TltE OMAIIA DAILY BKE: TnfRSDAT. "SEPTEMBER 18. 100. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Profit Taking and Fre Belling Earl; Bmki Wheat 1 1-2 to 1 3-4. EFFORTS TO BUY BACK BRINGS QUICK RALLY Ulckar PHeea -"Tumm . Toesday's Crep Hews DUrmrtla(-Cor Weak Early, strong Later Cossln Md Notes. OMAHA. Sept. 14. 1904. There wag a wld scope to in grain mar ket again today and tntw were numerous opportunity for scalping profit mat trad era war not alow to take advantage ot. It was mora of a two-siaed market than on either of the preceding days of the week. The aharp advances, nearly 8 centa a buahei alnre the cloae of business on Saturday, made large pro Ala for many buyers, and these were taking profits In the eany hour of the session this morning. The result nf this selling pressure, coupied with a little bear speculation on the strength of the very plauaable theory that alter the big advance there should be a reaction, brought a rapid decline until wheat was about lc lower than at the close on Tuesday. 'J ne tenor of the advices from the north western wheat states was much the earn as on previous days of the week, only growing worse and worse, until, judging from these reports, one might feel justified In estimating crops far beinw government eatlmatea. 'i tiese, with a naturally nervous feeling on the part of the shorts question ing tne safety of their position brought about a sharp reaction In the other direc tion, and beforo the tap of the bell for ths noon hour the declines were fully recov ered. On the first break September sold down to 81. II1, recovered to 11.11; December to 11.14 and recovered to 11.16. while May. after breaking to ll.lCVs, recovered to II. IS. The closing prices on these deliveries in Chicago yesterday were 31-134. l-la4 and $1.17 respectively. - During the afternoon there waa another weak spell due to profit-taking, but the concessions were comparatively small when the alee of the advances for the last few days are considered. There was no snecial weakness, but with prices where they are now tne cnancea are tnat fluctuations that a few weeks ago would have created con siderable surprise may now be expected with regularity. Corn waa firmer with wheat, but It closed aorqewhat lower than yesterday, as will be seen from the annexed tables of closings as compared with Tuesday. Omaha prices for cash grain were decid edly strong and high figures were obtained for the grade offered on the market. Omaha Cash Oraln Sales 1 car No. 8 wheat, 64H lbs., 11.04; 1 car No. I wheat, 651 lbs., I1.03'4; 1 car No. 4 wheat. 68ft lbs., io.; 1 car No. 4 wheat, 44 lbs, 96c; 1 car no grade wheat, 484 lbs., 96c; 4 cars No. 8 while oats, 80o; 2 cars No. 4 corn. 48c; 1 car No. I com, 4c. Omaha Grain Inspections In': 1 car No. I hard wheat, 14 cars No. 3 hard wheat, 3 cara No. 4 hard wheat, 1 car No. I corn, 9 cars No. 8 corn, 1 car No. 4 corn, 1 car no grade oorn, 1 car No. 8 yellow corn, 8 cars No. 8 whits corn 2 cars No. t white oats, 12 cara No. S white oats, 2 cars standard oats, 1 car No. 6 barley: total, SI cars. Out: 1 car No. 8 hard wheat, 2 cars No. 8 corn,. 4 cars No. 8 white oats; total, 7 ears. t Car Lot Receipts. :'. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 132 660 121 Minneapolis 86 ... ... Duluth 252 St. Louis 107 17 74 K annas City 166 10 10 Omaha , 18 16 16 Grata Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Tues day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Wheat Today. Tuesday. September 31-11 I1.13S4 December 1.14 B 1.154A May 1.16 B 1.17 Corn September .. 63A 644 December 64 63Vi May 62tA 6i Oata September S 31 December , 33i 83 ' May lb 85 KANSAS CITY. December 10354 1.04 ' May 1.05 1.07 fVvrn December 46B 47 May 46B 47 ST. LOUIS. ! Wheat . ! amber l.lfiS . 1.17 May , 1.18S 1.20 Corn - December 49S 49 May 49B 60 A ,, NEW YORK. December 1.17 1.19 May '.-. 1.17 1.19 t MINNEAPOLIS. 1.17 1.19 May 1.18 1.20 Commercial taaslr. J. T. Evans of Ltucoin, ft. E. Roberts Of Arlington, J. S. Campbell of Carson City, la,, and W. E. Kinseila ot tilalrstown ' were on the exchange today. 8. A. McWhorter A reliable banker and elevator man wire us from one of the best wheat districts of South Dakota as fol- luwe. x lie wnedl liero IB wuihq man we ever thought. There Is nothing In 76 per cent of It and people are Just beginning to find It out. Day county will not have enough suitable wheat for bread and seed. You do not realize the seriousness of the situation." Edwardi, Wood & Co.'s Chicago advices say: Btoomhall's foreign crop reports say threshing returns confirm early re ports of poor yields. Weather generally unfavorable. It Is predicted that wheat shipments from Argentine win decrease sharply in October as old crop Is almost exhausted. Minneapolis stocks of wheat in local elevators decreased 1(16.000 bu for , three days.. The weather In the northwest coutlnues wet and cold, delaying harvesting . and threshing. In Manitoba temperatures have been' considerably below the f reeling point, damage, it Is agreed, has been very - severe Tnero Is probably 20 per cent of com yet soft and green to suffer from last night's frost. Reports from Kansas In- dlcate one-third of the area would be light ; v iuj, nil lir niiui i llu U1KJ1 ly Illieu. The government's report on yield certainly looks very high and we are of the opinion that with the very large consumption we have had for the last two years there Is going to be big deficiency between supplies and demand and prices are yet to go a great deal higher. BW YORK UESERAL MARKET (notations of the Day on Varlona Commodities. NEW YORK, Sept. 14. - FLOUR Re aaipts. 12.193 bbls ; exports. 10,081 bbls.; sales, IJWO pkgs. Market only rainy active; win- tijfi.IO; winter extras. 3.46ft4.10; winter low grades, 83.2&3.9i); Minnesota patents, M00 fcl6.o0; Minnesota bakers, W.'d'Su.Oo. Kye llour firm; sales, 6u0 bbls.; fair to good, H4"iHi; choice to fancy, t4.6rJ4.85. CORN MEAL Quiet; yellow western, till fjl.U; city. II i:ul,14; kiln dried, 83.1(j3.0. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 46c. c. i. t. New WHEAT Sales, 600.000 bu. futures; mar ket, spot easy; No. i red, 8120. f. o. b. ufioat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 11.29, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o b, afloat. Options opened weaker and continued so until midday, when there waa a short rally, which was followed by a second sharp break under liquidation, the cloae being rather weak at 7CT-c ry;t du el J ne . May closed 81.17: September closed 81.19; December closed 81.17. CORN Receipts, 90.200 bu.; exports, 12,109 bu.; sales, 15.000 bu. futures; market, spot easy; No. 8, 60c elevator and 6Mo bid, f. o. b afloat; No. 2 yellow, tie; No. I whlte.oc. Option market opened easier with wheat, recovered on adverse crop and weather news, and finally sold off sgaln under profit taking sales, closing o net lower. Closing: September, ioc; December, 69c. OATS Revelpts. M.Ooo bu.; exports, 9.346 bu. ; marker, spot steady; mixed, 26 and 32 pounds. 4i(n16c; natural white, 30 and 32 pounds, MHG'.lAc; clipped white, 86 und 40 pounds. 8)in41c. Options nominal. FEED Quiet; spring bran, 3-'1.00; mid dlings, 823.26. HAY Dull; shipping, 7c: good to choice. 86c. HOPS Finn: state, common to good, 1909, 3736c: olds, 7&lSo. Pacific coast, IVut. WU He; olds, 7W13C. HIDES Steady J Galveston, 80 to tS lbs., 17c; California. 21 to tot lbs., 19c; Texas (dry), U to 80 lbs.. 14c. PROVISIONS Beef quiet; mess, 88 60O 9 5J; family, 81&0OA16 70; beef hsms, 324 00 026 60; packet, 89fcuil0.i0; city extra India mess, 814.00016 . 11,1 meals, quiet; pick led hellls, 9 00fll.o0; pickled shoulders, l'MXft7.2S; pickled hams, 310 tan 10.26. lard, barely firm; western steamed, $7.66; re ined, firm; continent.' $7 78; South Amer ica. 88 25: compound, 86 87j 00. Pork, steady; family. 316 00; short clear, lUsutf 18.60; mess. 31? V4j 13.00. TALLOW Firm; cltv ( per pkg). 4c; countrv (rkgs. free. 464c. RICg-Steady; domestic, fair to extra. 1 e&Hc: Jsnan, nominal. POULTRT-Slow; western chickens, 16c; fowls. 14c: turkeys. 11c; dressed, easy; western chickens, l3Uc; fowls. !3c ; tuf- , vm w BUTTER SUady; streel prloes, extra creamery, le; official prices creamery, remmon to extra, 13l9c; state dairy, com mon to extra, UClfc. CHKEfE Steady ; state full cream, small colored fancv, 84e; white, good to fancy, "rc; large colored, poor to fancy. 4 8c- large whit, good to fancy, Wtfc. EGGS Firm; western fancy selected. 229 22c; average best, 2Hjlc. CHICAGO GRAM AftD PROVASIOT4S Featoren of the Trading aad Closing Prteea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Sent. 14 Ijower prices In for eign grain markets caused liberal liquida tion of wheat here todsy, resulting in de clines of nearly 2 cents. Corn also was wek. the December option closing with a lose of Oats are down c. Pro visions are up 2!7c. At the opening the wheat market experi enced considerable weakness. Initial quota tions on uocemner being on Hle to 1.14"4 Jil.15. May was down ac to '.Tile at 1.17il.l7H. The principal factor In causing the break In values was the Indifference of European grain markets on opening de cline of jc In the price of wheat fu tures. From the stsrt the market wss subjected to heavy realising sales. Before the end of the first hour prices had dropped to a point almost 2 cents below last night's closing quotations, December declining to 11 1! May sold off to II.I614. On a midden spurt In corn prices there wss renewed purchasing of wheat. The result wss a sharp bulge. December wheat advancing to 11.16 and May to 31.18. Small primary receipts and an active demand aided In the upturn. During the last half hour the market weakened rapidly under heavy realizing sales. The close was at the low est point of the day. with December at 11.14. Final quotations on May were at 8116, a net loss of ITfctrSr. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 66.200 bushel. The world's visible supply, according to Uradstreet's. showed sn Increase of l.WO.orx) bushels. Primary Vecelpts were 909.109 bushels, compared with 1.171,000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 469 cars, against 421 last week and 769 A year ago. Weakness prevailed In the corn market early In the session owing to the failure to materialize during the night of the pre dicted frosts. Later In the day the market suddenly turned strong, the bull fsctor being a Minneapolis crop expert's estimate on the total yield. According to this au thority the government figures should be discounted by 300000,000 bushels. The mar ket weakened again In the late session under liberal liquidation. Another factor was the heavy primary receipts. The close was near the low nolnt. December opened V.&o lower at 62fian, sold between 62c and 64c and closed at S3j3c. Ixvcal recelptst were 650 cars, with 36 of contract grade. Oats were largely governed by the course of other grains. Trading was light as a result of small offerings. December opened n lower at 33c, sold between 32c and 33c and closed at 33c. Iocal receipts were 121 cars. Small receipts of hogs and higher prices at the yards Imparted a firmer tone to the provision market. A feature of the trad ing was the selling out of the October prod ucts. At the close January pork was ut 7gl2o. Lard and ribs were esch up 2 6c at I7.177.20 and 36.67, respectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 68 cars; corn, 436 cars; oats, 100 cars; hogs. 22.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat 18ept. Sept. Dec. May Dec. May Oats , Sept. Dec. May rork Oct. Jan. Lard Oct. Jan. Ribs Oct. Jan. 1.14 1.16 1.12V-8 1.13 1.11 1.11 1.13 1.144 1.16 1.16 1.14 1.14 1.16 1.17l 1.18 1.16 1.16 1.17-8 63 64 63 63 64 52-3 64 '62 63(6 63 51-2 . 63 61 62 62 31 32 31 31 31 33 s3 32 33 33 36 36 36& 36-u 26 10 77 10 82 10 75 10 90 10 77 12 66 12 80 12 60 12 72 12 66 7 07 7 12 7 07 7 10 7 07 7 16 7 26 7 16 7 20 7 16 7 37 740 736 736 740 6 66 6 70 6 62 67 6 66 No. 2. tOld. tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents. 15. 10ft 85.20; straights. 34.6065.00: spring patents. 85.2O66.90; straights, 34.6035.10; bakers, 83.20 4J3 80. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 1.183)1.20; No. S, $1.101.18; No. 2 red. 31.16(91.18. CORN No. 2, 64c; No. 2 yellow, 6656e. OATS No. t 31(S31e: No. 2 white, 33 33e; No. 8 white, 3234c. RYE No. 2, 74(S75e. BARLEY Good feeding, 37(6S9c; fair to choice malting, 44(g61c. SEED No. I fla. $1.19: No. ,1 northwest ern. 31.27; clover, contract grade, $11.60 11.66. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $10.80 10.90. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 7.107.12. Short rlba sides (loose). 87.877.60. Short clear sides (boxed). $8.38.60. The receipts and shipments .yesterday were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 25,200 28.700 Wheat, bu 316.100 29.600 Corn, bu 1,082.400 581,600 Oats, bu 862.600 73.100 Rye. bu 17.500 ' 4.000 Barley, bu 164.600 114.600 On the Produce exchange yesterday the butter market was steady; creamery. 14 18o; dairies. 12$16c. Eggs, arm. at mark, cases Included. 14VWil7c: firsts. 17 17c; prime firsts, 17c. Cheese, steady to firm, 86o. St. Louis Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 14. WHEAT Lower on leHsened bull speculation; No. 3 red, cash, elevator. $1.16; track. $1.17irl.l9; December. $1.16; May. $1.18; No. 2 liard, $1.091.11. CORN Weak; No. t cash, 62c; Decem ber. 49c; May, 49c. OATS Easy; No. 2 cash, 32c; track. 33 83c; December, 33c; May, 33c; No. 2 white. 35c. FLOUR Domestic, demand good; small export business; red winter patents, 86.80 6.00; special brands higher; extra fancy and straight. Jo.2Wiu.76; clear, $4.66(85.15. SEED Timothy steady; $2.652.76; prime higher. CORNMEAL Bteady; $2.76. BRAN Higher; sacked east track, 86994c. HAY Slow; timothy, $5.0012.(M; prairie. 5.0fK8fl.OO. IRON COTTON TIES-960. RAGGING 77C. HEMP TWINE To. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; Jobbing, 810.90. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, 86.60. Bacon, steady and unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 88.62; short clear, $9.00; clear ribs, 88.76. POULTRY Steady ; chickens, 10c; springs, ll(fillc; turkeys. 15616c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Firm; creamery. 1620c; dairy, 12916c.' EGGS Firm, 17c, cose count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7.(100 10,000 Wheat, bu 108,01.0 147,000 Corn, bu 17.000 26.000 Oats, bu 74.000 44,000 Available "apply of Grain. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Hradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies, as compared with the Inst account: Wheat. United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, Increased 669,000 bu.; afloat for and In Europe, Increase. 1,126,000 bu. ; total supply. Increase. 1.809,000 bu. Corn, United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, lncresse, 1.682.000 bu. Oats, United States and Canada, eastof the Rockies. Increaae. 3,540.000 bu. The leading increases reported this week are 478.000 bu. at Omaha. 166.000 bu. at Louisville and 94.000 bu. at the Chicago pri vate elevator. Stocks in Manitoba decreased 114,000 bu.. while those held at Coteau decreased 18,0u0 bu. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 14. WHEAT September. 81.21'; December. II 1721 17: May. 1.18; No. 1 hard. ' 81.26: No. 1 northern, 81. 23: No. 2 northern, tl.18. FIjOI'R First patents, S6.4oitj.60; second pwtvu, in.wiiv m, 11. Limifl, fi.wmjv If, second clears, 83.20(3.30 Minneapolis In BKAN-In bulk. SlS.oort 16.00. Shorts, 81700 (617.50. nalnth Grain Market. DULl'TH. Sept. 14. WHEAT No. 1 hard. $1.25; No. 1 northern. $1 24: No. 2 noi th em, 31.19. To arrive, old No. 1 northern. 81. J4; No. f northern, $1.19; on track old No. 1 northern. $1.26; September, 81 21; December. 8116: May. $1 19. OATS On track, Uc; to arrive. 82o. Mllvrankee Grnln Mnrket. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept. 14. WH E AT Market higher; No. 1 northern, $124. No. 3 northern. $1.21; December. 11.14. RYE-Hlgher; No. 1. 76a77c. BARLEY Steady; No. 3, 67c; sample, 37 CMc. CORN-Flrro: December, 6353c asked. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL Sept. 14. WHEAT-Ppot nominal; futures steady; September. Is 6d; December, 7s 7d. CORN Spot easy; American mixed, 4s 8d; futures quiet; September, 4s d; December, is 6d- Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, Sept. 14.-CORN Higher; No. 8, 84c; No. 4 61c; no grade, Uo. WHISKY-fl.28. , NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS After Momentary Hesitation Whol Market Moth Strongly Upward. RISE STEADY DURING ENTIRE DAY Rates for Money Hlgner Close Was Ptrons? and Active Throaghoat Entire List Bonds are strong. NEW YORK. Sept. 14 There waa but momentary hesitation against some of the granger stocks at the opening today. This was partly shaken off and the whole mar ket moved strongly upwards. The reading of the tape during the day showed the rise to be steadier and less opposed than at anv time during the movement. Offerings to take profits which were met on the wsy up seemed to be lighter than before and the bears made no apparent attempt to contest the advance. In fact, they were assisting it by their efforts to cover short contracts and were too much Intimidated by the persistent strength of the market to attempt renewed opposition. Thus freed from obstacles, the upward course of prices was practically continuous, except for occasional Intervals, when the buying movement seemed to spend Its force. The drop In the grain markets was a sensible relief to sentiment and the news from the corn belt showed that the frost area did not extend nearly na far as was feared vesterdnv. Urgent buying orders for the grangers from western sources made It evident that yeeterdav s selling from that quarter had been overdone. The forecasts of an extension of the frost area to the eastward and southward tonight was gen erally Ignored. ' The day's principal show of strength was In stocks most closely associated with Iron and steel trade. United States Steel Itself took the lead, following the further ad vance In Pennsylvania and Its group of controlled railroads. This whole group Is largclv affected bv the condition In the Iron trade, which has a large Influence on the coal trade Erie was also prominent In the movement . ... The reduction of csh reserves of the banks waa caused both by subtreaaury re quirements and withdrawals for the In terior. Rates were higher for call and demsnd rates. Sterling exchange was lower and a fair supply of cotton bills was reported In that market. There was urgent covering by belated shorts In the grangers. The close was active and strong through- "'ponds were strong Total sales, par value, 11. 25O.00O. United States bonds were un changed on call. Tne quotations on the New York Stock exciiange yebieiday mueu aa tuiiows: oaieikliigu Ijuw.Oosj. Atchison iwva t'm uo preferred i.nuo " Baltimore c Onio....lo,-ou ten im ao preierred liw Mm Canauiun i-aclflc 2,oou Uj Xia U Central -ot S. J 1 Chen. & Ohio 8,6jO vi Chicago t Alton i.y ln 4o hi ao prererrea .... Chicago if. W Chicago ft N. W.. C, M. & St. P.... do prererred .... Chicago T. & T.... do preferred .... C, C. C & St. L.. Colorado Southern do 1st preferred.. do 2d uref erred.. ... 1.100 lMk 16 io ... 800 ibito 188 ...21,'lUO loll loi lo li O lMVt lMi UMf ) 20 2i0 2.8.10 60J 6 80 li- 60 6 6 la 80 16 60 19 80 ll b0 1m 1.900 26 Del. At Hudson 2,4"0 16 16l' 16 Del., Lack. vv Denver & R. G.. pio 2i9 2i 2i8 800 27 27 2' do Dreferredi 500 79 -A 79 30 7 46 79 32 68 46 81 87 Erie 98,100 32 do 1st preferred 7,400 68 do 2d preferred 2.700 47 Hocking Valley do preferred 100 87 87 Illinois Central 138 139 Iowa Central 700 do preferred 600 K. C. Southern Sol do preferred 1,100 24 43 25 47 42 25 43 25 4 47 Ijouis. & xvasn. Manhattan I.... 4.900 122T4 V'H ... 1.700 157 156 156 Met. Securities 14.100 83 81 81 Met. Street Ky 28,300 lij 121Vs izi- Minn. & St. L 56 M., St. P. & 8. S. M.. 700 72 72 72 do preferred 100 130 130 123 Missouri Pacific 28.9W 99 97 98 Mo., Kan. & Tex 1,K) 23 22 28 do preferred 3.7ix 48 48 4t-& N. R. R. of Mex. pM. 3.8K 41 30 41 New York Central.... 6.000 126 12S 126 Norfolk ft Western... 2,600 W 68 69 , do preferred , 90 Ontario , Weatero... 11,100. VN 33 84. Pennsylvahia ft .172,200-OT lt 13o tr., 1 . V. ft Bt. Li 1. 11 OHfe II 71 67 ,86 70 29 72 60 21 46 67 34 96 32 29 Heading 57,300 65 80 Ml 76 28 U 69 21 44 66 33 9j 3J 28 66 8 76 28 72 '4 ao ist preferred s,i0 do 2d pret erred.. Rock Island Co... 200 24.700 do preferred 3,400 St. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd. 1,400 St. Louis 8. W 700 do preferred 1,000 Southern Pacific 39.600 69 21 44 67 3t 9o 46 99 93 21 42 17 19 44 14 230 208 119 230 68 23 81 32 90 26 12 31 27 96 66 107U Southern Railway ....44.6X1 do preferred Texas ft Paclflo ..... Toledo. St. L. ft W.; do preferred , Union Pacific , do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling ft L. E Wisconsin Central.., do preferred Mexican Central ..... Au.'tnii. Express American Express.. IT. S. Express Wells-Fargo Amal. Copper 1,400 9,100 1,300. 6I.100 99 m 1.100 4,700 100 400 300 1.140 21 43 17 20 44 16 21 41 17 19 44 14 200 IIP 118 19.509 1.4(10 300 400 58 23 81 32 "6 26 12 23vt 81 32 "6 26 12 Amer. car & Foun... do preferred Amer. Cotton Oil do preferred American Ice do preferred Amor. Linseed Oil.... 100 400 100 ao prererred Amer. Locomotive.... 14.300 do preferred 700 Amer. Smelt. & Refin. 8.800 do preferred Amer. Sugar Refin.. Anaconda Mln Co... 3,600 131, 130 I! Brooklyn Rapid T.. 8,200 56 P4 8 205 '7014 27 172 M 3' 201V4, 13 70i 2S 172 14 "4 r4 7SM, ?4 fW 34 ! Rn 216 8 A1t. 10 V, 4'4 tv, w. Colo. Fuel ft Iron 22.400 40 Consolidated Gas 4.900 207 Corn Products do preferred 200 Distillers' Securities.. 2.200 General Electric 1,500 International Paper do nre 'erred T0V4' 174 International Pump do preferred National Led K'orh American ... ion ..7."0 . 1VI . 1.900 7-; ?4V. 34 7S "4 , 31 l'l 34 Facile MM1 'onle' Oss Pressed Ptel Car do preferred fullm'"! PJ. Car Rei)i,bllc Steel do nrefrred Rubber Good" do preferred T'enn. Coal A- Iron.... IT S. Tether de p"eferd t- ". ", Imp t7. S. Robher do nrefeee4 .... S4(VI i(Vu: .34 l.!"VI 4.700 84 80 t; Kov, 19 '4T e "K V. 1S tt. 8,r 1) 600 W-te-i T'nion .. T S. ! r -eep-ed . . . 1 ov 133 v) Total sales for the dw. 1.108,800 shares. London Stock Market. LONDON. Sent. 14.-Closlni Cornell. mw M 7-14 N. Y. Central iuu 00 sreount Norfolk W inv Atwronda 4. ia ptj Atrhllion Ilk Ontario W. 14 U . P'd 1" Ptnnaylvanla u2 B. 0 ! Raa4 kins. in Can. Paclflo 1M Raadlni uai Chea. A Ohio 43 do Ul pfd 4j2 rhlraio (It. WMsrn. u do 14 ifd. 1. shu C M. St. T 1M 80. Railway 31 liBrrs, " ' D- O II 80. Paclfle nil 4 P'4 H4 fnlon Paclflo 101 J 81 do ptd 3 4o lat pfd N 11. s. Btacl t(l2 do td pfd 4T do pfd...., tr2 III. C.ntral 141 14 Wabain !. . M N 126 do pfd u m.. k. a t 4i gp.nt.1, 4a.:.:.'.:::;:; s SII.VKR-nar. quiet. 2 l-16d ner 01. MONEY-liil per cent. The rats of ? .Pl'-1". tn Pn market for short bills LViM'2 !;'JPer ceni and for thr months bills 47-167)2 per cent. New York M InlnaT Stoeka. NEW YORK. Sept. the closing prices on 14 The followln g are mining stocks: Aitmi COD J" Allcs 4t Braorw 14 Bruntwlrk cos It romatnek Tuonal .... 0 Coo. ral. A Vs.. .'...Id Horn HUv.r lat Iron Sllrar lit LudrlHo Cos 0J , Liuia Cblaf ! On alio Ophlr Phoaoli Potoal Savaso Bltrra Kavads.... Small Hope tandard .. 06 .lid ..tit .. li .. is .. 14 .. It .. K ..1M New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 14 -MONEY-On call, easy at 1(S1 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent, offered at I per cent; time loans, slightly firmer; sixty days. 2JjS per cent; ninety days, StJ3 per cent; six months. 8'oS per cent; prime mercantile paper, 3o4 per cent BTERL1NO EXCHANGE Heavy, with actual business In bankers' hills st 84 MeX'tt 4.8(90 for demand and at $180oi8M lor 28 27 97 -97 67 66V4 600 109 108 slxtv-dsv bills: posted rates. 848S4r commercial bills. 84 84V. SILVER Par. Mc; Mexican dollars. 46C. hONDS-Oovernment. steady; railroad, strons. The following are the closing quotations v 'i pun kb nil., w " V. S. rr. ta. rag ....104l tan. em. ar.14 ts d mspoa 104: Mn. central 4s. C. . aa r WIS I do lat tnf 4o coupon 1'S at. f Si. 1. 4a V. g. saw 4a. rB... lVV l . K. A T. 4s..., do coupon 1J1V do ta t'. 8. old 4a. res lo N. R. Ft. of M. r. let tf. inn. 1 n 4 coapne 107 I N. T. r. gen. IHs .incH Atchlann gen. 4a inV'N. i. Ontral (. aa. dn ad). 4a M I No. PaclBc 4a 1044 Atlantic r. U 4a ... fHI do ta "4H B. A O. 4a 1M Norfolk ft W. t. 44..IOI do la K Or. S 1.. 4a part Hv, Central of Oa. ta 111 Pans. ronr. IHa innvj do lat ln- 4' Readlnt Ktn. 4a 1 rhca. A Ohio aHa.-. l1 St. I.. A I. at c. sa in rai Alton Ui rata St. L. 4r S P. fs. 4a. f r., p. A 4 new 4a.. M, L S. W la T '., S4. A SCP. f 4a 110 .Seahnard Air U C. A N. W. con. 7a. 1M !so. Pacific 4a .... r.. R. I. A P. 4a... 1 o. Railway (a ... do col. aa s i Tcxa 4r Pacific- Crr A St L. ft 4..T1 'Tol.. St. L. A W. rnlcafo Tar. 4a 7S 'rnlos Pacific 4.. Con. Tohacco 4a 7' do ennv. 4a . . . . a. D7I4J .. M'u . .1174l ..tlV . 7 104 "4 Colo. A Boutharn 4a. V S Steel M ta .. 81V4 n. A R. n 4a 10l. Wahaah la 11 Brla prior Ilea 4a M do dab B W do n 4 n .W. A Iaka g-l 4a.. Ft. W. A D. C. la. 107 Wla. fantral 4 Horklni Valla 4ia..o Colo. Pud c. aa ctfa. 1 L a n. unirl'd 4a..iw Bid. Askcd. lloston ROSTON, Sept. cent; time loans closing of stocks Atchlaon adj. 4 do 4a Mai. Central 4s Atchlaon do pfd Roatnn A Albany Boaton A Mains Boaton EleTatad. . . . . . Fltchburs pfd Max. Cantral N. V.. N. H. A H.. Pare Marquctta t'nion Paclfle Amer. Art. Chem... do pfd stock Marnier 14.-Call loans. !34 ner , 4Ws per cent. Official and bonds: K Weatlnsh. common pituj AdTanture 4Si Allouei Mt Amalgamated 9!"4 Amarican Zinc...., 260 Atlantic 12'4 Blniham .. SI .. 1 .. 1! .. 11 ' 11 !7 153 Calumet A II.. 137 Centennial 14 Copper Rang. lMVt Daljr Waat 74 Dominion Coal. 4 Franklin 14 Oraniy W14 tele Rnvals h Ulaaa. Mining.. 13114 Michigan l.U , Mnhaali lSJ'Mnnt. Coal A .6inm-2n 17S i tlUj '4 l Amer. Pneo. Tube. Atner. Sugar do pfd Amar. Tel. A Tal... t'4 4KV, C b Amor. Woolen 14WOId nonunion. la do pfd Iomlnlnn I. A 8.... K1mon Elec. Ill flan. Electric Maaa. Electric do pfd Mam Gaa I'nlted Fruit rnltad Shoe Mach.. do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd "Hid. "Asked. 82 Vl Oacaola II iParrot 2'.1 IQulncy 173 Shannon n4 Tamanick c Trinity 4!', I'. B. Mining.. 1M It'. 8. Oil S2 ll'Uh sni, Victoria 16 1 Winona MVWolvarMia 7Uj 16 tl 4 lit W4 " t 40 11 Foreign Financial. LONDON, Sept. 14. Money was wanted In the market today In connection with the payment of a jr,?nii,0(Ki Installment of the Transvaal loan. Discounts were essler 011 the announcement that 82.900.UU0 in gold will be sent trom India at the end of the week. Business on the Stock exchange was practically inert. Americans opened Irregular, hardened steadily to above parity, became neglected. Improved during the last hour anil closed Arm. Imperial Japanese government 6a of 1904 were quoted at 3V BERLIN, Bept. 14. Prices on the bourse toduy were Irregular. PARIS, Sept. 14. Trading on the bourse today opened irregular and stocks were higher. They improved later and at the close prices were Arm. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 93.45 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 609. The private rate of discount was lH&l per cent. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Sept. H.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3150,000.0(10 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balarsfe. 3148,922,554; gold, 856,677,884. Wool Market. BOSTON, Sept. 14.-WOOL The Boston wool market is still active, especially In medium territory grades. Quotations of leading descriptions are as follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania. XX and above, 3443 35c; X. 30fo31c; No. 1, 334jJ4c; tine unwashed, 24fq:26c; ".i, and H-"lood unwashed, ifMji L'Xjo; fine washed delnlne, 3Kc. Michigan X and above. 272Sc; No. 1, 3(Ku.31c; tine un washed, 21&22c; H, -nd H-lood un washed, 27(ac; fine unwashed delaine, 83c. California, uorthern choice, 'iliic; average, 17il!ic; middle counties, 17918c; southern, lifplSc. Oregon, eastern staple, l!fOilHc; valley No, 1, Zoc. Territory Idaho, fine, IWfjl&ttc: fine medium, 18(3lbjc; med ium, lW9)c. Wyoming fine, lGjiic; line medium. 17(glSc. Montana fine choice, 3tKo) 21c; fine average, IWtaftc; fine medium choice, 2021c; avds-fige,, W'JflOc. Colorado nne. 13jl4c; flne. roVl4M&. l&(glc, ST." LOUIS. tVPnTt4-WOOL-Steady; medium grades, cotnurne and clothing, i'Xii 26c; light fine, lfi20ii ibvavy fine, 12diloo; tub washed, 2Sa35oi, .vl j 1 r ' lOlls and Hoatn. NEW YORK, Sept. 14. OILS Cottonseed, quiet; prime cruue, Nominal; prime yel low, 2&cfi9c. Petroleum steady; refined. New York, -37.86; Phtlsaelphia and Balti more. 37.80. Turpentine, dull. 641441 o64c. KOSlN Steady; strained, common to good, 32.80. OIL CITY, Sept. 14.-OILS Credit bal ances. 31.5:1; certllicatea. no bid. Shipments, Pennsylvania, 117,976 .tools.; average. 75,15 hbls.; runs, 94,882 bbls.; average. "0.087 bbls. Shipments. Lima. 90,600 bbte. ; average, 65. 999 bbls.; runs, 83,843 bbls.; average, 51,915 bbls. SAVANNAH, Sept. 14,-TURPENTINE Firm, 5lc. ROSIN-Flrm; A, B. C, $2.552.B7Vi: D, 32.65: E. 32.07Wi2.i0; F. 2.704f 2.72V,; Q, 32 75; H. 32.95; I,; K. 3.55; N, ti.i'H; WG, 34.70; WW, 35. Cotton Mnrket. NEW "YORK. Sept. 14-COTTON-Spot closed steady, 10 points advance; middling uplands, 11.011c; middling gulf, 11.25c. Sales. 17 bales. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 14. COTTON Spot In light demand, prices 6 points higher; Amer ican middling fair. 7.08d; good middling. .92d; middling. 6.80d; low middling, 6.60a; good ordinary, 6.38d; ordinary, 6.14d. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 14.-COTTON-Market firm. Sales, 3.MJ0 bales. Ordinary, 7 16-ltic; good ordinary. 94c; low middling, 9c; middling, 10 7-16c; good middling, loHc; middling fair. lOftc. Receipts, 3.16a bain; stock, 29.000 bales. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 14. COTTON Market quiet and unchanged: middling, 10Hc SaUa. none; receipts none; shipments, tti bales; stock, 3,287 bales. agar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. SUGAR Raw. steady; fair refining, Sr; centrifugal, 96 test. 4 6-1 Sc. Molashes sugar, 3Vr; Refined, quiet; No. 6. 4.85c; No. 7. 4.80c; No. 8, 4.Cc; No. 9, 4.66c; No. l i, 4,ric; No. li, 4.ouv, No. 12, 4 8&c: No. 13, 4.40c; No. 14. 4.40c; confection ers' A, 8.50c; cut loaf, 6.96c; crushed, 8.96c; powdered, 6.36c; granulated, 6.25c; cubes, 6.50c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open keitle, good to iIi"i k, 8itu;tiu. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 14.-SUOAR Steady: open kettle, 2c: centrifugal, 4 4'ic; centrifugal whites, ic; yellows, 4K' 4lbLAB6EB Nominal; open kettlo. 20 25c; centrifugal. 10015c. Syrup, nominal. Evaporated Apples and DrteM Frnlta. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues quiet with prices unchanged. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'lTS Prunes wera easy; spot quotations range from ttt bc. according to grade. Apricots continue scarce and firm, with choice quoted at 9Vi& lOHc. extra choice at lOViflOHc; fancy al Uil3c. Peaches are also In light supply, with prlcea firmly held: choice are quoted at 744f7V4c; extra choice, 8i&nc; fancy, DVx 410c. Philadelphia Prodtire Market. , PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 14.-BPTTER Steady, fair demand; extra western cream ery. ISfiWAc: extra nearby prints. 20c. EGGS Firm, good demand; nearby firsts, 21c. at mark: western firsts. 21c, ut mark. CHEESE rnchanged; New York full creams, fancy. 9V; New York full creams, choice. 9c: New York full creams, fair to good, VWc. : frnnsaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 14. WHEAT Lower; September. 11.03',,; December. 31 03i; May. 81.06V, cash. No. hard, 1.0l41i8; Nq. 8. ILOlfiLOS; No. 4, 90c(j1.01; No. S led, 8112; No. 3, 31. u6108; No. 4, 93c(&81.C'5; te celpts. 226 cars CORN Steady; September, 477,c: D'cem ber, 46'&4fii4e; May. 461,c; cash, No. I mixed, boo; No. 3. 49V,c; No. 2 white, 60c; No. 3, 49V4C. OATS-Steady; No. 3 white. ZHiiVc; No. 5 mixed. St". K JOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 18c; case count. 16c; esses returned. Wo less. HAY Steady; choice timothy,. 39.60; choice prairie, 37.OCHj7.B0. RYE; Nominally steady at 7(r, lU'TTER Creamery, 14V,4jUHc; dairy, 12Wc. Receipts, Shipments Wheat, bu 132.0OO 137 600 Corn, bu 16.0m 19.M1 Oata, bu li'.OXl 4, MX) Whisky Market. CHICAGO. Bept. 1 l.-WHISK Y-Steifly. on tmvl of 31 2K. PEORIA. 6-pt. 14 -WHIBKY-On basis of 81. 'S for tinisliird goods. ST. LOCIK. 8?pt. 14.-W IIISKY-Btrsdy. on basis of 81 32H- CINCINNATI. Bent 14 - WHISKY On basis of II. i fur finished goods. (OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Corn-Fed and Wettsrn Beef 8teen Steady to Strong md Gowg Steady. HOGS SOLO A BIG NICKEL HIGHER Not Aa Itxeeestvo Ragiply of ttieen and Lambs anal Killers Ralral Fstrly Active and Steady, wltk Feeders Firm. OMAHA. Neb.. Sept- 14. 1804. Receipts were; Cattle, ilogs. Sheep. Oftlcial Monday ,rwo aiwt MI.U4 urhclal iuecday 4,a4 8.44 2u.o84 Orticlal Weooesday s,ouU 0 l,k0 Three days this week.. 13. 6? 168t9 fr0.4 Same days last week.... 11.440 1o.4ho 8u,lts bame week before k3.7ii Zl.Tll Same three weeks ago... 8.4.19 &w3 S2.3.5 Same four weeks ago. ...11,818 U.486 ll.iil Same days last year 22.881 13.Ua8 Stun RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The lollowtng table nhows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at bomb unuht lor the year to uate. with comparison with last year: 1)4. 193. " Inc. Doc. Cattle 877,i? 6R5,x 10V:9a Hogs LiCi.iUi Jl,74.4.U 1.723 Sheep 88)1,7(18 864.660 27, U Average prlcea paid for hogs at South Omaha tor ths last several days, with com parison: Data. I 1904. I1DG3. 1902.1901. laW.US.188. ill I 6 881 7 33 I04 I Oil 6 06 6 11 6 06 6 061 4 30 I 31 3 69 I 8 27H 6 201 7 42 C 12 7 861 06, Ml 6 16 4 14 6 83, 6 80 6 42i 6 47 m 6 U 6 I4 V 4 19 7 401 6 2 6 84 4 221 8 62 4 ii i 63 4 80; 3 63 6 47, 7.46 6 tlWi 6 44 80 6 30i 6 60 7 461 6 101 4 301 4 4 vai 4 2i 4 261 4 i 3 60 (7 ft So I 5 441 I 6 84 6 617,1 6 ( 6 61'AI 7 61 37! 7 4; 40 6 2C 7 661 h 6 20 3 77 3 73 3 M 7 6u 6 47 u 0 6 6'S 1 6 56 1 6 Oil 0 uo; Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by ench road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'B's. C, M. & St. P. Ry .. 1 1 V. P. System 78 14 11 4 C & N. W. Ry 3 F.. RAM. V. R R. 80 29 24 6 C. St. P.. M. & O. 3 10 B & M. Ry 61 24 C, B. A Q. Ry.... 1 2 K. C. & St. J 9 C, R. I. & P.. east. 4 3 .. J C. R. I. A P., west. 18 Illinois Central 1 Great Western t 2 Total receipts.... 236 96 35 12 The disposition of the day's receipts was i""i euL-n nuyer purcnasing tne num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 326 821 Swift and Company.... 978 1,700 1,604 Armour A f'o . 1 101 1 kqr 1 cms Cudahy Packing Co.... 759 1.760 431 Om Pkg.Co. from K.C. 163 Swift & Co. from St. J. 28 Vansant tr Co 140 Carey A Benton 178 Lobman A Co 80 W. I. Stephen 49 Hill A Hunter 66 Huston A Co 17 Root 226 Hamilton A R 404 L. F. Husz ft Snulres A Co am Cudahy Bros. A Co 230 Wolf Ar Mnrnnn 91 Other buyers V) 'i.406 L. A Co 214 I .ee RnfhaeMM QR Haggerty a uegen 61 J?','A"i,L' 6-m 8703 i3M CATTLE There wss a more liberal sup ply of cattle here today than has arrived In some little time, but the demand on the part of local buyers was sufficient to hold prices fully steady 011 desirable grades. Trading was quite active so that a very satisfactory market was experienced. There was a fair sprinkling of corn-fed steers and at.ything at all good sold readily enough at steady to strong prices as com pared with yesterday. Something on the common and warmed up order may have boen neglected to some extent, but even those sold as well as they have of late. There were quite a good many western grass beef steers on sale and the quality was a little better than It has been for the last several days. Packers all took hold freely and a fairly active and steady to strong market was experienced. The com moner grades sold In much the same notches they did yesterday, the strength being confined largely to the better grades. There were quite a number of cows and heifers on sale, but the market could be quoted generally steady. Aa compared with some of the sales made at yesterday's best time when buyer were all anxious for stuff and there was not enough to meet their orders, the market today may look a little lower. As compared with yester day's general market, however, the prices pain today were Just about steady all around. Trading was fairly active and most everything waa disposed ot In good season. Bulls. - veal calves and stag could all be quoted steady. Tha demand for good heavy feeders and also for choice yearlings continued brisk and the prices paid were just about steady. In tne case or medium weignt ana common cattle or an weignts tne marKet was a little Blow and a trifle lower. Common Blockers were hard to move at any price. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Na. At. Pr, No. At. Pr. 1 1140 4 to it 1120 4 u M 1160 i ' 12 Mil I U tO 13W I It COWS. 17. Hi t to t im 3 8 NEBRASKA. 6 cows... ..1348 3 So 1 heifer... 800 2 60 2 calves. 140 210 300 6 60 6 00 8 76 8 16 3 26 2 16 3 lo 3 16 3 80 1 60 8 00 2 76 1 00 2 00 2 60 2 66 1 20 2 80 2 25 3 33 3 10 2 10 3 20 2 00 2 16 3 60 2 30 2 46 2 6a 2 60 a 46 2 3.1 3 75 2 00 3 30 8 80 3 20 2 76 2 60 3 65 2 66 2 86 2 46 2 90 2 90 t 10 2 60 3 90 3 75 2 90 3 90 3 90 1 calf... 13 calves. 3 calves. 12 calves. 41 steers.... 1U9 3 20 43 steers. ...1274 3 60 2 calves.... 286 8 26 8 cows 9i0 16 311 1 feeder. ..1100 12 feeders.. low 2 feeders.. 1190 61 feeders.. 1188 1 feeder. ..130 4 feeders. .11(2 1 feeder... 90 2 cows 920 1 cow 780 2 cows 11 00 1 cow 1280 2 60 1 helter... ViO 2 60 2 60 2 60 3 60 i 16 2 2o 3 00 i 60 1 66 2 26 6 .5 2 46 00 1 i0 8 2a 2 66 3 20 2 00 3 60 8 20 3 10 2 26 2 60 3 06 06 2 60 3 16 3 00 8 00 3 26 t 76 1 heitef... PM 1 bull 1940 48 Heelers.. 1112 2 feeders. .1100 1 helter.. 1 calf 6 COWS..., 4 cows..., 2 cows... 4 calves.. . 630 . 240 . 803 ,. b9o ,.1U00 . 266 22 cows., 3 steers 1 cow... 2 steers 8141 . .s3 .1130 .lltJ 16 mixed 792 8 feeders.. lo62 14 Rteer....ia39 26 cows 824 8 feeders.. 833 2 teeders.. two 21 teeders. .1014 1 feeder.. .1300 6 cows 864 16 cows 963 1 steer... 9 cows... .1140 .. 974 . 946 6 feeders. 1 feeder.. 1 feeder.. .1300 . 60O .1042 9 feeders. 2 feeders. 1 steer.... 2 cows... 3 cows... 2 cows... 780 .1024 60O W3 1 heifer... 630 1 stsg HoO 11 cows !64 7 cows 870 1 cow 1060 2 cows 990 9 feeders.. 864 1 feeder.. 1 feeder.. 2 calves.. 1 calf lcalf 70 900 470 460 460 6 feeders.. 626 6 feeders 10 feeders 626 8M 2 calves... 360 1 calf 870 10 feeders.. 806 8 feeders. .1093 1 feeder... 710 I calf 330 10 cows 1089 2 78 2 78 60 8 16 8 16 2 60 2 90 46 feeders.. 1091 33 feeders.. 952 ' 1 cow..,.. .1100 8 cows.. 12 oows. , 66 Cows., 1 cow... 656 2 feeders.. 866 828 . 920 . 670 600 U70 11 cows 968 44 eows 1013 WYOMING. 2 cows., v.. 1010 2 cows 1046 1 60 6 feeders. 2 16 2 16 3 06 2 40 2 80 3 90 3 M 3 90 1 cow 1 cow. .1000 1 cow.. ...1074 ....1240 880 2 steers.... 1110 66 steers ...1178 12 steers.... 1090 1 steer 1270 steers.. ..1270 1 stag, 1 steer 1 stevr .1270 1 steer 1290 8 steers..,. 1333 P. Redden Neb. -2 60 27 cows 876 rhomaa Bell Neb. 44 steers.. ti cow... 11 cows... 1 cow..., 6 cows... ? cows... 1 teeder. 48 steers., I steer... 27 steers., 1 steer... ..1146 4 00 60 steers... ..986 I 00 F. V. Lovenburg Neb. 1178 180 783 2 80 14 feeders. 71 636 976 614 2 80 2 00 3 80 2 80 .1170 , .:o . 983 1 36 2 30 2 80 1 feeder.. 3 feeders. 10 feeders. 630 2 00 Lyman Roberts Wyo ,.1263 8 80 1 steer... .16ou 3 80 1 steer... 1160 1260 1 80 80 3 30 ,.1090 2 30 1 steer. . 1320 2 80 7 Mllldale Cattle Co Neb. 3 heifers.. 463 8 26 1 heifer... 600 2 10 2 80 2 26 3 16 2 36 I 60 1 cow ltt 1 26 2 cows 916 4 cows 876 2 00 1 feeder... 610 14 cows 922 2 76 7 feeders.. 911 1 feeder... fet0 2 76 2 feeders. .1116 64 feeders., 9o4 3 t0 19 feeders.. 901 W. Harris wyo. 18 stesra....l222 3 76 1 steer 1160 8 76 J. Gardner Wyo. 1 steers. ...1074 8 60 10 eows 1036 3 06 1 steer 1200 2 80 H. J. McQuire Neb, 8 eows. 7 cows. 1 cow ., 1 cow... 1 cow.,, 7 cows. 3 cows.. ...976 2 80 2 calves... 278 4 26 ...1014 2 86 Mutxlg A ...160 ISO ... f 1 76 ... 30 2 60 ... 844 2 60 ... 660 2 69 Co.-S. D. 3 cows 900 I 76 1 steer 1200 8 00 6 fr.lers.. 7m 3 00 2 feeJcrs.. 806 I 00 Bept. J... Sept. 1.. S-pt. 8.. Bept. 4.. 8ept. 6.. Sept. 8.. Sept. 7.. Sept. 8.. Sept. t.. Sept. 11., Sept. 12. Sept. 13. Sept. 14. L. Berggren Wyo. 22 cow.. ...1100 8 20 D. T. Hollowajr-Neb. 81 feeders. .1003 t 80 1 heifer ... t 3 feeders. .K 2 76 heifers... 161 2 60 1 feeder . ton 8 i 3 cows 8.4 2 60 1 cow 1460 2 00 W. E. Rodebush-Neb. 1 cow 780 2 10 cows 2 10 15 rows "TO 3 6. 3 oows 878 3 i 3 steers. ...1000 I 00 D. P. Halloway-Nb. 38 feeders 797 8.30 L. U West-Neb. 10 steers.... 8TO 3 . 4 steers. ... 3S t 80 2 steers.... T60 2 1 cows 986 2 26 I cows 171 1 Thos. Hlggtna Neb. 2 calves... 3.14 8 5 3 heifers. ..1150 3 7t 4 calves... (76 4 88 4 heifers... 92 8 10 3 calves... 333 4 26 61 cows 998 2 76 6 Cows 1" I 86 . 1 cow 1160 8 75 11 cows 848 III W. F. Wyatt-8. D. 23 steera...H68 1 10 A. C. Bmlth-Neh. ..... 4 cows 816 I 60 II cows 940 J 70 I cows 1190 1 70 8 eows..... 690 2 36 8 Cows..... 967 I 60 Eastwood V. Idaho. 12 cows 1048 2 66 H S. Rfaddock-Neb. I COW..... 981 126 17 cows .86 2 60 J. O. Evans Wyo. 71 steers.... 1012 I 40 HOGS There was another light run of hogs here this morning, and prices con tinued their upward Journey. It was evi dent, however, that packers did not like to psy the advance, and as a result trading was rather slow except on the good light and butcher weights, such as both psckers and shippers sre anxious for. The market could be quoted a big nickel higher on good light weights, while mixed and heavy weights were about a nickel higher. The heavy hogs sold largely from 86. to to 80.66, mixed and medium weights from 15 56 to 85 65 nnd lights largely from I6.86 to 85 ,0. There was no great amount of change In the latter end of the market, and a good clearance was made before noon. Some of the prime light weights sold as high as 86.72'4. The fact that the heavy and less de sirable loads were left until the last mad; the extreme cloae seem a little slow and weak, but the change in ruling prices was scarcely noticeable. Representative sales: Ns. At. Sk. Pr. No. At. 8k. Pr. It Ill ... 4 40 M 7S H la M IH0 ... 4 44 Tl 144 40 t 4714 47 Ill 1M t 47 14 t44 140 t 67 4A Sit M I M It ... M"4 It 114 44 t t 44 XI ... 11 M lot ... t 10 41 ibt 10 III Tl II! 140 I (O 70 Ill ... i 44 4S Til ... I 40 H f.21 110 40 74 t.M) M 4 44 TT 136 ... 40 tt St! 140 8 M la 131 ... 4 40 ....,. M I 50 ' 71 Ill 10 i 40 61 114 ... I tO It 135 to I 40 id 181 14 I M to 231 1M I W 44 tit ll I 10 Tl IST M I 40 75 164 ISO t 40 47.., IT ... 140 ;j ti 40 1 to it ... 1 40 14 171 140 I ll4 10 2K ... 6 40 14 Kl N I UH 44 171 in I 14 tl 14 ... Ill 47 Ill 40 t 14 71 HI 140 I614 44 14T ... I 44 44 IS4 II I tl IT 144 ... 141 41 141 44 III 10 HI ... 112 55 151 10 III 44 tl ... It IS 110 0 III II ! ... IIS It Kt 14 I U 77 114 80 I tl St 141 0 I II 4t t04 110 I H 7 Ill 40 I 41 71 HI 44 I 41 44 2M ... Ill 1 14 40 I M IS 110 ... Ill It ...tit 44 I W 4T 191 M I 44 44 24 ... I 41 It 171 ... 116 T4 tit ... 144 IT S5I 40 I 66 II 10 ... I 16 40 Sot 40 I 14 74 J7 ISO I 46 71 210 80 I 66 77 til 10 I 45 64 182 ... Ill TS 211 ... I IT II 250 40 I 65 42 10 ... I TO 3 2T It I 56 Tt 114 M I T 17 tt ... I M 44 217 0 I T 6 ITS ISO I 66 40 tot 10 I TO 11 211 10 I 66 72 Ml 14 I TO 0 SW 10 6 66 to Itl ... 170 62 til ... 166 II S14 ... IT! TO IM 124 I 56 M 207 Ml 71 (4 Ml ... 1 66 7 1T ... I Tt SHEEP Receipts this morning were not at all excessive, and aa there was no par ticular change In the demand from either packers or feeder buyers, the market held generally steady. Packers started out In good season, und the market ruled fairly active on desirable grades of both sheep and lambs, with prices ftenerally steady. Common stuff was neg ected to some extent, but still the prices paid were Just about steady. The bulk of the arrivals was disposed of at a reasonably early hour. The feeder market was firm, the same as It has been for some time past, and any thing decent, either In the way of sheep or lambs, met with ready sale at fully steady prlcea. Quotations for grass sheep and lambs: Good to choice yearlings, 33.75(64. 00; fair to good yearlings. 33.50fjf3.76; good to choice wethers, 8S.S63.66; fair to good wethers, 83.2663.35; good to choice ewes, 33.26-U3.&0; fair to good ewes, I2.76tr3.26; good to choice lambs. 6.0fB6.60; fair to good lambs, I4.75''ai 6.00; feeder yearlings, 83.503.75; feeder wetheie. 83.2693 60; feeder ewes, I2.004f2.50; feeder lambs, 83.764.50; breeding ewea, 33.00 (93.26. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr, 1 feeder ewes 80 . 2 50 2 bucks 45 00 81 Nebraska wethers S9 3 60 1 Wyoming yearling 70 3 60 206 Wyoming feeder lambs 67 4 30 30 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 4 80 299 Wyoming lambs 82 4 65 366 Wyoming lambs 61 4 6i 60S Idaho lambs 62 4 75 153 Idaho lambs 62 4 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Strong; Demand for Cattle and Hogs Sheep Lower. CHICAGO, Sept. 14. CATTLE Receipts, 15,000 head, Including 500 head Texans and 1.000 head westetrns: market strong; good to prime steers, I6.00Q8.28; poor to medium, t3.2oK5.(io: Blockers and feeders, 12.003.75; cows, fl.25ftr4.50; heifers, 82.004jS4.75; canners, tl.254j2.00; bulls. 82.0O&4.K); calves. S3.0ud 6.15; Texas fed steers, 4.0054.55; western steers, 33.003.65. HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head; market 6910c higher; mixed and butchers, 35.10tj0.10; good to choice heavy, 35.60tt.00; rough heavy, 34 906.46; light, 35.40ij6.10; bulk of sales, I6.50fi0.00.. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 28.000 head; market lOtfjloc lower; lamb. 151jf20c lower; good to choice wethers. 13.60(84.26; fair to choice mixed. 13.003.60; western sheep, 83.004.00; native lambs, 3.0O'a6.2O; western lambs. 4.00(g6.50. Knnaaa City Live Hock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 16.700 head. Including 1.700 head southerns; market Bteady to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, 35.28 6.10; fair to good, 34.00fa6.00; western fed steers, 84.OCK&6.&0; Blockers and feeders, 82.60 4(4.00; southern steers, 12.50(83.76; southern cows, I1.6O&.3.50; native cows, ll.6Ofi4.00; na tive heifers. $2.50&4.75; bulls. I1.7M3.50; calves. 32.5O&S.&0. HOGS Receipts. 5.500 head; market 6310c higher; the top price today was 35.75. the highest since October, 1903; bulk of sales, 85.61K&6.70; heavy. 5.60(fl.45; packers, $5.U01T I 6.70; pigs and lights, t5.56ft5.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeelpts, 6 800 head; market steady; native lambs, 4.6o 6.60; native methera. 83.26ii4.0O: native ewes. 33.0Oirfi3.75: western Iambs. 14. 60.60: west ern yearlings. I3.60fj4.00: western sheep, 83.26 t3.70; Blockers and feeders. 12.6003.75. Hew York Live stock Market. NEW YORK, Bept. 14.-BEEVES-Re-celpts. 1.7RI head! good steers. 2oiJi40c lower; common and medium, 10rj20c off; bulls, steady and medium, 1026e lower; steers. I3.40-Si.60; half breeds. I3.R5H13.90; bulls. If 25 3. 60; cows, tl.25ti8.60; cables quoted live cattle lower at Sillc per lb.; top, 12c,, dresfed weight. CALVEB Receipts. 1.420 head: market for veals strong; other calves, steady; a few tops sold at 84.7699.00; grassers slid buttermilks. I3.&0&3 76; dressed calves, alow; city dreseed veals, fj9c per lb. lions Reeelnta 8 1R3 I head! market higher; choice, 16.65; western hogs. 16.10. i SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 11,112 heiid: market for sheeD strong; lambs. steady to firm: sheep. I2.60ccf4.40; few extra, 84.60; culls. !1.60ri2.26; lambs. I5.00iij6.56; Cantda lamba, 36.76. St. Loots Live Stock Mnrket. ST. I5UIS. Sept. 14 CATTLE Receipt. 5,000 head. Including 2.500 head Texans: market steady; native shipping and export steers, 14.765.90; dressed beef snd butcher itef rs. 14.10(56.76; steers under LOW lbB.. 13.8 (64 26; stockers snd feeders. 12.6013. 40: cows and heifers, t2.50fi4.60; canners, tl.Xtfr2.C0: bulls, 12.003.90; calves. I3.0OOJ6.75; Texnsand Indian sleers, 12.603.60; cows and heifers, 2 00' i 85. HOGS Receipts. 7.000 head; market steadv to strong; pigs and lights, 4.5oif..90; packers. l3.6.Vab.D5; butchers und best heavy. IS R6 06 8trEEP AND LA M RS Receipts, 3 '00 head: market steady; native miton. IS.'irffl 8.5: Ismbs. l4.86ifr6.PO: culls and bucks. ro (M.00; stockers. 12.7663.25; Texsns. 13.00 4.00. toek ta right. Following were the receipts of live stor-k st tha six principal weirn emeu any: sm. South Omaha 6 61 Sioux City l.T'W Kansas City 1MW Hi. Louis 6 000 St. Joseph 1 .W Chicago 15 000 Tot t la ...44.797 82,007 47.672 it. Joseph Live Stork Market, ST. JOSEPH. Bept. 14. ATTLF Re ceipts, 197 head: mnrket steadv to 10-? blither; nstives, I38.va5.86; eows and hel'r-, I1.76i4.48: stockers ad fteders. f04 0n. UAiia TO .lnl - i mil I. a-H m.flrat F.fft'A higher: light, fci.Gi "06.76: medium snd heavy, ln.R7A5.70. SHEEP AND LAMB-e--pta. t7l head ; market firm; range sheep, fl.W. Ions City l.tro Stack Market. SIOUX CITY. Sept. 14.-(SpecIal Tela- verier lS. Blierji. 6.8C0 9,600 3(0 5 50 6 800 l.OVt S.-'OO 47 "72 6.0() 28.000 gram CATTLE Receipts, 1.7T4) head market weak; Blockers slow: beeves, 8 fcf 6.60; cows, hulls nnd mixed, tl ?S te; stock rs and feeders, 2.7T1i J.70; calves and year llnra. I2 5PVJ38 HOGS Receipts. 3.20 head: market opened weak, closed higher, selling 16 tf9 10; bulk. 36. 4543 66. OMAHA A IIOLKs m ar Ret Condition of Trade anal t)ootattens oa Staple and Faery Prod nee. EOGB Receipts moderate; candled atprk, 18c. ' LIVE POULTRY Hens, me; roosters. Be; turkeys, 10c; ducks. 7j)9c; geese, 6c; spring chlckns, 12iff1JUo. BtTTER-Packlng stock. 11(fJllH; eholco to fsncy dnlrv, 14((71A-; separator. 174J17HC. FRESH FISH-Tmiit.' 1V; pickerel. 8e; r'lke, 10c; perch, 7c; blneflsh, 12c; whlteflsh, oc; salmon, 14o; redsnapper, lie; lobster, fteen, 20c: lobster, boiled. 30c; bullheads. Ic; csttiah. 14c; black bass, 20c: halibut, 10c: croppies, 12c; roe shad. 31; buffalo, 7c; white bsss. He; frog legs, per dos., 3R. BRAN Per ton. 118 HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 uplsnd, 87.50; No. 3. 37 00; medium. 16 80; coars. $600. Rye straw. 88.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York counts, per csn. 45c; extra selects, per can. 37c; standards, per can 82c; bulk standard, per gsl , I1..16; bulk extra selects, rer gih 11.76; bulk Now York counts, per gal., 12 00 TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valencia, large Bites, 11.759 4 26: small sites, 84.2644.60. LEMONB-Callfornia fancy. 270, 100 and HO. 84 00- choice, 3.5U"3.78. LIMES Florida, per -bakct crates, 14 60, FIGS California, per lo-lb. carton, 60o; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 12c; 6-crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per medium sited bunch, 12.01 2.60: lumho, 82 75iW3.J6. CAYENNE PINUAPPLE-1C and 20 tlie, per crate, 84.00. FRUITS. APPLES Home-grown, per bu. basket, 404jnc; per bbl., 82 (irs.2S. PEACHES Home-grown cling. ' per 10 lb basket. 36c; Colorado, per 6-bnsket crate, tl 60; Colorado, per box, 80c; Oregon, pat box, 7608,; Utah, per box, 703SOe. PLUMS California gross prunes, 11 50; Italian prunes. 81 .b1.U: i'tah and Colo rado plums and prunes., PEARS California Bnxtlett. per box. tl M 2.00; Colorado Flemish Beauty, 11.50: Col orado, Utah ami Oregon Hnrtlett, II. t I. 75: California B. Hardy. II. f:. CANTEIXJUPE Genuine Colorado Rocky Fords, tier crate, 82.00 WATERMELON S-Prr IK (crated), lc. CELERY Per dos., JkVrTSOr. GRAPES Home-grown, ter t to 8-lh. bssket. l6'20c; California Tokay, per case, II. 6061 68. CRAB APPLES-Per bbl.. 3.753 00; pe' market hnaket. 40c. CRANBERRIES Ca pe Cods, per bbl., 17.00; per box. 82 flfi VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home-grown, in sacks, per bu , 45c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. Il.90jr2.00. ON IONS Home-grown. In sacks, per bu., 8o37.Sc; Spanish, per crate, 31.90. TOMATOES Home-grown, per market brsket, 154j200. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lb., 85o. Cl'Cl'M BERS Per dot.. 15c. TURNIPS Home-grown, per bu.; 40fi50o. BEETS Home-grown, per bu.,- 5JJ60c. PARSLEY Per doz., 25c. WAX BEAVv-Per market basket. 60c. STRING BF.aNS Per market basket, 600. GREEN PEPPERB Per bushel basket, $1.90. SOT ASH Home-grown, per dot., 60c. EGG PLANT Southern, per dot., 11.60. SWEET POTATOES Home-grown, per market basket. 60c; Virginia, per bbl., ti.75 ira oo. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HONEY Per 24 frames, IS .25. . MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, new, lac; old, 1617c; Wisconsin brick. 12V4c; Wisconsin llmberger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. soft shell, per lb., r, hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb, 10c; peanuts, per lb., 8c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 12c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12(ff13Vc; large hlrkorv nuts, per lb., 11c; slmonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c: hard shell, 13c; shell barks, per bu., 12.00; black walnuts,., per bu., 31.25. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. METALS London cables reported a slight decline on tin. spot closing at 126 2s 6d and future at 126 15s. Locally the market was also a shade easier with spot held at I27.42H'&,27.62,4. Copper was also lower In London, closing at 57 6s for spot and 67 7s 6d for futures. Lo cally copper waa unchanged: lake. tl2.62VfciD 12.75: electrolytic, 112.66 12.75, and casting at 812.S7Vfc(& 12.60. Lead was unchanged at 11 16s 3d In London, and at 4.2vH4.30 In the local market. Spelter ruled Arm at 86.lfrg6.30 In the local market, and waa un changed In London, eloslng at" 22 10s. Iron Closed at 50b 3d in. Glasgow,. and 43s 7d In Middlesboro. Locally Iron was unchanged; No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at 113.763 14.26; No. 2 foundry northern at II 3. 25ft IS. 76; N-. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at 113.6013.76. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 14. M ETA LB Lea d . steady at 84.12W4r4.15; spelter, Bteady at 14.95. " Coffee Market.' NEW YORK. Sept. 14 COFFEE Tha ' advance of 5 points on European buying and better French cables. The close wss firm at a net advance of 15(fJ20 points. Sep tember, e.o'Wfl.'lOe: October. .66(g6.75c: De cemher. 6.75i6.!lOc; January, 6.85S6.f5e; March. 7.05(7.20c; May, 7.6ia7.40c; July, 7.46(&7.&5c. Spot, steady: No. 1 RIo, l?c. . Toledo fee-l Market. TOLEDO. Sept. 14. SEED Clover, cash and October, 37.07V4 bid: December. 17.10 bid; alslke. September, 17.65; timothy, Septem ber. 31.40 bid. MISS GREGG IN OKLAHOMA Omaha Woman Opens Campaign for Equal Suffrage In the Territory. GUTHRIE, Okl.. Bept. 14. (Special Tels gram.) Miss Lnurn Gregg of Omaha, na tional organizer of the Equal Suffrage association, has opened headquarters here and will begin a territorial campaign for the purpose of Influencing legislation in the territorial legislature next winter fa vorable to the cause r.he represents. Rev. Anna Shaw and Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt will visit Oklahoma white the legis lature Is In session. Riot In West VlrnrlnU. WHEELING. W. Va.. Sept. 14.-A riot la In prosrens in the foreign colony of Port land Station. O. . One man waa beaten almost to death. others had their oars chewed off and noses smashed. Pistols, knives and clubs were used freely. Tha cause of the trouble is as yet unknown. Nineteen of the rioters have been arrested. Body of Woman In Trunk. CLEVELAND. Sept. 14.-The body of a middle-aged woman was discovered Host ing dowti the river today, tightly Wedged In a trunk. The body evidently h-d been In the water for several days. The police believe the woman was murdered. MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA MAIN OrriCC "Ifth and Robert Sts., ST. PAUL, MINN. (lKCOSroS4TXO) DC Alt" ift Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought and soli 6 ctshnr carried. ax rtttoaable msrgms, upon which there be a caargu of J4 oa grala, k u sucks snd W an Aaa. Wrlu k our i&arkrt lett tr. COKWIStlOl UHCHAITI III GAR LOTS Ship Your Grain To Us Bbt Faciutiss. Paourt RaTosks, - Liussat, AnVAaKM..'- OULUTH " " . m pro Uranch Oflcs, 1 10-1 1 1 Board e'l Trade. Phsn3514. OMAN a, .31 GEO. fl. ADAKS GRAIN CO. OMAHA. CHAIN DUYERS and SHIPPERS Member: Chicago, Omaha Kansas City and St. Lou.a Exchanges. Transartlotia fur future dsllvary given careful attention. - S16 Uoard Trade Blag. Tel. I4XHJ. So