Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1904, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Por Rolinblo War Noya
you musthavo Tho Boo
Pull Scores of Lroaguo
Gamos In Tho Boo Only
President Donnelly Oflol -J9clam Con
test Against Packer End.
Employers Bay as llwiy Taken
Back as Are Nee '"
Competent Men Employed During the
Strike Will Retain Their Places.
Loss to Packer l Easiness and Extra
Eirn Estimated at T,BOO,OOu
Fifty-Three Thonsaad
Mea Idle.
CHICAGO, Sept. 8. The strike of the
butcher workmen which has demoralised
the meat packing Industry throughout the
country for the, last two months was offi
cially declared 'off tonight by President
Michael J. Donnelly of the Amalgamated
Meat Cuttere and Butcher Workmen of
America. This morning Mr. Donnelly tele
graphed the members of the national
executive committee asking their consent
to the announcement of the end of the
Strike and tonight, having received favor
able, answers from all, he declared that
the strike of the members of his organisa
tion would end at midnight.
The strike of the members of the affili
ated unions at the stock yards who quit
work In sympathy with the butchers will
officially be called off tomorrow morning
at a meeting of the conference board of
the allied trades.
Sympathy gtrikes Bad Today.
Thm was decided upon at a meeting of
the central body of the allied trades, held
tonight. The central body was at first In
favor of continuing the strike, but Mr.
Donnelly, who was present, announced that
the men were defeated and that In order
to save his union from being entirely dis
rupted he would order his men to return
to work in the morning, no matter what
course might be taken by other union
As the other unions had no grievance, but
had gone on strike to aid the butchers,
there was nothing left for them but to fol
low the lead of Mr. Donnelly, and they,
too, decided to call off the strike as far
a they were concerned.
When the packers were notified tonight
that It had been decided to end the strike
they announced that they would give places
as far as possible to the skilled men, but
Jt was stated at the same tlmo that many
of these would be unable to secure their
Old places, as In many cases the work waa
being performed In a aatlsfactory manner
by men who bad been secured since the
Mnmencenient of .the strike. It Is expected
that the majority of unskilled men will be
unable to, secure their old places again,
i It was a question of wage scale tor this
class tf men that brought about the strike,
the packers refusing to sign au agreement
with any class other than skilled work
men.' Loss Five Millions la Wages.
During the strike approximately 63,000 per
sons have been Involved In the struggle,
which -Is estimated to have cost the men
about $5,000,000 In wages, as against an esti
mated loss of 17,800.000 to the packers in
loss of business and in increased expenses.
The greatest number of men Idle in Chi
cago during the strike was 28,800 and the
total in the country, outside of this city,
Is estimated to be about the same.
The original cause of the strike was a
demand by the butchers' union that the
packers pay to the unskilled workmen 184
cents an hour. The packers refused to
sign an agreement, but offered to arbitrate
the question. This was accepted, the strik
ers agreeing to return to work pending the
decision of the arbitrators. The men, bow
ever, were dissatisfied with the manner In
which they were being put to work and
declared that they would not return unless
all of the men were given their old places
In one day's time. The packers declared
that this waa physloally Impossible, and
the men went on strike for the second time.
The men now return to work under the
conditions that existed before the strike.
Officer Takes Gaaa from Sixty Mlaers
at Tabasco, Colo.
TRINIDAD, Colo., Sept. $. Sheriff Clark
with fifteen deputies went to Tabasco this
afternoon In responso to a telephone mes
sage that striking coal miners numbering
over 100 were marching to Tabasco and
Berwind to force nonunion miners out of
the mlnea On, the arrival, of the sheriff
the strikers Informed him that they had
assembled to hold a meeting. Sixty of the
strikers carried guns and the sheriff dis
armed them. Fifteen miners, who were
considered dangerous to peace, were ar
rested and plaoed In Jail here.
At Starkvllle last night six Italian strikers
assaulted coal company guards, who shot
Christofe Bhoro, one of the strikers,
through the groin, fatally wounding him.
Three of the strikers were arrested and
placed In Jail, but the others escaped.
Receivers Are Appointed (or Kew
York Coaeera Controlling
Maay Plants.
NEW YORK, Sept. 8. Char es E. Kimball
of Summit, N. J., and C. Dover! ng. Taun
ton, Mass., today were appointed receivers
for the American Cotton company for the
New York district The New Jersey courts
several months ago appointed the same
men receivers with bonds of $300,000. The
difficulties of the American Cotton, com
pany, with a capitalisation of $7,0u0,0O are
attributed In tne papers of the petlonlng
creditor ; and stockholder, Frederick K.
Robertson, to a lack of sufficient capital.
The com per y owns or controls nearly 3u0
cotton and ginning planta Nearly $2,000,
000 of liabilities will accrue next month and
the paper filed say the company Is with
out funds te meet them.
Trante Officials of Western) Roads
Disease Omaha-Kansas
City Rates.
CHICAGO. Sept. $. Trafflo officials of the
western roads were In session here todsy
arranging te place Omaha on a parley with
Kansas City la regard to through cattle
Casr Ssld to Look Kindly t poa Ameri
can Contention Regarding
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. $.- p. m.-The
question of contraband of war as contained
In the American and British notes was
presented to the emperor yesterday by the
commission, which has been considering
the subject. Foreign Minister Lamsdorff.
who throughout hss been favorable to the
American and British contentions, made a
strong argument In support of his position
and was warmly seconded by M. Muravleff,
minister of Justice. An opinion by Prof, do
Martens, professor of International law at
the University of St. Petersburg, also
fatrorable, was presented. No declsljn was
reached, but the emperor plainly mani
fested his sympathy with Count Lame
dorfTs view and at the conclusion of the
audience urged the advisability of a prompt
decision. In consequence of the emperor's
utterances the Foreign office Is greatly en
couraged and it la believed that a decision
will soon be reached.
Charge of Conspiracy Against London
Poller to Re Investigated.
LONDON, Sept. 8. Home Secretary
Ackers-Douglas hss appointed a commis
sion to inquire into the circumstances of
the conviction of Adolph Beck, who was
convicted In 189, served out the sentence
of seven years and who was again ar
rested and convicted, but waa granted a
"free pardon" when It developed that both
his convictions were founded on mistaken
Identity. The case has caused a great
sensation, especially In view of the re
aroused Interest In the Maybrlok case, and
the charge against the police, of conspiracy
In order to secure the conviction of an
Innocent man la freely and openly made.
The government has offered Beck as com
pensation the sum of $10,000, . which he re
fused on the ground that it was not suf
ficient. He demanded a full Inquiry, which
Is backed up by the public and press. The
case is expected to develop a further sen
sation reflecting seriously on the police
conduct of the case. In both Instances
Beck was charged with obtaining money
and Jewelry from women under false pre
tense, and his convictions were secured on
the evidence of women who Identified him.
Recently, however, a man giving the name
of John Smith waa arrested on the same
charge and confessed that he was the
man that waa convicted In 1877 on the same
charge. When Beck was convicted In 18M
It waa stated by the police that Beck was
the man Smith who was convicted in 1877.
Canard Uie Delays Answer.
HAMBURG, . Sept. 8. The Hamburg
American line says the Cunard line has not
yet replied to the proposition of the allied
companies relative to the passenger busi
ness, and, consequently the reports of a
complete rupture of the peace negotiations
and of a resumption of the rate war was
American la Finals.
LONDON, Sept. $. Marcus L. Hurley, the
American amateur champion bicycle rider,
won his heat In the semi-final kilometer
championship at the Crystal Palace today.
He will compete In the finals Saturday
against the holder, Reed, and J. 8. Beyon.
also an Engtrsbman. - Tr""t. t
Kew Delegate and Assistant.
." ROME, Sept. $. It developed today that
Father Ambrose Aglus, the new delegate
to the' Philippine islands, will not be ac
companied to the Philippines by Dr. Lopes,
a Spanish Benedictine, but by an Italian
secular prleat, who has not yet been
Policeman' Coasof la Critical Condi
tion as Result of aa
FREMONT, Neb., Sept. $. (Special Tele
gram.) Policeman J. F. Connof was
stabbed this morning by a couple of trsmps
he had arrested as suspicious characters
and his condition is critical.
Connof gathered In his men near the rail
road yards and waa . taking them up D
street to Jail. At the corner of Fourth and
D streets the men objected to going further
and he started to handcuff them together,
when one struck him in the left side with
a knife. The officer fell to the sidewalk
and the men ran away, one going north and
the other south. He then fired his gun to
bring help and two men who happened to
be near came to his assistance.
He was able to give a good description of
the men. The fire bell was rung to call out
the people and In a short time gangs of
armed men were scouring the city. The
search was continued today and It is
thought the chances of getting the men are
good. A number of tramps have been ar
rested on suspicion.
Connof has five severe Wounds In the left
side and Just below the heart and la very
weak from loss of blood. This morning he
was resting quietly and the physicians say
he has a good chance of recovering unleas
some new complication develops. He has
only been on the force about a year, but
was considered one of the bravest and
moat efficient officers.
At $ o'clock this afternoon the men who
stabbed Policeman Connor were still at
large and It Is believed have succeeded In
placing several miles between themselves
and Fremont. Connor la resting easily and
will probably recover.
The assault upon Policeman Connor . has
revived the exoltement over the Olson as
sault and the feeling against all the par
ties is bitter.
President of Johns Hopkins Cnlver-
alty Honored by Chemists
at ICew York.
NEW YORK, Sept. 8 -At the meeting of
the Society of Chemical Industry, which
today be? an a three days' 'session here,
the society's medal, founded In 1896, and
awarded by the council once in every two
years for conspicuous services rendered to
applied chemistry by research, discovery,
luventlon or improvements In processes,
a as awarded to Ira Remsen, presldsnt of
the Johns Hopkins university.
Sir William Ramsay, K. C. M. B., called
the assemblage to order.
William Nicholas of New York was
elected president for the ensuing year.
Movements of Oeean Vessels gent. H.
At New York Sailed: Steamer La Savole
from Havre; Bremen from Itremen. Ar
rived: N'umidlan from Olasgow.
At IJvrrpuul Arrived: teutonic from
New York.
At Hamburg Arrived: Pretoria from
Nw York: Deutaclilttnd from New York.
At Plymouth Arrived: Fried rich der
Grouse from New York.
At QueenMown Hailed: Frlealand for
Philadelphia; Oceanic for New York.
At London Sailed; Hungarian for Mon
treal. At Glaxgow Sailed: Corean for Roston.
At Brisbane sailed: Aorangl for Vancouver.
Donnelly Wires Him that Strike Has Been
Officially Called Off.
Kame Committee to Devise Plaa to
Get Union Men Relaatated and
Bad the Troable that Has
Stagnated Trade.
Stephen J. Vail, second vice president of
the Butchers' and Packing House Employes'
National union, received a telegram from
President Donnelly last night about 11
o'clock telling him that the executive com
mittee of the union had determined to ac
cept the terms of the packers and call the
strike off. Mr. Vatt says he does not know
what the terms are, nor has any further
Information as to the ending of the strike.
He expects further Instructions from Chi
cago this morning.
Thursday afternoon a meeting of busi
ness men of South Omaha was held at the
Llvo Stock exchange for the purpose of
considering what could be done toward
bringing about a settlement of the strike
In South Omaha. They voted to do all In
their power for peace. When the report
was received at the exchange that Presi
dent Donnelly had resigned it waa decided
by the commission men doing business at
the yards to make an effort to have Second
Vice President Vail declare the strike off
as far as South Omaha was concerned.
Early In the afternoon members of the ex
change called upon business men and re
quested them to attend a meeting to be held
at the exchange at ( o'clock. A committee
of live stock dealers was also appointed to
confer with Mr. Vail.
v When the hour of meeting arrived the
exchange hall held about sixty business
men, among them being many prominent
members of the Live Stock exchange. With
out any unnecessary preliminaries J. B.
Watklns was chosen chairman and - J. M.
Guild secretary of the meeting. In calling
the meeting to order Mr. Watklns stated
the object was to request Vice President
Vail to take Independent action and allow
the union men under him to return to
W. B. Cheek said word had been received
at the exchange that President Donnelly
had resigned and the butchers at New York,
Fort Worth and Sioux City had taken a
vote and had returned to work. He de
clared the union men here had, by vote,
expressed their desire to return to work
and the business men of South Omaha
should proceed to show Mr. Vail the best
thing for him to do would be to declare
South Omaha independent and permit the
union men to go back to work. He asked
that a committee be appointed to hold a
conference with Mr. VaiL '
Concessions from Packers.
L. F. Etter said the movement was one
In the right direction, but he had his
doubts about the union men here going back
to work until authorised to do so by the
head. officers of the association.
"One essential thing," said Mr. Etter.
"would be an agreement by the packers to
take the unemployed union men back as
rapidly as possible,- feay within ten days."
John F. Roberts declared the business
men should endeavor to induce the packers
to take the men back at the old scale of
wages. When the packers agreed to this
he said It would be of some use to go to
Mr. Vail with a proposition and not be
fore. He asserted that some concessions
from the packers would be necessary.
Jay Laverty said the business men and
the livestock dealers wanted the men to
return to work, but at no less wages than
before the strike was ordered. He wanted
a committee of five appointed to wait an
the packers and ascertain what conces
sions the packers were willing to make
and what their Intentions were regarding
the wages to be paid In case the men re
turned. D. 8. Parkhurst said he had secured In
formation which would lead him to believe
the packers would take back from 60 to 78
per cent of the old men.
"But," said Captain Parkhurst, "we must
bave some definite proposition from the
packers before we can consistently ask for
a conference with Mr. Vail."
At this Juncture W. B. Cheek, arose and
said the packers would not make any con
cessions and that It would be of no use to
send committees to the packers here.
"The men here," said Mr. Cheek, "never
had a wage grievance. They struck out of
sympathy for the Chicago packing house
employes. The men are breaking away in
other cities and why should not some ar
rangement be made for the men to return
Jay Laverty said Mr. Vail would have to
be given some assurance that SO or 75 per
cent of the men would be taken back
within a certain time.
Intermediary Committee.
Bruce McCulloch and John Flynn favored
the appointment of a committee to see
both the packers and Mr. Vail. J. A. Hake
made the statement that the packers would
not make any concesslona ' The main de
sire seemed to be to have the unions here
break away from the union In Chicago and
return to work, at the same time maintain
ing their union here.
After some discussion this committee waa
finally named: D. S. Parkhurst, John Rus
sell. J. B. Watklns, E. U Culver and J.
A. Hake
It waa then deemed the sense of the
meeting that this committee call upon Mr.
Vail at once and Invite him to the ex
change. Upon being met by the commit
tee Mr. Vail consented and was soon es
corted into the exchange hall, He was
greeted with a hearty round of cheers.
When called upon to speak Mr. Vail said:
"As you gentlemen know, I have been
waited upon by a committee to ascertain
If there is any way to settle the present
packing house strike. I will say the strike
was called by a referendum vote, each
union In the country belonging to our as
sociation voting on the proposition. Only
a few days ago we took another vote to
call off the strike and the proposition was
defeated . by a large majority. While the
men at South Omaha, Sioux City and St
Louis voted to return to work the majority
was against the proposition and the strike
Is still on. I am In receipt of a telegram
from President Donnelly, stating that an
other proposition Is soon to be submitted
to the packers. What this proposition Is
I do not know. I am powerless to do any.
thing toward a settlement outside of what
Is being done In Chicago. I will go further
and say that I could not end the strike
here If I wanted to."
No Independent Aetloa.
Brucs McCulloch asked Mr. Vail If there
was any hope for a settlement Independent
of Chicago. He spoke of butchers In other
cities returning to work and ha aaked why
South' Omaha was discriminated against,
when at other packing centers where the
men had returned business was again al-
(Continued oa Second Page.)
General Bell Wll Try to Force
His Way Pwat General
GAINESVILLE. Va., Sept. 8. General
Grant, commanding . the blue army, has
taken up a strong position behind Bull
Run. This fact has not yet been ascer
tained by General Bell, commanding the
brown army.
General Grant selected the position be
hind Bull Run In which to defend Wash
ington In order that It might be as easy
as possible for his reinforcements,' which
are o nthe way, to Join him. His position
Is not what Geneinl Bell evidently had
calcnlated on In ordering his turning move
ment so that the situation to be developed
tomorrow Is one of exceeding Interest.
The two armies are again the the field.
This time the brown army Is the aggressor.
It Is to strike the blue army soon, as a
preliminary operation against the capital
at Washington
General Orant has taken up a defensive
ppsltlon in the Bull Run valley. His in
structions are to hold this position until
reinforcements (Imaginary) can reach him
from Annandale. These reinforcements,
according to the conditions Imposed, can
not reach him In much less time than
forty-eight hours.
General Bell is assumed to have rein
forcements at Salem, distant about twelve
hours. He Is moving Ms force forward
to the defense line with the object of
holding Grant, If possible. In bis present
position until his reinforcements can reach
him, and then overwhelm him before the
bluearelnforcements arrive.
The delay of the march to position until
9 o'clock today Is a matter of complaint on
the part of the' brown troops, as many
as 100 prostrations from the heat having
been reported among the brown troops,
who were compelled to move In the middle
o fthe day. These men have been cared for
In the hospitals In the camps Nos. S and S,
and in the farm houses along the road.
George M. Moaltoa of Illinois Chosen
Grand Master Neat Conclave
at Saratoga, W, Y,
SAN FRANCISCO. S?p. 8 With the ex.
ceptlon of the members o! the graiid en
campment, who held two business sessions,
the visiting Knights Templar devoted to.
day to pleasure. Excursions to nearby
points of interest, receptions at the various
commanderles, a concert in tho Greek am
phitheater at the University of California,
a banquet to the victorious Louisville drill
corps and a Press club jinks to visiting
Journalists were the main features.
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., was today chosen
as the meeting place of the next conclave
of the Knights Templar In July, 1907.
The following officers were elected: Grand
master, Geor;e M. Moulton of Illinois;
deputy grand master, - Henry W. Rugg of
Rhode Island; grand generalissimo, Wil
liam F. Mellah of Ohio; grand captain-general,
Frank H. Thomas of Washington;
grand senior warden, Arthur McArthur of
New York; grand Junior warden, W. Frank
Pierce of California; grand recorder, John
A. Gerow of Michigan (re-elected); gran
treasurer. H. Wales I tntVof Connecticut
(re-elected). : - -
The following officers were appointed:
Grand warden, Edward W. Wellington;
grand standard bearer, W. H. Norrls;
grand sword bearer, G. -W. Orr.
The earl of Euston and his companions,
representing the grand priory of England
and Wales, . attended today's session of
the grand encampsaent In full uniform.
The night program was made up of re
ceptions at. . a number of commanderles
Leo De Mar, member of Boston com
mandery No. 322, has been beaten, drugged
and robbed of 8660 In cash and a 825 watch
and chain by unidentified men, who es
. i
Alabama Judge Orders an Investiga
tion of the Lynching; of a
- Negro.
HUNTS VI LLE, Ala., Sept. S.-Judge
Speake today ordered a special grand Jury
to convene at once to Investigate the lynch
ing of the negro Maples last night. ,
There is no truth In the report that sev
eral militiamen were shot during the ex
citing events which culminated In the
lynching of the negro. Captain Hay, In
charge of the militia, deniea that his men
gave way before the mob. He says the
negro sprang out of a window and ran
right into the hands of the mob. There
was then no use In guarding the Jail fur
ther. MONTGOMERY. Ala.. Sept. S.-Acting
Governor Cunningham has called on Sher
iff Rogers for a full report of the lynching
at Huntsville and written Captain R. L.
Hay, In charge of the militia, asking him
to explain why the mob was not deterred
from Its purpose and from whom Captain
Hay got his orders and to what extent he
exercised the authority vested In him.
Actress Who Played Before Lincoln
Night He Was Assassinated
Dies at St. Pant.
ST. PAUL. Minn., Sept. 8. Mrs. Sarah
Stevens, a member of the "Way Down
East" company, playing at a local theater
here, died suddenly at the city hospital
today of uraemia.
Mrs. Stevens was about 70 years old
and her stage career, which waa a notable
one, datil from October 27, 1856. She was
a member of the Iaura Keene company
that presented "Our American Cousin," the
comedy Lincoln waa witnessing when as
sassinated at Ford's theater In Washington
Besides Miss Keene that cast included Jo
seph Jefferson and the elder Sothern.
Mrs. Stevens waa the widow of John C.
Heenan. the noted English pugilist After
her marriage she retired for fourteen yeara
On the death of her husband she returned
to the . 'American stage. . Mra Stevens'
home was in Oakland, Cel., but message
sent to relatives there failed to reach them.
Housebreakers Throw Carbolic Acid
la the Pace of Oaa Who
Finds Them.
'CHICAGO. Sept. I.-Mlss Mabel Mc
pherson, 1218 Bheridan road, discovered
two burglars In her room early today.
They threw the contents of a bottle con
taining ca.rtx.Uo acid upon her, burning her
face and neck.
Mlsa McPherson la' a slster ln-iaw of
Benjamin F. Crawford, president of the
National Biscuit company, and Is visiting
at his horns on Sheridan road. Miss lie.
Phsrson will recover, but shs will be
scarred for life! The burglars secured a
quantity of silverware and Jewelry and es
caped. ..
Oraphio Description of the Great Artillery
Dnel by an Eye-Witness.
Over Three Hnndred Gnns Engaged on
Each Side and Their Fire
Is Unerasing and
TERS IN THE FIELD, Aug. 10. (via Fu
san, Corea), Sept. 8.-The artillery battle
which thundered before Llao Tang today
from early morning until darkness hid foe
from foe was certainly one of the most
stupendous and spectacular of history. The
combined armies of Japan, with the excep
tion of a port of the force under General
Kurokl, concentrated their batteries against
the Russian lines under General Kouropat
kin, and several hundred guns, probably
not less than 900 upon each side, were
worked Incessantly for twelve hours. Even
after nightfall, and In the driving storm of
wind and rain that swept over the field
of battle, the conflict did not cease en
tirely, for Russian shells are tonight burst
ing over the hills before the Japanese po
sitions. Not alone the number of guns In
action, but their unceasing and rapid fire,
made the conflict of today remarkable. For
several hours the cannonading averaged
sixty shots a minute, and the rate seldom
fell below twenty shots a minute.
From a high mountain almost over the
nearest Russian batteries the foreign at
taches and newspaper correspondents with
General Kurokl's army had a view of fight
ing which probably never will be surpassed.
Llao Tang, a small Chinese walled city,
with a gray pagoda towering from its cen
ter, stands on the southern bank of the
Taitse river. The observers noted the yel
low roofs of military storehouses on the
outskirts of the city. From the city the
river sweeps in n broad course to the
southeast road and then takes a turn to
the north. To the northwest of Llao Tang
there extends a great plain, while to the
east and south range upon range are the
mountains through which the Japanese ar
mies advanced to the theater of one of the
decisive battles of this struggle.
Alignment of Batteries.
Some of the Russian guns were aligned
In aa almost unbroken horseshoe around
the plain to the south and east of Llao
Yang; others were posted about five miles
from the city; still other detached batter
ies were facing the west from a group of
hills on the extreme Russian right, while
another range of hills behind the city facing
the east bank of the river furnished posi
tions for the Russian batteries protecting
tho railroad and the rear of the army.
The Japanese guns In the mountains
formed an irregular line twenty miles or
more In length.
The above description roughly outlines
the artillery position of the two armies and
the statement of defense and attack.
While the landscape viewed from the ele.
vatlon where the correspondents and for
eign attache had taken their positions. Ap
peared to be modeled on broad lines, In
reality the country Is Irregular, with many
hills and ravines and much rolling plain,
all of which affected the strategic dlspoat
tion of the contending forces.
Looking down upon so vast a scene of
operations with so many batteries par
ticipating, it was often impossible to dis
cern the details of position or what units
were opposed to each other. ' In some
places the Russian guns appeared to be
arranged in tiers, two or three batteries
being placed one above the other.
The whole Russian front was bordered
with the twinkling lights, this being the
flashes from the guns. Much of the artil
lery was In skillfully covered positions and
absolutely smokeless powder was used.
. Clusters of white smoke broke out fit
fully around the Japanese position in the
mountains and roiled slowly away, show
ing that often two or three batteries upon
either side were pitted against one an
other. Honors Abont Even.
The nearer ridges of the mountains and
the edge of the plain were constantly dotted
with sudden flashes of white smoke from
exploding shells and the sound that came
to the ears of the observer was aa a
continuuos rumble of thunder, varied by
successions of sharp peals as two or three
batteries united and fired together.
Throughout the day the positions of the
opposing forces were but little changed
and at nightfall the honors appeared to be
The Japanese Infantry, which was massed
behind the hills, was often under severe
Are, especially when the ' Russians dis
cerned regiments advancing from one point
to another. There was some infantry fight
ing on the hills bordering the plain.
Bodies Of Russian troops could be seen
inarching aboiit Llao Tang with the ap
pearance of great activity, and one Rus
sian column composed of several regiments
of cavalry moved out to the left of the
Russian rear as though to protect the re
treat of the main body. '
Trains could be seen steaming out of Llao
Yang to the northward every half hour
during the day.
Ramor that Rockefeller Interests Will
Constrnrt Another Transcon
tinental Railroad.
ST. PAUL. Minn.. Sept. 8. The Dispatch
today says: " i
"Reports received In St. Paul today, com
ing from a thoroughly . reliable source,
state that L. R. Manning of Tacoma has
Informed railway officials at that point that
he is the personal representative of John
T. Woodward, president of the Hanover
National bank of New York, a Rockefeller
Institution, and that deeds to all the Seattle
and Tacoma property which he has ac
quired during the past six months are In
President Woodward's hands.
"President Woodward. Mr. Manning now
states. Is acting for a new transcontinental
route, to be pushed through to the Pacific
ooast within a ahort time.
"Mr. Manning refuses to name the rail
way, but Intimates that the reports that
the recent heavy purchases of terminals
were In the Interest of the Harriman corn
combine were far from the truth."
Residence at Bestrlce.
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. (.-(Special.)
Fire last night at 11 o'clock destroyed the
residence of Martin Ford located In Glen
over, a suburb of Beatrice, with all its
content. The family was In attendance
at the carnival and upon 'returning home
discovered their home on fire. The loss will
aggregate U.SuO, with but little insurance.
The origin of the fire la unknown
Fair Friday and Warmer la Eastern
Portion. Baturduy Tartly t'londyi
Probably showers and Cooler In
Northwestern Portion.
Temperatnre at Omaha Yesterd
Hoar. Dear. Honr.
S n. m A 1 p. m
a. m Aft a p. m
T a. tu AO .1 . m
8 n. m et a . m. . . . ,
O n. m 04 A p. m
Ill t, m Oi B p. m
It a. m T.I T p. m
. Ttt
. "1
. 8a
. K
. M
. T!)
. 7tf
13 m TH Hp
St. Petersbartr Hns Had No News from
the Front for Two
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 8. 1:30 p. m.
The lack of news from the front, either
official or newspaper dispatches. Is very
trying to the public. In spite of the as
surances that General Kouropatkln's army
is out of danger, no word fron riouropatkin
has been given out for thirty-six hours
and not a single new.ipipjr dispatch later
than Soptember S has botn received. Ihe
emperor has received coma additional de
tails showing the tromomlous difllcullies
nrnuntered in accomDllshlna- the retreat
over the Mandartu road to Mukden, from
which it Is easy to Imagine the hor.lble
picture of the army and the hegi&ii-i und
transport trains floundering northward
over a road converted by torrents of rain
Into a river of mud. An tnsUnoe Is given
where the wheels of a gun drawn by six
horses sank in the mud up to t!u breach.
Four additional horses were harnessed t
the piece, but the ten horses were unable to
budge It.
The Russian rear guard Is considerably
above Yental, but there is no exact infor
mation in regard to the location ot Gen
eral Kurokl's main army, the left wlrg of
which has been engaged In a more cr lets
continual duel with the Russian battc-ties
which are covering the retreat, and no par
ticulars have been received of the extent
or character of this fighting. The general
staff, however, Is of tne Opinion that
Kurokl's troops must tie experiencing al
most as great difficulties as tho Hustlans
and that they are too exhausud to create
a serious menace at present.
While the public impression Is that Gen
eral Kouropntkln's army is continuing
north of Mukden, no official admission to
this effect is obtainable.
The general staff, while declaring that It
has no specific Information on this point,
does not deny the possibility that owing to
the difficulties of the retreat some trans
ports and some guns may have been aban
Severn! Hnndred Japanese Slain Near
Port Arthur.
CHE FOO, Sept. 10:80 a. m. A Japanese
column, numbering approximately 700 men,
while marching along at night on a road
in the valley between Long Hill and Divi
sion Hill, met a frightful disaster through
the explosion of an electric land mine Sep
tember 1. The mine was carefully laid
by the Russians three weeks ago. It cov
ered nearly a mile of available nurchlng
space. ,Theexploelve ' was placed at the
bottom. Rocks were placed next and on
top of these clay' waa packed so carefully
.hat the ground gave the Impression of not
having been disturbed. The indications of
Japanese activity in this vicinity put the
Russians on guard. Near midnight the
outposts rushed in and reported that the
Japanese were approaching. The Russian
withheld their fire for some time. Suddenly
they threw a searchlight up the valley. The
Japanese opened with a rifle fire. The
Russians waited until apparently the whole
Japanese column was In the danger sons;
then the mine wss exploded. The force of
the explosion knocked a number of Rus
sians down, and the sight of Japanese
rifles, water bottles, legs and arms hurtling
through the lighted space made by a
searchlight was an awful spectacle. Some
rocks landed Inside the Rurslan lines. There
was one appalling moment, during which
the garrison Itself was stunned; then a
death-like silence. The searchlight coldly
lighted up the road and hillsides, strewn
with deed.
The following day the Russians burled
the dead, but owing to their dismembered
and mutilated condition the Russians were
unable to accurately estimate the number
of killed. A few Japanese escaped, how
ever. The foregoing Information Is con
tained In a small sheet insued September 3
by the Port Arthur Novekral, a breakage
In the press having made It impossible to
issue a full edition.
A Chinese arriving here at midnight con
firms the above to the extent of raying
that he heard a report that many Japanese
had been killed by a mine, but he did not
learn the details. On the nights of August
26 and 27 a similar disaster befell the Japa
nese near Beboul No. 2. It Is reported, but
no details have been ascertained.
General Kooropatkln Will Probably
Be Commander-in-Chief.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 9.-2:15 a ra.
Beside the formation of two fresh army
corps as the first answer to the Japanese
success at Llao Yang, the Russian srmy
at the front will be reorganised, probably
In the form of two armies, in command
of General Llnevltch and General Baron
Kaulbars, respectively, with General Kou
opatkln aa commander-in-chief. General
Kaulbers will go out with the two army
corps now organising In the governments
of Kasan, Odessa, Vllna and Kleff. Oen
eral Llnevltch has been ordered by tele
graph from Vladivostok to Mukden. This
decision Is due in part doubtless to the
growing unwleldiness of the big force un
der General Kouropatkln's commsnd and
which will be largely increased by constant
reinforcements. j
General Kouropatkln heretofore hns
handled every detail of the vast organisa
tion. The work Is too much for one man
and he Is now almost broken down under
the strain. It Is known that tho emperor
Is personally one of Kouropatkln's strong
supporters and It Is thought ths general
will In all probability retain chief command
of the two armies. Kouropatkln, howter.
has been seriously criticized by some of
the emperor's close military advisers and
It la possible that he may eventually be
''here is little Information from the front
tonight. A dispatch from Mukden, bearing
Thursday s date, repeats the story of baa
roads which have hampered the transports
and intimates that there Is an "Interesting
movement toward Tlellng." but the nature
of thta movement la not disclosed.
It Is understood thst the emperor's in
spection of the Baltic fleet at OrorMadt
today Is the last he will make and that
the fleet when It leaves Llheau will pro
ceed to the far fast.
tear Goes to Cronatndt.
ST. PETERSBURG. 8ept. I. -Emperor
Nicholas left St. Petersburg for Cronstadt
today to Inspect the Baltic fWU
Dawns Upon the Country at Last that They
Have Been Thoroughly Whipped.
Japanese Cannot Be Beaten by Sacrificing
Men, Gum and Positions.
No Beal News of Beoent Happenings at
the Front Given Out.
General Staff of Opinion Another GreaA
Battle May Soon Be Fonght
In 1h Vicinity of
Mnkdea. '
(Copyright by New York Herald Co.. 19M.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept .-(New York
Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The
Bee.) Quite the most striking feature ot
the moment is the entire refusal of the in
telligent section of the community to be
persuaded any longer that the Russian
army, perpetually being " dislodged, con
stantly retiring and being pursued by the
Japanese, can be In any way Interpreted aa
being In a satisfactory condition. Lively
sentiments of alarm and Indignation are
The Novoe Vremya echoes popular feeling
when It says; "We are far frem saying
that there Is anything normal In constant
retreats to the north, and by such opera
tions and the sacrifice of stores we are re
ceding from Port Arthur and losing pres
tige with the Chinese. We earnestly hope
reinforcements will be hurried, In order
that our commander may become a real
commander. Only under such conditions
can these melancholy retreats come to an
end and the object of the war be reached."
The Buss says: "What we must realise
Is that we have a most serious task be
fore us. We must make extraordinary ef
forts. Mere strength Is not sufficient. In
Kurokl and his brave followers we are face
to face with a new factor of strength which
we havt not begun to realise. The battle
field of Llao Yang, soaked with Russian
blood. Is crying out to Russia, r.ussla will
Mukden has been hastily evacuated. Tho
absence of official news on the Russian
aide, especially of details of losses, is caus
ing much alarm. ' '
Bis; Battle Expected.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. dispatch
from General Kouropatkln, timed 6:30
o'clock yesterday evening, was received
late In the day. He reported that Gen
eral Kurokl's army was a-joul twenty
seven miles eastward of the railroad and
that General Oku's army waa twenty
miles west of the railroad. The general
staff expects that a big battle wUl
Two Japanese cruisers bombarded Kor
sakovsk. Island of Sakhalin, yesterday and
fired torpedoes at the sunken Russian
cruiser Novik. No attempt was made to
land. Korsakovsk Is defended by coast
Kouropatkln May Defend Mnkden.
8:25 p. m. General Kouropatkln's official
report sent from Mukden during tho even
ing of yesterday announcing that the whoU
of his army had arrived at Mukden and
waa taking up position around the city and
adding that the army had not loat a gun
during the retreat, relieved the publio
anxiety and put an end to the many alarm
ing reports which had been Current here.
From the general's report it sems evident
that Kouropotkln is tentatively preparing
to meet the Japanese again should Field
Marshal Oyama continue to press north
ward. Nothing more Important than rear
guard actions marked the march to Muk
den. The region south of that city Is now
clear of Russians. It Is evident that
Kouropatkln Is taking precautions to pre.
vent the Japanese from creeping around
his flanks as he reports that the Japaneae
cavalry is actively scouting wide on, his
flanks. The Japanese are reported to be
moving up about thirty miles on either side
of the railroad with the view to surround
ing Mukden but whether Kouropatkln will
accept an engagement or continue north,
ward will probably depend at the decisive
moment upon the temper and condition of
hla troops, who doubtless have been much,
shaken by the long fight end hardships at
tendant upon the retreatv'.
Among the reports telegraphed by some
of the Russian' warships is one to the ef
fect that during a certain night below Llao
Yang a regiment of Japanese infantry
charged ono of the trenches, bayoneting a,
number of Jiipanese before the mistake
was discovered.
May, Be Forced to Mongrolla.
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. S.-Ths brief
Mukden despatch received today from one
of the Associated Press Russian corre
spondents, dated September 7, im the latest
word from the front. - It waa probably all
the censor vi; allow to be. sent and offers
no solution of the question whether Gen
eral Kouropatkln Is continuing his march
northward. But It seems to Indicate that
such a course Is contingent upon the ability
of Field Marshal Oyama to try to repeat
at Mukden the enveloping movement which
failed at Llao Yang. The only thing cer
tain seems to be that for the moment
everything Is quiet. If the armies continue
to race northward to Tie pass, forty mile
north of Mukden, In ths opinion of the best
military critics it, will become of supreme
importance to Kouropatkln If the door of
his retreat is closed there. In the event
of defeat ha would be forced westward Into
It is intimated that In order to protect
his army against such a possible catas
trophe the Russian troops from Harbin)
have taken possession of this pass.
Experts News of Fight.
MUKDEN, Wednesdsy, Sept. T.-Naws of
a Unlit at some point between Shakhe
(eleven miles mirth west of Llao Yang) and
Mukden is hourly expected. (i
Arr.ona the reports current here Is one to
tho effect tliitt Gencrul Kurokl has bseu
killed and that two Japanese generals have
been made prisoners; but no one seems to
know where the reports originated and no
confirmation la obtainable.
Last night It waa reported that the flghU
liij had vsased and tue Russian traaspor