Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1904, PART 1, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
PART 1 Pages 1 to 8
Nation it Rejoicing in the Birth of an
Heir to the Throne.
People Approre Action of King in Not
Calling Him the Prince of Borne.
Prince Will Be Baptised by Cardinal Eich
elmy aid Christened Humbert.
Congratulation pone from Emperor
Nicholas, Emperor William, Pres
ident linnet. King Edward
and Many Other. ,
ROME, Sept. 16. The majority of the peo
ple approve the action of King Victor Em
manuel in not choosing the title of prince
of Rome for the heir to the throne, born
last night, as It would have mixed the
royal family in a party struggle and would
have embittered the conflict between church
and state at a time when the pope seemed
to be leaning toward moderation. It la be
lieved that the title chosen, that of prince
of Piedmont, will become fixed for all time
for the Italian crown prince, aa is tht title
of prince of Wales In England.
To celebrate the birth of the heir the king
has granted amnesty to all deserters and
has also shortened by nix months the terms
of Imprisonment for certain crimes.
King Victor Emmanuel has received the
warmest congratulations throughout the
kingdom and also most cordial dispatches
from Emperor Nicholas, Emperor William,
President Lou bet, King Edward and Em
peror Francis Joseph. The queen of Rou
tnanla sent Queen Helena a poem on the
The Infant prince will bo baptized by Car
dinal Rlchelmy, archbishop of Turin, and
will be christened Humbert.
Manhlnston Hears Prince Is Born.
Washington, bept. is. official an
nouncement to the American government
of the Mrth of a son to the king of Italy
at Turin last night came to (the Statu de
partment today in a cablegram from Pletro
uneo, American consul at Turin.
Joy at St. Loots.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. li-Upon the receipt
of the news at the World's fair grounds
today of the birth of an heir to the throne
of Italy, the Italian members of the jury
on awards and many of the exhibitors from
that' country called upon Commissioner
General Branchl at the Italian national
pavilion. The following cablegram of con
gratulation was sent:
To General , Brusattl, first aide-de-camp
to the king of Rome: The Italian oommia
sloner general and the Italian Jurors and
exhibitors rejoice In the event which fore
tells a future happy fate for Italy, and re
news to their majesties their sentiments
of devotion and affection. BRANCHI.
Commissioner Oeneral.
Colombian General Sara His Country
Has Hot Given I'p Hope of
ARI9, Sept. 16.-A violent interview with
Oeneral Jorge Polguln, one of the com
manders of the Colombian troops who
marched on Barranqullla when Colombia
contemplated an attempt to Invade Pan
ama, la printed here. In It General Pol-
Vartlla, former minister of Panama to the
United States, published here September 12,
maintaining the correctness of the Ameri
can courae throughout the Panama transac
tion and declaring that President Roosevelt,
In protecting Panama against Colombia,
performed his bounden duty, his whole duty
and nothing beyond his duty, asserts that
M. Buneau-Varllla and the United States
adopted an Irregular course, and declares
that Colombia has not abandoned the in
tention of securing redress.
Delegation Conies to . President Ask
Ins; Him to Protect Coreligionists.
LONDON, Sept 16. H. Snrajian, arch
bishop of the Armenian church in America;
BAhak Ayvadlan, archbishop of Persia and
India, and Dr. Jean Lorla Mellkow, repre
senting the Armenians of the Caucasus,
forming a mission appointed by the su
preme patriarch of the Armenian church to
visit the chief representatives of the great
powers and appeal to them to compel the
sultan of Turkey to preserve order and
tranquillity In Armenia, will sail for New
York tomorrow for the purpose of present
ing to President Roosevelt a letter from the
supreme patriarch of the Armenian church
n behalf of the Armenians..
As Protsta Against Police All Work
May Bo Suspended.
ROME, Sept. 16.-1:86 p. m. To protest
AVHlnit a pnnfllrt titwAn .til.r. onA V.
police. In which two strikers, a Sardinian
and a Sicilian, were killed, the socialists
have decided on a general strike throughout
Italy, which began today at Milan and
threatens to .spread through the whole
The government has taken extraordinary
measures to suppress the strike and have
topped all telegrams referring to it.
French Worklngmen Coma.
PARIS. Sept 16.-A delegation of French
worklngmen, sent at the government's ex
pense, will sail for New Tork on the
steamer La Bretugne tomorrow on Its way
to Bt. Louis. The Industries represented
are the manufacture of cotton, musical
Instruments, shoes, hats, machinery, tools
and railway supplies. Experts in commer
cial affairs and In mail distribution, and
the heads of the national labor organlsa.
tions,' Mitt. Burlsson and Rousseau, acoom.
pany the party.
Bandits la Krquador.
OUAYQUIL, Ecuador. Sept. la.-An armed
band of about eighty bandits has appeared
in the village of Oollmea, In the northern
part of the province of. Guayaa The
bandits have been pillaging and destroying
the telegraphic lines. The government has
sent troops to capture the band.
Canada Has Thaaasglvlan- Day.
OTTAWA. Ontario, Sept. ll-Ao order
has been passed by . the government ap
pointing Thursday, November 17, a day or
thanksgiving n the Dominion.
"resident to lletnra to Capital.
OYSTER BAY. Sept. 1.-Arrangementa
hate been made for the return of the pres
ident and bis -. Imlly to Washington. They
will leave Oyster Bay at 11 o'clock on
ffnuraday, the W Inst., In a special train.
Milwaukee Firm Given Contract for
Mnrshslltown Federal
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16.-(Bpeclal Tele
gramsThe contract for the construe'
of the Marshalltown, (la.), public b-
waa today awarded to the Norf
atructlon company of MllwauV. ,A C"
of 162.308. . ' V"'V
Captain James R. Church, . sur
geon. Is relieved from duty av . Hrown,
Texas, to take effect upon th expiration
of his sick leave, when he will proceed
to Fort Robinson for duty.
A,merlcan Expert Is Employed to Con.
struct Aquednet for the City.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 16 R. M. Arango,
a graduate of one of the American technical
schools, has been appointed consulting en
gineer on the staff of Chief Engineer Wal
lace In the Panama canal contsructlon. He
Is particularly charged to assist In building
an acqueduct to supply the city of Panama
with water. It Is also proposed In the in
terest of the health of the employe to lay
pipe lines to supply fresh and pure water
to the great force of laborers at the Culebra
cut and at other camps along the line of
Chief Engineer Wallace haa been making
estimates of the cost of the work he al
ready hai done, with the result that he
feels safe In asserting that the coat of the
canal constructions will be considerably
below the French figures, through the em
ployment of modern high grade. American
machinery as a substitute for manual labor.
Kansas Grata Dealers Allege that
Rates Are Manipulated.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 16.-The Central
Grain Trade association, with headquarters
at Wichita, Kan., has filed a complaint
with the Interstate Commerce commission
against the Atchleon, Topcka & Santa Fe
and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
railroads, alleging unjust and discrimina
tive rate on export shipments of grain.
Tho complaint charges that the shipments
are manipulated at Fort Worth, Galnes
vllles Galveston and other Texas points in
a way that gives great advantage to the
complainants' competitors. Violation of
the long and short haul clause of the In
terstate commerce act is also alleged.
Sncpveils General MncArtlmr In Cnm
infiKit of Deportment of California.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16. By direction of
the president. General Francis Moore has
been relieved from duty as commandant
of the school of application for cavalry and
field artillery at Fort Riley, Kan., and
ordered to San Francisco to assume com
mand of the Department of California, re
lieving Major General Arthur MacArthur,
who will retain command, however, of the
Pacific, division. No one has yet been se
lected to command the school of applica
tion at Fort Riley.
Defaulter's Bondsmen Sued.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16. The federal
government, through District Attorney
Beach, today sued the bondsmen of Wil
liam 8. Yeatman, late disbursing officer of
the War department, for 64,011. said to be
the amount of government money for
which Yeatman failed to account. Five
other suits were filed by the government
against the sureties on Yeatman's bond
for $20,000 each, the penalty at which the
bond was fixed.
Final Trial of Cruiser Denver.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 16. Orders have
been Issued for the final trial of the pro
tected cruiser Denver In Hampton Roads
on September 26. The Denver la attached
to the Caribbean squadron and has been
cruising in the West Indies.
Commander of Department of Col
orado Dlacnases Question In
. His Annnnl Report.
DENVER. Sept. 16. Brigadier General
Frank D. Baldwin, commanding the De
partment of the Colorado has forwarded
his annual report to the secretary of war.
The report says that saloons and question
ab'.e resorts near the barracks are re
sponsible for the large number of deser
tions from the regular army In the. Depart,
ment of the Colorado. The total desertions
during the yeaa closing August 16, were
338. The report says:
"Those desertions can be in large part
attributed to the malign Influences of sa
loons and brothels situated near the reser
vations seducing enlisted men from the
piths of decency. This Is only another
of the many arguments In favor of restor
ing the army canteen, which provided places
of amusement and social intercourse where
men could get light refreshments under
restraining, decent and orderly Influences.
"I trust the Bale of beer and light wines,
under proper restrictions, may be again
authorized in the post exchanges. If men
,are unable to get a glass of beer In a
decent and orderly manner In the garrison,
they will resort to the brothels which clus
ter around the borders of the reservations,
where they drink all manner of alcoholic
beverages and often sink Into debauchery
and ruin. ' ' '
Colorado Members of I'nlted Mine
Workers May I'nlte with
the Federation.
PUEBLO, Colo.. Sept. 16. The United
Mine Workors of district No. 15 met to
day, with President Moyer of the Western
Federation of Miners in the chair, to con
alder the advisability of cutting adrift
from the national organization of United
Mine Workers and of Jo'lnJng the Western
Federation. .
The negotiations have been conducted
secretly and the exact status Is not known,
but according to the beat sources of In
formation the change will be effected.
The dissension waa caused by the na
tional executive board withdrawing lta
financial support for continuing the strike
In this district last fall.
The greater part of the afternoon session
waa spent In listening to an extended ad
dress by President Moyer, who pledged
the entire support of the Western Federa
tion of Miners, both moral and financial,
to continue the strike In this district.
The matter was taken under considera
tion and all indications point to favorable
action, but to the hour of adjournment no
vote had been taken.
It probably will be finally settled to
morrow. Suspected Train Honkers Arrested.
VANCOUVER. B. C. Sept. 16.-A mas.
sage from Wooley. Wash., says that three
mm answering the description of the Cana.
dlan Pa-ltto robbers have been arrested
titers. The men will be held until officers)
of tho searching party arrive.
American Contention in Begard to Eights
- f Neutrals Parti j Accepted.
naianraent of Goods to Private
Parties Does Not Always Prove
that They Arc Not Intended
for Belligerents.
ST. PETERSBURG? Sept. 16. -Russia's
reply to the representations of the United
States and Great Britain regarding con
traband of war was communicated to their
respective embassies this afternoon. It Is
.understood that Ru&sla recognizes the
principle that provisions are not contra
band when consigned to private parties, but
only contraband when Intended- as mili
tary or naval stores. '
Russia In Count Lamsdorffs response to
Ambassador Hardtnge. in principle meets
the views of the American and the British
governments regarding foodstuffs and coal
and other fuel as being conditional contra
band of war, distinctly placing them In
the category of articles susceptible of
uses both in war and in peace, and as such
only confiscable when consigned to block
aded ports or destined for military or for
naval forces of the enemy.
Shipments in the ordinary course of
trade by private persons or firms, evento
an enemy's port, may be regarded prima
facie not contraband, but on this point
distinct reservation Is made.
An Important Reservation,
TJie simple fact of consignment to private
persons does not preclude the possibility
that the articles are not ultimately destined
for belligerent forces, and Russia Insists
that It be not necessarily regarded as con
clusive evidence of the Innocent character
of the goods. In other words, irregular
ship's papers or other suspicious circum
stances might vitiate the assumption of
Innocent character, but where such sus
picion is raised the burden of proof to
warrant legal seizure Is to rest upon the
captor. Count Lamsdorff pointed out,
however, that captains of merchantmen
also owed a duty In such cases.
Count Lamsdorff s reply was not pre
sented In written form, but was communi
cated verbally to Ambassador Hardlnge.
It will not Involve public amendment of
Russian contraband and prize regulations,
but In effect It becomes an I official inter
pretation of the original regulations made
by the commission composed of representa
tives' of the ministries of foreign affairs,
marine, war and Justice, which considered
the subject In connection with the objec
tion raised by the United States and Great
Britain, and as such will hereafter govern
naval commanders and prize courts; which
thus far in the war have classed all arti
cles enumerated In article six of the Rus
sian regulations as absolute contraband.
Russia Preserves Her Dignity.
In this way Russia preserves Its dignity
by not making an open surrender, at the
same time consenting to the Interpretation
asked for by the United States and Great
Britain In the rights of neutral commerce.
In some respects, however, there is good
ground for the belief that the contention
of th United States that railway metal
and certain kinds of maohinery be classed
as conditional contraband, will not-Jae' ac
cepted. To that extent Count Lamsdorffs
reply to Ambassador McCormlck may not
be satisfactory to the United States. Count
Lamsdorffs victory In . this controversy,
while not absolutMy complete, Is perhaps
noteworthy as having been achieved
against powerful adverse Influences. At
one time It seemed doubtful whether any
concessions could be obtained, but yester
day the czar sanctioned the decision which
Count Lamsdorff communicated to Am
bassador Hardlnge today.
Russia's Reply Mot Altogether Satis
factory to British.
LONDON, Sept. 16.-The Foreign office
has received a dispatch from Ambassador
Hardlnge at St. Petersburg giving Russia's
reply to the representations on the subject
of contraband of war. While disinclined to
express an opinion. It is understood that
the Foreign office considers the reply satis
factory, Inasmuch as the concessions are a
distinct yielding on the part of the Rus
sian government to the claims of Great
Britain. It Is said at the Foreign office
that while anything like a crisis was
averted by the reply, It does not close the
matter completely and further discussion
will probably ensue. Foreign Secretary
Lanedowne and Premier Balfour are both
absent, but blr Charles Hardlnge's dispatch
was forwarded to them, and pending their
action nothing Is available at the Foreign
office beyond general expression of opinion
that the reply goes a long way toward
settling the question aa to what in the; fu
ture may be properly regarded as contra
band. According to the British view there
are still open certain questions of principle,
but It Is believed that these will be ar
ranged in the course of further negotia
tions. British Collier Boarded.
CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept 16.-The Brit.
Ish steamship Margtt Groedel, with a cargo
of coal from Cardiff for 8ulina, reports
that it was stopped by the Russian cruiser
Terek on September off Cape St. Vincent.
The Terek fired three blank shots to bring
the steamer, about. The Russian officers
and two armed men boarded the Margtt
Groedel and -overhauled Its papers. The
captain of the Marglt Groedel was asked to
sign a declaration that he had not been
put to any inconvenience by the delay. Hs
t first refused, but when told that his
steamer would be detained until the arrival
of the Russian admiral the paper was
signed and the collier waa allowed to pro
ceed. One of the Russian officers Informed
the captain of the Marglt Groedel that
there were nine other Russian cruisers in
the vicinity.
Seventeen Thousand Former Striken
Are How at Work at
CHICAGO, Sept 18. Almost (00 former
strikers were hired today to take their
old places at the Union stock yards, and
an exodus of nonunion men began. Today
about 17,000 of strikers are at work, ,0O0
still awaiting employment.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Sept. 16.
At New York Sailed: Cedrlo, for Liver
pool. Arrived: La Loralne, from Havre.
At Dover Sailed: Deutachleod, for New
At Liverpool Arrived: Baltic, from New
York; Carpthla. from New York: Rahubllc,
from Boston. Sailed: Celtic for NevT York.
At Hamburg Arrived: Moltke, from New
At St. Michaels Arrived: Hohensolleru,
from New York.
At Plymouth Arrived: Bremen, from
New York.
At Mo villa Balled: Ionian, for Montreal!
Astoria, for New York.
At Barry Siled( previously) Tnrootuac,
fur Montreal.
Gorman to Have Active Part In Cam
paign Differences Between New
York Factions Settled.
NEW YORK. Sopt. 16. Several Impor
tant questions were settled by the visit of
Alton B. Parker to New York and his con
ferences with democratic leaders. It was
determined that Senator Gorman should
have an active place In the campaign, but
that Chairman Taggart was not to lie su
perseded. The conference of Tammany
leaders with Judge Parker resulted In the
settlement of differences in Greater New
York no far as they relate to national and
state Issues.
The governorship and other state offices
were discussed, but It was said that noth
ing definite as to the selection of candi
dates would be determined until next week
at Saratoga.
Another matter left open Is whether
Parker will make a series Of speeches dur
ing the campaign. Other conferences sim
ilar to these held yesterday and today
Parker's letter of acceptance Is marie pub
will probably be held next week before
Judge Parker's reception of visitors at
his apartment at the Hotel Astor proceeded
today In the same manner as yesterday and
will continue until the candidate's depart
ure for Esopus this evening. Few persons
admitted to the apartment on the fifth floor
passed through the hotel office. Those
who admitted conferring with the candi
date or were acknowledged ,to the press
by Private Secretary McCausland were
Charles F. Murphy, the Tammany leader;
former Senator David B. Hill. Arthur P.
Gorman, Representative William Sulzer
and John B. McDonald of New York.
A representative of the Associated Press
was received by Judge Parker, who. how
ever, declined to discuss In detail any of
the matters which trought him to New
York. He said that Senator Gorman had
consented to take an Important place In
the management of the campaign and that
his decision was'at the earnest request of
National Chairman Taggart as well as
other campaign managers. He said that
Mr. Taggart would not be supplanted nor
.superseded In any way and that Senator
Gorman would not be connected with the
details of the campaign management.
Judge Parker said Senator Gorman would
act In an advisory capacity only and would
remain In New York practically all the
time from now until election. The candi
date was disinclined to comment on the
governorship nomination for New York,
but admitted that nearly all of his callers
who reside within the state had discussed
the various candidates. Judge Parker said
he was opposed to a decision in favor of
any candidate as the result of conferences
such as are now In progress at the hotel
and added that no decision would be made
at this time. Judge Parker would not dis
cuss the Jerome candidacy, but It is be
lieved by many of his callers that the
name of the district attorney will not be
presented at the Saratoga convention next
week unless It be for the position of lieu
tenant governor or attorney general."
Representative W. Bourke Cockran was
one of the callers on Judge Parker this
E80PUS, N. Y.. Sept. 16,-Alton B. Par
ker reached home at 9:15 p. m. .tonight.
During Mr. Parker's visit in New York Dr.
Jacob Chambers of"KJngston. who was" thd
Parker family physician, died. Mr. -Parker
will be one of the pallbearers.
His Private Car Leaves While He
Talks to a Friend.
CUMBERLAND, Md., Sept. 16. Henry G.
Davis, democratic vice presidential nom
inee, came in on the Baltimore & Ohio
railroad today enroute to his home at
Elkins, W. Va. He walked to the West
Virginia Central station, stopping on the
street to talk to old acquaintances. When
he arrived at the station he found that the
West Virginia Railroad train had gone,
taking his private car along. His car was
cut off at Ridgley and brought back by a
special locomotive.
Mr. Davis, who was cool and collected,
boarded his private car and overtook the
regular train at Pinto, W. Va.
- There waa no one at the Cumberland sta
tion to greet the candidate, who walked
from one station to the other, carrying
his grip, his ccmlng being unheralded. Mr.
Davis reached home tonight.
National Chairman to Concentrate
Efforts on His Own State.
INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. 16. Thomas Tag
gart, chairman of the democratic national
committee, was In conference here today
with democratic workers from all parts of
Indiana. To the democrats In a private
conference Taggart expressed confidence
that the democrats would carry New York.
He also said they could carry Indiana. At
this time there appears to be no doubt that
the democrats are planning to concentrate
their forces In Indiana. The conference
between Taggart and the Indiana demo
crats will probably continue throughout
"Will western headquarters be estab
lished In Chicago?" Mr. Taggart was asked.
"That will not be determined until I re
turn to New York," answered the national
Convention Adjonrns After Naming
Cnndldates for State Officers.
HELENA, Mont., Sept. 16. The demo
cratic state convention adjourned early to
day after nominating a complete ticket as
Congressman A. C. Gormley,
Governor J. K. Toole.
Chief Justice D. E. Smith.
Lieutenant Governor Edwin Norrls.
Clerk of the Supreme Court Finley Mc
Rae. Secretary of State Miles Romney.
Auditor Philip C. Goodwin.
Treasurer David G. Browne.
Attorney General Charles H. Hall.
Superintendent of Public Instruction J.
M. Kay.
Presidential Electors Patrick Carney,
Paul A. Fuss and Edward Cardwell.
Leaves Immediately for West Vir
ginia to Make Speerhea.
WASHINGTON, Sept 16. Senator Fair
banks of Indiana, republican nominee for
vice president, arrived here today. Accom.
panled by ' Senator Scott of West Virginia
and Colonel Daniel Ransdell, the sergeant,
at-arms of the senate. Senator Fairbanks
waa driven to the Baltimore A Ohio rail
road station, where a special train, on
which he will make his campaign trip
through Weat Virginia, was awaiting him.
The special immediately pulled out for
Parkersburg, where he will participate In
the opening of the campaign In that state
today. The senator will .make a number
of speeches enroute, the first on being at
Harper's rerrr.
Qarriton is Getting Short of Both Pro
visions and Ammunition.
Kouropatkln Aska for More Officer a to
Take Command In His Army nnd
Those Employed on Railways
Ordered to Front.
(Copyright, by New York Herald Co., ISnvt.)
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept 16.-(New York
Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to
The Bee.) I hear from well Informed
sources that the situation of Genrul Stoes
sel at Port Arthur Is considered exceed
ingly critical, owing to the lack of ammuni
tion. The fact cannot be surprising to any
one who has noted the terrific output of
shot and shell since January last, w'nera'
Stoeseel, according to the contonts of my
dispatch a few day ago, has lull liberty to
surrender when he finds the situation hope
less. Indeed, he has instructions to do so.
Indtpendent and apart from th scarcity
of an munition, the garrison for some time
has been reduced to a diet of olaek bread,
whlla the musses of unburled bodies, which
the Japanese refuse to allow 10 be buried,
cause terrible pollution of the air.
General Kouropatkln telegraphs that he
wants officers and great efforts are being
made to provide the same.
An official order has been issued relieving
employes of the state railways qualified to
serve as officers.
A number of section torpedo ooats hive
been supplied to Russia by Germany.
You may be quite sure neither Mukden
nor Tie Ling will be seriously held. Tho
latter has been called the Thermopylae of
Manchuria, but It can be easily turned.
Owing to the latest news from Port
Arthur the Idea of the Baltic fleet starting
appeara to be quite abandoned.
Russia Will Be Expected to Yield
Greater Concessions.
PARIS, Sept. 16.-The Matin today pub
lished a long interview with Baron
Hayashl, the Japanese minister in London,
who is quoted as saying:
Before the war we demanded that Russia
recognize China's sovereignty over Man.
churla. Today, after our victories and
expenses, we are no longer content with
our former demand. After the full of Port
Arthur our condition would be still more
extreme, and after taking Vladivostok they
wm De yet more extreme.
The next battle will be at Tie Pass. We
shall continue hostilities throughout the
winter. We have given up the plan of
taking Port Arthur by assault and will
compel Its capitulation by famine. Its full
would free 60.000 men and enable them to
reinforce our northern army, but we do not
need tnem jubi now.
San Gottardo Said to Have Material
for Japan oav Board.
which arrived here today from Indo-Chlna
reports that the steamer San Gottardo,
flying the American flag, recently arrived
at Singapore loaded with cannon and dyna
mite concealed under coal destined for the
Japanese. The Indo-Chlna press asserts
that this use of the American flag is un
warranted and the steamer Is owned In
The Italian steamer San Gottardo sailed
from New York May 30 and from Norfolk
June 3 and arrived at Yokohama August
11. It was subsequently reported that the
San Gottardo had been sold to Japan.
Chinese Vnfrlendly to Russians.
MUKDEN, Thursday, Sept. 15. (Delayed
In Transmission.) According to informa
tion from Chinese sources the Japanese are
leaving a garrison at Llao Yopg and their
main forces are moving out on the Russian
flanks. The whole Chinese population of
Llao Yang Is working on the Japanese de
fen sea.
The Japanese are 'running regular trains
between Port Dalny, and New Chwang, the'
rolling stock, according to their statements
having come from San Francisco. Mukdon
merchants who have dealings with New
Chwang say that If the Japanese occupy
Mukden they Intend to connect the railroad
with the Slnmlntln terminus of the Shang
halkwan Tien Tsln railroad, about thirty
five miles west of Mukden.
At night the Russian sentries here can
discern the glow of the Japanese campflrea
In the direction of Llao Yang. I'ntll three
days ago the Japanese had not finished
burying or burning the dead around Llao
The Chinese are becoming more un
friendly as the Japanese advance. The
Japanese are Imposing their systems of ad
ministration at every town occupied, seiz
ing the revenues, beginning with the tim
ber dues. In the Yalu district, and ending
with the salt tax In Manchuria.
In Kwantung province the Japanese are
quite at home. They are already Installing
Japanese teachers In the Chinese schools.
At Mukden the chief Chinese official re
mains outwardly friendly, but he no longer
co-operates with the Russians and the
Chinese refuse assistance to the Russians'
transport, or to furnish them with supplies.
Nevertheless, although animated by un
doubtedly sympathy for the Japanese, the
Chinese are not yet confident of an ulti
mate Japanese victory, and thus they seek
to avoid an open rupture. The abandon
ment of Mukden, however, might make
them throw off the mask and exchange
thetr negatively unfriendly attitude for one
of active hostility.
t Owners Hear from Catenas.
LONDON, Sept. The owners of the
British steamer Calchas have received a
cable dispatch from the captain of the
ship at Vladivostok saying the written
decision of the prize court In the case will
not bo handed down until September 12.
The crown advocate, it la added, will proba
bly appeal against the release of the ven
ae!. He has until October In which to
enter a protest. Meanwhile the Calchas
will not be released unless ball Is given for
its value.
Missouri Parlfle Freight Trains Meet
Head -On Two Trainmen and
Two Trumps Hurt.
CENTERVIEW, Mo., Sept. It.-Mlsaourl
Pacific frolght train No. 76 and an extra
freight train met head-on four miles west
of hrre tonight, resulting In the destruction
of both engines and several cars and ssr
lous Injury to two trainmen and two
tramps. The engineers and firemen on
both trains Jumped, but Engineer Berry of
the extra freight, and the fireman of No.
76, were caught In the wreckage and badly
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Saturday
nnd Warmer In Eaat Portion. Sun
day Fair aad Cooler.
I Birth of Heir Censes Joy In Italy.
Russia Yields Point on Contraband
General Stoeaael la Hard Pressed.
Japanese Shells Dolnsr Damns;.
51 Russians Asrree to Dismantle Ship.
3 News from All Tarts of Nebraska.
4 Return from Bull Run Maneuvers,
fl Affairs at South Omaha.
Story, "Marco's Violin."
T Tenrs Off Mnsk nf Drmocrnry.
8 Omaha Woodmen Win Some Prises.
Review of the Week's Trade.
Trainmen Do Not Ask Recognition.
O Strang; Story of Wronged Woman.
German Crown Prince nnd Princess
10 Editorial. ,
11 Three Jmlarra Sit on One Cnae.
No Legislative Slate Made Yet.
12 Snorting Events of the Day.
1.1 Financial nnd Commercial.
lit Council Bluffs and Iowa News.
18 Two Judges Engage In n Fight.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
Hour. Deg. Hour. Deg.
S n. m H4 1 p. m 74
On. m. Kit tt p. m TS
T n. in 52 it p. m 70
H a. m MI 4 p. m 7S
a. m OO Bp. m 7.1
10 n. in HO Hp. in 71
11 n. m 4 7 p. m
12 m Ott M p. m OH
9 p. m ' 8T
Statements thnt Japanese Army Is
Preparing to Advance Are Dis
credited at St. Petersburg).
Statements that the Japanese army Is
concentrating on the flanks of the Russian
forces In the vicinity of Mukden are met at
the Russian ward office with expressions
of Incredulty. It is the opinion at St.
Petersburg that a much longer time must
elaipse before Oyama can put his army,
which was so sorely tried In the battle of
Llao Yang, In condition to undertake a
forward movement.
Russia's recession from Its early posi
tion on the question of contraband is re
garded aa the occasion of the probable re
tirement of Vice Admiral Sve'lan from his
post at the head of the Russian admiralty
Russian Statesman Says Both Sides
Find It Is Expensive.
LONDON, Sept. 17. The Dally Tele
graph's St. Petersburg correspondent de
clares that a Russian statesman, whose
name. If revealed, would wlnghiB utter
ance with lightning rapidity over the globe,
assorted Friday that It waa his Impression
that the war might end sooner than peo
ple imagined, not through mediation, but
through mutual recognition of the ruinous
nature of the eonflict, which would lead to
negotiations that would result in a Russo
Japanese alliance. He contended, the cor
respondent says, that although Russia In
the end would exhaust and crush Japan,
yet Japan could hold out long enough to
place an - Intolerable and useless strain
upon Russia. Russia, therefore, was con
fronting with the alternative of either
Japan's ruin purchased by ruinous sacri
fices or of a treaty of cordial friendship,
followed In the fullness of time by that
offensive and defensive alliance which tor
years constituted the ideal of the" Jap
anese government.
Matter Discussed by Whites - and
Blacks at New York Con
ventlbn. NEW YORK, Sept. 16. The election of
officers for the coming year waa the prin
cipal event scheduled for the closing ses
sion of the American Bankers' association
today. The addresses were delivered by A.
E. Schweppe, manager of the bankers' de
partment of the American Credit Indem
nity company of St. Louis, who spoke on
the "Credit Indemnity and Its Value to
the Banker," and Ellis H. Roberts,' treas
urer of the United States on "The Strength
and Weakness of American Finance."
Rising to call the attention of the dele
gates to his race, their progress and their
hopes, John, Mitchell, Jr. president of the
Mechanics' Savings bank of Richmond, Va.,
the only negro delegate disclaimed that any
color line was. drawn between the better
class of whites and better class of blacks.
"It Is the block loafers In the south that
cause the troubles and persecution of our
race, and 'we despise them as well as do
the whites." said he. He thanked the dele
gates for the kindness of his reception and
entertainment at this convention. He said
his color had In no way affected his stand
ing as a delegate.
Colonel . Lowry. president of the Lowry
National bank of Atlanta, Ga., replied to
Mr. Mitchell. He said:
There Is no trouble between my race and
his race In Georgia. Both the lazy white
man and the loafing black man Is lnHthed
In my state. I am glad Mr. Mitchell has
spoken and gone on record that the bank
ers' association draws no color line and
welcomes successful bankers, be they white
or umi-K, ua meniDers.
A resolution was passed directing the
secretary of the association to send every
United States senator and congressman a
.ubpy of the resolution adopted by the con
vention advocating the passage of Senator
Lodge'B consular bill, which provides for
changes In the consular service.
The officers were then elected, the list
as agreed on by the committee last even
ing being chosen without change.
It was unofficially given out by g numbei
of the members of the executive council
that Washington. D. C, will be the next
meeting place of the association.
I'nofflrlal Count Places the Number
Present nt the Exposition
BT. LOUIS, Sept. 16.-The exact attend
ance at the World's fair yesterday, when
an enormous throng celebrated St. Louis
day, has not been officially announced, al
though It waa unofficially given out by the
exposition management tonight thkt 404,460
admissions were recorded. It was explained
that this number is announosd unofficially
because the count of admissions is to be
made the second time In order to eliminate
all possible errors, that the exact attend
ance may be recorded accurately.
In a field of twenty-eight, the largest
that has competed In sny event at the
World's Fslr Cattle show. Fair Queen, a
Shorthorn, owned by F. W. Bowen of
Delphla, Ind., defeated all comers today In
the I ai.d under 1-year-old elms fur cows.
Thomas W. La son's Flggs won the Blue
Ribbon lu the Jersey class In competition
with the aged eows of the Vanderbllt, the
Ladd estate and other notsd herds of the
Bussian Torpedo Boat Destroyer is Wrecked
in Dock at Fort Arthur.
Alleged tbat Commander Haa Been Told
Not to Surrender Vessels.
Approach of Japanese Causes Change in
Attitude of the Natives.
Asserted that Should They Be Vlc
torlona Russian Road Will Be
Made Part of Corean
MUKDEN. Sept. 16. Early thla morning
twenty-six wounded men belonging to
Major General Mlstchenko's Cossack divi
sion were brought Into Mukden. Particu
lars of the skirmish are not available. It la
not clear whethnr It was a simple outpost
affair or the beginning of a real Japanese
advance on Mukden.
It Is reported here that the Japanese are
advancing on Mukden from the east. A
strong force of Russians is ready to meet
Japs Prepare to Advance.
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 17.-1:26 a. m.
The War office has heard Jhe report of an
apimtcnt Japanese concentration against
the Hanks of General Kouropatkln's aim)',
preparatory to an advance toward Mukden.
Whllrt it Is not In a position to confirm or
deny ihe report It would surprise the Wur
office should Field Marshal Oys.nui hsve
been able In such a short time to organize
his forces for a serious advanca northward.
Japanese Attack Repulsed.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 16.-A dispatch
from Mukden pays the Russian patrols up
to the present have repulsed all Japanese
outpost attacks and that communication
with Slnmlntln has not been Interrupted.
All Russian stragglers, according to thla
dispatch, have arrived at Mukden. Gen
eral Samsonoff has been promoted to the
rank of general of division.
CHE FOO. Sept. 16.-1 p. m.-The Jap
anese troops between September 8 and Sep
tember 10 captured a fort situated on a
high hill east of Golden hill by an as
sault. The fighting was not severe. The
Japanese were able to remain In the fort
because the quality of the powder Used
at Golden hill was so poor that many ahefla
fell short and others failed to explode.
The foregoing Information was received
from an Intelligent Chinese who left Port
Arthur on September 12. He hud been a
dock yard laborer there for many years. ,
Hs adds that the Japanese are tunneling
under the Russian forts with the Intention
of blowing them up. He says that the
work of tunneling is slow and arduous
and will probably b.e unsuccessful.
The Russians have placed mines under all
the public buildings, wharves, arsenals and
everything that could possibly be of use to
the Japanese with the tnnntion of causing
their destruction should the Japanese enter
the city.
The house formerly occupied by Vlcefoy
Alexldff was hit by a shell recently and
partially wrecked.
Ammunition Is growing scarcer, but there
Is plenty of bread. The price of flour la
now 9 rubles.
Another shell struck a destroyer which
was lying In dock undergoing repairs
knocking It Into kindling wood and killing
seven sailors. This shell came from the
Japanese fleet, - which comes In much
closer than formerly dally, throwing a few
shells. One shell demolished several en
gines In the dock yards and killed an
officer and two men.
The fort which the Japanese captured la
not regarded as essential to the defense
of Port Arthur, although It Is obvious
there would be some disadvantage from Its
occupation as the Japanese are constantly
receiving heavy guns from Japan to which
the Russians are unable to reply effectively.
The Chinaman is unable to describe this
fort, but the comparatively weak resistance
of the Russians suggests It was an out
post. This assault was the only one to take
place since August 31.
The five . eleven-Inch guns on Golden
hill which were formerly pointed seaward
have been rearranged, three of them
now pointing landward.
The Chinaman alleges that all of the guns
except the ten and twelve-Inch have been
removed to land batteries from on board
the battleships where they ware of very
little use.
Of the ships In the harbor only six ara
fully able to participate In another fight
at present
A month ago the Golden hill batteries
threatened Shushlyen. Now the Chinaman
says the shells fall far short of that
point. ,
yews From Front Is Meager.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 16. 1M p. m.
News from the front Is exceedingly meager
and the present lull In the operations In
Manchuria Is expected to continue for sev
eral weeks. Ever since Genersl Kouropat
kln's retreat waa definitely accomplished
the best Informed military circles were
convinced that Field Marshal Oyama could
not Immediately renew his aggressive tac
tics All the information since received
regarding the condition of the Japanese
armies has strengthened the conviction that
Oyama will require a considerable time to
organise a new advance and It is now be
lieved that he will probably await reinforce
ments of men and guns, to make good his
losses at Llao Yang. These, it Is reported,
will be ready to leave Japan at the end of
the month.' Moreover. It would-create no
surprise here If a Japanese diversion la at
tempted In the direction of Vladivostok to
prepare the way for a renewal of aggres
sive operations against Mukden. In the
meantime Kouropatkln Is also obtaining
reinforcements. A large number of guns -and
some independent troops are on their
way to the front and the first detachment
of the Odessa corps Is expected to be on Its
way east by train tomorrow.
There la considerable mystery about
Kouropatkln's plans. Although all the In
formation obtainable Indicates that the
bulk of bis army Is still around Mukden
and the official Intimations are that Koura-