0 JlMfitT TO LUAM REAL ESTATE - - ,-, -w-mi I . - . . li ' .ii .. " " - i ., .i , . , I a ' ' am-r ntiVATE money. T. tr. WsaH, &20 Doutr. w m i WANTElV-Cltr loans, anl warrants. VY. FarosnV BraltH CO., ICt Far nam it. XlONET TO WJAN. Payne Investment Co. .1 per cent loans. Oarrln Bro., ism Farnam. ... . . - - - . , - . T LOWEST rates. Be mis, Paxton block. . ... . . . W-M10S MONET to loin on real estate at I and Stt ;pnr cent W. B. Melkl, tub Ramge Bldg. , . W-MMi ' : LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREAHTY. Atf.. 437 Faxton. Tel. AJW38. -J'J JOHN M: MAOFARLAND, New York Life bid;., room H and S19. Tel. 1062. 104 LOST LOST Envelope cciytalrdna; two photo- graphs, on J4th street cat between Hr nf and Spaulcllnaj streets.' Reward If re turned to 3u city hall. LOST 234 lx POSTOf FICE NOTICE (Should be Varf dally by all Interested, aa Change may occur at any . time.) Forelun rnalln for the wock priding August CTi l90i will" close (PROMPTLY In all ' i-a)ai nt the. toncrui nusioiiice as fol lows: , Parcels-post malls close one hour "nrllor than cUrnt tli" anuwn rie'iiw. . Parcela-post mall!) for Germany close at "' B p. m. August 22(1 and 81st. Hegular and supplementary mnlls eloee at Foreign station (corner of West and Mor ' ton streets) half hour later , than cloning time shown below, (except that supple y mentary mall for Eurooe and Central America, via- Colon, cloaa -one Jiour later .: at Foreign station) ... . SATURDAY (3d) At a.t m. for EU ( ROPE, p! St. Paul. ia Plymouth .. and Cherbourg (mall for Ireland muat be directed "per s,..s. 6t. Paul"): at 6:30 ".a. m. for EUROPE, per s: a. Umbrls, via 4 Queenfitnwn and -Liverpool; at R:M a. m. j for BELGIUM direct, per si a. Kroonland (mal! must be directed '"per s. s. Kroon land"); at : a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per s. . Anctlorta (mail must ba - directed "per a a.. Artchoria") - Tanaatlntla Simla. fOrtCF. Flv cents) per half ounce, lit ad- - dltlon to he regular postage, must be -"prepaid on all letters forwarder bv the Supplementary mail., and letters - deposited In ' the drops marked "Letters i' tor-Foreign Countries," after the CL08- "INO OF 'THE REOOI.AR MAIT for des patch by -a particular vessel, will not be mo forwarded unless such sddltlonal post- - age Is fully prepaid thereon bv stamps, i Supplementary r. TranSatlantlo Malls are also opened on the plars &f the AMEB--1CAN. ENOLTSH- and FRENCH steami re whenever the sailiags' oconr at a.m. - or later; and lata mall may bedeponlted la : the mall- boxes on the piers of the Oer- - nun Unes sailing from. Hoboken. The mails on .the -piers .open one honr and a ifore -sailing time, ana clone ten minutes before sailing time. Only reg ular postage (letters 5 cents a half ounce) 4s required on articles mailed on the piers of the American, white star and r GERMAN sea post)' steamers; double !,i postage (letters 10, cents a-half ounce) on jarHmllm tor goothamd Central Amerlcn, -V-.'. "-i . .Waat laidlea, K. f Sl'RTDAY (2d). At 9 lC m. for 'ANTTOUA, S a.r r.riTV rrTTC 1TT1 CT ftTTi IT O 1 T). jvi Ani iniwu r uuaii uv j a hj . n x- BADOS. TRINIDAD. BRITISH, DUTCH . and FRENCH GUANA, per s. s. Pa. ' prcla; at :30 v. m. tor BERMUDA, per steamer rrom naurax. i RATtlRDAY 3d). At B a. m. for AROEN- "TINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per mi s. Cannlna: at 7:30 a. m. for NEW- rf FOUKOLAND-. 'per a. a. Silvia; at . 8:80 '-'-tn.' (supplementary 9:30' a. m.)"for PORTO RICO, ' CURACAO and VENE. ZUELA.4per a. a. Philadelphia (mall for 1 Colombia mast be directed "per s. s, ,JPhlladelphla")r,'at . 9:30 a. m. (supple 'mentary 10:80 a. m.) for FORTUNE I8L . 1 AND. JAMAIOA and COLOMBIA, except ('' Magdalen Dep't, per a. a. - Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be dlreoted "per s. s. Alleghany ) at : a. m. (sup. s-nfmntftrv 10:30 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS. - fe'f, ColX-.I.EBWARD -an 1V1ND- WARD ' ' ISLANDS, BRITISH- IXTTCH and FRENCH GUIANAjJper s. a. Fonta- belle; at w a.- nvi ior- uuba, per's Morro Castle, via Havana; at .10 a. m. v for GRENADA... TRINIDAD and C1U- .i DAD .BOLIVAR, per a. s. Maraval; at 12-an r m for Cuba, ter s,. s. Curltvba. J vla'Matansae. (mall rouat be dlreated per Halla Kore O-rartanaj, icte ' fix. Mt'i-ecpt-i Tranaaincu CUBA Yla Port Tampa, Florida, .closes at this office daily, except Thursday, a; (;I0 -a. m. (th connecting- malls close here' oa Mondays, Wednesoay and Saturdays:' MEXICO CITY Overland, unless speolally ilrirMsad far dlsnatnh bv steamet. closes at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1;W - m. and iv:ihi p. m. eunaays at ;w p. in. and 10:80 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except' Pa reels-Post Mulls By rail to North Sydney, and thenoe bv steamer, eloees ac this offloe daily at I:t0 p m. (connecting malls elosa are every, aionaay; weanesoay-ana eat urdavl. - . JAMAICA By. rail to 'Boston, and thenoe by steamer, -closes at -this office at 4:30 ?. an Tuesday and Friday. QUELON By rail to Boston, and thenoe - by steamer, closes at this office daiiy at 6:30 p. m, BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (East . Coast) - and . GUATEMALA By rail ta i New .Orleans And thence oy antamer. , closes at. this ofhea dally, except Sunday. at 11:80 p. m. and 10:S0 p. ro., Sundays . ai 11:00 p. m. and (10:80 p. ra. (connecting : mail clooea her Monday at 110:80 D. .m.t COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleana. sad thence by stearner, closes at this oitlce daily, except eunaay, at ii:su p. m. ana . lio 'fe: wt, p. m uunaays, at, p.- m. ana i :3d n. ua. (oon.-iectinn mail closer here jesdays at I10:8U D. m.). NICARAGUA (Eaat Coast) By rail to New Orleans and thence by ateamer. closea at. this office dally,, except Sunday, ! at 41:30. p. ja and 110:30 D. Hi., Sundays . it 11 :0ft n. m. and. 110:80 ih.in. Iconnertln '. mull 1 .closea.. here , Thursday . tt (10:34 ,D. Til. . , Regia)Me.maU closea at p. m. previous TraiBspsclfla Malls,. ForwyrMed . Over ' ' " land Dally. "The schedule - of closing - or "f ranspacifle r malls, la arrangea on the presumption of t their 'uninterrupted overland transit to .port of -Bailing. .The final connecting ., malls (xcpv registered transpaoltio ' malls which close nt p. m. previous day) close at thp general pestoffice. New York, as i fellows: (COREA, CH1NX and PHILIPPINB 'V18LAM38, via Vanoouver and Victoria. -UjC.; close' at :8 p. in. Augilst 30 for rilnnnti!h tier s. s. KmnrsaS of China. JAPAN, COREA. 'CHINA and PHILIP- PINbl ISLANDS, via 'Seattle, ekise at ..SO p., m. August so, lor uiepawn per a. a JffiW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (exrapt Wast). NOW. CALEDONIaT SAMOA. ' -Francisco,' close at V.S0 p. m. Septemlwr -I for dispatch per S. s. Sierra, (If 'the Cunard steamer carrying ths British mall "for New Zealand does not arrive In line to connect with this oiapatoh, extra malls cloning 'at t:3 a. m., :-a. m. and 8:80 p. m.; Sundaya at 4:30 a. tn., 9 a. tn. and - i:8 u. m. will awariada up and forwarded - unnl tD arrival of tne . unara steamer, i I: i i. , 1 1 . MtA2 . l r.- i rulvii ,.4 PHILIPPINB ISLANDS, via San Fran- i'Iimio, oloaa-at .)&. in . sleptember"8. lor t' dispatch per s s. t optic (TAHITI And MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via - Kan Francisco, close, at (:3d p, m, Sep- -tember ith for diapatco per a.-a. atari ' ' DOS. ' -''' FIJI ISLANnS." AUSTRALIA (exeept -.IV ,and NKW CALEDONIA Via Van- pouvr and Victoria. B. C., clyfce at 4uJ0 , p. m. Deptemper iv tor umiMtic-a yvr a. HAWAII, via San Francisoo, oloea at 9:8 p. m. 6 ptember 13. for tflapatcli per a. . alnil0(la.. HAWAII. .JAPAN. COREA; CHINA and . specially aaareBura man lur riiu.ir. ' i'iktio ISLANDS . via San Franclstco. 'close at 4:30 p. in.' Eeptember 13, for dl- Datoh per s, s. vura. JAPAN. iVRKV. IHJNA .and opaclnUy -addressed mill for PHiLIPPINb: 1SL- ANDS. via Tacoma, ioe at a.80 p. m . September t 23. for dlaputch per a. PHILlFi'tNE, I&LAND8' and .GUAM, via . .. .l . tf.uA r. n, ran rant im -u, iiw ! p....-i-r in. for dispatch er ir.,4?. 'lrannport, UlNruilull .nil KA&TEHN SIBKRIA at prsaant forwarded via Kusaia, luaiead of via Japan, tha usual route JOTE I nles otherwise addressed. Wsst Australia la rorwarand via Europe: NtW ' ICealaml Via San Franrir oo. and cert la puces in tha Chinese Provinces oi I un it a, Kuelrhow. ei-hwan and Kwangsl. via uinan inniane iiun-Kvai (gui fr:!lpptiies ape'4allv kidrrf.d "via Can. ada" or vtr Lurobe" must be fully pre- - puld at tha foralan rates. Hawaii Is for ' warned vis nan iTa.-icl-K-o xoiusiveiy. COKNKL1US VAN wOTI', 5 I'nstiBaater. Poatofflca. New York, N. Y., Aug. 8. 14, Imttwc rnr txttpt?t7QT prom tow a I COUNCIL MIfOR MKXT101, , ' i m Davis sells drugs. lXIerfs glasses fit. Btockert sella carpets. Schmidt's new studio, 406 Broadway. Swell photos at shrunk prices, William. Western Iowa college opens September L Special attention given to pictures for wedding gifts. Alexander, 833 Broadway. Open Sunday. Tucker s B'way studio. A. P. Anderson of Stanton, la., aged 70 years, lied yesterday afternoon at Mercy hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Beatty have gone to Minot. 8. D., where Mr. Beatty will take he position of assistant manager oi Implement, house. Judge J. E. F. -McOee, formerly tnis city, now of Independence, hn., I visit ing relatives here. He Is accompanied by his wife and son. Mrs. William Arnd and daughUjra, Uliva and Hescl. snd Miss Esther Tpomns. joii last evening lor a wee a visn .av Louis expoaltlun. - Word was received here yesterday of the sudden -death In Minneapolis of Major J. H. Marshall, formerly . wilh the iMorth weetern railroad here. . Mrs. O. w. uranam anu uiii". v . Millie Graham, of the county recoraer s oftJce, are home from a visit to v-uicagu and the St. 'Louis exposition. Mrs. Jennfe 8. Cottle, me new auiiju tendent of the Woman s Christian Associa tion hospital, has arrived from Coloiado and .yesterday entered upon her duties.. Tk. An r... tn have been clveu by the Council Bluffs Rowing association at Lake Munuwa this evening num ucl-ii ...j for two wceka on account of the death of Mrs. E. H. Lougee. ... jiidB ,N. W. Macy; who win presiae ai the Septtmber term of the district court. n me cny j-fneiuii; ,uu .imwuuvt hat he would impanel me grunu jury Tuesday afternoon, Septemuer , at i.ev o'clock - ;'-' The fegular meeting of council munn lodire of Ulks will be bold this evening. . A full attendance Is desired, as arrangements will be completed for the laying ol the Carnegie library cornerstone next Tuesday morning.' , .," " " ', Tha rnnnlar meetlnk 1 of the Woman S Christian Temperance . union will be held this afternoon at 3.30 o clock at thexlub rooms on Willow avenue, between Muln and Pearl streets. The annual election ot officers will be held. Henry A. Barnes and Llllle B. Smith, both ol Hamburg, la., were married In this city yesterday. Justice- Ouren ptttclating. Justice Ouren also performed the marriage ceremony ior a. d. reicriuu nun M. Christofferson, both of this city Mrs. Louise Walker filed an Information yeatei day..- charging her huoana, oamu Walker. 14 Avenue -O, with using .pro fane and obscene language and assaulting her and Mrs. Sage, a neighbor. A war r.n i. Walker's arrest waa issued. Hulda Hulbert filed an muirmniiou tha superior court yesierauy, . ,' 'B"' Henry Gllman with . disturbing tne .pe:- by using profane and obscene language, In vading the premises at 1024 Avenue L and isVatlltlng A man named Taylor. A ar rant for Oilman's arrest, was Issued. A. J. Larkln, a local real esiaie uro.., has filed a voluntary P''f """ .a His liabilities are -',; his assets at .ouv. .it"vi. brought suit in the district oourt .to nave certain, tax deeda to property ""' -t Larkln rataue suojeci w ' - George Apple, aged 66 year, aiea y- tefday afternoon at Mercy nuv-if tuberculosis. One daughter, MrsM. Hart. iik 'mai Tenth avenue, survives nlm. ine funeral will be hold Saturday morning at 8:30 o" lock from St. . Peter s church and burial win oe in tn.- iwi"i - On of the balloons containing a coupon f ood ' for a season ticket for the street air and carnival sent up from the Llks club bouse nearly two weeks ago waa brought In yesterday by -Carl Frlsbe, small boy living' in Crescent township, who found It Weanesuay vniiiB. . V"""1 traveled 'several mlleh. .The funeral of Mra. iuain n. iioug wm be. hqld this afterpoonai t o cioc irum St. trawl ";. 4iscop cuun.... 'i',1'-""-- Rev. tk. ..w. tDiac.. win'cuuui,., J. . . . leva! and lniermeAt will be in .ir-Vw cemetery. t rieima awinu remains ran- do so at tba bouae, m JThlrd street, between 11 a. m. and 8 p. OLi Mrs. Augusta Bonn, agea oo y"", it a late hour wednesaay- nigrn . u home of her daughter Mra A. H. Schulta, 800-Eighth avenue. Death waa due to the lnfirmlUea of old' age. Besides Mrs. SchuTt". one so, John Bmirt survives her. The luneral- wlll'be held from the reel Jence U Eighth avenue, this "ternoon at. 3 o'clock and hurial will be in Fair- view cemetery. Kv..u. v. puj. ('.IC of. St." Johni -English Lutheran churth, will conduct the services. Real Batata Transfers. Theaa transfers were reported to The Be September 1 by the Title. Guaranty anil Tniit comDiuiy of Council Bluffs: George W. ,L1pe and wife to Ellxabeth tturpnage, im.n, ui- 'i t SK addition, .a. c. d............--. -"--i' Joshua. H-Spn tl and wire i o i and J. ii. epaiii, set '","" wU neWi 214-76-81. W. d... 6.600 Joshua. H. Spalt and wire to una J. it. epam, iui , .u.vrv" "7, CCS Joshua, Ti. Spaitl ' and ' wife to H. ii JU . , oir. i.l w 17 and 18. block anu a. I OJin,.'. ' - : . . 1. Oakland, w. A;.. .'ii 4,306 Joshua H. Spa U ana wire xo . Oakland; lot 24. Auditor's aubdl vlsion seia BW 12-76-40; w. .d...i.... XT The Anderson company to J. x.. Jpn"- son, lot . piocx , nuiu ' l .I.IJM.in w A WO Hattle E. Wright' and husband to CTirta Chrlstensen. ii , V: " " "a " wi w a uawM'i addition. W. d... too Jennlei: feojand and huaband. Charles. J.Tt.n a. HolwayVTot 6, block . Carter-f Third addition to Hancock, 800 Charlei RoVand' and wife to John Hol way., part lot 6, block 8. Carter way,, part lot o, - - Third addition to Hancock; w. d.... ww Elghf transfers, total........ I13.6T8 Plumbing and heating. Blxby m. Retailers Blert OIBeera. The" Council Bluffs Retail Grocers' and ... a a. 1 a 4.A Butchera' aasoclation last inigoi these . officers: . President, John T. Mul queen; vice president, Jamea Jensen; trea urer, R. E. Daniels; secretary. R. H. Hunt. Ington; board of directors, Jacob Zoller, Mat Bartel, Martin Nelson, vonn n. loiirr, John Olson and H.. T Xnudsen.' The association. Intend to make every effort to secure the next annual meeting of the state' association for ims cny anu work In thle -direction, will, be Degun a once. The meeting will be held In May and would bring about 6.000 ylsltqrs to Council Bluffs. -. '' .' ' . "p;'T. Plumbine Cn. Trt. JSC Klght, Wfl : : Marriage Lirenae. tioensea to ' wed were Issued yesterday to the following: .. . ' N.ime aid "Realdenoe, '--George H. Carter, CounclliRluffs.. Madge' E. Penney, Council Bluffs.. Henry A. Barnes, Hamburg, Is.,.. Llllle B. Smith, Hamburg-. Ia.... B. F. Donaldson. Council JBluffs pora - Waltf nberry. Council Bluffs Ed Miller, Omaha Dora M. Burk, Omaha V...... A 81 Teteraon. Countlll til II IT S Age ..,.80 ....30 ....89 ....a ....48 ..10 Marie M. ChrlstotTerson, ppuncl Bluffs.. 19 WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE Fall term bnen September 1. New Cat alogue and College Journal for the asking. Writ or can tor n.roreaiiop. - , - B. P. MILI EU. President." Maaonlo Temple. 'rksst B81i Connell Blaffa, la. " LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. I Peart St., Couccll Bluffs. 'Poena SI. THE, OMAHA f DAILY BEE. FIUDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1004. BLUFFS: PARKER' MAN IS NOMINATED Hamilton Wilcox of QriBweld tha Demo cratio Nombea for Confess. HEARST FOLLOWINS FIVE VOTES' SHORT COBVcatloa Adopts Xo -. hat " Contents 'itself . . "; - doralng the" St. 'v Platform. Resolatlons, With En Louis Hamilton Wilcox - of Grfswold. Cass county; waa yesterday named by tha dem ocrats of the Ninth district as their can didate for congress. The nominee la prea ldent of the Bank of Grlswold and one of the largest cattle raisers in southwest ern Iowa. He Is known as a sound money democrat and Is said to be In accord with Judge Parker'a views on the money Ques tion. Th convention waa presided over ty Judge Exra Wlllard of Atlantic, who waa named aa temporary chairman by S. B. Morrlsey, chairman of the state democratic central . committee and also chairman of the congressional committee, when he called' the gathering to order,' one fipur after the appointed time. B. W. Gregory of Shelby county was named aa temporary secretary. The temporary organization was later made permanent. When Judge Wl'lard assumed the gavel there were only nineteen delegates present. Adair county, with Its seven votes, was not represented, so -in place of there being eighty-two votes In the Convention therw were only seventy-five. Judgo Wlllard re frained from making any speech and the convention got down to business by .naming the following committees: "Credentials L. L. Delano, Cnss cotinty; N. D. Hamlin. Audubon; C. F. Hflland, Guthrie; W. J. Burke. Harrison: J. R. Ora ham. Mills; William Boll, Montgomery; Roscoe Barton,-Pottawattamie; O. P. Wy- land,-Shelby. ,,'. Permununt Orffonliatlon J. C. Bryant. Hamlin. Auduron; r. nei- (and, Guthrie; W. H. Remington, Harrl- , Sffi;E!L'!Emtn nrie; W. C. Campbell, Shelby .'-When It came to the appointment of. a committee on resolutions, Roscoe Barton Of Pottawattamie suggested that a com mittee b dispensed with and that the 'con vention adopt as its platform the platform adopted by. the national convention in St. Louis. His suggestion met with unanimous favor. -' ; 1 ' .There was a tedious delay before the committee on credentials reported. ' It de veloped there was a contest In , the repre sentation from Guthrie county, C. F. Hel land was the only duly elected, delegate from that county present,' but L. N. Nea aelroad of Gjithrle Center was .there with six proxies. -Now, It happened that at the county convention In Gdthrle, when the deiea-ates to the congressional convention were selected, .a resolution waa adopted pro hibiting any proxies, Neeselroad contended that the action of tha county convention waa undemocratic 'and illegal and should not be recognised by the congressional con ventton,' and that h ahould be permitted to vote hla alx proxies. The credentials committee, however, deolded otherwise,' and Delegate C F. Heiland had the honor of castlnar tha full- aeven - votes; of Guthrie county all by. htrhsel.., ;In itg report the committee on credentials recommended that all proxies be . allowed "except from such counties wher the oounty convention had ruled otherwise. The report of the commute waa adopted and Mr. - Neasei- road was compelled to take a seat among the spectators. . ' Then cam the work of naming a candi date to make' the race against . Congress man Walter Ii Smith. ' Hamilton Wilcox waa placed .In nomination by Charles F. Chase of Atlantic editor of the Atlantic Democrat. Mr. Wilcox, tha Caas county editor aaid, had learhed hla democracy when a youth In New . Xork under Samuel J;: Tllden, and had - faithfully adhered to itg principles ver plncei The name of. 8. B. Wadsworth of Council Bluffs, who was nominated two years ago and defeated by Judge Smith, waa brought before the con vention by Roscoe Barton of the Pottawat tamie delegation. No. other names ' were brought out and the first ballet ave the nomination to wu- cox' by 40 votes to 85 for Wadsworth. un, motion, of L. Ia Delano of Caas county the nomination waa aeeiarea-unanimoua. uc ballot waa aa follows: Wilcox Cass county, 9; Aububon, ; Guth rie, 7; Harrison. 7; Pottawattamie, l; Shelby, 10. Total, w. ' Wadsworth Hnrrlson county, 3; Mills, 8; Montgomery, 6; Pottawattamie, 19. Total So. A committee consisting oi ur. nmni" Roscoe Barton and Frank Tamlsea was sent to escort the nominee before the con. ventlon. Mr. -Wilcox said he ought to ba thankful. for a nomination . for congress In the Ninth district, seeing that two years ago (ha republicans had a majority of 7,000. However, he said he appreciated tn nonor and as the party had placed the banner in his hands he would carry It as high aa he could, although he could not carry It alone and would want every democrat In the nine counties to assist htm. Ha thought that by organisation the republican major ity ot 7,000 could be lowered to 2.0O0, which It waa in 1891 .' The congressional committee waa reor ganised aa follows '..Cass; L. L Delano, At lantic; Audubon, N. D. Hamlin, Hamlin; Guthrie, J. W. Morris, Panora; Harrison, W, J: Burke,' Missouri Valley; Mills, Paul Flammant, MLneola; Montgomery, William Boll, Red Oak; Pottawattamie, W. H. Schurs, Council Bluffs; Shelby, C. O. War ren, Harlan. Tha commute met after the convention and selected L. I Delano as chairman, who will appoint the secretary. - For Rent. . An excellent offlc location, fronting on Pearl street, only half i. block from Broad way, with a- nice larg showwlndow which can ba used for display. Be offlc, 10 Pearl street. Council Bluffs. ,- ekool Baliaing In Readiness. Work on repairing apd placing the several school buildings In the city In condition for th opening of school on Monday, Septem ber1 12, la almost completed. The Twen tieth 'Avenue, Eighth Avenue and Pleroe Street achools have been painted through out on th inside, and the Third Street, North Eighth Street. Harrison Street and Madison - Avenue , buildings hav bean treated to a coat of paint on tha outslda, At tha Twentieth Avenue and Eighth Av enue buildings metal ceilings hav been put In. The eoa( of ths repairs carried out by tha committee on buildings and grounds wlll-mt,.xceed $S.600 which., Is S$0Q lea than, what the total expense had been esti mated. . .' Fnneral of JDngeaa Darraagh, Th funeral of tuncan,IJL Darraugh, son of Mrs. Anna Darraugh.' who died Monday, was. held ' Wednesday morning from . St. Francie Xavler'a CathoHo church.' High mass of requiem was celebrated at t o'clock, R., Father Smyth officiating, the serv ices being attended by many sorrowing friends of th family who had kaowa th deoeasd sine childhood. There wera many beautiful floral tributes' and iha mu sic furnished by a qoartr-l . composed! of Messrs. Harry Burkley, Clinton Miller and Mra. Belhge of Omaha and Mrs. John Beno, Jr., was Very Impressive. Miss Margaret Swift of Omaha presided at thd organ. The pallbearer were : Messrs Ous Louie, M.t Q. Moxley, Harry Larson, Theodora Tholl, James P. Mulquoen sad Charles F. Paschel. Interment was In , St Joseph Cemetery. , - FAISTISa OER Tit 4 TIR ANOTHER Tonches Clerk Reed Wall H la Maklnst Oat Commitment. "Fainting Bertha" Llebbecke will one again be corns an Inmate of tha Stat Asylum for the Insane at Clarlnda as a charge of Pottawattamie .county. Tha com missioners on lmanlty yeaterday adjudged her Insane and decided that her legal resi dence was In this city., She will be de tained for a few days at 8t. Bernard's hospital and will thea be' taken to Clar lnda. . . Bertha was brought .over from. Omaha yesterday morning, tha1 authorities there deciding ' that she rightfully belonged on this side of the river. County Attorney Klllpack protested "against her being re ceived from the Omaha offtoere, but Attor ney A. T. FUoklnger of the Insanity board took the position that the board had no alternative but to receive the young woman and examine Into her case, aa It had done on several prevloua occasions. Bertha was born, and raised In Council Bluffs and Is regarded purely aa a local product, al though the city has no reason to be proud Of her. When the board yesterday morning de cided to adjudge her Insane and send her back to the state asylum at Clarlnda, Ber tha adopted, her usual tactics of weeping, alternating with hysterical spells of laugh ing. Before, being taken to St. Bernard's hospital Bertha asserted she would appeal from the finding of the board, as she was perfectly sane, shrf said,, and Jf, only given another opportunity would reform. While Freeman Reed,' clerk of the dis trict court, and secretary. of the insanity board, was making out Tier commitment. Bertha sidled up - to him and before Mr. Reed was aware of it, she had succeeded In purloining his watch and chain. She laughingly, however, returned the time- piece to the Astonished official, saying she " un. When the commit- ment was prepared an4.,Sher1ff Canning was .waiting to escort the young woman to St. Bernard's. Bertha,; made a dash for one . of the outer, offices, .exclaiming she would jump' through the window. -No ef fort was made to restrain her,, and, In fact, she would probably . have been as sisted to make -the leap, ;so anxious' are the authorities' here to be rid of her, but Bertha on 'reaching the .window changed her mind. v ' ' ! Getting Ready, for Cnrnlrnl. xFlrst avenue, between- Pearl and Sixth streets; was closed to vehicle traffic 'yee terdaV, as the turnstiles and gates to the street ' fair and . carnival grounds were placed In position. Workmen are now put ting up tha.. canvas fence, around the grounds and by Saturday night they will be entirely' enclosed. Foir- the accommoda tion of visitors, the management haa had cpnstructed a numbet.of large settees, cap able of seating ten persbrls. " These will be In addition to..the regular, park seats and hundreds of camp e&alra.n- i .- ji: This year the carnival grounds will be enlarged by the adltlin. of the large va cant Jot on Sixth sre ojjp'pslte th post office,, on which onei'of'flha Gaskill com pany'r big ahows will be Jocated. ' The Daughters- ofthe American. Revolu tion have tendered their ' service? Jothe management Iti entertaining the visiting' old settlers who attend the exercises on Old Settlers' day, which will; be -Tuesday. The Woman's Christian Temperance associa tion' has offered the use of Its hospital tent on the grounds, and there) the visiting pio neers will be received and provided with badges and other provleton oipde for their comfort and entertainments .,- . . Wedding Gifts. Pictures make Ideal, ones. .7 Alexander's Art Store has a large assortment, 833 Broadway. OMAHA UIRL'a DEATH CAUES SI IT M. H. Wheeler, Injured la Accident, Asks Damages from Fort Dodge, FORT : DODGHX Sept! M.-KSpeclal.) Judge Whitaker of the district court Is now engaged in hearing, xa case against tha city of Fort Dodge, for' 120,000 damages for personal Injuries sustained by one M. M. Wheeler on July 4,' 1903, who was struck by Clara Rasmusseni. a "slide for life" performer who met her death Eera on . that date by the breaking of the har ness which she wore. ' The case involves a question of liability on the part of the' city 'for the accident and the Injury of the plaintiff who was a spectator. ' Th best lefc-al talent has been engaged by both sides andr. the case Is be ing bitterly fought. r-.- Ope of the attractions on July 4,. 1903, was a . slide for life" act. A strong wire waa fastened to the top of , the court house and run to a large telephone pole aoma 800 'feet distant. The performer was on amateur and the proper harness for th aet did not arrive In time to he A temporary on waa constructed of web bing and preparations were made for th attraction. A crowd of people estimated at several thousand were on hand to wit ness the thrilling and daring act. The per former was a beautiful young girl whose home waa In Omaha. She had been en. gaged by th people with -whom she trav eled to do vaudeville work,;, but agreed' to make the allde for the regular performer. She was given the start, but tha puller tuck and ah complained that something waa wrong. A hasty examination was mad and everything pronounced all riant. She waa. given aaother start and had pro ceeded but a ahort distance when the har ness which supported her; gave away and she waa precipitated Into the -crowd below with fearful velocity. In her downward descent she 'Struck M. M.' Wheeler, who was felled, to. the" pavement and taken to the, hospital, where his Injuries, while very painful, did, not prov serious. The girl a-as Instantly killed and her manager and nls wife served a sentence for criminal negligence. Mr. Wheeler now aeeka to re cover damagea from tha city on the grounds that It ia 'llabls. Th question of liability Is conceded .tq. be a close on and la creating wide Interest. TORM DESTROYS CIRCl'S TESTS Barnaaa at Bailer's Los Estimated at Eight .Thousand. IOWA CITY. Ia.. Bept l.-(Speclal.)A violent wlndatorm blew down the . Bar num A. Bailey tents tonight shortly after 7 o'clock, doing great daaiag- Th cir cus and menagerie . tent a ' fall ,nd gaso line lamps Ignited th main tent, part of which waa burned. Nobody was Injured except fiv 'ahowmen who' suffered light burn In axUngulshlng the' fir. . Th man agement, fearing th atorn, had refused admittance to several thousand people, hene th teats wer empty except for em ployes. The cage wer overturned, but tha animals ' wer also removed befor th atorm broke, and thus i stamped was averted. Th damage to th tent, eto., 1 estimated at SS.Out USERS" 'HAYIXC TROUBLES Joint Board if Trying to Adjust ths Differ noes Three Flaoes. INTEREST ON STATE FUNDS DECREASES Employment Agencies Report Strikers -from Varlona Parkins; Towns Are Seeking Employment later Asanmed Karnes. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Sept. 1. (Special.) A meeting of tha Joint board of mine oper ators and coal miners In district No. 13 Is being held In this city for the purpose of considering some of tha .recent .labor troubles In tha mine district. The seal of wages waa agreed to for the entire district last winter and it will continue two years. In case of disagreements the board will decide all matters. There are disagree ments at three points In th district. At the Numma mine, near. Oskalooaa, the miners were dlswatlsfled over the wages and conditions and claim that In some slight particulars the operators ihav not lived up to the, agreements. They all quit In a body. No strike waa ordered' and the local miners' organisation disclaims any responsibility,, but. the. men .quit aa n dlvlduals. The mine was shut down. At Mendota, Mo., there waa a misunderstand ing as to the screens and It waa submitted to arbitration, but th operaSprs declar the mlnera have not acqulerced. At Colfax 600 miners stopped work In mine at Seeyers and Andersonvllle. Since the purchase of the Jasper County Coal railroad by th Colfax Northern an arrangement haa been made by which the miners are required to pay for transportation to the mines. Th coal road formerly carried the -men, free and they insist that this waa part ot the agreement they entered Into. Th road was owned by the persons who owned th coal mines and runs from Colfax out to the mines. . This matter ta subject to arbitra tion here. The conference Is not yet con cluded. ..,' Bank Interest to Iovra. The state treasuier today figured up the Interest due the state of Iowa from Des Moines banks for the month of August and j found that It amounted to 82,194.21. This Is , less than the previous month. The balance In Des Moines banks to the credit of the state was II, 210,000 for the month. It Is expected the balance will steadily decrease until about the middle of October, when It tvHI begin to Increase again. The new law requiring banks to pay the state Interest on balances held will yield the state about 828,000 a yesr. ' . Strikers as Strike Breakers. Managers of local employment agencies who have been active In furnishing men to bo aent to Kansas City, Omaha and Chi cago for the packing house work declare that recently they have had many appli cants from members of the union who Ac cept employment as breakers of the strike. In many cases they show their cards and state plainly thtt they are union men, but that they must have work and desire to be sent to some place other than where they have previously, worked and to go under assumed names. In this way the employ ment agencies say they have secured a large number of persons for tha packing hcuses who ara skilled workmen. , Want n Vladnrt Change. Residents . of ' Marshalltown today . peti tioned the state railroad commissioners to rhake a change in the location of the pro posed viaduct over the railroads In Mar shalltown, changing from Center street, where it has been ordered, to Third avenue, where It was originally planned to place the viaduct. 1. There was filed ' with the secretary of state today amendments to the articles of Incorporation of .the Iale of Pines Land and Development 'company, an Iowa company having headquarters in the Isle of PJnes and one ef the companies protesting against cession of th Jsland to Cuba. There are several Iowa . companies doing business there. ' Consummate m Merger. The Dea Molnec plant 6f the Continental Biscuit company In this city was. taken over today by the National Biscuit com pany of New York, and thua ends a long fight here between rival trusts. It Is stated that the same , change was made as to tha plant at Cedar, Rapids .which . has been owned by tile' Continental. The old man agers are retained by the v new owners. Similar changes are expeated wherever the Continental , has maintained factories, '- Demurrage on State Coal. Attorney -General' Mullan haa given th Btate Board of Control an opinion in which ha hold that the railroads cannot collect demurrage charges on coal and other ship, ments to state Institutions by aelsure of the material shipped, aa U done In ilia case of private property. Other methods of col lectlng must-be ised,. But he points out that the only question In regard to de murrage charges, the legality ' of which have long been upheld, by the courts. Is th reasonableness of the charge and the method ot applying. 1 No Voting Machines. The litigation over the purchase of vot ings machines by thia county will result In failure to make us of the voting ma chines at th coming election unless a com promise Is reached. Injunction and other processes wer secured and the voting ma chine company Is so tied up that It will ,do nothing' toward delivering the ma chines. ' This Is regarded as certain to end In nondelivery In time to fulfill the con tract and then the county will refuse to purchase machine at all. Fifty machines had been purchased.' but the makera of rival machines declared those purchased were not good. Rebekaha Eleet Offleers. ONAWA. Ia., Sept. 1. (Special,) The dis trict convention of the Northwest Iowa As sociation of Rabekahs waa one of the beat ever held tin the diet riot. Delegates wer present from Suton, LeMars, Mapleton, Correctlonvllle, Sloan, Sioux City, Smith- land, caatana. Mount Whiting and other polnta. Mapleton gets th next conven tion. , Tha new officers elected are: Presi dent. Mrs. Laura Churchill, Onawa; v!c prealdent, Mra. Emily J. Counts, Mapleton; treaaurer, Jeanette Roes, Correctlonvllle) warden, Mrs. Nelll Harrison, LeMars; conductress. Flora Burgess, Onawa; Inside guard, Mjr"- Sadla Wilson, Correctlonvllle j outside guard, Mr. F, B. Gates, Sloan) chaplain, Mra. Lillian Becker; secretary, Mra. Anna C. Harrington; press corre spondent, Alice J, Blair; organist, Mrs. Jennie Cox. . Tornado nt Blgonra, Iowa. ' SIOOURNET. Ia., Bept. l.-A smail-slsed tornado which struck her tonight demol ished several barns, Vprooted trees, tor dowa windmills and did. much other dam. age. There was no loss of llf, NEW YORK, Sept. l.AU gradea'of re fined sugar wer advanced i cent per 100 (ounda today. - Ft Ball for Nan fatter sen. NEW YORK, Sept. l.-Ball for tha re lease of Nan Patteraon, Indicted for the murder of Caaaajr Young, waa Axed today at $30,000 by Justice Amend In th suprenae court. It was said that th necessary amount would be furnished. CRAWFORD RECALLS PETITION Attorney to Theater Proprietor Bay II Is Rot Entitled to Bank rnntey Relief. TOPEKA. Kan., Sept. 1. L. M. Craw ford, owner of a string of opera houses from St. Louis to El Paso, withdrew hi petition In bankruptcy tn the federal court today. His attorneys stated that Mr. Crawford waa not entitled to auch rdlef. Litigation In this case haa been before the court for five years. Mr. Crawford's wealth Is estimated at close to tl.noo.OCO, while the amount of his debts Is unknown to the public. Woodmen of the World Special Train to St. I.onls. Th Woodmen of th World hav ar- rranged with tha Wabash to run a special train, leaving Omaha Union station at 8:43 a. m.. Council Bluffs 9 a. m., Sunday, Sep tember ,11. A very -low round-trip rat. 88.60 from Omaha, 88.26 from Couacll Blurts, with' correspondingly low ratea from all stations. - ' Everyone Invited to Join special train. Insist upon your ticket reading, via Wa bash, th only line with its own station at main entrance of World's fair grounds, thus saving time, extra car far and an noyance. For all Information call at Wa bash city office, 1801 Farnam street, or ad dress HARRY E. MCORE8, O. A. P. D. Wabash -Railroad, Omaha, Neb., Texas Parking Plant Damaged. DALLAS, Texas, Bept. 1. Fire today partly destroyed the smokehouse of the Armstrong Packing plant In this city. Loss 113,000. ' Bright' Di.ast Caused the death of Doctor Bright. Bright' Disease is simply slow congestion of the Kid neys. In the lent stage the congestion becomes acute and the victim lives a few hours or a (ew days, but Is past saving. This Insidious Kid ney trouble is caused by sluggish, torpid, con gested liver and slow, constipated bowels, whereby the kidneys sr Involved and ruined Drake's Palmetto Wine is a foe to eonrestlon of Liver. Kidneys and tissues. It promptly re lieves the congestion and carries it out of the Liver, Kidneys, tissues and blood. Drake's Palmetto Wine restores the mucous membranes to healthy condition, relieves- the membranes throughout the body from Inflammation and Catarrh and cures Catarrh. Constipation and Liver and Kidney disease to stay cured,. . It gives relief immediately, builds up vigor and health, prolongs lire and makes It enjoyable. A trial bottle always gives relief and often cures. A trial bottle will be sent to every reader of this pai C01 1 per who will write for It to Drake Formula mpany. Drake Building. Chicago. 111. A postal card will bring this wonderful tonic Palmetto medicine to you absolutely free. It Is a boon to diseasa-ladened, pain-ridden men and women. X5he Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago ; Only S15 00 DEADW00D, LEAD AND DAKOTA HOT SPRINGS . AND RETURN Tuesdays and Saturdays Till September 17, inclusive i' W ' .15 CLEVELAND. TORONTO, BUFFALO AND RETURN 'City Offlce 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. v OMAHA .c TEL. 834-681 J . For Menstrual Suppression SiWlfPEN-TAN-GOT told In Omaha by 8hermB A McConnall Drus Co. Mall orders Alloa. Tredo tuppllod. II a Soil I boioa fi GOVMRNME.IT hoticfji. OFFICE CONSTRl'CTINQ QUARTEK- master. Fort Leavenworth. Kan.. Aug. 31. 1H04. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until U a. m.,-. central time, September 29, 1904, and then opened, for the construction of three (8) double sets of lieutenants' ' quarters, .Including plumbing, 'heating and elefctrlc wtrlng, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Bidders will state In their bid the time In which they will complete the ' work na time will form an important consiqeration in me awara. r un information and blank forms of proposal furnished on application to this office, where plans and specifications may be seen. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any port thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed "Pro posals for Public Buildings," and addressed to Major V. J. McCarthy, Quartermaster. ,. '.' . 8 1. J,,. 6. ip, 28 GO $27 L a Very , popular are the Burlington' IIOME VISI-, TOKS' EXClJIaSIONS each autumn to the middle'east," t'nibradng large sections of Ohiojnd Kentucky,' as well aa all points In Indiana. ' : lj .', , .. , KATE: One farfe pluB two dollars, round trip. ' DATES OP SALE: Each Tuesday In September also Tuesday, October 11 Good thirty days. '. ,A , STprOVEHS IN ST. LOUIS. These tickets carry" World fair Btopover privileges in St Louis within final limit of the ticket. r A large section of the middle states can be reached cheaply on these low rate excursions. . For exact rales nnl all particulars, of your journey, for .berths, folders, etc., write or call. . - REYNOLDS,- City Pas a. ONE-WAY RATES via; v.'. . UNION PACIFIC ' - s ' FROM" Missouri River Terminal (Kansas City t Conned Blnfts, Inclesfv) , EVERY DAY SEPT. IBTH TO OCT. I9TH. 1004 $25.00 to San Francisoo, Los Angplea, Fan Dlcgo, and many other California points. . V to Everett, Falrhatcn, Whatcom, Vancouver ami Victoria r- $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 to Portlnnd, Astoria, Ta coma and Seattle. . . . ;- to Ashland, 'itoaebnrp;, Eugene, . A lb a n jr a;d Salem, Including branch lines in Oregon. to Spokane and Intermf dlnte O. n. & N. point to Wenotchee and inter mediate points. to Butte,- Anaconda, Helena, and all interme diate' tnaln line points,' , $22.50 $20.00 $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City, and Intermediate main line points. sFor fuller information cpll or addrea ' City Ticket Offlce, 1334 Farnam $U rThone 810. "V O. M..& Tel. 611 7 , MESSENGER AND ' BAOQAQB. 1611 Farnam Street. WILL GET YOUR BAGGAGE THERB ON TIME. - L MT61 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TKNTH AND MABC Y, 1 - . J i . Chicago, Rock Island Pacta. - BAST- '. ' Lost. antra, CRlnt D7lllt Wmlto a S:t any Chlcaso Dajrhsnt Looat - 1 :00 -a MHa Chicago Eipreaj ....ll:ll sat a t it oat Dm Molnn Kipmo a :M pm hlliMaoi Cblcaso f aal Kiproas a : WEST. Rocky Mountain Limited .a TrSSaa a tiMas) Lincoln. Colorado Springs. Da- Tor, Fvoblo and woat al:Mss !:( Chicago Great Western. . St Paul Mlonoapollf Ltmltoa..e (Km s T: liars St. Paul A latnacaaolls Siprooo.a 1:aia a : Chicago Limited : al:Mat Chicago gproaa ....,,,,-. am aaifltpui Union Pacific The Overland Limited li:Hta s list sat Colorado A California sUpraas..a 4:10 m a SiotaaS Chicago-Portland SMlal ..a av. Eaetera Biproos a l:N a Columbus Local , .,..,..... J:J pnt g S:M as, rntf.r.dn Bncrlal ...'a T:4lasi Chicago Special . ..-..Ii.. . ..J aSiStsat Beatrice Local wm-mmwm aft'iopm rait Mall ... Cblcaaro 4 Fast Chicago Local Chicago at Mao I4ssa Kortavtraates-n. A .....'...a I Wpis 1Mm ...... .aUMsa Mall Hall mimxii... i-hvb e-avsi Daylight St. Paul s t sa H:Mpi rtlw.Kt frAmm I..... ....... ..a f'.rt ana Uiana, ,.a a:i pat g.gssas Limited Cblcaso , I P J:llaa Local Carroll ...... a pm I Nia Fait 8U eas'v ... l:lpe T Maal Local Sioux City SU rami...-. diOtsaa a l-Nia rait Mall S : pas Chicago Bipraas ..,.....,.... . a : Norfolk A Boaoataol .i.--a I: OS am M-Maat LiBeola A Long Plna. ,.,,-... i:JJ aa U:ti aa baadwood A Llncolk .mcoia . ,,.vpa Caapar Wyoming .... Uaatinga- Albion ...... Mlaaunrl Pacltta. 4 :H)a 1:1 pa. MHMiiMiilMia ooopsi St. Lonla anproas ...........,....al: SlS 'l SiStaea ! Kansas City A St. Laula Bu wm i iw, pan : pa aUMaa Woild'a Fait Spoola Wabash. St. Loulaannao Ban Bzpi .IIMM aS-SSaaa Now World'a ralr ......a 1:i am a t a pa , Irf-f troa council hiubb... ..ai:iam es:) a Illinois Central. Chisago Ey-proaa ............,..,...S J Hla tH H Ml Chicago LlmlUd aTitop HiNia Hlnncapolla S Paul Bipms. .k f :tn aa buiaapa Minneapolis St. Paul Umltou..a tiM pa a S.-ttt pa CUIcaao, Slllwnulae . aL Chicago UayllSht tapntaa ! t M aa all: pa Lailioiula-uraaou auirea a 1:1 pa Uierlau Unuud a :( pa a t:e ai iios Moians a uaotiojl Bapraas...a tiM aa .a SU aa ULRLINGTON STATION-IOTH Wk asASO.f CblcaBO, Bnrllnton as Sgnlaer.", . . ..anava. Arrl.' ' Cblago aperisl ..........'...A -l aa a l:H pa Cblcaao VaotlbuloU Bipxaaa.,... a :Wa. a t M am Cblcaso Local ?:H H:9!l" Chicago UmiMd .....a pa. a Tie pa Past Matl ..r "... Slat pa Unrllnaxtna a Ua'BM . Uv. , ' ' W;aaora. BaaUto a Llooola ...., S:H aa U:S) pa Mcbraaka Bipraas ..aiea aliogpas Poutoi Llmwad '.upa a (:W aa Black Uilla aa Pusot Sous Bs..aU:ipa a .M pa Loioradii Vaatlbulod riya a lie pa Liacola raat Mall :St Pol alt ai pa Fort crook 'uttamoata .... t:at pa M:Uaa Bellevua A Paoino Junction .,u..i 1 It i a M aa UalloTue PaclBO Juuetloa aS:Maa- ballayu and , PlaUaiaiuik.,....hUiU pa .. . Kaaaaa Cttr alospi at Conncll .Blnfla. ...... v. Kanaaa -City Day i . . . , ,.B.1f sa s!pa a l:a pa aUxa aa ..aM.aapa :et aa a,. Lakib riror Kaaaa City Might Eipraaa.... WEBSTER DKPOT 10TU d v tSBSTER. Mlssonrt Pacta. .. lata, : AM. h 4:1 pa lU M pa M'braaka Local, Via WoOBtBg Water Chicago, , It Panl. atlnnantU , Omaha. " ;' f win City Paaansar H Nia t:Mpa Slous City raaiieoaar .............a l oo pm all M am Oakland Local k M pm . k 14 a D Deity eacapt Soaday. Dally etoept Motf. d pally neapi BACGt Agt, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha.