THE OMAHA DAILY BEE) BTTSDAT, SEPTEMBER 11, 1904. 20 I SPECIAL NOTICES ATtrtU(BtU for tkese olm vrlll be take Hi 1 . (or the Tenia; cdltloa til p. m. tot the anoraln d"T cdltloa. Bat, 1 !- word fril lasertles,, la a word thereafter, frothing; take for Uaa tha 20 for tba Srt laser, ilea. Tkca dTertlet anaat ba ran cenaecatlTelr. Advertisers, lr reaatla m. bared check, caa uiwrn ad. dreeaed ta aambarcd letter la car f Tha He. Aaawera ao addrcaaed will b delivered a preaeatalloa of hock. MISCELLANEOUS CUT-BATE TICKET8 everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, lo06 t'trnam and cpp. Union na tion. Tela. 784 and 187. R 9,8 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 8630. CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent R -90 fEAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommoda ting; all buelneea confidential. 11 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., CI N. 16th. TaL 1778. R 882 SXPRESSMEN'8 Delivery Co.. moving and torag. 214 N. 16tb. Tel. life. R-9S3 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON, in the Bee bid. R-M 8ION PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglt. R 9S5 H. W. M'VEA. Plumber, 1124 N. 26th. Tel. 1747. ' t R 886 STANDARD FILTERS Huber, TeLlmj. 1301 rarnam. R 888 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. 960. 1207 Dour Omaha Store Rep. Wk. R404 OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1621 How ard at. R MV67 810 MODELS and experimental machinery built; patented article and novelties , made for Inventor and other; model maker' supplies, tools, eastings, gear, etc Writ tor-term. Alt. R. Gardner, A'.laatio, la, R M7 B10 P. MELCHOIR, machine work. 13th and Howard. . R-991 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Bl . UTH. 'PHONE 254. Why carry your aolled HnenT Our wagon call and deliver aatne. Bills collected monthly. R M148 816 Tb Omaha Warehouse Co., 609 Jones; 'phone 1366; mdse. storage and forwarding. Hm HELIN e CO., TAILORS, 817 S. 15th. R M223 810 THE PARTRIDGE SHELLY THOMSON CO. COAL, FEED AND ICE . ' HAVE OPENED THEIR OFFICE- AT 1609 FARNAM ST. BUSINESS SOLICITED. R M655 14 OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 3846. John Morriasey, Mgr. Kes. Tel. 3814. R MS50 COLLINS PIANO CO.. wholesale and re tall musical, instrument. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. US S. 17th at., Omaha. R OMAHA TENT dc AWNING CO., whole sale and retail. Send for catalogue 46, Omaha, Neb. . . R DETECTIVES, every locality, good salary; experience unnecessary. Interstate Deteo Uve Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B WANTED 600 yards ot dirt removed Im mediately and a large amount Inter. Ward. 220 Be bl.lg. R 737 12 FOR A SNAP In dishes see J. M. Johnson, 2404 Cuming at., Monday and Tuesday. 1R-967 12 MONEY TO LOANCHATTELS $1.00. Has them not been time when it . wou'.d have beou worm more than ' Iw cent to youT It Is our busl . neaa to supply you with money when you need ft and allow you to return it in amall weekly or monthly paymenia, as may best suit your convenience. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, - Live Stock and otner chattels, and we make salary loans. Our ttrins are as good as any and blter than many. We are the oldeat concern in our line in the Sliy, with all-around consistent eatings to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board Trade Bldg. Tel. 2195. (EUbilhd 18S2.) 306 8. 16th St. - X-ltt 3 P .C. YEAR FROM $100 to $6,uo loans on your personal note at 8 PER CENT PER tiiAtl. All good loan wanted. Call or write and gut my system. W. L. Eastman & Co., 1103 Farnam, Omaha. , X134 LOANS made on all kind of chattel se curity, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential ISeivlce. Call en us It in need of MONEY. fUOENIX CREDIT CO., 33 Paxton Block. x-m MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and other, without security; easy pay. ment; largest buglnesu in 49 principal allies. Tolman, room 711 N. Y. Lite. X-1SS MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horse, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13th. X-138 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-131 BEE FULLER, 425 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamond and Jewelry. X-140 CHATTEI,, salary and Jewelry loan Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam t. X 136 SALARY and collateral loan. Templnton. 212 Bee b!dg Tel. I9M -X137 YOUR FRIENDS CAN TELL YOU that w treat patron fair and liberally; and if you want money you ran get it from u without dulav or nubllcltv ami repay the loan In payment of II. 00 weekly or $4.00 monthly, or more if desired, l'f . anos, household goods, etc., taken as te eurity, or loans on salary by giving us your personal note. It will pay you to .,011 and se us before you borrow. Open ' every Tuesday end Saturday evening until - I o'clock. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-615 Paxton Block. , X-MS43 V $ $ 9 THE MONEY THAT YOU NEED AND FIND IT HARD TO GET cn be had on HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE. PI ANOS, etc., without remov ing ame from your prfscs aion: or on plain note If steadily employi-d, at reason able charge and liberal terms. You repay the loan In easy weekly or monthly' payments, aa best suits your convenience. If raid sooner than iromUed a liberal RE BATE or DIHOol'NT al lowed for lime tavrd. We do no misleading advertising. Hundreds of satlstled num. iners can testify to our easy. Inexpensive. ! dealings. Our office fitted up for privacy, with private interviewing room. REIABLE CREniTCO.. BOOMS 807-8 PAXTON EI K x-o u 11$$$$$$$$$ When You Write to Advertisers reiDimber it 0"1y tks an extra etrok at two ot toe pen u itanuoa the tact Uuat yo aw Ute a4 U Plain Business Talks ON BUILDING BRAINS FOR BUSINESS. The old proverb ha It; "And while I at length debate and beate the bush. There shall steppe In other men and cstch the burd. Don't keep "putting oft" your entrsnee Into Boyle College. Every day' delay mean that that Independence-and ability to not only earn your own living but an ability that will command respect, earn promotion, increase your earning capacity will be one day further off for you. The Fall Is Now In both day and evening; sessions at BOYLES COLLEGE but you can enter any time. ' - You cannot read the future. You don't know what day n opportunity to fill lomt splendid position may be offered you. But that position may require person who has been trained on who knows Stenography thoroughly or out who ha an ex pert understanding and grasp of Bookkeeping. - Suppose you delay entering Boyles Business College for a month and that oppor tunity to nil a lucrative position la placed befere you a month before you are able to fill It, j month before we can recommend you for that position (and our prestige with Omaha business men cause our recommendation to carry much weight) a month be fore you have Ilnlshed our course? What do you gain by the delay? What good are these precious moment that you are letting Hp by doing youT Right about face! . Stop procrastinating! ' ""Stop putting It off! Resolve today that jrou will gee u about this to-morrow! BOYLES COLLEGE, N. Y. LIFE BLDG. ; ft. B. BOYLES, President, OMAHA, CATALO O WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 and 35; citizen of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habit, who apeak, read and write English. For tnformaiion apply to Recruiting Officer, Hill and Douglaa at.. Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., , or Sioux City, la. B-M297 WANTED A good Barber. Northslde Bar ber Shop, Sutton, Neb. B 661 U WANTED Two city salesmen at onoe. C. F. Adams Co., 181V Howard St. . B 667 WANTED A good barber. North Side Barber Sbop. Sutton, Neb. B 588 Ux HART wants experienced hat man, $15. B 846 lis WANTED At Panama canal, building trades skilled workmen, cooks, waiters, etc.; expenses paid; Inclose stamp. Ad dress A 11, Bee. B M614 Ux WRITE, telephone or call. Wanted 100 drug clerks ol ali aescnptions; positions furnished at once; positions now open; good wages, if. v. Knleat, K. f.. vi n. Y. L. Bldg. B-M647 11 WANTED, young man stenographer In law office. Address Box 644, Nebraska City, Neb. B-M680 U HART wants experienced furnishing good man, tib. u- ux YOUNG men wanted who cannot afford to attend college, but who want to qualify as mechnnlcal, electrical, steam, civil or mining engineers, or as architects; write tor particulars oi a pian wnereoy you can get the necessary education at a very small expense, and without loss of time from work; state sge and profession you prefer; we will send you our booklet, ii..,. ' whlnh viv,i over a thousand example of what we have done for our students. International Correspondence fiohouls, box 1778, Scran' ton. Fa. B 813 llx HART want experienced clothing sale- , man, $16. B-844 Ux, BRICKLAYERS wanted at government - corral, Twenty-second and Hickory. N. P. Keefe, contractor. B 708 11 WANTED Good barber; must be first-class In every respect; $14 per week. Address at once, Ernest M. Day, Creston, la. B M708 12 WANTED Twenty laborers at Auditorium Duuaing, iotn ana nowara. rtoeDiing Construction company. B M707 lOx WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to aistnoute circulars, aav. mailer, lacg signs, eta.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M721 llx 8 OFFICE boys at once, $38. Hart, 6Z6 N. I. Liza, B-847 llx WANTED Several first-class specialist salesmen on a proposition tnat snouia net $25 to $40 weekly; permanent employment; samples free. Columbia Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam. B M724 11 "FOR age and want savo while you may: no morning sun last through the day." Btart a saving account witn j. i. Bran dels & Sons, bankers and receivers. 4 per cent Interest on your saving. B Betting Commissioner Wanted Man of good address having wide ac quaintance In own locality, to place wager on presidential election. Cash commlsHlon paid. Write fully, giving reference. Address P. O. Box 1768, New York. B- W ANTED Young man to Join private class In mechanical drawing and engineering. Address E. C, thl office. B 2 OFFICE men (railroad) $50 to $60. uart, ai in. x. Lire. B-841 Ux ARD YOTT SATISFIED With your present position or salaryT If not, write us rnr plan and booklet; wo have openings for managers, secretaries, advertising men and salesmen; also tech nical, clerical and executive men of all kinds, hlh grade exclusively: office In twelve different cities. HAPOOODS (In corporated), 814 Chemical building 6t. Louis, B We prepare you -quickly aa Uluetrator, car toonit. lawyer, pharmacist, stenographer, bookkeeper, Journalist, ad writer, corre spord'rne man, banker. Write for free book. "Profit of Knowing How" tell everything. Natlansl Correspondence School, tl When., Indianapolis, U. S. A. B CATCH ON QUICK BEST BUSINESS IN THE WORLD wlills It laala. It 1 wall known that a New York company 1 contracting te clear any building of roaohe. bed bugs, nnta, Hue, fleas and all noxlou insecia. aid keep bucIi buildings free from same by the ear The oontiuot prices vary from $5 per an i nura tor a samiiy to moueana ot dollar for a large liolel, public building or oo-un sinamnnip. A similar contract business can be done in every village and city, Alsa the ' INBECTICIDki" can be sold in pack age at ton times cost of manufacture, 1 not poisonous, destroy Insects only. $500 csn be quickly mado in every small town and $6,000 to SJO.GOO in every larg city do ing Just what Is now being dune every where In New York. live dollar to ti fives you full Instructions and direction for making the "INSECTICIDE," and $3 expended for materials starts you in busi ness, tiultauln fur men and women. SUM MIT INSECTICIDE CO., 1130 Amstoi'dnm ave,, New York. B 7C$ Ux HART doran't ask you $10 to $16 for a po sition; lie cnujuea ii for his list (high grade), (LI N. f . Lll. B 867 UX TONTINE, life. B. and U men, general and local agent wanted; new company; improved iilan; no lnpsre; maturity guar anteed; bank trust agreement; easy money. Address, 478 Parrott building. Ban ' FranclBco. li hit llx BARBER wanted; no Sunday wot-k. s. H. Vasbuig, Belgrade, NeU B 14834 16x WANTED everywhere, people to copy luttara at home, spare time, and return ta us. Good pay, materials sent fre. No mailing or canvassing. Knolooe ad dressed envelope for partloulsi and ti we pay. uuarantee uo., i tt. r, Philadelphia, Pa. 774 Ux A POSITION now opens Managers, sale- men, bookkeeper an rechnice.1 men. Salaries, fl.lxiti-tt.ufia. Write for free liat and plan. Huxinrvt Opportunity Co., 1 Union square, N. Y, j B 771 Ux WANTED, person to eall, nn retail trade for manufacturing house) looal territory; alary t'S peiA weekly; axprt mnay advaaeM; prevloii experience unotrsk Mry. AmeiWa HiMuta, akar Bulldlna, CbWa. Jg-4a Ua Term Open' NEB. FREE B WANTED MALE HELP EXPERIENCED salesman, or physician not practicing, to sell to doctors. Estab lished trade, permanent, remunerative. P. O. Box 6s, Philadelphia. B uO UX $18 PER WEEK and expenae to a hustler to distribute sample and collect for mfgr. in Nnhriuika. Expenses advanced; salary paid weekly. Adv. Dept., 702 Star Build ing, Chicago. B 784 Ux WANTED Men to learn barber trade; bps. . . , . . . . a JUmtmnt .nnllMllll! short time required; can nearly earn ex pense before finishing; constant practice: expert instructions; tool donated. Call or write Moler College, 1302 Dougla t. B M800 16x WANTED Bookkeeper in dry goods store i. i enn A Slrt. ,ltt Write Willi l,uw lu o.v - - - George Wetherbee, box 636 Helena, Mont. B 799 Ux WANTED Sharp young men everywhere; $4 a day and expenses: experience un necessary. Milwaukee Co-operative De tective Service, Station C, Milwaukee. B 07 Ux ROOMS for World' fair visitor; private residence; bath; 10 minutes' walk to grounds; on oar line; restaurant con venient; $1 per day. or more to room. O. J. Barwfck, 62 Fairmount ave., St. Louis. E814 Ux DRAFTSMAN, tructural and bridge da taller and checkers; permanent posi tion. 1210 Monaanock, cnicago. ii ux WANTED Willing man over tl. travel and collect mrougn iMeDrasaa.; ptnramni y" sltlon if satisfactory; $80 monthly and all expenses. For particular send addressed envelope, F. 01111. Pontlao bldg.. Chi cago. B 810 Ux WANTED Everywhere, men willing to dis tribute samples, tack sign, etc., ai J dally; permanent; no canvassing. Conti nental Distributing Service, Chicago. . B 69 Ux WANTED Flrst-clas watchmaker at once. Apply 1816 Dodge. h-b ux WANTED Young man who ha had three or four years 'experience in ine jeweiry business. Apply 16U Dodge. B 64 Ux WANTED, responsible man to manage omce ana aistriDuting aepoi ior . large manufacturing Co. Salary, $126 per month and commissions. Applicant must furnish 5ood reference and $760 to $1,200 cssh. ddres Factory. Uth Johnson, St., Chicago. B t SALESMEN wholesale jewelry. 6 real estate men; salary and com. 8 general agent for publishing house. salesmen, aruggist sunanes anu envnuwu salesladies for corset and waist. Al salesmen for high-grade perfume and toilet nreoaratlons. Iowa and Neb. 2 salesmen for white lead. Send $1 and get my Hat. Hart, 2 JN. x. idle, umana. B 848 UX DRUO employee, managers, aalaemen, e4c. for any tate. F. V. Knleat, a. Jr., Vu, N. Y. L. Bldg. -' SALESMEN who are aalUng grocerle to rancner to nanaie our goous. ura Chicago Grocery Co., Ban Franoo. . B Mutt Bl x ' WANTED Boy with horse to deliver The Morning Bee. Call at circulation Dept. Bee office, S p. m. B M164X MEN TO LEARN barber trade; frs rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of thl being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college in the United State. Writ for catalogue today. Western Barber' Institute, . Omaha, Neb. B M2 . IF YOU NEED a milch cow, horse, buggy, wagon or har ness, nna wnat suits you ana i win ouy it and sell it ro you on monthly payments. I have a large stock always on hand. If you cannot flnA what you want I will pro cure it tor you. auwtjjN, wa m. x. Lite bldg. P-841 U WANTED Resident salesman In the state for the most popular line of souvenir pos tal cards and three-color calendar work; splendid opportunity for young men who are enterprising and ambitious. Address, giving sge, experience and references, D, C. 117, 1662 Broadway, N. Y. B 761 Ux WANTED A washerwoman. 8048 N. fist t. C 74S ux FIND opening for a reliable man to repre sent us In Kearney, Neb., and Laramie, Wyo. Sell our line of tea, coffee, etc , direct to consumer. No capital required. Our fin line of premiums will secure the business. Good pay. Write for term. Grand Union Ta Co., Omaha. B 060 U WANTED First-class barber by Monday morning; steady Job. Grand Hotel Barber Shop. B MtSl Ux WANTED, two salesmen, one experienced In drapery, one In furniture. Orchard St WUhelm Carpet Co. B DOT 11 HUSTLING young man to solicit trad for line of calendar and office aupnlles In South omaba; commissions paid dally. Address Box A 81, Bae, Omaba. B 011 Ux YOUNG men wanted to learn barber trade; constant practice; expert tnatructlona; short time completes; positions awaiting; terms the very best; write today. Amer ican Barber College, 11th and Douglaa at., Omaha, Nob. B 927 Ux WB ARB dally being called upon by the largest employers of Omaha and thl vi cinity for nigh grade help. Are you In this rlaaaT Can you fill any of our alxtv nine vacancies. We are anxious to ob tain two good traveling saleamen for packing house products. One manager for stock food company . One furnishing good salesman. One lady bookkeeper. One slenaaropher for law offloa. One drugglut for city. Call or write for cxher recencies. WESTERN RF.FERFNCF BONO AS SOCIATION. 840 N. Y. Life. U You Don't Find What You Want On This Page, Look on the Next Page. FALL OF 9 Omaha Commercial College NOW New Classes Tomorrow SXUDENTS . ENROLL EVERY DAY ADVERTISING LITERATURE FREE. ROHRBOUGH BROS. 17TH AND DOUGLAS STs , WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl for general housework; mall family; goodr wage. 100 Marcy. C 328 GIRLS; Canadian omce, lfith and Dodru. C 102 WANTED At 8172 Dodge St., a girl for general housework. Highest wage paid. C 668-llx O. K. American-German employment office. Oldest, moat reliable In Omah. 1624 Dodge. C M380 06 WANTED Three or four good girl at D. B. Bmlth Ext eV Sptce Co., 8tt S. loth st. C M644 Ux WANTED A working housekeeper for a family of seven; three children; good sal ary; good home. Also an experienced teacher at good salary; location, a. u.; ooin persons can nin on homesteads nearby. Address A 21. Re. O M699 11 ' WANTED Experienced hand In cloak de partment alteration room. Apply Mgr. Cloak Dept., J. L. Brandela Sons. C-M718 U WANTED Young lady with taste for art to learn book and mngaalne Illustrating. Address E. C, this office. C WANTED Experienced laundry girl. Hinchey Laundry, 409 North Twentv-flfth, South Omaha, C 705 11 WOMEN to do plain sewing at home; 20 cents per hour easily made; experience unnecessary; material sent free every where. Addressed envelope for particular. Stephen Specialty Co., Stamford, Conn. C WANTED Young lady to take private les- in mcii'ismuiiy , mio ennnce. An Address, B. C, Bee. C LADIES to do plain sewing at home on collars; nothing to buy; material sent everywhere free. Send addressed enve lope National Mfg. Co., 266 W. 116th et., New York. C 828 Ux LADIES, $20 per thousand paid copytng letter at home; no mailing or canvas sing; material sent free everywhere. Stamped addressed envelope brings par ticulars. Howard Co., 1269 Broadway, . Now York. C 763 Ux LADIES, I have a very desirable, honest position to offer one lady In each lo cality, which should easily pay any woman from $16 to $26 per week. This la a bona fide proposition and if you can spare only two hour per day do not fall to write MABEL E. RUSH. Box H, Jollet. 111. C 762 Ux LADIES, $30 thousand copying letters; no mailing to friend or furnishing ad dresses; stamped envelope particulars. Gem Art Co., Dept. 65, Chicago. C-788 Ux ACTIVE lady to work at home; 836 paid for 12 days' trial; promotion if satisfactory; state religion. Manager Engwall. Lake aid Bldg., Chicago. C-790 Ux LEARN artistic, profitable and permanent work; no canvassing; make from $6 to $18 per week; send for particulars. "Art," P. O. box 860, New York. C 759 Ux LADIES to do piecework at their heme: we furnish all material and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 84 E. Monroe street, Chicago. C-404 Ux WANTED Ladles to learn hairdrooslng, manicuring or facial massage; best pay ing work a lad can do; positions guar anteed; constant practice. Call or writ Moler College, 1302 Douglas st. , O-M801 16x WOMEN representative make nice In come selling our handsome made-to-order petticoats; experience unnecessary; exclu sive territory; catalogue and particulars free. Paris Skirt Co., 201 fit. Clair st., Cleveland, O. C WANTED Lady to work In Jewelry store; one who ha done some bookkeeping pre ferred. Address A 86, Bee. C-M!63 U WANTED, a competent girl for general housework; Inquire at 4826 Davenport St., Dundee. Mr. Dr. Van Gleson. C 747 Ux WANTED, cloak and suit sa'.esladies. Ap ply at cloak dept., Hayden Bros. C-916U WANTED, chocolate and cream dinners, at Dyball'e, 1618 Dougla st. C-ll Ux WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION by successful traveling salesman, either as city salesman for aa Omaha wholesale houae or position of a high grade; experienced in dry goods, po tions, or can sell any specialty; owing to domestic affairs, must leave the road. A t. Bee. A-M668 U YOUNG MAN desires place to work for board while going to school; experienced. Boyle' College. 1984. X-m MIDDLEAGED LADY of refinement want position as housekeeper; good references. Address A 84. Bee. A-631 Ux DAIRY Experienced, reliable milker want teady lob. Address A 87, Be effloe, Coun cil Bluff. A-M862 Ux PRINTER Competent, all around, reliable, want country Job; $10. Address A 86, Bee office. Council Bluffs. A-M963 Ux SITUATION wanted by good stenographer, best references. Address Y-39. bee A 116 U WANTED Situation, by bookkeeper with several year' experience. Address Y-4J. Bee. Jr'6Jl, LAW AND COLLECTIONS B. F. MORE ARTY, Att'y.. 4S7 Paxton. Tel A8688. - JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Ut bldg . room 804 and 81 Tel. 166t 104 BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS and aluminum pasting, nickel plat Ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co, 41 N. Main sU Council Bluff. , ' TERM THE OPEN i c WANTED AGENTS BIG MONEY In squabs; tney sell for 82 to 86 a dosan; cheaply raised in only four weeks; write for our free book about this v rich industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., Zbv Atlantic Ave., .Boston, Mass. J OUR PLAN for starting beginners In profit' able Mall-Order Business is very success. full. We are pioneers In this field. Soma we started three months ago receive 100 letters dally and are making big money. Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup ply co., Kansas nty, mo. j WANTED Men and women to sell coffee. tea, spices, etc, to the family trade in communities of from 1,000 to 10,000 popu lation. Only such as want - permanent employment need- apply. Cash commis sion pain, energetic persons can maxe big weekly earning. For further par ticulars address Bodenheimer Coffe and Tea Co., St. Louis, Mo. J LADY AGENTS A chance to make money, and plenty of Jt, Is what Mme. Yale, the celebrated beauty specialist, is offering women of good address; opportunity for traveling or nome worx, as1 preferred; many are making vai ana upwara weekly, For particulars address MME. YALE. Flatlron Building. Broadway and Twenty-third t., New York City .J AGENTS, set out of the rut. Why not own your own business? Quick sales; large profits; sample free. T. M. Sayman, 2141 to zui jrrankiin Ave., Bt. ium, mo. j CAMPAIGN BAS RELIEFS; new design; a winner; agent wanted everywhere; 26o for samples, both candidates. The Eas- ton Co., 814 E. 6tn at.. Dayton, o. j AGENTS wanted, household necessity; every home opportunity for sale; every sale a day' work profit. Write Kokomo iron (jo., KOKomo, ina. j WANTED Resident agent to sell hlah grade white lime In car'oad lots. Best on the market. Box 87, Bentonvllle, Ark. J-826-llx 875 WEEKLY and expenses easily made writing health and accident insurance; experience unnecessary. Write Royal f raternal union, bc riouis, mo. J-821-llx OTTR MEN make 83.00 to $10.00 per day fitting glasses; our 24-p. Free Eye Book tells all about it. Write Jacksonlan Op tical College, College Place, Jack-on, Michigan. . J 823 llx AGENTS' wanted for extensive line of brand new household specla'.tlea. No other firm handles them. Samples sent trustworthy men and women. Write for catalogue. Peas Mfg. Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. J 819 llx 83 OUTFIT and work free 'by return mall no peddling, experience or capital re quired. Griswold supply Co., 218 Urls wold. Detroit, Mich. J 832 Ux AGENTS 860 a week guaranteed: Auto matic Washers sell themselves; agent write: "ExniDlted sample to ten women; took ten orders;" time 45 minutes; profit dver $60; guaranteed to do a washing In 80 minutes: furnishes its own power: re quires no lobor; costs less than any other machine; rre sample ana exclusive terri tory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. J-629 llx WB start you selling diamonds. Don't fall retting our liberal oner: 86 dally Mire. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 795 llx INSURANCE agent to write endowment accident Insurance; most popular and Ideal plan. Call or write American A col dent Insurance Co., 68-67 Brownell Blk., Lincoln, Neb. J-778 llx AGENTS wanted for Omaha to handle gum machines. Machines absolutely free. New Style. Triple combination. Send stamp for reply. Uncle John, 8465 Btste St., Chicago. J-773 11X SALESMAN wanted with established routes to sell patent cob pipe as side line; splendid opportunity fo hustlers. Ex clusive territory, Albert Spelr. 66 Frank lin, New York. J-764 llx BAGGAGE fob chain. Roosevelt or Par ker; sample 6c. dosen 26c, gross 13 .10, de livered free. Stamps taken; J. McLean, 160 Nassau, room 6126, N. Y. J TBS Ux LADIES' Handy Hat Fastener; eew to hat; do away with hat pins; aend for our illustrated catalogues; new goods. Fair Mfg. Co., 714 Wis. et., Racine, Wis. J 781 llx AGENTS Be a mixer; put up and sell pol ishes, soaps, perfumes, extrncta. toilet requisites, proprietary propositions, etc; we have processes for them all; list free. Wheaton Co., Formula SpeclaUxts, 44 Gill at., New Bedford, Mae. J 776 Ux WE WANT men and women ngenta at onoewe pey from M to Ko dally; anolv Immediately. Dr. Edwards Medical Oeo Co., South Norwalk, Conn. J 758 llx $86 PER WEEK sure selling our new pat ents; free snmple guaranteed any agent answering thlo advertisement at once. Eraham Co.. 2850. Cincinnati, O. J 796 llx AGENTS WANTETv-To sell our $1 bottle SaxaannrlUa for 85c. V. G. Hartman 4 Co., 1616 Wabash ave., Chicago. . J 816 llx AGENTS 6 to $1R dallv easily earned: somethin new; $1 worth of aonn for Ho; special Introductory offer: b" rrt In the field. Parker Chemloal Co., Otcne-o. J 908 llx AGENT WANTED Bright buslneaa man to take exclusive Sale of an ndvnrtlslng novelty; larae conr"Til"1"n; oM pno-tu-nltv; big noney. Fred F. Blschoff Co., Chicago, HI. J-868 Ux AGENTS WANTEH. t aell mir $1 ot1e Karaper!la for Met bt -e'ler; Soft per cnt profit; wrt today fnr fr. and ter ritory. F. R. Greene. 116 Lake St-e-t. Chicago. . J FINANCIAL A $1M0 A YEAR INCOME INSURED from 6 share (acrea) In our 6.00u-aore rubber Plantation In Mexico. Dividends, esrnod before monthly payments are completed. Best facilities. Write for pro.'iMctrs. Conserve live Rubber Production Co., 820 Parrott Bldg., Saa Francisc CaL Nebraska Business College A. C. Ong, A. M., LL, B., President; A. J.Lowry, Principal, 17th and Harney Street FALL TERM NOW OPEN STUDENTS ARE ENTERING EVERY DAY All are most enthuslastio over their work. New Remington Typewriters, Latest Model, Have Just been purchased, giving us nearly 0 machines In our typewriting depart ment. The students of this institution are constantly supplied with the latest an4 bet Of everything. , i GIVEN FREE Y. M. C. A. MEMBERSHIP FOR ONE YEAR, VALUED AT J10.00, To every young man who enter for a full term. No such offer ws ever made ty any school. This membership entitles you to everything GYMNASIUM, BATHS, ATHLETICS, LIBRARY. READING ROOM, SOCIAL ROOM, RECEPTION, EN TERTAINMENT COURSE, etc. GIVEN FREE YTW. C A. MEMBERSHIP FOR ONE YEAR To every young lady who enters for a full term. Such a membership will he of un told benefit to every young lady who may be so fortunate as to possess one. Th full membership give you every privilege granted by the organization, uch a the FREE ENTERTAINMENTS. GYMNASIUM. SOCIAL GATHERINGS, 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ME A La, BIBLE CLASSES AND STUDIES IN FRENCH, GERMAN, etc. Remember, there Is NO extrs tuition nor expense to the students who hold these membership, the cost being defrayed by the school. How We Can Make the Above Offer. In the first place, no Institution in the west affords an equipment and faculty of experienced teachers comparable with the N. B. C. Thla school has been established twelve year and ha the written endorsement of the leading business and profes sional men of the city for Its thoroughness of work, fair and honorable treatment ac corded It student. HOW we are able to give FRED MEMBERSHIP to our students In the Y. M. O. A. and T. W. C. A. is OL'R business, and not that of a competitor whose first and last thought is the possession of snother dollar. Everybody knows that the advantage and benefit enjoyed by member of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C, A. are a hundred fold greater than possibly could be given by any business college that may advertise their "free gymnasium, athletics," etc. The Y. M. C. A. and T. W. C. A. employ expert, hlgh-salnrled Instructors, and our students are privileged to enjoy the bene fits. THE DIFFERENCE simply lies In the truthful representation of matters. And there Is such a thing as having an interest In young people and their welfare after the moment they pay their tuition. And there is such a thing as business and pro fessional courtesy, as well as honorable methods of advertising. HOW we can give these free memberships Is by reason of the school's eminent success during the past twelve years, and now give our students this, another superior advantnge. WHY we give triom, among other reasons, Is, to meet thn advertised representations mad by om Institution of "fully equipped gymnasiums (?)" CREGG SHORTHAND At the World's fair. St. Louis, a shorthand writer of the Gregg system Is now riving some marvelous exhibitions of writing shorthand In any language, dictated y any one who may come. The writer in not familiar with these foreign lan guages, yet uch is the perfection of the system that he writes the language on a blackboard in full view and reads back with accuracy. Ry no other system of short hand has this ever been possible. FOR VERY GOOD REASONS, the N. B. C. I the only school In Omaha that Is making a specialty of this system. NIGHT SCHOOL NOW OPEN Apply for catalogue, finest ever published by a business college, to the - NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL. European, lGth & Chicago K--1U6 DEWEY. European hotel, 13th and Farnan E 108 $1.26 PER WEEK, Doran bouse. 422 S. 18th. E 107 VIENNA HOTEL, 10U Farnam; fine room, ladle' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. E 108 Midland Hotel, 16th & Chicago; reasonable. E UO 8 ROOMS; housekeeping. 1112 S. l"h. E ulS3 TWO front rooms, elegantly furnished; large modern stone house. 'Phone B-2634, 2423 Cass. E M536 03 SOUTH front alcove room, 2680 Harney street. E M571 12x LARGE front parlor, alcove, modern de tached house, lawn, shade, 'phone. 6i!3 N. 20th. E M684 llx NICELY furnished room, modern; rate reasonable. , 1809 Chicago. E M686 llx LARGE, pleasant rooms; modern detached nouse; lawn; nrst-ciass Doaru. tiimni to city. 1818 Capitol ave. ' E M687 llx NICELY furnished single room, corner flat; .i-i i . l . , 1 C i 1 fa H everyming mouern; tHwuiiawio. ' , forma. E 391 ux SOUTH front ., parlor; . modern. 2024 St. juary ave, ,v - NICELY furnished front room, all modern conveniences, ezi B. loin. " DESIRABLE large room, nicely furn ished; WlUl or Wltnoui Doaro; muunui fine locaUon. 830 a. sti t. tu-si ui FURNISHED ROOMS to rent: private fam. liy. tail ai or huuicm o """i"";", E 760 UX STEAM heated, nicely furnished front rooms, porcelain oatn, gas, wumms u. tance, excellent location, reasonable gentlemen preferrea. iB3 rarnam. L 924 13X VERY desirable furnished front room private family, gentlemen preierreu; rn. erenceg. 1717 Webater. E 9i6 13x MICE comiortaDio room iw um i . . . -. . t.1. mnAam 1 1 f. gentlemen; vci j , , ...ww-.. ROOM with bath, to rent to a gentleman 19 Dunaany nai. " WANTED, meaaenger boys. Apply to Mr Davis, near wrapping aesa. n'y""""1"" B 818 U LARGE front room, alcove, furnished or unfurnished, tor rent; moaem. fornla. E M901 18 FOR RENT, four large rooms, ground floor, housekeeping, Dam, cny im n'u water in nouse. i . x. M933 u PRETTY large front room; modern; very desirable lor two. oi . FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E. TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE THURSTON HOTEL; cool, outside room, $1.60 to $4.00 per weex; ooaru, wjr11j Midland Hotel, 16th Chicago; reasonable. VICINITY of High school, modern outh ironi rooms, inciuuuia v 2406 Cass. 'Phone A23. F-W7 WANTED Roommate, by a young man of 21 years cr age: must; oe youna. wu-v-pearlng and respectable; house Is strictly first-class In every respect; board good and room large and well furnished; rates 825 per month. Address Y 29. Bee. F 9o DOUBLE parlor, well furnished; hot and cold water in rooms; miso rj i'uii board; rate reasonable. 618 B. lth F M634 DOUBLE parlor, well furnished; hot and cold water in rooms; also large cioneis, board; rate reasonable. 618 S. 19 th. F-M660-11 STRICTLY lst-class board, very reason able, at 710 o. urn. r THE ROSE, 2020 Harney Handsomely fur- nlahed rooms. uitaoie ior two; gnou board; rate reasonable. F MU88 15x NICELY furnlhd room, lst-claas table board.- modern tioua tnrougnoui. ii California. N I CELT furnished rooms, good , board; ronvenl it lor lunon; reaaonapie. 111 o. 17th. ' F-39S 14x NICELY furnlahed front room; good board. 2310 Dougla. . F-388 13x WELL furnlahed light, airy room, all mod ern couveulenoea, at 1S13 -hc-a F-OOP X"al NICELY furnlahed rooma. lst-clus tab' noara; ail niuuuru uuhvbiu.ih.. - Harney. F-S90 14x FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, with or wunoui poara. ub b. . - V 6oj llx ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished 1 16 N. SID, i-i TWO very desirable furnlahed front rooma. with excellent omru,- lurnnuo ouv, grate Ores; for 1 goiHleiueii; 'phone I-t7v4. S671 St. Mary Ave. F-822 18 LARGE front room; also amall onea; good 2ut4 Faruam. F 8.8 12 SUITS of room and board In private fam ily; aultable fur two; no other roo-nera. lidCftUUa 1SL11UI 1 1 1 . , o , ... Addreaa A X Be. ITlti llx 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 3210 CASS ST. Two south Tooms, partly furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. G 688 THREE or four desirable unfurnished rooms. 2212 N. 19th (Boulevard). G-M682 Ux TWO large rooms, south front, 14 block from car line; modern. 2412 Cass. G-626 18 FOR A SNAP In dishes see J. M. Johnson, 2404 Cuming at., Monday and Tuesday. G9u 12 UNFURNISHED rooms and 6-room flat, at 27th and St. Mary Ave. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. G M903 12 WANTED TO RENT WANTED, by gentleman and adult daugh ter, rooms and board In private family Where there are no other boarders. Han com park or West Farnam district pre ferred. Reference given and required. Address A 26, Bee. K 842 Ux WANTED, by Tuesday, within walking distance of Bee, nice medium-sized room snd board by young lady employed dur ing day. Address immediately A 38, Bee, K-058 llx WANTED, unfurnished room by Tuesday, easy walking distance Bee. Address A 84, Bee. . Kr-m llx BY MAN and wife, houae or flat, contaln- lng 6 or 6 rooms; no children. -Address in. Aauresi K 928 Ux A 10, nee. WANTED, board and room for three adults in private family. Address A 29, Bee. ; K-832 Ux SALESMEN SALESMAN with established drug trade to handle aide line In Omaha; light samples; good commission. 20 E. 8th St., Cincin nati, O. M723 Ux SALESMEN make $100 a week. Best staple side line carried. No experience required; pooket sample; good testimonials; fifteen days for test after arrival of goods. E. W. Merck White Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMAN wanted; most profitable sta ple; side line; no samples; best position ever offered for live men; write quick for territory. Holland White Lead Co., Chi cago. HUSTLING specialty salesmen for Ne braska selling grocers and general stores; easy sellers; new propositions; our sales men are making $10 to $20 per dy. Excelsior Mfg. Co., 309 Fulton St.. Chi cago. 111. -824-11 SALESMEN Hustling specialty man for southern and western state selling gro cers and general stores; easy sellers; new propositions; our salesmen are making $10 to $20 per day. Excelsior Mfg. Co., 806 Fulton St., Chicago, 111. 827 llx WANTED, at once, experienced traveling salesman to call on our established trade with our "Perfection brand" ladles' wrap pers, dressing eacquea and klraonas; com pact side line; liberal commission; refer ences required. M. B. Lowenstein & Co., 615-617 N. 8th, St., St. Louis, Mo. 791 Ux WANTED Salesmen: liberal pay weekly; permanent: established trade. Brown Bros. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 783 llx SALESMEN make 600 per cent commission selling "Novelty Sign Cards," merchant buy 10 to 100 on sight: 8u0 varieties; cata logue free. Sullivan Co., 1139 Maplewood avenue, Chicago, III. 782 llx TRAVELING SALESMAN One good man for each state; experience unnecessary; Just hustlers; permanent; good pay; lib eral running expense account. E. M. Ar thur Co., Deroit. Mich. 779 llx CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions with advance of $100 monthly; permanent posi tion to right man. B,nl'2 S0-' Detroit, Mich. 777 llx EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen. Cleveland Jobbing house, with large capi tal. wiBhes to employ a corps of first-clusa salesmen: high commission with $J6 weekly. W. 8. Merle & Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. PATENT medicine salesmen on salary or commission. Fin opportunity. Adver tised line; references exchanged. Man ager, Box 656, Chicago 786 llx HFEL CUSHIONS; fits In side hoe; made of springs; 100 per cent profit. tupul Gimbel Co.. Time bldg., Chicago. 798 llx WATNttU Flrl-cla specialty salesman to U attractive proposition to general trade; commission of one man for one month over 3760. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co.. C edar Rapids. la. 787 1U BALESMEN-John Sextor ,4 Co .,J7 16 to 22 Stat t., Chicago, want PeH inced honeat. energetic, high-grade men to sell farmers and other large buyers; we are the largest grocery house in Amer ica engaged In the business, and ""; Inator of honest and modern methods or conducting it: we handle the flne. good, and guarnntee quality and quantity or every rtlcl; no capital required, ex clusive territory given; In each an es tablished trade Insures tin? "' " are farmers' headquarter In ch'sr,' PRINTING 'I.TVGSTAD & RUFFNER, printers ftr-r ?rtv$srr" 160 KRAMER CUNOLBK, tjUICK PRINTERS. U3 F.irnam. To deliver work wl.en pruuiUijii ia our bobby. 161 PRINTING Not Jjo' cheap, but how good, is our motto. tift Western printing Co., U3 Chicago, 'phone Sail. M 714 J. M. SIRPLES8, reliable printer; estab lishes it year. J . BHiuiD. -iiuneenm St., umana.