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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
19 THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY; ATTOtTBT '31. HIM." IT Jfol LOU Bif Sale Shirts Saturday Ladies' n J 7 4. HC $i5o&$2Lrocneieu scans ai ijl ' MADE OF SOFT SHETLAHDFLOS$ HAND CROCHETED. Hundreds of fine all wool floss circular capes and scarfs in all the most popular shades and colors. t. v FOR EYERIN9 WEAR, FOR THE THEATRE, FOR CHILLY WEATHER All white with fancy colored borders also blacks, pinks, blues and reds actually worth vp to $2.00 each Wednesday, at, each. 1 IRISH LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS AT 121c Ladies' and men's all pure linen handker chiefs, with all widths of hemstitcnlng, worth 2 5o each at, each. LADIES' Short length kimonas and dress KIMONAS lng sacques for negligee wear. at 29c. ' trimmed with lace, Jbrmw In the Picture Department Basement. f,.d MINIATURES AT 15c 15c 5c AT 124c c'12k Ilpndreds of pretty miniatures a great fad in house decoration imitation nana paintea Ivory, etc. in gilt ulaqerecl wood Slft.BT, $10.00 and $15.00 Pictures at $2.50 Beautiful, elaborate photogravures, etchings, copies of famous paintings, water colors, etc., 222 Yel9erip NOTIONS sclsSsAND Supporters at special baroains ri, artin at 21c Wednesday Only rraDted spring nook. and Parabola gold eye needles, gj Jc at...'... :IC at; per paper, 3c wax safety Pin Book, Never Drip Wax Tapers, Eng.3teei g?....3c 30 in box, at 3c Great Fall Underwear Sale Thursday Ladies', men's and children's medium and heavy weight underwear from the Kelley-Stiger stock, at big bargains. Biggest Underwear, Event Ever '- . Known. JFQionriri Oreatest uJL Underwear. o?.V Sale Ever In Omaha ays School Suits Four Sample Lines of Boys' and Children's Clothing bought from Morris Asinoff, 185-187 Mercer St., N. Y. ON SALE WEDNESDAY Boys' $3.50. $4. $5 and $6 Knee Pants Suits at $1.98 Thi lest, strongest and most stylish suits for school wear, in all ages 8 to 16 years all the late Q fall styles, sailor, double 1 1 ' VCj I , breasted, and Norfolks, your choice a . ..... . All the Morris Asinoff $7.50 and $10.00 long I TK afl pants suits for L Bjh young men, at All the Morris Asinoff Boys' knee pants, worth 75c, Ji $1 and $1.25, at 1fJC Boya Heavy Ribbed 25c Stockings 13c a vm a. ti om mat m-x LaUUTJOHltS rtMH $1.00 Madras Cloth Shirt Waists 48c ; Going to the Fair? Then why carry a "shabby" grip or suit case? Take ad vantage of our TWENTY PERCENT discount sale and set '. one that 'will last a lifetime and always look well. It will cost you no more than the cheap grades sell (or elsewhere. , Omaha Trunk Factory, Telephone 1053 1309 Farnatn mm 1 $ m W WE'VE A LOT , of beautiful roods In our north window. mi .lari-,. ... at one-half regular price. - The opportunity to get gjuds at such a discount ends September 1st. MAWHiNNEY Sc. RYAN C 0:ril fx nr J VA AAfr?r J f frr m ti MR S. J. BENSON NEW GOODS IN ART DEPT.. Stamped Linen Pieces in the eyelet work, Doylies, Centers and Table Covers. Uardahger canvas and books with patterns showing how to work, and material for working. Pera Lustre A A Linen. An elegant line of Novelty Braids and Fringes, and patterns for making the new cape collars. The new Eidprdnwn Wnnl ontlrolir Hl1iis " i& V"VJ piiiUJ colors pink, blue and white, for making Af ghans., We have books with patterns and the commenced Afghan. Sofa Pillows. and .Table Spreads stamped to-be worked in cross stitch and embroidery. . Finished pieces In Norwegian Scrim Work and Canvas Em broidered, all in new colors and shades, i -Eyelet and Bulgarian finished pieces. " . ' ' Battcnberg Kings, 23c per 100. wmmm Prices Tell The Story ; IN MID-SUMMER PIANO SELLING ' Durln an abnormally dull season we have been doing a business, far beyond our expectations. Groat Price Clipping la the magnet thst has drawn this splpndld trade. It s our whole desire to reduce our stock to the lowest point before the end of this week and our final effort will produce values that are even greater than those we have been giving. Upright Pianos, $275 English make, walnut $ 85.00 m) Han tk Bon, second nana S'TO J. P. Hale, second hand M OO 278 Iyyon Healy, parlor style ..... W.OO 825 Kimball, ebony case 136.00 ST.0 Kimball, walnut, modern style.... 131.00 3)0 Bample Piano on sale 142.00 400 Chlckerlng, used, but fine shape. 1W V) 3n0 Hallet A uavls, slightly used.... 1T7 0 450 Emerson, parlcr site, mahogany. 600 Uardman. brilliant tone 2X0.00 MO Bteger A Sons, fanoy golden oak. 815.00 Terms, $10 Gash and 5 Per Honth. SQUARE PIANOS tnd ORGANS all makes, SI5 to $50, Terms, 25c to 75c Per Week. We also . quote special prices on new Stelnway, Bteger, Schmoller St Mueller, Emerson, McPhall, A. B, Chase, Hard man, Steck, Needham, Erbe and the beautiful Singer pianos. NEW PIANOS FOR RENT, 13 and up. Expert tuning and repairing promptly done. We ship pianos on approval everywhere, and extend credit to everybody. Write for catalogues and prices. Schmoller Mueller, Established 18& ' 1313 Farnam St. Tel. 1625 Stores at Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City and Council Bluffs. 5 SCHOOL SHOES School commences Sep tember 6th. Have you bought your children's school shoes yet? This week Is a f ood time to do it, and his store Is the place to buy them. You will find salesmen at 'this store who know how to fit children's feet properly, and there is a good deal In that. Tou will find girls' and boys' shoes at this store that are made to fit easy and comforta ble; that are made to wear long and well, and that are made to look neat and nice. You will And prices - at this store are right as well as the shoes; and there are few places where you wUl find as good snoe val ues. Bee our specials at $1.50 and $2. CQ FRfSnOt Uhe Best of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago Only $15.00 DEADW00D, LEAD AND DAKOTA HOT SPRINGS i AND RETURN Tuesdays and Saturdays Till September 17, Inclusive &27JL5 CLEVELAND. TORONTO. BUFFALO AND RETURN 1 i -City OffiC4s 14011403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. CM-eei Omaha Wtather Red Utter Oaf Fair and Warmer. I S : rCalffi r 3S if. ' catii AgQ tonpc J RED LETTER DAY! RED LETTER DAY!! RED LETTER DAY!!! Wednesday! Wednesday!! BRING YOUR BOOK. SILVERWARE SPECIALS. Famous Oneida Com munity silver, hand made, 25-year guar anteed Teaspoons, Wednesday, per set of l . six. And Fifty -(15) '8. A H. Oreen Trading Stamps. The newest popular bat pin.'- Sterling, auto horn and steeling wheel In auto cushion. Wednesday w w IJTJyuS'. &1 And Twenty ($2) "S. A H." Green Trading Stamps. i Table and Dessert Spoons correspondingly reduced. A Sensational Sale of Suits We put on sale Wednesday a. m. two hundred Ladles' New Tailor Made Suits. Tourist Suits, Norfolk Suits. Butcher Suits.- Blouse 8ults and Tight Fitting Suits all the very latest materials mannish cloth prevailing sale R r.e .prices for Wednesday, ,18.50, 19.76 and O. IADIES' TOURT8T COATS Nobby styles, all mixed and covert R OR cloths prices from $25.00 to O.yO RAIN COATS, special quality of Cravenette Cloth "7 flR sale Wednesday $8.86 and , iVO New Fall Waists on Sale Wednesday Two Hundred and Fifty Doxen Women's New Fall Waists, In flannel, sateen. m??aIIvP,aln.-andjni;re(1 ""d fancy German fleeced flannels prices, crip $2.95, S2.75. $2.46, $1.98, $1.76, $1.39, $1.26, $1.19, 98c, 75o and OUC Handsome New Waist Velvets at the Silk Dept. for Wednesday 200 pieces handsome new Velvet Walstlngs blue, black, brown, green, cardinal grounds w.xh handsome cluster dots and pretty new figures made of the fine Boulevard Velvet b at 89c and i iOC IE 1 For Wednesday only we will give double Green Trading Stamps those velvets. 8 New White Embroidered Wai,st Patterns at the Lace Counters 16 styles to select from. Fine Oxford Walstlng, embroidered and spoke stitched fronts with embroidered pieces for collars ry R and cuffs no two styles alike for Wednesday, only, each..f And Double Green Trading Stamps on each pattern. Wednesday the Last Day of Our August Linen Clearance Sale We will give double Green Trading Stamps all day Wednes day on all our Table Linens, Napkins and Cloths. . Big re ductions In this department. GROCERY Red Letter Day Money Savers 25c'3 Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pkz. Ben nett's Capitol OftV Coffee ..PC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with lb. whole Pickling 8 Dice Tn m m "a a it Green Trading Stamps; with araJ smcTa! Pickling. Venegar.CW (fTOTl Ten ($1.00) "8. A H." k&V&VJ ureen Trading Stamps SffSff with lb. New YorkO, n k$i jreara cneese.... w w Ten ($1.00) "8. A H tSlrrliiEl Green Trading Stamps wiin two ids. Keaa Carolina 1 fir Rice.... .....IOC TEAS. Best values ever offered In these. Twenty ($2.00) "8. A H." Green Trad ing Stamps with lb pkg. 4Un Tea Sittings "..?. IOC BUTTER. 'Received' daily from best dairies. Fresh Country Butter, on pound 'U Bennett's Capitol Creamery, OOp pound m4m 4c 10c 7c ......10c ,.7c 8c Potted Ham, can , Salmon, 1-lb. can....M........ Japan Rice, pound Macaroni, lb. pkg.. Peas, t-lb can. . .... ... String Beans, 4-IU. MMM Wax Beans, , - Dr 2-lb. can. Red Letter Day Sale of Shoes Misses' and Children's high cut Shoes, worth 12.00, JT at...... And Thirty (?3.00) "S. & n." Green Trading Stamps 4 VFrwMBB1 Boys' Casco CJalf Shoes with quilted bottoms, strong and good to wear 1 PA guaranteed J v Men's Vici Kid and Velour Calf Welt Shoes worth CIT $3.50, at. And Fiftyj (5.00) "S. & n." Green Trading Stamps r "TTMisTi m CLOTHING DEPAILTMEIT A. Boss Printing Press with every' childs' or boys school suit, C& R up from . . . . . . . . , -.-v. And Little Green Stickers as well All men's shirts that sold at $1.60 And Fifty 15.00-ia Little Green Stloke'rV.' Doys' school shirts, ralue to 75o, 35c And Twenty 12.00 In L4ttle Green Stickers, Hi A SENSATION IN PEACHES PEACHES! PEACHES!! PEACHES!! 635 market baskets of large FANCY HOME GROWN FREE- t BTONE PEACHES, at, per basket. ,...OOC And Twenty (12.00) in "8. & II." Green Thadlnj Stamps. AUoTeB($1.00),$.4H.MOreeo TrallB 5 tain pa With any of the hollow int: 1 15c 1 basket California Plums, , ""llr t market basket Tomatoes, 40-.' at f low First Showing of New Fall Dress Goods, mmi THE RBLIABUD TORSI, first Showing of New Fall Silks. In All the Town na Sale Like This We are NOW making prices on Furniture that must command you consideration. I For tomorrow we are offering our whole line of SIDKHOA RD8, Ttt'FFKTS, CHINA, CABINET8. METAL BEDS and hundred of odd pieces at prices that will interest you and enable yon to own desirable articles at a great saving. COME HERE for your Furniture. Polite attention guaranteed. No trouble to shnw goods. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Wow Is the Time to Buy Boys' School Suits irlete line of boys' and children's clothing shown In the city You'll save f'.lly one-third bv buvin SCHOOL. CLOTHINiS we nave the moot complete line of hnv- .hnwn in w. ur vti htb are riani. AT HATDEN'S. LONG PANTS SUITS . Both single and double-breasted In Scotch, cheviots, rasslmeren, fancy worstPtla, serges, clay worsteds, Thlbets and iindivi ifthed worptedn, in all the new and poptto lar shndes. Special showings at $5.00, $6.50, $7.50 KNEE PANTS SUITS In all the newest styles for fall and winter. Almost unlimited variety of patterns, colors and fabrics. Very best workman ship. See our special offerings Wednes day, at $t.95K $2.25, $2,50, $2.95 and $5 50 and $10.00 MEN'S LAUNDERED WHITE SHIRTS $1.00 quality on sale Wednesday, at, each 35c Each or 3 tor $t.00. IJmlt of three to a customer. Bee display In Sixteenth street window. ... PEACHES AND PEARS . . . the balance of car goes on sale Wednesday. "bvbheIj fancy colorado flemish beauty preserving peaches, per box , FANCY COLORADO FREESTONE PEACHES. A TP11 TO ECONOMICAL BUYERS OF GROCERIES READ THESE) PRICES. The best Breakfast T?r.n,wt ik Fancy Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb.!.. Sftc au. rmu i Miiioca, Dago, juariey or Farina, lb Large sacks Cornmeal, white or yellow. 12Ho Good Japan Rice, for family use, lb.... SWo t packages Yeast Foam or'On Time Yeast loo $ bars Wool Soap loc The best Laundry Soap, bar tUo 1-lb. can fanoy Alaska Bftlmon c 1-lb. Jar fresh Fruit Preserves 8i4o Large Italian Prunes, lb J 14c English Cleaned Currants,' lb 7Ho v BOXES .1.35 ...98c New York Evaporated Apples, lb 64 Fancy California Peaches, lb 7VsO Fancy crisp Soda, Oyster, Butter or Milk Crackers, lb , Fancy crisp Ginger Snaps, lb 4a Choice Santos Coffee, lb 12H4 Choice Tea Slftlngs, from finest 10a OMAHA'S PURE BUTTER HEADQUARTERS. Strictly pure fresh Country Butter,lb..l214J Strictly pure fancy Dairy Butter, lb..., I04 Strictly pure fancy Separator Creamery Butter, lb 17H4 Strictly high grade fancy Creamery Butter, lb 204 8PECIAL IN CROCKERY DEPT. 1-QUART BALL MASON JARS, dos... $a E-sAYDEftj BIROS. Home Misitoes Excursions Illinois Central R. R. ROUND TRIP RATES FROM OMAHA Hammond, Ind., ......... $15. 85 Ft. Wayne, Ind .119.20 South Bend. Ind.......... (17.30 Logansport, Ind S18.25 Kokome, Ind S18.63 La Fayette, Ind $17-85 Terre Haute, Ind. ......... fl8.35 Vlndnnes, Ind. ............ fl8.35 Evansvllle, Ind 418.50 Indianapolis, Ind S19.40 Richmond, Ind $21.00 New Albany, Ind $2125 Muncle, iDd. ............. $19.90 Elkhart, led $17.75 On sale September 6, 13, 20, 27, October 11. Return limit 30 days. Correspondingly low ratea to many other points in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin. Minnesota, . Ontario, New York, Ken tucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia. Full particulars cheerfully given at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, or write. W. H. BRILL, Dist. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb Sandusky, Ohio. ,..... $23.00 Toledo, Ohio $21.25 Columbus, Ohio..... J $23,10 Dayton, Ohio... $22.00 Cincinnati, Ohio.. $22.50 Lima, Ohio..... $21.00 Springfleld, Ohio. ...... $22.50 Marlon, Ohio.......... $22.50 Flndlay, Ohio.. 521.55 Zanearille, Ohio........ $23.75 Gallon, Ohio $22.75 Louisville, Ky. ...... .. 421.50 Owensboro, Ky. ....... $24.90 It's the last blow that counts. ' It's the last little extra bit of finishing touch that makes the difference in fabrics. "Tis "the different sort" of 1004 Fall Fabrics that make up the array we're now showing in our store. And if you have an idea that we don't carry a fab ric stock that la equal in quality to any Omaha can show, you want to take that Idea out in the back yard and bury It six feet . Pay na a rislt and we'll prove It. . MacCarthy Tailoring Company, , Me-MM . I6ti at. Next door ta , .Wabash TUa.t oflee, ' , PImim ttoa. 1 THH ART OF" Dr CUBAMIIfQ. was Invented in the sixties by a Frenchman named Judllu, In Warsaw, Poland; hence oalled French Dry Cleaning, or as some pple call it. Chemical Cleaning. Since tirn the prooees haa been Improved upon and iuw In use in the whole civilised world. It is the only way to clean flne sarmerts or delicate materials. We sre ua-to-date in ail departnumta of this busineM. If not a customer already, give us a trial and you will secofue oue. Twin City Dye Works, SCth St. and Ave. A. tlf 8. Uth BL, Sorosis Shoe Store Showing School Shoes Everything Intended for boys and girls' feet for School wear la now on exhibition In our south yvlndow. For the 5-year-old when ahe starts to kindergarten and for each year until graduation. ' , , v For boys, the same, from the small est little fellow, and all nlzea until he reaches manhood. We have the proper footwear for school wear. OjUr school shoes are squeakless. The teacher will recommend them. 1 IJJ..U Sorosis Shoe Store -203 S. 15th St. Frank Wilcox. Mgr. Diamond Solitaires, $5 to $500. ... .ii.mnnd osn be returned within - tr i-.h. less iu Der cent. on- re ----- . , . , - I or In exchange, " uw. I iinuini. Tel. UtiL 9L lUk zsxssssatm f