Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Hotel If ads by Thomai Jefferson on Hit
. Personal Experience!.
fevaral Warke tot Ftetloa Warifcr
;oaalAratlon Bishop Potter Dl-
easaa Ittlatlaav of Cltlaca to
tha Industrial Problem.
"The Ana of Thomas Jefferson," edited
by Franklin B- Sawvel (Th Bound Table
Press), la a, rork unique In the year and
one which, more than any other book pos
Ibly could, throws light upon the charac
ter and thoughts of the man credited with
framing the declaration of Independence.
The work Is a compilation of notes made
by Mr. Jefferson on his personal experi
ence from 1791 to 1809. It Is not a diary
nor a biography but notes of conversa
tions and conferences made by the states
man to reinforce his memory, which he
found could not be relied upon at all
times. In these notes he speaks of war
and events In the most free manner and by
so doing throws side lights. upon himself
and associates which are valuable to a
person Interested in the early history of
the republic . , . .
"Crime In lta Relations' to Social Pro
gress" by Arthur. Cleveland. Mall, fellow
In sociology. Columbia, 189t-98, (The Co
lumbia TJnlvereWy Presa). This book Is
volume XIII In "Studies In History, Eco
nomics and Public Law," edited by the
faculty of political science of Columbia
university. The author in his preface says
"The first few pages of this book seem
very pessimistic, but in truth the author's
view Is a broadly optlmlstio one
Crime Is lh large part social product. In
creasing because1 of this growth.
An Increase' Of crime, however, does not
mean necessnrtly an Increase of anti-social
conduct. "
"Romance," a novel by Joseph Conrad
and F. M. Hueffner (McClure. Phillips ft
company), tells of the experiences of an
English youth who in a 'spirit of adven
ture goes, under a cloud, to the West In
dies when they are under the absolute
control of Spain. A dark eyed senorita, a
dying cousin,: a malignant Irishman, a case
of mistaken identity which results in the
hero going on ' trial ' for piracy brings a
climax tor ths tale which la fairly well
"The Kayfleld Mower," Anon, published
by The Hayfleld Mower press, Boston,
$1.25. purport to represent a ' "genuine
country newspaper, edited with aggressive
horse and homely fearlessness
the writer sincerely hopes that some will
not agree with him."- The chief thing Tn
the book the. able way the scribe knock
the chip from the ahoulders of impostures
and. sham,, or anything else he does not
agree with. lie is right In the main, too.
but he would need to edit hie paper with
the pen in one, hand and a gun tn the other
to keep the respectable shams from hold
ing a war dance over his remain. .
The author' of ''Pltfal.'a of Mining Fi
nance,". Harry J. Newton, for some year
macaglhg editor of the Dally Mining Rec
ord, has rendered a! great service both to
mining Investors and the mining Industry.
No mining Investor has the excuse of Ig
norance for 'making blind Investment in
mining, now that he can learn all the es
sential requirements for careful Investiga
tion, whluh alone Insure ultimate success.
Every investor should secure and read a
copy of "Pitfalls of Mining Finance," pub
lished by the Dally 'Mining Record of
Denver, . .Colo. t,! ,.'
A- second edition of a -magazine in mid
summer la one f the unheard-of things In
magaalne-maklng. But the publishers of
"Everybody's Magarlne" have broken all
records In many notable instance, and a
the August - edition of 830,000 copies lias
proved to be Insufficient, they announce a
second edition. ' . The Lawsen story of
Amalgamated Copper, advertised largely In
this and. other leading paper of the coun
try, la ,tb,e Immediate cause of the Immense
Increase in circulation which has come to
this magasine the last few months. 'Writ
ten in a fluent and masterly style by the
Boston millionaire financier. It appeals not
only to men, but has attracted .. wide
spread Interest among the intelligent wo
men of the country.
The Scott-Thaw company has published
a new novel by William Bags, entitled
"Frenchy the Story of a Gentleman." Mr.
Bage was well known to the reading public
by , his successes with his previous novels,
"Robert Tournay" and "The Claybournea."
His latest work is the story of a French
gentleman of noble birth, the Marquis da
Bt. Hllalre, who, by his chivalry and' self
sacrificing nature, finds hi place In Amer
ica among It. best citizens. He give up
hi fortune to save the honor of a friend,
and thus Impoverished leaves Paris for
America, assuming his family name with
out the title. His adventures, his trial
and struggle In this country form a
story of an Interesting and captivating
kind. The end finds "Frenohy" happily
placed and married to the right woman.
"Th Magnetlo North.'.' a novel by Eliza
beth Robblnd (Frederick A,' Btoke com
pany), is one of the many stories made out
of the material to. be . found In the Polar
land of gold, with Ita long nights and yet
longet frails; its warm hearts and frozen
leas. The story s well told and deals
principally with the development of a
young man' character .under the adverse
circumstances .to be found where "gold"
Is ths word upon every man' tongue; and
"gold" ' Is' the motive for almost every
action. v
"Felice Constant, ' a novel by, William C.
Rprague, L L. B., (Frederick A. Btokea
company) Is one of the timely novels of the
yar,' being a tale of the winning of the
Northwest territory by Clark, who has
been the theme of many writer this year
and last Felice Constant la the daughter
of a French settler of . Detroit who Is not
satisfied with British dominion over the
land once held by France and the sacrifices
made by himself, his daughter, and a Vir
ginia lieutenant form the story, which la
well worth reading.' '
The Jessica letters," anonymous, (O.
P. Putnam a . Sons), 1 called an editor'
' romance. In these day when writer run
out of material they turn to the grind of
Pale babies become rosy, and
pretty babies when fed on
Mellin's Food. MelUn's Food
yo beautifully prlntW par ' bslpftil hints
bout " The Car. mod r eading of lulaaw,"
tomnd la data, wUlbaasut yuu ire it yea
u far it.
their ordinary - work for subjects and
throwing oxtr It a glow of the unreal give
peculiar Ideaa to the uninitiated of the
work, and play of the editorial sanctum,
and as such the Jessica letters, with the
alleged experience of a fair contributor and
a man whe "reads copy" are above the
"Frederick the Great and the Rise of
Prussia." by W. F. Reddnway, (O. P. Put
nam'' Bona), I primarily a biography of
the German ruler, but It gives much Inter
esting to the general reader from an his
torical standpoint.
"Btotiy Lonesome," by Arthur J. Russell
(Rand, McNally ft Co.), Is a boy book
which It will pay grown-up to read for
every one of It 12-mo. page la full of
youthful philosophy and told just a the
boys tell It It Is a book which never -ends,
a it Bar Itself, for Btony Lonesome I a
town and when one set of boy change with
the penning of the years, another set sr
rive and the book can then be read over
President ef Nebraska Bltwllthla Com.
liar Talks on patvlaaj Speci
fication Controversy.
BOSTON, Aug. 17, 1904. To the Editor of
The Bee: My attention hns been called to
an article In The Bee, under date of Au
gust 17, which puts City Attorney Wright
In the position of quoting me aa follows:
Mr. Warren said, "Tou are absolutely
right." He said, "No man can bid under
these specifications unless he has the Board
of Publio Works with him."
It Is a fact, as Mr. Wright states, that
he called on mo at my Boston office. At
a previous vlflt to Omaha I had urged him
to do so for the purpose of Investigating
the bltullthlo pavement and going over the
specifications with him. In view of the
fact that I wa very busy at the time, and
we -did not have as much opportunity to
go Into the details as either Mr. Wright or
myself desired, I think It Is fair' to say
that I did not make the statement at
tributed to me in the words In which I am
quoted, but In effect I made the following
statement, and Mr. Wright must acknowl
edge that I did not say that he was right
In his past contentions with the board. I
did state and Insist that the specifications
which he advocated, those submitted by
the city engineer, were the most Illegal
and unjust specifications which I had ever
read; they specified nothing definitely In
the way of bituminous material and were
absolutely ' Illegal. I acknowledged that
some of the clauses- In the specifications
adopted by the board were ambiguous, but
hot nearly as ambiguous as the speclflcau
tlops which the board rejected and as
recommended by the city engineer. I
pointed out. In detail, that the specifications
for bituminous concrete paving, which were
submitted by the city engineer, and which
were drawn for the purpose of evading
the patents of Warren Brothers company
on the bltullthlc pavement, were Illegal and
the worst specifications which I had ever
In building from the general form of
specifications which has previously been
in vogue In the city of Omaha, and all of
which specifications contain certain clauses,
which, I believe, are contrary to law. In
that they delegate to the city engineer
authority which should. never exist In any
person, I believe that the board has over
stepped Itself and placed In the discretion
of the board matters which should be
specified in detail, but in the specifications
.or asphalt paving adopted by the board
they have not gone to the extreme1, and
the specifications can- be m6re easily Jus-tlfled-
than the specifications which- were
submitted by the city engineer.
I mad the general statement. In effect, specification for asphalt' caving
In tha .city of Omaha werey in my judg.
ment, strictly legal, and that 'the 'reason
for their Illegality waa that they delegated
to the board certain" matters which should
be determined In .advance.- The specifica
tions specified nothing as definitely As they
should, and I said that there hod never
been specifications adopted by the city of
Omaha, In my experience during Ihe last
ten years, under which . any responsible
contractor could afford to bid, unless he
felt that the Board of Publio Works, and
especially the engineer, were his friends,
and It had been my personal policy,, in
view of the fact that the engineer was un
friendly, that with such specifications a
contractor could not afford to bid on
asphalt paying.
I can hardly conceive that Mr. Wright
Intended to put me In the position of criti
cising the present specifications 4,t the
Board of Public Works as compared with
other specifications which they have had
before them for consideration, for I was
very emphatle In the Opinion that the pres
ent specifications, a adopted by the Board
of Publio Works, were more nearly legal
than any specification which had been in
stigated by any other Sources.
My principal objection to th Rose
water specifications were that they permit
good And worthless asphalts to compete
against . each other. ' They permit experi
enced and inexperienced contractors to bid
on the same basis, and they delegate to
the engineer or the board the power to dis
criminate after the bids are In as to
whether a material 1s suitable or not. The
law contemplate that specifications shall
be so specifically In detail before bids are
asked that they specify the class of work
to be done and specify only good materials.
Take the Rosewater specificationsfor bitu
minous concrete paving. They are no more
speclflo than a specification would be for
a houae which said that it should be forty
feet in dimension. Every bituminous ma
terial, whether coal tar, oil, asphalt, ma
terial made from sulphur and oil or other
wise can be used, it is no more a specfica
tion for a particular thing than a specifica
tion for a pavement whloh apeclfled brick,
wood, dlrt. and clay. Any material of a
bituminous nature which Is known to be
good, bad pr worthless would come within
the limits of the specification. The power
delegates to the board to determine after
bids are tn what they will use and such a
specification would be absolutely Illegal
and a property owner could successfully
contest the assessment. There is no more
legal right for specifying asphalt tn com
petition with coal tar under a given specifi
cation than there is for specifying brick
In competition with wopd. Every point In
tha present Omaha specifications which
could possibly be declared Illegal Is among
those which have been copied from the
Roaea)atar specifications. The city engineer
of Omaha naturally Is Inclined to set him
self up aa an expert and assume the right
to pas on all technical matters for the
board, and In effect that Rosewater specifi
cation ar Inclined to delegate to the city
engineer arbitrary functlona which ahould
be denied anyone after the bids are In. I
do not believe the Rosewater specifications
could possibly stand the attack of a prop
erty owner's suit, If experts were put on
th stand to prove the truth. I
have explained this view of the matter to
Mr. Rosewater In person, end while I have
no reason to question anyone's motive In
the matter, I feel that prejudice la largely
responsible for the conditions which exltt.
The city attorney apparently agreed
with me In the proposition that the speclfl.
cations of the city engineer were Indefinite
and Illegal and I cannot believe that he
quotes me as criticising the legaltty,of the
specifications of th Board of Publio Works
to the same extent thst I criticised the
legality of the specifications recommended
by the city engineer.
Ranren of West We Campaign for
Treatment by Railroada.
Freak Barrr. Secretary of later
state Commerce. Uw Coaveatloa.
Talk of Evils WfeJek Ar
to Be Corrected.
A strong campaign Is being wsged by the
cattlemen of the western states to secure
a correction of wrongs which they claim
have been sufTeted at the hands of tha rail
roads for several, years tn spits of the
efforts which have been put forth by those'
Interested in th various branches of this
Industry. One of the evils complained of
is In the matter of the Increasing and ex
cessive cost of transportation. Among the
other troubles complained of I faulty scrv
Ice, lack of shipping facilities and general
negligence, To correct the, first named
fault a bill now Is before congress.
Frank Barry, secretsry of the Interstate
commerce law convention, was In Omaha
yesterday In the interest of this question.
He said:
"One of the things that the live stock
people are seeking to accomplish Is to
amend th interestate commerce laws so
they will have the force originally Intended.
As the law now exists the Interstate Com
merce commission is practically powerless
to do anything. The original law wa
strong enough, but it has been weakened
from time to time a the result of court
decisions which have made Its provision
inoperative. One of the bad feature of
the law a It exisU on the statute book
today 1 that It give the commission the
right to prohibit an unjust rate, but robs
it of the power to ay what the rate shall
Only Concreaa Can Herniate.
"Only congreea has the right to regulate
these rates and It does so through this com
mission, which makes Its investigation and
reports to the legislature.
"The discrimination against the shippers
of live stock has been more unfair than
with the other shippers. Appeals are made
to the railroads, but the jellef obtained is
only temporary, while- the conditions hate
been growing . constantly worse, but the
present law Is futll against the abuses.
The prosperity and growth of the railroads
are essentially the country's welfare and
the interest of shipper and carrier are too
intimately related for one to seek the In
Jury of the other. The shipper, however,
ha inalienable right which he must pro
tect and encroachments upon those right
must be restrained by the federal govern
ment, i
"One of the most significant facts brought
out by the Interstate Commerce commis
sion in Its annual report for 1908 Is the
steady advance In the cost of transportation
by rail. There is today no way these ad
vances can be stopped.
Rates Rise and Cost of Healing Falls.
"While rates are Increasing the cost or
transportation Is constantly, decreasing.
Grades and curves ar being reduced and
facilities of carrying, are Improved. . An
engine today hauls double the weight It did
fifteen years ago, without a corresponding
Increase in the cost of operating the train.
"The net earnings of the last fifteen
years have Increased M per cent.
"In sending his cattle to market the
shipper has no voice .In the matter. There
Is no bargain. The company fixes the
rate. It gets its share of the proceeds
first, and always in cash. The fact that
the lines fight for this traffic looks aa - If
it must be' prqfltable. Take the rate
from Winnehiuccts ' NeV;; to, Omaha,' of
1180 per standard car. The Bouthern Pa
cific deducts 162.86 to Ogden. The Denver
&. Rio Grande gets $62.70 : on the 779-mile
haul from Ogden to Denver and the line
east of Denver 'gets the rest, $36.43 on the'
haul to Omaha or Kansas City. That makes
the local rate from Intermediate points west
of Denver, such as Grand Junction to' Pu
eblo, of $70 per car seem exorbitant, and the
shipper naturally thinks some one is being
'held up,' for the ' Rio Grande makes the
haul at the rate of 7.8 cents per car
mile, while the Grand Junction to Pueblo
shipment Is at the rate of 23.1 cents per
Say Rebate Are Paid.
"The fact is indisputable that rebates
have been paid by the lines east of Ogden
from their proportion of such rates a the
Wlnnemucca to Omaha rate.
"Wherever-' combinations have "teen
formed by the railroads by agreement upon
certain rates for certain territories
It has been held that the combination
formed by making an agreement on rates
was to insure reasonable tariffs, but tha
courts have ruled that It destroyed com
petition and that the agreements were un
lawful. "The pressure which has been brought to
bear upon the legislature for the prompt
enactment of needed legislation to correct
the evils of exorbitant rates from which
the public in all section of th country 1
suffering Is tremendous and the sentiment
In favor of the enactment of protective
law Is growing."
Gaest with Handover- Raise Other
Ocewpawts and Police Force
v with HI Yells.
The occupants of the Paxton hotel an
nex were aroused .from their slumbers at
3:10 a. m. Tuesday by a series of the most
unearthly , howls that ever disturbed the
sweet .dream of early dawn. Rushing
pell-mell from their beds, they found Ed
ward Arthur Johns of Pittsburg, Pa., on
the landing of the fourth floor, yelling to
the saints to save him from being killed.
Johns, the hotel employes said, had been
drinking hard since his arrival at the hotel,
and this, they believe', was the cause of
the man losing hi mind. On th arrival
of the police com highly excited men,
clad In their pight shirts, were found
around Johns, standing near him for fear
ha would harm himself, but who dared not
approach him for . fear , ha might harm
them. One fat man In a very small night,
gown skipped about with an ugly looking
44-callber revolver and the others were
constantly doglng about so as to get out
of the way of the. gun tn case the fat man
pulled the trigger. Johns was trying to
get a long, lean man to open a tin of
tooth powder, telling him there was pur
gold inside. But from the look on the
long man' face he would not have opened
that tin If the treasure' of King Solo
mon' mine were to be had by so doing.
When the police got hold of him John
wanted to pray and earnestly desire a
reporter, whom he took for a minister, to
read the second chapter of Genesis to the
assembled strangers ' In their pajamas.
Johns refused to put on hi clothe untlj
this had been done, and as the reporter
steadfastly objected to "scabbing" on a
minister, th demented man was bundled
Into the patrol wagon wrapped up In a
The climax of the whole . performance
was when the patrol wagon wa noartng
th police atatlon and passed a man who
was meandering borne with unateady gait.
Aa It pased him John suddenly Jumped
straight up and let out another war whoop.
The effect on the man with the unsteady
legs was Instantaneous. II just dropped
with a flop to the sidewalk.
John la being detain ed at th police
station until his relative at Pittsburg shall
hav been hard frou. It ha been learned
that his mother reside at $441 Boquet ave
nue and tk brother at 43$ Smlthfleld street.
Pittsburg. When further questioned, he
gave his occupation as that of a "boose
fighter and a winner of the fair sex.
Goes to Chicago Poeeibly Will
Take t FmI Rat Matter
Commissioner IX J. Mc"Vann of the Com
mercial club left Monday night for Chi
cago. As Mr. McVann has expressed him
self a dissatisfied with the concessions
made to Omaha regarding coal rates. It 1
thought quit likely that he will call on
Darius Miller, trafflo manager of the Bur
lington, and other railroad officials In an
effort to secure an absolute restoration of
th old coal rate to Omaha. Mr. McVann
I not expected to return to Omaha until
St. Loale and Retara.
Coach excursion ticket at very low rat
cf $3.60 from Omaha to St. Louis and re
turn on the Missouri Pacific will be on
sale for all train arriving In St. Louis
September 4 shd up to noon September i.
Thla In addition to every Tuesday and
Thursday during August and September.
For full Information call or address City
Ticket Office. ' Southeast Corner of Four
teenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb.
F. F. Godfrey, P. T. A. .
To Indiana and Ohio.
On Seotember . 1$. and J7 the M-
ourl Pad flo will Bell round trip ticket
at very low 1 rate to point In states of
Indiana and Ohio, located on ana west of
line drawn through Sandusky, Columbus,
Washington, D. C, Wilmington, Clncln
natl. O., and to Louisville, Ky., and inter
mediate point. For further information
call on or address any agent of company,
or Thomas F. Godfrey, P. ft T. A., south
east corner Fourteenth and Douglas
streets, Omaha, Neb. -
Special Hammer Tourist Rate to Ken
tucky, Tennessee, North Caro
lina and Virginia.
The Chicago Great Weatern Railway will
sell special round trip ticket at very low
rates to Crab Orchard, Ky.; Mlddlebor-
ough, Ky.; Tate Springs, Conn.; Olive
Springs, Tenn.; Asheville, N. G; Hot
Springs, N. C; - Roanoke, Va,; Glade
Springs, Va.; Radford, Va:, and other
points. Tickets on sale dally, good to re
turn until October 81. For further infor
mation apply to S. D. PARKHURST, Gen
eral Agent, 1612 Farnara street, Omaha,
New York and Philadelphia
cannot be more pleasantly or conveniently
reached than by the Grand Trunk-Lehigh
Valley Route. Solid through trains, mag
nificent scenery, all trains run yia Niagara
Falla. ...
Descriptive literature sent free on appli
cation to Advertising Department, Grand
Trunk Railway System, 135 Adams Bt, Chi
cago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. ft T. A.
Nebraska State Fair at Llneoln.
For above occasion Rock Island System
will sell excursion tickets dally August 2$
to September 2 from all stations In Ne
braska on basis of one. fare for round trip.
Tickets limited return September 3. Trains
leave Omaha 7:20 a. m., 1:30 p. m., 6:25 p,
m. Inquire Rock Island agents for further
information. .
Special Summer Tourist Rate to
Point In Illlnola.Ayipoonaln
and Michigan.
The Chlcagq Orea ,jyri Railway will
sell special round,, trip , ticket at very
low rates to points ia .Illinois, Wisconsin
and Michigan. Ticket limited, to October
Hi. for rurtner information - apply to B.
D. Parkhurst, General . Agent, 0613 Farnara
street, Omaha, Neb.- , ,, i. ,
Homeseekera' Rate to north Dakota.
livery Tuesday until October 25 the Chi
cago Great Western Railway will sell round
trip tickets to points In the above named
state at a great reduction -from th usual
fare. For further information apply to
Geo, F. Thomas, general agent, liu Far
nam street, Omaha, Neb.
Special Summer Tourist Hate to De
, trolt. Mich. .
The Chicago Great Western railway will
sell round trip tlcketH at one fare plus
$2.00. Tickets on sole daily. Good return
ing until October 81. For further Informa
tion apply to 8. D. Parkhurst, General
Agent. 1512 Farnam St., pmaha. Neb. s'
24.pO to Chicago,
The Chicago Great Western Railway will
ell special round trip tickets to Chicago
at $20.00. Tickets good for return until Oc
tober 3L For further Information apply
to 8. D. Parkhurst, general agent, 151)
Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
Don't fall to see the Oriental Dancing
Girls at the W. O. W. Carnival at Court
land Beach all this week.
Tou will regret It If you-fail to see Gala
tea at the W. O. W. Carnival at Courtland
Beach all this week. .
Colfax Puroz Water.- '
bottled at the springs. Gladstone Bros.,
U08-13HJ Douglas street.
"Nebraska State fair, Lincoln, August 2
to September t"
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage license were
Issued up to noos August 30 :
Name and Address. Age.
Henry Gerber, Omaha....... 21
Sarah Wnlltenberg. Omaha . 18
John M. Brown, Omaha 29
juma a. micnen, Moneny, aio ...
18 K. Wedding Rings. Edholm, jeweler.
E. 11, Martin, 3211 Poppleton avenue,' has
notified the city that ha will hold It re
sponsible for damages sustained by reason
of an accident causing personal Injuries to
himself, which occurred In front of "his
residence on August 11. He doe nut
specify the nature of his hurts.
After trying married lite for twenty-one
years, Mary T. Schmidt states to the dis
trict court that It Is a failure. She accuses
her husband, Joseph Schmidt, with drunk
enness and cruelty, and demands a di
vorce. The cnuole were married at Coun
cil Bluffs in lw3, and have been engaged In
iruca gardening in umana lor several
' 1 ' 1 T
Craki't Palmetto WInis
This wonderful tonie medicine will Immedi
ately help you and absolutely cure you. Every
reader of thla paper who desires to give this re
markable Palmetto medicine a thorough test Is
offered a trial bottle of brake' Palmetto Win
free. One tables poonful onoe a day relieves and
absolutely cures Indigestion. Flatulency, Con
stipation. Catarrh ot the Mucous Membranes,
Congestion of Liver or Kidneys, and Inflamma
tion ot Bladder, to alar cured. It is a wooder
f ul touio for the appetite, nervous system sod
blood, and oromoto and maintain health
and vigor.
Seventy-flre cents at Drug Stores for large
bottle, usual dollar slse, but a trial bottle will
be aent tree and prepaid to every reader of Uils
paper who needa such a medicine. Address your
letter or postal cord to Drake Formula Com
pany, brake Mulldiog. Chleaiio, lit A trial out
ue will be seat prepaid,
For Crane's Writing Paper
and Fountain Pens, go to
DarkaJow Bros.
Ttl. B223i. UlirumnSU
M e t e op oli 4 a ia;
contains readable things on
For Sale
A 35-cent
ii uesoay
Sixty Day Tickets - - $15.35;
Fifteen Day Tickets - - $13.80
Ever; one should visit this, the greatest Exposition the world has eyer known. I'hit la
delightful season for viewing the wonderful sights. . . .
Ample hotel and boarding house accommodations for all. REASONABLE RATES.
Bee local agents for further Information. ;V ;
City Ticket Offices S. E, Cor. 14th & Douglas St., Omaha
Pass, and Ticket A0nt.
; h, c. toWnsehd,
Ceneral Passenger and Ticket Agent,
Nettleton and
Men s Shoes
The Best In the World
at any prlca anal tbo
Best In tba World for
th price. . . .
55? and 350
They both have the style,
character, lit and wear, and
we carry these two lines ex
clusively ia all the shapes
and weights that men wear
Wa carry no uacblna aawad ahoaa
Decatur Shoe Co.
iS2i Farnam Street.
Frank Wilcox, flir.
The Only Sellers ot Neltletons
and Walk-Overs.
New "Soldier" Story
. ' '
' . ... V
by All Newsdealers
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