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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1904)
1 A 4 far Smaha Daily Bee. THE SUNDAY BEE-BEST NEWS BEST PICTURES BEST STORIES. THE SUNDAY BEE -A NEWSPAPER AND A MAGAZINE IN ONE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FUIDAY MOUSING, SEPTEMBER Hi, 1904 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THliEE CENTS. ALL ARE FOR UIGCINS Hew York Bepublloans Nominate Him for Governor bj Acclaaation. WOODRUFF WITHDRAWS FROM CONTEST King Oountj Kan Befuiei to Allow His Name to Ee Ooniidered. TICKET IS COMPLETED JN FEW MINUTES Persistent Attempts to Draw the President Into tbe Oontet. Signally Fail. RESOLUTIONS ARE SHORT AND TERSE Utate and National Issues Are Stated In Document, Which U Notable fur Clearness and Brevity. SARATOGA. N. Y.. Sept. 15. The repub lican Mate convention adjourned at 2:30 today, after nominating unanimously the ticket for state officer forecasted last tilght by the Associated Press, as follows: For Governor-Frank W. Hlgglna of Cat taraugus. .... For Lieutenant Governor M. Linn Bruce of New York. . . For Secretary of State John F. O Brlen of Clinton. ........ For Attorney General Julius M. Mayer or New York. . . , , For Comptroller Otto Kelsey of Llvlngs- For State Treasurer John G. Wallen mcler of Erie. For State Engineer and Surveyor Henry A VanAlstyne of Columbia. For Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals Edgar M. Cullen fdem.) of Kings county. For Assistant Justice of the Court of Ap peals William E. Warner of Monroe. Woodruff Withdraws. The action of the convention in the nomi nation of Lieutenant Governor Frank W. Hlgglns for the governorship was made possible by the withdrawal of former Lieu tenant Governor Woodruff at the very last moment, as the convention was preparing for the roll call, called for by the resolution of th Kings county delegation. It was only when, aa he himself said. It became 'obvious to his practiced ear" that the con vention was almost solidly against him, after his name had been placed In nomina tion In a speech by William A. Prendergast of Brooklyn, In which the management of the Hlgglns campaign was bitterly at tacked, that Mr. Woodruff took the plat form, withdrew his name from further con sideration, moved that the nomination of Lieutenant Governor Hlgglns be madi unanimous and pledged the fullest effort of himself and his Kings county forces In aid of the ticket about to be nomlnnted. There was no contest whatever over any other place upon the ticket. The second day of the convention opened with every evidence that the contest would be carried to the finish, although no one pretended to have any doubt what the out come would be. piatt and Woodruff Confer. ' A protracted conference was held "early In the day between Senator Piatt and Mr. Woodruff and his Immediate counsellors In the Pl9 quarter- At Its close Senator Flett refused to be Interviewed and Mr. Woodruff said: ' "There la no change in ,the situation. My name will be presented to the convention." Immediately after Mr. Woodruff had left Senator Piatt, Governor Odell called upon the senator. Liiter he said his call was simply friendly and that he understood Mr. Woodruff would go Into the convention and get as many votes as he could. In the convention the Woodruff faction was exceedingly enthusiastic and insistent. But the only thing approaching a show of strength was when his name was first placed In nomination. But the great ma jority of the convention sat silent tnrougn the demonstration. There was no Blight anywhere In the proceedings to Senator Flatt, save in the refusal of the convention to accede to his declared wish for the nomination of Mr. Woodruff. Every men tion of his name was enthusiastically cheered again and again, the wholo con vention arising with deafening shouts and applause to do him honor. Governor Odell, too, as governor and ns chairman of the state committee, was cheered at every turn. Mr. Woodruff's withdrawal of his name and his motion to make unanimous the nomination of Mr. Hlgglns removed every sign of discord. The convention was of a more or less routine character, save for the speech of Senator Depew. who In presenting the name of John F. O'Brien took occasion to answer some of the democratic arguments In the speech of Bourke Cock ran last night at Tammany Hall. Platform Adopted. Wheq the convention was called to order 8tate Senator George E. Almby was pre. ented as permanent chairman. Ills pcech was chiefly devoted to a review ot the republican administration for the last ten years. The chairman called for the report of the committee on resolutions and the platform was presented and adopted without discussion: The republicans of the itinplre state, the born o iltcoUote. noosevtii, in convention tunt-muiiid, tungraiuiate the country on I ho spleiKliu icsuits ot the lucent elections in Oregon, Vermont and Maine and inspiration they nave given to the cause o( Kouoevou aim KairLMUi. We repeat and confirm the pledge made to President Kocmevtll by our Haie con vention two years ago of untaLierlng cou nuenca and unwavering support. We endorse the platform of the repub lican national convention in Chicago In June lust, all Its declarations, particularly those lit favor of tha maintenance of the gold standard and protection to Amerkau workmen and the industries by whlcti they thrive. We appeal for support to the common sense of those who do not believe In change fur the sake of making a change and whu are willing to "let well enough alone," to those who believe In the kind of protection the republican party hm always stood for and not In the kind with which the demo cratic party, with its free-trade allien, la trying to delude industrial workers. The republican party's safe guidance Is evidence.) by the fact that during the ad ministration of Mckinley and Roosevelt wages reached the highest ixiint on record ana proserlty superseded adversity which resulted from democratic policies Just re affirmed at St. I-ouis. The .administration of Governor Odell la commended and en dorsed. National as well as state polities are In volved In the outccme of our state elec tion, end ws commend to every cltlien the faithful performance of his patriotic duty. Roosevelt Keeps Oat of Coatest. OYSTER BAY. N. Y.. Sept. lt.-Presldent Roosevelt was notified today of the nomi nation of Frank W. Hlgglns for governor or New York. The president has followed the proceed. Ings of the convention with deep interest, but while ha refused to take part In any way for or against any candidate, he ex. pressed himself tonight as pleased that Mr. Hlgglns had been named for governor. Mr. Hlgglns was chairman of the finance com mittee of the senate while Mr. Roosevelt was governor and their relations were very clos. Tha president, accompanied by Mrs. iL'willauea ea fecund. P CANNON BEGINSHIS CAMPAIGN Speaker of the lloase Addresses at Large Aadlence at Soath Rend, Indiana. 'SOUTH BEND, Ind., Sept. IS. At the Auditorium theater In this city tonight. Speaker Cannon of the national house of representatives began a campaign which he will wage from this" time until election day. The large theater was filled to lis utmost capacity and the speaker was re ceived with enthusiastic cheers. Mr. Cannon disscussed at length the various issues of the campaign, but gave his especial attention to the tariff and the trusts, contending with reference to tha former that the republican policy of pro tection Is the only sure safeguard of Amer ican Interests, and concerning the latter that the action of the president Is an un mistakable Index of the attitude of tho republican party. In connection with his discussion of the republican policy of pro tection Mr. Cannon spoke of Judge Par kers speech of acceptance, saying: "The opposition denounces protection as robbery. If I denounced a thing as rob bery and I had the power I'd remove the robbery. The speech of Mr. Parker ac cepting the nomination Is unique. "He says, 'I endorse the platform rob bery and all. but please make me presi dent and elect a democratic house of repre sentatives. We cannot do any harm, for the senate will be republican for the next four years.' " PARKER CONFERS WITH LEADERS Rumor that Jerome Has Reen Offered Place on State Ticket. NEW YORK, Sept. 15. Judge Parker today conferred with more than a score of prominent party leaders who called on him at his apartments at the Hotel Astor. Important matters relating to the cam paign which may reorganize the methods now In operation, the letters of acceptance of the candidates for president and vice president and the discussion of a slate for New York state were Included In the busi ness under consideration. One of the Interesting features of Judge Parker's day was his talk with Former Senator David B. Hill, "which has been connected with a call of the senator upon District Attorney Jerome. It was re ported that Mr. HII! tendered the governor ship nomination to Mr. Jerome- That story Is now denied and Information from a re liable source Is ' to the effect that Mr. Jerome was offered any place on the state ticket except the nomlnatlon'for governor. The talk concerning the mention of Mr. Jerome for governor was the subject of Intense interest. Opponents of Mr. Jerome are said to have taken alarm because of the appearance of unusual activity on the part of the leaders. Those who were so fortunate as to get an audience with Judge Purker argued against an indorse ment of Mr. Jerome. Senator Gorman and Thomas F. Ryan of Virginia remained with Judge Parker for three hours and this is taken as an Indication that the senator has become ac tive In the campaign, at leant In an advi sory capacity. Henry G. Davis, candidate for vice president, and August Belmont were among the callers. It Is stated tonight that Judge Parker's lotter of acceptance will be published on September 23. The letter of Senator Davta wl'.l come a week later. Judge Parker has decided that he will start for Esopus tomorrow at 6:30 p. m. MOVTASA DEMOCRATS MEET Demand Election of I'nlted States Senators by Popular Vote. HELENA, Mont.. Sept. 15. The creden tials committee of the democratic state convention, now In session here, decided to day, by a vote of IS to 12. to recommend the unseating of the so-called "regulars" (the Clark delegation), nnd also to deny seas tn te contesting delegation from ; Buttf. This report created a sensation v.-l:c:i 'Mi' convention reassembled, and i ' t if a stormy debate. The supporter- ' hy.c say he will control the c,on- The a m ention voted to seat both the "regulur" nnd Helnze delegations from Sil ver Bow county, giving them half a vote each. Governor Toole advocated this In a plea for harmony, and carried the conven tion. Martin Muglnncss of Helena was elected permanent chairman. The platform declares for the national ticket, Indorses Governor Toole's administration, declares for the initiative and referendum, direct primary law, fellow-servant law, the elec tion of state officers by popular vote and the constitutional amendment, giving the state board of equalization power to equal ize assessments of property, and the elec tion of senators by popular vote. SOITH DAKOTA POPI LIST TICKET Nominate Electors and Full List of State Officers. YANKTON, S. D., Sept. 15. (Special Tel egram.) The populists' state convention was called to order In Yankton last night. George H. Steele of Hand county was elected permanent chairman and W. S. Met- cair of Moody county permanent secretary. The following were nominated for presi dential electors: John M. Pease, Davidson county; Philip Remph, Yankton county; N. L Crowley, Hand county; Sherman Wilcox, Mead county. The following state ticket was named: Congress, A. J. McCain, Custer; O. W. Lat tln, Kingsbury; governor, R. C. Warne. Da vidson; lieutenant governor, W. J. Dean, Douglas; secretary of state, Benedict Miller. Moody; state auditor, Charlie Lowe, McCook; state treasurer, Hance Murphy. Minnehaha; attorney general, T. H. Null, Beadle; commissioner of school and public lands, J. E. Canty. Yankton; superintend ent public Instruction, Allle Reed. Mead; railroad commissioner, C. D. Saunders. Butte. The convention adjourned to this morn ing. The report of the committee on resolu tions was adopted. WISCOMSIX HEPIBUCAM LOYAL Many of l.a toilette's Followers Send a Letter to Cortelyou. MILWAUKEE. Sept. IB.-Pledglng them selves to abide by the decision of the re publican national committee unless It la re versed by the supreme court, 147 of Gov ernor LuFollette's prominent followers have signed a letter, which they hava sent to Chairman George B Cortelyou of tha republican national committee at New York, declaring that all questions effecting the unity and regularity of the party must necessarily be submitted to tbe highest political tribunal for settlement and that such settlement will be accepted by all good republicans unless It can be found at variance with the decision of the courts. The letter deprecates tha untruthful re-pta-t which has gone out to the country, that a considerable number of Wisconsin republicans are deserting the party under tha belief that the party is under tha bane ful Influences of corporate wealth and has drifted away from the old principle of Lincoln and his compatriots, that thay seek a new alignment of tha political parties of tha Uulted 8 tale. LAND DRAWINGS ALL OYER Commissioner Biohards Returns from Superintending Them. SPECIAL AGENT GOES TO WINNEBAGO Department of Justice Making aa Effort to Stop the Sale of Llqnor to the Indiana on Reser vatlon. (From a Staff Correspondents WASHINGTON. Sept. 15 (Special Tele gram.) W. A. Richards, commissioner of the general land office, who has been absent from Washington practically all summer upon official business In connection with the opening of four Indian reservations to homestead entry, has returned to Wash ington. The acts of congress opened to settlement some 700,000 acres of land and for this vast acreage the Indians will re ceive about 12.000,000. The reservations thus opened were the Rosebud, In 8outh Dakota; Devil's I.ake, In North Dnkota; Grande Ronde. In Oregon, and Red I -eke. In Minne sota. Tho policy of opening the Rosebud, and Devil's LAke was by a system of registra tion and lottery drawing for selections which prospective settlers might desire to locate upon. At Red Lake, this being a comparatively small tract, the lands were disposed of at public auction. There were only 2,400 acres at Grande Ronde and these were sold under a system of sealed bids. Commissioner Richards said today all the systems devised by the department for the disposal of these Indian lands worked well and It would be difficult for him to say which might be the better. "At Rosebud and Devil's Lake the registration and drawing system seemed the best to use," said the commissioner. "The Rosebud res ervation opened the largest amount of acre age to . settlement, and while there was some roughness among those assembled be fore the drawing, the work of the land de. partment was not In the least Interfered with, and from my standpoint everything wns carried forward to my entire satis faction. The same may be said of the opening of Indian lands elsewhere." Land Commissioner Making; Report. The Public Lands commission, consisting of Land Commissioner Richards, ni front Prnchot and F. H. Newell, will hold an early meeting and outline the report to bo submitted to the president recommending chiinges found necessary In various public land laws. Members of the commission have spent the summer In the west observing the op erations of laws, and will soon be supplied with reports from their field representa tives pointing out 'weaknesses of the pres ent laws. After going over all the data collected, the commission will draft its re port and submit It the president in time to permit him to incorporate their recommend ations in his annual message to congress. The commission may not be able to make this Its final report, but will make It aa comprehensive as possible, and will point out most needed changes In public land statutes, Including the necessity for modi fying If not repealing the Hen land law. President Roosevelt Is depending upon his commission for a strong report, and in dications are that he will get it. thnmh in some instances the commission, while show ing the weak spots of present laws, may not recommend any definite remedy, but submit various plans for the consideration of congress. The probability Is that there will be no Important land legislation next winter, as It is the short session, and there Is considerable opposition to changing ex isting laws, especially the lien laws. This will not deter the president from dealing with land reform In a forceful manner in his forthcoming message, nor will it hinder him from using his best efforts to force through such legislation as the commission deems important. Special Aarent to Wlnnebaaro. The Department of Justice has detailed a special agent to visit the towns sur rounding the Winnebago Indian reserva tion, where it has been charged that liquor Is beln sold illegally to the Indians. Sev eral citizens of Homer and other nearby cities In Nebraska have laid before the Interior department statements which seem to indicate that the Indians of the Winne bago reservation are being greatly de bauched mentally and morally through the excessive consumption of whisky, which they apparently have little difficulty in obtaining when they have the price. The only resource the Interior department has to stop this traffic In whisky to the red men Is to Invoke the assistance of the Department of Justice, and this has been done. , Lands Open to Settlement. Land officials at Buffalo, Wyo., were to day instructed by the general land office to restore to homestead and other forms of entry some 11,0:0 acres of land which had been temporarily withdrawn with a view of determining whether the withdrawal should be permanent In order to further certain Irrigation projects. The lands thus restored to entry He in the south half of township 55, north; range, 77, west. Miss Wilson Goes to Europe. Miss Flora Wilson, daughter of the sec retary of agriculture, and Miss Evlyn Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh, will sail on September 30 for Eu rope and spend the coming winter In Paris. Miss Wilson, who has been at the head of her father's household for thirteen years, haa never been aa long separated from him aa her coming trip promises, but her pleasure In going partly compensates the secretary for the loss of her company for such a length, of time. Iowa Postmaster Named. Iowa postmaster appointed; Brushy, Webster county, N. C. Olsen, vice W. A. Martin, resigned. Coalfield. Monroe county, Carl C. Btruble, vice F. F. Jones, re signed. LETTER COMMKMJ'NU BRAVERY Secretary Morton Writes to One and Will Send Messages to Others. WASHINGTON. Sept. 15. Secretary Mor ton has addressed a letter of commenda tion to Midshipman J. Relly, a member of the third class at the Naval academy, In recognition of the bravery he recently dis played In jumping overboard and rescuing from drowning C. H. Hoi man, a seaman in the navy. Tha secretary's attention also has been called to similar acts of bravery on the part of Midshipman John Rogers, who res cued a seaman from drowning in tha har bor of Chemulpo, Corea, while tha Cincin nati was there, and of Ensign J. M. Enoch for Jumping overboard and swimming to the lifeboat and taking charge of it. The secretary will send similar letter to thesa officers. Lata Cotton Statistics. WASHINGTON, Sept. 16. The census office today Issued a report on the quantity of cotton ginned from the growth of IM prior to September 1, 1904. showing a tetaJ ul W0,4lt commercial baits, - WESTERN BANKS HAVE FLOOR Illinois and Kansas Men Talk to Delegates to Association Convention. NEW YORK, Sept. 15. Western bankers had the floor at today's session of the con vention of the American Bankers' associa tion. The principal speakers were A. J. Frame, president of the Waukesha bank, at Waukesha. 111.; W. N. Robinson, presi dent .of the First National bank of Win field, Kas., and Eugene Pruesslng of Chi cago, whose topic was "National Banks an the Trust Company Problem." A feature of the day was the "call of sections north, south, east and west," which brought forth five-minute statements by bankers or the encouraging condition of business In vu rlous parts of tho country from which they came. Tho first speaker of the day was Mr. Frame. Mr. Frame was followed by Mr. Robinson. s Immediately nfter the adjournment the nominating committee of state delegates and the nominating committee at'large met and nominated their candidates for tomor row's election. Tha committee at lnrge nominated the following candidates: For president, E. F. Swlnney, president of the First National bank, Kansas City; vice president, John U Hamilton, vice president Hamilton & Cunningham bank. Hoopstown, 111. Members of the executive council: G. S. Whitson, vice president National City bank of New York; Clark Williams, repre senting the trust company section. New York City; John Perry, American National bank, Indianapolis, Ind.; Grier Hlrsch, York, Pa., and J. B. Desmurkes, president First National bank, St. Augustine, Fla. The state delegatea nominated the fol lowing gentlemen for members of the ex ecutive council: E. F. Fancher, cashier I'nlon National bank, Cleveland, O.; T. J. Fletcher, cashier First National bank. Mar. shalltown, la.; L B. Farley, cashier Mer chants and Planters National bank, Mont gomery, Ala.; William George,' president Illinois Bankers' association, Aurora, III., and E. E. Marshall, vice president National Bank of Commerce, St. Louis, Mo.' This afternoon a trip through the new subway was given the visitors, .who were entertained tonight at Coney Island. DENVER HEARING CONTINUES Stork Dealer Telia of Alleged Rail road Discrimination Against Colorado. DENVER, Sept. 15.TA. E. Derricales, gen eral manager of a live stock and loan com pany, was the first witness in the live stock hearing before Interstate Commerce Com missioner Prouty today. His testimony brought out the fact that for five "years pre vious to this yeur the rates on cattle from the Texas Panhandle to Colorado points had been raised $4 - a car annually, and that the shipments decreased from 418,000 In 1901 to less than 200,000 this year. The rate from the Panhandle to South Dakota feed ing grounds, he said, was less than from the same point to Colorado. Richard Walsh, general manager of an 800,000 acre ranch in Texas, testified that the rate for the shipping of cattle to Kan sas City had been increased from 28 to 34ft cents within the last few years and that It costs from 114.30 a car more 'to ship now than formerly. He sunt that It had of late also cost more to send cattle to Montana and other feeding points. I "We had great difficulty," he said, "in getting the railroads to furnish cars, herds having been delayed for days. By the time we got cars one-third of the cattle were unfit to ship." Mr. Walsh declared there was no compe tition among the railroads for the busi ness. He said that a Texas railroad offi cial, when asked by him tho reason for advancing rates, replied: "Oh, you fel lows are pretty prosperous and we think we should have a share." Mr. Walsh said that in recent years, ow ing, to a-high freight rate and low prices fixed by the "beef trust," few cattle grow ers have been able to "break even." TROOPS GUARDALABAMA JAIL Nine Men Indicted by Grand Jury for Complicity In Lynchlnar Friends Threnten Rescue, HUNTRVILLE. Ala., Sept. 15.-The Madi son county Jail la guarded tonight by Com panies G and K, Third Alabama Infantry, Captain Luclen Brown, because threats have been made that parties Indicted by the grand Jury for connection with the lynching of Horace Maplea and placed in this Jail would be taken out by thel- friends and set at liberty. Ben Hill, one of the al leged lynchers, was captured and lodged In Jail today and the officers are looking for nine others who have been Indicted. Judge Speake of the circuit court heard rumors of impending trouble and wired Acting Gov ernor Cunningham for the militia. The troops reached here on a special train late toduy and pickets guard all approaches to the Jail. No trouble Is anticipated so long e the Jail Is guarded In this manner. Cap tain Brown has orders to preserve the peace of this community even If the city be placed under martial law. He has camp equipment and is fixed for a long stay. Solicitor Petera denies the rumor that Sheriff Rogers and Mayor Smith have been Indicted. The only foundation for this re port is the fact that the grand Jury has asked how to proceed to bring about tha Impeachment of these officers If such ac tion should be deemed advisable. PEORIA MYSTERY NOT SOLVED Coroner's Jury Falls to Place Blame for the Death of Con tractor. PEORIA, III., Sept. 16.-The mystery surrounding the death of George Harms, a wealthy contractor of this city who was found dying In his barn on Tueaday last, was not cleared up by the verdict of the coroner's Jury, returned late last night. Harm left his home on Lincoln avenue tn thla city on Friday last. He had 1150 on his person. On Tuesday morning last he waa discovered In a dying condition In his own barn by his wife and expired a few moments later. To this time not tha slightest Information has been gained aa to his whereabouts during these five days, save that he took the train for La Salle. When discovered he had 5 cents In his pockets. The verdict of the coroner' Jury gives the cause of his death as con cussion of the brain, or from a narcotlo not self-admlnlstered. Detectives are now working on th case trying to unravel the mystery. Movements ot Ocean Vessels Sept. IS. At New York Sailed: I. Touralne, for Hamburg: Konlg Albert, for Bremen; Nu mldlan. for Glasgow. Arrived: Patricia, from Hamburg. At Liverpool Arrived: Itk Mirhlssn. from Montreal; Merlon, from Philadelphia. At Cherbourg Arrived: Moltke, from New York. At Queenstown Arrived: Republic, from Boston: Balllc. from New Yvrk. Sailed: Teutonic, for New York. At Ha! rtvJ; aWvula ' txam X.w AXork. " RUSSIANS FORTIFY ON HON Express Opinion Japanese Will Have Hard Time Crossing Stream. PUSHING UP LIA0 RIVER IN BARGES Opinion Is F.xpressed In Russian Quarters No Important Rattle Will Take Tlnce for Three Weeks. (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1904.) ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 15.-tNew York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) The Russian forces have now taken a strong position on the Hun river, to cross which the Japanese will have a hard fight. On tho other hand, the Japa nese Btopped their direct northern move ment and have struck out to the east ward. It is stated that they are pushing up the Llao river, on which 100 specially made barges are being towed, presumably to Tlelln, which the river touches. One thing Is certain, the Japanese are again masking movements with the ut most success. Here military opinion is to the effect that It Is Impossible for any important battle to take place inside three weeks. Meanwhile, according to Kouropatkln's friend, the writer, M. Nemerovlch Den chenkp, tha Japanese are introducing their own financial and fiscal rule In Manchuria, flooding the country with Japanese money and demanding the payment of timber dues accruing since March. At Yin Kow there are double duties. Stores are pouring into Llao Yang. The Japanese are fortifying the Taitse river, thus completing preparations for an ad vance. The encouraging new from General Stoessel at Port Arthur make the bourse firm. BRIDGE FALLS INTO LAKE Cariosity Seekers Rush to Darning; Structure at Stillwater, Minn. Two Dead! Five II. t. STILLWATER, Minn., Sept. 15,-The bride across Lake St. Croix, which Is a half mile long, extending to the Wisconsin sldo, caught lire late this afternoon. The fire created some commotion and the Are apparatus in responding to the alarm was followed by the usual crowd of persons. Tha fire had so weakened one of the spans of the rather ancient structure that when the fire apparatus and the crowd attempted to cross it It fell Into the water, about twenty feet below. About twenty persons were precipitated with the wreckage into the water and two men were killed and five seriously injured. The dead: ADOLPH BOO, aged 23, son of local hotel keeper.' GEORGE M'GRATH, aged 16, son of An drew McOrath. . ' The Injured: Ray French, probably fatally. Edward McPhetera. James McCan. fireman. August Wojohn. Louis Gecurtlns. A number of others were less seriously hurt. One of the fire horses was drowned. It is thbuht that all the dead have been recovered. The financial loss Is about C000. TRAINMEN THREATEN STRIKE Employes of Fort Wayne System Are Taking: Vote on the Question. PITTSBURG. Sept. 15. A strike Is threat ened on the Fort Wayne system and Its branches of the Pennsylvania road. The membprs of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen are now taking a vote on the strike proposition and the result will be an' nounced next Miday. It is understood that the Pennsylvania will not accept the new wage scale because by Its provisions the company must sign an agreement with the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, thus recognizing the union. The wages asked under the schedule are what Is known as "Chicago pay," which Is higher' than the wages paid on railroads lit the east. JEWEL THIEFJJNDER ARREST Man Wanted In Neve York Found In a, Hospital nt Marlon, Indiana. MARION. Ind., Sept. 15. William J. Devy, a detective of the New York police department, came here today In search of William McKlnzie. alias William J. Valen tine, alias William Start, who In wanted on a charge of having robbed New York people of 0.000 worth of Jewelry. He was found In a local hospital and acknowledged he was the fugitive and said the Jewelry is hidden In Albany. N. Y., Chicago and St. Louis. The alleged theft was commute! on the night of July 4. 1904. McKlnxIe Is only 23 years old. but he has served three terms In New York and New Jersey prisons on charges of dlumond robbery. CENSUS OF LIVING BUFFALO Boston Man Says Only Twelve Hun dred and Thirty-Three Remain. BOSTON. Sept, 15.-(Speclal Telegram.) Mark Sullivan of Boston has Just com pleted a world census of the American bufalo or bison now living, and fixes the total ut 1.23S. Of these thirty aro in parks at Omaha, Winnipeg, Toledo, Pittsburg, etc. The largest number Is the Pablo Al lard b.erd of 300 on the Flathead Indian reservation In Montana, and the second largest a wild herd of iOO west of the Great Slave lake. C. J. Lenander of Bancroft, Lt., has ten. Burgess A Hanson of Luana, la., have twenty and James Phillip of Fovt Pierre. B. D., haa ninety. The total value of the living animals la nearly $800,000. Coatlane Strike Hearing. SPRINGFIELD. III.. Sept. 15 Today waa the day act for the hearing of the Injunc tion suit against the Zelgler union mine strikers on a motion for a permanent In junction. A continuance of the temporary Injunction was agreed to until a master In chancery can hear testimony. Mlsaonrl Man far Ttilane. MOBILE. Ala., Sept. 15.-A dispatch from New Orleans says Dr. K. B. Craighead, president of the Normal school at Warrens, burg. Mo., has been offered the presidency of Tulaiie unlverHlty to succeed Ir. Alder man, who guv to th University of, Vlr- NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Friday and Cooler In Southwest Portion, Saturday Fair. Temperature nt Omaha Yesterday Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Hear. K a. m -47 1 p. m W Ha. m il p. m TO T a. m 4s n p. in...... ?! H a. m M 4 p. m 78 n a. m IM R p. m . . , . T.'t to a. m..... M p. m Ta 11 a. m nt T p. m nH 13 m M N p. in It p. m ..... . tt'J SUMMARY OF WAR SITUATION 1 " Mnrr Flirhtlna: GiDfrtfd mt mnuatn Soon 4'onlllct Probable at Port Arthur. There hns been no renewal of fighting since the retreat of the Russian army under General Kournpntkin to Mukden. Condi tions there, both within the Japanese and the Russian lines. Indicate that a month may elapse before the great armies In cen tral Manchuria again enter upon a general engagement. At St. Petersburg the expectation Is that tho next conflict of moment will occur at Port Arthur, where there hns been a re spite from heavy fighting for several weeks. The splr)t of the Rufsian troops at Muk den, which was greatly depressed and bor dered upon panic following the reverse at Llao Yang, has been restored and business In the city is reportod to be recovering. The Japanese are said to be entrenching on the Taitse river and the hrldg over that stream, which the Russians wrecked as they retreated from Llao Yang, has been rebuilt. RAILROAD BlILDINO IN COREA Japanese Government Plnns a Net work of Lines. (Copyright by New York Herald Co.. 1904.) SEOUL, Sept. 11. Via Che Foo, Sept. 15. (New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) The Japanese min ister. Mr. Hyashl. has recommended that his government immediately undertake the construction of a ral!way from Seoul to Wonson, under military engineers, as a war measure. The Japanese hold no con cession for this line, but under the terms of the Japanese-cVrean protocol, signed In February of this year, they can claim the right for strategic purposes. The rail way, once laid, will undoubtedly be oper ated as a commercial venture, greatly assisting Japanese development and coloni sation plans for the Corean peninsula. The construction of the railway connect ing Fusan with Masampo was commenced a week ago under Japanese ml'ltary engi neers. Thus Corea Is rapidly being covered with a network of Japanese government owned railways, which are destined to play an Important part In Japan's claims for the control of Corea subsequent to peace nego tiations. For the last week parties of Corean offi cials have been pursuing the ancient cus tom of kneeling before the palaoe gates, praying the aoneptance of a memorlul to the throne petitioning the emperor to adopt a strong. anti-Japanese policy. The Japa nese authorities, in accordance with the policy of denying the right of free speech to Coreans, have repeatedly arrested the petitioners, but subsequently released them, whereupon they r train kneel at the palace gates. In the meantime the emperor, fear ing Japanese wrath, declines to accept the memorial. JAPANESE OX K.OMMANDER ISLAM) Admiral Alexleft Reports Action of Enemies In Kamchatka. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 15. The em peror received the following dispatch from Viceroy Alexleff, dated September 14: I have received the following reports from General Stoessel, duted Port Arthur, August 31: "A dispatch from Yakutsk, eastPVn Sibe ria, dated August 13, says the Konimander Islands, off the coast of Kamchatka, had been besieged by Japanese and British schooners and steamers up to July 2J!. Two of these schooners ana the steamers were armed with guns. In driving tiiem off ten Japanese were killed and many wounded.- We sustained no loss. "Near Kamchatka five Japanese fishing schooners have been burned. Their crews were annihilated. The Japanese announced the annexation of the territory nnd pro claimed it a Japanese protectorate. They were subsequently captured by 120 Russian reserves. Kamchatka remains true to her old traditions. The Inhabitants have taken up arms and are ready to shed their blood for their faith, their ciar and their father land. "On September 30 the enemy received re inforcements on the west front of the for tress. During the bombardment of Sep tember 2 the Japanese squadron remained the whole time In view of the fortress." The Kommander Islands are the Islands for whose protection against these very expeditions arrangements were made by Russlar'with Great Britain and the United States It I not supposed that the affair will lead to a diplomatic Incident. An official report ha also been received of the landing of a Japanese force of 150 naval reserve men on the wast coast of Kamchatka, who de clared the sovereignty of Japan over the peninsula, but they were afterward de feated by a Russian force, as announced In the Associated Press dispatch received from Petropavlovsk yesterday. The official report agrees with the detail contained in the Petropavlovsk dispatch to the Asso ciated Press. The reference of Viceroy Alexleff to the view taken by General Stoessel of "these proclamations" Is somewhat vague, but It would seem that he does not refer to the proclamations of a Japanese protectorate over the Kamchatka peninsula and appar ently over the Kommander Islands, but to the proclamations Issued by the 'Japanese to the Russian troops at Port Arthur de manding their surrender. 0,1 I ET PREVAILS AT Ml K DEN' Failure of Japa to Follow l p Victory Causes Surprise. MUKDBN, Sept. 15, via St. Petersburg, Sept. 1(1, 1:25 a. m. The panicky conditions prevailing Immediately after the battle of Llao Yang have entirely disappeared from the Russian army now concentrated here. Bualnesa haa been resumed and the city Is quiet. Tha Russo-Chlnese bank has re opened. The failure of the Japanese to follow up the advantage gained at Llao Yang has caused surprise here. An Independent au thority who accompanied tha rear guard from the positions south of IJao Yang to Mukden says that this failure Is accounted for by the fact that the Japanese lost 40,000 killed and wounded in one day'a fight ing and that besides they were too tired to continue the advance. The Japanese ure reported to be Intrench ing around Llao Yong and to have repaired the bridge over the Taitse river. Twelve thousand soldiers wounded at Llao Yang Itave been a treated at tn Red Cross bosujtaJ here, SECOND SHIP OFF VICTORIA British Ship 8ighta the Auxiliary Orniief Corea Steaming Sonthward. PROBABLY B0UN0 FOR tSQUIMALT ' nBna1isn A nrVMit!aa T.ilr1 4m TTa. WA a i J Neutrality Case to Deal With. CRUISER BOSTON SUDDENLY PUTS TO SEA Rumor that it Left San Francisco to Look for One of the Ozar'i Warships. UNITED STATES TAKES CHARGE C: Vessel Will Be Disarmed and Allow to Make Necessary Repairs I nder the Direction of a Federal Engineer. VICTORIA, B. C, Sept. 15.-Membrrs of the crew of II. M. S. Grafton, Just arrived from Coniox. report the presence of th Russian armed auxiliary vessel Corea in the Pacific, off the northern coast of Van couver island, steaming slowly southward. They expect that the Corea will come to Esquimau or Victoria. It Is described a a larger vessel than the Ixna and I com manded r-v an officer of high rank In th Russian navy. Tho news bas caused much excitement at Esqulmalt, where prepara tions to deal with Its case should It enter are now being made. Lena Will Be Disarmed. WASHINGTON. Sept. 16. Acting Secre tary of State Adee this afternoon gave out the following statement regarding the Rus sian ship now at San Francisco: The president has today Issued an order, through the acting secretary of state, di recting that the Russian armed transport Lena, now nt San Francisco, be tuken in custody by the naval authorities of the United Slates and disarmed. The main features of the condition prescribed are that the Lena bo taken to the Mare Island navy yard and there disarmed by removal of small guns, breech locks of large guns, small arms, ammunition and ordnance uteres and such other dismantlement as may be prescribed by the commandant of the navy yard; that the captain give a writ ten guarantee that the Lena shall not leave San Francisco until peace shall have lieen concluded; that the officers an? crew shall be paroled, not to leave San Francisco un til some understanding as to their disposal may be reached between the I'nlted States and the belligerents. After disarmament the vessel may be removed to a dock for such reasonable repairs as will make It sea worthy and preserve It in good condition during its detention: may be so repaired at the navy yard. If the RiiHSlan commander should so direct; that while at a private dock the commandant of the navy yard at Mare Island shall have custody of the Bhlp, and tho repairs shall be overseen by an engineer officer to be detailed by the commandant, and that when so repaired. If peace shall not then have been concluded, the vessel shall be taken hack to the Mare Island navy yard and be there held in cus tody until the end of the war. This action has been taken upon the writ ten request of the commander of the Lena, uddreued to Rear Admiral Ooodrk'h. set tins forth that us the vessel Is Incapable of putting to sea without needful repairs, It must disarm, and nsklng that needful re pairs be permitted after disarmament. The secretary of the navy has telegraphed the president's order to San Francisco and given instructions to Admiral Goodrich and to Captnln McCalla, the commandant at the Mare Island navy yard,, to carry out Its provisions. Disposition of the Crew. The main question regarding the Rus sian transport Lena having been settled officials of the administration and of th two belligerent government will now de vote themselves to reaching an under standing regarding the officers and crew of the vessel. As Indicated In the state ment made by tho State department the present arrangement Is but a temporary one, designed to meet the question a It pro.nts Itself. It Is not likely that the officers nn.1 crew of the Lena will be al lowed to again participate in the war un less the government of Japan shall waive Its prerogatives In that regard, which Is not thought probable. An arrangement will be effected whereby the men will either be permitted to return to Russia or Intern In the United States, as the transport 1 to be until the close of hostilities, at the expense of the Russian government. Probably some members of the crew will remain In charge of Xhc vessel as caretakers, a privilege to which the I'nlted States Is not likely to raise objection. Captain Ready to Unit. Captain Berllnsky, commanding the Rus sian ship Lena, at San Francisco, haa In formed Rear Admiral Goodrich that he de sires to dismantle his ship, and haa asked as to the extent to which this dismantle ment should bo made. Admiral aoodrlch has called on the Navy department for In structions on this point, and the detail are being worked out by the Navy and Stale departments. The State department Is In telegraphio i,ntlon with Count Sasslnl.- the J Russian ambassador, on this point and th statement Is made that the Incident wilt be closed In a short time. It la expected that the Lena will be dismantled at the navy yard. Mare island. When Secretary Morton reached the Navy department today he expected to And await ing him the full report of Rear Admiral Goodrich, giving the exact nature of th repairs necessary to the Russian ship Lena, as disclosed by the board which tbe admiral appointed yesterday. The report had not arrived, but a brief dispatch had come from the admiral dealing with a minor detail of the affair. Aa the mes sage was not clear the department ha telegraphed for an explanation of It con tents. lt Is announced at the Navy department that this action will mean the removal from the Ixna of all Ha fighting weapons. The one detail regarding the Lena which has nut yet been decided la what disposi tion shall be made of its officers and crew. Acting Secretary ef State Adee today tele graphed President Roosevelt for Instruc tions, on this point, nnd as soon as ha ha been heurd from the decision of this gov ernment to the effect that the Lena shall be dismantled shall be communicated through Rear Admiral Goodrich to Captain Berllnsky. The statement is made at th Navy department that the invariable prece dent on thla point is for tha crew of th dismantled ship to remain In port, where the ship haa been Interned to the end of the war. 1 Takahlra falls I'poa Adee, Mlnibter Tukahlra called upon Acting Ben. re tary Adee today In connection with this case. He has hud Instruction from his own government as to the presentation he should make to the State department, and ho is consequently at liberty to act on his own initiative. However, he told Mr. Adee that the Japanese government had such perfect confidence in the disposition of the United states eovcruwuit to U lb right