera are In Custody,
DES MOINES. Ia.. Sept. 16.-Two- men,
believed to be -members of tha gang of
train, bandits who held up the Rock Island
express, were arrested between Brighton
snd Wayland late today. The men were
with the'five men partially surrounded In
a haystack at Wlnfield. They mill be held
for identification. .
WINFIELD. Ia.. Sept. It. -Sheriff Teeters
of Washington county spent the night In
a hotel here after making search for
the men who were observed lsst Wednes
day in a strawstack upon the MeUgar
farm, sis miles from here, by Farmer
Berate and supposed to be the Rock Island
train robbera
The strawstack Is ten miles from the
scene of the robbery, and the general Im
pression prevails here that the alleged
bandits Vere tramps. There Is no posse fol
lowing tha men and there has been no sia
cial train here carrying detectives or cltl
sens armed. Sheriff Teeters has two men
and there are also three or four detectives
and seven or eight newspaper men. At II
o'clock today not a detective or an officer
was out In the country looking for the sup.
posed robbera
Kdleor la Itealea -.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia.. Sept. lt.-Opecial
Telegram.) Editor Robie of tha Dally
Graphic-Herald of this city , waa assaulted
last night by Michael Laspecie, foreman
of tha Italian gang who are employed
on the Illinois Central. Robie bad printed
an item In hla paper giving an account ot
the marriage of the Italian to a very prom
inent woman in this city. There was t.o
foundation for the star. Both tba story
Crosseit Shaas,
their comfort.
J 1 l
ppa More S8.50 Coach Excursion
Rates to
To be sure that everybody has a chauee to visit the
Exposition, now at the height of its perfection, the
Burlington will make the low coach excursion fate
ON flVC DAYS UCH WEEK uutil the close of the Fair,
viz.: daily from Sunday to Thursday, inclusive.
The Burlington's St. Louis Evening Flyer carries
the handsomest of chair cars (seats free) in which these
tickets are honored. It is the only, train from Omaha,
that stops at Washington Avenue (in the center of the
hotel and business district of St. Louis), in addition to
the Union Station.
On the return, this train leaves St. Louis at the con
venient departing hour of 9:00 P. M.
Call on me for special World's Fair folders, for
berths, tickets, and for any assistance or information in
connection with your trip.
J. B. REYNOLDS. City Pass. Agjt., 1502 Farnam St., Omaha.
'I asssiu . .i tin in hi
- -
Special Prices in Meats,
Beef Boast, lb 5c
Beef Steak, lb 5c
Boiling Beef, lb 24c
Porterhouse. Steak, lb 10c
Sirloin Steak, lb 10c
" We have received a carload of fancy Crawford Free;
stone Peaches, which will go at, crate, 65c.
600-602 Broadway. 'Phone 24. '
Council Bluffs in 1853
A Rare Picture of the Old Town .
We now have on exhibition In our w
In 1853. by George Simons, who sketched
wis, and whose m-ork. covering a period
notice. The palming is very correct in
of old Council Bluffs in existence. This
lie Huction to the highest bidder next M
contest). September 1. at b o clock, tne
every cent pnid, the same as all other p
10 o'clock, and the vote will be counted
Invited to be present.
406 Broadway, on the Pike.
With the same prices lower than
market. See thene figures and then
Breakfast Baoon. lb...
Lenf Lurd, 12 lbs
fl OO
Rnltfr. good, lb f-17c
Spare Bibs, lb 6o
Veal Steak, lb 10c
Veal Stew, lb 5o
Hams, regular, lb 12 He
Sirloin Steak, 3 lbs. 25c
Porterhouse Stenk, 3 lbs 25o
Round Steak, 3 lbs 25c
537 Broodwav.
and the assault have created .a sensa
tion. Mysterious Sboolna Affalrv
PAL.UAB CENTER, Sept. 1 (Special.)
Two young men drove rapidly up to the
home of C. J. Davis and one aliffhted and
discharged a shotgun, some of the shot
taking effect In Mrs. Davis' face. They
then drove rapidly away and were chased
as far aa Dallas Center, where the trail
was lost. ' In the darkness they cxiuld not
be distinguished and there Is no known
reason for their actions.
tail Baraed ki Liana. -
IOWA CITr. Eipt. l.-8peclal.)-Elmer
rAndersun. a 4-jesr-old boy, plunged head.
long into a box of slackened lime last
night and was terribly burned about the
head, neck and arms. The pUvslrluns be
lieve the child will become totally blind.
Harvey at t'ard Bin!- nivldead.
IXX1AN, la.. .Sept. 1 (Special.) Almor
Stern, the assignee of the Harvey & Ford
Harrison County bank that failed here In
19 Ml, has declared a second dividend of Vt
rents on the dollar. The first dividend was
SO cents.
rails from Train.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Sept. 11 8peclsl
Telegram John Rhodes, while beating his
way on a Northwestern freight train, fell
from tha roof of a freight car at Beverly
Town J man waa are careful al their asear
anca wilj appreciate tha dressiness af
Older men will acknowledge
ff yoitr tuier V mM krp tMtm. wn4 me,
1 anil fS w vfcoSMw.
- A mtmstlskm Msasmx
St, Louis Exposition
ii in i ii II
.si . . .
- :-iif :
Indow an original painting of Council Bluffs
and minted for (Jrneral loige In the early
of over half a century, haa attracted much
detail, and Is undoubtedly the best picture
rare old painting will be sold by us at pub
ondny evening (the last night of our voting
successful tnaaer to receive one vote ir
urchnses. The contest will close at exactly
Immediately thereafter. You are cordially
a II others, and with the best Id the
get In your orders:
Good Steak, 5 lbs -25o
Tot Itoast, lb 5o
Hoiling Beef, good, lb.... 2o
1Mb Koast Beef, lb... 5C
Sausage, home-made, 3 lbs...25o
Pork Koast. Ib 1QC
Tork Chops, Ib 12
lird. home-made, lb. .JOc
Pickle Pork, lb , ..--IOC
Telephone 46
while the train waa. running at the rats''
of forty miles an hour, lie waa seriously
bruised and injured - snd some bones
broken. He was taken to Mercy hospital,
where It is thought that he may recover.
Laborer at Ashland, Oregroal 'Phoata
Three M'osara and a Child,
Then Kills Himself.
ASHLAND, Ore.. Sept. 16.-0. E. Monroe,
a young man employed Ss a laborer In tha
street dep.-.rtment of the city, today- went
to his wife's residence snd deliberately
shot his wife, her motir, Mrs.' Dunlap;
his wife's sister. Mrs. Oardqer; his own
little child and then shot himself, dying
Instantly. The child Is reported jo a dying ,
condition: Mrs. Gardner .is. serjyusly
woundtd, Monroe's wife and Mra. Dunlup
are Dot seriously Injured, receiving oniy'
flesh W'Miiids. Monroe s wife had Instituted '
divorce proceedings against him and-sued
fur the possession of the child.
G wm riaat at Chlaaaa.
CHICAOO, Sept. 1.-Elre destroyed tta
plant of tha United State Gyps elm eotu.
pany In South Cttlcaftt today, f i. fTt.ixa