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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1904)
TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TIitTKSDAY, gErTEMBETl 8. lftOl. Iff FOUR TRACK EAST TO WEST Vanderbllt Byrtem Doubles Tacilitie from Hew York to Chicago PLANS ARE BEING HURRIED ALONG rtfcwestera Thea Will Have Clear 1 Sway' from Omaha to Em pire City Ceaatry. riann have been carried out which will Increase the trackage system of the Van derbllt roads from Omaha Into New Tork city. Five million dollars are to be ex pended on the venture. The Northwestern already f ft double track road from Omaha to Cl.lcaso and the New Vork Central la four track from New Tork to Buffalo. The connecting link la the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern and work already Is under way for two more tracka between Chicago and Buffalo, thus completing the chain. ... A law quantity of steel rails Is being distributed, along, the Lake Shore between Buffalo and Cleveland and several tons more of the rails will be needed before the tracks are completed. With the Improve ment now -under way. It also will become necessary to enlarge the railroad yards of the Vanderbilt system, and It Is understood Omaha Is to receive a share of attention. . Five million dollars already have been ex pended an the ,Lke Shore In the last two year In the way of Improvements between Chicago and Buffalo to wipe out curves and grades, and much attentnon Is now beUig given to the enlargement of the facilities for the handling of raln. About ,B0,000 worth"of hew' equipment also" has been ' bought, and a redistribution of heavy mo. tiva power Is being made on the different divisions. Some of the bridges have been found too light to sustain the heavy trains that are passing over them, and this baa furnished another item of expense. One DtfBealty to Be Met, While the Increasing business of the sys. tern has made necessary the Improve ments now under way, the short subsidiary lines or feeders have, in recent years, in creased In number more rapidly than have the transportation facilities of the main line. This is one of the difficulties that is no- being remedied. An Omaha' represen tative of one of the Vanderbllt lines said: "There Is" another feature of railroad ing which has made the improvement ne cessary and one which the general public would overlook.' This Is the constantly in ert wing shortage of car service. Tracks are congested, and car are apparently continually diminishing in number, in spite of the fact that every year an enormous sum is put into new freight cars. For a Jong time is was a source of marvel as to what became of the cars. They . disap peared about as fast as the shortage was replenished. "Investigation has shown the cars are tied up 'as the result of congested lines. Cars cannot be moved forward to their destination 'and the result is they are used ; as warehouses. 'Every year this trouble is getting worse and the hope Is indulged that by increasing . the carrying facilities of the system this trouble will be overcome, in a large measure at least, for we cannot expect to wipe it out entirely. "The Improvement in the passenger de partment alone will be tremendous, for it gives the Vanderbllt system a double track from Omaha to the Atlantic seaboard." Obstacle to Gasollae Motor. While the Union Pacific has temporarily discontinued the experiments with Its gas oline motor engine, the idea Jiaa not been entirely abandoned. It was with cheap motive power as the end In view that the Union Pacific began a aeries of experiments and constructed a model, but the company is not yet satisfied with the machine. In general appearance the motor resembles a combination of auto mobile and locomotive. The machine has been stored away for the present, but it Is the intention to resume the experiments. It Is understood that Mr. McKeen, superin tendent of motive power and machinery, has several new ideas which he expects to carry out in the construction of the ma chine, and which' It Is believed will bring about satisfactory' results in the operation of such a motor. He declines, however, to discuss the subject. Railroad men are con fident a successful gasoline motor can be built. One of the Union Pacific machinists said: "Nothing has been done with the motor of lata. Naturally there is considerable speculation as to whether it will be a suc cess, but I don't see why It can't be made to work. The superintendent has hopes of doing something with It, and some of the experts down at the', shops think it can be made to work. Such a motor may work for light passenger hauls, but In my opin ion it never will be a success for anything but very light trains. "Even our heaviest locomotives are racked all to pieces by the big hauls they have and they have to undergo frequent repairs. J have every confidence in the successful operation of a gasoline motor for light passenger hauls, but the great difficulty Is that neither gasoline nor electricity Is reliable enough to be used in a country of long hauls like the west. For this reason It Is doubtful that they will supersede steam for 'years to come. You V The diver dies without air to breathe. The consumptive dies without longs to breathe the air. or of lunge rendered incapable of breathing by disease. The blood' as it flows la and out of the lungs indicate the cooaniusjtive'g pro rna A the tangs grow, weaker teas oxygen is inhaled and the blood chansre from scarlet to trar- JvJpte, Oxygen ie the life of the fl-T blood aa the blood ia the life of the body. I The effect of Dr. Pierce Gold f en Medical Discovery upon weak: hugs ia to strengthen them, to en-l 1 1 able the full oxygenation of thai blood, arrest the progress of die-1 and heal tna inflamed tts- Lansr diseases have been I and are being cured by "Golden Medical XMacovery," in cases where deep-era ted. Zjcoaah. frequent hemor-i w v rhage, emaciation, weak-; s04 oess, and night -sweats' ;r5nv P01 to ftal; .J Mill TerrlH'a Drcstmik', mock Saterday I Ladies' 1.50 Fleece Lined HPS Blf Sale Satarday 3liViwf Drenmakf Wrappers 50c Thousands of heavy quality, wrappers fleece lined and percales blues, grays and blacks scores of styles and fancy patterns trimmed with braid made with full flounces. Actually worth up to $1.50 each oti main floor, bargain square in ... . 5 The New Fajl Millinery EXTRA SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY. Stunnlnjr Trimmed Hats We never had such a complete assortment of stunning trimmed hats so early In September. The new round French sailors of taffeta slllc and velvet trimmed with the faddish feather pompoms, wings, etc. also black shirred silk and horsehair braid hats, clev erly trimmed, at , New Ready-to Wear Hats The newest and jauntiest street hats in all fashionable C A colors fine tailored ef- ' P J " fects of felt trimmed with buckles, breasts and wings, at A Smart Street Hat at $1.98 Tailored street ef. fects of draped felt and scratched felt pret- 11 CI ft tily trimmed nw shades for street wear II aO will go at e faddish $5 Ha h Ml 2 Tailored Suits, Coats and Skirts New Golf and Walking Skirts Swell styles for autumn Q new side pleats, mannish mixtures, correct weights 4awseX O New Fall Jackets These are tS, 86 and $7.50 fall Jackets, coverts, taffetas, cheviots, QQ peau de soles, etc. all at Am. JO Tourist Coats The stylish coats for fall, loose belted backs, velvet collars, mannish materials. Also the New Storm Coats and Cravenettea olive, oxford, tana etc., all of them rain-proof a big O QO assortment 0.0 New Fall Tailored Suits The new Tourist, Di reotolre, Military styles, prettily trimmed S.1.:.9.98 and 14.85 OMAHA WEATHER WURSDAYGenerally Fair. PFfflFTTC , S ; In r 2 ci i1i cadi AgjtaopS He Sells Stationery. 1607 Farnam Street. Omaha is Beauti fully Illustrated in My New Book. Fifty. Cents. i 1 1 a - 1 v TvJi - Y-sumpuoo. one veers a I was elino s Mlp Vrae victba of thl Hin,- write i Iraf confined to sr room fcar evarml BKiptbst i frlciuU mmi Miafhbom hmA gkvrm mo all hop , H a7 nwrnj, ii.lU oo Amy a hm4 rbttl , w k L.k. Ur. Hoc'. UtiUra ltodKal Ikm. try. mmd alter I had taken thm auntntfa at tha atcosd bout I Mna to tinpnjwa. aiWf'taUtiu Mi builW I ma I biani y bsllara. aVImrcd! run lb. stb od eatualy cawed. Isaaswva' Suoog aud haany mtrnm. Ur. Piorcc's Pleaamtit Petlcts deanas the cked sytcm bam ecctnaalamll can get a train through with steam when running under difficulties whers any other power with the same obstacles to over come would fall. This is one of the objec tions in the way of a gasoline motor. We have not given up the idea entirely, but nothing has been done with the motor ot late although, I believe, experiments are to be continued In the hope of solving the problem of a cheap and reliable motor machine powerful enough to do the work on branches where steam is found unprofitable." Nearly all the Burlington representatives of the passenger department who attended the meeting at St. Louis have returned. L. W. Wakeley, general passenger agent for Omaha, returned this morning. He said the business program of the officials was interfered with owing to the unex pected death of H. B. Segur, general agent for the "company at Atchison. He. expired suddenly Tuesday morning while standing on the plaform of the station at St. Louis. The meeting of the passenger men was adjourned when the news of the demise be came known., About' fifty passenger rep resentatives of the system were repre sented. Mr. Wakeley said: "The fair la magnificent, and people who decide not to go will make a mistake. The weather Is delightful and the crowds are getting larger. St. Louis has been afraid the attendance would not be large enough to make the exposition a financial success, but the receipts are becoming more encouraging I know of no attraction that stands out rrjore than another. Everything has been carried out on a large and magnificent scale. At . night the grounds blase with light and the buildings at a distance are outlined by gleaming, lines of fire. The effect against the dark back ground is beautiful. The time to see the fair is now, as the display is now complete. M . Removal of Offices. New offices have been secured by the Erie Dispatch on the fourth floor of the Karbach building. B. J. Drummond, the local agent for the company, says he is highly pleased with the new quarters, as it brlnss hta office closer to the retail center of the city, from where a large share of the business of the company is de rived. The Missouri Pacific expects to move Into new quarters on the first of the month. The building at the corner of Fifteenth and Farnam streets, formerly occupied by Kelley, Stiger Co., is now being fixed over for the company, which will occupy the west half of the building. The east half will be .occupied by the Megeath Stationery company. Mr, aad Mrs. Climbers Will reopen their School of Daubing im Farnam street, September 23, compli mentary reception, by1 card only. Inunc tion of the acudemy I to 6 p. m. Dancing 1:30 p. m. For Juveniles, Saturday, Sep tember 24th; dancing 4. to p. m. AppUc. tlons may be made now. Reopening of Ur. and Mrs.'Uorand's Dancing and Physical Cnltnre Claases For children on Saturday September 24. Beginners, 10 a. m. Terms Season, Septem ber to May, (15. Advance, $10. Adults' classes begins Tuesday, September. 6, 8 p. m. Private lessons dally. Opening as sembly next Wednesday. For particulars call or telephone 1041. Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streets THE BEST BEER THE DEER YOU LIKE CABINET FOUR SYNONYMS FOUR-TWO-NAUGHT That's our tele phone number catch It? You may need it for future use. Sold on Dining and Buffet Oatrs. Fred Krug Brewing Co. Osnaha'a Model aWoOToi-y. Telephone 430. OMAHA National Convention Fraternal Order , of Enalea. Baltlmors. Md., September 13-17. The, Chicago Orent Western railway wijl on September I and t sell tickets at one fare plus 11.00 to Baltimore and return. For further Information apply to B. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, litt Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Colfas Iros Water, Bottled ai tha springs. Qludatone Bros., 1X8-1X10 Douglas street. - Joseph Qahm, pianist, room til w. O. W. Bid. Keep Your Bowels . Shra-ler's . . t n a naiaru n.aiiay conoltien. Wbaathey gat cloggsd up they have 4 a tendency te overflow Into the sp ptndls and canse aa- .i-i.i- a, -M kBvaporatedPIg Pew- dj-r kesps year bowels healthy and natural. Fig Powder Trial eiH. 10a, awapl. Tn. Lars slaa, sta, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Omaha. Dlajrlbutera. rer aal r aU arussUrta, tarn uFASHION IN HAIR , Ot-. 0 tM-MMfol Iml M lull, MS Mil tk. bMII. af kMrtr'. M- Ttllllll iWll Tttua I tl.U, ftc bfMM MllH 0)4 m ha. ar. imnil Uf J m ,t W Tk.auikrilUliCahrMfOnrMi:aM laa Uavtei CrwJKkiXa. Ul W lis at.Hn Tark Bharinan MoConnell Orur Co.. Omaha, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER One Delia Per Vena. September Catches m Art Picture Chains, fine plating per pair ISc And ten (H-OO) Little Green Stickers. Medallion Miniatures, Colonial subjects v 25c And twenty (12.00) Little Green Stickers. Odds and Ends In Counter Novelties ....29c And thirty ($3.00) Little Green Stickers. SEE3 SIXTEENTH STREET WINDOW. The Ballet Girl, the Bouhrette Girl, the Mexican Girl, the the Canoe Girl, the Frontier Girl, the College Girl, the Tennis Girl, the Soldier Girl. iSx29 hand painted pictures bound in ptsse partout tint binding each M READY TO IIANO. tEUAJLTIiLJ Japanese Girl, Girl, the Golf -. :75c COLORED DRESS GOODS SO pleoes 88 to M Inch new fall dress goods In plain and fancy Mohairs, Chev iots, Scotch Mixtures, Serges, Voiles. Etamlnes, Venetians, Coverts, Nun's Veilings, Albatross, fancy Checks and Plaids and Panama Cloths, C f If goods worth up to 85c yard, at only, yard LINING SILKS THURSDAY In all shadea and qualities at one-third less than their1 value. TAFFETAS FOR 85c TAFFETAS FOR 60c THE NEW REX . EA,, FANCY TAFFETAS, 27 INCHES WIDE, THURSDAY, AT YARD OUC 100 DOZEN SAMPLES OF HAIR BRUSHES, CLOTHES BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES AND FLESH BRUSHES, values In the lot worth up to 40o on sale Thursday in Dry Goods Section 1fr at, each Boys Shirts and Drawers About 25 dosen boys' Shirts and Drawers, heavy ribbed, cotton, unbleached, fall weight, all styles, broken sites, values In the lot worth up to 60c. - OCp I Thursday, garment AND TEN (11.00) "S. A H.M GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH GARMENT. m tasrarriiisnrTj GIRLS' AND MISSES' RAIN COATS A GREAT SPOT CASH PURCHASE Grey fancy cloth, plaid lining, double capes. Bishop sleeves, velvet collar, worth 3.50 on sale 1 AQ Thursday, at l.CJ Great Sale of Comforts and Batts Tvro Hundred Bales and Case Juat Opened COMFORTS At 13.96, 13.60,' $3.00, .7B, 12.25, $1.95, $1.76, $1.60, Eft. $1.85. $1.19, 8cv 89c, 75c and...' !.,.......OwC BATTINGS At 19c, 15c, 10c. fi - 8iic and.. ..,! OC m Grocery special Grape Juice Offer S3 doz. qt - bottles of this splendid article, bottle, 50c As II." Green Trading Stamps with And forty ($4.00) in "S. ' each bottle. Shoes! Shoes! Thursday Sale Ladies' Patent Colt, wide extension soles, spade shank, dull kid top, Blucher lace, A A to E, all sizes, $5.00 shoes for , Ladies' Patent Kid, dull kid top, plain toe, button, fudge welt, Philadelphia made, mannish shape, AA to E, all sizes, $5 value LADIES' VICI KID, PATENT TIP, WELT EXTENSION SOLE, BLUCHEIt'S $3.50 SHOES, at Bennett's $1.50 Boys' Shoes are good Bennett's $1.50 Girl's Shoes are good A REAL UPHEAVAL in CROCKERY J 85c ONE QUART TOMATO CATSUP BOTTLES, with pat ent rubber stoppers, per dozen .., jiuu im isj in i-,nue ureen Bucaers. TWENTY ($2) Jn Little Gre-n Stickers will be alven with nn any No. 1 or 1 Lamp Chimney, at 1UC Limit of three. Condition No extra stamps with telephone 1 or any C. O. D. orders. TWISTED WHITE CHINA SALTS AND PEPPERS each And five (50c) in Little Green Stickers. Odd -Fancy Decorated Cream Pitchers .. And Thirty ($3) in LltUe Green Stickers. .10c 29c HAVILAND A CO. 100-PIECB DINNER SETS. APPLE BLOSSOM O A TE DECORATION ON RANSON SHAPE v4.J HAVILAND & CO. WHITE RANSON TEA OR BREAKFAST PLATES. Ofl, each ..aUC ! No more) than six of either to a customer. We cordially Invite your Inspection of our new linns of Havlland & Co. Mmog-es China just received, including the celebrated Napoleon pattern shown for the first time In Omaha. A good strong line of Fruit Jars, Jelly tumblers, bean pots, flower pots. etc. hand at very low prices. . Rockers! Rockers! Large Arm Rocker golden oak flnl sh, cobbler seat, fancy turned t tCi spindlescomfortable and substantial J fO Drapery Department. OUR SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK WILL BE NOTTINGHAM M V CI RTAINS from two dollars a pair And a large 'assortment of French 'CurtVln' Swisses at per yard . vC , ' THIRD FLOOR. Great Sale Women's Furs Saturday 111! OT mi THU RELIABLE t TO RIB. Great Sate Women's Furs Saturday. 1,500 NEW FALL SUITS NOW ON DISPLAY. The most exquisite demons of both for eign and domestlo manufacture a verita ble style show which It will p,iy you to come and see. TRICES ARB LOW ER THAN EVER. AS A SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY $25 00 SUIT In four different styles, l-nirth of coat 24, Z7, 30 and 46 lmhes-come mlx.d and plain colors in great varlt of stylish fabrics Special Thursday, at IO.OU $17.50 SIIT In three different sty!es, length of coat W, 30 and 46 Inches lined witu satin or taffeta unquestionably the most handsome suit ever shown . i en In the city, at IU.OU $38 00 SUIT Designs that are as handsome as the most expensive foreign produc tions they come in four different styles In (treat variety of color and fabric iengm or coats, a, and 80 lnrhe 4.00 4.001 2.481 i A. PIlicE OP CUT GLASS Always makes an acceptable wedding gift. We are showing some handsome pieces In berry bowls, celery tlnhea. vases, bon-bon dishes, bread and butter nlm. We have these goods ranging from $2.00, $2.60, $3.60 and up. Spend a few minutes in our store. Look for the name. S. W. L.tidsayi Jeweler. 1516 DougUa St. special inducement to early 0"7 tlf buying they go Thursday, at.... aW.OU WOMEN'S SILK COATS Made of an ex cellent quality of peau de sole light weight for enrly fall wear A ftU Special Thursday, at LVO COVERT JACKKT8 A handsome line in esrly fa'.l weights. In tans snd e blacks, great values at $10, $7.j0....O.UU A NOBB y tT)AT i length, piped with green velvet excellent value at 12.V as an extra special sy rfi for Thursday price WOMEN'S $25.00 COAT-In great variety of fancy mixtures 45 Inches long col. lors and cuffs trimmed with velvet Special for Thursday -t e. If at .... au. W MORE SKIRTS FOR THURSDAY'S SELLING. $.00 VOILE AND ETAMINE SKIRTS In Taney mixtures and plain colors at $16 Women's French voile Skirts at WOMEN'S WAISTS A beautiful line for early fall wear at $2.8, $2.50 and $1.93. 2.98 .8.90 Women's $1.60 walsls at Women's $2.60 waists at Women's $1.60 wrappers at ......69c ...u95c 98c SWEATERS. 50c Women's $1.00 underskirts at ... Children's wash dresses, worth $1.60, ASK TO SEE OUR 'LINE OF CHIL DRKN'S WASH DRESSES. MEN'S. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WORSTED SWEATERS IN PLAIN AND , FANCY COLORS MEDIUM WEIGHTS WORTH UP TO $2.50 2Rc I THURSDAY AT OMAHA'S MOST RELIABLE GROCERY DEPT. PRICES ALWAYS THE . LOWEST GOODS ALWAYS THE FRESHEST. Large sacks cornmeal, white or yellow 12Hc Fancy crisp soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, lb 4o X-Cello, Neutrlta, Force, Vigor, Vim or Esrg-O-See. ckor 7Ho r resn DreaKiaai roiiea oats, id. Fancy hand-picked navy Deans, lb. Good Japan rice; lb- 1-lb, pkg..- condensed mlnemeat, . 1-lb. can fancy . Alaska salmon ... The best laundry soep, lb .flic Hc ,..9c ....2He The best laundry starch, lb SHc 3-lb. cans Boston baked beans , 8Ho 2-lb. cans wax, string or Lima beans. .To Large Italian prunes, lb SHi Fancy Mulr peaches, lb .' 74o FRESH FRUIT FRESH FRUIT Fancy Colorado freestone peaches per crate 90o Bushel boxes fancy Flemish Beauty preserving pears , $1.35 Large baskets Washington Greengage plums .... . ...25o BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER Fancy Separator creamery butter, lb.,17tyo Fancy dairy butter, lb 15a Choice country butter, lb 12 !o HAVDER3 BROS. HOTEL . VICTORIA Broadway, Fifth Avenue and 27th St, NEW YORK. $ .--a IN THE CENTER OF THE SHOP PING DISTRICT. A Modern First-Class Hotel. Complete in all Its appointments. Furnishings and dec orations entirely new throughout. Accom modations for 600 guests; 160 suites with baths. Rooms $1.60 day up; with baths, $2.60 up. Hot and cold water and telephone in every room. Cui sine unexcelled. . ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Tha only hotel ia Manhattan fronting on Broadway and Fifth Avenue. ! EfROPEAH PLAN. GEORGE W. SWEENEY, Prnprleter. COLORADO AND RETURN EVERY Tuesday and Satur day from August 16th, to Sep- , tember 17th, Incl., with final " return limit Oct Slit. 1904, via Union Pacific $15.00 FROM OMAHA Be sure your ticket reads vta Umon Pacific t Inquire at TICKET OPFICE, 1324 Farnam St. , Dr. Bradbury -1506 FARNAM iLXSSniZStSU DENTIST j 'PHONE 176 Teeth Extracted With- """'"V The moat sensitive out Palo. f 1 nerves removed with. Mas- iim .. I 11 F 1 Wrlttao Ouaraotoe. HOME VISITORS' EXCURSIONS VIA Big four route i TO POINTS IN THE STATES OP INDIANA AND OHIO Located west of line drawn through Sandusky, Columbus, Washlnr ton court house, Wilmington, Cincinnati to Iulavllle and Interme diate points.. ' TICKETS ON BALE September 6th, 13th, 20th, 7th and October Uth. Good to return thirty days from date of sale. lO-TRAINS DAILY lO With through coachea and sleeping cars to all points In above territory. Ask your heme ticket scent to sell you tickets via tha BIG FOUR ROUTE AND VISIT THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME . n. Tea slays' stop-over at ST. LOUS to visit thm WORLD'S FAIB will e arraate retara trie. Write for particulars, maps and free prlnttd matter. W. P. DEPPB, C. W. CBEEN,' Chief Asst. Oea Passeacevt Aeat. Travellaat Passeaarer Aaeat. ST. LOUIS, HO. KANSAS CITY, MO. fi.eo ae