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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WKDXESDAY, ACOUST 81, 1904. CRAW AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Futures Strong Early, but Closed Weak and 1 6-80 to 2o Lower. corn is Slightly lower than on konday High Friers . laaae Proflt Taklag Foslttoa el Wheat Still favors , the RalleOats Steady Coansnerelal Gossip. OMAHA. Aug. to, 14. Grain markets of tne worl were some what caster today, as a result of protll taking on the part of longs mat acquired cereaia at the opening yesterday spd on th better weather inau. raina that threat ened disaster being avoided and the situa tion be nc a Utile better, Bo tar aa ins crop yieid IB concerned, the situation Is not materially chanaed. The Price Cur ' rent ailll attcas to- Its estimate of i,Uo,wJ0 bushel of neat, the Northwestern miih r conies back with larger than this, but the Snow-Jones estlmstes are riven mora era tlence. The hnal returns can alone settle the much mooted question. Tnat wheat prices are high Is the one argument ol the pears, coupied with the belief that the high flvuies will hrlna- wheaJ onto the market. Last year there waa required for seed 7J.74o.iiOO bushels of wheat and for. flour 4o.mhii.uii0 bushels, making a total of bM Tn.mX) bushels for seed and bread. If the ? ear's crop should fall below this amount t la difficult to sue where Kurope Is going In draw for Ita sunollrs. and not hard to figure outthe American ahoriage. In Ii2-0J tne requirements for seed and flour were tsu.ffin.uuu bushels and In lwul-ffi &t;,Tlt,uuu busuela. These are actual figures and when considered In connection wltn tho estlnfates of the wheat crop for the current year of 600,000,000 bushels make the short age apparent and the prospect tor higher prices alluring. There were some strong spots after the first declines, but the oflerlntta ot specula tlve wheat increased and eventually bore the price list down fully 1 points on tne September delivery (which Is practlcaily over unless some interesting auuation should be developed, which la not at all llkeiy), 1 on December and 1 on May The weather man was more encouraging The Price Current people still predict clone to tt,uuu,uj bueneis wneat crop, ana me feeling that prices are as hlgn as they hould be, with the shortage acknowledged. caused reaction. Corn sympathised with wheat and was aiso ant. lea similarly ty a obiter weainer maD and encouraging reDorta aa to proa pectg. For immediate delivery valuea were steady, also tor September, but the deterred iutures were aoout tc on. Oata were comparatively tnady, not suffi cient changes to call' for special comment. Cash grain In Omaha, sold well consider ing the auallty of the aumDlea offered. Higher prices could readily be obtained for something or better quality. Omana Grain InsDectlnns Ins 7 cars No. I hard wheat. ( cars No. 4 hard wheat, 1 car No. 4 mixed wheat, 1 car no grade wheat, 1 care No. I corn, S3 cara No. I corn. 1 car No. 4 corn. 4 cara No. I yellow corn, 1 car No. 4 white corn, 6 cars No. 1 white oata, t cars No. I white oats, 1 car no grade oats, cara standard oats; total, 68 cars. Out: I cara No. I corn, 3 cars No. a corn; total, 4 cars. Chicago stocks, contract wheat. In regu lar warehot see; No. 1 hard wheat, 871,784 bu.: Increase 234.730 bu. No. 2 red wheat. 436.937 bu. ; Increase, 6.615 bu. No. 1 north ern wheat. 10,148 bu.; decrease, 6.800 bu. Total. 828.868 bu.; Increase, 237.446 bu. Corn. 1 460.000 bn.; decrease. 817.823 bu. Oata, 116, tOO bu.; Increase, 36,400 bu. . ... Cash Grata, Market- ' . , .' . Omaha. No. t hard wheat... 98 tyi.ttt No. t hard wneau.. 87' No. 4 hard' wheat... it ' - Chloago. 1.07 tKl.ll 1.02 Wl.Os l.MiVi.laVi Ho. i spring wneat. l.vf ntl.ll 108 (u-1.14 l.Ut bo. I spring wheat.. 99 o. 4 apring vnnu. No grade wheat.... No. t corn No. corn ...i..... No. 4 eorn No grade corn . ..... . 4s. . 47 . . 47 .i46 64 63W 63 60 66a 64J 6i'V"i . 63 SI 0H 83 Q 32 63 04 6M No. i yellow corn. 49 No. I yellow corn... 4i iso, wiiii corn. 64 so. I white corn., No mixed oats.. . No. I mixed oata.. 48 . , - 63 No. 2-whtte oats.... 81 No. white oata. ... SM No. 4 white oata.... SO Standard oata ...... 83 ' - '. j Omaha Fataros. KM 88 32H 14 - The ' following opening, high. woetngcoaaf ana Monday on the Omaha Oraln Exchange;- Corn - Close - Open. High. Low. Today. Mon'y. ;Bept ...... 4tiHA 46A 46 A 46 B 4t,A Deo 46'AA 46HA 46HA 46B 44. , May ....., 46T4A 46A 46 46 A. . Omaha Cash Bales 1 car. No. 4 wheat, ' teat 61 lbs., 87c; 1 car no grade wheat, 80c; 1 car No. I corn, 4740; t cara No. t corn, 48c, C Lot Roeelpts. v Wheat. Corn-. Oats. . 24 Chicago, .164 i 817 iraiuin hi ... Minneapolis 8u6 ... Omaha 14 41 Knaa City 62 103 Bt. Louis 14S 66 11 67 Primary Receipt Wheat, 853,000 bu.. against 901.0UO bu.; corn, 728.000 bu., against Primary' Shipments Wheat, .641,000 bu.. against 4u6,000 bu.; corn, 42.000 bu., against 632.000 bu. Bradatreot Visible Supply. Wheat East of Rockies, Increase. 848.000 bu.; Europe and afloat, increase, 800,000 bu.i total. Increase, 1,149,IM) bu. - Corn Decrease, 13,000 bu. ' Oat Increaae, 6.293,000 bu. rala .Wheat September . P'jceraber .. May Corn September . December .. May Oats September . December .. May......... Wheat ' September , December ,. Corn Market Elsewhere. CHICAGO. ' i - Today. Monday. .i,.,...J..... X.Ua 1.0, 1 ,17. . .- T . ... ......... .V7V MO l.tftfti 1U 62H 48H 81 H 61'" 81 83'i 86 ST. LOU 14 1.0 ueoe ruber Wheat ' , September December Corn , , September December Wheafr- . September December 49'4 48H KANSAS C1TT. ... & ... 91 4T4 40H- MINNEAPOLIS. 1.11 MIS . Ml l.ll DUDUTH. Wheat September 1.14 1.1W. l.Os- , NEW YORK. Wheat September December ..... 1.11H .r... 11-' 1.1214 t'OKMerelsl Oossla. : Northwestern Miller estimates whejt crop f three northwest states at li8,0uO,0OO bu. Jones said 13k.0UJ.uuO. Price Current aaya: "Not until threahlng Operations are much more advanced can really good estlmntea of wheat yield be practicable. In the meantime It is .ot needfLiI to accept the extreme declarations s to shortsges In the production. The sug gestion suo.nltted by tne frriee Current a week ago ef 6i6.O0O,u0 bushel aa prelably a fair -approximation under existing Indi cations is practically as meritorious now as It was then." Weekly Government Rport-It wa prao tlcally rainless in spring wheat region of Minnesota and the Dakotaa. aiiordlna- favorable weather for harvest and thresh ing. t.eriy wheat In northern portion of North Dukota yet unripe and rust la still Injuring late wheat In that state and wheat crop will not be much. Disappointing yield generally -reported In. Idaho. Wanhinstun and Oregon. Cotton naa Improved. Corn has shown decided Improvement and con dition very much Improved. , FlAaaetal Jfta. ' ' New Havea will issue $13,OT0.N bonds. New York hunks lost to subtreagury since Friday 89.rt.OuO. American stocks In Lbndon steady and rather above parltyv , Hocking Valley completes Its connection with Micnlgan Central. Dullness prevails In both anthracite and bituminous coal markets. Western traffic rr.ansgrrs say general traffic movement shows Improvement. Claims are made that Standard Oil Inter lata now contrwl New York Central proper ties. St. Paul reports indicate average yield or wheat atttred threshing, nine bushels to acre. ... Liverpool Gralw Market. LIVERPOOL. , Aug $rt -WHEAT-Spot. nominal; futures, easy; ttepteuibsr, Ta 4(1; pecemher. 7a 61d. CoAN Spwti trmi American mUtd, 6s li1; futtiree, steady; September, 4a 7Hd; December, 4a Ffl. CHICAGO OR All AKD PROVlSiaRS Patrea ( tk Iraalag Cloalag Prfee an Bar ! Tra4e. CHICAGO, Aug. 80 -Impelled by compar ative weakneea In foreign grain markets, wheat traders here who had prollta In sight were tndny Im-llned o reellse. The result waa lower prtcesi for all deliveries'; the" Ie ctmher option elowtng with a lose of Jc. Corn waa down HfiSc. Oata were off Wo. Provisions were about unchanged. Pot a brief period at the opening the wheat market exhibited a fair degree of firmness aa a t exult mainly of the bullish enthusiasm of yesterday. In!al quotations In December were He lower to So higher, at 1104fll.l0. Considerable long wheat was offered for Male, but for a time offer ings were rea.-lily token by commission houses. Sentiment in the pit, however, soon swung around to the bear side. Weather conditlona were regarded aa more favorable, temperatures In the northwest, where the previous night the thermometer had hovered around the freeslng point, showing a moderate unward tendency. Consequently the early demand gradually subsided ano Prices steadily declined. Lib- eral profit-taking continued throughout the entire session, the market closing prac tically Rt the low point. After touching tl.m, December closed at 81. W1. Sep tember aold between 61.061Mil.nKVt and Closed at 81.06H. with a net loss of 3c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal- to -!l.flofi bushels. Primary receipts were 8ft3,S00 bushels, compared with 601.300 bushels a year ago. The world's visible supply, ac cording to Bradstreet'a, showed an fncreas of 1,149.000 bushels. Minneapolis, Dulutn and Chicago reported receipts of 421 cars, agalnat 87a ears last week and 481 cara a yrar iro. Owing to continued coolness of the weather, a Arm tone waa manifested In corn at the start. According to the weather bureau, however, there had been no frost In the corn belt, and warmer weather was In sight. In addition to the prospects of Improved weather, local re celDta were extremely liberal. Thla tended to bring out moderate liquidation, and the early advance was soon iosi. i ne weakness of wheat had a depressing Influence during the latter part of the session. The close was weak nnd almost at the lowest point todnv. December opened H to 4e higher, at 62HW2Vic. sold oft to 6114c and closed at 61Hl5W"ikc. Iocal receipts were 917 cara, with 98 of contract srnrle. Bearish statistics and weakness of other grains caused an easier, tone In the oats market. Contract stocks today were re ported as double In volume to those of last week, and local stocks show a big In crease over a year ago. Trading waa rather light, the principal selling being by scat tered longs. December opened unchanged to lc higher, at 33633c., ranged between S2t'33e, and closed at S2T40. Local re ceipts were 624 cars. Foreign demand for lard stimulated trad ing In provisions, the market being fairly active, with a steady undertone. At the close October pork was down 6c, at fll.4214. Lard waa up 6c, at S7.12H- Ribs showed a loss Of Zc, at 87.45. Estimated recelnta for tomorrow: wheat. 62 cars; corn, 332 cara; oata, 203 cars; hogs, zs.ouo bead. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Teay Wheat a Sept. b Sept. 1 0H 1 1 07S . 1 OTS 1 OPS 1 08 1 08V4 1 05H I 05 I 07S 1 10 1 10 1 07 1 07S 1 09S 1 1214 1 12V4 1 10 1 1014 1 US MmS 6SV4 6214, 62H 62H 62K,4 6214 61!4 6114&S 61S 60S 49 49 4S350 82S 82S 81H HS 32 M4rS S3S 2S 82S S 3SS&S 3&S 35140-S S684 11 80 U 87H U T14 11 83S 11 40 11 46 11 46 11 87 11 42 11 4714 12 67Vi 12 70 13 56 12 67 12 6214 7 00 7 02V, 6 87S 7 02 6 8714 7 10 7 12 7 06 7 13 7 07V4 7 12H 7 15 7 10 7 16 t 07 740 740 735 787V47 37U 7 60 7 60 7 46 7 46 7 47 67 6 67S 4 60 8 65 665 Dec. May Corn Sept. , Deic. Mar Oats . Sept Dec. May Pork Sept. Oct. Jan. Lerd Sept.. Oct. , Jon. Ribs Sept. Oct. Jan. No. I. a old. b new. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Waa quiet and steady: winter patents, $5.00620: straights. 8480(54 .90; spring patents. t6.60S.6O', 'straights, 64.30 6.10; bakers. I3.10&3.80. WHEAT No. 2 apring, xi.ltwi.14; WO. a. tl.02ffil.10; No. t red, $17S1.014. OAT8-N0. Si 81331Sc: No. I 4rhite, 82V4 e44c:. No. 3 white, 31S034C. .. Hits no. a. 11a. Pi nr .HIV In chnlno maltlnsL 4MT5Jc. .loW "hilis SEFJJS-rNo. Vflajt.4L18; J4r..l noathwest futureaonlem, l Z6r-clover, contract grade, 8M.60. PROVISIONS Mess porK. per ddi sh.jw 1140. Lard, per 100 lbs., 7.00i87.02V; - Short ribs sides tiooeei. i.ajtgi.iwi snori cicar siues (boxed), 88.26iO.5V. Shipments 01 nour follows: . and grain were Receipt s. Shipments. Flour, bbls 15.800 88.000 Wheat, bu Corn, bu , Oata, bu Rye, bu rtprlev. bu 187,000 415,100 623.600 16,000 388,000 288.000 89,200 203,300 4,000 8,000 On tne rroauce exenange ioaay me nut ter market waa firm; creameries, 14(fflc; dairies, 12S3'16c.- Eggs steady at mark, cases Included, 14ltc. Cheese steady, 869c. .. . t. Lnls Oratn sad Pravlsloas. ST. LOUIS. 'Aug. 30. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 red, cash, elevator, I1.07H; track, 11.11 fTl.12; No.' 8 hard, 31.071.09; TJecember, 1.09&1.10; May. 3112S- CORN Lower; MO. 8 caan, 01c; traca, otw 63c; December, 48Sc; Mny, 47'S'47c. OATS Lower; No. 3 caah, 82cj track. 82V C33c; December, 7c; May, Sac; aNO. 3 white, 5S(836c. FLOUR Steady; red Winter patents, $5.40 6.60; extra fancy ana straignta, K iuua.iK; clear, 4.4Va4.7a SEED Timothy, steady, 8Z.81XB3.00. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.75. nrtAN-Uvnr: Backed east track. 8ffl8fic. HAY Firm for aelect; timothy, $6.0a 1100 new: prairie, $.008.B0 new. IRON COTTON Ttl!i Kio. BAGGING-7e7Sc, , . TWINE Hemp, 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; iobblng, $1.50. Lard, higher; prime steam. 86.60. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, $8.60; clear ribs, $8.87; sho--t clear. I9 U0. piinga, 12c: turkeys. 14cj ducks. 7o; geese, 6c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, unwuvi ease count. ' dairy, lOioJSc. UQd-'irm, uvic. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls , Wheat, bu. ...... 11.000 16.000 .....147,000 67.000 68.000 ISO. 0H) "54,000 49,000 Corn, bu..., Oata, bu Kansas Cl.r Qralu aa rvlslomo. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 80. WHEAT Steady to lower; September. 98c; Decem v.un sl:a. u . aoo:.. Cash No. f hnrd. ll.OOfll.oV No. i 97c!fjtl.0O; No. 4, 86Wc; NO. 3 red. 81.lW0t.uc; no. , numi.w, no. vicm ii.oi. M CORN Steady; September, 4le; Decem ber. 45c; May. 4b45c. Cash. NJ. 3 mixed. 48o; No 2 white. 46c: No . 4c. OATS-Steady: No. I white, 8334Kc; No. 2 mixed, 3Je. HAY Firm; choice umomy, .wj; onoics prairie, $7.26. . . . it 1 E-oipiiar, iwtmoc. EGGS Higher: Mlesourl and Kansas. new No. 3 whltewooa cases inciuaen, ic. esse count, lK-c; cases reiurnea.. yc irss. BUTTER Creamery, 14cic; oairy, Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu ,.1?6.800 , PV,,m Corn bu 82.400 28,000 Oats, bu 84,000 10,009 Visible Supply at Qrala. NBW YORK. Aug. 30,-Speclal cable and telegraphic dispatches rrrelved by Brad streets show the following chsnges In the available supplies as compared with the last report: Wheat, united state ana canaaa, east of ths Rockies, Increase. 819.000 bushels. Aflnst for na In Europe increase, oon.oon bushels. Tots I supply Increase, 1,149,000 bushels. Corn, vnitea states ana i;snaaa, east o; ths Rockies. December 918.000 bushels. Oata. I nlted statea ana t anaaa. east 01 the Rockies, Increase. 6,Ii400Q bushels. The leading Incrtases reported thla week are: 406.000 btuhels st the Chleegn private rlevato a; iro COO bushels at Watertown: 81. 000 Miahela in Manitoba and 60.000 bushels at Cleveland. The leading decreases ere, 98.000 bushels at depot harbore; Si. 000 bushels st Sioux Falls; 600.000 bushels at Fort Worth and 67,000 buahels at Portland, Me. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 30. -WH FAT-Market wesk: No. 1 northern, $1 17: No. north, ern, 81.llfll.14: December. 81 07S bid. BYK-ftteadv; No. 1, 7Hanc RAItLEY-lkaaiari No. t. 53c; sample. $3 CCORN-Wak;'No, 8. umiei December. 6IS0 bid. . ' Dalatk Oralw Market. DULUTH. Aug. 6tVWHF.AT-To arrive: K. 1 northern. $1.15: No. $ northe-n. $1.12. On track: No. 1 northern, tl li: No. t northern. 81.11 New. to arrive: No. 1 northern. $11414: No. 2 northern $1.10; Bepterrber. $1.I34: December, $1.66. VATS On track and to arrive, lic. ' ' Poerla Oral Market. PEORIA. Aug. a CORM-aiaady; No. L 12c; No. 4. Ho. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Professional Tradert Are Again In Full Oontrolof the Market. ACTIVE STOCK ISSUES SLIGHTLY HIGHER Heavy Baylag ef Steel Preferred for Loadoa Aecaat leads Tkat lock tp Several 1 1. Palate. "NEW YORK, Aug. $0. The profosslonal tradera were again in control of the stock market today. Trading waa almost exclu sively confined to operations for this ac count, and manipulation In a number of Issues was obvious. The day was barren of news or Important developments, though advances dealing with crop conditions were rather pessimistic. The active stocks were at Improved S rices at the opening, particularly United tales Steel preferred, which waa the most conspicuous. London was reported to have tkken from 10,000 to 16,000 shares of thla stock, but much of this waa 'believed to be for the short Interest here. The advance In Steel preferred waa coincident with the re turn of an Influential Interest In that corpo ration, as well as an optimistic opinion on trade conditlona by a former hlah omciai. The pool In Norfolk at Western wss again active in the Initial dealings, and there waa a simultaneous upward movement In Reading, Southern Railway, Union Paclflo and the local tractions. Including Brooklyn Transit. The buying of Southern Railway at thla stage was quite extensive. The strength of these Issues waa used as a clk to cover heavy res Using sales, a con siderable portion of which emanated from high-class commission houses. In the Inst hour a heavy buying move ment In Reading did much to steady the list, but the close waa Irregular with net losses In most of the active Issues, though In few Instances were declines more than fractional. Reading was the leader In point of activity. Among the specialties notable strength waa shown by Hocfclng Valley preferred. Nashville Chattanooga and New York Airbrake. The receipts of al most $1,700,000 gold by the sub-treasury from the Orient was a partial offset to the losses Incurred by the local banks, which, since Friday last, amount to about $2,100,000. Thla Includes another 85i0.000 gold shipment to South America, Time and demand money show no tendency to harden. The few railroad retuma of the day Included that of the Canndlnn Pacific line for July showing a net increase of $131,000. United States government 2s advanced S of 1 per cent, and the group declined as much on call. Railroad bonds were Ir regular. Total sales, par value, were $3, 870,000. . The quotations on .'he New York Btock exchange ranged as follows: Sale8.Hlgh.Low.Close, Atchison do pfd B. ' O 13,500 81 " 81 700 99 9S 8,200 8714 86S 8H do pfd Canadian Paclflo 1,000 C. of N. J 200 C. A 0 2.600 C. & A. 600 do pfd C. O. W 1.600 C. A N. W 600 C, M. & St. P 16,300 do pfd Chi.. Ter. Xran;... 200 do pfd 300 C. C., C. Bt. L 100 Colo. Southern 4.600 do 1st pfd 2.O00 do 2d Pfd I,) Del. A Hudson 1.&0 Del., Lack. A West.. .400 D. A R. a 200 do pfd 1300 Erie ; 25.400 do 1st pfd 6.000 do 2d pfd 2.000 Hocking Valley 2.100 do pfd 8.200 Illinois Central 6"0 Iowa Central VQ do pfd ;. 800 K. C. Southern do pfd L. A N Manhattan L..... Met Securities : i Met. Street Railway..; M. A St. L M.. St. P. A S. S. M. do pfd Missouri Paclflo ' M , K. A T m. do pfd ..... N. R. R. of M. pfd.... N. Y. C Norfolk A Western...' : do pfd ;..v...- 45 121 156 90 122 66 73 129 9 23 49 IMS 8S 331 lr Ontario A Western... 32 81 H 31 125S Pennsylvania 1 p.. a., n. a at. L 126 125 Reading 108,200 ao jst pi a i,i do 2d pfd 1.. 600 Rock Island CO 19,100 do pfd 3,000 Bt. L. A S. r. 2d pfd. 1.300 St. L. 8. W 3.500 do pfd 1.900 Southern Paclflo 21,800 Southern Railway.. . .29,200 do pfd 1.100 Texaa A Pacific .....' t.eoo Tol., St. L. A West... 300 do pfd 1,200 4S 101 lj 95S IDS 39 1714 18S 42 12 Union Paclflo ....40,20,1 do pfd 100 Wabash 900 do pfd 3.700 W. A L. E 5M Wisconsin Central .. COO do pfd 200 Mexican Central 1,800 Adams Express Co Am. Express Co - U. S. Express Co Wells-Fargo Ex. Co Am. Copper 80,200 Am. Car A Foundry.. 400 do pfd 1,000 Am. Cotton Oil 200 do pfd American Ice 200 do pfd 100 Am. Linseed OH 400 do pfd Am. Locomotive 700 - do pfd Am. Smelt. A Refin'g 400 do pfd Am. Sugar Refining.. 1.600 Anaconda Mining Co B. R. T 67.600 Colo. Fuel A Iron.... 600 Consolidated Gas .... 700 Corn Products 809 do pfd nistriers' Securities. $,00 General Electrlo ..... too International Paper.. 400 do pfd 2 International Pump.. 400 do pfd National Lead 700 CO 24 ? 102 Norm iercan ...... 100 Pacific Mill 80t Peoole'a Gab 1,500 Pressed Steel Car do pfd 7 Pullmnn Palace Car lis Reouhllc Steel 1.200 TH 74 7 do pfd 400 44 43 48 Rubber Good 17 do pM 61 Tern. Cool A Iron.... l.fW 48 4"4 44 U. 8. T-ather in 7u 7 do pM wo H 86ui as tt. ptv a Imp.. l.Me km km, k; U H. "ubber 10ft im j j do oM 800 7KU 7SH 7R V. S. nteel 16.80ft i4 is 1 Ar. r.M 4 w ais y-s an V.n. rePro .... 100 11 W ISO V' ""tern TTnion fort 00 90 89 Total sales for the day. 703,100 shares). I,i Mfk Market. TINTinN. Aug. ! Closing: Conwlt. sinnsy IU N. T. Csntral ... 4o serount, Oct.... 8 Morton W..... Anaronda ,. 4 do pfd .. S Ontario A W -.84 44H . ion . tt 44 . t . ) . ttH . .10314 . N UT4 . 1H . tn . 4H Atrhlann do pfd........ .101 Pea Br Ivan la ..... . tt . nd Mloas ....... .1KH kwullns . M44 1st pf4....... . I Hi 4o 14 fd. .IS0V4 go. Rallwar . 1S da pld . to. Parine , TH Vnlaa Paciao ..... . tfc do pfd...., . MV U. 8. 8tr J . 41 4 pfd '. , .141 Wabwh .IMS do pfd , U gpaalah 4a ,., Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Pacific... Chra. A Ohio Chlcaaa O. W c . m. a at. p naaaera ............. Panrar A tl. O do pfd Brio do Ift iM do td pfd Illlnola Canlral .... Iula. A N.h U . K. A T. ........ SILVER-Par. steady, M(-I6d per ounce. MONEY !jr J per cent nt. In the ODen market 1 ne rate or aiacount for short bills ts 1 13-16t2 per cent. The rate or discount in the open market three-month bills Is 2 tx sent. for Ke W.York Mlatatl Itoeks. HEW YORK. Aug. (0. The following are the closing prices on mining slocks: Adams Con M ILl.a. Chlaf Alloa ; H 'Ontario ., ' no nroaeo it Ootolr ,.jt Braaawliii Con 14 .Phoaols 1, Comalovk Tunnol .... 14 Pul-ial , ia Coa. I'al. A Vav. 14 Saaa to Mora Silver ,...l4 iSlnrra Nevada 10 Iron BlWar 1U Snail Hnpoa ...,r,. ta Laaavilla Cos 8 ataadard ,10 Oanaka Moaep Market. There has been but the slightest kind of a movement from here for crops as yet. al though local banker look for a generoua outgoing about the aniridia of naxt month. The packers have not been free borrowers. Indeed reports accredit Inem with having repaid sums heavy Omaha lana In the Mat few daya. Loral bankers era toced to meat Chicago and Jsw York rates) to order to hold trade. Discount rates ar quoted at iJ4 per cent. Hew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK, Aug. .-MONEY-On call, easy Sl per cent; Closing Md at S of fered at 1 per cent. Time lien a. easy and dull; 60 days, 2 per cent; 90 days, 3 par cent;, ij rer cent. PRIME MERC AN MERCANTILE PAPER-31491 per cent. STERLING EXCHAVOE-Steady. with actual business In bankers' bills st $4 87409 4 87 45 for demand and at $4.847rVff4 8t0 for slxty-dav bills; posted raffs, $4fcS64.88S; commercial bills, H M44 MV SILVER Bar, KSCi Mexican dollars, 46 Vie. BONDS Government, Irregulari railroad. Irregular. Ths following are the closing quotations an stocks and bonds: r. 8. rV. 8a, reg....lt4 Manhattaa 4. . 4a. ..1M do eeapna ins 14 M. rentral 4s (I4 do ta, n ins do 11 tne 1S mm conpon IU Minn St. U !.... do new 4a. rag. do roupoa do old 4a, reg.. do roupoa Atrhlnon foa. 4o. do adj 4s Atlantis C. L. 4 M-. K. A T. 4s m ,.111 do ta "H ,.!T N. n. R. et M. t. 4a. U ..lot N. T. C. f. I4i 1 .inH N. 1. C. ( to Uri . M ;N. Patlflo 44 1M .100 do 74H ..10t IN. A W. e. 4a 111 b. a o. H W4 O. (. L 4 par... Control of Oa. U....1HS retin. tonr. IHa "S ao m mo Mtt Roodlss sea. 4s mT4 Chea A Ohio 4HS....1K 8t. L. I. M. . to 114 Chicago A A. ISo... t st. L. A a. P. f. 4a. H C, B. A Q. a. 4o.... 714:st. U S. W. la tl C. M. St. P. f 4s.U0 8abcar4 A L. 4a... !4 C. A N. W. e. ta....llH So, Fvlfle 4a 44 v., n. I. p. 4s.... T44 Bo. Railway la liasa do rat. la. .. 4 Tataa A P. la. .11 CCC St. U t 4a Chtrato Ter. 4a.... Coa. Tobaooa 4s.... Colo. A so. 4a Denror A R. O. 4a. Erie prior lion 4o.. do son. 4a T. W. A D. C. II. Horklns Val. 4Hs.. LAN. unl. 4a.... Offered. ..WW .. 74 .. 47 T.. St. I,. A W. 4a talon PaalAo 4s... do tone. 4 V. B. ateol 84 ts. .. TTt ..10 ..104 .. n ,.UT4 .. 41 "4 .. H4 .. .. T1S4 .. S4 ..101 Wahaah la .. do deb. B W. A U. C. 4a.... Vll. Ontral 4s.... Colo. Pual eon. ta. .. to4 ..l"t ..101 Boatoa stock Market. BOSTON, Aug. 30 -Call loans, 23H per cent; time loans, &in4 per cent. OlBclal closing of stocks and bonds: Atrniaoo adj. 4a t4HWeatln(. com..., do 4a 101 Adventure Vn. Central 4s tt Alloues Atrhlann tl lAmalmat1 .. do pfd American Kloe . Doatoa A Albany.. . Atlantic Boston A Mains 141HI Plnihan Boaton Riovated lMICal, A Hacla.. ritchburg pfd 117 rentennlal Mrs. Central UH Copper Ranso .. S. T.. N. H. A H.ltO Dalr Waat Para Marqurtto 74 I'Domlnloa Coal . 1H :f.,H . u . 17 .tto . t . M . H . U . t . t . to . i . . 41 . t . istt . 7 . 4 .108 . 7H . n . it . 41 . . 1014 . tt t nion parinc 100 Tranklln Aroer. Arge. Cham do pfd Amor. Pnen. Tabs. Amor. Sugar do pfd Amor. T. A T.... Amar. Woolen .... do pfd 7omlnlfln I. A R. . 14 Rrancr ... M .. 4 ..134 lalo RotiI Miaa. Mining .... Mlcklaaa ......... Mohawk Mont. C. A C... ...wj, HHjOld Dominion ... tl jnaceola Bdf!on Elao Ilium. tm Mgalnry . 1 , 1 1 mi r.iKiinq ....icoa onaonow itri. Kiooirie .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa I' nlted Prult .... United Bhoo Maca 14 -Tamarack .. Trinity ........ .. it V. 8. Mining ..lot lit. 8. oil .. ta t'tah .. ta (victoria .. 1?H Winona do pfd v. a. moot do pfd , Bid. "Asked 044 Wolrorlna Forelia Financial. LONDON. Aug. SO.-Money waa In In creased demand today. The stringency Is expected to be relieved with the month turn. Discounts were firm. Prices on the Stock exchange generally were firm and trading was quiet. Consols 'mproved. Home rails w ere firm ImaHpin, .n.n.1 e-m remaining Idly steady at about parity and closed fairly firm. Grand Trunk recov ered. Foreigners mostly were firm. Jap anese securities rose on hopes of the ear.y fall of Port Arthur. Imperial Japanese government 6a of 19u4 were Quoted at WH. Russians were supported on Paris advices. BERLIN, Aug. tSO.-Tradlng on the bourae today was stagnant Exchange on London, 20m 46 pfgs, for -checks. Discount rate, short bills, 814 per cent; three months' bills, 2H per cent. PARIS, Aug: 80. Trading on the bourse today was calm. At the close prices were firm. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 94.46. and Russian bonda of 1904 at 6.06. Three per cent rentes, 98f 45c. for the ac count. . Conditio of the Irtsaary, WASHINGTON, Aug. (O.-Today's state ment of ths treasury bain pees In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3160.000.000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available caah balance, (14$,946,t.'6: gold, 848,129,463. . . , NttW YORK GENERAL, ' MARKET Qaotatloaa of Ifct'Dafi'oa Varloas Cons mxl1t ts. NEW YORK. Aug: 30.-fFLOUR-Recelpts. jO.OdS bbls.; exports .2,138- tibls. Market barely ateady with better tnaulrv: Minne sota patents, 5.90iJ(4.S6; winter patents, $5.20 VB.du: winter stralahts. 84.906.80: winter extras, 13.4oy4.00; winter low grades, $2.yS 3.80. Rye flour, market Arm; fair to good. $4.26SC4.60; choice to fancy, $4.X84.80. uornmeal Market firm: yellow western. 1.1ib!.12; city, $1.121.16; kiln dried, $3.2033.30. BARLEY Market ateady; feeding, 47c, m. i. iow torn. - I WHEAT RecelDtS. 161600 bu .: snot leren uiar; no. a rea, !.! r. o. D. Blloat: No. northern Duluth. 81.2M4 f. n. h nfln. t- No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. LxceDt for a brief cnenlna? advance due to strong cables, wheat waa weak and neavy all day. yielding to Ikiuldat on. con flicting crop reports, good weather in the northwest and heaviness of outside mar kets. The cloae showed 'lUc net decline. May. $l.l24il.l4U: closed. 31.1234. fientem. ber. $1.11Vu1.13Vs; closed. $1.11. December, $l.ll'V&1.13i; closed, $1.11. . CORN Receipts. 102.074 bu.: f.XDorts. 112.- 916 bu. Market spot easy; No. 3, Ma elevator and 59V4o t. o. - b. afloat; No. i yellow, eoc; No. 2 white, 69Ac. Option market opened steady with wheat weak under a bearish weekly, crop report, rising temperaturea weat and unloading, the close being Hc net lower. September closed 6&c; December, 67H&MVs; closed, 67o. OATS Receipts. 166,000 bu.; exports, 16, 051 bu. Market spot steady; mixed oata, 2633 pounds. 8Wo36c; natural white, S0 as pounaa, siKVosa; -cuppea wnite, atKytu pounds, 4042c. HAY Market quiet; shipping, 67Hc; good to choice, 96c. HOPS Market ateady: state, common to choice, 1908, 2736o; old, 7&13c: Paclflo coast, 1908. 2V53!)c; old, 18o. HIDES Market steady: Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., 17c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 18c; Texas dry, 24 to 80 lbs,, 14c, LEATHER Market firm; acid, I4i32fc. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet: family, $10.60 311.60; mess, $8.609.00; beet hams. $24.00i 26.50; packers, $9.&OS10.60; city extra mesa, $14.00316.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bel lies, 8&llc: pickled shoulders, $6.6097.00; pickled hams, $10,004) 10. W. Lard, firm; western steamed, $7.60; reflned, Arm con tinent. $7.5o; South American. $7.26; com pound, 6960. . Pork,- quiet; family, $14.6o$ 16.00; short clear, $13.&O1650; mens, $13.2tall.75. TALLOW-Market, quiet: city, ($2 per pkg.), 4e; country (pkgs. free). 4640. RICE Market quiet; domestic, fair ta extra, 24t6c; Japan, nominal. PKANUTP Market dull; fancy hand picked, 64c; other domestic. 3ijc. BL'TTER Firm; state, dairy, common to extra. 12tfl8c; renovated, common to extra, 10rjrl6Hc; Imitation creamery, common to choice. 13ttl6c. CHEESE Steady! state, full crrarn. email colored, poor to fancy, 6Hfi84c; largo white, fancy, fair to fancy, 7HT'i4C. EGGS Steady to firm; western fancy se lected. 21c; western average best, 19320o, POl'LTRY Alive steady; weatern chick ens, 1314c; fowla, 18c: turkeys, 18c; dressed steady; weatern chickens, 14itfl6c; fowls, 13814c; turkeya, 18316c. Wool Market. B08TON, Aug. (0. WOOL A firm tone ma-ka the wool market. Domeatlo wools of all k'ndB have aold (reely and though the votuma of sales la not heavy, some thing of the activity of a month air mora ago la prevalent. A fair call for territory woola continues. Pulled woola are quiet. Foreign grades ara firm with a moderate business under way. Quotations are; Territory, Idaho! Fine, 1M1Kc; heavy fine. 1616c; fine medium. lK'hsc: medium. l62oc: low medium 11 Jiic. Wyoming: Fine. lM?17c; heavy fine, lfxJ.16c; fine medium, 17H&18c; medium, 204 tic; low medium. 28 13e. Utah and Ne. vaila: Fine, 17iI7Wc; heavy ' fine. 1661o; fine medium. 17rl8c; medium, ff?lc; low medium, 223"3c. Dakota: Fine, 17018c; fine medium, lTiUloc; medium, ifti21c', low me dium, 12(J23c. Montana: Fine choice. , 21ci fine average, - aflne medium choice. 20i2lc; average. 19320c; ataple, it; medium choice. 2W23C. ST. LOIT1S. Aug. SO. WOOL Steady: me dium grades combing and clothing. XXfr'Mr; Ugnt nne. W-UCi neavy line, iaioc; tuo waihed, 22835o. gaaar aad Molasses. KEW YORK. Aug. 80. BI GAR Market raw nrm; fair refining, 1 11-14; rentrlfugnl. 9H teat, 4c: molasses ttiititr, 7-10. Re fined, firm; No. 6. no. 7, 4 76c; No. 8. 4 70c; No. , 4.65c; No. 10 $4 60c; No. 11. 4 6fic; No. 12. 4 6oc: No. 13. 4 46c: No. 14. 4 40i'i confectioners , 05c; mold, 6O601 rut loaf, 6)c; crushed $9jc; powdered, (.Oc; open kuttle, good tn choice, 31ifll7o. MULABBtn-MiiriiH nrm. .Mjw Orleans Open kettle, grxMl to choli-e, 81c. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 80 COAR Mar ket strong; open kettle, tia3H6 cen trifugal, o'fSHc; centrifugal whites, 4Vc: yellows. &fi3Sc: seconds, !AJ. MCil.AFSLH Market nominal: onon ket. tla. jo" 'o; ceotrlfugal, loliai ayrup noui- IMAM LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Corn fe da and Grist 8ten Steady with Oowi 81ow and Weak. HOGS SOLO WEAK TO A DIME LOWER Aaotkor Llkoral ftaa of ftkoea aa Lavaaks, kat Beat Grades ateaay, with Otkera Weak ana Feed are Active a4 Iteady. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. $0, 1904. Receipts wero: Cattle. Hogt. Sheep. Omclal Monday. Omciai Tuesday 8.el 14, 3.200 10.600 i.8u0 Two days thla week 10.896 14.119 Same daya laat week.... 4.78 16.63 Same daya Week before.. 7.837 7.4 Same three weeks sgo.. 4.887 16.709 bams four weeka ago.... 8.71)4 $.626 Same days last year.... 10,266 H.&S , M.I08 J6.0rt 1.302 6.614 6,421 $,6at RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATB. The following ublo shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at south Omaha for the year to data, with comparison with last year 1 104. Cattle 642,183 Hogs 1,682,782 Sheep 869.620 190. 6S4.696 1,626 636 818,144 Ina - Dec, 92.663 4.247 41.873 A vera a a nrlcea Bald for hogt at South Oanaha tor Uta tasi aovoral aaya with twaa parwoat Data, I 1104. naoa.iim.iiBQ.fiafev.rjast.llM august l. 4 99 I 4 (71 f 41 $ Ml lt 4 ll II; ayUit a. 4 W4J 4 as) Auguat a Wl 1 $9 I 6 10i 4 41 I 81 Auguat 4. Auguat i. Auguat 6. August V. August I August I. 6 04WI t W4 I W St I B asi a 11. OlVkl W I 7 M a avi 6 04 "I a 41 6 10 7 181 4 6 11 4f7!8t 6al 1 iai 6 ru 6 4i 4 1: S w4l 4 Sal 9 ml August 101 till S 141 B uu a f a i Auguat 11 4 ( 4 81 ro4i I 78 74 I (li 6 77, 1 0 1 ji August 12i H 4 8i 3 44 August 14 4 9414 6 1 6 (li 6 77 4 41 14 AUgUSt 14 August I61 I 311 g 73 6 73 4 ki ( UM 6 Jti ( m 6 78 4 97 6 021 4 68 $ 77 4 98 4 M,j 6 21 6 64 I 00 6 111 721 6 73 4 431 4 44 (76 3 78 Auguat 16 4 37 Auguat 17 00 4 K 8 74 Auguat lSj Auguat l AllaTUBt 20 4 99U.I 6 loi t ail 4 kM ( 86 8 73, $ 89 4 801 6 87 8 67 t 13 6 16 K 01 (76 AUgUSt 31 August -i I i 6 7s, VM 4 4Z 6 02 6 81, 7 01 4 ! 8 Oli 4 K 09 August 33j 6 03Vfc 0 I 9ll 4 S7 4 4li 1 74 AUMUBl 2, tH 6 18 t 16 fe 0. 4 M 3 M A Uk us t 6 ( 46 7 lot (06 4 40 $ 73 August 3l (22 6 23 7 81 ( Mi 4 38 1 Auguat 27 August 28j August i9 Auguat 30 6 24 a 6 tti 1 n I nil 4 98 3 70 6 81 7 KI 001 I 021 4 401 6 31 6 2W 6 331 7 19 t tl ? HI ' a to I 7 261 HI 6 00 14 40 I Ti indicates Bunds r. The official number of cara of Stock brought in today by each road wae: ' s. C. M. A St. P.. ( 1 1 16 1 4$ 7 .6 1 o ( 34 10 14 tl 25 2 .. 41 .4 I 8 .. 4 44 14 .. ... J ii 1 166 8 28 Wabash , . . Missouri Pacific Union Pacific .. C. A N. W r.'r:: F., E. A M. V. C. St. P.. M. A O. U. ft In.... C. B. A O 1 1 i K. C. A St. J... C. R.' I. A P.. east. C. R. 1. & P.. west. Illinois Central C. G. W ToUl 131 The disposition of tne dav's rooolpta waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hois. Sheep Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour A Co Vansant A Co Carey A Benton Lobman A Co .,, W. I. Stephen Hill A Son Huston A Co Hamilton A R.. L. P. Hues Curry A Curry Cudahy Broa A Co.. North P. A P. Co.... Wo'f A Murnan Sol Degan Squlrea Lelghton Boyd A L..t,.V....... Merwln Root Bulla A Kline Other buyers 344 1.334 62 748 413 448 27 110 306 41 22 44 209 150 61 72 1,628 2.779 2,412 1.463 861 1.963 208 481 249 12 687 151 133 190 36 16 601 .... 7.884 Total 6,766 10,103 lLife CAxi'Ll ineie ws a utucb fc.aa.iet ua ot cattie neio nils iuotiung inau airivea yesieruay,' uut still tneio wei tnouu 10 uleel ins requlruuteniM Ot tua loiai t.auu. iu aliius Uiui juot auiieu ouyera oo.a w.i.i uut niucn 110L.J.0, out vtneis were rau,r b.ow sale, me uula uli uw catuo chai.acu nands 1.1 falriy guou seaauii, uui it waa u tune late oeiore m uieaiaucu Was uiaae. btver ouycia were out riy looaing for corn led steets, auu everyiiiiiis: u.t an guou aoiu reauliy eiiougn at tuny steady p.iues. As nign aa was patu ior weu hniaiieu CMiuo. AiOat ot - the pert tut kinds auia wltnout great uifflcuiiy at auout tiiO same prices us were pid yesterauy, fcktit tnv wkih. cuuria. iain;a' HiOW. ioi uatu aiier tne cum teas had been dlspoaeu 04 would ouyers loo a. at tne wo eru , lien iney ulu atari in uic niui.ei Wae ratner slow, but tne pi ices paid were In moai cases aoout .euy. metmug lackuig In quality may have been hard Ui sell at sleauy prices.- but btlll mere was hardly enough, change In the prices paid from those In force yesterday to he worthy of mention. The cow msrket was very unevtn. The big tun of yesterday seemed to fill packers up and aa a result they were indifferent to day. Something that just suited them may have aold about ateady with yesterday's de cline, but aside from those the market waa slow and a little lower. It was rather lata before a clearance waa made. Bulla, veal calves and stags were rather slow, but not much difference waa noticed In ruling prices. There were quite a few Mocker and feed ers on sale, but the demand waa in fairly food shape, and desirable grades sold reely at fully steady prices. Common stuff wss neglected and certainly no more than teady . with yesterday. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. Kn. At. Pr. Me. ' At. Pr. I lost 8 M I 1178 I t It 1101 8 45 M 1S1T I 19 I 1040 8 Tt tt 1171 I 40 II too 4 30 tt 1410 $ tt 10 1114 4 It 11 1S4S I 7i tt 101 4 44 17 ,..144 1 78 1 100 I to 11 , 1444 I 76 88 UU 4 44 BTEbJKS AND COWS. I aft 8 TIM.. till 6 16 COWS. 1....: 1110 1 tt tt too 8 86 1 ltnw 1 44 4.......... ..loot j It) 4 , I W I III 8 tut $ 10 at tut t ae T W IN I ;..UW- I It 1 ""UM !HEiriks: 1 no ,BoiiU-w 1 1IN 1 $0 1 144 1 ta 1 HO 1 74 1 U I 40 1 IH ill CALVES. 1........:.. tot ltt 1 tot HTOCKKRil AND i EDi-RS. 13... t.i.. 744 , tvt I to 1 to M IN NEBRASKA. 1 ateer HaO 39 feedera..lls7 1 feeder., , 460 4 feeders.. 403 4 feedera.. 60J ( f seders.. 660 1 f seder... 730 1 feeder.. 4rt0 23 feeders.. Mo 1 cows 104 3 76 1 feeder. ..1220 $16 180 10 160 .60 !10 20 10 as fc 1 to I o I 76 166 140 tto' 1 60 I 10 i to 1 16 (30 i 80 $ 10 i 20 ( 60 t 60 I 71 t 36 too 1 60 100 I 86 M teedora.,1030 I feeders., lis 1 feeder... 640 1 feeder... 370 1 feeder... taK 19 feeder,. 6u8 SO feeders.. &bS II feeders., Pi 6 COWS 743 10 heifer.. 7( I heltert.. SaO cows 9M I feeders., 824 1 ateer, , 700 1370 I buU..., 11 cows.., 1 tow,,, WYOMING. ..10a I feeder.. 1033 ..1U30 t 86 3 feeders.. 1033 IDAHO. r 21 cow. I cow. , 967 1132 J, to cows, t 36 21 cows. Conway Neb. 1.1094 ..lttt ., 946 S heifers... 764 100 feedera. 104 10 feeders.. lc4 I feeders.. 904 1 16 37 cows...., (0 1 cow...... !60 - 66 feeder., 60 79 feeder., 60 890 9 I feeder.. tM i. H. McCTanahan Neb. .. 117 2 40 I rows CS 1 14 J E. Welch Neb. II cow. I cows .. 911 T S t eslves rrs ( eslves. 2i, a 1 feeders.. 1063 :::::Kia J j cow...... 8.10 f 96 I i daws 1040 i 26 1 feeder. 910 M0 cow.., cowl.. .104 .loan 1 cow... O. t)rakf-Neb, 11 feeders.. list t So J. Pavlson Neb. $ feeders.. Ill ttO ( cows m ( feeder.. 771 ( to I c oedera. cows.,... 93 IS eeder.. 710 t 20 1 cow.. (40 tto cow 1000 t 80 Stuckley Bro.Keb. tt feeder.. 1X19 I 70 M. MonoNob. 10 cow M0 1 26 F. Oarrothera Nob. 40 steer. ...lii I 40 61 tor. O. Heyna Nob. tsrodrg..iiio 1 ty .ia 1 a 1 . A. Evaraa Nob. tt a(eera....n6 I 3a btarrrtard CatUo Co. Neb. 4ft ccwa Ml It) 94 cows Ill I (8 Lake Tomb Co. 1 ateer 11 40 tv 1, steer.. . .Hot t 80 S. G. CaulTman Neb. , 1( feeders. .616 I 26 L. p. flouthworth Neb. 26 feeders.. 745 1 16 3 feeders.. $39 110 16 sneers.. ..1188 1 16 Standard Cattle Coi-e-Neb, . 36 fevdera.. 739 t 20 H. V. Howo-Neb. 124 feeder. 776 80 i. Carraftt Neb. I helfera.. 780 I n 14 feeders.. 823 tit 1 bull 1340 t 66 J. M. Clopton Neb. 1 lull..... .104 1$ 4 feeders.. (Ot I OS ( cows 813 18 B. Burnett Wyo. 20 feeders. .1006 I 23 4 feeders,. $65 I 2$ ( feeders.. 1000 ( 16 I. W. Dents Wyo. 0 COWS 1028 t It 1. W. Thorn Wyo. 1$ feeders.. 1115 1(6 163 Steer. .. .1080 OS 1 steer lflo I 03 E. Bennett Wyo. Wcowa 762 t 40 Spear Broa. Cattle Co. Wvo.!ia a K $ .teorB....12 00 t steers... steers... 1 Steers... 10 steer. .. t feeder. .1114 3 00 13 steers.. .1236 t 00 I steers.... 1270 110 t 26 I steers . ..m reno A Abbott Wyo. .lvn IX ;,7 feeder. .1160 .1160 I 75 S steers. ...1280 100 $ m $26 w Denis wyo, II feeders.. (68 1 18 J vrin vx?n M teer....1174 I 10 13 cow 1039 1(0 16 Steers. ...1211 ( 28 HOGS There waa a liberal run of hog this morning and buyers made use of the ppponunuj io pound the market a little. The demand ror good light and shipping hoga, however, was too large to prevent much or a decline on that claaa and prloe wrrw uiny wea 10 oc lower man yesterday. oucn nogs sola largely from $6.30 to $6.36, and as high as $6.40 waa paid for choice light WelaThtS. Mixed hnara aura Irannil a njcxei tower ana sold largely from $5.26 to .neavy nogs were neglected and suf fered the greatest decline. Some of th better grades sold early at not mora than oc lower, put on tne commoner kinds nack- era were bidding aa much as 6c to 10c lower. ana 11 extremely neavy even good nogs suf fered that much. Tradlna waa rather alow except on the cholco light welghta, and aa a renun 11 was miner late oeroro tne DUIK of the arrivals wss dlsnnsed of. The market did not Improve any aa ths morning advanced and salesmen had to take the prices onered on the heavy welghta. Trading waa alow thou ah. and at noon there were still Several load of hoaa tert in nrat nanas. ttepreoentauve sales No. At. lb. 0 Pr. Ma. At. 8b. It. 41... 61... 44... 85... 6 U 8 U 6 16 4 to 6 t I 10 6 M 8 90 ! M 4 M 4 tt i to tin 6 1IH I tl $ I tt 8 18 ! M I tt t tt t It . 8 93 t It 8 W 4 tt I 38 4 IS . I 19 I 6 W 8 It I M 6 It t K 8 18 . , t It t If t IS 8 M 8 It I 4 It I tt t 16 t IS 8 IS I 11 8 M ...Kl LM I M ..SSI ...170 ...t6l ...IM ...111 ...107 ...7I ...IMI 1.., 44.. tt.. 41.. :.., it.., 4.., tf ... 7... .., 17... tt.., tt.., tt.., 44.., 7t... 7f... 71... 71... 47... tt... 71... It... 77... t... .141 8 8S ....Mt ...M ....171 ,...14 ,...tM ,...m ,...l4 ,...ll ,...74 ... IM) ,...144 ,...111 , ,...tM ,...t0 ...117 ...141 ...141 ...IM ...ITt ...XI ...lAt ...IM ...lit ...117 ...ISO ...140 ...M0 ...lit ,..!! L.Ut ...147 ...its ...Ml ...11 ...124 ...ltl ...514 ...110 ...111 ...IM ...114 ...141 ...101 6 X t n t tt 1 it t ts 6 7 I 17 W, 6 17 H I 1 r I 17 V, 6 rn i t7H i it I to I to ! M 1 1 ito 80 to I to . 4 80 1 1 8 80 6 0 I to 8 M 8 10 6 10 1 to I to 6 MV 1 tm I 12 4 in, t 17 I 1IH 1 11 I IB t as t tt -t ts t M t IS t tt I ts I It t rivi tt... 74... to... 7... 40... 70... U... 1... M... r4 ...ti , ,...tu ....801 ....144 ,...141 ....IM ....Jf.4 ....til ,...147 ...tea , ,...JJ4 ,...t7 ,...1M ...198 ...JSl ...147 ...141 ,...844 ...10 ...tut ...m ...tM ...X4 , ,...m ...ft ...its ...IM ...144 ...rrt ...tot ...174 ...1st 71... tl... It... 71... 14... to... 74... 4t... Tf... 44... 71..., 71... 44... 41... 17..., II.... tl.... 74.... .... 4.... 71.... Bt.... 43.,.. 74..., tt..., 11.... 60.... II.... 71.... .... 17.... St.... 84.... It.... 87.... to.... 46.... tt.... tt.... f.9... 7t..., S4... tl.... 44... tl.... tt.... IS..., 44... tt... 70., ti. M... 74... tt... 41... (7... 17... 14... It... 70... 63. . t tt .ltt t 40 SHEEP There was oulte a liberal run of aheep reported thla morning, which taken witn those carried over from yeateraay. made supplies rather large. The market though did not show much change from yesterday. Packera took hold fairly well of the more desirable gradea. and Burn Kinas sold about steady. The quality though was not very good snd the offerings tnat were not very fat Were rather neglected and In most cHses a trifle lower. Trading on that class was slow.- ' Practically the same condition governed the msrket for lambs, the beet grades sell- no- without much trouble at steady prices. but the part fat ones were rather alow and weak. - The demand for feeder was again Dnsg and everything at all desirable changed hand readily at steady prices. This waa true of both sheep and lambs. Common kinds msy have been neglected to some extent, but atlll even those sold to aa good advantage aa they did yesterday. sales. No. Av. p- 2 60 3 40 8 86 85 t 86 4 40 4 60 3 36 i 40 t 35 60 5 46 I 45 4 60 I 00 6 00 I 00 ( 15 3 26 t 25 t 26 8 86 8 $5 i 60 13 Idaho ewes .-. 94 75 Idaho ewea 107 314 Idaho wethers 1.... 89 168 Idaho yearlings 87 83 Ma no yearlings vt 700 Wyoming lambs 67 61 Idaho lambs oa 344 Ideho yearling ewes 78 803 Idaho yearling ewes 78 78 Idaho feeder ewes 96 2 Idaho wethers 85 188 Idaho feeder ewes and wether 76 14 Idaho feeder yearlings 77 17 Idaho lambs 64 81 Idaho lambs 64 36 Idaho lamb 66 174 Irtaho lamba 68 601 Montana ewe 95 77 Utah wethera 96 625 Utah ewea .102 176 Utah ewes 97 701 Wyoming feeder wethra.... 103 111 Utah wethers iw 426 Utah feeder yearlings.. 81 CHICAGO LIVB BTOCK MARKET Cattle Weak, Hoars Five Coat Higher d1 Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Aug. to -CATTLE Receipt. 7,000 head. Market weak; good to prime steers, $660ii6.10; poor to reel 1 11m. 8.6fJ 6 26; Blockers and feeders, $2.00j;i3.'75; cows, $1.864.26; heifers. 11.754.70: canneie, 11.36 64.75; bulls, I2.90fl4.00; calvce, tJ.Wifle.25; Texas fed steers, $3.60434.80; weatern a'.eers, $2.60$4.60. HOGS Receipts, 16.000 head. Market 6c higher; mixed butchers', $6.2076.78: good to choice heavy. $6.8Mr6.7S; rough heavy, $4.80 66.26; light, $6 40C'w-8O; bulk of sales. 16.46 66 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head. Market for sheep ateady, lamba steady to lower; good to cholco wethers, $3.66ff4.25: fair to choice mixed. f3.2Mr3 65; western sheep, (2.7D4M.S6: native lamba, $4.60Q.00; western Umbo, $4.3&Jr00 Kaaaaa City' Live gtnotr Market. . KANSAS CITY. Aug. (0. -CATTLE Re ceipt. 11.900 head, Including 800 southerns. Market steady to 10a lower. Stackers snd feeders strong. Choice export and dressed beef steer, $6.26$A.0O; fair to good, $3.769 6.00; weatern fed steers, $3.753'6 40; stockera and feedera, $J 2664.10: . southern steers, $2.60ifiS.7o; southern cows, $l.rWr2.60; natives, $1.S(076; nstlve heifer. $16tx4.70; bulls, $2.0041.1.25; calvea. $125?6.2t. HOGS Receipts, 9.0UO head. Market opened 6c higher and closed weak. Top Erice, $6.60; bulk of sales. $5(66.46; heavy. 80$6.4O; packers, $5.8066.45; pigs and lights. $5.204560. ... SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.300 head. Market for sheep steady; lambs I 610c higher.: Native lamba. $4.60'56.80; na tive wethera. $1 JWjt.OO; native ewes, $3.0uft) $.76; western lambs, $4.005.7S; western yearlings. $3.60ij400; weatern sheep, $3,264? 8.76; stockera and feeders, $3.6033.60. St. Lowla Live StH Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 0. CATTLB Receipt b. &00 head. Including 600 Texans. Market slow, steady. Natlv shipping and export steer. $4.6tyt6.7S; dressed beef snd butchers' steers. tH.6frJi6.8S: steer under 1.00O r-ounrta. $3 606.00: Blockers and feeders. $2.003.60; rows snd heifers. $2,264)4.10: canners. $1.rl 1.26: bulls, $3.00fjt.OO: calves, $3.OOj6.0O; Texas and Indian steers, (2.60473.60; cows ana neu ers. $2 0003.75. HOGS Receipts, (.500 head. Market ateady to strong-. Pigs and lights. $6.0o& (.60; packers. lMfi6.0; butchere and best heavy. $5.40I670. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 4.o00 hed. Market eteadv. Native muttons, $3.SMr190; Ismhs, $t.2f'W 5 tt: culls and bucks, $2.G"44.00: stockera, $2,26000; Texans, $3.64 St. Joaenk Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 0 CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.669 head. Market steady to strong; natives. 88 8&W6.75: eowa and heifers, $1.2t 4V; stockers and feeders, It.604t.s0. HOGS Receipts, a6 hesd. Market mostly 60 higher, but closed' with advance lost; llsrht. 1 S&TJ5.6S; medium and heavy, $6 HH 5 h BHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 4.13 head Market stesdy. Wethera, $.166; lambs, lVfllOo lower; weatern lambs, $6.46. SIob Clip Mr took Market. SIOUX CITT. Aug. (O.-tSpecUt Tel. (ram ) CATTLE Receipts. w head; msr. t aieadyi beevoa, tl.&WitJO, cows, bulla and mlxd, tltMJS IR: stockert ad faoder. $176.l6fl; calvea and yearling. $1 1.. HOGS--Recelrt, $.000 head; market 6e lower; selling. fcl66.IO; tulk of aaJetv aVW 05.36. Stock ta Sight, Following are th receipt of tlv tnck for th 11 x principal western cities lter day: Cattle. Hoga Sheep Smith Omaha 1.300 . 10 .uoo i tu) Sioux City l0 1.0-x .... Kansas City Uv IP09 4V St. Joseph l.MJ IK 619. At t4i(a aA' I ILO mt.M Chicago , 7.009 16,000 ,(: Totai .....26. taa) UMt 4X192 OMAHA WHOLatSALB MAKKjtT Coadltloa of Trad sad tgaotattaa a tattle a ad Faaoy Proaaee. , EGGS Recelpta moderata; candled atoek, 18c. . LIVE POULTRT Hens, SHtfloje: roosters. 6c; turkeys. 12c; ducks, 7c; gee, 6c; aprlpg Chicken. 12c, BUTT BR Picking stock, Hot eholc to fancy dairy, l?lc; separator, rff-lTUo. . FRESH FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel, 8e; Pike, 10c; perch. 7c; blueflBh, 13c: whlteflsh. loo; salmon, ,14c; redsnapper, 11c: loheter, freen, 3fc; Idbstsr. boiled. (0o: bullhead, lc; catfish. 14c; black baa, toe; htiihut, loc: crapplea. 13c: roo shad, 81; buffalo, fei white bass. Ho; frog legs, per dos., 25c. BRAN Per ton, SIS. ' HAT Prices quoted by Omaha VTholeoale Ialer association: Cholco No. 1 upland. 3760; No. 3, $6(0; medium.- (6.60; coarse, $6.60. Ry straw, $660. These price ar for hay of good color and quality. OYSTERS New Tork count, per . 46c: extra selects. ter can.. 17c: standards. per can. He. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valenclaa. large aloes, ISfoO 4.26; small alsos. $4.2604.60. LKMOMB California fancy. i37D. 806 and M0. $4.00; choloe, $3.6fj3.?6. UMis- lorina, per -basRet crate, 14 80. FIOS California, oer 10-lb. carton, tne: Imported Smyrna. 3-crown. 12c: 4-crown. 14c; 7-crown, I60. BANANAS Per medium sited bunch, $3.00 Iy2.60; jumbo. $2.76trS 26. . . - iHlllt. APPLES Homo srrown.' nop bu. Basket. 404iOc; per bbl., $t5. '' I'KACHiLS-Callfornia Xlbsrtaa and Sus quehanna, $1.10: home grown clings, per 10-1 b. baeket, 25c; Missouri, per (-basket crate, 81. 66; Colorado, 9uc7(11.10. PLUMS California groao prune, $1.60; Tragety, $1.26; Italian prune. $l.t6 Utah and Colorado plums and prunes, tvcfftl.oo. PE1AR8 California bartlett. per boa. $1.90 SI. 00; Colorado Flemish Beauty, 81 SO olorodo. litali and Oregon BarUett, 11.60 4T1.76: California H. Hardy, $1.46. CANTKLOL1K Arkansas and -Indian Tirrltory, per era to, $l.C0yi.7B. vv A 1 r.HMiiixjINU i'er 10. (craieo;, 10. CELERr-Per do., fiflSOc. GRAPES-Home grown. PCX 8 4 l-lb. basket, 30c. CRAB A PPLE8 Per bb!., $3.60; per mar ket basket, po ..... VKUGTAliLCI. POTATOES New home grown. In aacka, per bu., 45c. IN A V x tl IE A MB for DU., ti.wrnifj. . ONIONS Horn grown. In aack. par bu.. (Of 75c. TOMATOES Home grown, per ' market oaaset. joijnjc. " i. tABBAUK-Home grown, per ivu io bbo, CUCUMBKRS-Per do., 16c. A TURNIPS Home grown, per bu.. 40flCc. BEETS Homo grown, per bu fjOiJGOo. PARSLEY Per do., 26c. , WAX BEANS Per market basket. (Oo. STRING BEANS Per market basket. (Oo. GREEN PEPPERS Per bushel basket. - . ... BUUABH Home grown, per aos., one . EGG PLANT Southern, per dos., $1.60. : BWKS-T PrtTATnirfl Hnmi. srown. ber market basket. 6oax: .Virginia r bbl.. $3.263.60. . . M 1 Cj1jL,A PI CjKJXJO. NEW HONET-Per 54' frame. $3 SO. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo. per lb., 10c f-HRRRK Wisconsin twins. full cream. He; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, new, 16c: old, 1WT1701 Wisconsin brick, l.lHc: Wisconsin llmberger. 13c HIDES NO. 1 green. Vikei cq. z green, 6c; No. 1 saltod, 9c; No. t salted( 8c: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 13 lba., 9c; No. 3 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry salted. fflc; aheep pe ts. Z4gj2ic; noree nines, NfTTflWalniita Nn. t. BOft Shell, nor lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; no. i nara anen, per 10., ic, pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., foe; peanuts, per lb.. 12c; rotated p4nutB, ner fb.. 8c: Chill walnuts, per lb., llOll-ac; large hickory nuta, per lb He; almond, soft Bhell. per lo-. 15c: hard (hell. 13ei ahellbarks. per bu., $2.00; black Walnut. per bu., $1.28. . Celt Market. ' NEV TORK.' Aiar. ' 0. -COTTON BBOt closed quiet, 36 point higher; middling up lands, 11.66c; middling gulf, 11.90c; aaleo, 226 bales. LIVERPOOL, Aug. SO. COTTON-Sp. In limited demand, prices 10 points lower; American middling fair, (.tod; good .mid dling .66d; middling. I.64d; low nflddllng, itu. m.r.A 11. a.i.. pv X 04.4 SSitnraa opened easier and closed steady. American middling, g. o. c.j- August, s.wa; August. September. (.08d; September-October, 6.8d! October-November. 6.76d: November-p. cember, 6.72d; December-Janiuwy, l.70d; January-Frbrunry, 6.6Sdi Februarv'March, 88d: March-Anm. a.8d; April-stay. .toi Mav-June, ( 68d. . . . n'ftw orleaVS. Aur. 80.--COTTON Firm; alea. 3,000; ordinary, (13-10; good ordinary. lOttc; low mlddlrnf. if4j; mid dling, ll'iic; good middling. lll-le; mid dling fair, 11 15-16C. Future ateady. Au. gust. 11.00471 1.08c: September, , 11 CA-Wl 07e October, 10.9Vffin.4c; November, Mloe; Pecember. lO WWHO.fffc; Junugry. 11 OOiftil.03; rrioruary. ni.wftiv.uici stn:n.. iijirinu.. PT IiT'IS. Alia. SO. COTTON "teady to Vkc higher. Middling. HVc. Balea 111 bale; receipts, none; nipment. u oaioa; sioca, (.391 bales. .' , Metal - Market. ' - NEW TORK. Aug. 0. The London tin market was a little higher at 122 16s for spot and 121 6 for future. Locally, how ever, the market Instead of sympathising with the forelarn steedlnee wss shade lower at (26.76527.00. Copper waa higher In London where both pot and future closed at 67 it 6d. Locally the narkat I firm with Lake held at $12.62H12.76; .electro lytic. $11.50511.75;. easting. $ltt7H'w-lt50. Lead waa ateady and unchanged at, 14.20 (64.30 In the New York market. It waa lower In London, rloaing at 11 IS td. Spelter remained firm and unchanged at $5.66 in the local market and 22 16a In Iondon. Iron cloed at 61a 9d In Glasgow snd at 42a 10Hd In Mid dies bora. Locally Iron Is unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern Is ouoted nt $13 7Mrl4.86; No.. 1 foundry northern at is.2tfjl.70; Not. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry eouthsr toft at tll.Sut313.76. . - - Wklaky Market. CHICAGO! Aug. tO.-WHISKT-titoady, on baste of $1.28. PEORIA, Aug. to.-WHiSKT-Oa a baaia of 31.28 for finished good. BT. LOUIS. Aug. tO.-WHISKT-Mcy. on a rwisis'of tl.t. CINCINNATI. Aug. lO.-WHISKT-vQo.a' basis of $128 for finished good; ' , - . : ; ' Oil sad Rosla. NEW TORK. Aug. 30, OILS Cotton, seed, Arm; prim crude, nominal; prima yellow. 8b2Sc; petroleum, steady: rennU New York, $7.70; Philadelphia and Balti more, $7.66; Philadelphia and Bltlmor, n bulk, $4 76; turpentine, dull at l4S'344c. . ROSIN Firm; atalned, common to (eot), ww. . ;. Philadelphia Predae Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. tO.-BUTTEn' Market firm, good demand; extra western oreumery, lite: extra nearby prints, too. . EGGS Steady, fair demand; nearby frt' Wsc at mark; weatern drat. ICfilOu at mark. CHEESE Quiet tout ateady I New TOfH' full creams, cholco to fancy," iQ9'4ci New York full cream, .fair to good, kQifeo. Mlaaoapolla Grain Market. , MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. lO-WHEAT-Sep' tembor, $1.11; December. $1.104; M,. 31.18: No. 1 hard. $1.16H: No. 1 nrtlrn. $1.14H; No. I northern, $M3y4 FLOUR First paten is, M.iW.Jn: ' "! patenta. $6.964 05: Oral Clear. Mk0IMi second clears. $15. . BRAN In bulk. Toledo Set Market. TOLEDO, Aug. tO.-8EEDS-C1voP, cv tlUHi October, $7 61W: December. $7 60 bid Alalke, prime. $7 86 bid: August, 17 86 bll Timothy, prime, $146; September, ;tl 46 ' The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Nab. . . US. stko ; Capital sod Surplus, $600,000 - rtAttS MUlPtV. Br,. Stli S. WOOD. V. T. ' IITIEI MAIL Caikitr. f IA1C T. I AM 1170a.. A tat. Caaklar, , RaeeiT sotousta ol kanka, kaakara, ooraor. stloaa. anna, aa Ia4ll4aala oa. faTorabte lei ma. yoralsa Earhaaa amkl eaa ool ' Lxura o err 4 il . Iaau4, trailabM Is tH paru ot I ha warl4. " Intoraat p!4 oa Ttm Coniaiato ol PoBoarl. roilMtioaa bm4o srumsil sa4 OMawniaalis.' Wa raquoM eonapB4sc.